HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-08-18, Page 44
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4 . . . JHE HURON EXrOSITOR I . ; I.- - :. UGTJST IX 1899
. I I � I � ! : � .i ; A
- ____ - ___ �____ --ii.i. 11111111111111111 I I � - � I- - 11111111111111111111111� -_
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i - 1. . - -
I has admirably main sined his stand as an bity, while his long ex eriet cc on the loca of blue cloth, with white ti s e face of t* I 1 . ii �
i I �
I . ._ ground when it I j:
I i ; I
- 1899 - membe -.of the House, few per-- bench, as police agistri te of; Goderich trimmings, carrying a boquet Of white ca�&-- suddenly rolled. back striking one of the 1 !! I -
AviefHo,tit Urr_ jr--,6 7k,v 7h,r, eFA r. - � 1;
none, if any, who hi ve followed his couise would be of great a vantagf to hir� in tfi nations. After congratulations the com. skids, struck Kennedy'with fail force in the I I i . N 0 1 UTT '
--"'- - 0 5 ;
. ft as ,/ 2 Cy 4 ,5- and read th I rea ions which he jave for new position, In f ct we A) not know of party oat down to a daintily, spread. dinn'er face, breaking both jaws, the lower jaw with � : 11 - It
_ f I R I
I J . I 1i � 11 I
evt:ry importantivot chat will -be uapoo�ed parion batter.quali e4 for �he position, an under the apple trees. The bride was the a double break. The doctor who is in at � I
. I I i ....
, � � - . I
� I I � 4 � .
6 r 8 9 .10 // ,12 to deny. Mr. McCarthy was found for the we are sure that Se4ger's numerou 'ttecipient of many etty and valuable pr�es- tODdance, cannot tell what the outcome will � � i �
" I . .
� .
. .
19 M �_ /5 ,, 66 M A5 ,19 most part on the sit Is of the'Governmen1l - f riond a, not alone in a ron J - but elsewhere entc Mr. and Ere. Shearer left on the be as Kennedy in in a very precarious con- � i i
. .20 21 22 �W ,& Z5 ,20 bat that is account4d for by the ! . I ; � -,
cire0n, 'would be pleased �Isee him occupying i afternoon train for their home in London, dition and will be disfigured for Mat, even if JU tTEL .
. ,
,.xw stance that upon sense raised he fouki4 � position for Which e� is so eminently wel amid showers of ried'� and carrying the good he should recover. . . I . I 000 L 16 I
__ . . � .
. 4W 28 29 190 cyl in h � li RANTER 0 0 .111NElm I � -
- � imself honestly able to endorse the polio qualified. I � wlshb� of man friends. . -_ I I I ,
I . . y A . . I il ..
... . - of the Administration, because it . . . I - . I . I . : � . � I i
i � � I . . - i� .
� NE'W ADV�RTISEMENTS. with his prin ' I I . Vacation in Assinibola, J i 11 i - - �
. � ciples nd platform which, at A treatly rernarks:: - I . i
- . . Huro* Notes. � f I �
the ve of t to session, he took os- . [Writt ! . � ..
. Some of the Tory or as that for years have an for The Upooltor.] . ; AT" THE � ..... - I -
1 � .. . � I
- ry 'u ' I . - i -V
89"'The figura betwe�., th.oparenthe" I —Mr. Gottlieb Brown, of -Cre'diton, has i �_
sts, or each casion to affit and xplain. i I
. I ! ,-
0 �h ��
one, derotes tho p2go of the paper on which the . denounced the Oat& io numbered ballot are been appointed collector of taxes for Stephen The Qa'Appelle Val.17, wh ob runs from , I I � I � A
I . r 4 - _:,_
advertisement will be found. . We do not know that better test' � West to :siat lu many places i Imost, llel i , , - - , '
- -
Farm for Salo- -R. B')ycc-5 - - M re the Ontario has a gang of Indian-,, from the Muncey- a Y, n -A I ; I � : �,.__
I elections, it would be I 0 - - __� - __1
; 'mony an - doing a lot of b .rd thinking these days, township for this year, at a saliry of $90. .. 9 ; 1 1 1 � . � -4,%
-Linen G.-ods-Groig & 4acdonsid-I , to the efficien "' and honesty of the Gover - Had the ballots in the Went Huron election -Mr. Wuerth, of the Crediton, flax mills, to, and dozen of more miles north of the : -
cy n . . i
0 at
Scho-1 600ks--A. iptar-1 ! sent coulti be given than this. If a man been numbs d, da'are those in '95i ib 8. j I
pr sento the finest scenery bc�, be fo n4. in -STORE
Canadian P .0,60 P
w ,6,1*& n -
Farm f,x Sale --i. WMIAOC-5 , ho is thus comme- ace the V89 of �aged palling and spreadin U I NEIR
*, I
nded by the Mail could easy to. tr town reser 9 9 � - __
� . - _� -
. I
Farm for Sale -J. H. Wright -5 .. I votes and consider whether� any wrong was flax. They'make good workers. � th Northwest. In driving vver the 1 un. � .�
Plume-' Hoare -5 I see so little in the policy avd actions of the � I du ting p I . I
. V. �� :
Singer sawing Alachinesi-M. MoGrath-5 done or whether the whole thing is a plot -The High Court ,�of Independent! Order airie, dotted with bluffs, one in ! � . .
' . - I I I �
- Court of Fovijim-1. 0. lgorriaou�5 Government to find fault with, the public to cast odium on thf Liberals. Every man's of Foresters hab decided to hold its annual 80 cely aware Of its existence until the � . � I ::: - �
: I � I : � - I .1 -_
Picture Frames -C. W� Pxpet-�s m assured that both are fairly well ballot could be placed, and if, officials did meeting at Godi irich next year. The � meet. ed of the valley is reached. Then an &l- . I I . . . -
TrunRa and VAIscs-R. Willia-5 i ing was t precipituous or winding path leads I � i I .... I -�, il
- i held at Niagara Falls this year. - . .
Notice to Oredlt)ra-P. Holt -5 . .above adverse Criticism, and that. they are wrong, the guilt could easily be fixed. The - I I I - . I
Auction Sale -E. L. Fa�rnbam-6 - - - � . -1 numbered ballot is a safeguard of fair el 0- (Jantelon Brothers,of Olinton,have, made d wn from the top of the bank, which risen i I 1#1 8 ter 6 . :,_
. oing about as well as; can be don e for �he Lions. I r first shipm nt of this season's 'Tlums from 200 to 300 feet above the flats, The 0 -
Relig-ous Mettino-J. Pennington -5 I . I . I thei We 0 , t have 20' tubs of Al Bul t �
Great "rgain-f3j-P. Dill -4 . ountry. . . , valley, ii about three miles wide, and the I : t 11 - I e-
- for the south. his shipment is in advance I . �
. I . � �
� - cl . 11�11 �, f former yea by about two we4ka, as river, which runsin a vt�ry tortuous course, . . -- -
I I Toronto's new city building is open- for C in edged with thick clanitpa of willows. The Ire Fri ay, the 18-t- I i. ( -
Not- t -he Point, ' b si plums are much arlier this se"on. ; . . A ! .. lay of Septe-m-ber, .and
Y who act - iness at Ion i last, The formal opening , banks on either side pr"ent . I I �
� It � '
FIV 8 9 -For several years past thei 11 old 'bo a 2y 1 i �
0 � . acoordir I i -
I C�6_ � h a not - -'on I . �
I 15ht ,.A Urn Txpooftor Senators to � law ar � fi
i , I I in scene of beauty and grandeur ; that I
I 11 iWeed by tho'Globb with the scoundrels : yet taken place, but the officials of Clifiton, haye spent a day lat B ela.' . I �
- . __ - 0 This year they went on An �usb " an few north being clothed with grass and a 71 pay �
I , , t. !e e � �
. wh' violate all law, by perpetrating frauds now occupy their offices in the new build. $_ . .X . -
t the polls i ... I . ha,d a most enjoyable time.1 � They took a shrubs, while the south bank is thickly- � : i � . . - I
. I . I
. I I .. �
EAFORTH, FRIDAY, August l$Gh, 1899 A gerrymander which was passed I by both Ing. It is magnifi ient strucb re and will ,� nd , with them, had games d1uring the day covered with poplar, maple, aah, elm, and I I I -
. ' ua I � I . i -
- I . be an orna ent to the city. On Monday ; � ,l-
- — and a dancer in the evening; I � 4 F flowering shrubs and plants. - � 3 . � I
louses of Parliame6t and signed by the morning la the city treasurer opened his -Mr. Thomas March, 4 the London m vong the valley is an -occasional vina 0
1 The Session Closed at Last. Oovernor-General, U Asnounced as a greater office !in 0 now building, and the first . . I . i I I
. � 14 CENTS 1OR IT IN T,
IT . Road, Stanley, threshed his fiall wheat last with a store, churches,, a postoffiee C I I ....
