HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-16, Page 8THE HITItO 13 'PS WE DINCS. We are well stocked w th many new and beautiful presents for the edding. We have many lines, b t would mention particularly onr stock of Ja mese Chine: T HINT TO those who intend to start house- EDDING STATIONE Y, and y u have the assurance that what you b y here is bought at the lowest p Bible price obtainable. PAF'ST' BOOKSTO StAFORTH, DOXINION B CAPITAL (Paid Up), R EST, 0,000. SEAFORTH BRA OH, Main Street, Seafort . , acted. Farmers' Sale Notes callected, and advances made on same ar lowest rates. -Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.-1Interest allowed on deposits of One Do lar and upwards. Solicitor IMPORTANT NOTICE I am now selling a 11M -elites Dew Improved High Arm Sewing Machine, With the latest steel attach- ments, finished in oak or walnut, and with cover and ftve drawers, or fancy drop head and five draw- ers for $25 cash. This machine is the " Queen," manufactured by the " White Sewing Machine Company." All machines fully warranted and guar- anteed to do first-class work, hght or heavy. NORTff MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, General Insurance Agent & Deal- er in Sewing Machines. 1630 New fratits and new season'a Teas now in stock . We have now in stock the best values in new sea n'ir Teas we ever had, comprising Young Hyson. Ceylon and Japan Teas. We guarantee aatisfaction r will refund the money. The beet quality of new aisine, Currants, Nuts, Peels, etc. now in stock at owest prices. Some nice lines In 'Dinner, Tea and eilet Sets just received, and at prices as low as the °west. Wanted good butter, eggs, dried apples, otatoes, dressed fowl. and all kinds of marketable 'produce, for which we will pay the highest price. C. WILSON, Seaforth. 11374 Bank of CoMmeroe Block. BRICHTOSS 'BRINGS SUCCESS! STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Properly Prepared Young Men and omen for Businese life. FORTY-FOUR o our Recent Students have accepted good situation& Business Men appreciate our Work and apply to us for our graduates. Enter now if you can. Prospectus free. . J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52 READY40-WEAR SUITS. ur stock of Reidy -to -Wear Suiti in Men's,Youths', 13 ys' and Children's is now full, Assortment larger teen usual. Prices on the bed rock basis. inspect- or* and buyers pronounce KILI110 unprecedented. r Men's AlloWbol Suits at $4.76 are trade bringers. E celleut Suits in Men's at $6 and $8. At $10 you ca buy a suit fit;for a prince to wear. Children's T eed Suite froin $150 up, Boy& horn $2.76 up. O e fact we wishito impress upon ' buyers ia that we ha die the best fitting and made goods produced in th country. SEAFORT R ILWAY AND -STEAMSHIP AGENCY ocal trakete to all pointe in Ontario and Quebec. Th ourteticketr, through connections, to all points in t e United State 9, Manitoba, the Territories and Bei ieh Columbia. Any route. Tickete for all Steam- shir Lines in stock. W. SOMMERVILLE, AGENT, JUNE WEDDINGS Silverware suitable for Wedding Present, in new and pretty de- signs, at lowest prices. A large assortinent of Wedding Rings always icin hand. C1 A. HUMBER & SON Th old reliable Picnic Grounde " JOWETT'S POI ' is still open for visitors. ' Every con- venie ice. Boats, rowing and mailing, for hire Good stabil g and good water and moor. for all. 1644 lowErr BROS., Proprietor. lit futon txproiter. DISTRICT MATTERS. UNIVERSITY DF.:. REES. --In the list of those who passed their examinatione at Tor- onto Univeraity irom tine county, given liest week, we omitted the names of Mr. George Anderson, of Seaforth, and Mr. George A. Heaney, of ffeborne, the former passing , r hie M. A. degree, apd the latter passing h s eeemed year's examination with honors. r. William Elder, son of Mr. William E der, of Hensel', has passed his examine - ti n at the Nprmal College, having previ- o sly seeured his B. A. degree an the Uni- ✓ rsity. Mr. Elder is now qualified to take a principalship of a high school or Col - le tate Institute. Mr. W. J. Clat , son of Mr. J. P. Clark, of Exeter, has al o passed hi final examination in medicine, and has re eived his degree of M. D. The are not m ny counties that can show se laar e a list • TORT You ARE, BROTHER.— he Hen ea 1 Observer of last week says " Our vil la e wag wants to know whether Seaforth w uld be willing to give a liberal onus to aine to move St. Joseph ov r there. Why, yes ! Seaforth would jum at the oh noe. Just ask THE Elcrosrron." Yes, ei , Seaforth is always willing to treat kind- ly and deal generously with every live, an- te prising business man who feels it to be to his advantage to locate [within its bor- de s, and to encourage every legitimate an- te rise that offers. We have meny such no , but there is still Iota of om for m re and we would not object t having bo h 'Hansen and St. Joseph set rig t down wi hin the corporation limits, if t at could be one, , We would also be pleas d to ex - or ny other good man, as citize . Sea - for h is neither proud nor exclus e. Its bu iners we're after, and although we get ou share, we are always lookin out for mo e. There is no, moss growing on Sea - for h. • HE TURF CLUB.