HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-30, Page 3JUNE 30 1899. f••••••••••••gle"..s. is 111 Dropsi lea.sittut. ffOlioril-i 5 reverish- Castoria -ation and regIllateg L'etX5 h-4-• LI.tpted to children t!:1Zzior.t6 any pre. you with all DIrtablci in con- aforta'Oe. The ky summer suit, 1st the proper t -big selection nk that while woal make to meet both Ave sOceeded, sommoneorisommunnimmil :UM AFE_ IEEN fLAND oaten.. Iv $1•75. iaudwitht r.st,snuth. a for all ,..Oct. Only OING E R these rock- zola one strap 1, price 750 -ery neat , sizes per, sizes 2fi to 7, price o. Stratford ttori or laced. ORE, -Seaforth 1038-2a SICK HEADACHE Positively cured. by theSe Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia; bdigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Draws!. Dess, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated, Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPH3 LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. 1Ni:rely Vegetable. Small P111. Small Dose, Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get carter's, Ask for Carter's, insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills, HICH CRADE Furniture UIVI EMPORI Leatherdale & La,ndsborough SEAFORTH, Dealers in first-class kinds, in -latest desig neatly done. We als mg, and a choice sel always on hand. Our prices, and put up Agents for the X.ew Machine, best in th inestic use, no tray high prices, Furniture of all. s. Upholstering, do picture ram-, ction of pi tures tain poles t .all We are also illiana's Sewing market for do- lling agents, no "IT INT JD MR, 1.1'..9.3K INT 0-_ In the Undertaking Department, we buy our goods from the best houses in Ontario, and guarantee satisfaction in every depart- ment of our work. We have always made it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re- quisites for funerals, FREE OF OHARP-E. Prices better than heretofore. Arterial and cavity embalming done on scientific principles. P. S. Night and Sunday calls will be attended to at Mr. Wandsborough's resi- dence, directly in the rear of the Domin,n Bank, Leatherdale Landsborough SEAFORTH. - _0 _ _ , -- bur direct connections- wi 1 save you time and money for all points. Canadian Nor h West Via Toronto or Chi ago, British Colombia and lifornia points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them bo suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- TST CARS for your accommodation. Call for further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations a&�ollows joule West- as ' "Peenger Passenger_ ,. Mixed Train.... Mixed Train...... GOING EAST - Passenger.. _ Passenger.. .. Mixed Train.... .. • SRAFORTEI. CLINTON. 12.40 P. M. 12.66 P. M. 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. M. 9.20 A. M. 10.16 A. M. 6.16 P. M. 7.06 P. Id 7.66 A. M. 7.40 A.M. 3.11 P. M. 2.56 P. M. 6.20 P. M. 4.86 P.M. Wellbagton, Grey and Bruce. GOING No e.ra- Paeeenger. Mixed. Ethel 10.04 r. 31. 1.40 P. M. Brussels.. .. 10.16 2.10 Blues -ale_ .. _ 10.28 2.46 Wingham 10.40 3.05 Goal° Sotrest- Passenger. Mixed. Winghana 6.60 A. M. 8.66 A. M. Bluevaie 7.00 9.17 Brueeele.... ...... , 7.16 9.46 Ethel- 7.28 10.02 Loudon, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH - Passenger. London, deptart...., . . .... 8.16 a.m. 4.46 p.11. Centralia. 9.18 6.66 Exeter. 9 30 6.07 Harwell_ ... . ... ....... 9.44 6.18 Kipper'. .. . 9.60 6.26 -,Brucefield_ 9.68 6.33 Clinton. 10.16 6.66 Londeeboro _ .... - - 10.33 7.14 Blyth .. _ _ 10.41 7.23 Beigrave . 10.66 7.137 Wingham arrive.... 11.10 8.00 11011(011011(0So tem- , Passenger. Wingham, depart.. _ 6.63 A.M. 8.30 P. Id. Belgrave... ..... .. ...- - . 8.46 'Myth. . < • 7.16 4,00 Londeaboro 7.24 4.10 Clieton_ ............. .... 7.47 4.30 Brueefield 8.06 • 4.60 Kippert_ 8.17 .4.69 Efeneall_ ....... ..... .... 8.24 &.04 Exeter 8.88 6.16 Ceatralla 8.50 6.26 London, (arrive) - 9.60 A. M. 8.20 fore. "'tr. 'Wood's Fhoaphorline; The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggista in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to cure all terms o Seaual Weakness, all effects of abuse or eXcess, Mental Worry, Eieessive use of To- baceo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed en receipt f P Oe, one package $1, six, 5. One will please, az call cure. Pamphlets fre to any iv" ress. The Wood Comp y, Ont. Wood's Phosphedine is Sold Seafortb by LUMB. den es Wilson, druggists. 