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The Huron Expositor, 1899-10-20, Page 7
1899 EV. e by the protee, )re for a Inped on market rnantifae- tne, has gone to red a eituation in unerative wagei. nnis' lam, on tine M. Hackney hest aorne little mieun- e of giving pones - sold it to Mr. known auetioneer e"a7,000 being Ma Ihad betrght it for. lag his own fine coming to reside • irkton fair proved aa other years. The , large crowds for he exhibits were ears and in most Kirktora has an Arne an excellent r& this year wet The brass band 'elands in the usual rterest. 11 eftecte of deranged' r. A. W. Chase'e EL enorrnoue sale tact. Backaohee and er; a thing of the pest ianey-Liver Pills are ,nts a tox, at all deal- ichael, brother of ir to the Russian moral to visit the that there is smite .,tt the Grand Duke Connaught, elder f Connaught, who 7thday in January. born in 1878, and !la desired by his eteed by mine um EJll POWDERS. NG reet a terrible ae- Eardill Compound andry, :•ikiriner, son r, win lose his 'd who is about td just started hat morning as an department. N� the accident • sleeve caught trying to fix some th. The first in - g v. -as a cry from een that his arm 1 in by one of the - hacked off inch e arm had been of inches of the once summoned dressed, and the - could be expected L One Day. Quinine Tablets. alley if it fails to "te eignature is one 1 a serma acei- av while several Fullerton, were grille cheese and ;caning over the 1 Mitchell road, ;he buggy, turned AtA ahead of Mr. :rain came along. 11, which dashed buggy, smashed dr, Heal out on Had riot Mr. his team, which el them up in/ - have been killed. with a sore arm. hauls." be careful teams either up ired I ccentort and per- ent, ea preparation ralieleci iii he his- -e run, tetter. Scald liing akin diseasee, Ointment awes en tative has (-1 e "hairball," COW by W. N. It is perfectly tightly wadded leing simooth as Trnation is ex - I he cow licking lee the season of a: the hair not and by the oaeh forms into le and becomes the Perth Tea - Stratford last will also be. )wing officers .eorge Thomp- it. Miss E. Oar- ' usurer, J. 12.. eammittee of I Logan; Mies erson„ At - Marys, and J. Russell r. B. A., of ;Area ery for It ,ees DR. LEA a valets. 'ye Hamlet:tree; 'tog her glove° t, had the ini- od terrib- Atrated gloves to the stove. fire was soon Id so aerionsly at she will not me time. at, 'resulting in raising young -ernoon. Wol- of Mr. Wm - s, in companY out to the He climbed nuts, and by td fell to theHe on injuriee result - h, OCTOBER 20. 1899 TIie Red Mill, SEA FORTH. Gadke & Co., rroprietors of the Red Mill, Seaforth, have eerapIeted the improvements in the mill, living placed there the West and most im- peesea machinery, and are now prepared, to ele all kinds ot c hopping, Gristing and all lines of Custom -Work. First-class Flour from Manitoba wheat for gale- ese.Gadke is a first-class, praotical miller, 0141 onetsmors will receive prompt and satisfactory attention. GADICE & CO., SEAFORTHi. 1655-tf Special Attention Horseshoeing and General jobbing. Goderich street, Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH mid CARRIAGE Opp. MAKER itrer.1 - Sesiorth. Pumps, Cisterns AND WELLS. Say friend, who is going to keep your Pampa in repair? If us, buy from u; ahd have satisfaction. wen digging in all its branches promptly attended to on the shortest notice. Estimates for wells and cisterns cheer- fully given. Pump making attended to promptly. J. S. WELSH & SON, The Old Reliable Establishment, SEAFORTH. Kalbfleisch's Mills, in Hay, for Sale. This snieedid property, situated on the 15th Celn- (eaten Of Hay tewnship, consisting of a Saw lif Ill, planing, Sash and Door Factory and Chopping M 11, is offered for gale. or to rent for a term of yeas. The whole properte, including a good residence. will boned cheap and on easy term% There is a large and profitable business done and a good man with moderate capital could make motley, as it is stir - rounded by one cif the be agricultural countrtes In the province. Apply on the premises or address Zurich P. 0. J. C.. KALBFLEISCH 1669-tfi FOR SALE A comfortable two storey dwelli4, house; warehouse with refrigerator, stable, out-hoIuses and a good well. Apply to EDWARD CASH, • SEAFORTH.I 1640 Por over a year we have had the agency for the sale oi INDAPO. Our Drat rder was for a quarter of a dozen, ter tut for One tiun red and Forty-four Dollars worth. TRUE ARK RED. I riglia1313 Made a well Man of Mer Till GREAT HIROO° RE !DY PRODUCES THE A ovE Reoults in 30 da • Cures aII Nervous Din . Failing Meranry Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly EMIR - 810120, eta., caused by past abuses. give TigOr Wad 131Z0 to ehrunken °refine, and quickly but trimly reetores Lost liZanisood in old or young. Easily carried in vest pocket. Price $/.00 a package, Six for $5.00 with, a written guevrantee to cure or money refunded, DoN'T BUY AN INCIWATION, but insist on having IIIDAPO. If your druggist has not 8O 5. we Fent send it prepaid. •11--DOU REMEDY CO., Propes, Chleago, 111. or our Agents. This rapid Increarie proves it is a remedy that everyone Shelties it speaks well of. Yours respectfully, I V. FEAR, Seaforth, Oat. R. j ackson & SON. DIREOT IMPoRBS OF Jules Ro in & Co's Brandy, 1 ognao, France; Jno. de Kuyper & So , Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, H Iland ; Booth's Tom -Gin, London, E gland; Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisk , Glas- gow, Scotland; Jarnieson's Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; al o Port and Sherry Wine from Frai ce and Spain, Agents for Walker's 1 hisky. Ontario; Royal Distillery an Davie' Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC: We have opened a retail store in comiection with our wholesa e bush- , business in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's oldi) stand, where we will sell the best g ods in the market at bottom prices. Goods delivered to any part of the town free. TELEPHONE II. 151i The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED- TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED orressa. J. B. McLean, President, Kippen P. 0.; Thomas 'Preset, viee-preeldent, Brueefield 1'. 