HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-23, Page 8THE
I t he
I be
The Latest Books from the Ga
Press: fit
" As a Man Sows," by Wm. Westall,
"The Mandarin," by Carlton Dawe.
"By Berwen Banks, by Allen Raine.
"President of Boravia," by George Lam-
ina. -
"Hugh Gwyeth," by Beulah Marie -Dix.
"Dross," by Henry Seton Merriman.
Also another supply of "David Harman"
by Edward Noyes Westoott.
Othernew books expected Oh, week:
"The Jamesons," by Mary E. Wilkins.
"A Pauper _Millionaire," by Austin
"Fortunes my Foe," by J. Bloundelle-
_ Burton.
We are sure you would enjoy these books
more these hot days if you were reclining in
a nice hammock. Yes, we have hammocks
for sale.
CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $1,500,000.
REST„ - - $1,500,000.
Main Street, Seaforth.
A General Banking Business trans-
acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected,
and advances made on same at lowest
, rates.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United, States and Europe.
SAVINGS D EPA R T M ENT. -I nte re st
allowed on deposits of One Dollar and
upward s.
Solicitor Agent.
I am now selling a flrst-elass new Improved High
Arm Sewing Machine, with the latest steel attach -
men ts, finrshed in oak or walnut, and with cover
and five drawers, or fancy- drop head and live draw-
ers for 625 cash. Thi rf machine is the "Queen,"
manufactured by the "White Sewing Machine
Company." All machines fully warranted and guar.
spite ed to do first-clase work, light or heavy.
1\T_ WII-TS 01\T,
General Insurance Agent & Debi-
er in Sewing Machines.
•Wilson's Cash Grocery
New fruits and new season's Teas now in stock
We have now in stook thi best valves in new sea
son't Teae we ever had, comprising Young Hyson.
Ceylon and Japan Teas. We guarantee 'satisfaction
or will refund the money-. The best quality of new
Raisins, Ourrante, Nuta, Peels, etc., now in stock at
Lowest prices. Some oleo lines in Dinner, Tea and
Toilet Sets just received, and at prices as low as the
lowest. Wanted good butter, eggs, dried apples,
potatoes, dressed fowl, and all kinds of marketable
produce, for which we will pay the highest price..
C. WILSON, Seaforth.
1374 Bank of Commerce Block.
Are CON rit4 , AP /
Properly Prepared Young Men and
Women for Business life. FORTY-FOUR
of our Recent Students have accepted good
situations. Business Men appreciate our
work and apply to us for our graduates.
Enter now if you can. Prospectus free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52
Our stook of Ready -to -Wear Suitsin Men's,Youths',
1333 aand Children's is now full. Assortment larger
ithan usual. Prices on the bed rock basis. Inspect -
re and buyers pronounce value unprecedented.
Our Men's All Suits at $4.75 are trade bringers.
xcellent Suits in Men's at $0 and . At 810 you
pan buy a suit fit for a prince to wear. Children's
Tweed Suits from $150 up, Boye' from 82.75 up.
One fact we wish to impress upon buyers is that we
handle the beet fitting and made goods produced in
he country.
Wm. Pictwci & Co.
Christian Endeavor Crowe ition at Detroit. July,
5th to 10th. Tteketa on sale 3rd to Oth, inclusive.
ingle fare 84.30 f w round trip. Good; t3 return
uly l5t11. Dominion Day -.Single fira•class fare.
'ood going June liOth co July 1st, inclusive. Re-
urning July 3rd. To avoid the usual Ttlal at holt-
* ay time ticicets aleave on sale here previous night
Or early morning trait:.
pornmercial Building, Seaforth.
Silverware suitable for Wedding
Present-, in new and pretty de-
igns, at lowest prices. A large
aesortment of Wedding Rings
I always ota 'nand.
Picnic and
Camping Grounds
- The Old reliable eicnle arounds " JOWETT'S
POINT'is still open for visitors. Every con-
venience. Boats, rowing and sailing, for hirer Good
stabling apd good water and room for all. 1644
JOIVETT Hf.t.OS., Proprietor.
gilt at won txpoitor.
Dore I N 10 DAY OF:f..LERATIO1,T.-Arrange-
merits ere being completed for a big day's
sport here on Saturday, July let. Already
a good programme has been arranged for,
which will repay ell who visib us on that
day. Among °their attractious is a football
match between Dublin and Kippen ; the an-
nual football match for the Caledonia cup.
This match is played between teams 0001.
d. the best players in ;-he Toronto
ne nd the best players in the Western
ria s This alone wll be worth spending
da here to see. In addition here will
literosse match between th famous
t teem and the Beavers as well as many
et -attractive features. 'The da will be
ingly wound up by a greed c ncert in
evening. Everybody should meke a
e of this celebration and be on hand to
the fun.
pe ple n Seaforth will regret to learn of
th death of Captain Robert rookett,
w Joh necik place at hit home in amilton,
on Friday, 9th instaafter a Icing ill ess from
co gumption. The deceseed was n artist
b profession and was well-known to many
h e. Ile was a native of Soot) nd. He
a captain in the 13th ;battik' on, and
w in active service at Ridgeway, in 1866.
UNIOR LACROSSE TEAM. --'---At a meeting
of the junior lacrosse players, at th Queen's
h tel, on Thureday eveninfg of last week, it
w decided to organize a Junior el b, to be
k own as the Beaver Maple Le fa. The
fo lowing officers were elected: onorary
pr side t, W. 0. Reid; preside t, n J.
phen ; vice-president, James Wright;
ea tain, George Bell ; secretary, E. Bright;
m nage , Thomas Johnston ; loom ittee, D.
M Leod Joe 'Stephens and Fran Willis.
T e olu would like to arrange matches
vilh Ex ter and Mitchell.
MAI 1LLERS. -The following were ticket.
ed1 out t4 distant parte this week by W.
So ervi le, up -town agent G. T. R.: Miss
Se oal , to St. Clair, Michigan, to spend a
fev wee a with her brother, Dr. Scheele';
D vid Bird, to his home in St. Paul ; Miss
C Friel C rdno, to Buffaio, where she will
s ndie me weeks visiting her sisters; Mrs.
