HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-10-20, Page 2I V I 1- _-_._J_ --'I-,- ___-_.__­_____ , -7-7- - - -,-- - , - '-.-- , - . , . - � . I I—— � ­ ____1__-___-___111_1.1 -1 .- � ­­. -_ �� - -_ ­_ ! --I I -- ­,­ - � - ­ � i . , I ... � I � — __ __.- _� — ­ ­ � - - - - . I ___ . � I ... I � � I I . I I I . : - �. 1-1- ___ ; r . . ! . I . I . . 1��_ I . I.. . .. . i .1 i - I . . I . . - , i , :, I � � . - . . . L . I . I . I � I i � t � i . � .- . I - � I - . ; f . . .1 i � . . I I I : : I I i - . - � I � . . I I , ; . I I I i — — ; . , f � ; . : . . . . : i i . � �, - I . . � � i - i , . - i . I . I i I . � ; ! I . I . . . � � I . I I . I � f I � . . � - . � I I t i I I - � i - � I � I I 1 7 � � . .1 I ; I i - , t : � . . . : ; I & i . . . - � . . I � . . I -1 . - . 1. I I I . ! I I I . I i : � . . i I — - . . I ., . —1 . — ; . . . . . - � � � - � I � . . I :1 ! - I . . . . . .- . � . . � I i- I - � I- I ., � � . - I , I - . � ; � . . . I . � � . I . - . I Z V... - ,. a I I � � I I - I � I . - - � i I ,. I I � . . . I I . � � . - - - - � 11 I I _. � — . - :� ­ - w , 1. , ; � : , . . . . � . � I - � I � I I , d : - I I 1 I i . - ; - : . _ �, . . � — - . — � . / , , I - . , � � — - — I � . I : - I 0 . I . . - i � I - I .. I � � I I .__ I - � . I - � I . I . I I I � Z � I lo- . � - � - I � . I . . I. , � . . � — � , I 1� � - . ;Z � � . ; . t . I - I I . , ,, I - �, . , - 1; ;.q� , - ­ - .- , � I .. . . I - i , I I � . . I . . � I - I- . I I — �, — -- I � � - - � . % I � - - - . I I I I I - . � i. : - . L. - r I I I � . � �_ - I - V I � -- - -_�. � �� -- I . �; 1� . . i I 1-1 . � I I i . � � � : - . I � . . . - -_ I .- .. . I - . I - - _.: _: . - - - . - I I � . I - . ,� I - � I - �. - _­__­______ ­­­_ � � . I . . 1- - 1� - � . � _. � A,a,T,F1,9VF.,""­_._ � - 1: t_,__ � �__ - . � .I- � I I I �*._ __ � � *1 � - : " � ; I - �_ - - � I - . . � I � � . � . I � . , . - I 1� W � � I , I I � . 1 . ___ - I � I I— _­ . . I , . I . I i � � - .. I _-_ . - 1. - F 5 —i . . . — - __ � . - . I .- . . � , 1: - I . I i I - . — � - . , � . � —_ - lt�� -- : � - -- - . ,- �7:��77 —,----f- - -- - ­­ -- — -- � - _ _ - . - - . __ I I ­ .-A --j"�, __ ��t 01111 f�_ ____ - ::,!i,��:�_'*- i�� _-. - --,�' ­ - _0�;,F iil . - - . . I . --- � 0, - _r __ I � ­� - - � , __ ;—, - - �"' �._ � - X - . . 1. . I � - - . . . I - - - � io .� .� , � , , - ; . - . 1, I I � . - . - � . - - 1. � I - . . I - I I I I � - .. I . � - I � — . ­ � — 7 --- �� _7`F____ 4_7_1­7� _�­ _:"� - -- ­-,­'__ , , `_� -7- � ­ � : —1 � . �, . . . . .. - � . � . � I . . I - � .- I 1 . . . � . . � 1. I I . — — - — — ';� 11 .�� -, -- 1 --- ,�'*V 'M4--��'J ­ —T,_ T -7 - I 1. I I ,� ; - . � . . 7 � .1, ", .f,.� � _r , " I - - __ I � I . . . I I - , . 7"'� .1 - __ , ,_ _;� OF - . I - .. `�_ .1 ; .: I . - � ­ - , ,­ � . . �� - r', ­�__ I ENE112 I - T� - - � i � � Z � - W-1 - I—. � �1 _ � I , - � 1� - -, ; � , . I _ - - . i � I- - - -- - I , - , � � 9 i 1. . - I . � - , , ; - - - . I �_ . ! - - . I I �� � . � � 1. I . I - . � - . �i . I . I � � - I . . I � i I I ; I . . - I .. . - . I . i � : . I I . I ; . � � I i - I . r . . � I I ! I I . � . . � . � .. I - I ; � I i . . . , . I I , . . I I � - - ! . I - - - . - i ' - - � � __. I ^0"O, . � I � I I . i I - , , , . I � i I I -- I . I ! I � I i I . : � I � . . I - . . I . I : . I � E X -P .&.& , i I I oCTOBER 20 - I— - - . I . . . � q THE �HU 91�11 . . � ­ . L 14 189.9 . � : - � iz . - I � i__� - - I I I %?o . . 'L I I I - . '�,._. I � - . . __ __ _____ -_ i . ____ - � - . I I ­ N, I I I I - ­ 11 ''I I __ I - : L - 7 . i I I I "Inftft , - 4--l- � I � ,_ I . i - . i --- i . . I :� � . I L - I . . I � . i I ; . : . -- . . JLnV()Ut,)n JVii tali the aceldent, occurred. or tuose wtio were onee great' 0 a boat—more ability t , carry : � - - I - - - I I W= � ! I I i 1 2 . I L _� .. . Pr_ I I I . . . : , . � . I . . . - .I 0 r you are p. chronic kivalid, 4 h - ball. Every succeedink Conte t �rvolv­ , Uft L L- �. - I I - I . ug — i s you frot Liaid woi;ry and scold and and, opening it, found it eltipty, but ded faster and inore seawortkiPeraft. ; � K . I f i . I . - ( - - ----I - . . - L - -, T-01 i . I � � - , - L I � .. - � . i Y( I CUp'Col tk'j;Ltallts � --- � - oc � V - PuRsu" wonder -why )it cannot be well like on the bottom of it was 'inscribed �: To -day the America, - L HEADAOH,t 'BY T�IALS f Cl � I L ­ � I , - - 1. � . . . . . i God. - King Nln�lrod ask- � ,11 11111111 1111f11111111111111111 lililii)lllijlilflflfilitillitillitilli�illillooll'.."I , - WWWWWW" ,, otbor people, and you angrilycharge the name of 1 4re nb more like tit )se (if 20 �yvars, .1 i �_ .- . A ____� L _,,� . . I i ; . L ­:.* I .: _!!!�� - ai -the old cl' )per s i -_ - _. I A SERMON OF E�COURAr,EMENT TO oi� the neuralgia or the larinygitis or ed his courti4s' which vtoe they, go than hips: were, I i - �1� I . . I i � " ; I I - - I I - UMB . � � ! r AND NEURALGIAa THOSE AFFLICTED- - the ague or the sick headaOhel. The thought weigh�d the most. [The ava- like Columbus' caravels. i � I .1 -I . I � I � . T__ - ' . ----- L � I fact is you 4ro a, deer &L bay. In- ricious men of !his court sa.i the vase I ng, 1. ' CBS ­ I . . S F4 � - ______ _____ . , In small boat design be st I —_ � �` w wsmyff�&* I . r I �� jo. I Too Many times the origin Of a head- . tstead of running to the waters of di- of gold, the Ooets said he!* one of �f competitions since the Se�vwanlla Iiii� lil 1111�� �11 11��� . L �_ � suffe1w, 3;:-N � . I � A � vine Consolation- and slaking your amber, but the wisest I - iiii['1111111111 �� li�� I �� lii I I I . . . I _ � 11 I - ­ PV _ � #VtV4XW* &che is miscalculated, and One begins en imid. the �& cup was piat up for coti�p6tition "I � I L ' HUNTING THE DEER THE THEME1, � . -_ --- - . - . . LLLLL I ­­ I __� Aoslng the stomach for It, when an ap. thirst and cooling your body and empty. vase, because one letil er of the 4 few years ago has - co lipletely I - 11filliffibitilfwAl mow -111-I � I I I AL tw" F � .9 41 %...— _,��AZMI I , . r �, - - _____ - L. - � I O's J , I S41cation of Griffith's Liniment would . � soul in the good ckieer of the gospel name, of God : � 00VAJ Do=-'T,Yl . I L . I- - � � L . A A""HA i -u 4 o - I ja j Outweighed a, Juniverse. transformed the style of bull.1 The I &aW out the paln. and give Immediate The Gospel fig a Refreshment Graphically and swimming away into the inighty For him I thirst, for hig grace � I 'eawaithaka, designers have taken a- .