HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-09-22, Page 5CNN'S rOR DRES4 Q00 Ai ILI e loods It wiflbe . want to pnrc chat ia the Wed !ase/L W. have St.i ILI ge Plaid Skirt Outof the Ly e.ular rg&in With us, ste can buy the t money. epartment FORTH OR BARGAIINS or many years. lItare, Ireland, in. at over 40 yam years ago, when, !ly, she moved te itratford, while or, fell into the ed before he was rho have run a Mitchell for the oirt to a party St. Mary; has Darney term in William Ogilttie, =sofa reckoninria three in popta a total of 1O - are 454 dogs, hoga and 2 f •Newton, met week in Tor - tend the fah. f his feet he nd fractured his took place at Timms, in Mita Oflast week, rani.; was nrars photographer. ted by Rev. R. :hurch. f Mitchell, nar- rate last week. 'ley car, buts* o was thrown dragged faliy stepped. Ma eyond his no took place on denee of Mr. tell, when their waa united in meson, of the was performed - the presence „of the briclo he 14th line, ts acres to Mr. trne y I ice, for for it. 1 acree, 'hive excellent rey has since• Ir. D. Dipplee et, for $5,700* lient land and ook place at Cob Litt, near a last week. kelelitte Whil- gest. daughter G. Staebler, to. the Re.. at South Cay. F A. Burn, of 'red Tuesday [me of Wilson ert Moore, of ick frame ef in ott him. 7- the accident ,rtunate mon s found. to be vele, but no. aton, cheese' mcl prizes in ed cheeere at her, of North [litter aft, took ruly colored. d third in an's special ,eae, and the mat white - family were of Mr- Juhe4 irized, Dot aen door wafi passed and vas then had as far as 13 Acids. which [ice, died on ear Sebring- effeeta of ILvtle oviOr ipanion. Mr - LI when be ;conveyance. ceased was- , e the Stria stabliehment ith a painftli rn the piece ag, end lel" reght eye. dressed the e sight; Win SEPTEMBER MAIIKBPS. , SNAtORTIT. September 21, 18CO. fen Wheat (new), Standard [ „„ eo ess to *0 es Beene Wheat -Poe bushel,- e.... 0 66 to 0 88 ,...eete per .rof .0 .... .-- - - -.... - 0 24 tO 0 28 1 0 $8 to 69 --pules per buebel......- - e. .. e.... 05 to 0 88 0 5 to 0181 ' - setter, tab..•..,. e- ... • 1. 0 5 to 010 I lirrourper rdl°00z ... 0 2 to 018 2 0 to 2 6 to 560 - flutes par IM 143....,._ „.......__4•.. 5 to 6 60 stoop Skim.... o . e. • 0 to 0 70 0 15 retetitoi ear bush (new),.... .......!.- 0 0 to 0 40 ige (retell) per baron- - - ..... 1 to 0 00 food Per aard (labg)-•---e-- - e... 3 to 8 75 weed par oord (short) ... . . ....1... 1 to 1 75 whet Far bag- • • -e •-• -.'• . 4- - ...I. .. - 0 0 to 1 00 clover Seed .... . •,.. 3 ' to 8 60 timothy fileede.......to.ri.. 1 5 to 200 feetr, per I00 to- ... - .. - .... - e - 5 to ' 6 10 leilow, per lb.... ..-. ...... -... 08 to 0 03 co, 246" THE HURON HURON EXPOSITOR. Births. CHESNEY-75 &aorta, on September 16th, the t wife of Mr. George Chesney, of a son. MoCALLUII-In Crostline, Ohio, on September 7th, the wife of Dr. McCallum, (nee Carrie Coate of Clinton), of a daughter. PATTERSON-AA Arthur, on Aueubt 21s1; the Wife of Rev J. J. Patterson, (roe Miss Leslie, of Clin- ton), of a ton. ' URRIE-In East Witwanosh, 014,September 10h, the wife of Mr,W. J. Currie, ol a daughter. INCLAIR-In Goderich townthip, on September 3rd, the wife of Mr. W. Sinclair, of a daughter,' AISER-In Brumfield, on September 810, the wife of Mr. John Balmer, of a son. LARKE-In Oredlton, on September 910, tho wife of Mr, &r. Clarke, of a son. ROPHEY-In Goderieh, q n Seettinber 510, the wife of Mr. Joreph Brophey, of a daughter. Live Stook Markets. •LosmoesEngland,Septeraber 18 th.-Trad tja the cattle markets is firm ; United State ,asttle, 6d ; Canadians, 6d, Argentines 5id ; Canadian shesp 6d, Argentines, .5t4 MONTREAL, September 19th.