HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-10-13, Page 3n - I r � , q �_ F. I I � . 4 I I 4 - _ ___ __ - , I 11 L� �mzl��_ ME ____ Li -id � :1L - ; MFORTAM NOUCES. 1. L i . � - 1: - � - I I 11 I . BLIND MAN AT THE. RIACES, MAN'S UPS AND DOWNS. ! MATRON AN MAID. e. —_ - I -_ —_ I � . — . . . I � I ':;-- __YWX=WAI DomWon and Provincial Lend I I I ; I � NXTII� 11 ir . g�41' jZ-_"_Tcr,Member of theAssoolation of Ontario I by Listening to the Splectatorei me � One who! had found the world all bright . I . 4:6 WMIL""LL "'YO J.AA.S I I I _1 gurMor#,DubUn,OnWo. . ISM -152 , - . Known Ito-tv It Is Going. Fell bi the wayside on n day, . . Mrs. Howard Gould �wns ,,, fan for Quality Shoes she saves $z. 10 . I u a ce llut hope bent down and kissed his cheek� which her husband paid ()0,000, � I . MS BNATTIZI Olqrk ng the Second Division �� " And bade him rise and go his way. I They cost $3 and have the I I The Duchess of Ham Iton cares littl _ � , 00VrtA?CuntT Commissioner, of Huron Con. last winter," said a merchant of this city, . e . I . I X E - 46 for society, spending most of tier time appearance of $5—that i . Orr. d, L*" And Insurarioe Agent. hLda wh(IR I was accosted by a man who was He toiled In hungry loneliness; - is . I I and to Loan. Offloo-Over Shar I E holding the hand of a little. boy. It was The friends lie knew in former days. . hunting. ­ i I a9b. � . I e sav 11 . -1 � i I dors, Maw slir"t, Seaforth. ITT a former friend whom I had not seen fAx Forgot, somehow, to seek him out : Mrs. Phoebe Hearst I is the largest how sh' es $2. 1 1. . . - 11 ., some years and who had become totally . Or help him � on ,with words stockholder in the new �il These shoes are irre- . � &RigS TO RENT -To rent Lots 28 and 29, Con- . � - ! . . . I - ion $, MoKillop, containing about 195 mores. IVER blind, - He told me that he i recognized I , formed at Fresno) Cal, he capital stock proachable,in material,;s I ' 1111 I - I i The vreary years dragged slowly by; .t . tVef A � s Z land, good buildirip is $Iw,ow. I 11, : I 11 i= , and well fenced. � I my voice, and while we stood.there talk- One morning: fame stood at his doqr,,- - ,? ' fit and finish. . ! � , I be let for A term of Years. For pattloulars in, th . - III I - wli; & P1 . Leo Tolstoils young daughte Count- I i I I . 1111111111111111 11 to tile proprietor, THOMAS E. RAYL4, Seafoitg: 0 bell ra t from the tra4. 'They're And lineg up i.� V� �.nxlqo row r, i , u I . pl�r! 1649-1:1 .. . �� f � - - -I oss Titiana, who had been In Vienna for I . I I . going to startl he exclaimed excitedly. Were all tllo�, friends he'd known before. All trimmings are of ilk I d th 11 " I Z � me, let's get into the grand stand as L . a. S1 f=ritZ8 . � - . - � 'Co ' a couple of months for medic I advicei are the best shoes fo*he pric poi � I - I ANTED, An Organist for Melville church, Brue. � So failure or socce." attends has returnea to Russia. i I earth. Alithe words in the English I 'n- I - quick as we can., � . " 7 Fri . I solo, one competc-at to instruct the choir After we secured seats I couldn't help Tho man who loses or who wine, . 'liuokalani, former q ieen of j Hawaii � . - - �� . erred Applications, stating aalary, rocel . ved till � That h way �now where friendship enam LI I . o I guag6 could not tell the facts plabier . � t. REV. JOHN ROS4, Biussels, Ont, A a AIN kxpressing sur'pr,*,se at his eagerness. 'Oh,� And 0 kere 011 Interest begins, : Is keeping house in Washington.' She has than . ,k,� I III,, I . - . �ri,,% j,!� V I embe; Is w . ' N I I I , 1 16602 that's all right/ he replied abstractedly. � ed all hope ol regaining her that. . . f i . . SICK I uisu E " � -Cleveland 1,eltoor. - . . � � "­' I ; � I j �C, Drops. . 'I bet I'll get nearly as much out of it'ltm I throne and says she is a thorough Ameri- - � i . `!, I � I . I CHER WANTED.-Appliostions wilt be re- P061U, mrp d by thm you do,' and, after watching him through ANIMITATION BURGLAPR. I ,,' , cap. � . I RemewbarrR"IL _ r .. ' L gived up to November the let, for Teacher for . � I � ' P . MARS . . � �� : 1 8 (tion - 1 London I - 0PinWJV � To� a No,.9,FAstW&w&noab,,for the year 1A#1e PUI& the next race I became convinced that he I i Mrs. Josepk H. Choate, In a, I � Bob I - . ty I I I I 190�, SOHN ELLIOTT, Jr., Seerotary-Trwwurer, TheyawrelL." Disbvnfixu DynnPda; was telling the truth, To begin with, ho Tlk* $care It �Gave to a Younig Ifid- Interview, says that bet husband's chief, I w � Pleasant. I . Fri . I . . I I � - i I � I wiligham. . *1060-8 fired a Tolley of short, sharp questions at ic&I Studont. I recreation to Pending. $ne herself paints I - 1i Muous of , Liftestion and Too He" Eating. A � �_�. I I - i IF both in oils and water colors. Much of: � � A4 W* the boy and in , that way obtained a "I had an -experience the other night, I I OOD WANTED.-Seaforth Electric Light Com- W remedy for Dizziness, 14auw () - Pe-verig1l. areg"red t3 make contracts for woo4 - DrOwd- good general idea of the situation.- Theu said a young In! edical xtad*st, "that � will he.r work In "Jd to be e cellent.; - b -QuAwY - I � ra � � of I k?n'dnt� for mediate delivery or in the winter. 