HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-02, Page 8a
Sale of
• After June 1st, we intendffering
the 3icycles we have in stock
at v ry low prices. For ini tance,
we vrill sell
$40 wheels for $25 cash
$65 wheels for $45 cash
$75 wheels for $50 cash
Others as low as $20.
If you intend purchasing a bicyc
season, now is your char
save money.
We are also offering Baby Carria
cut prices.
e this
ce to
es at
CAPITAL (Paid Up), $1,600,
REST, - $1,600,
; Main Street, Seaforth.
;A General Banking Business t ank-
atted. Farmers' Sale Notes colle ted,
and advances made on same at I west
Drafts sold on all points in Ca• ada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of One Dollar and
Solicitor Agent.
I am now etiling first-claes new improved
Arm Sewing Machine, with the latest steel a
ments, finished' in oak or walnut, and with
and five drn.wers or fancy drop head And five
ere for 525 cash., This machine is the "Qu
manufactured lay the " White Sewing Ma
Company." Ail knachines fully;warranted and
ante ed to do first-class work, light or heavy.
M4-1- "'CV-A.111SO
General Insurance Agent & Deal-
er in, §owing Machines.
New fruits and
We have now in stoek
son's Teas we ever
Ceylon and Japan;Teae.
or will refund the
Raisins, Currants,
lowest prices. Softie
Toilet Sets just received,
loweet. Wanted
potatoes, dressed
produce, for whieb
- ,
Gash Grocen
in a
in doe
low a
new seaeon's Vas now
the best values in
had, comprising Young
We guarantee
money. The best quality
Nuts, Peels, etc., now
nice Hine in Dinner,
and at prices as
good butter, egge, dried
'fowl, and all kinds of
we will pay the highest
C. WILSON, Seafort
1 Bank of Commeroe
111) CeN7ii,4
i m
V /mei/ft-
Wornen for Business
of our Recent
work and apply
}Inter now -if
, / •
Young Men
life. FORTY
have accepted
Men appreciate
to us for our graduat:s.
can. Prospectus
, Principal. 4444-5
Our stock of Reade
Boys' and Children'a
thou usual. Prines
ors and buyer*
Our Mon' a All-Wbol
Excellent Suits in
canbuy a suit tit
Tweed Suite fro
One fact we wish
handie the beet flf.tiog
the country.
ler er
lnape gt-
bringc re.
810 ou
Childre 's
$2,75 p.
that e
-to-Wear Suitin Men'e,Yout
is now full. Assortment
;on the bed rock buds.
value =precedent
Suite at 84,75 aro trade
'S at 86 and $S. At
a prince to wear.
:$150 up, Boya' from
upon buyers is
and made goods produced
Local ti-kets heall
Through ticket, through
in the United Stet '4,
British Columbia.
ship Lines in etock.
all polite
all Stea
pents in Ontario and
«nmeetiona, to
Sianitoba the Territoriee
Any route. Tickets for
Building, Seaforth.
silverware suitable for Wedding
Pre.;:•ent,, in new and pretty d:
sign, at lowest prices. A large
assortment of Wedding Rings
always on hand.
she furon Cxpositor.
Dharles Wilson, against
'orth, in reference
lrains was to have
ury elttinge of the
1,t Goderich, on
setnesees who had
ide3 went to Goderich,
verp not required,
elleci, it was deci
)oyle to take the (
o have it nrguel
Ir. Wilson claims
er Creek, between
is property, wee riot
ace with the renuirements
—The case
the town of
to the Silver
been tried at the
High Court of
Monday. A number
been subsnened by
but their service
arr when the case
ed to refer rt to
vidence in Seaforth,
aLerwards in Toronto.
that that portion of
the railway track
deepened in accord-
of the aaaassra,
of Mt.
by law, and a ks thatthe work be now oar
- riei out as or ginally intended, or that the
to n return t e money paid by hitn -under
th by-law ibh interest. The town, on
th • other han , contend that the work was
car ied outn accordance with the plan
au horized by the by-law, and on which the
ape isl apes ment was made, and that,
th afore, Mr, Wilson has received all he
pai for, and has, consequently, - no claim.
Th re are other contentions on both sides,
bu these are the leading ones. .
:ALVATION ARMY. NOTES.—An interesting
ads roes, entitled,' "A tramp's life," will be
5iv n in the Salvation. Army hall, on Sun -
a evening, by Captain Keeler, in rags.
Go d Music will be given. There is to be a
spr ng camp neeting in the hall on Wed -
nes ay eVini g, June 7th. The captain
wil appear a a professor, and give some.
goo music. oe cream will be served.
repeat GE S THE CR,AWFORD Cop.—For
he est three or four seasons, the cup pre -
Cent d by Mr. H. J. Crawford, a former
'teact er in the Seaforth Collegiate Institute,
for onipetition among the local clubs, has
grac dthe club house of the Dublin Stars.
The be.ve had to fight some hard battles
for t, but at last the mighty have been
brou ht low. On the recreation grounds
here o4 Saturday last they had ' to lower
thei 1 c lore to the Kippen club, , and it will
now be for the boys from the South to feast
theiii eyes on the trophy. The day was not
a yeller propitious one for sports, but despite
the Ithreatening rain a fair sized crowd
gath red to• witness the contest. During
thelet half Kippen had to kickagainsta
stroi g, wind, but succeeded in so ring three
time to Dublin's none. In the se ond half
the tare made desperate atterrn+ to even
up t e score but were unable to do more
than 1keep the Kippen kickers Ifrom sooting,
and lhne the game ended. Kippen 3, Dub-
lin O. Alchough they lost, the Doblin boys
mad a heroic fight, and have the satisfac-
tion f knowing that they were beaten by a
slash ug team. The Kippen boys play a
splen, id game and ewould be a harl Put for
Malli of the so oalled big clubs to ctack.
