HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-09-15, Page 3::: , and
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: $EPTEMBER 151.1f
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. _SAUNA, pominlofIL and Provincial Land
ftrMor, Member of theAssociation of Ontario
11 #1171,00M Dublin, 01111AT10- - IBW62
- - - -
MI, WANTED -Wanted at the VarcA H6tel, a
G &Mvguj giri who Is's good cook. Highest
wMaAnd steady employment to a competent per-
JiIIILIP 31URRAY. � . I I656X12
11006 I
I �1- Y TO LOAN. -To loan, from ona to three
� ' 010 -
I , U4 thousand dollArs 1),Ivste funds, at lowest rate
iere9k on first morigage, on farm prop6rty. Ap.,
I ,
I JosATIM ExPoSITOR Office, Senforth. 1647-tt ;
� .. lSZA=s� 01*rk ,4 the Second Division,
J001t ralasioner, of Huron Con.
ov�ciomitT Coin, -
. �- Leon and Insurance Agent. Nwdo
11 vomw- I aad ' to Loan. Office-0ver Sharp is
. 1,10440d �
,jW Acre, Main street, Seaforkh. . � I=
� �
1�.Irn.Rv. TO RIN'T.-To rent, Lots 28 and 29, Con-
. V *"on 3, YoKillop, containing about 195 acres.
I 1. to",, land, good buildings and well fenced.
Will he let for a tern) Of gare,, For particulars &p.
plyto tile proprietor, T OM & HAYS, Stator th.
. 260.1if
7. 1 .
. T"yED from Lots 6 and 71 Range L and M Ba
on May 17th, a two -3 ear -old Colt--�rig t
-- �W- il I'
I y,1 whits On hird lep op t:p fetlock, *bite spot on
I §' , -
;;;��ogd, Finder suitably rewarded. THOMAS
AUQV, Bayfluld. I - . 1054-4 i
ON �- - I �
4englits WANTED -Wsatcd two teachers for
M � tions No.,&, Stanley, for i4oith and South
. I
I olding acconj or third ciao car tificates,!
I A=
. I I
: tr'�Attoftl rf.o� ved ,Lip to the Ifth, of October,
. 1 A"1Y to homes Vicholson, Biryflold P. O.,
. . - . IF aim
. , , xry; duties to commence on the 2nd of
- J r, I ' Write on address I I Application for
P n, TH itAS NICHOLSON, Stanley. 1665x4
WIS., .
� I - - -
: I
: E LADIES. -Mrs. Smith wlobes lid Inform
� ladies of Sestotthand vicinity that she to
: TO I
� P44 60 40 UP air combings into switelies, etc.
- V stmen't of switches for sale, Hidr and
. to fxcbangtd. She will also buy dark brown
�*W.r A& bait. Residence corner of Jarvis and
.. t stnets, 3eafo.rth. -MRS LEVI SMITH. -
I . . 1637 tf
I 1� .
m �
� -
r . Ry AND BEES.-Egge for hatching from
t pan of lugs purp White Rocks. Black
I - I r,ein color, hume, size broad, bred from
i I
; . 11101
. 11006 in Carads, Buff Banta -Real beauties,
. � and fine t -Ye feat dog. 11 per setting.
... I'll t
: .OflWiAnBeesat ,oderateprice. Aloes
.QUI ot Beekeeper#* oupplle4, such as Foundation
RW SirokeM Extraelars,11 second-hand Lang -
11 Rdisdor. Bees wax taken in excha for
. WILLIAM HARTRI r, Church St. Worth.
11. , 1636.
- —
rtit IN HULLETT FOR SALF.-For sale, Lot
1, once slon I 3, Hullett'l cont ainlng 75 acres,
ckgred, unierdralned, well fenced, and *about 40
Wj" feeiled, to grass, Tber Lie I If, buildinp.
Tore is a good orchard, and 'i never 21, log spring
ercak runs through the farm, a, d, a good well at the
boW. it Is near schrol and 1pook office, and con�
v0sle, it to the best roa, k to I I
��' disi: splendid farm,
ri �on it, a well adapted for
nota C, ofwjwte land I
40*1 1, Jr., Is will be sold clicipiand on easy
irms pply' to tha underslg�ed, S;aforth P. 0
- ROBISON. - —
- MM�K FOR SALE. -For vale,1, Lot 20, Humn Road,
JU Tuckeralnith,containing 981actes,88 acres cl*1
-1 ad sati 10 sores Of bush. The Ila d to well oultivIn
, .
And upderdrAined. On the p] . tip a frame house
, I
MW frome hire, with goo I Stahl s. There is plenty
Of wa r, an n orchard ,This to a mo3t do.
, is ,being only about t 0 iniles from Sea.
forth,1 ls w I be sold ch� ap andon eaq�.y terms. For
=r particulft's, DPP)Y to W - FOWLER, Huron
Or SeWorth P. 0. � � 1646 tf
�--- - ---
�� t YDENCE EAF,oEtTif ioR SALE. -For
11 ale, clicap, the reaiden" facing on Victoria
Squa a in Seaf,rth, the progorrt:? of John Ward.
Than is a comfo � rtableframe o�ine, with good stone
collar, hard and soft water, and ,-Il oher necessary
octivinferces. The house c. ni� no 8 rooms with
pen eds; etc, There are two lots, well planQ with
all k of hult and ornament*1 trees and shrubs.
Also I&rge Stable, This Is o" of the best matt
lint and most pleasantly i situated roel�ences
- in ith and will be sold ches - Apply to JOHN
... :1 ��� f 1640-tf
. �
I - M FOR SALE. -For sale, Ifict 6, Concession t,
L. R, S., Tuckeramith, 'con � tairilng 100 acres, go
wres: cleared, mod Me balance In ha . idwood bush.
Thehadis all In if good state of cultivation, is well
wideydrained and well fen3ed. On the promises are
� a gOOA two Storey brick house, and. a good bank barn
Mtee�fqusra.wfthatoiiestablinirtioderneath, There
Isanimeand whalt of orchard. This excellent farm
it Slit 3ted two miles aLd a half from Seafoi th. and
nwgdad road# loadinz to it in all directions It is a
mile and a qusrter -from. Sproat's school, and the
not lkt�nce from Egmondville school. For fur-
Wr I siticularw, apply on the promises, or address
ggmo: jdvflla P. 0. W'M. McGEOCEL 1652x8
. "I'll, I GE LOTS FOR BALM -For sale in the
� Village of Bayfield, the following lots : Lot 8,
In Its ige F, in the township of Stanley (excepting
there'rom 1J -sores owned by Kra. L. Clark).
tha Is 3d to be sold containing seven &Ord@ ; second-
Nod4eart corner of Lot 7, In Range F, In the -town-
Ship Of Stuley, containing kbres acreq. These lots
are 4th situated on the Bayfield road, within the
coipj�tlon of Bayfleld. Immediate possession will
In. Title free from MI encumbrances. For
furibir particulars Apply to the undersigned.
