HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-08-18, Page 80!.4 Picture Frames Made to Order Any Size-, Many people are taking advan- tage of thie time of the year to get odd pictures that are ly- ing about the house framed. It will not coat you much. No charge for the work of making the Frame ; we charge only for the Moulding. Do you not think it would be advisable to replace that old frame by a NEW one. PAPST'S BOOKSTORE SEAFORTH. MISS CLARE DOBLE —TEACHER IN— PENN° AND JUNIOR THEORY. PUPILS PREPARED FC R CONSERVATORY EXAMINATIONS. For terms apply at MRS. W. D. BRIOHT. Oppoeite Public School. 1619-11 DOMINION BANK. ••••••••••••=••••••••• CAPITAL (Maid Up), - $1,500,000. R EST, ▪ - $1,500,000. SEAFORTH BRANCH, Main Street, Seaforth. A General Banking Business trans- acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same at loWest rates. Drafts sold on all points in Canacla, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.—Intenest allowed on deposits of One Dollar and upwards. R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, Solicitor Agent. IMPORTANT NOTICE I am now selling a firet-class new improved High Artn Sewing Machine, with the latest steel attach- ments, finished in oak or walnut, find with never and five drawers, or fancy drop head and five dtaw- ers for $25 cash. This machine is the " Que n," manufactured by the " White Sewing Mae foe Company." All machines fully warranted and g sr. anteed to do first -close work, Itght or heavy. NW_ N. lAr_e.."1180 NORTH MAIN ST., SEA.FORTII, General Insurance Agent & De er in Sewing Machines. 16 Oash Grocery Near fruits and -new seaeon's TOSS now in stock We have now in stook the beet values in new ses eon's Teas we ever had, comprising Young Hyson. Ceylon and Japan Tem. We guarantee satisfution or will refund the money. The best quality of new Raisins, Currants, Nuts, Peels, etc,, now in stock at lowest pease. Some nice lines in Dinner, Tea and Tailet Sete just received, and at prices u low u the loweet. Wanted good butter, eggs, dried apples, potatoes, dressed fowl, and all kinds of marketable produce, for which we will pay the higheit price. C. WILSON, Seaforth, 374 Bank of Commerde Blook. BEADY:TO-WEAR SUITS. Our stock of Ready -to -Wear Suits in Meres,Youtbz% Hoye' and Children's is now fulL Assortment larger than usual. Prices on the bed rock basis. inspect. ors and buyers; pronounce value unprecedented. Our Men's All -Wool Suits at $4.75 are trade bringers. Excellent Suits in Men'e at $6 and $8. At $10 you oan buy a suit fit for a prince to wear. Children's Tweed Suite from 8150 up, Hoye' frona $2,75 bp. One fact we wish to impress upoa buyers is that we handle the best fitting and made goods produced in the country. Wm. Pickard & °Go. SEAFORTH. Fall Term Opens September 5th. 79,c4;A17 ow-tiii7//e& e STRATFORD, ONTA Write to -day for our new catalogue. It's the finest business college catalo ue in C n- ada, and represents the most progress ve and best school. W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal 4444-5 LADIES' and GENTS' GOLD WATCHES 1Vith Waltham or Elgin snovements at very low prices. 1-Vaech repairing is a apeci sity of ours. All work warranted at lowest prices. C. A. HUMBER & SON JEWELERS, SEAFORTH. 1618 Grand Trunk Railway August 22nd, Farm Laborers' Excursion To any 1K:bit in Mtu:itoba ar.d Assiniboia—west, south-west or north.v.ost of Winnipeg, --as far as Moose Saw, Estevan, Yorkton and Cowan inclusive. The fare will be $10 going- and S18 returning Tickets will be leaned to either aex, but no halves, and will be good to returrl on or beforr November 15th. The route is via North Bal. W. SOMERVILLE, Agent, • Commercial Building, SEAFORTII. 1645 DISTRICT MATTERS. flivon txpeoitor. COCNCIL MI:h.1.!INU,—The regular monthly meeting of the town council was held on Monday evening last. The rate of tax- ation for the -current year was fixed at 24 0 midis, the earn° as last year. The suin of eiz hundred dollars was pieced- to the credit in the public Behool board to assist in pay- ing for the improvements now in progress in the building. The sum of $1,800 Wag 0130 plipAti t() the oredit of the Collegiate Institute board i accordance ith the re- quest from that ody. A by -la w introduced by Councillor Gillespie, for the prevention of nuisances a d other pnrposes, was passed. The str et committee was hustruc- ted to have the drain leading to Silver creek, and east Of Main street, cleared out, so as to oarry off stagnant tviiter lying in the drain near , the street. Accounts for work on streets end material, ;mounting to over $350, were passed and ordered to be paid. A petition from ratepayers on' south Main street, asking to have the drain along that part of the West enlarged and covered I in, was referredl to the 'tree committee. The clerk asked ,for, and was granted two weeks holidays, commencing with next Monday. The elouncil adjourned t meet at the call of the Mayor. THE SOLT11111— !tURON FALL SHOW.—The prize lista for th , South Huron Fall Show, to he held at Exeter on Monday and Tues- day, September 1 18th and 19th, -are now ready. 13arties desiring lists can be sup- plied, on application to any of the directors of the South Huron or Stephen and Usborne Societies. 1 TRAVELLERS. --.The following were tick- eted out of town thie week to distant parts by W. Somerv4le, up -town agent of the Grand Trunk Railway : Mr. and Mrs. Watson and eon, iltleymour, to Chicago; Mr. and Mrs]. George 'Dickson, to Chicago i Mrs. James Weir and 'laughter, to Buffalo 4 Mrs. M. Jordan, to Buffalo ; Robert Armirong, to Yale, Michigan ; J. H. Broadfo t, to Winnipeg ; Miss Eden, to Crosswell, ihliels- igen ; Mrs. Connor and daughter, of Hib- bert, to Chatham, • THE HARVEST.—Harvest operations in this part of the country are now drawing to a close. A good deal of the fall whest has been threshed. It is turning out )3etter than was at first expected. It will average between twenty and twenty-five bushels per acre. A great deal of it, however, is of inferior quality, and I will not come up to standard weieht. Prices are opening low, with not much prospects for improvement. The oat crop is now nearly all cut, and a good deal of it has been housed.