HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-11-03, Page 44 1899 + ZMBE cigar! Mai 5 V i 8 c 10 ,1 12 1 14 1J 10 l 13. 19 20121 22 24 21 ZZ" 728 29 &O , TUE. Kee ma Mt, e - NEW 1ADVERTISEMENTS. tar The figure -between the parenthesis, er each one, denotes the page of the paper on which the advertisement wi 1 bo found. • N-ov6nber—E. M Maui Co. -8 Booming-- A. S. Nimmo-5 An Eagle—W. Pi ,kard & Co. -8 Stoves—Sll'e & urdio-6 Iron Poxnp9—Rei & Wilson -6 .Auction Sate—J. albrait6-5 E.tftay Lansb—T. Murray -6 Home for Sale— ire. W. Habklrk-5 Farrn for Safe --R . Elder -6 Barney for Salo — Joreey Cow for S, Thrifty Buyers— Smart Kfieota—B Only a Differ= ae Unbroken Record A. R. Smith -8 cls G4. A. Deadman -6 dcKinnon & Co -5: ight Bros-6 —Glreig & Macdonald—1 —R. Willis -5 Political Aka ng J. MoMillan-5 Clothing—F. A. wards --8 Farm for8ale--T. Johnston -6 Watches (4)—J. F. Daly & Co -8 Leather Goode (J—W. H. Wilde -8 Farm to Kent—O. Wilson -8 Wall Paper—C. W. Papat-8: Othello—Lyceum Company -8 wan (Expositor. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Nov. 3rd, 1899 The War. No subject as engrossed more public at- tention Burinthe past week than the war beeween Brit in and the South African Boers. The news, although somewhat meagre, has ben exciting and disappoint- ing. The pa Maulers of the Iast engage- ment will be found in another column. It will -be notice + that two battalions of the British forces have been captured by the Boers. This unfortunate occurrence was probably due so the over impetuosity of the general in oha ge, who attacked the enemy, instead of rens ining on the defensive until he was better e-inforeed. The result will be to give .the Boers increased confidence, and to make t em all the more difficult to subdue, but that they will be subdued there is no do bt. But for this unfortunate affair, it was c nfidently expected that the battle for wh ch they were preparing, at Ladysmith, as intended to be their su- preme effort, and that, if repulsed there, the back of th war would be broken. This disaster, how ver, may change the aspect of affairs and rolong the struggle. There are three poin s at which the Boers seem be concentra ing their forces. First, Ladysmith, a chief town in Natal, a f miles from th territory ; sec border of the at Mafeking, ern boundary I'i:c. At each to at ew 8 1 8 0 mw N s p c a is 0 d W h r h t io th a ;r op u g in th ou ca he to le to pr eig lat bo sho pe Ma po act thi An usi of t bee and had any voc made any reply to such a, question ? this -correspondent please explain what Wilfrid has to do with the Papal ableg or what that functionary has to do with Wilfrid ? The question was at that t and under the ciroumatanoes, an insult an impertinence, and was, no doubt, tended as such, and Sir Wilfrid did wis to ignore it, if he heard it at all. THE HURON EXPOSITOJ NOVEMBER. 3, 1899 Will ' also issued a call for volunteers for hie Sjr army. When this proceeding came to the notice of the Canadian military authorities, Sr• #• Major Hughes was promptly called down, r and hie military ardor war given something ince of a shock, ae it is said that General Hutton, commander of the Canadian militia, gave and him a sharp reprimand for his impetuosity. in- When the Canadian contingent was being ely raised for the Transvaal service under the direction of the Military Department at to Ottawa, the Major wag slated for a senior il. majorahip by the Minister of Militia. As soon as General Hutton got wind of this, he on. cancelled the appointment and peremptorily And refused to permit Mr. Hughes to accom- th pany the expedition in any official capacity, o and, as a result, Major -Hughes had to step down and out; so that, if he goes to the nee Transvaal, he must go on his own responei- der bility and as a civilian, but, whether he sec. will be permitted to go in this capacity in the the transport with the volunteers, remains to be seen. It is said that General Hutton ut, even objects to this. The general is an on, officer of the British army, and discipline is b le one of the very first requirements, is his estimation. Major Sam. is rather -too big But, the greatest cause of displeasure this correspondent evidently was Sir W frid's answer on the prohibition queati It was "nota happy one," he says. why was it not happy ? Because, fornoo he "did not refer to the secret decision the Cabinet," etc. Now, what evide has this critic that there was a secret vision snob as he states. We know of no ret deoidion, and, so far as we are aware, public have not been advised of any. B even supposing there was such a decisi how in the name of all that is send could any such decision affect the vote the prohibition -plebiscite. In the me time, we call upon the correspondent give hie authority for the statement t there was a secret decision, or own up t he has been -"talking 'through his hat" for - the sake of political effect. After reading the report of Sir Wilfri reply to " the question formulated by number of citizens,". we formed the opini that it was a very happy and a very sa factory reply. He said that, leaving Q bee out of the calculation altogether, a taking the other provinces, that only per cent. of the available vote was cast prohibition, and that the Government d not consider this a sufficiently decisive vo to justify the passage by Parliament of prohibitory measure. Is the corresponde prepared to refute this statement, and if is not, is he prepared