HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-16, Page 5s A JUNE 169 1899. t Cromarty. Dairy Markets. I .A lightful Day NOTI-';.--It is i e intention to holdl a MONTREAL, June 14th,—Butter—To"day'8 ABOUT THE FORTHCOMING EXOURs Sundayschoolpicni at the mountain, in quotat one are : Creamery, 161 to 17jo ; TROT —TlI _ RETURN TRIP conneci len with the Presbyterian eburch dairy, 912 to 15je. Cheese—Colored 7# to LIGHT. here, on'July let. Considerable prep r- 8Jc ; kite, 7� to 81. Eggs—There is a ations are being mad by the young people, stead I demand at Ili to 12c for choice. �i De the theaX04 sion Sit for and as excellent and enjoyable time is ex- UTI , N. Y,, June 12th.—At the Utica Detroit is the airest city n al clod.—Quite a nun ber from here att{end d Board f Trade to -day the following sales of none nibs coma nee so man per i pleasure ; great lay"groan a, w the funeral of the I to Mins Monteith, f cheese were made :-160 boxes large color- titeThames Load, o Monday,—Mr, Alfred d ed at 2,556 large colored at 7�0, 2,185 and Poli e a fountain cogs healthful 'nfiue . ea that all he 31iller is_visiting his parents here. --Meas .. large o lored at 7:�e, 613 small white at 7�0. 1;,.0,,,,,1- r._"_ _ r _ L_ 1 a �� vard around th cit wit it fi $arca farmers ex uraiott to the Ontar o LITT 'E FALLS, N. ,, June 12Gb.—io miles of s cot macadam • or Agricultural College, at Guelph, Tuesday, boxes o large colored cheese at 7e, 140 large ' g F and Mrs. G. R. Hamilton, of Toronto, eolored'!at 7c, 200 large colored at 7e 250 Isle Park over'? 0 scree) with al visited at Mr. F. L. Hamilton's last week. large cdllored at private terM8,50 large,white ery of ower and woods; The anniversary services in connection with at 7 je, x,950 small white and colored at 7 c Grosse Pont, o 1.. eight m lee terns � 7jeq its stately bom a to ever oin Roy's church, Fullerton, were held on Qa 28 paek#rgee of dairy butter at 15 to 17e, ing rices (lout a the disci Ica th last and a: tea -meeting therewith', n ORO#TO, June 14th,—Batter—•The offer- ra +1H( cycle. ( nd th boat will tak c esday evening. Quite a number fro, ings aretquite free, there is a good demand, cycle free, Wit all this iln D {rlflar C. tnarty attended-oo each occasion.—M. and the market is steady at 12 to 1211 for amilton', of Scotland, and nephew of M r. the bent large rolls and dairy tubs, and 8 to .the delightful rid on the Iloveli 6homas' Laing, of this place, preached i l0e for ,common to medium. Creamery is sion pteAt er n the ��watere--t Tames Road church on Sabbath last.—M steady at 171c for prints, and46J to 17e for comingin he ere ing, is the grf J hn Hoggarth is pushin on his new; it boxes atld tubs. Eggs—The supply is small, most elig tful p rt of the excuri t1 I1 T- Leaving Detr r at 2 p, m., (31 d ace, which will add materially to of r there is :a good demand and prices are firm tillage,—Mr. Donald' M Kellar's farm, a - at 130. { full S i l , r o e up through t i; Or fol av Cl t r re citing Lake Hun joining the village, �phic _ was offered f r sale at auction last week, was not sold, th, Live Stack Markets. "day fight fade way softly as expected price not being eached, i LotiD _r, England, June 12th—Trade in (the e l si splendor i or west amid irride cent splendor that is ins -- American cattle is fair. Good United fates One b on the t inklln stars I } St. Joseph. cattle, "a to 6d ; Argentines, 41 to 5d ; �tatione in the a kening ky, T ;�t'0TE8.