HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-10-20, Page 3-
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j. McKENNA, Dominion and Provincial Land � � - . I
� Surveyor, Member of thoAssoolation of Ontario . Frei Lived In Great Style and Sur-
a .
.. SuiTayors, Dublin, Ontario. i .1886-52 � I i rou I The Light of Common Sense
L. ; THE RETIRED BURGLAR TELLS'�O I nded by Roniance. * � -
- S1. N - I FAN I � - � I
� OWN BEATTIE, 01,irk *%f the Second Division � Die . INCIDENT IN HIS CAREER. The most famous bandit ever known .
J Court, CounivOommissioner, of Huron,Con- I CARTER0 on Ithe Santa Fb trail was Espinosa, a IL will prove to any woman that there is
I fvylwcor, Land, Loan And insurance Agent. Funds ___ Sp"kniard, who at one time had great I
ted and to Loan. offloo--over Sharp & no better shoe for feminine wear than
1l1'yV=J .-toro, Main street, Seaforth. ITTLE An.1rx-perlment lit Trying to Get Into wealth and lived in a hacienda oil the
0 1289 ,
it House TliroT191L a Second Story banks of the Ilio Grande, near Santa Fe, I the King quality at $3. She doesii't
ARM -S TO RE T. -To rent, Lots 28 and 29, Con- Windo-w That Fitiled. and Was Nev- like one of the dukes of his native coun- -_ I -
. CoEsion 8, McKillo , containing about 195 acres. IVER - er itipted. need to be a judge to see that. Did
F tclass land, good ulldings and well fenced. Again Atte . try. IIe claimed descent from a knight in . i
ill be let for a, torm of years, For paitioulare ap. PILL& the army of Cortes, and the walls of his ou ever know that uncomfortable shoes
ply to the proprietor, THOMAS E. HAYS, Seaforth. . "'Once in the, q.purse of my experience house were ornamented by ancestral por- Y -
� I 1649-tf I find only oilce" said the retired burglar, traits painted by famous artists of Spain. - affect a woman's temper? Tt's true
� I "I tried to get into a house He had immense herds of sheep and oat- I � I I
------ - ying - 1 � .
r"EACliFR WANTED-Applioaticus will - be ro- ? . trapeze. That was when I was young id tie, and upon his dukedom ruled over sev- gevertheless, and so we can honestly say
T ceiv-cd up to November the Xst, for Teacher for . -
I Section 1�o. S), East Waworloah, for the yeir the business and young in years. There oral hundred peons, who regarded him
schoo . dis-
300- jOHN ELLIOTT, Jr, 4,leoretary-Treaiuror, - was a bi , coulfortable lool I I 8 , " / � \,\,� I 1/1/,
ghaln� � 1060-3 . I 11'K h on e T as a k ,�� ,
I . -i iad niade � .D% � ,
town - A Af er � ",\,u I 1/1 I
Win' SICK , " HFADACHE I a fe'W visits to, t t'l i e American occupation of New Position goes , **-��,,�Z'
. . .
i""', , """"
- -11,
summer that had a window that sort of Mexico Espinosa fell into bad company. �; I I
. -OOD WANTED.-Seaforth Electric Light Com- ]POsItively cured by these fascinated me. It was always open, I the The newcomers taught him new games ! along with the style TRADL - - MARK
W pa ny are 1), epared to make con tracts for wood I I I -
� I W�
1 29
of Al kind!, for immediate delivery or In the winter. Little Pills. I lower sash thrown up back of the upper, and played him unfriendly tricks. They I ancl the ease and I INC
Apply to A. 11. Ingrain, at the power hcu le. or to . I
. -
Scott Bros. 1660-3 , They also relieve Distress from DyspepsK but th's window was in the gable end of trespassed upon his hospitality. They in- ' he beauty of I
J Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. - A per- the house, where there was no veranda vaded his hacienda, lived in luxury at his - t :
. .
. ALE TE,A,CHER WANTED.-Wantad for fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowd. roof to reach it by, where it seemed in expause, drank his wine and ate his mut- I K�ng Q�iality. QUALITJ. I
FEtchool in Seotloh No. 6, Tuckeremitb, a Female fact peVfe'ctly i I
_pfe to leave it broad open ton and then won his money at cards. � . I .
Tescher, holding a second claw certificate, one with 4ess, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongug its they did, day and night, because no- He lost so much that he became finan- �
lence preferrei ; average attendance of pupils ! I
exper rain in the Side, TORPID LIVEk. They body could reach it without a ladder. But cially embarrassed and was compelled to I I
abou'L16; applications, stating salary desired, ex. - ! I
I - ce and'qualifications, must b3 made to the un- Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. I never looked at that window without. mortgage his herds. It was a great mor- ! -
, . rerrslegcned Addressed to Clintcn P. O., before October , SMS,,,: D,0"4 thinking of what an easy way into the tification to the proud Spaniard, and , it if' ��
24th. W.'C, LANDSBOROUGH, Secretary. 1660.3 sma�( Pills I house it would be -if one was only on the when it was too late he began to realize � m m
__ � - I small Prices levol with it. thaf-he had been imposed upon. � . The Pen ny Post
. ;
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. I "Standing in the lawn about 20 feet One day be made the acquaintance of a I 1 :
. _. Substitution from the end of this house there was a rich young New Englander, who had come � � .
