The Huron Expositor, 1899-11-03, Page 8i4s - t
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Wall P pers.
FALL OF 899.
Oar new line of samples s complete -it is
the finest we have ever she n. The latest
designs, the newest colorings, the most
striking patterns, the best values, the least
to pity. It is the line you ought to see be-
fore buying.
Fine Stationery.
Just to hand some of the very latest New
York styles in fine society Note Paper. We
might mention : Whiting's, Grist Perli-color,
grey with white border ; Gendarme blue
color, deep blue with white border. Also
Hurlburt's " Stratford Vellum " and Pari-
sian Wove," in the new square shapes.
Wedding Presents.
A new stook of Silverware and Fine
Japanese China just opened, so if in need
of a Wedding Present, eon um get- the
°beim, of fine new stock.
CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $1,500,000.
R EST, - - $1,500,000.
Main Street, Seaforth.
A General Banking Business trans-
acted. Farmers' Sale Notes colleated,
and advances made on same at lowest
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of One Dollar and
Solicitor Agent.
I am now selling a first-class new improved High
Arm Sewing Machine, with the latest steel attach-
ments, finished in cak or walnut, and with cover
arid Ave drawere, or fancy drop head and five draw-
ers for 825 cash, This machine is the " Queen,"
manufactured by the " White Sewing Machine
Company." All machines fully warranted and guar-
anteed to do first-claas work, light or heavy.
W.A.TS 0 W.,
General Insurance .A gent & Deal-
er in Sewing Machines.
Wilson's Oash Grocery
NeW fruits and new season's Teas now in stock
We have now in stock the best values in new sea
son's Teas we ever had, comprising Young Hyson.•
Ceylein and Japan Teas. We guarantee satisfaction
or wili refund the money. The best quality of new
Raisins, Currants, Nuts, Peel; etc., now in stock ati
lowest prices. Some nine lines in Dinner; Tea and
Toile Sets pat reoelved, and at prices as low u the
lowes . Wanted good butter, eggs, dried apples,
potat es, dressed fowl, and all kinds of marketable
prod oe, for which we will pay the highest price.
C. WILSON, Seaforth.
374 Bank of Commerce plook.
An Eagle In Seaforth,
Last Sattivday• afternoon about 4 o'clock, a large
eagle was seen hovering over the town building.
Although at a considerable height it was plainly
evident that it had ite eye on something in the im-
mediate vicinity. After making a great many circles
and manouvers in the air it osme down with a
scream, Imola as an eagle only can give, and alighted
on the large bronze sign of Pickard'a. It was at first
thought that jealousy was its motive as the sign has
a- large beaver carved from wood and bronzed. But
the eagle was net ferocioue, he seemed contented,
and looked pleued to think he had found the place
where so muoh of the fine clothing had come from,
that he had observed in his aerial wanderings over
Huron County arid part of Perth. The eagle wae
sight, Piokard's is the place for fine Clothing and
Dry Goods. The great masees of people deal with
Wm. Pickard & 0o.
e' This.small REPRESENTS
The leading Business College of
Western Ontario,
A sehool :ail.. properly prepares young men and wo-
=eft for bueineas life, and alaoes many in goad situa•
times. Write for our beautiful oetalogue. Our aehool
le connected with over one thousand businees firins
through our former students.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Special Clearing Sale
Of all Silverware, including Fruit
Dishes, Butter Dis-hes, Cake
Baekets, and a great vari-
ety' of Berry Spoons,
Gravey Le.ciels, and Sugar
mounted in dainty
eases -at'
Grand Trunk Railway
Hunters' Excursion to Muskoka
Return tickets issued at Single Fare
good going from October 25th to
November lot, returning December
13th For particulars as to train
connections and fares apply at this
Commercial Building, 411AFORTEI.
S;outh Huron, will address public
mLetings at the following places, on the
dates named :
8eaforth, Friday, November 10th,
Hensall, Monday, November 13th.
Zurich, Tuesday, November 14th.
Bayfield, Wednesday, November 15th.
Bruoetield, Thursday,- November- 16th.
Londeaboro, Monday, Novembe 20th,
McKilIep, in school on Lot 10, Concession
6, Tuesday, November 21.
Each meeting will commenoe at 7 p. m,
The public ie cordially invited to be present.
-General Symons, who -died from the ef-
feete of *round received at the battle of Glen-
coe, in the present war, was a cousin of
Mre. G.G. McPherson and Mr. P. P. Ham-
ilton, of Stratford, and .Mr. J. Cecil Ham-
ilton, Liatowel.
won expooitor.
TRAVELLERS. -The following were tiiiket-
ed to distant parts this week by W. Somer-
ville, up -town agent Grand Trunk Reiliray :
Wm. Carpenter, to Duluth, Minn.; Wm.
Kehoe, to Toledo, Ohio ; Joseph Sproa to
Burks Falls ; J. F. Woodley, to Chic go ;
Mr. snd Mrs. Robert Costes, to Clevelered,
WEDDING BELLS. -The church- of the
Most Holy` Redeemer, Detroit, Mit: *gen,
Wednesday morning, Ootober 25th, , the
scene of a pretty wedding, when Mr.ielleff-
ander Kennedy, of Tuckersmith, was united
in the hol/bonds of matrithony to Mies
Ella Long, f Detroit. Rev. Father Crosby,
conducted t a ceremony. The bride looked
charming he a blue broad cloth travellinlg
suit, and carried a white, morooco prayer
book, a gift of the bridesmaid. Miss Annie
Long, sister of the bride, sited as brides-
maid, and was also attired in blue. The
groom was assisted by his brother Roland.
After the ceremony the happy couple dro4.8
to the reeidenoe of the bride's friends, where
a sumpttious breakfast awaited them. The
presents were both numerous and costly,
showing the high esteem in which the bride
Is held by her many friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Kennedy left on the noon train for their
future home, midst showers of rice and good
wishes. Mayetheir journey in life be a
heppy one is the wish of all.