• _
Dalinty white hats for June trade t Miss
Kins 's, Seaforth. Prices right. 1642•1
Cal and get three (3) pair cotton ose for
25o, a d two (2) pair merino sox for 25e at Dill's,
Seat° th. 1642-1
La ies"canvas top oxfords, bleak or tan,
all siz s, regular 21.35 for 85c. Better grads at all
pricee W. H. Willie, bcot• and shoo, Seat rth.
. 1642-1
D THIE'S.: TURNIP SEED.—Just received
dire° from A: Duthie & Co., the noted breeders of
Short horns of Tarvia, Aberdeen, Scotland, a COL1-
eignment of Duthie's Champion Purple Top Swede,
grow on their farm. Having handled their seed for
three ears, we find the demand largely increasing.
All or ars sent in by meg will have prompt attention.
Price 20e, per pound. We . have the following other
eerie les : Westbury, Monrach, Skirving's Improved,
Roya1 Norfolk, White Globe, etc. A. Young. Sea -
forth. 1640-tt
Smlf.ti is agent for the following articles : Rains'
Anti- andruff for your hair ; Bain's Biooni of Youth
to make you fair ; Bain's Dentine makes your teeth
So vv Ite—Bain'e preparations are all right. Call at
hersidenee, corner Market and Jarvis etreete,
Seat° th. 1041-2
W1NTED.—Any quantity of dairy butter.
Eggs lc cash, 12e trade. Are the pedlars worth 3c
o cioz n to you ? G. E. King, Wingliam. 1640-11
and s
Is' slippers and oxfords for 50c per
sizes 11, 12, 13, 1 and 2. W. II. Willis, boot,
nes, Seaforth. 1641-1
B tter, tggs and potatoes wanted at
Dill's, Seaforth. And we are still giving 20 pounds
granu ated sugar for S. 11.6424
D you need an engagement or wedding
ring? Call and see my steck. They- are good.
They re as low in price aa;a first-class articieloolit2xl
Sold. John ulger, Seaforth.
good epair, from 85 to en, Having sump ded in
buyin this stook at a very low price, intend' g pur-
chase s will do well to call berorfe the oho co runs
Out. George Baldwin, general repairer, Sear rth.
Ex ensive sale of household furnit re, at
1 o'clobk, p. ne, on Saturday, June 3rd, at the Com -
merch 1 hotel, Seaforth. Thomas Hown, auctioneer.
, 1642x1
Dill's is the place to et choice fresh
grocer es. A call solicited. Dill's, Seaforth. 1642-1
W will give 10 per cent. off 'for cash on
all goo s sold Friday and Saturday. Riche:then &
Molnn e, Se.ferth. • 1642-1
W OL. —Deliver your wool, with or with-
out y ur wheat, pant, barley, oats, etc., at No. 6
etoreic use, where you are alwaye sure to get the
highes prim. James Beattie, Seaforth. 1642x4
LO AL TELEPHO.s.ill RATE.—Non-subserib-
ers wis tog to use the telephone ta t peak with sub-
seriber in town can do en on payment of 5 cents.
C. W. 'apet, agent, Seaforth. 1642-1
SUC 'ESSIIIL STUDENTS.—In the list of the
successful stedents in the recent examina-
tions at Trinity Medical -College, Toronto,
the boys from this county stand out prom-
inently. They have done themselves
marked credit and have added materially to
the bhIliant list of students from this
countee In the final for the degree of M.
D., /4. B. J. Hazelwood, of Wroxeter,
carriec off the gold medal, while Mr. W. A.
Kerr, f McKillop, secured a certificate of
honor,I standing fifth in the lists E. J.
McLe nan and Arthur Hotham, of Staffa,
also asaed the final. In the first year,
John hompson, of Stanley, and J. R.
Morris n, of MeKillop, passed with
first-c1es honors. In the second year,
Mr. 0. R. Landsborough, ion of
Mr. Jarnes Landsborough, of Tucker -
smith, received a certificate of honor, stand-
ing thi 'd. Mr.J. T. Elliott, son of M r. Wm.
Elliott town clerk, also passed his *second
year. In the fellowship examination, Mr.
W. A. Kerr carried off the second eilver
medal. Such a brilliant list is most gratify-
ing ant we congratalate the young men on
their st ecess.—We are also pleased to learn
. Wm. Irving, son of Mr. James
formerly of this town, has graduated
nors from the New York dental
college. —Mr. J. G. Stanbury, of Bayfield
passed is final examination in lum at Os-
good° all, and Mr. Charles Garrow, sou of
Hon. J. T. Garrow, Goderich, has passed
his thir year with honor.
that M
'with h
Smoot, OF M ETIroDs.--The School of Meth-
ods held in the Methodist ehurch here on
Wedne day last, under the auspices of the
County Women's Christian Temperance Un-
ion was very successful and pleasantgather.ing. ,elegates were in attendance from
Goderich, Clinton, Wingham and Brussels.'