—The hutch ors were present in large numbers, but trade cattle was rather dragging, with prime *bout the same as on last Thursday's mar- ket, a few of the best cattle selling at 4 to *per pound, but they were not of extra einslity, pretty good animals sold at from n taneady 410, and the common stock at from to 30 per pound. Small bulls sold at from lt to 2cper pound._ Calves sold at fora $3 to $14 each. Shippers paid from $3,50 to $3.65 per 100 pounds for good large =sheep. Lambs sold at from 31 to 40 per pound. About 200 good lambwere bought tadax at tate per pound, to be sent to Amerman markets. Fat hogs are rather lower in price. Straight lots, weighed off the ears, sold at from 4 to 4o, and selects at Ro per pound. BUFFALO, September 19 „h.—Cattle—Good 10. best smooth fat export cattle, $5.75 to ea ; good to best, $5,50 to $5.75 ; export 'bulbs, $4 to $4.25; pod to choice but - chore' ateens, $5.20 to $5.60; good to best butehers' steers, $4.75 to $5.40; good to thoice fat bulls, $3.59 to $4 ; feeder bens, $3,25 to $3 50; good to best fat heifers, $4.50 to $5; fair to good heifers!. $4.25 to $4,60 ; fat cows, good lo best, $3.7o to 4.25;$medium fat cowe, $3.10 to $3.f3�; fat cow; common to fair, $2.25 to 83.25; stocker; choice to extra, quality, $C15 to $4.&); common to good do./ $3 35 to 84; stock bull; $2,85 to 83.50; faney yearlings, 5125 to $3 50; calves'good eolor stock, $4 to $4.5O; do. good to choice, $4 to Jersey stockers, $3 to $3 25; stock heifers, 8325 to $3.50 ; feeders, good to ex- tra, $4.25 to $4.50;.common to good, $3 50 to $4.25 ; fresh caws, choice to extra good bags, $501 to 55;$goad to choice, $40 to $45; springers, good to extra, $50 to $53-; COMITion and poor COWS, $15 to $25; cows and springers, common to good, $20 to $25; ',salve; choice to extra, $7,50 to 7.75;$good to oholcce $7 to $7.50 ; heavy a $4 50; etraw stockers, $3 $c3.1ve' 8 o $3.25. Shoop and lamba—Lambs, choice to extra were sot quotable above $5.65, the geoeral basis of pretty good lambs being S5.50; choice to extra were quotable at $5.50 10 $6.50 ; good to choice, $5,25 to $5.50 ; common to fair, $4 to $5 ; sheep, choice to extra, $4,25 to .$4,50 ;.good to choice, $4 to $4.25; common to fair, $2 50 to $3 75 ; at the close there were several loads left over, there being 'both good and common lambs. Hogs— were quotable at $4,75 ; to $4 80; sales mostly at outside figure t ; Yorkers, $4.75 to $4.80 ; mostly, $4.75; igs, $4,65 ; graatera, $4 60 to $4 Gs; roughs, $3 95 to $4; stags, $3.20 to $3,40• all but four or be loads were Hold, and the close was about tsteady. Dairy Markets. trams, N. Y, September 1[8th.—There was a deadlock in cheese here ! to -day be- tween bayers and sellers. The only sales offieially reported was one lot of 80 boxes of small white at llic. It was reported that _2,225boxes had been consignec. Sales of ereamery butter were :-31 pac ages at 22c; 7 at 23; 130 at 24e, 67 cases f prints at 25e. Lenz Rues, N. Y Septa , ber 18th. - 116 boxes large white at laic, 374 large col- ored at 11e, 80 small white at 10V, 2,484 do. at 11; 1,333 small colored at 110 ; 'few packages of butter sold at 2c. TORONTO, September 19th— Butter— The market is not overstocked ind the de- mand keeps firrp. Prices are he same at 17 to 18c for choice dairy tubs, and 12 to 14e for inferior. Creamery is t eady at 22c for boxes and tubs, and 23c for rints. Eggs —A good demand is supplied b somewhat lighter receipts. Prices remain he eame at 14ie to 15e. . MONTREAL, September 19 th —B u tter— There was a much better detnen this morn- ing, and the market was florae hat firmer inconsequence. Sales of faudy goods have occurred at 21,1? to 22c, but, qu Wiens for finest boxes may be given at 21 to 21ge ; tubs are about 21c. Fine oreem ry may be -quoted at 21 to 21ic ; western d iry firm at lie for best ; eastern township scarce at 20e for best. Cheese—The ernand was considerably better to-day,and rifts rather hi her, at about 11c for finest vv sterns. At 3bot a large quantity was sold, and prices ranged from 10,1 to 101c this mpg rather higher than anticipated. Eggs The mar- ket is