- : :
- OP. SALE. -Lots 789 and 740 corner of Victoria and I . big -tree, with stout, big branches. One to Santa Fe with a lot of money to engage i I � i
FTrafalgar Streets, Godericb, upon which is aitu. � the frau(I of the clay. L -R-%50
Ated a. brick carriage shop, 24x48, and frame black. I of these branches that grew out -toward in business. The Yankee visited the ha- I I
� -
smith shop, brick Inside, and a .two story frame . I . k5 C' 01:0--A.-
4 rious sort of turn or cienda, and soon made kimself at home I � � I
divollilig.22x30wittl a two story addition 22i:28. See you get Carters, elboNv in it that grew in such a way that there. It was said that he was in lovQ , I i I �
There is also a good orchard. For particulms apply I I � I .
j, pASMORE, Godericb. 16aw It had a nearly horizontal section running with Donna Espinosa, a beautiful girl �
: '
to W. ! � I
�. Ask for Ccarter's, I I n bout tell feet from the house and 'about about 18 years of age, and that his Rffec.
. WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 6, Concession 6, ten feet higher up ill the air than the top tion was reciprocated. At one time when � THE - VIORLP'S F"ORITE
X Hullett, near village of Kinburn, containing � . of that window. That ton feet was prac. Espinosa was pressed for money the 1 I I
abeut loo acres, all cleared and In a good state of . . �
CulUVAti0l). There wro-good builings, good orchard Insist and demand ! tically as good as ten miles, as far as young Yankee received a -large remit- � . I I i
andplent3'Of Excellent water. This is a splendid keeping people out was concerned, but tau'ce from the east. He offered it to the ' I
! I
farm and will be sold cheap. Immediate possession. � I one day it struck rne that a man could Spaniard, but the latter was too proud to � I ', For We at
ApplYtOMRS, SCHOALES'Constancef, 0. 1607 Carter's Little L I iver ills, swing into that window frorn the tree by accept a loan from his sister's lover. The ' � : I
___ � ' 1 '
�__ a trapeze iinde fast to that straight same night, however, after he had retired I i
; .
I OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -Offers for I , i " stretch of Iiinb. I'd just been seeing some the young man heard a burglar in his ! i
� 1 purchasing or leasing house on Sparling street, - LUMSDEN I & WTILSON"S
� I if circus shints done oil a swinging bar, room, aud in the struggle learned that . T
&d.orth,a,tpreEentinoccupat,ionof Mr.l. V. Fear . !
. and I didn't see why I couldn't swing on the intruder was no other than his host. � ! i
I and built by the undersigned, will be received unt;1 The One wefl enough to land on that window Being discovered, Espinosa drew a dag- � L
I7 loth of ,November ; po3scssicn aft3r lat of November.
i win sell less than halt Lost. Easy terms. W. M. . � I sill anyway. ger and plunged it iuto the American's . . . � I
11 r,RAY, (; Wellington Street East, Toronto. 1661x4 �
1 s I : I Gardigan I "I climbed the tree one night, wlth a heart. I I 1
I .- - .- ______ - . . I i
� . ., piece of twine all(] a nail for a weight, to f e household came - � ft n W
� 'T19:
I I R FOR SALE -The executors of the estate of SEAFOR � On ( tario.
F"the late Francis Ifohlbein offer for sale Lot -No ninke some little exI)eriinents and see rushing into the room just as the victim I f i .
21, Concession 16. Townehipot Stephen. This farm Overshoe 01' jil"t I) -o -%v long the trapeze would have to w6s dying. Ile told them what had hap- : . � I i
contains 75 acres, all in good cultivation, There is - I � - Ill �
. I
f � be to strike 7ho window sill. I tied the polled, and the sister of the'murderer, . I i
i enthopremisess two story frame . - .1 i
I barn with ivird-mill which forces water into the barn, _/ striu- with the nafl weight on the hori- throNving herself upon the body of her W"it 110 I*\, - - I- � I . - . . -&
� � I �.. , . . . -, � - - . -, � - -IV_--1:.F,!W I
' "r I . W�- - I -;-11�1??��j��
, 2 ex � . . , I , ,��
I FOR # '� i ,.: �,� �'
ip er living wells, Is all tile uaderdraine d and well . . (lead 'lover, cursed her brother as an . � � i; i . I
� E zontal limb and swun- it from aiaother I /� � - , , -_X, e,�'�, r,
� - . 114. Jimb back of it, further away from the assassin and a thief. The guests made � , . - I - -- _ -_-,�_* , , 7 - ...'A
- fen3ed. Good beiring orchard, 11 miles from a I �
. t- . 4 1:,-,.,-_--,;�-,:�,,
" cm the flouri8hinz, village of I " �
n,� qchnolauda'�jmiles fr . . . " .-
� -_ , C11. C_ I .. , " * _"� ;
� I i o i i s v, 1ho Iiiiib that I intended to swing no attempt to arrest him, but Espinosa __
.1. -
; I Dashwood. Address EDWARD DEITRTGEI, St. Women . I !
; I -1 J " "
.� - 4,� 4- '- - W � _-_j;-'
. . I '�ff_ -
. i .
: ; clemena,wellicgton C .1 _9017- BI- " . �, .,.,.-'
. . cuuty,or FRANK HOBLBEL.N, � from, myself when I had the trapeze knew that lie wns ruined aud �u despera- : ," DEZ I
, . .1
, " Dashwood, P. 0. 1661x3 . roady. I swung it to get a length that tiou, abandoned his ranch Q �fled to the � . -
� I , .==� . - -
� 4' - Misses I �\ � would bring the trape7o jpst so- that Sangre de Christo niountains,: where he I r I I P, -�, . ffse.' ,
. I i '.
