HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-16, Page 3164 189 JUNE 16, 189 LE T THE ILE 5IGNATU TAB, PPER VEST OF SICK HEADA Positively cured by th Little Pills. Tey also relieve Distress from Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowd. gess, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated, Ton Pain in the Side,. TORPID LIVER., Regulate the Bowds, Purely Vegetible. Small PIII. Small Small Moth Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and deinancl Carter's Little Liver Pills, HE .o bottles only. rt allow aeyone to sell plsa or ?realise that it wi!.I answer every per. t.get 0 -A -8 -1 -0 -1Z4 -A. ie es Starr 1ES ight you with all mfortable in con - :comfortable, The lobby summer suit, e just. the proper of a big selection think that while y, it would make ive to, meet both have succeeded, OS. ARC COMFORT, 'TEED SAFETy LllI&agc (terest; Berwe NIt DIrect�n. .00m. *Lee. leveland with Es East,soutia etreit for all It. OW, ta,p,le and fancy rade. Our busi- n application ; ernployeeE intf., sell the iii Ile county - .:hey are armed Eryi goods bus' inerrt-, Who did (IitUCt6d the In cross 0,1 without i a groat extent, tlay.ii If the i.:1•,•1:eed. in do 7fliere is Some 'vit,l• the other 7 Goods Co, ex- anler the marl- ! :4eneral stoak lorth HICH CRADE1 urnituis Leatherdale & Landsborottg SEAFOfiiTH Dealers in first-class Furniture kinds, in latest designs. Uphol neatly done. We all° do pictur mg, and a choice •selection of p always 011 hand. Curtain poles prices, and put up. We sa, Agents for the New ,i;Villiarn's Machine, best in the market mestic use, no trav'elling agen high prices. t7NDE :E TAI of al terin frapl ctuye t al als awing r do- s, II G - In the Undertaking IDepartment, e buy our goods from the besthouses in 0 tario, • and guarantee satisfaction in every enact. ment of our work. We have always made it a point to furnish chairs, and all et er re- quisites for funerals, FREE OF 01 AtessE. Prices better than heretofore. Arterial and cavity embalming done on scientific principles. P. S. -:-.Night, and Sunday calls will be attended to at Mr. Landsborough's rein. dance, directly in the rear of the Domin..n Bank. Leatherdale• 8c Landsborouih, SEAFORTH. Our direct connections will save you time and money for all points. Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago' British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest.We have !them to suit everybody and PUtLMA ijUR. 1ST OARS for your accommodation Call for further information. Grand 't'runk , Train(' leave Seaforth and blhoton stati ne as allows: Joie° Wises - Passenger Passenzer.... Mixed Train.... Mixed Train ...... GOING EAST- Pasaenger.. Paesenger.. Mixed .. SEAFORTH, 12.40 P. M. 12 10.12 P. M. 10.2 9.20 A. M. 10.1 6.16 P. M. 7. 7.65 A. M. 3.11 p. M. 6.20 P. M. 7. 2.6 4. Wellington, Grey and Bru GOING NORTH- Paseenger. Ethel - 10.04 1., as Bruseels.. .. .. 10.16 Bluevale.. .. .. 10.28 Wingham 10.40 GOING SOUTH- Pas. Tiger. WitIghttm...... 6.50 A. M. Bluevale . 7.00 7.16 7.28 1 INTOL 6 P. M. P. M. A. M. P. M 0 A.M. P. M. P.M. e. M xed. 1.0 is M. 2;IO 2.45 8. 6 Mixed. 8. 6 A. M. 9.I7 9.45 10. • London, Huron and Brucl, . 00M0 NORTH- Pasoan er. .... London, depart .:1 ..... .... 8.15 A.M. 4. 6 P.M Centrslia 9.18. 5. 5 Exeter..... ......i........ .. 980 6. 7 Hensall_ Kippen . l 9.44 6.18 9.60 6. Brimfield_ ....1 .... -... 9.68 6. Clinton..... _ ..., ... . ... .. 10.15 6. 5 Londesboro -.".. .... .. , 10.33 7. 4 Blyth...... _ _ .. i ... ...... 10.41 7. Beigrave_..... ...... 10.66 7. 7 Wingham *rev ...... .. 11.10 8. Goneo Sousa- Passeng r. Wingham, depart.. - .... 6.63 A.M. 8. P. M. Relgravii 7.04 8. 6 ° Blyth ... 7.16 4. - Londesboro.....1- .... 7.24 4. 0 Clinton , 7.47 4. Brimfield 8.06 4. 0 Kippen _ 4 Hensel! • • 8.17 . 9 8.24 5. Exeter.... ..... ... .. 8.88 6. 6 ' Ceatralia.. . ...; ... . . 8.60 5. London. (arrive) 9.60 A. a. 6 20 114"- After- Wood's Pholpho I'he Great English Sold and recom.mended draggists in Canada. Onl ble medicine discovere kages guaranteed to cu forms o , Sxnar Weaknese, all effeetel of orexcess, MenItal Worry. Excessive use baoco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on r of price, one pa kage 81, eix• $5. Ons wag siz wilt cure. P nlphlets free to any add Tho Wood C.nipuy, Windsor Wood's Phoeph ine is 8ok 1 Seaforth by den & Wilson, driggtst.. 