HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-23, Page 6E
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OH$ GRIEVE, V. S., honor graduate of Ontario
J lVaterinary College. All diseases of Domestic I
"Ima treated. Calld promptly -attended to and
ohl-rg�s� moderate. Veterinary Dentatrysepecialty.
of5ce land residence � on Goderich street, one door
Past 6t Dr. ScotVs office, Seaforth. 111241
i -
� blKt_+AJ,'
- I
I .
Bari ister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary
PubK Moneytoloan. Office over Piok&rd'@S6ore,
forms -ly Mechanics' Institute, Main Street, Seaforth.
i I- 1628
'T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
t) . ! Notary Public. Offices up stairs, over 0. W.
raplat'a bookstore, Main Strett, Seaforth, Ontirio.
; I 1, 1627
M--I C�,OAMERON, formorly of Cameron, Holt&
. oron, Barrister a6d Solicitor Godorloh
oaRo. offico-Hamilson street, opposils Colborn;
. .
Ito"I i 1462
HATS Barrister Solicitor, Conveyancer sad
6%,y 9blio. Elicitor for the Dominion
late k' � . Offloo--oudno's block, Main Street, &Worth.
,Aoas� r to loan. i 22N
. B=T. Barrielor,' Solicitor Notairy, �ho
. -Rooms, fivo doom noRh ofOommerois'
ground door, next door to 0. L. Pap* I
swo - - etc
4N to, Main street, Seaforlb. Goderioh
92*4amairon, Holt and Cameron. . 12111
ksCOTT & McKENZIE, Barriaters, SolloilloN, etc.
Clinton and Bayfield. Clinton Office, Mlioti
blooki Issale street. Bayfield Office, open every
Thunday, Main street, first door we8t- of pod office.
Money to loom. Jaimes Scott & E. H. MoXenzie.
i — -
& PROUDFOOT, Biarriabore, Bollolki%
. ., Qoderloh, Ontario, J. T. GAzzow, Q� O.,
RX � U1111re". , ON
� ,
-0 i �A VZ"WN.. HOLT. A HOLXZS, Barrielon, No-
Idlers in Chancery,, ho..Godorlah, Out K. 0.
. -
FI OLIMITED, successor to the- late firm of
e McCaughey & Holmestod, Barrister, Solicitor
=Con sneer. and Notsiy 'Solicitor for the Can
07suk of Commerce. Money to land. Farm
tax Ila*. Office in Scollt's� Block, Main aft"t
flastorth. .
- F. A. SBLLERY, Dentist, graduate of t
Royal College of Dental Surgeons Toronto, a
gra,dusto of Department of DeWd9try, Toi�n
ity Office In the Peity block, Henn
ifit iiiiiah every Monday, commencing Me
Dentist, Clinton, will violt ZurI,-h
. , .
I the second Thursday of each month. 1592
I. - - - - _.... - - ''I I �
R. ROSS, Dentist (sucaewor to r.
weddle),-giaduate of Royal College of Den
-of Ontario; Antelage honor graduate
rd rora
�,o Univers.ty , crown and bridge work, &I
work In all itil terms. all the meet mode
: th(de
for painless filling and p&inlesg extraction
All- operations carefully performed. Offlo
old stam#, ova: Dill's grocery, Sesforth.
. .,; 1640
' I MED10AL,
. :
. ;
� Dr, John McGin�nis
� I
�. I
I n,
6raduate London Western University memb
C 0
tarto College ,of Physicians and hurgeo
and Residence—Formerly ocou pied by M
. -
rd, Victoria Street, next to the Catholic
ght calls attended promptly. 14
. ..
A I ' X. B., Toronto, M. D,
M. P.1 S., Ontario,
0. I
be I
VictorIA, � successor
111to. ...
o . ao lato y occupied by Dr. Elicit,
, 0
ntaria, 11. i
X. BY.THUWX, 1 M. D., Follow of the
College '#Of PhY510111][18. and Surgeons, Kh
to Dr. Mackid. Offlot Ililloly. ocoupi
r. Mallkild, Msiml �� Stroet. Seaforill. Sao
er of Victoria Sqqare, In houile lately cc
y L�
X. DaDcoy 1
' —,
I Ws'!
lito resident
Physician � an d Surgeon, Toront)
rat I Fo4pital,
Honor graduate Trinity U'll'"r
of the College bf ftysiolans and 8,,g
f Ontario.
Coroner I ,for the County of ]In
and Realdence—Gpderiah Street, East
of a
0burch. TclephDne 46.
. �
I 1
: � .
� � HO�IXR Jou AL. :
I I ;
I !
� ! I
I II Continued, 1: I
I _ I �
i i
I colascientiously exerted myself on �hei
subtle lines to gain Miss Saxtonla apprpva
which was sufficiently diffloulp to add iilou
zest toi'the occupation. I rather think
should hai -e.failed utterly hall' it, not I bet
for the,! pai nting of that p .oture w llioh begs
- our acquantance. I .
I have forgotten to may i that D �cy Saxc
was not N utiful. She was for I oo brow
and freak to be called so, eve i with
wealth' of ronze hairand fine'gra r eyes an
a lithe,, 5 re to her cradit.' BD*ides ti
debonair iss Buckner she looked almom
hoydenish.- I did noi approve of her alto
ferther,eit ier. She had a way] of vaultin
ences that was more brilliant than it wi
expeoted. I felt less inclined to inward]
oitticlitle t iete startling Athletic perforn
&noes, , however, -after a cortain'o( ually do
when 1,1 Tie Tab " upset- in the "middle (
the bay, a id I shook the water cut of m
eyes in" th e- midst of the calamity o find hil
Already at work pulling Miss Buokner up a
the keel to a place of safety, if not. of dil
nity. - I spent the recondite portions of th
remainder of the week. in diving , for Mis
Saxtonla paint -box. . -
Finally I fished up the artiele'� in quei
tion, and marched home to supper i
triumph tio receive the pla;udits of tb
thirty. i . . I
I strode gayly intd the hall add�stoppe
short. I i .egarded a't man's hat on,' the raol
It was not mine-,' It! was not Mr. !Bascuim'i
There instantly came over me a ighly ur
reasonable feeling that I should !
ave beei
consulted about this intruder—a !eeling &I
mostof jealousy, of -being a1upylanted.
returned to the porch where Mri . 'Basour
was holdit g some conciliatory ri e3 of hei
profession with certain of the thir .
". You're lookin'! a eight better tt � p whe
411 ! I
you rst Come. 10 oter Cobb' n Baia
S' There w n't nothiag like this ' - ep mbe
he sun for tbe health." . - :
ISO " "Its ve ry sal u1brious, ma'am I" I! rat mrned
to , I I You've, got a new boarder, I see. "
1. " Yes, i ir. He came down this 'morning
n. I
You won't be so lonesome now, Bit."
The old lady thawed the beetling denta
on* relics. I am afraid she saw' through�� a. I
" Artist, I suppose ?" I inquirect la dly.
" No," laid Mrs. Gardner - 11 he's a law
ff. er, a M% Jenkins. He's visitink Mis
tal Mton and Miss Backo r.'� r
of The con mrbation fla gedi and I strolle
rn away- hyshould I aa�re? There'-wa
of clearly no reason under the sun. Bat afte
a; grumbling at myself a whi, le the* fact re
mained th it I did care, and -no alleviatio
came wheth Jenkins,, who ,,, a a rather good
� looking, g hulk of �s f(Ilo , sat betwee
Miss Saxtiln and Miss Bueliner a5 table, an
still less hen the former young lady calla
him by fi�i Chriatiarl� naine.1
at 0 6i Stop naking all &as of yourself, W
on. obb !" I 7emarked ercel to the looking
m. glass aftei retiring t my inom , that even
ch ing. " It can't mat a ally difference to yo
whether' -1 Irs. Bascurigets another boarde
.1 or wheth i a girl you happ .n to know call
I. him O.ica ." .
I* - I hastily reviewed the Fituatiou. Th
- summer bid flitted. y irt: Imost Areadian
&I blissfu I f0hion. I ad I eopme fond of aeo
n. ing as Miss Saxon!s endhirian, to be aura.
ad The idea of giving u - the 1 post , brought a
ad distinct p ing. She Wa3 vp_�y unconvention
al, but I 1- ad learned to ungerstand her on
that score, She was the m�at unaffeted girl
I had ove - met. I
n- Yea, to be candid with �ylself, I should
yj be exasp 3rated to � see somebody marry
no her. In Jact I would much'rather do it in .
n- self. � . .y
0 1 thou� lit of her ' aler.�` and graceful,
. standing 'n her' favorite po�ibion before the
mast, reveling in t. e spray I that dashed up
DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, as we uoWied along, he wind taking furious
i - liberti rith the gl ious hair, one pretty
PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, tennis Ace braced al �ainst the bow, and the
Goderioh street, opposite Methodist churoh,ge olth brown �ands locked )ehin& her among the
A — Ar r, in halyards. It was a qweet picture to start
J. G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann 011ie's dre4ma On, bubl the image of Jenkins
- member Ontario Colle of 'Physician and I
Surgeons, Coronei for Founty of Huron, turned it to gall.. I I .
