HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-10-13, Page 7.s
k 131 1899
'ION 1
e 'without nom 0
ec)mft‘d1:- with.
equally simprau e.
✓ ugi.Y pair of
et many of them
y most unlovely
'12t of these tenon.
1 -Y --are only tobe
r Shoe'
14, 50c;
on London
epairing two
egistrar of H
hool section tie- 10,
ork re by-lew
- Philip SchaIrtde,
mann, culvert sad
oward, work and eel.
5, 3d.20 ; tennotm,
rerta, $5; F. W.
L y Branch Agri
dling concession
rt, repairing culvert ea
$1 ; J. Oesch, cutting
sion road, 750; phaii
work on south bout
chroeder, drain term
; J. Schroeder, replan
, on concussion 16,
zig concession 14, $L2.;
rork on concession 4,„
PII, culvert, conoession
Avert, ditch end ma-
d, cleaning road allows
• 6 and 7, $14.25; J.
1,ricl plank, $5,20; I
oast on conceseks
repairing culvett
; Wm. O'Brien,
t road, $20.15
euIvert on concession
ilding bridge en eon-
rge Thiel, jr., work ort
15 ; George Thiel, sr.,
road, $1. Council will
aday, November etit,
aen gravel and lmnher
tied for.
euarantead by wise lin,
5, WO, 000 —sax Does
s of the President of the
a unhandsome.
real, though her femme
11 of $25,000,000.
,at it would take the
,nd their income iliVests
in great paying inter.
, would have to live in-
endor but, bless yens
,rn cooling,
, her acute, subtle httbe
.style of living.
one returning from that
,rd of it. It is morel
• by just such thrifty
himself rose into the,
,000,000 and ta donne's,
Ind fret and stew over
6 hot, hot land rather
y on e maid! And not-
a whispered—and loud-
Jish. circles in Africe--
takes a hand in the
s scrubs and rolls the,
and strength of the
apon making her own
..iecause the Kruger”'
'pillow, a sheet without
in from the arduone
t) make empires and
Des the rest of the herd
ie makes the bed also
r whatever the money
Ld has state guests te
1, the time the good
Le shows the stuff of
• doea honor to her
ition as wife of the,
:be head of the table,
dishes. To no butler
greet a reaponsibility,
• a mishap, that she,
net. So, shining and
-ge white apron over
ishe waits on eseh
nes, "no hostess can
etter than this."
heaped to perfection,
Tad to the briawto
any one goes aunts -
enough to extol to
a every one calla her,
1.th andthe inircense
Pcket money she has to
hat person a secret,
oud ; one in which ehe-
e and ' the President
,?-yond their "coffee
to $2,0o0 a year, aI-
ever touch the other
it their hands on the
reateat fortunes in the-
, no one knaves. Like
Ilionaires, Oona Paid
rsons nrho will enjoY
ti unworthy subjects -
a.rtd Wonlau
ceases end history be-
:atarrhezone and nee
hitisAsatitina or ffIlY
health begins. Cate
.1...solutely cis TO ---Olt`
ger or risk in using
ffectiveremedy. itt
of medicated nitt
r you breathe to th?
;ages of the Jangle aria
.ree beceuseitenrele#
apot. You breethe ;
. all druggi-Itst "
o in stamps for any ,
SON & CO, Mellaig
ton wait incorpoy.
h the rites of tbsi
ch, Aliso Jolla Dent
gadier , General ain
te and granddaughter
ant, has beefrisse
Irene, Count 8
nple but imp
)y Father Hotovi
1, New York. litif
erforrned &1 Nnt or,
was the sockti
OCTOBER 13„ 1899
The Red Mill,
Gadke & Co.,
Proprietors of the Red Mill, Seaforth, have
completed the improvements in the mill,
neelog placed there the latest and most im-
proved machinery, and are now prepared to
do all kinds el t
bopping,, Gristing and all lines
of Custom Work.
Pirst-elass Flour from Manitoba wheat
for sale.
M.Gadke is a first-class, practical miller,
and all customers will receive prompt and
satiefectory attention.
Special Attention
to liorseshoemg and
General Jobbing.
,00derich street,
- - - Seaforth.
Pumps, Cisterns
Say friend, who is going to keep your
Pumps in repeir ? If us, buy from Ug, and
have satisfaction.
Well digging in all its branches promptly
attended to ou the shorted notice.
Estimatefar wells and cisterns cheer-
fully given.
Pampa:taking attended to promptly.
The Old Reliable Establishment,
Kalbfleisch's Mills, in Hay,
for Sale.
This eplendid property, situated on the 16th Con-
ceseion of Hay tawraship, consiating of ri Saw Mill,
Minnie& Sash and Door Paotory and Chopping Mill,
ie offered for trete or to rent for a term of years.
The whole property, including a good residence. will
he -sold cheap and on easy terms. There is a large
and profitable burliness done and a good man with
moderate capital could make money, as It is our•
wooded by one of the best agricultural countries
in the province. Apply oa the premises or address
Zurich P. 0.
A comfortable two storey dwelling
house; warehouse with refrigerator,
stable, out -houses and. a good well.
Apply to
1640 '
forever a year we have had the agency for the sale of
INDAPO. Our first order was for a quarter of a dozen,
eeriest for One Hundred and Forty-four Dollars worth.
IRAN seuut 4
Made a welt
Man of
Tilt erroisT
Results in 30 days. Cures
all Nervous Diseases. Failing ?tremors
Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly Emig -
alone, etc., caused by past abuses, giver'
eigorand size to Blirunkon orgasm, and quickly but
slureterestores Lose Aretrsfurod in old or young.
Easily carried in vest pocket. Price $1400 a pabkage,
-.81.% for $5.00 with- a written guarantee to oure or
money refunded. DON'T 'BUY Alf Intrxation, but
inaist on having INDAPO. If your druggist has not
- it, we w,i11 send it prepaid,
NI11/00 RINEDY CO., Prop,., chime°, Ill, or our Agents.
