The Huron Expositor, 1899-11-03, Page 2Canada's Greatest Liniment,
Griffiths' Menthol Liniment Is the great
st curative discovery of the age. Pene-
trates muscle, membrane aad tissue to the
Yery bone, banhilies pains and aches with a
power bnpossIble with any other remedy.
else it for rheumatism, neuralgia,. head -
Metes and all soreness, swelling and in-
flammation. AU druggists, 25 ets. 82
Griffith's Liniment applied to Lum-
bago, kerne back, sore back or side will
penetrate and stop pain and soreness
in less time than it takes to prepare
oneself for a plaster a,pplic-ation-it's
clean and healing-eures •where plasters
fail -the quickest acting rheumatic
healer fn the whole medicine kingdom.
J. Woodward of 138 Shaw street, Toronto,
was a great sufferer from rheumatism.
Tried many remedies with little success,
began. applying Griffttles Ntenthol Liniment:
One application of it gave him more relief
than anything he had• ever tried. He says,
"It Is certaluly a wonderful Liniraent.1' 12.
Catarrhal Deafness
The last stage development of Nasal Ca-
tarrh. Japanese Catarrh (lure goes away past
the points where even specialists on the
disease have been We- to reach. It's a pene-
trating, soothing, healing and strengthening
compound, allaying the Inflammation and
healing without leaving the slightest bid
after -results. The only guaranteed Catarrh
mire. Sec at all druggists; „UV
Sold by J. S. Roberts.
Ti-Oleag AND LOT eon 3ALE.-For see a con-
fortabie house with good lot,on which is a stable
and a aucriber of trait trees, in a central part of the
town of Seaforth, f r sale cheap. 41oply at THE
utAlehi noa sA.Lee-Soeth half of 30 aril North
half of 29, 6th Conceasion, township of Hay,
known a the Sturg on farm. The soil is unexcelled
with good fences an underdraining. The buildings
are fair. This ia a plendid !arm, in a good location
and will be sold ohe p. Apply to SAMUEL SUILLIK,
Hensel'. 1648 tf,
0 splendid farm
North Road, a mil
containa 175 *ores,
state of mildest/a
...owe, good bank b
300dition and well
easy terms, as the
not sold before the
M FOR SALE. -For sale the
(Mr. Robert Goverilook, on the
and a half from Seaforth. I
early ad 'cleared and in is high
Tnere is a two story brick
rn and everything in first -:lase
oderdriiined. It will be sold on
roprietor desires to retire. If
all it will be rented. Address
OK, Seaforth P. 0. 1593 tt
TURK FOR SAL .-For sale, in the Township of
MoRillop, the orth 69 acres of Lot 16, Canoes -
Dion 14, boundary 11 .6 About 47 acres cleared, three
sores of good ha.wood bush, about two sores of
•.'h,oice fruit trees, sil unsurpassed, well drained end
shoed ; school bita mile away, post office and
ohtirch convenient will be sold cheap. For par -
Maulers, apply to the proprietor on the premises, or
Walton P. 0. DAN EL McMILLAN, Proprietor.
Jai side, cheap,
Square in Seafizt
There Is a comforts;
cellar, hard and sof
conveniences. The
he residence facing on Viotoria
, the property of John Ward.
le frame, house, with good stone
water, and all o her necessary
house contains 8 rooms with
pantries, eta. The e are two Iota, well planted with
all kin& of fruit, an ornamental trees and shrubs.
Also a large stable. This is one of the best, most
convenient and mos pleasantly situated residences
in Seaforth itnd will be sold cheap. Apply to JOHN
WARD. 164041
IAM IN TUCK R3MITI1 1'10R SALE. -For sale,
E Lot 24, Cone akin 3, IL R. S., Tuckersinith,
300taining 100a3res 90 acres cleared and in a good
state of cultivation, 10 acres of good hardwood bush.
There Is on the p amine a good brick house and
kitchen, a large ne bank barn, with stone stabling
underneath ; an op n shad ; driving house, and other
buildings; two goo wells and orchard. It is five
miles from Seaforth and six fro= Clinton on a good
gravel road. Scho I close by. Will be sold cheap. •
Apply on the proud ea to ROBERT MoYETY, or Sea
forth P. 0. 1639x4tf
_12 sale, Lot '22, the North Boundary of Hay
Townahip. This fa in contains 100 acres, 85. acres
cleared, the rest go d hardwood bush. It is well un-
derdrained and fent: d. There is a good stone house
with a No. 1 cellar, large bank barn ; implement
shed ; sheep house 70x76, with fist-ellas stabling
and root cellar undo neath ; a good orchard; '2goo
wells and cistern'here is 12 acres of fall wheat
sewed on a ri-h fasoiw, well manurod ; 40 acres seed-
ed down recently, the rest in good shape for orop.