I , I
I . I ; I
a. MAcKAY, honor gkadu%te Trinity Unt ratty, � I
- �
gold medalist Trinilly Medical College. M m llor . III. � I
College of Physiclao,s and Surgeons, Oniarl 0. - � .
. 1483 1 —
. 4,1 Mi s Saxton," I said, in, an analytical
11) R. PHILLIPS, of Toronto, has opened :ce tone th ext day, in the course of a boating
lately occupied by Dr. Oan,,tpb@ll, %ZO: _he trip to ich I had invited the two girls
treats consumption and all diseages of the air' p , Find th i ivader, " I believe on have ver
ages. by iDbalation of medicated iapors, the only ra. Y - Y,
tional method of reachit little o t ie Fentim&ntal i . 3)
.g the lungs, destroying the n your nature. !
microbes and eradicating the disease. The Dr. has "I I hoi a so," she answered, promptly and
just returned from HotfSprinirs, Arkansas, where he disco I I
the winter stud3 in!g the method there of treat- ,Va., i 13 g1l Y. ')�) w_ �
spent . ': I thindo You say that I
fi.1; III diseaL-ea of the -0onsiry organs, aril all di8. 6 . . . - �
ewes of long E-tanding. Skin diseises and diecaoes of � k the burden of proof li s with
. women cured in it short�t time. Elcotricity used -in you to sh 3w why any rational bei with !
rheumatism, nervous d ility, &,-. 1638-tt , .
It � � work in the world should wish to 0 silly.
. �, . I I suppors you- mean I -sentimental ' in the
AUCTIQNER�RS. - - sense of Ily sentiment. � If you in in sen -
I I - I -timent in the honest sense, my d.-awiDgs
WM. mlokoyr have pler ty. -pace says I hi. ve too
7 , . Mr,
Auotwneer for th) Counbles of Huron and, Perth, much -compared wit my technique.' .
wd AFent at Hil. n,,i,%Il for theMassey-Harrip Manu. I inwaidly malig ad Mr. Dace nd bar
'alituring Company. Sale romptly atten - dad to, art. . ',','as there no human, persi , .
4harges modouto and 191arlsfaction guaranteed. D141 indi
ardor@ by mail addressed to . Henuall Pool Officoi or vidual interest for her ?. Yes, there was
ieft at his regidence, Lot 2, Concession 11, Tuck. Jenkins. Proba Ithe question ld be
onmith, will reoelveprompillattenblon. 12D64f u
- answered all too soon. He -was i t a bow
__� - -- ---- with Afiss Buckner, and their ttii ude of
. - . multual pi -eoccupatic n determined M, to put �
- my fortunes to the touch. i . -1
LUXBJ'wLUR . . " Your friend is a fine-looking fellow," I
began. .- 1
—A -'If D — I " Isn't he i He'J built like a Grelpic god.
He's as in nly and harming as he's' hand-
, sorne,'too. I was b ginning to be affaid he
- wouldn'ti )a able to come. He?a a, junior
Being always in communication with t -he lumber partner in his kaw� Arm now, and theY, can't
dealers, the tindersigned is - in a position to -supply .get along withouthim. If he was 4 good.
Lumber, Shingles, . Cedar Posts, etc., for-nothi g chap, now, he'd be hanging
around a] the time." , I .
at the very lowtst prices, either by the car load or She wai absolutely innocent; but all the
� a for -the '
otherwise. Yardq—in the rear of the Queen's Hotel, same I lot thed Jen in moment.
Seaforth " 1 sup?oae,l ouglic to tell.ycu,11 86 c,
� . on -
P'. KEATING, Seaforth. tinned in a discreet'andertone, (" that be's -
1627tf — engaged t:) Emily."
- I had a revulsion of feeling I in favor of
the invader so sudden that I 4 obliged to
TO THE PUBLIC.- put the tiller bard -i -lee quite out of due
, � season. . I ,
� I
" They will make, a handsomp couple," -1
11aving a eom, plete line of said with real enthusiasm.
0 . kneel iown to Be qenkins was
. z ing ( ure a recr6auit tie in.
1) . Miss Buckner'a tennis shoe. " IThat would
Builders make a charming picture, ouldn't it ?
. . . I . Subject, '.The Prop(sal.1 11 ' L
- " It would be -a wry namby-pampy attl
- . Hardware, tude for a man to tat e when he asks a wo.
. man to marry him," �he object d. " It was
all.right in Sir Piereje, Shafto '8 day, but
Stoves, , we've grown out of t at sort of thing. "
I " What is your, o,v,n p,irbicalar idea of
L . Tinware, thewa�eothing should -be done with
dueregar t Ourni eteenth century civil.
�. iza 0 ?" ' n
Pairy Supplies, - '��i'lphe an ought to stand, with his
hands—of course they are the hard things
ETC., ETC. to manag) —in the side po(kets of his
coat." .
. 49 Suppose he happens to have donned va-
I __ -
— ___ -
Prices Right. . . i og
We ask a share of your patronage. r i: So 1"INCT— COI ds
I are n ted for hanging on. �
, They weaken your� t roat
anc ungs nd lead to
S, MU 49 9 ;
- . serfotIis troub e.
I Don't tri -fl with!� them.
— i �m Take IScott's Emulsion at
I �w once., It so thes,1 I e . als,
ORKS and c res. . � . . . Lj
�__ I
— -;z- 50 . and $1 All d,ugj'1st,..
Take your clothes to thd, forth'Dye Works and -
bave them cloaned or dyed ifind made to look like I I
now. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction.
HENRY NICKLE, Goderich street, opposite the & , , I
Catholic church, Seafortli., I I
� - 1633-tf I �
i I I
� . ..
I I . L I
I .
; I ! I I
I �
. : ? .
I !
I i I �
I I I i
I I I � �
� F I I
I ! I I I I
I I � i I
. � I- , I
: I I I
: � . �
! - � �
� �
� �
� . i 1 .
� �
1 4 - . � __ . L � - I - - - 1 -,- __ - - __ _ _ __ _ - -,
I .W JL.416.M_A AL.A6 %W . JLJW '6' .& 'I .A;A JL W".0L.E.W.&W I . . � L
T I i
. I L 11-1"1 � I , : :
. . I 1 : i I i I #J U _L'11 Xj �Q04, _UDUlf
. - , � i . . I f . I i I i
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- � i T7 1 1 1 i � ! ' L �
i . i I i 7 1
! ! - : . I . L . .
; ant, 11. that he's oing to be marrieid in the of these littl,et bowls was i0tripty, it was I I - .1--... — . — — .
. . . . I i -i �_ I � ianwwna�i$#�4ionniswo --I -
i early spring, and that Miss Emi�� �n�ahe ' I I I _T . . — - - -
. I 1� _ n .9 placed ,upon i the table, mooth downward. � 7
) % 't A . . iii - I � � I
, , . , are going over t , water for the no Instantly, soterfect was its balano it flow i i . I I
8 It, I y I all . I I .
. 1. .1 T moon. I ho 7) , t i , -1 ion : : I � . :
,� Pe I f see them in Eu c Pa. I back ,o ts pr per )SL H if asking to .
