HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-08-11, Page 88 For the Best Value k Rooks and Stationery Fancy (+owls Wail Papers and Window iShad6s China glassware eIeweltry and 6111 4 -PA SDS • BOOfKSToRE . -SEA 0 RT H, MISS CLARE DOBLE • —TEACHER IN PIANO AND JUNIOR THEORY. PUPILS PREPARED Fi R CONSERVATORY EXAMINATIONS. For terms apply et MRS. W. D. BRIGHT. Opposite Public School. 1619-1f DOMINION BANK. CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $1,500,000. R EST, - - - $1,1500,000. SEAFORTH BRNOH, Main Street, Seat rth. A General Banking Busi ess trans-• acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on sarn at lowest rites. Drafts sold on alt points Canada, the United States and Europ . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT —Interest allowed on deposits of One ollar and upwards. R. S. HAYS, W. K. EARCE, .Solicitor Agent. IIVIPORTA.NT NOITICE 1 atin hefty Belittle a first-claie new improved IIIgh Arm Sewing Machine, with the latest steel attach- ments, finished in oak or walnut, and with cover and five drawers, or fanoy drop head and five draw- ers for $25 cash. This machine is the " Queen," manufactured by the " White Sewing Machine Company." All =chines fully warranted and guar. anteed to do first-clasa work, light or heavy. NIT— WA_TS01\T, NORTH MAIN Sr., SEAFORTH, Cteneral Insurance Agent & Deal- er in Sewing Machines. 1630 Wilson's Oash Grocery New fruita and new season's Teas now in stock We have now in etock the beet values in new sea son's- Term we ever had, comprieing Young Hyson. Ceylon and Japan Tea& We guarantee eatisfaction or will refund nee money. The best quality of new Rohr's's, Currants, Nuta. Peels, etc., now in stock at lowest prices. Some nice lines in Dinoer, Tea and Toilet Sete just received, and at priees as low se the lowest. Wanted good butter, eggs, dried apples, potatoes, dressed fowl, and all kinds of marketable produoe, for which we will pay the highest prioe. C. WII-SON, Seaforth. 374 Bank of Commerce Stook. READY-TO-WEAR SUITS. Our stock of Ready-treWear Boys' 'and Children's is now ful than usual. Prices on the bed ore and buyere pronounce Our Men's All -Wool Suits at 84 Excellent Suite in Mena at 86 can buy a euit fit for a prince Tweed Suite from 8150 up, One fact we wish to irepreae handle the beat fitting and ma the country. uita in Bitenar,Youths', . Assortment larger rock basis. Inspect- -aloe unprecedented. .75 are trade bringers. and 88. At 810 you to wear. Children's oys' from 82.76 up. On buyers la that we e goods produced in Wm. Picka d & 0o. SEAFOR 11. Fall Term Opens September 5th. idozedd STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Write to -day for our new catalogue, It'a the finest business cellege catalogue in Can- ada, and represents the most progressive and beat school. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princtipal. 4444-52 LA.D:IES' and GENTS' GOLD WATCHES With Wtathazn or Elgin movements at very low prices. Watch repaiting is a. spet-ielty of ours. AIL work warranted at, lowest prices. C. A. HUMBER & SON JEWELERS, SEAFORTH. 1618 Grand Trunk Railway August 22nd, Farm Laborers' Excursion To any point Manitoba arid Assiiiiimia—west, south-west or nortleweet of Winriipeg,—aa far aa Moose Jaw, &tem), Yorkton and Cowan inclusive. The fare will be $10 koing and ;SIS returning Tickets vim he issued to either aex, hut no bah e 3, and will be good to return on or before Noveniter 15th. The route is via North Bay. W. SOMERVILLE, Agent, Commercial Building, SEAFORTH. 7645 DISTRICT- MATTERS. kt fins txpoitor. CLIM BIN a 'el Tire Tor.—The gentleman referred to in the follovving paragraph, which we take from the Hibbing, Minnesota News of July 22 is a son of Mr. Irwin of the Huron road, Hallett, and is a graduate of Mr. 8omervillent telegraph office in this town. Mr. frwin's many friends in this election will congratulate, bine on his promo. 1 tion and will join in the hope that he may !„ o on elinibing. The News says : " W. T. rwin, who has been emploe ed for nome ime as telegraph operator and cashier in he Duluth, Missabe & Northern depot here, as promoted Wednesday to the position of tation agent at Eveleth and immediately assumed his new responsibility. Will is an exemplary -young man and his host of Hib- bing friends are pleased at hia good fo tune. ed by to he an • AVELLERS.—The following were ticket - out of town to distant pants this week W. Somerville, up -town agent of the nd Trunk : George ]Dickson, to Saginaw,, Algae ; Charles Andrews,of 1Constanoe, Yerkton, North-west Territory, where has secured a good position ; Dr. and . Waters, of Constance, to Detroit ; Mr. Mrs. King, of Constance, toSt. Joseph, ouri ; William Ballantyne, Seaforth, to cebridge, to pay a visit iv his son ; lliam Rae, of MoKillop, to 'St. Paul, nesota. • RATH OF A FORMER HURONITE. —Mr. ea Grieve, of Harpurhey, has recently re ived the sad intelligence of the death of hi brother, Mr. Robert Grieve, of Two bore, Minnesota. The sad event took pl ce on July 28th, after an illness of some nths of heart disease. The deceased was 63 years of age. He was a blacksmith by trade, and previous to leaving thie country carried on business for several years in Kinburn, in the township of Hullett. He left here about sixteen years ago, and has resided in Minnesota ever since. He leaves a widow, one son and one daughter. Mr. Loenus STARK has engaged Mr. ,Geo. Cullis=as cutter to manage his Tailoring business. Mr. Cull's has had a long experience in both Can- ada and the States. He will use-ail—hie latest ideal in outiing, hanging of sleevea and puttirg.en collare. Nothieg but first clam and up-to-date mirk. Per - feet fit every time. Stark Bros. old firm.. LOFTUS STARR, Proprietor. 1862-2 DRESSED POULTRY and good fresh butter wanted at A. YOUNG'S, Seaforth. 1651 HOUSE LEe.—Lately occupied by J. W. Elder. .Apply to F. Holmested, Seaforth. 