0, ; W. I. Shan- ; Seep -Trees. Seaforth P. 0.; Thomaa E. sleek Inspector of Looses, Seaforth P. 0. TATABOTOBS. Brosdfoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Win throp ; George Dale, Seaforth; Thomas E. Hays Seaforth; James Evans, Beechwood; John Watt Barlook ; Thornier Fraser, Brucrefield ; John Es. MO. Lou, Kippen ; Jemes Connolly, Clinton. eourn. &obi. Smith, Harlook ; Robt. McMillan, Seaforth ; Cumming Kganondv e; J. W. Yeo, Holmes - este P.O.; John Goverdook and John 0. Morrison, auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or Irene - 'dottier business will be promptly attended to ow ,Itilleiticrn to any of the above officers, addressed ?allr BOA Offleell. Cook's Cotton Root Com,iound gu(Tessfully used monthlyiby over 10.000 Ladies. Safe. e ff vetts.a.l. Ladies ask _your druggist for Cfek s Cotton Root Com - !tea Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and xi/Mations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per box No 2,10 degrees stronger, ea per box. No. or 2. mailed oti receipt of price ithd two 8-eent °Ape The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. Nos. J. and 2 sold ana recommended by all l'egeonsible Druggists in Canadis. and No. 2 sem In Bogota by LUmediell. & drUtede, Why let your neighbors 'se r.ow it? rl And why give them, a cliznce to guess you are even la, fly:: or tell years more? l';.c.tter give them good 1.:!asonF.; for guessing the I thee v,'sy. It is very easy; P fee nothing tells of age .so eulz,•kly as gray hair. ese esie l'Age t-- 9 4 '44 is a youth-reriewer. It hides the age under a h luxuriant. growth of hair the 4 color of youth. Li It never fails to restore t_ eoler to gray hair. It will the hair from coming I Or. . also. it feeds the hair bulbs., ri Thin hair, becomes thick hair, short hair becomes long r. hair. i It -cleanses the scalp; •Ire - c, moves all dandruff, and ' prevents its formation. , . eat We have a book on the ,k.-4,1 Hair which we will gladly .end vou. if yoit do not obtain all the bene- CiAi you expected from t Ito use of the \ever write the doctor about it. there is some difileulty eee tt your general sstent which ty be easily remove& Address, --II) Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, trams. • Miscellaneous News Notes. —It is said that wireless telegraphy will be used in the event of a Transvaal cam- paign. —Joseph- B. Reid, conductor on the Grand Trunk, fell between the cars at Ham- ilton, on Sunday, and was killed. —An epidemic of emallpox has developed at the Orphane' Home in Dayton, Ohio. There are 33 cases thus far. —Evangelist Moody will cancel his present engagements and return to Boston for a rest. His voice has given out in consequence of an inflamed throes/. —The Moniteur Oriental° is authority for the statement that Prince George of Greece is betrothed to Princess Victoria of Wales. —During a quarrel at Branchton Adair Allan, a painter, attacked Allison Haney, a farm laborer, with a pitchfork, inflicting serious wounds. —As the result of a rare operation per- formed in Roosevelt hospital, New York, Walter A. Duryea, who was taken there more than six weeks ago with a broken neck is expected to recover. —A number of cottages on Centre Island, Toronto, were destroyed by fire Saturday morning, and Mr. E. j. Lennox and family narrowly ericaped with only their night clothes. —During the progress of some harbour work at St. Margaret's bay at Dover, Eng- land a large portion of the cliff fell, burying a number of , the men engaged in the work. A large force of men is now engaged in an attempt to rescue the buried workmen. —Last year 2,186,800,000 letters passed through the British post -office, and of them 8,500,000 were so illegibly addressed that they could not be delivered. They contain- ed money and valuables to the amount of $3,600,000. • FACTS WORTH CONSIDERING PAINE'S CELERY COMpOUND Is Your Only Hope if You Would Banish. Sickness and Disease. At this time we simply give a few facts in connection with the use of Paine's Celery Compound that shouid prove interesting to all who are looking for new health and vigorous strength. Paine's Celery Compound encourages and strengthens the kidneys, and enables them to cleanse the blood of waste and poisonous matters that are the direct cause of drowsi• nese, melancholia, depression of spirits, wasting sickness, blood diseases, headaches and that general "run down condition that opens the door to organic diseases of the heart, kidneys and stomach. Paine's Celery Compound makes the blood a bright red color, increases its volume in the arteries, and quickens its circulation, enabling a nerve -tired person to sleep eight or nine hours at a stretch: Paine's Celery Compound is pre-eminently capable of doing all that it promises, and does a work that no other medicine can ac- cemplish. If you, dear reader, have failed in the past with other medicines, take immediate advantage of the virtues of Paine's Celery Compound that has proved such a blessing to tens of thousands in the past. —Prince and Princess Hohenlohe-Langen- burg, narrowly eseaped death while going to Balmoral to visit the Queen. Their train collided with another train at