HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-30, Page 47 T� 4 THE- EX OSIT goo will b,. $700 1 roes for diet, clinurch for some'time past, has, in the for the page six months has been $250,000, cently. �..Mbee Rao at Duren of ;Kinde, best boreem, III p or $500,0001 for the yeir, being $200,000 less Michigan, is visitia friends and relatives four r�ees---240 lace and 2,35 trot free for rec ii� examinations t the Conierivatory of. 12 -as. Mm Z-va 7Xii 1 JVA r P go ovorop, Am . f -w than the atimated decr one. It is hoped in and aro4nd l�, M r. Willi in all, tr _ orpace ; 2:25 pace &not 223 trot Mu io, not Only passed with a very high O'n' ho .2 C? L fe a this doi Dewey, of the ' Iw Fiely Company, Is t. hat ile'! run in heats, weights for see, per atage, but with nors.. We Oongratu- 4 5 6 r s. 9- that in the course of i f. year flor, ligible from- June 1899 ; I& Miss Murdock o her brillian suce Big. will be exit' ely wiped o 6 and that, by the tending to the rp daI6 pond. nets at pr a- A close Jul 3ed, at 12 a i2p 0- M' 546 t increase in the volume of usineas and use ent,—Dr. Slac but had his resi6nee nicely ant P y . in. Ch.ild- —Tie rains of this week, while delayling a s4uare in the morninq. hay ng, -will grestl benefit the grovi Ing ch rev uue will be. de- painted, —The ourk ation. of X . A. Mor- ran 8 antes on tt, M ZO 21 22 24 24 of the in"', as mu' 2 L P rived from 1"the'letter do ment of the pos- rayi!s barn is ra nearing completion. Runn ng range, jumping contesta, fat man a crol a and. rcpots.� re. G. Halliday left 43 � 9 eyo p and M r - Ke son M osseau, of He x races, all kinds o races ; free for --all good hero on Tuesday join her husband in .26 AV tal service'ke was p viou ly received at the Mr. a. three ceut� rate. Prom these -figurem it county, are at Nr4 wentir visiting friends in prizei. A grand display of fireworks 'at Wit nipeg. She was accompanied by her would app or hat n)w to i letters are post- this neighborho night on the rqu re, which won't cost a cent sister, Miss Mary Carlisle, who intends NEW ADVERTISEMENT$. -1 — ad to one previous to the -eduction. tosee. Ever7bcii come and enjoy the big spot doing a couple of months in the wesit. day i Huron a county town. S a ial trains busily engaged rf Ct- Our committee are SW The figure between the parenthesis, 1 or each Le, Ldbury. tho, pAge of the paper on which the As t goes 013 the difficulties of the and a ecial rat as. Ing �beir arr-angenter to for the colerrs, ion d t einTHAT SwEARwp, —DEAR EXPOSITOR,-- J. tobB;held ereontle ratofJuIy,.aUd in. adv' rt=t will be found. Ainericanal in the Philipines iseem to be reig & Maceorp:i 0. Morrison paid In a compliments to me iin tend paring no pain a to make it & BUCCP08. Plu T g Tim." ppen. creasing, d inatea, of subduing the ria. gre t naps—MaKincon & Co. -5 THE ExposiTOA I at week. An but few MACHINERY A —A very large numl er of our vil at. all o Piw­8boe9—R- Willia-5 tives and 1'estoring Order a d peace in the people pre convera b with the cause of this woldtT PLOW REPAI G.—The tent! ad the f amoral o the late. M�rs. Gs vin Platur trali Wlater-1 undersigned k the favor of, I wentirg , to �!. Binde e Hu'lett & CO.—S islands, th�'situation is racti I will exploLin matters as briefly and machinery and them in ROM 16 Tu eada"ft rnoon ast. Miss I gas 9 ly " pos ibleA thought the assesomen t I Ing re a ives !in Notio to Oreditore-Collins & Staribury-5 in 8 in goo J time, in ord r to avoi the ros T. MeMs Shi r y as an vat more merino. La st� or a a a hat P'a one of Crean sepirator—W. L.1 Ouirriet on, my fai was too high this, pres- needs o comm"t t) the frie a in Hamilton during theipast �wo —A; G. Aul�-6 Agui in forces and is A - ,,=ic on this I ne of wor . ' X rrivtds Wildon naldo has mob6lize and I appealed. The court of re- to, line of sickli alwaye in stock. I Binde,Twinio-:-Reld & _5 eontinuall, harra"Imi ig the American army. ant yearo ork intrusted wi I , receive the be atteiptio 1. weeko.—Rev. W. F. Kerr and rii. rr FIRS ties, he'll, w left here he first part Of The necei sity of i nforcim g the' Ameri, vision fo� McK llop was held at Jo Plow epairin In &I, its branches, with full supp y andif4mill Barg* us—Richilrdson Melintrit" LeadburV, in the Ititter part ot May. Iwas of plokv repairs. . Also a irood assortm nt of ikepir WeeKfortleirnew ome atAmeretburg. Mare or Sale -John qo,�enlock-6 troops in the Philip Anes seriously con. the firstF to be plovroin stock.% All root souffier ropall ng attendi id tomplated and it is author tatively. report- of those who had appealeo� to in short notice. ' 1% Mellis, Klppen. 1646-2 —P11e�. Mr. and Mrs. Waddell a d fur lily Mead w folli S%le—F. lit0phy-5 called. hen I ilked over to the council also moved to their new charge at E Farm orSLxla—,Vm. Fo*ler­-6 ad that President N QKinley will authorize W1 'in table J. . Moil floork, the clerk, liquided me T E PicNia.— Saturday was a banner day ville, this week. Their friends here are Wanted—Exposito- Ofli e-15 that enlistment of nore men sufficient for Sheldon's Book+—C IV. Papst-8 a book with the r6litark, " thl council were for ippen. A slight shower about one ple a., t they will still be wit in v sit - E Broadloo" ten regi ents, h w 11 go to the is - ill not object, or o CIO k ma a a f w get on long faces, hub in distan e.—The Hensall parsonage ad Estray Gattle—Q. Sni sworn and I on ipot a you w ing lands. Feed Corn wordst tat ea. y re y was car- a f n hour the: sky cleared off and the not t,, me t& got cold, Rev. M. G4 Je, tt, penti 7 Notice --G. F, Belden -8 tainly n9b." He t an sake me questions af ter noon as al I that anyone Could desire of iniville, moviagimmedia. I into it THU Mr. Hugh John Muodoni ild, leader of the rarm 'or Sale—Mrs. W. Oliver -6 about t a farm &61 whea I -undertook to for a picnic. Every preparation had been the 1qrst of this week. The rei end gen- Serval it Wanted—Expositor Office -13 nmerva#ve party in h 'anitoba, was in Cc answer I hem bi i would talk iv a loud and wadi), and Ihe d pot park was soon a busy tleM highly spoken of, an en upon aToronto tast-, week, and in an interview boisterous meatier' while I was speaking. place. Sol ie ra as for the children were his Xrk here under very fay.or ble, circlim- For this he wiw called down and rebuked- calle I off m bile i linei browd was nat kite, Of! Det with theiMail and Empi -a, discuesed the I 'ippen and Brucefield football wric a.