1648 Call at Fear's Drug store, Seaforth, for the booklet, Syeetsoles and their use, by G. Egerton Robb, the famous Refractonlst. It costs nothing and oontaine much useful information. On Friday, August llth, Mr. Robb will be there. personally for the relief of all who have had diffloulty in Bemiring suitable glasses. 1652-1 Wieinnre—Butter and eggs ; still the same price, 14o. The sale still goes. Everything goes. G. E. King, Wingbam. 1651-tf If you want a good flve cent cigar, ask for the Clasaio or King at J. S. Robert's,Seaforth. 1651-2 Washing machines and wringers big as- sortment of the right klni and prices right. Take one on Ariel and if not satbsfactory return it. S. Mullett -& Co,, &Mortis. 1852.1 Parties intending to pet in furnaces this vrar should loose n3 time in deolding what furnace to put in. We have eanspies 61 different kinds.on our floor and would be only to pleased tro snow you the merits ot the different makes. Our repatztion in putting in. furnaces is sufficient guarantee, that if the work is entrusted to us the tame will be properly done. Come and see what we have before you buy. S. Mullett & Co., Seaforth. Saleeman wanted.—Wanted, a good16a5a21-e1 s - man for dry goods. State salary desired and ex' perienoe., Moat be strictly temperate. A. R. Smith, Brussels. 1652x1 At Fear's Drug store, Seitforth, on Fri- day, Agg-ust Ilth, G. Egerton Robb, the famous Re. frac:Monist. P941; miss this opportunity of having _ _op • - IstAtI.1 Your sight proper..y ace' _ SPLENDID stock of new Trunks. If you want a good one, you,will never have a nicer Wee. Mon than at present. Better trunks than we ever bad before. W. H. Winis, %Worth. 1652 2 Coming for one day onlY, every three months, G. Egerton Robb, the famous Rstrectionlat, will be at Fear's Drug store. Seaforth, on Friday, August llth. His work spertks for itself. • 1652 1 Gine WANTED.—Wanted, a general set'. vent girl. Apply after the 21st of August. Waah- log &ea out. Apply to MRS. F. EiotsiesTED, Her- purbey. 1662-2 PIN LOST. --Lost, a Gold Pin, on the west e of street betwe:n Mr. Bright's cnrriee and Mr. In ram's dwelling Party finding same 11.11 be re - w rded by leaving it at Exrosrroa Office. 1652x1 PLENDID stock of new Trunks. If you w nt a goo i one, you will never have a nicer vele°. ti n than at present. Better trunks than we ever ha before. W. H. Seaforth. 16524 Your eyes trouble you or your head aehes. Call and see G. Egerton Robb, the famous Refracti- onist, at Fear's Drug store, Seaforth, on Friday, August llth. He has 'helped hundreds and can help you. 1652-1 Bow-lance—Three rinke from the Seaforth bowling, club went to Clinton on Tuesday last to play a friendly match with the club of tha town, The rinks were !composed as follow : Ncr: 1,—W. a Reid, James Scott, J. S. Roberts, W. K. Pearce; skip ; No. 2,—C. W. Palest, F. Holmested, R. S. Hays, E. C. Coleman, skip; No. 3,—James McMi heel, T. F. Coleman, H. Speare, W. D. Bri hnnkip. The Seaforth, players came out vi torious by 21 shots. In view of re- cent v ctories, the Seaforth club are com- menci g to feel that they are just about in- vincible, and tha the province does not contain many te ms that are up high enough to play in t eir class. • INJURED IN CHI( 1.00. —Mr. Josiah Wat- son of this town r ceivedl word from Chi- cago a few days ag, of a serious accident which befel his thi d son, Mr. John Wat- son, there. Mr. NA ateon has been in Chi- cago about a year, and was employed with the street railw y company painting bridges. He w s knocked off the ladder on whie he was standing by a I passing car. His spine was injured and at last °counts his condition was critical. He is confined in the company's hospital and is rem- ving the very best pos- sible care and atte tion. Mrs, Marsh, his aunt, with whom h was boarding, is also in constant attenda cc on him in the hos- pital. He is about 21 years of age, and is a steady, induetrious, well doing young man. The news of his accident was a severe shock to his panents and other friends here, but all will hope that future reports will be more encouraging. • TICE RED Miren—Mesers. Gad ke & Lyons, the new proprietors of tho red mill in this town, have just completed extensive im- provements, not alone in the machinery of the mill, but also on the exterior of the building. In addition to other machineey, they have added a new engine, manufac- tured by Inn R. Bell, of the Seaforth foundry, while Messrs. 8. Mullett & Com- pany have juet, completed the work of plac- ing a new iron covering on the mill and en- gine room, which has very materially im- proved their appearance. They are -both practical men who aeem to thoroughly un- deratand their bueiness, and have now everything in first-class shape to do a large trade. They have already expended a large amount of money in these repairs and im- provements, and we hope their enterprise will be amply rewarded. • C0a1PLEMENTS FOR THE BAND. —COM - plementing on the recent visit of our band to Goderich, the papers of that town pay the boys some well deeerved complements. The Signal says : " The combined Har- riston and Pelmerston braes bands accom- panied the party, so that the town had abundanne of music during the day. In the afternoon noth bands played in the harbor park, where a large crowd, including many townspeople, gathered in expectation of the musical treat. The players from Herriston and Palmerston rendered excellent music, and deserve warm thanks for their services during the day, but it is no disparagement of their performances to say a few° words speeially of the splendid band which owns Seaforth as its home. This is one of the most efficient organizations in Ontario, as was ahown by its capturing the first prize at the recent band tournament at St. Marys. Its seleetione and its manner of rendering them delighted our townspeople, who hope to have other opportunities df hearing it." The Star says " The Huron UR N EXPO ITOR _ ""1 , attalion band formed up on the Square, and gave a mu ioal programme that delight- ed the twelve r thirteen hundred who lis- tenen to it. 0 course one expects good military music from a military band, and on this occasion o e's expectations were fully realised, for th martial airs and the melee - Mono were the weeteat we have heard sinee Godfrey's men ()coupled the West street rink. Among he numbers were some I in- cluded in Godf esde list, and we are forced to admit that he Seaforth musicians are good imitii,tors of the old guardsman's style." I preaahed t Bi ke and ayfield Road on jo, EGMOND V,ILL NOTES. Rev. Mr. Shaw Sabbath last, i exchanc with , Rev. Mr. McDonald. M . Shaw w nt let special in- vitation to addr es the yo ng peeple.