HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-08-18, Page 7:ched dur-
V.917 shoe
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` Or
tie knife,
.eMns the
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a atammon maw
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., sone ae
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iVer C°10-PanY of
'tal of $5,000,0atas
new company sea
a Robert Forbore
,Miller, James F.
Boyd and Jahn
into, the first
1 'directors. The
is to be in Tees
.rd, of Nyterli,
, Monday, at his.
was 97 years df
loWn Men in that
toed came to CAA-
* acme of lead,.
erne of his death..
ras a .Liberaa and
ristie pioneers, of
nahhers and theca-
1 recent y at
the -
the cot dition, ef
' of the lEuropetaa
he crop , in Greet
ity, but poor'
the same, anal
at all, havin
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:here is a v
hinge ought to
I the fruit lin
Canadian winte
klid the crop o
atomoblle exhibil.
r being for heavy
wagons, heavily.
s dtffieult takij.
adients and
h cobbles. Th
tpecially succesie
Tey & Thoertey-
course. Thestr
rise by stoppi
gradieat. Th
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-sta.rt,ed without
the eiritibitionst
)ther eatitinentar
ad in the matter
T of Wentworth
Teat that many
ow disease, and
the afflicted ani -
ease aifects the4
in a short tune.
largely affected,
Dr. Craig,tlae,
eon, wae spoken
aid the dieteasei
pthahnia, and is
! prevalent this
is time -before.
the dry a.tmos-
glom. The die-
tvey the disease
Ire more cases in
other townships --
!ay when your
t'eatar of daily
gloom? Then
al birdy spot-- !
tnd in your Own,
if in ettme un-
velopments. A
analyze ; and
Keep quiet,
n full sight of
distence, follaw
-a fair view ue
, quiet in your
sw as possible.
ed song of yotir
tis him theialook
ok after you ge
do not make e
your opera -glass
ttly and with aa -
in squirrels, will
tapecially i Yon
own language.
the tree above
tattle you, end
[aatiy Iike the -
d _hunters hese
serchance your
by the 8Ong of
;eatery- beautY
r longing- oyes.
tune,. and then
Ience into the
makes hie iseet
ainute, and if
E you will ,nea
ae drive yo*
s hirds.-Fret°
r Stade. '
le printed ,
sti Whiob ar-
peditiougy as a
much care *IP
by a, /ening
a hide."
s is .cleer aa
a singing
!tely XI by tbe
If as a ftialfr
r a i nho sa."-aeikci
AuGUST 189 1899
°MARCH and
pfeatber permitting) will leave 'WINDSOR on
iseeDAYS sue THURSDAYS at 6 p. in.' and
eaper sailing lists for SOO, PORT ARTHUR,
PORT WILIJAM and DULUTH, making direct
cenoeetions thele points for MANITOI3A nd the
f. *gee Coast Points and KLONDIKE.
LOWEISt Rates. Choice of Routes.
Best Accommodations.
eland alter let of June, good to return until slat
FM' rates and information apply to G. T. R. town
4;481600s Agent at Seaforth.
sop BEATTY, General Manager, Sarnia, Ont.,
The Clydesdale Stallion,
Flash Knot
know (standing at his own stable, Kill Road, Tuck.
olealsh, near -Brucelleld, and a limited number of
ogee will he admitted for service.
Oellog to an evident tide splendid horse has not
bend for eervice hitherto this season, but is now
itlfrICODSIY recovered.
/LASH KNOT was imported from Scotland leek
eillby Mr. Charlee E Meson. HEI Is a- dark brown
Noe, Weigh 2,200 pounds in,good condition ;
Wire is Top Knot ; hie grand sied!-Top Gallant, and
larva grend sire is Darnley. ,at• dam was sired
brittadtwood, the full brother of MacGregor. His
an was aired by Ganoet Cross ; his third dein
vaulted by Eroprow. It will thus be seen that this
ode hia a combination of the best blood in Scot -
C. E. MASON, Proprietor.
N. R -Persons from a distance sending mares e an
hate good pasture cheap. 1644-4
The Grandly Bred
Will stand for the improvement of
stock, during the season of 1899,
IL Wilson's Stables,
Huron County Breeders' Association.
Steam Boiler Works.
floceeeeor to Chrystal atBlack,,
atanufactuatere ef all kinds of Stationary
Marine, Upright & Tubular
Salt Pene,mo ke Steaks, Sheet Ils&E Werk,
eto., etre
Ano dealers a Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve
aginee. Automatic ent•Off Engines a apecialty. All
see of pipe and pipe -fitting oonetantly on hand
Wreaks furnished on &or tooth:se.
Works -Opposite G. T. R. Station. Goderich
For our s year vie have bad the agensy for the sale of
=EDAM Our first order was for a quarter of a dozen,
int for gag fluadred aad Forty-four Dollars worth.
sistotED. mpg
Made a well
Man Of
7110Dc0r5rim A:180YR!
Resulisin.110 days.' Corea
all Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory
Farads, Fleoplessriess, Nightly Emis-
,ilons,eto., caused by peat abuses, gives
viserandsize to shrunken organand quickly but
mei/ Naomi Lost Mi
anhood n ols, d or Young.