Perth station. The Royal saloon carriage was half teles- coped. As the Prince and Princess occupied the rear end of the car, they suffered only a severe shook, and proceeded to ,Balmoral. No one was seriously injured. —Mr. John C. Field, ex -M. P. P., of Coburg, recently presented Victoria Uni- versity with a valuable historical paper that has been in his possession for a quarter of a century. It is a letter written by Queen Victoria's father, Edward, Duke of Kent, and bears the date of June 13th, 1813. Its contents have reference to the Lancastrian system of education. • SICK HEADACHE, however annoying and dis- tressing, is positively cured by LAXA-LIVER PILLS They are easy to take and never gripe. —On Sunday night Mr. Norman Binning's house, South Wallace, was broken into, and several valuables, besides a small amount of money, were taken. Admittance to the house was gained by prying off the kitchen door. The robbery was committed during Mr. and Mrs. Binning's absence. —Miss Lettie Stutzman, of Goshen, Indi- ana, is suffering from a peculiar affliction due to chewing gum. The young wotnan, who is a student in the high school, was au ' 7,7 aST' THE HURON EXPOSITOR. inveterate chewer of gum, and a few days ago noticed that the left side of her mouth was drawing up towards the ear. The trouble ip ew, and a physician pronounced it a cased paralysis of the muscles of the mouth due to continual mastication. —As the result of the evidence submitted to the jury at the inquest on the deaths of Riohard Robbins and Chas. Hunt, who were, killed in the pitch in at St. Marys on Fri-' day, the 15th inst., and the subsequent find- ing in the verdict., conductor Bright, who was in charge of the stalled train, has been arreeted an a charge of manslaughter. ---,The wearing of tight boots was said, at an inquest at Portsmouth, England, the other day, to have been the cause of the death of a coach -builder named King. King's right foot was chafed, causing sores, whiels developed gangrene and inflammation. At the hospital the doctors found that am- putetion c f the right leg was the only ohance of saving his life. The operation was ac- complished with apparent success, but after Wing in hospital a week ties man died from blood poiconing arid exhaustion. —Friday morning, about six o'clock, Philip MnPhail, who worked for P. Doyle, farmer, near Wardsville, shot P. Doyle's eldest daughter, a young lady about nine- teen years of age, and afterwards went to his horne, about a mile from Doyle's place, and shot himself in the left breast, dying about 12 o'clock at night. MHOS Doyle was shot in the loft ear. The doctors in attendance think she will recover. No reason is known for McPhail committing the act. —The body of a newly born baby boy was found at noon last Sunday in a field on Avondale street, in rear of the Rescue Home, Stratford. It was stark naked and covered 'with blood. A post mortem will be held to determine whether the child was ever alive. If it breathed, it is a case of infanticide. The police are now searching for the mother. —Mr. Philip Petrie of South Easthope, sold five fine horses tire other day to Mr. McMann, the Seaforth horse buyer, the price paid being almost $1,000. These are the horses that have been taking prizes at the prominent fall shows lately. The blacks have gone to Montreal for use in the fire department, and the three -year-olds will be used on eastern farms. —The following graduated nurses of the Stratford Hospital have been awarded diplomas and medals: Miss Florence Van Camp, of Mansfield, Ohio; Miss Mariam Wanless, of Walkerton ; Miss Mary Barnette of Listowel; MissAnnie Ross, of Guelph; Miss Maude Spence, of Brantford • lilies Campbell, of Guelph,and Miss Jessie Moffat, of Mitchell. —Doctor and Mre. A. D. Smith, of Mitchell, have the sympathy of the entire community in the death of their 12 year-old daughter, Winnie, which occurred last week. She has been delicate for some time, but her sweet dispo- sition made her a host of friends, and in many a household there is a feeling of per- sonal loss in the taking away of so bright a soul. AN APPARENT MYSTERY - FULLY EXPLAINED. These are thousands of people in Canada with very limited resources who are always well and neatly dressed, but never in debt for the new dress, costume, cape, jacket, suit or overcoat. The question with many is "How can men and women dress well when small in- comes are barely sufficient to pay rent and tieing expenses ?" The explanation is simple, but true never- thelese. Wise, economical women call to their aid the magical powers of Diamond Dyes when new creations are needird in wearing apparel for the mother, daughter, father or son. The soiled or dingy dress or costume worn a year or two ago or it may be a faded or rusty cape, jacket, suie or overcoat that has done service in the past— all are made to look like new at a trifling cost by the use of Diamond Dyes. The Diamond Dyes supply the newest, most fashionable and most becoming colors for the different seasons. This is one of the great advantagss that Diamond Dyes offer to the ladies of Canada. No other package dyes are so strong, fast and brilliant as the Diamond Dyes, and no others so easy to use. All economical and thrifty women use the reliable Diamond Dyes. .The opening services of Trinity church, Elmo., will be held on Sanday. The morn- ing service will be conducted by Rev. J. W. Hodgins, of Seaforth, at 10.30 a. m. The afternoon and evening service will be con- ducted by Rev. Canon Hill, of St. Thomas, or Rev. Mr, Lowe, of Wingham, at 3 o'clock and 7.30 o'clock. A sacred concert will be held on Mondaysevening, at which a collec- tion will be taken up. —Smith MoKeand, a