—Y�%hat might have been a seri°u sheep, t ade is bad, Argentine 4J to 4, d. eastward a eily r rim breaks th accident happened at Mr. W, A, iller s brio LIvF POOL, June 12th,—Choice Canadian bounds of he h ri ,on and slowly ISA r� yard last wQak. A large load of filo wad 0attle,d, jesti0ally t e full con moves u ipvfng out cif the kiln, when it struck o4 &loNT>itDnL, Junes 13th—Cattle—The but- ing firmam nt, vith her weird , 0 the wires that supplarted the amoke chess w re present', in large numbers, but The surfaceof he lake is as a fieb a k< The'wire broke and the smoke stat - trade w a rather sl w as much higher rices -� ��•-= .-�: � � d g p but the waves t a mark our frac fe i across a!team of horns. It struck th were. being asked for all kinds of cattle, and lianee hold fair I L na's rays and ae.luattatanec•s,IrE iHletrees With great force and the tele the sales were made at about i0 per pound ing dance owa ld he distant ahorc pt, Nli,! tS ttri, tt tecta, to run, but was a on stopped by higher a 1 around than the prices on ` last � a glorious ide `I" will be ! The t 14 frostily, arrived here n m1;er of men that were standing by. If 7.hursda s market.! Prime beeves sold at �lotrn3tcrrt and family t eyhad succeeded in getting away result from 5 t Sic per pound, pretty good eitock at the full, this is just what on y lierience a d al' for only one dol' +Eitnirler ; lnonth,'i with w uld have been serions as there wer at from 4 to 4�c per pound and' the com- .� ' �trtnt, c t ;his G=illan a pt twenty teams in the yard at th mon bee is at from 2: to�3% a per pound. City of oleo "will be at Lee' °Tuesday mora -in' g r a P P inspection Mona , after 5 e. --Mr. George Cam bell has arrive Calves sold at from ''$2 to $9 each and Mr, P. m beauty, go Land ee her and th n y, ist th int 4; Of tvl h his cargo of lam er, shingles and Joseph Levesque paid X22 for two extra ticket of the clerk ready for th r: eresting lawn tennis to, He engaged the schooner Ontario calves. Shippers pay 4e per pound for good troit on ru sda , G 8 a. m, till S urd'V after- of the trip, and she hid sin immense cargo large sheep, the others bringing from 3> to _ e1-weol th< t`Iitttotl. oniboard. She arrive Mbnday afternoon 4Jc per pound. Fat hogs sold at from 4� to 1e honor's at the closes an the work of unlow ing began at once, 4�c per pound; for straight lots, just off the 1 PO T T NOTIOV c€an.—Toe friends of $waver, the latae Was f rough, and not cars. S aro tinge sold at from $G to $8 OTF, LOST. -1 oFt about March 14t € b& pleased to'learn much could be dens th� fit�t day, but the each, an the':small pigs at from 75c to $2 N miaeo note in avor of Bella s rc art€ will hap-, following da was mor falvorable and wor each. ` p p� aeon to g y E � � John J. Cam boll and George Sproat. ant of h4r accustomed bei an in earnest. It ttok ;about 24 hourA BEFi•.s o, June 13th.