,famy than the systematized crimes which business h V WS Ina d I � I i UIBSO � .
The Dominion Parliament was prorogued, transit �ted was to receive �& ' 6 of these in H,yde,' ' i � I
P . isgraced the Liberal party in West Huron che4ue for 2,888 from Mr. J. as Robert. ek, and the yield turned out betw,een 35 One of the pretties � I I I � � I
; -
ace, � . I -
' , r. I
f with the usual ceremonies, on Friday after- ai'nd Went Elgin. t and 40 bushels to the &ere, which is qonsid- after the chief proprietor of the pl I � I
- I I � Ison, M. , and proprietor )f the -Weis. I - � I
! . . I I
k ered:exceptionally good for this season of de, who is an Englishrulan of good famil t, � ! � -
noon last) the session having continued for ' i We do not quote the above - paiagrapthe � news aper, Mi. .Robertso h i ' th Y 1 � . i . � I -
-the nei hbo . ' � t 11 � -
I ing the at I . ' � - ��� I
I I . -Mrs. John MoDermitt, of the 4tb con. 'flare i'noo im on un- � I i � �
I ove I r -five months and being the third longest from the Toronto' Telegram for the purpose T= of be man to I ;.,`1v,'T xe: t6 year. � , h pentin rh d of ' e h � i ..
� 0
! dr d thousand do proving and IV
on�srecord; since confecterabion. The EC38ion � defending the GlIobe, as that journ .in the new building In return' Mr. Re, rb� b utifyirg his property h re. Duri .-
I t,�` cessina of Howick, died last week. i Mrs. nig the, The above rice only good up to a�ooe date. '
i . � &I �i Ison, on behalf of th Sick Chih ran's i two years I ( I P . -
been notable mainly for long winded �ry In I Hemet McDermitt had been an invalid for many Is endeavoring to ;1 .
muoh better able to do its own fight. hIe has been � i � . I
received a cheque fo.- $7,5W, the being' th . �
L ' . . e yearo, ha ing received a paralytic stroke in 'ke it an attractive surnmer resort.. . His [ I : . .
. : I
I speeches, the obstreperousness of the Oppo- i'g than we are to do it fo Jit. But, e do. ;city's annual rant this most destativing I h I -affords the beat of accomod 11 I � .
`1i about fou, -teen years ago. She was the mo- ation, and ii �
t sition d the 03111tallkerousnees of the sire to p, int out that 'institution. fhe ol mining of the now:! city . i I
I an 9 . the "elegram- does tie , being SUL : i low; ONO—- - I I -,
I : therpf te i children, five sons and five dau- L expert swimmer and oarsman, he I I I
I . t 1hall marks n impor Ant stage in the ` I � .
� goo- � '_ A
Senate. On account of the former, the properly set forth the posi don taken b the ghters, &I � of whom survive her. ha* &-finely equipped bathing he me and a I . I I : �
L . �
I perity and d'Levelo m adt-o n , ity. . -Mrs. Isabella McMillan, an nd 04 I suppli d i � . I - 1.
Government had to drop several of its al be and other Libera. journals. The - ol a b 't houce wel * _is with first-class i * , , .
I !Toronto can now E01 at of havi g the 'most , � .
! ' highly rei peeted ludy, of Clinton, d d a boits and I
- 'Magnificent and coat ly city bui ding n the I I I
I measures in order to get the 0 -Thf Senate is an ir I �e t I canoes. Through the grounds I 0DTU .
'I . session ended int is this : First, i �
� plo I the hom� of her son-in-law, Mr. Henry are pretty, shady walks, with foot-brid so . . I I
this season, and on iDominion. � ver sma r I t . �
account ofl the laIttev 6e. rmponsible body, and does not in anyietime I Street, last week, at the advanced hg� of 63 0 � h 11 i )ling streami and - sent, e- 8 G U N -N SER: F 11111:11 J11sr
I � . . I . I - - . years and 6 months. Deceased had been a neau t 8 T " After a lessant stay of �� I ! i I -1
I principle and most needed i measure was represent public feeling or the desires of the he Me. I -
4 . I . � , i i I �
?I The amenities in Parliament arenot al. citizen of Clinton for a great numb a C � t, I!, 1 I
I - vetoed, and the only Government me"asures 'e .ectorate, and a till this - irresponsible - 'body 1: er of ouple of days at Hyde we 01roceeded . I . ! i � ; . I , "
V � � I ' - ' i� � -
�. of particular importance that were allowed to b%s the power to qways as strictly observed as the official to- years. westward, following an excellent trail along , I 1
7 . - I I . cry seen Mr. William J. Greer, who h a been in .the
r over -rule the will of the , I i it could not have been � re, as i b gave� I
it 4 � I worto would seem Mr. W. B. Forster, of Colborne,. while the valley passing through EllieWro, a PIC- - I I I -
� get thrGugh were those referring to the act,ple as expressed through their c to indicate.' Members, way.with Mrs. Brandetiberger's weight, and boot and shoe business hitake for nearly 13
. I
_1�1 -'C - P iosen A I . so watering his catible, one day lately,an4 lead - tureEque village with some neat frame resi. tj�e fell t . 4 the ground S� distance - I
.� . like ordinary get up on their ears" . . , to leave town
. tension of the latercolonial _-Railv�ay �to repreabrittativea. The system which� per. 4, iog-a Holstein bull, met with a bad br'0ising dences, two churches, a few shops, and a of �ighteeni years, announces his inten4ito i I
1, I , whii,peop " . - feet. It falli � i
'once in a 0 g, she put out both hands, I I -
i Montreal, and tbe3e were somewhdt mutilti. mits the existence of such a bod� and �. an then the language used by him ; the bull knocked him down, - schoolhouse in the distance. Along our I . so at an early date. Mr. GT+ r i f oar I'll,
� i law
I - - that her who weight1ellon them. Both! prominent citizens, being leader of the I
�� 18 not always tLe A icest and most refined, using his head in rolling Mr. l0orater way we saw occasionally farm, surrounded . �
I . i
. I I . . I � f : -
i I
I � ted by the Sea%te. I - clothes it with such powers, is as dangerous (but these bad. pa sages do not find their about, and, had, the animal.not been d0horn- by fields of waving grain, but for the most blands w4e f Ctu A at, the wrists, the bones. Methodist choir, a teacherl - i the Sabbath - I .