11,‘ y all reli- Biz e all huge f To- eipt • se. Ont. MEN OF MARK. Ex-Prosident Harrison is getting stout. He gained ten pounds last year. Governor Powers of Maine intends soon to visit Cuba and Porto Rico, taking his staff with him. John Fullingbon of Huntsville, Mo., is 84 years of , age and never took a dose of medicine in his life. It is said that Aguinaldo and Agonoillo had Chinese fathers, named respectively Ah Guin and Ah Gori. Governor' Candler of Georgi will make the opening address at the A lanta uni- versity negro conference on May 80. ,WIlilain Rockefeller of the S andard Oil company svill build a handsoirfr house at Putnam Hill, near Greenwich, :Conn., for his son and namesake. James Ht Merrill, Irtayor oilmOshkosh, Wis., bears it striking resemb1 3ce to the cartoons o Uncle Sam. He is a lawyer and has a state reputation for his after dinner spe4lThes. The late x -Governor Oglesby of Illinois was once a ked what he got by his over- land trip t4 California in 1849 In !search of gold. "No gold," he replied, "but enough experience to make me what I stm." For mo than a year President McKin- ley has su 4ed from . frequent toothache. A dentist ijas just completed the, filling of the executi e teeth, and the • President is taking a s lel treatment for reura1g1a. Philip Armour's annual European trip will -thts summer take him to Carlos bad. Ileas been greatly shaken by the death of hi brother and the attack of the grip, which kept him abed for several weeks last winter. Thomas 11. Reed had to catch a train one day not iong ago and was not awaken - in Min To the profuse apologies of he hotel el rk he replied:, "Well, I dressed nyself in three minutes'but I do like •our. One orm do it e shade better." Many ye rs ago General Gomez flrst met eneral A thur MacArthur. The other the Am rican soldiers in the Pi ilip-- y ho said of him, " an I do not know ty hies, but know MacArthur, and f he .annot win America's battles no re n in 'he world c n," Samuel dams of Guilford, Me4 in- forms the citizens that, alt ough he s 57 ears old. his face has, been sullied bfr the contaminating touch of a iazor but wice once when he enlisted in the arm -and o ice when he was mustered out. He now wears a log, flowing beard • General Agnus, the edito of the alti- more Aniericati, has been appointe by President McKinley • a in mbor o1 the b mini of visitors to the Mili ary aba. emy at West Point, this being th second tin% ta at he has been so hone ed. He was ci airman of the board of •yisitors ap oint- ec by President Harrison in 1892. P/EANS OF P EACE". China N.vants to send a delegate to the c7ar's disarmament conference, which sl OW'S that Peking has a sense of humor. St. Paul Dispatch. _ We trust our representatives at the .eace nference will notneglect to call et -ten - 111 to the superior battleships we mild fleet Mg- • ding • cc ti ai d incidentally mention he exec inariesti in iiship of our gunners.-Wasi tun Pot. Tho small states of Europe, incl ti) ot Aland itself, aro not enthusiastic °Ivor e coiningpeace eongress. So lo g as great powers aro armed against each her the little ones feel fairly safe. New irk Tribune: '1Whother successful or not, the eace cenference wIH bo ono of the no sblo eitents of the day, and it is gratify' j to our national pride to consider how ch g -cater a figure we will out than we w Id hitve done a year ago.-Louiaville Po The German representative to the cclonference recently wrote a pamphle de- riding the czar's vieis and pointing Out i particular how impossible it will be for ormany to tolerate the pretensions of in- xicated America. It is very evident Oat h is not enamored of peace, -San Fran - else° Chronicle. !ORCHARD AND GARDEN. The hest time to shape the heads of trees isl While they are young. It is not a good plan to plant the straw - b rift's among the raspberries. Illaokberries are readily propagated by r o Cuttings three inches long. The price of fruit is usually fixed by the p rest specimens in the package. Black raspberries should be kept headed d yen to about four feet all summer. - Strawberry plants should be given a thorough working a week after planting. Good drainage makes the