This rapid increase proves it Is a remedy that everyone
tete tries it speaks well of. Yours respectfully,
I. V. FEAR, Seaforth, 9nt.
H. R. Jackson
& SON.
Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac,
France ; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol-
land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland;
Booth's Tom Gin, London, England;
Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas-
gow, Scotland; Ja.mieson's Irish
Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port
and Sherry Wine from France and
Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky -
Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davie'
Ale and Porter, Toronto.
We have opened a retail store m
connection with our wholesale busi-
bueinees in the rear of the new 'Do-
minion Bank, in Good's old stand,
where we will sell the best goods in
the market, at bottom prices. Goode
delivered to any part of the town
TELEPHONE 1 lie-tf
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
R. tioLean, Preeident, Kippen P. 0.; Thomas
traitor, vine-preoident, Bracelleld P. 0. ; W. J. Shan-
„nost. fleey•Treas, Beaforth ▪ �; Tkoraas R.
naIr, Inspector of Lessee, Reaforth P. o.
Broadfoet, Seaforth; John G, arises, Win
throp • George Dale, Seaforth; Thomas R. lays
isaforlh ; Jamas Erma, Beechwood; John Watt
nock; Thomas. Fraser, Brnoefleld ; John R. MO.
"In. Nippon; James Connelly, Clinton.
RObt. Smith, Etarlook ; Robt. MoMIllan, Eleaforth
sLssies Cumming Egmondy ; J. W. Yeo, Holmes.
Yale F. O.; John GovenIock and John 0. Morrieon,
betel desirous to offeot Insurances or trans -
:0 other business will be promptly attended to on
ilPlication to any of the above addronrcd bi
Mr respective post off ^es,
itCook's Cotton 71oot Compound.
' Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, P ffeetual. Ladies ask
_your drug -gist for Cook 3 Cotton Root Cern-
lake no other as all Mixtures. pills and
itations are dangerous. I -rice, No. 1, $I per
DOX; NO, 21, 10 degrees stronger, V per box. No.1 or k mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent
sigiSs The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
___ . Nos- I and. 2 sold aim recommended by all
.eseenstble Druggists in Canada.
Ns. 1 anddruNo. 2 sOld In aeaforth by reraidea &
Wioe, ggiets.
The Brussels Show.
over three years, Ed Lambkin, 2nd and 3rd
Thomas, McLaohlin. Stallion under three
years, John Lambkin, 2nd and 3rd Thomas
McLaughlin. Brood mare, James Speir,J A
Dickson & Brothera, W Dale & Son, James
Speir. Horse colt, 1st and 2nd John Lamb-
kin. Mare colt, George Johnston leD and
3rd, George Peacock, W Dale & Son. Two
year old filly, Ed Lambkin, J A Dickmon &
Bros, Andrew Hislop. Two year old geld-
ing, John Lambkin, Charles Wright. Year-
ling filly, Ed Lambkin, James Speir, Jatnes
Evans. Yearling gelding, Ed Lambkin,
Geo Wheatley, W M9888. Heavy draught
team, John Lambkin, Wm McGavin.
Agrioultural,—Brood mare, D Ramsay,
John Lambkin, W Dale & Son, Mrs, Elias
Dickson. Horse colt, Tames Shaw, Wm
McGavin, Ja.mea Mann, Chas Wright. Mare
colt, James Shaw, W Dale & Son, Mrs Elias
Dickson, John Manning. Two year old
filly, John Shaw, J A Dickson & Bros, L
McNeil, John Brown. Two year old geld-
ing, John Lambkin, Robert Shine. Year-
ling filly, James Shaw, Andrew Hislop, Jas
Cutt, Charles Wright. Yearling gelding,
John Lambkin, David Milne. Span of agri•
cultural horses, Ed Lambkin, •W G Ross,
Robert McDonald.
Roadsters,—Stallion with four of his
progeny, Ed Lambkin, Scott & Warwick,
Robert McDonald. Brood mare, James
Shaw, F 5 Scott, H Zimm, Wilton & Turn -
hull. Horse colt, Mrs W McKenzie, H
Zimm, James Shaw, James Cardiff. Mare
colt, James Speir, H Zimm, J J Ball, D
Ramsay. Two year old filly, George John-
ston, Mrs McLaughlin, IT Zimm, J J Ball.
Ywo year old gelding, Ed Lambkin, James
Cardiff, Scott & Warwick. Yearling filly,
Mrs W McKenzie, Scott & Warkick 2nd
and 4th, "H Zimm 3rd. Yearling gelding,
George Johnston, H Zimm, D Milne, P Mc-
Arthur. Buggy horse, 15i hands high thid
over, let and 2nd Ed Lambkin, H Zimm,
Robert Thompson. Buggy horse, under 15
hands high, James Speir, Beattie Bros,
Williams, Dr Kalbfleisch. Roadster team,
James Speir, John Watson, John Beattie,
J A Dickson & Bros.
Carriage,—Brood mare, James Speir, Ed
Lambkin, J J Ball, W Carter. Two year
old filly, neorge Johnston, A Lamont, D
Ramsay, Scott & Warwick. Two year old
gilding, Ea Lambkin, Scott & Warwick,
neron Bros. Yearling filly, James Shaw,
,,mea Speir, A •Currie, Cameron Bros.
! torso colt, Ed Lambkin, L Hollinger, W R
Mooney. Mare colt, Ed Lambkin, Alex
Stewart, 3 Calder, S Wilton. Carriage.
span, John Lambkin, R Cardiff.