There were two day session and a meeting
in the evening. All were well attended.
Is4 amen:ins interesting and instructive pap-
ers, bearing on the work of the Union,
were reed at each S0881*n. Mrs. Thornley,
of London, provincial resident, and a well
known temperance wor, -er, was present at
the aftairnood and ev fling meetings. In
the 'evening the aud enee room of the
Methodist church wive fairly well filled,
her b hag a consid4rab1e sprinkling of
gentlem n in the audience. Mise Fisher,
the cou ty president, presided, and she
seemed o fill the position as efficiently and
pleasent y as any member of the eterner
sex c ul have done. In addition to music
by th4 uited choirs of the Methodist and
and Fre byterian churches, Mrs. Shaw, of
Egmoiad ille, and Miss. Scott, of Seaforth,
each gay a solo, while appropriate and well
rendered recitations were given by Missses
Colborne and Wilson, of Goderieh. Mrs,
George Acheson, of Goderieh, read an ex-
cellent piper entitled "The New Woman."
Mrs. Kirkma,n, of Seaferth, read an address
of welcotne to the visit'ng sisters, and this
W&S Opp opriately replied to by Mrs. D.
IcGillic ddy, of Godarich. The feature of
he eVen ng, however, «as an addresa by
re. Tho nley, who dia ussed the extension
f thefrt4nohise to wom n. Mrs. Thornley
a pleas: nt and ent,ertt ining speaker and
er excelVent address as listened to with
ttention and must ha e been pleasing to
IL no matter what t eir personal views'
n this Object may e. She certainly
ade out a strong ma and we have no
oubt that had she a sea in the Legielature
her strong arguments and persuaeive man-
ner would have a powerful influence with
the members of the sterner sex there
who still hold out against this modern ag-
gression on t
Mr. Shaw, o
Gilchrist 000
and the form
the meeting
Meeting was
and will, no
fluence. We
extended rep
e part of our sisters. Rev.
Egmondville, and Rev. Mr.
pied seats on the platform,
r opened and the latter closed
y prayer. On the whole, the
an exceedingly pleaseet one
doubt, have a beneficial in -
hope to be able to give a more
rt next week. ,
• ,
EoMONDVrr4ni NOTES.—What It grand
exhibition of moral rectitude and: well
-directed Bri ish publio opinion has been
shown by the late Sunday newspaper con-
troversy. Op osition to further inroads on
the rest and cuiet of the Sabbath, some
from religious and others from secular mo- '
Gives, poured n from all quarters, with the
result that th publishers gracefully bowed
to the popular will, and ceased the issue.
Would it not 1e well for the people of Can-
ada to form thbir eo duct in such matters
after the Britt, mo el, rather than copy
the , lax Sala th sages of our ,American
neighbore, which, if persisted in, will, like
slavery, surelybrin a nationahpunishment
—Rev. Robert Hen erson, of Auburn, will
preach in cinr a uro on Sabbath next, and
we trust the Contra() or will have things in
shape ip the eudienc room, �o that it may
be fit for map .tion Rev. Mr. Shaw goes
to Auburn and Smit 's Hill, to conduct an-
niversary serv ees for Mr. Henderson.—
Mrs. Charles S mono of Goderich, visited
friends here las week.—Miss C. A. Porter,
Mies Manson and Miss MoNay attended
the Endeavor con ention in Goderich on
Tuesday, as del gate teem our society.—
Mrs. Burgess a d he daughter, Miss Elsie,
who spent th wi ter with relatives in
Dakota, have r turn d and resumed house-
keeping in theii oom ortabl
of this village. Our free a
the gipsies, ate pa ing t
visit to the riyer ate.
comforts of weaRth and the
fixed abode, th se nomads
slavish and deb sing.—Mr.
of Toronto, spe t the early
with Mr. and , es. H. P.
Clark's parent.—Several
spent the 24th 4 a distance
'lathes Cumming went to G
Laura and-Flor Porter, to
McGee, to CI nten, and
Wright and Ge rge Hills, i
home just wet
d easy friends,
ieir first spring
alk about , the
happiness of a
scorn both as
nd Mrs. Clark,
art of the week
Kennedy, Mrs.
of our people
Mr. and 'Mrs.
clench ; Misses
Stratford; Mr.
Messrs. James
enry Colbert's
feeding cattle
t Egmondville,
county council
ay next. —Mr.
nlay, Algoma,
rious-kinde of
, in ordee to
t see what Al -
are very fine
mining. They
eralake's seed
as added lour
auction sale o • export and
his farm,
e 6th.—The
eh on Tiles
, of Pert F
amples of v
that countr
f this distri
will „be held o
on Tuesday, Ju
meets at Goder
William Marra
has sent us
grains grown i
let the farmers
goma can produce. They
epeeimens and Itre worth ex
oan be seen in Hamilton &
store.—Mr. Ar 'bur Forbes
very ha dsome and stylish ew buggies to
his air ady vjlry complete livery stock.
eauty, and is the nicest
een in this town. It was
ed Hess, sr,, of Zurich, and
one of Mr. Forbes' hand-
kes a rig fit for a prince. --
is at present in this viein-
nds.—Mrs. (Dr.) Smith, of
e this week visiting friends.
council met at Leadbury
• concluded the work of the
on and transacted general
ull report we have to hold
t week.—Mrs. (Dr.) Mc -
nasals, spent last week here
entre Mr. and Mrs. R. N.