Shyfi�'Id, Executors, . I
. lab-tf
� ' - -- --- — I I
MZ FOR SALE-1:'or wile the went bait of
t2f),Concessipri 11, Ilibbeft,,containing-50
wree,.45 soics cleared, the balsoce goozil hardwood
bush , The land Is in a wood -state of cultivation, and
I wou t aderdrained and ;�ell .Ienced.1, There is on the
a good frarn house, good bank barn with
=,I X or 19 head of cattl.9 and BVb horses. 11beit
are 650 two never. falling wells. T41s excellent tarw
If a I � e and a quarter from Chisielhiirst, whore there
It office, churches, stores, etc ;,three miles from
r rty and five miles from Renoall. 11 will be
two felsorable terma, as the proprietor de&ire3 to
get in reland. For further particulars apply on
. the remlEm-or addresa ChioelbtintP.0 W.H
STOZAN. . . '1654-tt '
I SPLXNDID FARM FOR. SALE. -For saloi Lot 11,
South Thames ,Road, Usborne, cobtaining 100
Acrts, 95 acres under cultivation and 6 sore3 of good
Wood. Good brick reatdcrice, with brick kitt,bon and
wOOdshed, and larKe bank barn with stone stabling,
and good driving house. All well fenced, under
drained with tile and in a first,class ott.te of culti:
viltiOD. There Is a good orchard of choice fruit, and
I the grounds are weli Set out with ornamental trees.
It Is within four miles of Exeter; adj -,Ins two
. churches, Melb,di6t and Presbyterian, and a schcol
within a mile. There to .plenty of water, both -for
house and stables.. Also a windraill for pumping,
grinding, etc. This is one of the besti farms in the
county, of -Huron, and k In first-class Rha.pe in every
. respect and will be eold on i casonable tc-rms, as the
Proprietor desirts to retire. Apply on the promises
Or 4ddr085-Thame8 Road, P.O. D. McINNIS.
QPLENDID FARU FOR SALE. -For Salo, -a oplon-
V did farm and hotel property, This farm is on
tile 13th conce9tion of the Township of McKillop, at
the VdIne of Leadbury, It contains 112i &ores, all
Of which are c'ea red, except about three %ores. It Is
10 A grod state of cultivahlon, being w6ll fenced and
tlWerdfalned, and suitable for grain growing Or stock
rAlslog and feedimc. There Is not a foot Of wiste
146d on the farm. Thitic are, two good dwelling
11011(0, a large bank barn. with otor,e stabling under.
" Vt Slaw implemcnt house and all veoesssry
bu iogs: In firb-t-cius repair. There are three or-
Charde and four ncrer-failing wells. The farm ad-
Joill the Village of Ltadbur3 where are stores, post
Office, blacksmith thop, school. etc, The well known
Leadbury h tel -IR on the ta m, and will be sold w*th
it, It Is now ur,d'er Nase for a terut of yearo. This
Is ene of the best an J most profitable farm proper-
ties in the- County of Huron, nrid will be Sold choap
andon#' aI Y tornt's of payment. If the ropertly is
. not I old in-& reasonable time, the farm wirl ho rented
- it A Buitible tenant offers. For f urthor pattlenlars
aPPIY oil the pmmlsLo, or address the uuaorsiWd
. roPrietor, Leadbury 11. 0. JOHNSTON KINN Y.
�----------------------�- -
OAIL FOR SY,RVICE.-The undersigned will
keep for service on Lot 20, Concession 4,
- B14010Y, a thoroughbred Chesterwhite boar. Torma� -
81prPAYAble at the time of service, with the -privilege
Of a'
- , turning if neocosary. JOHN V. DIEHL.
110 IPIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will kee
JL On Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S., Tuckersm�tbT,
16 rou bred JIMSTER, WHITH P10, also a thorouz -
, OR HIRX PIG� A limited numbor of sows will
be A Itted each. Terms, $1, payable at the tim 3
0 service, or 9-1.60 if charged. Alto a few Clitiater
. ItO Pigs for sale. JAMES GENIMILL. 1608-6 a
--- -
-L VICE. -The undoijigned will koo or so
V rvt
24 W Bruceliold Obsess Paotory, a , b� 04,
6 worth Boaz, with registered digroo. rM.
; Able At Cone of service wt privilege of ro -
uir It n000esary. -Aleo a number of thoroug]: -
bred eon Tarnworth Boars And Sows for salt.
llai X06ARTNEY, Brumfield. - 1406-61
*----- I . -------
1. ed has for service on loA 82, concesel
JWOKWOP a thcro'bred Tamworth pig, two '
'IMIW n1ijabor of &owe will be taken. Thl. Is
I extra food pig and breeders find It advan,
"ON heir berkshire sows with this bre of pt .
. TOrrils $1, with rivilege of returning if n e
JOHR MoXILU9 xtf *
. I
-For sale, two
thoroughbred Durham bulls ; both 12 m a
� Old, 0 roan 40d the other red. JOHN MORRISO
" I ouceselon 11, MOKIIIOP, Winthrop P. 0. ,
� Im-tt I
. - i
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. . � --- . TIEU ?i 1HU ON EXPOSITOIL � I I .1 i'. 11 � I - 3 1 -.
-, --�- - 100400000 I � -1 I I I I . I.,
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. . . I I I ! - i I i.u,,
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3- 1 $:'':
. FIERCE STNN KE FIGHT . . 1: 11,111
i � % .1 ,
. � . . ; - 3:.1
. I i . I - , - *
, 8
. — � . � �Vl
. . . . �)ne f the modes which promise to be A California trotter, by 6nductor, ",. 1z
I Th�re is no fairer offer than that of .. � i",
4 " I �
- --- — I A WONDERFUL BATTLE BETWEEN A !rea Ingly favored among fall fancies 2:14%, has been named Tickets.1 ; . 'i ..
. -1
. I
is the rince" dress of old time outlines. "Knapsack" McCarty is conflilient 610 �i the King Quality Shoe for $3. We I .
f - � � i - - 1� .