This is a No. 1 fitilrn, well situated for markets,
churches, schools, p 3t office, etc., and will be sold
reasonably. Apply on the premier's, or address
ROBERT N. DOUG A8, Box 1, Blake, Ont, 1658x8
gale, the reeide co in Harpurhey at present cm-
Oupied by the undors gned. There is a good frame
house, bricked .insid , and a atable, also over an acme
and a half of land, aim a splendid orchard of all kinds
of fruit, botb, large and8=111. It is situated on the
main street, and has 11 necessary conveniences. Mao
he park lot immedia 1 ely in the roar of the abave,
ciontaining % sures, o • which there is a good holm
and large stable, also an orchard and well. These
properties will be sold ;nether or separately. These
properties are admir bly adapted for a retired farm-
- er or naarket gardener Apply on the premises to
the proprietor, or add ess Eleaforth P. 0. WILLIAM
DYNES. 16s4 tf
U Lot re Comm' n 8, Tuokeramith, containing
100 acres, all cleared fo 1 about 8 mares of good bush.
It is urderdrained, we I fenced, and in a high state
of cultivation. There s a good stone house; good
barns, stables and out -houses. It adjoins a good
echool ; is withia five ladies of Seafortb, and three
allies from Kippen, T ere 113 plenty of good water.
Will be told wish or wi hout the orop. It is one of
the beet farms in the t wnehip, and will be sold on
easy terms. as the pro deter wants to retire. Also
60 a.oree within a mile ad a quarter, a good grasing
lot, well fenaed, but nof buildings Will be sold to.-
gether or separately. ppiy on the premises, or ad-
dress Egmoradville P. 0, JAMES AleTAVISEL
1639 ti
0 RENT. -For sale, West half of Lot 25, Conces-
sion ; gou'h three-quarters of Lot 24, en the 16th
Concession, and the no MI half of Lot 53, on the 16th
Comes ion, in the township of Hay, containing in
ail 176 acres, ail of whigh is cleared, but ten acree.
These several parcels 'comprise one farm and are
located close to each ot er. All well fenced sad well
underdralued, and in g 'clod state of cultivation.
The lancl is of the beat inality and every foot ern be
cultivated. There ia a ocd frame house and large
bank barn, also driving- house, sheds and other build-
ings. Thera is a good orchard, and plenty of
good water. It adjoins halbfielech's mills, and
Is within three and three quarter miles from
Zurich. If not sold hortly will be rented to a
good tenant. Arply on the premises, or address.
Zurich P. 0. J. U. KALBFLEISOLL 1659 -ti
.FIARM FOR SALE. Lot 83, Conccssion 4, East
Wawanosh, oontai fog 126 acres There is on
the place a good briok dwaling house 20x23, with
wing 18x28, li storey Is gh ; atone cellar full size •
frame summer kitchen and woodshed laical ; hard
and soft water ; frame barn 66:08, with stone stables
underneath ; frame pig pen 16x32 : two good or-
chards; 95 acres cleared balance is good hirdwood
bush ; well feaced with Scilar rails, and well watered
by three good spring we Is ; eehool and church con -
venting. ; five miles frou Filyth, 12 miles from Wing -
ham, V miles from God rich ; must be a 3Id to close
the estate. Apply to JOHN WALLACE, Executor
for the Joseph Jackson eat -,to, B13 th P. O., or to 0
Hamilton, Blyth. . 1653ti
tiARM IN STANLEY VO -R, SALE - -For sale, Lot.
12 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 12th conces-
sion, or Blownton Line, of Stanley. This farm eau -
tains 160 acres, all of which is caeared, except four
acres. It le in a state of ilrat-olaie cultivation, well
fenced and all underdrained, mostly with tile. There
a large frame dwe'ling house as good as new, arjth
good stone foundation and cellar, large bank' barn
, with stone stabling underneath, und numerous other
buildings, including a large pig house. Two good
orchards of choice fruit, else nice iiharie and eras -
mental tree. There are two spring creeks running
through the farm, and plenty of gooi water all the
year rouod without pumping. It ie well situated for
markets, churchee, whoa's, post offioe, esc., and good
grave -hoe& leading from it in all directions. It is
within view of Lake Huron, and the boats can be
Been passing up and down from th house. This is
One of the best equipped farm' in the county, and
will be eold on easy tenni, 149 the proprietor wants to,
retire on account of HI health. Apply on the prem -
boa. Or addreeiBlake P. O. JOHN DUNN. 104941
Rev, Eitr, Talmage Says They Keep
Watch Over Mortals.
Supernal 13einas W110 Give Warning
• When 1vl Approaches -Next to ciod-
They Control. the Destiny of the Ha-
man Rase.
Washington, Oct; 29. --The bril-
liant beings supposed- by sothe to be
imaginary are by Dr. Talmage in Inis
sermon shown to be real -and to have'
much to 'do with our everyday life.
