HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-08-11, Page 5t*1 -- iI_. i . , .
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Ing fat 6AU16 Out;
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, of Harristot-
,rain marc in tbli
ed Mr. Lygns
up, all the lion# {u' .
d rtlake ac•ekly
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End leaving exi. �
this school, g i
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Centralia. Methu' i
:e annual repo
'.fir which shows
Y f ourlshin.
eipts < for ot on
'1a139regatio31$ X .
"onference, Golleo-
'entralia $216,111,
W$on ga account,
ra 4 balance in fa< I.
:and L±den $1,
e circuit is mu
=of .&I r. Hoary, at
3. . Rev. Mr. W=
his cowegations .11
U44gr kill Ifs
� pk ospert " ,
fin `
ing .at the sewer
20r short -,' $e�,
,o €k: cave in, oppo.
r store.- Messrs,
London, passed
for Thessals
he trip on. th(& .
G Exeter, Walker:
a brut at Owen
slam is holidaying, -
�utbampton With
d, who had such
s, we are pleased
.gain, but one o .
€win,gg him solmr
leek, being civic -
id a very quiet
i+eeb all day, T
t of the pleasure
o others went to
, Bend. Every.
i; day's outing
was all that
.ly, t he-eKcursiou
4cev-,: over 800 .
It was unties ,
Forest Lodge,
are to be eon-
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lidaying with
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iel� litre we are I
pend the after-
fter%Yy swinging- iu
have been
r€iri e
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ounga¢.V, are
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.r scholars are I
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I d€ ' not 4)r
hers who give
December for
Imeration &nd
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her by asking
F ', froin labor
heated terms I
have a abort
through the
l be profiitably_,_
little- on fa..
2derful Mork
gsying that
aelAte a lit- ,
:hits stay.•-- !
the river for
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Many soft i ti .
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Of the. Moly' ! t
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n"t appear" i j I
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&king a fate I
,poet to heart
ream crossed,I
n on Thurs.. !
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rad frog 1.
has b I
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'Qrrw, i, SQ1ZII ,.
r I wvelts _ ` !. ,
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I UGIU T i1, Is i ! I ; II
$ay. 'i'h n Things choice lot f export battle for: $5.20' per cwt.
I ,
c,;i,u;rct� DO met n M ' II- Thiel quota ion caaiot be regarded as an.
A earance Counts
the 7th of August, All were gess t. evidence o the state of th market. It is . . _
p In this school go hand in hand— merely an xeeption I meta ae of a price
a+plieation of school section N . 10 r - theory and raotiee. Why are our !raid forth "grade of cattle hat at • present
th' itlsuxng t two debentures of d a oh P y For a Great ..Deai■
its interest at 4, was ranted and a y- short ¢nd graduates alsl+ays success- u a safety b the market. .Gillies bought
ful? Because the work of the class. a number f 500 onud stockers at $3.40 per
ordered to ba prepare by the Clerk dor room i,s' completed in the office'. P p
ne t greeting of Council. The rates for this Actual experience in' king letters, per ow d s re�wford do Co,Oun cold feeders for t e port , L
3d r mere struck as follows : For oo ty
rp q'ace $2041, rate 1 15100 milts, fear transcribing snscribiag from grapha
e, hand- . several 1, pound cows 'at'$3.50 per owt. You 171a,� not la a considered the matter, but :the a,�
~lin mineo ra h an
t "phipurposes' 35,}0. rote 2 ,mills ;for g g P d eg press. . A. Forema , of Paisley, Bold three fairly a man is Clothe( tCla t3ha3i a the Whole trend Of �8
11 -1p A school that teaches 'toand to ood cows or $115, and a mediuua bull for y g
geueralecboal purposes $2239, roto 1 5•IO
ritilts; school section Mo. 2 $225, rate 2 a0' i 3.90 per o t, lees $1 on the total. Craw• lite. The well d essed man invariably gains the re-
Milis - school section No. 10 $285, rate 1 . ! ford & Co. ught from W: Snell of Exe-
ter a to of butchers' cattle averaging ference over his rothe'r of less tis get-up.
8.10 mitis ; school section No. 14, $1501 rs.te Cel tral Business Oo11eg� . , 8n g - y g .