Z � ARM, IN RULLETT FOR SALE. -For ssle, Lot I . ", I 1 I
. ;
� I ;
I T � . . wholl I swung forward I could put my nlade his headquarters for se -v al y�ars, i I
� 4,Corcersion 13,11ulktt,containing 'i5 acrep, and I I
I i F I ; ""� i a
� . 4 1
J .111 cleared, un-Jerdraired, well fenced,and about, 40 . and legs through the window and Coll(ILICtin- SUCCCSS17111 171 e over- ! � I
- I fvet , lids o7lt,1111,
:� : '� i . ( 4 .
1; acresEeeded to graes. There 4ro fair buildings. hend 'em down and hold on by 'ein there laud coaches nud the freight caravans ;
. f . : . .
. 2hereir Children � ; I
; � , a gocd orchard, and a never -falling - � - tile bar on to the win- along the ' Santa Ve trail and robbing . ! I '. �
k � W"'g . ;
I . inside nnd slip off I �_
I creek runs through the farm, and a good well at the ' I i ;
f f . I . I
, - - going to tie the ratich settlers in e y direelt . I
I I � house. Itis Dear ec � � . I .
I hcol and post office,and con- . in : dow ,�ill. Then I was Ver ion. The �
� 1 venjent to the best markets. It is a splendid farm, tnipvzo to one of the window blinds to government ofTered it relvard for the � . I I I
'I not & tcot of wa�te 6nd on it, and is well adapted for ..%� A I
- ,
, ", - kevp it thereim,bile I was exploring the. -windit dead or alivo, and after about ten : The Oldest, the Mwest, t,he Leajiug Bu6ness Training Institution of
, l'i"i . t!V - 1
7 stookraiainz. I& will be sold obe-xpand on e3sy �'...kx. - . , : . !
erifig.-Apph- to the undersigned, Scaforth P. 0 ,//,�.,. , i;- ; _. . I'I I 3 . lloll-,o, and NI'llen I calile haek to the ivin- .yvars of unparallele(l outlawi,y he was � : Maerica, ,
� , I *11/ �
.tf , 1--,*_*'�k1`-. /,� : 1� i I
ANE ROBISON. 1654 �;'.J dow. 1();Ided 11P, I was 9():"g to got on shot hy all lri�,h trapper Educ%tes young men and women FOR MONEY MAKING and useful citizenship. Has had over 32,000
I I '1/ � , �, : � 1. J ' -ned TI)m
. ;1 �/: ,�.n,J'j-v!. -/�N' flie tratwzo and east loo,;o and siving 'I'ol)iii, Nvht) (-lit off his h 11' 1� I'L ght students In attendance since it was established in 1860, and futni8hed more stuations to graduatc5 than all
11, % "'.1W.1 ,� 1, e a d a 1 wou .
V __ . ., , 1 horities in a unuysack. otber ins ibutious of the kind in Mich -16n combined. S-)Ferlor la,oJern methods; large corps
RU FOR SALE. -For Eale, Lct U Huron Rcad - ,,*."i.,--,,,: ba(,!� to tile tree find go illy way. it to tile autl -
I; PTuckeren-ith, containing 98 aercs, � . VVIi, - �, .of experlepced
� 8 acres c1tar' I men tei tre, and occupies an elegant �ulldlng, erected cbpeoialiy for its u3e. Handsome illustrated cata-
ed and 10 aerca of Lush. The land is well cultivated I -Well. I got the oxact lejigth tlint the -CLICaLgo Record. . loguefroo. Correspondence invited. ; . .
I , . . , - -,
wd underdrairied. On thn rla,!-i is a frame house I V. �. tlopvze Nianted to ho to reach fi�oni the . � I �
and frAme biro, with goo I btab.co. There is plenty . . _r �. 1 111111or ,side of that linib to the Nvindow E: WM. F. JEWELL, P,res. PLATT R. SPENCER, Sec'y.
of good water, and an orchard This is a moA do. FIRE DRILL AT SEA. - Busin-us Univerbity I Building, ;
nin Sea- I I 1660-8-eow . . ;
drabk farm, being on1v - bent two miles f r, �,iil, and then I inade at home a trapeze I , 11-19 Wilc)x Avenue, DETROIT, MICH.
I �
forth. It will be Bold c,a�, p and on easy terme. For . to Calry ule Over. I had rope buds plenty it '11�,Ike*j it Interer4ting For the Pan- . 1.
� � . - � I I
� fatther particulars, r.l)pjy to WM. FOWLER, Huron � long enough to wind around the limb, . sengerN When It Oce irs. I � cuittltdisomAndsendittous witlithe namp 01 IDU.r
Road, or 8oaforth P. 0. - IG16 tf - � � I neWst expresn office =d we will skip y.0 tl�l. V1.11.
,in(] I had the hanoing part measured ex- k boat drill is all iDtCl'eStillg perform- I w3b Outtit by "prez-, oubject to dxamination. Bx.