The. text is Judges xiii, 19, "And the
angel did wondrously."
Fire built on a rock. Manoah and
his wife had there kindled the flames
for sacrifice in praise of God and in
honor of a guest whom theysup-
posed to be a man. But as the flame
rose higher and higher their stranger
guest stepped into the flame and by
one -red- leap ascended into the skies.
Then they knew that was an angel
of the Lord. "The angel did won-
Two hundred and forty-eight times
does the Bible- refer to the angels,
yet 1 never heard or read a sermon
• on angelology. The whOle subject ig
relegated to the realm mythical,
INeirO, spectral and unknown. Such
adjourn -Men t, is imeScripturai and
N7,1eked. Of their life, their charac-
• ter, 1 heir babies, their actions, their
velocities, the Bible. gives us full
Ieugth portraits, Find why this pro-
longed and absolute silence concern-
ing them? Angelology is my theme.
There are' two •euttions of angels,
and they are hostile to eachother-
the nation of good angels and the na-
tion of bad angels. Of the former I
ebietly 'speak. to -day. • Their capital...,
t heir headquarters, their grand ren-
dezvous, is heaven, but. their empire
is the universe. They are a distinct
race of creaeures.No human being
can ever join their eon fra ternity.
The little -child who in the Sabbath
echool sings, ”I want to be an an -
will never have her with grati-
fied. They 'are superhuman, but they
are of different grades and ranks, not
ell on the name level or the same
height. They have their superiors
end inferiors and equals. I propose
no gul,ssing on this subject, but take
he• Bible .for my -own authority.
Plato, the philosopher, guessed and
(Svidell angels in to sttpercelestial, ce-
• lestial and subceles tial. Dionysius,
the Areopagite, guessed and divided
them into three classes, the supreme,
the middle and the last, and each of
these into three other classes, mak-
ivg nine in all. Philo said that an-
gels were related to God, as the rays
() the sun. Felgentitts Said that
they were composed of 'body and
. Clement said they were in-
corporeal. • Augustine said •that they
had been in danger of falling, but.
now are beyond being tempted. But
the only authority on this ettbject
that I respect,. says they are divided
into cherubim, seraphim, thrones,
nominations, principalities, powers.
Their commander-in-chief is Michael.
Daniel called him Michael. St. John
called him Michael. Thee supernsl
beings are mbre thoroughly- organ-
ized than any army that ever march-
ed. They are swifter than any cy-
clone that ever swept the sea. They
are more radiant than any morning
that ever came down the sky- They.
have more to do with your -destiny
Ind mine than any being in the uni- -
verse except God. May the Angel csi'
he New Covenant, who is the Lord
.feStis, open our eyes and touch our
tinigue and rouse per soul; whjle We
speak of their -deathlessness, their
t 1 igen ce their numbers, • their
s t rength, their achtaveinents.
Yes, deathless. Tlihy had a cradle,
)41 will never -have a grave. The
falrd remembers when they wire
iorn, but no one shall ever see their
eye extinguished or their momentum
low up or their existence terminate.
Slie oldest of them has not a wrinkle
ir a decrepitude on a hindrance, as
after 6,000 years as at the
lose of their first hour. Christ said
o the good - in heaven, "Neither can
hey die any' more, for they are equal
etto the angels."' Yes,' deathless are
hese wonderful creatures of whom I
peak. They will see world after
vorld go out, but there shall be no
tiding of their own brilliance. Yea,
flee the last world has taken its
est. flight, they will be ready. for the
v iciest circuit through immensity,
eking a quadrillion of xniles in ono
weep as easyt as a Pigeon circles a.
ovecot: They are never sick. They
re never exhausted. They need et)
leep, for they are never tired. At
od's command they smote •with
mall, in one night, 185,000 of Son-
acherib's hot, but no fataiity'ean
elite them. Awake, agile, inultipo-
.111. deathlesS, itnmortal!-
There as only one thing that puts
tent 1c) their wit} end, • and the
Hee says- they have to study that.
'hey have •been studying It all
trough the ages, and -yet I -warrant
uee have not fully grasped it ---:-the
onders of redemption. These won -
ere. are so high, so- deep, AO nrand,
) stupendous, so ' magnificent, that
-en the intelligence of angelhood is
ei founded before it. The n pos t le
te-s. ich th ing's he angels de -
re to look into." Thet. is a sub -
et thatetexcitee inquisitiveness on
ear part. That is a. theme that
rains their faculties to the .11tamist.
hut is higher than they can climb,.
esper than they can •dive. They
tve u- desire for something too big
r their comprehension. "Which
ings the angels desire to look in-
."• But that. does not discredit
eh- intelligence. No one but G-od
inself can fully understand the won-
rs of redemption If all heaven
mild study it for 50 centariem, they
ould get no further than the A It C
that inexhaustible subject. • But
turly all other realms of knowledge
ey have ransacked and explored
d compassed. No one. but, God can
11 them. •anythiing they do not know.
ey have read to the last word of
laet line of the last page of the.
t volume of investigation, and
at delifhts me most is that all
eir igence is to be at our &s-
eat and, .conning into their pres-
t h
ence, they will tell us in five minutes
more than we can learn by 100 years
of earthly surmising.