to say that it wou be the part of wisdom, from a temperan standpoint, to pass -a prohibitory law on t strength of an affirmative vote of 23 p cent. of the qualified electors ? For o own part, we think the Government arriv at a very sensible conolusion and one e tirely in the interests of the temperan cause. Of course this correspondent sn others may think differently, and the que tion is one which will bear discussion, an bad the cerrespondent taken issue with 5 Wilfrid on this point, instead of trying belittle his reply and make it seem .sridic lous, his position as a temperance m would be understandable. But, Sir Wilfri said more than this. He said that, it ha irinig been demonstrated that public sent ment is not sufficiently advanced to make i afe to pass a prohibitory law, if the tern perance people will turn their oonsidera Mon to devising the next best scheme an ay it before the Government, he could a ure them that it will receive the mos careful consideration at the hands of th overnment, and that everything in reaao ill be done to meet their demands ow, what does the correspondent wan more than this? Why does he not set hi asalve intellect to work to devise sem uch scheme, instead of trying to work u olitical feeling, which can not but have a r;jurious influence on the success of th ause which he professes to have at heart he statement that " Sir Wilfrid opposed nd used his influence against prohibition' false, and the correspondent can not pro use an utterance or mention an set of Sir ilfrid that will substantiate his state menu. The real object of the correspondent, owever, and the influences which inspire im, are made very plain in the last sen- nce of his letter. "Let temperance men any to the polls and give Mr. Laurier and is fellows a place in the cold shades of the pposition." That's the crucial point ; hat is what this correspondent is so. anx- us for, and it is temperance advocates of is stamp who are a nurse to the temper - nee cause, and who do more to injure and ,re it than the most open and violent ponents. Supposing, for the sake of ar- ment, this temperance man could succeed placing Mr. Laurier and his colleagues in e cold shades of opposition, will he point t to us what that would advantage the a Ina of temperance or prohibition. Does not know that if Mr. Laurier were rned out Sir Charles Tupper and his col - agues would come in, and will he please tel us what they have ever done to advance ohibition: They had been in power for hteen years, and what temperance legis - ion have they ever placed on the statute ok ? . What have they done that they uld be commended to the temperance ople of this country by " A Temperance n?" It would sorely puzzle this corres- ndent or any person else to point out one that could be even twisted into any - ng favoring temperance or prohibition. d yet this great temperance advocate is ng his influence to° discredit the leaders he. party that has done all that has ever n done in the way of temperance reform, to exalt those who, although they have ample opportunity, yet have not done thing. Shame on. such temperance ad- ates as this. on a man, in his own estimation, to be subject an. to proper military discipline. The present to rebuff, therefore, may do him good. At hat any rate, General Hutton it to be commend - bat • ed for his pluck. Taking the Bull by the Ho d's Premier Roes has made a good Dom a ment. He has announced his determ' on.. to.appoint two very important comm tis- of investigation. First, there will ma commission of judges appointed to i nd gate the alleged elebtion frauds of wh 23 have heard so much lately. Secondly for will be commission composed of three id financiers to make a searching and tho to investigation into the financial a of the Province. The reports of both nt commissions will, likely, be laid befor he Legislature at its first meeting. This ld courageous step and one which will b ce predated by the public, as it shows a he solemness on the part of the . Governm er having a Olean record on both question ur that they are not afraid of an indepe ed and most sear3hing investigation. n- also, a good move from a p ce party point of view, as well as in d interests of the Province. It has al s- knocked the wind out of he ' opponen d the -Government, and if, ss we fully b it will be the case, the reports of these to missions are favorable to the Govern u- the ground of attack which has done e an lent service for the opposition for so d will be taken from under their feet. As to the commission to investigate i- election frauds, it is only necessary to t that it .being composed of judges, is th - guarantee of the impartiality and thor - ness of the proposed investigation. It d. at all likely, either, that the scope wil s- limited. The doings of both political t ties will be enquired into. In the ele e courts, as.a rule, the misdeeds of only n party are exposed. The Conservatives . have been loud in their accusations of t against the Government individually a collectively. They will now have an op e tunity to produce before the commie p evidence in substantiation of the cha n they have made. If they fail to avail t e selves of this opportunity, they will a • themselves slanderers and the public know in the future . what value to.p ' upon their statements. If, un the 'o rns. mence. ination lesions be � a: nvesti- ioh we , there skilled rough affairs these e .the • is a e�ap- eon- ent of e and ndent It is, urely