—Cattle—Good to hereby eauti ned ga not neirot'ating t -aims of this week u4nload, and when e,mpteted the shore of i set st�i oth ifat expert cattle,' $5.25 to pa;'menti has been a op god. BELLA BP fps gredtIy, .ins the t We Huron was covere with the cargo al ;5;40 ; ''ood to best,'185.20 to $5.30; ex- Jr3 are most enccura - fa as the eye could eac4. The cargo it port culls, 54 to $4:25 good to choice but- TI STRAY CATTL .--Strauss from the John ale'rarlane were wI h between $•',000 and 3,000, or about chera'sweri, $4.85 to $5.25 ; good to beat jJ the undersign Aed, Let 17, Coneess G. e4 the price of x50 sera fa in. !We eongratulat4 hti'tcher btcers,$4.75 to $5 ;common to good t{trice, about the n at May, two half( 1c1'weg teers, all earlln s. The heifer's are at week Erttt nding the s31 . Campbell on his ludky undertakim,; fat; bulls, $3.60 to $4,25 ; feeder bulls, $3 to nd one steer most] r r d and the other ofr-,e as w< rdeu,-- fol: unlaading a valuable ergo on an open $3.40 ; ood to best fat heifers, $4,50 to information leadingto their recovery will xllrotox�ra I4r „ shore is a risky busi;nes .—Mr. Louis T; $4;75 ; f it to food heifers 4 to ed, and an erso found harboring t', e. g p . •., vas in b $ $4.2, ; Y p g Of k De omy met with a painful accident on mixed frit cows and heifers, good to choice* Prose uteri. CEO G BDIITH, Winthrol n ttita'weea� colnbitt. Th rade of last week. Hie was a�t:irdin ' fat" cows, =re.—'Nir;t, D. Urqu- Y $3:50 to ,$4.35 ; fat cows, good toibest,$3. 75 OP. SALE.—Est to of the late 'Marl, h th bricklayers, who are building the Pica to $4.25 ; common to good do,, $3.50 to $4 ; Betn> Lot 42, Cor cession 14 oflEaot 1 y 7o�eW s hospital r- ad -ition to the I;.onlarl C:at� olic church, amcl stockers, choice to extra quality, In g 1331 acres. It , q y, $4.G5 to 1 Pon 0ountf containing ,, " and VOW 18 recover_ i Xntle south of the th riv n fir itt the act of picking, alp a brick whed $4.80 • dommon to ood do. $4 to $4.40 g town of Wingh s'�sr r' expected home , good, ' , ' to on the prelr-rty la gc bank }tarn ha friends jw.Fll �vt lcame one foil from the scaffold,. j striking lrirn arj stock bwtls, $4.85 to 55 I0. Calves,—Good straw sheds all with stone foundations ; ti t rraham, of I;linton thJ flack of the head and 1 neck; knocking color at ck, $3.10 to $3.85. Sheep and and implenaont sheds. itb workshop ov4 hint senseless and inflictins, a deep wound,' Lambe he bulk of the extra lambs sold at separate frame hose stable ; good tran t fitcel, w(re tan Satur with atone r_eilar, and ood well at door; Iry •j `ttr�herland - ItWasa close call for Mr. Denomy. Dr $6 : sprign�g lambs were in moderate supply crass boarinz orchard. Bolt clay loam Ba Manan was called in, 4nd dressed the and actrye demand a few extra selling at orate of euttiratio , well watered with ` h 4tOf 4r1 conv'srh of wo4nd and at the time of! writing he was Sc . dr fed lambs choice to extra were gh n corner, For fur Maitland thrnu n r_if t lit> church o% ' doing as well as could be ekpeeted. quotable at ,5, 75 to $6 ; good to choice, ulats apply to these- tutors ; GEORGE v (if Huron, vas held i Rochester p. o„ M14b.: JAMES GOLLEY 55 50 to •x45.15 ; common to fair, $4.25 . to , o, ; JAMES THOM BON win ,bam tri �"r'e•anr;sday test, _—..--`-_._" q' o "- r . I � � it 1 F=«t utttitttlecl The HOwick. ga.25 ; sheep, choice to extra, $4,75 to $u , 'iHONIAS GASSELI, n the premises. sf the -I m€�st inter:. EDDI'rt: BELL s.