7THLOOKS LIKE TWAIN. E FAMOUS HUMORIST HAS A DOU- BLE IN KANSAS. - ilatisit Name. Is Clemens, Too, and the British.ere Once Made Life Miser- able For Him by Ineinting That Ile • 'Wins the Real and Only i Mark. , 1 1 Mark Twain has a deulble and the , double doesn't like it a bit As for Mark, rattler uncertain whether Ill'e groat Mark M no One knows that he car 0 -a -in Pao , it is knows of it. The double has Mark's own Of G. C. He is a Kansas 8 tialist- law - name, Clemens, with the 'vexed 1 itials- yer by trade -and as he beara a et iking resOniblance to the real thTg, he 1 often taken for it, in America, and a road People say that they are ce sins, a d the socialist has to deny it eV ry other day. He vent to Europe years a o and people thee dined and wined himlbe'lieiving that thoY had the real old stuff' with them. The more he tried to explain -that it was all a mistake on their part, and the mad- der that he got, the more tickled they w ere. "Oh, Mr. Twain," they aid, "you are so funny! Now wo see thro gh it all, and you can't conceal yonr Iden ity from us." This is what Mr. Cleme s of Kansas says! when "joshed" by his friends upon his great relation: "I un erstand that Mark 1Twain is a man of good natured ability, and, had he turne 'his attention to some proper pursuit, he - doubtless woyd lima) made his way In the world, stoqd well in sobiety and i perhaps have been mayor of his city and Perhaps gover- noraaf some western state. But he got the notion into his head that he could write 11% and threw away his (than es to win im- mortality by appointing olicenien and notries public. He took to vriting books cveiji after he lutist have known the whole word was laughing .over his literary effu ions. He chose his career without consulting me, and if he is disappointed wlth the result let him look to it and not be saddling imself upon rue by claiming,' kinehip. I n in no condition to stand any foolishn ss. I have bard work to get credit at my grocers' now." , , 14 the yea of -the Russo-Turkish war , this Kansas Clemens wont to Europe to try 'ifs luck is a war correspondent. It does not bea on this story,' but it may be of interest ti add that be never got a, r cha ce to shisv his prowess in the line of war correspolidence. ,Possibiy his reputa- tion was enh need by this absence of op- portunity. ' nyway, Fourth of July of that year fel nd G. C. Cleinens on ship- board orossims the Atlantic. ' Already he had been tak al to be the only Mark, in .spit . of all hs statements to the contrary. He made a li tle speech at the Independ- enc day celebration, but the main address of tl o day was made by some unknown who bore the title of colonel. Clemens hav•D g been chosen -press agent, upon his arri all in Glasgow, Ise took the colonel's spec sh to the office of a newspaper to have it p inted, with a eport of the proceed- ing. . Bo sent his card to the editor, and. on ijlaVing said to the editor: "If you leav out anythin , leave out iny own ' spe h. If you print anything and leave out the colonel's speech, I can't stay here and be safe." The next day the city was placarded with such poster announbements as t iis: 'Mark Twain on the Old CoIuntry,', se 6 '.'lusgow Evening' News." ' Clemens got a- copy of the paper, and there was the colonel's speech, to be sure, butihis own lecl the story. Clemens tried all fiorts of arguments to prove that he NvasWt Mark Twain, but all the editor. ,said was, "If you want to travel incog., sit's all very well,. but I cannot and will n1.3 ot tell lny readers that ,the speech that I hav published as yours is not your own." , That night Clemens went to the theater with some of his steamer .friends, and greatly to their amusement Mark Twain gags were thrown at him from he stage. ' The next day crowds of people cane to his; hotel for his signature. He wrot4 his own' honest IMMO in their albums, nd they departed happy. , Fie began to be afraid that I the real Mark Twain showed up anywher be -the' Kansas man -would be deneam ed as an imPoster. So he fled to London nd went to the Imis of Court hotel. In the next sno ning'S paper he saw the announce - me t, "Mark Twain at the Inns of Court hotel." Now the Kansas. man felt really good, because he had made up his mind to go to the real Mark and toll him all abdut it. So he asked tho . clerk for in- forination about Twain, and he discovere,d again that he himself was the Mark talks - ed of. He was thrown off hie feet by this staaement, but he had self possession ondugh to skip to Paris. While, 'there a letteroame to him from the Glasgow