- On the whole it is a most satisfactary crop, being heavy on the grciund and well filled, and will give a good yield. Barley, also, is a good crop, and hes been well saved, so tbat the sample will above the average. Not for years has the e been such a good crop of peas as is being h rvested thia year. They seem, also, to , . tolerably free from the bug. Corn for es silage is now grown very generally in this county, and is found by our farmers to . a profitable and useful crop. The crop his year, although promis- ing fair, is not li ely 'to yield so largely ILO last year, althoug many fields show a • len- did growth. P. tatoes are likely to e a good crop this u ear. On the whole, we have been favorel with a good harvest, and our farmers can isneratulate themselves on a very profitable ear po far. The weather, also, for harvesti g operations, hu been all that could be de ired. I Although the prices for grain -have be a low, the prices for dairy products and all inds of stook have been pend more on sto a d their products for very satiate story, nd, as our farmers de - their profits than they do on selling grain, they do not thus fee the low prices for cerals so much as the would if they were more dependent upon hem. , • If you want the highest price for butter, rth. eggs, and all kinds if produce, call at Dill's, Sea - 1653 -1 MT. LOFTUS STARK has engaged Mr. Ge0. His as cutter to menage hie Tailoring business. Mr. Cullis has had a long experience in both Can- a s and the States. Ile will use all his latest ideas 1 cutting, hanging ofleleeves and putting on collars. °thing but first cies' and up.to.dete work. Per- t t fit every time. tark Btu. old firm. LoFTL'S 8' ARK, Proprietor. 1652.2 DRESSED POULT It and good fresh butter w oted at A. Yourio's, Seaforth, 165 House TO LeTe—Lately occupied by J. . Elder. Apply to r. Holmested, Seaforth. 1648 All muslins, prints and all summer goods ust be cleared out regakesa of cost at Dill's, Sea- t rth. 1 1653-1 WANTED.—Butfpr and eggs ; still the s me price, 14o. The sale still goes. Everything g el. G. E. King, Wirighain. 1651.tf GIRL Weiseen.!,-Wanted, a general fier- y nt girl. - Apply after thel 21st of August. Weil - 1 g given out. Apply to 208. F. HOLMS8TED, Har- i:whey. i , 1662.2 A hilndsome plete mirror with a can of baki ng powder at Dill'e, Seafotth. Call and 1175p8e.r. _ i . • ' EumONDVILLE N TES. —When writing our notes of last week ittle did we think that a very dear young fr end, one of a - circle of loving faces that have grown up about us during our reaiden e in this village, would be so suddenly called from us for ever. Laura Scott Portet, sixth daughter of the late J. S. Porter, was taken ill two weeks ago last Monday, with what appeared to be a severe bilious attlack. This, for a time, seemed to yield to good care and medical treatment, bat the1appearances of improve- ment were deeeptisfe,..and,after being uncon- scious for abotit thirteen hours, she quietly passed into that slumber from whioh none ever awake. The deceased, who had nearly completed her tseenty-fourth year, was usually the picture of good health and per- fect physical development, this, combined with a bright, cheerful disposition and kind- ly manner rendereq her the joy of the home circle and beloved y all wh,t) knew her. On Sabbath afternoon, at two 'clock, the re- mains were taken o the chiirch, where a large concourse of people had gathered to take part in the very imPressive funeral services, conducted by the pastor, Rev, N. Shaw, which were completed at the grave in the Maitlandbank cemetery. The floral tributes of affection from friends far and near were numerous and of the choicest de- scription. To the Sadly stricken brothers and sisters, and especially to the almost heart broken mother,who,in less than a year, has been deprived of husband and daught r, the profound sympathy of this entire co munity is extended in this the time of th ir sudden bereavement -and great sorro Dear " Loll," many of uewill long cherish the memory ef yout bright, happy life a d we trust hat your death may ten'd to mould us to a better. and higher life. -1V r. Donald Clar e, of Allegheny City, Penns 1- vania is sp uding a few weeks at the p r- ental 'home here. —Mr. James Hills, prin i - pal of Harrington ehool, paid a visit 1 st week to relatives here.—dIrs. John La i - mer, of Peterboro • Mrs. C. L. Papst, of Kincardine, and drs. Donald Hamilton,aed Mr. Lorne Porter, Of Auburn, N. Y., were called to the parental home here last week, on account of the death of their sister.—The schools open on Mopday next for the fall term, and teachers and pupils will return to _duty with the renewed vigor of seven weeks' vacation.—Miss Brown, of Corunna, has been a guest at the manse ' durieg the past week or two.—Mr. and Mrs. McGee are spendieg a few -days with relativea about Lucknow. ' 5 DEATH OF MR. JAMES ELDER. —Many of our readers in this county will regret to learn of the death f Mr. James Elder, of Virden, Manitoba, and formerly of Rodger- ville, in this county. Mr. Eider died at his home in Manitoba, on Wednesday of la.st Week. He had been a sufferer frem an affection f the heart for ,several years, and it was th t which cut him down at last. He was i the prime of life, having been born on t e 6th of May, 1848. He was a native of the townehip of Usborne, and was born on t e old homestead farm on the Loa- n roa near Rodgerville, and he con- ued to reside there until his removal to" anitoba in 1884. He was married to Miss ea Lamb in 1871,, and she, with -a family three sons and three daughters, survive . The family are nil at home with the eption of the eldest son, who is married do tin of him exe and practisin law in . Duluth. Becoming fascinated wi