CATTLE. —Durhanue—Bull over two years,
Anedrew Hislop, D Milne, R Corley. Bull
under two years, let and 3rd Thom •Strach-
an, R Corley. Milch cow four years or
over, D Milne, R Corley, Mrs 15 Wilton.
Mitch cow under four years, 1st and ad R
Corley, D Milne. Two year old heifer, ist,
2ad and 3rd R Corley. Yearling heifer, J
Calder, 2nd and 3rd D Milne. ;Ball calf,
1st,' 2nd and 3rd D Milne. Heifer calf, lst,
2nd and 3rd R Corley. Herd of Durham,
R Corley, D Milne, 'Andrew Hislop.
Jerseys,—Bull over two years, (4- A Dead-
man. Ball under two years, John Lambkin.
Milch cow over four years, also tnilch cow
under four years, G A. Deadman. Two year
old heifer, let, ad and 3rd G A Deadman.
Yearling heifer, 1st and 3rd G A Deadman,
R Leatherdale. Heifer calf, Thomas David-
son, G A Deadman. Ball calf, G A Dead,
man, John Lambkin, George Thompson.
Native or Grade,—Cow, let and 2nd M H
Harrison. Two year old heif r, D Scott &
Son, M H Harrison. Yearlin heifer, 1st
and 2nd M H Harrison. Two ear old steer,
D Scott & Son, Andrew Hisl p. Yearling
steer, W D Wilkinson, D ;Scott & Son.
Steer calf, M H Harrison, D Scott & Son.
Heifer calf, 1st and 2nd M H Harrison. Fat
csow or heifer, D Scott & Son, W Robb.
Fat ox or steer, M H Harrison, W D
SHEEP. —Leicesters,—Aged ram, John
Lambkin, Walter Johnston. Shearling ram,
Ed Lambkin, J Sanderson & Son, J
Cowan. Ram lamb, D Ramsay, James
Snell, 3 5 Cowan. Ewes, James Shaw, 2nd
and 3rd James Sanderson & Son. Shearling
ewes, James Shaw, James Sanderson & Son,
James Snell. Ewe lambs, James Shaw, Jas
Sanderson &Son, W Johnston. Leicester
sheep, Ed Lambkin, Jas Sanderson & Son,
James Snell. ,
Shropshiredowns,—Aged ram, Jno Lamb-
kin, WH Webber. Shearling ram, James
Shaw, John Smith, W IC Webber. Ram
lamb, D Ramsay, W IT Webber, M H Har-
rison. Jas Shaw got 1st for aged ewes,
shearling ewes, ewe lambs, and pen of
Shropshiredowns ; John Smith got 2ad for
aged ewes, shearling ewes, ewe lambs, and
pen of Shropshiredowns ; W H Webber got
3rd for aged ewes, shearling ewes, ewe
lambs, and pen of Shropshiredowns.
Oxford Downs,--eAged ram, Ed Lambkin,
We are sure you do not.
Nobody wants it. But it comes
to many thousands every year.
Itcomes to those who have had
coughs and colds until thb
throat is raw, and the lining
membranes of the lungs are
inflamed. Stop your cough
when it first appears, and you
remove the great danger of
future trouble.
stops coughs of all kinds. It
does so because it is a sooth-
ing and healing remedy of great
power. This makesitthegrent-
est preventive to consumption.
Put one of
Ayer's !berry Pectoral
Plasters over your lungs
A whole liodloal
Library FPO&
For tour mate In stamps to poy post-
age we will seud you sixteen r:cdical
Modica, MON, Frau.
We have the eseelualste services of
some of thetht eminent physicians
14 e Unfted s. Unusual oppor-
tunities and axperienee emi-
nently fit them vty you medical
edyise. Write froo_y the porde-
niers in your cosi. You will roseive a
promptarysimoirifier seat
' j.1424;arteas.
Some Clothing is made to or
der, not made to fit
Shore's Clothing is made to I
fit, not ni4cle to order.
Every garment guaranteed.
Sold only by the best dealers.
J W 5rni
Shaw, J
Iamb, Geri Johnston, J W Smith, 2nd and
3rd. Aged ewes, Ed Lambkin, Paul Reid,
J W Smith. Shearling ewes, John Lamb-
kin, Paul Reid. Ewe lambs, Ed Lambkin,
J W Boith, Paul Reid. Pen of Oxford
downs, Ea Lambkin, 3 W Smith, Paul
PIGS. — Berkshirds,,— Aged boar, John
Lambkin, J S Cowan. Yonng boar, James
Shaw, J 5 Cowan, 2nd and 3rd. Aged sow,
John Lambkin, J 8 Cowan. Young sow,
Ed Lambkin, J 8 Cowan, 8 J Miller.
Yorksh res,—Aged boar, John Lambkin,
S J Millke . in, Joh Little, Robert Nichol. Young
Boar under 2 years, Ed Lamb.
Johnston, Robb Nichol,J 5 Cowan.
Aged sow, Geo Johnston, Robt Nichol, John
Little. Young sow, D Ramsay, Robert
Nicol, John Little.
, Chester White,—Young boar, Ed Lamb-
kin, W H, McCuteheon, Jae Speir. Aged
sow, John Lambkin, W H McCutcheon.
Young sow, John Lambkin, W H Mc-
Any Other Breed,—Boar under 2 years,
Ed Lambkin, W IT MoCutcheon, Jas Speir.
Young boar, John Lambkin, Albert Oakley.