CARD OF THANKS.. -At a meeting of the
33rd Battalion Band held last Thursday
evening, an -unanimous vote of thanks was
tendered to the citizens of Seaforth for
helping the band so liberally in their sub-
scription list, which the committees have
just finished. It shows the interest our
townspeople have taken in the band, and
every member, not only appreciates the
kindness of our citizens, but are encouraged
by it, and expect to be igreatly improved by
next summer. The colnimittees have not
called on all the people,they would like to
have called upon, as that, is a hard matter
to do, but if any of those who have not
been waited upon would like to help the
band; theymay do so b, handing it to the
aeoretary, r. Thomas , lurray. The band
have a few names on the lists who have
promieed t give, and heve asked the com-
mittee to c 11 on them a ain, hue as the
weather is sitting very isagreeable they
would deem it a great favor if these persons
would hand in their donations to the sec-
retary. i The boys trust that the citizens
will be rep Yed for the he p they have given
their orgini ation.
When in eed of any at tiouery just call
at Daly's and et your supply. 1664.1
We manufacture right here' in Seaforth
the beat leather leggings made n Canada. Guaran-
teed not to cut a t the Lottom ot steels and if we
can't y ou we can make you a pair while you wait.
W. H. Willis, Seatortb. 1664-1
A beautiful line of fancy chins just opened
out at Daly's, call and eee the consignment. 1664-1
We are extending our business and a lot
of cash is required. W would kindly ask all in-
debted to us to favor u with; a settlement during
this month, (November. It will be just as easy to
pay this month as hi De ember and will help us con-
siderably. W. H. Willis, Seaforth. 166 t-1
Want a watch ? Well how about lealling
into Daly's and seeing their stock. 1661.1
Good grazing farm for sale or to rent.
Lot 9, Concession 2, Tuokerstnith. All in grass. C.
Wilson, Seaforth. 1664-2
OTHELLO. -The Lyoeum Company, which
delighted a Seaforth audieooe with their Shakes-
pearian play, a few weeks a.go4have been secured at
eau expense, to preirent "'Othello," in Cerdno'i
all, on Wednesday evening n'Sect. In speaking of
h. play the Chatham Planet says : The mei-Ulnas
re magnificent. The scenery and Bittings are reaie-
tic and picturesque, and the acting never yet our-
assed in the average by any legitimate company.
WANTED. -One ton chocce roll butter,
eekly, price 20c. Also any quantity of dried &p-
lea and fowl. We ply cash for butter. If you
ave not a plaid or homespun skirt you're not in it.
ur range of dress goxis, jaekeh and furs are not
urpassed. G. E. King, Wingham. 1663•tf
Watch reparing is our special boast and
ur trade in this line is larger then ever, this can
nly be aceourited for by the fact that we are °heap,
rompt and give good eatisfgetion. J. F. Daly &Co.,
eeforth. 1664-1
ON HIS LAST Lnos.-It was the evident
ntention of the weather clerk to put the
ockey club there, if we are to judge from
he weather he dished out on Friday,
vening last, the date • of their concert.
owever, a fair audience was present and
fter paying all expenses, the club will have
small surplus. The concert was a good
ne and undoubtedly would have been
atter patronized but for the weather. The
rst part of the programme consisted of
nsie and songs. Mr. Will McLeod, our
lebrated comic singer, was greeted with
enty of applause and pleasantly respOnded
hearty encores. Mr. Frank Willis, the
lored artist, was also well received. Mies
IOWD, of Goderieb, soprano, sang a couple
solos, which were encored, while a cornet
uet by Messrs. Will McLeod and Tom
iller was well received. Miss Flossie
eir and Mrs. Will McLeod acted as ac_
mpaniata. The second pert was a three
t drama entitled " On His Lest Legs,"
d was giveu entirely by local talent,
der the direction of Mr. C. W. Andrews,
ho took the leading oharacter. The play
a comical skit and was well received by
e audience. The players themselves are
be congratulated on this their first at.
mpt, and we trust they were sufficiently
couraged to go on to even greater things,
th which they will favor us at • a future
te. If they continue as 'they have
rted, Seaforth may yet furnish her quota
the stars of the profession, and we may
t see a familiar home face poi trayed in
e current magazines, among the leading
y actors of the world. The following
re in the caste : Messrs. C. W.
draws, J. F. Daly, Harry Stewart, J. P.
nderson, Frank Willis and Jae Stephens,
d Misses McQuaid, A. Roberts and A. Mo-
an. During the evening the Daly or-
stra played some entertaining selections.
David Moore returned on Tuesday of last
week from Manitoba. They were away
about two months and enjoyed their visit
among relativee an'd old friends very much.
They were delighted by the prosperous ap-
pearance of the country, as evidenced by
the vast fields of grain, the thriving towns
and comforlable homesteads, which every-
where met' the eye. -Rev. J. S. Muldrew,
of Morris, Manitoba, came down on a visit
to his mother and other relatives on Thurs.
day of last week.-Cornmunion services will
be observed in our ehur h next Sabbath.
Preparatory service on riday, at 2 p. m.,
by Rev. Mr. Cameron, of North Easthope,
and thanksgiving on Monday, at the same
hour, by Rev. Mr. &were, of Brucefield.-
The lecture in our church, on Friday even.
ing, by Rev. Mr, Jansen, was not largely
attended, mainly on account of the wet and
dark night. Mr. Jansen is a realistic por-
trayer of Holland and ita people, -his talk
overflowing with amusement and instruc-
tion. If boiled down, however, to leaser
dimensions, it would be more palatable.
The lecture consists of two parts, and, by
speaial request, the reverend gentleman will
deliver the second part on Tuesday evening
next, beginning at 7:30, and those who
want to spend a pleasant and profitable
hour or two, should be sure to attend. -
Who will be the next occupant of the Van-
Egmond residence, which will be offered for
saIe by public auction to -morrow ? It is
beautifully situated, and would make a fine
home for a person with. means and taste to
keep it in order. -Mr. 'Robert Sutherland,
who has been spending the past year or
more here with his parents, on scoount of the h
ill health, returned to his home in Buffalo many
on Monday last, but, we are sorry to say,
he has made but little progress healthward.