I . - Ot. i the EpwsrLh, . , -
T During the last week of the session only a t the liberties of the people as are 16 the Way into ti iiretrii4ing t roug tht skin and were im. school and an active wwoor
� is offici I 11ansard. A case in ed, it might have reou�tted in his being�jgored part we were greeted by arge herds of eat. pw
. . . i - L I
I bedded sever& ine 11, as in the gravel. Her League. If he leaves hl ill be greatly
,I handful of members were present, the ma. scoundrels who violate all law by parpetkat. ;�oint occurred.a fe � days before proroga- 'to death. � I tie and horses, the land a long the flats be- I
. I . �
, r. Cochran , *he .represents Last -Mr. George H. Blackwell, son of , Mr. ing beat adapted for ranching, .as As river i ergus u intends .
it tiori. M . hIusband saw er fall and hastened to get mined. -M�r..Joseph F go. -
� .
t - � jority of bot;li sides having left for home, to ing - frauds at the polls." 'And yet, edical assist cc. ,The doctors have hope ing to Manitoba on the 22ndl inst, 94 JW .
� . : m -
12 . with Northamberland, it dulged in some Sneering George Blackwdll,of Wingham,lwao married affords a never failing supply of water. .
I �
, -
! . of saving bothill ds� a though the fractures as he is popularly emu I
� � look after harvest operations, binineas and picqliar inconsistency, the Telegram, while personal refereho' in Glendale, At Kapetive (the.foot of the I& Called ' b4 many friesda
I ; I eE to Mr. -McMullen, of Manitoba, on Wedn sclay, kes) the 9; I I ��
IV � other interests. The leading members on vary properly Conde e latter, com.- Wellington, who 'retorted with a hint at August 2ad, to Miss Mary Sirett da ghter river chain of four lakes, ar6 compound i 8 ere seems to . I ,
9 ning th expands into a e be no here who will be pleased to also him succeed .
� I I in . I �
i. I ternal injuri I in the west. -Mr. J. R. *41iamo has had -
� � both iides, however, stuck to the ship until ff Itands the former in the dangerous t xer'pise patronage selling,. fik which an investigation of Mr. Sirett, member of the Local egis- each varying in length from five to seven . . .1
� I
f 7 1 1 e some years ago; a] iowed Mr. Cochrane to labure. The ceremony- was performed in miles, and being the full width of the val- I I I his bones veneered with bock, which great_ �
, the last, and the discussions were frequently of their powers, and'upholds the 'More 4an- , � . I I
� I have been mixed up. _!1 I can1v a& a the Methodist church, Glendale ley. Here the road winds in and to t along. ly improves its ap ar"keei Mr. Rolint. I
: . y it's 9 in the pres- i - . I
I very animated and spicey. The session g arous system which gives them this power. I - - rox6ter. ru - �
�: lie," replied Mr. Coch-rane, wrathfull ence of a largia number of friends the side of the bank, while below, tie lakes � I I . Toting did the we 'K - ri hur Sanderson
- closed by a two hourie speech by Mr. Foster. Secondly, -The errymander, 'although - "but if he will may anyt - hing like that I -Miss Lizzie ir. �f r. N. lie sparkling in the sunlight. At the foot i SPARKS.—y- is Farb6r, of Green Castle, . andmary AylemwortK _1�ai:sed Part 1, form -
I - I i � . Gteig, daughte � J
� -, in which he raked the Government fore and " palsed by both'H uses of Parliament and me outside the door I will slap his Cho a Robb, of Clinton, was married �a her of the second lake a Roman 9atholi6 Indian Indiana, late rincipat of Dupont Art II., examination, and Bert, ia Lawrie obtained 11 �
I L ter him. - Mention that to me to -morrow father's residence last week, to Mr. A.r Cos. iodustrial school is situated, 1 in the i village School, is the ,Yqest.of Mrs. T. F. Sanders Matriculation (4) standin,. We
5 I - ! I ) . cangrata. I
A aft for their alleged extravagance, violation mi ned by the Go roor-General,4' was as '11 break �d YOU." Of 4 high of Lebret. The fine large � �t present. -A, i�a Ross, of Chealey, is visit. ; late our young students on their success.
I I and I ur nose for )na,;B, A., science mai3ter of Brampton b ildings!� shops,: I
- I of promises, &Q., and which he concluded by 9 --ose; a violation of tibe rights of the people, eic., are surrounded by Ing _�t " Maitland Bras," the residence of � and trust they may be atii aulaited to greater � ,
I I - . course Mr.* Speaker interfered at this june. school. The ceremony was performed by besi. 'ful grounds,, ' . - . -
I Mrs,i Robert Gibson. -Mrs. James Inglis t efforb thereby. -Master , of .
11 moving a lengothy resolution embodying the amd as brazen an attempt to subvert the ture, and both members had to withdraw. Rev', T. J. Murdock, of the Baptist church whioh, in front, slope .dowD to th� lake, I aby Fenn'ell
[I solution" their naughty word i. ; and� after the wedding luncheon, Air. 9 i . nd her daughter, Mrs',. L�, nadowne, of Chi- Shelburne, in vi@iting in o 'n. ---m-Thieshing - -
- sentiments of his speech. This re mill of the electorate, and ' was, in every and which is to be seen through a vista of trees" a, .1 I
� I f I - . " whil ago- are at"I he d i
� which was voted down, will, no doubt, form' sense as wrong, dangero .1 -Mrfi� Coseiis left for a trip up the lakes. . ch fringe its edge. While taking a our. P, ' voo,d," the guests of is the order of the d Wi armerm in ths.- �
I, .
e I i us and dis� � vey of the garden our attention -was called Ar. and Mrs. -Jo a �� erson.-. r. and vicinity of our villag . r lband is -deA ' .
I I onest as In rererriug to i he contention, of some, wning, a respected I
� . the foundation for the war cries of the Con were " the systematized crimes ' , resident of diss"Gerry, of Brussels, spent Sunday last but we know not the cans . i
which dia- that there are too many, Ministers in the Br eels, -die to a small tree, attacifed 6 a branch of I 'We are sure it I
l �" servative party during the recess. 'A v'er3 g aced the Liberal party in West Huron and d last Wednesday, after a short which was a large card, bearing the inscrip-, vith: their br4ther, N. B. Gerry, Hag,, Was not lack of musical t4nt Caused its.
- , - illn as, which eventually proved to be ap. iard 'Ware mer6hant, of
- I , Dominion Cabinet, ;he Picion Times points � 1�1' tion, " Hands off," which, upon closer in this p1s;e.-Dr, early demise. I .
� effective reply to Mr. Foster, by Mr. Field. V rest Elgin." And still, am,with pandicitim. Mr. Downing was born in Dev. .1
, I the Teleg`1 out that the only department th't could pection, revealed to us the fact that it w , 3rent Hailewood has gone to Kansas, where - 0� I �
� 06 ons6ire, England, coming to Canada, when a E . "L
1: - .
, L
� ing, the Finance Minister, was in progress b ind,. partizan inconsistency, while very possibly be done away with is that of Trade young man. He had been a resident of protecting a little, sickly looking apple. 6 it Ito te. rtht r Robinson and Elsie
nd r 'op . arefIt 0�
� .
I when the House rose for -prorogation a �i erly condemning the latter, bibierly op, and Commerce, and I , in reopeat to that de. Brussels for 12 years, where he was engaged. tFee from the prying curiosity of villitorg Ilei 1 i Mond.4 morning to attend the kipper ,. I 11
I . was interrupted by the three knocks at the POsed the, actwhich was designed,to, and artment, it says: " That being oco�pied by' in t�e boot and shoe business. He leaves and small b yo. This fine institute, which orr aal Sc.iool at I Ottaws".-Mr. W. C. SICK ONES.-Weleel V4 try sort to have- I
, . ! � 4 0 aziewood ise returned from his holiday in
i -
I I door of the Chamber by Black Rod, aanoun�.., which would have wiped out the Aisgrace gir Richard Cartwright cannot be disposed Wif and family of five, sons and two daugh- accommodates from, 225 to 2550 Indian itil ,Is -8, rwto, for the.