A further characteristic of these
fairaortals is their velocity. This the
Bible puts sometimes under the fig-
ure of a flowing garment, sometimes
under the figure of naked feet. As
these superhumans are without bod-
ies, these expressions are of course
1..4grat1ve and snean swiftness. The
"sane tens us' that Thertiel was pr
ing end Gabriel flew from heaven
touched him before he got, up fr
his knees. How far, then, did
angel Gabriel have to fly in th
moments of Daniel's prayer? Hea
is thought to be the center of
universe. Our sun and its plan
only the rim of the wheel of worl
In a moment the angel Gabriel fl
from that center to this periphe
Jesus told Peter he could instan
have 60,000 angels present if he ea
ed for them. What foot of antelo
or wing of -albatross could equal th
velocity? Law of gravitation, whi
grips all things else, has no influen
upon angelic montentum. 'amen
ties before them open and shut like
fan. That they are here_ is no rens'
why they sholild" not be quintilli
of miles hence the next minute. 0
bodies hinder us, but our minds c
circle the earth in a minute. Ange
beings are bodiless and have io li
tation. God may with his, fine
point down to some world in, trou
on the outmost limits of creruti
and instantly an angelic cohort
there to help it, or sorne celest
may be standing ett the farthermo
outpost of immensity, and God xn
say "Come!" and instantly it is
his bosom. •
Another -remark • I have to ma
concerning these illustrious inun
tals is that they are intatitudino
Their census has- never been tak
and no one but God knows, Ito
many they are; but all the Bible -a
counts stiggest 'their immense nu
bers-companies of them, regimen
of them, arm les of • them, mounta
tops haloed by them, skies populo
with -them. John speaks of ang
and other beings round the throne
ten thousand time ten thausan
Now,: according to my calculatio
ten thousand times .ten thousand a
100,000,000. But these are. only -t
angels in Otte place. David count
20,000 of them rolling down the $
in chariots. When God , came aWt
from the riven rocks Of 'Mount Sin
the Bible says he had • the compa
Re -Ishii) of 10,000 angels. I (hit
they are in every battle, in every ex
gency, at every birth, at . every p
low, at' every home at every momen
the earth full of them. • They ou
number the httainn race in this worl
They outnumber ransomed spirit.
• glory. When Abraham had his kni
uplifted to slay. Isaac, it was an a
gel who arrested the stroke, ,cryin
• "Abraham, Abraham!"' It was
stairway of angels that Jacob sa
while pillowed in the wilderness. W
' are told an angel led the hosts-
• Tsreelites out Of Agyptian serfdm
It was an angel that showed Ha.g
the fountain *here she filled the bo
ile for the lad. It was an angel th
took Lot out of doomed Sodom.
was an angel that shut up the inou
of the hungry monsters when Dani
was thrown into the -caverns. It w
an angel that fed Elijah under_ th
juniper tree. It was an. angel tha
announced to Mary the approechin
nativity. They were angels tha
chanted when Christ was born. I
.was an angel that strengthened 6u
ISaviour in his agony., It was an ,-a.n
gel that encpuraged Paul in th
Mediterranean shipwreck. It was a
angel that burst open the prison
gate after gate, until Peter was li
'crated. It was an angel that stirre
'the' pool of Siloam, where -the sic
,were healed. It was an angel the
John saw flying through the mids
of I -wax -en, an- angel with foo
planted on the sea, and an angel tha
opened the book, and an angel tha
sounded the trumpet, and an ange
that thrust in the sickle, and an an
gel thet poured out the vials, and a
•- angel standing in the sun.. • It will b
Ian angel with uplifted hand swear
Ing that time shall be no longer. It
the great final harvest of the worl
the reapers are the angels, Yea, th
Lord shall be revealed from heave
with mighty angels. Oh, the num
hers and the might and the glory o
hese supernals - fleets of them
squadrons Of them, host beyond host
rank above rank,' millions on mil
lions, and all on our side if we wil
he ve them!
