HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-23, Page 2Catarrhil Deafness.
The last stage development of Nasal Ca-
tarrh. Japanese Catarrh Cure goes away past
the points where even specialists on the
idisease haye been able, to reech. It's a pene-
trating, !soothing, healing and strengthening
compound, allaying the inflammation and
bearing without leaving the slightest bad
after -results. The only guaranteed Catarrh
cure. 60e at all druggists. 119
Canada's Greatest Liniment.
curative discovery or the. age. Pene-
tes muscle, membrane and tissue to the
rar bone, banishes pains and aches with a
power Impossible with any other remedy.
trate it for rheumatism, neuralgia. head-
aches and all soreness, swelling and in-
Earnreation. All drug -gists, 26 ets. 82
Pernasuentle Cured of Astbraa--Clarke's
Kola Cempound Cures.
bEra F. er. Banton, the well-knowa pro-
prietor of Paintoens Music Store, Vaneou..
Ter, IL C., writes ; "I have been a great
sufferer from asthma in its worst form
for Oyer., four years, very often halting had
'Mtg. this remed,y. I have frequently re -
physicians both in 1Ongland and Canada
ithout obtaining any permanent relief ,and
ried many remedies with the same result.
friend who had been oured by Dr. Clarke%
w n arty two years since my recovery,
eke pound advised me to try it. And
hree ethics have entirely wired me. It is
eel? very grateftil ta Dr. Clarke for intro-
corameeded it tra others suffering as I wits,
and dre not know of a single case where
he required number of bottles have been
kere tbat It has failed to cure. See that
on get Clarke's. 0 trke's Kola Compound
hould not be conf nded with the other
okra preparations o the market, as this
alto ether a different preparation, de-
igreate eepeoially fo the cure of asthma;
ld by all druggist —price two dollars ;
hree, bottles, with ure guaranteed, five
21t Church street, ronto, or Vanoourert
. O., sole Canadian importers.
se of Hay Fever.
ruggists sen it. 19
Sold by . S„ Roberts.
4 SALE.—In the Vill
dwelling and stere•co
entre of Term
ge of Bengal, a fine brick
blued, well situated near
reasonable. Apply to
IL 1616
ARIt FOR 8ALE—For sale, Lot 6, Concession ,
Hullo% near village of Kinborn, containing
bout 100 sores, all cleared arid in a good state of
ultivation. There are good builinge, good orchard
nd plenty of excellent water. Thie is a splendid
arm and will be sold cheap, Immediate poseession.
ARK FOR SALE.—Lot 30, Conclusion 1, town -
&hip Tackermiith. H. R. 8., the property of
he late William Whitely is offere for sale. On the
arm is erected a two story te.one house, barn and
heda, There is also- a good bearing orchard, and
he farm is well watered with a living spring and a
E. WHITELY on the premises. 1642-11
OR SALE—Fin sale 220 acre farm in MoKillop,
being. Lots 2,4, and 25, Conemerion 10, and north
art of Lot 25, Ccineession 9. This land hu been
n pasture since first cleared, 25 or 30 years ago,
herefore is rich and free from foul weed& It is
ituated on the gravel road, five miles north of Sea.
orth and nine from Brussels. Terms oi payment
ode to suit purchaser. For padiculars apply to
ARM FOR SALL—For sale, in the Township of
MoKillop, the north 60 scree of Lot 15, Conoes-
on 14, boundary line. About 47 acres cleared, three
res of good hardwood bush, about twce acres of
holm fruit trees, soil unsurpassed, well drained and
tweed ; aohool half a mile away, poet office and
burgh convenient ; will be sold cheap. For pal',
°Wars, apply to the proprietor on the pr mitres, or
UILDING LOT FOR SALE.—The very idesirable
building lots, being numbera 37, 38, 39 and
situated on Main street of Egmondville and Sea-
orth. The whole contains about one acre, and will
e sold in separate propels or torther to suit the
unehaeer. Tide property is list south of the
oollen Mills, and Mr. &Dickson property south of
he corporation, and is considered the most desirable
ultding site either for private residence's or a
tory. It is high and convenient, and lesi s street
uth and west. Apply to JANE or JO EIN SPROAT,
gmendville P. o, Executors to the Estate of the
te John Sproat. 1583-11
PLENDID FARM. FOR itALE—For sale the
eplendid farm of Mr. Robert Govenlock, on the
orth Road, mile and a half from Sortforth. I
ntains 176 acres, nearly all cleared and in high
teate of cultivation, There is a two story brick
house, good bank barn and everything in 111.86.01as!
