The Huron Expositor, 1899-06-23, Page 3JUNE 23, 1.899. EE TT sliATURE N VERY 7-LiE OF Pesitively cirred by these Little! Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, jectigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. ket remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowst. gem, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue in in the Side, TORPID LIVER.. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Doe% Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter s, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pill one-siza battles only. rt Doe't atIoer anyone to sea • plea or prorate° that ft - d will answer every paie ou get 0-A-S.T-O-R-I-.16 oz snry wraPPIrt.. -:=033111111111111 RES wgirt you , with all ornfortable 'in con- t. corafortabi. The Robby' stinuner suit, jrlst trli.e proper g of a big selection t thiuk that while it Nir'ciuld make trive to meet 'both -e have succeeded, commicr, SPEED and SAFETY xurious -vice Gfrife-ag nterest. :ETWIttt $z18 IIVEIAND h Direalou. room, '.. cieverand with rite PAO, south )droit for all -.sePailYci. Only st. ifiCH GRADE Furnitur EMPORIUM Leatherdale Landsborough SEAFORTH, Dealers in first-class Furniture of all kinds, in latest designs.. Upholstering neatly done. We also do picture fram- ing, and a choice selection of pictures always on hand. Ourtai; poles at all prices, and put up. We are also Agents for the New William's Sewing Machine, best in the radrket for do- mestic Use, no travelling agents, no high prices. -crINTID 0E1_6._ 3K I ZT a-.. Inthe Undertaking Department, we buy our goods from the be4 houses in Ontario, and guarantee satisfaction in every depart- ment of our work. We have always made it a point to furnieh chairs, and all other re- gaisitee for funerals FREE oF CRAM -set. Prices better than her tofore. Arterial and cavity embalming done on scientific principlee., P. S. Night and S nday calls will be attended to at Mr. andsborough's resi- dence, directly in the r ar of the Domin.. Bank. Leath,erdale & • LaOsborough, SEAFORTH. IQII FpallY. TOW with these rock- dongula one strap to price 750 ne, very rieat, sizes slipper, sizes t4 Ina to 7, Price .to 1(4, Stratford t, button or laced, TJEF STORE, OCICI Seamy* low* Our direct eennections will save you time and Money for all points. , Canadian North West Via 24ronto or Chicago, British Columbia and Califonaia points. Our rates are ;he lowest. We have them tio suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- IST CARS for your accommodation. Call - for further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Treing leave Seatorth and Clinton statione es 0110W8 : • .40180 WIT - Passenger Passenger.... Mixed Train.... _ Med Train ...... 9orreo EAST-- Pasuonger.. Psesenger.. Mixed Train.... •• BEAFORTEI. CLINTON. 12.40 r. se 12.55 r. 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. hi. 9.20 A. M. 10.15,A. M. 6.16 P. M. 7.05 ?. M 7.65 A. M. 7.40 A.M. 3.11 P. M. 2.66 P. M. 6.20 P. M. 4.35 P. M. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Gotio Noiertt- Paireenger. Mixed. Ethel 10.04 P. M. 1.40 P. M. 10.10 2.10 10,28 2.45 10,10 - 3.05 Paseonger. Mixed. 8.56, A. M. Brueriele.. .. .. Bluevale.. .. .. Winehain,.._. Goma Swett- Meehan:I.._ _ _ _ .. 6.50 .e. Si. Bluovale .. . ....... .. 7.00 Bruesels.... . .... . - 7.16 Ethel.. . 728 London, Huron and Bruce. , Gooto Nom- Paseenger. 'London, depart 1 8.16 a.m. 4.46 P.M. . Centralia. , 9.18' 6.55 Exeter 9 80 6.07 Hensel! 9.44 6.18 • Kippen 9.60 6.25 Brumfield_, 9.68 6.33 Clinton. 10.15 6.55 Londeeboro _ .... 10.83 7.14 Blyth. 10.41 7.23 Belgrave ....... .... 10 56 7.87 • Whigham arrive.. .... 11.10 8.00 Gloixe Sorrell- Passenger. Wingharn, depart.... 6.53 A.M. 8.80 is. M. Beiensve 7.04 8.45 Biyth 7.16 4,00 Londesboro.... .... - 7.24 4.10 Clinton 7.47 4.80 Brumfield- - .......... .. 8.06 4.60 KiPleen - ...... - . ..... .. 8.17 4.69 Herman- 8.24 6.04 koster 8.88 6.16 Centralia 8.60 6.25 London, (arrive) 9.50 A. M. 8.20 9 17 9.46 10.02 *Pore. Aft Wood's Phosphodins, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. $1.z ;cages guaranteed to cure all f • rms o Sexua Weakness, all effects of abuse o excess, Mental Worry, Exeessive use of To - 0, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt O price, one package. $1, six, $5. One will please, siz will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphodlne is Sold in Seaforth by Lai:so- den & Wilson, druggists. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. : TANDY'S QUICK WI NCLE JOHN'S MODEL WIFE WA EQUAL TO THE OCCASION. An Exciting Race That Wan Grand], Won When It Seemed Surely Lo Jute/ Because This Clever WOIldti "Seen Her Mete', and She Done IV "My wife," remarked Uncle John AI g is with an air of pride and proprietor s ip, somewhat more prevalent amou y ung husbands in their honeymoons tha a long old ones who have been marri f ir 60 years or moro, as Uncle John was "nay wife is one uv them woMon the Lo only makes a few uv, and them migh seatiterin. She's jist ez good natured an happy now as she wuz when I court hr, but Mandy ain't:all mush and spoo victuals, and there'e times when she h be handled with keer er semethin wi •ba p'iled. She's got temper a -plenty, an s le ain't afectred uv -the old serpent him 84 If., I mind ene thing she done once that I 11 never fergit ef I live to be 'older than t le parson's wife's bonnet. "In them days Mandy weighed a hun- derd and eighty-seven pounds in her s ockin feet, and I wuz only a scant huti- erd and forty. We had on the farm all ti o' time seven er eight head- uv fine orses, and ono winter we had 'a pair iv -year-olds that we prided ourselves per- ckeler on, fer they had been takin pre- lims at the fair every year. since they s uz yearlin's. They had -speed, too, and • e thought they cduldn't be beat by nything in that neck uv „woods, but 'a eighbor uv ours named Hall -everybody • flowed Jim Hall, jist like they knowed e -had a pair he had bought in the next •ounty that he offered to bet a cow and •alf could boat ours hands down. Be sed to let 'em out past our place to kind v tantalize us, and I tell you they wuzn't funeral percession by a long ways, but i.Iandy used to laugh and say We'd show him something when the goin got good. 1 "yen see, it was along in November then, and the roads hadn't froze yet. The first snow come in Deceniber wfth a Mighty cold spell followin and hangin on, • nd in about a week or ton days we had ne sloighin, and ono afternoon Mandy aidshe guessed we ought to hitch up the !Ibays and go out for some air and exercise. Miat. Was enough fer nie, and I had the ' 6airi to the cutter and out at the gate ilivaitin for the lady in le, than no time. , • 'The teen] wuz feolin as frisky as kit- ' tens, and the way they slung the snow and spun over the road would stir the • blood in n wooden man. When we got to the turnpike, where the folks usually let their teams out, I guess' there wuz a dbzon ler more movin up and down at a clippin gait, and we sailed right in among 'ern, and in about seven minutes we passed ev- erything on the road. • "Jim Hall wuzn't out with his team, land I could see that Mandy wuz gittin !anxious, though Abe wuzn't Fayin, much, 'The road loadin to Jim's place struck the pike about 200 yards from the upper turn, and there wuz no sign riv him as we pass- ed, and we didn't see him as. We come back, but just after WO got by bis road wo heerd a clatter up the pike, and, by craakey, there wuz Jim a-cornin. lickety spit. I guess he'd been to the postoffice, width() !way he wuz comin after us wuz 11 :o a iminis after chickens, Mandy took, one look over her shoulder and :told me tic) let 'cm ,go for all they wuz wuth. I didn't nee( to be coaxed, and by the time she had said the words'we wuzfairly flyin over the Killeen, snow track, land Jim wuz coni n right- behind ' us too. Ter the first leis; rods we gaitied on him, then he begun m to (Ip up on 1 s In spite uv all we could do-1EverybodY on the road knowed how line i nd Jim set store by our teams, and I they pulled out to bubside and give us all 'the room thereut. "I shook up ny beauties as I felt him drawin up on mn, but shakin wuzn't enough, and I touched 'em once er twice wit the whip, but Jim jist rared back on his sit-fir-1gs, lookin like destruction smilin at desolation, and kept a-comin. When his horaes' heads passed our dashboard /and I I coiald see the Snort in their noses, I ! got icind,uv sick and thought I'd have to ,let 4o, but .Mandy nerved me up, and I hun on and leaned away forrerd as if that would help some. By this time Jim's horSes had their heads even with mine, :and, I held him there fer a minute or such a matter, but jist as I begunto have a hope that it might be a neck and neck at the finish Mandy reached fer the lino next Ito her, and, with a sudden jerk, she pull- ed tihe team off to one side uv the road, where the snow wuz in a high drift, and Jim wept ahead with a yell that made my tand out like windmill flappers. wuz that dazed fer a minute at. ears a1 Man 'y that I couldn't do a lick, and, deac n though I wuz, I'm afeerd -I'd Daus al langnago that wouldn't have minded exactly right In Sunday school, but hefore I had a chance to make a move Mandy made a flyin eap over the side uv the s.eighand lit in ti e deep snow. Then I wuz dazeder than wer and had some kind uv an idee that vo'd been struck by an kirthquake or something and Mandy wuz killed, and I mi st go back after her and dig her out. But the team had their senses with them, and when they felt they had i igh two hunder pounds less load to haul 1 than before Mandy jumped they didnIt stop to see wha had happened, but let thesolves out on a si urt that wuz chuck full uv chain lightni , and out uv the snowdrift I could h ar Mandy scream! 