edi- tor, asking him to come at once to Glasl- gow. Thinking that the truth athist was about to come out, he returned and found that the editor wanted_ to s ibinit to him a business proposition. Thtp editor Was to print anything that Ciente] sinight ehoose to write denying that o : was 'Mark Twain, and thenapay Cle mins well for traveling over Scotland rnct,-- write it up "on tho Al30rICILTI plan." Clemons was to be himself and no °nee se, and he was to got big pay for being honest. This looked like a profitable and rep table scheme, and Clemens wr to the letter denying his identity with Mark wadn, and. then started off on - iis tour. But when he got to the next t wn be ound that his letter as . publishe had pr ceded him. Worse than that, it as :weep ed as only one more of V'Mark T ain's things." "What's tho use," said C omens t him- self, "of a poor devil tryin .to be onost in such a country as this?' So he pre- pared to return to his own Kansas, where at least ho was what he was. But he couldn't make a fly -by . n ght trip, so it came to pass when he was n the ship that he was placed at the captain's right at the table, and for 11 long day i he had to eat Mark Twain food and drin - Mark Twain drinks. Kind ladies got down Mark's books from the ship's libr try, and Clem- _ ens had to give readin s from "The Jumping Frog" and othef of his "own works." He lost his suspOdor buttons ami collar buttons, whieh were taken from him as souvenirs, an as soon as he reached New York he rus ed off to the land where he was knowr for what he was, • Preying on }Inman eaknees. "How in the world did y u manage to sell that lot of vile cigars at such a good price?" asked the proprietor. "S-sh I" returned the clerk cautiously. "I told the man they were smuggled, and ho never asked another question." - Chicago Post. ''',Pliere are Seven continental countries whose entire population is respectively either below or not in este,ess of the pres- ent estimated popult,iition of London: Swede: , Norway, Turlary in Europe, Den - Mark, ortugal. Greece and Holland. MA RIAGF •LICENSES ISSUE() AT - THE WM xPOSITOR OFFICE, 1314FORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. THE Peggy P Rejano and the very lat Taffeta -s cloth combi made use of It is wia there is a si maid style sally worn. New gol brilliant gr turned dow vivid scarie FASHION PLATE. imrose, Bergere, Robespierre, lrelawny are tho names of st round hats. lk trimmed with cloth and ed with taffeta silk aro both by French dressmakers. pored that already in Paris ent reaction against the mor - f dress, which 1s now univer- jackets are being made of en box cloth, with revers and collar and cuffs, faced with vicuna. Black an f white- effects in fashionable headwear a e in evidence this season, and almost wit out exception, the hats and bonnets shi wing this delicate combine - tion prove socomthg. All the s ades of blue are favored this season. L belie, morning glory, flax, lavender, 1 is and forgetmenot are new choice blue in cloth, light summer wool, silk, velvet, flowers and tulle. A fabric whioh, among summer dress goods, has ot the very general faUlt of shrinking, s jeans, which is sold in very dainty sum ner tints and also in various extremely right colors. This material is not unlike .ateen, having a smooth, glossy surface and being of generous width. Some of he new bathing suits are made of oling1ng hina slk. There are also bathing dr sses of rench bunting, v1th yokes of c arse net ;or lace, and siteve, belt and co lar,„ bands of the goods, ov- ered with ow's of cream colored btjald, and suits o black, blue or pure whit al- batross. Some of iho new taffeta silk skirts are made with ut lining. Th skirt has thee narrow fril s at the hem and two more put on to simulate a deep y pointed over- dress, but 1 • this case th unlined skirt 1 worn ove a very elabo ate silk peal- () at, fitted nd made ver much afterithe f shion of dross skirt.