=Mien and well underdrained. It will be sold on
eesy terms, as the proprietor deeires to retire. If
net sold before tbe fall it will be rented. Address
ROBERT GOVENLOOX, Seaforth P. 0. 159841
sale, the reaidencein Harpurhey at present oc-
o pied by the undersigned. There is a good frame
h use, bricked inside, and a stable, also over an acre
an a half of land, also a splendid orchard of all kinds
of mit, both large andsmall. It is situated on the
m in etreet,aud hart all -necessary convenienoes. Also
h park lot immediately in the rear of the abave,
o Wiring sores, on which there is a gaol house
an large stable, also an orohard and well. These
pr parties will be sold ;nether or separately. These
ptepertiee ere admirably adapted for a retired farm-
er r market gardener. Apply on the premises to
roprietor, or address 8creforth P. O. WILLIAM
DY FS. 16 i4-tt
AR51 FOR SALE.—Good farm for sale, in the
township of Stanley, oeuety of Huron, °enme-
sh) 12, Lot 16, containing 100 weed, over Oa aerate
de- red ; well watered and a brge orchard. There
is eh° property a arge brick house, frame barn,
eta les, and shede. As the present tenant moves on
to le own form in tha fall, and the proprietor in -
ten a to retire, s ) this farm will be sold very cheap,
an ma ewe/ terms. If not sold before the lat of
Au ust, then it will be rented. For partloulare aye
ply on the premiees, or Bayfleid P. O. ROBERT
DE ATY, Proprietor.. 1633-tf
VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE.—For sale in the
Village of Bayfield, the followine iota : Lot 8,
in Range F, the townehip of Stanley (excepting
the °trete 1i aorea owned by Mra. L. Clark).
the and to be sold containing seven acres ; eecond—
Nor heed corner of Lot 7, in Range F, in the toWn•
eh! of Stanley, containing three acres. These lets
are oth situated on the Bayfield road, within the
eo oration of Bayfleld. Immediate poseession will
be even. Title free front all encumbrances. For
further particulars apply to the undersigned.
Bay eld, Executors, 1035-11
actAltle IN TUCKER3MITEI FOR SALE.—For sale,
eon ining me acres, 00 sores cleared and in a geod
stet of cultivseort, 10 acres of good hardwood bugh.
The e Is on the promisee a good brick houae and
kite crt ; a large new bank barn, with atone htabling
underneath ; an open shed ; driving house, and other
buildings ; two good wells and orchard. It Is five
miles from Seaforth and six from Clintan on a good
gray 1 road. School Mote by. Will he sold cheap.
App y on the premises to ROBERT MOIETY, or SPa•
X For sale that well-known aril firat-class farm on
Parra." It is elm to the einem of Egmondeille, and
within one mile and a half of Seaforth. Its contains
97 aerea, with brick residence and good buildinge :
pletny of good water and well underdrained. It
will le sold as a whole, or in parts te suit purchasers,
and en easy terms of payinent. This is a splendid
°I)P6•tunity for any person desiring to get a very
p eaeant location for a 'cadence Mao the residence
of the undereigned in 8eaforth. A comfortable
house and good lot ; convenient to Main street. Ap.
ply to the Proprietoreffeaforth,, or the Tea EXPOSITOR,
,u Lot 11, Concession 8, Tuckeremith, containing
100 urea, all °leered but about 8 acres of good bush.
It is urderdrained, well fenced, and in a high state
of cultivation. There is a good stone house ; good
barns, stables and out -houses. It adjoins a good
school ; is within five miles of &Marti; and three
wiles from Kippen, There is plenty of geed water.
Will be told with or without the crop. It, is one of
the best farms in the township, and will be sold on
°say terms. as the proprietor wants to retire. Also
to aoree within a mile and a quarter, a good griming
lot, well fenced, but uo builduage. Will be sold to.
gether or separately. Apply on the premises, or ad-
dress Egmonciville P. O. JAMES MeTAVISH.
163g tf
Snap Bargains in Real Estate and
Live Stock.
THIRTY DOLLARS an acre will buy 184 acre
farm—a firstola.se grain and stock farm—pear the
Village of Zerieh, in the township of Hay, County of
Huron; good buildings, good fencea, plenty lof water
and a, most desirable place; also three thoroeghbred
ehort horn bulls and three Yorkshire boars, ill fib for
sereicte; slao fevers' roadster horses, all geed stook,
and prices ht. For partieulars apply to • RAR -
cis 45
o ccs
4.0 15
Influence of Pleasant Pictures
in the Development of Christian Character -
Encouragement to Artists.