—Mrs. Samuel W1 several times by embers of the council, sl- and 1en I h6- as been visiting relatives and friends ight uVoll (EXP00itim chances. �f the ConservAt ve party in the though I did tiot occupy but a few minutes tearr a facet., One another. This was the in Ot Marys and Exeter, is Ii visi ing a. ing pt ovineal oal �n that provine altogether. V!!i oal� he found that the codn- first time t lose riial team@ had tpt this Ili �sister, Mo_i�. F. 0. McDoa'ell, and Tf twe are to i ud ge from. what Mr. Macdon, oil were inclined t) reduce my. spoesoment, eas(n, anj the 6 1 eting was look dtrward I a White, of bbis mottler-in- aw. Mts. Jame SEAVORTH, FRIDAY, Juns' 30th, 1899 ald says, . the Oonmervatiives have already he howled at thew in a frantic mpuner not go w th a great eat of interest by the sup- villo —Dr. Robert Ferguson ind wifoi� of won the election, iand all, that they #a. are to do so; but they took no no icq of � him. ort ra of the respective teams, Mr. H. Det it were in the Village thi week. The r g f rim to count tip their majority- The next man call A is a near niiiighbor of ach son, of the Hurons, Seaforth, refereed di waitin Det; r iornierly lived a few In Iles west of he 01nimon Parliament M r. Gree way, 'the present Premier, i and a d allow into the bargain. the, alli illage.—Mrs. W. C" Charlera, of Ash - is even min a to the satisfaction of all, and when out t parisono 900 iiii noteworthy event froni o be defeated in his own 1 constituency. J He was also swor . Shortly after he out tim( was calle the game stood I t16 Is a , an isconsin, an ormer 3 o an, _pr seems ratier surprising, i4 the face Of all dOwn he drew my atteut f t4b game who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Dominion Parliament at Ottawa, during the ion to the fact thai thot gh throughout the most o a witnesses, the Uppen teatri had the best and majori this, that so astute a insin4w Mr. Greenway John C.-, had stop d swearing h rh Robert McAllister, of ' syr, intends of it, irnprole past week, was another six hours' speech would no � quietly ate, aside. But perhaps and we both milt ally"agreed �hat he was prem ed the defe ace of Brucefield very* Bev- ret0ning home the -end of this week. MrS. con. 21 40nei. from Sir Hibbert Tupper, and, at the he has no � seen the ail, During all erel a good pa -t of.tbe time, yet the mag- Charters' many friends: in: �ensall were quite calpable, of 9 ch meanness. Ontari clusion of the sitting, he had not concluded. this time I did no bear one w)rd spoken by nific 3nt w9rk a the Brucefield backs pre. pleaded to meet her again.—Er., and Mrm. in reco nition of his silai7vices �to Canada, fiensi either the reeve o - other met lbere of the vent 3d them fro in scoring more t an once. His theme this time was the same as before, 1. Paignmon, of Kirkton, were ii The village and at th same time tip ace�hi in a pos - council in regard 0 either mw�aring or not The goal c�dait )d to the Brucefield team du irig the past week visiting the doctor's i4pplii Viz the Government's management Of the These Was rather a di l®iegioi - 1: P, tion to devote, his time to the, public ser- swearing those w to had appealed. iappointment to the ho r, Dr. W. A. Ferguson.—Mr. Edward e '�r Yukon Territory and the borruption of th are facts, and at t,hcpugh Mr. Morrison is -tear, i, as it was 8 G06'z and Master Johnnie Goeft,'who. were lin oth vice, widxOut having any �nxiety for the hoved through the goa Y Com a -ba Ii 17he gal officials. Sir Hibbert concluded the first possessed of a lar a mount that com- one of the Kippeo half e attl���ding college, are at home ),t the tuture wielfare of his fa ily, some of this modity called che lit yet I doi think he throughout was most inter atirilt and the w1hicli partof his speech by reading voluminous meir6ial hotel, spending their summer holi- and ou Ithy hdmirers of Sit, Wilfrid Laurier has the hardihoo to then them. Now a pet tatora thor uglily onj ad as the d d.—Mr. Jamea Bonthron, Of Exeter, ally' against the wea tay ochar�es, leveled princip have dedded to presen him wi a es i- C ery for both word in regard to the m, in which appeared Chei ring was enthus ast aniffformerly of Rodgerville, was � in the vil. Minster of the Interior and the o in THE EX H3 begins by saying side 3, and Bruc, fliald has reason be roud lage several dg�s last week vill1iting. among ino nial 0 $100,000, $12C'A� of which will be 4P000"IrTralnonde a d ppen hiq op Id friends, who were pleased to see him The re ing of thes'e- charges took over DIU that I am F at. This is right. of t ie Rovers ":when the 7 h T n to iim and the b0ance invested in I am fond of- TH4 Expom'oR, � as well as down to one gol The next bip. event of aguib and in the enjoyment of good health . week 6V red how give hour and from this it may be judg some gooh securities, so that: it may bring ire, n n the 624 �r news the Jay was , �Bontfiron is now over 86 years 'of age, many otht. e ape a'd have sent the thoa lacrosse matei betWee longitwilltake to investigate them. Sir him in it �teady income. Sir ilfrid is not list- has appeared under Exe 5er and Egr onolvill teamo. This game greater share of is still smarter than many mail scarcely iei ge a $8,000 a gni Hibbeit demanded a- commission of judges a rich iban. the heading of L adbury fo�ir the last ten was watched i il�h in ensta int rest, and, m6r than half his agle.—Oar public Schools aer th�! P1 Upon ea ter iiif only ut half or yeare. He says made a Oromise to make contrary 0 he general expectati n, Exeter clolsed here this week, and to I achers and �ocietio is to investigate and report these Y r 5 'e 1 - --- one-third 7wbat he -1could make in the no reference to 6 in in the 1 papers. This is on by 3 to 1. At times this ga e was de- scholars have entered upon the I long sum- Ing thic charges, and, in the event of his being un t, f his profession. Then, too, the false. I never in de inch I it promise. He cide Ik fast an� scale very nice c tribinstion or vacation.