. S. ro ter, to Auburn', New York, to visit
he an and daughter; who reside there;
M a. fferson, to her home in Colgate,
N rth,D kota, her mother having suffioient-
ly rec�v red to allow her to return home;
M s. Jo n Dorranee, of Constance, to Col.
gaf.e, to oin her husband, who intends to.
aetjtle th re; Mrs. Eciveard Jerman, of Sea-
t° tin o Liverpool, England, to visit her
na ive lace in Wales. She sails from
M ntr a on the Allan line.
E D NO Bunns.-An interesting event
was c lebrated at St. James' church, Sea -
forth, o Wednesday Morning, when Mr.'
John I. Downey, musical instrument deal-
er,1 of 1 Mitchell, and son'of Mr. Stephen
Dcwuey, ot St. Columban, and Mims Agnes
De1veraux, daughter of Mrs. James Dever -
x, of the Huron road, east of Seaforth,
were n ado man and wife. The ceremony
wals performed by Rev. Father Downey, of
Loan, brother of the groom, assisted by
Ref. ther McCabe. The 3ride was at-
te ded by her cousin. Mist Lizzie Dever -
ea x, bile Mr. Harry Downey, brother of
the gr om, acted as groomsman. After the
eeremo y the guests drove to the bride's
hone, here a most elaborate wedding din-
ne4 wa served. They left Seaforth on the
3 ofclo k train on their 'wedding tour, fo1.
levied] y the best wishes of a very large
cir le o friends.
ANTED. - Any quantity tub butter.
"Winghiegg combinatioo " is the first ever known
in toe in erests of the producers. Everyboly pays
12c cash, or 14c trade. G. E. King, Wingbarn.
164 -tf
he annual football match between pi ked
nto players and a team picked from all the! best
s in Western Ontario is a'ways the big foOtball
t of the eetsron. This gate° has been tecured for
ig celebration in Seaforth on Doin1nion Day,
rdo,y, JiIy Ist-aloug with a host 'of popular
ctione. 184,5-1
aris Green and Sprayers. S. Mullett &
h cure your seats at Fear's Dr
for 'the Dominion Dav Concert -Tie
Sturtents area first class up-to.date show,
of the best. Cardno's II311. Doors open
concert at 3 p. xn.eusual cheap prices of
arvest tools, seythee, snaths, f
rope etc., right pricee. 8. , Mullett & Co
ANTED, a general servant; wa
out. Apply to Mrs. Holmested; Harpurhe
G soline and coal oil steves, refri
scree doors and -windows. S. Mullett
R NG LOST. -Lost on John et
twee Louisa and High streets, a gold rin
pearl . The finder will be rewarded by le
THE XPOSITOft office.
04e hundred cords gdod slabs,
shortfor sale. S. Mullett a Co., Seaforth.
GI L WANTED.-Wantid, a gill to do
gener 1 housework; good wages to a corn etent girl.
Apply to Miss JEANIE SPROAT, AUelleIVIlay ESMO1ld-
ville . 0. 1644x2
Large new grounds, opposite River hotel, 1 eaotifully
shade ; tables,- swings, pie, sure tot;, floating
landin , and every convenien .e. Largenough to
accom iodate two parties. J. . Miller, p oprietor.
1 1.643.tf
W' or. -Deliver your Wool with or with-
out 3, ur wheat, peas, barley oats, etc., at No. 6
storeb' nee, where you are alWays sure t get the
highe t price. James Beattie, eaforth. 1642x4
AL SONS WANTED.-Wa ted at o ce, two
first.cl Ise masons. Apply quidk to Genoa A. Pies
_ ;
Br es Ie. 164-1-2
of th shareholders of the 'eaforth urf club
was eld in the Cornmerci 1 hot I •n Mon-
day evening. It *as final y de ide to go
oni ev'th the organization, nd p rch sed the
prop rty, with the view f co Litt cling a
track at as early a date 8 po sib e. The
assocation will be ineor orat d t once.
The f Bowing officers weije ele led: Presi
dent, John Cardno ; vie •prea de t; Abe
Davi aon • secretary, M. rode ick; treas-
urer, V. k. Pearce; board of ire tors,-.
Rcibe t Wilson, E. C. 'olem n, i W. H.
Bake , J. F. Daly and V. McLean.
Anot er 'fleeting of the harehold rs will
be h 'id at- Henderson's hotel on v1onday
eveni g for the purpose of 1 maki g arrange.
,menttl for the collection o the jflrst instal-
ment of the Eiubser ptions.
g Store
o fat, one
t 7 p. m.
ries, hay
hing put
. 1645-1
Co., Elea -
1445 -1
eet, be-
set with
vino it at
long or
1#344 -ti
BA Boy,-Aftler the teotball mateh on
Fridafr evening last, some I smell boys pro-
cured some bad eggs from the rear of D. D.
Wile n & Co.'s emporium, and actuated by
some unknown Motive, threwthese un.
savor missiles at the visitors, damaging a
numb r of hats and coats. To say that the
office s of the football club and the citizens
goner illy were greatly incensed at this out-
rage° 8 treatment Df their visitors, is to put
it mi dip. To pr vent a re -occurrence of
such 4onduct, the erviees of Constable Gil-
lespie; were enliste , and, as a result, about
eixteeln boys, rangi g in age from 12, to 15
years, had to appe r before - the magistrate
on M4nday afternoine and received a severe
lectur and a -nominal fine was imposed.
We tl ink the boys have now had a lesson,
and tl ey will not likely be so' " fresh " in
futur -On Saturday morning, four young
boys ppeared before Magistrate Beattie,
on a c arge of breaking into Mr. William
Clark' bakery and stealing part. of a wed-
ding c ke. It appears that they had sever-
al tim s previously gone into his cellar and
stolen pre erves and oeher eatables, but no
ac1ionhac been taken. They were ilet off
with a no inal tine, after paying the dam-
ages to M. Clark.
EGM N1?SrILLE NOTES. -Th e lawn 800i81
On Mo day evening was a decided financial
'maces , the gross proceeds being over $50.