h the rairie province, in tho spring of 1884, in Usborne an tling within s Virden, wher land. He has country, and of the district. his ability an his fellow oiti tive pert in m and occnpied thins. He w ,to become a his adopted pr health was a d the labor and election cam however, in only a good ahle man. He er and a foreib qualified for th and admirers occupy. Had spared, he won one of the leact inoe. In priva and strictly ho valued friend timlicy with hi of Mr. William has hosts of f %rimed his old THE EXPOSIT° his early demie promising and tending to the f cerest eympath in religion and always lived a I fe ions. Mr. lder left his fine farm removed to Manitoba, set - von miles of the village of he took up a large tract of been very successful in that as one of the leading farmers - He was not there long until integrity were recognized by ens, and he soon took an so- nicipal and political affairs, any important publio posi- several times strongly urged didate for the Legislature of vince, but the state of his terent to his undertaking excitement incident to an ign. He did good service, ny other ways. He was not nd successful farmer, but an was well read, a good speak - e writer, and was eminently Position which his friends earnastly . desired he should his health and life been d no doubt have risen to be g mein of his adopted prov- life he was kind, generous orable, and was a true and to all who enjoyed an in- . He was the only brother Elder, of Hensall, and he 'ends and admirers in and ome who will unite with in the sincerest regret at and the cutting short of so seful 'a life, and will also ex. mily and frieude the sin- . Re was a Presbyterian Liberal in politics, and he fe consistent ith his pro - 5 CAL BRIEF .—A party of entlemen from town left on or anitonlin Island where span nig two eeks fishing an ill camp o the sland. They took their own rovisio a s m tng at oderich to and bring back the fish and — JameaFe peon of Det in t a vicinity f r several day frie e. Mr. F rguerin was a of t leading se ool teachers of !if ron. He ught at Brno ham nd other laces. and m mer upile are n w prosperou and usiness m n and occupy porta t position in the comm resi d in Detro t for about fo tho h still as dive as of y are mmencin to tell on Mc wen and Co hes, the form pri cipal of the Blnevale publi the atter prinet al of Ripley school, passe thr ugh Ses.fort on Saturday on their wa ho e. They h d been off on a wheelin x dition, and on their rounds took i radon, Wood tock, Brantford and othe planes en route. They reported having h te most enjoyabl trip, but said that no pla had they coine o er such good roads as in th County of uro while no part of th country the vi ited looked so prosperou We have th gar en of Canada right here i Huron Coanty. Mr. A. McCormick o Dashwood, see through Own on Frida last with fo r te ms to wor on the Garnis itain in th tow ship of M leis, lui havin secured th co tract for ideepening tha waterWay. We egret to learn of the deat last week of two ex -students of the Seafort Collegiate I tit to. Mr. John Byrne, o Dublin, die at Montana and Miss Jea Cotter, niec of r. Bethune, passed away a Dunnville. Bot were, clever students an their former corn ades Will deeply regret t learn of t eir rly demise.—Mr. Joh Tough, the ete n,Assessor of the Tovanshi of Stanley, as I, town on; Monday , lest Mr. Tough as , - ei assessor of the townshi of Stanley f r sev nteen years, and durin all that tim onl two appeals against h assessment ave een sustained by the Cour of Revision, Tin is a record that few ca boast of and spea s volumes for Mr. Tough' care and j gme t. -111r. Frank Clarkson -son of Mr. Cla kson, head master cif th Seaforth Co egia e Institute, leaves here o Tuesday ne for Regina, N. W. T., wher he will atte d th Normal school prepare tory to taki g a s hool in that district. Mr Clarkson is goo teacher and in every re spect the ri t ki d of young man to mak hie way in the orthwest. His brother Harold, has een rinoipal of the Fort Mac Leod public chow for a year or more, and he likes the ount y and is doing well.—Mr. Alexander ern A, of Woodstock, an old time Seafort ite, as in town on Tueaday arid called n sev ral of his old friends —Mayor Gu n a d family, returned home after s endi g a f w holidays with friends in the ounty of !gin, on Monday evening. —,Mrs. James eir left on Tuesday, for Lilly Dale, . NT --idrii. Dr. Campbell of Brooklyn, . Y., is at present visiting friends in t is y cinity.—The council are having a oin er si e walk laid down on the street leadin to he water works. This walk is bein lat down as an experiment, and it is bell ved t will prove very 'satisfac- tory and be ruin heaper and more enduring than plank. Me. Harry Edge is making good progres wit the wood work of Mr. J. C. Greig'a ne res dence on Goderich street. It is going t be o e of the nicest residences in town whe corn leted.—Rev. Dr. 1Morri- son of Toron , wi I conduct the services in the Presbyte ian hurch next Sabbath.— Mrs. Harve of London, is visiting her daughter Mr . B rrows.--Miss Symington of Windsor, nd iss Jones of London, have been spendin a eek at the residence of Mr. D. D. ilson. Mrs. W. D. Bright and Miss Clare Doble left on Saturday, for a visit in Ridgetown.—Professor Cruickshank, of the Brantfisrd L dies College spent a few days in town in th interest of the Institu- tion he repr sents.—Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith ofLon on, a e visiting at the residence of Islr. D. Johnson. Miss Bel McNab has returned fro a via t to Teeswater.—Mr. K. McLeod, of oron was in 'town this week and called o num roils old ' friends.—Mrs. David Forbes, and iss Duncan of Victor'a, Texas, were his w ek guestp with Mr. a d Mrs. Arthur Forbe .—Mr. N. M. Conti e, the founder o - St. Joseph, the city by t e lake, was in own o Tuesday. Mr. Conti e, was on his w y ho efrom Montreal and w s fairly loaded own ith filthy lucre. He h d a bag of gold and b nk bills in every pocket. , Mr. Contine ets lo s of " the stuff" and he spends it too —Mrs. D. Douglas ofToronto, is the guest f Mrs J. A.. Wilson. --Mr. Jas. Archibal wen to Buffalo this week and took a 1 ad of very fine horses with him.