�Tho annual pienic of St. 0oo n 3 prac ice me Able to substantiate them, h expressed his calls upo a man in his position are nnmer- as a I will never i a a township offloial and wor put up, y)t there was c naiderable ihort't ous, so bl at it leaves little room to make pro- Y Palul's Sabbath school, which in always so I willingness to abandon his seat in Parlia- I am spiteful of those who are. Well, I wild throwing � one at'times by I oth tearing, mu )Frogra vision for t1ii future. Were something of �h enjoyed and looked forward to with nuc an R meat and retire from public life. What he. have found that councils in the and Ithe play ii Tried to be pretty: well di. SO h ti )ipation, will be held this year werybo thib nat ire not done, it won d probably past t ave not an r quently appointed men vided, bi t Exe et seemed to be a little bet- t ednesday, July prth.—Miss un, hopes tq accompligh by such an in.vestiga- a ayfield on W necessita;e his stepping down -a id out and to office who we 0 little or no good for any- ter 4 ge ting t �ej ball through th 31 r oppo 11 B a Sparks has returned from i Dashwood, )ronouU tion, even supposing he proves every one of engaging an 9 ine more lucrati re employ thing else. J. C Morrison,is a striking it- ent'i goa . W1 ilo this was in progress the w 4 re she was visiting. —Rev. W. E,�Kerr fan wit rnent, but �he 1 services'of -such I aen am Sir' his charges,,it is difficult to, imagine. Most lustration of this and I know if he and I lady friei As w, 'r ' 2ettiug the tables and pre, Lobed big farewell sermon on Sabbath ieade Wilfrid lliauri�r cannot be dispel ised with in anyt: ing in the gift of the peo- making I repara ne, and as BODU as the 4e regati of the officials a! ainot whom he aspired for oing last to a very large cong on, he obirr if not &,It 9 1 1 1111 i ti� Canada. ple, I would in& 6 a mighty poor run' if I lacrqsse amea ended, the visibing* play- a prefers charges have long since been retired rid, delivered a very able discourse. —Miss did not poll morol votes than be did. After era Were then i a down to the beat *the An ie Beek left here this week for Amherst- 3 3bar P from' the positions they than occupied, and The n o�sessions of the United States he hal-eatablishod. a precedent; by adminia- country o rice, -Minor a orts then 1 uld I rqd burg, where she intends remaining with Gentle# others now occupy theirl places agwinat are costing them a mint of money. . The tering the oath some, he did nol�prcceed. filled in the bal %doe of the evening, as the' Mri. (Rev.) Kerr duriog the suminer, hile An ekoi t11 nd 1 eH, tweeh �t '50, all whom even Sir Hibbert halli not one word to Washiii g on orrespon I called this a I it one I I Hanes forth Collegiate football Mimls Annie Kemp intends stayiog with rr�`@ fal ad to nit in an appearance. An Mrs. (Rev,) Waddell for some months.— know-of no w re appropriate. It is It Brueselsrld ives some startling figures of ca say. The Government reiadily admit that York W 0 all nonsense, zolnm say it i's false ; datli 'ap roach i -the picnicker headed Mr. Robert Coldwell left here - a low days and *be stipthe outstart they may have appointed the cost there Is nothing falme about it. ng ago for British Columbia, where he has se ln 9f th war in the Philippines. The dourse t air, rigs horr sward, everyone declari f$V ials who were unfitted for the posi- article tea �hat $63,000,000 and the lives we have your w rol that youwere �roinpted t at ippen we ; bhe place to go lo, and the a ome offic. cared a good situabion.—Mr. G. D' Arnold of 664;lm n is the price paid thus far for the to this. Your ansupported . statement is a 'rooks wer, ll he boys to put up a good has recovered, nicely from his recent illneas. sultea I tions to which they had beeuappointed. But, not,however, a fficient proof. L not day"m sport, 'in j-rigtification for these appo, intments, they advanta��)e ganed in Luzon, besides 6,500 . is recovering- nicely. to 8.1 wish t h are false -at all' me@, O�N`ER STONE LAYING. --!The service of wateir a " a DEATIL—We regret this week to have to ay, and very truly, that the care and gov- soldiers 1wounded 'and many times that, y -on "scymeti" You ad thiiii way the but 0 1 as are inchim 161ying Of t i6orner stone If th chr nicle the death of Mrs. Gavin Rose, Harr Ile On number to act the smar Meth�diA chumh, in this villai wilebwe per 114 It is declared that when on tr tie, or hen er nment of this territory was thrust up 6ade invalids. Y 'last t wbit sad event occurred at her home, the army, in t a Philippines is costing $280,- ou are corner The hrust his observed on Sund y and Monday�,Jiul ar a them- unexpectedly and hurriedly, and that bley 2 n d G Farm, Rodgerville, on Saturday n ex- On Si in Jay services held 0 line, rey� an 000 a day no�. and that the sum will itatter is a vicio a one, but so long As the and 3rd. 2 w Ai. �4t last after a ong and painful' illitess. they had not time to pick iand choose, but 1. 0 p. in., and In. r ite �eh ceed $30Q,000'when the' whole of the 35,000 t n In and ho orable men of botif town at 10:30 a. in., 7�30 p. Mr Ross had been in declinitig heal.h for Da selected those who were at the time mopt tro ures do riot include and c -me, place the most Rev. J. Ford,;pf ?arkhill, chairman of the or t a! ope a ive. These fig sev�ral years, but during the past six ijuntry wh know evening, in available, and supposed t' be most suit. the nava expenses, which are es�imsted at impli ie confide oe n my veracity, can district, will ea'h , morning an i or - assumed a much more le the her illness o1i re ar It �n erso able. That some of th It uld have $10,000 day or $1,370,000 for the 137 days well afforolt di Ill the vile inaiiiiul tions and Rev J 8 H d n, of I nsall, in r. $al lie 9 n a . Monday seri ms form', finally developing into a com- that th4 war with Aguinaldo has lasted, of any maliciO04. blatherskite. In conclusion, intment is no, surpri the afternoon. th followin lie Ltion of diseases, baffling not - only the rei proved a diagppo honor iere honor is due if Mr. at 5 p. M. the 30 will be laig a re ver andl above the regular cost of maintain. to give 9 9 a I �ner stone eel local medical skill, but, also the com- is it to any person's Iffiscredit. They 0 waters. The World Mortison were divested of certain objection- after which gut pe will be servei I in Mr. choo�� nor ing a fleoft in Asiatic bino d skill of the ablest professors and phy. war Taylor's orchar :1. For the evering a grand err, a sent to 4 new and inhospitable, coun- declares � that the