HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-09-22, Page 3V I 8.1) 9 Eleessenna 1HE FATURE egesmemseenwee EIE RIA ameeemeas bottles only. It w &apes to sell r premise tbat it aswer evere pee. aaseamees . is on case( care wrapper. 71SEMEN aiwaya r_ Kt goods, and aimes, Goaer ,F27 -1E1 L the way Id of his the pre- ey do not tk better, the name satisfied • are rough lare of all ).lioistering cture frana- of pictures lea at all axe aIsc Ca Sewing -et for t1 BG IZT nt, we we buy in Ontario, -ery depart - ways made all other re- cnaseas. g. &me on Lila will be resi- E Domin. - -4J alga SEPTEMBER 221 1899, THE matoN EXPOSITOR. IMPORTANT NOTICES. it.licattiNA, Dominion and Provinoial Land *armor, Member of theAle0olation of Ontario IAA eurelyore, Ilablin, Ontario. 1386.62 Y LAMB.-Cante into th ) promises of the &reigned, L' t 10, Conceesion 4, McKillop, a Lilo, The owher can hee-e the same by proving poverty erd paying charges. 0. DELANE1. 1657x2 you TO RENT. -One hundred acres, north hell allfJOE. 246 Borden etreet, Toronto, or ADAM - of Lot 0, Concession 2, Morris. Apply to E. ISID, Winghem. 10574 IRA PIG. -Came into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 26, Concession 8, MoKillop. `g„ black. The owner can have the sante by petty and paying charges. MATTHEW 1667x4 ------------------ njele BEATTIE, °Irak et the Seoond Division oeurl, County. Commissioner, ot Iftrom Con- leyeeeee, Land, Loan and Ineuranee Agent. Funds tenetted Yid to Loan. Office -Over Sharp & trent Outer, Mgt street, Seaforth. 1§se ise TO RENT. -To rent, Lots 28 and 29, Con - it cession 3, MoKiliop, containing about 196 acre,. ntelase land, good buildings and well fenoed. WI be let for a term of years. For pasticulare ap- lily H te the proprietor, THOMAS E. ANS, Se aforth. 1649.tf AcHEBS WANTED -Wetted, two tem:the-8 for Settions No. 4, Stanley, tor -North and South sehoolt. holding eeeoni or thirdiem cettificates, neencations rtesivee up to the 18th of October, ea Apply to Thomas Nicholson, Beyfield P. 0., *Wig salary; duties to commence on the 2nd of jouarje Iwo. Write on addtess "Application for ; seeener." THOMAS NICHOLSON, Stanley. 1655x4 'end THE LADIES. -Mrs. Smith wishes to inform the ladles of Elesfor-th and vicinity that she la eespazed to do up bair combings into switches, etc. aseostment of switches tor sale. Hair. and arellehesexchauged. he will .leo buy dark brawn tir black hair. Residence corner of Jarvis and *Ad Streets, Seaforth. MRS .LEVI SMITH. 1637 tf LITRE* AND REF -IL -Ego for hatching f om Eva_ *grand pen of large pure White Rocks. Black Fite fa color, large size breed, brei from bast sleek in Caradm Buff Bants-Real beauties, geedeoler and Line tee featbering. el per setting. *colcmies of Italian Bees at moderate price. Also a fall line of Beekeeper& suppliee, such as Foundation Week Smokers, Extractors, 1 seoond-hand Laog- stroth Extractor. Bees wax taken in exchauge fer lee. WILLIAM IIARTRY, Churchgf�St. North, rth. 1686. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TIARM IN IIE:LLETT FOR SALF.-For title, Let X 4, Coece sion 13, Etullett, containing 75 aerie., endeared, unierdratnee, well fenced, and about 40 senee eeeded to grass. There Pare fair buildings. These lea -good orchard, and a never.fahing equine creek runs through the farm, and a good well at the house. It is near schrol and Rost office, arid con- venient to the best markets. It Is a splendid farm, tot s.loot of weete lend on it, and ia well adapted lo • steek raising. it will be sold cheep and on easy terns. Apply to the undersigned, Seafotth P. 0 JANE ROBISCsN. _ 16544f VARM FOR SALE. -For eale, Lot 23, Huron Read, Tricker8'111th, containing 98 acres, 88 aores clear- ed and 10 acres of bush. The land is well cultivated and underdreined. On the place is a frame house and frame barn, with goal stables. There is plenty of good water, and an orchard This is a moet cle- arable from, being only abeut two mike from See - forth. It will be sold ch ap and on cagy terme. For further partietnans, ppply- to WM. FOWLER, Huron Road, or Seaforth P. 0. 1646 ti elletESIDENCE IN SEAFORTH F08, SALE. -For nt sale, cheap, the reeidence facing on Victoria Squire in Seah rth, the properte of John Ward. There is a comfortable frame house, with good stone team, hard and soft water, and all o her necessary conveniercee. The houee c hi,I8 8 roma, with pantries, etc. There are two lets, well planted with all kinds of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. Also a Isage etable. This is one of the best, mott convecient and most pleasantly eituated residences ki Seaforth and will be sold cheap. Apply to JOHN WARD. 1640 tf WARM FOR SALE. -For sate, Let 6, Concession 2, sX L. R. 8., Tuckersmith, containing 103 emcee, 90 sores oieared, and the balance in hatd wood bush. The land is ell in a good state of cultivation, is well wxletdraioed and well feneed. On the premises are &good