-Mr. end Mrs. Neil Brown are spending a
few weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Up -
shall, near Paisley. -Fie, for shame, broth-
ers Morrison and Irvine, what an example
for the soloni of MeKillop to set, tearing
each o her so. The glorious twelfth is
near. ow will you be able to marob in
unity u der its 'banner with Berth maleve-
lent th ughts in your hearts. -Pedestrians
and bicycle riders do not pronounce many
beoedictions on the man who, for a time at
least, lias impelled a good track on North
ntre at eet, in our village. But changes,
we suppo e, must a ways be attended with
inconven enee, tho gh it is evidently wise
tO make hanges only where necessary, and
With as 1 ttle publici discomfort as possible.
-e-The a all boy with his gun is very flee -
f1 abou the cherry orchard these days, as
tie own re of choice fruit have but little
ercy fir the most impudent bird living.
-1-Comm nion serviees will be held in our
church o Sabbath next. Rev. Mr. Brad-
ley, of Ache'', will preach the prepare -
Wry ser on on Friday, at 2.30 p. m.
Wiest) -ROBBINk.-On Wednesday even -
i g last, bout eighty guests from London,
Stratford, SeafOrth, Mitchell and other
ints embledat the home of Mr. and
Ira. Ro bins, Staffs, to witness the mar -
rage of heir daughter, Miss Maria A. Rob-
bins, to Mr. 0,„ G. Wilson, of Seaforth.
Shortly fter eight o'clock the bridal party
took the r osition on the lawn to tbe tune
of the w d mg march, when the ceremony;
Was pe ormed by 1Rev. Mr. Netheroott.
The bride, who was assisted by Miss Hut-
chison, lof Aylmer, attired in white or-
gandie, nd by Miss Wilson, of Stratford,
folly gowned in White organdie and silk,and
.in white rgandie over pink, was very grace -
carried a beautiful bouquet of bridal roses.
The groo was supported by Mr. S. G.
Stone B. A., of Seaforth. i After the °ere-
niony 'the guests adjourned to the house,
Where a umptuous supper was partaken
of, at the close of which all joined heartily
in the toa ts, which were proposed by Rev.
Mr. Neth recitt and Mr. Sawyer, and re-
sponded by Mr. Wilson and Mr. Stone.
Then followed 0 night of song, etory and
social int rcouree, which made the time
pees pleas ,ntly until well on into the "wee
Jima' hour," when the company dispersed,
Wishin M . and Mrs. Wilson all happiness
in thei w dded life. The numerous and
costly res nts tettify to tbe marked esteem
in which t e youpg people are held by their
numerous riends,.' Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
left on a eek's trip to London and De-
,troit. n their return they will take up
their r sid nee in town. THE Ex OSITOR
joins with other friends in congratulations
ding a welcome to r. and Mrs.
.aid in exte
The gentle an referred to in the following
paragrsph, which we take from the B andon
D ily Sun of ,J une 51b, is a son f Mr.
J hn Sher reed, of Morris, and a ermer
st dent of he S aforth Collegiate Inseitute.
0 r youngfriend has numerous friende in
this count, who will unite with T El Ex-
SITOR hea ty congratulations, nd in
w ehing th t his future may be even more
successful nd brilliant than his past. The
Sun says: "While the record of ell the
Brandon a udents at the recent Unimersity
examinetio a was yery gratifying, yet the
.suecessi of o one was received wit inore
gekineral pl asure than that of Mr. J. D.
S ortreed, who, as was expected his
mner frien s in t e city, distinguishe him-
self by gett'ng fir ,t -place in his year t the
31dical C liege thus 'winning th $80
Be olarship While classical master f the
l3ia,ndon ollegi te Institute, Mr. hort-
re d took t e art course at Manitob Uni-
ve sity,1 an by his own efforts grades ed as
B. A., iho gh engaged teaching all th time
of rep rat ry study. Last fall he e tered
th Medica College two months late but,
no withsta ding, has succeeded in wi ning
fir t place garnet very keen compet-tion.
M4'. Sh 'rtr ed's abilities have been ecog-
nh ed by th Winnipeg school board who
ha1e appoi ted him principal of one of the
'largest echeols.in that city, where we have
noidoubt h Will be quite as successfulas he
wee in B andon. His able work he the
'school, an his active interest in 1 ath,
vieetics and public matters made him deser-
ly popular with his pupils and the ublic
erally." I
Rom So TH AFRICA, -We take the fol.
icneing inte esting extractei from a letter
'written by r. Herbert Lawrence t his
events, M. and Mee. James Lawr nee.
r. Lawrence is goin as a miseiona y to
Africa, and the letter , is dated at Beira,
Smith Africk, on April 241h. He wr tea :
il while tbey were unloading the cargo
arrived at Imhambave on the Oth,
tarnone oil the big steamers can go up to
e iejvent on Ishore. On account of the sand -
the shores o the catgo is taken .off in
barges. W ile on shine we had a very
ple ant wa k around.l This is one of the
mo4t tropic 1 spots I ave ever been in • it
is t e home of the coceanut, and the big,
tall treee h ve tons and tons on them. The
boat we'are on is an awful affair. It belongs
to Scoech me, which controls the East
Afr canitrade almost e tirely, and as they
hav no 'oppesition ther accommodation is
act ally vile, Our ca in is about Six feet
fiqu re, and has four b da in it, with one
boy to each bed. And such bedio-mat-
res es rues , pillow musty, and sink
1111.1 ty,-while regale, visits from cock-
roa hesernosquitoes a d hippo fliesj make
thi gs exceelingly int resting. To 4dd to
this the kitchen, washoip room and general
util ty place is only about two feet away,
and the odors that cone floating into our
cabin from there are aoything but invigor-
ating. The 'meals are on a par with the
cabin elegem odation, hile the dishes have
long since lo t their prestine eleatiliness.
How I do lo4g for a good home Meal, as I
have seared , been able to eat anything
since coming on board. Still we have had
beautiful wether and , good health, for
whieh we hal e to be very grateful. We ex-
pecato reach our destination about the first
week in May; and we will all be exceedingly
glad, as it hat been a very long journey. I
can acarcely realize that I am so far from.
home, about 0,000 or 12,000,mile3.