Eadirearried in vest pocket Price sts.00 a package.
Slifer $5.00 with a written guarantee toipare or
wtOockii refunded. DON'T BUT AN IMITATION, but
hunt on having INDAPO. If your druggist has not
Rot it. we will send it prepaid.
lillIDOO IglIgelf CO., Proprs, Chicago, 111. or OWAgents.
This vele lacrease proves it is a remedy that everyone
Mho tries if speaks well of. Yours respectfully,
I. V. FEA , Seaforth, Ont.
H. R.Jackson
& SON.
A Port Howl Lady Undorgoiss
trying exporlenool, from whloh
shells at last frsod by the
Ulle of Milburn'. Heart
an. Morro PM&
Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac,
France; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol-
land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland;
Booth's Tom Gin, London, England;
Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas-
gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish
Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port
and Sherry Wine from Franee and
- Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky.
Ontario' Royal Distillery and Davie'
Ale and Porter, Toronto
We have opened a reail store in
connection with our w olesale busi-
business in the rear of he new Do-
minion Bank, in Goodrs old stand,
where we will sell the best goods in
the market at bottom prices. Goods
delivered to any part of the town
'TELEPHONE II. 15lietf
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
Mr. F. j. A MSTRONG, one of Port Hopei.
best known c tizens, speaks as follows :-
"My Wife has had a terrible time with her
heart for the ast fifteep months.
"The pains were intense, and she had*
Smothering f elingtogether with shortnesti
of breath, w akness and general debility,
Medicine seen ed to do her no good, and
we had about given ue trying when she
started to ta e Milbure s Heart and Nerve
Pills. They have toned her up wonder-
"She Is stronger to -day' than she has
been for mon :hs, thanks to Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills. I awn sure there can be
no better remedy from their remarkable
effects in Mrs. Armstrong's case."
. ,
„.J. B. McLean, President, Kippen P. 0. ; Thonias
tr neer, viee-president, Bruceileld F. 0.; W. J. Shan -
bey -Treat Seaforth P. �; Thomas E.
liqs, Inspector of Losses, Seaforih P. 0. '
..W.G. Broadfoot, &Worth ; John G. Grieve'Win
George Dale, Seaforth-; Thomas E. Kaye
'Beaterth ; James Evans, Beachwood John Watt
dock ; Thomas Fraser, Bruoefield ; John B. No.
L4ant Zippen ; James Connolly, Clinton.
Rebt. Smith, Harlook ; Robt. McMillan, eleaforth ;
ea Cumming Egmondy e; S. W. Yeo, Holmes -
me -P. John Goyim:dot& and John C. Morrison,
Partke desirous to effect Inrarances or trans -
other buboes will be promptly attended to es
°atoll to any of the above °Moen, addressed ts
leensctive pose °Moog,
lacKillop Directory for 1899,
ON MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. O.
JOTS O'LAUGHLIN, Coinoillor, Beechwood P. 0
JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Couleillor, Winthrop P.O
ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Leadbury P. O.
JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. O.
JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop'0.
DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0.
WILLIAM EVENS, As-easer, Beeohwood 0-
CHARLE8 DODDS, Collet:4er, Seaforth P. 0.
RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary InsPecter. Le"'
bury 1,, 0.
Lana -Liver Pills Ours Constipation,
Sink Headman, and flyspapain.
tht flan Cxpooitar.
I.The following items were intendhd
for last wee, but. - were received too
hopes to prove
statenient. to loy
quite &horse f
well arranged et
The new horses
land Society's 8
where they w
Waco " was br
Scotland. He i
thies on his fac
\f et white, wei
ire is " Lord
f -Glasgow for hr
red by Mr. R oh
cotland. He i
nd has white f
his sire. • Mi.
"Lake Ontario
konia." Good
,away seven wee
NOTES. --/V ism Mind Ferguson is Visiting
in Hullett.- hes Lily Campbell, of Varna,
is visiting in town. -Mies Julia Rands, of
Toronto, is v siting at Mr. W.H. Sholdice's.
-Mies Han ah Oughton, of Seaforth, is
frie de in Walton. -Williamson &
McAlester h ve commenced the threshing
seasou.-Ale McKay and Henry Mooney,
of Brusse a, a sent Sunday in town. -Miss
Carrie Be ry entertained some girl friends
from Lea bu on Sunday. -Misses Ethel
and M ag ie ilson, of Seaforth, are visiting
relatives in Walton and vioinity.-The
Ladies' 0 il meeting of St. George's church
was held n Wedneaday, at the residence of
Mr. Wm., Sh uldice, sr. --Mies Carrie Moore
was in town ja8t week, securing pupils for a
violin class, ivhioh she will °pea about Sep-
tember lst. Mrs. Prowd and Clarenoe, of
Dabber°, Grely county, and Miss Hall, of the
same locality are visiting at the Methodist
parsonage.-fRev. Jasper Wilson, M. A.,
cbairman of oderich Idistrict, paid an offi-
cial visit to the Methodist brethren of the
Walton air° it last Manday.-Mr. IL E.
Burkholder ill reptesent_ the Methodist
church at tho district Meeting to be held at
Seaforth, on August 24th. The pastor will.
also attend.
. Belgrave.
