HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-23, Page 6E i I .; 1 N4. � I � 13 . 3- - . - - f - -1 � 1,� � I- � � . ;­ � 6 - L I I - C I - k � 1 � I - I � � -. I . � w I i I � I I � 4 � , -_ - � I : - � .- ; , 4 , � �- � % I � 1 7 - l : I. -_ I : I � .- I . ! I I r . �� I - � t � . : q- ; I, , , ; - , , , ` I : I ; I - I . I ; . � I- � : - I . : I � . I � � I . ; - � . . - - � �- I I . � z , �� � I - 't - - I � , I 1. I . � �_ . VETERWARY I I ii ; . - . - - I I i . - __� ONR� . I THE, THIRTY ANP , I i � i - I 1 OH$ GRIEVE, V. S., honor graduate of Ontario , J lVaterinary College. All diseases of Domestic I "Ima treated. Calld promptly -attended to and ohl-rg�s� moderate. Veterinary Dentatrysepecialty. of5ce land residence � on Goderich street, one door Past 6t Dr. ScotVs office, Seaforth. 111241 i - � blKt_+AJ,' - I I . . - AMES L. KILLORAN, Bari ister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary PubK Moneytoloan. Office over Piok&rd'@S6ore, forms -ly Mechanics' Institute, Main Street, Seaforth. i I- 1628 i 'T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, t) . ! Notary Public. Offices up stairs, over 0. W. raplat'a bookstore, Main Strett, Seaforth, Ontirio. ; I 1, 1627 1 M--I C�,OAMERON, formorly of Cameron, Holt& . oron, Barrister a6d Solicitor Godorloh oaRo. offico-Hamilson street, opposils Colborn; . . Ito"I i 1462 - HATS Barrister Solicitor, Conveyancer sad 6%,y 9blio. Elicitor for the Dominion . late k' � . Offloo--oudno's block, Main Street, &Worth. ,Aoas� r to loan. i 22N . I . B=T. Barrielor,' Solicitor Notairy, �ho . -Rooms, fivo doom noRh ofOommerois' ground door, next door to 0. L. Pap* I swo - - etc 4N to, Main street, Seaforlb. Goderioh 92*4amairon, Holt and Cameron. . 12111 - ksCOTT & McKENZIE, Barriaters, SolloilloN, etc. Clinton and Bayfield. Clinton Office, Mlioti blooki Issale street. Bayfield Office, open every Thunday, Main street, first door we8t- of pod office. Money to loom. Jaimes Scott & E. H. MoXenzie. 1598 i — - -titi, & PROUDFOOT, Biarriabore, Bollolki% . ., Qoderloh, Ontario, J. T. GAzzow, Q� O., . RX � U1111re". , ON � , -0 i �A VZ"WN.. HOLT. A HOLXZS, Barrielon, No- Idlers in Chancery,, ho..Godorlah, Out K. 0. CA . q. U., PRMIF HOw. DUOUT HOLMS i . - FI OLIMITED, successor to the- late firm of e McCaughey & Holmestod, Barrister, Solicitor =Con sneer. and Notsiy 'Solicitor for the Can 07suk of Commerce. Money to land. Farm tax Ila*. Office in Scollt's� Block, Main aft"t flastorth. . I I I I I I . a I 4 I I � J)EATIbIAY. - — - F. A. SBLLERY, Dentist, graduate of t PR Royal College of Dental Surgeons Toronto, a on Univ gra,dusto of Department of DeWd9try, Toi�n ity Office In the Peity block, Henn Will ifit iiiiiah every Monday, commencing Me 1687 11 RGNEW, ...1. Dentist, Clinton, will violt ZurI,-h . , . I the second Thursday of each month. 1592 . I. - - - - _.... ­ - - ''I I � R. ROSS, Dentist (sucaewor to r. MR. weddle),-giaduate of Royal College of Den Jurge)ns -of Ontario; Antelage honor graduate rd rora �,o Univers.ty , crown and bridge work, &I (Old work In all itil terms. all the meet mode rila : th(de for painless filling and p&inlesg extraction ;CjetbA Clred4lo's All- operations carefully performed. Offlo old stam#, ova: Dill's grocery, Sesforth. I . . .,; 1640 I � I � i I ' I MED10AL, . : I I . ; � � � Dr, John McGin�nis � I �. I I n, , 6raduate London Western University memb C 0 tarto College ,of Physicians and hurgeo One 116k% and Residence—Formerly ocou pied by M . - rd, Victoria Street, next to the Catholic N W Chur eX, ght calls attended promptly. 14 : . .. � __ � A I ' X. B., Toronto, M. D, M. P.1 S., Ontario, 0. I be I VictorIA, � successor 111to. ... o . ao lato y occupied by Dr. Elicit, , 0 Bruo aid, ntaria, 11. i I —1 L . ; X. BY.THUWX, 1 M. D., Follow of the — Boy A- College '#Of PhY510111][18. and Surgeons, Kh ,go to Dr. Mackid. Offlot Ililloly. ocoupi , � r. Mallkild, Msiml �� Stroet. Seaforill. Sao " Iden .0or c)o,r er of Victoria Sqqare, In houile lately cc ; mpl �7jcor y L� . X. DaDcoy 1 1127 ' —, I Ws'! DR. F. J4 � BURRO - . Go lito resident Physician � an d Surgeon, Toront) rat I Fo4pital, Honor graduate Trinity U'll'"r mWbor of the College bf ftysiolans and 8,,g f Ontario. Coroner I ,for the County of ]In iflicq and Realdence—Gpderiah Street, East of a Ittnhdist; 0burch. TclephDne 46. 7 . � Is" � I 1 BY ClIARL S D. LANIER, INI TJlE LA61E : � . ; � � HO�IXR Jou AL. : I I I I I ; I ! � ! I I I I II Continued, 1: I ; I _ I � i i I colascientiously exerted myself on �hei subtle lines to gain Miss Saxtonla apprpva which was sufficiently diffloulp to add iilou zest toi'the occupation. I rather think . should hai -e.failed utterly hall' it, not I bet for the,! pai nting of that p .oture w llioh begs . - our acquantance. I . I have forgotten to may i that D �cy Saxc was not N utiful. She was for I oo brow and freak to be called so, eve i with wealth' of ronze hairand fine'gra r eyes an a lithe,, 5 re to her cradit.' BD*ides ti debonair iss Buckner she looked almom �_ hoydenish.- I did noi approve of her alto ferther,eit ier. She had a way] of vaultin " ences that was more brilliant than it wi expeoted. I felt less inclined to inward] oitticlitle t iete startling Athletic perforn &noes, , however, -after a cortain'o( ually do when 1,1 Tie Tab " upset- in the "middle ( the bay, a id I shook the water cut of m eyes in" th e- midst of the calamity o find hil Already at work pulling Miss Buokner up a the keel to a place of safety, if not. of dil nity. - I spent the recondite portions of th remainder of the week. in diving , for Mis Saxtonla paint -box. ­ . - Finally I fished up the artiele'� in quei tion, and marched home to supper i triumph tio receive the pla;udits of tb thirty. i . . I . . I I strode gayly intd the hall add�stoppe short. I i .egarded a't man's hat on,' the raol It was not mine-,' It! was not Mr. !Bascuim'i There instantly came over me a ighly ur reasonable feeling that I should ! ave beei consulted about this intruder—a !eeling &I mostof jealousy, of -being a1upylanted. returned to the porch where Mri . 'Basour was holdit g some conciliatory ri e3 of hei profession with certain of the thir . ". You're lookin'! a eight better tt � p whe 411 ! I you rst Come. 10 oter Cobb' n Baia S' There w n't nothiag like this ' - ep mbe he sun for tbe health." . - : ISO " "Its ve ry sal u1brious, ma'am I" I! rat mrned to , I I You've, got a new boarder, I see. " 1. " Yes, i ir. He came down this 'morning n. I You won't be so lonesome now, Bit." The old lady thawed the beetling denta on* relics. I am afraid she saw' through�� a. I " Artist, I suppose ?" I inquirect la dly. " No," laid Mrs. Gardner - 11 he's a law ff. er, a M% Jenkins. He's visitink Mis tal Mton and Miss Backo r.'