cattle buyer who had been well known throughout the Oxford and Perth counties for 40 years, was found dead in bed at his home near Hegel's Cor- ners, three miles from Ingersoll, Monday morning. He had been all along in apparent- ly good health and went to bed that night feeling as usual. His death is supposed to have been due to heart failure. He leaves a widow and three children, —An application has been received at the Departmert of Agriculture for information regarding the prospects of a skunk farm in Ontario. , The applicant wishes to open a skunk industry in the province, and wishes to know if there is any opposition. There has been for some years a skunk. farm near Woodstock, but the recent bush fires in Oxford have interfered considerably with „the indu+y. Apart from this, the writer will probably be told that there is little competitihn in the business in this prov- ince. A Pleasant Surprise For those who have thought that Catarrh is incurable and to whom the constant use of snuffs and ointments has been almost un- bearable, is to learn of Catarrhozone, the new medieated air treatment for Catarrh, Bronchitia and Asthma. Catarrhozone is a guaranteed cure for these diseases, and never fails to cure them. It cures by in- halation of medicated air, and always reaches the right spot. This is no theory, but the ,result of actual experience, and thousands of testimonials back up all we say for our naedicine. Price $1 at all drug -a gists, or direct by mail on receipt of price. Send 100 in eternise for sample outfit to N. C, POLSON & CO., Kingston, Ont. • THE FASHION PLATE. . • . (Type di. chine. white mousseliue de sole and white taffeta are easily and vonthined iii fete and evening toilets for tile ennerner.. Very smart and handsome are the all linen coetutnes made up 'in skirt and jack- et style, like the piain or faucy piques, in simple tailor fashion. Pineapple buntiug, a new, pretty sum- mer textile, is like a sheer but strong grenadine in little, open meshes, but of the texture of gauze. Close fitting waists on tailor gowns are now considered smarter than those with any sort of drooping blouse effect, even. when very light textiired materials are usd. Black point d'eserit net continues to THE IIHORT SUITERS. • woo shoublu't fret over their bathing suits; the ace Mete trifies.—Berlin Her- ald" They Her this yeses ins,/ style ot bstj‘- snit (e—ett1ecnd thou ht the esIS- ht MEN OF MARK. Maitre Labori is one of the best ama- teur athletes in Paris. - • Edward U. Whinton, the new copper king, began life as a silver miner in Colo- rado. Mr. T. W. Davis, ex -mayor of Peoria, Ills., although 72 years of age, is an in- veterate rider ot the bicycle, Which he began to ride when 6L Lord Dunraven, who no longer cuts any conspicuous figure in yachting cir- cles, Is said to have become a patron of • professional pedestrianism. Governor Pingree of -Michigan says he knew nothing of politics and took no in- terest in them until he was. 47 years old, when he was elected mayor Of Detroit. Carel Hendrick Kruger, a nephew of the president of the Transvaal republte., is a recent graduate of the Edinburgh universitst, 'where he won the Syme sur- gieal scholarship. - Senator Chandler of New Hampshire besides writing most of the editorials in the Concord Mouitor, reads a good deal of copy and makes up the paper on his managing editor's day off. The Austrian explorer, H. Leder, who visited the ruins of Kara-Korum in 1892, is back again in central Asia and writes that he has good prospects of reaching Lhasa with the aid of the ruler of Urga. Clinton Dawkins, now finance minister of India and just appointedIsenior Eng- lish partner of the great American bank- ing house of Pierpont Morgan, is a wan of excellent family, which formerly held the earldom of Portmore. Robert R. Stuyvesant of New York has just sold a plot of ground which has been owned by the Stuyvesaut family for 216 years. It was purchased directly from the Indians by Peter Stureesant, gov- ernor of New Amsterdam. "William M. Everts' poor health is treated lightly by that statesman. When HOMO Job's comforter recently told him he looked about half his former self, he made" answer, "I wonder if the other half looks as sadly as this one." It is asserted that the French presi- dent, during his vacation at Rambouil- let, has been shockingly disregardful of conventional dress. He does not even take the trouble to knot his ties, but uses ready made cravats or none at all. When arrested for shooting his wife, Robert Clemens, son of a rich farmer in Fayette county, Icy,, defended himself on the ground ef his wife's deafness, saying that he put a bullet through the ceiling simply to attract her attention. • Mayor Josiah Quincy of Boston an- nounces that after Jan. 1 he will devote himself to business interests rather than politics. He will start on a European trip as soon as his term of office as mayor of Boston expires, having a par- ticular desire to attend the Paris exposi- tion. He says there is no truth in tho report that he intends to move to New York. STATE LINES. A copperhead snake crawled into a Kentucky coffeepot and poisoned a trio of colonels at a single sitting. However, snake poisoning is never fatal in Ken- - tucky.—Washington Post. Corn grows so high in Kansas this year that when a rancher misses some roast- ing ears from the stalks he is half in- clined to think angels reached down and took them.—Denver News. Is Michigan getting moss on her back? One of her farmers was fleeced by green goods men in New York, while one of Detroit's policemen was held up and shot by a footpad,—Detroit Free Press. Ohio is going to celebrate the centen- nial. of her admission to statehoodin the federal Union. Ohio has a great many things to be proud of and a great many things she should desire to conceal.