rather stronger this r °ruing, and some pretty fancy prices are e ng demend- ed from the country. Purchas , however, are being made at 14i to 150 ate though some are refusing to sell at t see -prices. Prices quoted this mornieg w re : Culls, 10 to Ile. No, 2, 124- to l3 c ; straight .gathered, ; straight can led, 15 to 15ic ; select; 17 to 18ie, •111111MIIMIlil••••••11 R. D. Moody, son evangelist, has lately been in was in that city in the interes Tentless for the deepening of which waa held there under t the Canadian Kese iek Counc laeaker at this convention Campbell Morgan, of London, o the great •rpn to. He of' the con- s eiritual life, au.pices of I. The chief s Rev. G. ngland. THE CANAD Bank of Com IAN erce CAPITAL (PAID BiX Million Dallars—V SEAFORTH BRA A general Banking busi 'sotto' Farmers' Notes 4 and spec. ention g indlection of Sale Notes. SAVINGS BANK.—Inte+ sd on deposits of $1 and ti qpecial facilities for tra wanes' in the Klondike Money Orders, payable at any bank tollowing rates :- Under 810 .08 820 to $10 to $20 .10 $30 to F. HOLME8TED, Solicitor. • 000,000. OH. eon tran- sepunted, en to the st allow- • wards. asiction of issued at the .12 0 .14 G. MINTY, onager. 1624 • .Deaths. taLIWLEISCH-In Bay, on Sept= er 6th, Oath- - nine itlekbell, wife of Mr. Sohn 1 . Kalbtielsch, eeOred 61 yeare, 4 menthe and 22 de 9. 1412 -4 -1V -In Teeesvater, an September 11th, Kate I., daughter et Mr. John Shaw, forn erly of Bruen a. aged 2r years and 2 menthe. . BASTINGS-In Turnberry, el September lObb, at the reeldence of Mr. Lt. e's. Jobb, the infant a„ daughter of Mr. John Ilasti-es, a eel 6 months. lati0H-In Cite t on, en September I lt , Verna Leola infantdaughter of Mr. good Mrs. iNewton Ctiab, e, Ved 6 months acid fo Oaye wHE TLEY-In Clinton- on Se t b 8th J hit et r 1 Marriageo. ALLOW-JOHNSTON-At Knox church, Goderich, on Septereber 113th, by Rev. James A. Anderson, B. A., Mr. William F. Gallow, D of Toro .to, to Miss Margaret J., seeozol eldast danehter ef Mr. Alexander Johnston. OSS-OASE-In Exeter, on September 18th, by Rev. Mr. Ten Eyek, Mr. Robert B. Roess to Wes Vittoria Case, eldest daughter of the late Thoinatt Case, bath of Rodgerville. ENDERSON-LEMMEX-At the Manse, Wirghttn, t opt m'oer 13th, by Rev. D. Petrie, Mr. Wm,. )31 J. Henderson, of the Bluevetle road, to MisS Lydia Leannex, of Wiagham. OWITT-HARRISON-At Westfield, on September, fith, by Rev. J. Kennedy, Mr. W. J. Hewitt, to Mhos Fraurds Harridan, all of Westfield. STIORT-ORTWEIN-At the residence of the bride's p r n s, Hensel!, on September 6th, by Rev, G. Jewitt, Mr. A. II. Short, to -Mire R. M., eldest tie er of air. J W. Olt vein, all of Heesa11, KETCH ABA VV-WALSH-At the Rectory, Wingham, on September 12th, by Rev. W. Lowe, Mr. Abra• ham Ketrhabaw, to Wes Melinda Waieh, of Bel. grave. SCHOOL Which receives THIRTY•EIGHT CALLS for young men and women for office positionis within TWENTY DAYS, enjoys' the confidence of, Ibusiness men. The Central Business College Toronto, was thus favored since July 25th, and certainly enjoys that con- fidence. Young people desiring the influence of a reputable school, can- not do better than attend this College. Terms reasonable, results good. Fall term opens September 5th. Eight regular teachers, proper equipment. Write for particulara. W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yonge ar. et Gerrard sta., Toronto. 1586-52 IMPORTANT NOTICES. L'OR SALE. -One span of etylirle black carriage Walton. el 1,2 horses, five years old ; also cne eorrel driver, on year old. For particular°, apply to A. E. SAGE, 16584 fl" EACHER WANTED. -Wanted immediately, a .1, Female Teacher, ho'ding a third alms main - cath, for the junior division of the Ethel school, for the balance of 1599. Apply to WM SPENCE, &me- ter, ', Ethel, Ont. Personal applications preferred. 