� r of The con mrbation fla gedi and I strolle so rn away- hyshould I aa�re? There'-wa . of clearly no reason under the sun. Bat afte a; grumbling at myself a whi, le the* fact re mained th it I did care, and -no alleviatio came wheth Jenkins,, who ,,, a a rather good � looking, g hulk of �s f(Ilo , sat betwee Miss Saxtiln and Miss Bueliner a5 table, an I I still less hen the former young lady calla , him by fi�i Chriatiarl� naine.1 at 0 6i Stop naking all &as of yourself, W on. obb !" I 7emarked ercel to the looking m. glass aftei retiring t my inom , that even ch ing. " It can't mat a ally difference to yo whether' -1 Irs. Bascurigets another boarde .1 or wheth i a girl you happ .n to know call I. him O.ica ." . I* - I hastily reviewed the Fituatiou. Th - summer bid flitted. y irt: Imost Areadian &I blissfu I f0hion. I ad I eopme fond of aeo n. ing as Miss Saxon!s endhirian, to be aura. ad The idea of giving u - the 1 post , brought a . ad distinct p ing. She Wa3 vp_�y unconvention al, but I 1- ad learned to ungerstand her on that score, She was the m�at unaffeted girl I had ove - met. I n- Yea, to be candid with �ylself, I should yj be exasp 3rated to � see somebody marry I no her. In Jact I would much'rather do it in . n- self. � . .y 0 1 thou� lit of her ' aler.�` and graceful, . standing 'n her' favorite po�ibion before the .1 mast, reveling in t. e spray I that dashed up . DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, as we uoWied along, he wind taking furious i - liberti rith the gl ious hair, one pretty PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, tennis Ace braced al �ainst the bow, and the Goderioh street, opposite Methodist churoh,ge olth brown �ands locked )ehin& her among the A — Ar r, in halyards. It was a qweet picture to start J. G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann 011ie's dre4ma On, bubl the image of Jenkins - member Ontario Colle of 'Physician and I Surgeons, Coronei for Founty of Huron, turned it to gall.. I I . I , I I . I ; I a. MAcKAY, honor gkadu%te Trinity Unt ratty, � I - � gold medalist Trinilly Medical College. M m llor . III. � I College of Physiclao,s and Surgeons, Oniarl 0. - � . . 1483 1 — � . 4,1 Mi s Saxton," I said, in, an analytical 11) R. PHILLIPS, of Toronto, has opened :ce tone th ext day, in the course of a boating lately occupied by Dr. Oan,,tpb@ll, %ZO: _he trip to ich I had invited the two girls treats consumption and all diseages of the air' p , Find th i ivader, " I believe on have ver ages. by iDbalation of medicated iapors, the only ra. Y - Y, tional method of reachit little o t ie Fentim&ntal i . 3) .g the lungs, destroying the n your nature. ! microbes and eradicating the disease. The Dr. has "I I hoi a so," she answered, promptly and I just returned from HotfSprinirs, Arkansas, where he disco I I - the winter stud3 in!g the method there of treat- ,Va., i 13 g1l Y. ')�) w_ � ' I spent . ': I thindo You say that I fi.1; III diseaL-ea of the -0onsiry organs, aril all di8. 6 . . . - � ewes of long E-tanding. Skin diseises and diecaoes of � k the burden of proof li s with . women cured in it short�t time. Elcotricity used -in you to sh 3w why any rational bei with ! rheumatism, nervous d ility, &,-. 1638-tt , . It � � work in the world should wish to 0 silly. . �, . I I suppors you- mean I -sentimental ' in the AUCTIQNER�RS. - - sense of Ily sentiment. � If you in in sen - I I I - I -timent in the honest sense, my d.-awiDgs . WM. mlokoyr have pler ty. -pace says I hi. ve too 7 , . Mr, Auotwneer for th) Counbles of Huron and, Perth, much -compared wit my technique.' . wd AFent at Hil. n,,i,%Il for theMassey-Harrip Manu. I inwaidly malig ad Mr. Dace nd bar I 'alituring Company. Sale romptly atten - dad to, art. . ',','as there no human, persi , . . 4harges modouto and 191arlsfaction guaranteed. D141 indi I ardor@ by mail addressed to . Henuall Pool Officoi or vidual interest for her ?. Yes, there was . ieft at his regidence, Lot 2, Concession 11, Tuck. Jenkins. Proba Ithe question ld be onmith, will reoelveprompillattenblon. 12D64f u - answered all too soon. He -was i t a bow __� - -- ---- with Afiss Buckner, and their ttii ude of . - . multual pi -eoccupatic n determined M, to put � - my fortunes to the touch. i . -1 ' LUXBJ'wLUR . . " Your friend is a fine-looking fellow," I began. .- 1 � —A -'If D — I " Isn't he i He'J built like a Grelpic god. He's as in nly and harming as he's' hand- , sorne,'too. I was b ginning to be affaid he - wouldn'ti )a able to come. He?a a, junior Being always in communication with t -he lumber partner in his kaw� Arm now, and theY, can't dealers, the tindersigned is - in a position to -supply .get along withouthim. If he was 4 good. . Lumber, Shingles, . Cedar Posts, etc., for-nothi g chap, now, he'd be hanging .i around a] the time." , I . at the very lowtst prices, either by the car load or She wai absolutely innocent; but all the � a for -the ' otherwise. Yardq—in the rear of the Queen's Hotel, same I lot thed Jen in moment. Seaforth " 1 sup?oae,l ouglic to tell.ycu,11 86 c, � . on - P'. KEATING, Seaforth. tinned in a discreet'andertone, (" that be's - 1627tf — engaged t:) Emily." - I had a revulsion of feeling I in favor of the invader so sudden that I 4 obliged to TO THE PUBLIC.- put the tiller bard -i -lee quite out of due , � season. . I , � I " They will make, a handsomp couple," -1 11aving a eom, plete line of said with real enthusiasm. 0 . kneel iown to Be qenkins was . z ing ( ure a recr6auit tie in. 1) . Miss Buckner'a tennis shoe. " IThat would Builders make a charming picture, ouldn't it ? . . . I . Subject, '.The Prop(sal.1 11 ' L - " It would be -a wry namby-pampy attl - . Hardware, tude for a man to tat e when he asks a wo. . man to marry him," �he object d. " It was all.right in Sir Piereje, Shafto '8 day, but Stoves, , we've grown out of t at sort of thing. " I " What is your, o,v,n p,irbicalar idea of L . Tinware, thewa�eothing should -be done with dueregar t Ourni eteenth century civil. . �. iza 0 ?" ' n Pairy Supplies, - '��i'lphe an ought to stand, with his hands—of course they are the hard things ETC., ETC. to manag) —in the side po(kets of his coat." . . 49 Suppose he happens to have donned va- I __ - — ___ - . � L � .. Prices Right. . . i og . We ask a share of your patronage. r i: So 1"INCT— COI ds . I are n ted for hanging on. � , They weaken your� t roat anc ungs nd lead to S, MU 49 9 ; I - . serfotIis troub e. I Don't tri -fl with!� them. SEAFORTIL I �w I - — i �m Take IScott's Emulsion at , I �w once., It so thes,1 I e . als, ORKS and c res. . � . . . Lj �__ I — -;z- 50 . and $1 All d,ugj'1st,.. Take your clothes to thd, forth'Dye Works and - bave them cloaned or dyed ifind made to look like I I now. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. HENRY NICKLE, Goderich street, opposite the & , , I Catholic church, Seafortli., I I � - 1633-tf I � i I I � . .. I I . L I I . ; I ! I I I � . : ? . I ! I i I � I I I i I I I � � � F I I I ! I I I I � I I � i I , � � . � I- , I . I I I : I I I : � . � ! - � � � � � � � � . i 1 . � � 1 4 - . � ­ __ . L � - I - - - 1 -,- __ - - __ _ _ __ _ - -, I .W JL.416.M_A AL.A6 %W . JLJW '6' .& 'I .A;A JL W".0L.E.W.&W I . . � L T I i . I L 11-1"1 � I , : : . . I 1 : i I i I #J U _L'11 Xj �Q04, _UDUlf . - , � i . . I f . I i I i - - I I . . . - I . ! i I I I . � I __ . - � i T7 1 1 1 i � ! ' L � i . i I i 7 1 ! ! - : . I . L . . . ; ant, 11. that he's oing to be marrieid in the of these littl,et bowls was i0tripty, it was I I - .1--... — . ­ — — . . . . . I i -i �_ I � ianwwna�i$#�4ionniswo --I - . � i early spring, and that Miss Emi�� �n�ahe ' I I I _T . . — - - - . I 1� _ n .9 placed ,upon i the table, mooth downward. � 7 ) % 't A . . iii - I � � I , , . , are going over t , water for the no Instantly, soterfect was its balano it flow i i . I I 8 It, I y I all . I I . . 