—Mr. a d Mrs. A. Young are in Bay -I field this wee spe ding a few days at the lake shore. Mrs. Y. McLean, was in Clinton thie eek, a tending the marriage of Mr. H. Rork , to um Rose Cunningham, eldest daugh er of r. John Cunningham, all of Clint n, w ich happy event took place on Vi.re nesday —Messrs. S. Mullet & Co., have the contra t of repairing the tower on the Eemondvill church. ---The rural schools epee gin Mo day next.—In the 1st and 2nd forin the S afoith Collegiate Insti- tute made an exeelle t showing in the recent examinatioris, having passed 21 out of 31 in the first formeand 36 out of 39 in the second. The studen Of the 3 d and 4th forms were not soignee sful.—T e many friends of the family will ple ed to lea-ly of the re- covery of M a. Hen MoGavin, of Tuelter- smith, :who h s bee seriously ill for the past three we ks.— rm. H. Town, of Wis- consin, withlh r siste and two ,children, are visiting with Mr. nd Mrs. H. Town of sSeafortls.—A value e colt belonging -to Maims. EMS Kain f the Commercialbotel died this we k —Mi Mary Walsh of To- ronto; is th. iweek isit ng at Mr. Ediverd Devereaux's, r to . Mrs. W. B. Lake, ef Buffalo, is h re vi iting her brother Mr. J. W. Jones, 1 o is ery ill.—Miss Nellie Devereaux, of oron , is spending her holi- , days at the piiar ntal h me near Seaforth.— ome fourteen aturdey last they intend nd hunting. s with them hey ravaged ke them up other game. oit, has been visiting old one time one n the County field, Wing- ny of his for - professional n other im- y. He has yeard. Al - re the years r the efficient school and ce 5 is • EXPOSITOR Mr. George Bethune, of Detroit, eon of Mr. Colin Bethune, is spending his holidays here. —Mr. John S. _Brown, of MoKilloP, out seven acres of peas on Tuesday. afternoon last with a pea harvester. John is a hustler. —Mr. Wm. McGrath, has opened an agency for the Singer Sewing Machine Company in A. Winter's book storeee-Mrs. C. McDoug- all of Kippen, has purchased the Brownell residence recently vacated, by Mt. James Scott, and is now ocoupying it, having re- moved to Seaforth. Mrs. MoDoug011 and family have secured a pleasant ancLoomfort- able home, and we have pleasure n wel- coming theni os residents of Seafort .—Mr. Joseph HudOen of Hills Green, one f Stan- ley's most prosperous farmers, was i town on Wednesdey.—Mies ,beephine ord of Hamill, spent hist week here, visiting her cousins, Miirus Maud and Emma Diekson.— Mr. and Mr0.1David H oh of Me &vine, Pennaylvanie; are visiti itt Mr. 5 Dick- sii son's.1 Mr. 1 annah is brother f Mrs. Dieksbn.--M . Smith 1 two chi dren of Hamilton, a here just new the g este of Mr. Smith' ather, Mr., S. Smith Mrs. Smith is a s r of Mr. Hugh Jack, of Reid & Wilson's hardware itere.—Cap . Alex Wilson who u in the old country with the Bisley team turned home on Monday. He looks well an reports having bad an enjoy- able trip.—M . °John C. Steele - hes returned from his trip the old country. •Mr, Steele accompanied Mr. John Weir across the Atlantic and r. Weir intended returning with him, be met with an unfortunate accident which prevented his return until a later date. envas thrown from a carriage by a runaway orse, but his injuries although painful for th time were n t serious and he is expected hire soon.—It 11 be seen by reference to e notice in our advertising columns, Mr. James Pennin ton, of Halifax, ! Nova Scotia, will give a se ies of religions addresses in this town next week when he will discuss seVerat very important subjects. He is, we believe, a very able expounder of gospel truths from his point of view and that any who go to hear him will be well repaid. —Mrs. Eastman and daughter Stella, and . Mrs. Young and three children of Toronto, ire visiting at Mrs. Knox's, Harpurhey.— We neglected to mention in our last issue that Miss Belle Mnrdie of I MeKillop, has passed the Normal school etamination with honors.—The Seaforth band , intend making an appeal to`the citizens shortly for funds to aid them in procuring some , needed new in- struments. The band is an organization which is a credit to the town and we are sure our people will cheerfully and liberally respond to their needs. The President's appeal to the citizens will appear next week. —Mr. Campbell, of the Fergus high school, and Mrs. Campbell are at 'present visiting with Mr. and Mri. J. K. Richardson.—Mr. and Mrs. Jetnes Dalton, of Niagara Falls, spent a few days in town, the past week, the guests of Mrs. Dalton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Donoviiin.—Miss Ella Shaw is spend- ing a month' holidays in Toronto and Kingston.—Dr, and Mrs. Jain . McMichael, Michael's. The doctor is a n phew of Mr. :a of Detroit, are Visiting at Mr. James Me McMichael.—Miss Dorrance h been spend - Donohue, is visitin* at the residence of Mr. r ing several weeks holidays in erth, Lanark county.—Mrs. Maggie Woo s, nee Miss Thomas Kidd. It is twenty tWo years since Mrs. Woods left Seaforthe-H-Mr. George Leiter of Ypsilanti, Michigan, and Mr. R_ Coate; of Louden, were here this week. Mrs. Leiter and Mrst.Coates have been here for some weeks visiting theirl mother Mrs. John Ament of north main street. isir. and Mrs. Coates leave for their home to -day, Friday.—Miss Sadee Searff, of Brantford, is visiting at Mr.. D. Johnson".—Mr. R. C. Cheewright and family came home from their summer's outing at the Bayfield camp, on Thuraday.—Mr. Wm. Kehee, of Toledo, returned home on Monday evening last, to recruit his shattere health, which has not been of the best for some tim . • Bra field. B. R. HIGGINS, B °afield, Notary Public Conveyancer, Fire and Life losuranoe VOUS. Any amount of money to los at 5 r c nt., on first -clue farm security. Mo es ra and money ad - *snood free of espent to the borrower. Also a limited amount of p vate funds at 5 per cent. Al home every morning and Wednesday of each week. Serena good farms for le. 157 in the village. -,-Mr. S. Moore, of Bayfield, ii; Nerros.