- *r� fAud, Loi . . I i L I - - lij700. # - 10 - ; deeps of God's love, you, are fight- beg, on his promise I bu4l(% my all. leaf out Of the book of the Altierica. L �� - 67cmd md relief—ItWfll cure any ache, no matter set Forth-Hafu�.,e in God's Word for I . ' . - �_ I Tswamem Awa, X911 I how severe. . I . - 1. ing 9, whole kennel of harriers. Without him I cannot be happy, �I Cup designers, and have a;pprnpri- - . � ., 11 I - - . Those r'ursuediby the Hounds of Some time ago I saw in the Adir- have tried thd world, anj it doos I ted his long overhangings-4-indeed, FAC -SIMILE - I UMS TO RXIN 11 - - . , a -.-- - .1 I well enough a� far as It Oes, but ava gone him - one better' Where lf�litililiffittlillitillilli�l-lit - � . WO "I suftered from sev�re headaehes� and : ondacks a dog lying across the road, - 9 It Vewons, 4 could not obtaiii any relief until I had uited Yeoverty aud blizifortune. " . � � 111110 ., I - pjrsb,�Jw Und, 9, I Liniment -the cooling, � and he seemed unable to. get up, and it is too unc?_�rtain a wo�ld, too the America Cup boat only o�-erhungs ... 11 11 . .� .- - be let for it ter - Griffith's Menthol I . � fionifor s- I -1, I . WI -11 pspel I said to some, limiters, "What is evanescent a''%vorld. I am not a. pre- e ;Rewa S AT GNAX"IrLTIR - - *y to the proprietc * ' goothing action of this magical application Washington, Oct. 15.—The 9 �ne­third of its over-all len ill, the U IE , - P - - always takes away the pain. I have not � set I the -matter with that dog?" They � Judiced witness. 'I ha,ve' : nothing Amaller craft sits in onel-tiralf its Si __11 -ti I dandRe ula- -, s a. great refreshment is here I L I I I I bad a headache last longer tha4 ten minutes " IR Of - . since I began using this wonderful lint- forth by Dr. Talmage under a figure i answered, "A deer hu,rt him," and I against this world. I have ibeen one length... The bowspritL (Nn the Small . 11AA t�e Stomachs a —OF . � . I ' p CEIEF. WAS I ment." L. I)EAN, 187 Centre avenue, Toron- which.will be found particularly , saw lie ,had a swollen paw and a bat- of the mbs - t fortunate or, to use a �oat has disitppeared altogk!tber in . III! ii����i�� - - . Z 'L L I . 11tU vtd -up IV b . I tered hea:d, showing where the ant- more. Christian word, one of , tho , 1he better class, and evon those who . . � _ to. 4 graphic by those' who have gone out . - - . Aw Z I 1111 I .000=Mmmmmwmd -- . I Igawl �W%m NO. - - as hunters to find, ganic in the moun- lers struck him. And the probabili- most blessed of men -blessed in my liave no special knowledge O;f yacht- I 11 - , I . I _. I . . I - � Iwo- JORN ELT . 0 tains; text, Psaltil xlii,. 1, "As the ty is tha,t some of you might giv(� a, parents, blessed Jn the place of. na- bng will appreciate the grea� �11411ge , � � L I - .. - � *IP0b&'n- L . . � I � . . Water mighty Clip to Your pursuers, You th-ity, blessed in iny health bless6d in modelling this last, year ;or.two, . 1o1esT4es1UoT0eerH- w - hart panteth 4fter ' the I # 00D WANTE: � I . � I L py Aro P -A I . I �FFI,TH . night damage their business, you in my fields of work, L blesse I'll my whon it, is stated that a ye4r or so I Aess', MHest.ConOns twiftr � � I I . - �L . S brooks," into I natural temperament, bl � . n all probability see 4he old I . . A * x, � . I David, who must some time have might worry them 11 health, in my' Nvill i' LI: -U* dr,1001111 �-J4LIENTHOL 0piudTM0rPbhi0 Wr Ifulacil. I - AVVktOA.,U. 11), __ J� seen a door bunt, points us here to a. YOU rnight hurt thein as much as fauffly, blessed in my' opportunities, Vlll,e of taxitig the water lino lcng�h . IS ON TEM . � I � I � 005i I . hunted stag making for the water. they hurt you; but, after all, it is blessed in.the lio e that my 'soul will ip measuring probably don� a . 2(011 t WARV;0TIC. . 060" . p way . . . _-�. �._ . The fascinating animal, called in my not ivorth, while. You'only have go to heaven through the p�rdoning ,vitli, and Lt. tax oin deck atea, su I I .. I idIAL9 TEAK .. . L, -sa Q . anima,l huyt Lt. hound. Better be off for the M'rcy of God, and- my body, unless. I I-,- - I IL � .ACV ., . EN . text, the hart, is the same ,Jpp L C ,�titutcd, ! . I I . Ing's � il, be Im9t at I I - I L *Ciler to�dll . er S,aranac, - into . 0" I WRAPPER I Frderrs that! in sacred and profane literature . which the sea. or cremated in- ,Nhv* ar, s I Frl I INSTANT APFUM6 . I i i I I I . - .�, 'knoe . - . mountains of -God's eternal st�rength some conflagration,, will lie down ! I . 1 ­ � SSW, , * lical called the stag, the roebuck, the. I Aa Site Heard It. . I � J4.,Wwa ss'a - . .4 ,W .�, - I . j4j�415;�� AVT ALL DRUGGISTS -215 OZ'NLT& is look down and inoor thc1v shadom-s. aniong 4iy kindred and, friend,s,. some � '11"21"M i �� of ,q . -1 hind, the gazelle, the reindeer. In I I � q0*111 , - A Cuumteed Caftrrh Ours. There are whole chains of lakes in already gone and others to come af- . After the new servant bad1been in- J?6"*SJ& - I . - _01? FIMY L, I =signed, *Adreiffe wntral Syria in Bible times there .4imJoa -4, 1 *W W. 0. LAND front 0 L ter me. . .. I . - . I lapanese Cktarrh Cure -use six bmss­ wore whole pasture fields of them, the Adirondacks, alid tie height �Italled in the home of a �G-v ,r Jer4ey , : - - - L I I u - at One tIM0__apply eXftetly a$- bouse-wife the day finally Icanle when PAMZ _X& &� 4 . , . I . b y them � a. If ' akes, and there ar Through Jesus Christ make this the privilege of "going olat" had to � Igayseed - � 113OT9= op - -1 ,� I - FX,AL B cording to the directions -and If you are not , <� Solomon Suggests when he says, y o . u can see 80 1, a� _ - � . id 'od, your God, and you can with- - - �� � I . - I cured see your druggist; he will arrange "I charge you by the hinds of the sEL to be over 800 in the grea�t ivil- 0 i, I - . -4-1- 4 f � � , - I be decided on. This fell oi a - I There's -a darness. go near arc the to eaCI1L stand anythiiig and everything, and I I i I . Zrwor. � 4 4 1 - � . it every . I , ... I I ALN. L back, field." Their antlers jutted from the y hursday, to which the mis ress as- Q;��171. I a. ox that I L ! �Mfkvair St" O"Itive guarantee w � b longr grass as they lay ,down . N 0, other that ydur iaountain guide that which affrights others will in- : I I ; - � . � . L . y I Napanese Catarrh -Cure- will cure. No cure, . ented. I i I you get your money back. hunter vdio has been long in "John iGks up and carries tho boat from spire 5,ou-as in. time of earthquake, "YOU L I t1pa- I .forCons * jjAsibrickeatlilig L . , I , Guarantee In DID y -ri e A I I Pe . . I .. . - k -e to lake, the-sinall di -stance be- when an old Christian woman, asked _ fibilt, our Stoloach0arriWea, I 416 . - ' id, "and every other i Thurs� I - . - . - � 91 V r answered, � . . I I I I � t" 'cen them for that leason called a whetfier she ,was seared, - � . I WormsConvulsionsTeyerish- . 