-Hallowe'en le said to be a relic of heathen-
ism, and certainly some heathenish pranks
have been played in honor of it in the past,
but on Tuesday evening the boys were truly
on their good behavior in this vicinity, at
HomE Aolall.-Mr. and Mrs..
Moore, of Egmondville, who have apen
past couple of months with friends in
etoba and Dakota, have returned h
Mr. Moore is gr atly taken with the West
and says that f he were twenty years
younger this pro ince could not hold him. -
He is of the opin on that that is the right
country for roust men who purpole follow-
ing farmin , and thinks that a young
with from 00 t $400 could, with av
crops, in a few y ars become indepen
It is the place to for laborers as the
geod pay, but ha e, of course, to work
hours, partioula ly during harvest
threshing. Mr. Moore, however, has too
much Scotch in h m to bide the wasteful-
ness of the ma'ority there. He says
enough ain is left lying in the field around
the stoo 4 and w ere the threshing machine
has stood, to kee a poor man's tinnily,
while bushels of od wheat are spilt on the
way to merket. he grain is taken to the
elevators in the agon boxes and every
time the wheel jolts on a stone oo through a
hollow, a quantit of it spills out, until the
road is almost paved with wheat. While
driving along the oad one day he came to a
got out and gathered it into his buggy and
place where fully bushel lay in a heap.
This was more tha he oonld stand, so he
took it home with him. Before he left
there the snow was lying several inches
deep on the ground while a great deal of
grain was yet unthreshed, but the farmers
were net dismayed as they expected it all
to go away again and then they would go at
the threshing again. While visiting ' at
Chrystal City, he called on Mr. Samuel
Hicks and Mr. W. G. Duff, both former
well known residents of this vicinity. Mr.
Hioks has a farm about three miles from
the toWn, while Mr. Daff is teaching school
about e mile out, and both are doing well.
LOCAL BRIEFS. -The Clinton New Era
speaks of two of our esteemed residents as
followeee J. lideMichael and wife, of Sea -
forth, were guests of W. R. Lough. Mr.
McMichael is one of the pioneers of this
county, having settled in Hullete nearly 60
years ago. Both he and his esteemed part-
ner look to be good for a score of years. -
The Whitely ferm, on the Huron road,
Tuokeramith, between here and Clinton, was
sold by public miction at the Commercial
hotel on Saturday last to Mr. Forester, of ,
Holmesyille, for $4,700. The farm contains
100 acees and has on it a atone house and
fair outbuildings. --Owing to an accident to
one of the engines in the electric light station,
the incandescent lights were. out a oouple of
cony nient for the merchants, who had to
hour; on Saturday evening. It was in-
ure, any old lamps they could. get hold of. -
The young people will hold an assembly in
Cardno's hall on Friday evening. -Miss
McLean is in Stratford this week attending
the marriage Of Miss Bennoch to Mr. Fisher
publisher of t e Mount Forest Confederate.
-Rev. Mr. F etcher and- Mrs. Fletcher of
Thames Road Usborne, were in town on
Friday, the g este of Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Wilson.-Mre. W. W. Hoffman and her son
Charles, returned here from Manitoba on
Friday last. They intend spending the
winter in Seaforth.-Mr. Thomas Straohan,
ex -reeve of Grey, was in town on Tuesday
and called on several of his old friends. -Mr.
E. Mcnsul is having a new plate glass front
placed in the store he has leased from Mr.
Cardno. When he has his improvements
completed he will have one of the largest and
handsomest stores west of Toronto. -We
are sorry to learn that Mr. Pierson Chesney,
of Tuckersmith, is still confined to his resi-
dence by illness. -Wednesday last being All
Saints Day, services were held in St. James'
ohurch.-Mr. James Scott, Cr., is still con-
fined to his residence and is hot making pro-
gress healthward as rapidly as his friend.
would like. -The deer shoot ng season open-
ed on Wednesday, but we have not heard of
any Seaforth sportsmen who have gone to
the veilds of Muskoka. --The town wad un-
usually quiet on Hallowe'en and no
merious depredations were perpetrated. A
few out houses were over.turned and smash-
ed and a few gates removed. It is a pity
that something can not be done by the au-
thorities to stop these petty ennoyances to
the people which do not do any person any
good and are exceedingly annoying to peace-
able_citizens.-The treasurer of the South
Huron Agricultural Society was in Exeter
on Saturday and despite the wet, disagree.
able weather, paid out about six hundred
dollars for prizes awarded at the fall show.
-Mr. James Pureill has returned to town
and hae resumed hi former position in Mr.
B. B. Gunns' store. Mr. Wm. Ament left
for Muskoka onlIonday to look out some
timber limits. -A heavy coat of screened
gravel is being placed on Goderic street. -
Rev. Mr. Muir, of .1-rimsby, preac ed in the
Presbyterian church last Sabbath and will
conduct communion services there on Sab-
bath next. ---Mr. John McLaren of Toronto
was in town last Sunday. He ca e to see
,his old friend, Mr. T. 0. Kemp who, we
are pleased to learn, is gradually r covering
and if he does not have another set back will
•socon be able to get about again. -i ry. J. A.
Stewart is representing the Seafort Union
at the annual meeting of the Ontario
Womens' Christian Temperance Union being
held at Guelph this week. -Miss May Kemp,
who left here a few weeks ago for Leipsick,
Germany, has arrived at her destination
safely. She had a pleasant voyage and ex-
cept for a few days sea sickness she: enjoyed
it very much. --The special services in the
Methodist church, being conductd by Miss
Morton of Toronto, are well attended and
are very interesting. A good work is being
done. These meetings will be continued
next Sabbath and during the following week.
-Mr. B. B. Gunn is branching out. He
has leased the store, just south of Mr.