METIIODIS ORM. -The quarterly ser-
vice of Belgrave circuit was held here on
Sunday mor ing. An unusually large num-
ber joined i the solemn and helpful aervice.
The busines meeting on Monday was of
special inter st, as the board moved to push
the salary t the $700point, instead of the
former $600. Thie, together with the pro-
spective tho ough renovation, one might al-
mostaay re- uilding Of the church, indicates
that lMet.hodism is aline.
W DDING BELTS. -g!!,. very pretty "out of
door ' Wedding took place at tbe home of
Mrs. Barkley, Belgrave, on Wednesday of
last week, jet noon, when her youn est
daughter, Miss Lucy, was married to Mr.
George Shearer, of London. The, mystical
knot was tied by Rev. F. J. Oaten, Ph. B.,
in the presence of immediate relatives. Mr.
George Barkley, of , ,Penn, gave the bride
away. Two little nieces of the bride, Lucy
McConnell, of Clair View, Michigan, and
Irene Barkley, of Penn, made graceful
maids of honor. The bride looked charth-
ing in a travelling dress of blue cloth, with
white satin and ribbop trimming, carrying a
bouquet of white carnationts. After con-
gratulations, the company sat down to a
dainty spreed dinner under the apple
trees. The bride wan the recipient of many
pretty and valuable presents. Mr. and
Mrs, Shearer left on the afternoon train for
their future home in London, followed by
showers of rice and the well wishes of many
he correctness of this
of good horseflesh. He
ncier, itnd has fitted up a
b e for their convenience.
e purchased at the High.
, Edinburgh, &eased,
on exhibition. "Fran
Mr. John McDonald,
lmeur, Dunbartonshire,
bay in color, with white
ne fore foot andtwo hind
ng 2,000 pounds. His
etoun champion horse
Locens.-Mesare.'11. Williams & Son, the
well-known liverymen, of this village, are
increasing the size of their livery stable.
The new portion will be brick veneered and
built to the rear of their present barn. It
is 264 36 and will make their building
36 x 1'02 feet. The first new wheat of the
eeasori was delivered at Mr. Wm. Rosa'
flour Mill last week, by Mr. James Moore
and Mr. Wm. Stephenson, kith Morris far-
mers. Tbe sample was good t Wheat will
pan out better, than many phedieted.-The
Brussels factory sold the first half of the
July make of cheese to Messrs. T. %Ilan-
tyne & Son, for 9ac per pound. The out-
look for improvement in fall prices is good,
which will be good news to the many pat-
rona in this section. -The East Huron fall
fair will be held in Theme's on Thursday
and Friday, October 5th and 6th. Arrange.
ments are being made for an attractive
programme, and, with favorable weather,
the show prontisea to be the moat aucceesful
in the history of the society.:
MORE GooD Holten& —Mr. Thomas M c -
La ugh 1 i n, the well-known horseman, has re-
turned from the Old Land with two excel-
lent heavy draught entire horses'a three-
year-old and a two-year-old, that are at-
tracting a good deal of attention. Mr. Me.
Laughlin bits imported a number of well
bred animals, but none that excelled "Fran-
cisco" and "Bursar." the fresh arrivals,
and, if nothing happens them, the owner
Throws all the Blame on the
Stomach—The 'Real Seat of
Trouble is the Intestines—
The Permanent Cure is Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
It is an old idea long since exploded that
digestion is confined to the stomach, No
modern scientist denies that by far the grcater‘
partof digestion and the more difficult part
takes place in the intestines. This explains
why dyspepsia is never really cured by pre-
parations which merely aid stomach digestion
and act only on the stomach.
This fact also explains why Dr, Chase's Kid-
ney -Liver Pills have been so remarkably tic-
cessful as a cure for the worst forms of clyspp-
siaand indigestion, ,
De. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills net directly
on the kidneys, liver alai bowels, and give nevi
tone and Vigor to the ha. ,..-,114,77, and make
them able- to perform thL.i,- voi::,-. of digesting
the substances on Which the tz-IomaCh has no
Stomach treatments:nay do well enough for
slight indigestion, bui if )- ou .112.v2. chronic in-
digestion or dyspep,,i 1, of a serious nature )(at
can profit by the exi*rience of scores ef thcat-
sands who have be it perwanently cured by
using Dr. Chase's idney-Liver ills. One
pal a- dose, 25C. a box, at all dealers, or
Edmanson, Bates & 0., Toronto.
e years. "Bur
rd Storer, of
dark bay, strip
"Mayfield C
aughlin went
d returned on t
ar" was
on face,
ief " is
on the
age both *aye. He was
DOINGS.-Mis zzie Cardiff.contemplates
taking a trip to M 'Abbe'and will prob-
ably go on the 2 n inst. With the exour-
sion.-Arch. Ro tson a former resident
of the 4th °once n, who event to Manitoba
last spring, is n proving in health. He
is visiting his b or. -Mr. Hugh •Stewart,
who has not bee eying very robust health.
for some little t'm , will probably teke
d the Northwest; this
friends hope he will soon
bustness. It is a heart
aturday Harold, eldest
nee, neer Ethel, was
of his head by a horse,
d it in the stable. Foc-
i had no shoes on, so,
a severe one, it would
tal restlts had the horse
ilbee w e in the stable
d -time learn raising took
f last Week, on the farm
the 14th con -
crowd present,
nship must have
Nettble and ,W.
as captains, and the re-
citing., race both sides
trip to Manitob
month. His Hi
regain his form
weakness. -Las
son of Mr. Jest
kioked on the ei
while passing b
tunately the a
while the blow
reeeibly have h
n shot Mr
at the time. -A o
place on Thure ay
of Mr. Albert Whi
ceesion. Judgi
the greater par
write to help.