� - . �
.!t pupils, ranging in ages from infancy to IS an .tobs.. He speaks in glowing terms of 'to mention two of our e . .
� cirig the arrival of the Governor General for and right�d the wron- of just now. Not that Sir Richard ring t tars, . I . ant week or more, have )cc n serious]
I g ,occasioned by the . . .14 - San- ! y ill.
� � years, has in connection with it a large farm e prR1rLe province.- r. John W.
� � have th place, but, ntrary, t _,_ ---�Oneday .last week James .Girvin, of � M refer to Mr. Jamei Cooper, who, at ..
t 1\ . I � men, of 1 oronto, pai a flying visit to I
the prorogation., and Mr. Fielding was for. gerrymander which the Telegram itself � Wa � of 1,200 acres, situated on the plains above. er 1 . � .
cad to cut cc ndemn4 And, , i i that 0. some like place must have him�'�,W,e#t Wawanosh, was hauling a load of �&�y Friday last week. -Mise. present, in lying in hi 'bed, at home, his -
, f friends here on Friday
his remarks short and leave his more than this, t We uslm,� to love Sir Richard for ;he J 'fro.m the hayfield when the i0ad upset, am It is superintended by a priest, seven sis- t �,
.1 I �- ene� # - trouble being a stoppage )f the passage of
reply. unfinished. upheld arld justi miss h , - term, four teachers, a book-keeper and a � Edi th Gibsc U. of , q Mai land Terrace," ext. ,
So ended the session of fied the Senate in frustrat. had made ; but he has outlived:' in Me effor I the bowels, ivhieh has wo �ak ened him very
. i - � I be to save himself he fell on his number of instructors i � rtained a arty o yo ng ladies on Satur- "
1899.. irigthe Will of the people by vetoing the Pome of them, and thers are thinking b6t,/, �- head and sustained nevere injury, He was n the various depa t- I We are pleased to note, however, �� 11
I � � . ing to . ap. ments in which these d ; ay of pern n.1 -T.. �ern hill& Son shipped i much, -_
. - . . ter of him. That they are lear unconscious for some time,butakilful medical - - baky skinned abi ir- that Mr. Cooper has take a a change for the
� � act which was to wipe. out tI)Iis wrong aud preciate him, in facb, is clear, treatment soon restored him to conscio I I ines are taught the arts of civilizati(n. *load of 0 ttueal to Fo wich on Monday better, and that his recovery is more hope. . I
The West H,uron Election Case . disgrace. Should not th ! Zlegran . I hen we -find I Usneo's E were told that they Are apt schoh ra 10t. � Mr. , ohn HaMiltoo i shipping five
. a ,ie 1, whi�h I ;' Tory stalwarts like Maclean, of East York,' and, he is gradually getting better. He will - d easily disciplined. Some of their echo earn O; f live' itock � to i m puc no : ful.-We refer also to the illness of Master .
ction with is so loud in its profess ions aa a champion a?d. Hug e . f . 8 ' , � P1 f ,.k w and one 13 1
. a N th Victoria norwer(i)ng . � from this st),tion thialw"k. .
- ' his offer o re ire i, order th flu us time. . -_ . rk which we saw is worthy of comment . I - � who . I .
the now celebrated West Huron election of the people, and of free and representative . at , a pe - � 1i . I I - . at present is lying it very critieli
- The latest denouement in conne ay Rrohably be unable to resume work for ome E I . Frank Canni g, son of Air Jamen Canning, p
. department e dispense with, in Mr., J. C. Miller, of the Clarendo' b I ing very finely executed. � � I �1111111111" : condition, with little or n, .... prevenient as '
eclaration by institutions, be ashamed of its c O'l - . 13 : � � .. I .
i affair, is a atibutory d' - J� me@ . ourse in terms of vehement isapproval. ..he coun- hotel, Clinton, had a bad scare one night At the foot of the third lake lies nestled! Croriarty. I yet, and is suffering very uch from an
Farr, the deputy returning officer at polling thismatter? Can not the Telegram see that trr ll Unanitric us, to the 'Dot long ago. Mrs. Miller had gone to Bay.- � betweea the hills one bf the oldest towns of . ; . ; abacess in the bone of tie I?g. On Satut- .
. . I
. sub -division No. 3, Goderich town, which w 3 have free inatit t no in name only go effect tt the on Zone de a1ment of field, and was. expected home about nine the North-west, at one time the Centre of a NoTEs.-Mrs. Johi McIlraith has return- t day last, Dr. Armst itl iI the assistance
. t� ".0 I rong, � -
- he Toronto Gi long as the Sens exists in its p 'I trade and commere will not be superfluous o'clock in the evening. As she did -no:t flourishing trade, which it has not entirely ed from Motherwell where she visa visiting ; of Dr. Gunn of C imn rf )rmed an oper.
I was published in t obe of . resen t. I loot, despite the rivalry of neighboring her grandfather, Air. qohn Hamilton. �Mrs. I ation on the I 9
I sE ape and with me I ng as it serves the pur ose of keeping come at that time Mr. Miller became unr little ellow's eg, between the
Wednesday. Mr. Fart which, its present powers, and still I Si P F. L. Hamilton is.10 Petrolia this week, t
. I I r :,tichard in the Cabinet.' I easy, particularly as be had heard that Mrs'. towns on the Canadian Pacific Railway. It I ' ankle and the knee, It M be that more
� I . I I,
- of course, is made under oath, gives a some. it approves of this it?,te of things and shuts i - Miller hal left Bayfield. He started . fort 1ham some fine stone buildings, 0. ef of whiah where she has, been attending the funeral of I operations will have t4 h ow, but, at the '
what different complexion to the proceedings its eyes to the dangers with which we are �other Jonathan is having lo;g of trouble Bayfield, but could see nothl f hi fe ; is the Hudson ta 0 cousin of Air. Har�ilton,s.-Miso tTesaie
I �
. I I . tit 0 F in wi I y store. Farther we.st up . i� -� present, we are not wise it saying what the
at his poll - with his new Po essions. i of and� after calling at several on Jam on the ,the valley is the "'Boo" -�villag4_a settle. Oiliespie gaire, a part5 to her Sunday school , result may be, Great syn Ip I I"$ t r I . I
on election day to that which threatened ; while it Magnifies the dangers lie fore" wayl found her at- Mr. John Wiggenton's, Iment of Siouxi Indiana and h*lf.breeds � class on Tuesdai-M r. Duncan McKellarli -the home of Mr. and M r I I Canning, and
Conservative papers would have them bear. lil cely to result from a few ballot box irregu. Aga naldo and ,the climate of� the Philip- whe�e she had taken shelter from the,storm. which extends - through a codlep to the fine ne,W two -05 ry brick residence is' now plao for the home of'Mr. C I .
� *
in one or I � ; , . . laine beyond_ At the head of the upper com 16 ed so far as the brick work is con. �, oper. I
Mr. Farr says that he his been a resident of lairit"ea , two constituencies, and pines re killing and disabling hiousands of _Wm. Treble, of .Godericb, met with a NOTES. -Harvesting in this vicinity is .
. .
Goderich for eighteen years, and that he w ic h are alike -severely condemned by all, his bes soldiers, E esides gobbi Ing up *mil. lake, 70 miles from Hyde, on and th� carpenters are this week i
painful accident last week, ,while help' r arting eern d, � .