'Go it, John; you're a 1 right now.' "And so I wuz, and so wuz Mandy, fet before Jim knowed that anything had happened. I wuz up with him, alongside; , neck and neck, nose and nose, ahead and past, and when I pulled up at tho toll gata he wuz ten lengths behind and too much surprised to even cuss. . brushb the snow out uv heraclothesand "fillidy wuz in the middle; uv the road waitin for Inc as I 001110 back, and when I &Lid D. give her a now Silk dross for that she sal( it wuz drily whet any wife onght, to do for her husband, but she couldn't' prove t by showin rne where any other wife hid ever done it, and I made her take the dre s in spite uv herself. That's the kind u41 a heroine my wife is," and Uncle John V. CIA down into his inside pocket and fished out a quaint, old fashioned da - guerre type in a brand new gilt frame.- Chicag Inter .Ocean. Picture. Not Paint. An airt patron one day came into Tur- ner's s udio when the artist was already '1 famou Ho looked at a picture and ask- ed wha was the price. The artist named the sin he had set.tpon it. " Wh t,';exelaimed the buyer, "all those golden overeigns for so much paint!" - "Oh," replied Turner, "it's paint you are bu ing? I thought it was pictures. Hero," producing a half used tube of col- or, "I'll let you have that cheap. Make your own terms," and, turning his back on the astonised patron, hi wont on 'minting. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR IIEFICEI SEAFORTH, NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. HI HAIR TURNED WHITE. Pecn1ia Experience of the Kan Who ! De it In High Exploeivers. "Nitr glycerin, sir; high explosives ac- complish al it," said a well dressed man with a. y uthful face and snow white hair to a eh nee acquaintance at the Great Northerr. l"But our face isnot scarred? It would. see that an explosion" - n inipending explosion it was. Two yea1s agy I was the most successful well shooter 1 America. I could make the oil loosen u where others • had failed. The secret In in the explosives I employed, I made th m myself and had the business down fli e. At that time I went to New York to igure on a big blasting contract that wo Id have made me a pile. I felled to.make the arrangement, and the very day the egotifitions fell through I started suddenly for England on a similar Miel- sion. "'18 here ranch a thing as high explo- sives rip ning?' asked the Englishman I was ace mpanYing on the second day of our voyi go. "The quest' n brought me to my feet and caused aJ exolamation of horror to escape rom my lips. Many explosives undergo a. Aliening process, which adds greatly to their destructive power, at the same 611 e decidedly increasing the danger of handl ng them. That made by mo was of this ouiraoter. Indeed 26 days after it was coin ounded it was almost certain to explode of its own volition, so to speak. the upper shelf of the checkroom ow York hotel I bad left a large taining a 20 pound can of this compou d, the ripening of whioh meant destruction and death. • "For an hour I was almost in a state of frenzy, ° reely- denouncing myself as a multim rarer. In vain I drew an awful picture Of the devastation that would over- whelm a certain New York hotel in exact- ly 17 da -s and called upon the captain 40 put his hhip about. He promised to trans. fer nie tc a west bound stearner if an op- , portun1ti presented itself, but fortune failed m ' Now, on of my grip 001 , , and I was obliged to -cross tbe ocean. On the morning of the twenty- fifth day of the life of my ripening high explosiv I sprang from a carriage and I rushed Ililto the hotel. 