HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-10-06, Page 761 1899' temompesseen, I 1 1 es ; naake per; lose kr of your —to cover tt forget and ever been for IT lasts. 11 Colors, )les with 1 1TH. :, we have no sera °I)a No. 1 need _in the world to - or the Argentiee, - States eau corn, ?here was a time srio was the bane el, before Ontario, banner province, fore my Own days, :land, so far as its erned, was on tile, le St. Lawrence. waa carried weet- great lakes, arid been carried to it is atilt in Can. :of wheat is true "av our barley is so iad to proscribe it -es in chesee and e. you, gentlemen rOrlderftli strides. re, at the present ace in England. et, but you will -ears from to -day, English market in Elie. Arid, speak - care country that British market, finent, eloquent was not lees se He is reported nent ago that, of have observed knew him, and ea, I like moat of epirit, that Cana - only through his acts. There are who have done reliable Cana - so much import- ke mire, than Sir lime' the fact that nt place in the h Her Majesty's ee of the greatest WS that he is re- lated, hue else - d of biro, as be- tobind together re in a stronger f.tanada the first tries which are -.reat Britain. loiestion ; that is If we can make a grow the best 1, arid make the ',made., it will in- ky trade followa her thinga than. /time' likes and e- known in Eng - More calla have that great event etter known now 'at -account that te purely nation- ereial aide, that a to us that we Lnown in Great re what I have that.,. so Ion as 'British market, ehould be sent, market for the erne, I also MU -Arne to this west - he may see what tire.try. It is the mist and his pa- heantiful land ens did not spring nourd ; there are 1 and economic eat Country out hese farms rep- nd thrift ; these other- evidences tern Ontario a _lusted by proper if thie a. greater And 1 8,m glad iong'us that he rn he. rules, the -up ; he is net ornon, materiel', rial ,in which day,1 the very ee in the world eat to contend reer, hisrise into he atnained the ent of Canada; ut that °intim- victiop that he t to be compar- face of the Arn- e Ameriani press d' Canada with tarp. That was Caoada. (A I say we hay° , history of this Tering '1 hold' , with us to -day of Canada that stubborn and t.meriean eagle ev :using MIL!, E POWDERS. no lineli threshed n e ar Do wney 7E1 -f barley, wheat 'straw is shert. whole will be , had a yield the acre, 30 of coin and 30 of eningof meGill -ated the outcry n being over - not in accord ethy, who felt rented by each Geod Gode become of you udent so manY 6 and contented auks of the gene the backbone of- manly- word!. tion is keen in if !science, art' De is no more her voeationr- ut We bard to OCTOBER 61 1899 CENTRAL ardware Store. complete stock of -.Buildere' Hardware— notse butte, tee and strap hinges. Beni Door Track and Hangers. «ens Lead and Linseed Oil, Putty and Robertson's ready -mixed Paints. Agents for Thorold Cement. geeetroughin and furnace work a woialty. Sins & Murdie HARDWARE', r'S Old Stand, Seaforth be Red Mill, SENFORTH. Gadke & Cos, proprietors of 1he Red Mill, Seaforth, have - melded the improvemeats in the mill, eing pitted t ere the latest and most im- Tied machine 7, and are now Prepared to do all kinds ot bopping, Gristing and all lines of Gustom Work. First-class Flour from Manitoba wheat •for sale. Ain(ladke is 4. first-class, practical miller, end all customers will receive prompt and satisfactory attention. GADICE & CO., SEAFORTH. Special Attention -to Horseshoeing, and General Jobbing. Robert Devereux BLIOKSMITH and CARRIAGE Opp, MAKER ger sgoderich street, - - • - Seaforth, GO iER10H Steam Boiler Works, (ESTABLISHED 1880.) £-OITRYST4 L Successor o Ohrystal Black, anttfacriurera of all Ithein of Stationary Marine, 1fpright & Tribalar BOILER Mit Panseneke tacks, Sheet Iron Werke. eto., eta. Alia.dellere a Dprignt and Horiseontal Eilida Valve sgities. Antoraatio (..'nt-Off Engines a specialty. Ail us of pipe and le -fitting conetantly ou band testee furnished n ettor t notice. Works—Oppoefte G. T. R. Station. Goderloet Forever a year ',above had the agency for the sale oi gDAPO. Our first meter was for a quarter of a dozes, *thane tee Hundred and Forty-four Dollars worth. TRADEMARK 4470'.____ seer otere8ED. =ma g Made a well Man of Me:' RIDAPO 1/118RITAT HINDOOREMEDY notions THE ABOVE Results in 30 dugs. {lures allIferronsDiseases. Failing Memory Pandit, Sleeplessness, Nightly DIAS"' 1001,8i0.Caused by past abuses, gives tiserandeize to shrunken organand quickly but -fatale restores Lost Manhood in ols, d or young. _Bully carried in vest pocket. Price st1.00 a package, meter 0.00 lei tie re /critter'. guarantee to cure, or motley refunded. DON'T 13111F AN ItsilTATION, but boot etthaving INDAPO. If your druggist has not tet we Kill send it prepaid. 