9.10 Mills; union school section No. 14{ $85, 1,050 pours s each, for $4 per oWt '
W. H. $HAW, Princ6l, �1 C I
ram 2 mills; ,sehooI section No. 3, $Iso; rate Yonge and Garrard sts., Toronto I ' G H T' S V L T �-1 1. S
9.10 mills ; school section No. 6, $100,: rat®
aao mills ; school section No. 7, $4501 r: te. ' 1686.66 C D Y r S' BLOCK. I i
� ..
le,8'tri__ ,�
2mills; union sohool section No. 9, $912, 5,
,�� �[ARr�I' js.
are a guarantee of the perfect garment. They do
rote 18-10 mills; union section` o.
16, X301.70; rate 2 mills; school seotio� a.
"— _
cost any more the t the inferior kind, but look better,
, $125, mate I 1-10 mille ; s -'hoof sec ion
ssarozm Au gumil0, 1go9,
Fall Wheat (n w), standard..... . � 8a b ll0 87
■ • ■
wear better, feel `better.
i ,
No, 4 $125, rate 15-10 mills ; school sec ion
N0, 12# $146,,rate 1 3 10 u1ilL } t1ni0A s0 Ool
spring Wheal r boobs_ 1, _ _ .... 1
a►v per b sl--------
-, ., _ _ . �. O 26 to . 829
Peso per bush 0 to
section No. 1, $91, rate 2-10 millet ion
,school section No. 15 $37.10 rate 7.10m lie•
hool section No. 11 $100 - rate 1 10
°� — — .. — --, • 62
13ar1ey per b ei _ --- ...,— .. o s6 b 040
Butbr, No, 1, looms .. _ _ .,. 013 to s 14L
Bu/ler, lab.,...,.,...._ 0 IE b 014
d 1 h B h h i
1 '°
ilk s t .- .
are- oo c of es.; a sure ours ave t U >ra e
mills; union separate school section Ir' . 1, pot dor _ -, _ _ _ =..• ;• 0 10jio 012 i !
$217, rate 4-1-10 mills, After passin a ssyur,per100so-„_.-____.,,, 2 00 to $ 00 Bright ht in the Sold you will always have the ati fired
yperlcen w___..__-•_..#.. 6005 660 t�f 1
number of accounts the council ad joni ed Hides tor 100 les_.., _ _ _., _ ....s.. 600 f0- 6 50 T e New Shoe for Women. feelin . of la vPell dressed man. i
until Monday the 4th day of Septem r, Sbeep sklde..:................. o 60 to 0 7o . g.
, Wooi,...... I .
vel ing ,, .. _ _ _ .... _ . ' 018 0. 16 . , •
at 2 0 olooic p m. Contracts for ra Potatoes per ash (new),,..... 060 060 ' i
Centre Roai will 'be lab at the Town hip gut (ratatl) .r barrel1 00 000 �I . . I
hall, on Friday, August 25th, at 7 o'cl'oek Ilood'pes oo. (l,ngj,... 3 0o a 76 This mod 'rn Sho ' -for women embodies I
P .� 1 Wood pot oor (short) .. _ 160 1 75 e{ -
1 100:3
00: por b _ , — _ _ ... ..^.. on o 100 all qualities ece scary t0 make a BA
Clover seed.. _..4. $ 00 s 60 high grade s oe, Quality coup ,,l T BRO + i
g 6`r y
—Mr. -P, D. McIntosh of Toronto, 4nd Timothy Seed .. - -—....... - _ „I.. i 26 2 00
sin 1 ` Pork, i
The StratfordI3q ens Co 1 r P er Ioo •n
O600 1 $ l �'�
f�, ••�Y M_Y 6 e It E 9e
lately�g , p ... w _ 1 10 y , , a and Wear, in
was married in. the later city last week! to Tallow, per lb . _ -.. _.... . _ oS Cos Wo manship and .�1'Iaterial,f and j
Miss dean Fraser, daughter of Mr.. J. M. • FURNISHER 7'
I . in t ese essentials this Shoe is U�N s -E 0 -� I I
Fraser _ Dairy' Msyrkef.
—Dr. Yeomans, the Stratford dentist TORONTO August 9tb.—Butte>�- ism, TH EMPRE98. It is made + .I I
serving a sentence in the Kingston i peniten• with brisk 4emand for dairy and mery from. especially set eted stock,tiary for a serious offence, wag libefrated on printa, and good creamery 18 to 20 oxeq whit with unusual attention b 1R {
aturda 14tat A pardon wan 'obtai ed and tubs, 17' to.18 c ; da 14 to�r!�
185 io ' y I ON i
$ p �� ex e t designers ne
p a g rs give to lines and 31 6 I 1 i
throu��ggh �6e efforts of his wife: . choice pails and hubs ; lower grades, 10 1
-�Mr, John Maxwell and family, of St. 12o ;_ the demandin Liverpool is reports shag , has produced a shoe both r�
Mar�y0, have returned from Winniep g, good. Eggs, 12 to 130.- Dainty and durable, and Combines _ami, y .