the ready to of, elieve com- men t, xce 1- long th e say, e best ough isnot 1 be par- etion one also guilt and por - sion rges hem- dmit will lace ther the ✓ in 1 be eyed ther ap- rva' over This Con- t is ent a8 in age the hey ban bi- on- his of the bly nd ng eta U89 us - hat nee ge a8 ple d, to 8, at en nt is, n - es ay lit Y. n- e n - of r e" n e 1 y e a e southern border of their own nd, Kimberly, a town on the grange Free State, and third, town just outside the west - f the South African Repub- of these points are concen- trated British soldiers,. but the largest forge is at Ladysmit paring to mak in the vicinity trated the bnl have a much 1, the British ha' British at pr be able to renis home. The B. ate fight. Th armed with.tI weapons of all that they hey' but that they this emergency with Great Bri to gain time u menta compte dently, truste plicitly, and th their strength the commands arrived in So assume entire o this out. He as troops can b of this month, s army of eight Africa, and, completed, he of Oom Paul an Orange Free St to consist of at probably an eve The Canadia� way, and, if a h, where the Boers were pre - their strongest attack, .and of which they had concen- i of their troops. The Boers zrger force at each place than e, and the danger is that the sent on the ground may not t them until reinforced from rers are putting up a desper- y are ably officered and are �e lateat and most approved kinds. It is now evident not been taken unawares, ave been long preparing for and that their negotiations sin were simply a pretense til they had their arrange - ed., The British have, evi- them too long and too im- y have also -underestimated and skill. General Bulla r, t of the British troops, .has th Africa, and will likely Pmmend of the army fro m ill be re-inforeed as speedil y sent to him. By the end t the latest, he will have an thousand men in South hen his arrangements are ill likely make short rvork- 1 hie hordes. The Boer and ate lighting strength is said east 50,000 men, but this is r estimate of their strength. contingent is now under 1 goes well, our volunteers will reach. their destination about the first o f December. The voyage is ;expected to take thirty day. Prohibi ion and Politics. It seems the a was at least one man at the recent Wingham demonstration who was not pleased with Sir Wilfrid Laurier's speech. A eorr spondent in the Wingham Advance, writi g over the signature of "A TemperanceMaMa ," -says "To every thoughtful and unbiased mind Sir Wilfrit 's address was unsatisfac- tory. Some o e asked ' What about the Papal ablegate ? Sir Wilfrid was deaf just then, and we be ieve the prohibition ques- tion would have been given the gob had it. not been for t e question formulated ' by a number of citize a—but the answer was not a happyone. e did not refer to the secret decision o the Cabinet, that unless a large majority ere given, the Government would'. not act— ut said decision was kept back until the plebiscite was taken. Sir Wilfrid opposes and used his influence against prohibit on. Let temperance men rally to the poll and give "Mr. Laurier and his followers a p ace in the cool shades of the Opposition. Don't allow his "Sunny ways " to deceiv : you -again." Judging from, hie remarks, this corres- pondent is more of a partizan politician than a temperance man, and is more anx- ious for the triumph of the Conservative. party than a pronibitory law, and is thus, although perhaps unconsciously, trying to sail under -false colon. We are not aware that this correspondent has authority to speak for "ever thoughtful and unbiased mind," and, co sequently, his assertion that, to all such, Sir Wilfrid's address was unsatisfactory, is a gratuitous assumption savoring strong! of presumption borne of prejudice, while it is abundantly evident, • from his produ tion, that his mind is neither thoughtful nor unprejudiced, and he is, therefore, net a competent critic of others. Ile is not pleased because Sir Wilfrid made no reply to the query " What about the Papal ablegat ?" Why should he have - hand, they prove their accusations, Government will be driven . from Powe Idisgrace and the Conservative party wil given a prestige such as it has never enjo and could not attain in any o way. .And what will, perhaps, be more predated by many in the ranks, a Cense Live Government will be able:to preside the flesh pots for manyyears to Dome. commission, therefore, will give to the servatives the chance of a life time, tha if their acousations against the Governm are sound and not foundationless. But no good rule work, only in one way, so this instance, if they fail to take advent of the facilities afforded them or fail in proof of their charges, as we suspect t will, they will be placed further back t they ever were from the goal of their am tion. For years one of the main subjects of c troverey between the two parties in t Province has been the financial standing the Province. Is there a surplus ? is great query which has been long and a discussed in the papers, on the platform a in the Legislature; one party contendi that the Province has to its credit ass which form a comfortable surpl while the other party • as etrenuo ly deny that a surplus exists, but t on thecontrary affirm that the Provi is deeply in debt and on the •ver of bankruptcy. So long and so loud h this discussion continued that the peo have become confused and even - shrew thoughtful business men, . are at