8111100 REMEDY CO., Proprs, Chicago, SIL or our &gents. Thisrepld increase groves it is a remedy that everyone nettles It speaks well of. Yours respectfully, 1 V. FEAR, Seaforth. Ont. H. R Jackson & SON. DIS1COT IMPORTERS OF Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac, France; Rio. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ; Booth's Tom Gin, London, England; Bulk& & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland ; Jamieson's Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davie' Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC We have opened a retail store in connection with our wholesale busi- business in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, _ where we will sell the best - goods in the market at bottom prices. Goods delivered to any part of the town 608.. 'TELEPHONE II. 151&-tf McKlilop Mutual Firt insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFIORRA. J. B. McLean, Preeident, Kippen P. 0. ; Thomas Truer, vice-president, Brucefield P. 0.; W. J. Shan- Beey-Treast. Seaforth P. 0. ; Thomas E. "VI, Inspector of Losses,'Seaforth P. 0. DIRAOTORtl. nW Broadfoot, Seaferth ; John G. Grieve, Win George Dale, Ilisaforth ; Thomas Z. Hays lister% ; James Evans, ffsechwood ; John Watt .1T-ariook ; Thomas Frasier, Brucetield : John B. Mo. Lotus Eippert ; Jane e Connolly, Clinton. AGRATII„ ,Bobt. Sntith, Iltarlook ; Roht. MoM111n, fiesforib ; 14,1:065 Cumming Egmondv o; J. W. Yeo, Holmes - Huts P, O.; John Govenlook and John 0. Morrison, 41liditora ..ftnies desirous to effect Insurances or trans. turOther business will be_promptly attended to on Von to any of the above officers, addreesed respective post offinee. 81 ri . . fl C teC. o ee0:111;',•C'dnge Is silences:en; 1.15toc1 teon Uily by over 10-0(10 Ladies. lidfw. ate: it al. 'Lit dies ask _your druggist for ..-aek s Cotton Root Com - Take no other as ail ixturee, pills and ILI:114410ne are dangerous. r le te, No. 1, $i per rwrs No -10 degrees stronp-,er,::3 per box. No. 2.1naifed en reeelpt of price and two IS cent tennees The cook Co in ny risor, Ont. „....:W`Nos. 1 and 2 sold vela recommeenled by all Druggists in Canada. 1. 1.nd No. 2 l'"fold in Seaforth by Lumeden '°a, druggists. - '0,50e11011011110e110203efilebir THE HURON EXPOSITOR. e You Sick 9 Perhaps you have had the grippe or a hard cold. You may be recovering from malaria or a slow fever; or possibly some of the chil- dren are just getting over the measles or whooping cough. Are you recovering as fast as you should? Has not your old trOuble left your blood full of impurities? And isn't this thd reason you keep so poorly? Don't deley recovery longer but Take It will remove all impart, ties from your blood. Itis eleo a tonic of immense Ye de, Give nature a tithe 11 Jp at this time. Aid her 'I removing all the prnucts of disease from your blood. If your bowels are not lust right, Ayer's .Pills will make them o. Send for cur book on Ipiet in Consti- pation. Pare,"se5ict g OUP Dactor:r. We have the xcluelvo services of somo of tho most eminent physi- cians in tho Uni ed States. Write freely and receive a prompt reply, wit hou taircret. A. ess, DI. J. C. AYER, LoWell, Mass. DISTRICT MATTERS. Xisto C5xpooitov. Port Albert. JOTTINOS.—Mrs. Warnock, Mrs. Mosely, and Misses Murray and Mosely, of, Goder- ich, spent Saturday at the home of .Mr. Thos. Ilawkins.—/tliss Smiley, of St. Thomas, who has beer visiting relatives in this vicinity for some time, returned to her home last week.—Mi s Torie Hawkins is home from London foz a month's vacation.— Miss Gray, of Woods ock, is here on a visit to her relatives.—A company of young people (troy° out from Goderich on Monday evening, and had a fa ewell party for Mr. John Carrell, who leaves shortly for Penn- sylvania.—Willie Heyden, of Goderich, i spent Sunday with h's parents here. He leaves on Monday net for Toronto, where he will pursue his s udies at the Deetal college.—Rev. Mr. II airbairn and family were in Mount Forest 'last week, attending the funeral of Mrs. Fairbairn's sister. .1 SICK HEADACHE, however annoying and dis- tressing, is poeitively cured by LAXA-LFVER PILLS They are easy to take and :ever gripe. Morris. COUNCIL DOINGS. —.4t the last meeting of the Morris council, at 1 which all the mem- bers were present, on Motion of Mr. Code, seconded by Mr. Jack:eon, the reeve and Mr. Shaw were instructed to expend $40 in re- pairing road at lot 1, on the 1st concession line. On motion of Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. (Jackson, Mr. Cardiff was instructed to have road at lot 11, concession 5, put in a proper state of repair. , On motion of Code and Cardiff, the reeve was instructed to draw on the treasurer and pay the contrac- tor 65 per cent. on