- Tew York Post. PEN, HISEL AN BRUSH. William scan Howells has gone to York Bar or, Me., where be will spend h s siimme . Be takes al ng with him a t unk iltiet with fishing- tackle, as the rvelist is a devout discip e of Izaak Wal- ton. Whistler, the artist, wili: soon return to London, w iich he foreswore some time ago, in ord r to establish,' an art school there. "I only return to that dismal capital," h declares'"as a criminal re- turns to th scene of his misdeeds." Daniel C ester French, the sculptor of New York olty, has been elected a mem- ber of the Academia San Luca," which Is said to b' the oldest art institution in the world. ' Its limited number of asso- ciates is chosen from the .most famous soul p tors, t rchitects an 4 painters. Frank -Vincent, the traveler and author, has beck informed b the French einbassae dor at Washington that the French gov- ernment his bestowed • upon-hii the di- ploma and decoration of oticor of the academy, in token of appreciation of his contributi Ds, to the literature of explora- tion, and d scovery. • Archibal 1 R. Colquhdun, tho anther of "China I Transformation," has nearly Completed second tour of inspection of tho Celesti 11 empire. This tiine Mr. Col- quhoun en ered China by way of Persia and Siberi and studied political affairs in Pek ng, commercial affairs In Shang- hai and th n affairs of the missionaries in Seechun, ei-Chau and Yunnan. ' POL. LTRY POINTERS. Fowls -oft all kinds prefer open air: Milk istin excellent food for fowls now, Two by our -Inch scantlings make good perches! 1 . Unhealthy - parents • cannot produce strong,. vig rous chicks. For chol ra take the bird as soon aa no- . . ticed and fed it soaked •bread, plentifully sprinkled with black pepper. . - - The last eggs of each hen's clutch are not so fertile as the .first, nor will sthe chickens frOm them be So strong. The nesttl!should . be made up new fret quently-at least once a month, A frealci • -coating of Ivhitewash at the same tim will be found beneficial. Tame henp sit and lay better and fowl . of all kinds ifatten bettor when not ,subf. jet to sucid n fright, as is oftensthe case ' when the hens are not tame. _ The hot, dry 'Weather we generally have In July and•4August is very hard on young: • poultry: 0 ' this, account the hatching ought to be in1shed up in good season be- fore this tim • LHE CYNIC. • Most people dearly love to bemysterl- ,, ous. , Half the families in town are run by the neighbors. The only thing as common as good ad- vice is trouble. Unless a man imposes on a vvonsan she will impose on him. There is nothing which cannot be bor- rowed., Some women manage to raise a family withot t spending a cent on high chairs or baby, buggies. Paactical pc pie should -quit referring to a woman's husband. as her "choice," There aro too nany cases where he was not a choice, bit a necessity. .T lore is too much said about the im- po nee of frie do sn't need a and takes care ids, considering that a man y if he behaves himself of his money. -Atchison HOUS ill pinchusl grounds, for u tench them, an not rust. - Keep a little ton in one of t oil, milk or ere dress or coat, a • applied will ren It is the sugg molasses will often found on children. The if it were soap, washed as usual' HOLD HINTS. ns with, well dried coffee ice or moths will never 1 the needles and pins will package of absorbent cot- e sideboard drawers. If m is spilled on a woolen it of the cotton instantly ove alLtraces of the stains. ,stion of a houseWife that remove the grass stains the summer clothing -of °lasses is rubbed on as fterl which the garment is . TRUS A glass trust body ought to b -Kansas City It is suspect Griggs is in munication Wit Register. This latest fo course, be char such things wi out of the 'eon TI11190. -A gang of ten in nil ber, oeiving office of portation movnt Par np the reo the railwa $4,oqo, t days. orn p ,Phi iver bla, e oat TH RUSTS. Is lbeing formed. A ab l e to seo through th dependent. d that Attorney General wireless telegraphic cern- the trusts. -Fort Worth med leather trust will, red by the opponents f h purpose of tak ing lit try'ta hide. --Philadelphia Y - t. • asked robbers, probably rly Monday raided the re - he Fairmount Park Trans - y,• st Belmont, in Fair- delphia, and after holdin g d five other employes of open the safe and secured pany's receipts for two ON E3cPOSi'ioR. JINGLES AND ESTS. llet the Girl Pls.een On. (After Long-felloWl Somewhat back from the vi lage Etre t ntry seat, ws thro •elong da. Stands the old fashioned co Across its!antique portico Tall poplar trees their shad And there,' throughout the 1 Jemima p11as the pi-a-na. Do, re, mi,1 Mi. re, do.! In the froit parlor, there i And there Jemima plies he While her papa, btmeath hi Mutters a d groans, "This And swea s to himseif'and With sorrtWful voice to all •, "Do, re, nil, "Mi, re, do!'