d Mre. Thomas Daly •re -
ay from a week's visit to
Kincardine. They drove there and back,
taking the lakelshore road. They were de-
lighted with t e drive from Godelich to
Kincardine, and enjoyed their tri and
rs. F.
orn a
friends at Fergus.—Mr. Solomon Quielt, of
this town, who has been an inmate df the
House of Refug for some time, has gone to
Ottawa, Ilynois to make his home with his
daughter, Mrs. A. M. Smith.—The many
friends of Mrs, ohn Henderson, sr., North
Main street wiI be pleased to learn that
ently recovered ,from her
ess to be able to come
. and Mrs. Richard Wright,
in town pn Wednesday,
r friendsAips.—!The old
John street, is being torn
ved, some person in the
purchased it. This is an -
and marks that disappears.
derson has remOved. here
nd is located on Goderich
erson is one of Seaforth's
been in foreign parts for
we have pleasure in wel-
One of hese is
we have ever
made by Mr. F
when drawn by
some horsee, in
Dr. James Hog
ity visiting fri
Hamilton, is he
—The McKillo
on Monday, an
court of revis
business. The.
over until ne
Naughton, of B
visiting her pe
Brett.—Mr. a
turned on Mon
their visit in iensely. They left
dine at 9 a. m., and were in Seaforth
the bell was rin ing for 7 p. m., th
tance being 60 miles, which shows th
of driver Mr. D ly keeps.—Mr. end IV
W. Tweddle re urned on Tuesday f
visit to Mr. weddles parents and
she is now
recent seve
down town
of Herman,
Downey ba
down and
country h
other of th
—Mr. Davi
O ill
n, o
• old
with his family,
street. Mr. Anc
old boys, who ha
many years, and •
coming him back again. He has secured a
roadfoot & Box factory.—
an, of Woodstock, spent
other and other friends
re. Campbell, of Brooklyn,
ed through Seaforth on
situation in the I
Mrs. George Dun
Suarday with her
here,—Dr. and
New York, pas
their w y to Goderieh on Monday last.—
Mr. W. H. Clark! has removed to his neat
residence on Maji street.—Rev.. J. S. Hen.
ay morn
1 %Yellin
id the
where th
• days,
rott, of Elimville, passed through
Wedneedity, on their way to visit
Williamj MeGavin's, Leadbury.—
ompany have been play -
1 for the past couple of
pa,ny is a good one, and
ts are clean and free from
treble. People as a rule
e companies which have
or the past few years,
nee, this company were
r poor houses during their
3ut this week they have
better houses, aed they
engagement here closes
t.—The Beaver lacrosse
t game in the intermedi-
Marys, to -day (Friday.)
father i
next te
John Ja
toWn on
at I Mr'
The Fro -ti Stock
ing i in C: rdno's hal
weeks. The corr
their en ertainmei
anythin objectic
are skep real of t,
been pla ing here
and, in consequ
greeted ith rathe
first wee here.
been dra ing mire
deserve t. • Their
with Sat rday nig
team pla s the firs
ate seri.s in St.
The first borne gan e will be played next
Friday ith Bright.—Mr. John Rebb, of
Tuckers ith, shipped a car load of very
fine stee s to the old country on Wednes-
day. --,111 DaVid .Donovan returned fret's
the old country this week. He noade a
very sell factory sale of the horses he took
over with hini,—Rev. Mr. Gilchrist, of
Toronto, preached very acceptably in the
Presbyterian church last Sabbath. Mr.
Gilchrist was a fellow student of ,Rev. Mr.
Stewart of Clinton. Rev. Mr. Rowan, of
Fort William, preaches ie the same church
for the next two Sabbaths. --Mr. John B.
McLean, of Tuckersmith„ was in town this
week, and his miny friends were pleased to
see him looking so well after his , recent
severe illeess.—Mr. James Reid rrived
here from Port Finlay, Algoma, on Wed-
nesday,—A man passed through town on
Wednesday with a large load of ealves,
which he was eelling to neighboring far-
mers. ,Selling calves off a farm is about ,on
a par with selling straw which shoeld be
converted into manure.—During the storm
on Sunday afternoon a tree on Mr. E. C.
Coleman's farm, to the north of the town,
was streck by lightning.—Mr. Caleb Cud -
more wed his mother, Mrs. Thomas I Cud -
more, of "(Aherne, were visiting relatiVes in
town this week.—Mrs. (Dr.) Tamblyn, of
Winghe,m, was vieiting friends in town last
week.—Commencing on Monday, the drug
stores will close at 7.30 each evening, ex-
, took the train here on
ng, on his way to vi it his
ton county. —The olun-
and left on Tuesday for
y will be in camp far the
Mrs. William and !Mrs.
()gib Saturday, during the summer months,
—Mrs, Alex. Ross, of Wingham, was a
delegate to the Women's Christian Tem er-
ance Union convention on Wednesday, and
while here paid Mr. Ross' 32nd yea's' sub-
scription to Tien EXPO ITOR, —Mr. Harry
Cline, son of An. William Cline, has gone
to St. George, where he as setured nsitua-
tion in a general store. —Mr. and Mrn. John
McAllister, of Hensall, nd Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McAllister, of He, , epent Queen's
birthday in town, the grests of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Forbes.—Miss Kate •Rusiell,
of Stratford, visited at the residence of Mr.