Young sow,Ed La,mbkin,W IT McCutcheon,
2nd and 3rd. Best sow, Jas Shaw, Robert
Nichol. Best pen of pigs, Ed Lambkin,
Robt Nichol. ;
Pourann.—Guinea fowl, W Carter, S. J
Miller. Dark brahmas, Geo Erwin, 1st and
2nd. Light brahmas, J Brethour, Robert
McDonald. Black Spanish, J Brethour, C
Henderson & Son. Plymouth rocks, Will-
son Bros, Alf Baker. White leghorns, C
Henderson & Son, W 'Taylor. Brown leg -
horns, C Henderson & Son, W Taylor. Sil-
ver spangled Hambur • s, W Carter, lst and
2ad. Black Hambur s, W Carter, 0 Hen-
derson & Son. Polanlcls, W Carter, 1st and
2ad. Bantams, D A Lowry, 1st and 2ad.
lloudatis, 5 3 Miller, 1 W Carter. Dorkins
George Erwin C He , demon & Son. Laug-
shans, W Taylor, 0 Henderson & Son.
Cochins, Willson Bro , Geo Erwin. Wyan-
dottes, Jae Sanderson & Son, Willson Bros.
Black minorcas, Alf 1 aker, Willson Bros.
Turkeys, 5 J Miller Geo Erwin. Geese,
8 3 Miller, Geo Erwi . Rouen ducks, Geo
Erwin, 5 J Miller. 'akin duaks, G Erwin,
5 J Miller. Aylesbu y ducks, C Henderson
& Son, W Carter. Pa fowl, J W Smith.
Any other breed of f wl, 0 Henderson &
Son, W Carter. Fam cy pigeons, Ewan &
Innes, R Cardiff, R. bbits, Willson Bros.
IMPLEMENTS. —8 PI m got 2nd for patent
arm wagon and iron barrows, and lst for
doubletrees and neck oke; Ewan & Innes
got lst for phaeton bu gy, road cart, wheel-
barrow,' patent arm wigon, and 1st and 2nd
for single covered bug ty and cutter; Cardiff
& Best got let for hen harrows, two horse
cultivator, turnip se -d drill, and 2nd for
twin gang plow; J J .1-i1pin got lst for tur-
nip *muffler, twin gan plow and general
- purpose plow, and let and 2nd for turnip
cutter; Cruden and Blake got 2ad for tur-
nip scuffier, general p rpm plow and tur-
nip seed drill; John Wynn got 2ad for
GRAIN.—White fall 1w1eat, 0 Henderson
& Son, H Edwards, Jetties Campbell. Red
fall wheat, Jan McCallum, Jas Burgess, II
Edwerds. Spring wheat, Jas McCallum,
C Henderson and Son, 8 J Miller. Barley,
S J Miller, Jas Campbell? C Henderson and
Son. Black oats, 5 J Miller, Jae Campbell,
C Henderson and Son. Jas Campbell got
let for white oats, email peas, large peas
and timothy seed; 0 Henderson and Son
got 2nd for white oats; S J Miller got 2ad
for email pees; Jas Speir got 2ad for large
peas and timothy seed; McMurray got
3rd for white oats; Jas ; cOallum got 3rd
for small peas and timothy seed; .R McDon-
ald 3rd for large peas.
FRDIT—Apples—Bald ins, Jas Speir,
Wm Robb. Farnouae,f D Stewart, Jas
Shaw. King of Tompki4is, C Henderson &
Son, Zella Carder. Mann Jas Speir, A
Stewart (Queen street). Northern spies,
Jas Evans, Jae Speir. Rhode Island green-
ings, W Johnston, John Brown. Golden
russets, John McKinnon, R Corley. Spitz-
enbing, Jas Speir, C Henderson St Son.
Seek no further, W Armstrong, Jas Speir.
Tolman sweets, Jas Speir, Jas Evans. 20
ounce pippins, Thomas George
Johnston. Wealthy, W Garvin, Davidson,ir Arm-
strong. Ribston pippins, Jas Evans, Jae
Cutt. Colverts, Jae Speir, C Henderson &
Son. Roxboro russets, C Henderson & Son,
Thos Ballantyne. Alexander, Mrs J R
Smith, Wm Garvin. Fallawaten_C Hen-
derson & Son, Thos Ballantyne. Graven -
stein C Henderson & Son, Jas Speir.
Maiden's blush, Geo Johnston, C Hender-
son & Son. Porter, A Stewart (8th con.,)
Peewaukee, A. Stewart, (8th con.,) George
Johnston. St. Lawrence, A Stewart, (8th
oon.,) W Garvin. Chenango strawberry,.
Jas Campbell, W Garvin. Winter apples,
Jas Evans, A Stewart, 8th con. Fall
apples, Jas Speir, A Stewart, fith con.
Fall pears. R Corley, Jas Speir. Winter
pears, D 6 Rose, Anna Ross. Plums, any
variety, W H McCracken, T Davidson.
Cluster of grapes, W Garvin, D C Ross,
Peaches, D Scott & -Son. Apples, any
variety not in above list, Jas Speir, Jas
Evans. . Variety of plums, Mrs J R Smith,
W H McCracken.
ROOTS AND HOED CROPS—Early potatoes,
W Taylor, J Brethour, J McCallum, W
Garvin. Late potatoes'
* J McKinnon, W
Taylor, P Erb, J Brethour. Collection of
potatoes, W Garvin, 0 Henderson & Son,
Jae Shaw. Swede turnips, W 11 Mc-
Cracken, C Heniierson & Son. Turnips,
any other variety, W 11 McCracken, C
Henderson & Son. White field garrets, W
11 McCracken, C Henderson k Sen. Al-
tringham carrots, C Henderson & 84,12, W II
McCracken. Scarlet Nantes, W Taylor, C
Henderson k Son. Early horn- carrots, W
Taylor, G W Johnston. Long blood beets,
W H McCracken, C Henderson & Son.
Blood turnip beets, W Taylor, C Henderson
& Son, White sugar beets, W H Mc-
Cracken, C Henderson & Son. Parsnip',
Geo Johnston, W H McCracken. Mengel
wortzel, long red, C Henderson & Son, W H
McCracken. Yellow globe mange's, W H
McCracken, not known. Red globe man -
gels, T Ballantyne, W IT McCracken.
tow yellow mange's, C Henderson & Son,
W H McCracken. Winter radishes, C
Hendereon & Soin W Taylor.