!. Thro She 1 Thro She And gh c4ays of -death an lays as if Ale owned igh 4vEtry swift vicisi rumas if it did her till he sits from mo And plun e away with mai Do, re, mi, re, do, In that manSion used to be Free hearn•Ifa_S eci hospitality; But that many ears Jeminia onkeyed with th When she began her daily Into their graves the neigh To other AM thank They,stoo ITntil Jem And then And One stands, hands, cloak, no joker' sighs, ala! who pass, days of birth I the earth. tide - eod, n till night and might , efore score, plunk, hors sunk. Do, re, mi, Mi, re, do. orlds they'Veiorg since fled, ul that they're safely dead, the meltewhi e alive m i rose at five. thaT laid their b nd ail they skip Do, re, nil, re, do. Athletics it Fat "I'hope you are gettin good results from1 the gymnastic) exer ises I recom- mended," said, Mr. Pneer s medical ad- viser, I "Well, I'm not," repli d Mr. Pnee "They hate ruined a good coef for me. "Didn't yeti take your c at off?" "Certai iy, hut the exorcise has e larged myl shoulders so I can't wear it an more. .Cat was as good a now, tool" Chicago Tribune. Wonderfied 01 d. "I had a parrot °nisei" said the thin man, "who coiild repeat he eighteenth chapter of Joshua throu hsysithout break" "I had 4prrot once,31 said the fat man, "whocou]klnot speak a wo d." "Huh! That is nothing.'" 'Wait a minute. He mild talk in the dumb alpha bet to perfection." -Indian- apolis Journal.' irdens down, ed tho town. Harlem Life. nre. Sire Signe of It. Ef dis heah ain't he summertime, • He m ght. nigh cle scr' tch, Kaze d blo m is on de rier, En (lc mel n in de pat^h. Oh, dat elon! Mos' too good ter tell - Des ain'tt nuttin lak im W enh coolin in de well. ain't de su mertime; Jia m ghty ha'd ter in ttch, Kaze d mei n vino a-runnin, En d niel n in de pat h. Ef dis Lab Oh, Des clat elon! , s' to good ter t ain't nuttin lak im en h coolin in de -well! -Atlant Constitution. Pllottab1e Exch nge. "Sorne ifolks do say that time it • noncy, " rbmarkled the villa o storek ceper, , 'but I do 't-ta e much stock in it.' "You d n't, et?" queried the loafer. - "No, I lisn't, ' replied tho storekeeper, 'and I -w sh y u'd spend a leetle more money he e, and a le,etle less time."- hicago, 1. 1 Ows. ' 1 , .. They ,o DIKerently Boggs Here is E,Jomethi orstand: 'In Russia, w offends, h is given trans') Foggs Yeii? Boggs Arid in this co teliator .o ends, the railro ansport tion. n Russia. g I can't un - en a senator ation. idnst royu, tw oh ffe nh is trfare at The • ague. Where ore waste your oney? Put iouil guns away. Don't e birking battle hips To fl at p.round the bt y. What ur thrift has broaght um Let ijs s rive to keep. Let,us try to fight with alk, For I1alk is always ch-ap. When an ighbor's ang y, Weatj,ons do not raise Bring your dictionary o t And srnite him with a phrase. Read he roe an essay, Put lim fast, asleep. Let us try to fight with talk, For •alk is always chap. shington Star. Two of a Ki "A mati," She said, "ne he is well off." "True, ' he replied, "an f irtunate thing for wome ore to b old maids that • Chicago )ost ;Ile Looked reene That's Growl° lade man. DeWit Well, he looks ave don4 a better job if aped hi n. d. Cr knows 'when it's a mighty who do not they don't.'' -1- t. he's a seI s if he migh some one had A .1' ar a (lox 718 paradoxiCal, but true,' That love is blind and set, too. Love blind? That cal not be. Else had he not led. me- , To One so fair. Love blind? That mtist he be To na1ke one such as thee IVLy presence heal That love IS blind, yet sect 1, too, parador teal, but true. -Pal Mall JnIst Moved to Br MS ;to be an un oesi near the bah oniy because h n how to take Life. softable Expla ✓ (at; a restaura naller than the "Hose go nosier "That' 'grit les Brooklyn Re Custom Is much. s erday. " Waiter Yeasir; come off a Smaller hox, slir.-Tit- Its.' • Not In441iiiling POstecripi m. Vhen women write -some sage opines- , man Must read between the lines; But, heavcns! what a cont act g -.eels That wight Whose girl N rites sixteen , sheets • 1 I -Chicago Record. . I I i Gazette. latural father. / is a raid he are o 14."- uatLoi. t), --,T is steak no I iad yes- Unfailjnlliar With the Color. Custome see that creani color gloves e the_thing. Is this the shade? Clerk -Wait until I Call t o boss. I pay nly $3 a Week for board. Indianapolis Journal. - 1 Joist so. Days whe the business1Ian has ad ) h sin unsatisfa tOry ,breakfast he office boy as to earn i8 salary. -Somerville .I';iur- z al. NotInd The little•ciii, a h' i::'' aDi( Which e he herie ti i. 1-10012A-110:2:4 +1. rti-! 1,, ar '"Viie kind I): p ..-.