M. Jordan's grocery, and is placing a stock
of clothing in it. -Mrs. Robert D. Bell, of
Hensall, spent a couple ot days this week
with her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Dickson, north
Main street. ---Miss Bates of Bayfield, is
the guest of Miss Ella Shaw this week. -
Mr. Smith, of Brussels, is visiting friends in
Seaforth and Egmondville this week. -A
meeting of all young men interested in the
formation of a debating club evill be held in
the council ohamber next Tuesday evening,
at 8 o'clock. --The most severe frost of thie
season occurred on Wednesday night. On
Thursday morning there was thiok ice en
water and the earth was frozen hard. he
weather, however, still continues deligh ful
for this time of year.
t the
y get
NOTES. -The Methodist church in our vil-
liege is daily hurrying to completion, and
will be ready for opening on the 12th and
13th of November. All are looking forward
to a grand opening. Further particulars in
reference to the programme of the aervices
will appear in next week's issue. -Owing to
the sacramental services in Chiselhuret next
Sabbath, there will be no service in the
Methodist church here in the afternoon, but
in the evening, at 7 o'clock, the pastor,
Rev. G. Long, will conduct the eervice, giv-
ing a sacrament for the young folks. -Mrs.
(Rev.) Gauld and children are paying a visit
to Strathroy, with Mrs. Gauld'a sister, Mrs.
(Rev.) McKibben. Messrs. Hugh Aitche-
son and Samuel T ompson, who have been
some two months i Manitoba, hare return-
ed home, looking a if the far west agreed
with them, altho gh they think Ontario
etill bettor. They report a foot of snow
there when they 1 ft tor home. -Never in
story of on station has there been so
apples shipp d as has been this atm-
We will give THE HURON
the First of the New Year
to New Subscribers in the 10 cents
Counties of Huron and
erth for
If your neighbor or friend is not now ill
ubscriber to THE Exrosieon, just show
im the snap we are offering, and persuade
im to enclose five 2-oent stamps with his
ame and post office address, and send them
t once to
Btu, and still they keep pouring in. -Fifty.,
t ree years age last Monday an old and
worthy couple of this vicinity joined hand.
for the better ,or the worse and during
these long years of pioneer ;ifs have had
days of adversity as well as prooperity, and
are still hale and hearty. We refer to Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Kyle, sr., of Hay. -Miss
Minty McGregor, of St. Joseph, was
home during the forepart of the week, visit-
ing her sister, Miss Jessie, who has just re-
turned from a two months' visit among
friends in Manitoba. -Mrs. Watson, of the
village, during the week, has been spending
a few days' pleasant visit among friends in
of cash is required. We would kindly leek al in -
W• are extending our business and ati lot
deleted te us to favor us with a settlement d ring
this month, {November.) It will be jud as easy to
psy this month u in December and will help us con-
siderably. W. If. Willis, Seaforth. 1664-1.
GATHERINGS. -Saisrament smokes will be
held in the Methodist church here on Sab-
bath morning. Rev. Copeland will preach
at the ether appointm nt Sunday evening,
the League will take t e evening service. -
Mrs. T. Lawson is stil very low with ty-
phoid fever. -Miss Mi lie Brown i. on the
sick listi-Mrs. B. rown, who has been
visieing !her daughte , Mrs. Watkins, of
Holmeaville, for the st two weeks, re-
turned home last w ek.-Mr. and Mrs.
Whitley 'end Mr. and Mrs. Lasham drove
to Goderioh on Tawnier to attend the fin-
eral of Mr. Rhynas, who was drowned.
He had 1the contrac of the Methodist
church mid was well nown here. -Mr. J.
Stevenson, who last ap ing got in as section
boss, moved to the h use ou the track this
week. -Mr. Riley ha the -misfortune to
have his horse un aw y on Tuesday even-
ing, 'meshing he ri oonsiderably.-Mr:
and Mrs. Palm r and Mrs. Wilson spent
Sunday in Clint n.
COLLINS & S ANBUR.1-, barristers, convey-
ancers, notaries, e o., Exeter, Ont. R. H. Collins
and J. G. atantory B.. A., (late with McCarthy, Oiler
& Co., barristers, T ronto). 1648-tt
NOTES. -Mr. obert Ellerington has re-
turned from a visit among friends in Bow-
manville and Whithy,-Mr. James Glenn
has disposed of his farm of 200 acres, to his
brother, John, of Hibbert. -Mr. Peter
Whitlock has mOved into the house lately
occupied by Mr. George Steaoy.-Miss
Maud Glenn spent last week with friends
in Clinton. -Mr W. Passmore has gone to
St. Marys to attend the Collegiate. -Mr.
Badgegood, of L!ondon, spent Thanksgiving'
Day witli friend in Lumley. -The heavy
rain of Saturday last has filled a long felt
want by supplyi g water, as a *number of
wells had gone d y. -A number of farmers
are taking advan age of the fine weather by
taking up turni s. .
BARNEY FOR ALE. -The hottest horse
may oft be cool,the Soolest may oft thow fire. Slow
or fast trot or pace Barney Wil es la one of the best
drivers in the county. One yea ago took first prize
in the gentleman's race at Eteaf rth and on the 24th
of May in Brussels took lst mo ay in three straight
heats. Barney has no mark but has shown 1 in 18
seconds time and a min. Barney is pronounoed by
the blsokemith and °Urinary to be sound is wind
and limb. You, wh know this horse, can write me
aad name your high at bid and if accepted I will
answer. Sines start ng the cash system I hay been
so busy tr at I have had no time to drive araey
hence I offer him for sale. A. R. Smith, Champion
Clothier, Brussele.
GATHERINGS. The town bridge is having
a new plank top ut oil it this week. Silas
Tackeon will soo have his wall fiaished,and
thenthe piece of walk that was left at the
bridge will be rea y to be pue down. -The
little daughter of Dr. MeNaughton is seri-
ously ill this wee .-John Hill, of the 9th
concession, ia v ry ill. -Peter Hogg has
been leid up for t e past week with brain
fever, but we beli ve that he is improving.-
-Robert Wilson, o Seaforth, was in town
this week. -D. M Scott and F. S. Scott
were in Seriforth his week.