— Memphis Commercial Appeal. We have troubles enough of our own in this state 'Without taking care of Ar- kansas' fugitive droves of negroes, the majority of whom are, of course, paupers gud likely to become a charge on us. Still we are not as bad as Illinois—wo don't use the 'unitary to stop the negroes from coming into the state.—Houston, Post. THE- ATBARA BRIDGE. American manufacturers and workmen ought to be proud of the testimonial they have received frora Lord Kitchener apro- pos of the Atbara bridge.—New York Sun. Lord Kitchener of Khartum, in his re- marks at the opening of the Atbara bridge, paid a fitting tribute to the energy end ability of American enterprise in tak- ing the contract.—Milwaukee Wisconsin. — Hats off to Qeneral Lord Kitchener of Khartum for his handsome tribute to the energy, abilite, and resources of the Yan- kee as shown in the completion of the At - bare bridge in the heart of Africa in the hottest month of the yearl—Boston Her- ald. Lord Kitchener, in his speech on the Atbara bridge. in Egypt, makes a very amiable and graceful allusion to the faet tbat It was built by a Philadelphia firin. The Quaker City is 'perfectly content to maintain a placid and neutral attitude, building bridges for Great Britain mad battleships for Russia. — Washington Star. TOM REED. Congress without Tom Reed! Who can Imagine it?—New York Tribune. . Mr. Reed has always been a big On- gressman,, and he will always be a big lawyer, even In New York.—Cincinnati Commercial. - Reed is too great a man to be forgotten at once, even though forgetfulness and ingratitude. are pre-eminent characteris- tics of politics and politicians --Buffalo News. The statement that Mr. Reed will "Practice his profession" in New York may mean more than such an announce- ment usually does. Mr. Reed is a politi- cian as well as a lawyer.—Atlanta Con- stitution. TI -LE BEEF TRUST. New York butchers are getting to- gether the inews of war, but the beef trust etill retains the tenderloin.—New York World. All combines are nee inirpical to the public interest—for instance, the com- bine agaiast the beef combine. The peo- ple will wish more power to 1t.=-Eri• Herald. The beef trust is getting back at is aow for the manner in which we criti- cised the embalming process they .used when war's alarms filled the land.—Den- ver Post. The lJnorowned King. )3n11—'Who was that gentlemanf nodded to itt the hallway? Bear—He? Oh, he's Dunbar, the mil - Bonaire. Bull—.44 yip Imo that man ut shook hands with and gave a etgir is Wester? Beir-014 he's 14804p go -- *II"? 411.10. SOME SENSE OF HUM0a. 'Kentucky Mountaineers Do. $oi .44. , . Welyee Lose the. Point. ,The mountaineer Of Kentucky? West - Virginia and southward is deficient in the sense of humor. He takes life seriously, arid, it may be said to his discredit, he takes it fre uentlyl Indeed, his I widest reputation i as a shooter. It is' ot Bur- l. piiising to t e outsider who is acq ainted with life a d its environments t rough- ont the entire mountain section that the inhabitant 's of somber tempekament. Still there 4re individual instances of a sense of hu or as bright as onowoUld find in Irela d in a day's travel. IOn one occasion a Kentucky schoolteacherIproved - the rule. Be ng•interesteel im educ tion; I never saw 4 country schoolhouse in Op- eration dur ng my wanderings through half a dozen counties that I did n. t have a talk with the teacher, and I invariably introduced reyself by saying, "W411, yen are teaching the young idea how t4 shoot, are you?" I had asked it dozens aid doze. eus of time and always receive a se- rious reply in the affirmative—th t is to ‘ say, I always did with one exceptiOn. The exception was a young chap of abiout 20, with the making of a popular congrees- man in his drawling speech and his good netured shrewdness. . . "No," he said, "I am not. I don't have to, What I am trying to teach them is how not to shoot." , . . Another time it was a schoolteacher, but of a different type, a kind of pathet- ic humorist. 1 had ridden 20 mike along the banks of the Cumberland, a ipretty, shaded stream, by the way, and ;hadn't seen a fisherman, and by the time I met this man I had become curious as well les tired, for the road was a hard one to stream?" I asked, without much prelinii- nt:INNeersihly don't somebody fish in this i "Ain't any fish," was the faconie reply. "Why not?" I asked in sueprise. , The man looked at me and my tin -not with -a real humorist's smile. . "If you could git out of this country," he said, with a cross between a twin.kle and a tear in his eye, "ns easy as a fish catt.. would you be here ?"—Washington s i EPPS'S COCOA GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for e- licacy of Flavour, Superior Quality, and Highly Nutritive Properties. Specially grateful and comforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only in quarter -pound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CG., imited, Homceopathic Chemists, London, England. BREAK FAST SUPPER ET-3Pb - COCOA , 1660-26 Free to Every Sufferer. Ttose who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Elciatics Lumbago, Neuralgia or Omit, ean hive a full-sized box of Milburn's Rheumatic Pills, free of charge, by eendiug their name and full statement of their case to T. lidreeene & CO., TORONTO, ONT. MR, JOHN R. SMITH LAKE STREAM KENT CO., N. 13., says : "From perecnial experience I wtIlingly testify to the good effects of Loom -Liver Pills ter Sick Headache and Confitipation." People who have weak lung's or are subject 'to coughs, colds or sore throat, should take a fete bet- ties ot Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which would heal and strengthen their lungs wonderfully. Nothing Equal to LOW'ES Mre, J. Smelling, of Underwcod, Ont., say e that she has used Dr. Low's Pleaeant Worm Syrup in her family for the past eight -yens, and Olt she knows of nothing so good for children who suffer from worme. ele • lee Liver Complaint. " For the past year I have suffered more er lees with liver complaint, but by using three haat! es of Burdock Blood Bitters I was completely cued." W. P. Wood, Revelstoke Station, 13. C. eres.