1657-2 FRM. TO RENT. -To rent, Lot 20, Conceseion 6, Hibbert. Tenant can plcugh after let Ootober, 189p, and got full pcssession 1st April, 1900. Land- lordwould prefer te rent for greeti g only. Plenty of voter. For particulars apply tc, .F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Settforth. 1658-tf rriEACHER WANTED -Wetted for School Section 1. Nc. 4, MeRdlop, a male teacher, holding a sec nd-olase cert.fleat ; one who oan singe and teach the children to sing preferred. Duties to commence January 1st, 1900. Applications, stating salary re - qui ed, will be received until October 25th. ROBT. BE TT1E, Secretary, Seaforth P. 0. 1658-4 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -Seventy acres or lees, [if &lofted ; one quarter mile from clan- ohe t3r ; a claylaud free of stumps ; 1 in gra very clean; ouse, orchard, .ete.; ready to mor ion and make money out o?; easy terms; price love te elms the prope.ty out. WM. BAWDEN, 1657x4 Exeter. MEAGHER WANTED. --.-Wanted for School Sec - two INo. 14, Stanley, a teacher holding a second - OM certificate, one vetth experience preferred. Dut 03 to commence January, 1900. Applications rec ived Op to Septernner 25th, 1890, stating rotary, 'A&rience and testimonials. Addrees PETER ER, I Secretary, Kippen P. 0., Out. 1656 x3 _ sue part cell her Etat) be k eat OUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. -For sale or to rent a comfortable dwelling house on James t, Beef°, th. The house contains four bed rcome, r, dining roam, and kitchen, and has (Acme r under the whole house There is plenty of and tort wateroand a good driving "house and Ing enfficient for time 'totem. Po Bowdon can ad at once. Apply to JAMES MotdICHAEL, rth. 11358-11 FAM IN STANLEY FOR SALE. -For sale,. Lot 11, 0onceetion 2, Stanley, containing 100 acre, of w Joh *bout 90 acres is cleared, and the balance' tiro ered. It Is well fenced and in a high sttte of cult vatton There is on the premiers a good frame hon:, kitchen and wood shed; also barn with stables und rneath, delving house and other buildings Also two! geed wells and a good orehard, It is 2fr miles from Brumfield, and 11 miles from school, For fur ther partieulars,Upply on the premises. or to R. B YOO, Brumfield P. 0. 1657x4 "El Pat IN HAY TOWNSHIP FOR SALE. -For E sale Lot 22, on the North Boundary of hay Tow thlp This farm matelot, 100 acres, 85 acres cleat d, the ret good hardwoad bush. It is well Un- derd ;tined and fenced. There is a good stone ho se with a N. 1 cellar; large bank arn ; impletne 1 shed ; elite house 70x75, with 'Meet -el ise stabil g and oot Ce lar under; neath ; a good ore:shard •, 2o d well and c'etern. There is 12t sores of fall she 1 sowe on a ri,h fallow, well manured ; 40 acres see ed d wn recently, the rert in good shape for oro This is No. , farm, well situated for market s, ehur Owe, schools, post office, etc., and will be so d reasonald . Apply. on the premises, or addr s R013 ORT N. DOUGLAS, Bax 1, Blake, Ont. 1658 8 LAGE PROPERTY POR SALE -Having en d V the farm, and wiehIng to retire from acti e life, will offer for sale the corner property in t e Vilia e of Cromeuty, now occupied by myself, a d kept s a teroperan himee. The property comprises abou hell an acre ofland, well planted with orchat and mai fruit trees in full bearing, with a lar e irate dye lling and house of entertainment oe t outer cot er ; wool shed and convenient stable a.