two storey brick Ileum, and a good bank barn Eel feet square, with stem e stabilise underneath. There lean acre and a half of era ard. This excellent farm letetuated two miles at d a half frc,m Steforth, and has geed roads leading' to it in all directions It is a mire and a querter from Sprcat's schoel, and the same diit.nee from Egroondville sehool For fur- ther pertieulare, apply on the premises, or address Egenondville P. 0. WM. eleGEOCEL 1652x8 -VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. -For sale in the V Village of Hayfield. the following lots : Lot 8, In Range F, in the township of Stanley (excepting tberefrom ln acres owned by Mr. L. Clark). the land to be sold containing seven acres ; second- ilmtheast corner of Lot 7, in Range F, in the town- allip of Stanley, contalniog three acres. These lots are both eituated on the Bayfield rcad, within the corporation of Bayfield. Immediate possession will be gtven. Title free from all encumbrances. For finther particulars apply to the undersigned. ROBERT WATSON, Brucefield ; HENRY PECK, nayfiekl, Executors. 1636-tf • FARM FOR SALE. -For sale the west half of Lei 29, Concession 11, Hibbert, containing 60 acres, 46 am es cleared, the balance gaol hardwood butes. The land is in a good state of cultivation, and well turderdrained and well fenced. There is on the premises a good frame house, good bank barn, with stabling for 19 head of cattle and five horbes. Thet e are also two never -failing wells. This excellett fatw is a mile and a quarter from Chiselhurst, where there le poet office, churches, atoms, etc ; three miles from Cromarty and five miles f tom Herman. It will 133 sold on reasor able terms, as the prrprietor deaire3 to get more land. For further particulars apply 011 the pie mites, or address Chiselhuret P. 0. W. II. STONEMAN. 16644f CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS .7•••77, ICK IlEADACHE Positively cured by these Little, Pilis.. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, 4digest!on and Too Hearty Eat,ing. A per- fet for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue l' • in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They R ulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. mall P111. * Small Doss, firma! Price. ubstitution the fraud. of the day. ee you get Carter's, sk for Carter's, Insist and demand arter's Little Liver Pills, EAFORTH DYE WORKS ake your clothes to the &Worth Dye Works and ve them cleaned or dyed and made to look like w. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. NRY NICKLE, Goderich street, opposite the tholic ethurch, Seaforth. 16804f A TERRIBLE ME!1 7 . Port Hope Lady Undergoes a rJ'e syhlTgloexapteratnt from freed by cePwhiecilif To of Milburn'. Heart and Nerve Pills. SPIIENDID FARM FOR SALE. --For sale, Lot 11, South Thames Road, Usborne, containing 100 sort a, 95 acres under cultivation and 6 acres of good wood. Good brick reeidt nee, with brick kitchen and woodshed, and large bank barn with stone stabling, and good driving touee. All well fenced, under - drained with tile and in a Bret -class stete of culti- vation. There is a good orchard of choice fruit, and the grounds are well set out with ornamental trees. It is within four mileof Exeter ; adj ins two churches, Melhediet and Preabytetian, and a echcol within a mile. There ie plenty of water, both for home and enables. Also a windmill for pumping, grinding, etc. This is one of the best farms in the cotu,ty of Huron, andlj in first-class shape in every respect and will be sold on reasoneble terms, aa the proprietor desires to retire. Apply on the premises or addrees,Thames Road P. 0. D. hicINNIS. 161341 QPLENDID FARM FOR SALK-For sale, a splen - t..3 did farm and hotel property. This farm is on the 131h coneeaaion of the Township of McKillop, at the Village ot Leadbury. lb contains 112n acres, all of wbich are cleared, except abont three acres. It is - In a gcod state of cultivation, being well fenced and underdmined, and suitable for grain growing or Wok raising and feeding. There is not a foot of w rete land on the farm. There are tete good dwelliog bieneete a large bank barn with stone stabling unders math, a large implement house and all ne3es8ery buildiegs in first-class repair. There are three or- s ebeirde and four never -failing wells. The farm.ad• jams the Village of L' adhurt , where are stores, post Mee, blackmail shop, school. etc. The well known Leadbury h:tel is on tbe farm, and will be sold w.th te, It is now ueder lease for a term of years. This is one of the best and most profitable farm proper. tiea in the County oi Huron, and will be & o I d cheap and on t asy terms of payment. lf the prcperty is not fold in a reasonable time, tbe farm will be rented If a aultelne tenant offers. For further particulars, apply on the premises, or address the undersigned roprietor, Lead bury P. 0. J 01INSTON* K INNEN, 1653 