—The park lot purchas d by Mr1 Harry Grisbrook from the Van gmond imitate contains 24 acres, and not 3i, as was stated in last week's ExPosino . It will make a valuable addition to M Grisbrook's property.— Miss Laura Po ter has been seriously ill during the past eek, but, we are leased to note, is now improving.—Mr. Mem McNay, whose fa m lay in the direot path of the storm of la t week, estimates his loss at about $300. his is a severe drain on the year's profits, but it might easily have fallen to the lot o one much less able to carry 't.—Mrs. J hn Campbell, of Stanley, and h r son, Colin have been spending the week with relati ea in the village.—The nomadic populati n of this country, who live lei their wits, is evidently on the in- crease This wee our village is the resort of a prosperous loo ing bind of horse -trad- ers, who offer tem ting inducements to all possessors of equin proPerty who wieh to improve their st k. --Master Jack Van- Egmond has taken position in THE EXPOS. ITOR office. Je eit 's ii Clever, steady lad, end should make a orthy addition to the number of helpers o r village has supplied that establishment in the past. —Mrs. Gormaly and her aughter, of Cleveland, haveheen spending a few days this week with relatives in t e village.—Mr. Frank Jackson is spendi g his college vacation with a surveying pa ty in the vicinity of Collingwood.—Mrs. Jaanes Murray has been, a severe sufferer ately, and at present writing is very low. LOCAL. BRIEFS.— expression in our match last week h Ray Dunlop. The seriously, but as a j rent, on the streets. the most reputable is deservedly respe him, and nothing w tention than to subj • e are sorry that an report of the lacrosse s given offence to Mr. xpression was not used ke, and as it was our - Mr. Dunlop is one of oung men of the town ; ted by all who know further from our in - et him to ridicule or in any way to annoy him, and we are sorry that we have been he innocent cause of giving him offence —Mr. John Morrison, reeve of MeKillop, i 'erecting a handsome residence on his fa m, and' is using Gut- teridge's pressed rick.—Dr. and -Mrs. John McFaul, of °rent° spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs L L'. MoFaul.—Dr. • Hogg and his bride s ent a few days at the parental home in Mc Mon and with friends in town—Mr. and Meal William Goven- look, of London, are spending a portion of their holidays with f iends in Seaforth and McKillop.—Mr. Joh McMillan, M. P., re- ' -.end from hia LULA. - Ottawa on Saturday. Killop, commenced with a new steam' th triends hope his ente ran rded. —Re ve Dr. cipal of Princeton here for hie home in He conducted the se terian church for certainly, a most abl and a genial gentlem here made many frie a Canadian by birth, education in the pub erloo cOunty, but ha United States, whe e important charges, fo Mr. James M. McK has obtained an appo the Parkhill high s was a clever Student, spect a most estimabl are sure he ' will m capable leacher.—Mr don, was the guest o Saturday.—Dr. and City, were here thi Newkirk's father, M At a special meeting day evening, tne con ‘. rs. James H. W odley, of this town. r. T. R. F. Caee WRIS in Toronto th week on business.4—Itav., Mr. Te block, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Who is ' spending his nacation in Bayfield i is expected, to preset: it St. Thomas church next Sundey. The reverend gentleman is one of the ablest divines in the diocese of Michigan; he has also read highly applauded papers at die- eesa,n connections in the city of Toronton-e- Miss Ella Smith, second daught r of Dr.:R. B. Smith, of Hamilton, was i town this week : viaiting her grand-mothe and other friends.—The choir of the resbyterian. church had their annual picnic n Wednes- day, and spent a very pleasant day at the lake shore at Bayfleld.—Mrs. Fred Gales, who hen been ill, is, we, are pleased to learn, recovering, and is now able to be about.—The heavy, soaking rain of Wed- nesday night did much good and no harm. —Dr. Belden's mother, Mrs. Belden, of Molesworth, and his sister, Mrs. Snell, of Goderich, are visiting him this week.—The Misses Laing, of Chicago, who have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. s(Dr.) Belden, for the past two weeks, left for Clinton on Thursday, to viiiit friends there.—Mrs. Sloan, of this town, leaves next' Week on an! —Mr. Charles Stewart, who was, in Manila, al extended visit to her daughter i Manitoba, and her son in Nanaimo, British Columbia. is at present here visiting his parents. • Oreenway. DOTS. —TA. C. Wila011, B. 8. A., returned to Guelphl hust Monday.—The annual har- vest home dinner of the Boston Methodist church will be held September • 20th.—Miss Ada Baird visited Miss Alice Wilson over_ Sanday.—Mrs. Alex. Fraser, of Clinton, visited Miss Whiteside last week.—Miss Marion Ramsay is visiting her aunt, Mrs. , (Rev.) R. L. Wilson of Camlachie—Mies Edna Hamilton visited Mies Carrie Wilson last week. • Brumfield. B. R. Macaws, Brueefield, Notary Public Conveyancer, Fire and 1Afe Insuranoe agent, Any amount of money to torso at 5 per cent., on first.olape -farm security. Mortgages drawn and mosey ad- vanced free of expense to the borrower. Also a limited amount of private funds at 5 per cent. Ai home every morning end WednesdaY of eaoh Week- Several good farms for sale. 157 GOOD SHEEP.