I - - V� :
I I .
,�\I �� Lacy was too r inch absorbed in Iier work 1 7 As gonie are To=day.
I . I ; . be filled again. o matter how it was I , d it � J —of - �
� , � I
I I to give m a an answer. ! treated—trupdled a.ong the floors, balanced � I I
64 - . - I
(�i - - : I suppose, ti ough, you'll be famous by carefully on 4s side, dropped suddenly upon � .
� I : Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes ; make I -
� ,
. I I that time, "I continuea, ia an attempt at the soft, thic)F carp(t—up it rolled again . I . 41� 1
- playfulness, - a d have a steam yacht in- and settled itself wi & a few gentle ahakTings 4. " � - � you nervous, irritable ; spoil your temper ; lose
le , � ') I � �
.. . stead of a ' Tub. . I've been making good and s,�vaying& into �ts place, like I one of ..
1, , I your concentration.
r olutions that w1lon't be --guilty of ppia- those indis rubberl tumbling dolls babies � I - I
kO . I � I Yo� can't �xpect to go the evem tenor of your
t ary visitationE upon you while I'm. 6�er : � I . � I -
��� � delipht in. I ;P0 .
II I . I ] C i - .
I there. But I knowll'll break them unless This, then. was the origin of our word I . . way in � shoe that cripplm I
in � - - - on refuse to let me write." . i: i "Sl�ter. Shoes" are made to fit feet—to cover
A � I �', 3 . I tumbler, at fi at malile of 'silver, as � are all . I . I '
11 .
� �
� I I I .1 waited a moment foo reassurance ; these All Soula' qumblers. Then when
I I I . I every te:t:1der joint coznfortably�—make you forget
,w an it did not dov a I felt a little hurt. s ecam( corn on, the round; glasses -
in * CIO:" You Are Free I 11 Is Ho I you have a painy foot. -
. w are yot tting on Miss Saxton ?" that stood on a flat ase supersedeq � the ex- I"
I .�, ge i 4` .
n Tf ,?on were in prison and a � i I The r fit the first time they're worn, and ever
, I taked at lengt " � quisitely bal"ced i ilver spheres land stole I �
a good spirit suddenly opened I I i I . I
th doorand said 14, Pretty well, ' said , tha -has been for I
d . - 11 � " Go: You 0 a I but something �heirnamess suacEssfully after, be muse the stretch and shrink
i i aL her -tone brou ht me instantly to my feet to g6 to All : .
ie ar - free!� I I you wouldn't,stop, . I ouls' W see the real thing. � ever taken out of them while six da _s on the lasts, I
. - � ! i I y
to ask whether'the kiey that opened the arid to bar side. � I *_ . I
I - * Twove shapes, all sizes, six widths, all colors,
� * �
it door was the reg latiob pattern or not. If 'There was not ing on the canvas ,but a IT'$ so plessa t to take that 'children !cry for it
. : I , I i
it I I I -
os ened the do r, 64t is enough. Tbou- strogr1ing blue dau � I . but it's4eath N worms of all, kinds, DR. LOW'S i I styies a�d leathers.
: �
I � �
64 WORK SYRUPi Price 26c. All dealers. ',�: . f . �
9 pan i of women ,ho are sick and suffering 'don't feel ke painting to -d , some- - ;
6a inigi speedily ... made strong and Well - Y -0 - I i - . . � Goodyear welted, stmped on 'the soles with
' kow", came th ough a half -d . i . � 4 i i I I
� 1, �
joy I wag willing 8 Lo 'Ing. - Time. 1 1 ! i i name and price, $3.50 and $5.00.
I -
I- .-e- against a :ly but so-called " r1eguls- . � . : I I .
I I � -
a right. He who is on the I I �_ ... ... �, I
' 1_ . . � I I :� —I— �— mom 0 1 tenam-4 -_
y a ' � if it was not for an unreasonable pre- �Lnd in my he hould re -
j gti"d I
tioni I methods, treat with the h nore of war. The deaco I - F I
y .. I . 11 I think Ws zeal mean of you I" she said, wrong road i do tinually losing time. He __ � ! - , — .
)f iree years ago I was almost gon'e.with . . ! i i I . -
worn i trouble,." sayi Mrs. ennie J, Jackson, of I oking up at me th smile that trans. who goes i a. irection f he ri'llit, gains 1 'R. Y,JLLIS� - SOLE LOCAL AGENT FOR SEAFORTH. . � �
Wight Co.,-Va., in a & c I � 11 , - - -
y Per son's Wharf, 11ste ofJ rmed the -word 1711to �usic. I m,,ouildhave both in timnal sud opportunity.] — — -
. 1.1 , ' -----------.-.
ir Ikette to DrA f uffalo, iq� Y. h issed her if I had i �ared. - i ;
Ifi, V.Nerce o B, --Z': -
n tried many ere , ai I � and got no bet- - I . A young ff an for several, m6ntb: negleet. - broke a � Jo I ith his f1iioe'and out' himtelf him through all the stages of short kuw
ter until I tried- JK,MPe,crc1e�.%eflrnedIcines. The "You shall pi 3nt just as much as you ed -his Christ an Outies, leading 'a careless most, f6i ,r ! full V. � . I .- .
A a I train I _�
;_ rst bottle gave me* ase, I have taken six bot- - I breeches and long unmentionables, .
�e t, es d fi I as well as ever Ili my lire. Fleate, Lucy," 1 to i red her ously. , life and paying little attention to 'the or Tbaiifehaard.the�jnoiae, and, muning . Let an begin with the young -man, it I
11 With asuddeg motio she flung the brush dinanceaan institutions of the house of
ga I ee -
4 IT doctof did upt have any faith in 'patent n , out ha him carried iJi, and sorted no his carefully or6ased trousers, who has just ,"..
medil � nes' but he says 'something has done you in her hand far,qut ,w the crest of a cutling God. Durilno t in time be called upon a I 1� I .
I �
,good. I I know if wave and -I dared. deacon of the ch roh, who was a wAtch,nak. face, m, king. a terribl , lamentation a ver the � oaped from maternal thraldom. He is louq. "
,e I could _� had not taken Dr. Pierce's
medir. it have lived long.as I was .
I- .in . . (The End) brokOn� �ott�e, and . on ering hoi r ever ing about with no apparent ccupati ..
n. . b I - er, and asked.. hi to repair his watch. � I , 0 On or 7
� nothing ut tt�o'l was so thin.in flesh Ads ' �o going to 1i ace the minia �er the ob eot in life ; but let anyone suggest that .
a A,e"to I -0 -_ ! . i I
that it hurt m, t ie n. No%y Vain "well, ' What to the difficulty with h 11 1i �
yo r wato . . � I
, I
,a and pan work ` da� and do as much said the deacon. � I , mom ! , I the grass needs cutting, sad instantly, he
, 'r " 'i L
walking as I evZa11d,%,d eep well all night.. Dr. C12aise ures Cat(wrIL after,. � What i the Oa , it was dec ded to becomes animated and remembers A Inott
. - �Om 09, `
� I It has Ins tillul a late] I a young 1 _
d � I can pever be than ful enough for the good Dr. Ope ationis Fafl. . I ., , i mak6 t) a; mi7iiter 61,la
PiercllsmedicinLs idme." ME613. � � . . I � .' ve that Adam was important business ongagement, Which neede
6. 1. I I 9 ..
I T 3JWNTO, March h, 1897. . rom ho no, And keep im all the ti a shut his immediate attention, 'and h -e- is Of-— -
I .