Ready-to-wear lothing is one of the lead-
ing features of P. A. dwards Cash Stare. We hsve
now the best assort ent of elothes; we have yet
shewn and invite you to call and inspbct them, feel-
ing convinced we can lease you both lin quality and
DEATIL-On S nday evening last, there
died at the resi ence of William Herd,
Sauble line, Sar h Hutchison, aged 75
years. Deeeased has been a , resident of
Bayfield for the p et eight years, living the
greater part of .th time with her nephew,
William Herd. S e was of a kind and gen-
erous disposition, nd was well thought of
by all her acquaintances. Before coming
here she had resided for many years in Tor-
onto. The funera took place oh Tuesday,
to Bayfield cemet ry, Rev. Mr. Jennings
conducting the ser ices.
BLOWS. -Mr. Ja es Thomson's grist mill
is again in good r tieing order, and he is
-busily engaged cho ping grain, to the satis-
faction of all the f rmere . -.George McKen-
zie, of Fi A. Edw, rds' store, has returned
from a visit to his I home at Kincardine,
Joaeph Blair, w o has spent the fall in
Dakota, has retu ned, and last week left
for Sarnia te take position as fireman on
the Grand Trunk Railway. -Mr. William
Howard, of Toronto, was here this week
attending the fu eral of Mrs. Howard's
aunt, Mrs. Hutchi on. -Mr. George Boyce,
of St. Paul, Minn sota, was the guest of
his sister, Mrs. J nnings, at the rectory
last week. -Mrs. ernitnan was at her sis-
ter's, Mrs. Card's, his week, en her way to
her home in Va couver.-John Falconer
and John Pollock re home from Manitoba.
-Edward . Reid, Alexander Brown and
Harry Falconer, wh have spent the summer
in Government em loy an the survey boat,
"Bayfield," arrive hoMe last week. -Con-
tractor Ross wit hia staff of men, are
busy at the harbor. ---,A. D. Benson, of Lon-
don, was the guest of P. A. Edwards a few
days laet week.
Tuc ersmith.
Linton's Standar Soap, has no equal, 10
bars for 25c sold only at Beattie Bros., 4eatorth.
ATRIVONIAL.-The Clinton New -Era
gives the followingl:ocourit of the marriage
of a prosperous you g man of the west end :
A very quiet, but pretty wedding, teok
place at Mrs. Joie Townsend's, Clinton,
when Mr. Ira John., a, popular and enter-
prising young farmer, of this neighborhood,
I was united in marriage to her daughter,
Mies Fanny Townsend. The knot was tied
by the Rev. W. G. Howson, of Clinton, in
the presence of only the immediate friends
of the bride and igroom. The bride was
prettily attired in fawn suit, with pearl
trimmings and *as, supported by Miss
Carrie Johns, sister of the groom, while Mr.
A. E. M. Thomsen performed a like duty
for the groom. The ceremony took place
under a beautiful arch of myrt e. This meet
important part of the pro eedings over,
they all repaired to the dinin room, where
any epicure might well have istiefied him-
self. The remainder of the evening was
spent in conversation and gam e, until about'
twelve, when the friends departed,i wishing
the happy couple God speed o the journey
of life.
B. R. Iliocnats, Bruoefield ober", Publte
Gonveyanoer, Fire and Life Inure oe agent. Any
amount of money to loan at 5 per oent., on first -clue
hum aeourity. Mortgagee drawn land Money ad -
yawed free of expense to ihe war. Also a
At home every morning and W matey of each
limited amount of private funds at 5' per oent
week. Several good farms for sairi, 157
NOTES.—Mr. John Hart, Who has been in
Menitoba for some time, returned , home on
Monday. -Mies Celia Calder, of Brussels, is
this week the guest of Mile Higginei.---Chas.
Sewers left this week to attend the Col-
legiate Institute in Clinton. -Mrs. Niool and
son, of Westminster, were last Week the
guests of Rev. E. H. Sewers and family and
other friends in the village. -4 lecture is to
be delivered isi the Fresh teri church here
to -night (Friday) at 7.30 y Re . A. G. Jan-
sen, of Hamilton, on " A trip o Holland or
experiences of life in Holland a on , the Hol-
landers." This lecture has been ig ly appre-
ciated where ie has been cluilivered. All
should avail themselves of this opportunity
Lon boots, both factory an homeenade.
prioes are never higher, generally lawkir than °there.
The bee that men and money oan pr urae. and our
IV. H Willis, Seaforth.
and old.
to hear a go.od,minteemurestiongpl.eo t:Iyoticing
, NOTES, -Council meets in Sage'e hotel,
Walton, on Monday, November 13th, at 10
o'olook.-John and William Shannon have
rented lot 17, conceasion 6, from .Dunoan
McGregor for five years, at $2 a year. -
Alexander McGregor has bou ht elot 16,
concession 5 fro Mre. Donal McGregor
for $5,600. Thi is a good fermi and the old
homestead of the family.
A BAD EYE.- orne five or Id* years ago
Mr. Solomon Sh non, in, of the 5th con-
cession of MoKil op, was using 4 jaek knife,
when a small pie e of the bla a broke eff
and striking him in the eye in ured it so
severely that the eight of the e e *as de-
stroyed. A few Months ago he felt the eye
give a *rack and after which he was able to
see with it. The sight continned iintil a
few weeks egos when he f It it give
another snap and this time the pain sud-
denly became moet intense. H applied to
a (looter who= Ma e search for t e piece of
steel which is suppoeed to be atill in the
eye, but was uneble te detect it.I Since
then he has been honfined in a dark reom
and is suffering iluch intense pain I as to
seriouslyaffect his physical cendition in
other respects. he supposition is that the
piece of ateel is a Al in the eye, arid the
doctor is now usi g remedies to I retrieve it,
and it is feared he will not be mirch relieved
until the obstruction is removed. ;
COLLINS & STA.NBURY, barristers, ponvey-
&nears, notaries, eta., Exeter,
and J. G. Stsnbury, B. A., (late
& Co., barristere, Toronto).