Daf,v noir is the darkest shadit of hd can drive Searchlight a mil in tito ; have squeezed into this shoe actually . v
CARTE I I 'J" a � . I
Ibrown t xt season. minutes this fall. . �� ,
I . � ! I
si . , 11 ;
,� -
I"- "LIE For Two Hours; and a Hall the YI- T"jiJI,' or mud color, is one of the most Keera, 2:181/4, trotting, and �Ionita .V, -3
. I . � . . more ihan S worth of'style, dura- J
� elious Ganie of Life and Death Wait no rol o' the brown dyes. 2:11Y4, pacing, are a brace of iiew onos I � I
t - Waged, and The .1 I � bflit3r and ease. Nowhere else that :
! n the Tragedy Be- Wack, satin, which, even duiing the by Keeler, 2:13%. i 11 .
, � i
I I � :
I on try s ason, has enjoyed no inconsider- � hehallip, I
� Ina Ended,� the Comedy Began. . Alto Rio, a green brother of 0 w know of can you buy 'the same amount of sboe
I I Iry 0
� ab et an ount of patronage, will be still 2:04%, at work at San Jose, 'Cal., 10 � � . . . I
. i fisfaction for $3- � i
I . ! Powl L L .% It was in-Australiji and In the fall of In(re p pular as cool weather approaches. showing miles in 2.14, 4 , Is;
! �
� I . -, .
� � .
� nd J d, Only half a second now stal., I .
ur which had carried us far. 1� I
the year. My-frie aud rn Mack faille Fran�aise, liberty foular
� Ing from a to ' nds � I I ou are a Judge—eyery woman is—so please coMe �
- , . . �
into the bush. - satin b rigallne taffeta and other lus, tween that wonderful 4-yearold, Ott . r
. -
- � I
We w are walking through- tr us or lusterless silks will be greatly fu ' Maid, 2:OW4, and the mitre's pac'�ng r e 1 �
AW a clearing . = judge for yoursell. �
wm,w of , when the unmistakable rattle, Yo ue f church, visiting and for similar Ord. i I - I
; I .
. I . � I . .
. snake arrested us, and --in a fewniin- us"%thl fall. I
�1 Arbuteskan, 2:09%, Is now- iveiiLri�g I a are not afraid to have I .0.1 I,///// �
. , 4
1 NEAnIft E On 0 the daintlest selections which I I '. V
UR IMP ute's, we saw the begi ning of a fierce vii. e I 1/1 !
counter between two deadly enemies;, a the hobbles. It in said that he hal$' shorn I . I (
I I can be ade for a purg white gown for . yo i do so. . �
: UM6 blacksna - i a h4if in one minute, and 4- *rter U , I . :
.qu � I
ke 4nd a rattle. These t*o, , .
P"Iuldy . evening ear -is water lily crepe de chine I i� 1 1 1 2 10 I
.! . branches of the snake family are bered. over white taffeta, with guimpe and el- 28% neconds. i ,; . � I , eme;nber—King Quality. TR cc M A R:11
1 They aho reUm I)Istress fi,6m Dyspepsh� . itary and implacable foes. Between .�o* sleeves of white lace. Joe Thayer drove hils 2-year-oid, T4'e - . I i � . i
them - thei Tramp, by Jay Bird, in 2:211/2 �t IAi- I
estion and Too He" Eating. A to can be neither fellowship, � I . - . I � ; �
I I .
. . . " The graceful: summer dust cloaks are ington July 29 and his 4-year�old 11deri � � �
/ per- amity, compromise u r e en armed ne;i- so smarl In appearance and so becoming by Simmons, In.2:14. . . . I.. P � , . �
I ; ;
nmedy for Dizzhmm, Niuselv -DrOWOL trality. War to the denyth- is their un- I I i It I I , .� i G QuALI I �
2"Tallftimthc M011th, Coated,yonM alterRble law from 9 neration to genera- as �well an so .convenient that they are At Cleveland M. I.�. Snow mad it ne ! � KIM TJ I
'' .
made to o duty on many more occasions I . i .: i . ;
0 pacerl 1, I I � I
in the Side, TORIPID IZVEe Thq tion. The black8nike is much, smaller than the were: originally designed for. driving record. He drOTO tW 411 , , � . I - - :
� . Hal B, 2-W/2, and Ananias, 2:Q5, InJD . I - . -
ulatelbe Bowels. Purely Vegetable. '� than the, rattle, but he is a terribly'for- Many f the: stylish unbleached Iluens : : :
� midable foe, ana as science is superior to the 2:05 list In the same week. I � I ' - (
. I
mail PNI,- R%OkMLAL of the s mmer4re woven in tiny basket Joe Patchen, 2:01%, has all his] spe � I P ys to Go ;
amok W'WNPWV mere size or strength he generally comes squares, muchi like hopsa&ing, and 4 . I . . to - the Best ;
Gmidl-Frloee I out of the fray victorious. He seems to. at Colum us - r, , � . � I .
. 46ocent the battle (or,, rather, the rattle)� thenit ani the twll!s, JeaDs and drilling of * cently In 2:00. He paced the las 0 0 0 19 �
,imbstitution � One, qualty are considered worthy of in 1:00% and last qu t h � . .
arter In 29 1- �:
. \ from afar" and givis' himself no resi silk vestm and trimmingg. . 1 'n -a ��f . I V, I Z
until he gains a point of vantage from I onds. I � ;,
the fraud of tile day. , One of the most graceful'autumn me& ' 01 . , i I ;
which he can make a su4den swoop upon els for it ather full figure, to use in mak- I Th* other day at Cleveland c $1 0 1 ! . .r - 1
4-% the noisy foe. On this occasion we did worked Star Pointer six miles, 0 last I I !
bee yolt get Caftefs, ! not see the blacksmike until he leaped on Ing up pe do chine, henrietta cloth- F three being in 2:12Y2, 2:06Y,1l,, 2:0 CIT V I I I . . I A . �
drap rQ I or other fine silk and wool T-� I I � -
the rattle's tbroatj� nor could we affer; last quarter of the last mile was, Pam . I I I I .