--- Hagyard's Yellaw 011 is a UE0'111 remedy ti have in any house. It is good for man or boast. Relieves pain redueee swelling, alive infimunatIone mires cuts, burns, brulees, moraine, stiff joints, qutney, Bore throe, kidney complaint, etc. Price 25o. IMPORTANT NOTICES. A PPLe; BUTTER AND JELLY mule frore your tlown apples, -no peeling ti do, bring the apples v• hole and 1 will make you good butter oil jelly. BLAKE BIDER AND APPLE BUTTER FACTORY, Blake, Ontario. RICI FOR SALE.—For sale, cheap, 1 drisdeg mare 5 years old, The hands high • 1 (mad • 1 set si 1 10 of Bi 11 A 0 atiql isJI s• et L. 0, r, 0- ire• of pPpils about thirty. Applications stating salary desired, and accompanied by testimonials, will be received by the undersigned, addressed to Egroond- vine o., nritil Tuesday, October 171h. Dtit1es to comMence in January, 1900. WM. CHESN Y, Sec- retary. 659.8 MEACHER WANTED,—Applications will; be M- I_ reivei by the undersigned up to Friday, Octo- ber gOtb, for a traoher for School Section No. 4, Morris, for 19CO3 holding first or second-cless pro- fessienal certificate. Applicants to state salary ex- pected. JOHN MOON BY, Secretary -Treasurer, Brunetti P. 0. 1659.0 AUCTION SALES. A VCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK.—Thei under - _tee signed has received inetruotions froth William Nicholls te sell by public auction, on Lot' gs, Con- cession 10, Hitbert, on Saturday, October ,p1, 1899, at 1 O'clock p, m. the following property t Horses— One general purpose MATO, 1 driving mare, rising 4 ye&rt old ; 1 driving mare, rising three yeees old, .ire4 by "Tarentum"; 1 driving mare, riming two year old, aired by Wilder Lee. Cattle—TwO mil& cow e in calf, 6 farrow cows, 7 two-year- doe fiteere, 6 twO-yeareold heifers, 2 year old steers, 81 heifers rising two years old, 2 spring calves. Sheepe-Twelve well bred Shropshire ewes, also I set team barness. Terrns—All sums of $10 and under clash. Oyer that amount 12 months' credit will be given on ffineishing appeoved joint notes. 5 per cent per annumil allowed on all credit amounts. WM. NICHOLLS, PrOprietor ; WM' MoOLOY, auctioneer. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to lour at 41 and 5 per cent. per annum. Any amount on firsteolaas farm land eeenrity. htp• ply B S. HAYS, Dominion Bank BuladlogJSow Ng* i AW „.. STOCK FOB SALE. - Dt/RHAM ;BULLS FOR SALB.—For We, two thoroughbred Din learn bulls ; both 12 menthe old, one rcan and the other red. JOHN MORRISON, Lot 22, Conceeeion 11, McKillop, Winthrop P. 0. 1685-tf T EICESTER SHEEP AND DURHAM OAT ESE IA FOR SALE.—For title, several ihorobred Dare hare cattle and Leicester sheep, all ages and size?. Apply to the undersigoed, Mill Road, Tucker - smith, or address Egenondvilile P. 0. ROBERT CHARTERS. 1660x5 LEICESTER SHEEP FOR SALE.—For sale, see,- eral fine bred Leicester breeding' ewes afid ram lambs. About 23 ewes and 7 rams to select from. Apply to the uedereigned, Varna. 8. A. MOFFATT. 1061-3 Morton Stock Farm, LOT 27, CONCESSION 8, HIpERT Thoroughbred Durham Cows, Heifers and Bulls of the most fashionable straine for sale at reasonable prices. Post office address, DAVID HILL, Staffa. 1861-1 FREE:This hoeutifel little e s doz. of LadrsWatch for tomiour 11.s1zed Linen ) oylles at 10 c/its each. Fine Boy's Ws h. for selling 2 doz. Latest and jrett1eat designs; sell at sight. No oney Required. Simpiy writ and we sand Doylies postpaid. Sell them, reture money, and we mail our watch free. UneOld Doylies re ble. LINEN DOYLEY CO. DEPT., E TORONTO Your's For Health For the invalid, the convalescent or per - s on of advanced years, no known tonic equals 1..1001 I, If any person tells you that 3CA-_ 0R10±±a; left Seaforth,' don't you believe it. Ie is here to stay, and is prepared to o all kinds of F ncy Painting, Graining and Decorating. ells and churches a specialty. Scen- ery and pireorial advertising. All Inds of pictures painted to order. RE IDENCE—Three dome south of the railway track, on thewest side of Main street. J. G. CRICH, Seaforth. 1659 THE DUVAL TREATMENT FOR BEAUTY - Every Druggist in towe in supplied with treatises and FREE SAMPLES of the above- treatment, which con- sists of ten remedies for all imper- fections of the Skin, Hair and Teeth. Every lady is requested to call on her druggist and obtain these, or to send direct to THE WINSOR BARKER CO.,Limited, Manufacturing Chernists_, Tonoreeo, ONT. 1660-5 C2 ••ri ca C:3 rig -4e 0 cj *t 5• g o t••1 • ("1.)C11t= 1=1 P -t n (I) (I) f • -as P -J c'D ri) ca„, cp V • 11:1 1:i '.4ge F. 4 °a 1-L. n• e"+' C$Li r.f/ 7.7t 104 • CDE C:1-47:1 — 11 0 1-11 *mg 1:1 I—I-, CD • w P., 0.1 1-4 0.1 IZ$ ct) P -d O 0* CP 1"1 ; n n =it em A e+- 12g E cr) n ;ID ct) ct) 5. IND z ri) 1-7.1 CD cn z 6'2 .0 © .u2 •.,. mo,© 0.4t 0.1 • A rare old port wine with Peruvian Bark in qustntitiespreseribed by the English and French Pharmacopoeias. 