Mr. f. J. ARMSTRONG, one of Port Hope's st known citizens, speaks as follows :- I My ife has had a terrible time with her bead for the list fifteen months. L.: "Th pains were intense, and she had a otheiring feeling together with sborfness f bre4th, weakness and general debility. Ifledicine seemed to do her no good, and e had about given up trying when she tasted to take Milburn s Heart and Nerve ills. They have toned her up . wonder- ree"YS.11 is stronger to -day than she has n Or months, thanks to Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I am sure there can be o better remedy from their remarka.ble effects in Mrs. Armstrong's case." STOCK FOR SERVICE. BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 26, Conoeseion 4, Stanley, a thoroughbred Chesterwhite boar. Terms - le payable at the tirne of service, with the privilege of returning if neceesery. JOHN V. DIEHL. 16914f Laxa-Liver Pills aura Constipation, 111ok Headaohe and Dyspepsia. ix ,1 ( • .. 4: i ' 41.„.4t1 T _ Po PIG BREEDERS. -The underitigned will keep on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S., TuckereanIth, a thoroughbred Cuparza Wilms Pia, alSO a thorough- bred YORKSIMux Pim A limited number of sowe will be admitted to eaeh. Terms, $1, payable at the time of service, or $1.60 if charged. Also a few Chester White Pigs for sale. JAMES GEMMLLL. 1608-52 rp.iwoRTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FO.R SER- YI0E-The undersigned will keep for servile, it the BruclefieId Ohease Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, with registered pedigree. Terme, 111; Payable at Erne of 'service with privilege of re - hating if necessary. Aliso a number of thorough- bred young Tamworth Boars and Bowe for sale. 1113iat MoCA.RTNEY, Brucefield. 140641 TIAMWORTH PIG FOR SERVICE. -The under - _L signed has for iservicte on lot 82, ooncession 8, MoKillop, a thcro'bred Tamworth pig, to whioh a limited number of sows will be taken. Thi. le an extra good pig and breeders find it advantageous to arose their berkshire sows with this breed of pig. Terns. el, with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN MoMILLAN 1606xt1 STOCK FOR SALE. DURIIAM BULL8 FOR SALE. -For sale, tw Jethoroughbred Durban:11mile ; both 12 month old, bile roan and the other red. JOHN MORRISON Lot 22, Concemion 11, IdeKillop, Winthrop.I'. 0. 16364f __ CHINESE- JUSTICE. A Story of Li Hang Chang and M Who Tried to Poison Him. Of Li Hung Chang numberless stories are told in Chinese society. On one oc- casion, says The Literary Digest, w en the premier was having a bitter 11 ht with some of the more conserve ive members a the stsung-li-yainen he re- ceived as a present a magnificent c ke which he had reason to suspect contai ed poison. He put the cake aside and se all his powerful machinery to work to nd out who -was at the bottom of the, lot. The investigation was partly succetisiful, the criine being traced to three ifiel of - whom one , at least was absolu ely guilty. Li had the trio arrested and brought to his yamen. When theyirar- rived, they were ushered into his p es- ence and were received in this courtliest On direct connections will save you time and money for all points. ail• lachan North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them o suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR - ST CARS for your accommodation. Call or fuether information. 'Grand Trunk Railway. Trahie leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as °Bowe : Ong° Win- SaAeosern. Cearrort. Passenger 12.40 P. m. 12.65 P. m. Passenzer.... 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. M. Mte1 Train.... .. 9.20 A. M. 10.15 A. M. Mixed rain ...... 6.16 P. M. 7.05 P: M OM ARP - Pus nger.. 7.65 A. M. 7.40 A.M. Pass nger.. 3.11 P. M. 2.55 P. m. Mixed rain .. 6.20 P. M. 4.36 P.M. manner, he cake was preduced the remark 'that "politeness forbade tasting it uiatil the three generous nor ia had had an opportunity to enjo excellence." IA cut the cake, and on his servitors handed it to the unwil guests. Each took a piece and ate pretended to eat it. One crumbled pieces and let them fall upon the ;f1 but the other two ate calmly, wilt manifesting any emotion. Ten mi and the two men began to show Oily% of suffering. Li smilad benign and said to the man who had not "Your wisdom is so great that compelled to preserve your head souvenir to transcendent genius." The man was removed and prom mier remarked: "The cake that yot decapitated. To the other two th eating is not the one you sent, but which I had my cook imitate. The, Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Gotso Eth Bru Is.. Blue ale.. Win ham Gomel Win Biu Bru Eth Nunn- Paesengere, 1 10.04 P. 10.16 10.28 10.40 8ourne- Passenger. ham 0.60 A. m. ale 7.00 eels.... ...... 7.16 1. 