11"s, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated TonM he leaned forward like a man about to surely turn my'� golden loebs to gray 41 It Miss Mary A. King, aughter of' ex- I - . I � --castoria, ... I to A. H. Ingram, At the Power heme. or to ' Pak in Me Side, TOPMD LMR. spritig. I never saw suck an attitude of oy Governor John A. .. Ing of Great � I . I- 1 . Brot. 1660.3 Thq anything like It e,yer happ*ms again." I - � - I 1. - - - - - - , � � t, I I Regulate thsBowels. Purely Aerce and concentrated attention. To say 0 op - Neck, N. Y., has be ' t a h9tel, that - i i 10u, and vige"I__ I 'Poor digestion or uneasy eenscienco? I 4 - j I 0 TEE LADIES. -Mrs. Smith wishes to Info % that he seemed to be listening doesn't be- "Neither," was the reply. "T -ix w"las a stood oppoeit* All Bain I aurch, which' - �9 1 Ziiv A I ally absorbing eyerything that was going I � i - - � J � I � � 'Ia-tea tholgdJesof Sestortband vicinity that shormis small Pill, SM11111 DOMO. gin to express it. He seemed to b* litel- cold, hard fact very -cold An she will at once alone nd turn into a � 66 psred to ,jo up hair oombin into switches, etc. � � . I - m., ghring nt of switches for sale. Hair And . small FrI006 - it felt too. IC was some tIm* along in home- � ! -Penn � .- - . i smitme _ 'on around him. His chin was lifted, his . Mrs. C. W. Qoodlan� er, wife of thoil ' The. Post r I e . switches exchanged. She will also buy dark brow ion -.0 . . - the early morning hours that I Wks suf- . 'hildreWs I " Substitut ' . Y � . or bisok hair. Residence corner of Jarvis and lips were a little apart, a red. spot CREnt denly nwakeued to feel the cold muzzle mayor of Fort Scott, K in., is proving ai . - � � . ket Streets, SeAf0fill. MRS LEVI SMITH. . . . - . . No I . . and went 6n -his cheeks, and I could s ' help to her husb ind in �relievingi I � I � " of a -pistol barrel pressing against my great . � I i 1037 tf ; - . 'the frauci of the &Y. -the big Teins in his. neck throbbing like foreboadl Scared . 7 Well, I should on y go, the ellfs poor. She 'makes 1 . �- I � � � I - � personal i . ; . I p�MALE TEACHER WANTED -Wanted ' for , I an engine. - It was an uncanny spectac Wt t all asking help and inquires Intel E50_(31G_-AA_3R_E5A0 I le- and an not a bit ashamed to confe4s It, Y 8 . I A. . I . school in Seciloh No. 6, Tuckeremith, a Female I - i � I I � I . F See you get Carter's I couldn't,get rid of the feeling that he for when a man is suddenly waken�d In every case I I � rid Class certificate, I t I i Tvicher, holding a seco one with I W 9 " I I � - . - was exercising some unnatural, superku- � - RPted ticy children . I- experience preferrel ; average attendance of'pupils �- that way he isn't himself yet -part of his Mrs. Ellen Kinsey a een e ected ' I icrior tck ally prt. utl5-.; Applications, stating oslary desired, ex. . man faculty, t abo spirit may be �et -tvauderiug off so'lao- president of the Mariner's Harbor Wo-� I . �Iice and qualifications, must b3 made to the un- Ask for Carter's, � � �. � � Pori � "After the race was run he dropped where. I didn't move a muscle. I dould man's Chrlotan Temperance union. Mrs.i I . Addressed to Clinton P. O., before October . I THE WORLD'S FAVORITE �..Broaklyn,,v denipedf 11 back relaxed and sat there I . I . Y :: listless Ali barely see, out of the corner of my'! eye A16nzo Merrill is vice president, Mrs. 1 1 Y .. 2i* W. 0. LANDSBOROUGH, Secretary. 1660-3 1 � � inert phtil ihe next tap of Mr�. Robe � I I ­ Insist and demand , the bell. Later, the man who held the pistol, staddiAg mi- Anna Fisher seciettary Ind rt' . . . I ' ' I -4 - - When we were In the street car, I tried to lently at , but her* Bailey treasurer. � � � � . I � .0 . No � t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. I . learn something of his experience. I OF was no mistake about the edge ol his A family named Haboon now occupy! .. —For Sale at— I - � - ; ,Carter's Little Livf'-r Pills, smiled good naturedly,but found diffieul- weapon pressing, against my head. 'If I the house in New H4mipshiro wberel � -1 . I . - RK IN IIULLETT FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot � ' � 1� _. F41 ConceEsiou IS, Hullett, containing 75 acres - ty in making me understand. 'I get a lot moye/ thought 1 'he may blow wT Horace Gre'eley was bor�. Mrs. Hanson in � . 0 9 _ i 4 MONO* VI cleared, underdralned, well lanced, And about 40 . of pleasure out of the races,' he said, 0and brains out -his confederate is prolably mother of,aix sons, and� being'at a lose. I � I I � I . : I owsloWed to grass. There are fair buildinyo. can follow some of them almost as well kansacking the -room.' The cola sTeat for a name 'for the sixth, sa -� LUMSDEN & WILSON'S . . I . � & Thotelsagood orchard *ad a never,falling spribg as if I had my sight. a,�� Greyei't she de : �� 1. - . W, - - creek runs through the iarm, and a gad well at the ,SCHOOL . I can tell exactly was flowing freely and vain regrets for eldpd to name him Hor , ey, I � - - boo". it is near school and post officei and con. , . how it is done. I suppose my brain has what I had -done and hadn't done in my i "S BLOOK, MAIN 813-11-REET, vanlen � t to the beat markets. it is s, splendid farm, ! . Mrs. ShiTq, who Iiies in southern � 800TT � become trained to catch hundreds of lit- d like a � I � .past life flew through my min Georgia, ougrit to have a plac6An the' . I I wt& fcot of wmate land on It, and Is well idapted f � k : � VI* tle cues - the shouts �of people on the I ni. I T I . stook ralsinsr, Is will be sold ohe,kp and on easy flock of crows. I fell to wondering It you world's history. S . � - NO � _�5 of whom are� I 11, . '. x . � m ApplY to the andersigued, Seaforth P. 00' SHOESs -'NNW track, tb* e �clamations of the crowd, the would pay - to my administrator 1bat than 310 descendants � I SEAFORTH am a . W W Ontario. - . JANE ROBISON. � 1654 -if . cheers and laughs and groans and curses, ten"- still liTing. This great-giieat-gran'dmotber'� I f . - - - I I - : . . � � I � . � I . the chance remarks of passers; yes, eyes "Come, now, stick to fatfal" is 90 years of age, bu still brisk and! I - . F-I&E-w Rig - T,J&RM FOR SALE.