LOcei, Bee FS. -M r. Arth ur Forbes has
had the unio i 'bus newly painted, and it
now ooks rea nice. -Mrs. George Good, of
Toronto, wet in town last week visiting
Mrs. Robb, er., and other friends. -
Mr. George Chesney- and Mr. C. W, Palest
are leaving their residences on Goderich
street irnprol ed- by heeling them newly
painted._ -Me srs., Geo. B ildwin and Herb
Morrison, the lebrated tick bicycle riders,
of Seeforth, g to Brussel on the 22nd inst.
to'astonish the , natives of that burg, at
their celebrat on there. Miss Annie Ken-
nedy of Detro t, and for erly of Tucker -
smith, i in th s vicinity t. present spend-
ing her elide a and visit ng friends. Miss
Kennedy has resided in Detroit fox eleven
,years,anl she ikes it so well that she would
not like eel lea e it. -Mr. McCrae, of the
West Meter. Toronto,, was in town last
week looking ep now subscribers for his ex-
celle t pnblica ion. -Mr. Thoenas Kline and
Mr. °Ina W leen, both employees of Mr.
F. G ttelridge, 'met with accidents last week
while working t the new residence of Mr.
George Dorran e, in MoKiilop. Mr. Wil-
son f 11 t rougl a scaffold, and a brick fell,
striki g Mr. Kine on the finger and b cak-
ing i. -Mrs. Ross, of Montana, for erly
Miss onthron,lof Rodgerville, was in own
last eek, the guest of Mrs. A. You g. -
Mr. honeas Hills, of Egmondville, had hay
cut a d housed' on the 121h of June. Mr.
Hills has Ibeen rying for a great many ears
to get ahead of the farmers, and he a ems
to have sacceed d at last, as we are ure
that none of th m had hay harvested so ear-
ly. -Mr. ;Ritchi , arrayed in all his glory,
was in town on Friday last advertising the
Stratford races, which will be held on une
28th, 29eh and 301h, and July lat. Mr.
Ritchie is a hue ler in the advertising line,
and hie influenc had a great deel to do with
bring* the tratford races into such
promirienee. T e programme for the meet
this yeer is a god one, and no donbt a
good Many fr en this part will visit the
classic eity on the race days. -Mies May
Kemp is on a vi ib to friends in Brantford.
-Mr. W. A. err, of MeKillop, who re-
Saturday, ly loti
FOO ALL MATCH Dublin vs. Kip.
FOO LL 'MATO Piked team from
A.. for ale onia Cep. 1
Toronto lea ue vs, picked team from W. F.
LAC S E MATCH Stars of Galt vs.
Beavers f Worth.
Grand Concert in ev ni g by the Nash -
villa Stu e ts, and othier attractions; 33rd
batten band, &cr., &e.'
Book eio rself for Sea orth on July 1st.,
We guarent e you a big time. Look out
for bills. '
cently-geditated from r nity Medical Col-
lege, Toronto, leaver; s o tly for Colorado,
where he will take chare f the practice of
another i gentleman. for year. -Mr. and
Mrs. D. M. filoKay, who eve been visiting
friends bere:since their arriage, left ,on
Tuesday for their home Algoma. -Mies
Agnes Hayin daughter of r. T. E. Hays,
who has been attending th Normal SAWA,
Toronto, [hat returned ho e. -The Clintnn
lacrosse team played a Inc dly match with
the Maple Leafs, of this town, on Thursday
evening of last week. The game resulted in
-a victory; for l the Seaforth boys by 6 goals to
1. -Forty ti kets were sold at this station
on Tuesday °ruing for the excursion to
Detroit, via Goderich.--- re, Harry Ellis-
aon, of Toronto, is the gue t of Mies Grace
'McFaul.o-Mise Purser, et Marine City,
Michigan, was this week a guest at Mr. S.
Barton a. me.. Harry Jeffrey, of Winghane,
was aloe visiting the home of her parents. -
Four -rinks of Mitchell bo Jere came here
on Tuesday and had a friendly game with
the Seaforth players. Mitchell won by .6
shots.- here' is to be a iSalvation Army
wedding in Cardno's hall on July 5th.
After th ceremony there ill be a wedding
supper i the barracks -Miss Nora Dun-
can, who has been visitin with , relatives
and friends he town, returned to her home
in Brantford on Monday. -A lawn sociel
will be held ,n the ground of Mr. D. I).
Wilson this! (Friday) evening, under the
auspices; of . the Ancient Order of United
Workmen. The proceeds f this social are
for charitable purposes, an for that reason
should be largely patronized. The band
will be in attendance.—Mr. Arthur Atkin-
son, of Winnipeg, and Miff Maggie Waugh,
of Chatham, are guests at r. James Beat -
1 tie's. -Rev. Dr. McDonald was in town this
week attending to the rem val of his furni-
ture. -Mrs. W. D. VanE mond, who hes
been ill lately, p improving --Misses Tillie
and Emily ,McMann hav returned home
from Loretto Abbey, Toronto, for the hol -
at that institution in S ptember.--Mr .
days. .They will 'Immo their -studies again
Duncan McGregor, of McKillop, luta been
suffering from pleurisy for several weeke,
but is nevi/ improving, and her friends look
forward to her ultimate recovery. -Rev'.
Mr. Williams, 1 B. A., ill preach the
Masonic sermonlin St. Th as' church next
Sunday, at 3 o'clock p. m.
traded on Friday afternoon
150 Berliners who had c
their foothall team in the
Hurons, on the recreatio
. evening. The week previo
at Berlin, neither team was
and this Match would praet
championship,iso that ther
win, and 'hen ib was time
able exeit:Irent and °Loh te
start, one ef the largest and
tic crowds Which has witne
match here had assembled.
off both teams exerted the
utmost, and for the first ha
travelled 4 and down the fi
goal and t en 1101 the other,
score by b th teams prove
second hal for a long time a
going the ay of the first, b
twenty miruts to play, by a
combined° , the ball went i
tory, and e flash Hill
score for th This
new life in the home boys,
endeavors t clinch the gam
were lead o t too far, and t
wards stole e march on them
the score. This they follow
other, and their eupporter
With about teh miniites to p
tried hard tp tie thescore, b
cessful, and, thRangers wen
Headed by their friends they
street to the Queen's hotel
victory wasi theirs, the cha
town was' in -
last by about
me up to coach
atch with the
grounds thet
a, in the match
able to score,,
cally decide the
was consider -
m was out to
r the game to
most enthueias-
sed a football
From the face
selves to the
f time the ball
Id, first at one
but efforts to
futile. The
peered to be
t with about
piece of pretty
to Berlin terri-
ade the fir8t
eemed to put
but in their
, the defence
e Berlin for.