• •• CAPTO IA For Infants and Ckildren. Ths fu- stian, Namara 1, 51 nay yuppie IMPORTANT NOTICES. J.MoKENNA, Dominion and Provincial rind . Surveyor, Member of theAssoolation of Ontario .and Surveyors, Dublin, Ontarie. 1316 511 4 OH.N BEATTIE, Clerk nf the Simone Dilate on Court, County Commissioner, of Huron, COn- , ye -hoer, Land, Loan and Insuitance Agent. Farids inveeted and to Loan. Ore -Over Sharp & evens' atore, Main streetr, Seale th. 1289 QTRAYED HEIFER. -A yearling heifer, red, 10 with some white srote carve into my e ales re cm or about the 28th of May. The owner is requ el to prove pioperty, pay ex enees and tike iler away. EDWARD DENEMY, L4t 6, Hay. Birysid le p. O.• 1646X -- MIMBER FOR SALE. -The utdersigned offers or I _ sale the timber on the Eas half of Lot 38, Ccin- cession 9, Maillop. There ii a coantity of gond ash suitable for mile ; also Borne hardwood buelh, which will be sold by the sore, iind has appointed Mr. James Lockhart to sell the same. GEORGE, HALL. r 1613 MO THE LADIES. -Mrs. Smith wishes to infiatm the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity that she Is prepared to do up hair combings into switches, etc. An assoitment of switches fer sale. Hair ,and switches exchanged. - She will also buy dark bream or bleck hair. Residence corner of Jarvis and Market Streets, 3eaforth. MRS1 LEVI SMITH. 16374r STORE IN SEAFORTH TO RENT. -To rent en easy terms, the store on Main Street, Seaforth, recently occupied by Casey & (lo. It is one of the best bneiness stands in town, being. next door to 'the post office and immediately opposite the ComMer- cial hotel. The store is 65x25- teet, with splendid cellar full size, and up stain, connected with the store. It is in a that -class state of repair. Ponies- sesion at any time. Apply to JAMES GILLESPIE, Seaforth. 1835-rof 10DOULTRY AND BEES. -Eggs for hatching from a grand pen of -large pure White Rock's. Black MInoroae-Fine in color, large size breed, bred from lust stook in Canada. Buff Banta -Real beauties, eyed color and line toe feathering, $1 per setting. 20 colonies of Italian Bees at moderate price. Aliso a full line of Beekeepers' eupplles, finch as Foundation Hives, Smokers, Extractors, 1 seoond-hand Ling- stroth Extractor. Bees wax taken in exchange for supplies. WILLIAM HARTRY, Church St. North, 1Seaforth, 1636 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ESIDENCE IN SEAFORTH FOR SALE.--Fer sale, cheap, the residence fatting on V atoria quare in Seaferth, the properke of John Ward. here le a comfortable frame house, with good stone eller, hard and soft water, and all o h'er neeesraty nveniences. The house c, ntains 8 rooms Wit entries, etc. There are two las, well piante Wit 11 kinds of fruit and ornamental tree e and s rnit . leo a large stable. This is one of the beeti, o t onvenient and most pleasantly situated reeiberctle n Seaforth and will be sold cheap. Apply to JOHN ARD. • 16404f ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 36, Londoii Road, Tuckeremith, containing- 10D acres, 90' acres cleared and in a very high state of cultivation, the balance is good hardwcod bush. The farm is, 'well fenced and well uLderdrained. There is a fine: new bank barn, a good °robot d and plenty of water.' 4 is within a mile and a qua' ter. of Bructifield, and four miles from Clintor. This tie a filet clam tartn end will be sold ohrap and on eesy terms of pap rnent. For further ra,teulairs apply to B. 13. HIGGINS, Brucefield. 1643-tf SPLENDID FARM FOR SA -LE -For sale, Lot V, South Thames Road, Usbeene, containing 1 Rove, 95 acres under cultivation Und 5 a0te3 01 goad n-ood. Good brick reef& nee, with brick kitchen and Woodshed, and large bank barn ith stone stabling, and good driving houre. All Iweli fenced, under - drained with tile and in a first claes state of culti- vation. There is a good orclusrd choice fruit, add the grounds are web set out wit ornamental trees. It is within four miles of Ex ter ; adjains twO ehurchee, Dieth_diet and Presby erian, and a school within a mile. There is plenvy! of water, both,for house and stablee. Also a windmill for pua.iping, grinding, etc. This is one of the best farms In PO Cousty of Huron,land ie in firet-clase shape in every respect and will b3 sold on reasonable terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. Apply on the premises or addree4Than'es Redi P. 0. D. licINNIS. • 104341 STOCli FOR SERVICE. BOAR FOR S,ERVICE.-The undersigned wil keep for service on Lot 26, Canceseion 4, Stanley, a thoroughbred Cheeterwhite boar., Terms - $1, payable at the time of genie°, with the privilege of returuing if necessary. JOHN V. DIEHL. 