Veonemenas—ited onions from Seed, W
11 McCracken, C Henderson & Son. , Yel-
low onions from seed, T' Erb, W H Min
Cracken. Giant Rocca Onions from seed, W
Taylor, W II McCracken. Onions , from
top sets, C Henderson & Son'W Taylor.-
Onions from Dutch seta, C ' Henderson k
6011, A Stewait, Queen;street. Fop onion
sets, Jno Smith, Jae McCallum. Dutch
sets, W 11 McCracken, /".ter Brb, Polak
h, Paul Reid. Shearling ram, Jas
W Smith, 2nd and 3rd. Ram
onions, Jas McCallum, Geo Johnston. Yel
low Canada corn, Henry Edwards, Walter
Taylor. White Flint corn, Walter Taylor,
C frenderison & Son. Yellow dent corn, W
11 McCraciken. Collection of corn, Walter
Taylor, C Henderson & Son W H Mo
Cracken. Winter cebbage, Walter Taylor,
HenderSon & Son. Curled Savoy, W H
McCracken, Walter Taylor. Red pickling
cabbage, 0 Henderson & Son, W H Me-
Crackeri. Cauliflowers, W 11 McCracken,
C Henderson & Son. Pumpkin, yellow
field,Peter Erb, -Go Johnston. Pumpkin,
mammoth, W 11 McCracken, C Henderson
& Son. Squash, W H McCracken, C Hen-
derson & Son. Collection of garden pro-
duce, W H McCracken, Walter Teylor.
Tomatoes, large, C Henderson & Son,
Walter Taylor. Plum or cherry tomatoes,
Walter Taylor, D Stewart. Butter beans,
Walter Taylor, jas McCallum. White
beansdas McCallum, W 11 McCracken.
Any other variety of beans, W 11 Mc-
Cracken let and: 2ad. Citrons, round
striped, C Hendereon & Son, Mrs W H
Hele, Citrons, long Californian, W H Mc-
Cracken, David Ramsay. Watermelons, W
H Mc racken, Cteo Johnston. Musk
melons, W H McCracken, 0 Henderson &
Son, Suoumbera, 0 Henderson & Son, W
H McC molten. Celery, white, John Breth-
• our, W II McCracken. Celery, pink, W 11
McCrea en, Walter Taylor. Sunflowers,
Jno Br thour,- Robb McMurray.
DA IR PROD I7CE —T ub butter, Jas Mc-
Callum, Jas Shaw, J 1 Bali, Jno hdannin
Jas Evt ns. Table butter, Jae Simeon,
Armstr ng, 5 Hoggard, Jas Fergeson, R
Leather. ale. ' Factory cheese, J J Roy.
Home • ade cheese, Mrs W McKenzie, Thos
— 1
- velvet, Zella Carder, Mrs Hele. painting
on placques, Zella Carder, Mrs Medlin.
Skeletonized leaves, 5 Hoggard, R Leather
dale. Ornamental penmanship, Zella Car-
der, Mrs Hele. Business penmanship, Mrs
J - R Smith, W II McCracken. Modelling
in clay, Minnie Stewart, Mrs Blashill.
Femmes AND PLANTS.—Table bouquet,
Mrs J R Smith, 5 Hoggard. Hand bouquet,
John Brethour, S Hoggard Button -hole
or dresa bouquet, M Stewart, I 0 Richards.
Out flowers John Brethour, S Hoggard.Pansies, Mrs' W McKenzie 0 Henderson &
Son. Phlox rummondi, Id Stewart, Mrs
J R Smith. eters
Stewart. Stocks, hi Mrs W McKenzieM
Stewart, J Biethour.
Petunias, Mrs J R, Smith, S Hoggaed. Af-
rican marigolds, 0 Henderson- & Son.
French marigolds, 0 Henderson & Son.
Dianthus, Mrs J R Smith. Balsains, John
Brethour, Mrs J R Smith. Gladiolul spikes,
M Stewart. Verbenas, M Stewart, 0 Hen-
derson & Son. Chrysanthemums, Mrs .1 R
Smith. Perennial phlox, M Stewart, Mrs J
R Smith. Cookscombs, M Stewart. Orna-
mental grasses, .A Stewart, 8th concession
John Brethour. Ornamental frnits, .14
Stewart, Mrs J R Smith. Outdoor flowers,
M Stewart, Mrs J R Smith. Noxious
weede, W H 'McCracken, J Brethoue. '
SPECIAL PRIZES. —Geo Thomson'si speeial
for two year old roadster, P Scott, Dr
Warwick. W H Kerr's special for home-
made bread, Wm Armstrong. W Et Kerr's
special for rive lb. roll of butter, Win Arm-
strong. W It McCracken's speeial for
Swede turnips, Jas Sharp, Jas Sp ir. W
H McCracken's special for long rd man -
golds, Thos Ballantyne, Jas Speir. W H
McCracsken's special for yellow globe man -
golds, Themes Ballantyne'Jas McCallum.
Baker & Vanstone's special for bread, Wm
Armstrong.• ,
Arreecercessee-Best lady driver'the con-
testant to harness horse'hitch to buggy and
drive once around the half -mile track, ,Alice
Dale, Mrs Love, Mrs A Coates. Foot race,
100 yards, D M Scott and J Hamilthn (tie.)
Boys foot race under 12 yeare, E Lewry, J
McDonald, Wr Williamson, Fin; Scott.