—Miss Aggie Beatti is at present staying with her sister, Mrs. ViTilliam Scott has completed the contract of Oacing a ce- ment wall under Mr. James Robinson's resi- dence. Mr. Robinson has go an excellent job, showing that Mr. Moore understands the ce ent business.—Mr. Job Aikenhead, of Lo don, is spending his hell aye at the paren al home 1 on the 2ad oncession of Stan! yee-Thuraday of this week was pro- claim d civic holiday by the mayor and moat ef the eititens spent the day in Bay- field, enjoying the lake hreezes.—Mrs. Neevins and daughter, Mrs. ,Ta ieson, with her two children, left this wee for Dakota, where Mr. Jamieson has erects a new resi- dence in the town where he iii tationed as railway agent. --Mrs. McIntosh of London, and Mrs. Mur Ook and little daughter, of Lucknow, were the guests of M . and Mrs. Forrest this we k.—Mr. Thome Pothering - ham, of Gorrie, Is at present b lidaying at his home in Tu keremith.—Thi week will wind up the ha vest in this vicioity. • Constance. Locees.—Th9 Epworth League topic will be introduced by Mr. R. Rogerson, Sunday, at 7.30 p. m. he subject for the evening 1 to be " The Lea en and the Meal."—Rev. . B. Coupland reached an excellent and ppropriate sermon Sunday evening last, to e ohur h full of appreciative listeners. It ecir was d livered in behalf of the Canadian Or- der of oresters, who attended the service in Lit body—Miss Debit, MeGre or left this week f r Toront where she wi l visit rela- tives p evious t attending the Normal.i— Friday 18th ins , at 8 p. m. a literary wil! be hel in the Methodist church here in con- nectio with a lime light exhibit of the world' fair at Chicago, given by Rev. T. B. Couple d.—Mr and Mrs. Stanley, of Holmeeville, an their nephew Mr. Stanley, of Michigan, vi ited at Mr. James Stanley's this week.—Mi a Ida Watson, pf Seaforth, is at Mr. Britt° 'a spending part of her va- cation. 1 • Morris. NOTES. —The harvest is being pushed ahead a little too fast as a great many have cut Oats -and peas on the green side.—J. _Kelly threshed on Tueaday. Teams ,drew the Iras to the machine. Out door thresh- ing s quite common.—Frost on Monde and Tue.sda,y mornings of this week.—Tii . Ex- POSiTOR gives the news.—C. Michie, o Hes- Peler, has been ill with the fever an was in the hoepital at Galt. At kat acc unts he Was in a fair way,to recoyery.—Oat are a g od Crop although smutty.—Charle Hall oine from Toronto for a few ays. —J hn Clark, 5th line, intends going to Ma itoba on the 22nd inst—JohnsAgen, 7th lime sold a young borse a few dap! ago to e Seaforth buyer for $169. It pays to raise the heavy ones yet.—James Baird, 7th line, has been very ill.—Threehings are very dirty. Between smut, thistles and weede it is very unpleasant. COUNCIL. —At the lagt meeting of Morrie 'Council the Reeve was instructed to expend $40 in cutting down Maxwell's -hill on Srd line. Mr. Code was instructed to have th road at Lot 4 concession 7 put in a props state of repair. The contract of digging th Garnies drain was awarded to A. McCormick of Dashwood, his tender being the lowest and the clerk was instructed to forward agreement for signature satisfactory aecurity to be given. Mr. Iebister was appointed inspector of the work and 65 per cent is to be peid as the work progresses, The clerk was instructed to notify the owners of lob 6, concession 6, to have their fence and other obstructions removed from side line adjoinitig their property within 30 days otherwise it will be removed -at their expense. The to bor. rent ex- atement d. Jno. taxes at etory sae - Merolla r township improver)] nte were and passed. The council will n the 18th of Septem r. reeve and treasurer were instructe row six hundred dollars to meet cu peruses The treasurers half yearly s was accepted as satisfactory end fil Mooney was appointed collector of a salary of $85, furnishing estief ourity he amount of $12,000. accounts examined - meet Nell es • - Blyth. RETURNED.—Dr. Tait, of Blyth has re- turned after being absent for six w eke tak- ing a post graduate Course in N w York i hospitals giving special attentio to dis- eases of t'he nose and throat, and di eases Of women.' . tuckersmith. ViThST END NOTES.—The oat harvest is now nearly finished and nearly all will be put nnder cover this week.—Wesley Notts has disposed of his high-stepping road horse to Mr. J. MoMurehie of Clinton, and has again invested in' a likely looking colt,— Mr. and Mrs. D. Day, of Buffalo, visited relatives in this vicinity this week.—Mies 0. Clemens, of !Maori's, is visiting Mrs. J. G. Crich, of this place.—Miss E. Valeley, of Seaforth, is visiting her cousin, Miss Mary O'Brien. --Councillor Turner, who has been on the sick list is now recovering.—A few of the west enders picknicked at Bayfield one day last week. McKillop. COUNCIL DOING9.—At the last meetinig o the MoKillop council accounts were passe for township improvements amountin' $421. The rate of taxation for the e ren year was fixed as follows : 4 63/100 mil s o the dollar for all purposes except s hoo section rates. The township tax wil b 27/1 mills, being somewhat higher than ua on account of two new steel bridges ein erected at a cost of $1,800. School section rates range from 3/10 mills to 1 3/10 mills. The next meeting of council will be at Lead-, bury, on September llth, at 1 o'clock. BlueVale. Nores.—Mrs. Fred C. McCracken and children, and Mies Eva McCracken of Brussels, are visiting at Mr. John Ga din- er'e.—Mrs. Haney and little son, of Toro to, are visiting at the residence of Mr. George Haney.—Mr. Wesley West, of Woodstock, is the guest of his brother, Rev. W. J. West, M. A.—Mr. Ira Barclay, of Ypsilanti, Michigan, is visiting at Mr. Wm. Messer's, —Mrs. Chris Thornton, of Wingham spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Joh; Gar- diner.