United States controls able features, he would be an efficient and sici4na of St. Joseph's hospital., The de coneider4bly less territ'ry in the Philippines padnetakin rk. The principal of these is and interesting programme has been pre- n 2 9 :0' try, and so far removed from headquarters 9 ceas1ed was the second youngest daughter of Jo -4 than Sp4iili when the Americans took posing a:, t blip boss, instead of a ared, consisting f addresses by Revida. J. the �ate Andrew Beattie, of DainfriesFohire, ela] pse before lcipi r man that months must necessari :ery'alnte; undertaking the iwo k possession, and that the expense of subdu Ford, J. S. a derson, S. heson, G. att; it Scotland, and emigrated to this country instructions from their supeiriorm could reach In the islands, including the $20,000,000 of men who hit a been selected by the,. peo- Jewitt, and the former pastor, ]Rev. W, J. with her parents in the year 1859, and home them. Sir Hibbert has wasted a great� deal in5e.inniy to Spain, will be at least $200,- ple to tranSaA heir business, and of uter- Waddell. It i i regretted that a wing to the years afterwards was happily united in K 000,000. feting in affairs of the ratepayers relative to distance he hae to travel, and other urk- mar�isge to Mr. Gavin Ross, of Rodgerville, of time over this�eubject d ring the present Rer Thank ng you, Mr. avoidable cire mistaiii th asseastrients, a c. a new pastor, jirls' ai: The 4xport law passed by the Ontario Editor, for p a and resent favors, I am, Re v*. Mr. Lon , annot be preoi t d this evein since Conti �acksop session, and it iq diffici �r an outsider, ht settling on the fine farm where they have nued to reside. By their any rate, to see *hat he 167, going to make yours respee lly,—N. J. IRVIN& occasign. A] d nee of good i usic, Ovill be i�ing.:; Legiala e:some time -ago, prohibiting the. unio'ln they had four gone, Robert B - Rose, out of it. If the Government accede to hift exporlti�gr of logs from the Ontario timber rendered. Mr Taylors orchar and lawn Gre* ; B. Rose, Cecil C. Ross and iian k E. was request, and grant the comintsision he asks, limits t aford ample o portunity for an exceed bid the United. Statea - and requiring i Walton. pleasant eveni g, and he and hi good Y Rose, all of whom are now grown up young i W13 oounq�ll and we can hardly see how, under the cir- their manufacture into turn in Ontario, and picnic v6s held. -in the are sparing no Paine to make it 11 that can men and very highly respected, and togeth- W. If I bar ' g�. er with their father mourn the loss of an has been aorely felt by., the Am erican turn. illage, on Friday be desired for su h a gatherin . A small affecltionate and faithfnl wife and curnstances, they can refuse,i it will be ve to the eoqth of the V, loving oamoi�61 very lengthy, and a very costl invoi3tiga-tiono last, under -the 1�uspices cpf� Walton lodge of admission fee it. be charged. Come all U d *0 I Y bermen,J whp feel that they have been un. mother. Mrs. Ross was possessed of many 46 P and, in, so far as the Country - is con- . I the Ancient Order of United Workmen. And spend wit it a people of the Kippon excellent qualiti6s, including a clever, strong drum cb justly and 1 unconstitutionall --dealt with I ­ Y , The weather w4s. delightf til, � and as a conse- Methodist Chu ch an evening wl ich we hope mind and bright intellect, and while p�"e-_- Alex. Bi -cerned, it will receive mighty little value -and the aelt is now to be tested. in the quence the ple11 was largely attended, not may long be r me�nbe�ed for the pleasure it emittently a loviog wife and kind and affiec- Chen. for the large ex enditure. courts. It will be remembered th%t the Only Ilk the Y nd bea�uty � of the com- has given. 8 eci�l collections will be taken donate mother, with a fond attachment and p nity, bh fo lau t by the older �kii more staid as up ar,'"cli ser ice on Sunday. 611Y the'littercolonial Railway extension bills Diagle�, bill passed by the United "Sbatesi devotion to her hom And all that made r well, and 11 Be med to huve' a inost thor- BRI�li —, M. . �_N. Forsyti was this tee 1i its comfort and happiness, she was not un - have been finally passed by 'the Commons, imp8Z a duty on lumber going into that oughly an oyab a day, simol if they didn't it week Rt Blyth., pierforming t olutieg of mindful of othLers, but . was noted for her he Ili' in t of here of the' order' examinr gn high school an &nee, Mr. and are now before the Senate. Whether country, of $ 2 per thousand feet, and - was no fa I he main kindness and hospitality and her readiness provid under whose an pices the picnic was hold. Forsyth is well qualified for th a work! in- or not they will be passed o vetoed by the ad for the doubling of the duty should any to extend a helping hand. She had a high Many arrived, i4 the morning and enjo3ed trusted to his charge.—Mr. James Mulhol- Seui is now a matter of dolijecLure. , Sir country seek to prIp tect i bself by imposing sense of honor and admiration for what,was t duty on �ogs. This was unmis- the leaelt _ o"de while chatting with land, who has been poorly all spring, has fair, right and true, which made her quick ofj!�h an expor Mackenzie Bowell, who virtually controls -igEbora �nd fr�ieads; At n on hour an ex- now aufficient;. y �'ecovered to be able to c1po I, I takably a strike at Carii the country from no to defect and resent anything she regarded that body, seems to act as if he intended to I which the majority of the logo are imported cellent re; at Wia by Mr. W. J. drive ou ra.� (Rev.) Me nd demon t t.— Ponald same 0 wrong doing;, �he was at the give trouble, but, whether hia: will or not, into the Sitates. T%e Michigati. lumbermen, Clark, kste ttac eaforth. By two o'clock a large baby, of Varn - �vas the pas week the tim6 ever willing to reason- together, I open crowd had, aefienibled and ga, hered around guest of her a, int, Mrs. Willis, Blair, of ;I remains to be seen. The� redistribution i at *hose instance no doubt tihis, clause was to conviction,and ready to have whatever nin t the place where the grand �sawing match the village.