soil more p rous, drier, looser, more pliable and warmer. Vet feet will soon produce heart disease in the apple tree. Provide good drainage Ito prevent it. uinces are easily grown and under 'fa crable circumstances bear fruit when • w years old. POPULAR SCIENCE. ir in itspure state is composed thus: Ni roger), 77 -per cent; oxygen, 21 per cert; other Compounds, 2 per ce it. I 'titer is the hardest Of all su stances to he t, With the single exception of hydrogen gm. The easiest two are me cury and leaf , which • stand in this respe on near- ly tjhe same footing. oal smoke contains ethyl ne, from wh eh alcohol is readily made by simple nii4ns, and it is recognized that ert long the smoke of high furnaces, coke ovens and gas works will be utilized in th pro- duction of alcohol. By a new process that very usefu com- mercial compound, celluloid, can n.wbe rendered noninflainmable by dissclving ord'Uary celiuloidine in aceino and vork- ingl these to a paste with magn sium chlqrido, rendered soluble by alcoho PITH AND POINT. The cigar stumps i men throsiv aw y are tob cco leaves. 1 A man'aenemies are few if his rel tives all s oak well of MM. t F ith in a watch ithout works w 11 re- sult in a timely disa pointment. T e only swell thing about sonr men is 1 ated directly under their hats. M' ny a brave mart -leads a woman o the altar and then resigns his leadershi , 1#e pain of parting is experien ed by the imall boy when his mother corn s his hair, . 6 • 1 Moles and poor physicians are ily traced by the holes they leave 1 the grotInd. jj1.1 the good die young, it might ..just well to beware of the oldest inhnbitant and his reminiscences, -Chicago NeWs. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISWED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED, c13 THE INGLES AND JESTS. ,TreIxt Fork and Lip. tubborn man was Uncle Nick; 7 emper,_ too, was pretty quick; irst rate ratighbor and all that, ut as set as Ararat. • hen he couldn't linve his way, 'other old Nick was to pay. nce-Inever alien forget ow it worried him. -he met i ith a sing'lar circumstance; all it providence or chance- I ough to teach him, sure's yon live, ot to be too positive. ecollect just how he sat Elfin breakfast -old gray cat ;yl' watchin every move, hile he undertook to prove hat the hope of God's elect uldn't anyhow be wrecked. enven is asesure for me s this piece of fat," said he. . G ess be trembled, for it dropped 0 his fork and never stopped T 11 to tabby eat it went - d of Nicky's argument. -Neve York Times 1: The Wrong Leg. "Ma my," cried the editor's by, rush- ing in 0 citedly, "dad's jest been run over by the a llroad train I" • "WhY " gaid the mother, "how kin you say thLjt when yonder he come , limpin along ai usual?" Sure ough, he was corning, ad when he got i he sat down and said de ectedly: "It W s my wooden leg, Maria. TLroe ' wheels p sed over it and only ook off four !moth s, and I can't get no ccident policy no sue the durned road for dam- ages.".-,. tlanta Constitution. The Outward Sign. e amateur photographic craze sbr" 1 "Got t still, Bi "Yes. "Blowi supplies?' "No, II camera supply of terial. T to buy." "Thor. You're no fessional,' g in all your spare change on believe I have bought eyery pliance there is and laid in a very known photographic ina- ere is absolutely nothing more ou'va passed the dividing 1 ne. an amateur. You are a ro- -Chicago Tribune. For i -e Them Thi. One Time, g poets are a nuisance, Of that I'm well aware. T1 harass the poor editor n make the printer swear. But hink of the past season Ir his fair, sunny clime, Ani 1 of spring the blithe bards 1st Blo give them this one time. Whitt honeysuckles are in bloom, .4ne birds carol all day, And he strawberry man appears And 'pipes his roundelay; When! the disheartened plumber se ks ntCre congenial clime, If the bards sing of balmy spring, F rs1v,esthein this one time. -New Orleans Times -Democrat. • I, Rejected. . "Nellie,' I ;poke the youth with an air of confidence ! 'only - say the word and you andi will. 441 together on the rough son of life, 1). sis.1y buffeting its waves, trim- ming- our sails to meet theadverse winds that"- " No, G eoffIrey, " interrupted the maiden ; "not in ti S ago of the world.. _The man who take,. 