Buttery were p
suit was a ver
r r
tifield o
rom th
tbe to
ors. G.
finiebiog about same ti
barn and a credit t the f
McLean, atlas 16 h cone
was received la t
Donald, brothe of
the 3rd conceal. on
100 acres of wh
of the hail ston s
Mr. McDonald liv
-toba, and has b en
is the first hail to
at this quieten o th
Donald was a r sid
the 3r4 emcees on,
will regret to h ar
P r
- Mr, and
Montana, are v
.-The Strati
tend holding a
2nd of 8eptern
-Mee Minn
been visiting f
last year, has
-Mr. WM.
able colt durin
ing, not long a
-Me. Fran
ecured a posi
- Rev. Mr.
Mitchell, has
rector of that
-Mr. Georg
misfortune to f
and was se bru
some tiine.
--Mr. J. E.
has just arrive
He was well s
no aesire to lis
-Mr. Foste
Vina of Chica
cheli are at prse
town and vic zity
-Mr. Walt, r
Guelph, and son
of Stratford, was
Kilgour of that ci
-Mrs. Mcaatan
Lean, the we' a kn
son Bey Company
Her husband is
River district, ma
ts, It is a fine
amer, Mr. Arch.
saion.-A letter
eek from Mr. Hugh Me -
Mr. Alex. McDonald, of
stating that he had lost
by a hell storm. Same
ere as big as a man's fist.
s near Carberry, Mani -
there for tep year. This
M they have experienced
e yeer. When Mr. Mo-
nt of Grey; he lived on
and his °la ft lends here
of his loss.
Ile. Rhea, once refused
osal from a governor' 0C•
The late
' marriage pro
South 0aro1in.
bt Notes. i!
Snelling aid family, of
ng fiienda in Lebanon.
Horticultueal Society in-
er show On the 1st and
'onnell, of Poole, who has
ds in Manitoba for the
riled home.'
rey, of Staffa, lost a vela -
thunder storm one even-
ames of Mitchell, has
as teacher in a school at
itoulin islands.
rrin of Trinity church,
red on hishdxth year as
urt, of Gadehill, had the
ff a scaffold not long ago,
he will be laid up for
chell, a Sta Marys boy,
me from the Klondyke.
ed with histrip but has
that territory.
utchison and his sister
ormer residents of Mit-
t visiting friends in that
uckingham, barrister of
f Mr. Wm P Buckingham,
ecently married to a Miss
wife of Mr. W. J. Mo-
wn ex -factor of the Had -
is dead at Winnipeg.
at present in the Peace
aging a mining cotnpauy.
Origin of
To the iesper.
Tinkham, of 3os
distribution cf lio
eick and the aged
origin. Thirty y
mission was forme
its head, and she 1
fled with the wor
In the spripg of
a few days in the
floweret that burst
the magical breat
ing to Boston she
ful es ea the chit&
road station view
with her, and leci
those she offered t
her to urge the c
operate in colleeti
ers. A tneeting
soon started. B
birthplace of the
charity which has
of this country, a
August Ladies' H
lower Missions.
tion of Mks Helen W.
on, the missions for the
ers among the poor, the
in our cities owe their
ars ago the first flower
•, with Miss Tinkham at
as ever since been identi-
1869 Miss Tinkham spent
ountry, rejoicing in the
into fragrant bloom under
of April. Upon return-
bserved with what wist-
n pla3 in g about the rail -
'a the flowers she beought
eagerly they accepted
ern.. This incident led
urch-geing people to co-
g and distributing flow -
was held, and the work
ston is, therefore, the
ower missions, a fOrm of
extended to every section
d crossed the Atlatitie.-
me Journal.
Sol Smith Ru
Charles Klein's
Charles Froh
to the Actors'
Julia Arthur
"Romeo and Jul
Gertrude Cog
pear in vaudev
Royal Box."
Bassett Roe
George Alexand
at the St. James
Henrik Ibsen'
Solhaug," has b
the author assist ng in the adaptation.
f the Duchess of Suth-
e her debut as Miss
n Barrett's company in
enue theater in New
September with Mrs.