V: shington, June 18. Dr. Talmage
sh w in this discourse how art may be,
co no one of the iniehtli st age/mica for
th e ovation and salvation of the human
raee. The text is Isaiah ii, 12, 16, "The
ni on all pleasant pictures." ,
Pictures are by some rele ated to ! the
men 1 or wo idly, but in text shows
that 3od-scrurnizes pictures, and whether
they u•e -good or bad, who her used for
li::,,ht or wrong purpose, I, a matter of
d vitt ‘ mission of pictures ia rny subject.
till -ins observe.- ion and arrai, nment. The
'i sat the II,Mis 's pencil and the engraver's,
eet t ) the kira darn of the bad Is frankly
r _lei tad, Afal, the ashes and scoria were
tee v oils of ti ose cities discovered to the
asplorors a (ler sedation in art which can -
tat to exagee sited. patan and all his
It ps have alw ys wanted the -fingering
ef i is , easel. They- s4ould rather have
eessc -Won 'of that tnan the art of print-
, t. 1, for typoF are ot so patent and
e dal for evil is pictu es. The powers of'
carkiess thin they have gained a tri-
seecr tble parlo or nubile art gallery they
esod but fascinating to, the evil.
It is not in a' spirit of prudery, but
back d up by God's etbrnal truth, when
1 eaa that you have no rig t to hang in
your art rooms or your dw lling houses
that vhich would be offe sive to good
poop e if the figures pictu ed were alive
1.-1 vaur parlor and the guests of your
hold. A picture that you have to
in - a someWhat secluded Place, or
n a public ball you cannot with a
of friends deliberately stand before
isauss ought to have a knife stabbed
1 at the top and cut clear. through
bottom and a stout finger thrust ,
the right side, ripping blear through
ro th: left. Pliny the elder lost his life
le- going neat. enough to see the inside of
off fr
le tar
(ley 0
tart t
ill to
ius, and the farther you can stand
)m the burning crater of sin the
. Never till the books of the last
e opened shall we know what has
b: en the dire harveat of evil pictorials
and nbocoming art galleries. Despoil a
;Lan'. Iniagination, and he becomes a
.mere carcass, The show windows of Eng-
lish a :1 _American cities, in which the
low t catres have sometimes hung long
Pries f brazen -actors -and actresses in
,-tyle insulting to all propriety, bave
made a broad path to death for multi -
males of people. But so ,have all the Other
arts b en at times suborned of evil. How
has m sic bon bedraggled? Is there any
place o low down in dissoluteness 'that
into i has not been oarried David's harp
and I tinders organ, and Gottechalk's
and Ole Bull's violin, and the
ilute„ hich, though named after so in-
significiant a thing as the Sicilian eel,
as seven spots on the side, like
les,: yet for thousands of years
an exalted mission? Architec-
rn In the heart of him who made
Ids, under its arches and across
rs_, what bacchanalian revelrier3
n enacted! It is not againstani
°arts that they have been so lel
ranaIllat Bible Pictures.
a poor world this would be if it
for what my tett calls "pleas -
res!" I refer to your memory
e when I ask if your knowledge
Holy. Scriptures has not been
mightil augmented by .the woodcut:: or
ertaravii*s in the old family Bible which
on', the t ble in the old homestead when
father ar mother read 'out of and laid
you were boys and ,girIs The Bible
scones Which *wall carry i our minds
ble typology,
To prove
se, the other
Bible which
hat I have
aceb's ladder
.gravings of
ith Samson
Gaza, Elisha,
Christ bless-
xion and the
all these is
word. That
ing picture
ence abroad
re from the
ook, for the.
it bet little,
11 the sacred.
re the great
ink, but the
end! of the
's nail for
rave s plate
ill i ns I
overwhelming coin men
ophets, apostles and Chr
ions of Scriptural now
flute h
has ha
titre, b
the wo
have be
of thes
Nvero no
t pie.
/god mi
of the
but lfro the Bible picture
the, trut of it in my own e
day 1 to k up the' old famil
inherfted. Sure enough,
ett.rried my nrind of
was, exactly the Bible e
Jac,oh's ladder, and so
eigrrvih4 off the gates of
restoring the Shunammit
mas.sacre of the innocents,
ing little children, the crud
last judgment. idea o
that of the, old Bible engrav
scanned before I could read
is true ith nine -tenths of y
swing o en the door of your
would fl d that you are wal
galleries' The great intelli
ithout the Bible did not cox
general - reading of the
majority of the people read
if they r,ead it at all: but
scenes have been put bef
masses, and not printer's
pictorial! art, must have the
the favo ed few and then en
or wood ut for millions on
the Bibl
arch s, p
all nations it the paintings
m of Hol
Temple," Pa
shing the Fee
iohael the
s "Dragon
s," TintOret
Fiery ,
Into E
the Cro
en W
ary on
1, what
dge of
laguis of the
's 'Flight
soent From
onardo Da Vinci's "Last
de's "Queen of Sheba."