where Mr. Maxwell was engaged in -look ng MONTREAL, gust 9th,— Cheese =•-Th what is rarely found—:atyle� and
after the exhibit of his firm at the W1 ni. market is stronger than ever. At the boa _ comf rt, In short: he limit of ,
fog Industrial Exhibition. this morning eh ese brought the high pric It 15 Different: Here, and the Differ -
I, --Mr. Robert Leslie. living near Atwood, of 92c , some in fact brought 9je, and it i spool encs is found in the Empress
cut himself badly with a cradle one day said that some as bought at 100, but th ! Shoe all sizes, all widths, button- I I '
s 2 en e l s in Your favor. I
least. -week. It appears he became da�,.d .running price sported was 9�e.1 . A fai ed a d laced. Prices—$x.50, �3 � _
with the heat, and fell ,onto the blade. qu0tati(>fr here ould be '9jc for easterns and 3.51 stamped on soles. For I,
The doctor put several 't .tchea in his foot, and 10 co 10k0 or finest westerns, It id ? While other stores .are in tl`' 1e midst of their midsummer dullnesi; business
r fated hors that the English market does safe i St?aforth by s
g goes on here in surprising vohme, because people have learns that this;is a
of allow more than loo here according to
A. Worthy =ofaWorthy g ood tradio place. The difference is in favor o£ our customers ; because 1pte
teat advices, B Iter -The market waa ver g g ,. active and at this morning. I is re . sales help us to buy' large quantities of goods at close prices, 0 r patrons is
Rite take pleasure in csling the attontotl ported that race pts by boat were small this l sought for by wholesale men and manufacturers and special offerings come us
of our readers to the exceptionally bright morning, but that they realized 20` . This I I • . first for our acceptance or refusal. In this way we get hold bf many good
and enconreging record f the Canada Buei• is a very high price for this butter, ut it is
aces Cottage, of Chatha. ,for the eeholastc ` things which other -merchants, Bever now about until they are pla ed on sale j1
g probably right enough when compared with
year ending June 30th, last, which proived the gricea of finest eas ern townships. The • c5"Eiq�QRr%� . our store, Our customers gain the b nefit of all this by reduced rices and, tl�e
to be the most saoeassfu in the history] of latter is quoted as high as 20jo, and 20 to latest and most desirable styles. Ut1 specials this week. are :-
- this far famed iustitutio of business train- 20if c is a pretty fair quotation for finest
ing. i qualities, next grades ranging down to - g Summer Corsets, in all. sizes, reg ar 50c, for 35c ; Blue and 'Brown 0,asl'i-
The attendance sho ed representatives 19ic. There is a vod sale for spo goods The- N tionlHoliday mere double fold re{��lar 15c for 10c Now Prints fast colors rerynlar Z”?
from 133 cities, towns' a d villages in t,an- at these prices. Eggs -The demand is good for l Oc. • New rints feet calors w rth 10c for 6. e • Organdy Mu line ne
ada, and five states of the Union, toget1ter and prices are as high as ever. Letters • 1 13 ,S ' � ' ' ' � ' 1' y � '`
0 1 in F 1 n r l l. e f 5c
wl.,h. Newfoundland. om Brooklyn, tiew from Great Britain, received this' morning, patterns, regular, 12�c, for 5e ; Crep s lora Des1g s, esu ar .�� , o� , �
York, on the south, to Manitoba and the repeat that no business' can be done till the r Fancy Dress oeds, in dress . lens hs, worth 80c per card, for 5c ; NeY
Eng-- Canada's r ,
Territories on the north', were students , in Canadian market comae down or the En C R EA Vigereaux Dre s Goods regular 35 for 25c CasJlmere 42 inches wic�� i;n
attendance, The school has now acquired a lish one comes u From resent appear- P• P Pp ' —ANO— Dress ]eugths, 6R .yards for 90c ; La les Dongola Shoes, lace or button �v�ortll ,
continental reputation, and is well worthy ances the latter is as likely to occur as the f i $1.50 for $1.25 •Men's Heavy Pl w :Boots at 98e $1,25 °L50 a11c�2' ,
of the strong, support 'which it is enjoying. former. In faot, it has already gone up I y i : ,
The home reputation is beat shown by its 'somewhat, and some merchants are shipping I NSU TRIALFAIR Ladies Carpet slippers, all sizes, wot�h 35c, for 25c ; Fine Off,stalk Val�enC>a
hoxse suppo4t. Chatham and Kent county small quantities. One return received this € Raisins, 5 pounds for 25c ; Blue Ribbon Tea, in packages, Black or mixed, ;55c ;
alone had over 100 p Is in attendance, morning shows 13ic here for selected stock. I O R O N O Lemon and Vanilla Extract, per bottle, 5c ; Gold 1lfedal Baking P de>F', the
while 23 counties ands istriets outside of This is doicig 1}usiness ata considerable loss,
Chatham Bent 198 pupils. Manitoba and but ex one's' are villin to take come 10 size, 5c. j:
p g g. 28 h to Sept., 9th, 1899. ,
the North: West Territories sent six, while chances to o d their connection. Prices — ;
five states of the Union eat ten represen- are 14c for s 1 ate, 12je for No. 1, Ile for I LL Up-to-date ATTRACTIONS -cAS3M. .AN-� 0MT3M PxZTCim_ i
tatives, No. 2, 12 to 121c for straight gathered. Progress of the cutesy .