14 -on that journey must offer me a first cabiu passag .on a steamer." Wheret port Geoffrey sailed out of her presence sN'ilth a decide( list to port. -Chi- cago News I hit More of Hurry. 'Remain er Bill luggett's weddin, don't you'? asked the ldest inhabitant. "Say Id ," aniswere 1 his understudy. "They wal -ed 30 miles to git theproricher to tie the ot." . I "Well, W len Bill ru away from her yistiddy 11 1 'oar he took the . fast express." -Indiana olis Journal 11 0 Oh, To 1 TheltAn The An Tha He ri An That Thr Preoccu ied. an's a busy renture, racing every chance e this world instruction I .atters of fins nee, St this oecup tion oselse he'll p rsue it puzzles hi completely ow when h s rent is duel ildernems he' It often com • Id phtns for orgets to mo es to feed th such ardor family gel ugh his bein settle, s to pass roads and cities his grass. heathen, e reveals s dyspepsia late at meals. Washington Star. orthy of Trust. don't see why you feel disposed to st that •an for so I,arge an amount. has no, s ending in either Bradstreet's Dun's," "That y be, but I happen to know that his*1e has decided to got along without a si nv spring hat this year; so he int st have nioncy."-Chicago News. The Iflaiced(e4- yreir boy's g hapcllin the Tornep-L right with a nal. ay of the Athiete• hat there athletic) edneation ttinrort to come in handy in X, 41? Ow, seems not, but he's all tunmer.-India:napolis Joists Others Too. When Poet Riley scans his past, Th n s well done or OM'S% RHO ;111).4011 cgrats one error vast - that "I don't these new "Oh, ne time discov TIM like this. -Chicago Rec rd. rovided For. *hat is to become o odors." microbes are being al the er. d."--Detrolt Journal. all AB "I like s "It's gre parents ob achelor's Diversion. oi ed children." Li Ufl to see them make y. -Chicago Record. Tte A man may e With statistic And in one liti two, Cold fact len "Where doe properly be o "I don't kn "Why, o Philadelph a heir ryand Practice. figuring all the year thrsugh to reach a conclusion, e day, or perhaps 'twill take s his work in confusion. -New York World. utical New's. :the boat called a `smack le, • e face of the waters."- ulletin. e Serenade. When night s dark, star gemmed curtain This cane t never fails - The Thorne eat he scales th walls And cate auls the scales. -L. A. W. _ I I -During a passed i over iPe ing of last *es log bOuse abou killing the *if and Shattering and Windows. WM aisd wezie wbe the s'torl camel down thr evere thunder etanguishene, lightning str 'iwo and a hal and son of W the house, sto The family ha 11 assembled came, and ugh the stove storm which uesday even- ,* a small miles out, . Ladaucer, e and pipes, just finished the house he lightning ON EX.110IT011,. A ittial Starte IS it true Vole May st chard, clerk is inclined t affirmative. ahnost of t well which tain ea' "1 shudd rninin George unusu motrin warm to lo in one of m quaintence a his wif. . At urged rie to with It m, b tient °r som siblefoj, me politely lay sta canyon, friends DOWN AN AVALA CHB. nab of Snow Se miugly by a, Mainan Voice. hat the sound of the human rt a snow slide? James Per - of the state court of appeals, • answer the q nest ion in the He has for ;140 s CLIPS jast been e belief that a wor4 of fam- e shouted in one of tibe mOun- yens cost the lives of twO persons. ever hink of the event witheut a r," s id Mr, Perchard. "I was l at t e time in he region above own. The snowhad fallen 1 de • h that w1iter and mi ers froi one cabin ' to another Were out for slides. 1 stoped rips at the cabin of an ac- he meal. my host took dinrr with him ,and te close of y awhile and take a smoke I felt nervous nd impa- reason which it was impos- to and deolIne4 as as possible the k1id invitation. I the se frions the table and without de - d on inY Journe . Cr sing' the turned to wave a farewell to ho had entertained inc. The of and a, third person was in the The air was perfectly still. Not test intirnation was given of the ster which was' about to happen. ray band and shouted 'Ooodbyl' ly had the echoes of my voice died ore a muffled pound struck tlae • Ise like the bocim of a oannen-- hole side of thernountain seeinod otion. The snow, ice, trees and rted towai-d the bottom of ithe d within five seconds the cabin helmed and the spot on