—Mr. Hector Reid, of Stan- ley, who is fast gaining for himself a repu- tation as a breeder of Shiopshire eheep, last week disposed of itbent twenty of his fine flock to Mr. Peavey, of Iowa. Mr. Peavey, who is an extensive, importer of high class Shropshires knows where to get them. BRIEFS.—Alr. George Hart paid a visit to friends in Kincardine last week.—Mrs. Laird, of Clinton, epent a few days recently visiting with her brother, Dr. Armstrong, in the village.—Mr. Gordon Smith, of Glen- gary county, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church the last two Snbbaths. —The annual meeting of the Beumfleld branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society was held in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening of this week.—Miss Edna Copp, of Clinton, is vieiting friends in this vicinity this week.—Mr. T. M. Higgins and family, of Toronto, are at present holi- daying at the old home on the Bayfield road.—Mr. William Ament received a oar load of barrel \heading last week, and has commenced the manufacture of barrels. He will run it in connection with his stave fac- ry here. arltamentary duties Ott 4,, Mr. Holden, of Mc- Yu hie season's campaign his many e mond, prin- r tucky, left WP rr -Tuesday. T he Presby - hs. He is, sp esher, an prise will J. A. Ric ollege, Ke he south vices in wo Sabba and plea.a.ng preacher n, and dueng his stay ichmond is his early Ayr, Wat- dent of the eld several ny years.— mondville, Wroxeter. 13RIEFS. —Mr. Thos. W. ibeon, of To onto, spent that eity's ic holiday in roxeter, returning with he family on uesday morning.—Mr. T. B. Sanders is ending a well earned holiday at Niagara alls and other points in lOntario.—The lases Elliott of Chesley; who have been ending a holiday at Niagaea-on-the-Lake • de. Dr. ic chool a ani/1 secure be n a res he has good m y, of E a nl nt ent on the staff of hool. Mr, McKinley and is in every re - young man, and we ke a painstaking and M. L. Buffy, of Lon - Mr. I. V. Fear • on ewkirk, ol Bay visiting Mrs. am Campb 11.-- on- lith- rs. wee . Will f the eouned on ract for the gran lc sidewalks and cro sings to be constrected in this town, was a arded to Mr. Frank Gutteridge, the price being 10 cents per foot all round. There were several tenders; but Mr. Gutteridge's wa considerably the low- est.—Mrs. B. B. Gu n is visiting at Mayor Gunn's old home in t e county of Elgin.— Mr. George Aitzel a d Mr. W. D. McLean are away this week eking in an excursion from Toronto to ew York.—Mr. W. Prendergast, inspect r of separate schools, Toronto, is at presen enjoying a few holi- days with friends in his vicinity.—A meet- ing of the nnembe it of the Tuckeramith Branch Agricultural ociety has been called for the 19th inst. to rrange for the disposal of the present groun s of the society. We understand that seve al very advantageous offers have been rece ved. It is a most de- sirable property, an would make a prof- itable in veetment for any w ho have the money to spare, —.Mr. James Scott is now located in his n w residence on West Goderich street.— pplo buyers are now thick On every cone sion, but the crop is not a large one hia yeat.—Mr. James Graves has been arrying his 'arm in a sling for several day as a resulti of a fall from his bicycle whi eciasting down hill.— Mr. George Cullis ha been engaged to man- age the tailoring b sinezs for Mr. Loftus Stank. Inn Cullis i a very capable young man, and is strictl ureto-date in all the latest ideas of tailori g.—The regular meet- ing of the Leper Mis ion Auxiliary will be held in the usual-pla e on Monday evening next, at 8 o'clock. hose attending should remember to bring t eir free will offerings for the mite box.—/v r. Paul Shaver is plac- ing new plate glass fronts in the hardware stores of Measrs. Rei & Wilson. --The Sear forth creamery na do ng a large business this ason, and is tu ning out an excellent ality of butter, w ich is disposed of as st as it can be ma e. The patrons, also, e well pleesed wi h the prices they re - c ive for tileir cre me—Mr. F. G: Neelin le t for Lilly Dale, New York State, on ednesday.—The IS isses Doble and Smith ve this week fo Bayfield to spend a If uple of eeks usticating by the lake ore,—Mr. and re. John KilIoran, of .this town, h ve now seven children and five grand-childr n at h me with them spending the holidays. A lea of young people from a le CO sh town drove t Bayfi ld on Tuesday evening to enjoy a ho in th pavillion there.—Mr• Ingham, and Mr. M. wo former Seaforthitee, onday.—The work on in this town is being ly, and the track is shape.—Misses Bertha ughtera of Mr. Peter ends in Britton.—Mr. puty postmaster, has elegate to the Odd - now in session there. r. E. J. Spackman F. G. Spading, 'of Young, of lyth, were in to n on the new driv ng par pushed forwa d rapt now looming up in and Clara Da ey, d Daley, are vi iting fr A. D. Suthe land, d gone to Toro to as a fellows' Gran Lodge We also notio that of Exeter, ha been e ected Grand Marshall. —Mr. W. Se° t and little son, of Toronto, and Miss Ida Brown, of Teeswater, are vis- iting Mrs. Harry Gei this week.—Mr. A. R. Smith, one of russets' leading mer- chants, was in tow on Wednesday.—Mr. icago, and Dr. J. W. , are visiting friends ev. A. MacWilliams, ntworth Presbyterian viniting hie sister, 9 F. F. Hutchis Hutchison, of in town this B. A., pastor church, Ham n, of Sagin eek.— of W lton, _ - _ are now the guests of Miiss ens Smith, of this place.—Dr. Beam, o El wood, was in town over Sunday.—Revl M . Anderson, of Toronto, is occupying the Presbyterian 'Aura pulpit here, in the absence of the paston—Mrs. McLennae aed family, of .London, are the guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Black at presenn—Mr. In B ack, shipped a day last.