___ _._ - - ___ __ _ __ , - - _ . TheCardigan Overshoe , " - ., 95
RESIDENCE IN SEAFORTEI FOR �9ALEFor actly so I could make the trapeze fast flilce wheil one see� it for thel first time, 11 - - . Infte it s offlee, aud If you find it exa6tly ae
Ealo, chcap, the residence facing on Victoria v, ith just the L-i.,,Iit length below the limb. - $4 ent,lt and enUrely Ratisfactmy �th
t, 1> provided he knows that it is Coining, but - - 11 I a e rem -t -�- spoclal prim W=
Square in Seaftrtb, the properk-1 of John VVard, is a h�.,avy black over -stock with the I
There is a comfortable frame house, with good stone i"g When the iii -lit came that I was to try- iLs terrul!s are real for those -�N,ho do not = %69;z.a T ils is a fin isbecL
foot vulcanized into a rubbershoe. The lar $9. Stradlyarlus rnIPIT101114
stockiug is compleLe to the toe of the it, I Shinned lip tbe tree aA�d made it fast. expect it nor understand whafit means. . I - Mly colored. highly U&ed, poworAd
� cellar, hatd and Foft water, and all o her necessary rtfl)ber and ninkes the warmest, lightest I had a twine tied to the trapeze bar, and - - _______�A . d sweet In tou% eumpleto Wlth Ana
convenlenee2. The house contains 8 rooms, with � "Tile .second (lay out, -whilel I was sit- . -.-- extm set ofxUlap and resm A gmulw
and neateit rubber ill the inarket. No then I climbed the other limb that I Nvas I i - -argainatthopwrloca. B dirmt m us and says Qa dftler)s W*IX
I "Antyles, e1c. There are two Ir,ts, well planted with � buttons, no buck les. Made to fit all shoe thill- calmly oh deck," said a v�oman who . 4&
� .Ninds of h uit and ornamental trees and shrubs. shapes. Sold b; all dealers. to siving from and pulled the bar up to ellossed the ocean, "I heard the bell ring Johoston & 41#1�rlane, BOX 8 I,. Toronto, Ont
� I Also a I&T,ge 4table. Tnis is one of the best, most there and got on it, grasped the ropes i1olently ' and continuously.1 Looking i I .
, me I �
I convenient and most pleasantly eltuated residences Manufactured by I _.__i�
� . In Seaforth and will be sold cheap. Apply 0 JOHN ill either hand- and when I was all ready ar6undi I saw .two able seamen dragging - I I
: I .
WARD. * 1640-tf The Cardigan Oftr3hoe Go., Stratford, Ont. swung off. a heavy hose, and in another second the nnruvLniinnannru=ruuuuuumruLqrLhnnnnnniinruvmnr=-n- n ;
� "11F seemed like a tre endous dron go- i i
. i I I water was turned oil full force. I ben I i I
: I ILLACZ LOTS FOR SALE. -For sale in the � 5-11
7 1 ing dowu, but I did not have long to �
, - I V Village of Bayfleld, the following lots : Lot 8, i - think. I made just one swish down the, crew began to appear oil every hand � ,e I nl�
� " in Range F, in the township of Stanley (excepting -
I I ., -- _�� �, - - and to teal- about in the wildest way. Can be Pro%clulred from the' most
, ,',-,7 r_r�-!T - up the I
. !I therefrom IJ acres owned by Mr2. L. Clark). _eyr:�!,��,,X,�� . ._ through the air and was goin
I --,��,�,*_ la.�� t� - Meanwhile the - bell continued to ring,
I I the land to be sold containing seven acres ; second- --- . I -
. � Northeast corner of Lot 7, in Range F, In the town. _______ I other side before I knew it But I didn't .and the captain stood on the bridge giv- � � * �
i, . forget myself. I'd practice'd this, and I , - � -
a . ing orders. I wondered if I had time to ft ; . -
i I;;; i " I .1 1 �.' �
. are both eltuatEd-on the Bayfield road, within the I I kept my feet all(] legs straight out in �o ,for lily pocketbook or for a life pre- . 'Reliable Uealers only.' ,
ship of Stanley, containing three acreF. These lot ff.
: ., f
.- ! corporation of Bayfleld. Immediate possession will 7 -:�-Z_- � - - ..... ready to curve 'em ' -et that I had not read I
I. __ __ front of me and # -
, � liegiven. Title free from all encumbrances. For server. L did regi
ff - througu the open window when L came �
further particulars Apply to the undersigr.ed. more carefully the directions for putting I . .
� ROBERT WATSON, Brucefield; HENRY PECK, Our direct connections will save you __ to it, and then drop 'em and clinch 'en, oil the life preserver. Meanwhile I tried - ! - THEBEST VALUE '_
Sayfleld, Executors. - 1635-tf i I - �
1 1 Linie and money for all points. there. But somehow I had made a MIS- I
; � to find out how near death we were and - ! .
41 - -- -- - ___ . Iculation in-trytug the ropes or else at :; IN THE TRADE.
i . ca I
t� ARM FOR SA.LE OR TO RENT. -For sale or to just what was the cause of our doom, but : . -
F rent, Lot 28 aud 30, Concessions 3 and 4, L.R.S., the very last instant I went wrong -with the men to whom I appealed were as �, i � .