Perhaps the most iutei'esting part of the There are so P. E. I. eggs still in the Ill strated in the Wor`ld's In entione—Wire- '��/�' 'j��' �`1 j' t'�1"�`
pear's work to those whd are contemplating market, but 'hey are only worth about as ; i less Telegraphy, WirelessTelephoning, MCKIN 0.1.1 & V O. t B.4•.IY .L H.
either a course of b4silhess or shorthand much as No. 2 western.
+ I 1 Improved X Rays
training, will be the record of students who UTICA N. August 8th.—At the Utica _ .
secured good positions, During the seven- Board of Tr d fro -day the following sales of Grand- M i 4ary and Naval Spectacles
teen months endingJune let 236 pupils Fatuous En li ` and American Bat Doi ed
p P oheEsewere de': -7,570 boxes lame color- g p 't Pa,y to Go to the Best
found, or were placed in, good positions ed at 9c 4 ; boxes do. •at 9Je 3'62 boxes 'Marvellous E 'tertalnment Features. _
with good business Houses. This is ser- large white t 9Ia; 796 boxes small colored'. {. The Bet Fair, The CheafeA Fair. R ? � � � �
tainty a'remarkable showing, d they have at 9J(3, 583 boxes small white at 90, 525 do The Greatest Annual Fair on Eakth. i
thislietprepared to send out those who at ykc, 210 d . 91e ; butter, 50 packages at ENTRIES CLOSE AUG. Sth. -
mightwpsh to see it. 18c, 130 at 1 #c, and 10 cases of prints at' Excursion on All Lines of Travel. +
The i+esult, is certainly a most succus• 19C, For Prim Ltets, Entry Forms, and all E
aging one, and we congratulateMessrs. D. At Little lls the sales were 84 � boxes partioulare, addret% I
McLachlan and Co. on their a ccess. They large colore at 910, 97 large colored at J• J. 'Withrow, H. J. Aja
have our best wishes for even greater pros-
parity during the approach g echolastia Private terms, 125 colored twine at 9c,1 Preside f, Manager, ToaoxTo. i I /
year, which, we understand, commences 5►734 large and small at 90 ; 18 packages of. 1x50 4 �i
dairy butter a 16 to 17c. '
$e :ember 5th next. ; I .
p _; ---- +_ MIS THE4 Q. MCLAREN
SA r� #t>aGISTER, �.,iRe !Stock Markets. Of Toronto Co servatory of usle and Trinit Un- .
. iverdby, ts�re aged to rice a limtled number ofth� Ostler!
an�Tu;esda August .29th at 1 o'clock LONDON, England, August 7tn,= Thl live' nuntle for inat etton on NO, also HAaa:o*ir• , o. .
rn. shai on Lot l Concession 9 ` H Ile , stock trade is firmer. Cattle and 6513 Will be as Mr, ,fila 0 i , r Id0000, Goderieh streeb, .