a loss know what to think about it. Besides thi it has been charged by the Opposition th the accounts of the Province have not be properly kept and that no independe audit of them has ever been made. All th of course has been denied by the Geyer ment and their supporters, but the charg have been frequently repeated and to -d form one of the standing grievances again the Government by the Conservative part Here again the Commission will set matte at rest and satisfy the public. If the Co servative contention is correct, and th finances of the Proviuee have been misma aged and the accounts falsifies, . thea, course, the Government, must go and thei opponents will at once become their eaece sore. If, on the other hand the commingle determine that the contentions of th Government are correct, . that the financia business of the Province has been honest! and correctly administered, and that th outcry of the Conaervatives is false, the the Government will be, more firmly en trenahed in the confidence of the peopl than ever before. It will thus be seen tha the publio and both pblitical parties are deeply interested in the result of these two important commissions. The atmosphere will be materially cleared and the public mind will be relieved. Looking at the mat' ter from every point of view it is a com- mendable move. Hew by the line, let the chips fall, where they may. The Financial Commiseionere have already been appointed and are ; . Mears. Byron E - Walker, general manager of the. Bank of We can give our friend' vastly better and wiser advice than he has given the public. If he and all who desire more temperance legislation will act honestly, and will lay aside their political prejudices and irrespec- tive of politics, vote only for such candi- dates as will pledge themselves to vote for a prohibitory law, and, in -the event of the Government refusing or failing to introduce such law, will further pledge themselves to introduce one, they will do something to advance the prohibition cause, and so goon as the sentiment is strong enough to secure the requisite support in Parliament, a pro- hibitory law will be enacted, no matter which political party is in power. Until they do this, no such law will be enacted, no matter which party may be in power. The truth of the old adage that there ie nothing so sure as disappointment, is being experienced by Major Sam. Hughes, M. P. Mr. Hughes is something of,a military man as well as a politician, and, above all things else, he hankers after notoriety, be it cheap or otherwise. He has had for some time a burning desire to o go to the Transvaal to fight the Boers. So strong was this desire that he took matters into his own hands and wrote Mr. Chamberlain, offering to raise a company in Canada on his own ac- count and proceed to South Africa, He Commerce ; Angus Kirkland, • Toronto manager of the Bank of Montreal ; and John Hoskin, Q. C., president of the General Trusts Corporation. All three are men_ of the highest standing in financial circles. Their finding will be thorough and impar- tial, and will carry great authority. The following are the lines indicated for the in- vestigation ; first, as to the methods of bookkeeping employed in the department; second, as to whether the statements made by the Treasury Department are se full and com- plete as statements usualy made by large financial concerns ; third, as to the correct- ness of the annual balance sheet; fourth, as to the character of the investments of the Government; fifth, as to the assets and liabilities of the Province. The judges who are to compose the other commieeion have not yet been named. How Slanders are Manufactured. The following from the Mail and Empire of a few days ago is a fair sample of how slanders are manufactured by the Conserva- tive press: Mr. Bouraeea, the member for Labelle, who was Sir Wilfrid's valet at Washington, has resigned his seat in Parli ment because, as he alleges, he is outraged by the circum- stances that we are to pay for, the transpor- tation of the Canadian contingent to the Cape. Thevalet has a hive ; his majority is 1896 was some eight or nine hundred.. He is -evidently working under instruotions from Sir. Wilfrid or Tarte, who has ordered him to march up the hill'and down again with it view to strengthening the racial campaign in Quebec. Sir Wilfrid is going about Ontario talking of his devotion to the Empire, while he is ordering his valet to work pa other lines. Ln the first place Mr. Bourena was. not in any sense Sir Wilfrid's valet, He was appointed one of the Secretaries to the com- mission and was as much the valet of any other member of the corhmission as of Sir Wilfrid. But that is not the point to which we desire to direct 'attention. It will be noticed that in the third paragraph of the quotation it issaid "he is EVIDENTLY work ing under instructions from Sir Wilfrid or Tarte." And then the writer grows bolder as he proceeds and in the last paragraph makes the positive statement that Sir Wil- frid has ORDERED his valet to resign his seat knowing that he can be re-elected, and all this to fool and. delude the people. And after all, the only foundation the writer has for this serious charge is the one word " evidently." A clearer case of bare -faced misrepresentation could not be cited and yet this is on a par with three-fourths of the charges made against the Government by these journals. The insinuation is firet made and then on the