James Kehoe for a few days i this week.—
On Monday evening the firet home game
in the Western Football Assoniation series
will be played on the recreation groun4le,
between Stratford and the Herons. Ga e
called at 6.30.—Mr. John Weir and r.
John Steele left on Th rsday for the ild
country. 1 1
Baneflel .
Mies Martin announce 1 a special sale of
hate; leghorns and sallors'i t reeeived from TO -
guaranteed. Miss Martin, ay old.
ronto. Dresernaking in all its ranches ; satilsufao2t.ilor
If you have painting to o you will mak
no mistake in using the Sh relln-Williams' prepare
paint. lt lasts longest; eo ersi oat ; won't crack
flake nor chalk off, and is pit n full imperial metes,
ure. F. A. Edwards sells it i. A. Edwards, Bay-
The beet is the che pe t. If you18:92a411 t
the beet, go to R. Rouatt's f r nder twine, paints,
oils. glass, hardware, tinware, ris green, eta. R.
R,ouatt, Bayfield. 1642-1
BLOWS.—Messrs. Georg Laing and Alex.
Gillean, of London, repres ting the Stand-
ard Life Insurance Comps , were in town
this week. F. A. Edw rds is •the local
agent.—H. Drawen wheel to Kincardine
last week, and visited the for a few days.
—Rev. W. Graham preac d to large con-
gregations last Sunday. is was his fare-
well before moving tor a lace near Owen
Sound. He and his wife nd family left on
Tuesday.—Mr. Robert G rdiuer, clerk of
the Tecumseh house, Lend n, is here at the
River house for n couple o we ks enj Ying
the breezes of lake Huron —T omas tut -
son has opened a •groc y and prov sion
store in the shop adjoining . Tippet's har-
ness shop. He also sells rkby'e oele rat-
ed bread.—Mr. Fisher has oved to M. A.
Stalker's house, Sauble 1 e.-Lldr. Peter-
son, of Kincardine, is ei ing an arteeian
their boats in shape for th sunnier.
well on Mr. J. Jewett's 'p perte .—Seeeral
of our boys left on Tue ay for London
camp. --Jowett Brothers e 1 usy putting
• Tuckers h.
A CYCLONE. —A heavy n s rm passed
over the township Sunda aft oon, and
was accompenied by a ry high wind,
which in places, reached tie pr portions of
a cyclone. The roof on t b rn of Mr.
Alex. Buchanan, 3rd cone s ion L. R. S.,
was torn off and scattered i al directions,
his- silo was blown do\ , hile fences
were demolished and t ees uprooted.
The barn of his neig or, Mr. Cal-
der, was . also unronfe It seemed
to be going in a narrow (pa h in an easterly
direction, les some of his n ar n ighbors ex-
perienced do such visitatio . peculiarity
about it was that everyth ng as twisted
and splinte ed as if caught in a unnel. Mr.
insurance does not cover ti at ki id of dam'
Buchanan's loss will be co eider ble, as hie
age. •, •
WEST E_ D Nos.—The mont of May is
said to be t e menth that mak s the bay.
If this is tr e, the prospec s ate fair for a
crop this ye n—G. W. No t sol his car-
riage horse eat week to Mr. W . Cunning-
ham at good figure. le Dick, of
Blyth, is isiting relat ve ere.—Miss
Ste venson of Holmeseille s isiting her
grandmoth r, Mrs. A. TIl oat —Miss G.
Lloyd, of email, is visiti g rel tives here.
—John Layon is engaged i h Ir. Crealy
in he Seafo th butter facter .— Ir.Meyers,
of Clinton, ddressed the L ague at . Tur-
ner's appointment on Sun ay e ening last.
--Mr. Armstrong left on T e da to attend
the conference which is bei g hel at Wind-
sor this year—Yr. D. Tip ad ill occupy
ntheextpulpit ati Tuner's ch re n Sunday
The now quick -fastened eari g shoes for
farmers, Leech nice or labor re—bes and most
simple fastened siege niade—we haVe t ctn. W. H.
Willis, boots and shoes, Seaforth
A GOOD B4laens=Mr. Du can cL' a r-1642,-10 f
the 141h coneession, is hay ng a fine large
bank barn erhoted on his fa m o the 12th
concession. The barn is 6e173, with con-
crete founda ion. The co c ete work was
done by Mr. F. Gutteridge o Seaforth and
Mr. Alex. R es, of Brucefie d is doing the
framing. When completed it wi I be one of
the finest barns in the tow a Concrete
is a comparatively new ma er alf.in this lo-
cality, but the excellent we k do -so by Mr.
Gatteridge will undoubtecl ri g it to the
Manitoba, Sentinel, of th of May,
says: On Friday evening ast week,
the death occurred of u a , wife of
Mr, Aaron McLean at hp. ge of 2/3
years, 2 monthipanci 2 da s' The imme-
diate cause of death was r14ht's disease.
She was the eldest daughter o Mr. William
Miinning, of LondOsboro, am eine to Mani•
toba thirteen years ago fro Huron coun-
ty, Ontario, and had been m rried twelve
years. Five young children, f ur boys and
one girl, are left to mourn h r loss. The
funeral took place on Sunda tternoon last
to the Presbyterian church, here service
was conducted by Rev. Me s, Farquhar-
son and Bennee, after whi the remains
were conveyed to the Pilot 11 nd cemetery
for interment, followed by ar e number
of people.