1. .1 T moon. I ho 7) , t i , -1 ion : : I � . : ,� Pe I f see them in Eu c Pa. I back ,o ts pr per )SL H if asking to . I - - V� : I I . ,�\I �� Lacy was too r inch absorbed in Iier work 1 7 As gonie are To=day. I . I ; . be filled again. o matter how it was I , d it � J —of - � � , � I I I to give m a an answer. ! treated—trupdled a.ong the floors, balanced � I I 64 - . - I (�i - - : I suppose, ti ough, you'll be famous by carefully on 4s side, dropped suddenly upon � . � I : Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes ; make I - . � , . I I that time, "I continuea, ia an attempt at the soft, thic)F carp(t—up it rolled again . I . 41� 1 - playfulness, - a d have a steam yacht in- and settled itself wi & a few gentle ahakTings 4. " � - � you nervous, irritable ; spoil your temper ; lose le , � ') I � � . .. . stead of a ' Tub. . I've been making good and s,�vaying& into �ts place, like I one of .. 1, , I your concentration. r olutions that w1lon't be --guilty of ppia- those indis rubberl tumbling dolls babies � I - I kO . I � I Yo� can't �xpect to go the evem tenor of your t ary visitationE upon you while I'm. 6�er : � I . � I - ��� � delipht in. I ;P0 . II I . I ] C i - . I there. But I knowll'll break them unless This, then. was the origin of our word I . . way in � shoe that cripplm I in � - - - on refuse to let me write." . i: i "Sl�ter. Shoes" are made to fit feet—to cover A � I �', 3 . I tumbler, at fi at malile of 'silver, as � are all . I . I ' 11 . � � � � I I I .1 waited a moment foo reassurance ; these All Soula' qumblers. Then when I I I . I every te:t:1der joint coznfortably�—make you forget ,w an it did not dov a I felt a little hurt. s ecam( corn on, the round; glasses - in * CIO:" You Are Free I 11 Is Ho I you have a painy foot. - . w are yot tting on Miss Saxton ?" that stood on a flat ase supersedeq � the ex- I" I .�, ge i 4` . n Tf ,?on were in prison and a � i I The r fit the first time they're worn, and ever , I taked at lengt " � quisitely bal"ced i ilver spheres land stole I � a good spirit suddenly opened I I i I . I . th doorand said 14, Pretty well, ' said , tha -has been for I d . - 11 � " Go: You 0 a I but something �heirnamess suacEssfully after, be muse the stretch and shrink i i aL her -tone brou ht me instantly to my feet to g6 to All : . ie ar - free!� I I you wouldn't,stop, . I ouls' W see the real thing. � ever taken out of them while six da _s on the lasts, I . - � ! i I y to ask whether'the kiey that opened the arid to bar side. � I *_ . I I - * Twove shapes, all sizes, six widths, all colors, � * � it door was the reg latiob pattern or not. If 'There was not ing on the canvas ,but a IT'$ so plessa t to take that 'children !cry for it . : I , I i it I I I - os ened the do r, 64t is enough. Tbou- strogr1ing blue dau � I . but it's4eath N worms of all, kinds, DR. LOW'S i I styies a�d leathers. : � I � � 64 WORK SYRUPi Price 26c. All dealers. ',�: . f . � 9 pan i of women ,ho are sick and suffering 'don't feel ke painting to -d , some- - ; 6a inigi speedily ... made strong and Well - Y -0 - I i - . . � Goodyear welted, stmped on 'the soles with ' kow", came th ough a half -d . i . � 4 i i I I � 1, � I joy I wag willing 8 Lo 'Ing. - Time. 1 1 ! i i name and price, $3.50 and $5.00. I - I- .-e- against a :ly but so-called " r1eguls- . � . : I I . I I � - I a right. He who is on the I I �_ ... ... �, I ' 1_ . . � I I :� —I— �— mom 0 1 tenam-4 -_ y a ' � if it was not for an unreasonable pre- �Lnd in my he hould re - j gti"d I 'i tioni I methods, treat with the h nore of war. The deaco I - F I y .. I . 11 I think Ws zeal mean of you I" she said, wrong road i do tinually losing time. He __ � ! - ­, — . )f iree years ago I was almost gon'e.with . . ! i i I . - worn i trouble,." sayi Mrs. ennie J, Jackson, of I oking up at me th smile that trans. who goes i a. irection f he ri'llit, gains 1 'R. Y,JLLIS� - SOLE LOCAL AGENT FOR SEAFORTH. . � � Wight Co.,-Va., in a & c I � 11 , - - - y Per son's Wharf, 11ste ofJ rmed the -word 1711to �usic. I m,,ouildhave both in timnal sud opportunity.] — — - . 1.1 , ' -----------.-. I ir Ikette to DrA f uffalo, iq� Y. h issed her if I had i �ared. - i ; Ifi, V.Nerce o B, --Z': - n tried many ere , ai I � and got no bet- - I . A young ff an for several, m6ntb: negleet. - broke a � Jo I ith his f1iioe'and out' himtelf him through all the stages of short kuw , ter until I tried- JK,MPe,crc1e�.%eflrnedIcines. The "You shall pi 3nt just as much as you ed -his Christ an Outies, leading 'a careless most, f6i ,r ! full V. � . I .- . A a I train I _� ;_ rst bottle gave me* ase, I have taken six bot- - I breeches and long unmentionables, . �e t, es d fi I as well as ever Ili my lire. Fleate, Lucy," 1 to i red her ously. , life and paying little attention to 'the or Tbaiifehaard.the�jnoiae, and, muning . Let an begin with the young -man, it I 11 With asuddeg motio she flung the brush dinanceaan institutions of the house of ga I ee - 4 IT doctof did upt have any faith in 'patent n , out ha him carried iJi, and sorted no his carefully or6ased trousers, who has just ,".. medil � nes' but he says 'something has done you in her hand far,qut ,w the crest of a cutling God. Durilno t in time be called upon a I 1� I . I � ,good. I I know if wave and -I dared. deacon of the ch roh, who was a wAtch,nak. face, m, king. a terribl , lamentation a ver the � oaped from maternal thraldom. He is louq. " ` ,e I could _� had not taken Dr. Pierce's medir. it have lived long.as I was . I- .in . . (The End) brokOn� �ott�e, and . on ering hoi r ever ing about with no apparent ccupati .. n. . b I - er, and asked.. hi to repair his watch. � I , 0 On or 7­ � nothing ut tt�o'l was so thin.in flesh Ads ' �o going to 1i ace the minia �er the ob eot in life ; but let anyone suggest that . a A,e"to I -0 -_ ! . i I that it hurt m, t ie n. No%y Vain "well, ' What to the difficulty with h 11 1i � yo r wato . . � I , I ,a and pan work ` da� and do as much said the deacon. � I , mom ! , I the grass needs cutting, sad instantly, he , 'r " 'i L walking as I evZa11d,%,d eep well all night.. Dr. C12aise ures Cat(wrIL after,. � What i the Oa , it was dec ded to becomes animated and remembers A Inott . - �Om 09, ` . � I It has Ins tillul a late] I a young 1 _ d � I can pever be than ful enough for the good Dr. Ope ationis Fafl. . I ., , i mak6 t) a; mi7iiter 61,la PiercllsmedicinLs idme." ME613. � � . . I � .' ve that Adam was important business ongagement, Which neede 6. 