strength merely of this insinuation a serious charge is finally founded but at the same time the charge has no better foundation to rest upon than the mere insinuation. And this is the way in which most of the slanders which so liberally -adorn the pages of Conservative papers are manufactured. Editorial Notes and Comments. The Toronto Star says : " When the British troops enter Pretoria, the Mail will give the whole credit to Sir Charles Tup- per." • The - Toronto Mail says : " Sir Charles Tupper, the true spokesman of Canadian opinion, had to force Sir Wilfrid's hand at every step for the sending of a Canadian contingent." We suppose it is as great a sin to tell a small lie as a large one. That, at any rate, seems to be the opinion of the Mail. No doubt the writer .indulged in a grin to himself as he penned this para- graph. When on their way to Fergus last week, Sir Wi:frid Laurier and party staid over at Guelph. While there they visited the Agricultural College and inspected that in- stitution. When the Premier's party ar- rived at the College grounds they were met by the students, who saluted the distin- guished arrivals with vociferous cheers, and in a trice unloosened the horses from the Premier's carriage and attached ropes to the vehicle. Then with loud hurrahs they drew Sir Wilfrid's carriage up the long avenue leading to the main building, where they brought the vehiole to a standstill and grouped themselves around it. Of course, after this enthusiastic demonstration, a speech was eminently in order, and Sir Wilfrid made a facile and pleasing address. The Conservatives of West Peterboro have done an act for which they should ' be commended. At a meeting of represent atitive men ofjthe riding it was unaniimousl decided not to offer opposition to the elect Y ion of Hon. J. S. Stratton, who has re- cently become a - member of the Ontario Government. To be sure there was no prospect of defeating the new minister, as at the general election he was returned by a majority of 999, but had they been dis- posed to be contankerous they could have given him a good deof trouble. They no doubt recognize the Act, however, that Mr. Stratton's promotion is an honer to the whole constituents, Censervative as well as Liberal, and we believe all classes are proud of their clever and genial representative. The Canadian Freeman pays the following high tribute to Ontario's Ex -Premier : "The man who but a few days ago was Premier of this premier province has bade farewell to public life in an address in which there is presented to the province, through the eleo- tore of South Brant, the sorrowful an- nouncement of Mr. Hardy's retirement from public .affairs through illness. The prov- ince of Ontario, regardless of party, can look on the retired statesman as "every inch a man," whose life has been distin- guished for honor, cleanness and capacity. Arthur Sturgis Hardy is no longer a power to serve or injure, no longer is it his to grant or refuse favors, but he leaves a name behind him for' honor, manliness, integrity and devotion to the public weal which is best appreciated by those who were nearest to him in his labors and struggles." It is quite evident that the Boer leaders have themeelves no hope of success in the present conflict. The Cape Times states that many of the leading officials in the Transvaal and Free State have sent their families for safety into British territory. Hon. Mr. Reitz, a member of Kruger's government; sent his family to NataI.,-while President Steyn, of the Orange Free State, early dispatched his family to Cape Town. It is also said that Mr. Steyn has quietly put his fortune in British safe -keeping. The day is, probably, not far distant when the Dutch in the two republics will as fully acknowledgethe justice of British laws and institutions as their brethren in Cape Colony and Natal have done. Then we shall have a united self -governed Africa, enjoy- ing the proteotion of the British Empire, as we have a united and satisfied Ca1iada !un - d r like conditions. Should the present I wir have this result, as itis almost oerI ain tot it will not have been waged in vain, It is now shown that while the ; Coneer- vative journals were yelling and ya ping at the Government and accusing them of dis- loyalty and -treason because, as th y s►ld, of their lethargy and indifference to British interests, the military departmen under the Government were quietly ma ing all preparations for any emergency tha might arise, so that when the request caa from the British warr department for er ( nadian contingent everything was in readin as, and the re quest was complied with in the shortest possible time. In a recent speech, the Minister of Militia expressed is sat- isfaction that the Canadian °outing nt had been mobilized and was ready to sal within fourteen days after the order had en is- sue1. The department had not bee taken by ieurprise, and had not lost any V me on the preparations. Looking forwar , Gen. Hutton some weeks before had co ulted with him, and had arranged a pro ramme of the officers to be chosen and o other arrangements. Similarly, the chief i super- intendent of etoree, Lieutenant-Colnel D. A. Macdonald, of whom Dr. Bordet spoke warmly, after the discussion with 'eneral Hutton, sent for the clothing oontracters and asked them what they could do if a sudden call were made upon them. The result of this foresight was that they were going to Bend the force away