Bellini' "Ma onna" at Mile
"Last J. dgme t" and hund
of pict res, if they were
illustrat ng, displaying,
irracilat ng Bible truths unti
tures ar net to -day so much
on canv s, not so much in in
the cola a of the spectrum. I
child th t Was to MAP
eds of miles
ut in line,
rained zing,
the Scrip -
on paper as
as in all
1833 forth
ere came a
sneed and
tiotuness anytning area everyman
the :world had ever ,seen since th
-color appeared on besky at the ores,
Pan' Gustav Dore At 11 years
his own. a ing othing of what he did
for Milton"Paradise.Lost," emblazon-
ing It on ti e attention of the world, he
takes up t e book of books, the monareis
of literatur , the Bible, and in his pie -
tures, "Th . Creation of Light," "The
Trial of Abri ham's Faith," "The B
of Sarah," j" joseph Sold by His B
ren," "Th Brazen Serpent," "Boa
Ruth," "David and Goliath,"
Transfiguration," "The Marriage in
Cana," "Babylon Fallen' and 205 Scrip-
tural seeneS in all, with a boldness and a
grasp and ,almost supernatural afflatus
that make the heart throb and the brain
reel and t e tears start and he cheeks
blanch and the entire nature quake , with
the tremen ous things of God and eternity
and the deo . I actually staggered down
the steps f the London Art Gallery
under the p' wer-of Dore's "Christ Leav-
ing the Praetorium." 1Profess you to be
a Christian Man or woman, and see no
divine missien in art, 'and acknowledge
you no obli ation either in thanks to God
he Lessees ef Art.
It is no ore the word ef God when
put before s in printer'e ink than by
skillful lay' g oh of colors or designs on
What .a les on in morals was:presented
by. Hogarth the painter, in his two pio-
Miser's Fea t," and by Thomas Cole's
engravings of the "Voyage' of Human
Life" and t e "Course of Empire" and
by Turner's "Slave Ship!" Go 1 in art!
Christ in ar ! Patriarchs, prop ots and
apoatles in rt! Angels in art! Heaven
in art!
The worl and the church Ought to
come to th higher appreciation of the
divine mise on of pictures, yet the
. to semi -sat vation. West, -the , great
painter, toil d in una precia,tion till, be-
ing a great kater, hile on the ice be
formed the acquaintance of General
1-Towe of the lEnglish rmy, who, through
coming to admire We t as a clever skater,
gradually c me to 1 ppreciate as much
that whiph e aceom "Med 1:0,, his hand
painter, was pursued and had nothing
with which te defend himself against the
'mob but the :artist's portfolio, which be
held -over his' head' to OOD orr , the stones
hurled at him. The pictures of Richard
Wilson of Engl nd were sold for fabulous
SUMS of mon y after his death, but the
living painte as glad to get for his
"Alcyone" piece of Stilton cheese,
Prone 1640 to , 1 543 there were 4,600 pic-
tures wilfully' estroyed, In the reign of
Queen Itlizabct it was the habit of some
people to spon muoh of their time in
knocking pict es to, pieces. In the reign
of Charles 1.--1 was; ordered by Parlia- -
Inc* that all ictures of Christ be burn-
ed. Painters re so badly treated and
bur Mated in, the . beginning of the
eigtenth century that they were lower --
ed c eur down, out of the sublimity of
their art and obliged to give accoUnts of
what they did vith their colors,
value, was pick d out of a lumber garret.
The oldest pi ture in England, a poi --
trait of Chau er, though now of great
Great were the trials of Quentin Matsys,
' who toiled on :rom blacksmith's anvil
till, as tapainte,, he won . wide recogni-
tion. 'The first missionaries to Mexicei
need the fate rnistake of destroying
pictures, for t e' loss of which art and
religion must e er lament. But why go
so far back w. en in this year of our
Lord to be aspainter, except in rare ex-.
ceptions; means poverty and neglect;
poorly fed, poerly clad, poorly housed,
because poorly appreciated? When I hear
—0113 of admirati n for the. greatness of
for the needs of h s body, But so it has
been in all de r ments -of noble work.