Dr., Pierce is a regular graduated and I The deacon looked up to -,him with a � " 1� �
1. i up ln� 0 e:boi 2 this was done &a. whereas, had no one mentioned tho gree$, ��
My boy, age&fouiteer, has been &.0611 erer from steady, sianificaut eye and sai . : .
educitted h si ' He has had a more , d: i
k- � P. Y Cl: in. - . tarrh,andla6elywesibmitted 111 11nopersdan � I Y� , dw e people arriN ed and the " enigag,i�ment 11 would have been fo�.
pract cal life lo g experience with all � hi 'Haven't you lost time lat6ly?, I i cordi' and w an -
I at the General H08pitftl, Since then we iave reeort, � the i I ister cam I 0 evasive rel ly was gotten, and 4o person would have appeared
form of wom;nl diseases than any otber ad to Dr, Obase These - fivej words brought the careless i iv � 11
,. I a Ca tarr i Cure, and one 6lox of this - i g 'a o his inqi iiri i after Adam. After to suffer from the omi"ion.
docto,r in this ountry. His " Favorite medicine has wide a prc mpt sal comple to cure. young man t � a holtv and eventually back to . # -_ It is !im*
I Prescription 10 for female complaints is the H, G. FORD, Oln ver the s(and. of the district, an wonderful what that one word "' businese W�
r,he church a4d to duty. . If we � uld avoid go"
n most itn;Lrvelousl effective remedy for Otis Foreman 01owan Ave. FireHall. . losing time, l6t us keep . WIP usu e mini4t r! them All Up 113 a row embraces to the masculine mind. Evvy.
I . our faces in the
I pqrp44 in the w rld, I - 1 4� and I o �ed gravel, and', all the people looked thing from looking at a fox -terrier, to alltdi, -
; I- - - � I i .
Sufflaring �iotn`ti .need not hesitate to . I direction of I uty. as so en n an if th , lAd oeen met up to � iog at the street comer discussing I the.rd..
n write Jt9 him, Al letters are held sacredly . Pointe I I aragraphs. � 0 . be nh)t, Turing 0 M,'--- Blair the minister cant foot ball match, or the 11 latest 11
� I I I rs.
al and 1 34H MADE HAPPY. . I .- .
confidenti ree advice will be sent by �AHO I � - Ont
. mail in plain seal d o'livelope . . . Silence is a dif ion t argument to beat. I said.- - I .i� -1 "Billy " or 41 JfMmie 11 is included in t4t . -
r . " The course of true love in O'ery often kite. - — . I 46 %le 1,� Janet, 4s I think you re the awful word. - I
Constipation 4 a �,little illness that if . . I I I ii : .
oldes � thereford - thil
negle6te(l builds a big ofie. Dr. Pierce's shaped. . " Mrs. Tudker, of Niagara Falls, I - : asid .11 . 5 -fittest person . Did ever anyone bear or know of airawli,, :
. Pteas�nt Pellets cure �,co stipation. I A man inj urei � h maelf eivery' time he , pree,eli:iti I'll just 6egib wit on, ad the, unblessed with a 11 buse," who
I I in I y . was on time ,
� I � Tels What Did- It. : first! Aut tior
- wrongs another, I i . � . I I hAV41 to ask in thi , what
E�_� - I - � , I I for his dinner ?� Such a thing does� notex.- .4
. . i . Death makes t a widow, but th 3 spinster : was d tb' t ocossione&'the fall of Ad in ?"
riety-of coat othell tban Phe Back 91y � is maid beforO. � I I- . . i I ist, or if it doef, it should be classed affift-9
J let ookedt se if ;7; he bad seen si ghost,
11 Then he ought to e*cuse himself a few Her Daughter Was Afflicted With t , 414 . . is the seven wonders of the world. No, till 1,
I In his winning ways is fouod th proof ')f -_ Vitus' Dance and Helpless � an Int * 'and, th ing that so � e� one had toold'the man that dinner will, be at six o'elock sad
minutos to go home and put one one. Wb Y, a good bluffer. I - i - " t. mini4e f he ' husbalcid's adventure, she he will come in, blandly smiling-, at
I would no more I hink cf drawing a man of . I , i r, � - an time .
Every time a mirror she -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cured Her plied I � � y
I �
the yeriod on his cnees bafore a girl than I Oman sees a . I- I I I from that to eight lo'clo&, and be- mud �
� .
I r p islisto Had Failed., 1 414 JI)e( d, air, ,ft was I the . Bi r, Ile chagrined to find the roasr, overdone, the -
� .
. pauees to reflect� . I I i Afte 8 ! ;
oper y termed wasn I ;b at foJ , , air' a lu -
I 'a g '
8 wou d make him i taud c n his head or turn A railway curN a might be p� , From the Reiiew �. itherr, t he'just
a somersault. N( w ths, 5 was a ieensible ar. I I � Niagara Falls. I N 0 4 potaltoes cold, etc. Suggest to him thatih -- . .
. . a scientific crook, I 1' , trippit ( vier the graip 1 it the house -el A air. in his own fault, 48 food cannot be expec ,
rangement of a pr)poiAal Beene in -that illu's- It is a horrible �feeling to know i that. you it - I tea - -
I trp,tion of Mr. Dayin 7 atdry we were looking The d9otor who gets out ofipati nts is apt have lost all ommand or cont I mict t � has 1 happe!j led tae yereel'. -�He to cook lor tin indefinite perio.d without ,
a I to lose hi,i temper. - - (I 4 � I . your hadn* abulne three�gilg 0 1 -
at-l"t night." . i 11 . I limbs, and mpat depend u your friends . � In him- but the hot- apoilin nd h will hint darkly at bad ,_
� �
.V, - -,
I � 'do n unefio h"d'o' his face. 'Deed, �Ouse ' ing a � '
r I tie m4do ,
My antagoniEm to 6A illicreased visibly. A weali back oean't necemal4rily imply a to wait Von and serve you the same as an ,v - . 1 an-' it's nae u a try- .Iw kge'e ,or reply with ,calm dignit 3 ,
as j
. man is behind th times I ye ke6 � ir etain
. ' was the condition of Mies -I 11 I
n The couple forward were in a settled sort of . I infant. Ihial 'i och t in a may ad bibuniness." That endo ��
. v
A joy is visio, ary wiben listan� ce lends ing tar - c ; �e. Ad& 9 it ; a mere woman should wilt and be utter. , - -
I -nearly a year, and the Be. . 0 .
an sittitude with their b eks to us ; " Thc� MyrtleTticket for I ., �
. I enohantirient to he view. . I . - a ad ' oo;
Tub " was on a long i teady� I . come! Be t the mi er has ly subdued by that , word " businese,17, -
I 1 ta k with a' a Better. Is oil I wife have it of hysterics view, learning that she had been won'd,er' heard ., ) O�i�,, hod' h Lord what There would be no use.explarning to &.,a �
wind. ; I took a b itch I of the halyard en& fully benefitt�d by the use of Dr. WililiamW 81, !1; � � . an I
I than to run into debt for a iiilk- d�eso or a , limmer a him � . that if anyone -in so wanting in goo d- vense- .
a Aeat and w%ve Aliss Saxon . : ale People, sent a reporter ! . 31 l
I over, the tilleni new piano. : Pink Pills fo-�- P I I I �
Fortulu%tely my flannel yachting Coat had' , 4 to hear- her -story,' We call(d at the ,'resi- I , - __-T I . as to come into his office at these hours, his �
. A matinee girl says the going ouid 0 . I SICK Z DACF 9 boytover annayintr nd dis. should rise lap and_tAke� him by the hand .
, . 11
. side pockets.. I dutifully de�o,iled f men deuce of Mr. lEdwin Tucker, of the village 1 tr"'Jinj I �, I ollitivel y redlbyLAXA-LIVE� PILLS-, and lead him fiv-milyto thedo -
my between the actf h! far less objectionable ofNiagaraF�118. -Mrs.Tucier re'ceivedus �'!Theyaie a totice ndii .
hand .n them, assumed a standing poeture,i . or, saying ..,
- � than the coming back. � . . 0,ver gripe. , 6 I My good air, it is time you __
as ne,41 Y as a Tub's " brisk motion I very e6rdially on AscEi the object,4of � , -. � were goitig �
- '' I I 'A hougeliol(# pmrnal says that, kerosene . I I ; I #�� I '
would %flow, andfaced my componion. She� out visit, A � nearly as postible those aire : . I 11 I , home to your dinner instead of keepin - 'I
� - I
I . E " ln gry : bt a�� and -Shake. ' : your womankind waiting, : I . -
u looked up wiLh a brettil t leramb smile at� will remove rusl from stove�. The obj .ec' her exact wotda in speaking of her dough- '; Re ., r I S,tt, f. .F also Ustso .
tioinable feature tbout it is that inI removirig I �. .