which 1 • one or two minutes before was buried u der 60 feet of snow. I sum- anoned a sistance as quickly as it could v done; an we frantically dug out two dead l i. bodies, The third person afterward recov- ered from the injuries inflicted by, the slide, but I have never entirely forgiven myself 'for the word which I shouted en that never to be forgotten day." -Rooky Mountain1News. an" and his wife were standing at the doo the oabi house. the sligl awful di I waved "Har away be ear -a n and the to be in rocks st gulch a was ove had goo i'WO MIND READERS: ! Wonder ul Manner In Which They Divine Bach Other's Thoughts.' , "Don't ay alword," exelaimed Bilking impressiv ly a4 a gaunt, unshaven man entered hs office. "Don't speak; don't utter a syl abl/ I have acquired the gift of mind eadim, g. A mySterious sympa- thy is este lished between us. I read your purpose. ou have come 'here to collect Kent 82,- Blant'a little account. Is it not I so?' ! "It is. You aro quite right," replied the gaunt unshaven one. "I, too, have been a mind reader in my time. Tho power is on me now. I know your thoughts; I can tell wl at the speech will be that you aro frami g eyen now. ' You are going to say, 'I a n very sorry, Ira you will have to call age n.' Am I not right?" "Marvel us I" ejaculated Bilkins. "I can g ) further," pursued the prophet in a hoarsa whisper. "Yu will toll me to Como 1 about the i addle of next Ne`cAkir' ' r `acu ous!".cried Bi&ins. "Now it Is ii)y turn. I can see into your very soul. You will am swer, 'I have been coming here for the .pasi two years every week, and it s high time ou settled up.' "Yonas onish MO," "Yea, m re; you will threaten to bring suit." "Just wl at I was going to say. But I can carry 1 ly spiritual communion fu - then You will say, 'Sue and be-blan ed.' '' . "My dea sir, you are inspired. Yoti ought to b a wealthy prophet. 's "Then," continued the gaunt, unshaven party, "1 s all try a little moral suasion, and you Will waft me gently into the street." 1 "It is DO use fighting against destiny," responded Bilking, and a . few „moments later, as t o gaunt, unshaven individual collected h s remains from the pavement, he was ove heard to remark that the mind reading bu iness wasn't what it Was era* ed up to bet -Exchange. An jpen and Shut Game. Two um relies are on show in the wix). dow of a qhlnese general store in Mo t street. On of these bears this sign: "Se f Closing Unlbrellas, Wholesale or ' The other »as this legend; "Self Qpenin Umbrellas, Wholesale or Retail." A passe by stopped and fried to think which 1e would prefer, an umbrella which shuts 41 itself or one which opens "pop!" like a silk opera bat. He is still weighing the pros and cons and the relative dangers qi the two varieties. Probably the only way to solve the diffis culty is to •uy two umbrellas and let one do the open ng and the other the closin when.emer ency arises. This, howeve has its difIl ulties also. Suppose he too the self opo Ing umbrella by mistake an tried to m ko it close itself: Would it turn inside out, or would the holder lose merely his t mper? It would be a distioult problem to olve, even if its terms wore hats, but wi h a purely Chinese product like the un brella nothing short qf the abacus will o the sum. --New York Coma mercial Adv rtiser. er mousetrap. Prepared fir an emergency is the phrase that seems • fit an elderly woman, who , says the Wa hington Poet, was going t� the Virginia ountains and had the draw ing room of sleeping car. The porte was helping her to sto away her be ongings. "Put that Mouse trap under he berth,"'she commanded and her voice had the ring of one emus tomed to prim nand. "You' spectlng to catch anything?' grinned the jorter. "Expectin I" she snapped. "I'Ve al- ready caught Iwo mice in sleeping cars in the last eight years. I don't propose to be. mutilated br the creatures while I sleep. Put that trap where I tell you and mind your own bus ness I" Think of defenseless woman daring enough to sa "mind your own business" to a sleeping 4ar porter and yet afraid of a mouse I Gently led "You look mouth!" the "Oh, you o rny hair!" young thing. for a fright, After all, I rather than a Relatively. hey her aside. dreadful with gum in your, protested. ght to see me with gum in Xclaimed the thoughtless "That's when I'd jar you houghl" ks, like virtue, are relative solute. WI . Citizen jail, Shacklef Shaoklefo sentance)-0 it sheriff to we. bout Difficulty. 