1. I I 9 .. I T 3JWNTO, March h, 1897. . rom ho no, And keep im all the ti a shut his immediate attention, 'and h -e- is Of-— - I . Dr., Pierce is a regular graduated and I The deacon looked up to -,him with a � " 1� � 1. i up ln� 0 e:boi 2 this was done &a. whereas, had no one mentioned tho gree$, �� I I L My boy, age&fouiteer, has been &.0611 erer from steady, sianificaut eye and sai . : . educitted h si ' He has had a more , d: i k- � P. Y Cl: in. - . tarrh,andla6elywesibmitted 111 11nopersdan � I Y� , dw e people arriN ed and the " enigag,i�ment 11 would have been fo�. pract cal life lo g experience with all � hi 'Haven't you lost time lat6ly?, I i cordi' and w an - I at the General H08pitftl, Since then we iave reeort, � the i I ister cam I 0 evasive rel ly was gotten, and 4o person would have appeared I form of wom;nl diseases than any otber ad to Dr, Obase These - fivej words brought the careless i iv � 11 ,. I a Ca tarr i Cure, and one 6lox of this - i g 'a o his inqi iiri i after Adam. After to suffer from the omi"ion. docto,r in this ountry. His " Favorite medicine has wide a prc mpt sal comple to cure. young man t � a holtv and eventually back to . # -_ It is !im* I Prescription 10 for female complaints is the H, G. FORD, Oln ver the s(and. of the district, an wonderful what that one word "' businese W� r,he church a4d to duty. . If we � uld avoid go" n most itn;Lrvelousl effective remedy for Otis Foreman 01owan Ave. FireHall. . losing time, l6t us keep . WIP usu e mini4t r! them All Up 113 a row embraces to the masculine mind. Evvy. I . our faces in the I pqrp44 in the w rld, I - 1 4� and I o �ed gravel, and', all the people looked thing from looking at a fox -terrier, to alltdi, - ; I- - - � I i . Sufflaring �iotn`ti .need not hesitate to . I direction of I uty. as so en n an if th , lAd oeen met up to � iog at the street comer discussing I the.rd.. oin - n write Jt9 him, Al letters are held sacredly . Pointe I I aragraphs. � 0 . be nh)t, Turing 0 M,'--- Blair the minister cant foot ball match, or the 11 latest 11 � I I I rs. al and 1 34H MADE HAPPY. . I .- . confidenti ree advice will be sent by �AHO I � - Ont * . mail in plain seal d o'livelope . . . Silence is a dif ion t argument to beat. I said.- - I .i� -1 "Billy " or 41 JfMmie 11 is included in t4t . - 3 r . " The course of true love in O'ery often kite. - — . I 46 %le 1,� Janet, 4s I think you re the awful word. - I Constipation 4 a �,little illness that if . . I I I ii : . oldes � thereford - thil negle6te(l builds a big ofie. Dr. Pierce's shaped. . " Mrs. Tudker, of Niagara Falls, I - : asid .11 . 5 -fittest person . Did ever anyone bear or know of airawli,, : �h . Pteas�nt Pellets cure �,co stipation. I A man inj urei � h maelf eivery' time he , pree,eli:iti I'll just 6egib wit on, ad the, unblessed with a 11 buse," who I I in I y . was on time , � I � Tels What Did- It. : first! Aut tior - wrongs another, I i . � . I I hAV41 to ask in thi , what E�_� - I - � , I I for his dinner ?� Such a thing does� notex.- .4 . . i . Death makes t a widow, but th 3 spinster : was d tb' t ocossione&'the fall of Ad in ?" riety-of coat othell tban Phe Back 91y � is maid beforO. � I I- . . i I ist, or if it doef, it should be classed affift-9 J let ookedt se if ;7; he bad seen si ghost, 11 Then he ought to e*cuse himself a few Her Daughter Was Afflicted With t , 414 . . is the seven wonders of the world. No, till 1, I In his winning ways is fouod th proof ')f -_ Vitus' Dance and Helpless � an Int * 'and, th ing that so � e� one had toold'the man that dinner will, be at six o'elock sad minutos to go home and put one one. Wb Y, a good bluffer. I - i - " t. mini4e f he ' husbalcid's adventure, she he will come in, blandly smiling-, at I would no more I hink cf drawing a man of . I , i r, � - an time . Every time a mirror she -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cured Her plied I � � y I � the yeriod on his cnees bafore a girl than I Oman sees a . I- I I I from that to eight lo'clo&, and be- mud � � . I r p islisto Had Failed., 1 414 JI)e( d, air, ,ft was I the . Bi r, Ile chagrined to find the roasr, overdone, the - � . . pauees to reflect� . I I i Afte 8 ! ; oper y termed wasn I ;b at foJ , , air' a lu - I 'a g ' 8 wou d make him i taud c n his head or turn A railway curN a might be p� , From the Reiiew �. itherr, t he'just a somersault. N( w ths, 5 was a ieensible ar. I I � Niagara Falls. I N 0 4 potaltoes cold, etc. Suggest to him thatih -- . . . . a scientific crook, I 1' , trippit ( vier the graip 1 it the house -el A air. in his own fault, 48 food cannot be expec ­ , rangement of a pr)poiAal Beene in -that illu's- It is a horrible �feeling to know i that. you it - I tea - - I trp,tion of Mr. Dayin 7 atdry we were looking The d9otor who gets out ofipati nts is apt have lost all ommand or cont I mict t � has 1 happe!j led tae yereel'. -�He to cook lor tin indefinite perio.d without , � a I to lose hi,i temper. - - (I 4 � I . your hadn* abulne three�gilg 0 1 - at-l"t night." . i 11 . I limbs, and mpat depend u your friends . � In him- but the hot- apoilin nd h will hint darkly at bad ,_ � � .V, - -, - I � 'do n unefio h"d'o' his face. 'Deed, �Ouse ' ing a � ' r I tie m4do , . My antagoniEm to 6A illicreased visibly. A weali back oean't necemal4rily imply a to wait Von and serve you the same as an ,v - . 1 an-' it's nae u a try- .Iw kge'e ,or reply with ,calm dignit 3 , as j . man is behind th times I ye ke6 � ir etain . ' was the condition of Mies -I 11 I n The couple forward were in a settled sort of . I infant. Ihial 'i och t in a may ad bibuniness." That endo �� I . v A joy is visio, ary wiben listan� ce lends ing tar - c ; �e. Ad& 9 it ; a mere woman should wilt and be utter. , - - . I -nearly a year, and the Be. . 0 . an sittitude with their b eks to us ; " Thc� MyrtleTticket for I ., � . I enohantirient to he view. . I . - a ad ' oo; Tub " was on a long i teady� I . come! Be t the mi er has ly subdued by that , word " businese,17, - ll I 1 ta k with a' a Better. Is oil I wife have it of hysterics view, learning that she had been won'd,er' heard ., ) O�i�,, hod' h Lord what There would be no use.explarning to &.,a � wind. ; I took a b itch I of the halyard en& fully benefitt�d by the use of Dr. WililiamW 81, !1; � � . an I I than to run into debt for a iiilk- d�eso or a , limmer a him � . that if anyone -in so wanting in goo d- vense- . a Aeat and w%ve Aliss Saxon . : ale People, sent a reporter ! . 31 l I over, the tilleni new piano. : Pink Pills fo-�- P I I I � Fortulu%tely my flannel yachting Coat had' , 4 to hear- her -story,' We call(d at the ,'resi- I , - __-T I . as to come into his office at these hours, his � . A matinee girl says the going ouid 0 . I SICK Z DACF 9 boytover annayintr nd dis. should rise lap and_tAke� him by the hand . , . 11 . side pockets.. I dutifully de�o,iled f men deuce of Mr. lEdwin Tucker, of the village 1 tr"'Jinj I �, I ollitivel y redlbyLAXA-LIVE� PILLS-, and lead him fiv-milyto thedo - e my between the actf h! far less objectionable ofNiagaraF�118. -Mrs.Tucier re'ceivedus �'!Theyaie a totice ndii . hand .n them, assumed a standing poeture,i . or, saying .., - � than the coming back. � . . 0,ver gripe. , 6 I My good air, it is time you __ .. as ne,41 Y as a Tub's " brisk motion I very e6rdially on AscEi the object,4of � , -. � were goitig � - '' I I 'A hougeliol(# pmrnal says that, kerosene . I I ; I #�� I ' would %flow, andfaced my componion. She� out visit, A � nearly as postible those aire : . I 11 I , home to your dinner instead of keepin - 'I � - I I . E " ln gry : bt a�� and -Shake. ' : your womankind waiting, : I . - u looked up wiLh a brettil t leramb smile at� will remove rusl from stove�. The obj .ec' her exact wotda in speaking of her dough- '; Re ., r I S,tt, f. .F also Ustso . ­ tioinable feature tbout it is that inI removirig I �. . 