within the time asked for by the Imperial authorities, and; probably a day before. The truth of the old age that 1" truth 1 will out," is being exemplified by ee ain of the Conservative papers in respect to the Canadian contingent - to the Transvaal. They are now forced to admit that the ar- rangements have been carried out et effi- ciently and expeditiously; and that be dis- play made by Canada is alike eredi able • to her people and her administrators. Even the Mail admits this, but it gives th credit for all that has been done to Sir harles Tupper. The Toronto Telegram is nether that was carping and barking at th Cana- dian authorities for their tardiness and in- activity. It, however, owns up tote situ- ation. It says : "Canada is doing ore to aid Britain in the Transvaal than an of the other colonies of the British natio . Ali the Australian colonies have decided to help Britain, but the decision has lit been reached without strife and wranglg com- pared to which the discussion in Can da has been mere child's play. The grant n Tas- mania was reduced, and in some of the other colonies the proposal to aid Britain was antagonized more bitterly by men of English origin than in Canada by men of French origin. Canada is doing nob and as the boys, English and French, Protests t and Catholic, go to the front, united for the honor of their own dear country and defence of the great British Empire, they wit leave behind them a people une in prayers for their safety and in the hope of Britiish vic- tory early and complete." i - News of the Week. BAN ON BULL FIGHTS.—General Brooke has prohibitee bull fighting in Cuba penalty of $500. It would not be au to the officials if the order should c considerable stir among the S and Cubans. 11'� SUBSTANTILL GRATITUDE--Beesli se he ander'a ,prising reate a aniarde stopped a ru away team in San Texas, four ears ago, and saved the John Walla e, a wealthy farmer, Reilly, city councillor of Cleveland has fallen Heir to $80,000 of W wealth. UNITED STATES IMMIGRATION FIG! Ia his annual report to the secretary treasury, Commissioner -General Powderl of the immigration bureau, gives the tot arrivals for the year ending June 301 189' as 311,715, an increase over the pr4ceciiz year of 82,416, or 36 per Tat. Yuko OUTPUT.—M. Monks, wo h just arrived from Dawson, is of the pinic that the output of the Yukon wilt be idoubl that of last year. Hunter Creek, he ear has panned out exceptionally Ciel„ an with the machinery that is being put i this winter, it is e-xpected that the Output on this creek alone will be $600,000. Sow IN MONTANA. --The noithere pa t' of the state of Montana is digging itslf ou of snow. For four or five days last wee snow came down almost unceasing) . A the town of Chateau, county seat on Tento county, it was ten to twelve feet deep lir drifts and at least three -feet on the level' Old timers all agreed that nothing like the!! fall of snow has been Been in October fo twenty years. atonic, life of J. L. Ohio, allace'ia rRES.L of tip , s4 e FLOODS IN JAMAICA.—JaRlaiea is filoode as the result of three days of conttpuou rain storms, and Kingston city was cevere with water to the depth of six inches Business has been practically impended,' and railway traffic is blocked on both sec; tions. It is feared that extensive tag has been done. ia the country dis rietie Some damage has been sustaineld i pKoirntegsrn, and a few fatalities nee rai ham, of the superior court of Grand R pids, Michigan, a few weeks ago sent to ueen Victoria a photograph of a roup o five were members of his family, all te whom born op the same day with her majest , his father having been born within an ho r of the time and within a stone's throw of the place of birth of the Queen. The four daughters of the judge were also b ra in Michigan upon May 24th. The *udge thought the matter of such unusual ocur- rence that he would send the Queen • o e of the pictures. The other day he receiv d' an acknewledgement from the Queen, th ough her private secretary, and a return hoto- graph of the four generations of r yalty in England, showing the Queen, li'rincs of Wales, Duke of York, and son 1 the Canada. --The two-year-old daughter of lifted Whittal, of Leamington, while playin be - the time. It is thought the child's clo hing iFa fore the fire the other day, was so te ribly bureed that she died an hour afterwar a in great agony. Her mother was abse t at tinguished the flames, but not before aIl the ir caught fire from sparks. Screams !were heard by neighbors, who rushed in and ex - clothing had been burned off the littlelone's —John Curry and William McGregor, M. P., purchased from S. M.' McCutcheon, of Detroit, executor of the estate of nisi late Hiram Walker 3,000 acres of land in Cel - cheater North' township, known as the neighborhood of $75,000. It was onii, this property that the late Hiram Walk r :st- ill Marsfield property. The price was i the tempted the growing of cranberries. 