Tucker8mith, containing 100 acres, 90 acrc3 elcared Canadian North West illy feet, for instead of thrusting my feet � I
' much frightened or us ignorant as 1. ;
and the balance in bush, The land is it a first-cli.58 . through the open space of the lower will-' �
state of cultivation, and is well underdrained and . Via Toronto or Chicago, dow I jabbed them both plumb thro,ugb " 'Yes,'the ship's oil fire,' one answered - i I
I .
t well fenced. There is on the preiniFes a good frame British Columbia and California- I me. Another said he didn't know wheth- I i
; bArn and house, plenty of water, and a emall orchard. I the double sash ii-b-ove up to my knees. H � SHO Y'S
- This Is an excellent farm, is about a mile and half points. I let go of the trapeze in the excitement, er there was a fire in the hold or whether �� 1 1 1 :
from Brucefleld cn the Mill Road. It will ba 11.1ld on Our rates are the lowest. We bave, them something had broken about the engine. .1 �
. which I don't think was surprising, and � . a '
reasonable forms orrented. For further particulars vo snit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- The crew were busy gettming the lifeboats % �
th glug head 7 -
Apply to JAMES SWANN, Brucefteld. 1660-tf TST CARS for your accommodation. Call e next instant I was hall- ' over and hadn't time to answer my ques- 1 �Heav, Ibla A worsted cheviot
. .
� for further information. downward outside, with my bag that I tions. I I ,saw wom . on crying and cliugiD,,, ' . . y C i I
ARU FOR S&LE. -For sale. the weRt half of had my tools in that *1 had carried by a i .
to their husba' ds, and one woman was , � . .
I F Lot 29, Conce,3sion 11, If ibbert, conta;ning 53 Grand Trunk RaRway. strap over my sboulder 'dangling down - P !
0XIM13,45 ac. -es clear(d, the balance,good hardwood about to le va she was �; I I
bush. The land is in a good atate of cultivation; and Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton sta;blonB As below me with the strap around my arm- // ,
restrained by a man in a white coat and i� "' . U a \.J
well undc rdrained and weli fenced. There is on the ollowg : pit. i � i I LSTED� .
'LnIC 110USe, good bank barn, with . i ��
premiaea a good fr, �_ �
apron, who, I think, was a cook's boy. Z_��_ I
. "When I smashed through those tw " � I .
CILTIMN, ,��__
stabling for 10 head of cattle and five horacE(. Tbete -40MG WPCHT- 0 The cook's boy told me at last that it � P11 �,�___--,-Z_ 1
1 are also two never- failing wells. This excellent farip. Passenger .......... 12.40 P. m. 12.66 P. m. windows, I made as much noise as y6u'd ry tus a drill to test the men. 'Don't try to � I .1 � �---'--- 11 PRI ICE .
I is a mile and a fluarter from Cbiselburst, where theie Passenirbr .... .. .. 10.12 P. M. 10.27T. M- hear in blowing tip a crockery factory, encourage me,' I protested. 'I had rather �, I WELL LINED,
is Post office, churches, states, etc ; three miles fro -in Mixed Train .... .. 9.20 A. M. 10.15 A M I'll � .
� Of0marty and five miles f rorp Hensall. it will I e Mixed Train ....... .. 6.15 P. M. 7.06 j. ji Jild I knew of course that it ivollid only know the worst.' - I I WELL MADE AND
-I sold on reasot-ib'e teywa, as the proprietor deaire8 I o GOINO EAST- . be a mighty short -time before there was "it must have been over in five min- � . i EXCEEDINGLY STYLISH. I
� 1. 40 A.M. - . I !
1. getmoreland. For further particulars. ap?ly on Passenger .. .. .... 7.66 A. Af. somebos; around, and I made a great ef utes, but I learned in that time to know � 000" � "18975, . ! , �
" --
I . ,the pr(infees, or address Chiselhurlt P.O. W. II, Passenger.. .. .... 3.11 P. M. 2.66 F. M fort to got free. I knew I would go I I _i C?
� - MixedTrain'.... .. .. 6.20 P. M. 4.86 P. M: what it meant to feel sure of death at � , i I
� aTON EM,,�,N. . . 1654-tt . . snlashing down on the ground, but I ptain why he didn't 1� . This Garment I � ; Made to order " by a Tailor though
I NN"Inted to take tile chances oil that rath-
. .SPLEN,'DIL) FARX IN IIAY FOR SALE, OR T . Weffington, Grey and Bruce. or than be caught, and I (lidn't hesitate warn tho pa,ssongers of what was coin- I -
RENT. -For 4.0e, West halt of Lot 25 Conce;- ing. 'Because the men would know, too,' perliaps " not to fit " -,V.ould be $17-00. -
810n 14 ; Boul h three luarters of Lot 24, on'the 16t h GoiNo NoRTFi-:o- Passenger. Mixed I
I nt all about -trying to Pull MY I(Ts Out I . . .
_( Ethel .......... 10.04 P. m. , he replied, 'and I wouldn't find out then !
. COncessiory, and th(- no.th half of Lot 53, on the 15th 1.40 P. M. T
I the township of flay, containing in Brussels.. .. .. 10116 2.10 . from �tbose windows, though I Imew I how DlaUy men slept on duty.' "_New 1 SHORETS CLOTHING, i s .- 11 ()t made to orcler, �ut
'io 1
001ces' "' in Bluevale.. .. .. 10.28 2.46 1 'em i . teed.
. all 175 ac,�,, .11 of which is cleared but ten acre 4. should fall the illintite got Out. York Press. I madETto fit, and every thread is gua-rar,
T ",
, 8",
I - h .,.I parcels comprige one farin and fue Wingharn. �... - 10.40 3.06 But thou -h I'd lost the trapeze in that . : .