—For some wee 8 past eff rts have been made •to organize a turf olu i here, with the intention of purchasing au A (dent prpperty on whioh to build a race it tra k. The association will be a joint stook cis pany, an already $1,900 has been sub. - ser bed tow rds the scheme. It is proposed legia e Insti ute. Here will be built a half to urchase rom Mr. E. C. Coleman fifteen E'er a of his 1 nd to the north of the Col - mile Feick, grand stand,and other necessary bui d ngs. It is also expected that an ar- tur 1 ooiety so that their -building , will be plate here and all other conveniences re - qui e by them for the holding of their an- nua all fair. The promoters feel that they hay et with auffioient encouragement to war t them in going oneand a meeting of the areholders will be held in the Com - mer i 1 hotel, on Monday evening, for the oth r business relative to the laying out of the r ek. . A turf association has been very sue e sful in such towns as Wingham and Ne amburg, and no doubt the Seaforth asso iation will be equally as successful. Who had bee Campbell fo Tuesday. have visite brick -yard, n It is a ver tile by the t The new o o ably adapt d Messrs. Tho as nd John Sproat ha each erecter fine bank barns which has gone to Onset° on a visit to his n Mrs. (Dr. Sloan.—Mrs. Collie, w health has is t been good for a consider time, Was ta n much worse last week, bald is imp o ing his residence by havi brick found ion plaoed under it. 0 THE, SPo s.—Bright and the Bea played a la r see etch in the intermed series, on tlie ream tion grounds, on Fri we are &omit med to here, and the s tators were a pare tly anything but lighted wit the xhibition. The Bri players may e all ight in their class, they were o r ainly very much out of t class on Fri y. he Beavers scored goals to Bri t's none, and could have m the score alM st thing ; they even t to make the 1 ame [ ore even by hel their opponep 8, bat still the score did improve. Th re iiiesome talk of the Bea re-entering Os se ior series, and if t should sul d We will see some g games, the at of which will be w Orangeville, the 23rd. The with St. Ma s was protested b on account o he Beavers not certificates, d the protest has been all ed.—Th Hu no went to Berlin, on Sa day, to lay match -in the Western F ball Ass (net n series 'with the Rang and a h If ne her side had sooeed. Be play her thi vening (Friday.) The go will be t e be t here this seeson, as Hurons re de ermined to win from th old. opp nen . There has always b great ri alry .:tween these teams and lovers of foo4 11 will be sure to be plea with thi ma h. • Goderioh etre —The annual convention the Chri Van ndenvor and Sabbath Sch Associati ns this [county will be held week. here willIbe three sessions e day, and an i eresting programme has be provided for oh session and several pro inent Christie workers will be present take part in t propeed.ings. The cony tion promises ' . belargely attended, -int eating and pr.. tabfe.—Mr. F. Holrnest who was Confi d to; his residence, throu illnees, for se ral days is again ahle to Trivitt Memo i 1 church, Exeter, last wee —Mr. and Mr D. McIntyre attended t jubilee servi in connection with t Mitchell Pres terian church last Sabha The services o Sabbath were condected the servic a in he 'Presbyterian church f the past two abbathe, left for Hamilt on Monde, . ring his brief stay here M Rowan m de ny friends in the congreg tion. He is a xcellent preacher, and evidently n e nest and zealous Christi worker. he crvices next Sabbath will conducted by v. Dr. McRae, of Collin wood.—Major ndereon is having the gra and wee s o the streee sides but an cleaned — rmers are afraid that th hay crop i goi to be short, but here is time for i to s etch up yet.—Mr. . Keat- ing is doi an i mense business in is lum- ber yard t is s son, which is an in ication that times are proved, and that here is more buil ing ing on this year thea usual. Elm lumb r is scarce that the town ea not get an for crossings.—Mrs. (Dr.) Bu rows is vie ting friends in Loridon.r—Mrs Rev.) Ru sell is in Goderich visiting he week.—M s. McKechnie, of Toronto is vie —The vol nte:rs and the band returne Case was i To onto this week.—Arrange Seaforth n t, e 1st of July. The pro oa• ball m tch, baseball match, etc., Th ndicatione are hat we will have a big tim n that da , an every person should kee in mind nd atch for further partiou on will b run from Berlin to -day (Friday) ringing a out 200 football enthusiasts to itness the meta between the Rangere and he Hurons. The 33rd battalion band will i. e present—Mt. Edward Tighe and Mies r's sister, Mrs. James McNamara. They eaforth, in one hour and orty minutes on eturday, and ere the cc sts of the let- ede pretty g od time, especially for is arriage of M Willie Fairley, son of r. John Fairle , formerl of this town, argaret Hibbrt, of 0 en Sou d, on lw ut now of Carberry, Manitoba, trii Miss ednesday nex .—Mr. William Sutherland a opened an , exchange office in Soott's ock, and will have direct communication th Chicago, New York and other corn- ercial and financial centres. ,,' Mr. Suther- nd is an expert telegraph operator, and as has had coneiderable experience in this e, he will, o doubt, be able to give ery satisfaction to his patrons.