nd evened up
d up by an -
went wild.
y the Hurons
t were ensue
off victorious.
marched up
pionship was
The game was
at has been
ame time con -
and was en-;
or ill -feeling
re had won a
norably, and ,
been able to
could not but
theirs, the tow
one of the mo
played herei b
ducted in a ge
tirely devoid o
was theirs.
t exciting t
t was at the
tlemanly way,
any roughnes
on either tide. Tha Rang
great victor*, end won it h
while we wduld liked to hav
do the rejoieing ourselves, w
admire the enthusiastic an
manner in hich they celebrated. While
ded the cham-
play a game
s, on Monday
evening, which will be worth
at their hot 1 the band sere;
pions. --The WMgham team
here in the ehe. pionship seri
Big Lacrobse and Football
Dominion Day CoIebratiork in Sea
July let - along with a big array o
Jorrisos.--There were 266
roll of Brussels public school
cif May, and the average at
227. -James Grieg, of the 1
Of Grey, and John Miller an
ley, of the Oh concession
Week for Maniteha.-Mr. Pe
the 1st line of i Morris, reds
etches at the
orth, •Saturday,
popular attrac-
pupile on the
n the month
endance was
th concession
Robert Rid -
left here last
er Moffatt, of
d a fine new
barn, 50x60 fee , a few days ago. It will
he fitted up With all modern i provements,
nd will be el valuable additio to Mr. of-
tt's already welljequipped fa ming outfit.
Mrs. Samuel Walker, who ives in Mor-
ris, near here, Its. recently lbeen visiting
friends at Elimvill, Crediton end Kirkton.
he reports haein had a reost enjoyable
t'me.-Rev. nhall is the, new minister
appointed to Jae on's church, in Morrie.
e was formed cated at Ca 1.173Da, Lamb -
n county, and s been en raged in the
ethodist pastorte for overt26 years. -
One clay last week while Mr Lewis Mc.
onald, of Walton, was re
.from Brussels, his horse shied
o the road, upsetting the bug
g Mr. McDonald out. He a as not
°hely injured. -,-The contract for carr
Her Majesty'il mails six times a week,
tiveen Bruesels and Wroxeter, a pe
urning borne
t something
y and th ow-
)rctober 'ext,
th of uly.
eorge R bb,
could not
et -
four years from! the first of
to be let IV tender on the 1
e present contrector is M.
d a better marl for the wor
e sily be got. -1 -Rev. Dr. McRae,
peached in the Seaforth Presbyte
church last Sabbeth, is a son of our res
ed townsman, John McRae, who reaid
the south end. The doctor has many fri
here, wbo would I like to see him lee
permanently in Steaforth, -The big cele ra- on
ticln to take place here on the 22nd inst, is ot
attracting mueli attention, and is likel tai B.
be largely attended if the weather is fa or- i ho
able. -The East Huron farmer's' excurition col
----71-. - i
e tient, he hating never failed. He lea a
young man of moral and social worth, 't :and
e is deserving Of any of the high positiope in
f the land.--eMiss Annie McPherson has Riot a
t wheel and although she has had it bill a
e ishort time the Mee it very nicely. ,1
to th Model Farm, at Guel tekes place
on t e 27th inst. We h pe will be as
largel attended and as E. ceesiful as th
Sout Huron excursion wa ....Thursday o
last eek, W. W. Harris ra de al shipmen
of eese from Brussel, including th
make of Brussels, Ethel and Blyth fax
tone , at 7i cents. The fi at half of May
was sold by the Brussel factory a few
weekti agoat 9 cents per pe nd. Mr. Her
ris w in town this week Is tending to the
ship ing. He is well up tO the business. -
We re pleased to learn that Archie, acin of
Mr. ohn EaSmith, of Brandon, Manitoba,
form rly a well known nlehant in Brum-
of te, taking the bronze medal in the
gene al course. We offer pur congratula-
tions The Brandon Sun,' of June 2nd,
says One of tbe cleverest and most sue-
ceseftil studentt who gradusi d this year at
the tUniversit of Ma itet a, Archje
Smit , son of r. John E. Smith. Archie
has ken a brilliant eourte throughout,
winn ng high honors eaoh' year, and this
year e graduated with the ronze medal in
the general oourse.
eels, as successfully gradu d as Bachelor
• 1 i
Do 't miss the big oelebra on in Seaforth
on Do Won Day (SatOrday July at.) 1645.1
Nos. -The Epworth Le gue topics, on
Sund y evening at 7:30 :o'clock, will I be
take by Miss Sney Wheatley, the subj et
being "Tree peace in God. -A few fr m
here 4ttended the Exeter convention t is
week -Rev. J. W Andrew, will preach
his fa ewell sermon in the Methodist church
here, at the usual hour Sunday afternoon. -
Mrs. . A. Stewart, of Woodstock, former-
ly of his village, visited at Mr. J. Britton's
and o her friends t` is welek.-Miss Annie
Soho es is visiting t her [ brother's, in St.
Clair, Michigan.
Nos. -Mr. arid Mrs. Andrews, of
Wrox ter, spent Sunday with his brother,
Rev. dr. Andrews. -Mr. Trowl and dangh-
ter, 4f Clinton, spent Sunday with J. C.
Adam .-Misses Maud and Rose Walker
are v siting friends here this week. -Mr.
and re. Campbell were visiting in Blyth
last riday.-Mr. William Riley is now
able walk with a oracle -Mr. L. White-
ley w s visiting friends in Blyth on Satur-
day vening-Mesers. John and Rob•rt
Reid, of Clinton, spent Sunday with
friend here. -Mise Aggie Sales has left
Mr. amilton's and gone home for a while,
and ise Dobie, of Wavianesh, hat taken
her pl co. -School section No. 8 is getting
up a arden party to he held at the school
on Juie 301h. A good time is expected.
The linton band will be present. -Mise
Brigh m and Mr. Webb are attending th
convexhtjon at Exeter this week.