1 ' . ' "No teprieved murderer ever expe- 1 rimmedreater joy than I did as I saw *43 last of he catch b back fr where I dismay.. Myl jet black hair bad turned white as BEM*. " sin. an t ad errible -fluid .disappear 1 ' a Ton minutes later I start3id o mirror of the hotel b r, ono for a 'bracer,' in absolute VETERANS UNDER FIRE. The lie "The flre is al "and ti wounds Mon he '11 tern [ 000 at reed They Don't Stoop When ullets Are Flying. _ tation to stoop when under irresistible," said a voterim, -counts for so many of the ed by raw troops. You Sio, ing post ire tho a chances are that the bui.et 1 when 0 11011 aappens to be bit in a sto( p - plows ri g h t through h i aob o (1 y 'from , end to end On the !other hand, if lie is standing .erect, t wound Old sol while t every c "Afte g:gensle fra o pro 3abilities aro in favor of the king slight, any -how not Mortal. iers aro well aware of this, and,. esy will drop fiat and hunt cover ance they got they never steep. ..a soldier has been _in a few en - 1s he learns such tricks, and, as he rest of it is concerned ho be- • comes s inply a fatalist. 'here is nothing strangeabout it, for alm st all his expo- , riencos iripcar to lend c lor to that doc- • trine. 'or instance, he rjever dodges, be- cause h • ed whe reached strange. Ing, all chance, "I rer of min took re has seen men dist, ge and get kill - It really seemed as if they had for tho bullet. In fact, the t things are continually happen - apparently the pure whim of ember near Petersburg a comrade ,s brave a fellow as ever lived, uga behind a little hut. Ho was Wornou under fire and wanted to got a momen 's breathing space. Twenty feet _ in the r ar and a little to one side was a pile of crosstios full of wroughtiron nails. A bulle Ca1110 along, splintered a tie a d drove oi,it one of the nails at right angl s. he jagged iron struck my chum in he side, penetrated hie kidneys and kil ed ira. "That's the blind chance of war, a id a ter getting a fewlsuch object lesson a f apt to acqui e a sort of sang fr id t at is immensely impressive to a recruit. It isn't because he h1ts a contempt for d n - ger; he has merely learned the folly of tying to evade it." New Orleans Tim s - Democrat. Proud of Him. When he was 50, he returned tbhis a- tive town "just to 00 how the old pl ce ' Be foundit unchanged. Tie old store, where as a lad he had clerked it l a d sold calico and groceries to the o d ft metal, was just th4 same. Ho contra t - e the sleepy -old pl ce with himself and f It a glbw of satisfaction When bethought h w mieh those 30 years had done -far h m. "fhey ought to be preud of me," he said o himself. Prese tly he met ne of the old inhab- itants. " Weal, I declare is it reelly you, , Hank?' said tho old man incredulously. • "We've hoerd you'vbbeen prospering fust rate, seneo you went vcst. . They've made you a TE Broad president or suthin of the . sort, ain't they? I hoard so, but f couldn't believe it. It's /Telly trlie, is it? Waal, 011 I've{ got to say is they mustepe purty hard up for railroad Presidents out there." He took the next train for the west. - New York Commercial A.dvertiser, His Deeperiete Resolve. "She is only amusing herself with me V" exclaimhd young Throggins bitterly. "She , Is an affeetion no day and all sneers and coldnesS the next day. I'm good enough to take her to theaters or other places whore she wants to go and have a good time, bit when [I call on her to spend an evening she looks bored and yawns and makes me do all the talking. If I wasn't so clean gone on her, I'ddrop her right now. 1 know One thing! If ever I get heroff b'gosh, I'll never fall in love wan another girl -never, b'gosh, and you can ,bot on itl" i No Use. In ennouneing the collection," re- marked tho pastor, "I shall repeat that ho who giveth unto the poor lendeth unto the Lord, only adding thatthoLord has Ino Ilse for braSs buttons, except as me- mentos df the denors1"-Detroit Journal. ' . Vast quantities of hors•Thair, which is chiefly used for upholstering furniture, comes to this country from Siberia. It Is taken from the manes and tails of horses ridden by Cossacks. In scAe parts of China the punitih- merit for murder is sleeplessness. The culprit iskeptawake until he dies. Un- er this treatment a person lives nine or n day s. . • -.Mr. a. H. Merryfield, of Monkton, lost •* purse, the other day, containing money and other **able* to the extent of $100, -a:41r. home* McClooklin, a popular mei lof Yfitobellihas gone to Car. , Ma tLloba,where he has eucured a :,.:r114./posit oip. c -lithe 1 y-ilaw to raiz $120,000 to take ver and xtlend the waterworks in Strat- ord., Was 1eeat�d, on Tuesday of last week, ty of 34Y1 in is total vote of 727. nmi WOMEN OF NOTE. Mrs. James M. 3arrie, wife of the au- thor of "The Little Minister," is saki to be a very.pretty woman. Mme. Navarro's tMary Anderson's) sis- ter is Mother Dom .nica, a nun in the Con- vent of the Assumption in London. Mrs. Theodore