—Several nt to Goderich from this vicinity on the County Court ' being held there is Week. — M . McEvoy, an extensive ()vision deale in Liverpool, England, d who is at resent on a business visit Canada, was this week the guest of Mr. D. Wilson. During his stay here, Mr. °mile Da win who was intimae with r. MeEvo h. f ther while he resided in verpool, elle on him here mid spent about thir y y ars since Mr. Darwin left ce there since then. Large t acts of d, which ere then used for farm pur- ee, are no deneely populated end are 8.—As an indication of the very general made of icycles, even in rural districts Manitoba, a correspondent informs us t on a Su day evening recently he was sing a et all country church on the iries and 4ounted 25 wheels, both ladies' gentlem.n's, resting on the oatside of building hite their owners were wor- pping insi e.—The heavy rains 'of Wed - day night and Thursday morning cooled atmosphe e and will increase 'the hay p.—A nu ber of children will take part he Salvati n Army meeting in the bar- ks on Sun. ay eight next and Will give gs, recitat one,' drills, etc. The captain also expl in the character of the big he near future—The members of Alma he lawn of Mr. Wm. Dale, on Friday ing, June 23rd, This will be a treat all who attend, and many have pleasant Ilections of Similar gatherings held there rmer years. An interesting prograrpme Mr. F. 'Kibler, of Zurich, passed ugh town on Friday on their way home o r people went to Guelph on tbe beauties o the Model 1‘,:ii on a viait to Ire. Duncan Ileveral days, left for home on ne of the busiest) places !we or a long time, is Sproat'a w in charge of Kruse Brothers. iVe of industry, and brick and qusand are being turned out. lar tile furnace seems admir- o its requirements. Building nity, ving will oCaa iece, hose able robi- ng a vele iate day that pee- d e- ght heir six ade ried ping not vers hey ood ith ow- tur- riot- hes our rlin the eir een all sed av- ew on of ool at ext ach en to en- er- ed, gh be in k. he he h. by r. ed or on r. is an be es a • °cent game that team eying their y Dill's teas and coffees. Dill, Sea - forth 1644-1 ANTED.—To go to Hamilton,a first-class gene al servant, middle aged preferred ; wages $12 per n onth. Apply at Bright Bros., Seatmth. 1644x1 BELDEN, DENTIST.—New local anaes- a for the painless extraction of teeth. Office ohnson's hardware store, Seaforth. 1644x1 00L.—Deliver your wool, with or with- out our wheat, peas, barley, oats, etc., at No. 6 store heghe respo Pay j theti over ouse, whop you are always sure to get the ANTED.—We musehave 200 tubs butter . Eggs lie, moth ; 13c trade. We are not s ble for what the "little fellows" say. We ret what we advertiee. We are right in thie e've got - the pole and mean to keep it. track is fast. G. E. King, Wingham. e your order with us for the Plym- der twine, its the beet. Fully guaranteed. PICZHO GROUNDS AT BAYFIELD.— w grounds, opposite River hotel, beautifully tables, swings, !ensure 'boats floating enve. Large enough to . J. C. Miller, proprietor. 1643 tf eat reduction sale of oing on. Greater bargains wanted at Dill's, Sea- ounds granulated sugar for 1644-1 GI WANTED.— Vented, a girl to do genera Apply vIlle P. Satiate st price. awes Beattie, Seaforth. 1842x4 Wingla Le outh NEav Large shade landin and every eon amour date two partie Re rnber the g hoots shoes is still than e Richardson 11 Bu r and eggs forth, ere you get 20 0 1644x2 Mowers sharpened and repaired. d ti n guaranteed, or DO charge. We also re, pair Bi y es, Umbrellas, in feet any old thing. On sale thi week, we will have a number of flret.olaes . second- and bicycles for sale, from 65 to $25. G. 1 BALM Seaforth. 1644-1 Don t miss having a dress or blouse off window at 11c per yard. Dill, the cheep dry gords man, aforth. 1844-1 One hundred cords good slabs long or short to SUM coal of screen forth. IER utensils, such as gasoline and i etoves, refrigerators, Ice cream freezers, 0 oors and windows. S. Mullett & Co. Sea - 164:44 it a Con .—A car load of Feed Corn just ar-' rived at Hamilton & Kerslake'd seed and feed store, '.14 Seaforth .1 1644 to $10 EwARD for information leading to w the cony etion of thel party or parties who poisoned t the colli dog belonging to me on Thursday morning, b Ara, a 'a in es- millinery department s at half ice. we! PICKARD & Co, Seaforth. 1644-1 s Mee NS Waieren.—Wanted at once, two ee flrst-clas masons. A (1 Brussela. 1044-2 la Coteau, Me-Beene—At t e regular meet- 'nu evenin , the report of the et eet committee, ' sidewal s and drains, to the amount of two ' h thousan four hundred dolla s,was read and lea laid o er for future consideration. The clerk as instructed to pr pare a by-law ; under he local improverne t act for elle n' laying down of granolithie sidewalke, aria lba to subm1t the same at a spe ial meeting to .e EXPOSITOR artly at Mr. D. MoQuai hi this (Fri co py the pulpit in he Presbyte hu oh next Sunday morn g and even he pester, Rev. Mr. Fo est, is at Ha Me Ryani rom Michigan, is the gum Mrs Coleman.—Mr. George Ferguson i Br sele. assisting Cardiff & Beat in nue dem nett tion in the form of a picnic, Ano ent Order of United Workmen. 0 priz s, will be given to the winners of sasiing match, football garne and foot ra The sawing match will be at 1 o'cl The various -committees are d ing all • den ian ng. of in ing nd on the od the ry- CORN.