0 .M18 for I ter)s case ;-I" My daughtei yrtle ie liu I I ![Ilk �: park. He looked to mine." Then: would i�if women rise up. -
_ � .
a mild 4tempf to be face , ,;", than she "`� rust it incidentally removes the stove and her fifteenth �ear, About a ear r�. i downhe �rl ad an as' adent. Hislelotbres that m'n blessed. But, parbaps - .
r � what she eviden y ' I ok, at first, I ti 9
; I 1 i P and call a _,
s"WI 'thei domestic Bodletimes. � ago ala " I
the truith and bluthed,' 1. Otis � � . . ing tlymptorils of St. Vit 8 ld I nee in de , w6re � ty. but n t 1, ged. There was a you are much tried, by these frequent I
) � 0— , , � ., I
. " Miss Lupy," I began', 11 it has been' only, - INiTANT REFAEO zuaranteed by u9inft AIM their appear , nce, bat for so a ti e'we did lo�k o � eE pair c a e I yinh face-olmost a � lapses from punctuality, a to sug. - .
I 'I lO,k 0 eoperat on. Si ne noti,
three sboirt, inonthk since I fir- t met 'you BU INIA STERLING HEADACHE POWDE not know what was,re 11 t a m4ter. She c ,,meo �ing his � gest that gossiping was the cause of the de. - --
. I as. No, ' a Y t right arm ' V I , . 1 lay. If so,you are transfixed with a bought -
and it would seem almost impe' tinent,! if it depressing,after-offt ct. , loss the nee of her, arms, her de4 o edlook satd' n -by him, , paying,
i 'I . . Was . �p
, �10 I y
. , if,
. . � "� ju� a you ai a a stronger in the blitk � I i stare and informed that "men don't gossip. r �
were ziot'go true, to say now th t I lov youl 1 0 completely p�ralyzed. 1 She ad to be dreis- i P
very mach -so much thatJ b te ed, and und ' 8sed bei Ing to' w Inttid sh I !Of course they don't? Still it is -
- .. , . )) you with , Some ,!Big Fortunes. r T 9 ;ally nnab�e ito I 1* 1 6D a W ,,h you," , � ful how much th . F . wonder- _
mv wb� fe. help herFel he beat local physi�ialnq . t look I eyean tell you about other
,Ole heart t : e 'my wi The large per ional estate, so QUIX Ord, you se,q but a brig 4 � peo]
is .. - - me zC375,000, f I . . , 1.
-1 eve heard of , such a thing,"� were called E and prescribed foe, b � ple when they ebance.to be in a com. .
i r I I she ' , ar! blut came 1 J t the votind man's face, ,and he .
I w th face afl�'me. " I am left, by the late .Sir William Jenner, makes I I I ? I eakerf ;he d , a.
much ppeared to be unable t) affdrd rolidf. ;; out Iiis ba�d i ; municative mood ; they learn it in the way - ., ,
� it ilitereeting to recall the big fortunes left . I
gaspe( I they a �,i ., :
, �" lie said, " Ili� so hungryl for a ' . I -
oblige :-I know ii is a great honor. 6h, I; We made a p to Buffalo last January, afid 11 , of business no doubt. . . _� I
. � I . by other fashion ible and successful medicok a specialist 'i I � We have all paseed 01fou h a -period � -
wouldd't think of 'f a moment ! )on't i�a an -a ko. � I leftmy:11iome about I week
of �ecent timeg. s consulted W�o recommend- . I � 'Of -
The next largest pe7sonal- � 11, ; 9 �
I'm goi 1), be an artist, Mr. ad Myrtle be shut up i I h . 'trial n I
you kli� w g to I n a ,dark room fori ' 9 , ,�.hp players -1 and best w 'Whes of i to the spring,, I P, !,
Cobb � Its the las th ty 6 Sir Williai i Jenner's, was that, of Sir allowi I ,,, fr d I Ti ; I I housecleaning. In apron and cap we pu . . -
i Dg I'd thi I - Re died in 1890, leaving ng no one to ,see her. or I . ralle, I
nk of doing Willijm 0 ull. three mqnths, . Iles wete hard, and t seem- I,
-marlr ing-I ass re you. I've alway in, ,Z344,022 19s. 7d. behind him, to be exact. peak �to'her but the nurse. In fact the doe, dine, oary for ne to o into the orld to 'the bugbear of our lives -dust, With ach* I.,
. I f .. . � -
ten a i to (' . 11 of make I ivin � fol: myse . I suppose t ing back and arms we drive it out of .corn_ 1,
A �evote Ili ye6lf to art." ; This, of course, was the result of profession- tor i4inted. upowher being sent to one here nors, brush it off ceilings, and rub and pol- , ��
utlely the tw(: cannot come in confl�ict," -idh for a the citiy hospitals. Arsenic was one of the was lo... lof w )rk ."or md � �i n this city, buti .
I al fees, a large proportion of w� . d " It t ink t iere is any' a. ish and rub attain, till we began to wonder - - �
urge . The unappioachable atmosohere� specifies u e1d ; it ha ped to quiet lor a On ," hing, and I in di - �
.1 � i long Eeries of years had been excqllently in-. - * YY - I
of maidenhood. ti , uriounded h; time, but ns �' elief was' � � if, between dust and refractory charwomen .
a is 7aol o ipermanen r , Obtained, co ra . �,
vested. Then comes the late Sir Andrew or ail, I I -
maddening. I I Ar :I is t only the .expre sion! C- After our re�urn from Buffalo, MY'13'0 He 1, his 'Lip I d ; rai� thige, land his* :lile is worth li�ing. The whole feihinine .
i , � ,lark, thou iere is a large, falling off in . n urged .- I ,�
. ,
n the .mo outh utivelledi. I* I " la part of the household arise betimes, aii .
of life 4fter all. It, ca not be greater phan! , ugh o try D4. William i' Pink Pille for M'Yr- in . I try In,)' he . d are
. , . . � i
06,893 19,3. 3d. JI believe, me I �6 I soon in full pursuit of the �
life, . You can't li,re ill any full aenee with 1 , tle.1 He said he was are it would do her went � n , to 1143, , 4 ce somegn moth and ruw
no duty but painting pictures, and I can't however, that Sir Andrew sank a good I - . care$ , that ddth corrupt ; but riot so wit
good, as it h d cured 1�is boy of a similar enougl ,for rn a to shako ands with a." h thev �
z i I round sum in're I estate. T � I I :m. of the family. No ; he com,ex down sit
live at all—" complaint, t , hat;band sballe Was he beginnin of his . an
st F � 7) Another big f)rtune was Sir Oscar Clay- I hen detiBrmined to try them, I I
, . I outdoes ., 1) , vnh miteii Ue usualbouri Bits in the most comfortable
- Im very sorryi she interrupted firmly. ton's, about ;EI47,000, and yet another of as I was conlious the I trdatment � she was . d and disc raged . a .