—Out of four pupils who tried the form II examination three were successful. —Miss Morris, of 'Winghans, has quite° a large painting class here at present. • Bayfield. CHURCH SERVIOES.—The anniversary ser -1 vices in connection with the Beyfield Meth- odist church, will be held on Sabbath nexte the 20th inst. when the services will he conducted by 'Rev. J. S. Alli , of Goderich, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. T e anniversary, tea meeting will be held on the following' Monday evening, in the tow hall. In ad- dition to a sumptuous tea, addresses will be iven b Rev. Messrs. J. . Alija, Mur - doe and ennings. A musical treat may be , expected from the excellent male and mixed quartettes from Clinton. These an- nual gatherings are always interesting and enjoyable, and the proceedings thie year promise to be even more so. All are cordi- ally welcome. el 7 Bt. Joseph. NOTES.—A few moxie days of fine Weather and the harvest in Mile neighborhood ill be 5 gathered in. Spring crops are ge erally good, but the fall wheat crop will be ether light on the average.L-Mr. A. Meliek, with his wife and family,. are visiting his father- in-law, Mr. R. O'Brien, of the Sauble line.— Mrs. George Campbell, who has been ill for the last few days, is again convalescent.— The several concerts, giyen last week by' Profeseor Dan MeCan, in, Mr. Contines hall, was largely attended. Mr. McCan is a comic entertainer and his eongs fitirly brought down the house.—The Bayfield boys who have been cleaning out the cellar under the Mamoth block have quit week for a few days and are now taking teeir holidays. • Brussels. _ GATHERINGS.—Tbe side walk men have started to lay down the new walk on the east aide of main street -L -The hydrants are II here and will be completed Friday of this week.— russels played a draw game of football With Listowel on Wednesday even- ing in Briussels. It Was a *ood game. Ethel willeplayithe junior* on Friday evening. —W. H. Kerr iind son are taking in the sights at Niagara, i --.The Post staff are taking a holidey this week.—Chris. Zilliax and wife took in the excursion to Niagara.—Gue. McLaughlin is visiting in town from Winghain.—The Grand Trunk Railway head staff tvere in town last Sunday, inspecting the neW station which is nearly completed.—SeymOur Ser- ' vise is visiting with his sister Mrs. T. Scott, of Brussele, Mr. Servise eomee froni Wood- stock.—Mrs. Peter Scott wite visiting her parents in Seaforth last week.—Mr". Silas Jackson Ilse been visiting in Mount Forest the last week.—Wellington Duncan '8 of the E XPOSITOR staff was calling on some of his old friends in Bruesels on Sunday last.— Jack Putland, of Chatham, is visiting his father John Putland, this week. 1 Exeter. BRIEFS. —A valuable co , belonging to Mrs. John Gould, died last eek, after giv- ing birth to a fine big calf. he was o e of the very best mileh cows in this neig bor. hood, and valued at $50.—M .R. N. Cr ecb, who visited his brother Nor an, at B ant - ford, during the past few eeks, is ome again. While away he visit d, in company with his brother, at Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Queenston Heights, and tithe places of in- tereat.—There are a numbered young men intending to take in the harvest excursion to Manitoba. The faot that good wages are being offered for harvest hand's in the Prairie Province, it may induce somei of the boys to remain until fall.—blesers. Huston, and Jones arrived home last week from their trip to the Pacific, feeling better physically and mentally for their holidays. Mr. Huston is of the opinion that the C est, especially British Columbia, is the pl en tor young men.—The lacrosse game b tween Exeter and Seaforth, here on Friday evening last, was a hotly contested game, and resulted in four goals to one in fever of Exeter. The goals won by both teams were not accidents by any means, but by‘good hard work and scientific plays.—A [very severe wind ;storm passed over this section on Friday. There was no damage done outside of turning ever slew loose piles of inmber, etc.—Mr. Fred Jeckell, while working a machine in the wollen mill, MU unfortiumbe enough to have one of his thumbs badly crnshed between two wheels. It will be some daye before the injured member will be well enough to allow Fred to resume his work •at the mill. —Those who have been anxiottsly awaiting the distribution of Ahe fall fair prize lists ,i B are now accommodated. It is evident Lige from the interest shown now that our fall ton fair this year will eclipse all previous ones. iii, ,iii —Fair time is almost here agai and, while can it is a little early to judge of j 't whee•, the Wr display will be in Oomparison Yeith other rid& yield of fruits and the good condition of cellent spring crops, and a fair y abundant seldom, if ever, been more fa orable than 114 they are this year. With the enerally ex - years, it can be stated that infreeitions have her live stook, these departments at the fair ought to be overflowing. The outlook, h geed fora fine display in the main building, and, on looking over the prize list, ithe speeding attractions are unusually large.— A r. Norman Bissett, who is ` holding d wn " a sit in a tailor shop in Riolimnd, ichigan, is spending hie holidays witb his perents and other relatives in Exeter. lior- man's menY friends, here are pleased see I him looking so wello after a sojourn n der the stars and stripe'. He speakkvery high- ly of the people he has met m the neighbor- ing State, especially of those in and aronnd the town of Richnio d.—Mr. Spence, stud- ent at the Huron College, London, tOok charge of the services at Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday hint, in the absence of the rector, Rev. TenEyek, who conducted Istir- ,'ees in Christ churnh, London, his old par- ilih,—Rev. Mr. Brown, of James Street Methodist church, d Rev. Mr. Millyard, ii. of Main Street, erre anged pulpits hut Sim- ap.—Considerablel grading and other , m- o ythic walk will be next in order.