'Tie a special brand for ted people. , For sale in Seaforth by LUMSDEN & WILSON. The Sharpies Cream Separator Has no superior in any essential feature, and in simplicity of const -ruction, ease of management and durability, it has no equal. If you have fivesor more eoWre ib will pay you well to try a Separator. You will have more and better butter, good calves and leas labor. A catalogue may he had foe the asking. Every machine we put in is fully guaranteed to give satisfaction to the buyer. W. L. OUIMETTE, Lon desboro. NORTH WEST TRANS C0YL. STEAMERS MONARCH and UNITED EMPIRE (Weather permitting) will leave WINDSOR on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS at 5 p. m., and and SARNIA on TUESDAYS and ERTAAYSat 3 p. m., as per selling lists for SOO, PORT ARTHUR, FORT WILLIAM and DULUTH, making direct connections at theee points for MANITOBA and the NORTHWEST, KOOTENAY, 13RITISH COLUMBIA, Patella Coast Points and KLONDIKE. Lowest Rates. Choice of Routes Best Accommodations. CH EAP E X0 U RSI ONS. On and after 1st of June, good to return until 81-s4 Ocrorr October. and Information apply to 0. T. R. town or Station Agent at Seaforth. JAMES H. BEATTY, General Manager, BATTIK -Oat, 1640-21 $395'tutus, witkujeame sad we will seal.= there for you to tailagRa• It oeeteace,hanclortItylatea. drat ease, =11‘.d. with American le sten:madame-ma, lady's or gesirs ale. good timegtoyuse pearamee a oe and a just *brig '111.,==0.14 earefu levant and expese amps sot pay the express spat h far more then ye convinced this irsitsb wort4 yours. Terry wagtail eIkt BOX „s,E, Toreatio• School Children's Eyes Supply Their Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind • Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department. J. S. ROBERTS, IN THE St,CLAIR RIVER SARNIA.ONTARIO. To 'Young Men and Women. If you have not decided what to make of your. it not TIME you were about it? If you teish a THOROUGH, PRACTICAL and 011,10- DATE business or shorthand education, it will pay you to attend Ninamo's for four or six Ir.onths. Hundreds whom we have taught are today holding good paying positions, meny of them from this locality. Our instruction is entirely INDIVIDUAL. The commercial oourse is dear, ACTUAL business experience from start to finish. Wo teach students to carry out face-to-face baginess transactionk with ac- curacy and despatch. Students admitted any time. Write for eat ogue. 1MMO1 Proprietor. 1616,-52 DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, SEAFORTH. SEAFORTII Garden and Green ITCYCTSM_ A full line of Vegetables always on band. We have at present a fine lot ef Palms, Ferns and other Plants . . . READY . . . FLORAL DESIGNS Of every description made up on the short- est notice. Plants taken in for winter storage ate 'reasonable terms. A call solicited. 'PHONE 76. ' FRED. A. BAliER,,, 18.54-tf STRAITei, Seat ortle. 160141 ,/f ONEY TO LOAN.—Funds of private 11_, also company funds, to loan at 5 per co orteage • terme to Fruit borrowers. JA tLLORAN, Barrister, Seaforth. 1659 trti. t. fii ES t1 eAltel TO RENT.—To rent, Lob W, Conersesion ' Hibbert. Tenant oan plough after let Cietobr bee and get full possession lst April, 1901 rd ivould prefer to rent for grazing only. writer. For particulars apply to F. HOLMESTE mister, Seaforth. 186841 Lan Plen — 1T1AY 5 151eKi11op,a bite ,st ivill or -Telly ClING. 31 iso le year on PIGS.—Strayed from Lot 28, Coneeesion black Berkshire Sow. She hadi on her head and on her feet. Any infoemati lead to the recovery of this animal iwill rewarded. Address Seaforth P. 0., a lit gAtil 1136 1S FOR SALE.—Forty young pigs for from five weeks to two and a halt months is thoroughbred pedigreed Cheater White old. THOMAS KERNICK, Lot 1, e, L. R. S , Tuckertmith or Heneall /.661-f , sa o be Cone P. [1EACHER S. 'No. ,cood.olnee ie'onildreo tottery eired, EATT1E, , WANTE0.—Wanted for School 4, McKillop, a male teacher, holding, certificate ; one who can sing and to sing preferred. Duties to co let, 1900. Applications, stating sa will be received until Octobee 25th. Secretary, Seaforth P. 0. Seal tea men guy ' ROE 1358-4 )OILER _) all est cchnnge ODDS, FOR SALE.—For sale, a second four horse -power Boiler in good conditdion. complete with inspirator, water taps an the thing for a farmer to cut straw feed ; for wood or bay; cheap f7 cash. Seaforth. . 1669x1 -hat ' glue war , JO/ tlEACHER a . A WANTED.—Wanted for school then No. 6, Tuokeremith, a male teacher, eponnel.plemi certificate. AVegaZe Wender [in S ho s• et L. 0, r, 0- ire• of pPpils about thirty. Applications stating salary desired, and accompanied by testimonials, will be received by the undersigned, addressed to Egroond- vine o., nritil Tuesday, October 171h. Dtit1es to comMence in January, 1900. WM. CHESN Y, Sec- retary. 659.8 MEACHER WANTED,—Applications will; be M- I_ reivei by the undersigned up to Friday, Octo- ber gOtb, for a traoher for School Section No. 4, Morris, for 19CO3 holding first or second-cless pro- fessienal certificate. Applicants to state salary ex- pected. JOHN MOON BY, Secretary -Treasurer, Brunetti P. 0. 1659.0 AUCTION SALES. A VCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK.—Thei under - _tee signed has received inetruotions froth William Nicholls te sell by public auction, on Lot' gs, Con- cession 10, Hitbert, on Saturday, October ,p1, 1899, at 1 O'clock p, m. the following property t Horses— One general purpose MATO, 1 driving mare, rising 4 ye&rt old ; 1 driving mare, rising three yeees old, .ire4 by "Tarentum"; 1 driving mare, riming two year old, aired by Wilder Lee. Cattle—TwO mil& cow e in calf, 6 farrow cows, 7 two-year- doe fiteere, 6 twO-yeareold heifers, 2 year old steers, 81 heifers rising two years old, 2 spring calves. Sheepe-Twelve well bred Shropshire ewes, also I set team barness. Terrns—All sums of $10 and under clash. Oyer that amount 12 months' credit will be given on ffineishing appeoved joint notes. 