Ing � . 6 1 well advanced, and some have already in. I,-
. . . . iiat g on the -Oof. ,Mr. John Hoggarth' I ..
. . .. I ished. Another week of an-, h fine weather
� . . i -
a d are not likely ever to be repeated. lions o his -treasure And now, just as he his ion Charles, of Cc�lborne; 1draw grain. . mission, which at that time was clo,ed for
. had acted as deputy returning 'officer. at �c . .1 point, we picnicked atl the Preab terian new house has,", Jao attained its full statur: �
. is q,Dff mendu to get things i, -As he was driving a large lo
5 that polling place at every election, politi- Wh ' grow so excitei over the . a passable ad into the barn will see this seastiont's crop nicely stored
I y infinitisimal I holidays. After a pleasant and �s now %mlsiting the attention. of the .
. � � workin g aha in I orto Ribc, 4 hurricane the Opt of the load scraped on the top of the week's i ojourn . I I � � ay. -Mr. Richard Smill e of Cleveland,
- t the Fort we lu-torers.-*,� and Mrs W. E. floggarth 1�w - P
Cal and municipal, sinoe,1893. 'He also says daingers, and approve of the great and deserro a much of th �. property there and a stop the I I - Me Is paying a v1sib to his mot ier and other
p doorway ; he being unable �
' i - � c h�, wheeled south-west 2( miles, iave,n .
that no pe I o Qu'Appelle station, which in a village Of 9 tmrneci� after qepaing so weeks , L .
raon spoke to him abont acting at thireatening ones w ' hich beset Ins as a free third o the people tre left homeless and horses, th rew himself on him, face, and as he �. a *n -Mr. W. . Tiompoon, former- �, friends in this vicinity. -Rev. S. Acheson
� I , have to fee assed t ome 700 inbabitantsj and in nicely situ% all. I .
x the election in qaestion until he�received the People ? - It is not surprising that the par- , and he wil them un- rough the doorway his back was d, be rounded by bluffs. It has; a tese er ia t h is viliage, 1 i this week visit- � , exchanged pulpi 1 ' r. � 0 d, .
I til �they can get on their feet 94 ' dl, -h rt�. After being carr ed t 'Of Varna, on Bab th 1 t. Mr. McDonald ,-
. notific-ation of his appointmetiIti from the ti�an papers should do this sort of thing for cc more. ga � � to the . no large station house and soldiers' bar. 09 at . r. F., L. Hamiltoi i's. -Mr.Duncan - I
I I I nos on gi� board, medical aid wao oummon- I now that my Re. �
, - I Howev3r, there in no denyho t 0 fact that ho took for his text: "I k
� -
. - x we have a right to the Anerican -.offi(iala are ri in ver I . � n seems in especidly good hum 'deemer Iiieth." The sermon was grand and .
deputy returning officer. He also makes pai tizan purpose b t acks. I deLar or '
� , ,
I I I g order ed. Alt i6ugh the pain is yj severe at lines L . . .
the somewhat startling statement that be exlpect better th-Lour a out of the worst kind of Ch os,in both a, he is doing an well " can t - expect. Returnitig- by way'of Indi t e air' I 9f a newi little boy visitor , inspiring. -We are plowed to note the sue, . I
I f om journal that has, time , M an Head, we Week. Or, -
Wasa friend of Mr. McLean, the Conaerva- b�ilt up a. good reputation on a . Cuba a 2d Porto Ric i, as they ill also do ed. It wl�l be some time before e will be a e into a very different country, being ,6e do, last. . sturday last Mr.. cess.of our young pupils from school section . I
L . prof eased- . rairie, thickly settled. Here the 12bh of . ugh urrie, r., fell fr i the scaffold to .
in the hilippines if they got a chance. "a a fit coqd�ition to be taken to his home in No. 2, Tuckeromith, who woe re up to the
him in spirit of independence and fairness. ally was celebrated in real Orange; a he floor in," ! e barn, striking his head ; recent examination, at Clin�on for h
tive candidate, having worked � for �
I They are getting the cities cleaned up and Godorich. 1 tyle. . . . . hk I
. t � I
his capacity of a carpe I I . - . e g against a be& i and oust LIAUI$ 1WILLOU6 in- '.
prom- � eneral Sir of - prosperity which Char. school entrance. They were all succeimiTt-d I
... I
nter - that h are'having the wheels of commerce met in -garah 11. Martyn,,ewife of Mr. Richard � sing atte ('ed by Dr. Hut- �
terized the,farmers, who flocked into the )'rise. i 1143-18' . .
r . I I .
u [ Editorial Notes and Comments. motion, and in a fem years the e Q We refer to Maottr Samuel
i8ed to vote for McLean, a d that rhe did I is no doubt Glanville, of the 11th conetasiop of Stephen-, � wn with fine horses and eqn- '10f Sta , anil it, hopedhe will re- "
I I � 0 ison I i
fpagei, ,,gave C ; Etta Cooper an d I .1iso Jennie
vote for him, and that he marked his ballot but the peo Is of th me countries will have died! on Tuesday of last week, a' t the age of I ,�., A'nchPmTn',Ukb '
�Hon. Thomas Greenway, Manitoba's vet., cause t feef . age of ) s a favorable impression of 0 ver.�'The 14arpu br I here, determined :11cLeau In *
I bhe resources I I
:10 and sei thaD it; was good for 6 � L L . his o ly creditable -to
and placed it in the ba!lot bo,K' in p erill'' y - 2 years, after an illnois of, about two �f the surrounding country. r 1e "Head 1) t to 6e outdOnp bir any me in the posses- 1
IL themselves, but also t, he r painstak
reiatance I n Premier, in a speech the other da , them t e day that t 3e forces' of Uncle Sam weeks. For some time- she had suffered itself is a progressive little own, ihaving ii Ott a Bab: 1 driver, purchased from
ell said that the debt of Manitol - I teacher, Mn' -Forsyth. a o notice M .
of Mr. Mitch-_ , of Goderich, a .Cclinmerva- ba is not a landed on their sho,es, albhoq many of a . Ini Peter AteGre or lo Brucefield, at a � � t-hge .
I lightly from a stomach trouble, which be- give grain elevators, a grist, m ill, sash foe- . name of Air. Alex. MeNevi mong the sue.
tive, who had banvagsed his v large the leaders � P 0 Iii d ot am to came moria acute, and caused her unexpect* 6ry, some fine hotel D price, bis!' ff kno mare.
ote for that aiJ the debt of the city of Winnipegi of thl e pe 0
party. He fuFbhir states. tha I b instead of It wouIR seem from this that Manitoba is in very greatly apprec ate the bl imi;o that ed death. Mrs. Glanville was born in 8, churebei , stores and .. lw I wu Chesnut cessful ones at the 'Gods ic examinationt, -_
! COM- residences, a number of which are built of he has won firat atJ @eve .-al shows and is a -
good gy,
I Mr. Vance, th f) assistant organizer " shape financially as the province of have ofen brought to them, an hey would wallpl England. and came to this country brick. Near the town are the "Brassy:32 ' one.-AtiI6 her !of th4 Old settlers has � he passing with high he o s. Alex. in a -
( r the Ontarid is, and that its affairs are being as rather ule in Hadei i than ser e a the other witl� her parents when q I . jolever boy, and i e his mark.-
� Liberal party, giving him money to . . uite young. They " Sunbeam " and O' Bell " farms. Bat the tagged awsy,� i the! p,,er ,,,',of Mrs. James ',Those that are . '
ge � him jud,icio�sly and economically managed. � place. This is hum in nature p tty much settled in Darlington township, where she i r � = 'hos iug are now
not be ,ot to I the world I over, Find in this res ct the peo- mar: led Mr. Glanville in the year 1855, latter has been almost entirely divided Iler, who I d al� , te home, half a mishiag for rain. :, .