evory Thursda from 9 A. ai. to 6 P. m. 1010.4 Canada's greatest school of Shorthand and Business training, RE -0 ENS FOR THE
Farm Stock, including five head tof steers best United States 6d ;Canadians, 5 d ; FALL TERM E
rising two years- old, and Implements. E. Argentines, Qd ;- Argentines, 51d ; Cana -
7. Farnham, proprietor; Thomas B awn, dian sheep, 6d ; Argentine, Q to bid. �t ��'`j� pp OMT T,uEr'S:D.&Y,, SEi�'_'}�+ 1&_7BH1 . f-i�} �1,1
,auction � — 1J1Lt1�
ser. Ln ERPOOL, August 7th. Prices fo - eat• i
. tle are a fraction better. American Steers - I TWO 1WXDR9D AND "SHIRTY -SIX of our pupils secured good position in the
are quoted at IQ to 11�c per pound (ress. Hardwar e store. g I p
THE CANADIAN I A N ed weight) ; refrigerator beef is firTer at seventeen months ending -June ,lune let 1899. What do you think of such a record bur
p i j pupils are now in strong demalid With many of the leading business houses. Wen i -we I
- 91c per und, — 1 tell you that this large number secured positions, we are also prepared t furnish the ;list f
Bank of _Corrtmerce MONTREAL, August 8th—Ca4le The but- we do no sell all the ,Twine hat is used, showing where they were placed and with whom. If interested, -write r it. j
chess were present in considerable numbers, but we Bell t e BEST, and at a price which
but trade was slow, excepting f(or the best The Best School � is the Cheapest in the FiI1C�.
CAPITAL (PAID UP) will pay the consumer to buy from us,
cattle, which sold a little higher than on We have good stock of Oils for mowers
Six Nillion Dollars—$f . 0,400. Thuradap, but other grades ea�ld at about ,g We pap the railway fare of studanto coming from a distance, provided it does n!et exceed
binders (and nreshers, which is the limit of onr Allowance in this connection.
the same rates as on that day. Three choice ' Can secure good board for gentlemen at $2 to $2.50 per week and for ladies at $2 per
. SEAFORTH BRANCH. cattle were bought at 41e per pound, and Osseus col cited for Thresher's Belts. g g p
twelve large steers weighing 1 200 untie Bottom prices for everything is Hard- week.
A general Banking business tran g ► g g go ware, S ova and Tinware. During the year which closed June 30th, we had pupils in attendance from Nevtr Uo --
each, were bought for shipment to Great g'
aaoted. Farmers Notes discounted, Agents fo Thorol Cement.
•nd sr -ectal attention given to the Britain at 4c per pound ; at y good eat.,g land on the Atlantic, to Seattle on she Pacific ; from Manitoba on the North to Brookly ,
tle sold at from 3jc to 41 , and common . �� N. Y., on the South. There were 133 cities; towns and'villages in Canada,.and five $tib
•co,liection of Sale Notes. stock -at from 2I to 3c per po nd. Calves I of the Union represented with us. Twenty-three counties and distridta outside o: Cha;-
ha -
SAVINGGS BANK.—Interest allow at from 1,25 to eac shippers ay a - ie
ham sent us 198 pupils, Chatham and Kent county alone sent us over 100 pupils, whi e
•oil; on•deposits of $1 and upwards. sold $ � Pp P Manitoba and the Northwest Territories sent us six. . WHAT WE ET WE HOLD«$peolai facilities for trsnsiactlon of from 3 to 3o por pound for good large �' (II M urd G i
sheeplambs sold ah from .7 to $4 each Write for handsome catalogue of either department. Mention which catalogue o'u
6USI_ness .in the Klondike District. ' want.