NOTES. -Rey. E. Schuelke
paetor, has begun his reformat
and halt quite a number of stud nts.-Rev.
auch preached a powerfu sermon in
ngelical church last Stnd y evening,
e congregation. The si ver cone°.
tem amounted to a liberal sum. Mr. and
Mrs. H uoh left for the east o Monday.
They a art for Japan on Mondey next. -
nt. It. 11. Collins
ith MOCazihy, Osier
on achool
J. P.
the Ev
to a lar
r. Litt, of Crediton, general agent
of the Upper Canada Bible Satiety, held
the annual meeting of the society ih the
Evangelical ehurch here on Wednesday
evening. rhe following officers wOei ap-
pointed : The pastor of the congregation
president ; Aaron Karcher I vie *presi-
dent ; Fred Kibler, secretary S lomon
Hardy, treasurer ; D. S. Fau,st, depot;
itor. The meeting was not largei bu good.
-Alf. Boysenberry left last Mondey for
Michigan. -The special services held in the
Catholic church here on Wednesdaj, All
Saint's Day, were very largely 4tended.-
Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown, of Crediton were
the guests of Mr. J. Prater last Sunday. -
Mr. C. Greib ha. gone to Muskoka on a
hunting expedition. The guests 1 his ex-
cellent hostelry will likely be eated to
eenison steak when he returns.- r. Adam
S. Faust has built a new sidewalk from the
road to his residence which adds' much to
the attractiveness of. the place. -Magel &
Eilber are busy every day clippiiig Ifories
with their patent clipper. They get a lot
to do from all directions. -Rev. Theo
Hauch and wife left lest Wednesday for
Hespeler, to spend a few days With their
Ben there, before himeelf and his twife start
for Japan.
. Elensall.
THE undersigned has his ci er mill, two
nUles south-west of Hemel', near he tiew eoboof
house, townehip of Hay, in full runni g o der. Press-
ing done every day but Saturday ; tief two guar-
anteed. Jona ELDER, township of Hay. 1 1660-tt
G. J. Bun-midi:ND, notary public, con-
veyaneer, insurance azent and issuer rer mairlage
licenses. Office at the post office, HOWL Good
village dwellings, and also farm property, for tale ;
-and great bargains to offer al the prssent time
Money to loan on first mortgage on faland village
peopeity at the very lowest rate of intere t. 1660-tf
storey frame residence and grounds for Cale. There
is a first class oellar under the whole b Ming; and
ood frame stable and driving shed on th prercilses.
Also hard and soft water in abundance. There axe
4 lots in connecti- n on which there are some fruit
trees and currant bushes. This would be very de-
sirable place for a retired farmer and ill be sold
riaeonable. Robt. Cell, box 35, Mensal!. 1661.-tf
e II. vii
' STORE To RENT. —A large t o storey
beick store, with plate glees front, to rent for a team
ot years. This is a first class building a d is new.
I' is suitable for a drv goods or eneral s ore ; could
b arranged with living roams up stairs tt required.
F r particulars address Robt. Bell jr., boX 35, Hen-
. LOCAL BRIEFS. -Mr. John Pat rson ivas
le Goderich last week. -Mr. John J. Elisio,
a former resident of Hensall, has recently
p irchased Mr. W. H. Stoneman's farm,
n ar Chiselhurst, while Mr. Ston man has
p rohailed Mr. John Glenn's fa m. Mr.
6i enn also purchases another farin, fromhis
brother. -Hallowe'en passed ovier very
ginetly in our village. -The maaag.ers of.
Carmel Presbyterian church are making im•
provements this year in the why of re -
shingling and painting the inanse, putting
_a new electric light ill the front of the
church and putting in new draine.-Mr.
Stanbury, barrister, of Exeter wei in the
village on Monday. -Mr. Robere onthron
was in Exeter recently, attendie at the
bed -side of his brother-in-law Mr R. H.
Chilies, barrister, who, we regret to learn,
still continue. very ill. -A meeting of the
shareholders of the Hensel' wareh use was
reoently held. -Mr. James Murray of this
village, treasurer of the township o Tucker-
sinith was in Brucefield on Wecln day, at --
tending the annual meeting of the °outsell.
-Mr. Alonzo Ortwein, who is wo king : in
Lendon, spent Sabbath last at is home
here. -Mrs. R. W. Fulton has been visiting
her sister in Bruseels.-A few more electric
lights on our streets would be & gr at con-
venience and a boon to the travell ng pub -
lice -So large has the shipment o apples
from this station been lately, that 'it was
found hard to get anything like a eufficient
supply of oars. -Miss Berry, of LOcknow,
who *as here spending three weeks With her
brother, Mr. J. .F. E. Berry, druggist, re-
turned home on Monday last. -Mrs. T. Mur-
dock entertained a few friends on Saturday
evening last. -The brickwork of Mr, Thos.
Weleh's new brick bltick is now opmpleted,
and the inside work will be pushed rapidly
forward to completiere-Mr. J. H. Chesney,
V. 8., hes had no' many horses ito olip
in the past that he decided tide week
to purchase a machine clippere whioh
iv found to do its work well and speedily.-
, .
NOVEMBER 3, 1899
Mr. J, MacArthur waS in London and
Ailsa Cr ig the first part of this week. -
Mr. W. . Daivis, grocer, has recently pur-
ohased a very handsome pony and complete
outfit for delilrering goods. -Our villagers
are shiPping away large quantities of
Onions Which they had raised. This is
proving 'quite a good paying business. -
The ann 1 meeting of the Masan breasch
Of the Bi le &piety was held in St. Paul's
church on Thursdalr evening of last week.
The attendants , on account of the unfevors
able state of the! weather, was notlarge,
hut the meetin wale a very interesting one,
and the lecture by Rev. Dr. Ayleeworth, of
Kintore, agent of the society, was one of
the best ever,delivered here, and could not
fail to be pr uotzve of very Much good.