—One of those happy- good to �hoice, Q4.50 to $4.75 ; common to ti no do' lit result in ev nts, which always cause a pleasant sure fair, $3 �'5 to $4 50'; spring lambs, choice to �. Notice � Contracto • ieAl onitht= part of p , occurred at the handsome residence extra, $ to $8 ; good to choice, $6.50 to 87, of lr. John Porterfield of the townshipo the clos was steady. Hoe The bulk of Tenders will be ec luso or the under a�ltunCjerrl€lnt of the ' � b' —� til Tuesday, July 4t exit for aiding enc fl wick, on June 7th. We refer to the the sale were at $3;90 for heavy, Porkers, two school houses a Section No. 4 Stan e i 4"rrltl} ell w" in mixed a d pigs ; roughs, $3.1j to x+3.45 ; as North and Southchool houses. Th( `=tat°, visitir f tri rriage of thein daughter, Grace, to Mr frretrds` Ja es Rapson of Hultett. The marriage stags, `fir .60 to $2.90-; pigs sold mostly at aro to be aided in with the best at seasoner I1 chell0 hall opened � bar, smith tar paper li inz, and repairs t cki p t Celt emony was performed by Rev; Mr, $3,90, with a few sales at S3.bii ; there was and other arta; of uildin a as shown bl th second or Y ung, of Clifford, and was witnessed by a a fair cida ante and a steady close. speciflcatio ,e, whit c n be seen at the r large number of relatives of the contracting TORO -Tr, June 14th,—Cattle—Export the undersigned, L t 7, Sauble line, Stan cattle ofle tra quality, and heavy weights titulars ctrl b�. giv n on application by, p rhea and a few intimate friends: The q y, y g ta, a dere to be nddreese t the undersigned. ERIbride looked charming, dressed in pure were fir e , and there were more of this o., or to be delivers 1 reonatly. Tee 101 class tl1 tt here, have been for some time. tender rot ne�casar ly accepted unless s, w ite, and parried II a bouquet of white � p fl were, The brideaniaid, Miss Jane i Por- Light and edium exporters were plentiful, THOMAS NICHOLSO , Secretary, Bayfle and prices for these were no better, but to field, sister of the bride, was also very P , b aomfn ly attired in para white, ands car- weaker f anything. The bulk o£ < choiice miallrf d a 6a uet of white flowers. The heavy e porters sold at $4.90 to 5v. 10 with ggmoms wee. Mr. Ra son of Goderich a few ch' ice picked loads at 15 for 20c per C U IDE BEAU I bather of the groom. The bride was given cwt. higie ;and light exporters at $4.60 to a ay by her father, and the weddin march $4-75 per c t. Loads of good1butchers' a d BA I ni TOI LE1 w played: by Miss . Young, of Clifford, exporters, mixed, sold at $4.65 to $4.80 per PRE RATION 1R a After the ceremony had been performed cwt. Bat hers' Cattle—Choice picked 1 is an the happy couple had been warmly of butch -,ri' cattle, equal in quality to t�e MAKE IT UNNE E$SARY FOR LAI congratulated, a move was made . to the best ex o tern, weighing 1,000 to 1,1 0 GENTLEMEN . GO AROUND 11 r r PLEB AN. D DIq LORATIONS �' ON T _ s sou Donde sold at a slain -roam where .6a to 4, 5 per cwt. p g h e a more than p P $ / P AS " BAIN:S o� of YOUTH" as ally sumptuous repast was. in waiting, Loads o good butchers' cattle sold at $4 45 MOVE THESE i N A SHORT TIME. ON and after all had partaken heartily of the to $4.60, and medium at $4.30 to $4.45 per Wrni;r BAra's D tx rricx is ladle ane ap etizing viands, the rea£ of the eveningcwt. C mmon butchers' cattle sold at $3.85 beautiful mouth, th Irdvor entleman wl wa :pleasantly spent in social intereousto $4.10, and inferior at $3.50 to $3.75 per to use Bain's Denttr and Denolar not only ewG, tiTi r inferior rough cows' add bulls benefit of the naturl hiteness of their tog they with games and music, and all that Y g thee• render thontse. a liable to have the goe to make merry at an affair of this kind. sold at $,3.25 to $3.35 per cwt. Stockers— evil of an impure b "ia h, caused by scury Th bride's popularity was evidenced by the Few stockers were offered to day, and ling of the dunes, w el Barn's preparatior Dr 83atlyday rices Pao, ed from $3.50' to $� er cwt. In eight or ten days Inie, as they contnln ve large number of costly and handsome P g p Pr seats which she received. The ha Feeders, Heavy feeders in oo demand ppositive health glut ropertiea for the ppy y ,p, teeth. These pr a ations can be hi eo sole will at once take up housekeeping in with pri ea firm, at $4.40 to 4.6p fob• well- Phillips' oftico, Mala treat, or Mrs. Lei Hat tett. We unite with their many friends bred stew, half fat,, and weighing not less corner of Market a Jarvis street, seato, in wishing them happiness all through life. than 1,0)0 to 1,150 pounds a Ieh, Stock JAyi ' AIN, Proprirtn, f heifers Prices steady, at $31 to `325 �A,C�NTS ANTED. 3 �� tt'r�: fi"i3C[nan store, � —_ ��., ; �,�:• � at prudent slgjppers Bay$eld, per cwt.a Stock bulls—Inferior stock bulls I ar It irr. Olr clearing F, H. ETM-ARDA is making specia� induce_ sold at 52.75 per owl. Milch Cows—Com. `° , d g declass hesuccess,ut mon to ,medium sold at °5 to 38 and me is in read to•wear els thin sarin Juno and $� l irrinj,' us all the busies 3 � g ' s ,,t Saturdar. Jul If you need a suit call. 1643x1 good at 40 to $45, while one or two good, CA DB LOC I t "it the fine straw hate Iss MARTIN announces a clearing sale choices ringers sold as high as $$50 and $55 • ttf ars all. going at half prise. 1643-1 each, beep,—Ewes $3.50 to $3.75, bucks aS�t . good shapes and Ilna Pian price. McWs and Lows. -Mr. T. Higgins, of Toronto, is S2. 75 o F $3 per cwt, Yearling lambs— arid qualities, all ekes, thelgueat of Mr. J. Fraser.—Rev. Joseph PriOesle�ster, at $4 to $4,50. Spring lambs your choice of thin 1+11 ott, wife and family, of Nairn are holi- —Uric a ranged from $S3 to $4.25 with a a the t iA nae stock - Shoe •,-is: thfir st, t at fit and dal ing here.—Rev. E. A. Shaw returned few ve�y choice picked lots at .��'4.50 to $4.75 Bays r ;:t telt hate Saturday from the Conference at Windsor. each, 1>ut these were scarce. " Good lambs ul3e,.1_e 60c, Your : — .he first arrival of summer guests came are w Cited. Hogs.—Deliveries fair, with on ]Monday last. • They were Mr. and Mrs. prices -higher, at 555.12-& for select, $4.62? Spec ' S■ sturday.- Just a feat Wiley, of Winnipeg; 1r. Harold Southam, for ligbtl and $4.50 per cwt. for thick fats. are be -en marked at �. out ori 8s turday. wile and family, Lond n ; all are registered' _ r.ts, tire) Icr,•c6s, small - at -he- Queen's.