the Garness drain as the work proceeds. On motion of Shaw and Cardiff, the reeve and • treasurer were in- structed to borrow $500 to meet current ex- penses. An application for the position of engineer, received from Mr. Nabb, was or- dered to be hied. The following letter was received from Mr. James Craig :—" On the 15th of April last, having had occasion to write you in reference to my assessment, and as to the conduct of John Watson, your assessor, towards me, I made use of -certain expressions, which under the circumstances, were uncalled for and should not have been employed in that, amongst other things, I - charged Mr. Watson as being an utterly un- principled, perjured liar. I now wish to say that I sincely regret having made use of such language. I beg to retract the words used and any other statements con- tained in that which you or he may take exception, or which might have a tendency of injuring Mr. Watson in his character or reputation as a servant in your employment. Truseing this may be considered satisfactory to all parties concerned." After passing numerous accounts the council adjourned until October 18th. • IT'S so pleasant to take that children cry for lt but it's death to worms of all kinds, DR. LOW''&.. WORM SYRUP. Price 25o. MI dealers. • e —The funeral of the late Agnes Liviugs- ton, daughter of Mr. James Livingston, M. P. Baden, took place on Thursday, the 21st. The funeral was one of the largest, if not the largest, ever Been in Baden. In many ways it was a remarkable concourse of people that aeseinbled to pay their tribute of re- spect for the dead, their expression of sym- pathy with the living. Many from consider- able distances were there, friends and acquaintances of the genial and reepected member, whose home has been for the third time within a few years, and for the second time within three months invaded by the ruthless march of death. Besides these, Baden seemed with the surrounding distriot to have turned out en masse to show_ their esteem and fellow -feeling for the afflicted family. Many of the sincerest mourners were the humblest Mennonites, whose plain Ni but striking garb was ee.ywhere in evi- dence. The floral gifts pere profusely beautiful and numerous. sn —Arthin• H. N . Jenkins, editor of—the Grand Rapids, Michigan, Times, has got himself into a fix over an attack he made in his paper on Superior Court Judge Newn• ham. Jenkins formerly lived in Brussels and edited a paper there, and will be remem- bered by many of the people ofnhnt village and vicinity. Recently he has:been the editor and proprietor of the Grand Rapids Times, a paper which has trusted to a great extent for ite sustenance to those candidates who at local, state or federal elections, from either party, had sufficient funds to gain his aupport. He has always been somewhat radical and his eccentricities are not his best qualities. In a recent criminal trial, in which one Frank D. Warren was the defen- dant, the verdice of the Judge did not meet his approval. This called forth an article from Jenkins, in which he attempted to est- ablish the face that the judge had been " bulldozed " by the prosecuting attorney into taking an arbitrary course in the case; that the defendant had not received a fair trial, and that the Judge had intimidated the jury into giving a verdict against their otvre moral convictions. Jenkins was sum- moned to ,answer to a charge of contempt of court and he received a brubbing front the Judge, who gave him some pointers on good, journalism and good eitizenehip, and then sentenced him to thirty days in Kent county jail. Jenkins made no complaints/Id fallewed the court offioer into his corridor. He Hays lie will continue to publish his paper during his term of sentence. • HAGYAR ttleYElfe ILLOW Ois prompt to relieve -Bud sure to ure ooJgh�, colds, sore throat, pain in the chest, h arsoneas, quinsy, etc. Prim 260. • —The_ tradnin given at the, Guelph Agri- cultural °Oleg° is being anntially more ap- preciated, I an the f vieits of ex- cursionist fit m parties are doing not -a little to popularize the insti- tution with tho e whore it is intended to benefit, ft to t the farmers even more than the technical tr de school is to the mechanic, because it inve tigates and conducts experi- mental work fo the good of all. Thie year 170 studente—e0 more than the residence will accommodate—seek admission to the college. —A disastroes fire on Thursdaylast caused Dugald Leitch, concession 7, Caradoc, a heavy loes. Near midnight Miss Maggie Leitch was awakened by the blaze and quickly roused the other ipmates of the house. By this time the huge learn was a mass of flames, and the roof quickly fell in, biarying valuable stock, which the intense heat made it impossible to release. The barn contained 