0 .M18 for I ter)s case ;-I" My daughtei yrtle ie liu I I ![Ilk �: park. He looked to mine." Then: would i�if women rise up. - _ � . a mild 4tempf to be face , ,;", than she "`� rust it incidentally removes the stove and her fifteenth �ear, About a ear r�. i downhe �rl ad an as' adent. Hislelotbres that m'n blessed. But, parbaps - . r � what she eviden y ' I ok, at first, I ti 9 ; I 1 i P and call a _, s"WI 'thei domestic Bodletimes. � ago ala " I . the truith and bluthed,' 1. Otis � � . . ing tlymptorils of St. Vit 8 ld I nee in de , w6re � ty. but n t 1, ged. There was a you are much tried, by these frequent I ) � 0— , , � ., I . . " Miss Lupy," I began', 11 it has been' only, - INiTANT REFAEO zuaranteed by u9inft AIM their appear , nce, bat for so a ti e'we did lo�k o � eE pair c a e I yinh face-olmost a � lapses from punctuality, a to sug. - . I 'I lO,k 0 eoperat on. Si ne noti, three sboirt, inonthk since I fir- t met 'you BU INIA STERLING HEADACHE POWDE not know what was,re 11 t a m4ter. She c ,,meo �ing his � gest that gossiping was the cause of the de. - -- . I as. No, ' a Y t right arm ' V I , . 1 lay. If so,you are transfixed with a bought - and it would seem almost impe' tinent,! if it depressing,after-offt ct. , loss the nee of her, arms, her de4 o edlook satd' n -by him, , paying, i 'I . . Was . �p , �10 I y . , if, . . � "� ju� a you ai a a stronger in the blitk � I i stare and informed that "men don't gossip. r � were ziot'go true, to say now th t I lov youl 1 0 completely p�ralyzed. 1 She ad to be dreis- i P I I I very mach -so much thatJ b te ed, and und ' 8sed bei Ing to' w Inttid sh I !Of course they don't? Still it is - - .. , . )) you with , Some ,!Big Fortunes. r T 9 ;ally nnab�e ito I 1* 1 6D a W ,,h you," , � ful how much th . F . wonder- _ mv wb� fe. help herFel he beat local physi�ialnq . t look I eyean tell you about other ,Ole heart t : e 'my wi The large per ional estate, so QUIX Ord, you se,q but a brig 4 � peo] is .. - - me zC375,000, f I . . , 1. -1 eve heard of , such a thing,"� were called E and prescribed foe, b � ple when they ebance.to be in a com. . i r I I she ' , ar! blut came 1 J t the votind man's face, ,and he . 11 I w th face afl�'me. " I am left, by the late .Sir William Jenner, makes I I I ? I eakerf ;he d , a. much ppeared to be unable t) affdrd rolidf. ;; out Iiis ba�d i ; municative mood ; they learn it in the way - ., , � it ilitereeting to recall the big fortunes left . I gaspe( I they a �,i ., : , �" lie said, " Ili� so hungryl for a ' . I - oblige :-I know ii is a great honor. 6h, I; We made a p to Buffalo last January, afid 11 , of business no doubt. . . _� I . � I . by other fashion ible and successful medicok a specialist 'i I � We have all paseed 01fou h a -period � - wouldd't think of 'f a moment ! )on't i�a an -a ko. � I leftmy:11iome about I week of �ecent timeg. s consulted W�o recommend- . I � 'Of - The next largest pe7sonal- � 11, ; 9 � I'm goi 1), be an artist, Mr. ad Myrtle be shut up i I h . 'trial n I - you kli� w g to I n a ,dark room fori ' 9 , ,�.hp players -1 and best w 'Whes of i to the spring,, I P, !, Cobb � Its the las th ty 6 Sir Williai i Jenner's, was that, of Sir allowi I ,,, fr d I Ti ; I I housecleaning. In apron and cap we pu . . - i Dg I'd thi I - Re died in 1890, leaving ng no one to ,see her. or I . ralle, I nk of doing Willijm 0 ull. three mqnths, . Iles wete hard, and t seem- I, -marlr ing-I ass re you. I've alway in, ,Z344,022 19s. 7d. behind him, to be exact. peak �to'her but the nurse. In fact the doe, dine, oary for ne to o into the orld to 'the bugbear of our lives -dust, With ach* I., . I f .. . � - I ten a i to (' . 11 of make I ivin � fol: myse . I suppose t ing back and arms we drive it out of .corn_ 1, A �evote Ili ye6lf to art." ; This, of course, was the result of profession- tor i4inted. upowher being sent to one here nors, brush it off ceilings, and rub and pol- , �� utlely the tw(: cannot come in confl�ict," -idh for a the citiy hospitals. Arsenic was one of the was lo... lof w )rk ."or md � �i n this city, buti . � � I al fees, a large proportion of w� . d " It t ink t iere is any' a. ish and rub attain, till we began to wonder - - � urge . The unappioachable atmosohere� specifies u e1d ; it ha ped to quiet lor a On ," hing, and I in di - � .1 � i long Eeries of years had been excqllently in-. - * YY - I of maidenhood. ti , uriounded h; time, but ns �' elief was' � � if, between dust and refractory charwomen . a is 7aol o ipermanen r , Obtained, co ra . �, vested. Then comes the late Sir Andrew or ail, I I - maddening. I I Ar :I is t only the .expre sion! C- After our re�urn from Buffalo, MY'13'0 He 1, his 'Lip I d ; rai� thige, land his* :lile is worth li�ing. The whole feihinine . i , � ,lark, thou iere is a large, falling off in . n urged .- I ,� . , n the .mo outh utivelledi. I* I " la part of the household arise betimes, aii . of life 4fter all. It, ca not be greater phan! , ugh o try D4. William i' Pink Pille for M'Yr- in . I try In,)' he . d are . , . . � i . 06,893 19,3. 3d. JI believe, me I �6 I soon in full pursuit of the � life, . You can't li,re ill any full aenee with 1 , tle.1 He said he was are it would do her went � n , to 1143, , 4 ce somegn moth and ruw no duty but painting pictures, and I can't however, that Sir Andrew sank a good I - . care$ , that ddth corrupt ; but riot so wit good, as it h d cured 1�is boy of a similar enougl ,for rn a to shako ands with a." h thev � z i I round sum in're I estate. T � I I :m. of the family. No ; he com,ex down sit live at all—" complaint, t , hat;band sballe Was he beginnin of his . an st F � 7) Another big f)rtune was Sir Oscar Clay- I hen detiBrmined to try them, I I I , . I outdoes ., 1) , vnh miteii Ue usualbouri Bits in the most comfortable - Im very sorryi she interrupted firmly. ton's, about ;EI47,000, and yet another of as I was conlious the I trdatment � she was . d and disc raged . a . 1, It ian't I hat I doirl% �Ike'you, Mr. Cobb ; I getting was Aoing, her no good. I before, th e ) was no ol who ,- orner, a,nd reads his paper and eats bit � quite recent ate Sir Richard Quaia'o, I urchased red 1. . ; . , breakfastwith the air of a an the contrary, I do. i You've been charm- a box,;and the a act of the Pills as almost ca ' , , teat city, his h rt martyr, Hc-- ­ . � aboutL-117,000. Dr. homas Armitage left 1, � . f lin in g , was I " made 4 1)3 th .� � � ould like to know how much longer this to us this sumijer,,and au -so useful." marvellous, rom the very beginn ng,before I 1it� ple ,thing, haud- iw . u over f2OO,OOO, ut tb bulk of this was car. I , - - ln�-his *as the un ., F a 4 a, )I( to k,0101il age and soo found lie going to last ? It is a dreadful wa for a . I . 0ndest ot all, tainly not profe sional earninga; Dr. Paul, the firi t box iwas used, an i, em� oyll I nent. :; I : I , I' � . i'man to have to live ! Ask him to an . I " Isn't there a cpance foy�,.ou to think of Camberwell, massed over 9100,000, but plainly discernible. Five boxes iTeall have I i i, � :�l i L 11 9 a : . ,� , I 1, :1 ! ;few pictures, beat a carpet, take- do - � �i- � differently, Miss � 9 is now ab to run : 1 , I I � ,,,��, x,o nff ink of v hat been used, 'd M�Ftle �: � wu 21 I he owned one, i not two, lucrative private . I N iii stove -pipe, or do a few other unimportant ­ I 8 Y ura, and enjoy 11�1 I in a manner she 1could not 9 �. I you are doing in t , , _� an� way of lunatic asylums 1; I f T11 T'ro,`d�� Winds A man's love isn't io be--". SirWilliam Bowman, the do for months and m h _ . I little things of a like natute, and ingtantl y - way i oculist, Sir P,eston Hewett, Sir George I silgo 8 (3nt a ba0k. Two B1Qw ptron 9 i1pe) rv�l . ine is in he mar- he recollects a "' business engagement " and' - I I . " Don't talk th4 . 