aaveineyer disposes of some $15,000 each year on her whims and never 1139 ice tho price of an article that strikes her fancy, tut orders it sent hbme, Erie, Kan., has two newspapers edited by woMen, Mrs. Belle Harbaugh edits The Repsiblican-Record and Miss Eliza- beth Frazier has charge of the Erie Senti- nel. HolerGlould's income is the largest 1:)f any unna arried woman in the country. She do, not spend much on herself. On churches and charities she spends $100,000 a year. I Mnie4 oubet greatly resembles her friend, Mme. Carnot, in her charitable tendencies, She disposes of large sums among the poor, and is a regular visitor at the liospitals. be t e Vanderbilt, is said E. to Mrs. 1,01iver II. P. Belmont, former »' Mrs. W most extravagant wonxan in society. Se spends quite $100,000 each year on trills and knickknacks. . Mrs. S. V. Harkness of Now York city, formerlff of Cleveland, has offered,to build a chape at the College For Women of the Western Reserve university in Cleveland. She ha4 previously founded a biblical prO- fessorf3hip in that college. - The Young Duchess of Marlborough and several other ladies of much wealth arid rank are ging in for f lconry. It is an expensive forrn of sport, an ordinary hawk costing as much as $ 00 and requiring quite an outlay for naintenanco and training. Mrs., William Rocket lees hobby is for carnations, one of the reenbouses at her country plaice at Scarbo ouglion-the-Hud- son being devoted exclusively to their aut. ture. She is said to spend thousands Of dollata every year for the plants she ine- , ports for her ovvn pleasure. 1 I At a public dress rehearsal Of a new p In Paris Mine. Casimir-F'erier, wife of t e former president of the' French republic, was requested 46 remove her hat, but de- clined to-do so. When shb learned that the ru in 01 ' g ust. seri She rav tine svel all of t e wctuld be enforce others, she left , the In her case as theater in dls- dy Randolph Church 11 is thus de - 10 by T. P. O'Connor in his weekly: ,atill a very prett woman, Her n Meek, hair does not show a -single a4 of gray; her figure is slight and and the deep, dark •lue eyes have heir vivacity undininie by their years sirs. She is certainly sne of the most wid accomplished woe of her time. OARNEGIE\S ILLIONS. 1.1 r. Carnegie has a gra t opportunity, to set hilanthropth exam J for rich men. Per la m lie can even 'seta "wave" of phil 1 thropy.-Indianap s News. - 11 1 is determination t o into the hu - mai 'tartan business A idrew Carnegie nee( 00 fierce competition from other millio mires. -Albany Tbnes-Union. , Mr.j Carnegie will have to be as wise ea o serpnit and harmless as a dove if he ex- pecte 6 put his charitable Millions out o unweIrthy hands.-- leveland Plain Dealer. Mr Carnegie nlbly decides to retire from !the mad whirl of money getting. His xample should not be lost Upon all who 1 aye attained the modest competence of $1( 0,000,000. -Oregonian. It 111 be interesting to watch Air. Car- negie and mite the size and character of his benefactions, the territory he will se-, lect aS the ohlot scenes of his labors and their effeetnpon him and the communities. -Philadelphia Inquirer. Andrew parnegie has retired from busi- ness With $200,000,000. Ho intimates that It is 1115 purpose to give away nearly all of it in s'uch a way that he will not be called a fool. Ho will rind the first part of the propoSition much easier. -Colfax Press. dom PAUL. ! Oon Paul kruger seems to be suffering from tnothor attack of that belligerent fcelin .-Philadelphia Bulletin. Own Paul Kruger is so busy Russian- izing the growler that he may miss some points ,in the game, -Memphis Cominer- cial Appeal. By surrounding two gallons of beer every 44 hours °ern Paul Kruger man- ages teianake a perennial parlor social of hiruself.-Washington Post. Coin Paul -Kruger and hisband of stub- born Dutchmen are causing John Bull more sleepless nights than any of his affairs in other parts of the world. -Pitts- burg Times. If it is ,a fact that Oom,Paul Kruger be- nevolontlYassimilates four gallons of beer daily, Mr 1,1 Rhodes ought to think. twice before attempting to lift sueh a ''hefty" chunk of the white man's burden aS Oom Paul is likely to prove. --Sioux Cityl Jour- nal.• I TIRE PUNCTURES. In Turkey they call the bicycle the "devil's harlot." -New York Telegram. ' 14 16 not considered good form for a red- headed gi 1 to ride a white bicycle. I This is import int news and should be.remern- I bend.- -ansas City Times. The bi yele rider is not hard hearted. He sincerely regrets collisions with pedes- trians, though his,regret is not as keen ae It used to be when wheels wore higher in price.