—Mr. nd Mrs. T. J. Marks. -" "`-"—"---"- We will place o ale the followit -=•F`�, cit rrrr a- Births. in fine she on SATURDAN >, Satur- wee at London last eek attending the acul.ccryl, fine dark welding of Mr, Rober Marks, of Abeline, STEELE- In Tavistock, on June 8th, the wife of 17th .frra to net's satin' M, tit ele, M. D., of a daughter. • f.r: quit Saturday Kas, to Mise boa a Morrison, of Lon �— Sixteen pairs la los dongola kid.tw g'g TIERNA In Last Wawanosh on June 3rd the r# toeit•.a c fd, tweed: do , both former repidenta of Bayfield. wife f ;4tr. J. B. Tleriray, ot�a daughter. Oxfords,. 'a d turns, patent `I rra',Ile, lcscinif OR llf . and Mrs_. Marks have the best wishes GIBBONS—In East Wawanosh, on Juno 6th, the wiferegular , ri a $1.'25, Saturda of an friends in Ba 'field.—William Stur•' of Alts Patrick Gibbons, of a son" at 90c a q�tr. Sese•rai odd y y WINLrR' In Crediton East, on June 2nd, the wife of Twent ei ht tit' ladies' don ole eyl.i clown to fie n, Will Smith, Sam Erwin, Albert lir. iner, of a eon" y' g P g ,e rt crud out on fiat- Woods, William 08m nd, John Cameron SIsiPSO ,—In Goderlch, on June 11th, the wile of i fords, had turns, patent t n : One pair good an William Rose retti ned from London on Mr. F. Simpson, of a daughter. regular rice $1,!40, Saturda �rnsi-cream, taped Saturday, after two w aka of eanap life.— at $1 a ir. Jerre `as I,60, jai , On! Sunda evenin next there' will be �IaI'2'la$es. Fifteen pairs la le 'dongola kid Is fide Notting-bana y g t•, ; ,d pattern, ep(cial children's service at the Methodist MARSHA L—SCOTT—At the Manse, Cromarty, on self -tip, eg lar price $1,50, 4 June 4th by Rev. P. Scott Air. Walter Mar- special a 1.1 p err 1.ra t cti°as;Ik-9o= Eh reit. Mr. Horace I Foster, : of: Clinton, shall, of Blanshard, to Miss Dorothea Ann, p s5 0 a air. IV vvey tine duality 'Wilt ghdres.s the children ; special music has daughter of Dir. Thomas Scott, of Ribbert. Thirty pairs la ies tweed slippers, f tire• heat firaca in fire lila bus l iia in t ie - beta prepared ; all .-welcome.—The well ASDERs(t—McALLISTER—On June 14th, by Rev. special I ).c pair. 0 kII S. Act peon, at the residence of the bride's par- Fifteen airs en' .deli ola kid lael Major Philpott nd wife, of Hamil- P g cots, Ur. D. F. Anderson, of Stanley, to +iise regular rice $1.75, Saturda soap __We, place on t0 , Mr• Timmerman,, Peterboro, and Mr. Ella Al,istor. youngest daughter of R. 1icAl- ar Kc oral linea of Tri her, Toronto, purpose holding camp meet- lister.i sq., of Ilay. at $1 a p ir. are specially suit- in rJ W�BBTEI-'UZELL—At the Methodist arsonage, ' gs here from the 24th, to the 28th of June. p Ten pairs men d ngola kid gaiters fig tis€th shirt waists, White hush on June 76n b • Rev. W W Leech r 46at rrie-eti that will —0n Wednesday laat 11+Ia or Wilson Chas. } ' erica $1, o, Saturday special I Y r 3' r his. J es IL Webster, of Ashfield, to.DIIes Sarah air. �r t crr9a All want B..Hunt, John Labatt,.!T. H. Smallman, of J. Uzt I. of Kinloas. p or3da, brl,;tit cello '_Loidon, and :11r. Jennings; -civil engineer, SIIEPHE*I —TAYLOR --In Ifeneall, on June 7th, R�; Special pric a o • men's plow sho �e duit, special for Of P , by Ro . J. S. Henderson, Mr. John Shepherd, jr., and irh se ool shoes and, el i<tre ttawa were here on their way to God- g , i;lass,} finish, F y of Chi ,elhurst, to fliias Jane, oldest daughter of lar prwd was 800, erich, having driven fr irr Louden on a tear Mr. J