—A car load of Feed Corn just ar- ✓ ed at Hamilton & Kerslake's seed an feed "Ore, afsoArmrth..MILL Bu 1644i RNED.—The Po saw -Mill a on of McKillop, was complete' destroyed b fire on Sunday morning. Th saw -dust i the mill yard had been burni g, having c ught from a spark from the s oke stack,' a d althmigh it was thought to e out, it is sepposed to have blown up in the night and set fire to [the mill. There was no lumber burned. There was -no inourance on the property destroyed. • LOTS OF MUSIO.—Mr, Samuel McPherson, of the 14th concession, and Mr. William Hai:Atwell, of the 13th concesidon, have each purchased one of Bell's best parlor :organs, for lege in the family. Both instruments were purchased from Messrs. Scott Brothers' emporiiim in Seaforth and are oth hand- some and good. This is what ha a tenden- cy to make farm life pleasant, an keep the ' boy! and girls at home. the Leadbury correspondence ast week, John J. Irvine, who is the oorr epondent, takes the liberty to make ' refere ce to me in a manner that shows the spite and weak- ness in himself that he attribut a to me. Some years ago he promised to make no reference to me in the papers if I would treat him in like manner, but he ometimes forgets. One thing he is sure f, he will never likely be a township official and he is spiteful of those who are. The statement that I refuse to administer the ath, is a falsehood out of whole cloth, as never re- fused, but ad inistered the oath to all I wits requeste to. I have no dou t but Mr. J.[J. Irvine's pomposity and v nity was hiird, by being sworn, but some men's @tate- meets are as ood as others oaths, and I have shown that his statement in last week's news was false.—Joner C. MORRI- SON. DOINGS.—Several loads of the young people of this vicinity went to Bayfield on Saturday- last. All report having spent a right good day of it. . Several more loads intend going next Saturday.—Hugh Ken- nedy has greatly improved his residence by having it raised and a cellar put under it.— new house this summen—Measele are very prevalent among the grown up people of this place.—Rev. John Kenner iment last week with his daughter, Mrs. William Bell, of this village.—Mies Ada Norris has re- turned home after spending several Weeks in Mitchell,—Rev. Mr. Nethercott, attended the anniversary services at Woedham on Sunday last.—Evangelist McHardy, of Toronto, will conduct special services in the Methodist church for a couple of weeks. They commenced on Sunday last.—A large number of people from this place intend taking advantage of the exeureion to the Experimental Farm at Guel h on the 22nd of June—The meeting h , d at Salem on Friday night 'o make arr gements for the first of July plonk was we I attended and the business was done up in good shape. The preaching will take piece in the same grove as in former years on the last Sunday of June, and the picnic the following Satur- day, July let. B. R..Hroorris, Brimfield, Notary Public Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insuranoe agent. Any amount of money to loan at 6 per cent., on first-class, farm security. Mortgages drawn and money ad - winced free of expense to the borrower. Also a limited amount of private funds at 6 per cent. At home every morning and Wednesday of each week. Several good farms for sale. 157 to loan, at 5 per cent., on fIrst-class farm security. Apply to lock box 15, Brucefield p. o. MONEY TO LOAN.—$3,000 of privatie6f4uoxn8d.s CORN. —A car load of Feed Corn just ae- rived at Hamilton a Kerslake's seed and feed store, Seaforth. 1644 NEARLY A FIRE.—The saw mill narrowly . escaped destruction by fire on Saturday evening of last week. 'The men had just finished up theie work for the day, and had left only a short' time when John Kaiser, who happened fie be driving paet, noticed that the place as op fire. He at once summoned help, and in a short time t e fire was put out. HAFFENING8.--Rev. James Ayr pre ched in the Presbyterian church during the com- munion season. Mr. Moir will o cupy the pulpit the i two c ming Sabha he.— Mr. Colin Kennedy a d Mr. Card o, of —There were 117 ticket old et this s ation for Guelph on Tuesday. Our football team again won two victori a during the past week, defeating the Hen all team and also a picked team from the neigh,borhoed of Brueefleld on Saturday evening. ' The Rovers have not lost a game yet and if their present success continues they' bid fair to come nut at the top of the list and eventual- ly call down the Hums of Seaforth from the perch they have occupied so long.—Mr. Scott is again in the svool business and is buying it up in large.quantities daily.—Rev. here this week visiting at the old home. He left on Wednesday morning for Hamil- ton to attend the General Assembly which meets there this week.