7.28 a a a ith his do - It' of 'nt or the -- or, out ites P- tlY ed, am a tly re - are one poi- son from which you are suffering eTists (trip in your imagination. I know ioF no way to cure .your present pain except by letting you Aare the same fate as Your friend who has just left the room." As they were led away the states an said*to his retinue, "It id a pity th t a man who can eat. a deadly corr sive poison. with an unmoved countenance should so misapply the talent wherewith heaven has endowed him." A CLEAR RIGHT OF WAY. MATRON AND MAID. Ima Daisy-Coolt is the name of a new postmistress in Oklahoma. - Mrs. Alary Pidcock of Chester, Pa., who is 84 years old, Is getting a third set of teeth. Mme. Emile Loubet, the first lady of France, is of peasant stock and is a gen- .t1e, serioas woman. Mrs. Lowndes, wife of the Maryland governor, claims that buttered bread is a sovereign cure for whooping cough. Sarah Bernhardt's first application to a theatrical manager was denied because of the length and thinness of her neck. Mrs. Edith Poyer, a resident of Wood- stock, -Ills., indulges in an odd fancy. She keeps a mouse farm for her own amusement. • At the iEmporia (Kan) State Normal school onb Of the girls .is known to her chums as "Postscript." Her real name is Adeline Moore, a Lady .Henry Somersetconducts an in- dustrial farm for the benefit of inebriate women.' It is said that more than half of list year's imitates were cured. ' Mrs. Phoebe R. , Sturtevant of Jamaica Plain, Mass., has -agreed to furnish the greater part of the money to build a $70,000 dermitory for girls at the Hebron Me.) academy. It appears tht 'Aliss Enid Yandell is Mit the Only Woman sculptor member of the National Sculpture society. In addl.- -tion to Miss Yandell, the society includes Mrs..H. 1. Kitson of Boston and Miss Bessie Pater, who, like Miss Yandell, how lives In New York. A great-granddaughter of Betsy Ross, Wilt° made the first American finals liv- ing in Washington. She. is Mrs. South- wick Guthrie. Mrs. Gethrie remembere her great-grandmother, who died when she was a child of 5. Mrs. Ross was 90, at the time of her death, but when Rhea made thefirst flag she was but 23 and quite girlish in.appearance. .THE FASHION PLATE. There Was Nothing to Interfere If He Choate. When I first came into the mountains - of .West -Virginia tai look after the1 coal 10, interests of an eastern company, I bard - ed at a little tavern in the county town presided over by a good looking W man of 40 who, as I had understood, N4 s a widow. She was keener witted 1 and more entertaining than the av rage mountain womien and I rather en 0y -ed. talking to her. One evening, after had been her guest about three. wee -s, I found myself alone with her on the orcla of the house, and we chatted aloe very pleasantly about men and wome .and life generally. . "Ain't you married?" she asked n re- sponse to something I had said leading up to such a question. •"Oh, no," I laughed. "I'm an unhappy old bachelor." "Well, you oughter be asham d uv yerself," she said with spirit. "I am," I assented. "But hos,j is a man to be otherwise when the vomen won't do their share?" 1 "But they will ef they ever git the chance," she contended. - _ "It's easy enough for you to say that," I said, "because you felt that way to- ward your husband when he asked you." "My husband!" she almost shouted. "I hain't got no husband, nor never did have." "Why -why," I stammered, "I Under- stood you were a widow." "Well, I ain't.". "Do you mean to tell me that a$ good looking a woman as you are is in old maid yet?" She hesitated a moment before answer - Eng. . "In course I am," she said, and her , voice softened, "but I. haha't no objec- tions to bein a married woman." Goodness knows how I got out of it and still remained a "star boarder," but I did, and I didn't sit out on that porch In the evening any more, either.-Waah- ington Star... Mixed. 1.40 e. 2.10 2.46 3.06 • Mixed. 8.66 A. re. 9.17 9.45 10.02 ondon, Huron and Bruce. 001N0 NORTH- , London, depart Centralia Eieter Heusall. I .KiIPPen Brucefleld Clinton. Lendesbore .. • • • • Blyth. . Belgreve Wengham arrive . .... i Ottia Boum- Wengham, depart.... . B grave • B th... ............. L ndesboro .... ...... Brucefield K Hensel' Eneter Centralia London, (arrive) Passenger. 8.16 A.m. 4.46 P.M. 9.18 5.56 980 6.07 9.44 6.18 9.60 6.26 9.58 6.33 10.16 6.66 10.33 7.14 10.41 7.23 10.56 7.87 11.10 8.00 Paasenger. 6.58 A.M. 8.80 P. M. 7.04 8.45 7.16 4.00 7.24 4.10 7.47 4.80 8.06 4.50 8.17 4.69 8.24 6.04 8.38 5.16 8.60 5.26 ' 9.50 A. M. 6.20 aforth Foundry AND Machine Works And Engi farm Plo moot We Steve able Fo An pertv payrn ante all da Are now in FULL 'OPERATION e are prepaied to do repairing of all kinds e and Mill Work a specialty. Threshers and re' work promptly attended to. Pointe and all repairs for the Coleman in3ple- kept on band and made to order. have for sale, at very reasonable prices, two s & Burns portable engines, two White port- ngines, one Waterous and one Leonard. full particulars, call or address ROBT. BELL, Jr., PROPRIETOR. 