oat of the wa� that he could ; up ag on
� r and sold in smaller farms. f t of thi Vill the evening of � How na I ii is to look �
. . . 444 ,Is east of thi ,
give evidence before,the committee, t ot- Says �he Hensall Observer: THE Exposi. ple of tie island$ of the me!% are not exeep- They moved west, to the township of Step- I I i turday, the th' inst. Mrs. Miller had 'to self. -Miss A. Thompsop, who for long
- tional. . � The Ezperimentsl Farm of 860 Acres lies : years has-been a faithful aid cations t4ach-
taw&, that -entleman repe I thinks that Holmes should not resign - i hen,' in f864, and purchased% far1n, en a s7uffei er sand bore her � r of St. Andrew's Sabb�'th school, a few �
� I or some Tear
. 0 atedly advise I him . ,� on a short distance from the town. The fine . e
to go to Ottawa and tell all he knew until, it is shown that his entire majority � which they have since resided. She aves &Is with chrl tian', fortitude. She leaves , -
1, about Mr. 'Ellis, M. . for St. John, New a family of nine children. q I residence of the superintendent, Mr. Mo. ,dave ago entertained ,her- lar infaut elm . I
the came, and that he was o was obtained by fraud. That is what most . I iusband and! faulily of six sons and two to - a pleasant afternocta to . . -_ �.
' I
aly detarred I Ka�, several other houses and 'the barn - ,in at her home. -
- of us woul Brunswick, whi e in Montreal on his way ou�lr. Archibald McAlt aughters to tr ?urn an I
from doing so because he was waiting to be d d if, in his place. Hundreds of f . istei, Of Clinton, occupy a central position on the farm. The I irrepturable lose. It is needless t6say the 'Is folkswell on-
. � � . tricks like th me of West Huron have been home from his Parliamentary da' . the last of the pioneers of the old 5 i M - -
, ties at Ot. I I I numerous 'garden lots are surrounded by 1 ; � . . I joyed themselves. This i C 31Y 0110 Of the
subpoenaed as a witness, so li H tract, and one of the oldest members hedge enclosures o native maple, to protect � � mrays in which teachers m ceep, in touch -
I e would have carried out by both parties in the ]Set tawa, was strue: c by a reporter. 1 In the in. of I " F I �
ur, n
. i .
his expense3 paid, and that the only -he twenty' years. Canada has no . � 1 Utdirrie. . I 1
. ,J,e Willia'charch session,tilied last week, them. from the inclement weather. The ! I t with their cupils.-The v the now
- . purity, but she has pure men in e ch party. L .. t. NORTHER- PAR*S.-Mr. Frank Wi.t- phurch i3 Ing ushed
feir . party of terview he said 1al � he in going � home With' at t e age of 86 years and 5 'months. Mr. flowers, vegetables and fruits, :although 5 . . 'o' '
matter was that he Might be pun " to the good out of him sessional in. , V I I I Ilit &del hiia, Panneli wa
' � McAllister had only been '111 a few days. very fine, were not as far advanced r'au'al 'a Mr. Cadmore w have tho brick work
had in the a only $8 1 " Usual, I'me of i ; iliF foir r'd ,rapidly,
peridingafew lays With his fAher, Mr. , ��
ished for having torn up a ballot whi�h he — At the age of 3q years he immigrated from owing -'to the backward season. Beautiful . completed this week. Mr P�ttoeraon, -
considered spoiled, all it did not have o' The examination -lists published this week demnity, and, of cc irse, is in favor of an Scotland, and worked for a time in Oxford . . R. willial a. b' is four ,�e�ra since with, I
I hedges of.,native ash; maple, poplar. and rank wont to .... 1JU01 am's dominions, and 'tenter work. No moms j ro a under Mto .
n it will bring pleasure or disap ointment. to inoreas ' donal pay of; members. his gang of men, in hustling along the ou-
P , 0 -the see I '
- ,10. I cherry, wolf willow, sage brush, caragene, . i
hisinitials. He further states that Mr: -1 �18 in county. On one occasion he w,as travelling . ( . M( he ,
I � aiid other shrubs whose names we cannot Mrs. R. B McLean.snit
1 4 .niany pupils and parents. Those who have Mr. Ei must havc been extravagant and through the Huron tract, and, being very Uring this ti as prospered in the , t .� . ,
, the 861 ' uld not feel discouraged ; let their it&,. I I - much taken withits agriculta I ind of the free -M - - George M. Dickson, � & �
Pherson, of Toronto icitor ther� for failed she' Must have, been living too high at the caip itermon's feet-
- ral facilities, recall,reveal to the North -went farm' ere what . Mrs. Watson were, during t e Week, v -Wit I
� I � Of C aicago, were -
aive palty, had been tampi�ri n ' i be but an -incentive to greater In addition to his indemnity he gets he decided to buy land and ' settle ther e. i rifti and child,' guests of in .
, g experience. may be done in the way of be*iatif - I g with friends at Zuri(b,--Mr. 'V7illi6ft -
with witnesses who went from th ' b endeavor. Better .Another ter � his mileag6' which, in hio'came, -will amount He lived on his farm till 1993, when he re Y'rig lie sister, Mrs.: J. B. Campbell, on Wednes. . . t week been t
er�, y to about $ 9 - . - th i prairie homes'. - The view rom the i ay of last week. A -'r. Dickson has been in Kyle, jr., has. during the p 1P
promising them additional. money if,', they careful "In than to enterl a, higher form 20NO, whil he travels on a free tired and moved into Clinton. In politics ob:jlvatory on top Of the barn r I epaid us I iaccomplishin ' iood wor�, he bavi% I I- I
I I he Wi�dy cit or e ght years. -M r. Frank 1: g some a I I
handicappeY by �imperfe�t acquain' pass, and his railway fare donot cost him he was a Reformer, and was vpr highly re-, for he effert made to reach it. For many . ly n three and a half da -ye, c.ealred the gromer . 1�
would " tell a good story.,, He accounts ,_ tance . . As - . I
I th the work gone over. I I orriso�, of el! , JBritish Coluthbis,
-wi � anything cod, a man as Mr. Ellis spected by all who knew him. 4e leaves a miles, stretching as far an eye could reach. Lb . . Of 50 &ere# of oate. We take,it for granW
on . e a
for the additional billots being in the' box . - t ,lit to live very comfortably, even in ot. wife and three daughters N pent a I W d WL ftiends here. Frank that William wasn't splin* g many 1"s
0 _. I
i awa was to be ,seen the! surroanding country, ,
in Sir Richard Cartwright is -to - - I , on $600 fo five months . lieft Gorrie 'he, hew" about twelve years
by the fact that the paper which co oseJ ,,, ,I -1 add'reas a . At this - -One day ni2ot long a to, Mr. and Mrs. with its cuNivated fields and farm houses $arns.�T.l Mellis, while engaged in, the Vs-
� ving of $660 to the good, r 8 ... e I
them was very thin, and, on that ace unt public meeting in Toronto on the evef and barns, � Close by lay the town, banking ad ha a resident in the west ever n of &'bay press,, Ott Saturday bwts�
I rate he should I a a )Is to have .the othe George Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph �ilnd a
- 11 which, although by n romarty, we cc tbout years, where he has done r g 1,
-he ma,y have" torn. oflrtwO at once, and .they . Thursday, August;!24th. No man in Can- mes.ns an adequate 1 lary for 0 Spears, of C t to the Bend for in the rays of the declining sun, While like wall�' 'He h en practising dentistry in qtffirei ed a very severe stro�e on the MIA -
I . a man who is an outing, and when com ,ing through Exe. a map at our feet was the farhi with its I from a heavy bar of iron, hi6 he willi not
ve . klin Pol- -
were placed in the box in this way. If �'here adian public life in better qualified to deal fit to intelligently r present a constituency ter, on their way home, 'one of the draw numerous wid;, shady drives ano walks, be- Nelson for years- -Mr. Fran �iikely forget for a time, the bar been,
with public questions, and no public man in � Parliament� is better than' nothing. iron@ attaching the shaft i to the buggy of tween tall sheltering rows of t look returned tc Toro to last week, having �bar 1,
is truth in Mr. Farr's declaratio�, and the stands higher in the'estimation 4 the pbo. S saking of thin in& ter -of increased session. . r�es, IAAV- spent abou. Imci week vi;iti in our vi . 7 edged, the result would have bom. --
most of it is substantiated by otber� evi ple. He has stood the test, himing our arindemnity, a coni Mr. Stewart's rig broke, let4lng one side of iDg Indian Head we pawed over a wheat ,age,. in 1- kar td foretell. Tom in 6�k thankful lit
: - - mporeiry thinks that a the shafts fall to the gr and. The horse, growing country -the gardenof the Worth. _Mr. a )me )h Pe ins, Zfe r. . . I McLean 1a I . .,
I 'zing the change, ma e a dash forward, � west wh heeled over r ad an, are visit oatis
dence taken before the investigating ' decrease in the Icing h of iessions would be reah ancl family, ocaped as he did. -Mi
nt iloom- vived the detraction and abuse of �is 6,uon. . 11� cod ad of Grand R�)icl;, Mie U i i ing his showing a stalk of ov r five.feetin
be go- ents, the,v sue now � forced more to the purpose than an increase running the buggy in - e, jr ,W.!v mother in ' LL rkins is another of liength, and one sinj a hes, containing 130
mittee, it makes a mighty big hole i , ,to - acknow edge in the I to Mr. Speare's rig, roads, wh 0 now taken ITe , Ises Of Mr. I . I 4
a I his abilit indemnity now paid to the members. E th vehicles, - �j I �12 � I . .