Sharp." Her ngage-
g the recent an °mice-
ement, it is now stated
enact Meg Merrilies in
ation of "Guy Menner-
sell expects to preduce
new play in December
an recently gave $500
rphanage fund of I Eng -
as arranged to present
et" in New York in No -
Ian has arranged to ap-
e in scenes from ,"The
has been engaged' by
✓ for "In Days of Old"
theater, London.
play, "The Feast of
en made into an opera,
The daughter
erland has ma
Blair with Wils
The Fifth A
York opens in
Fiske in "Beck
ment is for 20 eis
ment of her reti
Janauschek will
a fresh dramatiz
Kyrie Bellew
Zangwill to com
the hero of "Th
to," in which, it
is to be the hero
New York ru
Wallace Hopper
this country i
England much t
to have rinewe
Scores of old f
I Yvette Guilbe
keeently in Loud
tiro from the st
idea of attampti
will make
by Thomas Boo
het repertory..,
as Wan sought after by
to America and create
Oldldren of the Ghet-
to said, Blanche Bates
or has it that Edna
is net apt to return to
ediately, having found
hey Wag. She is said
eso acquaintance of
ends, including "Tod"
who has been singing
n, says that she will re-
• in two years, has no
g to become an actress
he log of the Shirk"
& the next new song lh
' Miss Annie Wheeler, daughter of Gen-
eral !Wheeler, has aSked the war depart-
ment tO send her as an army nurse to the
Philippines. i .
?tame Caniille Flammarion, wife of the
e 1
astronomer, s heading a popelar move-
ment among Wrenchwomeo fin' general
Mme. Calae says there is n truth in
the recent st0y that she has o dered her
tomb, as she hopes to have no use fOr it
for many years.
Mary Anderson, when jourineying by
train, , whiles away the time laying at
chess. If she has no travelin compan-
ion, she will play by herself.
Elise Polko, the well knowr writer on
musical subjects, died recently in Munich
at the age of 77 years. Befor her mar-
riage she sangan opera.
Charlotte Benigna Kant, a grandniece
of the philosoph.er and the lafit member
ef his family, has just died in the alms-
house at Mitten, in Courland, aged 72
years. I
The will of , he late Mrs. Thankful A.
Price of COI land, N. Y. bequeaths
$5,0(X) and a ivaluable farm in Cortland
county to .Syie cuse univereity for schol-
arships. ,
The Duche4 of Portland, onlike most
wearers of tj strawberry leaves, goes
into society ve 7 little. She irt a religious
woman and la devoted to he two small
children. '
Baroness von Suttner, author of "Lay
Down Your Arms," holds a salon in the
Central hotel at The Hague every night,
'entertaining iends of peace of all na-
tionalities. i
The Duchess of Bedford was the por-
tionless daughter of a poor Indian mis-
sionary by the name of Tribe. She met
and usarried the heir presumptlye to the
dukedom, Herbert Arthul Russell, in
Calcutta. I
A northern syndicate reeently offered
Mrs. Jeffers° Davis $90,000 for her
home at Beau oir, Miss., but she would
not have the ace turned to commercial
account. No* the state Daughters of
the Confederte y are to buy the house
for $25,000.
Plenty of t
• fruit. .
Plant evergr e
Govern thePe th
size of :the se_ d.
Trees on the lawn
too near the lio9se,
la Makefirm, svieet
s wheni the new growth
Of covering by the
aught not to be set
nor in too straight
Rotten saw ust and chips from Use
woodpile are good fertilizer to use as 'a
top dressing 1 the garden.
With: straw eerie's care should be tak-
en to pick ele n and grade .according to
the dereands df the market.
The only jut and proper way of treat-
ing an overb rdened tree is to thin the
fruit in good eeasou. This will be much
better than plopping up. .
It exhausts and quite as much to grow
weeds as it does to grow vegetables, and
for this reasea care should be ;taken to
keep the ground in the garden occupied.
When the berries are to be ehipped to
market, the picking should nqt begin in
the- morning until the dew ba si dried off,
nor should it be continued tlirough the
heat of the dee,.
With gooseberries and elJrants the
first two year only enough pruning will
be required to form a broad, open head.
After that, pinching back the new growth
of wood -is needed for fruit development.
And so the ritish amateur golf cham-
pionship has rossed the Tweed to Eng-
land again. 1 t is a sad day for Scot-
land. -Boston ' lIerald. '
Marchand is being glorified in Paris be -
cane he maached into Central Africa,
made faces a, John Bull and marched
out again. -Syracuse Herald.'
Oom Paul ernes notice on Mr. Kip-
ling's country - en that when it comes to
white men's biirdens in the=Transvaal he
is able to do his own carrying. -San
Francisco Chronicle.
The Germaa emperor is getting pos-
session of a iot of islands whose lan-
guage is so peculia.r that he cannot tell
whether leze tnajesty is being commit-
ted or not. -Washington Star.
The effort to establish a Sttnday news-
paper in Leanlou has been abandoned.
Afterreading the ordinary London Pa-
per six days in the week tie public is
surely entitled to :e rest. -Ex hange.
Russia is 'determined to build that Pe-
king. railway, and there seems to be noth-
ing for the Oh nese government to do but
to take awes, Li Hung Chang's peacock
feather again. -Philadelphia Ledger.
Tesla, the e eetrician, declares he can
signal to Maas Any one can do the same
thing.-Kaaaa City Journal.
Tesla say that he can signal to Mars.
He can sign I at it, no doubt, but can he
get any retu ms,? -Indianapolis News.
Tesla says he can signal to Mars. Tesla
must be kept very busy inventing his re-
markable st tements.-Washington Post.
In spite o the claim that we may soon
be able to otrununicate with Mars by
means of he wireless telegraph, the
question ar se How are we going to
teach the iiihabitants the Morse' alpha-
bet ?-Clevel n Leader.