164341 Money to Loan. amount of money to loan on good farm pro - at 6 per cent. per annum. Idtrsight loans, nts made to suit borrower, satisfaction guar- , oherges low. At ofilo• Friday afternoon and Saturday. ABNER COSENS, McDonald Block, VP/Ingham. 1687 They Suffer In Silence. Ose ef the most pathetic things is the manner in which the animal kingdora en- dures suffering. Take horses, for in- stance, in battle. After the first shock of a wound they make no sound. They bear the pain with a mute, wonderful endurance, and if at night you hear a wild groan from the battlefield it conies from their loneliness, their loss of that !Inman companionship which seems ab- solutely indispensable to the comfort of domesticated animals. The dog will carry a broken leg for days wistfully, but uncomplainingly. . The cat, stricken with stick or stone or caught in some trap from which it gnaws its way to freedom, crawls in some secret place and bears in silence pain which we could not endure. Sheep and cattle often meet the thrust of the butcher's knife without a sound, and even common poultry endure intense agony without•complaint. The dove shot to death flies to some faroff bough, and as it dies the silence is unbroken save by the patter on the leaves of its own lifeblood. The wound- ed deer speeds to some thick brake and In pitiful submission waits for death. The eagle, shot in midair, fights to the last against the fatal summons. There Is no moan or sound of pain, and the de- fiant look never fades from its eyes until the lids close over them never to uncover again. PERT PERSONALS. Russell Sage is/now 83 -years old, but his grip on his purse strino is as firm it ever. -Toledo Blade. The •worst thing that ever happened td General Tonal was being born a, Span- iard. -Philadelphia Ledger. -Young Edwin Gould may not be a chip of the old block, but he is unquelstiona- bly it match out of !the same boX.-De. -troit Journal. The boss dynamites of Japan are Pak Ki Yank. Pak Chung Yung and Pak Yung Hyo, and they are a very bad pack, -Baltimore Herald. Governor Pingree is. right when he soya all the prominent meg are following him. But has he noticed what they have in their hands? -Detroit News, arties, ut he b Sir Alfred Austin ;does very w;oesn't11 for marriages and tea p seem quite the right man to spe,ak se - varsity in poetry to Oom Paul, 1 need should arise.-Washi gton Star. It is said that Queen Victoria 1ves ifl e ha' It is reported from official sources that the tunic In the hands bf French design- ers has had its day. 1 Plain, and figured black satins and striped, Plain and polka dotted taffeta -s will be in marked vogue the coming sea- son. , . I e Many of the kid gloves of the autumn will match in pronounced coloring tbe, brilliant ,and showy effects in the sea- son's gowning. . The sea gray .of the summer is a beau- tiful tintwith a moonlight effect, a color most flattering to a brtinette or a woman color. chestnut brown hair and a rich o Veloutiae, like peau de sole, is a silk that grows constantly in favor. It is as soft as sicilienne or - undressed faille, only of firmer tot:tire, with a glossy surface. The new royal, marine, neapolitan and silver blues in Cloth and lighter _weight Wbols, for • coatumes, princess dresses, redingotes and - jackets will present auch tempting shades this au- tumn that they will find purchasers without number. It is a ) ready evident that the fashion for fanc waists will not va ish with the summer season. On the ontrary, be- sides the shirt waist a of ark colored satin foulard, liberty silk, plain and fan- cy - taffeta, etc., therd will be a great many varieties exceedingl pretty in style. 1 The handsome Engish crapes manu- factured wholly withoat dres ing are soft, lusterless and entirelY unlike the stiff, wiry weaves of other peaern s. The new crapes ere very pliable, and, though at first inteided only for veil, they have come into use for eutiire colturnes, parts ofgow,s and :for ellilir and accesso- ries. l' , ORCHARD ANp 'GARDEN. He Was Not Impressed. There were eight of us going to stop at the same town and the same hotel in a Kansas hamlet. and we °talked things over before we left the train. Each one registered himself as a professor, judge or general, and when the last name was down we stood waiting to hear any ob- servation from the landlord. He was a quiet spoken, humble looking man, and he should have been drily impressed with the array of names. He wasn't, though. He read them over in a careless way and then looked up to say: "All right, professors, judges and gen- erals, I'll do the best I can for you, and I guess most of the folks will turn out to your circus tomorrow if the weather is pleasant" His Absentmindedness. A little girl, who was trying to tell a friend how absentminded her grandpa was, said, "ne walks around, tkinking about iegthing, and when he remembers It he