—Mr. McDonald, of Toronto is visiting his sister, Mrs. McEwen, STILL ANOTHER. —On Saturday afternoon, June 10th, John Tomlinson, one of the old- est Rattlers on the London Read, Stanley, passed quietly away at the ripe age of 82 years and 10 months. Up tie the morning of the day of his death he wee in his usual good health, and on Friday, the day before his death, be was very active end cheerful. On Saturday morning he was found by his family in an unconscious state, resulting from paralysis, in which etate be continued until about four in the afternoon. Deceased was born on August 11th, 1816, in Lincoln- shire, England, but his parents emigrated to America when he was but a babe, and remained for a few year.. in the neighbor- hood of New York. Thence the family moved to what was then called " Little York," now Toronto, and settled there about the year 1823. John. the subject of this sketch, came to the Huron tract in 1844, and bought lot 21, in the first conces- sion of Stanley township. Returning to To- ronto he married Miss Emma Dawson, and in 1846 settled on hie lot, where he contin- ued to reside till his death. Deceased was a quiet, inoffensive man, who , " kept the even tenor of his way," and wet highly re- speoted by all who knew him. On hie drst tinually till his death. He was an adherent settlement in Stanley he wa appointed pathmester, and was kept in th t office con - of the Methodist body, and was during his long life a staunch Coneervative. Losing his wife by death on October 23rd, 1869, he was a widower for the past thirty years of his life. Out of a family of seven only three survive him. His son David is in Yorkten, Northwest Territory, engaged in ranching ; be called to consider it in c nneetion with ev the street committee's report It is the in- tention Of the council this year, if the rate- payers interested are agreeable, to lay down ,L1 most of the walks „in concrete, instead of eat: with lumber. The' Walks to be renewed are ; On the west side of Main street, from P„r the Royel hotel corner to unite with the a" to concrete now laid, a Papet's store ; from D. Main street, on the N rth side of Goderich Th street t the Methodise church corner ; from m and from Goderiels street, at C. W. Pa residence, north one block. The con rad a for lumber was awarded to P. Keating his an tender being the lowest, and the con , is for soreeeed gravel was given ,to Mr. J 'W. TA pla Beattie,1and for unscreened to George Nur- Ian ray. lawas decided to have the boilers in the waterworks insured for one year. The pos clerk wee instructed to have the contractor icov for the cement sidewalk on Main street, put ng the sideWalk in shape at once, else the ill" council *ill have the work done and charge n the the opet to him. A number of accounts for work of Various kinds were passed. : • Lrlael EGMOADVILLE NOTES,—Our pathmasters the are on chity this week, repairing and mak- shi ing new. Their Office is no siaecure, especi- nes ally in some of the divisions, If more mod- the erate cohncils do not prevail it looks as ore though pelice protection would be zieeded in t for the p 'thmaster while on duty. —Mrs. rac William eGeoch, sr., and her daughter, son Miss Bel a, moved into the village last will week, an ing's ente social, to pst's will likely begrime permanent dem Those who wish a pleasant even- in t tainment should attend the lawn chu on t even for moo e held on Monday evening next, on the greunds of our church. It is under the auspiees of the Ladies' Aid Society, which is a sufficient uarantee that no pains wi 1 be sp red in ma mg it a success. The in fo Seaforth hand will be present, and ohoice will refreshments will be served.—Mr. Robert and Needham and his sister-in-law, Mrs. James thro Needham, of 'Corunne, spent a couple of from days this Week with friends in ur village. ton. 1 II his son Frederick George and his daughter -Maria were bc.th with their father at _the old home. , The remising were interred in Turner's cemetery,' Tuckersinith: ITEMS.—The annual icnio of the Dash wood public school will be eld oni the 23r inst., in Bossenberry's ar , Grand Bend. Next Sunday the an ua children's da festival will be held in ehe Evangeli ton, visited friends in he village on Su day.—Quite is number fro here took new brick sidewalk ha b en laid on t south side of Main ate et. —The La Maccabees picnicked t rand Bend 4 Monday.—A game of oo 'all was play .1 here on Saturday night bet een Dashwo a and Grand Bend, result ng a favor of t e' NOTES.—A branch of the Bank of H ilton is being started h re. A great m of the surrounding fa me e took in excursion to Guelph o uesday.—Ed days this week. Du13 n. &Wirth. 1644 spent a few days of last wee with her id - ter, Mrs. John Gormley —Mies Killorani of Seaforth, was the gues of Mies Murnhy over Sundisee—Miiis Mi nie Carlin, of Se. Columban, spent a few ays visiting Mies business trip to Stratfor on aturday hist .—Mr. and Mrs. John C e ter spent Sim day last at the home of r. nd Mrs. D v Mitchell, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Step e Downey will be marrie the, latter part o June to les Devereaux of Seaforth.—M. and Mr . Simmons, Miss simmons, M Borman, and Master Ge rge .immons spen Sunday] t in Ethel, th gu:.ts of Mr. an ohoppin wood on Satur ay morning last, had the misfortune to i fliet a deep cut in his foot hich proved to be very painful wound. Mr. and Mrs. Jame Davis, Mr. and Mr Will Davis and ittle boy, of Mies M bel Davis, of Mitchel , drove to ' t. Marys n Sunday morning la t, where th y enjoyed the day: --T omes Ryan, county councillor, is having a ounda ion built u der his barn, and when finiSh d will be o e of the finest buildings in t at locality. Mrs. Michael Wall die duri. g the couese of lea week at her ho e in eKillop, and her funeral, which was lareely attended, , showed the high esteem in w ioh she wise held by her many friends. --1 r. MeLellen is building a large and commodious barn n and Williams returned fro London qn Saturday, and speak in flatte mg terms ef their days of camp life in er Majesty's service.