15914f 110 PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep 1 on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. 11 S. TuckeremIth, a thoroughbred CHESTER WH1TR PIG, al130 a th roughi bred YORKBHIRB Po. A limited iiumberof s ws will be admitted to each, Tonne, $1, ayable at t e time of service, or $1.60 if charged. Also a few heater White Pigs for saki. JAMES GE 'MILL. 608-511 InAMWORTH BeAR FOR SALE AND FO 8E114 ,.L. VICE -The tinderiigned will keep for ervice,- it the Bruoefield Cheese Factory, • Shoran hbred Tamworth Boar, with registered 1pedigree. ermal Ill ; payabie at time of ftervice with privileg14050141re: turning if noceesary. Alto a number of therough w } bred young Tamorth Boars an Bowe for salei 5IIGH MCCARTNEY, Bimetal& riehiWORTH NG FOR SERVICE. -The undeti ' eIgnedhae 1W:sEt ervice on lot 32, concession ft; cEillop, a thcrelpred Tamwort pig, to which a limited number of bows will be taken. Thi. is ati 'extra good pig and breeders find i advantageous kl erase heir berksh re sowith t is breed of pig, Tonna 81, with pri liege of retur tug if 131e5ceratarYlf 4 JOHN MoMILLA jv ave 0 1 i 4 4 t ' -DULL FOR SERVICE. -The Witt reigned will keep .13 for service on Lot 22, Cone ',mon 1, Hurod Road, Tackeremith, a pure tiler° ghbred Durhain. bull-" Huron Hero," bred by Jame e Snell, HulleW Terme, 850, payable on or before the 1st of Feb-, ruary, 1900. NORMAN L. A. CARTER. 1689x8 E 1 STOCK FOR S4'. TIIIIGS FOR SALE. -For sale cheap, two gooi 'tome! I with good littera at foot. Apply to EDWARD/ ISIBBINg, Huron Road, West of Alm , 1615x2 1,1r‘URliAlii BULLS FOR SALE. ----For sale, twoi thoroughbred Dutham bulls; both 12 months; one roan and the other red. JO1N MORRISON, lLot 22, Conooasion 11, McKiflo, Wi throp P. 0. i.ess.tt LES, AUCTION S FARM FOR SALE BY PUBLIC, AUC ION. --H Mr. Wm. MoCloy has received inetructi us frothi . Mr. James Bonthron, executor of the estate of thef lute Win. Dougall, sr., to sell hy pub! c auction at 2'i i [ o'clock, p. mn .,•oeast half of t 14 nd 16, Conoesef eb, Beton 2, Hay, on Saturday, uly th, 1899, thet firm containing 110 acres, iiori or lese, on which isf erected a comfortable brick r olden e ; large bank 11i rn 40x80 feet, good stabling n eurneath. Onei acro of choice fruit trees, and le acres of hardwood; b rah. Also 2 never failing *elle 01 water. The term is well fenced and in a fir t-olas state of cul -i tiVation. It is half a mile fror a Bch ol house, and 2 Indies from the thriving vill 43 of licneall. Thier I 'one of the beet farms in the ounty id Huron, and will be sold without reserve. Terms of sale -Ten rtIr cent of .the purchase money on the day of sale,t t n balance within thirty da a without intereet. JAMES BONTHRON, Executo ; WM. McCLOY, iflartionedr. I 1645-3 , UCTION SALE OF A V1 LIJABe FARM Nt TEIE TOWNSHIP OF ANL Y, IN THE a 'LINTY OF HURON. -The ndersigued, William1- Piewes, has received instructio e from the heirs pf " Gorge Plewes, deemed, to off r for Male by pnbliel au tion on Saturday, the 8th 0 of July, 1899, at; 2 clock, p. m., at the Comm rola' Hotel, in thej TWD of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, the,' following :valuable farm : Being Lot number 12, mil th' 5th Concession, ef the said Township of Stanley, ccptaining 100 acres. The farm is Winded on the, Gravel Road, 2i miles from Varna and n miles train! Brhoefield. It is in a good state of oultivatioir,j; About 80 acres cleared ; 20 scree of bush. The a' • are a frame dwelling mei kitchen, ; a good barn and WOO, and a stable on the property. Two acres f orchard. This il Din ofthe beet grain producing} farms in the Township: Teetek easy, See sale bilis. ! For further particulars app'y to . WM. PLEWES0, Iirnoefield p. o., or to J. M. BEST, Seaforth, Wei Solicitor. Dated, 19th June, 1599. 1646 31 L , , 1=1.A.I1\TTE3_ 1We are agents for Roberteon's celebrated ready mixed Paints; for durability and c'roice of colors, they cannot beurpaisseci.: au They are manufa3tured from pure ite le and oil, and are guaranteed s factor3t.i I -34e our quick meal gasoline stoves; they arcs more easily managed than any other stove in the market. We have a full stock Of spades, shovels, forks, hoes and garden rake*. Eavetroughing and furnace work a specialty - Give us a call before -purchasing. 