—Th6 masons are 1 now �was wrong made right in the full and. he Dingley' bill, were not on* bill has not yet received its second read- I tent with pra ake lace, and no little' interest was with trowel it hand on the tiewt MethO to h an. was 0 tically prohibiting t p true sense of the term. The funeral ser- iNoT ingy and the Oppobition are, eviden,tly, pur- adian manufac urers from fi manifested in the sontest, Five teams cl-urch buildiri here.—Rev. Neil Shaw of riding a mat 9 p ket vice was Conducted at the home by the brth,l i were *entered Logan brothers, Blyth Hgmondville conducted services in t. Rev,.,Mr. Martin, of Caven church, Exeter, BULI]g obstructive tactics tb try and keep it in the United tat a, but desired, as they -ch on Sabbath Inat, an&i as Harris and Stewart, Gray- Cardiff and Andrew's chui a ctu Ily proven back. Of courBe, thelength of the session I thought,to t a retaliat)ry ass4ted by Per. Messrs. Ten Eyck, of Ison, 14orriat ; Ram and Harris, closely listened to by a large congregaticla. Wip Wawa 11 step being taken by the 'Canadian authori. Trivitt Meinorial church, Exeter. and W. J. willbe determined pretty much by their ties. But they vVere caught in their own Grey ; McFaAzean brothers, Grey, The Mr. Shaw is a go�d preacher and the people Dubarty, of St. PauFs church, Herinall, and h action and the action of the Senate on these celebrated sawyers, Ramsay and Harris, of Egmondvil ve good re &son to 'he P0 r trap, and have ever since been sending u' a D. P wasivery largely attended and of a very im- of tb ticklish subjects.' If the Senate veto the wails of indignation. The Hardy - o carried off the ti.r8t prize, their beat time proud of their minister.—Mrs. Duncan,� 0 we rn-, f pre nature. The remains were interred being 22 secon . Logan bro 4 on wo�( ment stopped into the breach, and by plias-, there and Me- Clinton, was ii� urilil the week visiting with in xetere'emetery and were followed Intercolonial bills and the redistri )Ution E Stewlirt Fadzean brothers were a tie for second, but her sister, M �ss Mulholland. --Mr. R. P. to Evir last rooting place by A large con- ing this law, cut off the supply of logo forL� t 'll bill, they will have destroyed nearly the in the saw off I lip oveme to eN, the Michigan mills. The Michigan men McFai brothers came B611 is tbia au nmer mak* courise of friends. whole work of the session. Politicians Of holding timbericlaims in On t6rio'conside red' out ahead,- whilgMarris and Stewart were onhis outi irigs. Mr. n1ellIntakes pride He �4 awarded fouttb prize. A platform had -in-being in thf front rank with it tasty farm (From aii Occasional Correspondent) Veig both sides are anxiously awaiting the action they were unjustly treated, and I of the Senate On these three measures. the Dominion authorities to hai McGregor, of ruckerami� ter prospects has put new courage in -to been erected for dancing, and for the bal- 'with buildingF. to harmonize --Mr. Arohy otlartoo, B tbeio�llrto 14TES.—Th return of bettertimpas and vincial measure vei In this they Zre &nee of the a noon. -the young people and 6h, is also falling in brigh io� thle! 0 of the Itle Ones, too, enjoyed them- line, he now b 3ing bumy The log unsuccessful. - They then applied to he sOme the farmers. The bAs with a sitaff of In, an y time for our car Joint Hi In Comprii8sion, while sitting at selves here. 071hers contented, theingelves building came t walls under his putbu Id- penters and masons i1a not in the towns and Editorial Notes and Com eril n Wash ass ill4ges, but i the country. Now' houses, ingtion, and again were unsuce ul. 'With the more a ber amusement of 1he social A num er in this part h ve started v roicei0etl chat' wt light in new and enlar' ad barns, stone stabling and pro A notable gathering is meeting injor n- Since then they have been endeavori to iich was so pleasant in some quiet, thgeollaying. an report the cr p td th� ir shady nook. In the evening the time was comparision ith other sea one. —M re. docto�s get a test case before the courts to ne er- other improv mentis are going on all: over to this week, It is the thirty-ninth Mesa bmine the legality of this measure. it is ver to, sports, such as football David Moore, ate of Toronto, ad now of the country. iThis is hopeful. Happy the leig j ln�� un- e he co of the International Supreme Lodge of matches and foc traces, and a;fi the night Goderich, wda he fore part of t a week hia faio derstood that they hav applied formally to untry whoso farmers are prosperous.—All Independent Order of Good Ternplars. The the Attorney- G en eral for his assent to -�ake grew apace, thE crowd dispersed, feeling guest of her an , Mrs. R. Melli .—A la ge rads lead to Iffensall on the firit of July. Supreme Lodge has among its memberm L, h a such proceedings, the Attor- that it was go& for one day at least to for- number from t, is part took 'in the The committe6 is determined to put up the nd that while, Is WU lea,rM representatives of the' grand lodges -,he ney-General declines to submit questions get bhe trials an I troubles of every day life, social at Mr. � actor Reid's I at IT,& a ccingriii� to Y flneat day of sport Hensall has yet had.— world over, and this meeting is being t- the court as to the validity of the act,� he and give one's i �lf over to recreation and evening, slid a, eak highly of ir,. M r. James The annual conventions of -the Huron Conn. churelid tended by delegates from at least a do en informed them he would grant pleasure. T en may feel proud of McDougall i ii�proving nicely in health nd ty Christian Endeavor Union and the Sab- ston's Or i B V kin countries. Over 500 delagates are 0 to It freely. Eldwa' the succes blith�Jrorpict , and they have is walking so0i' in at petition of right in the ordinary course of bath School Association, which' met in tendance, among them being some of the -litigation. Underthecour'se of procedur the gratitude of the-comminnity for provid, Exeter last week, were generous in let.