Stoney Orders, payable at any bank, issued at the Fat hogs sold at from $4 25 to .60 per 100
following rates :— - pounds for straight lots off ha cars. H A R DM A R E , . D■ M'ct.ACH LAH &COs, Chatham, Ont. 8
Under $10 .08 $20 to $80 .12 BUFFALO, Auguste 8th.- Cattle —There I
$10 to $20 .10 SS0 to Boo •14 were 221oads of Canadian a okera ; food Counter' '01d Stand, Seaforth ' I 1 s I
I . HOLMESTED '"- F. C. G. MINTY, ones ,selling stronger ;good to best embbtli
solicitor. Manager. POST OFFI';C13 STORE`;
o to
5 good 1 1624 fat exp rt cattle, $,5.50 $5. ; g T,7I � �A��. � 'i
beet, 40 to $5.45 ; expo t elle, to •�� 86CCE84FUL
I .f BiI'thB• $4.25 ; ood to choice butch rs' steers, $5.15 A ,large quintity of . • V ! ' i
to $5.4 ;good to best butchers' etE ere, FIEMLOCK LUMBER, i Old Stan i
'FRRITZLEY—In 8eatorth, on July 29th, the wife of S4•b0 f� $5 ; good to choice fa balls, $3.75 PINE LUMBER, I I�
Joseph Frttztey, of a daughter. ,
-SOMERS—In Brussels, on Jul 31st, the wife of Mr. to $4 ; feeder bulls, 83 to 3.25; good to INGLES, LATNrg After a most successfujl S rin and
Adam Somers, of a son. Y best fat heifers, $4.10 to $4. ' 5 ; fair to ood OEDAR RQUARE TIMBER, i I p � I
WEIGL—In Teeswater, on July Seth, the wife of heifers $4 to. $4.25 ; `fat Cows good to Ct ANb CEDAR POSTE AT i,
Mr. Joseph Wetal, of a daughter. ' ' g Summer busines 1 we have let 1 New Goo
wggTocK—In Culross, on rut f5isb, the wife of $3.50 t t'p4 ; medium fat cows, $2.75 to ST. JO P LU�dBF3R YARD. i
Mr. Ww. Whytock, twins, both boys. $3.25 ; at cows, common o fair $2.25 to i
GECR , CAMPBELL Proprietor. with us a few ed s and ends bf
ANGUS—In Wingham, on August 3rd, the wife of V,75 ; tookers, oboice to extra quality, - ' p 1646•tf I I
Mr. F. Angus, of ason. r ,
LONG—In wingham, on Jury Skis, the wife at Sir.
$4 15 t $4.50 ; common to good do, $3 35 two -button OXf td Shoes alyd New Maii
J. D. Long of ■ daughber- to 54 ; stock bulls, $3 to $ 26. Calves, i-
WEST—lra Etinton, on July 30th, the wife of Mr. ,1. —Good color retook, 84 to $4.25 ; do., good IMS ORTANT NOTICES.
West, at aeon. 1 : one strap Slippers, that will l e
to choice, $3`75 to 84 ; Jeers a oekerm, $3
— � to 3;25 ; stock heifers, $3 to 3.25 ;feeders; ARM FOIt� AZrE OR TO RENT.—Lot 1, C000ee• i In the Post Office �tOlei One door
efon 8, H son Road Survey, Tuekeremith, con. ' sold for what they wjll brint,
l�arrlR es. good to extra, $4 to $4 25; common to good, tsine loo &crag goof bank barn 64x60, with stone i J I south Of the post oil e, I have
WING—SCROALES—At the residence of the bride's $3.75 to $4 , fresh cows,, ehpice - to extra basement; al a good frame houeo with stone cellar
Mother. on August 8th b • Re . P. Mu ave, Mr. e; before we arrange Our Fall opened Out a ' ew !�'arr0 ery Store
John W. King, of BIuevajie, �o MiejAnnio o. good. bags, $38 to $45 ; good to choice, v37 end bwo good elle. It ig situated within Sjmllea
&holies, at Constanoe: • to $45 ; springers; good to to
$40 to from Seafotth, and le convenient to r hurchee and
C08ENSs B — s u et loth at the a d or cows $13 to $20 ; .schools. Il is well underdratoed, and has four sores Stock, which is aTriviog rapidly. and solicit a s are of h patronage
210 B Oa Theses y, gu , $45 ; common n po p of hardwood b eh. For further artiouiarr, apply
residenoe of the bride's father, by Rev. T. Mur- $1 p F Of the people o£ t 8 tOTVn and
dock, lir. A. Coaene, B. A., of Bramr ten, to lilies cows and springers, common to good, 8 to JAMES K HOE, on the rem F. or by letter to ll p
Lillian 0., daughter of was. obb, Esq., of Clm- to $23 ; calves, choice to e�'tra, $5.75 to Beaforth P. o. te52tf We intend keeping our stack y Groceries i our special-
-ton. good to choice $5.50! do $6.75 • heavy fresh and clean—carry nothing ty, we handle ' nothi b else, and
W$I&HT BRAY --At the reside ce of the bride's ' ' ARM FOR - ALE.—For sale, I+ut e, Connection 8, r
parents Rin hum on Au est 2nd, by Rev. D. Calves, $3.50 to I$4 50. — F L. R. S., uckermmlth, ooataininp 100 serer, 90 , I -
Perris g tt nt Hawkesbury, to 'TORONTO August' 9th.—*Export Cattle ares olesred, nd the balance iu hardwood bush. r that We Can sells at ll, cdneequently keep only
01 G. W. Wright, y, +?he land L ail n a Qood state o� •cultivation is well over
Min Helen R. Gray, of wingh m. Advices from England may the market there underdrained s d well ten scd, ion the, Promises are i -
VyLIE—JOHN8ToN—rn Winghs , an August 2nd, a good two star brink house, and a f bank barn -
byRev, J. W. GotHn, Mr. thug Wylie, of How- .ie still weak. At the o�al'' market. this g y g Cee samples at the dOOI'. i The Best . -
lek, to Mies Maggie Johnst.e, f Turnberry. morning a number of sales were efTeQted,bnt 80 feet 4�uare, ith stone stabling under 1011th. There p I
icCULLUGH HIGCIII4&—At the residence of the the rices realized were so�iewhat t vari- is an cors and half of orabpra. this a oelient tolls► — 1.i 0 1
P is s!tuated two ilea and a'halt from Worth, and f
brideltmother, Blyth, sa Ar�1.