Homo of the mi htiest have been hardly
bestead. Oliver oldsmith had such a big
patch on the co t over his left breast that
when he went a ywhere he kept his hat
iti his hand closely pressed over the poach,
a salary of $54 ' year. Painters re not
of appreciation. Let men of weal h take
undet their patr nage the suffering men
of art. They lift no complain ; they
make no strike for higher wages. But
with a keenness of nervous organization
which almost al vays characterizes genius
these artists et ffer more than any one
but Gou can rest ize.
- There needs t be a concerted effort for
the sufferin artists of America, not
sentimental .liscisurse about what we Owe
to artists, b t ,contracts that will give
pathya.witti the Christian farmer who
was. very-bue g thering kis fall apples
and some one sked him to pray far a
poor family, ,the father of .which had
broken his log. and the busy farther said:
"I cannot step uow to pray, but you 01111
go down intd the cellar and, get some
corned beef and butt -e -r and eggs and
potatoos;''that is all I can do now."
Artists may I Wish for our'prayers, but
they also want practical help from. men
who can give th m work, You have heard
scores of sermon for all other kinds of
suffering men al d women, but we' need
sermons that m ke pleas for the suffering
men and. women. of American art. Their
work is more true to nature and life
than some of th masterpieces that have
become immorta, on the other side of the
sea, hut it is th fashion of Americans to
mention fowler artiste and, to know
little or nothing about our °Wu ,Copley
end Allston and. Inman and [Greenough
and Kensett, Let the affluent fling out of
their windows and into the back yard
valueless daubs ' on canvas and call in
these splendid but unrewarded! men and
tell them to ado n your , wall, not only
with that whic shall plea,se the taste,
but enlarge the 1 Inds and iniprove the
morals and save the sonls of : those who
gaze upon them. All Axiserican cities need
great galleries of art, not only open an-
nually Aer a few days on exhibition, but
round, nd from early mornin until 10
o'clock at night, arid free o all who.
would ;011ie and go. i
What a preparation for the 'wear and
tear of the day S, five minutes' look in
the morning , at Some picture that will
open a door into seine larger realm than
that ha which Our population ctiZ
drudges. Or w at a good thing the
a sleet have fine pictures of their own, would be
tion, advantaged. By your benefactions build
of age your own monuments and not leave it to
hs of the Whim of others. Some of the best
people sleeping in Greenwood have no
monuiments at all, or some crumbling
stones that In a few years Will let the
rain wash out name and epitaph, while
some men, whose death was the abate-
ment of a nuisance, have a pile of Aber-
urial deen granite high enough for a king and
reth- eulogies enough to embarrass a seraph.
z and Oh, man of large wealth, instead of
wish(' 4eaving to the whim of ethers your
monumental commemoration and epi-
taphology, to be looked at svhen people
are going to and fro at the burial of
othere, buila right down in the heart of
our great oily, or the oity where you live,
an immense free reading moire or. a free
musical conservatory, or a free art gal-
lery, the niches for sculpture ana the
walls abloom with the risd and fall of
nations, and 'assonant ceurage for the
dieheartened, and met for the weary. and
life for the dead; and 160 years from now
you will be wielding influences in this
world for good. Hoav much better than
white marble, that ehills you 'if you put
your hand on it wh,en you touch it in
the cemetery, would be a monument in
colors, in 'beaming eyes, in living posses-
sion, in splendors which under the chan-
delier would be glovaing and warm, and
looked at by strelling groups with eata-
logue in band on the .7a.nuary night
When the necropolis where the • body
sleeps is all snowed under!
Power of Pictures.
Tho tower of David was hung with
1,000 dented shields of , battlea. but you,
oh man of wealth, may have a gr nder
tower named after you, one that sh ill be
hung not with the symbols of car age,
but with the victories of that art hie&
was so long age recognized in my text as
"pleasant pictures." Oh, lhe poWer of
pictures 1 I cannot deride, s seine , have
done, Cardinal 'llefazarin, w o, when told
that he must die, took bis last walk
through the art gallery of his pale, say-
ing': "Must I quit all t is? Look that
Titian I Look at that Co reggio! o k at
that deluge of Car:loci! Farowel , dear
of the lord of hosts,
ing to this text, will se tinize :th
tures, I imOore all pare ts to see
ave neit
JUNE 23. 1899
hour of artistic pportunity on the way
home in the e fang from exhaustion
that dernands r peration for mind and
soul as well as b 1 Who will do for the
city where you I e what W. W. Coreors,n
have done for P ladelphia and, 'Boston
and New York P Men of wealth, if you
are too modest t build and ondoW such
a place during y lir liretime, why not go
to your iron safe and take out your last
will and testaine t and make a codicil
that shall build or the city of your resi-
dence a throne f r American art? Take
some of that mo that would otherwise
spoil.your childi hand build an art gal-
lery that shall a elate your name for-
ever' not only wi h!the great masters of,
painting who a a gone, but with the
great masters wh re trying to live, and
also win the wimp tion and love of liens
their househol s they
book nor news aper nor n canvae any-
thing that avill deprave. Pictures are no
longer the etelusive' p ssession of the
affluent. Th_ere is not a spectable home
in these cities -that had ot specimens of
woodcut or steel engra ing, if not of
hainbing, and your wh le family will
%el the Moral upliftin or depression.