1 The venture proved a failure', however at a lose —A 12 -year-old boy named Fred Street - man met a horrible death near Esse , on Thursday morning of' last week. ThO lad was riding on a wagon loaded with geavel, in cornpatty with a number of companions, and a playful pueh from one of them threw him under the vehicle, the heavy wheels of which passed over his abdomen, crushing out his life. His mother was riding in a buggy only a few yards behind, and wit- nessed the accident. —The body of a Mrs. McDowell, who lived with Diok Dunn and his wife two noted charaotere, in the township of Ander- ton, was found the other evening near the town hall, Anderton, with the flesh torn from her hack, &ems and legs. The two 10 A You SILKS SILKS. OUR MR. J. CALVERT HAS BOUGHT LAD I ES' LiC WAISTS, And we are going to sell them on SATURDAY alst Length ot yards for $1.75, REGULAR $1.00 PER YARD. can depend that there is nothing niter In the market. We believe we have the best Dress G-oods man west of Toronto. Look in our sonth window FRIDAY NIGHT AND SATURDAY One hundred different patterns. Don't miss this Sale on Saturday. --- Our special sale of Men's Underwear later on. oswAftwvoissommovorwvw COME WITH THE CROWDS TO GUNN'S SEAFORTIL Saturdajy, Nov. 4th, We open Out next to JORDALIV,S OROCERY A Comfilete Stbek of Clothing. Everything a man. or boy requires. Just to start the thincr, we will sell Fleece -lined Underwear, sold everywhere for 6pe, oh Saturday 25c a garment, We will say something about our ew Dress Goods and Silk Parlor next week. B. B. GUNN, Proprietor. JAMES PURCELL, Manager. women got into a buggy with an unknown man and a bottle of whiskey. It is sup- posed Mrs. McDowell fell from the buggy, and her foot got caught in the side -bar, dragging her for half a mile, as pieces of her clothing were found some distance from the body. —Mre, Cotton Rowe, of Hickson, Oxford eounty, gave a pair of vagrants, known av Mr. and Mre. McHann, a pair of boots the other day, and afterwards to her conster- nation found that her husband had con- cealed $200 in those very 'boots for safe keeping. Mr. Rowe started in pursuit and a search party wag organized, and after six or seven hours the old couple were found, they having taken an out of the way course. The money was given up and perh Mr, and Mrs. Rowe Will learn that th are better places to keep money than iu —Oneof the boldest attempts at ea cracking and robbery which has ever occur - the affairs of their foot bail team. He says they expected our team to go up to play them on Thanksgiving Day, while, at the same time, they intended: going to Heiman to play a team from that town, and some of their players were down this way shooting that day ; but likely they had intended playing us with half their team, as think they intend going in for champion - Ship honors next season. Now, if they are ready for us, as they may they are, we will play them for $50, but no lees, ate we donet think it worth while playing them for the honor there is in defeating them. We would be pleased to hear frorn them soon. aps ere old UR APPLE Krere.—Mr. James M. Mar- tin, Hullett's apple king, purchased, packed fe. and sliipped 2,500 barrels of apples this red in Brantford took place on Tuesday nig about 12 o'clock, at Bixel & Compan brewery . Three men entered the pla eeason. He had three gangs at work pack - ht ing end waii fortunate in getting his apples 37/13 shipped, which many in the business have ce not been able to do, He was ha " assaulted the night watchman, robbed him of $16, which was in his pockets, tied him to a post in a kilo, drilled a hole in the safe, loaded it with gunpowder and almost suc- ceeded in blowing the door off its hinges. The watchman got free, however, and ran for assistance but before the arrival of the police the burglars had decamped. —The wrecking of the Sootiman, on the coast of Belle Isle on the morning of Sep- tember 22nd, was the means of creating a romance. Among the passengers on the steamer were Henry Swartz, a German, bound for the United States, and Edith Davie, a young English lady, en route for Hespeler, Ontario. During the terrible /scenes which followed the wrecking of the boat, Swartz saved Miss Davis' life twice at the risk of losing his own. Instead- of go. ing on to the States the gallant G-erman ac- companied Miss Davis to Hespeler, and on Saturday the life which he twice saved was by the holy bonds of matrimony, united to his unM1 death doth part. t —Charles Tetley, John Tee lor and Wal- ker Spence. employed with the Toronto ! Electric Light Company, were terribly 'burned Seturrlay morning while burning out tan underground pipe. The pipe, which had }become melees, contained three copper !wires in a bed of pitch composition, and the lburning out operation was for the purpose of getting out the good copper wires by Softening the composition into a liquid. , The stuff a.pparentedly heated too quickly, eausing an explosion. The pipe was torn open, and the red-hot pitch compoeition ;was spread over the faces and hands of the three men, inflicting frightful wounds. he men were taken to the Emergency ospital as soon as possible, suffering great _gony. Their -whiskers and moustaches were burned off, and their heads, faces, eyes, hands and wrists horribly scalded. 1 —Christopher Wagner, an old man over 70 years of age, residing in TOronto, has eutered a claim for $24,000 against the Britiah Government, The story is a some - What romantic one, but Mr. Wagner be- lieves he can establish beyond doubt his title to the money. His father was quar- termaster on the British man -o' -war Prince Regent, and received his discharge from the navy 1816. There was then R250 ster- liag coming to him for Prize money. The ex -marine earns out to Canada and lived for some time in Kingston, where he married a Miss' Lafontaine. He applied to the British authorities for his peize-money, but, before fied that. be money and interest was awaiting him at .'ngeton. This was in the late fall of the ear, and, as travelling ren thews days was xceedingly difficult, he decided to wait till ring before making the journey. He ied, however, during the winter, and, the oney not being claimed, was returned to ngland. The heirs showed no activity to- tayredts. getting it, and the Government has Grand Bend. NOTES.