� . fabric, I the new seven gored model, in 80 seeonds, , : i � . I
ward make out how he had got so near I I � - i
,�k for Carter's � 1. witb a raceful moderate train, to be i "Mosp, - ; , I - IV �
. I ' �
� 0 . . without being seen. That power of oi- I Monroe Salisbury Is schooling a ftlit I ;
l Inade u separately over a foundation I - I
i I : I lent, stealthy, rapid movement -gives the filly -by Nutwood Wilkes, 2:16%, !air@ �f I i
1 . skirt � � . :
� � � .
black fellow an immense advantage over. � . errop - I �
n,list and demand I the rattling enemy. It is that, indeed, York Pot. - Who Is It, 8, 2:12, John A. Mcl� i. 0 % , 1. I
� Bi 2:12Y& etc., out of a sister of �fs for- , I a
I i I - I - i
. ' - on which 4is hope of victory mainly de- H USEHOLD HINTS. inner,- Little Alber,'t� . . , Chatham., Ontario. - - �
I ' ;
- �rter's Little Liver' Pill% - pends. Let the blacky by a sudden leap 1 2:10. i I . I :
. !
- . .
. .
I . . . : n -OPENS FOR THE �
,� grasp the throat e,. China closets should be scalded and .Shedd Wilkes, by iJ. R. Shed�, now Ca mad 'a greatkat.school of Shorthand and Business traini g, RE .
E�FORI - and the chances are he will never let go ere she haf lately FALL TX �
TH DYE WOM 8 freshenel at least weekly ai�d a little racing in the east,,wb � I � 9 I -
K again "until death them do part," but If' : reduced her riecord from 2:24YIL to!2:16%, r .
borax writer sprinkled on the shelves. . t C) .r7U 81:).AL7Y-, 1BLM3:Pr.rM]MX:BMMR, 51X:Er-
ake your clothes 10 the Beatorth DyeWorkpand that first chance be lost and the two ! is out of the Wedgewood mare, 1; b 11 I . �
ve ere cleaned or dyoq. and made to look like meet in fair fight after fair warning the After Ironing linen place it near who also produced the noted fillya;ol:., � � � I .
n W. All work guanatow to good fir - or in the sun until perfectl ? I L . . i
streff've ft"It" tion- fangs of the rattle are pretty sure to gain ; to i
Nay NICKLZ, Goderich es, a the . . dry, as" lie garments will be stiffer than nelia Wilkes, 3,1:161& sold to ii e Au* T1 10 UNDRED AND THIRTY-JUX of our pupils secured good positioxis in. the �
tholle church, Seaforth. pp=1011-tt him the victory. I I . trians two seasons ago. -Horse R)view; ' iwv� th ling June ist, 1899. What" do you think of such A reopril? Our � i
i if left ' I n a 0
dry sloiTly. . I � I
—I . In this Instance no such misfortune i a I's e TL I'n S:trlong demand with - msny of the leading businen houses. When we I
wars the blacky's. He vande hJS4�spring and Air In isible cement Is produced by dis- . i i - .
� ber secured positions, we are also prepared to fumish the list
� tel yo, th�t this large num
J - . A
. i I 'If interested, write �for it.
'On the,first indica- -got his grip of the throat, and there he solving isinglass in spirits of wine. This� THE ROYAL BOX! showiD wl�ere they were placed and with Whom.— ;
� ! will uni le broken glass, and the fracture 0 - I . . � :
0 ; held on "like grini death." With a fury , I 1. . � I - I
1) was sometInics awful the rattle will he imperceptible. King Humbert of Italy caungt sleop Beat Mod is 'the Oheapest iu -the End.
tion of Diarrhoea . , except upon a very hard bed e d�s- I .
I I wriggled and shook If ink has been spilled over rosewood . � . - .
I and i1olled and writh- F
ed. He leaped. into the air, twisted and or mabcgany furniture, halt a teaspoon- penses with the use of pilloi e uses We pa3 railway fare of students coming froniX distance, provided it does jiet exoeed
sheets of the ,Tery coarsest web and $9 - which is the limit of our Allowance in this connection. . L � L
W- dos, !s . - ful of oil of vitriol in a tablespoonful of I r � I
.ysenteryafe tossed. himself about, b liked his assail - : � ,
r � W11t`Pr applied with a feather will remove sleeps like a top. I I . Can see re good board for, gentlemen at $2 to $2.50 per week,, and for ladies At $2 per I
... . ant down on the croun , rolled on him it. .. Kaiser Wilhelm takes special I delight. weell.i I I . � . . � - . -
a,nd over him, 'but all I vain. Blacky I
MRYOWLER's Ex,T. simply stuck. Nothing ould move him, Hot water poured through the cloth An watching the balls given by 4is mili D,,ti,g �h, year which closed June 30th, we had pupils in attendance from Newfound -
I I on he t , Jo Seattle on the P&Cifie , from M& n -to Brooklyn,
I � i . ]antic nitobs o the Worth
: . nothing tempt him or pou4pel him to relax will remove,rapst fruit stains, especially tary officers. He likes to find fa�ilt with, laud ,
I 1-1 N.� 1 .4 I a I
. . L , S th There were 133 cities, towi3s and villalke in Canada, and five StsIe
I his bold for a single ,moment. -To have f fresh, The water should be boiling. the awkardness of the officers and re .1 0 1W ,a
D in I agina . of the on t" �ied'with us. Twenty-three counties and diatrictis otdaide -of Chat- I
F WILD STRAW– , auds them for some real or iMl` �inrkio re'piri
: I . done so would have becri almost certain lf.this -9 not,"effective, rub with lemo Is, Chatham and Kent county alone sent us over 100 pupils, while
1. I . . - salt and lay in the misstep at every opportunity. ! 1 � bam sent U81198 pupi
death to bimself, but through fill the -- juice, sprinkle>with I I . I
ERRYwill promptly � rearings, leapings, tossings, writhingi; ; . Sun, liusing with clear water after -the The queen of italy is considered t441 � Manitoba &�d the NLorthwent Territories iFent us six. WHAT WE GET WE HOLD.