• tach , and a never -failing well of water. The pr mis haste been kept as a- temperance house for 8 ye s but the stand is suitable for many businese. T e prof.; rty be sold on easy terme. Apply to ALE BOY E, cromarty P. 0, 1657x4 0 on and Li tt tion fortll Th P. rt} town sale pro Ofni Wednesday, Oc.ober 18th, at 1 o'clock p, sharp, on Lot 17, Conceseion 6, Me- Killap, Farm Stock and Implements. Dun- oan, lc:Gregor, proprietor; Thomas Brown, aucti + neer. 0 Tuesday, 0..tober 3rd, at 1 o'elock p. eharp, on Lot 2, Cone fission 12, Hul- let, t'a'rm Stock and Imple entre Daniel Stev os, proprietor ; Charles amilton, auc- tione 0,a Friday, Sept, 22n , t 1 o clock p. m., shat, on Lot 68, Bayfie d Line, extensive rale f Farm Stock and Implements. O. 8, Steiv rt, proprietor; Thoma e Brown, auc- tione r. On Monday, October 2nd, at 1 o'clock p. rp., on Lot 15, uron Road, McKillop, tiles ease of Seaforth, extensive pale of 50 ad of Cattle and 11 Hor*es ; all with- out' eserve. Jaines Carlin, proprietor ; Thc; as Brown, auctioneer. do Thursday, September 28th, at one o'clock p. m,, sharp, on Lot 19, Concession cKillop, a mile and a half east' of Ledbury, Farm Stock and Implement. Mr. Annie Morrison, proprietress ; F. S. Scott, auctioneer. On Thursday, October 5th, at 1 o'clock p. , on Lot 24, North Boundary Hay, Farm Stock, Implement; etc, Henry Holtz, prdp ietor ; Ed. Bossenberry, auctioneer. On Tuesday, September 26th, at 1 o'clock p, , on Lot 4, Concession 7, Hallett, Farm Stook, Implements, etc. Estate late Coldwell ; Thomas Brown, WIC- , , SALE REGISTR. Friday, Octeber 13th, at;1 o'clock p, m1, ot 9, Concession 3, ,Hulleit, Farm Stoc Implement& without re erve. Henr e, proprietor; Thomas Brown, au - Saturday, October 14th, at 1 o'clock , at the Commercial Hotel yards, See- , public stock sale of horses and cattle. as Brown, auctioneer. Tuesday, October 17th, it 1 o'cloc , at William Elliott's farm, Goderich ship, four miles west of Porter's Hill, of thoroughbred ca.ttle, Wm. Elliott, fetor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. Wheatley a d - , ' P ° ° i ° ttOne v. ya,, _ , ea 8) ye•rti. Efakyth • ' • • wife of Mr. Gordon Young agtd 68 pans, &doe p. m., on Lot 1, Concession 7, If. R. On Wednesday, September 27th, at 1 wur1u-In Colborne on Sep'ember 210, Eizahsth 1 I A Lady from McKillop. This particular lady has so improved in health and strength, since using DR. CLARK'S IMPROVED IRON PIL S," that her friends cannot help noticing the great improvement in her genera appearance, No doubt there are others in MoKillo and Tuekersmith—yes, and in some of the other townships as well—who would be equally benefitted by a box or two of these simple tonics. ThrsT never i ure anybody, but they quickly clear the skin, purify the blood, and put ne life and vigor into the entire system. There are a great many young peeple, paIt and delicate _looking, with no particular disease, but perhaps growing too feat, or too diligent in their studies, th;ese pills are just the medicine they require .• I Tsy a 250 box, or 50c for a large box at LITIVISDEN & WILSON'S SCOTT'S BLOCK MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, - Ontario. MILLINERY OPEIN AMMO NG The R. 13. SIVIITII DRY GOODS COMPANY have the p!easure to, announce the opening of their Millinery Departinent, for the Fall clf 1899, - On Friday and Saturday, 'i,ept. 29th 30th • Our managers, designers and head trimmers have returned froM the Can- adian and American openings, Our Miss Roberts and the others report an im- mense showing of •Paris, London and New York millinery. To get the full benefit for our customers of such an aggregation of fall styles, we ad four re- presentatives there, and a reproduction of the nattiest headwear, aiojrig with the product -of our own, designers, will await you on this above dates. We are the only millinery firm in the county whose milline y business warrants the presence of four artists at the openings. Such has ieen the un- usual growth of our millinery business, under its able 'management, that last year's business surprised ourselves even, who are hard to astonisl, know ing our capacity and purpose to lead the west in higa c ass millinery. We hope .the ladies fax ancl near will look ipon this announcement as a personal invitation to come and visit our handsoins new store on the 29th and 30th inst. The IL B. Smith Dry Goods Co. Seaforth, Dungannon, Goderich. New Fall Dress Goods Novelty and newness