— a all. Dr. W. S. Ferguson. was gifts to Hems on the� moat prominent tomperance workers in the adopted it is expected that the case will be ing such a pleastat day's amusement, and their Miss E world. pushed through the Ontario courts in the we are aura the wish of all is that it will not lensall e'iedted president, and Rev. W. J; Doherty I il ang before t ley giv and LOCAL BR:iEFs,—Dr. J. prime falli and will reach the Imperial Privy bel ther. In the i(k, of one:of the exeoutive of the County Union of day in t football contest, three teams entered,—No. ton, Pakota, and formerly welt xud, favor, a brideb Mr, Donald Macnish, Liberal member for Council early in the winter. The decision 0hrliati n End avor;'and Rev. J. S. Van - go illop, and Wal. ably;known hei a as a public school teac ' nt, and J.C.Stioneman, - of the Attorney -General' simply means that. 12, McKillop ; No. 9, 1 her, derson, preside week ri West Elgin -in the Ontario Legislature, has ilecre the Grown, which cannot be sued without ton. - The first inatch wa�'b* tween Walton was in the village part of last w6ek M 0 and tary, of the 8 bbath School Association.— been unseated by the election caurt, � A and No. 12. 1 his was a ng this,l accompanied by his wife and re. its consent, permits the suit to be entered close and exciti young Mr. William -Elder put up four wind -inille Teeaw a few days ago Mr. Macnish filed a die- so that it may not hereafter be cont game. At the end of the slatted time churef ended dau liter, renewing acquaintances, who Are in o!ne week I tely. Mr. Bider has a: very Claimer resigning the seat, when he became that the lumb neither side ha scored, a) that play was pleai to see �hekn after an absence of over flatie ffer to de more, A ermen affected had no appor- in 0 vote his W Ole time to t C. Bri*1 hin th i: contentions be. a g 4 _ a resumed for an additioniii, 20 minutes, in, ars. a doctor is doing we in work.—McArthur & Company !have f cognizant of the fact, on investigation, that tunity of establis _g T 11 this o F a ,nd ,R fore the courts. The Province will f which time Wolton score I one goal to their 6ak ta th�- cou very wall, had their bank enlarged and handsomely Thynh,ei, some irregulariti-es had occurred in cennee. 0 friends i course, defend the act �of the Legislature . - The 'Valton boys -then- but �Itill retaiu4 his high opit.ryi of Huron refitted.—It i' estimated that 600 people tion with his election, but the local Conser played off y as the f attend . with vigor. with the boym rom No. i 9, Mo- coun nest tract of fa ming soun- were �on the in rise grounds ti a evening of vat ives determined to go on with the trial, Killop. The � Walton kickers, however,' ot only is � Ontario, but in America, — the garden pady. Everyone vo as delighted will r.e were too many for - thei o portents, andi try, eDeall football team scored a deci�ed with the pleasures of the Thynn which came up at Su. Thomas on Monday. The even g, especially Drvsidalq� .,A als to none. vict6ry over th a Eden team on oadneaqay *it the, excellent programme rendered by The evidence, while allowing that wrong- won bv a score of threC h Mrs. I as the Exeter bind.----!Mios Kate Grant, who doing bad been perpetrated by outsiders, BP.EE7,y NOTES.—Picnicifig is the order of Walto'n are nom- open for rha lenges. even ng ot last week. The match bei and by agents of MLr, Macuish, not the, the day.—Mr. Peter Moso6au is on a wheel. J. 6 !grounds here, an was wit- has been visiting at the mans for the past play d oa th aligheat trace of wrong doing could be attri. ing tour to Windsor, Detroit and other nese6ol by Ilarge number of a turled home this week. The Assam pee!p,,atolre. month, re a Goderiah. buted to him. On the evidence given, the southern poitits.—Mrs. Frank Granville, of The score at a close was 2 to 0 in favor of Mines Henderson, of:Windgo , are at the trial judges declared the Beat vacant. Southaimpton, who has been visiting at her GO TO VIE SP)RTS.—There will be a great Henoall._Th�al Misses Dent, p blic sch)ol maUpe.—Rev. Memers' Doherty, B. A., and father's residence, returned home last week. day in Goderich on Uonday, July 3r era, Stri ord, are here riding p Lrt J, 8, Henderson go to Detroit ext week to The reduction in the poetal rate on letters —Quite;a number attended the echo I What with the t, attelatt ti$ 0 vie- children's gampeo, proces- of their summer vacation wi abeir the International Chris an Endeav- held in Bayfield last , Friday.— r. a, horse races and fireworks it looks as Mrm. J.'Sixther land. —M iss Elder, of of the to two cents has not proved so costly or so nic r @ion or convention. growt Will iain'Turner intends starting s merry -go- if there would I e elljoym Brit for everyone Seaforth, was 11'ere part of las week and �7,: much in advance of the times so was at round 1 shortly. We congratulate William who can take enjoyment. The adva�taqes thisvisiting hor many friends, revious to tables I first anticipated. At the time of its inaug- on his enterprise. —Mrs. Fillion, of Fillion, tha presents to the excursionist movingtollerinew home in tratford, — —On Thursday of last we k the North and 4e 'w uration the Postmaster -General estimated Michigan, is visiting at her father's reai- are �ptahrti�ulairrly good, for in addition to the Mrs.1 -Moore, A Toronto, a C 11 led by Middlesex Farmers' Institute -an an ex- aban dence, Mr. Jacob Snider's, at present.— a oe tin i and bicycle her ousin, I tra. J: Balfour, 4, Kippen, cursion to the Mielligan Agri ci Itural Cal- of the do ports on he bi, 1, the b that the falling off in the revenue of the I ite a number of the young people attend- opportutifties cannot be su -passed anywhere. were in the vi logo recently v Aiting their logo and Experimental Farm i i TAnsinig. and h ppi Qu podal department, on account of this inova- Make up our mind- to pai to the programme Coast 2, Mrs. A. McD Miss Amy This is quite i ary ad the strawberry festival held in Mr. H. onell.- 4'departure from lt� ke ard ary. -reside, Car wouldsmount to, for the first year, Reid's orchard, on the front road, last Fri. of the cir� alar city sports in youri hat when Murdock, elde t daughter of Mr. Thomas trips to the 0111litario College, d a a $70 Oft but from the report of the Post-� daylevoiling.—Mr. William Badour, of St. yoularem6kings date for Monday, July Mur( ock, of t village, who hi la Yery ably crowd availed themselves of 0 a 6 Wedn infu ter -General, �the reductictin in revenue Joseph' *&a the guest �;Of Mr. C. Jeffrey N. 3rd� Ths.-e wil be splendid rasso all the filledl the posit on of organist in' Ack Metho. of visiting the Mioshigan Wastit ion. am. riage i 0 'r a' U il a , �zut I lif ki av 11 Pa )UJ ni i JUNE 30, 1899. umb THREE S CIALS mar t A TH Irm eft for Torot r RNE STOR OF 0 _MiLeatt, G w1m. a Qkaiorg� �FAIVCOA k;suend -tbis W" FRIDAY AND] SATURD" win, ugaia. ail "our "A W7 tied 61 A, wb One hundred '(100) Shirt Vy aists, fitist colors, aft4e_r :an ......... 