0 I&S eyery package. 50 cents a,t all druggists-.= Brown's tract" LNvill wonder .that in y go t . ' the B;I)le they Were classed among le � - I - Ninoty-Avo Carew In One Rundred.Ca"s, cle � for tlig dew tl . ie ',icarry." And the reahii Of God's "'No; I am glad that I h&ve a God a. - ; I I L . � . � I J J, � XQ , an aninials, s, . .0 � . ' L - . '�All right, ina,'am," replie I Bridg- nes$ andLos5� oF,SLIEEIP. I I I .. � � '% O . __..— I 'Within'& period oil sixty days, One hun- sho-overs, the lakes, washed theni as -Y rd Is one long chain of bright, re- who ban shake tile -world," or as in t i f . I ...- 11 I'll . . q .- Jax FOR - - � 11 1 . � . I � - L SA.- � dred cans of Asthma treated * ClarkeFs, clean as the sky. When Isaac, the * fteshing lakes, each promise a lake , a financial panic, when a Christian . ; - ..... I . I Kola COMPOUn& - � The next week on Thursday sur- . Tac�iniile Signature of - ..; . 'nolle", ""I - . I . - showed the marvellous per I � ' ' ' ! .� 11 I t 100 OffitS, LAI] of ninety-five absolute cures --and pa.tria.rch, longed for venison, Esau 1�111 Very' short carry� between thein merchant, asked If he did not .fea.r f . . . o a��Id, though for age � " OrNe was great at Bridget'h coming / - . IS I 'L I . , I 0 I a lie would break, answered, "Yes; 1 a �., V_e le,l, - �"g �; V. . I L. I . Vatio".. I i . =S910figums are gathered from hospital .%hot and brought home a roebuck. .1; the p irsu d - 'I I tty Of *XC4 � es for $6. ave been drinying out of 'them, they shall break -when the Fiftieth Psalm from her room all togged ou, . ,for an- - Aw . 11 record& $2 a bottle .- three botfl Isaiali compares the sprightliness of ! 11 . Ew'YORK. 10"to4s Isput up it one -size Was -oily, ; I , ' Sold by, all druggists, or The Grifli � I re 0ther afternoon out. The mistress . . ' A 11 I . . - *In lie ad . _tbo & the restored cripple of the mll1CnnIELl [ a full lip to the top of the green breaks In the fifteenth verse, "Call : .1 to ME& SO Macpherson Co.. 121 Church stre I . 4, a not soia inbulk. Don't allov any- . to. et, woron �f I tl)�� kabelled, and asked her if she r0nem- . . I . � ftii 1w'" I - -L _L_ tivies to the long a,nd quick jU1np C ' I'anks, and the samo David describes Upon nio in the day of -trouble; .I . ft.L . - - . ,you anyfliiiig else on, the ples or proniW%eit I 2L . bered that she was to go out, only� I . � — the Stag,, sa, ing, -"The lame --shal ionip and they se,(.11i So near to:. will* deliver thee, and thou shalt .. I I L __41 " Sold by J. S. Roberts. . y , . . . �very other ThuTsday, L . is 86just as gooa liana lowin answer *vwy pw 'OU539 FOR AA a I . . b-ap as the.hart." Solomon express- I gi'ther that "n thi,ee different places glorify me.' " L . pose.11 JW so tb&t irou got 04444tu - � , i I - - xFMx5vcm3s=m 1 L -, n , AWAUg V - I he speal, � "Certainly, I do, ma'am, certain- - . � p7men, . . - f -d his disgust at'a huntet who, hav- -. 'S of thelil a's a continuous We a' I � . : - � . .. n_` At firFATE POR SALE. - . . .4 1 . I re told in Revelation xxii, 15, ; i The f"- * . I 9-BAL E:,, ' ly! Didn't you say I could go out . � I abd UWa bythe us . L L — intr, shot a deer, is too lazy to cook river, saying, "There is a. river the "Without are (logs," by which I co'n- I . . � I * ,1111110 . - � OR S&LE. streams whereof .sh* �liat Thursday and 'every 'other LUC !"COPY OF WRA PPE R. 11 LL ba , "Wbf,Soymber; . -Ta the Village of Hensall, wflue brick it, saving, "The slothful inan roast- all make glad the clude there is it whole. kentiel of I a dpatus . . ,Will jell low -thaub , . 11, . dwelling and store. combiaW, well situated near � I Thursday' -that Thursday aid -every . . d � I - . F (-in not that which he took in hunt- City of (,'Ocl;" "Thou shalt - make* hounds outside the gate of heaven, I :, 0.� - I � I . I 0, VM . jd*j�y, 6 W01RUX" contre ot village. Tormo reasonable. Apply to . I i ' �rhursday afterward?" . . . I . . - � . . � NOR S. CARLISLE, Heneall. 1616 hig"." . 01011 driji� of the rivers of thy pleas- or, its when, a niaster goes in a door, . . *1 - I . --- - . I . � . � "No, no!" replied the mistress. �_,ITZZMM __ �� 1. ; F4 DT t 8 AV L -es; " ' � — .. I � __ - - - - -- - ----- ul . ."Thou greatly enricliest it tits dog lies' on the Ste s waltingfor I . I But, one day David, while far fpom I 1) 'That Thursday and evoryi second , . A . .the uto frain ARM -FOR SALE.-Sonih half of 30 an4 North 'with -the river of God, which is full him to conic out, so the troubles of I _L LM, *Vnoe"Wn 1,6, 1, L .1 , . I . - , F , halt of 29, 6th Concesalon, township of Hay, the hojaie from -which be had been. of "water." . . � , hursday thereafter." I I . . - � I � � .1 __� . t4outains 7D 1wr4m4A a Thasoll is driven and sitting near the mouth. of . this lifo may follow USL to the shining " I � I I -I- . � L I -known ai the Sturg on farm. unexcolled, . � "Sure you �didn't say 0. � You I 0 revilsen 4 , with good fences and underdraining. Tho buildings ��, lonely cave where he had lodged But 111E11V Of You have turned your door, but they cannot get In I . � - , d . an -0 . - - I .� - " . bm hwindinill . arefair. Tbislas splendid farm, in a zood loce � back on (.hat supply a* ositively -told me that 'I'liur'sday- - 2 . . . . nd confront "WitliGut are dogs." I have seen I C_ I . � . - e . ,lon and on the ba,nk9 of a pond orriver, I . I I S L � I I IF w� 041 , I I *Ver UVID em a jSMILLIS' "t, : nd every other Thursday.,' I - - I - . ndwUl be sold cheap. ApplytoLS&AfUEr : your trouble, and �, I I jes2e4L, Good be 1648 tf ars a pack of hounds, in .swift pur- you Ore soured, dogs and owned dogs that I would ; I , .. . I � I I Honsall. . 1-1 . I ' Bridget won. � � I . I I I / I - �. A&i)ol ind,31 infles . with your circumstances, a.nd you, are not be chagrined to see in the hea- 1 L � L OckLe � I . Qjwcod. Addi . . — 1 -Mit. Because of the previous silence ! - 13 -_ I wn. . . L . Jolm"it.w4lingki RK FOR S&LE.-Lob. 36, Concession 1, toL ,if the forest the cla,rigor. startles fighting �ocicty, and you are fighting venly City. Some .of the grand old I Where Age In 1-ooked Up Ir � . . . . .. , ohip, of Tackeramith, H. ft. S., the property of . o. - .� _V. 0. . r :�.ini, and be says to himself, "T Wop- " a pursuing world, and troubles, in- N%Latchdogs Nvlio are the constabulary i I � - - DRAWood, I - I the late William Whitely ifi olYercl foreale. Onthe I stead of driving you into , the cool . of the honics in solitary places and 1 "The parents' word is alvayp la,w I � I . , - .