1, It ian't I hat I doirl% �Ike'you, Mr. Cobb ; I getting was Aoing, her no good. I before, th e ) was no ol who ,- orner, a,nd reads his paper and eats bit �
quite recent ate Sir Richard Quaia'o, I urchased red 1. . ; . , breakfastwith the air of a
an the contrary, I do. i You've been charm- a box,;and the a act of the Pills as almost ca ' , , teat city, his h rt martyr, Hc--
. � aboutL-117,000. Dr. homas Armitage left 1, � . f lin in g , was I
made 4 1)3 th .� � � ould like to know how much longer this
to us this sumijer,,and au -so useful." marvellous, rom the very beginn ng,before I 1it� ple ,thing, haud- iw
u over f2OO,OOO, ut tb bulk of this was car. I , - -
ln�-his *as the un ., F a 4 a, )I( to k,0101il age and soo found lie going to last ? It is a dreadful wa for a
. I
. 0ndest ot all, tainly not profe sional earninga; Dr. Paul, the firi t box iwas used, an i, em� oyll I nent. :; I : I , I' � . i'man to have to live ! Ask him to an . I
" Isn't there a cpance foy�,.ou to think of Camberwell, massed over 9100,000, but plainly discernible. Five boxes iTeall have I i i, � :�l i L 11 9 a : . ,�
, I 1, :1 ! ;few pictures, beat a carpet, take- do -
� �i-
differently, Miss � 9 is now ab to run : 1 , I I �
,,,��, x,o nff ink of v hat been used, 'd M�Ftle �: � wu 21 I
he owned one, i not two, lucrative private . I N iii stove -pipe, or do a few other unimportant I
8 Y ura, and enjoy 11�1 I in a manner she 1could not 9 �. I
you are doing in t , , _� an� way of lunatic asylums 1; I f T11 T'ro,`d�� Winds
A man's love isn't io be--". SirWilliam Bowman, the do for months and m h _ . I little things of a like natute, and ingtantl y -
way i oculist, Sir P,eston Hewett, Sir George I silgo 8 (3nt a ba0k. Two B1Qw ptron 9 i1pe) rv�l . ine is in he mar- he recollects a "' business engagement " and' - I I
" Don't talk th4 . 1 am sorry to wee �e commerced to atteod school kei. "I vi e:il I I groa n in
make you Paget, and Sir Risdon Bennett -left substan- k ,War i � t.. eat nerve -p cure. has to run for it. Ati noon he
feet unopinfortable, but I ave after an absq'nce of nine months. �'I want Its pan .1 traft . Andi ainlaubduing ower is takes his ..
tial fortunes, bu b all were well under the i . [lunch down town, and all his friends. hear
chosen. I intend 0 st dy, and not to be a . it distinctly understoo V' said Mrs h r os blinstantaneous. Try i0f the awful time he is having, and being � .
U , C100,000. I Tucker, sue thiLt all fis al I i
wife. Please ta.ke Phe tiller, Mr. � Cobb. " that. the p3ysicians all agreed ' hat my it � I .. � 4
; took it, for Ahelmeant to be obeyed. There has been speculation as to what in- daughter wis afflictcd with and, �e con incedo' � i : �nen they condole with him ; and sympathy
I deter comes some 'of these successful docto . I Vitus' . I . i � I
mired to' leave re : 9 - i . . Ibeing dear to his soul he goes home to din- - .
' -
! Southington at earned ; Z3,000 or X4, 00 a yea Darl�e ; that the treatment of the medical 4 :0 i
r is a big in- I . ' ' L - � 1, per in a -cheerful frame of mind, quite pre- . �
once. Wild notioi B came of descending - attendants d d not b6nefit her, and that no - N iti ile 31 . 6ns for Boys.
� come for a professiont manj I i . I .
I .
I . !
. �
upon Mrs.'J&A's gay' establishment and other medici 30 wa$,tal an after commencing � Mostboys and girlIA, Oared to regard dust generally, and the ne.
time Sir Williem Gull's professional fees i � 11 d )not like Bel m an'- ��sity for housecle : ,
proposing out-of-h8nd to her tailor-made ,. Dr. lliam i' Pink Pi Is ; aning as a - delusion that
- Z200 4 vv eek, if not i ; , so that there is no they sa �k a tillo long fc r the;r - I
most certainky a veraged. . ar r ,� that they ; , I - �
sister, and mailing a wedding,card to Miss don h ,.covefy ir net be - attributed to' hig,bneises. Pl6rhaoitte� may likI 5 gives great pleasure ana amusement to his, -
more, while Sir Audi ew Clark's takings at . t of th .� thes, itching spouse -a comfortable theory that
Saxton, But such % fine revenge fell, �flat * the �se 3se pills. Her state of health ahoitsormons. They ill;g , . .
. I the zenith. of hii career m net li�ve amounted I I o think 4uite cures his conscience of any pricks it
when 1i pictured the calm unconcern with I . is no�v most -.xcellent, her appetite is good, over, a*d muli t,not 1: -
I . to an average of over X300 for ever fjlx ., �ri ad too hastfy.
- Y ,,
which fi,he would reieive it. So, instead, 1 working days. There are rize!; in the and I am only too plea ad to be able to car- - A Sweledisi, boy f ,.I o A of a win( ow and might have as to the " business " that
left by the night tr in -for New York, an � idways crops np when'bis assistance is re*
. d medical profession, without a o�bt. tify to the a ova facts, in order that others was ba4ly hu -t, _b n t pai I a ene a ips he q;uested. - .
decided, to go to. Edro a for a year. Then, , . 0 , Pimil4rly atil eted may be encourage,d to try kept ba�k th( I � I Eli; The kin g, Gus- Anotherpr(
' — 'Nvilliam ' Pink Pills." '' '�
I rl,egr6dered the I hole matter so fai, as to HAGYARDIS YI1LOW 61L is pr6mpt to rel Dr. i tavias , olph wh I ; him fall, proph- )of of the peculiarity of men b
go back to Soutbin ton, , . lieve . . i! 63 w
I and sure to cure coughs, colds, sore! threat pain in A 'Impoverished condition of the blood esiq'd ti At phla "Biloy 7 1 0 be observed daily, as we pass along the .
. .
I felt a choking a tisfaction in this 3ourse� the chest, hoarseness, quiney, etc. Price 25C1. or ani disordf red state of the nerves is t 9 � . t ; on 14 make a inan for .teets and gaze into the barber shops. Now,
I — -----*— . � he an Omei gdency � An I 00 be did,,f'or he be- I .. I ...
when � iss Saxton a me on t a por h and � . . I fruitful source of most ills that affect - . at woman would be seen -ina room 01111*
, I �d , 'Bauer. -
, man canW tl i. fami, uis Gei ion I ��
� I
gave me 4 hearty, honest handshake. I public street, in full view of the passers by* �
I How Tumblers got Thbir Name. kind, and to any thus affected Dr. Williams' A bo, flused. to art Iiih the flowers - �
" Nothing has gone right since you I left," ' Every day w ; Pink iPills offer a speedy and certain cure. the I �r el� 106P Slid pait �tied the white to get ieclinling in an arm chair, wrapped in' -s. I .
I de of t . -
01 � - drink A tumbler. No other re edy has ever met with such biaUthei'm cc ttage � i q! U,yi,oi with all sorts towel or a abeetor some suzh article, her -
said Miss Buckner sweetly, - as she � , ned I out, Oi i ai
i ; �
1113. 1 � I Why is the large glass that. holds i qur milk great and continued sue . -face covered with latber, while An obligin
� � I Cass, wHch a one of of pictures, w hich' the mountaineer gazed g
and water so called ? Years ago I?rofesoor the stron e8t proofs that Dr. Willia' s' Pink at il. 11� v rao: the grea i artist,
And Miss Buckner never displayed more Alax Muller was giving 9 as wonderf attendant held her by the nose and brand- _
t9Lct than when she left us tat e -a' 'I after a lunchoon at All Pills accomp I . lahed a razor over bet ? None, I should
tete, .i8h all that is claimed for them. Titian. �; i . .
I t I . i -
Souls' College, Oxfo�rd, to he Princess They cure lo?,omotor a axia, partial paraly. An olp, pain ter watched: a little fell -)w who . . -
this pretty speech, � Tnere was no use' beat- I I liope '?