'at tot, by, Rev. A. oars. One choice lot sold ror'$3.75 ser cwt, I has Good roads coding to it is ail direettl ns It is n
IfoLeap, Yr. David YoCultoo of East wswaza- and others somewhat hi;gber. Butchers' milesand' a q .tier from Sproat's ,who7l, and the. '�/�'�'"�� The HeweStosh, to slier Marion B., aidedaughter of the — �_�..L�ilate Bgbert FIE gine.Cattle—The demand - wad not good,' and same di�tinoe Tom EgmoadvtUe sehnol. For fur- •SSar apply
ou the premise' or addrsa
A1[ERON—BLIM110A—In Brussels, at the rest- Cher p rrti, ui pp .v 0. -
eteaoo of the bride's mother, on An t 2nd, by nothing but the beet grades were Wanted. Egmcndville P. 0, WM, MCGE0 S. . 1062x4 ,
�ts� One choice lot brought $4 per owt, but that THE NEW h3HOE STOKE Thelreshe t
Rev. John Ross,. B. A aaiabed by 7;iev. R. F. ,
Cameron, of Shkespeare, and Rev. R. S. G. An could .0t be taken as a standard. Sheep PLENDID ARM FOR SALE;—For role, -a splen• Hoffman Bros. Old Stand, Seaf4 th,
id farm
nd hots
1 ro rt . This farm b on
Q d 9
e was
od rices S
d — k t p ppee
anon, of wrpxeter, Yr: John U. Cameron, and Lambs The ma g �, p the 18th ce ce ion o! the Townobl of mexillo at ��iaS�1 anti DII8 �'PriCe.`
prinaipaI of Minals public school to hiss An- remaining about the same, With a eight in �' P, I And our prices re haft ,any per-
i nta n 12 all
vie, daughter Of the late Samuel 9lemmon. g the hioh a of 'bury. too r 1 } acro
�AiIILTON—GREEN—On Julyp 27ttil, wl the red- elination to raise. Export sheep br ugh: as of which at o eared, except -about three acres. It i., _ son CiLn afford. 8 � sill good
dense of the bride, G n July townehtp, by Bev. high as $3.80 per cwt, but. the pr vailing ins good s at of cultivation, being well fenced and /� Ti
J. Allin, xr, James Hamilton, of Porter's cies Was $3.76 r cwt, Hogs— unusu• undeidrain d, nd suitable for grgin growing or skek N OTI C { 'goods far what of e1'i ? . for
IIUi, to silos Minnie daughter of Mr. Geerge P raising an to ing, There u nqt a foot -o! warts i
C#reen- ally large shipment eves received, b t, not- land on t e am. There are two welling johQap stuff,
withstanding that, the prices raised slight- houpee, a 1 ril bank barn with stone a bung under• A rneeting of the members o! the Tucks th i '
ly, First quality bacon hope sold f r $5,50 neath, a t rge Implement house and all eoessary Branch Agricultural Society. will be held t the ; Stare one Stip ��islnC8$
'beatho. Der Owt and li bt bacon hos for .75 per buildioge i A classrepair. ' There are roe or-
p chards and.fo r never -!ailing wells.` The harm ad COYMEBC AL HOTISL, SEAFORTH,
FRITZLEY—In $dsforth, on August 7t lGr� An" ewt� f� g� gown, of Kerwood, sold a joins the U e of Lcadbnrl where are stores, pee(: ON $AT1bDAY, AUGUST 1$tb, .891, Monday, Au 8tt11
i�cline, Infant daugbter of Mr. and rs. Joaeph
Fritz'ey, a ed 8days. splendid lot of export cows, weigh' g 1,300 office blas ith shop, siohoor ate: ,,,The w II lrnown AT 8 O'CLOCK P. Y., ;
TAORG}AN--In ayllel�l, on Auzuat Uth John Morgan, arida each to Wm, Levack for .75 per Lead�ury to 1 ig on the Wro, sod will be sold with .