� . I farm to erected a two story stone house, barn and .[,,,,., what , those -d6gs are after." I- . I � � - -VA,XX IN- RMI L .. a crackling in the f hea,venly comfort, have mad - for years have been the only protec- In Japan, and perhaps this 3LccOUnts Our Fall F o& of Furniture is complete. Wa extend a special, in*lt%. - . V 4. ponce'Esion -!-en Lhere I s 1 J obedg. There Is also a good bparing o�cliard, and , lake o 0 i , L the farm is well watared with a, living spring and a -,11.u:4h_,vood . and thii loud breathing ; you stop,and turn round and lower tion of wife and child, some of the for. the sweetness and gentleneiss of tion to all admiTer8 of .good furniture to ins - - - lerdi � JN -4egiod,,und I well. Apply W." 9, L&WRELNCE' Cffnton P. 0. ; of , . your head, and it is' simply a shepherd dogs that,,drive back the ilic Japanese Peet our stock. We have � alwar I . "L Sam tevied to j - I to E. WHLTZLY on the prentlece. . 1642-tf -�i* soule rushing wonder . ntler' character," Writes - something new to showyouinnewdesigme and flnish Lat close pnices, - .. , MWOUS good Or - - . � 11VOnds, and the antlers .of a deer I against tooth. I do n6t blame you. wolves and bark away the floCk from �)noto Watanna, in The Ladies' . . . . . . . I 101"k imis ittroug! I ARM FOR SALE -For sale, Lob 14, Goncessio --:1d the leaves of the- thicket, and I Probably under tile same circum- going too near the precipice and �Lloiiie Jourrtiil. "The Japaaese arc i �:Ia . "I boo". it in ,Mesr- 7, Ifullett, 0Qn8IstIQg of 100 sorm There Is on ': � I .1 . I i -U1T1D3H1_R�V A � I In � I ­' , stances I would have (]one worse; sorne of the dogs whose neck and . � � v . - -at to The be&6 F I � venie I the premises a frame house and. frame barn, witli ; , an instinct wh'ich all hunters re- inherently an obedient people' The . . . I . not & ftet of waste st%bling unde-neath ; also outbuildings In -,,;i­iflzu it plonges into a But you are wrong. You need to do paw I,andseer, the painter, has made M alw- ecedence of" � This d � artment is complete with a large selection of the best goodo, and I Otook 11,%WbJ& � Z� � f . ; the farm is well fenced and un good @tat I_ - pond or . as tie reindeer does in February and immortal would , the , I - . I "' I- derdraine ...kv or river to cool its thirst and not find me shut-- ,)',oung in all things. An ead.er, im--: Asnos. Apply to.� I . - I - � I L the gate of shi . I - JUS 0.1 TXV'r'l is within two miles of Kinburn ani six ,, Afa ch -it sheds its horns, . ting them out front . ROD X. � c'h,' oblig iug att 3ntion given to this branch of the business. I - I miles from Clintod, and 14- miles frow a school. Foi '.-I the .same time, by its capacity I ,cry maly of you ivlio are ing pearl. - I n- f�etuoiis young man be he ver so . I AWE . , . � ut �- I , Rght calls prowlitly attended to by our unddtaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, .Qwtw , . . . ­ . further particulars, apply t:) BENJAMIN RRID,�, :-V stvifter and longer svvimining, to 1�rilliant and clever, is not -4 pected I � - I.%- V Pon., A3. L I V, "Um POW . I I wrongeh of the wo�ld-and if in any I say if sorne soul ente� Ing heav4n. i�i Jap n to have he reas, ,I tlie � � - , - 00123tWiCe P. 0. 1660X2 -(-t away froni the foaming bar- r . a t ich abreet, �eaforth, opposite -the Methodist chnrcl6 I J0 Tuckersmith,', - . . . - . 11 - 11 . . v it rs. . assenibl-y between the Atlantic and .should happeii to leave the gate Wisdom and the foresight oll an old � . . - - - . a *ad 10 ocres -of � ­ QPLENDTI) FARM FOR SALE�-For sale the the Pacific ocoans it were asked that and these faithful creatures - r man. Therefore the old ma4 a .. . . �. . - I -and underdraine& 1i David says to himself: "Aha! That -sad frame barn, vd .. I'' 0 1 L e'td splendid farm of Mr, Robarb GLoveinlock, on the shoul omes -_ t . S I all i'0io had been badly . - . - W vad water � � � . I Worth Road,amlle and &half from Seaforth. I :-, iil,%self! ,Saul after me, Ab alom I treated quietrY '%valk in it would �not at ' first always. As a result, . "here Is, B�OADFOOT, BOX & C041 - . I - - ­' . boffi tbefi 11 � . _ 4,Aud V, contains 176 acres, nearly all cleared and in & high should raise r hands, . 11 . � �, � state of cultivation, There Is a two etory brick t.fier ine, enemies ,without number I and disturb my heaven. But all th . . - I --. -Avible farm, being - . - I L - 1"th. 11twillbe,40 . should lie niade� there �uniaai or brut4l hounds that ha*.o ,V,apan than anywhere else In the fuitheirpairticula'A .. _N full response'. 01 0 perhaps, more general happiness.1n. . , 'is. �ouse,. good bank barn and everytbing In flist-class ofter rite. *1 am chased, their bloody .�. I L -_ . �. L nondition. I'll - I- � L ft4d, or sworth I ' ' P ­ . and well underdraine4. It will be sold on i.-.-,(-//Ics at my beels, barking at lily. would -1)0 twice as many han�s lifted Chased and�torii and lacemted­ the 'World. Onb might ima,gill that I . SIM A :F0_RT:ff L I - 8"y terms, as the proprietor dastres to retire. If ,. as persons -pr AN ... L ,esent-I say Many of world --yea, all that now bito 4r Nkhere duty is carried to th extent . . . - � � L � � . . � - I ,.i- oo(l name, baeRing after my body, t 'We have always worry or tear to pieces ---s be i�'L is .� - - 4 , , ,­ not sold before the fall it will be rented. Address - you would declare, " I . I -DX81DJ M -CH n - ROBEP i ! ,TL QdVLr,NLMK, seaforth P. 0. 1698 if barking -after m,y soul, Oh, the t . hall 1 in Japan the natural lov is not � � I 2 �,; . done the best we c6uld and ried to prohibited. .1 . ;1 ." tMe, ehc#p,3 . 1,o "Without axe dogs." Xo o L I I I- - I . ,unds, the hounds I - But - look , . - n wr . - I - e; � . I 1. .. . I �Squsre in _44"fi-11 5. be useful, and why 011ie the place thure 'for harsh critics or bact- a�tual. !affection, rather t] a - . - � 1, ,0'WfOAA �� -VARM FOR SL&LE.-For sale, in the - Township of ther0" says David, "That hunted , we bec , .� 'n i the I I I � ThM 15 U V P: : - .- _U McKillop, the north 60 &ores of Lot 16, Conoss. : . I— I . .. vault, hutdocud rb . ' - has splashed into the water" -alidism biters or despoilers �of the reputatio' ere d ot a, child to its 1pare -r VAS J_ 'niencee. Th 4 i,m-x vicLinis of inaligninent or im 1 4- sion It, boundary line. Aboub 47 sores cleared, three . nt. . IL it, � vonvi J i � n the contrary, the natur 11 bond .. I I I 1 9 L. I , i� I lwx� of good hardwood bush, about two acres of I t [nits its hot lips and nostrils into- or mishap, is inscrutable." Why, do of others. Down with you to t4 � L . I � L � �� - pau#ief, tte. Thi ,; li� *oice fruit troes, soil unsurpassed well drained sad .voti L know that the flner a deer and keninels of darkness and L de#Jpalif oi� affectlon between , Paren and . - I .. L I � All kinds of hvit A i (11.:o cool wave that washes the lath- . tL ItS . , I Z . I . %-AUo-.A Urgett%Mi 1� !