I ,
i� Write fTr handsome catalogue of either department. Mention which catalogue you
; ain has disappeared. most highly educated queen in thO world. I
, of and hissings of his victini on he held with, : st i
1; a relentless tenacity tha�; was equal only 'The best planned room," says a great Slic speaks, besides her own ldlnguage,� ' want. L . �
� � to, his love of his own life and his hate bf writer, "is that in which no one particu- 8, i I . -� Chathamg Onts
check the advance . I English, French, German Rnd'$pani b,' �Do MoUCHLAN & We,
I � eology, i
I i . lar demands attention, but which is so and she delights In the study.of t � I . I
� . his foe's. I �, I 1 1662
these dangerous dis- 'Ehus for more than an I hour and a half L hal-M011i DUS in the color scheme that we biology, geology, botany and other dIM-i . . L
I i : i L I
I ! f all und r the 'spell of Its. quiet coziness cult subjects. ,� I ! ___ _
. the life and death game was kept up / ! � 4 - - -
I � ith, and o discover little by little the per- The greatest dandy In ti urope Ii Princie'l . I
, without a minute's intermission and w In" i �
; .
c!ases. feet tas that has ordered every detail."- Albert of Thurn, Germany. 11� has,al
out any sign of weakeninli on either side. ; :
� 19 New atirons should be allowed to new suit every day, and it Is p4rfumed! I
. I lfhen we perceived that the rattle's I Mr. G',.O, ARCHIBALD'S C,ASE. �
It has been over 40 years Strength seemed, I I stand o the stove some time before us- with the costliest attar of ros� He ha�sl� I I
, to be giVing way, and al i I - -
ge, and �� . . ! �
. s* � � . -
a use and has no equal� for - of a sudden he coiled hfmscIf up and lay Ing - in rder to get off the coating of three neckties a day ou the aver . � - . � I
� . still, as if to die Whether it was from b la c Ic., hen they are rusted, they may his cast off boots number more Ithan i a .
I i . I
a * b I
� ' , - I . I
I he cure of bowel compl ints IsbeFr exhaustion or only 4 ruse to deceive e clea,n with fine scouring soap, and hundred pairs annually. i i
- I
] of youn or old. There are I Y I pan has p I ivile 7 is� f
i -9 . his enemy, a faint or a feint, we were not � I - .n ress of Ja gie i
I . t or vasellue should be put over � Di 11 t Walk for 5 nths,
when a ( red away for an le. gth of time The emp
sure. We thought it wag the former, but' - kerilue d . No
many dangerous imitations accorded to her which none of er pie-, I i
on the- market, so it would be . blacky evidently thouglitl ot,herwise. He them. deces,iovs ever enjoyed. She in& eat At - I � 0
. wise to se -e' that. the full name, unilerstood his enemy beiter than we did T E JEWEL CASKET. the same table with the emperor. hofrle-� Doctors said Locomotor Ataxia.
' quently consults her upon ma ors 6f: -
I andl did not menn to be-4ricked. Down � � ; I . -1
I ! I . �, I .
Dr. Fowlet's Ext. of Wild � I state. She is a good horsewom!n aftd� � ;
b L e lay by the -side of the Vrostrate victim, Single strings, collars and ropes of I I I 1. . 1. - -
I S1ra,w&err,y, is on every bottle Ut I With his teeth exercises daily in her private gym, asfu [in. �
. b firmlil set In the now , . I .
I - ! pearls- a e all in fashion. I ! L -.
I - i tor� and crumpled th�o4. I � i I Alvssns. T. MiLBulzx & Co.-,, I call .
I y, ou buyt I .1 I I �. A mag ificent opal, encircled with two I MilbUrn'S Hd#t and Ncrve Pills.
— . I Then after a quiet interval, the ohe L a THE HONEY HUNTERS. ' I
it I I"
0 '
p -
1 1
1 1.
L 13N. I
- �. r -,I$-., .�
I 0-
b n
'r It
f r
11 % �N ""///
"'Wil /*/
0 %%, \
. �,.w
�4 /
I '. , ;001
Ir , P
�il` r-",�
( �-
I ) t_
il" Ix
: . . diamond serpents. forms a fasch2ating . I I � on that my case NvAs a very severe -
Ill I side!d truce having come o an end or the - Cure,a Dise e hitherto regarded n'c, and had it not been for the use of
� and unique pendant. � 1 . i I
. : rus.� having failed, the rattle rose again The best trees nd t4e hive
I . � Sets of tiny buckles for the velvet as lncurablc� I Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I do not
I and� resumed the unequal struggle with are fruit trees. � I
I �
� . I b,-Iicva I -would be alive to -day. I do
-gy straps vi,hich serve as ,sleev?es for full , The case of i Mr. G. 0. Archibald, of I .
the 1 enei of desperatiion-a supreme il. - Heat does not damage bon�y, bu,',t tends not know, exactly, what was tile cause
a rulFg e or life. Agal� he reared dress a handsome. in ,plain! gold. or br D I mpness an d ,d
-� t I f and I Lnts to ripen and improve it. . Hopeweh Ca.p�, N.B.,ja cut of wborn-- of the disease, but it gradually affect,-
-r-, . i appears I
:� - - . � roll�d and coiled and dar(ed up'and..down. lia . -kness do not agree* � � below), ,is one'of the .severest egs, until I was unable to -walk
" nnu_ dai with it. I . I +
I 1114.ft�l. .4t� h.n�"I.+ M.;-. . I . .0
I I I forward and backward, qarrying nix ene- t " Ty , and mosit jntrar-E�131(! Lhat has ever een, liar y any for five month:,.
Our direct connections will save yftl my with him in all his co�ntortlons, trying tains its position and has bee:i vastly Honey improves with age. Zro'd r, � I it I -
I I It is the finer the flavor.l. EX aebad . was under the care of Dr. Morse,
' .
I I time and money for all points, ; by �vcry conceivable O,Nist to got his !improve by the .designers, magnificent � i I . . of IvIcIrose, -%vlio said I bad Locomotor � .
I stiff honey Is easier kept than comb. il I . --
I - . fangs into the mercilessi foe, but all in, ,diamond bracelets, either flexible or I in � - I Ataxia, and gave we up a-.5 incurable.
. am' I t
I representing its handsomest examples. Fertile workers sometimes ap�lonr v
vain. Then we began. to see In the poor ' I I i I 11 Dr. Solomon, a well-kn0�1"11 vllys:cian
Am Nofth West vict in renewed signs of 1failins strength, � That earrings aile much worn is a fact queettless colonies, which amowits to . . "t
� .
(lana � . i i � -- of Boston told me that nothing con' .d bi-,
....... 61 ... 1,111,61. V..
� ; I about Ahe same an dron produeI4 I ,, I k me. E very one who came to
- �
- ,.,
Via Toronto or Chic�fflo but notwithstanding increasing weakness iot -to be di6puted. They appear to be queens. They will lay but ir 1 I V . done fc�.r �
i .7 f,
regu- .g. K�l �
I . P he s xuggled for a time c egg � `Z . . ,,,, I V wer could get better.