Girls' foot race under 14 years, Annie Mo -
Callum, Mildred Scott, Kate Telfor, Pearl
Lowry. Old man's foot race, Geo Jlackson,
W H McCracken. Bicycle race, J iBrawn,
Ed Bryan. , - t •
SPEEDING' CONTESTS. —Farmers' trot 4cm
pace, half -mile heats, J MoMann, J Carrie,
J Dennison.' Three-minute race'mile heats,
George Whiteley, J Anderson, Mr Mulvey.
Free-for-all,mile heats, Geo Whiteley, J
Straiton. • ,
Grain,—R Graham, Brussels.
Fruit, --A W Sloan, Blyth.
Vegetables and Dairy,—W M Rebinson,
Domestic Manufactures, ---Mrs Andrews,,
Wroxeter; Miss Diekson, Atwood. 1
Ladies' Work,—M •Robinson, WrOxeter ;
Miss L McNaughcon, Brussels.
Fine Arts and Flowers,—Mrs Andreves,
Wroxeter; J H Cameron, Brussels. '
Implements,—Thos Hemphill, Wricxeter.
Poultry,—Thos Mole, Listowel. ,
Pigs,—James Dorrance, Seaforth.
Sheep,—Thos Dickson, Atwood.
Cattle,—John Watt, Salem.
Light Horses,.—Joseph Carter, Blyth.
Heavy Horses,—Peter McGregor, Bruce.
—Mrs. Felix Devlin, of Stratford; died
very suddenly on Monday of last week. She
was attending tit the household dutiea when
she suddenly fell to the floor and expired in
ten minutes from heart failure.
Johnsto , 8 McCallum, Rag carpet, Jim
Brethou . Counterpane, Jas (Simeon, Mrs
8 Wilto , Home made yarn, Mrs W Mc-
Kenzie Thos Davidson. Darning, Mrs
Hele let and 2nd. Maple sugar, W H
MeCrac en, 8 McCallum. Maple molasses,
8 hiloCa lum, W Garvin. Comb honey, C
Hender on & Son, G A Deadman. Strained
honey, Jno Brethour, C Henderson & Son.
Grape wine'Mrs J A MoNaughton, Jno
Brethour; Rhubarb wine, Mrs P Scott,
Mrs Hele. Strawberry wine, Mrs W Wil -
bee W H McCracken. Tomato wine, Mrs
W ii McCracken. Elderberry wine, Mrs
Hale, John Brethour. Tomato catsup, Mrs
T Bellantyne, Mrs P Scott. Apple jelly,
Mrs J R Smith, James Simeon. Rhubarb
jelly, Miss Me 1leiland, Jas Shaw. Rasp-
berry jelly. 1 rs W Wilber, Mims Mc-
• Clelland. Any other jelly, M a IS Wilton,
Mee W Wilbee. Raspberry me, Mrs W
Wilbee. Whit baker's brea , Geo Thomp-
son. White ho e -made brea , Mrs T Bal-
lantyne, W Armstrong, Mrs R Dark. Brown
baker's bread, Geo Thompson. Brown home-
made bread, W Armstrong, . James Shaw,
James Burgess. Fruit cake, John Breth-
our, W Armstrong. Jelly ca e, W Arm-
strong, Mrs S Wilton, Oatm al cake, Jas
.Simson, Mrs Hele, Collecti n of canned
fruit, S Hoggard, W H McCr °ken.
Menueeceones.—Double arm harness,
also single buggy harness, Jo n Donaldson,
T F Sanders,. Axe handle, John Wynn,
George Johnston. Collection of tinware,
Wilton & Turnbull.
LADIES' WORK,—Ariscene work, Mrs T
Ballantyne, Mrs W Blashill. Applique work,
Anna Ross, Zella Carder. Braiding, Eliza-
beth Stewart, Sarah McCallum. Wool work
flat, Mrs R Dark, Anna Ross, Mrs T Ballan-
tyne. Wool work, raised, Zella Carder,
Anna Ross. Wool and bead work, Miss
McCallum, Anna Ross. Wool flowers, Zell°.
Carder, Mrs '8 Wilton. Bead work, Zella
Carder, Anna, Ross. Bonnet, Mrs John Wynn
Wool and silk, fiat, Zelle, Carder, Mrs W
Blashill. Cone work, John Brethour, Eliza-
beth Stewart. CrewelWork, Emma Ross,
Zella Carder. Cord worlj, C Henderson &
Son, Mrs W H HoleJard board motto,
Anna Ross, JohneBretho r. Crochet work,
cotton, Mrs Hale, E Stewart. Crochet
work, wool, Mrs McCracken, Anua Ross
Crochet in silk, Mrs. ele, E Stewart.
Darned net, Miss McCI lland, Mrs Hele.
Drawn work, Mrs Hele, rs W McKenzie,
Embroidery, cotton or m slin, E Stewart,
Zella Carder. Embroide y on worsted, Zel-
l* Carder, Mrs Hele. E broidery on silk,
Mrs McCracken, Mrs Blashill, Fine
shirt, Mrs W McKenzie, Mrs Hele. Knit-
ting in cotton, Mrs W M Kenzie, E Stewart.
Knitting in wool, Mrs J Wynn, E Stewert.
Fancy flannel shirt, Mrs ” McKenzie, Mrs
Hele. Feather flower, 3,1ra W Blashill.
Feather stitching, Mrs J hnston. Mrs Mc-
Cracken. Hair flowers, re J R Smith.
Hairpin work, E Ste art, Anna Ross.
Point lace, Mrs Hele, J Burgess. Lace,
Honiton, 5 Hoggard, Mrs W Blashill.
Lamp mat, Anna Ross, Mrs McCracken.
Leather work, Zella Car er, Woolen mitts,
Mrs W McKenzie, M s Hele. Woolen
loves, W II McCracken, Mrs W McKenzie.
etting, Mrs Hale, Mrs ' Blashill. Tufted
quilt, Sarah McCallum, itetla Scott. Cro-
chet quilt, vlts Hele, E Stewart. Patch-
work quilt, E Stewart Mrs Ballantyne.