11, how did you find the rd? (back from a two weeks' , I didn t have to hunt for k me right there. -Harlem ASTORIA For Infants Th. fae. stalls I Iligsaters • d d children. It II tom? 1 WWI& IMPORT NOTICES. jbi° A, De klurveYor, Mentbemin ro .61714 Survey re, Dublin, 0 rOHN BE TTIE, Clerk ) Court., • *may Com Lend, Loan and eliveeted and to Loan. Ivens' store ,i Main street, 0 and Provincial Land t eAseociat1on ot °Start° rlo. 1880-52 -4 the Second Division loner, of Huron, Con. =ranee Agent. Fiande Office -Over Sbsrp forth. 1289 1 VSTRAY SOW. -Strayed from the premi s of the i undersigned. Lot 4, C megaton 1, Tuc ersMith, on or About May 21st a Jar a black and r spotted SOW. Berkshire and Tamwo th. Any Parsee Elvlbg information that will lead to her recovery shall be suitably reward: JAMES . BELL, Hensiall P. 0.1 1642x4 TIMBER FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers for sale the timber on the East half of Lot 88, Can - melon 9, McKillop. Tber is a quantity of good ash suitable for rail.; al some hardwood boob, "Which will be sold by the re, and has aPpointed Mr. Jamie Lockhart to 11 the mime. GEORGE HALL, 16181 rPO THE LADIES. -Mrs. rnith wishes to inform 1. the ladies of Sesforth a d vicinity that she le prepared to do up hair cow Inge into switches, eto. An assortment of switche for sale. Hair and switches exchanged. She w 11 also buy dark brown or black hair. Residence corner of Jervia and Market Streets, 3eaforth, LEVI SMITH. ' 1637 a °TORE IN sEArotrra 0 RENT. -To rent en 0 easy terms, the store on Main Street, Seaforth, recently occupied by Casey Co. It is one of the best business elands in town being next door to the post office and immediately pposite the Commer- cial hotel. The store is 66x25 feet, with epleiodtd cellar full size and up stai eonnected w th the store. It is in a firet-class s te of repair. Posses- sikesaltoonriab.tany time. 'Apply •JAMES GILLESPIE, 1636.-st TIDOULTRY AND BEES,: !gig for hatching trom a grand pen of large pur White Rock'. Black kilnoreas-Fine in color, lore .le breed, bred from best stack in Canada. Buff Bents -Real ;beauties, good color and fine toe teeth ring. $1 per setting. such as Foundetion , 20 colonies of Italian Bees at Iterate price. A.so a full line of Beekeepers' suppli e Hives, Smokers, Extractors 1 second-hand Lang - 'troth Extractor. Bees wax taken in exchange for ruppliers WILLIAM HART Yq Church St. Nqrth, Sestorth. 1618. pring Stock. ,Onr Spring stock of Furniture is compl.te. We extend a special invita- tion t0 all admirers of good furniture to inspect our stock. We have always something new to show you in new designs and finish at close prices. -CTIVI3M1RM.AJECIINTG-.., This department is complete with a large selection of the best pods, and obligi g attention given to this branch of the business. N h:t ealls promptly attended to by our undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, Goder- ich set, Seaforth, opposite the Methodist church. OADFOOT, BOX & 00., all Bea4t fal Designs, sell- ing at 3c, 40 and 5c per roll. Window Shades, cloth rollers, price from 250 up. Papers LUMSDEN & WILSON, SOC)TT'S BLOCK, MAtN STREET, APORTHI - - Ontario, REAL ESTATE RESIDENCE IN SEAFORI rale, cheap, the reside. • Square in Seefertb, the pro There is a comtortable frame . cellar, hard and soft water, an convenience. The house co pantries, eto. There are two 1 all kinds of bruit and orname Also a large stable. This is c;Anvuo.tnient and most pleasant In Eleaforth and will be sold eh FOR SALE. -Tor facing ou Victoria ert:' gd John Ward. Ouse, with good stein all o her neeeseary tains 8 rooms, with tt;, web planted with 1 trees and shrubs: e of the best; roost rte situated rsIeneeu r. Apply to JOHN 3.640,tf -LIARM FOR SALE. -For r le, Lot 36,' London 1: goad, Tnokersmith, con ainicg 109 la Ares, 90 acres cleared a dip a very hig state of eul ivation, well fenced an well urderdra ed. There is a line : the balance is good hardwco bush. The farna- new bank barn a good orchard and plenty of water. It is within a i!e and a guar T of Bruceffeld, and four miles troin Clinton. Thi e is a fiat class term and will be eold cheap and on easy terms of pay- ments For firf.her past.culers apply to 13. R„ HIGGINS, Bru efield. 