I � I"Latcdoldseto,ach other. All well fenced I'Lod %ve,11 GoING SOUTU- . Pasgenger. Mixed. . � ; ,;
woment's exciteinent when I struck One of Uncle Sain's 111useumo. I i uvlru,rLrLruu,rLnjlxu-UjLruuuuu-uuuanF,-rijiruiru-L=iruirLruvuim
�, undeidr.0r.c cf, and in a ,_,-jood ktate Of cultivatio*. 6.60 A. M. 8.55 A. M. olic ' . � �
I I � : i
1 The htil i6 r -f the best quality and eve -y loot Bluevale ............. 7.00- 9.17 the windows I was cool enough now, and "The museum of the dead letter office� I
- - - I
- 4 - cAn 9 9.46 -ul -i i. -
�, � cllltlxated� There is a good frarne biDuse and lar:e Brussels .... ...... .. 7.16 1 Was fi,, .illg oil how to get the window in Washingtcln ,contains a varied assort .�
bank barn, - No dri% ino house, shEds and other buil�i Ethel ...... � ......... 7.28 10.02 � . ;
� I � . sill. N1,hich 1 couldn't Quite touch now, inent of articicls which have not been in- 1 . ; !� I
are is i 0
. inge, The . -a good brehard, and plenky I - i - � I
good watt: i ,cak my fall soineyfliat when 1 cluded in the sales of un6lainied parcels," 1,
. . r. It adjoins Kalbfleisch's mills, and . i all(] so bi ,. WANTEO, I : .
I is within three and three (lu5rtor miles fyoin writes Patti Lyle Collins in The Ladies' I t :
- . 0 - I
; �ondoii, Ruron and Bruce. (lid c,t froc and, above all things, turn � �
.- Zurich, If not sold shortly will be rented to �a 1113-sc,if oyer so thRt whell I did go du%vn Home Journal. "Among them rally be; I
�i , good tenat,t. A-ppIv cri the premiEU3, or addre' GOUi NORT11- - Passenger. I Twenty-five experienced and ' twenty-five i Musical - Instrumer-A
. -
. � Zurich P. 0, J. U. KA1,13FLE18011. 1650-tf ; �s Landon, depart .......... 8.16 A.M. 4.46 p.m. 1'o strike the ground on my feet and not seen Ivory miniatures of great a -e,: : . . . -
I � 0 inexperienced !
I Cantralla ...... .......... 9.18 5.65 . i I I J
:4 on ill head. watches, false teeth, boxes of raisins and -
1 - !� ...... .. 9�aq 6,07 - . "I yanked one . of wedding cake, pistols and knives, a; Operators. on whit,,ewear I EMPOUIUM.' -
PLIQ NDID FARM FOR SALE-ror sale, a spleil- .18 le- partly clear and then
� ,� B eneall ................... g 441, 6 1
� t S did tarin and hotel property. This farm is on Hippen ................. .. 9:60� 6.26 t1le otbel-, the glass rattling and the sash- clothes wringer, a coffeepot, a kerosene' � �
I I Blouses and Wrappers on now high skeed � machines.
I the 13th concea,ion of the Township of McKillop, at . 9.68 6.3 es snil'ishing as I pulled on 'elu, and I set- lamp infernal machines, decorated cbiva,� Highest wages paid. We guarantee I to U,aob and, .
� 1. Bruceflold . ........ ! .... 3
� _� the Village of Leadbury. It contains 112� acrea, all 10.15 6.66 - I � ) . rM
of which are c!eared, except about. three ac -res. It is 0[inton'. _........ .. ... tied (1()wu until I could touch the sill be- dainty fans, -horned frogs, centipeds, hu- offer Fpecia] inducements o eg;nnero. GALB STABLIS-H-EiD, 18ji).
inagrodstate of CtlitiVatiOD, being well fenced and Londesboro _... .... .. 10-33 7.14 1 heard the man skulls, a mounted alligator inor4: MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Min� ,eing Lane, Tor. I - I
Blyth.._ . . ............ 10.41 7.28 'juvv Ivith lily fingers. Theh �
� underdiaii,red, and suitaVle for grain growingor stock . . k. I M onto. i . 1659.4 1
1 ; -
�� Belgrave. 10.66 7.87 b ell ib that room jouncing under some- than foul, feet Ion- and, in short, everp i I
'� I raising -utd f ecd ini�. There is not a foot of w %6te , "�iil V'O'.'.*. ., , .* - ., ., 11.10 8.00 . � . i � � 0! Ing to bard times, we ba-Ve con-
� �. land olt the farnt. Thcre are two good dwelling P'ingham body.,spriuging up out of it -you see, all -thing that one would imagine would not �
I GOINC, Souvl� Passenger - I ' d'd to sell Pia,nos and Or-ans at.
; - 6
f, 1101IFes, a large bank barn ,A ith store stabling under- Mringham, depart .... .... 6.63 A.M. 3.30 P. M. t.h is that it takes me some tilile to t�ll 6e sent by mail. It 11:11-dly seems iieces-� SEAFORTH DY S �Tlu ,
� neath, alarge impleinctit house and all necessary elgrave ........ .. ...... 7.04 8.46' about really h,`lJ)pCued in llc'xt to no sary to say that dynamite and live ser -1 - i .
1, I
I .
i . buildings in firkt-dass repair. There arc three or- lyth .................... 7.16 . 4. GO yyu . . I ,as going I Take your clothes to the Seaforth !Dye Works and '
� ebarde an([ four never -failing welli. The farni ad- 7.24 4.10 . tilue gt all -and I li�ucw it I v� . ,to pents are clas�,,cd as 'unniailable,' yet thel have them cleaned or dyed and to look like Or! atly Reduced Prioes.
i ..... .