—Drink- he provements are belt done on John stree .— he big drain on Or east side of Main s t completed: Theiwork of laying the ne i g water in many Wahl in town and eciian- t y is beeorningo scarcity. If the present drought luta much longer the prospects are good for a small sized wa"ter famine.—The P'iresbyterians and sin Street Method'ets picnicked at Grand d park Wednesday. r..=.. --.—H-• _ 13.0,fra. , HAPPILY WED. -4 quiet but pretty wed- ding took plaoe on Wednesday evening, - August 9th, at the resteence of 'Mrs. Allen, near Cromarty, when her eldest daughter, Biti,iry E., was unite in marriage with Mr. P' Scott arr, of the 10th concession of 4 v. w. . Doherti, B. A., incumbent of Ble ibbert. The ceremony was 'performed by 4' email d Staffs, in the reeence of the Members o • the families o the bride and ettiom. The bride was becomingly attired in, white organdie, trimmed with silk, apd carried a bouquet of white roses and sweet peas ; 'whi e her little sister Violet, as mSid of honor, ooked very pretty in white silk, carrying a nquet of pink carnations apd c rysanth mums. f The congratulations of many frien s will he extended to Mr. and Mrs. Barr. After ,the ceremony the com- p ny pr ded to the dining room, where t e tables were found to be loaded with fo d and delicacies, and beautifully decorat- e with floWers. After the supper had -been p rtaken of, the eVening was spent in the e joyment Of music, recitations and please, averse, until the early morning hon , w en the guests departed, avishing Mr. and M 0. Barr all happiness in their journey th ough life. The many valuable and bean - t' !SI presents received testify to the twee and esteem of those who gave them. ` ° • Varna. 1 1 OTS.—Firmers are nearly through the h est. The threshing machine is bus* an , the rephrts are : Spring grain excellent); fa k wheat in most places below the aver- ag r ; roots good, particularly potatoes, whilli p inise n abundant yield.—Mr. 111 lines, M. P., called on eome of hie old fri ads in 11 erne on Tuesday last. Ife is lo king hale and hearty.—Mrs. Love, ef Se orth, is visiting old acquaintances in V na, prior to her departure for Rossland,, w. -re she g a to see he daughter, Mrs. J. i Co i p, in a f w days. e wish her a pleae- an .1 journey —On Mon ay last an old land ma 'k was i moved. Bayield road church w torn do and will be moved to Varnie, The congr tion will worship in the toten hall a , the regular hours of service. anct Sabbath school and Christian Endeavor weitings 11 also be held at the same houirs at whi h they were held in the old (larch, whil the new ehurch is in &Mtge of ere tion.— es. Sayer, of London, and Mrsi Flo dy, of otroit, are visiting Mr. B. A: Ki 'me— . Treat; of Chicago, and chi are on 0, visit t,o her parente, Mr. and Mr.. John's for a few weeks ---.Mrs. John MeNaughton apd Misii MeNaughton are visiting ela Wes ' in Michigan for a few zi, weeks.— ise hi Guire, of Wingham, whO teriehes as on ' taut of our school until January. has engaged by the trustee* of No. 7, Ste, le as their teacher for mixt , year ato saluy o $275. The people of No 7 will have an etc Rent teacher in Miss Me - Gate. 1 ' i 1$ .1 i Lo desboro. , 1, JOTTINGS.—Mrs Copeland returned home on Tuesday after "pending a few days with friends in EllingVille.—Mr. A. Brunedon spent laat Sunday with friends in Verna.—i Mina Ramey is visiting at the home of Mr.! W. L'Ouimette this week.—Miss McVittie was visiting,e friend here last week.—Mr,1 and Mrs. King, of Clinton, spent Sunday with friende here.—Mies Alice Reid, of Chilton, waS visiting friends here last week.; —Master Ifowaxd Adams returned home from Seaforth Saturday evening after spende ing few days with friends there.—Mise Johnston, ei ., is on I the eick list. —Thei ';i Tea nie, of I Goderich township, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Hill, this week.—Mr., chrietian end avor will enterain the Blythl chrietian en eavor on Friday evening.— Mrs,; Maps pent Sunday with her mother, Mrs,. RileY. -Miss Mable Caldwell is still very low.— re. T. Ralmer,,who was viol- . . ting in Mae ell for the good of her health, , retutnecl bole Monday evening and is no better.—Mri and Miss E. Thompson of Dungannon, spent Sunday with Mrs. 'Dr. Young.—Quite a number from here Eaten-, ded the Foreeter's meeting in Kinburn last Sunday mornin .—The Methodists here in- tend holding awn Boreal on the parsonage grolinde so n.—Idise 1 J.. Thompson, of Myth, is ei iting het mother here this week.—Mr, Whitley and Mr. M. -Wray spent Sunda in oderich.—Mise Stella An- drews, of Varna, IS spending a few days with Mise A. Brig am .--3/fies May Andrews, of Varna, is ape di g a few days with Miss E. Adams. • COLLINS & LT NBURY, barristers; convey - enema. anoere, notariee, A Eseter, Ont. R. H Collins a d J. G. StalibUry, . A.,'(late with McCarthy, Osier & Co , barrister'', To onto)r 1648-tf FURNITURE ,AN UNDE TAKING.— NOW the time to buy your furniture. A full line to choose frOr., and, althOugh urniture toes have advanced rd dhl Del olio ybk1,18H'ileoni Ill Ring a the old figures, viz.: re k bottom pile's.. Pianos an Organs of the latest m lies at ood value In the undertaking depart - m nt will e found a, cornplete line of caskets and co nr, together With all furni binge, and A No. 1 teed ; a call ebBcited. new hearse ;Maws lowiAsisEnsd isisztvzhiRfacLztvio,a mecnai,.0r4ayns n hureday of hist weeke Mr. Don ld Ur uha , our enterpris- lees and thei f milks, nu bering, in all, rng and polla reeve, tre ted his employ- somel thirty,,, to a very ple ant day's outing and picnic at G and nd Mr. Urquhart is one of out Ive old t a d most respected residents, an ae alweys ken a deep in- terest in He ea 1 and its elfare, which is evidenced b the larg bus nese he has car- ried on all al n here or. ninderably over twenty years eluding not Only his large eatmea t also grain buying, lum- bering, aw- ing, apple mills and evapor- &tor, air tae e y, end has always employed e large taff of en, with whom he is well liked d ranch respected, as he is alf10 by the ge era blic for his honesty and straight orward ess. RIE .