1643 -it - - ---- -- - - i PLENDID FtARM FOR SA -For sale, Lot 11, South Tb !nes Road, Us rne, eontaleing 100 ace s, 95 acres ander eultivatio arid 6 acre4 lot goad i wood. Good brick residence, w h brick kitchen and woodshed, and large bank barn with stone stabling, and good driiing house. All well fenced,under- drained with tile and in a fire class stste , qf eniti- vatioe. There is a good oreha of choice fruit, and the grounds are well eet out v.1 h ornamental trees. It is within four mike of E •eter ; adjains two ohurchee, Methodist and Presb terian, and a school vothin a mile. There is plen • of water, both for housearid etabies. Also a w dmill for pumping, grinding, etc. This is one of t FS best farms in the eouneir of Huron, and i$ in firs .elasie shape in every respect and will be sold on rea nable terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. Apply on the immures or address Thames Road P. O. D. MeINNIS. 16434f STOCK FOR S iRVI0E. DoAii POR SERVICE. -T e undersigned will 1.) keep for senSee on Lo 26, Concession 4, Stanley, a thoroughbred Cheete white boar. Term - e, payable at the time of eervice' with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHNV. DIEHL - 1.59141 -no PIG BREEDERS. -The u ,dersigned will keep • on Lot 26 Concession 6, L R. S., Tuckersmith, a thoroughbred CHESTER %Vein:Pio, also a thorouzh- bred YORKSHIRE Po. A limite number of SOWS Will be admitted to each. Terme, 8 ,payable at the time ef service, or 81.60 if charged Alai a few Chester White Pigs for sale. JAMES 0 SIMILL. 1608-52 trIAMWORTH BOAR P0118 LE AND FOR SER- I VICE -The undersigned 11 keep for service, at the Brtioeffeld Chime F ry, a *mon hbred Tamworth Boar, with registere pedigree. Ter1ni, 11; payable at time of service th privilege of Te- aming if neoeegary. Also a n mber of thorough- bred young Tamworth Boars nd Sows for sale. WOE MoQARTNEY, Brevetted 1406-11 TiAMWORTH PIG FOR SEITICE,-The under. j_ signed has for service on 1 82, concession, 8, a thcro'bred Tamw rth pig, to which a limited nth:ober of sows *will b taken. Thi, is an extra good pig and breeders find it advaneous to cross their berkshire sows with this breed Of pig. Terms el, ivith privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN McMILLAN 1505xtf , DULL FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep I.) for service on Lot 22, COncession 1, liugon Road, Tuokersmith, a pure thoroughbred Parham bull-" Huron Hero," bred by J mes Snell,. Hull tt. Tennis 111 5-0, payable on or be ore the let of F b- ruary,1900. NORMAN L. A. 0 LITER. 1680x STOCK FOR SALE. DTNUISIIAM BULLS FOR SA thoroughbred Durham bul old, one roan and the other red. Lot 22, Conceseion 11, McKillop, E. -For sitle, Vs° e; both 12 mon hi JOHN MORRISON, Winthrop P. O. 168 TEL " ELEPH BRA 1VT" Pure Lins!ed �i Mixed P!ints - Latest Artistic lithadfs -FO Interior and Exte or DeOra- • tion. Manufactured by . . . . The Canada Paint Company, Montreal, Toronto, Victoria, B. C. Now on sale at REID -Ot WILISON 8! ,SEIIFORTH, ONT. 108-14 , TIMBER WANTED. Highest cash pries paid for black ash, wh1ts ash, red and white osk,hard and soft Maple, hemitoksiolt For further particulars apply to and rock elm. Either stumpage eir delivered n yard. GUS. WAGNER, i - Manager for the S. I.. Co., Exeter. 16324f Money to Loan. Any amMuit of money to loan On good 1a4m pro- perty, at 5 per cent. per annum. SAWA; loans, payments nitsde to suit borrower, satiefactio guaraeteed, charge, low. At office Friday &Bern n d all day Saturdsyi ABNER COSENB, McDonald Block, Winghani. 1687 Arriage Licenses We Do Not Issue Them, But all those that a4e going to be married in June and will have need of a Dinner Set, call at Robb's, SEAFORTH As we have just opened this week a line of Dinner Ware, the prettiest and the best quality for the Moneythat ever came into EAF6RTH. If you don't knOw, you ought to by this time, that weltake the lead in the Crockery line in SEAFORTH. 'In our Grocery line we keep everything fresh and clean, and deliver to any part of SEAFORTH. 