�; enced ; school half a mile a.wiy, post office ani the more '61cl,ran proportions ind The hart has reached the eternal wa- children is nowhere so wond rful as � onurch convenient; will be sold ch-!ap. 1 rvd flanks - and it Swints away from � a . L I 1 14 15-: For par. the more beautiful its bearing the ter brooks, and the pant . I ell . 11:� - amyoultut *nd ina , . 111oulara, apSly I he fiery canines, and it is free at .e ,in' JaP114. NO matter how nd, I ;, to the proprietor on the premises, or ing of th JF . tnSe0orth*u4vJ1 I � - . . . � - t. " ,-,- . , ULAN, Proprietor. n. I 111ore- a-ft-xiOuS the hunters and the long chase is Uijust or even wicked the I parent � . I - , ii !T Walton P. . DANIEL tobi I. st. Oh, that I might find in the quieted 4a still pas- WA". [ . I � ; . - . r 1599.tf hounds to capture it? I �. . t r I 3 - . , I � � - deop, wide lake of God's mercy and tures, anh "there shall be nothing U1 Y be, or how depraved, the child I -1, I I _ - - . . . Therefore sareasm draws on you to hurt or destroy in all I - - L . . . - -VT,MTAGE L01 . LIARSE IN TUOKE113MITH FOR SALE. -For sale, (1011SOIaLion escape from -niy pursuerst , . God's holy ii, arlably clings to that pare�t,,Oven I . ConCeSsion - I .: I - . .1 I L_ . . N Vul, tf 0, . . W � V Lot 21, 8, 11. R. S., Tackeramith, () I i. for the water S its "finest, bead; " therefore the mount." to the case, #S'own . In soge V, in the L 8 of Ii-fe and re - t ough, as is of ten . . � aontaining 100 a3res, 90 mores clearad and In a good -%V()rlcl 900s 9tilining for you with its 0h, when some of you ; I Chathain, Ontario. . . . , , - I I cite As the hart panteth, after the � get there it nature be finer." * . theroffam. It 401 1;: - state of oultivatlon, 10 acres of good bardWood'bush. . 1 1 . . L- - 4 . Via Und to be, sold I .. MJL best lVilichest& breechloader. High- will be like i _t , . i%ater brooks, so panteth ray soul - � . ;.1 There to on the pro sea a tood brick house and -what a hunter tplls of ; CanadWa greatest sebool of Shorthand and business training. When our grailu"" I I . � . -1 'L I vs L. ! t are, � I I � -,- � Worthonst corner �t it � kitchen; a lirge new bank barn, with stone stabling -, fter thee, 0 God.' . "I"Plil"C"t is it to your talent when lie was pushing his c4noe far � Hold On, Beysl t weighed in the balance of the business public*s requirements, the are not found maut- -.0 4 ­ - . Ly * . IMP. I Stanley, ec . or' Your virtue or our , . . Are L botb JIt=tC_d � .i �i underneath ; an open shed ;.,drivlog house, and other 8oine of You have just conin from Y I 1180fu-Iness. up north in the, winter and amid the ' ini. BUSINESS MEXrequiri b " � . - . I in ook-keeping or atenographic help, siouid write =� L �, �. flve I You will be . �ffold on to virtue; it is ab .-.. I - q the Ove EL11 Onliz the co nPetent ree mende . I - I I v�orpo � - buildings-; two gaod weIls and orchard. It is I assailed in proportion ice �floes and I . I � ration of OR - '� T, mites from Seaforth and six from Clinton. on a good Adirondacks, and -the breath of a hundred miles, as he I orn I � L I I �-4 � . s d' laces. I - . -1 I ., I _. TY, or Sea, g9ld on to your w ,o4l,%__o__&.. L . - 1"1691170*r1n Vormoula ' - balsam and spruce and pine Jis any other humall r. ,, .. Title 2 , , � gravel road. School cloge by. Will he sold che4p. I I to your great achievements, The thought, froni Peice to you in all time an ,r, ,; - 7 '­ i( - Apply on the premises t,3 ItORRRT MoVE I bost and the, Mightiest Being the beings. I -Te good ch- racter, tAv . !,�-�.e �,;�_. 7 Lr,4�rq"., !!:;4 '� , 201BERT WATS(I st ill on You.. The Adirondacks are, - was startled one day as � ­ 4108. %,- . , - . . e ­`o . forth P. O� 1689x:4tf' - foF it L - �_ '' Avorld ever sa set after him all is and ever will be yo r �best - I I 3- - . -w bad - . . � now populous with hunters, and the') lie heard a stepping on the ice-, and : �; 41' . !� �%Jffdld, �I�Wr' . - �� - . 0 �. - � . . i - i the hounds, w0alth. - j -" t� ' L I - -1 . R U I I ! 7, ' ' �'L -e* . . I . / - . . -VARK FOR SAI yJ)U are _ 't- - " f -VI ,� . , and they lapped his blood after the anything that came near. wheii ,,;'L 4 - - I I � . 11 . . - J! Ten - - " sale Lot 22, on the N)rth Boundary of Hay 0 nce while there talking with a hun-" He found allout to str],ke, steal, or do �nylm_ � . r�. t.Lob 28 L , &� .�� j- i ". JUIA INX HAY TOWXSEIIP FOR SALE. -For deer arle being slain by the acore.1 . terrestrial and diabolic, he cocked the rifle, ready to meet - Pold on to hand �? /,,-& 02�1 / i , ��� .,,., _� 2 i. - _L , L I � �4_ ;Z, xvc,,, //,,��,, , 94�Z - � ' ,..,o 11 L , - - I I P " Township, This, farm contains 100 acres 85 actles Wr I thought I would like to see I Calvarvail wassaerd. The world paid a man, barefooted and insane from . I ?.^,:�.�;.-,� �7,,YI,7,7 ! , . I �. Tuckstamith, wnt . i, cleared, the reei good hardwo-)d bwh. It Is well un- - prioper act. " .,. I . � 1. and46 Ulance 10 I n io the ti U"1"1---d1­v";f,.,, I . -, t*'�V 1, derdrained and finced. There Is a Kood stone house �Whether iny. text was accuilg7to Jo its! 110thino- to its Hedeemer but &� bra,m- long exposure, approaching him. 1-1old o � I w _` . � . with a No. 1 cellar ; large bank barn ; implement allusfon, and as I heard th 5; . . StAte of cultivarlic I I e - dog , q canoe and kin- . I won reaowL Tair k, 7�'� ble, four spikes and a rross. 1 Many Taking him into lih ruth, for t will . . -eliss stabling .ing -6 done -rve _�keo, ?,,;"4 MAr-Vh,;Q,- - I shed ; 9hsep house 70x�6, w1bb fi(st ,,,,A NvIlo ha� their best to make bling fires to warm him, ho restored s( You well, and do yoJ : - I , -, - _44 . 1� .. barn and h �. I Et little way , good I . I and roat collar underneath ; a good orchard ; 2 good � Lhe world better I ave, had such dil-dughout eternity, F - ! . � . - ouft, pli . 21stsis An exoeffiiil wells and claters. There Is 12J acres of fall' wheat sul)I)osed they were on the track of . a hini, found out where he had lived FTo]d on to your . . D. MeLach-lan, Z3Q1., I - sowed on a rkh fallow, well martured ; 40 &ores seed I'migh time of it thlat, all their pleas- and took him to his home'andfou tong*up wh�n you, - r , . ft= Brumfield th - a deer I said to the hunter in ro nd . , 'L I t4% � r6soonable terms b ed down. recently, the reat in good shapa for crop. Ugh L11 -V is in fInticipation of nri, just ready to swear-, lie, OVI speak . . . This is & No, "� rkets, corduroy, "Do the d the next all the village in great excitement. : C;.a (11am, - Cht. . . ,ft : iffly to JAMBS S farm,well situated for ma car always make, world, an per -,Jotd. L I I �] � �d tile), would, if they could, A hundred men were se r hi or 11old on to D_1�1, sill: . I churches, sohoolit,pobt office,ete.,and willbesold for the water when . 