Log cabin 4uito, Mrs oCriteken, Mrs W
Ainsley. ancy quilt, re Hole, Mrs W
Blashill. Knitted quilt, E Stewart, Jas
Shaw. • Rag mat, re Hele, Mrs
W McKenzie, Mrs T Ballantyne.
Ribboscene, Anna Ross, Mrs T Ballantyne,
Rope silk, Anna Ross, Mrs W Bla,shill.
Roman embroidery, D. C Ross, Anna Ross.
Shell work, E Stewart. Sofa pillow, Berlin
wool flat, Mrs. J. A. McNaughton, Mrs Mc-
Cracken. ,Sofa pillow, Berlin wool raised,
Mrs W Blashill, Anna Ross. Sofa pillow,
braided, Mrs McCracken, Zella Carder.
Sofa pillow, patchwork, J. J. Ball, Anna
Ross. Woolen stockings, Mrs. W McKen-
zie, Mrs Hele. Cotton stockings. E Stew-
art, Mrs Hole. Woolen eocks, E Stewart,
Mrs. Hele. Cotton socke, E. Stewart, Mrs
Hele. Seed wreath, John Brethour. Straw
kat, Mrs. John Wynn. Tatting, Mrs Hele,
Mrs W Blashill. .• Tinsel work, Anna R,oss.
John McKinnon. Tissue paper flowers,
Zella Carder, Mrs W Blashill. Wax flow-
ers,. John Brethour, Mrs T Ballantyne.
Outline work, Zella Carder, Miss McCallam.
Fieh scale work, Mrs T Cardiff, Minnie
FINE AMTS.—Professional photographs,
II R Brewer, E Hart. Amateur photo-
graphs, Rev John Ross, B A, A Coueley.
Stuffed birds in case, R Leatherdale, Mrs
John Wynn. Stuffed animals, R Leather -
dale. Pencil drawing, Zell& Carder, Mrs
Hele. Water color landscape, J M Gordon,
Mrs Hele. Water color figures, J M Gor-
don. Oil painting landscape, Zeils, Carder,
Mrs Hele. _Oil portrait, Mrs W Blashill,
Mrs Hale. 'Black crayon drawing, Mrs
Hale, Zella Carder. Colored crayon draw-
ing, Mrs Hele. Painting on pottery, Anna
Rome,_tire W Blaehill. Painting on eilk or
Distinguished ever where for De-
licacy of Flavour, S perior Quality,
and Highly Nutrit ve Properties.
Specially grateful and comforting
to the nervous and dyepeptic.
Sold only in quar er-pound tins,
• labelled JAMES PPS & CO-,
Limited, Hornceopathic Chemists,
London, England.
Liver Complaint.
" For the past year I have suffered more or less
with liver complaint, but by using three bdttles of
Burdock Blood Bitters I was oompletely cured." W.
P. Wood, Revelstoke Station, 13. C.
Haggard's+ Yellow Oil is
any house. It is good for
pain, reduces swelling, a
cuts, burns, bruise, sprat
throat, kidney complairit,
iluseful remedy to have in
man or beast. Relieves
eys inflammation, °urea
9, stiff joints, quinay, sore
te. Price 250.
.• • 4.-
Free to Every Sufferer.
Those who are afflicted ;with Rheumatism,"potation
Lumbago, Neuralgia or GOut, can hsve a frill -sized
box of Milburn's Rbeumatio Pills, free of ohhrge, by
sending their name and full statement of their caste
N. 13., says: "From perelonal experience I Willingly
testify to the good effects Of Laxa-Liver Pills for Sick
Headaohe and Constipation."
we • Os
People who have weak lungs or are subject to
coughs, colds or sore throet, should take a few bot-
tles of D. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which would
heal and strengthen their lungs wonderfully.
ser • OP
Nothing Equal to Low's
Mrs. J. Smelling. of Underweod, Ont., says that
she has used Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrtip in her
family for the past eight years, and that she knOws
of nothing ao good for children who suffer from
Every Druggist in town is suPplied
with treaties and
of the above treatment, which con-
sists of ten remedies for all iinper-
fections of the Skin, Hain and
Teeth. Every lady is requested to
call on her druggist and obtain
these, or to send direct to I
Manufacturing Chemists, ,
TORONTO, ONT. 1660-5
STEERS AND COWS.—Mr. Thomas Brown
has been instructed by Mr. John McConnell to sell'
by public auction, all Weber's Hotel, Dublin, on Sat-
urday, October 14th, 1899, at I o'clock p. m., eharp,'
the following property, viz: Twelve two-ye.ar-old
steers, which will make good feeders; 22 year old
steers, eight cows newly calved, or about to calve;
three cows to calve In the filming. This stock is all,
first '
•olass and as good as can be bought. Every.;
thing willpositively ne cold. No bidding in, and no
Outside stock allowed on the grounde for sale. Terms.
—Eleven months' credit:will be Oven on approyedi
joint notes. A disoount of five cents on the dollar,
will be allowed for cash. JOHN McCONNELL, pro-
prietor ; Thomas Brown, anctioneer. 1680-2
PLEMENTS.—The undersigned has received in.
stfuotions from Mr. Oswald Walker to sell by public
auction on Lot I3,000cession 10,Hibbert, cn Tuesday,
Ootober 17, 1899, the following : Two general pur-
pose mares, 1 yearling colt, 2 cows supposed to be
in calf, 2 steers rising two years old, 2 heifers rising
two years old, 2 spring eahes, 18 well-bred ewes,
about 30 hens, 1 Maxwell binder (nearly new, 1
mower, 1 Sharp horee rake, 1 combiued geed drill,
1 ten -horse power (nearly new), I straw cutter
(large size and nearly new), 2 plows, 2 sets of Iron
harrows, 2 wagons, 1 pair bobsleighs, 2 sets double •
team harness (nearly new), I set single harness (new),
caw chains, forks, chains, grain bags, a quantity of
hay and mangolde, and a number of other articles •
too numerous to mention. Sale at one °Mask.