.s. -James Casemore I s -. re -shingling
one si 0 of hie barn -James Anderson con-
tinues to have poor health. There is a
slight improvement in his condition at pres•
ent.-R. Leathorn, Themes; Mosgrove, and
others took in the excursion' to Sarnia and
Detroit last week.-eR. Mosg5ove hes ceased
to oppose cycling, and has yielded to the
tempt tion and purchased a wheel. Mr.
Mosgrt ve and wife left on Friday on an ex-
. '
tende visit in the vicinity 'of Toronto.-
Mrs. Jame. Elliott died very suddenly at
her re dence last Sunday. 1 She was taken
auddey ill and diedin a few minutes.
The sympathy of the community is extend-
ed to he berea,ved family. -Wilfred Hoff-
man i !engaged With James Casernore for
the ha vest. -Mrs. R. Leathern met with a
painfu accident a few days ago, spraining
her an be ao badly that at first it was
tboug t to toe broken.
Don't miss the big celebration in Seaforth
on Dom ohm D y, Saturday, July 1st. 16451
VET RAN H.RESITERS. -Twenty years ago
en Mo day I se, Mr. John Murray, of this
towns• ip, a d his father, Mr. Wiiliatn
igurra , n w of Algoma, brought
the • rat 4team threehing engine in-
to th e p rt of the county. Before
OW, th eshin was done by horsepower, but
With c mme dable enterprise the Meagre.
Murra proe red a steam engine and had
much 1 rger eparator thaw the ordinary
manufa ture , and tie that way started a
new er in th threshing = business in this
Part. Itho gh there have been many
differen machines op the road since then,
Mr. M rray has cutlived them all, and is
making active preparation for a big season's
busineb again this year.
Ws END NOTES. -Mr. G. Murray, of
Seafort , has been busy with the road
grader i this vicinity for the past eek. -
The eta ute labor is also nearly.,ished,
leaving he roads tether rough for 'cycles.
-A lar:e number will picnic at Bayfieid
this Sat rcla I if the weather proves favor-
able. -h re. cDonald, of Detroit, i visit-
ing her augh er, Mrs. Whit Crich -Mrs.
Frank cDon Id and daughter, of 1 .troit,
are ale • visi ing, relatives here. Mrs.
Crawfor , of eafdrth, is visiting r atives
here at reeen and expecte to leav at an
eerly da e for ritish Columbia, wh re her
husband is n w residing. -Charles Crich
took in he ex ursion to Sarnia and letrojt
oin Satu ay 1 at.
death of
late Hen
who for
dent of t
tive of
the old
ed to thi
the Gosh
Mr. Joh
She was
been aili
-her deat
out of he
Mrs. Joh
ate dispo
of reside
large cir
and one
and Mrs.
The rem
field cern
On Domini
grove of
Bethel e
will be fo
foot race,
sides an
bright yo
and no do
News, W12
this Beath)
This was
by drown'
toba, the
west some
of the late
dentally k
i Stanley.
Mrs. Sarah Johnston, relict of the
y Johnston, which occurred on
Ilth inst., has passed awayone,
3 years has been a continuous resi-
ie township. Deceased was a na-
orkshire, lEnglatid, and was first
o Williarri Stephenson, who died in
ountry. She afterwards inarried
hneton, and together they ernigrat,
country in 1846, coining direct to
a Line, Stanley, where she resided
sly until the time of her, death.
ston died about twenty yeare ago.
4 years and 6 months old, and had
g for about two years, although
was ultimately due to a wearing
system, consequent upon old age.
sten was of a kind- and affection -
it -ion, and during her many years
no here had endeared herself to a
le of friends. She leaves one son
aughter;-Mr. john Stephenson
Joseph Heather, both of Stanley.
ins were laid to refit in the Bay-
tery. on Monday, 12th inst.
• Leadbury
iss the big celebra
n Day, Saturday, July
A picnic will b
r. Dennis, half a
urch, on Domini
tball contests, bicyswinging, be -
le races, boys'
girls' foot race, an
xcellent programme of vocal and
tal music, recitations, etc. Mr.
of Brussels, will h ;ye a tent 012 the
d to furnish ice
e thing& An
a number of
ion in Seaforth
let. 1615-1
held in the
mile ' notth of
n day. There
nd will be prepar
all these other ni
ommittee, besides
ng people, have tbe affair in hand
bt it will be the picnic of the
the close.-
p loern over
Aver collection a
eh has mat a de
reached here onf Mnday last,
despatch; announcing the death
g of Robert A. McKee, in Mani -
day prevlously. He went out
time lasti bummer. He was a son of t
Richard McKee, who was acci- also
lied about nine years ego. He and
wait 24 years of age, and a bright, active Goo
and well educated young man. We tender
It sympat y to hie mother and
wing relatives.- Mr. Vilm. Rae,
sI now taking a short' rest at
educational pursuits at school,
nniversit have been quite brit-
PXorno.--the Messrs. McMillan broalers,
of the 10th concession with a large turtiber
of their frieudre picnicked at Bayfiel4 on
,Wednesday.' Th weather was fine, 1 And
!oonsequently'an!e °anent time Wae Oen't
1:13 II 7 !
y a ,
; th rich.
BRIEFS. —A few days ago a valuable , colt
:belonging to Mr." Jonathan Merrier died.. It
was valued St about$100.-With the I ;ex-
t ception of a few , field. of fall ' wheat lithe
cro in this Joealit are looking goc0.—
school workers accepted the hearty ineita-
'Rev. C. S. Finkbein r was at Mildmay :this
week on bush:mai.- number of:our Sunday
tion of the Dashwoo Sunda school to: be
present at their,ann al Sunday chool day,
an had a meet enjoyabbe time. The Sun-
da school de, of the Evangelical elenreh
bet- Will be hail on he second Sunday!' in
July. A cordial ',invitation has been tient
the Dashwood people to be present. -Quar-
terly service will be held in the i vangelleal
church, on the 141h concession, o Sunday.
Rev. M. L. Wing will conduct the serviced-
--Mrs. J. F. Schittler was at Berlin recent-
ly consulting an eye doctor.-MIss Lizzie
Smith, of M4verton, has returned honie
Mrl. Sanderton, of Haysville, were the
having spent el few weeks in town.-Mr.end
gnets of Mr. Thoma. Johnson fon the past
town a flying visit. -Quite a number title&
week. -Fred coley, of Wingharn, paid our
in the excursion to 13arnia.
i 1 .