4, C ng f harshly, or Use, an impro ; . reasonably. A ly on the promises, or address : su(-(I?­ 1I express their own your temper NVII(fil you . � . AUK rou SAI ROPERT N. D89QLA8,.Ro,x 1, Blake, Ont. 1658x8 e said: "Oh, yes, mister. words of the Baroness of Nairn, at d or iinposecI4 Upon, I . i ' 1have rotw favor i - _t r - . feelings in the this lost man, and his family an ars ringry, excited, 01 thO Uth 14st.,.anit U'I-s wl� b . . F Lot2g, Cono4 . . - _____ - ___ I You -.see, they are a hot and thirs friends rushed out to -meet him, and, I . . , ­ . Some, 45 Acres 1610 . r 11 Cri I . - . bush. The land4i . of her long life, when ask- as had been agreed at his first ap" � 'r V1fdS`­ru I avail wsa1f of the opportunity of reSerring to Ni�9_11' Im - L ty ille Close Or Others CLI19 Y about you. I . , Lot NO. 7, , -1ARH IN GREY FOR SALE,-FGr Bale rininial, and they know where the rad if she; Would like to �;Oii ta your heart ,vI . - L 11Old*, . . 1 !" ,- L V in.thel4th Concession of Gray, containing too water is, and when they hear dan- lL live her life pea,rapee, bells were rung, and guns I wh �ev,fl I weUittidcrilralned, , '. about 76 cleared and the balance wel over aga �n: . � petsOns seak your company, a id in- . 1:1 - . *1) .- I I timbered 1%VC11 ..41 or�:=--t-!11, one of Your graciustes. ioic is ,now in _. i 1%% i prendees A good] ­4�, g( -r in the distance they lift ,theltr� e discharged, and banquets spread . - our owpl�yl#vfkft I - I utAbling for ig hei . . . - . � I I I I - I =Sbard wood and ash, The farm to 411 well fenced antlers and snuff the breeze and start,' lVould yc U be young and the restuer viti(' You to join their games, i ' , - Are also two neve� -i 2. -Is free from alt foul webda. - . , Imirth C r..X� main TG$3COSed Or z.,irked ability. Be is "pecially' - I I ­ 4 and ffeeded to grass and , again? loaded -with pres- il.revolry. _ -, . � , U a Xulle and a Qui � - : ,:,j. There is a fr;ime house and large bank birn with for Racquet or Loon or So would not L I . ents. Well, -when some of you jitep ,an i n . . . � V; to - '1� a d I I - . . r-14 post tftloe ch . � done stab]: I . - � is I . name !at a-11 C j. � - � I �dar shell boat or Onie tear of nivinory given out of this wilderness, where , L 0 � . 1* 1. 7 Ingwidernesth. �Thereiaa good orebard -%N e get into our cL I;Told on to Your good v I ' � 01'.Ul �-14 acCuCate In all 011 1143 Off 1043 VOLrk, thU3 Miialfe'3Z . 0&i�oxrty ;�d. fivel �r 1, YOU times, for it is Much more allu ble . 4111 ; -L.. and aL never failing spring creek runLniCg through the stand by the runway with rifieload- 0 TiNvar � .have been Chilled and torn and some- � sold on reasonav� :,� a& fam. it to good either for grasing or zrain growing I'll hie. a I . " . Z L, � �, , I _ - I � I r V et7 -fu t1L, drilling and being f-lt'ted for � � -get more land. I � . I times lost amid the icebergs, into I 0 �qhj , 9 - I and is within three and & half mile; of theprosperous ed ready to blaze away." Lift -'s dark wave forded o'er, to You than gold, high. pialce 0 car, I and 3ystexa , � 1, Village O(LBrussnls. Terrug evay. Posse33ion given At . All,but at rest on shore, - the warm greetings of all the Vil- fashionable attire. ) � �, _ _: L the - rLmillep, or, l . ,ason why � Ler"Above - ST -0 X. e atanytime. For further particulars apply to the y friends, that is one rc ; � , . " - duties f, — ihe above quaj.if.ica - 1, LAI " , Sa.N . . tne averaZe ,c i c r.k. . I - Sa.N . I . , I � I L t1ove . . . F, I like the Bible so inuch. its , woWd you plunge once more, lages of the glorifled, and � r - , proprietor., Seaforth P. 0. 8TELPHEN LAMB. pax� , L 40 � . ..n PS your . . Everk Day Ix Sunday.. 1 ' . I- - Ai I . L � t r i d ,,,,- are real partridges, its O.9- _1114th home 'so nigh? - friends rush out to give you Welcom- . (A ' .9 I P ENDID FAI . - 1660x4 i no doubt, *re tile result of me proctleal and 'Sys -t* %ITO_,tC#JA14 . j, � - . � . I - L I . . "4 - RRNT.:_F4or I trielies re,al ostriches and its rein- If 1. I Ing kiss, the news that there is a,n- Ily difierent nations every cl�y' in . ; . I . � ­ le% L- . . � . 1DROPERTY IN HARPURREY FOR SALE. ' ou in�glit, I . * . na, receivea at VQ%4r 3nv . I lo . L.I. � . . salin 14 ; vou'h, . �� publi( 'wor I -_ - _�T�I_Qk-_j I 1. . L a Harpurhey at present on. I 19 - I U_ I For (IL" r -real reindcSw., vould you 11ow . other soul forever saved will call the thc week Is set apart for . _L sale,'the residence I I do not wonder . fic trace - !, -_ . I 0oneew -on Aw, � I - ,your way, - caterers of hcavcn to spread the ban -w slii P -L -Sunday by � - aondernion: In lb - 11 cupied by the undersigned. Ttere is a good frame that this antlered glory of tho text the Ch r I � t' ij:1 ns, , (d � I . F% L ' - I i q e Wander through stO"mY wilds, quet*and the bellmen to lay hold of . � ."Your$ VbLrV_trU1V,, , Wft L jai 1745 -.4cri", Ali *L , � 8 Moinda-y by the Creeks, Tues ' y - -_ A L - - � .. I all kinds , thu. Persians, Wednesday by L � the . I Tht" :68verat - house, bricked Inside, and w stable, also over an acre niakv� the hunt r' eye sparkle and & ty, b � _ , " . 11 . and a halt of land, also a splandid orchard o Faint and astra3f? LL ; I . I - of fruit, ba!h 14r9re and small. it is etwabed onthe kis check glo*,Nr and his respirationL Ni4;ht,S .. � -the rope in the tower, and While I . � I ! - I --- - . located close Lpe,ML � gloomy watches fled; I � 14 %, main street, and has all nece8qary conveniences. Also (Ill icken, -to s I , , W-,-"- f4 , , : - f, a ay nothing of its us&_ . chalices click at the feast and the ED'Ptiam, F riday by the Turhp and i I w . I. . . . '. undeidminc,do ZLA , � 11 e Und is Of tbi 11 - - he park lot immediately in the rear of the abive, fuhwss Morning, L all beaming red; bells clang from the turrets it I 1 4110 . I I 0 - - ( : L'. . L , although it: is the most use- j.lo1)e,s sl)lile d LUS Saturday by the Ilebr' 0 - I , . 