—Mrs. Jas. Orr, is spending a few lw car of flour this week.—Mr. m. Sander- son, shipped a car of live stoc on Wednes- weeks with friends in town. , • Morris. , NOTES. —Mrs. B. Alcoek, 6th line, is ill. —The weather is now very changeable. Cold enough every evening for overcoats.— Mr. Joseph Clegg has Hold 50 acres of land, being -lot 10, concession 6, to Mr. Robert Young. The price paid wns $1,250. Mr. Yqung also gets , a dwelling . and driving sh d.—Harvest is all the go now and a large a ount of barley has been cut and har- ve ted. Fall wheat is not turnine out very well.—Elijah Peaee is out with °his steam thresher, and has threshed out a good few barns of fall wheat.—Mr. J. Moore, and wife, of Walton, accompanied by Miss M. Murray, of Halton county and Miss Moore, bf Guelph city, were visiting friends a few days lately, in this township.—The council met on Mone ay, 7 eh inst., in M r. Thomas Miller's driving shed, on account of repairs going on at the hall. The hall will soon be completed, the brick is on the ground and the wall built: • • St. Joseph. , NOTE.9.—As Mr. Contine was coming in from the station on Saturday last, with a cab load of gentlemen from Toronto, Otta- wa and Montreal, and when about half way between this place and Zurich, the bolt that fastens the whifiletrees to the pole of the cab, broke, and the horses ran away and did not stop till they reached the saw mill yard at this place. The cab and its occupants were left by the road side. Fortunately no damage was done except the breaking of the pole. --A large crowd of -people engem- bled at this place on Saturday evening, to spend a pleasant time, and to listen to a speech made by a prominent Toronto jour- nalist. He addressed the audience both in English and 'in Freneh, while the Zurich brass band played choice selections of music, during, and after his address.-Mr.McLean, with his wife and family, have left this place and are boarding at the Huron hotel, Zurich, for a few days. • Brussels. GATHERINGS —The sewers are nearly completed and the eidewalks are still being put down.—Black bass fishing is the whole thing in town these days, some , being caught -,weighing from 3 to 4 pounds.—W, F. Stewart is having his mill dam repaired! —Baker & Vanstone shipped a car of hogs on Monday, and will shipeagain on Monday next.—J. Leckie left for Toronto on Mon- day. Mrs. Leckie and the boys will visit in Teeswater before returning to the city.—N. E. Rose, who for the past two weeks has been visiting' at Dr. Kalbfleisch's, left on Thursday to visit in Newstead, before going home to Longpoint Indiana.—Mrs. W. H. Kerr and Leelie, are visiting in Goderich this week.—Mrs. Frank Kelly, of Detroit, is visiting S. Grant, 6th concesttion of _Grey. —On Friday evening last the 'Independent Order of Odd Fellows lodge, headed by the town band, marched to the cemetery and per- formed the annual decoratien services. There was a large crowd to I witness the eyente The graves of sixteen brothers were decorated with beautiful fiowers.—G. F. Blair was in Wingham this week on busi- ness.—A sad event occurred on Tuesday evening,' in the death of John Downing, of Brussels, from appendecitis. Mr. Downing °erne to Brussels some 13 years ago and started in the boot 1 and shoe business, of which he has Made a eucoess. He leaves a family of a widow, five sons and two daugh- ters, to mourn his lose, be ides a large num- ber of friends,1which he h made fpr him- self. He was 67 years of age. The remains - , were interred in Br ssels cemetery on Thursday. The family have the sympathy of many.—Miss, Mary Ferguson is hotte from Stratford. --Fred ilpin iii Visitivg at heme. He has been several monthe.—W. Owen Sound f r ;Shand, of t•Nes several days this week. York, was viaiting wit 1 Tin M. Scot f r Dubl n. GOOD CATTLE. —Mr. n4eW Forester, f Mitchell, delivered to ri Jelin O'Kee , cattle dealer, Dublin, on Monday last, t e last of 69 export steers, fdr Which he r (Ailed the snu sum of $4,328. These ca tle were all fe by Mr. Foreeten 0----i-r-- Chiselhurst. ITtalS.—Mr. Oliver has I commenced t e She herd drain, and is rashine it in oed and Miss Pierce, of Mitchell, are hard& frig it shit e. He eeems to thoroughly undare id his ork.—Mr. W. Fermin of Whitechn cli, at the McMillan homestead Olio wee .-,— Mr. Henry Pybus has comnieneed work en the McCloy farm. He will 600 bave i in' as geod shape as Woodbine. Chicago.; BRIEFS.—Mr. H. Smith, tvli is wor i ter Mr. William Rader, los his w while he was plowing, and he thinks he as 'plowed it down. --Miss Waiper, of Detreit, was visiting friends here.n-Mr. land Mr.. Reim, of Berlin is visiting ;at M . Samu I —Mr. John Eohstein was putting net a Pa e Millers.—Mr. Lim Haugh 'has is Id one f his horses to Mr. Harden for a good figur wire fenoe for Mr. Henry Kalb eisch th s week.—Mr. Abel Sohn° is b ilding .p kitchen to his house this sum er.—Mr. Michael Kaercher has sold his farm to his son Ezra for the sum of $5,500. ' It is one of tle beet farms in the township, and has splendid buildings. •Turnberry. NOTES.—The hum of the thresher is hea 'ready in this neighborhood.—J. Roadie , f Wingham, and R. Rea, of Listowel, a engaged with James Anderson for the ha - est.—Mrs. (Rev.) Edwards and two sons,cif oronto, are visiting in this•vicinity.—Revi. .. Rogers, accompanied by Mr. •Joseph each, made a number of pastoral calls on t e B. line last week.—There being no seri- ice in the Methodist church, Blaevaie, lent unday evening, quite a 'number drove to ingham to hear (Rev.) R. Hobbse—Mrse . Leathern has recovered from injuries re - wed a few weeks ago, and now she over- t, me. the hike. • Dashwood. NOTES.—Rev. J. P. Hauch, of Berlin, the 11 wly appointed missionary to • JaAl 11, p eached in the Evangelical church last n - d y afternoon. A collection, amounting to n arty seventy-five dollars, was taken p, Inch Mr. Hamill will take with him w on h goes to Japan in the fall.