- ansas City/Journal. • Of icourse the Boston Globe , editor, is writing elf the Boston inaiden W11011 he says, "In i the case of tho average bicycle girl dist nce lends enchantmeat to the view."- levoland Plain Dealer, Arab c leftains and other high moguls of the r e are eager to get any old bicycle they can lay their hands on: They learn to ride quickly and aro proud and happy when mounted on what they call the "horse o the devil." . TRUST THRUSTS. The plow trust does not want the earth. It merely wants to turn it oven -Chicago Times -Herald. Why nOt finial up the job by putting everything in one big combine and calling it worth $1,000,000,000,000?- Pittsburg Dispatch. The laws of Missouri hit trusts in a tender scot by prohibiting collections by them in that state. Missouri is note hope- lessly ben1ght9d commonwealth, after all. -Minne poll Tribune. Let th trusts alone till they get ready to tackle each other. Already there are signs of War gotwaen the rival steel 00111 - bines. When this begins, antitrust plank* in political platforms will be superfluous. -1309401.1 Herald. CASTOR IA For Infante and Children. The W- IWI. sigsetare of ifi 011 144114 "PM IMPORTANT .NOTICES J. JA and$u OHN te 00 e'iyanee oveste Ivenee E" 00 Or a sow, Be infonna mind)] °KENNA, Dominion and Provincial Land rveyor, Member of theAssociatior of Ontario eyors, Dublin, Ontarib. 1888 52 BEATTIE, Clerk •-.1 the Recoil Divieloa County Commit:rob:wrier, of 1 uron, Con- , Land, Loan end Insteranoe Age t. Punde and to Loan. °Mee -Over Sharp As tore, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 AT SOW. -Strayed from the pre .. ism of tee dersigned. Lot 4, Concession I, T ekeremith, out May 21et, a large Meek and ed spotted lidera and Tamworrh. Any poison gulag len thet will teed to her recove y shall ije reward. JAMES A. ELL, Hensel' P. 0, 1642x4 R FOR SALE. -The underslgned offers f r sale the thnbee-on the East half -.51 Lot 38, Co cession '9, Mcliillop, -There 0 a quuntity of go soh suitable for rails; 1080 me hardwood bus which 11l be gold by the se e, and has appointe Mr. James Lockhart to sell the same. GEORG HALL. 1818 1 MO THE LADIES. -Mrs, Slth Wishes to infor .1 the ladies of Seaforth an Vicinity that she I prepared to -do up hair combioge into switches, eto An assortment of switches for gale. Hair an switches exchanged. She will aim buy dark,brow or black hair. Residence earner of Jarvii. an Market Streets, Seaforth. MRS LEVI SMITH. 1637 tf ' STORE IN SEAFORTI1 Td RENT. -To rent e easy terms, the store on !ifitla Street, Seaford] recently occupied by Casey aC4. It is one of th best business stands in town, bl ing next door to th poet office and immediately o posite the Commer dal betel. The store is 86x feet, with splendi cellar full size,. d bp stairs 1 ocinneeted with th etore. It is in is first-class sta of repair. Posen sesion at any ti r e. Apply to JAMES GILLESPIE Seaforth. 183611 -DOVLTRY A .1 a grand pe MInoreas-Pioe best Wok in C good color and fl 20 cote:intim of I full line 41 Beeke Hives, Smokers, stroth Extractot supplfee. WIL &Worth. D BEES.-Eg s for hatching fro of large pure White Rocks. Blao • color, large tzo breed, bred fro nada. Buff mete -Real beauties e tee teethe ing. $1 per setting Ian Bees at moderate price. Also pCi!' eupplie , inch as Foundation Extractors, 1 second-hand Lang - Bees wax teken itsexchange for AM HARTRY, Church St. 1 orth, 1038. REAL STATE FOR SALE. Spring Stock. Our Spring sock of Furniture is complete. We extend a special invita- tion to all admirers of god furniture to inspect our stock. We lave always semething,, new to show you in new designs and finish at dose prices. his department is complete with a large selection of the best goods, and obligi g a tention given to this branch of the business. ta Ni ht c 110 promptly attended to, by our undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, Goder- ich st eet, Seaforth, opposite the Methodist church. ROADFOOT BOX SG 00.1 , RESIDENCE N SEAFORTH Fin SALE. -For ; sale, dna , the residence facing an Vietoria . Squire In Serif, th, the property of Jerem Ward. There is a comfortable frame bolero, with good stone cellar, h 0 , ard and e ft water, and all her neceesary conveniencea. The house centains 8 rooms, with pantriee, etc. There are two IsI ' rrts, lc; t,, kinds of fruit rn nd ornaenb w111 pi nted with al time and eh be. Also a ler e tab e. Tots isne o the best, most convooint and most pIeseiiiitlj eft ated resid .nees In Seaforth and will be sold chesp,, pply to J eliN WARD. 164 .tf MIAMI FOR SALE. -For Fele, ot 8J0, Lo don ..1.! 