I joinotbel'illageof L(adbun, where are stores, post 4.30 -0 at: all I'd got to go then, and I t � I
11 ..... ... I 7.47 J1s wail service has been called on to trans J
linton . ...... � � . � new. All work guaranteed to satisfaction. .
ruceflold .............. 1 4.50 v�-iilkod and smashed both legs le r of port both." I � HENRY NICKLE, Goderich st Gpposite the . i
; Office, bl4ekbn�ith shop,. scho-ol. etc. The well knoWn 8.06 c 11 r11r911r�`-,Cr 11 �
� Leadbun h --tel ia on the hcni, and will be sold wit ', '. 8.17 4.69 . . : '
'h I __ , i of
' the fl� g down - � Oi ans at $25 aDd upwards, and
� . � ippen .. .............. mines, settlin move as' I did Catholic church, Seaforth. - � 1630-tf I I --")
it- It Wnow ucdur !case for a tern, of years. This Hensall . ............ .... 8.24 � 6.04 Very Rare. ! � I
is One Of the 1,cstand mobt profitable farm, proper- 5.16 So 1.1111 il I got hold enough on that - win- . I
., I xeter ............ .. .... 8,28 �t I - I Plabios at corresponding prices. I
ties in the Ccunty of Huron, find will be sold cheap There is a bri--bt 10-ycar-old youngster, I
I N . 8.60 6.26 dow 11 to turn myself over as I dropped t, 1
L , C eatralla .... .... :::: ... ,9�e us before purebasing. i
and on (It � teraw of payment. ff the proporty is - - .... 9.60 A. m. 6.20 and ush myself clear of the building. In Ban -or, Ale., -whose a-unt has a fad -of Reon. After. IWI � 0
� I ondon, (arrive) `Ii )oa,s Pho rhpaine; � i I
; not EON in a reabormlile time, the farm will be rented F i :, I
� � - - an autograph album. �Some ap-� :
if a Suitable tt�nant offem .her particulars, I When the man looked out of the vviuOOW, keel?il_'-� I Engl h Reriwdy-
, For furt . The Great t end , ed by all �
I autiful cur'Ve preciative friend wrote upon one ge �. ,Z Sold and recorn I S
I IPPY On the prewis,_s, or address the undersigned - I y%-.� s describing a be, p fl-ge i. � �,
.1� 1`011rit'r1r, Lcadl-ury 11. 0. JOHNSTON KINNEY. tbl,ou�_h tile air preparatory to laudiug the (1110tfttiOn beginning, "Wbat is so rare' druggists in Can a. on]
� 1 7,1 : 1653 S aforth Foundry 1*� . 7 .� _y reli- I
. safel � on lily feet. . as a day in June?" etc I able medicine di covered. Siz I
- I Y, , ' ackagcs guarante d to'�cure all d
� I "The man disappeared from the win- The youngster in question was looklng� Snap Bargains in Real Estate - an
[ __ : forms of Be U&I Weakness, all e Tect,4 of abuse I . i
� STOCK FOR SERVICE, . I A IN D ----`ss=V ain in an instant, over the book for a place to put his name[ or excesg, Mental Worry, Excesi ive 'use of To- Live Stock. 1
I :
�; . . I ,lild then there was a flash from a shot- and noticed this. The next page was va-' bacco, Opium or Stimulants. M& led On receipt I THIRTY DOLLARS an acre will buy a 184 acre 1
F OAR FOR SFRVICE.-The undersigned will i I , of price, one package$], six, $6. OweWiUPlease, flarm-a first -elms grain and stock farm -near the
r keep for ser�iee on Lot 26, Concession 4, gun, but it didn't do any damage. It was cant, and he wTote, in the bold It some� ixWi9cure. Pamphlets free to iny address. Vfflage of Zurich, in the townahip of Hay, Country of
11 -B M 'achine Works - what scragly chirography of youth, the 1
8tanley, a thoroughbred Cheeterwhito boar. Tonna- I dark,�and by that time I was a little too Who Wood Company,,NVIndsorg On& #uron; good buildinga, good feneen, plenty of water
� ,
K rayable at the tilLC of service, with the privilege - . � for off to be hit by a man whose aim NVR13 answer as he saw it, "A Chinaman with! : : And a most desirable place; also three thoroughbred
of returaing it uecce6ary. JOHN V. DIEHL. - Are now in � likelx� under such circi:!nstauces to be whiskers," and tl�en signed his name. � Wood's Phosphodine is Sold In Seailorth by Lu -s- short hom bulls and three Yorkshire boars, all fit for
� 1691-tf I . don & Wilson, drugW.sts. I I gervice ; Also several roadster homes, all good stock,
FULL OPERATIOW more or less uncertain' anyway. But ; I
' Poor PapiLl i ! ; and prices right For particulars apply to S. RAN -
- T0 PIG' BREEDERS.-ThounderslKned will keep there had been danger enough in hanging --I- ,NIB, Zurich P. 0. 1612:-tf I
on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S., Tuckerstn'th, And -we are prepared to do repairing of all kinds head down on the side Of the house from "I-ara not at all certain," said the fa., I I 1.11
16 thorou�,hbred CHYSTER WHITY peoialty. Threshers and suffi-, MCKIllop Directory for 1899. 1
- .PIG also a thorough- Engine and Mill work a a] cond story window and taking the tber, "tkat my daughter loves you I I I
bred TOR'. K8111RE P10. A limited nuh;bor of sows will farmers' work promptly attended to. a se � - , McLEOD'S
I be adn Coleman imple- chance on getting rig ted up before you cleutly to warralst me in intrustiug he� � I
�Itted to each, Terms, $1, payable at the time Plow Points and all repairs for the gh JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthr ' P. 0. I
Of service, and 'Made t '09eechwood P. 0 I
. or $1.60 if charged. Algo a few Chester ments kept on hand 0 order. to. your iceeping for f if e." � JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Councillor, i
White piga for sale. loco two struck the ground, and I mnde up my -
I JAMIES GERMILL. 1608-52 We have for sale, at very reasonable pi I . " Well," replied the young man, "per- System Renovator
� � gineo, two White port. Blind that one try with tile trapeze was JOSEPH C. MORRISON, CouccUlot, YlFinthrop P.O 1
I I Stevens & Burns portable eni I
able engines, d one Leonard. all I wanted. I was satisfied after that liaps you haven't had the same advaR4 ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Lea bury P. 40.