then forgets thet what he theeght of was something entirely d Iferent frets what he wanted to rementlite-Bosten Christian Register. Fruit watery _circances. ums that is badly injured, poor and will not keepwell under any - Strawberry plants ea in August will bear net summer if care is taken to give them a 'good start to .4ow. 1 - See that the labels do not cut into the trees.sAIn attaching them room should al- ways'be allowed for doserthii Cabbages are gross feeders._ They re- quire a rich soil and thorough cultivation if the best results are ;obtained. the orchard. hard injures avoid wash - MARRIAGE LI9ENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR . OFFICE, SHAFOR!17,. QN ARIO. NO ,WITNESSES RE UIRED, Arrange good drainage i Water standiag in the or many trees. Drain so; as to lag. Manaring may be overdone with young and growing trees, but a ter the tree comes into bearing it requies much rich • food. With a large number o diseases of fruits and trees prdventive measures are much the more e ecti e. It is hard to cure a sick tree. It is claimed that rapeon a clayey soil are -darker and mor glossy than those on a gravelly so 1, bu those grown on a.guavelly soil are the s veetest. continual fear of burglars. But s an advantage over most women. ' She is able to hire some one to look un er the bed at night -Chicago Vimes-Hera d. I John Philip Sousa,Ithe band lea er, is taking boxing lessons. It is hard to ini- twine Mr. Sousa leading with his left in A minor, countering with his right in lower F and winging a half hook in ud- per O. -Chicago New. I u- per Wolff, Radical, and Herr IKrzei- kep, a German Liberal deputy, fight a duel with ;sabers, in Which the rest4t wa's suck that the Wolff will be kept froar Herr Krzekep's door, for some tiine at least. -Boston Transcript. ' The latest story is that "Generall Wey- ler was named Valer an because his un- cle declared that his mother's soh wes sure to be a coward nd valerian i good for the nerves. s name ce ainly smells to heaven just as valerian does. -- Boston Globe. , 1 1 CURTAIN FIAISERS.! . 1 1 r r ' I Henry Savage La dor, the explore, has just written it one act farce: 1 4 . , AdSTRALIAN OD ITIES. The tatiee dogs never ba They only howl. Some seed a grow com letely outside their fruit. The bears live altegether in the trees and cry like children; Some of the trees' shed' their bark in winter instead of their leaves. One kind of fish, fined near the coast, mak-es la poise like a Small trumpet. Some- of the birds laugh exactly like . human beings. Some cannot fly at all. The 'native flowersare all single in Pet- als and almost all are completely scent- ! less. - The swans are all black. The birds genertOly have very brilliant plumage, buthave no song. Most of the animals go about on their hind' legs. They moVe.along by jumping, or rather hopping.. Some of them fly through the- air like birds, and some of them have bills like ducks. As to her future st ge movement, it is unknown to her frien s what courtie Mies Ada Rehan intends t pursue. Miss Nethersole ha. engaged as leading Man Hamilton Rave e, who made a cites in "The Terrnag nt" last seas n. A real bullfight ill be one bt tlie features of a forthc ming produc ion f "Carmen" by Paris an artists 14 Tea - louse. .; The family of Emil Augieehas recent- ly complained to t e directors Of the Comedie Francaise t iat that dramatist's plays are too infrequ ntly acted. : George Broadhurst, ,who won favorjia London with- two his farcea, courageously produc there "The Last Chanter," acted last 4pring at the Garden theater, New York. The tour of E. R. Spencer,and Isabel , Pengra, in the revival of Steele- Mac- kaye's "Paul Kauvar," to be made next : seasou, will be un 'er the direction ;or Thomas A. McKee. , dames A. Herne h s changed the title of his new play to 'Sag Harbor" Tho story is purely im ginary, he states, though the characte types are faithful ; to the section of Lon Island represented. Mabel Howard he been intruSted byt David Belasco with the title role in the No. '2 "Zaza" company, which he pro- poses to organize 1 r the season. be , played Mme. Dufres e in the Nev York production. Florence Worden, the English noVe1- 1st, ha a written a oniedy -called "The Guinea Pigs," which was Produced at the i -Kensington theater in London recently. As the title would indicate, it deals With; the affair e of ;moneyed people. KIPLING. Let no hope that Mr. KiPling.has not gone to Scotlend to acquire the dialect. There are already eaough of those books to translate. -Alban' Times -Union. It Is said that Kipling has resolved to rest and write nothing for a year. Per- haps he _thinks that1 he will need all hit time to attend 'to his regiment of law. suits. -Boston Globe. The fact that Mr. Kipling is not going to do any work whlle he is in Scotland will be very reassuring to those who be- gan to fear another flood of Scotch dia. leet storlem. Stinging. "1 would I were a bird I" wailed the fair girl at the piano. "1 would you were a box of axle grease," hissed the dark man under the palm. "1 wonder what he means by that V' ask- ed the lemon haire4 maiden. "He means that axle grease stops screeching," whispered the man in blaek inspendige.