-Yof sale, Lot 20, Huron Road ! . � I the clatter of feet and tho wgy folks "Well, I began,to wonder that the con- energetic. .t! : ; , I : . i �� : I ! . I T Tuckeremitti,00FItailliDS 98 acros,88 sores clear Again we come to the front in thO ry . - I ed And 10 sores of bush. The land to well cultivated- 11 , breathe -eve' thing means something to federate did uot niake at least a little bit The death of Mine. Aubrion Menzieres, �. , � . 11111,11, ST I 0 - - : . � � andunderdrilned. on the place is a frame house Shoe line with the newest and me, and altogether It builds up a pictur* of noise. The wild humor of burglariziux the mother of the cel�brated French! . . :: IfR? � - in4frAme barn, with goal stables. There is plen ! . . I ty i most fashionable on the market. il iny mind. I feel itsomewhere in the my room also struck me. 1 took a most I I � I � olgoodwater andan orchard Thisis a most do- � I academician, calls to mlihd tte metamor- I , I I I . . � n�r I *_ � I I � � drable farm, fielng onIr , gout two miles from Sea- . � We have a splendid assortment in ir, and I get so excited that I forget al , cautious peep at the man at the h- ad of phosis of Irish family n�mes in: France. i � I o I . forlb. It will be sold o,. b--�p and on eagy terms. For Nout being blind. Ob, no,' he said, 'I the bed and saw-iny coat hanging .here. Alme. Menzieres was a descendant of� . - 0 t � I I � . i all linos for Fall and Winter wear. wouldn't miss the races for anyt1,,dng!I I'- An eye paining look at the pistol con, the O'Briens, but her surname was I I ====== I0 - further particulars, apply to WM. FOWLER, Huron I off1r. I � Road, or Seaforth P. U. 1646-tf � Special in Children's School Shoes, New Orleans Times -Democrat. re was no hand at changed by the Parisians to Anbrion. 1 1 �� e--.----,- I - I � I �� I strong and durable, leather lined, � the other end of It. I raised my head out I I � ESIDENCE IN SEAFORTH FOR SALE. -For . I ; . � ' F,urni, Ure - . 11 11 � � 1- Palo, cheap, the re8idenoe'facing on Victoria just what is needed for wet HISTORY OF THE ,LEAD PENCIL. of its range and quickly reached for it. ; . . i . Square In Seafortb, the progert7 of John Ward. � BEE BUZ4ES. � i ' ; I � 7here Is a comfortable frame ouse, with good stone weather. . � � ."I could see nobody in my room, But . - . ­- �, � I I i . The Leader Amongst - Z cellar, batit and soft water. and all o'hor hecessarV . Interestinir Pactx About a Most Pop. the pistol -why, , it was one of an old i � � . . � , . I : GonVeDICI)ces. The house contains 8 rooms, with . ular InxtrPment. priLr that hung on their wall over my bead. Kingbirds will destroy bees. I � . I I .. � . You will make no mistake, as all our EMPORIUM Business Schools � - tries, etc. There are two lots, well planted with , � I * Va Our vetty diligent maid had probably Arrange the hives so that the' can b* � - . Hacd ornamental trees andshrubs. The lead pencil, the� most common of y k . � all kin" of bui Fall. and Winter stock is now, loosened it while dusting -undoubtedly opened easily. �' . . Successful Pupils --Strong FAcultyand ' I i . e 9pecial fil�,ita_ Also a lirge stable. This is one of the best, most all writing implenieiits,� is somewhat over � I I . colayenlant and most pleasantly situated residences and every pait is a 'treat to the I . . I � the shaking given the wall by the heavy '. Place a rrarme of liatching brood in the, Large Attendance, Catalogues Fr,w, . . e! have alwayg, . 200 years old, The term "lead pencil," - � I In 8saforth And will be sold cheap. Apply to JOHN Arolley cars passing the house had done frame of ea�h hive. ; � - i wearer in domfort and price. however, is a misnomer, as, in a mineral- ! ; Leatherdale & ices. � W&RD. . 1040411 the rest. . . � . I I *-OR*" J, W. WESTERVELT, - Words cannot tell all, so call and ogical sense, there is not a.particle of When there is a scarci�y of honey, bees, Rep't. 5th. � privolpal. ; . . I k I : T_ 1 -4 ILLAGE, LOTS FOR SALE.-For-osto in the be convinced, - I lead In its co ' mposition., The lead pencil- - "The affair wns,only an imitation of do not increase so rapidl�. : Landsborough 1656-24 1 -7-. I V .Village of Bayfield, the following lots: Lot 8, : originated with the discovery of the the Mal at -g:06, but it was litelike enough Wax is a natural secrotion of the bee: . I . In Range F, -in the towrishfp < f Stanley (excepting - raphite mines In E ngland In 1664 dur. to suit. m&. I've been thinking since of and is produced by the f od. 11 . . __­. " I �. tbarefrom IJ acres owned by Kra. L. Clark), 9 �best goo&, aild I utting a spring gun at my door and . ' - I the land to be sold oontsining seven acres ; second- ! T -J. SMA[IrTIET Ing the reign of Queen Elizabeth. An P _ I T SIGN :; , -�-__%,4- GIRCULAIN NVax may be produced at any, time by � , " , . � -of it a sign, 'Burglar, - . 