great visitors at every turn in our Dress Goods sec- tion, Not a day passes but the Department is made brighter and nacre at- tractive, because of new fabrics which get first showing here; All represent the' at- ,tractive, ideas for Fall wear, and many, of them confined exclusively to our trade. These Black and Colored Fabrics merit your attention4 Fine French Venetian Broadcloth Stetting; Vigoreaux Twill Suiting; in eelf °biers and 48 inohes wide, in all the new shades, 75e. two touecl effects, hard twisted and very durable in the wear, very special at 50c. Black Blister Crepons, in large and small New Overcheck Dress Goods, all colons, at patterns, very glossy in dress and skirt me, lengths, no two alike ; per yard 65o, 7500 All -Wool TWeed Suiting; at 50e and 75c. $1, $1,25, $1.50, $2,,and $3, Tweed Suitings, small patterns, at 25c and Black Henriette, silk finish, at 40; 50; 75c,( 35c. and $1. Heavy Plaid Dress Goods, worth 10e, for 5e. Our grand MILLINERY OPENING wi.,1 be held on FRIDAY and SA.TUREAY, SEPTEMBER 29th and,30th. On Friday evening we will make a special display of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Novelties, Ladies' Cloth Capes and Jackets; and a very special display of Fine Furs in Ladies' Jackets, Cap -s, Caperines, Fur Lined Capes, etc. A. cordial invitation is extended to all, M INXON & CO., IfY-'111 Tuckersmith, extensive sale of horses and cattle without reserve. James Mo - Connell, -proprietor; Thomas Brown, auc- tioneer. FALL EXHIBITIONS. Goderich, September 26 to 28. Lucknoe, October 3 and 4. Strstford, October 8 and 4. Brussels, October 5 and 6. Kincerdine, October 10 teed 11. Dungannon, October 11 and 12. }fibbed, Staffs, September 25 .and 26. September 26 and 27. Howick, Gerrie, October 7. Morris, B13 th, October 9 and 10. Stanley, Bayfield, OotoOer 3 and 4. Tar -J. -ES I 'TIMMS I Having leased tha brick works of J. & J. Sproat, and placed in new machinery for manufacturing Tile, we are in a position to supply all with first -chore Tiles Large T11.6 made to order. On hand a com- plete stook of gcod hard tTiles and -Bricks, Prices ight. THE TUCKERSAITTH BRICK YARD, KRUSE SHOO., Proprietor. 1658x3 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. -Mr. Thos. Brown has received instructions from Mr. James McCounell to sell by public auction on Lot 1, Concession 7, 11. R. S., Tuckerernith, on Wednesday, Settember 2710, 1890, at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, the following poperty, viz. One good blood mare and colt, supposed te be in foal ; 2 heavy draught colts, eightme months old ; 6 cows, in calf ; 2 cows, due to calve ; 25 two-year-old steers ' • 8 heifers two years old •,11 tt:ere, 0118 year old ; 8 heifers, one year old ; 6 spring calves ; 12 pigs, three months old ; 7 pige, two months old ; 1 brood sow ; about 6 tons of hay in the barn. Terms -All sumo of 810 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on approved j Ant notrs. A die - count of 6 per met. per annum will be allowed off for rash on credit amounts. JAMES McCONNELL, Proprietor; THOMAS BROWN, Auet'oneer, 1668-1 A UCTION SALE. -The Executors of the estate of .eje the late William E. Coldwell, of Coteau:ea P. 0., Bullett; will offer for tale at public auction, without reser re, at the farm, Lot 4, Coneession 7, Hullett, on Tuesday, the 2610 September. 1893, at 1 o'clock p. ni., the whole of the farm stock, fartn im- plements, house hold furnitu o, and a quantity of farm produce lately in the use of the deceased. Everything required on a well equipped farm will be found there. The faun stock itierudet horses, cat- tie,,sheep, pigs and fowls. Everything will be sold without i eserve. For a peal el Inv ntory see petters. That meet voidable and desirable farm Lot 4, Coa• cession 7, Hullett, will also be offered f rr eale at the same time and place. Terms of sale will be to usual tertns ef auetion Estee held in the county of 'Huron. Fa further paiticulars apply to G. R. COLDWELL, Constance P. 0, on the premiees, Or to F. BOLUESTED, Barrister, Etc., Seaforth. 