-Chiesgo News. THE HONEY HUNTERS. The fumes of sulphur will kill all lake wornas of moths. : To produce a large crop of honey, bees; should not be allowed to swarm, butj kept together. if bees are givcin plenty of 1 storage room, they are not so apt to swarm. Limited apace often causes swarMing. Pure white comb honey, with Very lit- tle propolis en the :wood of the Sections, denotes that they were taken out,as Seen as they were filled." Never •leave a newly hived staarna of bees near the place where they are elus- tered. The safest pion is to remove it at once to a stand somewhat distant, wheth- er the bees are all in or not. Bees db not swallow honey, bat pace it as gathered with their bill .tri their honey sack, which is in front and entire- ly outside. A bee 'weighs three timea as Much returning to be hive as it dld when it started tint. , So far -as can bei done keep the white clover honey separnte from the lassv;lood honey. The flavors are quite diffetent arisi when sent -o market -shbuld be kept separate. Honey, to sell to the hest advantage, needs tr be graded.--iSt. Lou, is Republic. I t WRITERS -AND PAINTERS. "Finished work ishould show ;no trace of work." Thus says Mr. Whistler. Joel Chandler Harris has a horrot qt the theater. Ile has never in; his life been known to enter the door a of ono except to hear a reading by James Whit- comb Riley. James Lane Allen lives most of the time in New York. Mr. Allen is 4 tall, spectacled man, very retiring, Who car- ries his avoidancei of personal tpublicity almost to the point of eccentricity. Before Frederick S. Chureh began to study art he wa& a soldier in the civil war and an express messenger.: He re- cently declared tbat he would he, per- fectly happy could he paint but one pic- ture a year and destroy that if, when finished, he did no approve of it. 4 Th!s is King Quality _It is a pretty nice looking shoe, Iputl fine as it looks, it feels a great deal finer. The King Quality should be worn by every -woman who desires comfort, style, dur- ability, and wants it econoniically. This describes the King Quality Shoe. It costs $1, and it is warth more. ki I W .7.7. • • . • • iseaesatona. TRADC.'4"-tlaSlIra PlAiltr; 14.1DP 41'10 QM! It P ys to Go to the Best. Chatham, Ontario. Canada's great st school of Shorthand and Business training, RE -OPENS FOR THE FALL TERM C311- faMl="IMILE3E3MXt TWO HUND ED AND THIRTY-SIX of our pupils secured good positions in the seventeen months inding June let, 1899. What do you think of such a record? Our pupils are now in ttong demand with many of the leading business houses. When we tell yoli that thin 1 rge number secured posi' ions, we are also prepared to furnish the list Ehowitig where thq were placed and with whom. If interested, write for it. The BOst Echool is the Cheapest in the End. We p y the railay fare of students coming from a distance, provided it does net exceed $8, w ,ich is the !it of our allowance in this connection. Cen secure god board for gentlemen t $2 to $2.50 per week, and for ladies at $2 per week. During the year which closed June 30tb, we had pupils in attendance from Newfound - hied on the Atlantic, to Seattle on the Pacifie.; from Manitoba on the North to Brooklyn, Y. on the South, There were 133 cities, towns and villagesinCanada, and five States of tbe'Union repryented with us. Twenty-three ceunties ami distriets outside of Chat- ham s nt us 198 p pils, Chatham and. Kent tounty alone eent us over 100 pupils. while Manitoba and thei Northwest Territories sent us six. WHAT WE GET WE HOLO. Write for harldseme catalogue of either department. Mention which catalogue you want). D. M LACHLAN &CO., Chatham, Onto 1652 oc uthat thiset,nut andlegl ittitowuse wIlitholithposontraeirTz !INF with Outfit by express, subject to extuninailohot,Rx- imine it styour express odic% and if you find it we represent it end -entirely satistactorn pathos = our stoma' nd fi.so a &saes. This .a Swly finished. r 49.00 Stradivarius model rrgir ifolored, highly polished. pownla and sweet In tune, complete with ens how, extra set of strings and resin. A gamine ..arsain at the price. Buy direct from fis,andilaTe the &alerts pa& • TJohaston & gerarlarie, Boit---8 oronto, Ong WILLIE 1WALDORF. PRAI ED BACK 1 Spr ins, Strains and Injuries of the B ek often cause Kidney Trouble. 