!ng around the bush I at once askedl Lucy Alice, the wife the Grand Duke of Hasse.- i,is, St. Vi s' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, amu8ed;himse It! rrl:,��ing I d a.wings of his pot ' Yet in this 'undignified, I might may in
; Darmstadt, an the second I daughter of i I .
if she ware of the Ba'-ae mind. . . thumatism, nervous Readache, palpitation 11L� Ill b itating attitude, do we behold -
� Queen Victoria . nd bm, 5hes, ie,a . ool, an I said
' I
There were not a dozen p . d at It , is c am*' I �_
" Ob, pleape don' 5' let us di3CUSS: that .F of the heart, nervous rostration,-� diseases 1' ThaCboy will beat m one day." So he he I do of creation every day of ,.our livvs� -- "'
- 'he ben, ed. guests besides tl ie princess and 1heT husband, I M en must - L
again, Mr. Cobb !" I depending on vit* 'ted blood !such as aid, fo ihq Wo.97 have deteriorated, for I am Con ,
n I told her .1 C19 and a very ag -eeable lunebe6n! was had, I r., I , iiabael 4�gelo.
was going a nd of la, chr el A Geiman bov r
L i . Y � as r ing a blo3d-ani - have
if.phe would 1, w th talk on a.1 kinds of inter,��ting sub- i7 as, etc. 'ihe are been dideovered in such a poeition ; if -_
The way a scr nic ery's �inced our first father, Adam, would neve"
asked ' a-
, ,ive me that firs p jects. _. also epecifi ., for troAbles peculiaLk to, fe. 1 thunde� novel , ight ithe midst f it he
.Ure, to " remember h'e'r by." . I I : 44 he shaved no doubt he did the deed insoine
; .
. males a ; ,
I But what a cited the out-io � ity of all , - urin� all . forms of - weak a. in! said to 1iiimsell. o� , his will n ver do.
" I'mi,po sorry -I wish I could, ' el 'd. 'strangers pres 11 en U was a set of ili�lflea round men �hey a eta �adici% :11,18 � 6 I h excite I over it. can't . unfrequented nook.
ie Pa' cases I I get Do, mup, I I `
. I . .
0 arisiT g from ental wOrry, overwork, Ot ex. study a lv�ell �fter it. -, .In the matter ot clothes, also, the ways of .
" But that; wealthy Mr. Mal.er as down bowls of silver, about the size large I I SO here goes," and men are strange ; for they affirm they halve .
here visitin M D4C and he in de such a 0 cesses of. any nature. 8old -by all deale a or � he flung ,a n 0
me C - e�a t* I let it go. range. These were brougWround filled x or six bpxea � 1 Fie, , h' t a k ouc t the riiver. He
handso �ffer ror i t sent post pai I at 50 cents a bo wali great erman philosopher, vaDity and are indifferent on tbeoubjeeL
)) But ,to the brim witt the famous ate ,brewed in . I I
I tell you w she added bright. the college. These, we are told, 1;ere turn. for $?-.50, by address) g I h Dr. Willi ms' Do Y�u knoiv what b Be little serm �Zlll, early in the zeason they receive a note I
' I w d 0� Medioine CO. Brock One from their tailor sta�ing that they heye '
'hat _
ly, " I'll do anothelske ch as near " I ille t'e
. like it blers, and we 'were speedily shown how v , Ont, i mean 1 by, imply t i , that in I oyhood .
as I can, if you car to take me over ' , I __. � I I . - shown't 'a traits t(ome " exquisite" samolles of good$ tbat am - _
to the I I 1' and! gi, f9r good
beach wh4re I can- get the sun ight th6y came by their nameei-a fitting lesson J 11 I r1h od are to be the correct thing for gentleman's weir
and for the guests of a philologist, The Ftaffl f Adam. or �.vil f1b4t make the a or woman good
background. We'l have time to -morrow =wxl,,,,A,noaa....,,l .1 ' I or nlot,--�-_Jewieh Mespe g1r, during the coming Reavon, and if they Win- -
. _,_l,aa,,,aaa In:: old timps ministers in Scotland used to � I i I . -
morning. . �_ I � I . - I j'ust step in and view the aforesaid 01"
, 0 . I I — -_ I sam
give but in tl�e kirk on Sundays thav on , I -1— they will see something really exelusive.
So the'`n'�xt morning we get out, She al- i IsAve.
R such ind sue a day they would visit such a j A PRESSM 'S STORY. 114 i
lowed me to t k the bars for her I . i . 0 down they go and spend as much tim �
ow house and au3h another house and examine I :1 �
I I � a ' d i
a a *1
I to " Th 3 Tab's 11 . ! :, ,�nst ering andexamitling some ngly pisew -_
that we passed to Igatui of the people as children- Mr� 101a -nham e .
. h arents as well in d cloth ail if it made the least differevoll
moorings, i Firom a Be, d the horter Catechism, the Confession of ; , p How DoMe ,
h I , *hat they wore, for the poor things cau!t . .
-She deftly aule tip the balyards while . � i . - -
�yp Faith, the Seriptures generally, a� i kidney Pille ured His IP ! ok pretty in anything. �
I pushed 11 The Tu 'a noae off fr m shore. intlipiked writ ngs. . : i_�, � '. . .7
1 1
We made out of th inlet ' in th ee lucky Sick'ess i ; . I i. : � Lumbazo. . I Yes, men are amusingi very arnuaing am- ,:,� - ,-. I
, 14
tacks, and I . . I . LO g, long ago the minister of Nlw Luce ; . -7 tures, and yet they have their good pointo . . - ���� -
then s a took the iller and I � 1. --I
. I I I
. � ; 'w -
stood off in capital tvle from the shoals at � SI'MCOE, Jan. 48�h, 1897. Carr ng out this old custom, gave it out Toron'�6 June l9tq.--�The story of t +for one thing they make us laugh, -though - � - � . .
I I one I nd t iat he wo�ld visit B061murray t P he - - .. .-
the mouth of the c ee $Cape Of the Globe pressman, Mr.* John H. a are too sensible to tell them to, 1.
. - � �
k, as I had taught bar Messrs. Edmanso, , Bates & Co., +or�nto. " �T #_ 11 I
on t a Reday, and all the libirds and PAr*haM,, from the agonies of Lumbago, by � - . -
to do. We broug t up to' the quaint old - Gentlemin - lor over five nlon�hs I was other' round bout were to be th at the u8i i D 'dd' Ki . � -
landing with a gra ef il sweep, and I gave confined to my ed, not being Abld to move. . I ted tin Iney Pillo is unusually in. So -The barn ot Mr. Edward Chamney, of ' ...
, ppo a to be calteohized. � I ...
her a hand, to feel n last time the spring The best medical skill was called in t � I ath Wallace, was struck by lightning Aar- .
all treat- r a r e7it i n ;,',. i 8 , .
., a A 1, so Adz in Blair, #hen he er�ard his 11 .1 recent thunderstorm, but, fortunatel .
of her lea to the wharf. ing me for catarr of h" 5 �, I 4 � be I - 1X)g a .
igor . . Afir, NrOarn writes i o the Dodd's Medi- -
t p and the umbrella c most sirr plelfood with. _bO visit- cine��Co. 113,1mittle I -
was set avail. toma h, ,but to no name called o it &s one �hat was to! further damage'was Tdone th .
The'veaselo" I could eat t�, . , thus I., �1' I am proud to no an the kno,011i -
arranged �to give ti a correct ligi it on the out beingin dt �,"ul misery, and found no relief ad, Be off to the village the day b ore for testify 44W Onderfu � efficacy of Dodd's Og off of a few boardB.
canvas ; I stretched (-u,t on the beach, a until same w . . . After spending a some! 7 11 .
S v m up I 'bits of things to entertain the min- Kidoeytt Ila, , About ,igh,',t months ago, .1 , - -Mr. Wm. Cudmore, of the London
few yarde away. % ister�and othe�s-for th�re. was aye a ues . Road, Tuickeremith, Huroni
: large sum irf mcc'lcal�fei'd,rice, I was 4dvised to ..as iattar,4ed b3 , severe P�ins in[m back. a bay kind. illp
try a box of Dr. h Cure. i pur- after the c4echizing 1was done. Among . Y - - .
" sked. ' la ' h said
" How � is that ?"'I 's Ca'a"r - I co�jsultled an illent physic* s6ippin on an averaze of a hundred t�jzff .