Have nothing•on your wall or in books
that will ,familiarize t e young with
scenes of cruelty and w ssail; have only
those sketches Made by a tists in elevated
moods an none of th se scenes that
tremens. Pictures are no only a strong
race divided I into almost as manY
languages as therie are nationik- but the
pictures may speak to people of all
tongues, Volapuk many have hoped,
wi th little reason, would become a .
worldwide language; but the pictorial is
always a wOrldwide-language, and print-
ers' types 'have no emphasis compared
with Wd say that children are fon of
picturea; btit notice any man whe he
takes up a book and you will see hat
the first thing ithaeii he looks at is the
pictUres. Have Sonly those. in your h use
.that appeal to the atter nature. ne
engraving ,has soni times decided An
eternal destiny. , Un er the title of ne
arts there have dome here from Franco a
class of platurea which elaborate argu-
ment has tried to proVe irreproachable.
They would disgrace a barroom, and they
need to .be confiseated: Your children will
carry the pietures of their father's house
with them 'clear on to the grave. and,
passing Itha marble pillar, will take
Furthorm re, et al r• eformers and all
Sabbath school wire s and all Christian.
Workers, realize that, if they would be
effective for gool, !they must make pic-
tures, if not by halkl on- blackboards or
kindergarten d sighs or by pencil en
canvas, then' by wOida, Arguinents are
soon forgotten, , ut pictures, whether in
language or in col rs. are what produce
stronger effeets, hriat woof always tell-
ing what a thing . as and his ser-
inon on the in mint was a great picture
gallery, beginning with a sketch of a
"city on a hill that cannot be hid," and
ending With a tenipest beating against
two houees, !Ione on the rOck and the
other on the sand, The parable of the
prodigal on, a pioture; parable of the
sower, who Wen forth to OW, a .pieture;
ture; parable nf the ten virgins, a pie -
he talen
pie -
hat in
er in
tare; par
The wor
sents to
will sit
which is
hie' o
go ea
pictures—, -hake
ture; Vi tor
pictures; ohn
and Lone llow'
why not enlist,
churches itnd
work and
of thought
pictures, i
MI, a picture,
ts picturet, and the
ly to bed if the mother
m and rehearse a 'tory,
how muchi has been
rieoular directions by
peare'siragedies, pie --
age's writinge, all
works, all pictures -i ---
s far as possible, for our
boob' and reformatory
can be put: into w rd
ictures in color? ea,
coming career, of virtue if they pr fer
that, of vice if they prefer that? A ter
making the piptilre,, putit on the all
or paste it on the fly leaf of some favoOte
book, -that you, niay have it before yell.
I read of a man who had been executed
for inurder, and the jailer found after-
ward a picture rnade on the wall of the
cell by the assassM's own hand, a picfnare
of a flight of stairs. On the lowest step
he had written,1"Disobedience' to par-
ents ;" on the seeond, "Sabbath break-
ing;" on the third, "Drunkenness and
and on the fifth 'and top step,, "A gal-
lows." If that 'man had made that pictiire
before he took the first step, he naive?
would have takeh any of them ! Oh, man,
make another picture, a bright, piotu e,
an evangelical, picture, and I lp
you make it! I sagged six stepa for t is
flight of stairs, On the first step w ite
the words, "A. nature changed by he
Holy Ghost and yeashed in the pilood of
the Lamb;" on the second step, "Ind 0 -
try and good cOmpa.nionship;" on the
third step, "A phristi a,n home with a
family altar ;" on ,the fourth step, "EVer
widening usefuln0s;" on the fifth step,
"A glorious departure from thie 'world ;"
on the sixth step, `Heaven, heaven, h
yen!" Write it th ee times, and let t e
, letters of the one word be made up of
banners, the secon of coronets and the
third of thrones! remise me that you
will do that, and. X will premise to meet
you on the sixth I step, if the Lord will
through his pardoning grace, bring me
there. too.
" A Schoolboy, is said to have written as
a serious composition the story given
below. That boy will make a great mark
in the world as a hilmorist and will per-
haps outshine Mark Twain and Bill Nye.