25C eache Ibiacountiry in I& S In jilontri&L ,_Vifty (50) piece P:jnt, guaranteed 'fast jKincardine. 01 .. ........ 5c per Yakid, 1� aildren of f D A 45 -inch Black Lulsdre regular 50c a yArd' mod islillY, sud t it at .......... jiakirolli -miucerea.yj it I ts we WIL Selli _336.�__ Abe lose Of 's kind in paplessed hO for Iiid coarnetery 'S, SEAFORTHE F i W;Al the On'tario Agriel.1ttural C I- �Jto Mr. A F. Amder-son.- of Stanley, The ertu Itel. litral1y'suggeoted themselves to he cerei iouy was performed by Rev. S. Atche- inLthe presence of only a &xt arld.00i 10, � the C inudians. The gene Al I �sqn-, A Kippen, 'Mra of Pass t, �n I ",as that �Iin agricultural scie ce I Iew i atimatle friends.—Mr. and MTs. Peter ee ally iq I xperimental work,' 06 ;Hagm and little daughter, of Detroit can Ferg:011501, IM Pn tution was fully as aompre- f ic igan, Are thip week visiting at the on big Aecot 4o f ie Mich gan. The b ilding sod ihom of'Mr. James Hagau--An exhibition - :of at reoptioan views was given in school an Guelp are, if anything, su� )&re. Wood, M so a lines - notably in dairying. -secti )n No. S, Hay, one7vverung last week,- Awyed in, Alite, lby A ir. Kershaw, of London, and was two w, r a 40 eats I insing has the advun- very , ith Via r ry uch so [n the magnificence with Innue k &?pyeciated by all who witnessed s1tor Beattie, lie ork of 1 college is fostered ithen and Mrs. Thomak Farquhar are vigil le ft: aide is por d by t a legislature. this week visiVing friends in Lon-don.—Mrs, i -_ _�nuisou au( William Charterni.of Ashland, is visiting at a ome of her father, r. Robert MeAl- blood Coi lis r, of the Purr line. BLRBRATIO,�.70n Thursday of ast W voad aron cftizens�rigbt royally celebr�ted legs one SIX n Hub d nniverg).r 71, of er V1 Constance. d a sat, a"e yr ho: ding a grah denionstraZion iyrn! I NL Tm.—Mr. E. S. Farnham is at Toron. Coal ined ak� el, ices of L th' rate'Inal �_,*AVW],dAit1And Roy, ito t is week attending the Supreme Lodge aged I he vill Early in the bm, dale - I � oUt a Good Templars, where delegates from _Irn her too a(! I threiitening, it a garden partV 3 all arts of the world are assembled.—The v;hici 4 rei!,. off, an' r � rain fell unti a We 0 efore the clo'se of the eve ing ent ance--pupilm from this school are at Clin. whioh he died. I ton this week writing upon their examins- 1i A bi Owd gathered nd 1,tt AG. Coantei 4Y earned o C�d�oroughly enjo 11he 1] -0 to.represet 'Y XAGUu DoiNGS.—I]a connection withan as ex on all aid a the celebration eX Company ant topic by Miss Susie' Wheatley, on quyi -at Stra, Ped one of t e best. Th i I Sin day evenin Sit the Epworth League -Wft bow, a 'rt ",a- a po g M­,,Alithumpivi procession. w. ieb *mfurtiLblep pretnimes ea Be me ting, an interesting report of the Exeter V. )V t h� Bru els brass band, Pam ded Aft Vill be opened in the icon ention was given by Miss Daisy Me- WWe Mr. John Shi eta. The, followitif prizes ere iGr gor. Mr. J. H. Afedid. will take the at, 'Bird an epper �Ind' wait leading bit �kol top c Sunda . 69 Our y at 7:30 p. in., upon the.sub. the beastauddia 3rd, arktdw# baseball team Zip c country for Christ." The mouth -w day.], "ja� , rr. a %U D Color � on a wheel, L. ly onsecration service and reception of new ut, breaking tw a ispectoad time Mr. 'Mye bers will also be held. Tuesday at, S �ing wine of f0otball was play he 1S forth Collegiate team a -ad I the the monthly L bu8ines meeting will be by the, saine, horse, bo . The go, a was a close One, Mitebi Eel The executive of the League met --]Dr. Ursula 16ft n 1 le was up he score stood � t ' i-- . 0 lam week and drafted a programme for the. last. weei for Of or , the home boys. The baseball �re ainder of this year. take the practice 4U let'glen Wroxe, er and Brussels re- vraix- weeks, wtili p a victory for � 3ruseele by I I �runs 16 ocourse in �he surigerl not4ei interesting contest wam the Dr. Crane will be' In= thst town -du to M cNeil -arid ght, i iti which I Alex. ring In ��eer or took first prize, and J. �Jep. ivingston, second. A tug of —There were 78 ticketo 2 �teamh of ten men each from tion in Ititchel1t, for Niag-i Ti con Orris, occasioned no littleI.. ex- of lot week. about MO by the time the f b the Aloftisitea were too ranch Isem--an- ei brsves,a�d won in two straight -up, the other i Apria wai ro-sched ia Il hei Morris to�,am was aptained by I vnjiyabU 4ty was orient I th, ta�nd the Grey team by Mr. all, Thq'foot ra as made sport for -wOsis vf VitchelVis hotel Ite. As follo a :L The relay race for sr-roiR, 0 yss . in a te m,! was -won byiLealie �wtok. -- giving -a gli Itli E. B yahs and Cleve Allilik, net whom the- 1i con, . of an . d, a �econd place by E. wmedall the hotel -kA mith, Q ark Allin and Dave -JV._ The Inspector is on 44 32J�secoadx The relay race for in t Outereate Fof as won by �Ine 1. 0. 0. F. , 'with I C'LINTON t J Tho ion� and A. Sample. lot I standing t1li ce of the weather, i as no lack ral Competitors itli the a, und the av rards went to Maud South Perth Farn Lottie Blashill1and Priscilla Man- onto 13nelph on Thu �n thebo a' r ce� R. J. MeLanehlin week. There were 31 Y iith 2a , And Brine, ell. Mr. Allan m—'el N.,S4' Sco4 3rd. rgain List for Saturday, 3s speed contest,�George 4ac�son, ealtirened procepedin] "in or of Morris I H'C Garvin, of June 24th, '__ while the crowil m4m deCracken, o I Br Tsemyes AVgLof the truirk. 8sels, and 1, of McKilltp, J cool the at'rter, —Dr. Brown was �cslloa� in the ordep na: ed. T e fifelL and Aukoo Pickard,, near Stra !I We will offer �tbrifty buyers an excellent Aft0ftoon-of last week, utest wat; won r R. Smith I slid rd, I and R. Smitl and D. MPCUt- �Op ortunity to- save money. This week we Robert 8tSpletil Phe trick bic- of Baldwin pr sent a list of argains that yon can't afford wanded. -A burn raigin$ risen, of Se it j, was exce i tion- ito miss. Eve dollar's worth of summer 111616in ell g -one of the m � Rik air pouul 5rQ o he � ilent go do must be &red out at. the Wiseman I fron cited the apt) g . of all Noble, i st' re. All m be gold here, we will tallre Workmausbove aud laid. ropo'walker, gave Uli d ring no chance of In ing any on hand when the *done., He I recoveFing the juggling )f Wigittma wag me on is over. bile 06014 of -the �knockorrt. ni _Mr otto J t. lu tie evie i there was a Oand ung, of 8 turdayBargains In Men's T of fireworks, ne ing the bit W111119 11011ne last Friday fro. a 1-1 Maine.' is brought" o a Goods. 