; . ntinuouslyj then pursuing a quiet and persistent advance � ? . � � . - .i, , % isit me fboueiit I ne
, ,
1 British 0olumbia ana Californii . , i . . �U�;: Z-
Intei'pittently, until, mor, an two hours toward a point where it may be said of 1110-y- : . %, A, -
ltw-,�, �.
� 11 �'N
! - k ��IAZ � I "I saw !Mlburn's Heart and Mzma �
i . . points. while she re- , � I I
. I I 7'%It' -
! �, "'
T ,,��'.
� Our rates are th and 'a half after the firsC ttack i1a, poor them,,that they have "arrived" in the A virgin queen Is useless 11 01',�-.�.A�! Pills adveffiscd and thought I would try I
a lowest. We have them ' ' . .
. � 1 4 - �.�I,."). -0 �
mp suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR. rattle gave up the conte t and lay down, best society. . 111ains thus. It often occul tha t such -*�- , I I . .11 them. any way, as they gave more.pro-
. - I ,
., .
I . Can to die. This time it wa no ruse. The , Diamond slides, to be worn oil velvet queens will begin to lay e go just the i 4 �' 1, , -;�. �, mvi--,of holpin-metban any' ,binglksic,.vof. i
I . q
rST CARS for your scoommodation. a a fertilized queen, ut all such � . - -1 I . � 4i tn' .
� I oor fellow was done fo, 10 ribbon at the throat tind wrist, are same it � - �-:-il- If you bad seen ine wben I slarted-
. �
(di further information. . P, ' and within eggs batch to drone bees only. .. � ; -, , I -f; , , ; 11 � .
or 15 minutes after the mute surrender among the haudsomest pieces of jewelry t i *1 N ! �., - � -,/ , - those wonderful 1;jlls-not able 0 -
�1- �., ,�, .
Grand Trunk Railway. lie yieloed up tue ghost. But even then in vogue and may be adapted to various Bees abhor being molesti d at i night. : � I 1�-� 1i .1 I takin,, I
�1' I I Tl . 8-dt out of mr room, and saw pie now,
� : I
- I �
No work can be performed Nrith theni it 1 1 I% .
,rains leave Sestorth and Clinton stations of blacky !still stuck, an t was not until other usis, on# of which is to enhance I � - 11 % 11 . NV�rkin- harJ every day, you woul"In't
the beauty of a pearl collar of many that time with any satisfa(tion. Tb .;-, - % '... � 1
(�Y � 11 I . �
C 11 we: I the corose began to stiffen that he for the - I .1 , C-- - , I i'l I , kA,ow ii�e. , �
.1 -11 1 -ent foi f -ft, r *
first time withdrew th hich had row are always more peaceable when Sath . I - I I ., ,; I
� SNAYOUTH. CLINTON. I s. -Jewelers' Circular. I I I . I I am ag - P. 0. Vick- Z
i's ' . i I ! * ..' I have sold .3 ' "
- ' I : I I --ust -J;i�-, �And 0-J r".1, - i
.. e ' y then be eadily . �
' been dr ' :�hoiurswb . . i I I At �., a M,
.. 12.40 P, x. 12.65 P. x iven nearly three ef ore in . %i J x , I Ili .t, , ;
� i i .1 i .
handled. � , I I I 1i I "bers in So da s and won a fifty doAi
I I : . .. I . I ;1 I 'i W * 4:1.- �
naer .... .. .. 10-12 P- M- 10-27 P- M- to the sure place -the t - roat of the un- . . - I ;;. � . I I Y
a 9.20 A. if. 10.16 A. M. SOME SUPERSTITION& ' I � �
6.16, P. M, happy rattle. - I . Granulation improves the appearance reported from't'he �easter�n provinces, and P" --O-
I I . ' his � ,a
D) 0 ZAff 1 7.05 P. N Then, the tragedy b Ing ended, the ' f any quality of honey. It never fa�.Is � cure by Mijbtsrn's fleart and Nerve 41 No' Lhing else in t' I)"- world saved ril.c
If the 1hread knots while sewing, the 0 o lhns�ia. T)ut tho.je pills, and I do not think tlyc�r
. senger .. .. .... 7 bt A. M. LiO A.U. comedy began, and a c me y in ce I it to give a lighter obade. It als Pills t C more emar a c rorn C C .
?�'. awnger .. .. .... : Y.11 P. M. 2.55 P. M. was, at any,rate to tb rs. sewer wl I live to see the garment worn teendency to drive away ank wild taste that he was - . ven up as incurable by havc an equal anyvAicre.
ad Train ....... .. 6.20P. M. 4.36 P. M. out. , . ibn ' � ,�
. e� -,,iy . . I I T' lic s-ven boxes I took have restored
- . On the part of the victor there was no and make a purer sweet, and th "! ;: worthy and res' cct'ed Oysicians.
� f 11 - 'Ven me - I
� i
I I . sign of triumpli, no dancing around the If the un goes down behind a bank will keep better. . -, ; , , The disease,, Locorno(or Ataxkij wiih me the full Use of my lc,, -s and gi ..
. : I
Wellington, Grey and Brum f clouds on Friday,'it will rain on Sun- . : s1ren-lb and energy and better bCalf" :
kostrate enemy, but with all possible 0 . . ,I I which Mr. Archibald was afflicted is ' r, . E
DOINO NoRTu-, Passenger. � Ml�ed. staidne 9 and straiglit?,orwardness the day. - I 1 � . considered the most obstinate and incur- than I I)av-- cnjoyed in a 1.)-,g time." :
., I � SUNSTROKE. I I . G,, 0. ARciiii3ALD. � -
that..... 10.04 F. M. 1.40 P, m. hero, pi ep4red for the c6lebration of his! If one ends a garment while wearing i I able disease ,of the nervous System t -
rusSPI@.:.*.,.*:,. 10.16 2.10 victory He began by� �tretching anal It, c titch taken represents an en- In case of sunstroke, the first tfilng Ito known. When price it starts it &adually Hopewell Cape, N. 13. 1
luavale.. .. .. 10.28 2.46: straigh,ening out the 1 lifeless body, emy will be made. but surely progresses, p-aralyzing the In addition to the stiiiement by 11r.