5 per cent per annumil allowed on all credit amounts. WM. NICHOLLS, PrOprietor ; WM' MoOLOY, auctioneer. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to lour at 41 and 5 per cent. per annum. Any amount on firsteolaas farm land eeenrity. htp• ply B S. HAYS, Dominion Bank BuladlogJSow Ng* i AW „.. STOCK FOB SALE. - Dt/RHAM ;BULLS FOR SALB.—For We, two thoroughbred Din learn bulls ; both 12 menthe old, one rcan and the other red. JOHN MORRISON, Lot 22, Conceeeion 11, McKillop, Winthrop P. 0. 1685-tf T EICESTER SHEEP AND DURHAM OAT ESE IA FOR SALE.—For title, several ihorobred Dare hare cattle and Leicester sheep, all ages and size?. Apply to the undersigoed, Mill Road, Tucker - smith, or address Egenondvilile P. 0. ROBERT CHARTERS. 1660x5 LEICESTER SHEEP FOR SALE.—For sale, see,- eral fine bred Leicester breeding' ewes afid ram lambs. About 23 ewes and 7 rams to select from. Apply to the uedereigned, Varna. 8. A. MOFFATT. 1061-3 Morton Stock Farm, LOT 27, CONCESSION 8, HIpERT Thoroughbred Durham Cows, Heifers and Bulls of the most fashionable straine for sale at reasonable prices. Post office address, DAVID HILL, Staffa. 1861-1 FREE:This hoeutifel little e s doz. of LadrsWatch for tomiour 11.s1zed Linen ) oylles at 10 c/its each. Fine Boy's Ws h. for selling 2 doz. Latest and jrett1eat designs; sell at sight. No oney Required. Simpiy writ and we sand Doylies postpaid. Sell them, reture money, and we mail our watch free. UneOld Doylies re ble. LINEN DOYLEY CO. DEPT., E TORONTO Your's For Health For the invalid, the convalescent or per - s on of advanced years, no known tonic equals 1..1001 I, If any person tells you that 3CA-_ 0R10±±a; left Seaforth,' don't you believe it. Ie is here to stay, and is prepared to o all kinds of F ncy Painting, Graining and Decorating. ells and churches a specialty. Scen- ery and pireorial advertising. All Inds of pictures painted to order. RE IDENCE—Three dome south of the railway track, on thewest side of Main street. J. G. CRICH, Seaforth. 1659 THE DUVAL TREATMENT FOR BEAUTY - Every Druggist in towe in supplied with treatises and FREE SAMPLES of the above- treatment, which con- sists of ten remedies for all imper- fections of the Skin, Hair and Teeth. Every lady is requested to call on her druggist and obtain these, or to send direct to THE WINSOR BARKER CO.,Limited, Manufacturing Chernists_, Tonoreeo, ONT. 1660-5 C2 ••ri ca C:3 rig -4e 0 cj *t 5• g o t••1 • ("1.)C11t= 1=1 P -t n (I) (I) f • -as P -J c'D ri) ca„, cp V • 11:1 1:i '.4ge F. 4 °a 1-L. n• e"+' C$Li r.f/ 7.7t 104 • CDE C:1-47:1 — 11 0 1-11 *mg 1:1 I—I-, CD • w P., 0.1 1-4 0.1 IZ$ ct) P -d O 0* CP 1"1 ; n n =it em A e+- 12g E cr) n ;ID ct) ct) 5. IND z ri) 1-7.1 CD cn z 6'2 .0 © .u2 •.,. mo,© 0.4t 0.1 • A rare old port wine with Peruvian Bark in qustntitiespreseribed by the English and French Pharmacopoeias. 'Tie a special brand for ted people. , For sale in Seaforth by LUMSDEN & WILSON. The Sharpies Cream Separator Has no superior in any essential feature, and in simplicity of const -ruction, ease of management and durability, it has no equal. If you have fivesor more eoWre ib will pay you well to try a Separator. You will have more and better butter, good calves and leas labor. A catalogue may he had foe the asking. Every machine we put in is fully guaranteed to give satisfaction to the buyer. W. L. OUIMETTE, Lon desboro. NORTH WEST TRANS C0YL. STEAMERS MONARCH and UNITED EMPIRE (Weather permitting) will leave WINDSOR on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS at 5 p. m., and and SARNIA on TUESDAYS and ERTAAYSat 3 p. m., as per selling lists for SOO, PORT ARTHUR, FORT WILLIAM and DULUTH, making direct connections at theee points for MANITOBA and the NORTHWEST, KOOTENAY, 13RITISH COLUMBIA, Patella Coast Points and KLONDIKE. Lowest Rates. Choice of Routes Best Accommodations. CH EAP E X0 U RSI ONS. On and after 1st of June, good to return until 81-s4 Ocrorr October. and Information apply to 0. T. R. town or Station Agent at Seaforth. JAMES H. BEATTY, General Manager, BATTIK -Oat, 1640-21 $395'tutus, witkujeame sad we will seal.= there for you to tailagRa• It oeeteace,hanclortItylatea. drat ease, =11‘.d. with American le sten:madame-ma, lady's or gesirs ale. good timegtoyuse pearamee a oe and a just *brig '111.,==0.14 earefu levant and expese amps sot pay the express spat h far more then ye convinced this irsitsb wort4 yours. Terry wagtail eIkt BOX „s,E, Toreatio• School Children's Eyes Supply Their Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind • Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department. J. S. ROBERTS, IN THE St,CLAIR RIVER SARNIA.ONTARIO. To 'Young Men and Women. If you have not decided what to make of your. it not TIME you were about it? If you teish a THOROUGH, PRACTICAL and 011,10- DATE business or shorthand education, it will pay you to attend Ninamo's for four or six Ir.onths. Hundreds whom we have taught are today holding good paying positions, meny of them from this locality. Our instruction is entirely INDIVIDUAL. The commercial oourse is dear, ACTUAL business experience from start to finish. Wo teach students to carry out face-to-face baginess transactionk with ac- curacy and despatch. Students admitted any time. Write for eat ogue. 1MMO1 Proprietor. 1616,-52 DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, SEAFORTH. SEAFORTII Garden and Green ITCYCTSM_ A full line of Vegetables always on band. We have at present a fine lot ef Palms, Ferns and other Plants . . . READY . . . FLORAL DESIGNS Of every description made up on the short- est notice. Plants taken in for winter storage ate 'reasonable terms. A call solicited. 'PHONE 76. ' FRED. A. BAliER,,, 18.54-tf