800 bushelof old wheat, 50 tons of hay, the season's crop of unthreshed oats, ten big hogs and many head of cattle, beside farm implements of the latest pattern and a 100,ton silo completely filled. The barn, which was modern in every respect, coet about -$1,500. The cheese factory and house, both of which were situated quite close to the barn, were saved by the untiring efforts of the neighbors, who rendered every assistance. Insurance, $2,260, in the Cara- doc Mutual. • A GITATEFUL WOMAN, Says Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Saved Her Life. Confined to Bed for More Than a Month and \+'Vholly Unable to Move—Fodd Had to be Administered to Her as to a CAM -7 -Thankful Words of Praise. From the Tribune, Deseronto, Ont. Mrs. Wm. Doxtater, whoie husband worke on the Rathbun farm, Deseronto, is well known in the town and surrounding country, her home having alweys been in this vicinity. Mrs. Doxtater has passed through a more than usually trying illness, and as it was said she ascribedher cure to the me of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a re- porter of the Tribune ',,var gent to investi- gate the case. It appears that Mrs. Dox- tater's illness dates from the birth of a child on Feb. 15th, 1899, when the attend- ing physicians found it necessary to admin- ister chloroform. The shock was greater than she could stand and the result was partial paralysis, during which her life was dispaired of. Mrs. Doxtater gives the par- ticulars as follows : " Previous to the birth of my child I had enjoyed very good health, but following this my health gave way entirely. I was in bed for over a month, and had two doctors attending me. I was so weak that I could not turn myeelf in bed and had to be moved like a child. The little nourishment I took had to be'ad- ministered by my friends. During 'this time I suffered great pain, especially in the hip joints, and one side was paralyzed. from the shoulder to the foot. The doctors could not tell me what my trouble was, and the medicine they gave did me no good. I be- came despondent and thought I would Bare- ly die. I got into a highly nervous condi- tion, and 'sleep was almost impossible. Just an I would fall asleep I would start up as though ill a fright. This was the state of affairs when a friend advieed me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I can never tell how thankful I am that I took that ad- vice. Afte• I had used the third box I was able to leave my bed and move around the house a little. By the time I had used six boxes I had gained greatly in strength, and was able to do my own homework. I could eat my meals with relish. I sleep and am still constantly gaining in strength. ' My friends were surprised at my speedy recev- ery after beginning the use of Dr. Williams' Pink P lls, and I believe that but for them I would not be alive today. I will be glad if my t stimony is the meane of pointing to some ot er sufferer the road to health." Peop e who are run down, weak or nerv- ous wil find renewed health and strength through the fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. hey enrich and build up the blood, and stimulate tired aed jaded nerves. Sub- stitutes should alwaye be refused, as they never cured anyone. The genuine pills may be had rorn all dealers in medicine, or from the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co. Brock - v20. ill5e,Ont., at 50c a box, or eix boxes for $ • —At t recent social evening in Galt, while one of tie young ladies was doing her pret- tiest to ntertesin all and help them te a de- licious qup of fragrant beverage, she lost one of her side combs, whatever they are for. After Making sundry accusations of mal- appropietion, and after disposing of her can- teen of eoffee, the said young maiden found the said comb in the said canteen of bever- age, to thelamusement of the guests, and the utter rout of the young lady in question. It was most amusing, and all enjoyed it—the coffee. —Have you ever noticed that many streams that years ago ran water all summer now dry up entirely save after heavy rains? This is a serious matter for the stock raisers. wesseseneweeseasnesesesseeasesseemeneeseemeeleaseres- Hard-working Farmers. Long hours of hard, !lever - ending work makes Kidney Trouble a cammon com- plaint on tke farm. Palm -- fill, weak or lame leaeks and Urinary Disorlors as too frequent. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS help a farmer to work and keep his health —take the,ache and pain out of his back and give him strength and vigor. Mr. Isaiah Willmot, a retired farmer living at 138 Elizabeth St., Barrie, Ont., said " have been a sufferer with kiiney trouble and pain in'the small of my back, and in both Sides. I alSo had a great deal of neuralgia pain in my temples, and was eubject to dizzy spells. '1 felt tired and worn out rnost of the time. "Since taking Doan's Kidney Pills, I have had no pain either in rny 'back or sides. They have removed the neuralgia pain from my head, also the tit' feeling. "1 feel a least ten years younger and only say that Doan's Kidney pins are the xi remarkable kidney cure and in addition the beat tonic I ever took:" PLII• cure Constipat. 1XtflXLTUUWUWU1 Shorey' Clare Serg Made of Fast Blue Serge 20 OZ0 to the yard. Not made to order but made to fit. Sold only by the best Clothing dealers for $12.00 11 Tailors' price for the sa goods $20.00. 1 111.14.1nt1.1111.1111rU" Climatologists say this is due to the cutting down of the timber aed the better drainage of the lands. The cutting of timber has gone on until now many farms have not even enough for fuel. The time is near when tree -planting will be a live question. There are many spaces on some farms that ought to be turned into nurseries for forest trees, and they would in years to come yield a good return for the work. • • EPPS'S COCOA GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for De- licacy of Flavour, Superior Quality, and Highly Nutritive Properties. Specially grateful and comforting to the nervous and derepeptio. Sold only in quarter -pound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited, Homceopathic Chemists, London, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER EPPS'S - COCOA 1660-26- • Mr. Wm. Ferry, Blenheim, Ont. says : "1 cen recomneed Dr. Wood's Norway Pi n Syrup at the ye a* ban medicine fo: coughs, col da sore throat and week lungs." Immediate Relief. Mr. H. M. Kemp, 209 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, 44ites : " I have used Milburn's lihemustie Pills for Rheumatism. I was so bad fleet I had to be assisted in getting out of bed. _The pills gave immediate re- lief, se, after using one box the pain left, and hoe not returned since." -Laxa-Liver PLIs cure sick htadache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour etienach, water brash, sallow com- plexion, tte. They r'o not gripe, weaken or sicken. Small and ersey to take. lf you notice your child grinding the teeth dur ng sleep, picking the men, seating trevengously, but not seeming to gain flesh, you may be sure worms are present, and should not delay giying Dr. LoN'e Pins - ant Worm Sy/up, price 26c. . Stiff Joints 4 Years. Mr. Az thur Byrne, Rock Hill, Ont., wtites : "1 waa laid up with etiff joints for about four years, and could get no relief until I used three bottles of Hag - yard's Yellow Oil, which toured me." THE DUVAL TREATMENT FOR BEAUTY. Every Druggist in town is supplied with treatises and FREE SAMPLES of the above treatment, which con- sists of ten remedies !or .all imper- fections of the Skin, Heir and Teeth. Every ladyis requested to call on her druggist ' and obtain these, or to send direct to THE WINSOR BARKER CO.,Limited, Manufacturing Chemists, TORONTO, ONT. 1660 5 WANTED. Twenty-five experienced and twenty-five inexperienced Operators on whitewear Blouses and Wrappers on now high speed machines. Highest wages pad.- We guarautee to teach and, offer epecial Inducements to beginners. GALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Mincing Lane, Tor- on'o. 1659-4 IMPORTANT NOTICES. /1. ONEY TO LOAN.—Funds of private parties, IVI also company funds, to lean at 6 per cent. ftist mortzage ; terms to suit borrowers. JAMES L. KILLORAN, Barriater, Seaforth. , 1659 tf - CIARM TO RENT. --To rent, Lot t'0, Conoeesion 5, 12 Bibbeit. Tenant can Om eh after 1st October, 1899, and got full }emulsion lot April, 1900. Land- lord would prefer te rent for grazb g only. Plenty of water. For particular° apply to F. flOLMESTED, Barrister, Seatortb. 166841 rp EACHER WANTED —Waeted for School Section Nc. 4, McKillop, a male teacher, bolding ta‘ socond-claes cert fiesta ; one a ho can sing and teach the children to 'sing preferred. Duties to commence January let, 1900, Applications, Wing salary re- quired, will be received until October 26th. ROBT. BEATTIE, Secretary, Seaforth P. 0. . 1658-4 WANTED.—A teacher for Sohool Section No, 6, Grey, mile or female, holding second-class sertificate ; state age and salary ; tertimoniale re - qui. ed. Applications received till Oetober 7th, 1899. Duties to commence January 3rd, 1900. Addres MALCOLM LAMONT, Ethel Ont. 167:9-2 — -- B01LER FOR SALE.—For sale, a second-hand, four horse -power Boiler ia good condition. It is all complete with inspiretor, water taps and guage. Juet the thing for a farmer to out straw feed; would exchange for wood or hay; cheap for cash. JOHN DODDS, Seaforth. 169x4 !TEACHER WANTED.