Ingham ... 10.40 8.05 be done is to remove �he clotaing �wi et I � �
. i I tion jof �
UTH Passenger. Mixed. swooll ng out every. crease and everyl if drops and sticks In the floor, lower extremities and rendering its vic- Archibf- ld,
G U40 So , , --- , the sufferer into a cold bath -iced 'if p�ls- of I T.),)e,,jr,ell
i -d 0.60 A. M. 1 8.66 A. X, rid hopeless, criduring the � Iwo ive!t-kn . I
i wrint-h ';'� until . tim helpless a , own merchants . I
...... ... 11 on its scaly surface, with what sible--wid keep ice on the he .
ingham.. . 9.17 , I the s lover li-ves in the direction I : *
I luevale .. .......... 7.09 Intent e�en- guess, He, toiyard �hieb it inclines, L indescribable apny of seeing himself -die � Cape, 14. B., Az.: Ptles!'r.j. J. 1'. J)ick��011 -
russet@ .... ...... .. 7.10 9.45 we could not I k I consciousness returns. i ii by inches. I I and F. J. 3.3'rewster, who C�!riiry to Ili--
. ....... I ... 7.28 . 10.02 seemed to have assume the role of un-, If a spider is found on one of your gar- In beat exhaustion the ski Is coverO
, That Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills genuiiieness and �accvracy of the facts- as
! - 6 - I dertaker and to be preparing the Corpse MeDtS, itigignifies that you will soon have with a cold moisture. Use no C014. appil- above.
I 'for decent burial, mag-naiiimous toward al a now one of the samc'�ort. . can cure thoroughly and completely a given ,
I cations, but give fresh air, asing;a fob, disease of such'sev&ity ougbt to en-cour- INJil'xim's Heart an -I Nerve Fli;ls are
! . I I I I
i udon, Ruron and Bri ice are wide
I I brave though defeated f9e. Not a twistl If a p(rson's two .front teeth if n ecessary, and administer sm4ll and age those whose disorders are not so, 50C- a box, or ,I for !;j. -2z, at a;I drug -
0 or' or wri kle was left noon the carcassi enough- ipart to place a gold coin be- diluted doses of brandY.-or whisky.:� ;: - . "17, blilbuna &
ORT.UW P �m 146 P.M. � erio6s to try this remedy. gists, or ,wnt by ina'il
G"Z,!don, o ftrt .......... 8.16 A from tip to toe, from nose to outstretched tween th m, he will always be rich. � s
.......... 9.18 ' 5.66 - Every family should have a plinidal The following is Mr. Archib, Co,p Toronw, Ont.
Exeter.. -:::: ........ .. 9.80 0.07 - tail. '1'hen, to our great6r b�wildetment,l If a s'lycr coin or fre6 laid egg is thermometer, as in a case' dd.suostro�e : .
, Centralia.. , I
1; .
, Hansall., ..... � .......... -9,44 6118 we saw that he was licking the body! placed if the hand of tr new born babe, the temperature of the patiant must be I I I . I i
I . KIppen ................ .. 9.60 6.26 pnral-I long lifo and prosperity will be assured I I �
�11 Brucefield . .............. 9.68- ess , from end to end, making straight � carefully watched. When the t'i?mpqr- I .
. to it. � . %11 ---�' "441�-
Clinton .. . . ............ 10-16 6:65 � lel line -3 of saliva along its entire length,' ature is reduced to 100 degrees 1P., cold ; - ,j)IRes1ret.w...; �
T , -A Big I
Londe8boro ....... .... ., 10-88' 7.14 whicb, witb the rays of the setting sun If a airpin sticks out, but does not water treatment may be dis utinned, � ,e-7`,- . � � Y. �
. 4P 1
Blyth .. . . . ............ 10.41 7.28 falling on it, exhibited all its varied hucsi fall, the wearer will have a disappoint- -- 1 1 �
Belgravo...... .... ...... 10.56 787 1 � i �
I Wingbani arrive ...... . � 11-10 8100 land made us long for Its possession that ment. f it falls, her lover is thinking . ���& . I tt
� �� " - : "%0
G(owo SOUTH- . Pam onger. we might carry it away ,with us. But thel of her. THECARE OF GEM$. 7 . Bracing I
: Of". I .
� Wingham, depart .... .... 6.63 A,M) 8-80 F- m, darky ,had sometbin'g better to do than! � I � 9 I q
. i .
11,av'... ... 8.46 � - h soap an � . . I
� Be .. .. ...... 7.04 � indulgO a benevolent sentiment for our� 4 Coral may be washed wi d i .. 1.00
. , b :
Bly h .................... 7f'16 4.00 FOUR BALLS. . Tonic I
I � I
I � Water. - � . r.
Londeabora ....... - .... 7.24 4.10 gratifi(ation. For ten min(ites or more r, . � � i
- i I i
' " : t 4
�, Clinton - � ........... .... 7.47 4,80 � be CODtiDued his preparations, until' be ' Oans are supposed to keep you cool, Jet must be repaired by m ans of jew- - I I � .
1 Brucefield ................ 8.06 4.60 . Fine old port wine .,
I made four or Eve streaks of saliva, which eler's cement. . r Amongst i
b 11 fan generally makes you to which has been 1
i Kippen .. 8.17 4.69 but a b ' The Leade .