4 -A - I - . I Northeast corner of Lot 7, In Range F, in the town. t . - - graphite so greatly resembled galena) the hanging on the end � , simply feeding the becs'�u sirup ; SEAFORTH, t:,��I,(,_Y.­ �. 1. I 1101meb, Goder� ship of Stanley, containing three acres. These lots. THE NEW 8HOE STORE, German name for which was bleiglanz, it cave.' I - . . I .�', � I ­ � I we both situated on the Bayfield road, within the , Thorough ripening Is a, matter: of mor* -_ OFTHE 'r, -­t�* ' �' SAW � s given the name of blel, or lead, . � Dealers in first�elass Furniture of &11 - I s ,a of the�honey. � . �4 corporationof Bayflold. Immediate possession will Hbffman Bro ,' Ohl- Stand Seaforth. i Value of a Laugh. importance than the coloy I . =r. Title free from all encumbrances. For ) - . In the early days of lead pencil making kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering particulars apply to the undersigned. The value Of a good natured laugh may For contracting the space in the i I g2r0a3h and One Price JE3 the graphite 'was sawed into thin sheets 'Ve ; neatly done. We also do pietwe frant- , ROBERT WATSON, Bruoefleld; HENRY M11, V Sion boards may be used with ood � %yfleld, Executors. 1685-tf and cut into strips smaller and smaller be rated low by some people, but many di i . - Ing, and a choice selection of pictures . T_ 1. - . � ___-_______1_ - . — - until they were- of a size to be covered writers have attested its worth in -no results. - - - . � . measured terms. Pollen Is gathered by lices forAhe pur- I always on hand. CuTtain polell at all I . ARM FOR S&LE OR TO RENT -For sale or to Shingles and Lath. with light wooden' slips and thus serve as � . :� . I =3[r_r7_1= F feat, Lot 28 mud 30, Concessions.8 abd. 4, L�R.S., It In not surprising that the merry pose of f ceding their bro d. It is carried � I ' __ U .JL _J� . Tuckeremith, coutaining- 100 aoreo, 90 acres cleared Ju -t arri - ved two car loads rei cedar shingles, extra pencils. Th6 first pencils created mueb Charles Lamb should have said, "A on their logs. T i priees, and put up. We ate a1sc CD I and the balauce in bush. The land in in a first-class quality, McNair's brand. Also a quantity of lath excitement. The graphite mines of Eng- laugh is worth 100 groans in any mar- It is proper during th ` fall to �re-queen � Agents for the New WiMam's Sewing 0" Pd 0, Wte of cultivation, and Is well underdrained and andiumber. Tho-prioe of these goads h" greatly land were considered of Inestimable. value. . 01 1 for do- wellfenced, There Is on the prom Iffes a goodframe advariced, but we are selling at the old price while ket," but from the 4ps of the somber every colony that has iii any way a de- ' Machine, best in the market � and were protected by law. 8ut there i I 0 1"d .. barn and houge,plenty of water, and a eniall orchard. stock is on hand. Call at once. Carlyle one is scarcely/,prepared to bear, fective queen. i � M-estic use, no travelling agents, no I. -J. Sm , � - This is an excellent farm to about a mile and a half P. KEATING, I was great waste -first, in digging, fbr "No maia who has once heartily and All particles of comb i aved during the: high prices, I I 0 -4 I � from Brucefleld on the i(ill Road. It will ba sold on Seaforth Lumber Yard. many of the pieces Nvere too small for cut- � � I i I . 1. I wholly laughed can be altogether or Irre- summer should be u � I CD (D � ressonable terms or rented. For further particulars . 1056-tt ting, and again in the nianner of cutting lelte into w4x. It is � . W I C_% qr . Apply to JAMES SWANN; Bracefleld. 1"0-tf the graphite, which was so crude that well worth the trouble. 1 -UZT3D3M:R'.r.AL3KXbTGr_ . Ike SM -116 5 claimably bad." I � � ' . � I ak ARM FOR SALE. -For sale.- the 'weat half of - 1. I half the material was lost. It was do Douglas Jerrold who boldly stat- Hives should not be 1 set flat on the � ft I , � FLot 29, Concession 11, flibbert, containing 60 - . 1�. So a binding substance had to be fia- ed that what was talked of as the gold- ground. They should be �aised about two; . - - P -1 � , - I en chain o In the Undertaking Department, we buy � acres, 46 actes cleared, the -balance good hardwoo ____ vented, ,Glue, gum, isinglass and other f Jo,re was'nothing but a sue- luches-the thickness ofli a brick, which i - � � I bugh. The land is in a good state of cultivation, and "-I i substances were tried, but- the graphitf cession of laughs, a chromatic scale of should be under each �orner, The air � our goods from the bent houses in Ontario, 0 1 . , I : � well underdrafned and well fenced. There On th . - - and guarantee satisfaction I, every depart. � � . . premiseo a good frAmc house, good bank b I wi __::��� was only rendered hard and brittle and merriment reaching from earth to Olym should always circulat� ...between the i' 0 �Z I I � - I � stabling for 19 head of cattle and five horses. - r - WID.