• DOINGS, —Master Fredie A k
• 24th with friends in Mitchell
Doyle, St. Columban, was in
few days last week visiting f
Kate O'Connell, of Mitchell, a
in the hpme circle.—Dr. and 11
and Master Bertie spent the ‘..,4
ell with Mr. and Mrs. D. 0
and Mrs. James Davis enjoyed
with St. Marys friends.— 1
Lengevhs of Atwood, were
Mr. and Mrs. P. Evans las
James Murray, of Seaforth, s
with friends in town.—Mr.
business trip to Clinton onedi
Mr. Ekhart, student at Berl
home for the holiday seas
Mrs. William Deveureaux sp
the residence of Mr. Steph
Very Rev. Dean Murphy was
Sunday attending the laying
stone of the church. —Mrs. W
daughter, of Seaforth, were
Mr. and Mrs. J. Weber on
number of the war -loving yo
Tuesday for London, where
Main tor twelve days, wor
Majesty's service.—Empire D
to teacher and pupils, as
earlier than usual.
nril spent the
Mrs. Wm.
ra.tford for a
ent Sunday
rs, Michell
h in Mitch-
Sunday last
. and Mrs.
c guests of
eut the 24th
' lker took a
y laet week.—
College, is
t Sunday at
n Downey.—
in Logan on
of the corner
her and little
he guests of
the 24th.—A
ng men left
hey will re-
ing in Her
y was a treat
chool closed
NOTES.—Mr. John Sherrit and Mrs.
Sherrit, of Stephen, were visiting friends in
this locality last week .—Dr. 1-)allister, of
Bayfield, performed a very ski ful operation
on two of Charles Johnston's c tldren a few
days ago, one ohild seven mo ths old, and
the other about seven years of 1ae, both be-
ing cases of rupture.—Mr. McI Veen and his
son Frank are visiting friends i this neigh-
borhood this week.—McEwen rothers are
busily e gaged making shin les in J. T.
Markle s amp, where; they ha e erected a
shingle ill.—Mr. Johnathan Peck, who
sewed a third-class certificate last July,
has decided to study me4i1i8inei—Mr. John
Reid, of the Bayfield road, soldja good
driving horse to Mr. Snell, of Exeter, for a
handsome figure.—Mr. George Howard,
who met with a serious accident lasts week,
while trying to capture Mr.R. Rouatt's run-
away team, is again able to attend to his
usual duties.—Miss Bertha Johnston, who
has been in Terence for the past ,year, re-
turned home last week to spend a few
months under the parental roof.—Mr. W •
Garrett, of Belgrave, was the gueeb of Mr.
Thomas Nicholson last wee .—A happy
event took place at the rectory, in Bayfield,
on May 24th, when Mr. James Porter, of
Goderich township, was united in marriage
to Miss Maggie Scotchmere, of the Brow
son line. The ceremony was perforined by
Rev. Mr. Jennings.
NEW LAW FIRAL—The law Office of Mr.
R. H. Collins, in this place, which has bet*
closed for some time, on account Of that
gentleman's severe and prolonged ilinese,
will be re -opened again for business be a few
days. Mr. Collins has taken int° partner.
ship with him Mr, J. G. Stanbury, of
onto. Mr. Stanbury is a Huron boy, being
a son of Dr. Stanbury, of Bayfield. Mr,
Stanbury has distinguiehed himself as a
student, and is a leright and clever young:
man, who is thoronghlyevereed in his red
fession, and will make a useful and a tive
citizen. The new firm will be a strong one,
and will command the good will and esteem
of the public.
Ashfielcl. ,
NOTES.—Rev. B. L. Hutton deliver d a
lecture on Orangesm, its past, present &fld
future necessity, ii Zion church last Feday
evening.—Mr. Peter Cook, 13th commas on,
died May 21st, of lnflainmation'of the br in,
after a short illn,ess. The deceased twaa
esteemed by all who had the plea ure of his
'acquaintance. 11 died in the triumph of
faith. The famil have the iyirpathy of
the community in their sad her avem nt.
His remains were nterred in the Iung&npon
cemetery under the auspice S f Loyal
Orange Lodge:No. 1044.
Co stance.
FARM SOLD. The Messei4 McGregor
brothers have die • osed of their farm on the'
8th concession, of I: ullett, near ,here,to Mr.
John S. Brown, •f McKillop. 1 This farm
will be better kno n as the old Orech farm.
It contains one hu deed acres, has On it a
large brick house nd bank barn, and is a
first-class place, 1 he price paid for it was
$4,700. Mr. Bele n has purchased it tor
one of his sons. he farm belonged to he
risers. McGregor brothers, but was worked
y Mr. Albert Mc regorlwho intends t k-
g a prospecting rip to Manitoba and he
orthwest this an nmer, and if he is a i ed
ith the country -ill take up land ande
eve there. He etains possession of this
rm, however, u • til next Maret.
NoTEs.--Illiss Maggie Washington, of
Clinton, gave an e cellent midi -e9 upon the
eubjeca" Intempe ate pleasures:at the Ep.
orth League, 'undayl evening. Very
any were unabl to attend the meeting
owing to the heav rain and were deprived
of a helpful addre 8.—The topic of theEp-
worth League for ext Sunday at 7.30 p. in.
Wheat and T res" by Mr. R. Rogersn.
It is also the mon uhly coneecration service.