—Mrs George Moir, of this vil- , is visiting her son at Inwood, Lamb - county. --M Pennington, of Goderich, visiting the Muriel' Murdock.—Mr. Dun - Robertson, and mephew, Angtui, were in oxeter end vicinity this week visiting. tives and friends.—Mrs. Neelanda left e on Wedriesday to °visit relatives in milto , Toronto and Brantford.—Miss Hislop, f Detroit, is viSiting at Mr, G. Ross', "Goseaneide Farrn."---Mrs. Britton, who was here leat week visiting Mr. and • • -4- • -- AUGUST 18, 1899 amulet Goods Oar lines stock is well assirted in the following.. SUMMER° MIILLINERY CHILDREN'S W.AISH BONNETS, SAILOR HATS SHIRT1 WAISTS MADE UP SKIRTS - PARASOLS. SUMMER dORSET& COOL UND RWEAR, HOSIERY AN GLOVES FANCY P INTS PERCALES DIMIT ORGAN PIQU CRASH SKI FANCY DRESS G TRIMMI IES LKS ODS. GS SILK LA ES- VAL LACES- EMBROIDEhtIES FANCY RIBBONS' TIES AND VEILINGS' BELTS AND BELTING& BUCKLES, &c. • • E. Mc • • Dry Goo C4th's Grea Dry Goods UL s co. est Cash Store. Mrs. John Scott and frien e, left last week to visit friends in Clinton nd her sister, in Dublin, before returning to her home Iona.—Mrs. L. Harold is visiting relatiees and friends in Toronto, Du twine end Buf- falo.—Mise Hattie Suth Hand returned home this week from Mus oka, where she, had been on a visit for th past month or so.—Quite a number of o r villagers, eluding the Carmel church choir, attended the funeral of the late M . James Miller, of Hibbert, near Staffa, on Monday last. Mrs. Miller had been a reat sufferer for • nine or ten years. Mrs. 'ller was e cone paratively young woman being only 57' years of age, and was very highly reepected. for her many kind and ex ellent qualities. She leaves a husband, el sons and two . daughters. The funeral as very largely attended, her six sons bein the pall bear- • ers, including Mr. W. J Miller, of this . village.—Miss Ford kft he e this week to attend the Normal Celle e.—The farmers in this neighborhoOd are ge ting their-orops quickly and well saved —Mr. Willi= • Moore returned home a few days ago from Pinkerton, Glamine and ther points up , north, where be was pur hosing apples.— Miss Verner, of Stratfor who wee here 'Arabi Miss Taylor has r turned home.— Mrs. r.) Graham, of Gluten, was in the village on Tuesday renewin acquaintances, . —Mum Jessie Habkirk and sister were in Exeter this week visiting t eir aunt, Mrs. A. Taylor.—Alre. Vhite and Miu • White, of Exeter, were the village -on Tuesday renewing 'tequila tame& -- ltdre, Joseph Golley is a gues at Mr*. Ogle • Johnston's.—Miss Phalen, o Stratford., and Miss Dorsey, of Seaforth, are the mita this week of Mre. A. Goetz, of the Commer. eial hotel.—Some sixteen young ladies drove from here to Grand nd on Friday of last week, and report hay 'rig had a very enjoyable time, despite the act that they had arranged to go witho t their gentle- men escorts.—Mrm. Burton, of Chicago. is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Airg, . William Whitesides.--Mrs. . J. Berry is • visiting relatives in Goderi h and vicinity this week.—Quite a number from here in- : tend taking advantage of th cheap liarinvt • excursion to Manitoba next week,—Mr. MeDonell returned home ast week from a very pleasant trip to Mont eel and Penh broke.—Miss Melinda Ort ein is visiting relatives in New Hamburg and neighbor- hood.—Mr. Gladman, barns r, of Exeter, °was in the village on Mon ay last.—Mr. William B. McLean, through his agent, 0. J. Sutherland, recently sold valuable strip of lend comprising nearly tw acres, or over nine village lots, to Mr. Jam s Coxwortb.— Messrs. Taylor & Company, of Dunnville, have arranged with Mr. D Urquhart Jo considerably enlarge his eve rater, end lin tend carrying on busineas her this fall ou large scale.—Mr. Kenneth aearthur, of Ailsa Craig, was in the villa e this week visiting his brother.—Mies 0 Neil, of Lon- don, is visiting her cousin the Miss. Hodgins, of this village.—Mis 'Johnston, of London, is visiting Miss Ettie Ballentine,— ! Miss tttie Ballantine was in t e village last week visiting a number of her friends. -111, William Hodgins and fami y, who ha•• :been camping at Grand Bend or the pot week or so, returned to Hems on Tuesdity last.—The e,onneil are putting in a ittrface , drain along the south side of lain street tee carry off the water that has been -fun& troublesome in the put.— re, Kitt- an& daughter, of Luean, were he e last week visiting Mrs, Miller Edwards, Mrs. Kitt's. sister.—Mr. Charles Nicholls of London. was in the village this wee visiting mister, Mrs. D. Urquhart.—Dr. omen and Mrs. Thomson were in the vi la e pert d' last week and this visiting Mrs. crasonill relatives, returning home to London 00 'Tuesday last.—Mr. W. B. M Lean won in London last week,—Mr. Ada Whiteford :nestetn.de leaving here for Vird n fun the 22nd inst, Mr. Whitef miner - pus friends will wish him a eat journey -and p: pleasant visit with his f lends in the n77 Ferguson, of tratford, bac p Englated an—dGMerrm. Da just returned from a business t offixtrii,rn rudden -witU, said Sol* ket ; now I ' .basket, ow we're ; but we e right tr:',4 We have 141 thorough not atte, ing a little attel ones to a st neral fitnessl of the facts. which you others tlai: u. are talkini And riow hi4s in our hj ....What kali 5 we can giv which will leav value, we will For a fine roan has to -ha $25. As the for Raincoats an available s ers Baincoa, and gnarante $7.50 ; we hav there are few v As to Um not last that that soraebod pens to be a st brella sold at handle which Other prices a Cashmere are 120 novelt isfied that afte quite ready to You calm the quality t -with us has t every nook a every lother D 01 Clot On the Wren -STRO Win nipe *earth, Mg) Iteginas M Prinse Aib Red Deer, e,e'Roput!:mileEhe:ert812Rt°111 g2 Dry:Chile' pu°bnIticarihai;v Sekle—diAothilroltuE "Ail :MTN: Intiess—t Ilin le