- - of uneven hardness. Its marks were Pus-" ground and the hiYe. I - � ment of our work. We have always made. � - 6.1 ; it & nt to furniB chairs, an o er re - 7 are also two never -failing wells, This excellent fann � am persuaded," wrote Laurence i * . i � I faint and indistinct, and in those days if I I a . e - to a mile and a (i uarter from Chiselhurst, where there Our direct connections will save you he point broke it was quite an undertak- Sterne, "that every time a man smiles, . j uiaFtoei for' futierals, imicis OF' exuptan, 4 5, � . I . I is peat office, churches, stores, etc ; three miles from . time and nwney for all points. t . but muqk more so when he laughs, it PEN, CHISEL AND BRUSH. � rices better than heretofore. Id, . � I Cromarby and five miles from Hensall. - Ib will be ­ Ing to sharpen it again, First, the wood � I I i � 14;:�, . sold on reasorab!e terma, as the proprietor dealre3 to . ething to his fragment of life." . I Arterial and onvity embalming done on F__A � I get more land. For furbber partlealars, apply had to be cut away and the graplaite adds som R. D. Blackmore, author of "Lorna i scientific principles. I 10 I I 6n Last of all comes the verdict of Dr. V CD I I the prepilies, or address ChiselburstP.O. W.H. Canadian North West heikted over' a light to soften it, after, e," is a prosperous i market garden-] P. & Night and Sunday calls will- be fmi - . o I ­ . - � - which it -was drawn to a point with the Uolmes, given with his own inimitable Dooll ; . , C1. ; n . &TONEMAN, 1054-tt I a - I I hunior: "The riotous tumult of a laugh, I er. L I attended to at Mr. Landaborou h's resi- 0 I . Via Toronto or Chicago, fingern. I (D i Ommsi � e u0miril-D 9 I - PLENDID FARU IN HAY FOR SALE, OIL TO British Columbia and Californis In 1795 Conte, a Frtnchmau, dame op tak* it, is the mob law of the features, Thomas Dunn English and Richard denee, directly in the rear of th � I L I I " ItENT.-For sale, West halt of Lot 25, Concea- . . and propriety the magistrate who reads. Henry Stoddard are perh�ps the tWo old- Bsuk. : �� � : l - §0n 14 ; soul h three-quarter@ of Lot 24, on the 15th points. the idea of using pulverized graphite and . . , I 0. , `E4NS FOR THE Concession, and the no, th half of Lot 63, on the 16th Our rates are the lowest. We have them binding clay. This discovery resulted In the riot act." -Youth's Companion. est llterary.moi� in the Uoited States. . W . $..I* I . 01 Eru!st Sche � renberg, - . : 001�. . - 3onceosion, In the township of Hay, containing to w suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR pencils of varying hardness, according to . The German poet, .Leatherdale & � 0 It C I � - all 175 acres, all of which is cleared but ten acres. TST CARS for your accommodation. Call I The Effect of the 3firror. celebrated his sixtieth birthday on July These several parcels comprise one farm and are the amount of binding clay added, and �Z : ., .=Z, 6r_V:E1_ for further information. each' pencil was of exactly the same "I have been noticing a curious little 22. His friends and adinirers toole the . CD ' a - .. I located close to each other, - All well fenced and well -0 : Q � underdratned, and in it ,r- iood E -tato of cultivation. . . hardness throughout its length. Boom CITCUmstance at my store," said a Canal occasion to make him a p�esent 4 20,OW i M " . Grand Trunk Raflway. 0 Landsborough, . . - I 4 positions in the �� . The land is of the best quality and every foot can be - after this discovery improvements -fol- street business man. the other day. marks, which he will probably find more . - I 0 : . ' cultivated. There is a good fraing house and large Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations an I "'There Is a very fine plate glass in the - useful than a monument #fter his death. . I a record? Oar .. � �ank barn, also driving house, sheds and other build- ollows : " owed In mixing, rolling and shaping the . I P4 1--t : M -- - I . I 10go. There is a good orchard, and plenty of - . ide casing of my show window, and Sir Moses Ezeklel of Ttome, the well SEAFORTH. I I uses, When lwb 900d water. It adjoins I(albfleisch's mills, and 101NO Wm- - SWORT11, graphite composition, which was cut Into 0 - ­ � I gad , : I furnish the list CLw"N' lengths, placed in a warm oven to harden right behind it is a handsome mirror- known sculptor, is vIsitIn4 in Cincinnati. i Is witbin tbree and three quarter miles from Passenger .......... 12.40 P. M. 12.66 P. X, $ - . I C -t- : . r it. Zurich. If not sold shortly will be rented to. a Passenger .... .. .. lo.i2 p. m. io.27 P. m, and finally incased In wood, as seen to- One djay not long ago I observed what During the civil war in this country he ,_ "I Mixed Train_-, .. 9.20 A. M. 10.16 A. M. I f white dust 'on the was a member of the ca4et p :4 O" I � . good tenant. Apply on the premiees, or addreis day I � . . , . a - ID, Zurich P. 0, J. U, KALBFLEISCIT. 1660.tf Mixed Train ...... .. 6.15 P. K. - 7.06 P. M � w'indow ]edge and told the porter to wipe Virginia Military iustitut� and took part, I I . .�-� t eca , � ; - � - jr*�Iod I soe'l — - ' T I "I or resM:"dlFA0p " 'a I 0 be; let. I"' Rt FA X /),z "' "'*"""' � 1� , 11 `W. _�� �,L W , all 11 Sitly I , t ;to, 0:iffll V I I I " I I M " _P I i- -a I End 9; � CD ' is . I � - . I GOING EAsr- it off. Next day the ledge was as dusty with the corps In the ba4le of Newmak- I a __ �. Passenger .. .. .... 7.65 A. X. 7.40 A, M. Tvr4p CambridAre Univermity Jests. . : & len- t as over i I 9 t does net exc"d . QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For sale Passenger .. .. .... 