4 no is 131r1 PUS THE CURE. , Here is the Proof: - M $. Ho mg, Glasgow Street, Guel 11, Ont.,says: " Doan's Kidney: Pills are grand. I have not been ill since taki g them, which was over a year ago I last inter, and can give them my warmest, prei e ; for they restored me to health after, 25 y ars of suffering. Twenty-five years! ago sprained my back severely, and ever sine my kidneys have been in a very bad stat . The doctors told me that my left! kidn y especially was in a very bad con -1 ditio . A ternibii burning pain Was always pres nt, and I suffered terribly from lum-f s bag and pain lis the small of my back,' toge her with other painful and distressingl syms toms, common in kidney complaints. - 1 co Id not sleep and suffered much from salt heum. " hen I first commenced taking, Doan'n Kid ey Pills I had little or no faith in them; but 1 thought I would try them; and it prov d the best experiment I ever made{, I ha only taken two boxes when the pain left yback entirely. 'Three boxes more, i or fi e n all, made a complete cure. 6 dise and hav fter 25 yea lrs' of suffering from kidney se I am no healthy and -strong agaifl ill be ple ed to substantiate what I said, shout anyone wish to enquire.1! L xa-Liver Pine are the most pert* ct remedy known for the cure of Con. sti4tion, Dyspepsia Biliousness and Sick 11eidache. They work without a grip or ain, do not icken or weaken or leav any bad after -e ects. eaneeeseneen<>: t! A beau iful fitoltd -- Gold Shell Ring. We do not want I a cent in advance. Send us your name and address and we will send you a dozen sample packages of our N Ap BREATH PERFUPAE 7,(. t sell for us at •Cents per package. When you ig have sold them return us our money($x.eo)and ».c will send you FREE your choice of these 4' did Gold Shell Rings as shown in cuts; s- ne being a very handsomely engraved band i.ng, the other a 3 -stone gem ring conststing of t vo Austrian Jjan,onds and a brilliant French ed Ruby. This perfume is the best ever placed st efore the public. It destreys all obnoxious e'' ors and giv the breath that fragrant and ''w elicious sweetness only obtainable by N.Alie 4, 4 -e,are making this offer for the purpos0 of in. rt t oducing our goods to the public, it being a urely business transaction and not prompted by ny philanthropic spirit on our part. ,&, UNIVERSAL PERFUME CO. -p ,9 Equity Chambers, Adelaide St. E., TORONTO, ' ...„,-.....,t • • Now that England repudiates bin], per- haps Willie Waldbrf could palm ihnself off as a China Astor. -St. Paul Globe. If the Anglo-Saxon alliance Co Stand the Astor strain, it seems strong ;eliough for almost any old pull. -Omaha World- HIertoalldo. ke as if William Waldorf Astor had spoiled his welcome both in Europe. and America. He may find himsetf com- pelled to camp out in the Azorea.-aWash- ington Star. It Is announced with some show of sat- lefaction that Mr. Astor's wealth renyrins is Apieries. Europe will not 'object to this so long as the income which it earns Is spest in that side of the water, -Ex - disuse. •••••••••••^11,....••••• A Big Bracing Tonic McLEOD'S System Renovator Fine old port wine to which has been added Peruvian Bark in proportions approved by the English -and French ph arm aeopoeins i s their ideal bracing, blond giving, life - renewing tonic. Such a prepara- tion is Wilson's invalids' Port • Prescribed by all leading physicians. For sale 18 Seaforth by LUMSDEN & WILSON. McKillop Directory for 11399. JOHN moRtusow, Reeve,Vinthrop P. O. JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Counsellor, Beeehwood P. 0 JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Winthrop P.0 ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Leadbury P. et, JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0, JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. DAVID M. ROSS. Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM EVENS, As ester, Beechwood P. 0. CHARLES DODOS, Collector, &Worth P. O. RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Impeder, Lead. - bury P. 0. -AND OTHER_ lrESTED -REMEDIES, A specieo and antidote for Impure, Weak and'Im- ra, had Blood, Dyspevele, Sleeplessness. Palpate- d the Heart, Liver Coirplaint, Neurallgia, Low GalStones CASTORIA °Duiflioseni,Fclemalsr"mlnehlegularigs'ersumessud General Debility. Jaundice, kieney and thinery isesiese, St. " LABORATORY -Geduld', Ontario. For Infants and Childrin• J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor end Menu lecturer. Moho. dans elpaturs : mi Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. wry 1150 -ti imams The Leader Leader Amongst Business Schools Sueeesdul Pupils -Strong Faculty and Large Attendance. Catalogues Free. Re -Olsen 3. W, WESTERVELT, Sept. 5th. Priecipal. 1655.24 THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument E11113011,IUM• ESTABLISHED, 1873. Owing to hard times, we have con - chided to sell Pianos and Organs at dreatly Redliced Prkes. Organs at $25 and upwards, and Pianos at corresponding prices. See us before purchasing. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan *1 41 and 5 percent. per ratintina. Any animist on linst-cleas farm land security. Are ply to R S. HAYS, DOminiOn Bonk Building, Rm. lorth. 007