—Wantrd for achcol in See - tion No. 5, Tuokeremith, a male teacher, hold- ing a second-class oatificate. Average aVendance of pupils abopt this ty. Applications stating salary desired, and acecmpanled by testimonials, will be received by the undersigned, addressed to Egmond- ville P. 0., 'Mil Tueschy, October 17th. Duties to commence in January, 1900. WM. CHESNEY, Sec retary. 10593 mEACEIER WANTED.—A.pplicaticne will be re. roived by the undersigned up to Friday, °Ott). ber 20th, for a t.acher for School Section No. 4, Morris, for 190, holding first or second-olass pro- fessional eertificats. Applicant's to state salary ex- pected. JOHN MOONEY, Secretary -Treasurer, Brussels P. 0. 1659x3 AUCTION SALES. !SCHOOL' SHOES. UOTION SALE OF FARtf STOOK, NIPLE- AMENTS, ETC. --Mr. Wm. Meloy hae Orson in- stru3ted by Mr. Joseph Heed to sell by publics fluter,. tine on Let 7, Coneetielon 2, Stanley, on T lesday October 10th, at 1 o'clock p. m., [sharp, the fo lowing pro, arty, viz : Horses—One brood draught mere, euppoeed to he in foal : 1 general purpose gelding 7 years old, one 2 -year-old filly, 1 roadster ge'd ng two -years old, and broken to harncee. Cattle -:-Four intioa cows supposed to be in calf, one 3-ycar-old heifer, to calve in January ; 6 heifers rising 3 years old, il; steei rising 2 yrare o'd, two 1-y. ar-old heifers, three( spring calves. Pigs—Two Yo lc shire brood sows, 1 pigs 6 weeks old.- A 'se about 50 hens. Impleruente t to.— One set farm trucks, 1 lezy reek, 1 pair bo ,eightn 1 spring tooth cuitivator, 1 set iron tarrows, threo. single plows, o le 2 -furrow gang plow, 1 mow r, two set double htrness, 1 eet single harnese, al lob of: clover bay, 60 drills of turnips 30 rods long,num; ii ber of, drills ofman,m Ida, Everything uss e sold,_. as the proprietor has !cued the farm. Ter we -All sums of 06 a; d under, cash ; . over that amount '12' months' oredi` will be given on furnishing approved j eiet notes. A dIsceunt at the rate of 6 per wint. per annum will be allowed for oieh on credit amountee JOSEPII 1100D, proprietor ; WM. McOLOV auca tioneer. 11650-2 --- A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IM-'. 2-1. PLEMENTS.--Mr. Ttomas Blown has received instructions trim W. C. Landsborough, to soll by-, public motion r n Let 27, Conceesioe 8, H. ft, R.,. Tuokersmith, on Friday, October Isth, 1899, at 32 -- o'clock sharp, the following property : Hort n—One; aged brood mare in foal to * Bali ougie Stem ," one yearling filly tired by " Royal Stetasman," 1 3 Ailing, eelding sired by " Sir Walter," 1 sucking col, Wet:I re 8 sup-. arling: 1 eataere;si by "Lord Marmion, ' 1 drivitsg Irma $ ye sired by " Mors -Rose." Oattle—Six miloh co pored to be in calf to a thoroughb:ed bull, 4 y heifers, 2 yearling steers, 9 steers 2 ycare old, 8 years old, 1 heifer Heim three, to calve in Ja 1 opting calf, 2 calves 8 months old. Sheep:— leveni weliened Leicester ewes, 1 well-bred Leieest r ram, 11 spring lambs. Hogs -One aged Tamwort boar,' 2 brood sows, 7 pigs 5 weeks old, 15 pige 7 we lor old. Poultry—Twelve Leghern }lane, a aumeer o thor- oughbred narred rock and minorca coekere 1133-' plements—one steel frame Massey binder, 1 rest Se Wood mower nearly new, 1 eombined seed dri I, Wie ner mike; 1 Clinton cultivator, 1 set diamo d har- rows, 1 set iron harrows, 1 Profit & Wood tiger rake, 1 Weitlaufer pea harvester, cne 2 -furrow gang plow, 1 elogle plow, 1 sulky plow, Fleury make ; ono Hein wagon nearly new, 1 iron axle lumber wag4m, em double carriage, 1 double cutter, pole and s fte; 1 mai cart, 1 Clinton fanning mill, with a!over and timothy selves; 1 hay and stock rack, 1 set of double team harness, one 20 gallon milk c;n, and oth r arti- cles too numerous to mention. All will positi ely be sold witheut resc.ve, as the farm is under , grass. Terms of Sale—All sums of $5 and under, eashl; over t that amount 12 :vmonths' credit will be given n ap- proved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. 111 be a lowed off for caeh on credit atnounte, W. C. - LANDSBOROUGH, proprietor; THOMAS BttOWN, auctioneer. 1689.2 1 In the Surrogate Court of i the County of Huron. i In the Estate of William Edward bold - I well, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that all person or pltreons: having any claim against the estate of the !above, imbed deceased, William Edward Ooldwell, PO of ' Hullett, farmer, who died on or about the 3rd ay of i September, 1809, are required on or before th 1511h; day of October, 1899, ti send by post prepa dl, or+ other Arise deliver to the undersigncd, one of t a Ex-. contort', full particulars of their claims, and tjbe se-, °urines hold by them (if any) duly verified 1iy an, affidavit. And, further, take notice that aft r the: expiration of the eaid 15th day ot October, l89Pk the Executors of the estate will proceed to distribu e thee assets among the parties entitled thereto, bavi g.re-! femme only to thegolaims of which they shall (hen1 have reouived notice, and thoy will not be r iSpoa-' eible to aly creditor of whose elaime they shal not have received notice after euch distribution. This: netlee 10 given pursuant te the etatut 0 in th 1 be-' half. F. HOLMESTED, Fxecutor. Dated at Sca-' forth, this 131h day of September, A. D. 1E99. . 