3.11 P. M. 2.65 P. M. I and after having it cleaned halt ket. 1. "I : did farm and hotel operty. . This farm 8?s on � The follow commoners were always a . I Musical - Instrument , - . 12e 13th conceosion of t9r, Townebi 'Of McKillop, at Mixed Train.... ..`.. 5.20 III M. 4.35 P. M. Cambridge called enipty bottles, from the 'a dozen successive times I discovered the John Colller,'whose pi(ture has made I . . (M V : �Ist . t . . a - ladies Lk� V Per . I the Village of Leadbury. It conta no 112i acres, all . 4 - i cause of the trouble. The mirror was such a hit in the Royal academy this I (D a � � followin- circumstance that occurred at I EMPOIDTUM. ! . � I of which are cleared, except about three sores. It Is " T h eye of every woman year, Is R Son Of Sh! Robert Collier, who 1 L%JL al I . � . jr0m, Newfound- . In a g(od elate of cultivation, being well fenced and Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Emanuel: Wine rnerchan',..4 send their ' "r . dt. �0010J 0 1 � I UllderdtAil3ed o rid suitable for rain vro-iruy or stock � . norters occasinnftllv round the colleges who passed, and every little while one becaine.l,.,.ord Monkswell. He is,married �0 - irth to Brooldlyno � Z I aind five Statm- . I utside of Ohat- : 1 . il hile DO pupi 8. W . I � 4 1 WE. _UOLD. 1 , , Catalogue you I I I . - I .0 On] its J 11 I Z . 1652 1 . i - � I I 1 6f ,I the D=C' V - this , 5)W1XP.xU , , - RIUVA I ', r1ii-i it exatrm : $sthl _mal =prlm 42 :5 1A a hae'r PAW- E7*63�v�� & ' I Toronto, It, � 'P�111 r � — 1- 0 iter. I W I , 1111111d I I 0 Golso NoRTn­ Passenger. Mixed. would step up close and make some mys, to a iladihter of the late Professor Hux- I io . I � raising and feedinic. There is not a foot of W,iste Ethel .......... 10.04 P, M. 1.4o p. x, to collect the bottles. One of these men, I - land on the farm. Th(-.rc are two good dwelling Bruseels.. .. .. 10.16 2.10 terions motions over her face. They al- ley and has produced a lextbook called EBTABLIBHED, 1873. 1 eo, 5 Uq bouees, a large bank barn with stone stabling under- Bluevale.. .. .. - 10.28 245 during the -hour of lecture, knocked at the , ways did it wben nobody was in sight, "A Primer of Art." I neatb, a large Implement house and all neaegssry : lecture room door by mistake and called . # - or. - - i Owing to hard times, we hav,e con- " -class repair. There are three GoiNo SouTu- ' Passenger. Mixed. out "Enipty bottlesl" The tutor, then - P bulldirgo in first Wingham,. ... 10.40 1 806 - and every time the operation was per- ch-Irds and four never -failing wells. The farm ad- wingham . 0.60 A. M. . 8.55 A. U. out of humor at' being attenkled only by ulation of white' dust CLEAN . eluded to sell Pianos and Organs at 9t W M OKI , , I - Joins the Village of Lcadbun where are stores, post . Bluevale .7 * , - *.' *. 'I'l, 7.00 9.17 hicreased. It was a blend of several va- ETS � I C Offim, blaekernith shop, scho;1. etc. The well kno one follow commoner when there were 20 1 1 1 wo , — I � , Brussels.. . , , .... 7.16 9.46 riodes of face powder." -New Orleans, -e to a � � I Wo (D ....... 7.28 10.02 moi 1 city than good 1, It. I� Is now under lease for a torm of years. This . . � Great M -Leadbury hotel Is on the fa! in, and will be sold w;th Ethel.. ....... " ­ in colle e, cried out: "Call again another Tinies-Democrat: Nothing adds OMI . 16 One of the beat arlid moot profitable farm proper- . � 0 time.* f have now but one," This soon - I i stroets.-Carmi Republica P. I . � I'll, tiesintheCounty of Huron,andwill bcooldcho gathered wind, and these young gentle- The Cansellyx Eye. Cleanliness Is essential �o public health. I M �=J 0 'p 9D 0 1 aud on ta-y terms of payment. If the property I,, London, Huron and Bruce. men of the first class went afterward 'lot cold ln'a reasonable time, the farm will be rented The Nile is essentially a river of silence Clean up the city, and kqep It clean the Organs at 825 ancl upwar&, and P2011b, ,ct- 'J Passonyer. throughout the university by the name of -e American. . -ponding prices, GOING NORT11- � � whole year round.-Baltil�oi I I I it a suitable tenant offers. For further particulars London depart .......... . 8,15 A.M.-4.46 P.m. empty bottles. . find mystery. Even the canieli turn their Piauos. at corres � APPIYOII thopreadoes, or address the undersignea Contralls ...... .......... 9.18 '16.66 )011 3,011 tis if you Encourage city officials �vlio lend them- . QV I . � rOprictor, Leadbu?y P. 0. JOHNSTON KINNEY. As to professional students (soM6 very bcalitiful sOf t Ues U I See us before purchasing. � %& 0 1 . Exeter.—............ .. 9.80 6.07 elves to sanitary iinproSrement, They , . P-6 . 1058 Hensall .................. 9.44 6.18 few excepted), they are worse scholars at W(TC inti -tiding ul)on their silence and re- s () -,,,In I I Kippen ...... ; ......... .. 9.50 1 6.26 . seeve. Never were the eyes In a human deserve It, and it will pay.-GOYeston Pi . leaving r,ollege than at their admission I � � . - '' � , 9.58 683 . head so bemitiful as it caniel's. Tli I . I , I . I Brucefield . .............. I heard our tutor once censure a young ere is News. � SCOTT B P . I STOCK FOR 8E1,.VI6E, 0inton .. . . ............ 10.16 6,55 n limpid softness, ail appealing plaintive- Dust cos�s in doctors'- lills ten times of -MIA, C+. .14 man I 1-4. - I Londesboro ...... ... 