st ' ' It. Isis now oder lesse for a term of yo re, This For -the pnx'poee of authorizing the sale of th Agd-
srk of the division court a_ed 67 ears. cwt, H, McLau hlin, of Glencoe, 60141 to ie one et t e and most pmAtable- farm roper• - oultuml G4unds now held by tle said i3�oele All c. t Arid � � it011111
G1lIBVE—In Tvio Harbors, M�nnesote, o July 28th, p ttno
Mr. lfion T Grieve, rs, M ly of Flu lett, Huron H� Dean A load o eXportere, averag g 1,200 ties in the my o Huron, and will bo cold ohespp *ho are me hers for the current ear, an w were '
catinl aagged :aa earn, poands esoH for $4.56 r own. wfOsd and on ams- of pa�tnent If lbs roperty ie also members for the two ipreviotu yeah, are titled
BONNET'S-ln Mal on Jul 25t ,Henry Bon rte�rs ave i,It1s0 not sold a sYOoebk 1lme, the bKm ie Hated to voten this r►alloff n for the purchase o!. tis the meentime ,}o �w . -
ziatt, aged 81 years. ' y & Co. sold some expo , if a suitable t cant vet often. For further pardoaU” tart' W. G. .�"ieitf0°t'tl 1 Ont ISI
ea b for $4.55 per cwt. . Buell, apply on the remiess, or addrs4ls the ands rounds. , T MAO & BAYS, Secretary;
•OliAY—In Wlri Cham on August let, ranzes wife poundsROADFOOT, President. 1862 2 .
Of Mr, Wesley Gioy, aged 62 years. i of Exeter, to Wm. Leva ck a extra pmpriet®r, lnuy P. O. JOHNSTON K 1 I
'! 11 I
_`{ _ I
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`j( � 1 —
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hile'the remoddlin of our larger sure
• •
1� b i:ng laerfected e - want to ,place before
Cher peowl some lines which a will sell at,
Tess 'than. the im of t•: rice. Jt is our loss,
but ;our cin . ler I is the list.. Look --cart-
ful {at t a prices.
ll 1 ecked and Striped Sum!. Ready -to -WP • ar Clothing st
In r Waiist .Silks at Cost . the lowest rice to be found
I I in Western Ontario. No
x,11 e hyrs 1 'l nghams,Piq_u : better goods produced for
au Mush 'Is at Cost. } workmanship, style and fit.
?bra is Cdtlon Hosier a d. - ,
All Men s Summer Underwear
Gl �'es ai Special R0- at Cost.
d t�ors� -
;; .
All i�� t Pr it tis, See -Sucks ,s Two Dozen S;Oysl,ateaters, Men's,
I. 7
allt•Ian rap aerettes at 25 Youths , Gee#
P t ; ent' Discount.
Ten Dozen Colored. Shirts,
Spec ani lines, of Dress Goo s i worth frol� 1 to $1.25.
+ I, ; +i
All forEach.
50 '
an + l�anants at est c
��e C l
I' - i
, 1 .
i ;I
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,ff "
I ' -cot
i Opposite; Town Building, Corner Main- and Market %s,, Seaforth,
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B. g ovi�in
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I,k9 at,,z, .
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Bef re going into our New Amon the notable goods
g g t clear will be':
Ston a ill offer for o
�, i .
301 I si
onlyillks i
Dress Goods
speci.. I.!
Pant I
,i �. .
A# 11 ��
Th, 'Ou h scrap ars
� 11
; 1 —Shirt
T e S ore Sh�rt� Waists
h .
We not itemize -in this Parasols
adver�ise $nt, but simply �,
noun a in a general way the —Corsets
�h lel of the
: � I
; —
St' ck of
' Zeprhurs 1.
OV; r $10,000
i '.!
Gin hams .
e wa ' to sell at least g
'P�i n, •
1f f it before
fore we move and
h , o -White ear .
w will .lrl4e it Worth the
tr able to_ �y intending pur- And all ME!N'S GOODS,
e aser to call. Shirts, Collars, �T1eS, Etc.
I i _
' t
Remem er this is a Genuine Sale, as We , will. be in our I
. !
ew Store b • I
Come early and get a g;.. ood choice of anything :you Want
t Peng' ost's. For 30 Days Only. -
I I- .
. I
; :
}}i i
9 1
I 1 '
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I( �. i `' - -
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