167-4 ' In the Surrogate Court of h County of Huron. In the Estate of James Cooper, decease , Notice is hereby given, that all pereon or pe eons. having any claim against tin estate of the ebove: named deceased, James Cooper, late of Tuokere ith, farmer, who died on or about the 18th day of Au ru-t, . 1899. et the Township of Tuckersmith, in the Co 'Ayr of Huron, are requited on or before the 15th d y of October. 1899, to send by post prepaid, or othetwise deliver to the undersigned Solicitor for the E eat - tors of the said estate, full paiticu'ars of their claims and the securities held by them (if any), duly von. fled bv an affidavie And further take notice, /that after the expiration cf the said 16th day of Octiober,' 1899, the Executors of the estate will proceed tst die - tribute the assets among the pasties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice, and they will nbt be; responsible to any cred.tor of whose claimithey' shall not have received notice after sucth distribltion. i This notice is given pursuant to the statute in , that behalf. F. mitansrED, Solicitor for the EAeou- tors. Dated at Seaforth, title 13th day of September - A. D. 1899. 1 16t7-4 SPLENDID FARM IN HAY: FOR SALE, 0 TO RENT.—For sale, West half of Let 2, Ccnees- eion 14 ; sourh threwquarters of Lot 24 en tb 16th Conceesion, and the no th half of Lot 53, on th lath, Coneezeion, in the township of Hay, =stain' g in all 176 acres, all of which is cleared but ten oree. , These several parcels comprise one farzn an aro located close to cech other. All well fenced fte well underdrained, and ho a g 'nod etate of cultivltion. The land is of the beet quality and every foot ei n be , cultivated. There is a good frame house and large bank barn, also driving house, sheds and other rild- Inge. There is 4 good orchard, and plen y of good water. It adj3ins Kaibileiech's mills, and is within three and three quarter miles from Zurich. If not sold eho-tly will be rented to a good tenant. Apply cn the premises, or address Zurich P. 0. J. O. KALBFLEISCH. 165 l-tf THE SOUTH SIDE GROCERY. I desire to inform the public that I have opened out a. fresh stook of GROCERIES in the store just south of the raillway track, and would like to meet ail the old patrons and many new ones. My stock is all fresh and new. Fancy Goods Again we come to tbi front in the shoe line with tite newest and most fashionable cin the market. We have .a sp1e4diS1 osortment in all lines fdr Fal] and Winter wear. Special in Childiren's School Shoes, strong and durable, leather lined, just what is I needed for wet weather. You will make -no mistake as all our Fall and Winter stock is new, and every pair is a treat to the wearer in comfort and price. ' Words cannot tell all, so call and be convinced. S Ili I 111 THE' NEW SHOE STORE, Hoffman Eiros.' Old Stand, Seaforth. 12prOlsh and One Pince '1U1 8 irigles andi Lath. just arr ved wo ear loads red calquality, cNa es brand. Also a quantity of lath i cine, shinglee, extra and lumb r. The price of thee° Oda has greatly advanced, but tee are selling at the old price while stock is on hand. Call at once. I , P. KEATING SeaferthiLumber Yard. 1655-tf TII.,MS I MI MS Halving leased the brick works of J. & J. Sproat, and placed in new mechinery tot manufacturing Tile, we are in a position to supply sill with first-class Tiles Large Tiles made to order. 10a hand a com- plete stook of gcod hard ,Tiles and' Bricks. Prices right. THE TUCKER8MIT1I BRICIt YARD, KRUSE BRO3., Proprietor. _ 1658x3 THOS, A. HAWKINS Organist St. Thomas Church, Seekforth, will give Organ or Plane Lessem at his Musie Room in Soott'e Stook, St atorth, from Friday 11 a. m, until Monday 8 p, me At Bruseels the remainder of the week. Ternos bn application. 1645-11 t.S0Ar poitr eft see Your's For Health For the icvalid, the - convaleecent er per- son of advenced years, no known tonic equals Wilson's Invalids' Port A rare old poxt, wine with Peruvian Bark in quantities tereeeri bed by the English and French Pharmacopoeia. Tis a epecial brand for es tea people, For sale in Seaforth by LUMSDEN & WILSON. The Sharpies Creara Separator CIQ )7:1 52" g C...1 0 CD cn 7t" p2;5 ELI I,- Fis Tr cp. 51. (5 C12 d se • • n1.4 1-,• 0 $-„.• lma • 0 ne 1-4 • C4r. ;ID CI) CP 0,1-4 4 -di -5, Nt7:41.. r -U 17:1 c-h- cr) • 0 cf)- • c'D 0 e•t- 1-1 (D. 0 '06 cp CD '"d• c) CD (.1) ci.) R'n Ce 0 1:5-j 9 Cg P '" 0 0 ;4.7 c12 ct- Etc, • • cp o 6- o Z...1 P-1 CD 1=-, CD 1-1 cf)- P2 CD go t-43 0 1-s c -r- 1.:34 • • At greatly reduced prices, to clear them out. Give me a call. JOHN LAIRD, SEAFOliTH. 