This leads me to speak of the affi
-es of these stir-ter/tale.-- To defend, t
(i'heer, to rescue, to escort, to giv
\ let ory to the right and overthrow
the wrong -7 --that. is their business -
just as alert to -day and efficient as
When in Bible times they spread wing
or unsheathed sword or rocked down
Penitentiaries or tilled the mountains
With horses of fire and driven by
reinsmen of fire. They have turned
your steps a huneired times, and you
knew it not. You were on the way
to do some wromg thing, and they
changed your coerse. They brought
some thought of Christian *parentage
oof loyalty to your own h. ome, and
that arrested you. They • arranged
that soine one should meet you rt
that crisia and• propose something
honorable and elevating, or they took
from yoer pocket somti
e eket to evil
amusement, a ticket that you eever
found. It was an angel of God, and
perha.p.s the very one that guided you
to this service and that now awaits
to report some holy impression to be
made. upon' your soul, • tarrying With
one foot upon the doorstop of your
immortal spirit and the other foot
lifted for aecent- into the skies. By
some prayer detain him until he can
-tell of a repentant and ransomed
• soul! Or you were some time borne
down a ith trouble, bereavement,
persecution, bankruptcy, sickness and
all manner of troubles beating their
discords in' your heart and life. You
gave up. You said: "I cannot stand
it any longer. I belieVe I will take
my life. Where is the rail train or
the deep wave or the .precipice that
will end this torment of earthly- ex-
istence?" But suddenly your mind
brightened. Courage came surging
into your heart like ooeanic tides.
You said, "God is on my side, and
all these adversities he can make
turn out for my good." Suddenly
you fen a peace, a deep peace, the
poaca of God that passeth all under..
What nqade the change? A
sweet and mighty and cemfertieg
y- JOSUE; Saul of his followers, "Th.eir
nd angels ,behold the face of my Fa-
un ther." Elsewhere it is said, "He
he shall give his angels charge over
s thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."
en Angel Shielded, angel protected, an -
he gel guarded, angel •canopied, art
ts thou! No wonder that Charles Wes-
ley hymned these Words:
Y. 'Which of the petty kings of earth
ler Can boast a guard like ours,
Encircled from our second birth
Pe With all the h.erevenly powers?
o ,
or -
0. •
Valerius and Rufinus were put •to
death for Christ's sake in the year
287, and after the day when their
bodies had been whipped and pound-
ed into a jelly, in the night. in prison
and before -the next day when they
were to be. executed, they both
thought they saw •angels standing
with two glittering crowns, saying
"Be of good cheer, valiant soldiers
of Jesus Christ! A little more of
battle, and then these crowns are
yours." And a am glad to know
that before many of those who have
passed through great sufferings in
1 this life some angel of God has held
t a blazing coronet of eternal reward.
Y Yea, we are to have such a guardian
angel to take us upward when our
work is done. You know, we are
told'are angel conducted Lazarus to
Abraham's bosom. That shows that
none shall be so poor in dying he
tannot afford angelic escort. It
would be a long way to go alone,
and up path e we have • never trod,
and amid blazing worlds swinging
in unimaginable momentum, out and
on through such distances and across
such innitudes of space we • should
shudder at the thought of going
But the angelic escort will come to
your languishing pillow or the place
of your fatal accident and -say:
"Hail, immortal (one! All is well.
God bath scot Inc to take you
home." And without a tremor_ or
slightest sense of peril yOu will away
and upward, farther on and farther
on, until after awhile heaven heaves
in sight and the • rumble of chariot
Wheels and the roll of 'mighty har-
monies are heard in the distance,
and nearer you come, and nearer
still, until the brightness is like
many mornings suffused into one, and
you are inside the amethystine walls
and on the banks of the jasper sea,
forever safe, forever free, foreveil
well, forever, re.sted, forever united,
forever happy. Mothers, •do not
think your little ehildren go alone
when they quit this world. Out of
your arms into angelic .arms, out of
sickness into health, out of _ the
cradle into a Saviour's -bosom' Not
an instant will the 'darlings -be alone
between the two kissek-the -last
kiss of earth and the nrst -kiss of
heaven: "Now, angels, do your
work!" cried an expiring: Christian.
Yes, a guardian angel for each one
Of you. Put yourself noter in accord
th him. When he suggests the
right, follow it.. When ha warns you
against the wrong, shun it. Sent
forth from God to help You in this
great battle against sin and death,
accept his deliverance. When tempt-
ed to a feeling of loneliness and clits
heartanment, appropria-to the prom-
ise, "The angel of the Lordencamp-
eth around about them that fear him
and delivereth them."
Paul had it right when he Said,
-We wrestle not against flesh and
.- blood, but against principalities,
against powers-, against the rulers of
the darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in high- places."
In that awful fight may God send us
ntighty angelic- re -enforcement! We
want all their wings- on our side, all
their swords on our side, all . their
chariots- on our side.
Thank God that those who: are for
us are mightier than those• who are
against, us! And that thought makes
me jubilant as to the final triumph.
Belgium, you It] I ow, was the butt lee
ground 6f- England and France. Yea,
Belgiummore than once was the bat-:
tleground of opposing nations. It so
happens that this world is the Bel-
gium or battleground between the
e,hael, tho eommainder-in-chief, on one
egael, the commander-in-chief, on one
side; Lucifer, as Byron calls ; him, or
Mephistopheles, as. Goethe calls him,
or Satan, as the Bible calls him, the
commander4n.chief qn the other side.