8iIIS M.Urdle HARDWARE, Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth. pri � g Stock. Our Spting stock of Furniturels complete. We extend a. special invita- tion to all a( milers of good furniture to inspect our stock. We have always - something new to show you in n wl designs and finish at close prices. y i•Tipl MAJKIINTG--,_ Thi S department. is complete with a large selection of the best goods, and obliging atte don given to thisranch of the business. li igight'call promptly attended to by our undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, Goder- ieh street, S aforth, opposite the Methodist church BRO DFOO all Beautiful 1Designs, sell- ing at 3, 4c and 5c I per roll. BOX & CO., Window Shades, cloth rollers, price from '25c up. apers LITINSDES & WILSON, SCOTT'S BLOCK, MAIN STREET, FORTH, - - - - Ontario. But ll in, June Set, tall arri age icenses th a at ot Issue Them, dsewotbihlbitts ,hare going t o be mart ied need of a Dinner it SEAFORTH As we h ve just opened this week a line of Dinner Ware, the prettiest and the ,best quality or the money that ever came 'into SEAFORTH. If you knew, you ought to by this tim th4t take the lead in the Crockery line in 1 SEAFORTH. In our GrioCery line we keep everything freah and can, and deliver to any part of 10E FORTH. ROBE,. ZAN TO OCE in attendance at Business Coll ,ONTARIO. 0 Coast to the Pacifi Pu The C Fr 1M the past year, se hiunnvadr ' v Ii; s gal 23ee4,untteigeesta U d' and' thirty-three cities, to sada{ arid the United States, du ns nearly 300 pupils, There d D1strlcts in Ontario, 5 Stet er witib Manitoba and the N Territories re resented. Orer 200 of our pa beeti Placed in, good positione since Janu 1898 We reqeatly had four calls within thre to supply teaehere for other business Anlong those *bo have accepted position are: Jennie Batem 0, as stenographer and a 1i4 book-keeper, Walk rville Brewing Co ; An o rap er and assistant book - d N.' ge Slope. ns and ng the are now of the rthwest ils have ry let, weeks lieges. lately, Want ie Me- eeper, e Mo- le Art right, AssUr- of the Enter Ont. Rae, as ste Milton Press Rae, as steno Su1 p lies, Det 3 as st nograp anoe 004 T best sesame /IOW. Briek & Sewer Co. • Catbari phet, George Angell, Whole o t, ichigan ; George Carth eri, wijh North American Life rept°. The' spring term is one the frear for making a start. , D. MoLACHLAN & Co. Cbathato, 6 ITTaF _ MAN BRAND re Pnseed ed 9 Paint -IN TIE- liate4 Artlistio Shades, I, Iuteriori and lh erior Deco toe. Marinfact Th3.0 1! , !Mont ; NoWl on an REI d by . , nada nt Compan .„ al, Toreirito, Victoria, B. C. ; at LSON'S Til, ONT. 1638-13 , TI BERWANTED. 1: Ili hest cssI price paid tor black ash, white aigi red I d white oak,hard and soft maple, hemlook,Soft and zbk elec. Either stumpage or delivered in yard. Fax fgirther apply to 1 GpS. WAGNER, • Manager,for the S. I. CO., Exeter. 1682-tV 1. Money to Loan. perty, at antee, Charges low. AtIoffica Friday afternoon acid payments ,.5tmurdpeaid:134,e, yx0eto.EllEioni. coPt er5b:170:nsniwuemr .4 a :ter acitiotin Anianumnt of money. to loan on good tfan:n pr. guar all day Block, Winghare. 16$7 TENDERS WANTED. 1 Tenders wiJIb. received by the underetgned Up till 2 clock, on Zue.day, July 4th, for the leonstirtp- tit"Shepherd Dr&;"ir11cldigg4fo *timed cost Osr ,60. Pian1 rofile:OurH bszooest: satmortyLi,offi., Ece Clerk 'of Tuckersmiih, , I • , Mensal! P. Q. DeWd MO 1011 Of jusse, 1899. ' Robert Devereux Special Attention EJETIITH and to Herseshoeing and IMINIAtit opp. trer.2: General Jobbing. MAKER i Goderich street, • - - Seaforth. CHAMPION SHIRE STALLION OF CANADA NO. 15,179. Will stand for the Improvement of stock fo the 4th season at BERRY'S SALE AND EXCH GE STABLES, HENS,ALL, during the season 899. Terms. -Insurance 813. Meals and feed for pa lee from a distance free. • BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietor. • OWEN GEIGER, Manager. 168841 IVIcLEOD'S System Renovator -AND OTHER__ TESTED -REMEDIES. A speeific and antidote far Impure, Weak and I povenshed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pili,PS Mon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia,i of Memory, Bronchitis, Conaurnption, Gall Ston Jaundice, Kieney and .IIrInary Diseases, St. Tito' Danoe, Female Inegularielea and General Debility,. LABORATORY--Goderich, Ontario. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann facturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 1601-tf • .40 1:1 /-1 OR SALE. comfortable two storey dwelling hou e ; warehouse with refrigerator, stable, out -houses and a --good well. Apply to EDWARD CASH, SEAFORTH. 1640