1654x4 Pumps, Oister AND WELLS. Say friend, who is going to keep your Pumps in repair? If us, buy from us and have satisfaction. Well digging in all its branches promptly attended to on the shorteet notice. , Estimates for wells and cisterns cheer- fully given. Pump making attended to promptly. J 8. WELSH & SOO, The Old Reliable Establishment,! • SEAFORTH. 1656.13 Bulls and Rams for Sale. For sato a choice lot of SHORTHORN BULLS, from 6 to 12 months old, big growthy fellows ;also al few Letcesega SHIMMING AND RAM LAMES. PriOelaltbe lowest and terms e e DAVID MILNE, 4ra'a141.`,Y1 Ethel, Ontati.o. 165ff-tf Kalbfleisch's Mills, in Hay, for Sale. This splendid property, situated on the 16th Cott - (session of Hay township, consieting of a Saw poi Planning, Sash and Door Factory and Chopp:ng Is offered for sale or to rent for a term of Airs. The whole property, including a good residence,iwill be sold cheap and on easy terms. There is a tame and profitable businees done and a good man lwith moderate capital could make money, as it isisur- rounded by one of the best agricultural countries in the province. Apply on the premises or address Zurich P. 0. J. O. KALBFLE18013. 1654-tf see ' ,'eorelee SUr.'-.1.E L.', 4 k LIKE ‘uf • SUGCE25Ar A*. 1.) " N THE STCLAIR RIVER SARNIA.ONTARIO. To Young Men and Women, If you have not decided wbat to make of your- self, is it not TIME you were about it? If you wish aTHOROUGH, PRACTICAL, and UP -TO. DATE business or shorthand education, it will pay you to atteed Nimmo's for four or six months. Hundredelaviannt We have taught are to day holding good paying positions, many of thorn horn this loco ity. Our instruction is entirely INDIYIDUA. The commercial course Is clear,' ACTUAL- tininess experience frorn start to flash. We leach students 13 carry out face-to-feca business traneaetions with se- sterecy and despatch. Students admitted any thee. Write for catzlogue. A. S. NIMMO, Proprietor. 1616-62 FREE 1-4 irkiebeauut liegrttig g S doz. oi ear full-sized Linea Doylies at 10 seats eat& Fine Boy's %Vetch for eelling 2 doz. Latest and prettiest designs; sell at sight. No Money Required. SiMpl write and we mad Doylies patpad. Bell theta, return money, and we matt your match free. Unsold Doylies returnable. LINEN DOYLEY cd. acre– E Tonorro FOR SALE A comfdrtable two btorey &welling hottse ; Warehouse with refrigerator, stable, out -houses and a good well. Apply to EDWARD CASH,. SEAFORTH. 1 1640 Hes no superior iu any essential feature, and in simplicity of construction, ease of management and durability, it han no equal. If you have five or more cows, it will pay yoIi well to try a Separator. You will have more and better butter, good calves and less labor. A catalogue may be had for the asking. Every machine we put in is fully guaranteed to give satisfaction to the buyer. W. L. OUIMETTE, Londeshero. NORTRW EST TNANS C9Y.V.E_ STEAMERS MONARCH and UNITED EMPIRE (Weather permitting) will leave WINDSOR On MONDAYS and THURSDAYS at 6 p. m,' and and SARNIA on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYSat 3 p. in.. vesper ealling lists for SOO, PORT ARTHUR, FORT WILLIAM and DULUTH. making direct connections at these points for MeNITOBA and the NORTHWEST, KOOTEN AY. BRITISH COLUMBIA, Paelfie Coest Points and KLONDIKE. -Lowest Rates. Choice of Routes. Best Accommodations. CHEAP EXCURSIONS. On and after lat of June, geed to return until Slat October. gor rates and information apply to G. T. R. town or Station Agent at Seaforth, JAMES IL BEATTY, General Manager, Sarnia, Ott. 1640-24 $Ili your nearest exe 095 Cut e,oro4ttr .ittA and we WIlliend this w there TOr you to exorable, lb ia open -face, goldplated, dust ease, handsomely azogreseed, i. with American moact7Jew nee wind and set mamma lady's or gent's siss. lila goodtime piece, equal pearance to 0428.00 and is just thethina trading purposes. 1fI mi careful examinatienyeadre convinced Ibis int* le worth far more thin we pay the express agent and express chamea suet 8le _yours. -Terry Wistelt (10.,Hex s,pe ToF0Dt09411111. obvill YOUR RICHT goossignal414%. He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might have prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. S. ROBERTS, DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, SEAFORTH. SEAFORTH Carden and Green IIQTTBt full line of Vegetables always en hantl. We have at present a line lot of Palms, Ferns and other Plants . READY . , . FLORAL DESIGNS Of every description made up on the .short- est notice. Plants taken in for winter etorage at reasonable terms. A call solicited. 'PHONE 76. 16541 FRED. A. BAKER.