10.83 7' � at lecture who had been nearly three ,(!,- -ag at as ninell as it Would talce to maintain . (D -DOAP ' Blyth_.. __....... , ': 10.41 7,23 irs at 'ollege by saying that he knew tiess, in their expi ssion which di . FoR SERVICE.�Tho undersigned will .. yea c I Polls. , . 5 ec for service on Lot 25, Conoeso on , Belgrave....... .... .:..:. 10.56 7.87 less than a f res-liman who sat next him. your sympatbics tilce the'look in the eyes clean streets. Thore arel in addition to Snap Bargains in Real Estate and . 8 D14, a thoroughbred Che8terwhite boar. Toms- Wingliam arrive...,'.. .. 11.10 8.00 of a buncliback. It mearis that with your the-los,jes in dollars and dents many sad- WIP . , P�YA le at the time of service, with the privilege GOING SOUT11- Passenger. "Well, stud what of that?" retorted t4a � Live Stock. 00 (1) W � � � of Ile urning If necessary. JOHN V. DIEHL. Wingham, depart .... .... 6.68 A.M. S. 80 P. X. youth. "He is but Just come from OPPO"t"'flties you might have done more der losses for wbich no estimate can be THIRTY DOLLARS an acre will buy a 184 sere 0 _tf ... .. ...... . 7.04 845 -Cornhill INIagazine. I with your life. Your mother looks at You made. -Galveston News. ! farm-afirst-class grain %rid stock farm-netr the . 1691 Belgrave..... : school 1" I � - � . P . Blyth .................... 7.16 400 1 that way�' sometimes in cliurch when the I Village of Zurich, In the township of Hay. County of I I roI PLO BREEDERS. -The undersiguod will keep Londeeboro ........ - .... 7.24 4.10 1 - -aw nerve ; . -neem, plenty of water I � Clinton . ............ .... 7.47 4.80 1 . The Ourp. sernion tpuches a particultIrly i Huron; good building*, good fe MaLEOD'S I on Lot 26, Concession 5, L. R. 8,, Tuckerstn'th, . . . THE AUTOM�BILE. and a most desirable place; also three thoroughbred - A.thWoUghbred CnysTxR Wul,ry, Pio, also a thorough- Brucefleld .............. ... 8106 4 50 11 your ivitual m.1ke up. I always feel I � 8.17 4:69 People marvel at the meQbanism of the I s i . . short horn bulls and three )(orkbhire boars, all fit for Kippen . .............. .. lil�c aplgizilng when a camel looks at . service; also several roadster horses, all good stock, ' I bred YORKSHIR11, Pi.a. A limited number of sows will . human body, 'with its 49Z bones a1A 60 , be admitted to each. Terms, $1, payable at the time ... .... 8.24 604 me. i I A new paper, called Thi Automobile, Is and prices -right. For particulars apply to S. IIAN- System Renovator service, or 81.60 8188 5.16 � - . . - I 16mif � of it charged. Also a few Chester Exeter ............ .. .... arteries, but inau is simple in this re i trying to find a want created in New NiE, Zurich P. 0, . . White Pig� for sale. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608-62 Coatralis .... ............ 8.60 6,26 spect compared with the carp. That re- Goi;�g_Through the Motlonx. no. r . I . I London, (ary I lye) .......... 9.60 A. m. 6.20 markable fish moves no fewer than 4,380 ' . York. -New Orleans Plca�u -AND OTHER- . - - � "What is your purpose In returning so One thing at least is in javor of the au- . A4WORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOIL SER. . bones and muscles every time,it breathes. silent?" asked the practical politician's tomobile. When it is br'oken � down, it 4 1 . 1. � TESTED - IREMIEDIIES. . T VICE. -Re undentgued. will keep for service, � 'di927_TtW31. . I � ,4 1 at J D 3rucetiold It has- 4,320 veins, to say nothing Of its friend. nnot be canued.-St. L�uis Star. 1 44- r - or , ,� ., 0hecao ]Factory, a thoroughbred � . I ca n fZ41 1 � I A specific and Antidote for Impure, Weak and Im. � . Tam orth Boar, with registered ,pedigree. Terms, ,99 muscles. . "Are people wondering about it?" of auto obiles for fire 4 � 11 ; OY06ble At time of oervine with privilege of re- Seaforth Foundry - � poveriihed Blood Dympepols, Sleeplessness, Palpate. . "Of course they are." bion ot the Hivaii, Liver OmplaInt, Nouft I - III doub ess be 'Only the �., � I f turnl�g if neaceeary. AlEo a number of thorough- Answered. chiefs' *agons w / W 01 . , Lose - G iton" . bred 'young Tamworth Boars and So we for sale. : .11 Well, that's what I want. I have no- -d the int ' duction of self' t ' i'� of Memory rone)i1tim, 8117M I 11 it 4 1� ---`w=ss1W "Do you dance on toes, Miss first step towai I O.o�7o . . Your X -- - - nsoy and I Anary =W, fit, VJG, RUG# M00AUTNEY, Brucelleld. 140641 - AND . ticed that nearly every politicidn who propelling apparatus. -N York Herald. The boo place In America for y Jaundice, 0 =AT — .- __ - � . __ . - ______.Q1 I ­ . Quickwit?" I - I -oung men &n4 DAU00, Iremsio lveguUfleles and General Debility. e awounts to much Is at some time r th- - to secure a Business Education, ShorthwA, WORTH PIG FOR SERVICE. -The under- "Never, Mr. Clumsey. Other peopl 0 0 d O&I Drawing or Penmatish1p, Tborough my*- L&BORATORY-Godefloh,Ontarlo. - T 819ned has for service on lot 82, concession 8, ine Works . .do that fo . r me I" . er spoken of as a sphinx. I don't know Um of Actuat Business. Session entire year. Students Mach as it does any good, but it seems cus- ODD NAMts. 