Tuesday, June 61; , at 8 p. m. the mouth.
ly business meeting for the society , will e
eld.—Rev. Mr. Ferguson, of Durham a
f rater pastor, male a few calls upoofrien s
ere last Tuesday. —Dr. and Mrs. Wate s
spent a few days, including the Quee s
Birthday, at Tor nto and Niagara.—Mi
Lily Martin retur ed to her home laat we
from London, where she had been for so
t me.--sMiss Washington, ;of Clinton, w
the guest of Miss IIda Mitten a few da
this week.—Mr. E L. Farnham, attended
convention at Wi gham limit Friday of t
Good Templars. Mrs. ,James 1 'Taylor,
Herriston, is visiting at her mothet's, Mr
Snell's, this week.
SNIDER VS.MC4ELVIE.—Thi ill the style
of a ease which was heard by Justice Ro
ertson in the High Court at Goderich, o
Monday. The parties concerned are wel
known physicians of this villa e, and th
particulars, AEI given in evidence, are as fo
lows Dr. McKelvie, who has been practis
ing medicine here for several years, sold hi
property and practice to Dr. Snider, givin
him a bond agreeing not to prac doe his pro
fession in Brussels br within a radius of fis,
miles of Brussels, uI1der a penalty of fou
hundred dollars. The doctor, however,
violated the coedit one of his bond by prac-
tising within the prescribed limits. This he
acknowledges, and is Willing to fulfil the
conditions of the bond in so far as the pay -
ment of the penaltyis coneernea, providing
he is relieved from it. The plaintiff, how-
ever, is not prepared to accept this. He
wilts the court for d mages• for he practise
done by the defend nt in the pest and an
injunction restraining him , fromi practising
in the futuure ithin the five I mile limit.
The decision was reserved,
GA'THERING$.—B ussele baseball boys de-
feated Winghem in Clinton on 24th, by a
seore of 10 to 8.— istovvel football boys
clieve to Bruseels, liirirlay, and succeecled in
defeating our hays by a score of 2 to O.
They played O dra a week ag .-13russels
'baseball boys will play ball in Blyth on
July 3rd.—The band will go to Wro eter
on July 1st, biit as it falls on a Saturday,
Brussels will recognize Monday, the 3r1.-- •
Archie Scott, of S rnia, was visiting in
town this week . —A petition will be laid
before the coursed n xt meeting, asking for
a by-law prohibiting cattle from runniiig at
large in the village.—Mises Jennie and
Frank Brine and Mr . Thomas Dodcls were
the guests of Mrs. . Scott on! Sunday. ---
Mies Ilia 13rine, of S atorth. is visiting her
sister, Mrs. P. Scott —Baker and Van tone
shipped a car of pigs this weeks—The Sab-
bath school eonven ion held n Br Ernie,
brought a large crowd of delegates to
—eAbont 30 of the vo unteere went to Lon-
don on Tuesday a terhoon.—Jamee Ross
went to Listowel to uinpire the has ball
match between Drayton and .Listowel —A
nember front J31'IissolLI will take n the oot-
bell match in Wingh m, on Saturday, be-
teiveen Wingham and Berlina—a rs. 1) C.
Ross spent a few days wit,h friends in
Wroxeters—The t:own council w,iIl meet on
Monday next.—W. F. Scott took in the
Scotch games in Sarnia, on the 24th, and
carried off his share of the prize,s. He and
Gideon Perrie will take part in fthe Guelph
games on July let and Blyth gaines on July
Now is the time to paint your louses,
andbeforeyon start get o r price for, eta and oil.
ID mixed paints we handl Robertson's the llo.t and
most popular raints in Ca ada. ; They ave leen be.
fore the public for 45 years: They have pleased
thousands they will pleas4 you. Bind r ,wine—We
have already orders for 10 tone,: we ar still taking
orders. Our price for pur 0 feet to the
pond—nothing better m de, is 10/c per "ound ;
other brands 100, Ric and Sia per pout ti. The above
are prices that paralyze ou cocepetitor and we are
not afraid to make them p blic, so if ou want any
at the big hardware. ours; truly,
of the above at cut prices all and Joey lett3-41;:i.o217
. I a ,
NOTES. —Rev. E. Sc uelke, pastor Of the
Lutheran congregation returned a few days
ago from attending c nference t eidel-
bueg. Mrs. Sohuelk was viitiing her
parents in Tavistock. Mr. and tlrs. Anch,
of near Sebringville, have be n vi iting
Mrs. Aech's brother, Mr H. ell. Mr,
Oliver Blodk, of near Berlin, is b re visiting
his relatives.—On Wenesday 1 t, ltIr. J.
A. Williams received tie sad in Ilige cc of
the death of his father, who live near
Montreal. Hie bra er Rober an4 his
daughter Laura have one to tten4l the
funeral. —Mr. Henry iLinge an his -aged
mother, of Kansas, are 'here on a tsit to old
JUNE 2 1899.
friends.It is 21 years since they left here,
and this is their first visit to their old
home. Their old friends were pleased to
see them.—Mr. S. E. Faust was edeiting
with his sister, Mrs. Finkbiner, in. 'Welles-
ley, over Sunday.—The other day, hile
Mrs. C. Widmer was doing some shop ing,
her horse, which was tied to a posb in rent
of the ;gore, broke loose and ran aeva „ but
fortunately no damage was done,—Last
Fridavl evening a young !nen representing
the Brantford Bicycle Company, gave an
exhibition of trick riding in front of C.