—Charlie McKenna r turned from Toronto on Saturday- evening last, having completed a brilliant course a the Univer- sity, where he gratuated w th first dais honors, and can now sign to is name the characteristic initials of M. D. ny the tor ew Farqu4ar. HAFFENINGS.—Misses M. L. Madge are visiting friends —We are sorry to report seriously ill, and hope for h of Mrs. T. Cameron last week. McCurdy are now the proud p silent steed .—Mies Laura epent Sunday at ho ulation of our burg is hie family of Mr. Hay, our popula has received the addition of onteith and rs. Turnbull r speedy n- ag the guest The Misses fumes -ors of a MoNicol, of e.—The pop - easing, The postmaster, a -little baby s, Rev. Mr. °Kay, of Goderich, occupied the pulpit pl the Thames Road Presbyterian church, and delighted his audience with is able dia- oourse. We hope to hear Rev Mr. Hamil- ton ne t Sunday.—Mr. Robert Hicks, who is atte ding McGill Universit , Montreal, and w o stood so high at his xamination, eonducted the services in Bet any church, ing fro rheumatism, is gradu Ily improv- ing.— he Farquhar football association have o gamzed for the season, nd are open for challenge/I.—A meeting of t e ratepayers was held Monday evening to ar ange for the school pionie. It is expected t is will be the event of the season. • BRIEFS. —A larglie rincuhrr: en both ladies and gentlemen, went from his vicinity to the Model Farm, Guelph, o t e excursion on Tuesdey. The talk on t e s recta after their return was, general' , t the effect that they were pleased wit th ir visit, and that the farm and college are pa ing institu- for the farmers.—A deput tion accompan- ied by an engineer._ and be de by Mayor Wilson, of U.71Vi di, taiut up at the Huron hotel here, on'', . esday ni ht last. They were spying one -the land nd looking up a route for,. -the propo ed new rail- way which ie to rnn from Land n tb GocL Bayfield., They expressed the selves much pleased with the appearance of tbe country through which theY passed. The apoke very confidently as to the constructio of the road and their presence here has MEI e some of our citizons see the trains runni g through the town,—in their minds. If uilt it will •be a great convenience to the pe ple of this district. —Mr. , and Mrs. Schl ehter are eye ago from his son Alfred, safing he had iss Robb, of Seaforth, has been the guest Mrs. D. Steinbach.—Mrs. R. I, Steinbach, f Michigan, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. eeinbach. This is her first visit here.— ears. G. Holtzman, Thomae Johnston d Frank Kochems were at Gealerich this itness in the Hensel' robbery case at God - e ich.—D, S. Faust received Word a few a rived safely in Atlin, British Columbia, having crossed the Alaskan icountry.— attended the New Hamburg races this week.—Mrs. August, Hill, of Crediton, paid her sister, Mrs: C. Grath, a' visit this week.— he annual school pien c was held rie Grand Bend on Thursday.— , ewve.reCh. Eagle an Mr. Rupp, of Illinoi eRre vieiting r. H. Eohert. They aye return- ed home gain. • 11 o'cloe , Rev. J. W. Andreweiwili preach to the Fo esters. They hoe also invited Clinton, onstance, Auburn and Blyth, so there is expected to be a great many Forest - ere here that day.—The League intends, in the near future, holding a lawn social on the lawn at the paesonage. It will be in the form of a farewell and a reeeption. Full particulars next week.—Lavina Brigham is appointed as a delegate for the League to the Huron convention held in lExeter.—Mr. H. Lennox is going to have a lento at Ban- don for his school. We can ay every one will be welcome. There will e a good time for all.—Quite a number ttended the Guelph excursion on Tuesday —Mrs. Rob- erton and daughter are visiti g her sister, Mrs, Mains, this week.—M . end Mrs. Whitley and Master Percy iri nds taking a pleasure trip to the Northwest n the first ex - minion. —Mrs. Lee ar.,is visit ng her sister, in Owen Sound, wh'is has been in very ill- health.—Messrs. John and bort Reid Wer Mo Sun her Pal All Ro Wo visiting friends here on Sunda ell, of Clinton called on friend ay.—.Mies Thonopso ay in Clintori.—Mrs. Wilson is aughter, in Kinburn, this wee r hi now. on the sick list.—Mi returned to Petroleethis week efts is visiting at her father's, dmau's, this week. JIINF1 6, 1899 here on A. festive), in aid o th Stanley Beano !Sab- bath school, will be held at Mr. Hector Reid's, on the 2nd ncession of Stan e , on Friday evenieg, Jun 23rd. The co ittee are paring no pains make it a u cess. and teem Mier her Ann and r. last T S. Mr. en all, station age ti has a en Mo ay at, Moleaworth • Miss e Oliver h a r turned from Briu eels, sitter, Mr . drew Hohnes. ,Mies Panie, visited, on Sunday with his riend, d by her ()using, Misses I ggie olld yed at Niagara and other elute CO Zived Prato lLirj Fore te mica bret othe leav McK e, r. arr a em first- 1 el etlibeo;ka e faMil Wedties brass b Varna. amnion &IKerslake's seed and fee 'tore, 1 1644 rios.