3567-2 AUCTWN SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IM- LEMENTS.-Mr. Charles Hamilton has receiv- ed instructions from Mr. Daniel Stevens to sell by public auction on Lot 2. Conces•ion 12, Efullett, en Tuesday , October 3rd, 1E99, at 1 oVook m , sharp, the fulloyring property, viz : Horses -One lo avy hone, eight years old ; 1 horse, six years old ; mare, In foal to an imported horse; 1 suokieg con. Cattle -Four good cows, with calf ; 1 cow, with calf at fcot ; 4 eteere, rising two years old ; 2 heifers, rising two years old. She p -Six well-bred ewes ; 1 Shropshire rem. Implernentr-One Massey -Harris binder, With trucks ; 1 big B mower ; 1 lumber wagon ; 1 top buggy ; 1 road care ; 1 cutter ; 1 genera purpose plow ; 1 twa-surrew ging plow ; 1 lend roller ; 1 farming mill ; 1 hay rack ; 2 Mt double harness ; I set single homers ; wh ffietrees ; neckyokee, and a lot of small al Melee to nurneious to mention. Aleo a quantity of ford hay in the barn and eteck. All will positively be snld without reserve, as the proprietor has soid hit farm and is giving up farming. Terme-All sums of $5 and under, aaaii ; over that amount 18 months' credit will be gl en on approved Joint votes. A discount ot 6 per e nt. per annum wilt he allowed off tor cash on oredit amount.. DANIEL STEVENS, Proprietor; CHARLES HAMILTON, Auctioneer. 1.658-2 I In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. In the Estate of William Edward Cold - well, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that all person or persons having au (lake againet the estate of the above named deceastfel, William Edward Caldwell, lets .of Mullett, farm r, who died en or about the 8rd day of September, 1899, aro required on or before the 15th day of Oes ober, 1899, ti rend by poet prepaid, or ()therein deliver to the undersigned, one -of the Ex- ecutors, fuJi particulars c.1 their claims, and the se - curates hold by them (if any), duly yeeiffed by an affidavit. And, further, take notice, that after the expla atton of the said 15th day of October, 1899, the Executors of the ostete will ',leveed to distribute the assets among the parties entitled thereto, having re- fereece-only to theeolaime of which they shell then have received ootice, and they will not be respon- eible to coy creditor of whese claim they shall not have received .ridtice after such distribution. This - n Moe le given pursuant te the etatule in that be- half, F. tiOhtl MED, Executor. Dated at Sea - forth, Lie 18th day of September, A. D. 1190 1657-4 1 In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. In the Estitte of James Cooper, deceased. Notice he hereby given, that all person or persons haliine any claim against the estate of the above mined deceased, James Cooper, lute of Tuokeremith, farmer, who died on or about the 18th day of August, 1699, et tho Township of Teckeremith, in the County of Huron,are required on or before the 15th day of October, 1899, to eend by post prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned Solicitor for the Execu- tors of the said estate, full partieu'exe of their claims and tho securities held by them (lf any), duly verb tied by an afficiavi.. And further take notice, that after the expiraCon et the said 1510 day of October, 1899, the Exeeutirs of the eetate -will proceed to dis- tribute the assets among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice, and they will not be responeib'e to any ered tor -of whew claim they shall not have recelied 'notice after euch distribution. This notice is given reureueot to the statute In that behalf, F. HoeLMES MD, Solicitor for the Execu- AtorD. e.3D899.1ted Seaforth, Ude 131h dey cf September - 1667.4 When Children should wear glasses 1. When their eyes are not straight. 