—Next Sun 3: Rev. Mr. Litt, of Crediton, will preach n tlee Evangelical church, morning and ev ing.—Mrs. Hall, of London, is visiting er brother, Mr. John Hall—The Dashw od Flax Company have begun threshing th jr crop of flax, which is rather s all this ye r. —Some of the young people o the villr picnicked at the Bend on Thursday.— t. Slott, formerly principal of our school, c li- ed on friends in the village las week. , i Constance. / BRIEFS.—The se vice in the Methodist church, on Sunday next, will be held at 2:30 p. m., as usual —At 7 p. m. on Sab- bath next, a special sermon will bt's preached to the Canadian Order of Foresters, by Rev. Mr. Couphind.—Mr. Charles Andrews left _on Tuesday for Manicoba, where he expecte to remaiid—On Tuesday evening of last week the members of the Epworth League assembled at the home of Mr. Britton for a social gathering, prior to the departure of several of the members from our midst. A very enjoyable time was spent, which was shared by Rev. T. B. Coupland, pastor, and Mre. Coupland, whme presence added much to the pleasure of the evening.—A quiet but pretty wedding took place on Tuesday last, at the eesidence of Mre, Schoalee, of this place, where her daughter, Miss Annie, was united in marriage with Mr. John Wi King, late principal of our public schoo . The good wishes of many friends will g with Mr. and Mrs. King to their new ho e near Bluevale. • McKillop. Doinos.—Fred J. Lawrence, son of Mr. James Lawrence, has resigned his school at Bervie and received a more lucrative situa- tion at Taylor's Corners, five milee east of Goderich. He gets $65 in advance 'of last year.—The hum of the threshing machine is again heard in our midat. From the re- ports the grain is a very fair sample—The raspb'erry season has just come to a close. They were an abundant crop, which will partly make up for their scarcity lastl year. —Mr. William Govenlock, B. A,, son of Mr. Robert Goventocki nisiting friends and acquaintances -tin mid about Seaforth.— The oats are suffering seVerely from rust. Some farmers are cutting them green, as it ' is almost impossible for them to ripen as they stand.—A handsome suspensihn has been erected opposite the farm of Mr. George Murdie. It is the workmanship of our popular framer, Mr. Edward Sperling. • Zurich. COLLINS & STANBURY, barristers, einivey- sneers, not rries, cto., Exeter, Ont. R. II. ' Collins and J. G. Stanbury, 13. A., (late with McCarthy, Osier & Co., barristers, Toronto). 1648-tt NOTES. —There will be no preaching,in the . Eva,ngelical church here next Sabbathmorn- ing,—Rev. J. P. Hauch, nab° intends key - 'ng in the near future for his mismonary eld in Japan, preached to a large audience n the Evangelical church last Sunday ,mern- ing.-10 lases Lizzie Hess and Lavine. IJeiqh- ert, Messrs. J. Deichert end F'. Hese, 'spent Sundey last at Bayfield.—Mr. Frank Boe en - Harry Deichert. and family, have left Ifor i berry returned home from a business tri to Sarnia a few days ago.—Mr. and ' rs. there home in New Hiiven, Michigan.+Raia fin:greatly needed in thie vicinity. -Grain is nearly all ripe and most of it cut. - BRIEF BITS. —The post office insiomtor was in town last week inspecting the, office here and found everything in good i order and quite satisfactory. Our postmaster, Mr. D. S. Faust, drove him to St. Joseph to inspect the office there.—Rev. C. S. Fink- beiner has gone to spend his summer va a - tion at Cleveland and Linwood Park in Ohio. He expects to be away about t o weeks.—Leet Saturday.while Mr. Isr. l. Contine was going home with some vititers from the east, and when oppointe Mr; Gen tree and the horses ran away. They broil ht ger's lane, the bolncame out of th dou le up at St. Joseph. The carriage w 's thrown into the ditch, but fortunately o person was injured.—A couple of wander ng ,It h ia,ns, with bag -pipes and fife, seren ded t e citizens a few days ago. The m sic was not very inapiring.—Mr. Kline is n w visit- ing his uncle, Mr. Thomas Johnsto .enhirs. D. Karcher has gone to Hensall to see her sisten—Mrs. Kraft has been on to see Mrs. John Deichert,—Mr. Fred Ei ber has been here seeing his son, Christoph r.—The rize lists for the Hay Branch Agr cultural ociety's show are now out. The show is to be held bere on the 20th and 21st of September. The contract for the enlarge - 'meat and improvement of the show Wilding has been awarded to Mr. John C. ,lialb- !kitsch. It could not have fallen into better hands.—Mr. Henry Koehler, jr., brought to the postoffice a few days ago a pea stalk which measured! 7 feet 9 inches in length. It would be hard to beat this. We hope Mr. Koehler's whole crop corresponds irith this stalk, and that the stalk, are peopor- tiOnately Wel Kibler sPent S Michael eller his sister ind 0 a good tints. AUGITST 114 1899, leaded with peas.—Mr. nday last in Dashwood.4— his gone to Berlin to viait her friends. We wish him #;aylield. DEA* OF ' MR. JOHN MORGAN.—.Mueh stirpria, and sures, was felt by our citizens enerallyj on Wednesday, on it becoming nown hat one, of our oldest and most re- apected reside0s, in the person of Mr. John Morgan, had °Parted this life. Mr. Mor- gan had Ibe n ill fnr some weeks with tyerhoid fever end, although it was known h was iveery i I, ne Were prepared for the a noun men, ! o his death. About six fr m Goderic te ebroit. On hie return 1 * eks ago Mr1,M r an took in the ,excursion home he corn °di f feeling unwell,and the away, soon de el pecL Mr. Morgan was 07 Ti)v disease, whic !Ise no doubt contracted while years of age. H was a native of Aber- deenshire, Scetla d, having come to' this country with his arents when quite young. They 'settled in erioh township, where the demased tesi ed until he came to Bay- field. For many years he conducted the River hotel 1 thi place, n hostlery which was kPown air an wide forthe excellence of the entertai men 'which it provided. He was also e ege as a captain on Lake 7th diVisien court here, and shortly after Huroin .0 he eath of the late Welling- ton O'Conno , he as appointed clerk of the sold the hotel and lived retired. He was e genial; wholteisoul d man, and always had an open hnnd and a warm heart for any in need. He wins a most worthy citizen, and leaves widow an family of one son and will beilmuch mis d in the community. Ho eight aughtete, p ree of whom are still at jlaid to rest n h Bayfield cemetery** ilt, home. He Witi a Presbyterian in religion and a iberal n li ics. The remains were Friday. a. Great Clenrin ale.—Having ermined broken lines mpfs, en'e and children's &bora% Willie, paid flying visit to Varna last 1 1 wM clear t ear vut crash, at and below oost, froM August he 12t til September 1st. These i jaiser eilirrelynaont 14,0Suhrols stnectek,EgbuptfirtestkcelnaessegtossOdht.; S. 9. Rathwe I, Varna NOTES. r7. r HarG * and . hiii:52exein' W ek. linri Art is hale and hearty. Hie i Mrs. Ja Thompson and children, of m ny frien ere were pleased to see him; — he max Started to woe* on the ne* eaforth, nd Mrs. George Stewart, of ti Presbyteri n hutch here on Tuesday last. Raton, s Grace Torrance, of Zurich, ml i!,:iiss leton, of Got:Ulrich township, r visitin t rs. James Armstrong's this e k —A Oo clly number from Varna took n h Bayfle dniarden party on Thursday i ht of last Mk, and report a good time. I . Mr. who', of Pennsylvania, is t,o pr ach for ev. r. Jennings on Sunday ne*t n St. Jiehn's e urch. ' Co Nom HStanle council met on Mon- daY, Augue 7th. All the members werei preeent. Th foll wing rates were levied On the colt clor's roll this year : County rate, li mills ; tow ship rate, 1_3/5 mills ; No, 3; 1 1/10 mills ; No. 4, 2 mills ; No. 5, ,i) general echo lnra , 1 1/5 mills ; special school rate 0 section No. 1, 1 3/5 mills ; 1 3/10 mills ; No. 6, 2 4/5 mills • No. 7, li mills ; NO 10, 1 1/5 mills ; N'o. 13, 7/10 mills N .114, 1 2/5 mills; No. 1 union, 2/ mills Noe 9, 2 1/10 mills ; separate school, . 3 mi Is. The • following Accounts were ' penile I: u icipal World, blank forms, $5.05 T om s Mellis, repairing pile driver, $1n; J. Mitchelln printing eccount, $22 9 • minu book, 425. The clerk was instruite to otify W.! W. Ferran to re - mo ,e e I. en across the street in Dinsley Terra . h men Wiley wan again appoint- ed not der. Next meetingi of council on Mond , Sep mber lltb. ; wo fo I • • Hensall. COLLI.NS & STANBURY, barristers, convey- ancers, notaries, etc.,. Exeter, Ont. R. H Collins and J. G. Stanbu y, B. A., (late 'with McCarthy, Oeler & Co , berri ters, Toronto). 1648.tf F1JRNIT RE AND UNDERTAKING.— NOW the time t uy your furniture. A full line to oho° from, and, although furniture prices have advance considerab , I ern still selling at the old figurer, viz leek botto prices. Pianos and Organs of the late makes at so value. In the undertaking depa brick bloc Hens II. coftior, tog thee with all furniehings, aid a No teed 1 a es 1 solie ted.1 JAMES BEVERLEY, MeCloy new hea . Cha, ges low, and astisfaction guara ment will found a complete line o.f esekie6181a4n LOCAL BRIE S.—Th ast week has een in sting, and t e farmers are getting Mon ry fast with heir work. The spring crop e unusually g od,while fall wheat is near an average v eld.—Oun conncil have in veined in. a wa ring cart; recently in use i the town of Mi chell.--Mrs. 4. Forbes, o Seaforth, spent part of last Week and thi ithher parent , Mr. and Mrs. John Mc His ' r, of this place.—Miss Jennie Westa ay left here o Wednesday ,morning fo ant ord, to v sit friends, and intends re- maining there slime time.—Mise C.V. Smith very 'pleasantly enterteined e number -.-of young, people on Monday evening.—Mr. W. R: Hodginii and family are. camping at Grand Bend.—Miss eWestaway abd Miss Minnie Coxworth were in Seaforth on Mon- day Inst.—Mr. Abner Arnold, barrister, of 1 Windeor, accompanied by bis wife and children, are here visiting Mr. Arnold's par - entire -I -Mr. Jamea Bonthrone, jr., is away f, pending a week or so holidaye. Mr. Win. Elder,' jr , is taking hiss place in McDon- nell's hardwartestore clueing his absence. -- Mr. T, M. Higgins, barrister, of Toronto, together with his wife and children, spent part of last week, and this with Mrs. W.C. Davis, of this villa e, Mr. 'Higgins' sister.— Qearterly eerviees ere,held in the Beth- esda appointment 1 st Sabbath morning,and on that account the e wee no service in the Methodist chureh here in the morning.— Mr. Mange's Henderaon, divinity student of Queen's College, Ki piton, preached for his brother, Rev. J. S. -Henderson, in Carmel Prehbyterian chur h, 'tali Sabbath last, delivering two v ry good discourses.— Mrs. William ,13. McLean was recently ' honored by the adies' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Forei n MissionarySociety of Carmel ehureh by emining a life member - Sister, Mrs. W. B. nIcLean.—Our council ship, --The ladiee ief thelabove imentioned society rece tly sent away a 1M•ge box of clothing — rs. Jame! Beattie; of Clinton, has been spending t e past week with her have co pleted the etteteh of six foot side- walle f DM King streeti' to Queen street, along Neiman street, in 'a manner that re- flects credit upon the council and village, and they are now building a good four foot sidewalk from Queen to Mill street.—Mr. T. J. Berry, councillor, b had his large handaotne brick dwelling a 1 enclosed and roofed with metal. It is credit to that inert of the village. Mr. DI ao Laughlin- of Tilbury; was in the !nage 'this week visit- ing his aister, Mrs, Mes Coxworth.—Mrse Jackman, of Buffalo; New York, was here this week vending ii day or so with her eousin, Mrs. J. Coxworth.—Mr. Joseph Blaney, of the commercial hotel, intends re- turning to his home at Kingston in the couree of a week or eo.—Mrs. Nesbitt and ter, ot Toronto; ho were here on a aye returned het e.—Miss Era War - was in London on Wednesday.—Mr. A. May, of the Hensell Observer staff, who was spending a couplelof weeks vacation at his home in Walkerten, returned the first of this week and remitted his duties.—Miss Annie McAllister is visiting her brothers oh the Parr line.—Mise Sellery, of Kincar- dine, is spending a Week here with ber brother.--mre. Britton, of Iona, Ontario, e Miss Ellen Stark, with her children, is vi iting Mr. end Mrs. Scott, of this village Miss Ida ot am, og Mitchell, formerly . of Hensall, s ni part last week and this with friende in He 11.4—Mix0 Martha Hunter was recent' in aborna visiting her is se rt - 1 n. re e weather during the ost faverable for har- g ye ve ar ly A Br daug Visit ring Sammei* G Oar stock is well aesot ted in the folio : SUMMER D/1 LLDTERY CHILDREN'S WA It BONNETS SAILOR' TS . SHIRT ISTS MADE UPi RTS 1 PARASO S SUMMER 0 SETS COOL UNDE WEAR HOSIERY AND LOVES - FANCY PRI TS PERCALE 1 DIMITIES ORGANDIE ▪ CRASH SKIRT' GS FANCY ISIL DRESS GOOD TRIMMINO SILK LACE1 VAL LA, EMBROIDER,' S FANCY RIB4:0 5 TIES AND VElLINGS BELTS AND BUT NGS BUCKLES., & • . • _The . • E. McFAUL Dry Goods Co. C4th's Greates,t Cask. Dry Goods- Store. a brother, and is in Clinton this' week renews ing acquaintances.—Picnic rattles to the t lake are still the order of the day.—Mr. David L, Moir and wife of unman, Chi- cago, are visiting relatives in Hansen and vieinity.—Miss E. Reith has ten spending : the past couple of weeks at rand Bend.— Mr. James Petty and Mr. Ja es Bell, jr., each made a shipment of cattl from here a - few daps ago, and Messrs. Willis and Shep- herd a shipment id hogs.—This annual pic- nic of the Methodist church Sabbath school was held in Moir's' woods, edjoining the - village, on Thursday afternoon last, when a very enjoyable time was spent by the children. • Bluevale. 1 - Dors.—Nearly all the flax has been sold ' •for green tow, eo there will be no spreading :this year.—Miss Mary Scott has retutned from her visit to Seaforth.—Mrs. Georg* Martin and son, George, of Warren, Ohio 'visited Mrs. Martin's sister, Mrs. B. X* Duffe this week. —Miss Maggie Stowe has returned to her home in Goderich, aftena few weekhi visit -to friends in Bluevale.—A very successful lawn social was held by the Willing Workers of the Methodist' Church, Bluevale, at the residence of Mr. W. J. Johnston, ivlorris, on Thursday evening. Tea and refreshments were eerved and st, good program was furnished. A large number flf people from the surrounding country end towns attended. The receipts amounted to $40. Londesboro. , GATHERINos.—Mrs. Copeland and family pre visiting friends in Ellingville this nveek.—Rev. Mr. Rapson will peach here next Sunday evening at 7 p. Inn while Rev. !Mr. Copeland will preach to the Forester's einveKniinngburans.—Juhaei. league met last Monday The topic being intrm duced by Mr. Joseph Garrett, after wbich pome of the members read short papers. The meeting was led by Mr. H. Lennox.— Mra. T. Palmer is vieiting friends in Mit- chell this week. --Mr. J. Walker spent last week with friends in Mount Forest —Miss Aggie- Riddle vent a -few days with friends in Kincnrdine last week.—Miss Lou Onmette spent last week with -friends in Wingham and Blyth.—Mr. L. Whitley and Miss L Whitley called on friends in Suminerbill Monday evening.—Miss Reims Riley has goner -to spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Bradford, in Manchester.—Miss Tip- ling,bf Cleveland, is visiting her sister, Mu. Jeffrey, this week.—Miss Lou Wray, of Tilsonburg, is spending her holidays with her mother here.—Mrs. McVittie, of Clin- ton, is visiting at her daughter's, Mrs. T. Cole.—Misses Ada and Rose eerie, of Wel- ham.—Miss V. Thompson i visiting her i ton; spent last week with iss A. Brig - sister, Mrs. Tierney, of BlYth, this week— Miss Mary Lyon is on thel sick list this week.—Mr. and Mrs. J. H 11 ,spent Sunday last - with friends in racefield.—Miss Mable Caldwell is very nee with inflame illation and there is not uch hopes of her recovery.—Mr. J. Stephe son, who is the Ascuhgouoletwill commence again on the 214 of' I section foreman, will mo o down to bit house on the track next nek.—The public • --A young chinaman, a representative of the family of Lee Yung, who died in Strat- ford some two years ago arrived in thai city the other day. Hs h'ad the remains it othheinlhbinyatmhaencatsaidnitsanrrp•vd i,afinclRashiliwpapey, tit 1 —A very quiet but prettY edding took Pince not long ago at the resi once of Mrn .David McIntosh, Stratford, when his ales* dmighter, Christena, was meited in niarrians . with Mr. Walter Miller, one qf Stratford's best known and eirteemed besiams men. Al'?-4ex. "FoFisteosrt,eori tShterat5greetr. night, when- he fell off a rai Id son of Mr. feet high, which vans the rev:de "ainmtbthilkadeulltgeecill'ty:Y. escape from a terrible deat The little chap fell squarely nn his heed hetet the river, which is (elute shal owl. He struck . i the muddy bottom, bat the &ter had broke en his fall, and he was uninj red. A glan a ost any oing proof of a comf range of Men's' Cuffs, Dickys, lines of Linen in use for men The first cul Shirt, which laundried eon and $1.25. 4 line is good that we think linen goods, ( the better qv of the better unhesitatingly $1 Shirt as a The Colll -cilia may Ix ollars-for 25 of dozens at Touching the up -to -de, following cu which is mos to-da,te dresse like the tur for 25c, and 2 A matter source of an the question therefore, of that we c of large sizes and 1.71, and ......... laug241-7,w,,r4 Buckski Men's Suits, and the natu Orei C14) On the Wro BTR HARVESTiE WANTED FAR AN LABOR 'WILL t• lux From WIN Station* in Ontario, %orient° and %Veen AUGUST 22nd. Every nate, Which mus uninediately on **tiger finally conditions of oerf and on nurrender and signed end MO EST TOR