1 ROBB. IT .A." -r -S, MCI FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN. Pup: aril: in attendance at The Canada -Business College CHATHAM, ONTARIO. From the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Slope. lOne hundred ante.' thirty-three cities, towns and villages in Canada and the United States, during the post year, sent us nearly 300 pupils. There are now 2$ Counties and Districts in Ontario, 5 States of the Union, together with Manitoba and the Northwest Territories represented. Over 200 of our pupils have been placed in good positions since January 1s1, 1898. We recently had four calls within three weeks to supply teachers for other business colleges. Among those who have accepted poeitions lately, are : Jennie Bateman, as stenographer and assidant book-keeper, Walkerville Brewing Co Annie Mo Re, as stenographer and assistant book-keeper, Milton, Praised BriCk & Sewer Co. ; Catharine Mo - as stenographer, George Angell, Wholesale Art Supplies, Detroit, Michigan ; George Carthwright, as stenographer, with North American Life Assur- ance Co., Toronto. The opring term is one of the best seasons of the }ear' for making a start. Enter DOW. D. MoLACHLAN & Co. Chatham, Opt. CENTRAL Hardware Store. P.A4I/N1"118- We are agents for Robertson's celebrated ready mixed Pants; for durability and choice of colors, they cannot be surpassed. They are manufaatured from pure white lead and oil, and are: guaranteed satisfactory. See our quick meal gasoline stoves; they are more easily managed than any other stove in the triarlret. We have a full stock of :spades, shovels, forks, hoes and garden rakes. Eavetroughing and furnace work a specialty - Give us a cell before purchasing. SiII& Murdie .HARDWARE, teeOld Stand, Seaforth. S AFORTH A STORE Is n w booming a fresh lot of all kinds of teas from 10e. a lb. to 50c a lb. black and gree apan's, siftings and dust. Also an. othe ot of ' those very tine coffees which give e ch good Belida tion. I am giving grea • argains in all ki de of goods. 1 al. way ave what I advertise. Canned apples in 1 lion tine at l5ct each, regular price 25e • 'king Figs 6 Ibe. for 25c, 6 lbs. best B R c for 25c ; 4 lbs Prunes for 25c; 6 doz. 1 lothes Pins for ; Bed Cords 50 each ; 7 bars of soap for 250; 8 lbs. Sulphur for ; 8 lbs. Salto for 25; Red Herring 10e a box; a limited quantity of Maple Syr p home made, at 25o a quart; Galion psi Mixed; Pickles, first class at 60e. A fe Dutch Set Onion. yet in stock an4 also ull line of the best varieties of Tur- nip d Garden seed, Tomato plants; a fine o of Sugar Cured and Smoked Hams, 1Sho 1 ere, Brealdast Bacon, Skinned Backs, ;and ong clear Bacon out of small hogs; {201 pails of Pure Lard at $1.60 a pad. I a still running China, Crockery and G1 ware and Lamps at cost and under to clea them out. A cordial invitation is ex- tend d to all to call and get some of the grea bargains. A. AULT FORTH. • 1 Robert Devereux LACKSMITH and pecia Attention 'Ha nr, to Horseshoeing and INUIRIMIC Opp. Biter General Jobbing- MAKER Goderich street, - - Seaforth. es- TN CHAMPION SHIRE STALLION OF CANADA KILBITRN NO. 15,179. Will stand for the improvement of stock for the 4th season at BERRY'S SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES, HENSALL, during the eeason 1899. Terme.-Insurance 813. Meals and feed for parties from a distance tree. BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietors. OWEN GEIGER, Manager. 163841 McLEOD'S System Renovator -AND OTHER - TESTED - REMEDIES. A specific and antidote ter Impure, Weak and Im- poverished Blood, Dyspepels, Sleeplessness. Paine -lo- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, toes of Memory, Bronchitis, Coneuniption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kieney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vilna' Dance, Female Irregularieles and General LABORATORY-Goderloh, opt:trio. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann lecturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 150141 '0O lt]Vd c-1 C/1 0 aarampareg "SOig NUM 10 NM t=1 ct) cl) )-t cr) 1:1 1;:rdrj •-• ;ma CD 11 c+ CD et))--' C/2 IICD ETZD omi • PI • CD;12nP 2`p 0.1 ••• *d • OW 0 N CD M f=1 FOR SALE. A comfortable two storey dwelling house ; warehouse with refrigerator, stable, out -houses and a good well. Apply to EDWARD CASH, SEAFORTH. MHO