—Mr. W. Oliver is bueily engaged *tieing and putting a new foundation ander the residence of Mr. Zapfe.—Mrs. Zrspfe re- turned last week, after spending a month with relatives in Michigan.—We noticed in your last issue that the Dashwood corres- pondent eeemi to take quite nu interest in packing for Mr. Leng, of Exeter. When he finished up he hospitably entertained his men to a supper, at his residence near 'Con - A HAPPY EVEivT.—A quiet but pretty wedding took place on Wednesday of lett week at the , residence of Mr. Alexander Sinith, of Harlock. This was the marriage of Mr. Smith's niece, Mies Janet Fair. service, third daughter of Mr. Jaelell Fair - service, of Manchester K.aneas, and for - nearly of Hullett, to Mr:David Stephenson, a prosperouryoung farmer of this township, and a near neighbor of Mr. Smith, The in- teresting ceremony was performed liv Rev. witnessed by a goodly number of the friends of the young couple. The ceremony over the guests sat down te a sumptuous wed- ding supper prepared by- the worthy host- ess, after which a pleasant soeial time was spent. The young couple take up their both have beets of friends who will unite with THE E*POSITOR in wishing them the greatest possible happiness in their married event took place at the residence of Mr. McMichael, Hullett and McKillop town line dn Wednesday forenoon last - This was the marriage of Mr. McMichael'i sepond daughter, Miss Isabella Mary, to Kr. Robert E. Coates, of Grey. The im- portant ceremony was pertormed by Rev, P. Musgrave and was witnessed by a goodly numbe!r of the relatives aed friends of ,the contracting parties. The ceremony over, the company sat down to a sumptu- one wedding dinner prepared by Mrs. Mc- Michael. In the afternoon the young couple drove to Beaforth and took the train for the east and will spend the honeymoon in Cleveland and other places. When tbey return they will take up their home en Mr. Coates' farm in Grey. The "bonnie bride watt not forgotten by her numerous friends, but was made the recipient of e. long list of handsome and useful presents. Mr. end elm Coates have a host of friends who unite in wishing them the greatest possible happinese in their new relations. Blyth. NOTE8.—Mr. Thonaas Ashbury received word last Saturday of the sudden death his brother, Williatre in Brantford, from feveee Mr. Ashbnry left for there on Mos - day morning.—Miss Loutie Jamieson, who has been visiting friends in New York state, for the past two me/Abe, returned home on Saturday evening. -14r, George King, who has been east of Toronto for the past! six weeks, doing business, retumed hoine last week.—Mr, T. MoKewon, of Forest, has erected a windmill- on the grounds of Dr, Milne, to be used for delivering water both to his residenee and also to his outbuildings.—A local union meeeing of the Epworth League and Chris- tian 'Endeavor will be held in the Pres terial,n church next Tuesday evening. ---T Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church ere making preparations fer-A tee meeting en November 13th. It le eipeeted that FAT. Abram Lenge, of Platteville, formerly Npeaortorimberherel,2wilith. preach on the Sean% Blue Mies Mary 'ting her -hers at eorge en the Pree Thyn gh al atral beiTetahlwait°1brIgrtelyebey:sitoselltie.fiwtir:Iii no wonder they 131612ta416 mitteensaell;sPwil el:101Yr :to e fwosirgr-t ge:nintig moten SW DOW Of W. SH 414 a Row eeseipsreosel torkper ice per Dairy MI Demmd pound rolls, lie in fair demand at 11 MOtainnetareatteber :teat prieee Tartged free --otheririse there was lit f siand at *testily :prime sad at 21 to 220, oar and No, 2 stool Toronto Pots • Toronto Paull None on market to-do urday were SO to 50e fee 4orducks, Sto fie for ge Mier, 1 Live Stetek LoNDO pH England, 0 slow ; sheep fair ; Canedians 51d, Ar Ltvetnroore October ele5-0,..heep Zed. 1doeerneeee October 'Were present in large i vegan active., demand Ind all Other kinds were were made rather slow' Vibes. 12.1111113e1 sot be sold to-dav.. tion. 4-1 to little over toSe per pound. Abott tie, bulls, steers and lit tee the Buffalo market' Alves sold at from $3 pre paid 3ic per pal *beep ; good lambs sold *per pounde and the t per pound. Fat hogs at Pound for)itraight lots BITTNAL0, October *need and higher ; gs fat export eattle, $5,75 I SE50 to $5.75 I export Seed to ehoioe butehe ;5.35 ; good to best but fat heifers, $4.35 t *15 ; fat flows, eetnite 60 ; stockers, choice 111150 ; stock bulls, f ef the Wee of Mative ilk& selected at higher-, eery and a shade lowee eittra were quotable at to choice, 14-75 to 15 I 44.25 ; good to choice, 4 Islas were quotable s about all the offerings ths dose. Hoge—Heal to $4.45 ; sales prineipa were- quotable at lesatry and mixed at the Vera sold, All Flow • 25/1 per eent inert:we attendance—s. meat of 216. That's whel tb means the largestl Canada to day. The demand for th keeper, etenogr,s,phei steidily on the inert --.-Ottr experience pall !nand will be greatm Will you join us something then? cure you niore inforr TORONTO, ONTARIO. Deed Stanley, on -4netelan 76 years. Ain fornierty of the vette of Kr. fled to