0- Territory, wbi e!of the best alid most suce'seful, ation8 everheld in Brussels. The hese lines haviii been picked out from Use An M lou M*on's Furnishing -stock for Saturday Ana action of land M a [pts; fo the Pay amounted to , 275.' Bel ing; -They arie--priced away b--Iow the I00ught. HUiproperty li re lar value : the rispidly glrowIlug LVillal lye ciali, Knitted Shirts, buttoned aid laced "Portia thatievery inch 0 Blu al.e. fro 'k- a splendid line for working or holidayis, Wjsi in that's S.—Mis Lizz;. McKee. of Moles- ;ma price was 40c, Saturday 23c, and altl BILVisitilig r ,a eorge McDonsi a 'a Colored Cambric Shirts, and plainwhite Uts ARS -the cl!o 'Wi colored bosoms, some without and others with and the Settle'rosre en I D ff visited -in East 'Col ro alkliached,.Foriginal prices were 7-6c and sl.00 Iuby at d PO i - 11 � The ti ­ oiih 6n� Mond Will Ro( ley r0pa-year-old t. going to! 'M itoba shortly. ev. n's Br&CR#, light cioloris,strang buckles,Wiee -N&YAard. Trim. of A ie, cp� �Viogh occupied the p1lult 1mv piiee was 26,,, Saturday loc. A rOtf4n plan'k oi the i 1 raolhing Ties, light colors. reversible., four-in-hand reaTe rian e tt�ch on Sunday'— shape, Wiseman price was 1*2ic, Saturday fic. Alot"ce Of !�R feet, bat rel thdi 44 ines of IaE ti week. Mr. Thomas J*4 I few morn, . GLOVES AND HOSIEKY. The little 0,hild, of the firm O� Duff & S te wart, saw- 4 M V t 11 th a iary seriou,4 iiccident. 83veral odd llne3 in Gloves and Ifoglery 4.0 be 414itid After400mfing to - cleared out Saturday at -prie(s th-A should bft U that -P 10 a 10L iag a I�Lhe machine at, the 4 , jam -g UnVA 1 Glove and Haiiiiier.0 butiness 0 this sWre,- shed, i�, Win ham, when the horses, 1 0 rev, Tan and Pawn, all all k and Taffeta Gldvope, !4Y be "vitied was 1 mingle sold double J"M Trim, and 61 , ma nine being only p1krtly ips, Wiseman priees were We and -her grandfal vago 1 010 'oo Mr. Stowart'i leg. 45c, Saturday 1-3501 Woll with Via, 49i . Of AL Iv bruieed and the hones Ladlois"Tan Cot�on Ho�c, fine I malreand good qukl- was ba 1tv silm-4 FJ and 9,� Wiseman price, w.0 25c, clei the surecems to VI pferi I Assistamd was eoon Sa ird.,ky 18c ary I . at the recent aul _t a inj 1 ad man was Carrie Ine quality dark Navy Blue and Seal Brown f"Minations Moatreiulir� a Hose, Dou4le Heele, Wisemani prim was %a a bu amid( 110� of N r John Boshlan. The psi , X fopw clearing Saturday 16C. 4911in of Win. Ti hildren's Rbbed Cotton Hose, dark brown mit- foun i neces ary to amputate the (�] fot4tWhO, takes abo% a U a kn a . Mr. Stewart and tui's, an extra aft6n line, Wiseman prices were 160 &very I ano� 18o a pair, Saturliky 3 for 25c. Aors in all ly In ve he mv, pathy of his many fog year, and heads the n t V.. inity, who are please d to DRESS'GOODS *ad opthalinoto L' I - ill getLin, FOR SATURDAY. :8 gy. Mr. at h, H 9 along Well.—The 8 ime items picked out from the Drem <)code D�- . , J,., pwed hfii first Y_ek atior a j!of Ae three Meth)dist pai tment that willsave money for Saturday buy** 14 dt isubjecte He it* 31i'll va to, birth -two inch laill Wool Delaine, cream ground 8 of � Browntown and John- wl *St- bon, -it t grey flowers, Wiseman prices were 363, cloparitif or list of hil 0. al union picnic in Mr. t fday 115c. . t dues 'vi" I --011k We day afteri Batman's r" a, Morris, on JJuly lain Dre6st Goods, doole told, oftinal price 400, 42049 theipmLigrelas of a, larg -, num er of our villagers 11went cle ring Saturday M. - Xcurpion uelph on Tuesd, y.— i opproo only, Waist.Rnda, Silk aid Wool Mixtures, taharles 34a ��r h d code, Wiseiikan purice was VS.00, 9W --lilmeip WAG Struck b3 ta C&, of Trowbridge, op t�)Surk- sy 11LInrl $801% 9 Von' 'Who whis u "im we only, wai ends, fancy iRkIxtureo, Wisemaill ,!he village.—Stir. Will Gatoli and F". 41"* And reink f Teeswater, spent a few days !price was f$2.25, Saturday'S1. lo. A It . oared last : '. 1p olL Qua and Grey and one trown Rustle Lining, orig- X"1111 re-eeivAeeda, th the formili parents, Mr., and irp&Jp1,CopW"LI2i., Saturday 9c. 'ft7 tw'O t1rotheirs, julnes fin. Gardiner. -4 Rev.' Mr. Dever, of 1 Vida fancy Shot Silk, suitable lor lininKs, Satilf- "!only -ken up. ,)a reach da Islis, pl, ied I in the Methodist 22o. r, upstairs n Sai ; iday.—Miss Mary Jame Came- ITURDAY BARGAINS IN WA Howtek,, in visiting her aunt, Mrs-. S. er. �Rev. Robert Thynne mud Miss GOOD so and only,Wb1te Musun, suf tible fox waisto anif of Souris, Manitoba, a V* iti, "4Uftladition 'of the Its hi, . * -bi e �Idropu's dresses at pinnsfore, Wiseman price loici rid n the -vicinity. Rev. Th nue s4trdk&�Atoo Pro _91ei Xarys,, a ft - no on adeount the7 asinbly at Ha iLL u, I and a Ortipon, wide and narrow airiPm�, alli ack and abolutely fast, regular i2je, goodst, , ake. ;Orkly rn home in a fe daya,� ite I iss 'r4 - zfle'L 4 several mont.,lo.— y 'h thiis brid intends at w , 90-trIs 'throug `3f truixels, is riait- iiZ 'U�biar -b- . I ated Cream Ceylon Flannel, narrow k4bie to be d MIcCrack Len. 1111-9.1k stri%d original price 15c. Saturday 7C, been piled other, Mrs. JOhn Gardiner. --IRev. Open Work Muslin, black ground with heliotriDPO lie 0, Ver, t Yespir,'but eat, a Willman price wati 12je. Saturday Oc. Made toiln M. A.9 has returned from th Angell, Flannel, light grey ground, with fu-,Qf y at Hamilton. t ave, it, Ut strpeop, suitable for boys' summer costs, Original DO Inor-oa tow th pri were 30c. Saturday 17c tbls'work do ai in I ne 96t 013 een. —The bulk of the first Ing a were A4 *6 L' L � ant weak have eatl improved the K 12, Stirstford, of the sprin rain, roots, HODGENS BRO-S-69 In eVa age* he te., and th' now looks resh lug price n, and all a arances indical a an eela b -g t harvest.- DIRECT IMPORTERS, Of Paid a are sorry to Bum Ing towl tied ill ices dth, _ The M. atin of Mr. Colin Bi 7 to 110i koeft-� al soon to hi par of his speedy recov. 01ANTON, ONS be TtLe., but thar*8r2: "Ahla - very ba � r event occurred at the trQo_.I� 9 V'Scial is th Robert XoAlbiter, on 'Gromat .8ritiiis of l* it week, being themli gelling the Winman stock at ths *04 of 0' h4lyoungelt daughter, Min �U&, Wi"M= store, CHatQU.