1 am sorry to wee �e commerced to atteod school kei. "I vi e:il I I groa n in make you Paget, and Sir Risdon Bennett -left substan- k ,War i � t.. eat nerve -p cure. has to run for it. Ati noon he feet unopinfortable, but I ave after an absq'nce of nine months. �'I want Its pan .1 traft . Andi ainlaubduing ower is takes his .. tial fortunes, bu b all were well under the i . [lunch down town, and all his friends. hear chosen. I intend 0 st dy, and not to be a . it distinctly understoo V' said Mrs h r os blinstantaneous. Try i0f the awful time he is having, and being � . U , C100,000. I Tucker, sue thiLt all fis al I i wife. Please ta.ke Phe tiller, Mr. � Cobb. " that. the p3ysicians all agreed ' hat my it � I .. � 4 ; took it, for Ahelmeant to be obeyed. There has been speculation as to what in- daughter wis afflictcd with and, �e con incedo' � i : �nen they condole with him ; and sympathy I deter comes some 'of these successful docto . I Vitus' . I . i � I mired to' leave re : 9 - i . . Ibeing dear to his soul he goes home to din- - . ' - ! Southington at earned ; Z3,000 or X4, 00 a yea Darl�e ; that the treatment of the medical 4 :0 i r is a big in- I . ' ' L - � 1, per in a -cheerful frame of mind, quite pre- . � once. Wild notioi B came of descending - attendants d d not b6nefit her, and that no - N iti ile 31 . 6ns for Boys. � come for a professiont manj I i . I . I . I . ! . � upon Mrs.'J&A's gay' establishment and other medici 30 wa$,tal an after commencing � Mostboys and girlIA, Oared to regard dust generally, and the ne. time Sir Williem Gull's professional fees i � 11 d )not like Bel m an'- ��sity for housecle : , proposing out-of-h8nd to her tailor-made ,. Dr. lliam i' Pink Pi Is ; aning as a - delusion that - Z200 4 vv eek, if not i ; , so that there is no they sa �k a tillo long fc r the;r - I most certainky a veraged. . ar r ,� that they ; , I - � sister, and mailing a wedding,card to Miss don h ,.covefy ir net be - attributed to' hig,bneises. Pl6rhaoitte� may likI 5 gives great pleasure ana amusement to his, - more, while Sir Audi ew Clark's takings at . t of th .� thes, itching spouse -a comfortable theory that Saxton, But such % fine revenge fell, �flat * the �se 3se pills. Her state of health ahoitsormons. They ill;g , . . . I the zenith. of hii career m net li�ve amounted I I o think 4uite cures his conscience of any pricks it when 1i pictured the calm unconcern with I . is no�v most -.xcellent, her appetite is good, over, a*d muli t,not 1: - I . to an average of over X300 for ever fjlx ., �ri ad too hastfy. - Y ,, which fi,he would reieive it. So, instead, 1 working days. There are rize!; in the and I am only too plea ad to be able to car- - A Sweledisi, boy f ,.I o A of a win( ow and might have as to the " business " that left by the night tr in -for New York, an � idways crops np when'bis assistance is re* . . . d medical profession, without a o�bt. tify to the a ova facts, in order that others was ba4ly hu -t, _b n t pai I a ene a ips he q;uested. - . decided, to go to. Edro a for a year. Then, , . 0 , Pimil4rly atil eted may be encourage,d to try kept ba�k th( I � I Eli; The kin g, Gus- Anotherpr( . ' — 'Nvilliam ' Pink Pills." '' '� I rl,egr6dered the I hole matter so fai, as to HAGYARDIS YI1LOW 61L is pr6mpt to rel Dr. i tavias , olph wh I ; him fall, proph- )of of the peculiarity of men b l go back to Soutbin ton, , . lieve . . i! 63 w � I and sure to cure coughs, colds, sore! threat pain in A 'Impoverished condition of the blood esiq'd ti At phla "Biloy 7 1 0 be observed daily, as we pass along the . . . I felt a choking a tisfaction in this 3ourse� the chest, hoarseness, quiney, etc. Price 25C1. or ani disordf red state of the nerves is t 9 � . t ; on 14 make a inan for .teets and gaze into the barber shops. Now, I — -----*— . � he an Omei gdency � An I 00 be did,,f'or he be- I .. I ... when � iss Saxton a me on t a por h and � . . I fruitful source of most ills that affect - . at woman would be seen -ina room 01111* , I �d , 'Bauer. - , man canW tl i. fami, uis Gei ion I �� � I gave me 4 hearty, honest handshake. I public street, in full view of the passers by* � , I How Tumblers got Thbir Name. kind, and to any thus affected Dr. Williams' A bo, flused. to art Iiih the flowers - � " Nothing has gone right since you I left," ' Every day w ; Pink iPills offer a speedy and certain cure. the I �r el� 106P Slid pait �tied the white to get ieclinling in an arm chair, wrapped in' -s. I ­. I de of t . - . 01 � - drink A tumbler. No other re edy has ever met with such biaUthei'm cc ttage � i q! U,yi,oi with all sorts towel or a abeetor some suzh article, her - said Miss Buckner sweetly, - as she � , ned I out, Oi i ai i ; � 1113. 1 � I Why is the large glass that. holds i qur milk great and continued sue . -face covered with latber, while An obligin � � I Cass, wHch a one of of pictures, w hich' the mountaineer gazed g and water so called ? Years ago I?rofesoor the stron e8t proofs that Dr. Willia' s' Pink at il. 11� v rao: the grea i artist, ' And Miss Buckner never displayed more Alax Muller was giving 9 as wonderf attendant held her by the nose and brand- _ t9Lct than when she left us tat e -a' 'I after a lunchoon at All Pills accomp I . lahed a razor over bet ? None, I should tete, .i8h all that is claimed for them. Titian. �; i . . I t I . i - Souls' College, Oxfo�rd, to he Princess They cure lo?,omotor a axia, partial paraly. An olp, pain ter watched: a little fell -)w who . . - this pretty speech, � Tnere was no use' beat- I I liope '? . !ng around the bush I at once askedl Lucy Alice, the wife the Grand Duke of Hasse.- i,is, St. Vi s' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, amu8ed;himse It! rrl:,��ing I d a.wings of his pot ' Yet in this 'undignified, I might may in ; Darmstadt, an the second I daughter of i I . if she ware of the Ba'-ae mind. . . thumatism, nervous Readache, palpitation 11L� Ill b itating attitude, do we behold - � Queen Victoria . nd bm, 5hes, ie,a . ool, an I said ' I There were not a dozen p . d at It , is c am*' I �_ " Ob, pleape don' 5' let us di3CUSS: that .F of the heart, nervous rostration,-� diseases 1' ThaCboy will beat m one day." So he he I do of creation every day of ,.our livvs� -- "' - 'he ben, ed. guests besides tl ie princess and 1heT husband, I M en must - L again, Mr. Cobb !" I depending on vit* 'ted blood !such as aid, fo ihq Wo.97 have deteriorated, for I am Con , n I told her .1 C19 and a very ag -eeable lunebe6n! was had, I r., I , iiabael 4�gelo. was going a nd of la, chr el A Geiman bov r L i . Y � as r ing a blo3d-ani - have . if.phe would 1, w th talk on a.1 kinds of inter,��ting sub- i7 as, etc. 'ihe are been dideovered in such a poeition ; if -_ The way a scr nic ery's �inced our first father, Adam, would neve" asked ' a- , ,ive me that firs p jects. _. also epecifi ., for troAbles peculiaLk to, fe. 1 thunde� novel , ight ithe midst f it he .Ure, to " remember h'e'r by." . I I : 44 he shaved no doubt he did the deed insoine ; . . males a ; , I But what a cited the out-io � ity of all , - urin� all . forms of - weak a. in! said to 1iiimsell. o� , his will n ver do. " I'mi,po sorry -I wish I could, ' el 'd. 