called West Huron. election scandal, wh�ile i, y and probity. His address at very upsoLting �browing out the trails, whi h were formerly usex., The the youn n�iaus w, to has done well in grains. Theme oatte are th improved �Fhitt 1,
. �
t Toronto will be &waited with interest by, Tember should get a lamp sum for theses- the neightor ug'rel iublic.-Mr. Robert Per, )�Uag, ' Not the Ali I
also goes to show what has been tuspected the people generally. " � . occhparujits nd breaking I the other shaft, farm houses re chiefly frame, with an occe" king went to ll�a;k ill on Saturday to con- ion. lig , at indication Of I
t siop i ctr iamen w ourne inside the three and 'now ing free, it go Iloped off at full sional fine brick dwelling. Many f these tust was noticed on the a raw. -Mr. Jot'" .1
sill &long, th%b the crookedness was' not by _.— � months, -and every member should be o9m- speed up t te London road to Mr. HaWkin's, houses are more comfortably fu i bed and duct the servi�ei for t�ue Rev. Mr.. �
. a c1tr polled to refund nor inch a day for every ;G`&' on 0 ,. Mellis, who is a gradu te. of the Times .
We see it � tate �that on account of the I the followina $Ah Lthi Mr. Robirt Touqg qn e past -three
any means all on the one aide. " where it t rned in, -broke through the. 'kate, equipped th6 the majority of ar houses � , cc, Exeter, and who Ur . . *�
- - I I Is W L I e " � .
I I almost -phenomenal- growth of tl�e popula. day that Parliament stays at Ottawa be. and ran ur into the yard. Fortunatel no ,in Ontario. I Again croati th v I e attended th eti 3g if the Gmpd Lodge learn has been on Tim E,xaos e staff.bsg-
. ..
. not reached Kenlis,..on the Is" ntl P dfeii . . I i position in th
tion and business of the Manitoulin district, yould theAbreemonths. This would put a one was lit rt. Mr, Spears's 'horse diT a ins. of Od I ora, kto last wtek.-Mr. I ta Herald office,
� ,
. I Very Good Evidence. , ' the Dominion Gov stop to five and nine hour speechea. get away, but it was metric time before Mr. Here we attended a C ristian Endeavor W. ,3. Str V Irg 6niz it-* for the Canadian ler. John keeps up with the many I I
i We take the following from the editorial , I ernment will very soon , ffiw� lmw� I Stewart fo ind his horse. i convention hold in a fine brick church, -after Order of )r term opqn*t a few days at hia ip n a, who have g 3n out to fight
I . have to appoint a judge for that judicial ; — — . ; home this e6k. -Mr. Alexander I
: I � � which we departed for home, Ug much Une
. Columns of the. Toronto Mail and Empire of I -LA very pretty I out-of-doors " wedding . i . left1for the north b at w1ek to '-A-ke% charge , fe ttl in his intentio, 3, he climbing
Saturday last : - - district. - We also understand that Mr. C. ok place at the hoi no of Mrs. Barkley, of -Mr. A benefitted, both physically 'and ent&117,� by Upward. `io �
. " Ig n Wedn day J .11 'Pherson, of Stratford, has this our first outing in the North-West Ter- ULU IndWL 4oh 1, oar the Soo. -Mr. - i .
S r, of Goder 't of �1
' age ich, is one of those who is B rave, o ,'August 2od, at returned fio�; a =inesi trip of some six i . - 1111111111111
I The Barrie Gazetee makes this Com - favorably looked upon for the appointment. noon. when her dau ter, Miss Lucy was weeks' dur LtiOn to Mani0ba, and the North- ' ritory. . I hism Ferj ��uson, of Toronto, spent Sun. ': - �,
L 6 da LWi do ipn our vil . : ter of Dr. -J-- __
Nol,14A] . th f i lage. Mr. Fer. ' -Miss Amy# yo t
I � en' f r I I The Rome Life Am- M. Dunsmore, Str
- in connection with the Appointment are, . . I a
L mentary reference to the youthful memLfir: We do not know what Mr. Seager's views mar;ried to Mr. Gen e W. Shearer of'Lon- west in tb e interests of the Anchor Wire n is an a It
for North Simme : "Mr. Leighton Me . don The nuptis, . - - : I 9 . is+$,
� ; �
4 � Ik ot wasi tied by Rev. Fence Com pomy, I., so ation o anad ."-Miss Edna Bean, of J. Fenton Martilt"111 of West
I r. L
i us accident, Mrs. A. W. Brandenbergeri wife of"the W � a c ,, in visiting in * ek to wit
r ri ; _
� at 0 - . I around The Cars
4 - �' I
il ft � and ribl' 0 B �
i __7 7 �
1 1 i
�e' I
: �
�` : .
� .
t 6
It 11 H� itell
I a 'it e . I
h itet
resent it in the Dominion Parliament, emer- assuie the Government they will make no rel ive . - Mr.G. B kley, # Pennsylvania, on the farrr of Joseph Urlin, near St. Marys. proprietor of the Elm& House, .4tw m is. to. Seam en and famil of (-)her. n Was conducted .