2. When they cannot distinctly see the blackboard. 5. When reading, if they squint, hold the book sideways or too close. 4. When they tire easily of reading, or studying. All sure signs that great benefit vial be derived from wearing glasses. , Satisfaction guaranteed. J. S. ROBERTS, DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, SEAFORTH. ,11'4F.4",,Zi•Y -,27,111" 1 a . 1 liam , , , . , Direct Importers. ickar Opposite Town Building. 0 i 1 , Corner Main ari4 Market Streets, Seaforth.: s F ill 0 - niing o Winer antles Mess Friday Saturd September oods Cdstumes ay and 30 E'VERY ORSON " ekome to Inspect Eer Department Lar e p -t in our • • • -Date • 0 Le a tili and $a,titt?rday, Sepkiietbeia .29 :,(ttfid 3 ! DIRECT IldpORTERS, Opposite Town; Building, Corner Main and Market St, Seaforth. 5 Another Big clearing NOW GOING ON AT . THE SEAFORTH TEA STORE When I advertise a Sale I mean what I Say. t Half gallon gems, regular ..$1 a doom, row 80c; vett gerne, regular 75es drzen, now 60e; plot gems, regular 65e adozen, neve hoe ; flour, $1.75 for lee lbs.; Ib. rice-lor 26e, a good mixed green. and blaok teu or fee, a goad Japan tea for The a Ib., a geed green ea for Ifee a lb., 12 lbs. green ee flee for $1, three lbs. 3e tea in green, black or Japan, for 81; powdered bath brick in boxes 5e, 4 packages of corn starch for i5e; 5 ibs. bonelese fish for 25e, a very handsome I no of tumblers at 80e a dozen, or two for 50; jelly ttunblers, with covers, 36e a dozen; tea cups and seucers, white granite, regular price 93e a dozen, now 600; a nice line of colored breakfast and soup plates, regular ptice 85e a dozen, new 650. Wanted -good, fresh Jeriey butter. 15•3 cash or liie In goods: Fresh eggs, price 123e a dozen in goods. oe. cordial invitstion extended to all to call and get emne of the good bargains, A. G. AULT SEAFORTE SIGN 00' THE CD LJ PC$ hT8 o CD 0 0 CD CD • 011ICULAR SAW-. 0 • CD CD Cfq oci CD imati rn P 0 1 .04 01-a• CD CADY'S BLOCK. ADV FOR LL BUSINESS. Duri g the past six weeks we have been usy opening up, marking off and plac- ng into stock our 11CW fell purthases of oots, Shoes and Rubbers. All depart- nente of our stock are now complete nd we are 'ready and enthusiastic for all business. Oer oods this :semen have been selected ith the utmost care in regard te dare- ility. Nothing .has been placed in tock but what we believe will be good alue for the money and satisfaction to he wearer. Taken as a whole, our tock this fall will meet the require- ents of those who want stylish, and urable footwear at reasonable prices. nd in reference to prices this season, e were fortunate in placing all our rders before the recent advance in leather goads, thereby saving our cus- tomers at least ten per cent. The wet eather is already here—be prepared or it by paying our dere a visit. a 140 C31--177. LP trick Ryan, of the township of LOU), hereby retract any and all statements f moor fume made hoping dishonet conduct te Mr. James Davis, of Dubai , in any trantwations 1, or ary other person or pose s have bad with hint, and I with' to state that 1 I 'Ave no reaton to believe, and do net believe, that Mr. D vie is other than perfectly henest in all his busIneee dealing', and I herehy apologize to Mr. - Davis for any and alt etteh ttaternents made by me concerning him. Arid I consent thet this retraction and apology be publiehed in either or both el the MiWhell papers, and in the Seaforth Foreman. Witness, PATRICK RYAN. E. A. DUNBAR. DA d at Mitchell, the 1410 Sept, 1800. -1658- I B tage offered by the TTER THAN EVER are theadvan- onge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Nin regular term -hers. No presidento or figure hood Forty typewriting rusethinee. Enlarged premiIeL Every facility for good results. Enter any nee. Write for particulars. W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal, •f444-52