'strangers pres 11 en U was a set of ili�lflea round men �hey a eta �adici% :11,18 � 6 I h excite I over it. can't . unfrequented nook. ie Pa' cases I I get Do, mup, I I ` . I . . 0 arisiT g from ental wOrry, overwork, Ot ex. study a lv�ell �fter it. -, .In the matter ot clothes, also, the ways of . " But that; wealthy Mr. Mal.er as down bowls of silver, about the size large I I SO here goes," and men are strange ; for they affirm they halve . ' here visitin M D4C and he in de such a 0 cesses of. any nature. 8old -by all deale a or � he flung ,a n 0 1 me C - e�a t* I let it go. range. These were brougWround filled x or six bpxea � 1 Fie, , h' t a k ouc t the riiver. He handso �ffer ror i t sent post pai I at 50 cents a bo wali great erman philosopher, vaDity and are indifferent on tbeoubjeeL )) But ,to the brim witt the famous ate ,brewed in . I I I tell you w she added bright. the college. These, we are told, 1;ere turn. for $?-.50, by address) g I h Dr. Willi ms' Do Y�u knoiv what b Be little serm �Zlll, early in the zeason they receive a note I ' I w d 0� Medioine CO. Brock One from their tailor sta�ing that they heye ' 'hat _ ly, " I'll do anothelske ch as near " I ille t'e . like it blers, and we 'were speedily shown how v , Ont, i mean 1 by, imply t i , that in I oyhood . as I can, if you car to take me over ' , I __. � I I . - shown't 'a traits t(ome " exquisite" samolles of good$ tbat am - _ to the I I 1' and! gi, f9r good beach wh4re I can- get the sun ight th6y came by their nameei-a fitting lesson J 11 I r1h od are to be the correct thing for gentleman's weir and for the guests of a philologist, The Ftaffl f Adam. or �.vil f1b4t make the a or woman good I I I background. We'l have time to -morrow =wxl,,,,A,noaa....,,l .1 ' I or nlot,--�-_Jewieh Mespe g1r, during the coming Reavon, and if they Win- - . _,_l,aa,,,aaa In:: old timps ministers in Scotland used to � I i I . - morning. . �_ I � I . - I j'ust step in and view the aforesaid 01" , 0 . I I — -_ I sam give but in tl�e kirk on Sundays thav on , I -1— they will see something really exelusive. So the'`n'�xt morning we get out, She al- i IsAve. R such ind sue a day they would visit such a j A PRESSM 'S STORY. 114 i lowed me to t k the bars for her I . i . 0 down they go and spend as much tim � ow house and au3h another house and examine I :1 � I I � a ' d i a a *1 I to " Th 3 Tab's 11 . ! :, ,�nst ering andexamitling some ngly pisew -_ that we passed to Igatui of the people as children- Mr� 101a -nham e . . h arents as well in d cloth ail if it made the least differevoll moorings, i Firom a Be, d the horter Catechism, the Confession of ; , p How DoMe , h I , *hat they wore, for the poor things cau!t . . -She deftly aule tip the balyards while . � i . - - �yp Faith, the Seriptures generally, a� i kidney Pille ured His IP ! ok pretty in anything. � I I I pushed 11 The Tu 'a noae off fr m shore. intlipiked writ ngs. . : i_�, � '. . .7 1 1 We made out of th inlet ' in th ee lucky Sick'ess i ; . I i. : � Lumbazo. . I Yes, men are amusingi very arnuaing am- ,:,� - ,-. I , 14 tacks, and I . . I . LO g, long ago the minister of Nlw Luce ; ­ . -7 tures, and yet they have their good pointo . . - ���� - then s a took the iller and I � 1. --I . I I I . � ; 'w - , stood off in capital tvle from the shoals at � SI'MCOE, Jan. 48�h, 1897. Carr ng out this old custom, gave it out Toron'�6 June l9tq.--�The story of t +for one thing they make us laugh, -though - � - � . . I I one I nd t iat he wo�ld visit B061murray t P he - - .. .- the mouth of the c ee $Cape Of the Globe pressman, Mr.* John H. a are too sensible to tell them to, 1. � . - � � k, as I had taught bar Messrs. Edmanso, , Bates & Co., +or�nto. " �T #_ 11 I on t a Reday, and all the libirds and PAr*haM,, from the agonies of Lumbago, by � - . - to do. We broug t up to' the quaint old - Gentlemin - lor over five nlon�hs I was other' round bout were to be th at the u8i i D 'dd' Ki . � - landing with a gra ef il sweep, and I gave confined to my ed, not being Abld to move. . I ted tin Iney Pillo is unusually in. So -The barn ot Mr. Edward Chamney, of ' ... , ppo a to be calteohized. � I ... her a hand, to feel n last time the spring The best medical skill was called in t � I ath Wallace, was struck by lightning Aar- . all treat- r a r e7it i n ;,',. i 8 , . ., a A 1, so Adz in Blair, #hen he er�ard his ­ 11 .1 recent thunderstorm, but, fortunatel . of her lea to the wharf. ing me for catarr of h" 5 �, I 4 � be I - 1X)g a . igor . . Afir, NrOarn writes i o the Dodd's Medi- - t p and the umbrella c most sirr plelfood with. _bO visit- cine��Co. 113,1mittle I - was set avail. toma h, ,but to no name called o it &s one �hat was to! further damage'was Tdone th . The'veaselo" I could eat t�, . , thus I., �1' I am proud to no an the kno,011i - arranged �to give ti a correct ligi it on the out beingin dt �,"ul misery, and found no relief ad, Be off to the village the day b ore for testify 44W Onderfu � efficacy of Dodd's Og off of a few boardB. canvas ; I stretched (-u,t on the beach, a until same w . . . After spending a some! 7 11 . S v m up I 'bits of things to entertain the min- Kidoeytt Ila, , About ,igh,',t months ago, .1 , - -Mr. Wm. Cudmore, of the London few yarde away. % ister�and othe�s-for th�re. was aye a ues . Road, Tuickeremith, Huroni : large sum irf mcc'lcal�fei'd,rice, I was 4dvised to ..as iattar,4ed b3 , severe P�ins in[m back. a bay kind. illp try a box of Dr. h Cure. i pur- after the c4echizing 1was done. Among . Y - - . " sked. ' la ' h said " How � is that ?"'I 's Ca'a"r - I co�jsultled an illent physic* s6ippin on an averaze of a hundred t�jzff . I . chased a box fri aid � . I I . I 11 11 That ,ni ely. You c el company, I hao Lumbago, nd td" 4 illie to n W, 0 f bale. bay a week �D Glasgow and Liysr- � -1 - 'as' will do an raise tin othev things he had 0 ket, there was, of T es und � �,Iat relief. course, a bott a of whisky, and wb(n Adam I pbol. More power to biw ; -1 I � u ) r[ At [I 4 Simcoe, and to r su;pris,l fou 811� I t�,ke Turk. c . I O yourhead moreif Fouwant." I ish I$ th The e did ijliezo goo I. he does mor* Not being able to t I iried a b�ft if �Ir. Chase's w � ��ttilllg it! Who COM�8 in but �he shoe. 1, - �� She was ready ti cn, and I tried to get Kidbey-Liver. Pills, the pains lef rnel the third! as friend ad ,,,a t�) t good in the country than our best poli- - make . me ry Dodd's Kid. _. �� - I i so!a I interested in Mr. E lr�ia, but it was no use. day. My appclite as b�en fully re;tored. I con., I illsij i I dR n� obe ti;c1sue. . . . I I . Ad t ta 4,im, and the Ian tr . . 4 L o calculate how long sider myself perfectly cured, and f. -el as wCll as! ' y - ack �h�a never tro Pel - I tried to be cynics ( " f ; ri, and li� treats A lam to a Oill, and " I d eats uy � a u ble# me sinc . I -Mr. Gabriel Elliott, a prosperous for- � r, : thezn7bo'tt' lino they both treated the Is - I I . � 0 . .nd- :I � I it would be before.' 1� ould have llorgoi!cn when a young Wo an, I although � am 65 yms, lord,,�andkeptlat,it till Adam was hardly `, � I — .0 ; 4 I nier and respected resident of Goderich . � - I� I - I - . - the maiden near me olclatpresent. iw almost ashadow, pow I aml L � i township, is thinking seriously of redIII14 I ,. I efillayed some as fleshy as before . Able t* stagger out of the village, 7 ith the 1 �J, 418cu ine Ped0haritos. 