Carthy, whom this good riding sent to rep- but, if he will accept the position, we can F. J. Oaten, in the rettene of immediate - -A me Dbourred last week, and zontlrose� mony, which Was
. . � y kemsed by only the relations I
I ges -.- from the first session, he has served, mistake in kppointiog him. He in eminent gave the bride away Two 'little nieces of John Kent edy, his son-�u-lsw, who lives with a terrible accident, one d last w, eck. c, are visiting her parents by Rev. J. W. Mitchell of �orouto, W -
r wearing . 10 , ew Yorl
. *
: laurels, well won. The young poll. ly qualified for the position, and in highly I the bride, Luby MCC wriell, of CI ir View, with him and works the farm, had been She was hanging a quilt on the [ling around an others' a our village. -M .. ad
titian, has gained many friends on both sides deserving otit. He is one of th -_ I r. Thomas ,Martinson intends p u I life in I
of the House by his sterling ability, no less legal practitioners in the county; ,he is a vania, were gm nns I ind F0 eringhs, I the �popuiir drugglate clerk studies at Ann -Ar .. . , and thus ;
! a oldest Michigan, �ana Irene Barkley, OfS Pe - ploughing in one of, the fi�lds and Undertook the flat roof of the -kitchen, whf n the w �� ..
than his manly oeful maids of honor. Re to remove A large stone. I With the aid of caught the quilt causing her to fail against in Mr. MoL ghlin's drug store, is ndin t)ie . rt� eir wedding -
I is 4 Vacation I'lle It young couple I �
,�, t- ip. i
I , geni&l personality. That he gentleman of unquestioned ability a,ad pro. bride looked charmbig in a travelling suit A ide and a team o' o 4ews motion t his home, near Sealorth. � 0 : .
I I f hotirse� they pulled the the railing. Although the rafli ig w h Vacation I
I � I I .. I r .
i I � . . i � i -
- I
I .
. �
- 4
. 4
� :
� �
I �
I �
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I'vU I .
. �
. - I ST �
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- .
- _t - - �Zuliaj
- :
. - �
11 I
�� I - ,
11 I b*& been
- - �_31111i
1 1 - .
I.r sister, I
, I
Us bere� vWth
- . Ina other
I . sad 1w,ife,bare t
11 gung reladvIes I
I I is at horne,
- � � in lies b
. - �.. .. I - to]
- - ANA - I
� - - 'In , obag:
... , � I I 0- w4u. .
__ - - ., JJo4"j"F&J�.--7
Aill , � I
__.d � his Whet
- I- AUD
. - Ntrolt is 111
- -
_ V010, . I
. d:
I., . C, Tr1bg b#A Sol-
- 11- - _� to Mr. Coutim.
I .
40A -11 - � - dr, Z4 XWZ4.
At - - � ,-, hm v-batin
I , w. as -Nm go 1W
- I
104 I , � - im'd toke chs
- - - , , .. *.—Rev.:
� I
I . .
19 - Of Milv-Art
0. -d 00 1,3V16ter. .
.1 4 - . . -
*W-0-9 J* A
lysuen an Hv
*VHW Ma With the.
low the Hilibe
B-0-I bm"40, ITJ�e work
- � - lop orJobviso-1
* '�w
i ibotli two trim
� 45 _:��k- �
wm4�0�ed to his room
. I
r - ,W 4m, -tbe strets
sraw I I Ad
](40910W ; we are , - ,
1- I
, ,Ift. Audirew MO
40"171;lw Vote - 11 . I �
1TW . I
� Ualiva � .—
b111W I �� _�
L is wes
- to - - , �
_� 1. AD& for the C - � '
*W .
I I*- vice.president A
*P- - ' boa returlt
_�ja soawyl
11�16. to 'the secretarl
I O& - If ,all, ,tbe X
NO -
__ -
�Wl � W#H, e sociev.t
. -
Ultotod of members
-1 � ,bwof tke boys
A�,"w -
la�orsgi Bend.—Mr. J.
A - .
,�Wh 4%Mta tew days 1W
.ijujibor from thi's Aii
121tho alour6ion to Sar
- note Schoellig
-Q1..w ,$ ,
01ji-41ir. - W-, B, schoelli
4 -
tt.obwd ]B�md--Mrx. 11
_,�d to -I" home in 8
--jum" I,- Aust �ani
- .. 'b
xmiter -Arthur Ki ler
I �
vft& L friends uear BY,&
�sdd Me ,clrivjug ble'r4s' 41
ubt a fine Mar
4as boag,
. 01111111111111011110111011111
- I Perth I
—]Dr. W. X. Rol)ertA
'Ume in 86attotd. fic
"uS fortune of sibout 12.
-�-_Pavid 0. Heirnilton
Z . belf ,
jo,Lwrej farm, east
� t9 migneighbor Mr. �B&
—The little child 'of
solisi6ti�,, St. .Marva, h4
AWIdt baud badly bit
Aay last w4mek.
;v_xr. , , o
seven head of cattli
I .
�.Wagiktit.the 'Supposed 4U
iw� '"d Mrs, `C1 I
. Dr.
-T�wawanda, New 11 L
I 'IMMet'to -of Mitdhell, V
T,oulia, wife of Mr. J
-ifter, an illuess of sever
1W Week, aged 56 YeA
hifabsiad itua three son
�� 'The new Trinity '
TAV.Mr. MeMulleb, �
r000r, will be ready I
. The first of Octciber.
voted the -ohurch wilp
_AAL I .
—Mr. W. P. MA
L ,YkWng relatives in a
z for the past few weeks
4t, 16viruili, Man., 14,
riet-or Of thl
"O pmp * .
40011i ,�'.
- P. _-D,
��Min Gertie
-b" finceessfully <*
,md School course
-bea "ted' a PON I
,tobooll where she firm
mow upon: her retun
Mr.� W,. R. Da;vl%
� . latoli
I very ill. one,as
IU kidneys. ;or A ff
-Aiderable, Auidety thro
- U eondition, but uud
.-he-brapiAlly rete'veril
a111111111111111111110- —
� .
lank of Z
,t e
L -
Six 1=01ft Doll
A stantav,al Banki
1416ftd- Fsrmnirs�L
a"d speol4it aft*,
'69116"16" of salie,
I 401 On deposits *1 I
speetal f-66111timp
%vallomm Infto-K-1
money ordlem paya,we
, � -1
Viewing n't" - I L
'U"" $10 'es .
016 to,$w .10
I Solicitor. 1 �
. !!!!
. "
I as
V1UVU"1ftA4_-w &"-.-.
. __�
— — _
__ —
— --- �
— — ,
� .
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L *1
1.6-____, 1
I'll .
I I . __
� --.#� ....... ��
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I I bUJJii<n
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-piroom (SO ,-
We" - rtl �
ft" Ir b *-,
, = ft�:.. _.: 1.
1%6 . - - _... f
.*Y BW4*'* .-
11AW, 140 lb- _ - - - - _--i
L Toitox*& Pairy I
, August,
41411ift hi '
.S,her, the
It.r"impti.-frints bei
ir ..
* rm:��vgd, I
. tboftt thin being d
fftt to Poor
I - ,ere Me I .
Is L -
� 6 quality of
winte ftil from
for . DDA�aivU-w in -
ith infer-
- i t� WX
Ohmest-Ig 2110
uArket rluftitlf; very .
4rP001 W." *gun up I
1, 414tly ivitior Aeria
4 i at 12 to lo
ihcift sma
0 . 11 i�tl
- -M0N-7!M,a1-,, Aug:-
tfticet it N,4 ft.0 L,
1 L s
I hth - ry tr
ItT at L
dmwt, to "r
Ion Iftey -
,aid. __ , bift.
" " 00101 ,
At lulor- iii,
M, ore this -
An fttftiine P1608 -
tW V I
gh& be,qu;;tea �
daj�j fiz,6 - at;
goods rnil
; . � . I L 1. �
. . I F I
� I . - I : : I . ; I i d . I - � .
. � �