Fritz' i store. The exhibition was a good
one, and was Witnessed by a large crowd. --
The remains of the late Mrs. Henry Ilse
were interred in the Lutheran ce,netery last
week. he syinpathy of the community is
extendedto the bereaved husband : and
daughter.—A heavy thunder storm pissed
over here on Sunday afternoon. A nuneber
of barnswere struck, but no serious damage
was don --Mr. Adam Sipple, of Milverton,
has been visiting relatives and friends in
this neighborhood..—Mrs, F. Soignee' has re-
ceived a letter from her husband, who is
now at Portage In Prairie. He likes that
part of the country splendidly—Mr. Milton
Buchanan, who is attending college in Tor-
-onto, is at presenb home on a visit. i
NOTES_ -The rains of the last few (lays
have brightened the prospects for a 'clod
crop of hay. -4t Air. JonCole's ranting
ebee,oneTryorhunready last, an accident which
proying fatal happened to
Me. Jaime A4ideron. A heavy sliidge
hammer, whittle evae being used to drive
pine at the top, fell, striking the unfortun-
ate rnan on the top of the head, knocking
him to the ground. He was picked up in
an uneonecioue condition, remaining so til
11 o'clock at night. Medical aid was called
in, and under medical care he is doing nine-
ly, It is a wonder that he was not kiped
ine4antly, as the hammer fell about 14 feet
befere striking him.]
- •
GARDEN PARTY.—The Ladies' Aid of
D's ohurch will hold their annual garden
party on McQuaig's lawn, on the evening of
the 16th of Jr'. A. musical and literary
mg one will be fully up
as Whatever the ladies kin-
aysido well.
The storm which pasi3ed
programme wd
/ be given and a brass b
willlbe in at endance. These gatheri
have been very succ sful and pleasant
the test and th co
to te standard
derl, ke they al
over ,this place
was a poetical
came down alin
lightning wase
barn:of Mr. Ti.
Morris, was str
not injured fur
knocked off
the 71h line
was not inj
McDonald, e
road, north
and had a
others. Th
pails of wat
iJames Mart
on the farm
' cession of G
ing his leg.
, most of the
Gardiner wa
road, betwe
days ago, he
the side of t
back to look
would feel g
who picked i
him as soon
n t
of t
on Sunday afternoon
rly IseSiere one: The r
st in solid sheets, while
nets t and brilliant.
mas Clarke, of the 8th
ek by lightning hub
er t &obeying a few boards
eibern of Mr. Meunders, on
°trite was also struck, hut
he barn of Mr. James
iley side of the gra
so 8
is piece, was also struelt,
r call than either of the
Idon caught fire, but Was
the pplication of a few
few 1days ago while Mr.
as at work at a barn ritisilig
of r. George Clark, 171h ccin-
ev, he inlsome way fell,- break -
He will likely be laid up for
uLoT.—While Councillor Alex.
asuring jobs on the side -
n cencessions 10 and 12, e few
le t a neve tape line down en
e 'road, and when he curie
fie it it had disappeared. He
eaptley88;heli.ged to the perm+
up if h would return it to
LOCAL BRIEFS. -11 . Robert Caldwell, of
eter, was in the vi lage this week.—Mr.
vin Ross, of Rod rville, • who has been
erionsly ill for a umber of months, Is
w in t. Joeeph's vital, London, *belie
hops that the minent physicians of
t in titute may able to understand
illn es and affor or_ relief and ultimate
recovery.—Mrs. D. Urquhart is aleo at
presentin St. Jose Ws hospital, and we
hope sh nay also peedily reeeive much
benefit fron the trealtment there received.—
Mr. H. J. D. -Cook was in Goderich thia
week.—M4. Thomas Stoneman, of Mitchell.,
accompani d by his family, were here on
Sabbath lati visiting their relatives, Miss
Bolton ret ening with them to Mitchell. --
The couneit are providing material for side-
walks, and are having the different streets
nicely graded up—Mr. Cudmore, of Kip -
pen, is shi ping a large quantity of baled
hay from tliis station —Mrs.; Fee and Miss
Wylie, of arna, were in the village last
Week visit ng their aunt, Mrs. William
Lainfnie, s —Mr. W. M. Harburn was at
Stafla on Monday la t attending toe funeral
of his father-in-law, Ir. George Leary, sr.,
who died on Saturda last, after a short ill-
ness from a paralyti stroke: He was very
highly respected, an leaves a widow, three
Sons and three clang ters to. mourn his loss:
—Mr. G. Scott, of the Centennial hotel,
has been investing in s. fine new driver, as
well as a new buggy.--aMies Minnie Sheffer
r Toronto, where she
the Conservatory of
has a fine voice, and
ession, and with' the
left here last week f
intends attending
Music, Miss Shhffer
sings with much exp
train* she receives at the conservatory
will make an ex,cepttional y good singer.—
Mr. Nfirman Sheer, of T rento, was in the
his uncle and:
ffer. He is be -
bicyclist, having
nd second prizes
last wee
quite a c
'a nurnbej x•st
a. $. Sh
at races in the ci y.—Mr. lJames McArthur
is ex-eaVating for the found tion for his fine
new brick dwel)ijagon hi farm adjoining
the village --tele srs. J. Mdclleton, Alonzo
Ortwein and F.
dasy for Lon
wee :ex' company
r. