HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-08-11, Page 7tat gentlernan
In ate early
PutY regietrae
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• can. possibly
Mr. Niiie,ge
-red et Mena
kn Friday laat.
Taylor., re eV&
round, and felt
ter, and was
only left her
moments be.
be child was
the pnblic it.
d Cartwright
nernons recent-
cleatined for
• Wednesday
by Canadian
&New York
two or three
seated residerit
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as the family
for the even -
wen. out for a
t stabled the
he house and
supper, when
ward and he
Ile was im-
lysician SUM*
IDErStil ie at,
'Bowmai was
where he died
He leaves a
1lG113 . burglar
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Besides the
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to Mr. M. E.
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Mr. Doely
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- dog at Pett-
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Aj messagis
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d On his
AUGUST 11 1899
permitting) will leave WINDSOR on
0lsairy8 and THURSDAYS et 5 p.and
na,egper tailing lists for SOO, PORT ARTHUR,
WILLIAM and DULUTH. making direct
tenneetione at these points for MANITOBA and the
liongleg$T, KOOTENAY. BRITISH poLuiiBIA,
Paidet)Cossi Pointe and KLONDIKE.
Loriest Rates. Chokes of Routes.
Best Accommotclations.
•en &Miner lit of June, good to return until 318t
roi, rites and information apply to G. T. R. town
ex Station Agent at Seaforth.
WES a. BEATTY, General Manager; Sarnia, Ont.
The Clydesdale Stallion,
F1111312 Knot
ese standing at his awn stable, Mill Road, Tuck-
.nynnith, near Brucefield, snd a limited number of
marte will be adMitted for service.
Owing to an accident this splendid horse has not
beta OT for service hi.horto tide season, but is now '
-siffiefeatly recovered.
FLAW KNOT was imported front Scotiend last
Witty Mr. Charlet E Mason. Ito is a dark brown
tom, will lee'gh 2,200 pounds in good condition ;
beim IsTop Knot ; his grand sire Top Gallant, and
great grand etre is Darnley. HI dam was sired
by reattwood, the full brother of MacGregor. Hie
stand dim was sired by Garnet (Iroise ; his third dam
waif tired by Empreei. It will thus be seen that this
hone has a oembinetion of the beet Wed in Scot-
land, ,
C. E. MASON, Proprietor.
!LB -Persons from a distance seeding mares .an
IITTO good pasture cheap. 16444
- The Grandly B
McCormac k
tent of
11. Wilson's Stales,
Huron County Breeders' Association.
Will stand for tbe Improve
stock, during the season of
Steam Boiler Works.
• Summer to Chrystal & Bite
atanufacturers of all kinds of
Marine, Upright & Tub
heit Pans,moke Sta.eks, Sheet Irot Works,
eto., etc.
Alsodealers a Upright and 0orixon41 Slide Valve
agines. Automat o Cut -NT Enginee a e °laity. All
me of pipe and pipe -fitting consten rye on hand
Inked., tarnished on ohor t notice.
Works-Oppoeite G. T. R. Station, Godertah
Form a year we have bad the agency for the sale ol
VIM Or tine order was for a quart r of a dozen,
eitr int for heftsed and Forty-four Do lars worth.
Made a well
Man of
Remits in 80 days. Cures
*11 Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory
Punts, Sleeplessness, Nightly Emits-
sioneste.,cansed by pad abusee, gives
visorand nee to ehrunken organs, and einickly but
-surely restores Lost Manhood in old or young.
Easily carried in vest pocket. Price $1.00 a package.
131: for$5 .00 with a written guarantee to owre or
snonelf refunded. DON'T BUY AN IMITATION, but
institea having INDAPO. If your druggist has not
eet_itd We Kill fiend it prepaid.
nemem MEDI CO., Trope% Chicago, Ill. or our Agents.
Tkis midi increase proves it is a remedy that everyone
She hia it speaks well eL Yours respectfully.
1. V. FEAR. Seaforth, Ont.
• R. Jackson
& SON.
Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac,
Franee; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol-
land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland;
Booth's Tom Gin London, England;
Bulloch & Co.'s Gin,
Whisky, Glas-
gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish
Whisker Dublin, Ireland; also Port
and Sfeerry Wine from France and
SpainAgents for Walker's Whisky.
Ontario; R.oyal Distillery and Davie'
Ale and Porter, Toronto.
We have opened a retail store In
connection with our wholesale busit
businesa in the rear of the new Do.
minion Bank, in Good's old stand,
where we will sell the best goods in
the market at bottom prices. Goode
delivered to any part of the tovni
151& -of
The McKillop Mutu Fire
, Insurance Comp
J. B. McLean, President, Kippen P. 0.; Thomae
'Prager. vieeinesident, Brucefieid P. 0. W J. shoo -
19r4 Si0T-Treas. liesforth P. 0.; Thomas E.
eliTe, Inspector of Losees, Seaforth . 0. .
W.G. Broadtoot, &Worth ; John G. Grieve. Win
throP George Dale, Seaforth ; Tho • E. Hays
aria ; James Evans, Peechwood ; John Watt
T..11171°01E; Thomas Fraser, Brueefield John B. Mo.
1410. Kippen ; James nonnOny,
Robt. Smith, Harlook ; Robt. WWI n, Seaforth ;
"T„alt, el Cumming legmondv e; J. W. ea, Holmes -
vine P. 04 John Govenlock and John 0. Morrison,
- Patties desirous to effect Insuraeoes or wrens
l'ot other buaineet will be promptly attended to on
rriitionto any of the above officers, addreosed to
meneetive post oreeee.
flaillop Directory for 1899.
• JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. O.
3,49,IES O'LAUGHLIN, Camellia, Beechwood P. 0
'vriEFIl C. MORRISON, Councillor, Winthrop P.()
ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor,-Leadbury P. O.
JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. O.
JOHN O. MORRISON, Clerk Winthrop P. o.
nAvID11. R088 , Treasurer, Winthrop P. O.
WILLIAM STROM, Ae ester, Beechwood °. 0.
URARLI1S DODDS, C011eetdr, Seatorth P. O.
iiI011A.RD POLLARD, Sanitary Impeder, Lead.
bury P. 0.
ly.-On Thursday n
• Peter Dean. fell do
were brok n, she was so severely 1
that it sri y be several weeki be-
n able to b up again. -0a Satur-
r. David Gilliam, a farmer neer
roh, met with an accident that
atal. He was engaged
when the load on which
n falling he fell on the
°reed his breast. For.
he prongs were turned
instead of entering his
their tendency was out -
felt quite stiff and sore
is thankful he esti:aped
elen R: Gray, recently
public school, and Mr.
high school teaeher of
married on the 20,d inst.,
at the residence lof the
Wingham. The bride
sister, Miss Maggie, and
eorge Albers?, of Mea-
ptuous wedding break-
ouple left on the one
ronto, Niagara, Elmira,
r placers. -Mrs. Wesley
esident of Winghanadied
uesday morning, the let
ight she retired to. rest
arly on Tuesday
th a choking sem
poke to her, but
y dressing him-
ysician, who im-
e spark of life
ugh about sixty
and apparently
gutfria,ma'arealcooTgl; BRAVE MEN AND COOL
;no bones
uouexpooitor. shaken u
, fore she
I da last
LThe following items were intended
for last weekrA but were received too
late.] 1
DoTa.--14, and, Mrs. J. Hall have re-
turned Ilrmintleveland, where they have
been visiting 'friencle—Miss A Graybiel,
who has been visiting in Buffalo, has return-
ed home.—Miss Johnston, of Bl ke, is visit-
ing relatives in the village.—Dr. T. P. Ma -
Laughlin has returned home from New
York. Dr. ROX11'who had oh riga of his
practice during his absence, h returned
to his home in Exeter.—Mrs. orsworthy,
of St. Thomas, is visiting her so and other
friends in the village.—Miss Ma gie Stacey
has gone to Ingersoll to work. Last San -
day afternoon Rev. J. P. Hauoh of Berlin,
the newly appointed missionary to Japan,
preaohed in the Evangelical chu oh, in both
English and German. Mr. auch will
leave for Japan in the fall, and the people
of Dashwood were glad to hear e im before
his departure. -We congratula Mr. W. J.
Scott the e dent principal of ur *school,
on the verystanding o his pupils
at the. ental exa inations he
having ry pupil that wrote, four
for entre nd two for the p blic school
-HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL oures al pain in man
or beast ; for epritins, cute, bruises, IIotis lumps
swellings, infisnamation, rhetunatie nd neuralgia
it is a epeciflo,
GATHERINGS. - Roy Hunter, of Souris'
Manitoba, is visiting at Wok Themes °aid'
er's, 12th concession. -A white leghorn ben,
belonging to Mr, Wm. Moltadzaan, of the
9th ooncession, is making a record for her-
self. Last week she layed two eggs that
measured 6i by 8 inohes. i Grey township
leads. -It is reported that Mr. Thomas
Pepper will rent his arm on the 9th conces-
sion, and will move t his propetty on the
east of Brussels. The latter place contains
a late e quantity of s all fruits.- lex. I.
McTaggart, son of M. Dougald M Taggart,
of the 16th conceseion, who has bee attend-
ing the Business College in Ch4thailn for the
past • seven months, has arrived home. -
Miss Belle Miller, of the 3rd line, who has
not been enjoying the best of health of late,
left last week to visit friends in Waterloo,
Berlin and vicinity. May the trip prove
beneficial is the wish of her maay friends. -
Silver Corners cheese factery ,i shipped the
last half of June make laat Friday to
Messrs. Ballantyne & Son, of Stratford. It
was sold some time ago at 81 cente. The
first half of July has been disposee of to the
same firm at 9i Tate. -Monday of last week
Mr. E. A. Hill 1 ft Toronto for the Crow's
Nest railway, where he will assist his
brother, Mr. W. D. Hill, who is in busineas
there. Mr. Hill intends pursuing his medi-
cal course, but in the meantime is building
up health and ducats. He is a on of Mr.
John Hill of the 10th concession. -On Fri-
day, July 28th, John Whalen died at his
home on the 14th concession, aged 82 years.
The funeral took place the -following Sun-
day, the interment being made at the Sea'
forth Roman Catholic cemetery.The old
gentleman was an old resident and was
highly respected. He was never arried.-
A most enjoyable time was sp nt at the box
social the other evening, give at the home
Andrew Simson. There wars large attend-
ance, and the financial return amounted to
$19, which will be devoted n purchasing
supplies for the Strachan Sal) ath school.
Worth Trying Ifit3ick.
A verified re3ord-1,016 person cured in one
month by Dr. Chase's Family !Renitence All deal-
ers cell and recommend them. ,
and Mrs.
James Forsytl left on Tuesda on a visit to
relatives in Polrt Hope, Cobou - and Roches-
ter. They e pea to be a *jut a month.
-me. Tom teet of Wier ,, i, has been
spending a ooiople of weeks h:- e lately with
hie parents.- rs. (Rev.) Gra, am, and Miss
Graham, are 'siting friends 1 the vicinity
of Brucefieldj at present.- 1 e Rev. Mr.
Shaw preaohel last Sabbath i 'ening on the
benefit of taking pledges th particular
reference to Ithat of the ung Peoples
Society of C ristian Endes, ur ; a grand
covenant, and, when kept a s re guarantee
of a progressive ehristian iife, but a broken
pledge is always a terrible re ragade Move-
ment, and nothing tends motto weaken
character. Is not the unkePt pledge the
one source of danger to the society, and
the chief cause of the eeriou1 decrease of
3000 reported in the Canadia membership
during the past year t -Mrs, llcDougail and
her daughter, Miss Jessie, wept to Marine
City, Mich., on Tuesday, to spend a couple
of weeks with relatives. -W her Rankin,
died on Tuesday at the reside co of hisiiater
Mrs. Robert Hawthorne. Te had been
living in the weat some years, but returned
a few weeks ago on account, of ill health
which, notwithstanding the beet care proved
fatal in so short a time. Thel deceased was
a brother of Messre. James an! John Rankin
of Seaforth.-Vegetation pre ents rather a
dilapitated appearance in this village since
the hail storm on Wednesday morning and
the hopes of the gardener are several degrees
less sanguine. A supply of the purest ice
could be gathered in many places at 10
o'clock. -Mrs. Pease and her son have re-
turned from their holiday tour and resumed
housekeeping. .
THAT aching bead can be instantly relieved by
POWDERS. One powder, So; three for ;100, ten for
• WHIghaM.
NOTES. -Robert Jenkins, of Turnberry,
has a wonderful field of oats. From an acre
he confidentially expects 150 bushels. A
sample stalk measures six feet in height. -
On Saturday evening John Elliott, of East
Wawanosh, was tieing ,his horses in town,
when one of them struck him in the face
with its head, cutting Mr. Elliott'a lip bad -
The statement Ova*
her. Major OW03 his lifo to . . .
Kidney Liver Pills
Dr. J. T. A. Gauthier, of Valle:field, Que., -
vvrite-s : " 1, the undersigned, ecr ify that the
contentsof this letter, in regard t! the cure of
l‘ir. Isadore Major, by the ta-e of Dr. C
Kidney -Liver Pills, is comet,"
1 [ere i Mr, Major's letter: " A ler 26 years
of suffering from backache and 1.1 iney disease
1 owe my life to Dr. A. W. (1a. I had
tried an endless variety of rei f!d!,.. to no avail,
and on the recommendation of a rienii began
the u,c of Dr: (71tase's Kidney Liver'. Pills.
Tv, o pills that night and tv. 0 next ml rnaig•
gav.:: great relief,' and 1 cutit'nued their use
until now 1 am completely cured.. l'vly friends
are surprised and pl..;L:-ed to !,.'ec me well i.g lin,
for I spent hundreds of e:.:1,:rs in vain trying
.-to get cured. 13efo-e usir,.; 1)r. Chase's Kid-
ney -Liver Pills my bae':. 1J 1 coaid not
put on my shoes and cod t 1..-t 2 0 lbs. My
shoUhez1 Wcre s re, I had lic.af:aciNs a.nd a bad
taste in e mot th. These t,, ubles are now
entirely one a d what I sly 1 1011 ree iv to
-prove. have t nty f illy
ful cure, nd ma y have been eatly bi.catec1
by usinic these 01 s."
Dr. C ases Kidney -Liver Pills are the great-
est kidn yl cure the world has ever known.
One pill al dose, 250. a box pt all dealers, or
Etimans re Bates & Co., Toronto.
might have proved
in drawing in grain
he was o
pitohfor ni,)171
tunately In falling
from him, so that
body to any depth,
ward. Mr. Gillies
for some days, and
so well. -Miss
teacher, in Wingha
G. W. Wright,
Hawkesbury, were
by Rev. D. Perrie,
bade's parent', I
was assisted by he
the groom by Mr.
ford. After a su
fast, the happy
o'clock train for T
N. Y., and oth
Gray, a respected
very suddenly on
inet. On Monday
in her usual he ltb,
morning she was al zed w
satiou. Mr. Gray at one
could get no aware Pa
-self he ran to the n arest
mediately responde but
had fled. Mrs. Gr y, alt
years of age, was Italy
BROKE His LEG. A seri us accident hap-
pened to Mr. Joh hilcLe n, on Monday
afternoon of last we k. li, had gone up on
the beams over the ill floor for a piece of
scantling, and had ended down a couple of
pieces, which, no being suitable, were
handed bat*. Whi e in the act of receiving
them ope of the sea thing threw Mr. Mc-
Lean off his balance, and he fell heavily to
the floor. In fallin , in order to save him-
self he caught at a p ece of scantling, which
came down endways after him and struck
him on the right Ie. On • rising and at-
tempting to walk; he discovered that the
limb was broken, rid t e weight of his
body forced the bro en b nes through the
flash. He was at once 1 conveyed to his
home and medical at enda cm secured. The
fracture is a very bad ne, and it will be
some weeks before h will be able to leaVe
his room.
report of the Wing an Methodist church
for the year ending ay 3).st has just bum
issued. The at tist es compare favorably
with the preceding year. The Qoarteriy
Board receipts we e $801.80 ; Fruetee
board, $667.20 r Epworth League reports
55 members, amount raised $59; thesLadies'
Aid -has a permauen building fund tdeposit
of $331. ; the Woma 'a Missionary Society
reports 32 members, and $57,50 relied. In
t e Sunday school t i are are 32 officers and
t hers, average at endance 201 ; total re-
cipts $144.65. Th missionary oontribu-
tions reached $164. 13., The total amount
raised, ipcluding c nnexional funds, was
$2,008.30. The oi cials anticipete a suo-
ceneful year.
FAMILY REUNION.' happy family gath-
ering assembled at r. M. Walker's, con-
cession 12, East W anosh, on Saturday,
July 28th, when th irl eight sons' all grown
to manhood, gather;d at the oldhome to
dine once more wi h father and mother.
There were present tornae, Elisha, George
and Isaiah, all of E st Wawanosh ; Adam,
librarian in the Par iainent buildings, Tor-
onto ; Jackson, m mber ef the Toronto
police force • Jame and Wesley; furniture
dealers in W'ingha . • The sister, living in
Toronto, was the o ly member of the family
absent. The eight brothers sat[ for their
photos taken in a roup. A family group
was also taken of r. and Mrs. Walker,
their sons, their wi es and children, making
forty-three persons They had an enjoyable
family gathering t at will not soon be for-
gotten. We under tend that a photograv-
ute of the group ill appear in the Satur-
day Globe. Mr. nd Mrs. Walker have
been for many yea s respected residents of
the township, and ave borne their share of
the toils incident t • early settlers.
• .
REGULAR ACTION of the bowels is necessary to
health. LAXA-LIVE PILLS are the beet occas-
ional cathartic for fa ly or general use. Price 250.
An druggist.
' •
-Patrick Caffre an old resident of St.
.Catharines, was fo nd drownedin the mill
race inirear of the Paakard Electric worka
Sunday morning. Hisshead and shoulders
were right in t e flume gates, his body
thua b inn preven ed from sliding into the
canal. 1 Caffrey w accustomed to taking a
batheyery &turd y night in the race -way,
which rune behind his house, and it. is sup-
posedshe got in ov r his depth and was car-
ried hy the swift e rrent about a mile g ing
over the flu -meat feDemmett's foundry and
getting fat in th flume gates, where the
water empties int • the canal.
• •
A Young L• ad. in Trenton Releas-
ed Fro Suffering.
She Suffered Unto:d Agony From Stomach
Troubles and Sick Headaches -Dr.
Williams' Pin Pills Cured Her.
From the Courier, Trenton, Ora.
Some years a o we reported the case of
Wm. Pickering, enton, being cured of
locomotor °taxi He was not able to move
and was confine his bed for weeks. Up-
on advice he tri d 1 r. Willi me' Pink Pills,
and immediate] o tained r lief. He is still
free from the te n le excru iating affliction,
and enjoys active, ()bust h alth. We have
just learned of aho her positive cure through
using Dr. William ' Pink Pilis. It is the
case of Miss. Cassie Way, Who has been an
acute sufferer frets) that °Omen foe of bu-
ms ity and tie o ndation ' for many other
ills, dyspepsi . F r nearly eight years Miss
Way suffered unto d agonies' with sick head-
ache and pains In he stomach. She tried
several doctors wit out any material benefit.
A Year ago she ca ue to live with a friend
in Trenton, Mre. • L. Derbyshire, and
wait so reduced th t she could not sit up an
hoar. • She feared er trouble would drive
hers:mazy. She w e advised to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. She replied that elle had
used a box before, nd they had done her
no good. It was rged that she, could not
hope fee relief fro
menoed them agar
the pills through°
nut that she has c
heal' hi Her appe
ed flesh rapidly, a
her household duti
this testimony as
the benefit .he has
that others sufferi
duced to try this
Mrs. Derbyshire a
correctness of the
Allow me to
hears the editor o
from an itching r
joints, and all the
failed to banish it
Pink Pills last ye
Dyspepsia, rhe
gia, partial par
nervous headacb
kidney trouble a
humors in the blo
erysipelas, etc.'a
bre& tment withD
They give a healt
• emnplexions and
tire system. Sol
'boat paid at 50c
by addressing the
Co., Brookville,
to take some en
one box an
. She coati
t the year, wi
mpletely recovered_ her
she com-
ued usieg
h the re-
ite is good, th
d is able to a
s. She volun
tribute of latitude for
derived, with the ho
g as she has may be 'n-
ealth restoring remed
de her testimony to t
tatements of Mies Way.
dd thet for four or fire
this paper has suffered
h that attacked ail his
ointraents within reach
He took Dr. Williams'
, and is nearly well.
atisin, 'sciatica, neural -
gels, locomotor ataxia,
, • nervous prostration,
diseases depending upon
d, uch a scrofula,ohronic
di appear before a fair
illiams' Pink Pills.
ow to pale and sallow
up and rejnew the en -
ern or sent
for $2 50,
' Medicine
has gain -
tend to
arily offers
all d
or sir box
Di. WiUiams
t. Do not be
,, •
A ndsteloens
Them In
Bow Chief
Courage Displayed by
Handling the Savages.
Plapot.'a Bluff Was Call-
eti-A Sitting Bull Adventure.
A tiny forge of 750 men, .the North-
Western mohnted police of Canada,
gourds and cantrols a territory nearly as
els g, l i
I rge as the whole of EtVope. They are
powerfumen phycally, most oi
tl em of sturd Scotch orl Irish extraction,
a d the moral force of the brilliant red
t nic which they wear s a miner reve-
1 tion of the method byl vrhieh the tiny
British isles gevern an e pire. Although
there are thousands of nclians and half
breeds more dangerous tian Indians and
rough, reckless miners and outlaws in .
their domain, they , ride the plains and
climb the tasoentaina and keep the pe9ce
of the third of a continent. The mission
of these scarlet coated guardians is peace.
Here are illustretions. They perh ps
picture 11h method:
When 'iatiot, restless, quarrels°
drink lo'ig, end his swarthy, ha.wk f
• ed roller:in spread their circle, of sake
tanned tePeein near the construction line
of the Canadian Pacific railway beYend
Swift Cu •re t, there was inaugurated
acre, or what -
t the brain of
the prelintina 7 of a mass
ever form of entertainmen
Piapot might devise.
Then the railway mane
remonstrance to the pow rs. The lieu-
tenant governor iesued an order, and two
policemen rode faith. carrying her majes-
ty's commands. • Not a brigade nor a
troop. The officer bearing the written
order was but a sergeant With him was
one constable. That was the force that
was to move this turbulent tribe from
good hunting ,ground to a seclndeti spot
miles away. .
Piapot refused to move. The sergeant
calmly gave him 15 minutes in which to
begin striking. eam,p. Result, 15 min-
utes of abuse., The Indiaes -screamed dee--
fiance at the sergeant and fired their gone
under the sergeant's nose as they circled
about him in their pony spirit war dance.
When the 15 minutes were up, the ser-
geant threw his picket line to the consta-
ble, dismounted, walked Over to Clhief
Piapot's tepee and calmly knocked the
key pole out. All the warriors rushed for
their guns, and one of the biggest bluffs
on record was played by the redskin.
But the sergeant continued methodical-
ly knocking, key_ poles out, and Piapot
saw bat the game was Op. He must
eithe kill t te sergeant -stick his knife
In th heart 4 the whole British nation -
or gi% e up and move away.
He chose he latter course. for Piapot
bird rains.
A.ft r the of Custer Sitting Bull
hecaqie a m re or less orderly tenant of
her iajesty he queen. With 900 lodges
he• ca ped alt Wood mountains Just over
the Ljorder from Montana. An arrow's
Hight away was the Northwestern mount-
ed police post. One morning the police
found six dead Saltaux Indians scalped
In approved Sioux fashion. A seventh
Salta= still alive, had seen the killing.
The police buried the dead Indians and
took the living one to their post.
With characteristic cheek Sitting Bull
came, accompanied by chiefs and war-
riors, to demand the seventh Saltaux. In
Wood mountain there were 20 policemen
backing Sergeant McDonald. With the
chief there Were at least 500 warriors,
Sitting Bull threw his squat figure from
his pony and thrust the muzzle of his gun,
into Sergeant McDonald's stomach. Mc'
Donald was: typical .of the force. II
pushed the gen to one ide and told th
chiefs to step inside th4 gate, stack thei
arms and come inside he shack for
powwow. •,
They demurred. T e sergeant was
firm. Outside it was p ay day in bedlam.
The youni bucks rode and whooped and
fired their tins.
"Send y ur men aw y," said the ser-
gennt to itting Bull. Sitting Bull -de-
• "Send them away," r Hated the ser-
geant, "if you have au h rity."
Sitting Bull and his hiefs made to-
ward the door, but ther yere interrup-
tions -red coated objectiOne-and outside
in the yard the chiefs' rifles were stack-
Sitting Bull,- like Piapot, had brains.
The bucks were sent away. Then the
sergeant persuaded the chiefs to listen
further, mainly by the force of the red
coated arguments he had brought to bear.
"Tarry here, my brothers," hesaid; "un-
til 1 send Constable Collins and two oth-
ers of my men to arrest the murderers.
The Saltaux are subjects of the queen.
We cannot allow them to be killed for
the fun of the thing."
Theis big Jack Collins -wild Irishman
and all the rest of it -Went over to the
'Sionx camp and arrested three. The
bucks jostled and shoved them and fired
pistols over their head, but big Jack
and Ms comrades hung ion to their pries
opera and worked their Way to the post,
with no sign of annoy nce until a big
buck spat in Collins' fac
A big mutton leg fist hot out, and the
• Sioux lay like a crus ed moccasin at
Jack's feet. "Take that, ye black
baster' he hissed between his clinched
tteth. "An ye've mad me disobey or-
ders! ye foul fiend!"
.:Then be marched his jrisoners into the
post and.. reported hi self for misco
Abet' in striking an Indi n.
During the Mel rebellion the poll e
'there always at the frortt. It was at t e
taking of Batoche that Jack French, a
big, hard fighting Irishman, Inspector •f
police, became immortal. After a h t
scrimmage a wounded policeman was I ft
on the field. Jack French saw him a d
shouted, with a brogue with the mu ic
of an organ in it, "What are yott do n
there, Cook?"
"I'm wounded," came back a faint call.
"It's mesilf'll carry you, thinl" &d
•down he marched, whistling, though t o
bullets cut the -skirts of Ws tunic.
"They're gettin pretty close no
muttered Jack, but be was only i f
feet from Cook.
• May it bit remembered, to the cr dit
the half breed rebels, that when tl4ey
alized what French's mission wa th
ceased firing, and when he swung
comrade upon his broad shoulders a
start0 home with hith a cheer ran alo
the whole rebel line.
- • He brought Cook in safe and thee we;et
back to the fighting. His reward as not
die Victoria woes, for ip half an hour he
Wan dead. Cook still Ilves.—San Fran-
cisco Call.
There are 10,000 camels at work in
1 Wasteful.
's too bad," said_ little Bessie, "that
isn't another little Peters boy."
hey have six," said her mother. "1
Id consider that about enough."
ell," said the little girl, "they can
9 each other's clothes as they grow
irtlat theirs isn't may one tp take little
aid it imams Ma' of *astir
LaterPef Dam.
ement sent a
There is now hardly' any part of the
gown where lace is considered out of
• place.
reach designer's continue o make ,all
s te of pretty effects in the t4se of black
vcfivet ribbon.
II11 shades of yellow seem to gain s$'
cliti favor as the season advances, par1�.
ul rly in the realm of millineey. 1
he very fashionable improved &het
miss style is much used this , season fit,
u derslips, this style of underdress sava
Ing all the care of belt adJustraents and
fastenings. I
• Toile, which is a' new kind a silk and
hi en fabric, very cool, sn.ee and soft
a d v ry popular in Paris, m Ices pre tY
d mid e s gowns, hyacinths
a b
bl e, i rk and ecru bein.g t efalvu:li
C Ore. .
he n w silk and lace stockre an ex-
tr raely ainty and coecifortalt1 fashion,
, fo • in hot summer days evele he MOS
' ri id de otees of tailor atyte is gla
, e ough o substitute them for the sti
11 en collar. .
ace was never more popu ar than i
Is today Formerly it suppled a trim
ra ng only; now it also forns gowns
jaekete, overdresses, polonal es, walist
and gowns entire, which coi4stitute th
m st beautifial and costly of ashionable,
robe. '
. )31ack bonnet silks of fine luster are
lined with white taffeta Soyeux, With ac4
tiessories of iie white silk over•laid with
black clump y insertions and "With fur-
ther .decotati ns of black velvet straps
and rosettes, and en suite with very full
dress toilet i a boa, many varieties of
vvitich are to be had. -New York Post. .
Mere age does not incapacitate a per --
sort from making a valid contradt.
A. deposit Of contract in the poetoffice
a ' ressed te the party to whom it is to
bet delivered is a final delivery.
Persons dealing with an assumed agent
are bound at their peril to ascertain the
fat of agency and the extent of his au-
th rity.
reditors for whose benefit 'an assign -
m -nt has been made, may nevertheless
pr secute their -claim e to judgment and
levy execution. ,
transfer of the firra assets by two in-
solvent! members of the firrn to the other
partner, though'for a sufficient considera-
tion, is fraudulent as t the creditors of
the firba.
The measure of darn ges for breach of
contract for the sale or goods is the dif-
ference between the contract price and
the market value of the articles at. the
.time when they should have been deity-
,A bill of lading exempting a carrier
from liability to the owner of goods for
their destruction by fire relieves it "from
Its common law liability, but impOses
on it the burden of showing that it'usedl
due care and diligence to prevent t4e ac-
cident which caused such loss. -Recent
-Decisions, Highest Courts.
Gruff old Oom Paul is just the opposite
of a smooth Boer. -Cleveland Plain
Stephen Crane entitles a poem, 'rWar
Is Kind." A mistake, war did not kill
Stephen.—Mexican Herald.
Mark Twain has been tendered -another
banquet. So far he is only a few laps
behind the war heroes. -Baltimore News.
• Mr. Hoar says he has eaten ,codfirsh
ball's far breakfast every Sunday fliorta-
ing for a great many years. That pr b -
ably explains it. •I
Professor E. Ben'Andrews is hav ng iil
sorts of trouble as euperintendent o Chi-
cago's schools. Ben is undoubtedly a
fussy individual. -Washington Post.
• Mr. Jeffries calls one Sharkey "the
talkative tar," and the sailor retaliates
by calling the champion "the blustering
boiler maker." Pugilists are most terrify
ing when they talk. -New York Press.
The sister of the Duke of Orleans, the
very careful pretender to the .!French
throne, has sold some of her works of art.
It is a pity that she can't sell her brother.
He is the most useless work of art In the
possession of the femily.-New York Sun.
form so
men's fob chains.
nd calyx make a very effective
ion in chains.
and hartdsomely : cut elystals
e of the newest ornainen s for
There is a rumor of an 'oddity ie ear-,
rings co4tsisting in the weaning of ring
that do ot match. •' 1
Elabotate silver gilt frames fe 1c 1
beaded purses and chatelaine b s r
set with terquoise, amethyst, moi n tone
topaz, etc.
Styles in evening coiffures adapt hem
selves to the use of tiaras and ornaMent
for the top of the head, and these !fort
one of the most striking and costlii dis
plays of firs class jewelers. •
The royal purple and rich violetshade
of the amet tyst greet one on every! side
There is haidly an article susceptible o
the employn ent of jewels to 'whith thi0
beautiful st ne is not applied. ewelers'
Jerome X. Jerome has wijtten and
published lie novels in 11 year
Mies Kuehne Beveridge, the s ulptress,
has been selected by the Ha iian club
of Honolulu to mold the bust o the late
Princess KaPlani. E
Richard enry Stoddard is riting a
book of reminiscences or Ernerson,
Holmes, Hawthorne, Lowell, axe and
other American literary men w th whom
he has been intimate. The wo lc has to
be entirely dictated, as Mr. Sto dard lost
his sight some years ago.
Some one told Mr. Whistler, the artist,
the other day of the recent report to the
effect that he was "aging rapidly." His
reply was characteristic: "It i My ene-
mies who say that. They has retained
-untarnished through years the ingenious
faults of extreme youth." .
In some parts of Russia the nly food
for the people is acorns, leaves and soft
bark of trews.
A Guilford thle.) small bo, Master
Leen Howard, has trained a ooster to
make himself useful by hauling around a
lilt le cart.
Extensive deposits of bauxit ,"nne of
the main sources of commercial alumin-
ium. have been discovered in N 'TV South
thales by t he department of m* • ea.
And It Didn't Take the talesman.
Long to Size Him U
•"I'd like to get a pair of shoe:."
'All right, sir. What kind?"
"Oh, any kind., I'm not a it partic-
A pair was brought forward; by tbe
fabestafieldien salesmas. W.he$, fitted'
1 1
per-xleeriy; ano mere appearea to oe no
reason why the transaction should not
end with an immediate purchase.
"Do you knew," said the custoraer,
"My feet are very peculiar? They're as
sensitive as a magnolia blossom. This
shoe is a dee.dringer for one I had: a
couple of years ago. It Jias the same
heavy tip. Now, you may not believe me,
but it is a fact that on my ifeet that shoe
felt just like there were a weight in the
toe, and made Inc trip every time I came
to it ii
c:hrbtsetrontiep.;rH, aven't You got a pair
Nothing daurited, hhe salesman Pro-
duced -a variation that he hoped would be
satisfactory. i
one of them fellers that it ain't
hard to suit," 1 xp ain d the customer, as
he tried on th ,hisehond pair.
."llow do yhu like that?" asked the
salesman. I
"Pint rate!. Just abont the thing -
0110 the last Park had like these scuffed
up .pretty bad 'awhen they got hit with a
stick. You see, I know shoes when I see
them'. It don't! take Me long to pick out
what I want."i' 1
"Here's a pair of genuine box calf.
The lineat on tbe market. We guarantee
• that, an will return you your money if
they don't wear well and give every sat-
lsfaction " 1
"The deuce Yon will? Well, you must
have coiisideab1e faith in them. By
Jove, th y are th fine lookitag set of wear-
ables. I shohldn't wonder but what they
were jus the thing for some people. My
feet ar toe tenderfor such heavy
go'11, herea 's a nice pair patent
' 2wd% ,
leathers. '
"Yes, hat's a pretty shoe. Do you
know, I 'lways liked Patent leather. So
dressy, on't yhu know, and so con.vene
len . So.'e people say they don't wear
vee 1. Vi hy, I never had a bad pair of
tl3thn in my lite. On); $6 too. That's
cheap. he only °bid tion I've got to
patient 1 ether is that my 'friends have
the ilia e ideishthat only dudes and mil-
lionaires should !wear them, rand it makes
then) thi u k I'm extravagant In my taste&
A nlain, blunt, straightforward felloW
like me hates to be misunderstood, and so
I give up patent leathers for the sake of
my friends. We all nhe to ma.ke sacri-
fices doest you know took at the scores
of people that you 11fl ve to wait on. Most
of 'ern don't know what they want, and it
takes them most of lit afternoon to pick
out a pair. Lcok a : the sacrifices You ,
have to make to hum r them."
"Oh, yes, but we fct used to it. We
size up our cutstom es as you do your
friends, and , sometiines have a peculier
method for e ehhe. Now, in the
present' instan 4 y 4 know what you
want. ,Thcve cnn bel no: doubt of that.
But, you see I'm such al blockhead that
I can't figure it out. Now, there are two
windows fuliI of ,shoeti efi allIkinds. The
prices are marked on them. !Suppose you
go there and p ck out the pair that suits
you." [ :
The eustonier Sized up the window dis-
play. ;
"Here it' in," he said, as he drew a
sample shoe ifrom its ujace. "Give me it
pair of No. its hike this."
The saleathan: smiled as we all smile
when our 1111=10e-0 are found to be cor-
rect. The price mark told the public that
that pair could' be bought for $1.25—
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Ha riii,711 For the Frivilege.
Some amusing episodes are related in
the Frankfurter Zeitung from the annals
of the 1111! putiiui state of Liechtenstein.
The notabilities of the capital, Vaduz'in
110, sent a deputation to Prince John I
and informe hita with republican frank -
n ss that they had, It was true, nothing
to' sayevil st being governed by him,
but that the won id not pay for it, espe-
cially as he 1 WTI S Very rich. They would
also rather keep the 50 men and the
drunniter at home the prince was oblig-
ed to supplyJhesq r the federal army-,
as they' could be bet er employed there.
II ie e (Vette highnc As WID3 all exceedingly
rich man, and said, "Dear children, I do
Itit tvant your mo iets ant will gladly
glove en for nothing. I will a so leave you
Your' 56 teen and t e &milliner and pro-
curethera from SO iewhere else for the
fade iil artily out of in , own pocket."
Si ,:aid, so done. lite prince got the 50
then andilhe druni 1 r from Austria, and
i tiled without any la ry. Then in 1836,
then a neaa prince ieeended the throne,
it oceurred te his 'set jects that they were
Snaking a qad Inn ei in and that their
inter ought ft() pnY f ir the privilege of be-
ing head of elie state., The prince grace-
fully acceded, and lie rind his successors
have contritint0 a near e sum to the
Ati k
c-iiiitains about the
wile a mount or ii it .tinont as three quar-
ters of a pound of beef. 1
-1 NO. 15,17119.
Will stand for the improvement of stock for the
STABLES, MENSALL, during the reason 1899.
Terms. -Insurance $LS. Meals and feed for parties
from a distance free.
BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietary.
owing GEIGER, Manager. 1638-tf
A comfortable two torey dwelling
house; warehouse wi h •refrigerntort
stable, out -houses anc a good well.
Apply to
• The Sharpies Cream
Has no superior in any essential feature,
and in eimplicity of construction, ease of
management and durability, it has no equal.
If you have five or more cows it will pay
you well to try a Separator. cows,
will have
more and better butter, good talves and
less labor. A catalogue may be had for the
asking. Every machine we put in is fully
guaranteed to give satisfaction to the buyer.
toistinguished, eaerywhere for De-
licacy of Flavour, Superior Qual-
, ity, and :Nutritive Peoperties.
Specially grateful and comforting
nlynerionoulsu and dyspeptic.
le.bell , JAMESrstepr-ppsounizci CO.,tin s
Limited, Homoeopathic Chemists,
London, England,
•, 1699 26
" Two little boys of Mine were troubled with
worms. They weuld wake it the night and vomit
and sometime, were quite feverish. I got a bottle of
Dr. Low's Worm Syrup, whoii g.ve them complete
relir Ont from their trouble." A. Win. Mercel, Teetor-
S ded e Hand.
ldIrs. T. Wanrainaker, Fein ford, Ont., gays "1
seal ed My hand very badly 'ad ihen took cold in
it. ilt swelled and was veiy p Wu!, but half a bot-
tle f Hagyardle Yellow Oil cured it completely."
' the sumradr t'me ru 'ning 'sores aol ulcers are
to keep Wert e,nd clean. Bathe them with
took Blood 13#tere, a d they will be f ree frtnn
. Take th ;remedy nternally,and soon healthy
will suppl it flu de eying tissue.
r. Chas. Jo
wi; troubled w
at taking
Pine Syrup I
River, U. S., writes : "1
ess and sore threat, and
of Dr. Wood's Norwey
So tica
dne of the in
one, need end re
and never fail to gi
• 50c is box, all deft
Ole is Moyld
adapted to the
cause Any gei
t panful and tarturing &Wager. No
orments any longer. atilburn'e
e cured some of the waist cases,
earonipt retef fraM the pain.
Be -that bane of msny a woman's
by -Liver Pills. They are
of th. most delicats,and neva
eake ing or sickening.
Ge9eral J
MAKER alit.
• - &afar*.
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We cannot replace them at the money.
Another car of the best granulated sugar,
which will be sold at 2011,.. for $1. Five
lbs. of coffee for $1 • 11 lbs. green coffee for
$1; 6 lbs. rice for 2:5e ; 7 lbs. cooking figs
for 256; 4 lbs. prunes for 25o; 4 packages
,9orn starch, 25o • 6 lbs. Japan tea for $1;
6 lbs. green tea jor $I; 1 gallon pail mixed
'pickles for 60o; 5 lbsbonelear fish for 256;
3 boxes matches for 25e; 3 bed cords for
25c; 3 packages mincemeat for 25c; 3 door
Mats for 25e; good sound potatoes at 60e a
bushel; 97 piece gilt dinner *et, regular
price V, now $7.50 ; 44 piece China tea set,
regular price 87, now $5.5O; toilet sets -10,
11 and 12 piece sets—from $2 a set up to
$8;• frnit gems -pints, quarts, half gallons -
a very large stock at right Flees.
A call is solicited before purchasing else-