'load, Tuckeremith, containing 10' sore, 90' acres cleared and In a very high state of tints, tion, . the balance is good hardwood bush. The fa m is' well fenced and well utderdrafoed. Thera le fine new bank barn, a good orchard and lenty of e ater. It le within a mite and a quaeter of Brucefield, and tour miles from Clinton. This ie a firs class farm 164 ).1 and will be sold cheap and on ess ten s of nil- ment. For further parectilare appl3to HIGGINS, Brumfield. PL-718-I-i-it.idD11S-1M :7foILIS)beer,,,,: ar.8,05A acres uitivatia d 5 acresof wood. Good brick residence, with brick kitehe woodshed, and large bank barn with etone etal and good driving house. All well fenced, u diriatilonne,d with tile a and in lir,vt clasS st-.te of There is a good or -ha the grounde aro welt get out It ill within four miles of churchee, Met hsdiet and Pres within a it)ile. There is pler ty of hotter) and stables. Also a e indmi grinding, etc. This is ono of Ilio he coutty of Huron, and le in firet-cles reepect and will be Bold on reimeeb proprietor desires to retire. Apply or address Thames Read P. O. Di li t.tnrii ., and lig, ' 100 good icier.' d of choicefruit; uaintdi'l ith o neint ntal tirees.. 'Xeter ; adjAns two yteri re and a e hoot water, bot for 1 for pum ing, It farms i I the net btahpoo pi rue v ear: e t,errnea , . t (!IN NES. i64. the ! • STOCK FOR S! RV/CE. B}DAR FOR SERVICE. - e undersigned svill ' keep for service on Lot e5, Cencession Staley, a thoroughbred Chesterwhite boar. Terme-, 81, Payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if neoessary. JOHN V. DIEHL vo PREEDERft -The Undersigned w1i5iI91k401 i on 144 26, Concession 6,,L. R. S., Tuckereneth, a thoroughbred CMESTMA Wnitx Pio, also a thorough- bred YORK8IIIRM PIO. A limited number of Sows will be Omitted to each. Terme, $1, payable at the time of eerviee, or $1.50 if charged. Alpe. a few Chester White Pigs for sale. JAMES GEUMILL. 1608 62 -frAlifIVORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER- I. • VICE.-Tbe underdgned Will keep for servierel at the Brnoefield Cfneeisi ;i'ateurry, e thorouEhbred, Tairtworth Boar, with registered pedigree. Torres; •l; payable at tune of service with. privilege of reel turning if nemesary. Also a number ' of thoron s bred young Tarawath Boars and Sows for .ale Well MoCARTNEY, Brumfield. , 14064 „ wietWORTH PRI FOR SERVICt-The under - Me Mop, a ther 'bred Tamworth pig, to which a tim, 1._ I signed hat foi service on lot 8e, conceseion $, iw i ed number o sows will be taken. Thi. is an axt good pig ap4 breeders find it advantageous 40 arose their berkeh re sows with tide breed of pig. Tern). $1, with pijvlloge of returning if nenewiary.. JOHN MoMILLA14 1505xt1 . . BLL FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep1 for service} on Lot 22, Concession 1, Huron' Road, Tuckersmitb, a pure thoroughbred Durham} huller" Huron Hero," bred by James Snell, Hullett., Tonne, 81 50, peyabte on or before the lst of Feb- ruary, 1900. NORMAN L. A. -CARTER. 1039e8 • STOCK FOR SALE. URHAM BULLS FOR 8ALE.-1Por itwol thoroughbred Durham bulls; bo11b 12 nmeths old, ,one reap and the other rod. J0U11 hiORRISON, Lot n, Concession; 11, hieRillbp, Wint Top P. O.' TIIi _ ‘E1,$P1f4IN • BitANIJ .11 Pure: Linseil Oil 1 ixed Paints -IN THE - Latest Artistic Sbadesi -FOR Interior 'and Exterior Deco a- • , tion Mmiufactured by . . . . Tile Canada Paint C?mpany, Montreal, Toronto, Victoria, B. C. Now on sale at REID ill WI.SON'S, , SEAFORTH, ONT. 3.838-13 TIMBER WALNTED. Highest mush price paid for btaok aeh, white ash, red end while oak,hard and sof ma le, hemlock soft and 'rock elm. Either stumpage or delivered hi surd. For further particuiare &PP*? to GUS. WAGNER, • Manager for the S. I. Co, Ex ter. -tf Money to Loan. Any amount of money to loan} on good faim re- pertv, at 6 per cant. pernu pa. Straight Ione, i payMents made *0 suit borrow r, satiatantIon fr- anteed, charges low. At office riday afternoon and all day Saturday. • ABNER COSENS, • MoDons11 Block, Magian]. , um Be,utif11i 'I)esigns, Bell- ing: at 3c, 4c and 5c per Window Shades, cloth rollers, price from 25c up. apers LUMSDIEN & WILSON, • SCOTT'S BLOCK, MAIN STREET, gAFORTEE, - Ontario. We But all 5n Jun Set, cal arriage Robert Devereux L.icenses wsw:irtatte:::. :CARRIACE Opp. General Jobbing, •MAKER AZ!' Do -Not Issue Them, hose thatore, going to be married and kvill have need of a Dinner t Robb's, SEAFORTH As we ve just opened this week a line of • Dinnerare, the: prottiest and the hest quality "fer the money that ever came into SEAFORTH. If you don't know, you ought to by this time, that we take the lead in the Crockery line in SE1ORTH. owl Grocery iiie we keep everything fresh and clean, a4d deliver to any part of • se FORTH. H "Y'S TO FR -OCEAN TO OCEAN. 