Nikola Teal says he discovered wire-
less telegraph years ago, but didn't
think it worth imentionipg. Nikola havs
ing mentioned everything likely to be in-
vented in the fueure will not be caught in
the same fix a itin.-Chicago News.
A',debtor must seek his creditor to pay
him unless th creditor' be out of the
The intentio in attaching and not the
mere physical attachment is the test of
a fi xtu re.
A deed of truet on a stock of goods to
be I hereafter bhught creates no lien as to
hird parties. •
- A partner hae no individual assignable
interest in the arm assets until the firm
doles are paid.
Where no tithe is stipulated for the du-
ration of a piartnership either pat -trier
may terminate it nt his electioe without
being liable to the other for breneh of
eon! met. — itecent Decisions Highest
The Citerovvried
Btill-Who was that gentletnau you
nodded to in tlie halleery?
Ht'rir—Jle? Oh, he's Dunbar, the tnil-
lion a ire.
Bull -And
shook hands with and gave a cigar in the
Bear -Oh, linis Musette! the 'iaaltat.-.
iget)19 41%
vlio was that min you
Aurora, in her rosy cloak,
Came gently o'er the hill.
The slumber of the lark she- broke;
The blackbird on the bough die woke,
Yet left the forest still.
She bathed her ankles in the mere
Below yon belt of flr;
Of prying eyes she knew no fear -
The stars had fled, the sky was clear,
The sun but ticarce astir.
When lo, were aff at once undrawn
The curtains of the day -
You stood upon 'this dewy lawn,
Your golden hair ontdid the dawn
And swept my g-rIef away 1
-Blanche Lindsay in Athenaeum.
Her Gentle Words Changed this
Course of a Railroad Line.
The_ engineer who lays out a railroad
dislikes to move a stake when it has once
been driven.
Once, when the present chief engineer
of a western railroad was locating a line
in Missouri, he was asked to charige the
stake e aud refused. After the stakes
had been set, a young, unshaved Man ap-
peared and asked that the road be "mov-
ed over a bit"
"The road cannot be changed," 4rompt-
ly returned .the engineer. "Thiet is the
best place for it,"
The man went into it house, got i a rifle,
came out and pulled up the stakes. The
indignant engineer started toward him,
but was intercepted by an elderly wom-
[ Can't you move your road over a lit-
tle piece, mister?" she asked.
"I don't see why I should," responded
the engineer. "My business is to locate
the line, and you can call on the company
for damages. .What does that young
blackguard mean by sitting there on a
stump with a gun?" he angrily demand-
"That's Nip. He ain't no blackguard.
That's Nip, mson."
"Well, I'll nip him if he gets i.inny."
"Oh, no, you won't. I ain't -afraid of
that," said the woman. " bat come
over Inc when I seen you stnrthig for Nip
was that p'eaps you had a m thee, and,
how bad she'd feel to have you come
'home that way."
"What way?"
"Well, if you persist in dri
'Then you don't object to the mil -
1 to!4!
dio?'rid o' mercy, no! We want the
road, but we don't want you to disturb
paw's grave."
"Come," said the engineer, "let's go
and See Nip."
. When they came up to the stomp, the
big engineer held out his hand. !Nip took
it, but kept his eyes on the stranger.
' "Fiero it is," said the woman, touching
la low stone lightly with her foot
! "1 see," said the engineer. "We can
i miss that easily enough."
1 He moved a mile of the road. From
that day forward until the road was fin-
ished and long afterward the widow's
home was the stopping place of the en-
gineer. -"Story of the Railroad.1'
ing them
s there you'll go home detd."
ook here. Do you think I'm to be
ed by that ruffian?"
ip ain't no ruffian," said the woman.
see, we've always lived here -Nip
born here -an when the guerrillati
an 'called out paw an shot him we
d him jist whar he fell, an we've all
kept as a reservation, an Nip he'll
mined you shan't disturb it; that's.
Shocked the Stage Manager.
Mr. David Belasco, the playwright and
stage manager, does not, in his outer
semblance, fulfill one's idee of the per-
sonality of the average stage manager.
In his clerical black cloth, his clerical
bleck apron, his clerical white g,tock, his
pale, clean shaven face, his drain:in eyes
and his aspect of gentle piety; be might
be, and frequently is, mistaken for a!
member of the Jesuit brotherhood. As!
he lep.ns against the well of the lobby of
the theater, abstractedly gazing at the
crowd filing through the turnetiles, he
leeks as if he had wandered in there by
The story is told of an usher in the
theater of a small westeien town who,
tiles seeing Mr. Delasco for the first time,
stepped up to him in the lobby, and,
pointing to a church and a crowd on the
opposite side of the street, whispered,
"Excuse me, sir, but that isi St. Aloysius',
across the way."
It took Mr. Belasco two days to recov-
er, -Leslie's Weekly.
Some Negro Stories.,
Sir William Robinson, in bis paper on
"Trinidad," retailed some ef the negro
stories he collected while governor of the
island. A church of England dignitary
had as servant a negress Who was very
fond of hymn singing_and petty pilfering.