3011taining 4 acres, on which there iq a gool house will ews. I i ,�-,'� - ! I i . I � _. rul of all gattle, it.c aroun shed, [ - be a* scene so uplifting I p I 11111111111 1 716�� * I 14VA . Ther - ray God 11 , . I - auk �� L . also A - I . . and larg4 stable, also an orchard and well, These flesh delicious, - licavenward, awayl may be there to take part in . - . ere is �­ �k curious Fnper-weigbt. I The Mr. Creisswell eferred to in the above, is Ralph Cresswell; formerl,v (if Sedor*- I 1Z �... properties will be sold �ogether or separately. These iff; skirr turned into hunian i�pparel, ' the I . I _ ' - '_ $004 WAUT. 1�. r7 i t,-; properties are a4mlr%blj %dapted for a retired farm %- 'Hisbrother.Harryisno with the Cre3swell Cattle Company, 1 � 1 - it, sinews faslij .) n ed into bow DLit What is a relief for a,111 thoso celestial merriment. And now do yoQ moot 611r�,Qus PfLper-w0iot ix of Spearfish, Bouth DskdW . � � Him . L 35 V I tbrge " __ er or markut gardener. �*pplyou the premises to n er in orld I id to b*14 e t Imm .. ,_ r ­L I 5trings, its antlers putting pursued of trouble and annoyance 1111 TWO ]RUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX OF OUR -PUPILS secured good '_ i_- . � the'propriebor, or address Soxforth, P. 0. WILLIAM ' I handle.%- and I Soloixon?s - , , - b - - Zurl. . If no ... �j�a . .t . I N, DYNES. � 163441 o n cutlery and the Shavings Of its, pai`i I and bereavement? Song where he compared Christ to a I I -of V71MV. 4 to 1ha i U I" Lo in 17 months. We can send you the list. We sllov� railway fare to students from & dig, L . I . ­ , My text I I - L natt, f� 11'L-1 I reindeer in the night'would make all ; f . 04 tance. Good board at, 62 ner week for ladies, $2 50 for gentlemen. For eatitlogw Of, I ric P.O. - J, � hyrns used as a reEtorative, Of one f tho ftug a PU_ I . , ,:� its nanio giv�s it to YOU ill a word . ; L i 4 1 I I ARM IN TUCKERSUITI-1 FOR SALE. -For sale, !;;keii from the bar -. and called hai: lettets, but each letter is a charlot exquisitely appropriate peroration tal I , either department, �dd 8; . 1 -JI,�i.�, F Lot 11, Concession 8, Tuckeram -ts- i ; rMA I L ng �� . I I . I i-, ith. oontaini my verni - I I . I . . I 11 I NI)ID I-, . 100 acres, all cle%ied but about 8 iter ',fol"). - 11.y putting tiside its -useful'* if yoa triumph, or a throne if on, "Until the day �reak i 0: � 10009 7 . : OLL ' !-,. 00 I sh. 1 � _;�:­ es of K - - you . did I & 6 wili attend tb:e a 13th wacessi , , � It to ur derdrained, wall fenced, and in a high at at, 1--('-'-s this Vilch alit! i Ar 'creature seems. crowned, or I k if , V . _ JW � want to be OU eund the sheLdows flee away be th I Lady Aberdeen. - - � ; - L !�i i of cultivation. There Is a good atone house; -1 *Ation I Mo HLAN & �, 0 . 1.-,%! al I' hatbam Ont I - g)od .nizido oi you would slake you* like a roe o . Jonneil of. Women st Usmilton this . - I . I a Vii , L - � -houses, It adjoins a g)od I , W_ barns, stables and out -it of gracefulness and ol&sti- r thirst -yea, & ,� hart upon the I . lot WhIcimir: ;A.. a mo ! I � ,.,: �, . school ;, 18 witbin five miles of Seaforth, and ttree --i(.%'- What n 0'e, vviffi a� liquid chain of three lakes -G -o -d, mountains of Bether? I . I . I L -&-A � !�:� 11, I . n A gt�od at f� .f - �_ � � - - - ! I . --------- . .A*�; 1 . . .)I.;11hLuess a.,j ie' for -whom David longad and the one . � ordmine an r H: vailes !rom Kippon. There Is plenty of good wa,er, . I gathere(l up- from a . - . - i ��', 1 1 1 - I . ., $ .2 ,, - Win be cold with or without the crop; It ig on) of ,�Ilndred luk(,_,j at Sullset! The It whoin David found. You might as 11111 &WTIle Old Hens. . . I . g and � _0 __ I . , orns I ' , on the I I 11" � � . re� 2,190 � hov$es� L& large ba _ . ii��f , - # L , � 1 a .r� I :t � I ! (I" b e 2 : . . i . I "�Iiti I I L Z ; I gether or separately S114111 lo3ling varietii?s. I . I ��, ,� lot, well fenced, but no buildings. be sold to- Escending into speed through thicket and gorgeand V L -bu i V . . . .t '' It � I J, �! 50 a 've, and, afLi,r it seems done, ablo to keep, except they are bf the * t , t cres witbin & mile and a quarter, a ood grat ing sixth inflo of -running at the topmost Wilf : 1.;;�!. the beat firms In the township, and will be sold on of ` - . kr - A e td L easy terma. as the proprietor wants n, c0ronal branchime into every pos- wt'll meet 11 stag., 'which, after its r are not profit- "� to rot! hible cul- n 4 D 'n't Wait for , 10 * t . �t3, I '� - Apply on tho premises, or id. Other L projections � RIGH .- I 'i - ebavil i� - I � a and jou , , V r , . drew Egmondville P. 0. JAMES KeTATISH. "�MsltenCss, a tree of Polished bone, 'with the brea-th of the -dogs or, it& --- . . I . I : - - 1� I . . . - - . . 1. Joins Vlavill e � - I - Uplifted in lwide or Swung dow heela, has come .- . t I I . 1109 ;f . n for in full sight, of I - I I � _� . LIAVful L ' - . Pr ' - Offlos. blacimint . - . Le'adbu ry hr,tel I i , ,combat! It is velocity . e,m- Schrrc on Lake and try to 'cool its . L . ; 4,' ' _ . I - �'L �, ARU FOR SALE. -Lot 8s, NAVAL DESIGNING. r It I 1. ast bodied, 6 , uni ,�; � Concession 4, timidity impersonated, .pr g whd blistered tongiAe with I '. e . _P L. ; it. Isle now �,!;� FW&wanosb, containing 126 acre . ISEA � E I L il : ­ . . 8. There is on . � I . I , . i . Is one of the b,-sJ (: . Ve a. Of WrCLSS US tO attenl,pt to Reatilts of 300 Years' Evolution of the - . . . . ; L ties in -the .4C)OU j, I . A�l I bite place w Kood brick dweill house 2Ox28, ith Well, now, let all those who ha, = . I I - I . is thp doadflest and most' I . - , w4i, ng satisfy aLn immortal soul, wb��jn . . ' anti on f I I 11�-11 ir 18x28, li storey high; abole cellar full ai� e; -comillig after them* the lean hounds . nights indicate that Fall I n6t. ivnla ­, - 1­4,;�: frame sun2vier kitchen and woodshed IOX24; h rd . fly-. Sailboat. painful* malady to which . The cold days and . --------- L - � r'... I ��_ ' I 1-ith any- . . . r I a0l;oft water � frame b3rn 66x68, with stone sts. les of 11overty or the black hounds of ing from trouble and min, ,7V . � I . . � - if A AbItAble ten � ,g� I In . naval designi I most mankind is subject. Dodd?s- . . . - ., - :. n9t as M . . . ,apply Oil - 1 % . - s here, with Winter .. on the pr ; , underneath ; framet pi pen, 16X32 : two 1rood lor- ,ecution or the spotted hounds of thyg less deep and high and broad � -1 rwrr ..- . ohards; 95 1, ssitude or � of 4Ad tmmensd and infinit other things, matters move swiftly I Kidney Pills will care ady following close on its heels. � � L � acres oleare ,balance is gocd h vlei . a SL 0 & . I . . . T0prietor, X*�ad- L L . 