1 beirin aPY t1me. C&taipirue Free. A Reference. all J. M. MeLEOD, Fraprietor and Manu I 1, - fra 0.od pig and breeders find it advantageous to . meant until be tried to get a: . , . -1 IN 4lop, a thcro'bred Tainworth plg,� to which a . ! And he didn't know Just what illae ,i I Wrolt, W-F.JZW_kLL,111*0. P.R.SpZXCER'See, I . liml d number of sows will be taken. Thl, is an tomary. "-Washington Star. : factur6r. - . �Lother Unce 7 . @I Are now in - ith her. --Colorado Springs Gasette. i Boney $toots is an entOrprising miner __ - Sold by J. S. ROZEiv , oroufheirberkeldre sows with this brood of pig. W i ! � ro 1�clrth, . � I I ; - - Urn's $1, with privilege of returning if necessary. - ;To preyent typhoid fever boil the drink- of Virginia ores. L � SEAFORTH DYE WORK8 U01 -if i ' JOHN MeMILLA-W 16061tt ­ FULL OPERATION Look not wournfullY I to th& �pastj k Ing water; to preveot dyspepsia drink the Dan Edge -is a grinderi of scissors in . -1 are nrenare4 toi Wisely flaprove boiling water. It seems to be crely a Till McKiffim Mwtory for 1-89.9. A A - 1� - lo renalrince of all kinds 6, 1. .If a CID ary street, Brooklyn. . Take your clothes tothe SWorth DyeWorksand I __ " no and M111 Work a #1 Thresher@ and COMWO #A%F " ED . A check passed through k at nave tnem ciesnedor dyedand mnu* wo ludirlike . I Engi pecialty, Of taste.- - . - _�TOCK FOR SALE. farmers' work prom . � � 8"ve, ViIinthrop P� 0. - 7 ,T,,tly attended to. t?Ae Present; It is thin*. Go forth to Zmeot matter of choice as well as now. All work guarariteed to give sallsfaetion. I I I Slackburs, Va., recently �ayable to Boss HENRY NICKLE, Goderloh. street 6 ,the JOHN MORRISON Flow Points and a I repairs for the Coleman imple- tk* o6adowy future without fear alld Chicago News. , ; I -For sale, two e to order. I Rake. i I - . . Catholic church, Seaforth. ppi; .tf JAMES O'JAUGRIi. Counoillor, Beachwood P, 0 _ LE, ments kept On hand and mad Wkh A manly'keart. I L JOSEPH 0, MORRISON, Councilwy, winupw P.0 _ 11) � We have for gale, at Very L as, two I � thoroughbred Dui ham bulls -,both 12 month# ressonableprio Grinding a man down soinetimps has Mike Barbire to a barl�er of Newark, P. 0. old, Pne roan and the. other red. JOHN MORRISON, Stevens & Burns portable engines, two White port- . - . . JOHN 0. GRIZVZI (30unewer winthro - I Lot �2, Concession 11, hicKillop, Winthrop'P. 0. " optIL-F the &ITect of putting a dangerous edge on N. J. Dr. Patin Is a dentist of tba same � roD �!60 able engines, one Writero and one Leonard. I Q ION* Is talent with both oy i � - JOHN 0. MORRISON, Clerk, W� � I . I* . i Ddbft- AAW. 4WOWS . I i � � 1686-tf For full particular$, call of address . veland Lead*r. I � hhue-Detrolt JournpkL - tOW136 . � I - ,Ole Z . i 11 . 9 DAVID X. RM 7109AW47 Wilithf0p P. 0. I I AN R64 Ass;�� BVwhwood P. 0,. i _______ M I I Ift ~ X"gligh Remo - IWILU I . � . Y 3 L WESTER SHEEP 4NI4 DURNAM CATrLE ROBT. BELL, Jrsy I . gold and recommendedi'Vy all MUI&UN DODB9, Couscior sestorw P. 0. -- I FOR SAL,E,-For salt,-,�,seyeral thorobred Dur. . .-JQ, -Th other night, a man living in Mit- WCH"D POUARDO i;;21Z; ineroder. L"A. J MARRIAGE LIOENSE... druggistain0ansdis. Oul �*11- � I dlsoov= 11%TuPattle And Leicester slWop"ll ages and sizes. PROPRIETOR � . chell Mt his wife over the bead with the able inedicine Z xx buy P. 0. i Ap 1 1641-61 1� . -, -, - anir - I t� to the undorolgned Will Road, Tucker- I . ISSUED AT heal of his boot. He W" brou ht before CAST RIA pusrusud to curo au . , - ' ' ,, or address Egrnonbillle P. 0. ROBERT �� I I - I i 4 � a, � r In" � � new an effects of a - C'11 RTERS. IWox6 I the magistrate, but bis wife P :3ed him off, -Z J TIMBER WANTEDs - 4 L or exessegL, Worry, *;01 To nse of To- I - i L THE HURDN UPOSITOR OFFICEp He should have been hor"wh1j"d. , � A - . � basoo. Opium fthed cash Pdos V&W �kW N"k a&# wX4 Se � i THOS. A. HAWKINS ; For infuts sad CW&en. . r 6"uliAits. Mailed on reoel[0 L � � -Mr. Goo; Bokmayer bu given up the % otpri its dak,bird 2 MONEY TO LOAN, 04eafOrih, Will' give ! of, on* jok , fill, 0. &W tompkWo red a" Wh and soft mpdo, lasoloskZiJ ; rVao - I I al a 41 -ii4ous, _ ivc - 1 orpntss SL Thomas Church SEAFORTH, 024TAR10. Feltz farm, in Logan, and'hu purch"ed the ; oftwOcum stalpVto free to saw aAdd and rook almallibu at MINInfifto or 4#111reW to X . I organ or Plano Lessons at his-kusio Room In Soolt's - � I su ho. , - culms ; neY to loiin at 4t and 6 per cent. per Aswan Mr. T. Levy, of the 2nd eon. stalle k a %7" Wo" c4aw"Y' hid For fortheir I . Ap: Blook, SoafOrth, from Friday It A. w, until Mond ,) I == Ous. WAO� - Amy! AmOunt-on first-olaw farm land aecurity,, a . � on -in the same township, paying for it d . 0"ry Manager lor tu S. 1.00.juder. . p Y -* 8 . S p. m. At . Brawls the remainder of the W@01 I Wood,# Pbo*bW" Is 0914 in goaarth by UW& L t 1 W P - HAYS# Dominion Bank Building Son � , NO WITNESSES REQUIRE , _ _ . I for*, JW7 Terms on appil"Ou. lab -611 ! 85,3W. - ""PS, des & W9wD, dnW#I& . . 1, , . I . a" . � I L " I � � � I a . . 7 � I : . I . . - � z : . . . . . I : . I i � : . 4 . L �j L - . . i I I . � . - � � I �: . � i I I � . . I . � : . � � � � I , � � L , . i I I . � . I . �:�.7�_ 1 . � .1 -1 - . . - L I - ­­ ­ - r- I_ � .. -1 - - I . - � - - I , I I I I I ­_ � I .- I . , I : I � I I I � I I .. I L ! � . . I I ! I i I - i - � I i i __ � . . � I I L . I . ; - . . i ; . - . ; I L . . - � . . . I - . � I .1 � - I . � I _­ _. . L - - I— _. - W-- .--. ­_­_­._­...._.­.__ "-�"--'�-"�-L----"'--��--�"'�-'----------��-' __­___.­ -------- _1_________1.kW.�_ �_ ____.____1 . I ....... � I ­­ ­­