She took loose money off hie, dressing ta-
ble to the tune of "Hold the Fort" and
under cover of "Onward, Christian Sol-
dier," sequestrated the eatables.
The late Bishop Rawle asked a negro
sitting in idleness by the roadeide how he
managed to pass the time. "I sit in de
- sun, niassa, and let de time pass me,"
was the quaint and philosophical reply.
These Trinidad uegroes, it appears, are
long and heavy sleepers. There was a
severe earthquake at 4 o'clock one morn-
ing, and Sir William, driving into town,
said to his groom, "Edward, did you feel
the earthquake at 4 o'clock this morn-
ing?" "No, massa," he replied; "I oney
went to bed at half past 8 last night" -
London Chronicle.
Sunday Clothes.
What has become of the sanctity that
uSed to be attached to one's best clothes?
They were .folded away Monday morning
and didn't appear for a whole week. The
association with Sunday and sermons in
time gave them a sort of sacred and re-
ligious air that is no longer associated
with best clothes, since they are put on
for every dinkey little party during the
Clear Air.
The air is clear at Arequipa, Peru.
From the observatory at that place, 8,050
feet above the sea, a black spot one inch
In diameter, placed ou a white disk, has
been seen on Mount Caarchani, a dis-
tance of 11 miles, through a 13 -inch tele-
An orator stated that "the worst ene-
niy any cause can have 's a double lie in
the shape of half a truthV' and the news-
paper reported it, "a d uble eye in the
shape of half a tooth." --
A woman can hold her head quite high,
even though she hasn't a penny in her
pocketbook, but a man without money
is absolutely without co age.-Philaaele
phis. Times.
MAU and stem —
Our readers who have !studied old ac-
counts relattng to masOne' work are
aware that there wets*
has only died out in 4 tit
blending beer witIr the lime Mid
used for mortal when tha mark that
to be done was required to Slim
stahillt7, ea it was assavged that the Wor
raudwa th. mortar much stronger. 27sa
people of ;shafneid in 1016 fitted on true
opinion, for a bushel of malt was bought
for "blending an his lyme when John
Pities repaired , the Lady bridge: We
presume that beep was made with it be-
fore tlie blelelingiprocess took place, and
there cannot be al doubt that John Pittes
and his workniej tasted thereof, just to
assure them els. s that it was of the
Proper stre gth . and euality.-Athee-
aeum. I
• The L *gest Flosyer.
The largest ft wer be the world is the
Earnest& arn Idi of Sumatra. Its size is
fully three feet in diameter -about the
size -of a car lag wheel. The five petals
of this': immense flower are oval and
creamy white, growing round a center
filled with 4ountless long, violet hued
stamens. The flower weighs about 15
pounds and is capable of containing near-
ly two gallons of water. The buds are
like igantic brown cabbage heads...-.
°mall • World -Herald.
If President Loubet h ppens to have a
little prime Scotch in his buffet, Hon.
Bee Efarrisoe will be.pleased to join him.
-Washington Post.
Alabama w nts to run old Joe Wheeler
for goveretor. Spain found the grizzled
e4.valryman t4o stubborn to run for any-
uis Republic,
If Queeft V ctoria Were no better than
the poetry Alfred _A.ustini writes about
her, she woul not be bekived by an en -
dee wor1d4- ashinert n Democrat. -
Rudyard H piing steend the sum-
mer in Engle.t in pe suit at health, but
will resume Itis pure it Of royalties in
this country i the fal -Milwaukee Sen-
Richard M
$100,000 life
ly thieh his a,
him feel that
(Va.) Times.
'Hon. FL Di
any gambling
h wever, that
duce ipy na
h na-Ch cage
Meseks. Ile
tlout to start
ur of the *
peepared for
they nia en
u e.
Governor 1 radl
drinks •eibthilike st
No wo der the g
South Carolina ar
"Lest Iwe fdrget,
Louis Ntar.
• While maty pe
Anglo-American a
member with grati
taken Virilliern
Bradley -Mar ins
nsfield hail taken out a
nsuranee policy. We hard -
ting is b d enough to make
way a. ouC it -Richmond
k says he never heard of
in Chicago. It isn't likely,
Mr. Dink'e innocence will
ghty pe son to try to steal
Times- erald.
wet, au4l Snow, who are
from thIs city on a bicycle
rld, ought certainly to be
lmo t ay kind of weather
oun r. -Minneapolis Trib-
y honfesses that he
ong r than lemonade.
veritors of North and
RR Ing to each other,
les we forget." -St.
ploj may oppose the
hence we should !N-
ude that England has
ldorf Astor and the
ithout asking au in-
•- ' '
Joseph Hatton, the autieor and journal -
1st, takes a 10 mile walk teeery day.
Charles Dana Gibson, tire artist, earns
at least a25,000 a year by bis pen and
ink d ra
Third class medals .havh been awarded
to .Messrs. Frederick Durhond and Lionel
Walden, American artists, for oil paint-
ings at the Paris salon.
A newly found letter of Robert Louis
Stevenson says: "I hall always been
boand to write a novel tied had begun as
many as 20 before "Prease re Island' saw
the light, but few Were tiniabed and none
Jmiller •Ilarris or Uncle Remus
fame, does all his work at his home, out-
side of ..etlanta. ile weike into The Con-
stitution offiee dnfly, carrYing his "copy"
with him. resides! his nesvspoper work
he is et present engeeed m two books.