11 d d ,he pale -hounds nd et rn I I : , ­ bfth; weir f eace(t with cedar rails, and w611 I!,tw, Old death or who are in Ffis coinfortL Why,, ite to -di , says The Alontreal Herald. case of BrIght's Disease. . LL . � L 9-y L I . I � ­ . any wls� pti�_ Wan God. - M_ Tt is alt - ether 'probable that you haVe beeu:caught . - by_ihreLe good spring wells; sohool and charoh n. e, doep, glorious bosivoins all, Till the clipper ships ca.me in and They have wever &iW In I : 09 � t 1: ventent; fivemiteefroL ,� i, m Blyth, 12 miles from Wil"g. � . - ii I I single cas*. They are I - I - . 1; ham,'17 miles from Goderich; inust be sold to d ose lAike of divine solace and rescue, The : ana:da sent out the first of these I -.0fle L . with your Summer clothes on. Don't - : L - 'L th �.V a chill . �. I thO estate. Apply to JOHN WALLACE, Exem tor wrenches off all bondage. His hand speedy vessels somewhere about I e only. remedy that ever t . .L ; : 1110st Of the 'raen and women whom . . has cured it, and they are t - - ­___� . PLPen �It wipes away all tears, His 1830, the type of vessel in IDOAR 170p. ' - I I I : for the Joseph Jackson eat -Ate, Blyth P. O., or to 0 a to "14POw &t different times, . _use by, i ;et Winter -find you unpre-poxed. -We have now in j � Hamilton, Blyth, , 1658 1 � � . . I � I . . . � - � L If not now, have had troubl.e after Christly &toneuient-it makes us all civilized nations had been built on i the only remedy that can. . 1 1 . A -s keep for � - . I There are imitations of L SUAcy, a thorol I .; . ARM XN STANLEY FOR ULF, -For Wge, ob -them, sharp, muzzled troubles ift right with the past, and all right � very much the'same lines for 300 Dodd's lCidney Pin in - I at . I 41 �Ock a* fine range of Old Country SUitin just 4fto 'Payable tb .11 F9 add the waht halt of Lot 8, on the 12 . RW with the future, aind all right with years. The clipper ships, with their 9 . � P, AVI ritirning if W . h con . � � � t es- ty-nubles, all dovouring . box and name -but illitta- . . " - - i tro . . � sion, or Brownsou .Line, of Stanley. Thie far, , ,,- . ublos. I . it, � Wns 160 sore@, all, of which is cleared, ex brany Of You bave ma,de . God, all right with . man, -an a s and deep draught, I the thing for general wear' and yet Styling enou _.1L I . I the lafst44e tions aro dan " I ga A� cept f mr ,gerous. The I I . 1. acres. It is In a. state of first.cla@j cuTtivaii , , ell 0 0 Y. riltht, forever. * . showed the builders a now idea. 4 I . . on Of Mvfng to -tght them. f3*34 b d original krid only genuine -VO PIG BREE fenced and all underdralned mostly with tile. Tb we Inctmly attacked you, a,nd j�ou at- Lamartine tells us tha,t King Nim- They Saw that they had to get rid our* for Bright's Di"Ase is for best, and the pric4s are ­,uot. higb. Have a - I A. ion Lot 26 1 .. I to a large frame dvircUlng 11;�ise as good ai new, ,A th tac rod said to his three soniii: "Here of bluff bqws and make the general - .1 I , 0- . I I A uoroitiii;;2 ( �. tqodatonefdundation and cellar, large bank b ,ra ked - thOrd - thaw . depreciated y*W . � bred Yojr�smpA � . � I . . I I . ­ th atone stabling underneath, and numerous ot ier . . I are three vases, and one is of clay, lines of vessels easier. The yacht IS - - 1. . I look at them. - . . I be #,dulitted to a :. I . . bnildiW, including a tar e pig house. Two gr od another of aniber and another 10 I t I service. or V I .y of Anicrica in 1851 was the result of nt � QrChards of choiceL fruit., so nice shade and dr &. and you depreciated them, or they gold. Choose now which,you will the new awakening. When the Brit- - � . . � I Wkite i�i; for si mental ttees. There are two spring I , creeks runn: a � I . I through the farm, 4nd plent . 1! overreached you in a, bargain, a-tid have," The eldest son, having - the ish ,%v,e-nt after the America CUP, . . - . , I y of goozI water all e I . YPAW round without pumping. You tried In Wall street parlance, t' DNEY . : WORTZE more than a generation after, the L - - �w L. It Is well situated tor 0 first choice, chose the vase.of gad, - .) T_"VCZ1_Tb market*,'churchea, schools, pool offiftl &o., aid g(od them. Or you ,have on which was written the word "Ma- lines of yachts - had not changed I ' sayet roads leading from it in all directions.. lit is had berea-vement, and, instead of be- pire," and when it was opened it materially. * There were the al- I � 1, Talinwerth Boari" T i 4 1:1 I � f, . iahkifi view of Lalie Huron, and the . 'S `H boats Lean [be ing L P1 LL B.I. & *bk a,t *� . ME-Paselog up and down from th (house. Thisr. submissive, you are fighting was found to contain human �01 most straight stems and straight L � Zn; . I is . ood. - rr ft . I one Dodd'.SXk1wy Pills are ' - IG T B.ROS., � - " am "u" OT the best equipped fa,tw in the county,J.,od thatL bereavement. You a I 9 . I I bw . wilL,be sold an easy charge on. - The second son, making . the next keels. Gradually the tremen- fifty cents � � i . . 11 - �= L . I i � L ­ I a. � I I . : I account Of Ill headth " livwam retkie on .. terms, at the proprietor want !to the doctors who - have failed to effect choice, chose the vase of amber, IVA- dous overhang of to4ay, for- _. & box 4t an Qua ins, or . Ap ly on th Z � D�_ L druggists. � � � I fr-ja 11 I - I I addren BlAko p. 0. , FDMI fo cure. Or you charge on the care- scribed with the virord "Glory," sad ward and &ft, came into use. -1 -- -, I I .. '. I- 4SUACU of the railroad coinvany Wb,QU 9RCUed it - . . � . . - - F UR IVIS. H. ER j 8 SEIFORL.av . . . . contained the ashes sizuers maw that it jr&ve moye pqyver I . ; .) I 041", - L . , � - . JA " . I i . � - FA . L - I �_ =.W_4` � . ­ . - I I i -1 - Itial"d an=bor I � , I � .. I �Av&­ - . . . str-ria . . I I . . � i -1 ! I =-ass . . I I - � theft I � � � � - - . � I � - - T I i I I X � . Bw U, with : : � I I . - - . I i . . . I � i . - 1-1 � : I - I - i i - . I . f . � . .. ,� � I . � . - I . . ; . : � i - . � i i i . I - . - . : i � I . I - � I1. . i � I !, - .. � f 7 1 � . . ­ I - I . � � I I � : ,,, � 1. I .� - : � - I . . —i � . - ,_ ­ I I I ! , . I . I I � � - i rr . I . . .. ­ . _­ __ 11 - - . . : 1. - . - . I I ., �-- ­ �-,------��'.1-1�-�-.,�.��--,�:- - ; I - I . I � � . I ; —_ _­.— ­­_� � � � I.. -_ I ­ . I � L .- � _ �, -t i I �.. I � , 11 .. .- - �_._­_ �� 11 I I � - �, 1Z ­ I - I I I I I I . � I - , . . I I i , I P 011 0 R C 0 P y � � . I � . � � : . � I . . : . - . - . �. I � � t I I � � - I - I . i , � � . � . , I : ; . � . . i � . I I '' � � 11 . . li I � . . I I � : I . I - � * I ! � i 1. i � i : . . . I � I . ­ . I , I � . I ; �: � � . I � I � : . I t. . I ,. "I - � - ­ - . - __ ­ .1 I- I I ___14__ ­­ _�1­-__-_._%_­_­___ __ - ---;- __ - - - ;�. - L - ­_­_­­ � I . - � _ - - , - ...­ �.1-�"-.�-..--,�,�-l'..-"-,�,�----,----. __ - - __ I _]-..1__- - mam"isk"