c3 Taylor. button pd laced boots an au-114ured lustre, of inspection for the pi� posed electric rail- j l slippers; etch or hold the Fay from London to E'. derich. The pros -'t Deaths. sorsa -te Blxok F. 1 Pects for a railroad ere never brighter' SIMPSON-i-In Wingham, on Juno 2nd, Iaabella jr a + gal :velar or rrla. Nle. t ',t present. The 'hove named gentle Simpq a, aged 77 years. • rda,3,. hire• muslin m a aro large capitai;is a and are personally IRELA111 1- In Winghain, on- June 3rd, Isaac fro61 - ,Finds aritli small Iq erected in the enter rise. The were at; land. eked 82yearsl ,I rio,rro witbout,. y REID—In urnberry, on June 2nd, Emily Bertha, • :.�i,, : our r hcrice tag dt awa recently to ilnt view the Govern -I youn eta t daughter of ;Sir. John Retd,aged I year, ` Ment and received ever encouragement , 11 mo the ane 20 days. l.' r•afns for Bat- i BAUGI3•-- At Atlas Craig, on May 28th, Carl, second. (����0� con ofd �tev. W. Baugh, formerly of Walton, in his v f .r Chose. rsifu buy THE MARKIV.PS. filth . Car. rit" tin rottori frose, WALL—i ,HeKillop, on June 7th, Elizabeth Wall, reg •Loc, Saturday wife at Mr, Jliohael Wall, aged 44 ears and 2 :res€, heavy'weight ; SisePoaru, June 16, 1819. g 3 OW h Foun •an ,rice as doe, all Sprite Wheat (now), Standard .. -.. monk O I S ( ) • .. 80.7Q to $0 72 TOMLIN�ON—In Stanley,on June 10th Jahn tom - cotton boat;, fine prig Rhear per bushel,_ t 0 70 to 0 72 s :rid roes, ti star- Oak per bushel_ _ _ 0 20 t0 0241 lineonF, aged 82 years and l0 months. Lisle thread hoes, Peas per bushel _ _ _ .. _ ..., 0 60 to 80 A N D in the wieeman rel per bushel,.:_--.., _ _..., 0 38 to 0 40 �~ Batter, xo �, loose _ _ _ __... 0 11 to 0 12' ° TEACHERS �'MachilnebWork; that .t-;euraaulei0 Butter, tab_ _ 0 11 0 0 1 fon our counters par doz_ _ _ _ _... , 0 0 to 0 10' * �1, per 100 lbs_ _ _ 1 00 to 2 16 tine University Students ; psi lou new__.6 0o to 6 so' y y I Will Fes me Operations os per 1o0 mo. 6 oo to 6 6o' Are invited to improve their holiday season i voo1 Skins .._ 0 6o to 0 7o by attending our On or A out June 16 t'Otstaoe for - "" . • • 0 13 to 0 16 i when we will t'e irepared to do all 04111 (rats 11) t;neb' (°ew}_� _ _ 080 to 0 7o ummer Session. } parr barrel _ . 1 00 to 0 00 REP IR, WORK no WQ0d per cord (long).... _ ; , „ 3 00 to 8 76 A few weeks' training during; . July and Wood peroord' (short) . , _ 1 60 to 1 76 Enginee,, Boilers an Mill Work a epodalt io de per eroardg (sho _. 0 60 to 1 00' August will strengthen any teacher, while Clover £lead:_, .,..,,•� �~ 3 0o to 3 6e' three months' study will qualify any under Farmere� and T�br shere having ropairb SIRS Tlaiothy Seed ,.. ~� 1 'Lb 00 2 00 gradua ' to fill a goad mercantile position, will receive promp a noon. '' Pork,per100 lbs_.._.._,, _ 600 to ii 10 q,llIox, per Ib.. _ _..: _.... ...... _ OL to 0 03 Pen throughout the year, enter any time. Hoping o be tavro with a call from at Get particulars. customers and mac ew coca. i?�Tfrt Toronto Po to Market. Cientrtil Business College . The market is uncha ged,. Cara on the W, H. SHAW Princi 1. R BTS BELL Jr. - at the; track here are quoted a 7 0 to . 75c. Pota- f ' toes. ovt of store sell at 30 10 850, Yong® act Gerrard ss. ,Toront. PAO PR 1 E' ton. 0 I _ ' . t586.6� !, I i 4