He gate a ost complete and interesting
repore ef the ood work done by the society,
in the wey of sending the gospel to heathen
lands. I The oolleotion at the meeting, as
welt as the re art of the amount collected,
showed mnoh iberality and a deep interest
in the work. The officers; committees and
()collectors wer appointed at the meeting for
the inconning siar. Rev. Mr. Doherty oc-
cupied the chair. -Mies Bolton, who has
been in Mitchell for some monthi, was in
Hensall on S bbieth and Monday visiting
relatives,ias a o was Mr. Stoneman and hie
danghtere of , Mitohell.-Miss Edith Bon-
thron hineengeged as an assistant in Mr. J.
C. Stoneman'is jewelry and faney goods
store. -Mr. 0 'omen MoIntosh, who taught
last year in so ool section No. 14, Hay, and
who is no.V teaching near Brantford, has
been euga ed there for the ineomin year at
a salary o near $500. -Mr. Robert II, jr.,
of the Hensall machine shops, recently
shipped away from here some fine ma-
THANKS. -Rev. J. E. Condole, pastor of
the Catholic church here, desires- ua to
thank the membere of other denominations
for their attendance and liberality, at the
re -opening services in connection with his
church, and for the rneasure of success which
attended the services despite the inclement
weather. The attendance wee large and the
offering amounted to over $100.
6 o'clock Saturday evening, William Rhyne's,
of the firm of Buchanan & Rhynae, builders,
on his way to insPeet some work at the har-
bor, fell over theldock and was drowned.
Some vessel bends heard the splash and
gave the alarm, and grappling hooks were
procured and the body recovered in a little
over half an hour bet although Dr. Whitely
was on the spa all efforts to resuscitate the
body were fruitlese. Mr. Rhyne. was a
prominent member of the Maeonic fraternity
and one of the best known builders in the
county and a highly, respeoted citizen. He
leaves a wife and fonr children.
, 1 1,-----
. ' Lea4bury. .
We kee the very best rubbers and com-
fort felt eho made. You cant get better than we
have.and we eve the reputation of selling at the
very lowest rime. W. H. Willis, Seaforth. 1664-1
Nores.-eQuite a, number from around
here intend leaving for the Michigan lum-
ber woodsi diVe hope the boys have good
luck wbil away. -Mr. R. Beet's has had
an excellent crop of appl s for so small an
in orchards. ---The frnit ceop has been good
orohard, s lling upwards of 300 barrels. It
all through this hicality, including ornb-
pays to at nd to the:fruie trees and not &now
them to gr w wild, es ia so frequently seen
apples, which have b en disposed of to
an apple tree.-eMiss Addie Archibald spent
great a,d-ventalp by some of our farmers. -
Mrs. C, Barre is is imp oving nioely, after
having been badly bruised by falling from
a few daye in this locality- last week. -Mr.
P. Rolland, whe was engaged for a term, of
months With Mr. J. Hatitie, has returned
home again. -Mr. James Disart has dis-
posed of *time of his water spaniels for a
good figure.
BREEZES OFF THE LAKE. -Joseph Ernele of
the hotel here, is going to have a shooting
match for ducks, geese and turkeys on the
. .
. e vie 1 likely draw a large crowd. -
T. Wiggins, Orange Hill, was around last
k with the tax bill.
same as last
ing up a los
mai. He
hel for the
ap at that.-
oused them"
are hardly
of potat
They a
The turni
he taxes are about
hn Scott, jr., is
es to ship to St.
ut 18 cents per
e altogether too
at are beirg quick -
days, but !as a general thief;
an average crop. There
wit be no 150 14de to report this year,
Chas. McElwai
Wood the other
colt, and the pr
the thunderstori
sold a spring colt to James
day for $48. It ie a fine
es is a good one. -During
a week ago Sunday nigh
the lightning struck the end of Mr. Jo
Ferguson's barn and descending killed tw'
fine yearling oat le whic were lying ther
The cettle were natured nd were valued
$55. -Mr. W. . Rober son, jr., of the ci
passeeger and ti ket offi e, St. James stree
Montreal, is her at pres nt on a visit to h
grandriother, Mrs. Jo n Cook.-Thoug
Howick is a strong Cone rvative townshi
there Wes a large crowd n attendance fro
here at Wingham to hear Sir Wilfri
Laurie . Conservatives end Reformers wen
He liked the country we 1 and would have
to hea the great statesman and his co
leaguee.-Wm. Wallacee jr., son of Mr. Wie
Wallace, returned from anitoba last week,
been there yet, ha not the cold
weather and deep snow put a temporary
atop th threshing. -And ew Brown, of the
burg, who worked at bri laying in Manitoba
all aurnmer and autumn, got home here la,st
Friday. He made bout $400 while
away. -Joseph Emel killed three hogs the
other day which dressed about 225 pounde
e ch. They are good oees and will keep
e and the wife chewing for a time. -The
t reschers have let up'for a few days to get
Listowel, organizer fer the Canadian drder'
the turnips housed. The cheese factories
heve not closed as ye c. They will run while
the good weather laets.-Mr. Clayton . of
of Forestera, was in the nerg and vicinity
during last week and as a result three new
members, viz , Jr'. ee Burns, Norman
Ipmeroy, and Thos. ellacie, were added to
Court, 1 Lakelet. We have now 18 good
Members here. -As 0. scratch off these
items we see Mat ble errnaid, the noted
Ieishman of the 16th ess out to Clifford
with a number of bags• f wheat to the mills
of that place, which hay now become fa-
mous. Mat likes ood read as well as
good potatoes. !
E etie .
INcsres.-On Tha keg v ng night a num-
iron mo gers, resultink not entirely in favor
leer of the village op got into a scrap
with several temporary residents of the
prise when their house wati bombarded on
north e d, who ply their avocation as scrap
of the village boys. Consequently, the
temporary residenta were not. taken' by a nr-
Wednesday g y a I number of un-
knowns, ITheir guessing Powers, however,
were set te work, with the; result that nine
young men were summoned on Saturday to
appear before William Le** J. P., Credi-
ton. On Mon ay, e ore (soaring to, trial,
the case was withdrawn nd the matter
settled between the parti .-J. G. Stan -
bury, barrister, was in erioh on Friday
examining defendant in th case of Garth- ;
ner vs. Ross Brothel-Roe:Through illness,
Mr. Harry Buckingham heis been laid off
work in H. Bishop & Son'e dry goods store.