14) Is 4e in attendance at The Ca Ucla Business College CH iTHAM, ONTARIO. From the A antic Coast to the Pacific Slope. One )iunc.re ,and thirty-three cities, towns and villages in Can da and the United States, during the past year; aim us pearly 300 pupils. There are now 23 Counties Imo DI itricts in Ontario, 5 --States of the Union, toga h r with Mani ba and the Northwest Territories ep oriented. 0 or 200 of our pupils hsve been pleee i good posit -lone since January let., 1898. We r .e ntly had:four calls within three weeks to supply teachers for other businese colleges. A*nong tho e who have amepted positions lately, ere : Jenlai Bateman, as stenographer and aselstant book-keepe , Walkerville Brewing Co ; Annie Mc- Rae, as at gaapher and; assistant book-keeper, Milton l'rc*ed Brick & Sewer Co. • Catharine Mc- Rae, as stenographer, George Angell, Wholesale Art Supplies}, D it, Michigan ; George Carthwright, stenog a h rj with -Nortb American Life Agent'. Mice Co. Toronto. The spring term is one of the best aeasons o the year for making a start. Enter now. • 1.doLACHLAN & Co. Chatham, Ont, CENTRAL ar ware Store. We are *gents for Robertson's celebrated ready mixedPlaints ; for durability and choice of colors, they cannot be surpassed. They are a Ufa.atured from pure white lead and :oil, and , are guaranteed satisfactory, See "our quic1moa1 gasoline stoves; they are more easilylac.ed have aitinto nanyothser stock of in the nalarket spades &hovel hrks, hmis and garden rakes. Eavetroughing and furnace work a specialty - Give us 11 call before purohasing. M u rd e SiOs H A DWARE, Count d Stand. Seaforth, ORTH STORE I now Soeming a tree) lot of all kind ei of as from 10c. a lb. to 500 a lb. black and g een Jsipan's, siftings and dust. Also an- other lot of those very fine coffees which give auchigood satiisfaction. I am giving great bargains in all kinds of goods. I Ways have what I advertise. Canned apples in 1 gallon tins at 15c each, regular price 2130cooing Figs 6 lbs. for 25c, 6 lbs. liest‘ B. Rice for 26c ; 4 ibe. Prunes for 250 6 doz. Cries Inis for 60 ; Bed Cords 5c each ; 7 bard,Of oa for 25e ; 8 lbs. Sulphur for 25c lbe. Salt. for 25 ; Red H€rrng 10e a box ; a limited quantity of Msiple Syrup, h�me pnalie, ;at 250 a quart; Gallon ils of Mixed Pickles, first class at gpe. A few Dutch Set Onions yet in stock and kso a full line of the beat varieties of Tar- Ulp and Garden seeds, Tomato plants 1; a fine lot of Sugar Cured and Smoked Hains, Shouldera, Breakfast Bacon, Skinned Basiks, &Ind long, clear Bacon out of small hags ; 20 lb. pato Poe Lard at 11.60 a. r am et 11 tinning China, Crockery tnd Glassware an Lisrops at cost and under; to clear them ot t. A cordial invitation is ex- uded tort& to cell and get some of Mie teat bargai AULT Goderich atreet, - Seaforth, H CHAMPION SHIRE STALLION OF CANADA KILBURN • NO. 15,179.. Will stand for the improvement of stock for the 4th season at BERRY'S SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES, HENSALL, during the FC8800 1899. Terms.-Tneurauce $18. Meals and feed for parties from a distance free, BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietors. OWEN GEIGER, Manager, 163841 McLEOD'S System • Renovator -AND OTHER - TESTED - REMEDIES. -- A speeific and antidote ter Impure, Weak and Im- poverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pelpatee Mon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Coneun3ption Gall Stones, Jaundice, Ki ,ney and Urinary Diseales, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularieies and General Debility. LABORATORY-Goderioh, Ontario. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann facturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 16014f 'ao la V d N30100 10 HMS 1-1 It • f:Lo• O <1) n zCT1 0-1 6' r4 '1 5- cp Q t )-d• - - Aa-1(t`'PCD z r/2 rj Cit:z ‘(.4 ct- t:i 1-1- CID woi Oas.mPa'8H "SOW n 17' P n CD cm 02 ril co2 --4 0 e -t- Z..•;.; i-ot et. 1:5-, cc CD rn p ' a n o vtii gal ii 4 le!. 0 P SE di cp (1) •-• 1:$ e-4- 01 1 - i • $-.1 ot cDPCDp et- 0 CD on" Cil • 7' CP CD e+ - P -43 CD ' 1010. :;13 l'S 11: ' CT- CD I:r. Noe I.'" ' Oa • CD Z, M ri Pa 'SffI'IddllS FOR SALE. A comfortable two storey dwelling house; warehouse with refrigerator, stable, out -houses and a good well. Apply to EDWARD CASH, SEAFORTH.