All pure angelhood
leadership and all
hood under • the o
Many a skirmish h
gel of the Lord met you. That was
Men and women of all circum-
stances, only partly appreciated or
not appreciated at all, never feel
• lonely again or unregarded again!
Angels all around; angels to approve,
angels to help, angels to remember.
Yea, while all the good angels are
friends of the good, there is oat
special angel your bodyguard. This
idea until this present study of an-
gelogy I supposed to be fanciful, but
I find it _clearly stated in the Bible.
When the disciples were praying for
Peter's deliverance from prison and
he appeared at the door of the pray-
er meeting, they could not believe it
was Peter. They said, "It is an an-
gel." So these disciples; im• special
nearness to Christ, evidently believed
that every worthy soul has an angel.
under the one
ban doned angel/
lier leadership.'
re the two ar-
mies had, but the great and decisive
battle is yet to bo fought. Mean-
while • the battle is being set in ar-
ray, and the. forces celestial and de-
moniacal are confroriting each other.
Hear the boom of the great cannon-
ade already opened! Cherubim, sera-
phim, thrones, dominations, princi-
palities and powers are beginning to
ride down their foes, and, until the
work is compieted, "Sun, stand thou
still upon Gibeon, and thou, moon,
in the valley of Ajalon!"
"Yes, I see him. What is there lie
peculiar about him?"
'71-le's the contrariest man. alive.
He. has started a 'We'll Worry All
We Want To' club.''
To be Sure of an Audience.
Parishioner --Doctor, when are you
going to preach your sermon too the
The Rev. Dr. Fourthly --The first
rainy Sunday.
" A Veteran.
"Call yourself a veteran, whim you
were notier out of the dot-stitry?"
"Well, anyway, 1 WEIS debtored by
flow lie Diliers From His Cousin, the
Ali i ator- More Flexibly Built, More
l'ugnacious and Ferocious.
At•least ten species of the crocodile
are known to science, one species be-
im!. indigenous to Florida.. The dif-
ference between the crocodile and the
alligator is very marked; the head of
the crocodile is longer and narrower,
',the teeth fewer and whiter, the two
lower front tusks fitting into holes
ia the upper jaw -a feature absent
in the alligator. The crocodile is
also more flexibly built, is more fe-
rocious and far more pugnacious. It
is also more crafty and cunning and
keener eyed in the pursuit of its
prey. Florida waters abounding in
food, the crocodile has the ferocity
of its nature excited by hunger, but
when alarmed it plunges into the ri-
ver or bay and hastens seaward at
full speed until out �f all danger, of a,
possible foe. Its great speed in the
water is owing te its powerful tail,
which propels it after the mariner of
a Man sculling a boat. • It prefers
flight to fight, yet if compelled to
defend its -elf becoraeaa 1081=1,11
worthy of the,. boldest -hunter. The
feet are webbed and it can also pid-
dle gently along with them The
teeth are not made for masticating,
for when possible it swallow s
prey entire. They are hollow t the
babe and contain „the crowns of new
and larger ones,- SO as the s -urian
increises in size' he continues to
drop the old teeth and new one* lake
the r places. .
The ugly and ferocious crocot ileis
provided with a throat valve i.vhich .
effectually prevents the water frem .
runping down it, and also en-
ables it to secure and drown it.S prey
under water. The nostrils, placed at
the extremity of- its long nose, per- ,
mit it to breathe at its ease, while
the unfortunate animal. capiured
drowns beneath the surface of ,the
;--Water. Moreover, it can exist al cOn-
,,siderable length of time willhont
- breathing. In thie way the rcptile
is able to conceal itself when it si4s-
peete danger. . :
The best of the crocodile d ffers
from that of,his cousin, the al ilea -
tor, and shows a great similari y to
the ..tittle's. The eggs are laid 110 la '
bole and -then smoothly covered jwih
sandnS tlie precaution making 1hern
difficult to lind, 'A year ago aelcriae
coda() nest \VAS discovered by a hunt-
er and the eggs presented to the
Smithsonian Institution and the
Mile dell )hia Academy of Natural
Fcience.: A few of the eggs were .ioX-
ed in sand by the hunter, with the
result of hatching 000 baby "Crec0-
di1us' Americanus." The little N‘rik-
ig;leer a ills() voefry tl,h•arleueabloea,pausvoit isspescaiiideoti
anye here. •
To •the "Conehs," or wreckers, 1-0
live on the coral keys, the sight. Of
the crocodile .excitee but little i : tee -
est, for; ugly and dangerous as] he
looks, he has been taught by- t eM
that man is to be feared.. These na-
tives: claim that they have seen 1'4-
codi1es eighteen feet long in the ow-
er end of the Biscarle BLIT. I
The crocodile, being an ex erit
swimmer, lives largely- on fish in W-
eida 'waters, but the testimony Of
old limiters proves that its cunning
nature is the same, whether it be tie
A mericanus or the much dreaded rep-
tile of the Nile. It does not attack
openly, neither will it go ashore f.:*
Its prey, but will watch for h tire
for animals or birds to come to the
writer to drink: then, diving rapidly,
:it; appears under its victim and d age
it beneath the surface, Should this
intended prey be too_ far from the
water to be rea.clied by the . •uge
mot:1(4h it strikes a blow with the tail
and 1Znocks it into the water. • i
hiapy herons and other water b relit
of leinrida meet a sudden death f'one
this 'crafty reptile, whose man 1e11e
yore !would 'do credit to the cum ing
fox.--4-Detro i t Journal. i
Sir Henri *T—oly de Lotbiniero
of Ite.