I . chased a box fri aid � . I I . I 11
11 That ,ni ely. You c el company, I hao Lumbago, nd td" 4 illie to n W, 0 f bale. bay a week �D Glasgow and Liysr- � -1 -
will do an raise tin othev things he had 0 ket, there was, of T
es und � �,Iat relief. course, a bott a of whisky, and wb(n Adam I pbol. More power to biw ; -1 I �
) r[ At
[I 4
Simcoe, and to r su;pris,l fou 811� I t�,ke Turk. c . I
yourhead moreif Fouwant." I ish I$ th The e did ijliezo goo I. he does mor*
Not being able to t I iried a b�ft if �Ir. Chase's w � ��ttilllg it! Who COM�8 in but �he shoe. 1, - ��
She was ready ti cn, and I tried to get Kidbey-Liver. Pills, the pains lef rnel the third! as friend ad ,,,a t�) t good in the country than our best poli- -
make . me ry Dodd's Kid. _. �� -
i so!a I
interested in Mr. E lr�ia, but it was no use. day. My appclite as b�en fully re;tored. I con., I illsij i I dR n� obe ti;c1sue. . .
. I I
. Ad t ta 4,im, and the Ian tr . . 4
o calculate how long sider myself perfectly cured, and f. -el as wCll as! ' y - ack �h�a never tro Pel -
I tried to be cynics ( " f ;
ri, and li� treats A lam to a Oill, and "
I d eats uy � a u ble# me sinc . I -Mr. Gabriel Elliott, a prosperous for- �
r, : thezn7bo'tt' lino they both treated the Is - I I .
� 0 . .nd- :I �
it would be before.' 1� ould have llorgoi!cn when a young Wo an, I although � am 65 yms, lord,,�andkeptlat,it till Adam was hardly `, � I — .0 ; 4 I nier and respected resident of Goderich .
� - I�
I -
the maiden near me olclatpresent. iw almost ashadow, pow I aml L � i township, is thinking seriously of redIII14 I
,. I efillayed some as fleshy as before . Able t* stagger out of the village, 7 ith the 1 �J, 418cu ine Ped0haritos. 11 . � I -
- I �
facetious linen. but thley bad such a dolor. three b y sickness, . ave used o n,,',Y'l bottl,o in I a w. BY 4. Z� 1; S., IN'CANAD AN . I HOM fiam active work this fall,buying a propertF, . - __ I
-ass L to ! MYS . oxes o his b�east pocket ad the groceries � i I I'll,
'ring that I had to conf f Dr Chase's Kidn4 Y-Liyer Pi , . � , E �OURNAL, 11i Clint,on and taidag life esaier in futum iii
one elf a, a )f in the poke of his plaid, I , 01j all 4f, queer enim 'I _1;7_ z�:
( -
total defeat. i rid two boxes c r. qhise's Cx arrhl Cure. I I ! I a [I in existe�ee there ge is not yet an ! I
. can do my house w rk as usual. I am positive i , - )ld man by any me&=, U4: - �_ ,
.! However, It'was a good moonlig t night, is no', den�'i;ng that th . -
. I , 6 citlan ma,4 is the Milo worked hard and has well earned a talk �-
I . I
I .
- At that a very little moisture -which that my marvel.lout ure (which I tb nk it is) is due: and he got on' nely till, just As he as com- stra, gest !And the, f ny4part of p I -An effort wasmiade to organize a bran& I - . .
� L �
n t
clould scarcely be attrjbuted to the spray purely to Dr. Ch e's remedies, .Vhich I have ing ,*ound Ill own house -end ho trippit he is, firm i convineed t at: -`he is t' ion tlihzt . , � I I
. -
fl."om the great wavei dashing on -the shore a ' used. I can honeitly recommend t I I h I g 04 the W. 0. T. U. in Brussels last W-0914 1 -
.'sinted on gathering in . I _& ' . -
he same tw at somebody brad le I I and venei ie half of
_ . . ower ia graip t 1h I I family t nothing was done, an so few atten&
rod off -in arl�y persons sufferin ying I i be;' umall �
my. eyes. from symptc ms similar to ,� ; �
' .
I 0"dinred'the'smar i , ng secretion a while mine, Wishing y2every success, ; , and 11 breado tmd length oxi thi � staneit. wheteaff, *ery woman knows that to opin t meeting.. Th6ineeting was *darpood - " .- . -_
i Ao,h 'etottere forward to fall, th i bottle ion onild 'or �
and then brushed it "ids, i Your� truly, I I - t more ridioulot i or fait I fro; b , of Wingham, county prm* . I
I ? I . I Ca all ut of his pouch and went to mmashp the truth �i �T; (I ,� say i � di" Miss Fisher, .
" Jenkins tells me,!' Iremarked oil to I . ILI and *hen he fe I he came right do* I ,� iflonstely d nt. A flourishing brauch existed in thst -
� L, S& M ,the after I I .
I 0 M". ANN CHUrl On n lj�fflibotiozk on , the ways of m -
cover up My little confusion over t ni I _L_ I I � VV 031 I , , on), ace years ago and did good work, wboo r .
I I I i i maw;s a M, $ ty ouribuo. ci 0-Ature, f�ouowln . ,
. ,
. I I I � �! - I wrong with the Mies of Brawls ? - -
I . I - i I I I � I I � - .
I I b I i . -_ , I I � I . I I
I I , I � : � I
I � t . I . I � � I I . I -
I I � �I . � i
. I
i � i I � I I -
I i I � ; 1 5 I IF .
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. I .1
. I : I ,
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&Osi VD, t. I
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. it ,bousehold C --T*
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maing to ,dl;; 1
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[jilly- brin-9i5 )4
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, _W23r joex�. ,IS 11
in, It thickers �
19-- 4001ps it fmm
"*pl , -_ ti
I ..nd e,,eznnv�s
ft ids-ndruff. —"�';
& y4)u 'our book
i indits DIS--s'l:
i AmO Ach-lao F�
Tou. 40 mt `011t-�Iin �'11
9 OU. is)cpected fr0n) I
m)r, *rite Oe doetto
r thare 44 somp,
` ., Value of T=-
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I U=MdDf Aix Diviv
I lde6t ,of gratitud
I -- Treat tkem I
11 � . .
� gently
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to the hour *1
e scones tba
. . your timew.
-of God, S,ua y�
I ihe hope 4 I`,
eytxpeot muc�
"I I
- lF they -shall
., r that th
you, *A& that you -
. I
- , Obat in forined an�r
-1 I Immortialty. �
1. - , - —
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- _. — .. .
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� � �
. i
- I
" � -
-.I- . - ,Celery comp
'A - L. Sumb'Banish Th
�_� . Melmts ,and Trol'
, � L� - � �
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_ I -
_,� , __ .
il . �
4 . AND PAq,
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successful wla p
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'timies Are those *
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"IL - 1,
Mths '.of all the A�
11 .-Agemiserable I
- .. I - ion. Thealwo
- � 11AW1111inulations-of 1
. -
- . R6 zheumatiol
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- rr ��� - - - - - - no" ,digeotiv�
� r =complicatiq
� � 4 of - o"es prol
*61 .rV'C-OmPOUu(f
tba �, adva; n7ceal ,i.,
- I H commenced tl
in the blood on �
I - and "tive I]
a body- The
. .
On Is Assity au�
Its Work Vith
' L
.... � d flesh _18
Plea, - desire hetit
*10,enervating ana
- .
� � IL b
I celery A'
- .
a. . .
I � I tAken sidk last su�
five weeIkaoL r nior
, V"Aftending me-, �
LM -114 1?r0laoltne
- A .. ad to be -m
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. Id a e,for I am
- 7AM 16 I id
-:, Ike tie�6 -o.
f 9 W ree ui
-0.0addered h�pelesis, �01
nded me to us
which I did! i
rot dome I feft�-.... �
I'W" able --tojea
�� . - I one
. . d bwur bc
'Wictus to be-, fi�
.1 I 1041 I -.Am now. quib
. Aftrers Will receive I
. I ft*VedI.11 .
4- - . --------*— -
- I
� She Got the Aut
it only -a fe w w"ks -sa
- .. . 'Who liveg ker�e in tl�l
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. horn New York ,
With which tue erst ,
_.. Is %*tbL w
ing but the
llftvdruir� It is I% V
'fere"t and ho,,w it �
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'its o"Wner's sigh �
- - Of it. She was in �
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.� I I t - t
Od to 13,e stay-,, In �
. - _. - '.There W, '
_,L - I As AIX just one i
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