-Rev. 8. J. Allan, of Gedericht preached
miseionary anniversary sermons In James
street Methodist charch.-Mrs. James Bon-
thron ef Toronto, who has been visiting R.
H. C;Ilins and family, returned to her home
this week. -Miss Shirray, of Hensail, was
the guest of Miss Urquharb for several days
ovem ber
Choice Millinery
Comfortable Furs
Heavy Jackets
Stylish Costumes
Warm Underwear.
Teel month gives Canadians a taste eg
mild weather, and reminds them tltat.iri
speedy preparation must be made for the
stormy weather and chilling frost* of ge
winter soon to set in It also arouse th.
merchant to the faot that he must rid hfil.
self of the larger amount of his hastier
goods. We have a very large stook et
winter Dry Gonda, much Urger then oast.
and having had a good trade ia earl All
materials, feel confident now that, alt
our range of Millinery, Furs, Jacket', Cos.
turns Cloths and Underwear is very mit,
the close cash prices at which they fee
marked, the care we exercised in their bey.
ing, being determined to get the very hoc
quality and moat stylish in every thing, env
insure many and speedy sales.
Trimmed Millinery.
A stylish and at the same time a heeren.
ing hat is a hard thing to buy ; because it
al very hard to find a Millinery Expert it
your eervice whose artistic knowledge Sali
supplement and realize your own ideas.
Ladies visiting our rnillineryroomwillfia
that we offer exceptionally good service,
and show a large variety, of trimmed hate
which are a pleature to look at and at the
same time a study, giving suggestions ese
ideas bo those intending to choose or order..
The Best In Furs.
Our Ladies' Fur Jackets are real " Cole.
Vanquishers" and the very thing for Winter
driving. The prices are close, the furs
guaranteed and all New. Our aim is to
carry no furs from season to season and so --
the large variety we show in Capes, Caper -
ince, Storm Collate, Ruffs, Muffs, espe said'
Gauntleta, is etylish and up-to-date.
a*". -7) --ces_eete
We have always prided ourselves in the -
Jacket department and the great number
we have been able to sell. This season finds,
us with a larger stock than ever and as
they are direct from the beetCanadian,Ameri-
can and European markets, we feel sure that
interested persons will not be dissapointed
with the showing in this line. Many well.
made, good fitting coats to choose from and•
the prices leer.
Dress Goods.
The Drees Goods Department is the corner -
stone of any first-class Dry Goods Store
always requires sneeial attention in order to
make it a trade builder. Your interest, in
buying,. centres in securing something few
others have and paying little enough for it,
and you are right, Get our prices. -
We have styles in materials that answer -
every demand of carriage, street and travel-
ing costumes, house dresses and evening
Winter Specials
Ladies' Underwear,
Ladies' Hosiery,
Ladies' Gloves.
. . . The . . .
Dry Goods Go.
C4th's Greatest Cask
Dry Goods Store.
this week.-Puhlic school inspector, 3.
Elgin Tom, paid an offioial visit to
our school Friday and Monday and'
found everything in creditable order,
-W. J. Heatnan, hardware merchant, put
in place the new furnaoe end heating ep-
paratus in the James street Methodist
church last week. The job is a oreditable
one and done to the entire satisfaction of
the committee. -The Main street Metho-
dist church _choir did theinselyes credit at
the Sexemith Anniversary tea meeting lent
Thuraday night. Miss Bier, of Exeter gave
several recitations, acceptably. -Mrs. 1 A.
Stewart and children, visited with Mre
Arnold, (banker) and family, of Hensel*
last week.-Mesars. Frank and Bert Knight,
visited friendefin Oil Springs and Alvinston
during the past week. -Mr. Will Follend
the guest of hie sister, Mrs. Munroe. Mrs
Folland has been engaged with the R. fr.
Bonner firm, steam and hot water heating
apparatus, of New York city. He met with
an accident two years ago, from which he
hasnot fully recovered, his left arm still
being very weak and he is taking few
weeks holidays in hopes that he may reeuper-
ate.-Little Etta May Powell, who has been
suffering from an attack of diptheria, ste
°embed to the fatal disease en Tuesday, at
the age of 11 years. Etta was a bright,
. intelligent child and her parents and broth-
ers have the sympathy of all in their sest
bereavement. The funeral took place from
her parents residence on Thursday.-Tbe
residence on the Popplestone property on
Andrew street, is being greatly improved
with a new foundation. -A number of vil-
lage wells are still almost empty, which is
the result of the dry spell during the pub
summer. -Business is beginning to brighten
up and a good busy fall and vrinter trade la
being counted on. --The Mimeo Johns enter-
tained a number of their friends to a social
party on Tuesday evening -M. Vincent,
and the Misses Devideon and Beer will Sin,
at the church entertainment, at Bethesda,
next Tuesday night. -The Garrick Dramatic
Company are considering a choice of five
new plays and our citizens may soon look foe
something good from this popular institution.-
-Wm. Davidson is building a new barni=
plain of the one reoently destroyed by fire-
The fi r
th e
bing a
and $3.
$2.50, t
The see
three p
may be
fore our yo
fall seas
The folio
ity on
"The fur
October sa
t,he Manit
has been t
too expene
This Anst
aeaper gr
eoats are
several lin
ward, for c
priced goo
into hundr
favorite gs,
Coons wet
to two yea
dressy look
lining and
cloth lined
- The above is
we were
ahead of
sell a eo
to obtain
coon eoa
from our
The 50c fieee
at $1.25 a
Me, the
Fine dres
On the Wrong
I would re
railway tickets
est. Also te
tiously and pro