Boys that are p Wild about their historic
knowledge =IT take courage and cheer
up. The article is +clipped from Boys ano
Widower that ever lived. e was born at
Anno Domini in the year 1066. He had
510 wives, besides women F and chili:ism
The first was beheaded, and afterilvarde
exeeuted. The second vvae revoked. She
never smiled again, but said tho word
'Calais' would be found itten on her
heart after.dea h. The eatest man in
this reign was ord Sir (3 rnet WobIeley.
He was surna ed the Bo , Bachelota be-
ing born at et age of 15, tinmarried. He
often said if e had se eed his wife as
well as be had served hie '-ing she would
not have deprived him of Is gray hairs.
In this reign ,the Bible was translated
into Latin bY Titus 0 tes, who was
ordered by the ing to bo chained up in
the church for reater seen ity. It was in
this reign that he Duke 4of Wellington
discovered America and invented the
Curfew Bell to prevent fires—moat of the
houses being built of tinaber. 1 Henry
VIII. was succeeded on the throne by his
grandmother, the beautiful and tiCCOM-
plished Mary Queens of Sebts, sometimes
known as the 'Lady of the , Lake,' or the
'Lay of the Last Minstrel.' He died in
his bed in the last year of Ms age."
tionglerful Eyes of Fifes.
retain their form after dea
Farah Of the eyes of a fly
photogra hs have been
them. Ihe lenses are of v
some sui able for looking o
in a fly's having 8,000 eye.
that a ortain beetle ow
a certai butterfly 34,71
dragon ft 25,088, and a si
As a fi cannot turn its head it leas
eyes in a 1 directions. So all aro ti#ise
eyes that 1,000,000 would ot cover the
surface of aeiquare inch. E eli eye meas-
ures a thousandth part o an inch, and
the color is 'almost always d;
fly is deceived. This. is evi canoed Whett a
bluebottle inside a room heads for the
open country. He does n t see the Vslin-
dow glass and the thump ith
strikes nd tbe angry buzz which shOws
his di naliture shows how snistaken . he
When a fly comes from a egg, one;, of
soft, pultly,
n mature it
ith its nerve
hollow haira
4 the Oyes.
movable and
Is a lens and
ken *Aron. h
tying kinds
it is kno
a family of thousands, It is
White, eyeless, legless. Wh
affords the student one of 41
velous fields in all nature,
clusters and brain, its feet 1
on each footpad, the wings,
There are 8,000 of these, eac
Politics In a• Instierg tate.
Happy state, you airy. Yo will say so
till more when you hear t t there are
nly two aoute questions of party poll ics
at present beforo it:, (a) Whether at er-
fain member of the royal ily ht
to be allowed to shoot pigs, in tead ef pr
serving them for sticking, and ( )
whether a nilghai is a, cow. •A nilgha
lope; it destroys crop'S, and, t.e 0,ppos
tion press a bill to legalize t.t. shoed g
of it. But, on the other hon. ur t e
Government, it looks like co , and
there is a strong body of aditilon in
favor of regarding it as such, nd there-
fore holy. So the matter has b en referred
to arbitration. A college o sa.nts at
cow, but it is quite capable of ruling, on
—and for—a sufficient consideration,
that, though not a cow, it is as it were
a cow, Meantime party fe ling runs
strongly—as does also the nilg ai.-aLon-
Air Unsuitable Boom.
A German lady, arriving for! the first
time in England, drove to al flisaa;clase
London !hotel, asked. for a room, and was
ehown into a very small, scantily furn-
ished onb, She said in a determined man-
ner, and. in very broken English, will
not have this rem."
"No, ma'am," said the tiorter, and
brought in the first box. 1 ,
"Man!" repeated the lady, emPhatio-
ally, "I will not have this room!"
"No, ma'am," said the Porter, and
brOught in the second box.
The lady thought her fa ty gram-
matical construction was th reaeon of
the porter's continued obsti 'aeye and
repeated, with a stern distinct ,ese:
"Man, I will have this not vel"
brought in the third box, whereupan the
'tidy left the room indignantly,l but the
porter drew her hurriedly back!aoross the
thresholds pulled a repo arid to her
intense astonishment the elevator went
We are pleased to learn of the T1CV'T and
complete life of Alexander the Great. At
the SUMO tinle it will be bard to improve
on Artemus Ward's last days:
"Alexander the Grate was punkins,
but Napoleon was punkinserl Alie wept
because there was no more worlds to:
scoope, and, then he took to drinkin'. He
drounded his sorrows in the flowin' bole,
and the fiewin' ; bole was too much for
him, Ho undertook to give a' seake exhi-
bition in his -boots, but it killed hint.