—Onl Suneay evening last Rev. flings preached a special ser on to erne, No, 264, Canadian Or elr of is. A numbs of brethren fro the court were a, so prepent. Th ser - the importa es of taking a) b an - Hey for their eternal welfea and behind them a good name. les of Bright, is visiting her br er, es McKie.— r. Wm.Logan, lithe , has raised his barn and is p thing ii he excu ion to the Model Farm by. Re . John Andrews, of Lou- cou ty -1--A lawn social undei the of th s Methodist church, Varna, ay, t e 21st inst. The Cfiniton nd has been engaged for the 'oc•- good time is expected: EV ry- iBrussels. _II Sewers, Tenders were received for itchiv ting the w sewers, water piping, tc, a follow : George Birt, dirg, e te der of th Messrs. Lowry wae lee - dented on condition that they sign he e uri for the due comp etion of the con - 0 c• rk rogressee, 75 per cent. and balance dti co plation.1 Work to be complete pn uguse et, 18Q9. West side to be oin- pieced st, an $5 per day claimed as ain- ages if t finis ed on above date. a tang f the fourth Division Court Was b 11 h e, Judge Doyle presiding. T ere es on one cape heard, that of Hahne 4s. 1%;eliel y—aetion brought for breach 'of b tt a. t to- deliver apples. Verdict for allury. Sample vs. Mitchell—ection for inti for $7.50. The ease was hear by g nish caee, Woe adjourned. There re b erndr ted ou consisting of hose eli- gr ed r lay rate pen to the schools of G ey an Mo rite heed es numerous other atteac- ti ne of equal in rest. About $600 is te be ex ende 'on pri , ,, and the day promise eo fu nish daps of .iort for all. Thereavill be a (Meer in the ening. ippen. se no will be .. ducted in the Methodi coil tio s will b . taken up at each servi The pew pastor, ev. T. Long, will cond vioe cl• the ere iony of 1 ng the corner stone the eve church, ill be celebrated. men of he Lord s Supper will be dispens o'c °Oa ,Mr. Je es McDougall, who lat hea not been a , well as he was so we ire ag is at preient in Clinton recei of igde , is visiting at the home of M 1 Mee Ge ld and ehildren, son-in-law a danit ter f Mr. tied Mrs. R. Main of th vill e, * o for the past seven yerre have been doin mission work in Formosa, Mr. Gab. Pbei g assistant to Rev, G. L. McKee', are aow r turningto Canada on furlough. After some delay in Hong Kong and Van- coever, they will then proceed home. Mr. and Mrs. 'Giseld's ;many friends here will wieh them and their family a safe arrivala-a- Milos BishOp, of Usborne, was during the week, the guest of her cousins, the Misses Co per, at MT. Jetties Cooper's home.—Mn. an Mrs. Hugh Rebb, of Seaforth, the fore pa t of the week, were spending a pleasant vis t at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie, Ttiekeremieh.—A large crowd from this part took in the' 'fermers' excursion tO the Model Farm on To sday, and spent e in this vicinity hayen suffered from the lc profitable day's antiu .—Mr. MeNevin, of Nile, is paying IC visit to hie 8011 John, of the Kippen milk -Some of the corn patchea crows, which for manYi years have not been so nufnerone or destructive, and as a result many of the old rusty muskets, which had been laid amide, are now being used, and are apparently acting very unruly, leaving some of our would-be . orackemen with skinned noses and black shoulders.—Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor were last week spending a few days visiting, with their son and (laugh- ter, Huron road.—T. Mellis ia busy con - 1 et ship council. The publics know Tom turnel out good work. --Miss Passmore, of Use 'borne, ie visiting with her aunt, Mrs. John R. McDonald, of Tuckersmith.—Mr. John Doii Ilse moved hie portable saw -mill to Stailley,; on the farm of Mr, Alex.. Mo- a , where he has Et large supply of logs t Manufacture into lumber. --Mr. Thomas Dinsclale, who be thie season making great irioprovetitents. in his ontisufldings, has had, dnring the pelt two weeks, a gang of M011 bhilding the cement wall for his barn. Mr. T. IdeliXay is over -Seeing the work.— C001 OR— Warm -fleather. Now that the waren weather has raja there will be a brisk demand for the ligh and more airy mate ials. Organdies,M line, Dimities, Law s, India Mulls Piques will be most demand. These ere principally white, m ny of them are ye fine in quality, rese bling linen, yet ceedingly sheer, so that the breezes penetrate, making it' possible lot. average person to eep cool and comf able. These summe aterials can he het at 15o 20o, 25o an o per yard Shirt Waist and Sail r Hat will be &opal*. lar as ever this gamin r. Shirt Waiste from 50c all the way ri to $3.00 each, sed Sailor Hats are priced from 25c up to $1.50 eech, Linen Crash Sh rto are going from See up and good Parasols tont $1 un to $3 each, UNDE WEAR. yr give plate te the with long sleeves... 