, St. Jo.117----eph. I
I NOTES.—Mt, Thomas Breyre h moved
his family to.' tratford. He is engaged in
the lacksmit business there. -Mr. Haerry
Bad ur has moved into the house formerly
occupied by homes Breyre.-Mr. Chris.
He34.ock and 'is sister left last Saturelay'on
a trip to Detir# it to visit their sister, Mire.
ceuitotity of hi
Smith. -Mr. II eiumringbeerCaamnpdbealhlinhgedeiglieifitttna
tele beach whe the storm struck here last
Thursday and ridaye and some o the lum-
ber Was wa, he own the lake about tivotor
three miles. Wever, Mr. Cam bell Will
gagedI in M illert's brick yard went mit
on trike on Thursday morningof lest
not er • eine-The laborin men week.' Ho ev rI, they came to n agree-
ment among
'elves to start w rk agaiin
t°htleFyIrridaaYy. I get no extra pay,' but
der work. -Mr. William
illreicerkrel amkach in e misfortune to break his
h other day. This Will
cause!expe a n delay. ---Mr. Chris. Camp-
bell has I f Byfield and moved to St.
.Joseph. e come Mr. Campbell to our
tOwnir, 1
Big Laor es
y cle
u dersig»ed wo Id
machinery and mo
in ;good_ time, in •re,
needs 110 eonirno t
P Jow repairing ix
of plow repairs.
pl wis in stock.
to in short notic
d Football mate es at t e
ration in Seaforth, Saturd ,
big array of popular attr c-
ask the favor of II, wanti g
ere repaired to ha 'd them n
r t3 avoid the rush T. Mel s
She public on this li e of work.
kb e sections always in tock. All
will receive the best lattentIon.
all its branches, with a full supply
Also a good assortmt of neiv
11 root seuffier repairing ait64te5n.d2ed
T. al In , p .
NOTES. -We would again draw t e atten-
tion,of our readers to the grand picnic td-
merrow (Saturday) in the park, under the
management of. our football team. Ne
paint have been dpared to make it a succeed,'
and as this will be the treat of the season
all lovers of amuaements should not fail t
attend and enjoy, a pleasant day's enter-
tanment.-Rev. Mr. Waddell, -who has
of labor, and on $abbath next will give his_
la Ored here so imccessfully for the past
three years, leaves shortly for his new field
perting words to his people here. -The ser
vites in St. Andrew's church, on Sabbath
next, will be held at 2.30, when Rev. Neil
Shaw, of Egmondville, will conduct the ser -
vi e Sabbath school will be held at one
o' lock. Rev; S. Acheson will supply the
pulpit of Rev. -Colin Fletcher at Thamed
Read and Kirkton.-Mr. John 13. ;McLean
this week took in the excursion from Gode-
rich to Detroit. Mr. McLean very much
enjoyed his trip. -Mr. Robert ettle, of
here. -Dr. Grassick, with his godd lady,
London, accompanied by his housekeeper,
Miss Moore, are visiting among friends
mother, Mrs. McDougall, all of Stanley. -
Mr . Grassick, of Grand Forks, Dakota, are
sp nding a pleasant visit among, friends
here, the former with his brother, Mr. Don-
al Graesick, and the latter with her
Mei Millburn, accompanied by his sister,
Mrs. Snowden, of Peterborough, are the
guests of Me. and Mrs. Wm. Ivison, of the
vs lage.-Farm property in this part still
k sips changing round. Mr. Isaac Jarrett
bus dieposecl of his term on the Londen
Road, which he bought 801110 mon he ago
from Mrs. Rose, to Mr. Charles_oh amen;
the present tenant, for $6,200. Mr.,Jarrott
bee bought the Mirth 100-aere farm lof the
late Mr. Doig, of this place, for 84,000. -
Quito a number from here went on the For-
esters' excuraion, on Saturday last to De-
troit. Among those who went fr m the
lage were ' Mrs. James Cannin , Mr.
oker, Miss Grece Cudmore, Miss Bertha
I ion and I Miss Vine Kyrie. Tey all
speot a pleaSant visit With friends i Port
Horon.-Mr. William M. Doig, of ucker-
Breathe has -received the -appointment f jus -
Mee of the peace.' Ouripeople will h ve to
walk in the narrow pa,!th in order not to
tramp on Williem's tom We congr tulate
Al re Doig on his elevation. -Our I • mien
Road never was in better conditi#n for
wheeling, and those Who are seeking pleas -
ere driving are 'enjoying it immensely Our
patamasters are acting very wisely #y not
putting on the gravel l till fall. -le esers.
.James Cooper and John B. McLean ere at
Benmiller lard week, calling on their old
frieed, Mr, Janiet Diole.-The sacram nt of
the 1 Lord's Supper was observed i St.
Andrew' e ehurehe on Sabbath hest, by good
colregaticine. The services on the riday
wer con hicted by Rev, J. S. Head rson,
of Hensel ; by the pester, Rev. S. Acheson,
on the S ath, and on the the Monday, by
Rev. Nell haw, of Eg , ondville. All were
of e high character, leaving much roo for
thought an meditation .-The lawn oda"
held on Th wordily evening last, on the lawn
of Mr. R. 11. McLean, under the tempi a of
St. Andrew's Gauld Miesion workers, was
in every Renee a gratifying success, d spite
the unfavoeable evening; which was evveer;y.
eold, with a stiff wind blowing. A.
theless a big crowd came. The lder
folks were ale ltered with winter gar ente,
while the young people just buckled up a
little closer together, which appeared o be
4 .
no inconvenience to them whatever. t an
early hour the ladies of the society we e on
n band with well!.filled baskets, and 'n a
very short time had the tables set with
hose good things which they know so well
ow to prepare, and which are not only
leasing to the eye but appetizing as ell.
When the large crowd had partaken , of a
sumptuous repeat, a lengthy programme was
carried out. It coneisted of grand addresses
by Rev. J. S. Henderson and Rev. Mr.