That was a bad joke on Alio!"
One chapter, at least, should pe devoted
to the origin of the pbrasej "Sinara
Alia," and its first appearanee in polite
11 tera tura.
George Dipple; of Listowel,
married, on Wedneaday morning of last
week, to Ernrea, fourth daughter of Mr.
Isaac Hallman; The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. D. Gray, of Stratford, at the
residence of the bride's parents, in _Wallace.
.13r:uorn Guard !
11113 BEST is always imitated.
podill's Kidney Pills, sold only
in bozos ilk* this, ars widely
issitatod, Because they are the
best Kidney cure. Tako noes
II alleetatill1111111111111111111011111101111111fIlleitatitem
(900 DRoPs)
11 I
*MSS and ReSt.Contains neither
Noe f
• gold
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Simile Signature of
po1sineot.„ so4irld insoebultika.t iDoounfiget talloo-wA-an84yone-041.711
you anything else ea the. plea or promise *tit
to "jest as good" and "will ariswer smite/me
taust:are every
The Nc'rrii
weiather pas come with a rush and perhaps has caught you with all'
iyour winter clothes on. You were uncomfortable in con-
kequence. We aro prepared to make you comfortable. Th.
!way we do it is by supplying you with a nobby summer Suit,
a regular heat defier. Then too wo have just the proper
Underwear for hot iweather, to say nothing of a big selection
of other summer fUrnishings. You might think that while
this would satisfy the cravings of the body, it would ,make
the pocket book uncomfortable, but we strive to meet both
requirements for comfort. We think we have succeeded,
try us and see.
SE/IFORT11, Ontario,
For a SUMMER 6RUISE take the
anti SAFE'TY
The OreatestPertection_yet attained' in Boat Construction —Luxurious
Bquipment, Artistic Furnishing, Decoration and Efficient Service
To Deiroiti plackinc, loorgiag Bag, Pelosteg, CHIGago
No Other offers a panorstma of 46d, utiles of equal variety and interest.
olt and Mackinac
LOW 'RATES ti4 Picturesquellfeekinac
and Iteisirn.f including Meals and Berths.
'from Toledo, Siam; from Dotzolt, 813.78
Toledo, t
Fara, $1. ,10 PAcb Direction.
Connections are made at Clevelandwith
Earliest Trains for ail points East,South
and Southwest, and at Detroit for all!
points North and Northwest.
Cleveland, and Toledo.
1) -0: -RE . BUSINESS
After having gOne to the trouble and
expanse Of applying Paris Green, it is
,saonlda4wtf l nuiSance to find that your
, work h been One for nothing, and ;
.actually useless, but tbe Paris Green
your money wasted Some greens are
J. 11013ERTS
be ght in bulk, teated, and packaged
by ni elf, so that I can guarantee it
to be! 111 right, or )2,.oney will be re -
Smatter ones at 1 50 4nd 10e.
aohOts, C4th.,
Dr. 1 en's farm, in eight of Blyth, is offered for
sale ; aeree,160 cleared t (new land in good con-
dition I 7 acres fall wiled' 'In ; veneered by living
spring -4 Will he eold with ir%corpe, implement', etc.,
or with° t. Thnber on the e worth over 11,000.
Very ral terms: Apply to! ANDREW SLOAN or
Avenue, Toronto.- 161itirl
Business must boom with these reek -
bottom prices Women's dongola one stri_p
slipper patent tip, sizes 3 to 7, rice Ifie
while they last.
Women's two -button shoe, very neat, size*
Women's kid one strap slipper, sizes 24
to 6, kid lined, price 90e.
Woreen's tan Oxfords sizes to 7, prio
Girls' shoes, sizes 8 to 10i, Stratfoni
Make tan, ox -blood, black, button or laceja
nder the Town Clock, Seaford'
the fraud. .3
for Cart
t and
Carter's Litt
Dealers in. firstel.
kinds, in. latest d
neatly,deue. We
ing, and a choice
airways on_ hand.
priices, and put
ents fOr the Ne
Machine, best in -
mode use, no
high prices.
the Undertaki
oar goods from the
amyl guarantee satisf
meat of our work,
it a point to furnish
Wows for furter
rice's better than h
Arterial and eavit
ecientifie principles.
P. S. Night and
attended to at Mr
Our direct eonn
time and mo
Via Toro
British -Columb
Our rates are the 1
to suit everybody
MT OARS for your
for further itdormati
Mixed Train.
ilixed Then, ..7
gento Nom --
DOOM Nowt's--
Bruer/kid ,
Wiughane waive
winghem, divert—.
Landes, (arrive).—
eh e
of eg