11 . � I - - I � facetious linen. but thley bad such a dolor. three b y sickness, . ave used o n,,',Y'l bottl,o in I a w. BY 4. Z� 1; S., IN'CANAD AN . I HOM fiam active work this fall,buying a propertF, . - __ I -ass L to ! MYS . oxes o his b�east pocket ad the groceries � i I I'll, 'ring that I had to conf f Dr Chase's Kidn4 Y-Liyer Pi , . � , E �OURNAL, 11i Clint,on and taidag life esaier in futum iii one elf a, a )f in the poke of his plaid, I , 01j all 4f, queer enim 'I _1;7_ z�: ( - total defeat. i rid two boxes c r. qhise's Cx arrhl Cure. I I ! I a [I in existe�ee there ge is not yet an ! I . can do my house w rk as usual. I am positive i , - )ld man by any me&=, U4: - �_ , .! However, It'was a good moonlig t night, is no', den�'i;ng that th . - . I , 6 citlan ma,4 is the Milo worked hard and has well earned a talk �- I . I I . - At that a very little moisture -which that my marvel.lout ure (which I tb nk it is) is due: and he got on' nely till, just As he as com- stra, gest !And the, f ny4part of p I -An effort wasmiade to organize a bran& I - . . � L � n t clould scarcely be attrjbuted to the spray purely to Dr. Ch e's remedies, .Vhich I have ing ,*ound Ill own house -end ho trippit he is, firm i convineed t at: -`he is t' ion tlihzt . , � I I . - fl."om the great wavei dashing on -the shore a ' used. I can honeitly recommend t I I h I g 04 the W. 0. T. U. in Brussels last W-0914 1 - . ­ .'sinted on gathering in . I _& ' . - he same tw at somebody brad le I I and venei ie half of _ . . ower ia graip t 1h I I family t nothing was done, an so few atten& rod off -in arl�y persons sufferin ying I i be;' umall � my. eyes. from symptc ms similar to ,� ; � ' . I 0"dinred'the'smar i , ng secretion a while mine, Wishing y2every success, ; , and 11 breado tmd length oxi thi � staneit. wheteaff, *ery woman knows that to opin t meeting.. Th6ineeting was *darpood - " .- . -_ i Ao,h 'etottere forward to fall, th i bottle ion onild 'or � and then brushed it "ids, i Your� truly, I I - t more ridioulot i or fait I fro; b , of Wingham, county prm* . I I ? I . I Ca all ut of his pouch and went to mmashp the truth �i �T; (I ,� say i � di" Miss Fisher, ­ . " Jenkins tells me,!' Iremarked oil to I . ILI and *hen he fe I he came right do* I ,� iflonstely d nt. A flourishing brauch existed in thst - � L, S& M ,the after I I . I 0 M". ANN CHUrl On n lj�fflibotiozk on , the ways of m - cover up My little confusion over t ni ­ I _L_ I I � VV 031 I , , on), ace years ago and did good work, wboo r . I I I i i maw;s a M, $ ty ouribuo. ci 0-Ature, f�ouowln . , . , . I I I � �! - I wrong with the Mies of Brawls ? - - I . I - i I I I � I I � - . . � I I b I i . -_ , I I � I . I I I I , I � : � I I � t . I . I � � I I . I - I I � �I . � i . I i � i I � I I - I i I � ; 1 5 I IF . I I � , � � I I : 4 1i I I I 9 � � . , . . I .1 . I : I , i � . I - I I - - - , , , � � I - � i - - - ,- _ _ ------ I ------- � __ _ --- - - -_ -_ I -_ ----I----- I . I � I - . . . � I , I i I . . I . - �� I : . - i --- ! . . I �, I I : ; . � i , I I � : 4i I � I �1, I � I �_ i I ; I r I -it I sua,3! I �i ttl I otu—t1ofilta � , � I., i I I I 0 w ill I h 7,Jm 1 , �l I 1b I r - �J#_ 11 di ' I i i g' � 3 ?4r 4 3 �1 I t 1� t' or I 0 � 1 , i emi y i 0 t � I , .1 � t iiii - "' i I P �, C 11 4 � I �i �, ( a I r, a a I ri 'I '10 n �t I 11, bc I � J y r( 'a 'd I 11 c t .� I a � � I . . I . I I ! : I I . ; I - ! i I � - 1 � I 1. I ,. � I � � q 11 . .. . I � I , i I . i i - � � . I . I - I i I . - . . I I � . I ! . . i � I I I - . I - I I I I � � 4 � . I ! . 1 7 � I I � i ! � I � � I I � , i I . � I . I i � . , . i ! i � i i � 1. . - : I I . I I � I i I I � i I I I I I I � , I— - ­--­­-­--- __-____1H,___ I . L . " L_ . 1- ­­ - ­ ___ . ­ -.-I- ­ - ­ _&W- ­­­U,4­­_�.,_X� , �111_1_1�:L_i.­­&. L _-, .. . - I - - _�11 I _­­­ - ---- - �_ . —g---.----- Aillift—_ _4� ., - 'm - _ -, : - 'L , i , A& A . , . - r r ffLl- I -Wzt_-11 I& _11�4 "� ". I - - v . wol"Clotbes za,01101 ;� � . . a look old, SM . .0 .4 .do A I &Osi VD, t. I 'It It . it ,bousehold C --T* -1 aUr I � - I .- - and dis"' - Iteavy - IF May, be dee "to, I Lcanwt,raske V , . , � Ug does I , 0 � 0 I 10"r lflil&- I �. - I Im ss 1, . .. � . 0 is viso -the �. v W91 wars in youi &VOW - - - ; � I �­ , , I uncotly poctj-�jo� tdoZ.JPr.G;,cf --- Z -­­ . ' Xc- maing to ,dl;; 1 . I g [jilly- brin-9i5 )4 r-dj,outh- At f1i , _W23r joex�. ,IS 11 in, It thickers � 19-- 4001ps it fmm "*pl , -_ ti I ..nd e,,eznnv�s ft ids-ndruff. —"�'; & y4)u 'our book i indits DIS--s'l: i AmO Ach-lao F� Tou. 40 mt `011t-�Iin �'11 9 OU. is)cpected fr0n) I m)r, *rite Oe doetto r thare 44 somp, I ` ., Value of T=- � I I , , -, - i . I folh shmild impri 1-0 some I . ! 'ilt 4. IS purpoi �-1. I - " 1 And t I 011111110 I I . I 1� I . t&J*+_1(!"_,1_ 4Gv - . - UPOSUBMW �0008t"t .ptacti,ce ja � � I Vherbh s. I -eense of 3 . AWd AD& of your uee4 I - I U=MdDf Aix Diviv I lde6t ,of gratitud I -- Treat tkem I I - 11 � . . � gently i - a. Accul to the hour *1 e scones tba . . . your timew. -of God, S,ua y� I ihe hope 4 I`, eytxpeot muc� - "I I - lF they -shall ., r that th . you, *A& that you - . I .. - , Obat in forined an�r -1 I Immortialty. � � 1. - , - — , ­ I I � - -OLD PBOPLE' - _. — .. . I I -AULTRY AND I � __ ­ - � � � . i - I " � - . -.I- . - ,Celery comp . - - 'A - L. Sumb'Banish Th �_� . Melmts ,and Trol' , � L� - � � ­ � I _ I - . . - �._ft_NHRVRS HEALTH _,� , __ . il . � L 4 . AND PAq, I � - . I � — � - successful wla p . - 'timies Are those * Auddistresses -of � "IL - 1, Mths '.of all the A� L L I 11 .-Agemiserable I . - .. I - ion. Thealwo - � 11AW1111inulations-of 1 . - , - . R6 zheumatiol - -40dil mbago. Slugi - rr ��� - - - - - - no" ,digeotiv� � r =complicatiq I � � 4 of - o"es prol , :i A *61 .rV'C-OmPOUu(f tba �, adva; n7ceal ,i., - I H commenced tl in the blood on � T, I - and "tive I] a body- The . . On Is Assity au� Its Work Vith ' L .... � d flesh _18 Plea, - desire hetit *10,enervating ana 11 - . � � IL b I celery A' aremon . - . a. . . � . . I � I tAken sidk last su� five weeIkaoL r nior I , V"Aftending me-, � � LM -114 1?r0laoltne - A .. ad to be -m - 11tid'a L g . Id a e,for I am - 7AM 16 I id . -:, Ike tie�6 -o. f 9 W ree ui -0.0addered h�pelesis, �01 nded me to us which I did! i rot dome I feft�-.... � I'W" able --tojea �� . - I one . . d bwur bc 'Wictus to be-, fi� .1 I 1041 I -.Am now. quib . Aftrers Will receive I . I ft*VedI.11 . 4- - . --------*— - . - I , .15 � She Got the Aut it only -a fe w w"ks -sa - - .. . 'Who liveg ker�e in tl�l , ", I . horn New York , With which tue erst , _.. Is %*tbL w ing but the llftvdruir� It is I% V I - 'fere"t and ho,,w it � it I L 'its o"Wner's sigh � I - - Of it. She was in � . P a 111luen -xhd b] .� I I t - t Od to 13,e stay-,, In � . - _. - '.There W, ' _,L - I As AIX just one i 3� . 14- h WoatLd. tild that ­ - 'P,I- 139 autOgftph. W - I . - - thit tte grtAt yout - -,the road t - I _0 __ L I �- r6covFerN 11ph .40 I" - Q' L geri; atid abe �, _ - _ er an expe,cially, of - to ,h . If - . 1 10VA6 _ I Ingher 'end, ',q "i'lill in the laan, j oft �ay - � t1k y4ra 0 Aud 44ked h ­ I .... KipliM with - . . . ItL Waal 1, � X 41 ture ths,t � . - 1* - .: A-0 zwt� cor,ftv L - ko. - "'" V#rY t1tuid , .z - I . at A* W4X49d, ' - . I I - . L - . . I � I I � . - - I L _. I . - __ I . I � I -, - I I -11, , i - ­_,___ - z