Terms—All sums of $6 and under, cash ; over tkat ,
amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing
approved joint notes. A discount of 3 per cent.
cff for cash on credit amounts. Positively no re-
serve, as the proprietor has rented the farm.
Auetionneer. - 1660.1
Brown has been instructed by Mr. Duncan McGregor
to eell by public' auction on Lob 17, Concession 6,
MoKillop, on Wednesday, October 18th, 1899, at 12
o'clock, noon, the following property, viz.: Horses—
One general purpose horse, 1 heavy horse six years
old, 1 driving mare. Cattle—Five mileh cows sup -
•posed to be in ordt to a thoroughbred boll, 3 steers
rising three years old, 3 beifers rising three years
old, 3. steers rising two years oll, 2 heifers rising
two years old, 2 thoronghbred bull calves six mouths
old, 7 spring -calves. Sheep—Seven well-bred ewes,
1 well-bred ram two years old, 7 spring ewe lame.
Poultry—One hundred hull. Implements—One
Brantford light steel binder, 1 mower, 1 ez whined
steed drill, 1 horse rake, 1 chill plow, 1 :ron plow, 1
three -furrow gang plow, 1 seufiler, 1 spade harrow
(nearly new), 1 set iron harrows, I land roller, 1
,horee-power, with four spindles and couplings; I
;awing machine, 1 straw cutter, I turnip pulper, 1
fanning mill, 1 hay fork, complete with ropes asd
pulleys ; 1 lumber wagon, 1 truck wagon, I set bob -
Sleights 1 hay rack, 1 spring seat, 1 stone boat, 1 set
rlouble berme, 1 ret single harness, I set plow har-
ness, 1 set leather fly nets, 2 surfer kettles, 1 sixteen -
gallon milk ono, 1 spinning wheel and reel, 1 grain
bradle, 2 set wh1l11stree3, 1 neckyoke, 1 pair shaiti
to fit any lumber wagon), about 1 dozen Milk
traps (nearly new), 1 eroiseut saw, scythes, chains,
orks, and a lot of other articles too numerous to
mention. be whole willbe sold without reserve,
43 the proprietor is giving, up farming. Terms—Ali
Sums of $5 and under, earth; over that amount 12
Months' credit will be given on furnishing approved
joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. will be allow-
ed for cash en credit amounts. D. MeGREGOR,
I'roprietor ; THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. 1660-2
Ii001. 1 -
If eny person tells you that
Has left Beef -dab, don't you believe it.
He is here to , stay, and is prepared to t
I do all kinds of
Fancy Painiting, Graining and
• •
gecorating. •
1 galle and churches a specialty. Seen- Y'
ery and pictorial advertising. All
kinds of pictures painted to order.
ESIDENCE—Three . doors south of the railway
track, on the west side of Main street..
J. Cf. CRICH, Seaforth.
- o
Your s
For the invalid, the
convalescent or per-
son of advanced years,
no known tonic equals
A rare old port wine
with Peruvian Bark in
quantities prescribed by
the _English and French
`Tis a special brand for
ted people.
For sale in Seaforth by
The Sharpies Cream
Has no superior in any essential feature,
and in simplicity of construction, ease of
'managetnent and durability, it has no equal.
If you have five or more cows, it will pay
you well to try a Separator. You will have
more and better butter, good calves and
less labor. A catalogue may be had for the
asking, Every machine we put in is fully
guaranteed to give satisfaction to the buyer.
(Weather permitting) will leave WINDSOR on
MONDAYS ansl THURSDAYS at 6 p. m.' and
p. in, as per sailing lists for SOO, PORT ARTHUR,
FORT WILLIAM and DULUTH, making direct
connections at these paints for MANITOBA. and the
Pacific Coast Points and KLONDIKE.
Lowest Rates. Choke of Routes
Best Accommodations.
On arid after let of June, good to return until 3I11
October. -
For rates and information apply to G. T. It. town
or Station Agent at Seaforth. •
jA,MES H. BEATTY, General Manager, Sarnia, Ont.
$295 Fontuus,""witen.
mer your nearest sawn
and we ovIU seise thts
tbere tor you LO exam:rhos it
opon•feee,bantigarlated, dud
with American r=i7
stem wind and OA
WI or gent's sia.t1a4
geed time gleeeonnel.
pearance o amee
and is just the VII
canYinosa this walla
pay the expreee
worth far more thiltzt
au tad
YrYchttitirbi eke
/50x &D. Tarouto, Mir
1:/ ree lee
To Youfl Men
and Wo en.
If you haste not decided what to make of your-
self, 1. 1* riot TIME you were about it? If yen
DATE buline.. or shorthand education, it will
pay you �. attend Nimmo's for four or six
months. j Hundreda whom we bave taught are
today hO ding good paylng positions, many ef
them front this 1oalIty. Our instruction is
entirely IffiDIVIDUAL. The commercial Dowse
is dear, triaruAL business experience Irom
start tofir. We teach students to cane
out face- face begrimes transactions with ac-
curacy an despatch. Students admitted say
Slam Write for catalogue.
• A. 8. iiIMMO, Proprietor.
Sight Restored
Science points
out the way to
the restoration of
If your vision is
defective we can
I by scientific
'methods measure
the defect and
supply the
necessary glasses
to restore it.
garden and Green
• A full line of Vegetables always on hand.
We have at present a fine lot of
p alms 'erns and other Plants
a , . READY .
Of every description made up on the short-
est notice.
Plante taken in for winter storage at
reasonable terms. A call solicited.
'PHONE 76.