1 AXWORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER- one Waterous An � tages. for observing things that I have.-# JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Win�brop P. 0. I -AND OTHER -
F TVIOR.-The underdlKned will keq for service r full particulars, call or address with cellar windows and that sort of i JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, W n P. 0. ' -
� at the Braceflold Choose Factory, a thoroughbrA Fo flains., - I - --w,Fljlladelphia. North American. I DAVID M. FLOSS, Treasurer, Winth op P. 0. . TESTED - REMEDIES.-
Talaworth Boar, wit' n registered pedigree. Terms, I - - . WILLIAM EVENS, Amesser, Beech ood P. 0. . I �
I 11 ROBT. BELL, Jr., - O_ ! CHARIM DODDS, Collector, Beat rth P.D.
; 11)BYIble at Erne of service wlbh privilege of re- - . R. - RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary I nspecter, Lead- A I 'fic and Antidote 16r Impure, Weak and Im-
turning it necessary. Alzo a number of thorough- PROPRIETO i I bed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplemem, "t.s.
. I
bred young Tamworth Boars and Sows for sale. I 10434f MARRIAGE LIOENSE$ bury P. 0. � 0, the Heart, Liver Complaint, Mau -Lon
I . � I ' 8 ;
R'UGII MUCARTNEY, Brucefleld. 1406-tt CASTORIA ; � of Memory Bronchitis, Consum on, G=81 Des
� .4-.- 1 ,V
--__._ , , - - __ --,-.-.-- BU1,1s and Rams for Sale. . . ISSUED AT � . Jaundice, kioney and Urinary V�l . St. MW
I 'PAI�WORTH PIG FOR SFRVICE.-The under- TIMBER WANTEDA Dance, Female Inegularletes and General Debl�ky.
441g,lbed has for servloe on , lot 82, concession 3, For went, sua Wdrm THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, High . eat cash price paid for black 1 Ash white Ash LABOILATORY-Goderich, Ontario. �
-1KI-TIOP, 'a thcro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a red and white oak,hard and soft rv�ie, iemlock, soR
I an For sale a choice job of S11ORT11ORN BL,bLs, from 6 ' '
� lm'kd number of sows will be taken. Thl. In to 12 months old, big growthy fellows ; also A few BEAFORTEF, ONTARIO. and rock elm. Either stumpage or (lelivered in yard. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manu
61irs good pig and breeders find It dvantageous to BAm LAMBS Prices the, The I
a . ,a,- --so Is a . For further particulars Apply to r factuirer. ;
, aro'" their borkshlro sows with this brood of pig. lowest mud terms CASY 51patult 9"?y 1
, Terms 01 with rl ilege of returning if necessary. `DAVID MILNE, I Manager ior the d. I. Co. Xxeter. 1 gold by J. S. RoBERTs, Seaforth.
,I 'OHN KAHUNnv JWXJf Ethel, Ontario. d 0 UIRED, : �
i (V2-tf , 1 1501 -if
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of all - J'f - I �i
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11 � :
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. always on hand. Oartain pdles at 0 V �, .;
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prices, and put up. We are alse V� �� i
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Agents for the New William!s Sewing - 1- �',- _�.
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Machine, beat in the maTket for do- i. - - - ,,
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and guara;ntee satisfaction in ,every depart. a .-I
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ment of our work. - We have always -made it __. ,. -
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ILLS a for funerals, =REi oir onAws. � I. � -
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Again -we come to the fron t in the
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shoe Rue with the newest and
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most fashionable on the market.
We have a splendid assortment In
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all lines for Fall and Winter wear.
Special in -Children's School Sho.
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-1 strorio, and d-urable, leather lined$
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jus.t what is needed for wiet
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You will make no mistake, as all our
. I Fall and Winter stock is new,
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an,d every pair is a treat to the
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Words cannot tell all, so call and
be convinced.
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Hoffman Bros.' Old Stand, Seal ,
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g2rCa8h and One Price -"
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Shingles and Lath.
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Just arrived two oat loads red cedar shingles, extra
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quality, McNair's brand. Also A quantity of lath
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And lumber. The price of these goods has greatly
advanced, but we are selling at the old price while
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stock is on hand. Call atonce.
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seafoWWLumber Yard.
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Money, to Loan. � .
Any Amount of money to loan .on good farm.prcj.
party, at 5 per cant. per annum. StralxtA loaps. -
payments made to suit borrower iatisfaction guar-
anteed, chargas low. Ai office Rday afternoon and
All day Saturd*y. I
KoD=ald Block. Winghm.
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