5, and some, withna ol as you can pee. di▪ fferent qualities ie The heavier nnuft n lighter makes—some some, with short alee sleeves at all—just as sibly get them. Our very large range of White, Cream and Naeural Cotton she* all nicely shaped, taped. and trimmed, vtiry. ing in prices from 10c each up to the MON qualities of Silk Mixed at 75c each. Hype are needing anything in White Wear ewe as Corset Covers, DraWere, Skirts Chemise! and such like it will tertainly be to yew case newly opened—SnOw White—as itcas. ing direct from the [laundry. - The ben things -are ticketed at neey tnoderate prime wearer than an ill-fitt ng Corset. If yell What can be more u comfortable to the COR,TS. have such a thing just ithrow it aside assi select one of our best fitting Corsete. We keep a dozen or more sted shapes and a full range of admen ea lemake. The same shaped corset won't sui everybody. There is the long and the sh rt waist, the sten and the thin. In our tudy of the- core* business we have been articular in aeleethig- what we know will be tisfactory and eon. Ratable to the weare . Our beat fi corsets are sold at 5e, 75e., 90c, IL $1.25 and -$1.50 '4 -leach We have lately opened a case Of coreetel made especially for very warm weather, th+ are light in weight, yet strong and durable, [price 50c a pair— very little moneyefor the comfort the weer- er will get. e Our stock of Summer Cashmere llogery is complete in Ladies', Misses' and Child - rens' sizes. Oar great 5e Ladies' Cashmere _ stocking, we think has never been beaten in value, but the greate eseliing hosiery at - present is our "Fain a: Stainless Bleck Cotton" of which we ca ry a large assort - molt. Ohr Black Hood. ry tbe kind that will stay Blaek, has goo %veering qualities, has no hard or rough places, but is soft to the foot of the eprightlY as well as the foot of the weary traveller, We sell as good a stocking for 103 a pair as ie sold anywhere in Canada, but we make no boast el it—we merely mention the fact for purchasers who want a good solid artiel for little money, but we do wish to lay /Mamie upon the value of our better qua itiese of Imported llotiery at 15c, 20c and 5.3 per pair. These are made from Fine Me lean Cotton with double heel and toe bea tifully Shaped Val Colored with Hermedoofis Fast Black D - Hardly worth while buying Common - shapely stuff when yoa cia get good etock- lugs at these prices. GLOVES. pos t alone is usual Idar failure Ling to rui t having he vvas ere Vail 11 essful business rayless zo Ion th and as a ne g -the be e not ask poor seleeti hen a man some 031e. in part silk, and many all silk made by We have uppn our to titers and in the shelves, scores of boxes c ntaining nice new , Summer Gloves—some in Lisle -thread, more manufacturers who have tudied the shape of the hand for many ye es, and whoare to- - your want list should inelude Kid Gloves, day at the top as the bee glove makers in the world. We tarry a till range of these good gloves in Creams, Blacks, T111211 and Greys at 26e, 350, 45c and 50o per pair. If we can show you an elegant assortment of the nowest shadings and tintings at $1.in $1.25 and 81.50 per pair. Every pair guar- anteed. LITTLE WANTS. From now on through the season there will be many little things wanted such as: Veilings, Tie Ribbons, Ends of Laces,Belter Buckles, Belt Pitue.Tie Buckles, Hat Pink Waist Sets, Cuff Links, Handkeretiefe, Collars, Cuffs, Fancy Neckwear,- Aro. Onr assortment of these goods ' will be fount complete and thoroughly up-ta-date. The • E. Mc UL Dry Goods Go. - - Dry Goods Store. Mrs. Watson, who has been 'OR & Montia51 Visit to ker sister, Mrs. James Dick, ef Benmiller, has returned home—Mr. lobs B. McLean has disposed of his gray &iv*, horse at a good price. Mr, McLean keeps nothing but the best.—Messrs, Conch* Hall, of Chiselhnret, are doing good work with their pile driver in this vicinity, in the way of putting in fence posts. They give. good satisfaction, and it is a great savingef labor.—The Kippen footballers are making big preparations for their annual picnics - which will be held on Saturday, 24th init. Besides a football competition and leer -wee mach, there will be other athletic iipodas such as running, jumping, etc., for both . men and boys, also girls rafts. The pre - gramme is large, and will take up a goat part of the day, so bring nong your basket* and epend a good day. Tea will be pre' aided on the grounds by the committee, refreshment booth will be On the gronn where ice cream, fruits, etee can be rev cured. Don't forget the dete and plaoer-. June 24th, and Kippen depot park. • Usborne. MELANCHOLY OCCURRENCE.—A very may ancholy occurrence took place a,t the red' dence of Mr. Robert Monteith, of The Thames road, on Friday morning lad. Be' fore the other members of the family wean up in the morning, Mr. Monteith's dau ter, a young lady about 28 years of -141.t. arose and for some purpose unknown, re., ; moved the cover from the cistern, and is doing so,'had, evidently, fallen in. Sho I wee missed about breakfast titoe, and on * !search being instituted, the body was found I in the cistern, where she had evidently bon, ; drowned It was a terribl shock tie al. tie held in thei ; family, and much sympathy and especially for the The funeral teok place on M flarge attendance fully testi lapect in which the deceased 1 community, and the sympathy felt for WI ibereaved relatives. special T r uvseyrfy,oar4: The Tamp hy of its nal 'It 3nay be tl or that We sf We have e for is 75c. We have "in make o ratified by the The Neckvi ve all the Nq t Ascots, and. Tom There are rouser supporth Are yon int 1 Cloth the Wrong STROMG re you g akes or Use th. Rates ..t1 Reston arid ret; Prince Deer at Ormatior