. The metric system is at pre nt
used by all -civilized nations, with the
exception of Great Britain, the Unit+
ed States and Russia..• Indictee onq
point to its early adoption in the
United States and Great Brit ini
partly because of its superiority nd
partly out of necessity for the
servation of their foreign tr
which is handicapped in competi
with. foreign manufacturers, who
-rive donsiderable advantage by Ihei
• use of weights and measures ,ith
sures. is preferable to our pres nti
confused and irrational system, Nati
ae we found some years ago howl
Much easier it was to calculate in!
dollars and cents -than in .pounds,
shillings and pence. The whole me-,
tric.system is based on a single unit,1
the metre, a IlleilSure of length One i
ten -millionth part of the -distance be-
tween: the equator and the pole. rr
a slight error has been discovered
that measurement, which prevents
froni being theoretically perfect.
However much this may be regi$t-
ted it does not intsrfere with the
special advantages of the .syston
over all others IN Mai consists in
being built and entirely based up
-that one single unit of length, t
metre, so that not only lengt
breadth and depth, but weight- at d
which their customers are fami
arid under which they run no ape
risk of mistake.
We• must gradually prepare lor
adoption of the metric system, in
ada. If we compare the two
shall soon find out how much
metrie system of weights and
1 Li
capnetty for both liquids and soli
are all deducted_ from the melee at
iractiors thereof, avith the addition
improvemen,t that all calculat bins a 'e
on the decline' principle, both f r
frac 110118 and nitiltiples. •
The Towers 4)1' Pekin.
Pekin: has a tower in which is
hung a large bell cast in the fifteen i
century, and another I ()war contabi-i
ing a huge drum, which is inteinl(-1
to be beaten in case a great d.:4114.,
should threaten the city. No one it;
allowed to enter these tos% ers.
Not ;a Oui.t Talker.
She-1your wife talkative still?
lie -No. but she's still taliza.tive.
-Mr. William Jeffery, of Downie, wls
awakened one night recently by dogs barlf:
ing violently, and upon investigation found
that seven of his Jambe had been worried b
the brutes,
ig Uric Acid In the blood.
Unhealthy kidneys are the
cause of the acid being
there. If the kidneys acted
as they shauld they would
strain the Uric Acid out
of the system and rheum*.
Cam wouldn't occur. Rheu-
tnatism is a Kfdney Dis-
ease. Dodd's Kidney Pills
have made a great part of
ir reputation curing
sinned-sm. Ste get at
the use of those fearful'
turting. pains Apd sti14
ing Joints. There
t one sure way--
flit 1111.1ii
klegetab PreparationforAs-
simitating ood and ilia -
Eng tile.5 andBowe of
Promotes' :stjon,Cheerf'u1-
'ness andffestcontains neither
m -,Mo phine nor ?4ineral.
egy et Mr.
d to the weigh
d lath thoe
11 their de
Aperfect Re - dy for Constipa-
tion, Sour tomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms,Con isions,Feverisit-
mess and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tee Simile Signature of
A • .
der agen 1111
, be *Whits.
public!. Wfl
Chargee mod
celled by the nod
teeeher„ mat or
Duties .te
tti) ilt‘40 sath
-1OIB, Aeorstarjai
Oestoria is put -up In one -size battles only. It
fs not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell
you anything -else on the. plea or promise t'hat it
is "just as good" and hwill anew-er every pure.
poss." SO' See that ps get 0-AhS-T-04.1-41.
; nails
tion to al
ich. street
-1a,11 Stock.
Fall sok of Furniture is complete. We extend a special in -vita.
admirers of good furniture t? inspect our stock. We have always
new to show you in new designs and finish at close price%
department is complete with a large selection of the best goods, and
ttention given to this branch of the business.
alls promptly attended to by our undertaker, Mr. S. T. liohnes, Gloder
Seaforth, opposite the Methodist -church.