L. Clark Davie 'lo ie on the editorial
staff of the PhiladelpIth Ledger, is re-
porteJ to he e ettid the other day: "1
usvd to be known as, the husband of Re-
es the fathe • of Richt:id Harding Da -
bocci: Hartle g Davis. Now I am known
EPI S 0000A
DistinguiShed everywhere for De -
limey of Flavour, Superior Qual-
ity, aid Nutritive Properties.
Specially grateful and comforting
to the nervous and dyepeptic.
8o14 only in varter-pound tins,
labe led JAMES EPPS & CO.,
Limteci, Homoeopathic Chemists,
Lon on England.
+4 -
Hardware Store.
We do not sell all the Twi e that is used,
but we sell the BEST, and at a price which
will po.y the' consumer to buy from us.
We Kaye a good stock of Oils for mowers,
binders and threshers.
Orders soLeited for Thresh _es Belts.
Bottom prices for everyt ing in Hard-
ware, Stoves and Tinware.
Agents for Thorold Cemen .
Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth,
ehartiles cream
Has no superior in any e alai feature,
and in simplicity of conetrUction, ease of
management and durability, it has no equaL
If you have five or more cowl, it will pay
you well to try a Separator. You will have
more and better batter, goad calves and
less labor. A catalogue maybe had for the
asking. Every machine we Put in is fully
guaranteed to give satisfaction to the buyer.
W. L. otimErrE,
tzrog go a:2 0
E1M 4., g
CD; SO pc -1 tcv.
g P
cD! F4s eo t6t1
so ea aa3 0 eaTi` inn
4 10 g'115 cp
5 a) a al
P 0 Pal 0
le 1,g p...1 11110
'IL n
SO 1•4D
• Ui
03 0 04 Cirp
1_, 1.0 i4.1a
V 5
0 ms Can't Stay
When O.. L s Pleasant Worm Syrup is used
This rem1y isd th to the worms, does rot horn)
the child nd ie nice to take. Contains its own
oatharie. Price c.
A MEDICINE 1 HEST-fs the name approp.iately
applied to Hagya d'a Yell* Oil. It can be used ex-
ternally or tak n interaally. Cures cuts, burns,
bruises, centric • cord', Stiff joint!, painful swell-
ings, quinsy, for throat, pain in th 3 stomach, kid-
ney complaint,' e Ie. Price 26e.
Gained- 50 Pounds.
"1 haV8 used iBurdook Bleed Bitters for Dyspepsia
and stoic headache. Before I started taking it I was
thin and run down in heilth. Two bottles have com-
pletely cured me. and since then I have gained about
tiftypounds in weight. Mrs. Ellen Vauhhan, Moul-
ton Station, Ont.
Coughs that stick to you that other remedies seem
IpowerIes to relieve are promptly cured by Dr.
Worere orWay Pine Syrup. Try it, and you'll be
•convtnce4 by being cured.
1 - Toledo, Ont.
Mr. Lelivis Johnston of this place, was taken down
with Rbetmatism had two doctors in attendance,
was gett.. g n hater. Three days after he started
taking lilibur 'Et Rheuitntic Pills he was out of bed,
and in onis we k' ea well and able to go about.
1 .
MI08 BESSIE NASON, cLovga HILL, N. a.,
says : "II ghidly reeorninend Laza-Liver Pili, as
they crured me oompletely of Constipation before I
had finished the,third boi"
Speci1 Aitte.n
to Ho hoe
General Job
Gederieh a
• MAKER itr.et!'
- Seaforth
The &vat English Remedy.
Sold end recommended by el
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine dl.00vered. dix
guaranteed to cure el
Weaknests,_all effects of abase
worrY. EXeessive use of To -
um Stimulant.. Mailed on receipt
pri one lump 0, 115. One wig &Oft
will cure. pellets tree to any adroit.
The aid Censpasy. Windsort9nt.
ytrocroVil Yhosp e is Said in &Moe& by Lumil-
ifs ribbon; drggf Oa.
c -I-
In' Ce0 P-4.3
cc, 11'
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1-: M
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O es • k hi
SEA 011111
Another ear of the beet granulated sugar,
which will be sold at 20 lbs for $1. Five
lbs. of coffee for v.; 11 Ib.. grecn coffee for
$I; 6 lbs. nec for 25o; 7 lin cooking figs
for 25c; 4 Ib.. prunes for 4 packages
corn starch, 250; 6 lbs. Japin tea for $1 ;
6 lbs. green te.. for $1; 1 gailion pad mixed
pickle* for ; 5 lbs. boneleSe fish for 25o;
3 boxes matches for 25c; 3 bed cords for
25c; 3 packege. mincemeat for 25c; 3 door
mats for 25c; goad sound potatoes at tiOc a
bushel; 97 piece gilt dinner set, regular
price $9, now 87.50; 44 piece China tea set,
regular price $7, now 85.50; toilet sets -10,
11 and 12 piece sets -from sei a set 131)to
$8; fruit gems -pints, quarts hail gallorte-
a very large stock at right pr
A call is solicited before purchasing else-