' a :
" L
! � - *""*'*'**' -, �"I'adclphia Record. -
Hensall . ............ .... 8.24 5.04 slione Ilke satin ribbons, laid horizontally hot._1 Turquoises must not be wctted and are 1
: added Peruvian ,I
Exeter ............ .. .... 8188 5.16 11 Business,Schools I
on the dead body from end to end. liable to change color. ; Z
I pentralia.,., ............. 8.60 6.26 Paseblall is ike whist. You cau,,under- v I Bark in proportions ,14
Then blacky rose -and shook himself and, f � Succeer3ful Pupils -Strong Faculty and ; i
London, (arrive) .......... 0.50 A. X. 6.20 . stand the ganie airly well and sfill not Ivory may be washed and exposell to - � . a1pproved by- the �
� t
having done so, took up his position tit know much about it.-Atebison Globe. air and sunlight to keep it I goo,d white � Large Attendance. Catalvgues Free.. .'- English and French i
i I �
I . I
. I the head of his victim and calm : . A
A considerate atidience fit a ball game color- ; t i . - . I pharmaeopoelm is - -1
- I - period. Thcy I 0:.0 J, W. wEsTEaVELT, I i
I pen. their ideal bruin -g. I
, �
upon him *lth the first gleam of,gatisfac never riwes a kick against the umpire. Pearls should never be dani . Principal., ]
tion ir his briglit little eye. We were - 'Independent. should be exposed to air as fflucl� as p6s- Pt. 6th. - I blood giving, life. �
It raise an Helena , 7 . i - 163155 24 11*951T . 'I �
a ! 1 dry sible. ; I .— 9. -
e forth, Fouh still ft;lll of wonder. and conjecture as to - I
7 The flies a�,ex`r-eturning, and there Is an T . renewing - tonic, �
I ng . V �,
. his puiiposei interment of some kind bei , , - ' � fsu �,
� . I Impression I , some quarters that most of Opal� must be kept from &e al:id beat, ch a prepara- �
� t thought of. But � � I tion is �
I AN D---`0ws01V i the 00y thing we .ve - In m, liable I
� I
: ; them are settling on the local ball tea - as a. high temperatfire renders the'� a
� I . I ;
� i then We saw him calmly open his mouth i 11
; . i . it --Cleve and Post. to split and fill from their settilig. . . I i
to its iut Ity and take into I 4
! most capac I . I - - I i i Musical - Instrument : � �
. ; -- �� �;
.45 Wilson 8 I
achine Workl� the e'tire head of the defunct rattle; � . , : . �
p I �
- . then he gulped and, swallowed; then rest- COUSIN CANADA. THE NURSERY. � i W I
I i . �
-- : 4
- in � ed; thtin anotber golp and another swal- 8 . .— W, I I . EMPORIUM. I
Are now - Many women prefer cork earpets tor � . I -4 . .
i . low, a d so on until he had tucked into' Miss C,Oada's war 4ever was improper- I NO InuMalidel �
� I
� the nursery floor. i : "is A*, -.V . r � -.
I FULL OPERATIO 141 him the whole body, a foot longer than ly diagnosed, ' It was just alittle scarlet - ESTABLISHiM 18"I owe . .
I I I 0AwA I I
kinds biniself, and then,: with th* UY of the rash.-O'leveland Plain Dealer. , Wbea on* wimbes a child to sieep, she "-- I . �
I .
knd we are ared to do repairing Of all � �-- I
TIT in other words, Canada wishes to move should never lay it on its back. . . i port . Is - - .
I KD&O rind Mill ork a specialty. Thr�ahers and tail still dangling from his moutb, he nd i Ir hard times, we haV�e con- --- 'W ..
, .
armors' work prom tly attended to. i dragged himself into the scrub and th4mce the "Heep off the ice';? signs two or three A, delight for the baby wil be �ou : Owing to I
I .
Plow Pointe and &IT',I repairs for the Colenian Imple- probably into a golly. there to xpend a leagues nearer to the- water. -Detroit one of those fantastically dpdora�,ed eluded to seR Pianos and Organs at . Prescribed by all - i
Monte kept on hand And made to order. 1 1 . I I -
we have for sale, at very reasonable 'prices, two ni(infli or .more digesting his ponderous Journal. I era*lilig rugs. : i . I
I I -- leading physicians. I
even@ & Burns portable engines, two White port- ,,,,,.,I and "fighting the battle o"ar &9RI1V' , "Our Lady 6f tb% Snows" ought to The urx*ry 0ould be the Ilarg! A room (I 1
ble engines, one Waterous and one Leonard. , , . , r2reatly Reduced Pricess For sale in Seaforth by � .
in blissful dreams, put a cake of ice on er head. Cerebral Is th* hoogo. A southern 4P4 Is c6n- � . I
For full particulars, eall, or address I . 4 . � .
. I congeslion in a dangorous malady, espe- sidered bkit. Tht walls 04oul 'be 4r- 4 - M80N.
One way to save coal bills -lock them cially in midsummer4'-New York Trib- #sdclf IT f tsorat*d in ordoi to n9a"ce Organs at $25 and upwardal and LUMSDEN & W �
- ROBT. BELL9 Jr:0 I . lu the safe.-Philadelphla Rem& I I A" on to Wkar&data ar I t6tl waor& , ,� �� . -
. - I Pianos at corresponding pnees. 0 ' .
PROPRIETQR.� Immom 11 - - � . - � - I - � ; , I
- -- - - i i , I 0
1 lug -it I A - . I ' I . I i ; : See us befors pirchasing. .f DirWWrY for 1899 .
� I I ' I I 11
� . MARRIAG91 LIOENSES . DruggUts �n JapaA. I ' I JOHN MORRYSON, Reeve, Winthrop P, 0.
. i . ; L I JAVZS 07jkUGHLIN, Counglifor, Boechwood.P. 0 :
. 1 7
Money to - Loah. I r 20 C 0'A$T0R1A I T BEOSO i acomor lwinthwv P.O I
. ISSUED AT Japanese phamacists must be ove ,. I - 1 , , L SCOT JOSSPH C, MORRISON. Col F,o;&bnry P.,O. I
. T I
Any amount of a pro- � . years old, pass the pliarmacy examination I - , I I I . ALZX. GARDINER, Councillor,
I . -t- 7� . . I JOHN G. ORIZVE Couricill" WIDW P. 0.
Irty, M 5 per cent, per annum. 131ra ght 10509, ' I I I
P THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, and p&3 � a lieense fee of $147. They can pro. For Lm&uts IL I ! J01W 0, moviiiai. Garl; 64*7MM0.
made to oulb - borrower sallsta Yuen guar- , I - I I i r MONEY To L-oAN.
pi Yments pare m4dicines only on a physician's pro- I I I I Winthroo F. 0.
L I I i DAVW M. ROSS, Troasurer, . .
w ioed, charges low. At office iAfty afternoon and I I I r Bi�wood P. 0.
I SBAFORTH, ONTARIO. scriptiom, stating namiq and age dt patient, .. I loan #A 41 and 5 pair omiL per umm., WILLIAM rMS, As! ~j ,
ad � day Saturday. : . i dir6etic no, quantity, eo. Prescriptions for A .
I tan AfWalso farm land security, _ p. 1 CHARLM DODDS, Collector, 80610411 P. &
�, I � .. ,' POLURD, Sanitary Inspector. JA'ad- .
I , . 9113ty'" T =,SO �
ABNER 00SX0, I ; An . RAYS, Dminion Bank Building flsia-� IUCHARD
� NoDowid Block, Winghm.' ITNES�E$ REqUIRED. poiww .or astringen� mediolnes mustbe 2 1 OV4'" T W7 :1 bury P. 0.
"O W : 44f � - � 116COL .
migmid by the dmggisV and kept ten �ssrv. : .� � � . . t � .
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