PO 0-o o-000000000-00o-ocoo o -o 00oo-oo-o-o-o-o-o-o-000000cx7fro
ot Made to Order
41 Iviiate to Fit.
Rigby Proofed
/I Frieze Ulsters
In seyen sliades. 52 inches
lono-. Deep Storm Collar.
5 pockets ----deep Made
, of Friez*—not Etoffe. Guar -
anted ,to please or your
money back.
Sold by all UP4.°=1ate $7 50
Clothiag Bealer for •oo
C.:::f -TOTER -
h teatimeO.
- credit in
or teteent, as Le
title kir any debti i
• RUM &sloth, Oct
; -
far litrettee
brick earriage
brick in*
irtZsw with a:
is also *good me
toW. S. PAS11.0SE, ?Go
Mullett, neer
shoot ltescroe, ell ole
end plentyef exeelica
faun end will be -sold ei
•apply-to:VW. SOROS
1 .
. • Chatham, On
Canada' greatest school of Shorthand and buainess training. When our gradnetes
are weighed n the balance of the business public's requirements, they are not found want-
ing. BUSI ESE; MEN requiring book-keeping or stenographic help, should write us. _
I Only ,.petent recommended.,
1 1:11
; 0
; 0
ae .,
a ,."...->2':-.1!-
' .4...., A
I a.)
71.4 u-7.7. ,.,.
!•,i..s *„_.••••-
C.7311.--:- It ‘ v...t ,, •Let ve testify to the Qualifies...
ri. .:4.t•2. ,
....... )1* 1,..-. 3.rt.qi. n. rA:k at the t i7,0 We toek s. • I
r • t:.," 2.alr,,n; ---tt:',7i(24,3 7c, -r _college.
— * '‘tid cf ths'vork lie a practiced hand
.. 't, , : -• , 1 e....1., sr t-tlsraction; first, as an
,t31 .. t. -..:- .—....s.r ..,:,,,-.,c,:r-,..,c,,flyne:Iburne office.
MS.. ..,,I
in 17 month* We can send yotsthe list. We allow railway fare to students from a dila
tance. Good board at $2 per week for ladies, $2.50 for gentlemen. For catalogue of
either department, address
D. McLAC/iffJAZI, Principal, C. B.0., Chatham, Ont.
Lzczrr. 7. ".••
e /aaaaaalee
18, 1699.
perchasieg or lei
Ate it present in
and built by the under
-Jilbot November ; pee
Vinod! lesatban heat .
Wellington St
4, Coteeasion
;cleared, smaerdraine
sense settled to grew,
There is a good erehari
creek runs through the
berme. Itie near ,ohi
vanient it the best mai
net Alent of waste land
stook midair. It will
eons. Apply to the
scsAltti FOR SALE.--:
Titakersrollis emit
-eland 10 itsre8 Xit birth
asd underartined. On
and frame barn, with Iv
skable firre, being tedv
forth. It will be sold
feather, particulars, /pi
Road, or beidorth P. 0.
V Vinagetif Beyffel
In Rangel% in the tow
therefrom 11 acres
the land to be sold eont
Ifertheast terrier of Le
ehip of Stanley, contair
aselooth eituated th
earporetion oi Bayfield
be ma 'Title free I
particulars s
Reynold, Executors.
1.!-- Tent, Lot 28 and 84
Teckersedth, nontainini
And the balance in bug
state of oultivatiOn. an
wcU feneed. There Iso
barn rind house, plenty <
This is au ,excellent fun
from Brookfield on the
reasonable terms or reni
fa did Iona and bntel:
the IStheenceileion of 1
the Village ol Leadbusy
of which are eleared,
in* gcodetate of man
insderdmined,end elate-
- raising and feeding. 11
lend on the lart13.
.110Ute; i huge bank bai
math, s large implem<
build -hip firot-dass
ehards end four never -i
joins the Village of lea
office, blacksmith shoi%
Leedbury hotel ison th
it. It is now under Jew
is one of the best and
ties in the County el I
end on cav terms of
not told s reasouab
If a suitable tenant offei
apply on the premises, ;
roprietor, Leadbury P.
keep -for service
Stanley, a theroughbre<1
$1, payable at the time
of returning if neeceisan
on lot 26, Concess
thoreagbbred Oursrsi
bred TOILE8R1103 Pie.
he admitted to each. 'I
of service, or UN if -
White Piga for sale. 3.A
MA -smelt= BOAR
VIOL -The =do
$t ihe Ifruceffeld 1:heei
Tainivorth Boar, 14-1th
VI; payable at t'traa or -
-turning if neeessaey.
bred ystnix Tami;v0411
411:1Ga }1014A.RTNEY, B
TuutwouTH PIG IN
signed hes for aerv
Mt:10110p, A thcro'bred
limited number of sov.s
extra good pig and breel
cross their berkshire so
Terros VI, with aeriallegi
/ORE MesfersaN ;
owing to hard
eluded to sell Pan