Waddell, of Hensel', and by the cha an
be evening, the pastor, Rev, S. Ach son;
solos and swags by Mrs. (Rev.) Sbaw
Miss Stevenson, of Egmondville ; Mis.
dwin, of Clinton, and )11in A. Kerr" and
Mum Moore of Hensall. The home dhoir
also rendered some excellent music. The
affair was one of the greatest treata our peo
ple have ever been favored with. To rosy
that the host and hostes., Mr. and rrs.
McLean, spared no pains ler hospitalit in
r heartfe
her son
A., is ju
me. His
lege and
*TUNE 23, 1899
Wash able„,
ies good,
FANLCaYrgeMmUSsoLrItNinSeii-t, with
Finer make, linen finish, 15c.
Extrwaeqaurlirtye, latest' cut Linen C h
CitAASliverSyUgooRTd8C-rash Skirt for eeeeseeor
Six dozen snorted dimity, pique
A lonteowf PnaiitetriCagm' 6b0riec. Waists, ve
Fine Percale Waiiite in stripes an
White Piques in narrow or wi
Tt ye n, 7piires 'dein white,
In cords, stripes and checks, fin
cool material, 20c.
extra quality, 25e,
and a good choice, 75c.
lin waists., your choice for 11.
prices right.
terials is very eomplete-quali
Our stock Of cool, breezy au
waists, your
veryseveira: Ibrit
lengths to clear, 40e mulling now 250.
Cool and serviceable, nice quality
d mos.
Made specially for hot weather s
all sizes in stock, 50c.
Full assortment of sizes in the
popular summer shades, a v
glove at 25c.
a large range of Sailor
•Hats, at remarkably low prices One going at 15c, and another ot of -
finer hats at 25e.
Prices -15c, 20;; 25c, 35c and 50c
We Ire closing out the balance f our
stock of trimmed Hats and Bo nets,
That means positive' large redo' tient!, _
as we won't carry ov anything t any
. . The . . .
Dry Goods Go.
041h's Greatest CY sht
Dry' Goods Store.
order that all might enjoy themsel es to fullest extent and feel that they were.
all welcome, would be drawing it too mild-
ly. The society is to be congratulate on
its success and greatly to be thankfull for
the good work they are accomplishin for'
the elevation of mankind. -Miss Mar Me-
Clyment, of Detroit, is the guest of he par-
ents. in the ' village. -Mise McAllis r, of
Hensel', during the week, was spending
pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. W Mem
Kyle, jr., of Stanley. -Mr. Robert Mee.
Gowan, who was well-known to many Ihere,
and who left this part some 12 month ago
for Scotland, has, during that time, 1 been
over Scotland and England seeking land,
but so far has found no reet for the s le ef
his foot, and has now returned wit his
family to Illinois. He intends leavin his
family there for a time, while he goes a to
California. Those who are prosperiug 1 here
had better hold on to it. -The boys wh m-
in the habitof attending picnics, bav4 to
hustle round in the morning to get the ws
milked in good tune so as not to disappoint
their good ones. -Miss Tena McDonald' and
Miss Ada Horney, ot the Thames Road Us -
borne, are visiting at Mr. J. R. McDon id'e.
Blyth, leaves on Monday for New 'lark,
where he purposes taking eix wee In
epecial study in the best hospitals of Ma
city. Daring his absence his praetice will
be M charge of Dr. Creme, who for the last
year has been in partnership with Dr, url-
hurt, of. Mitchell.
Go TO BLYTH O'N JULY .3RD. -A grand ro-
gramme of Caledonian games will be heid
at Blyth on Monday, July 3rd, at which 0,
Perm, champion heavy weight athiet4 of
Boston; J. Nelson, athlete, of Centeno Ile,,
Michigan'Pipers Angus and Wilson, of
London; Scotch dancers Eugene Loch rts
Miss Templeton and Susie McGill, of to -
don ; John Dagon, ot Sarnia; and the
Murchy sisters, of Lucknow, will be p
ent. To this will be added the best
adian athletes. Brass band in attends&
Base ball match between Brussels and CI
ton. Big concert at night. All who w4nt
a good day's sport should go to Blyth
tjeurrA,lyics3Arvid4is.iting his father, Mx. Wm. 13ro
-Mr. Charles Brown, of Rod
after a thre,e years' absence. -A num
from here attended the Huron' county
vention of Chrietian Endeavor ozkers
Exeter, ihis week. -Mr. Frank Me It
will attend the Grand Lodge of Good Te
piers at Toronto, next week.-Mra. Samu
Gracey and daughter, Miss Eve, of Win"
ham, are visiting at the retie. e of
nchBeuiein-tPlre v'3elsynue
rbli: Breir av
Sunday evening. -Mr.
Campbell spent Sunday
Stanley. -Rev.- Walter 1 1 ma
his farewell sermon next, -.
-The Presbytery of fetral,
ducting the Rev. J. Ifardy
hursday, June 8th, for the pie i
the congregation. The we .
Knox church, Listowel, on ph k
that could be dearer], and the
large turnout, ;both of MeM;rt ' idadhe
erns. Rev. Mr. McCullough, ravistoo
preached the inductive eortree and Bev
Dr. Hamilton, of Mother vo addr
the meeting, and the Rev, J. S. ,Andersolte
of Milverton, the people.
-Mrs. Wm. Rodgers, er., of Avonbottl4
had a disagreeable en Hence with a
the other day. Whil . walking with h,
granddaughter, Lill netaa• the cow w
had a young calf, tlor cote, Mid', a ,ptlaeue
attack on her, h ercking be- down dzwr
jaZiy, isthisetaince 13°
animal would probably) ha-. injured
fatally. Fortutatoly t mal wal
horned or the.censequ
much worse.
es -
There is
to put in the
-on is made
rs that IT
Now, all
e shouldpt
we there o
n rising
ea a swg'
e to put i
And the
day, ands
whisper to h
This aP
does not Au
A great
ting in the
numbers are
another the
- How is
on what yoi.
yourself whi
The fol
it sou.
buckskin po
three pairs
We col
merits of ot
but does_ it
ly tailor -3j
fitting than
fectly sure
out we Are
and boys, o
We aro
ceit, an& ye
are few peo
are as up to
prices, or ii
of a hargail
gloves =aud
We ha
suits this
fullest satig
worsted sui
thing that
sufficient to
8 •
On the Viri
Are )(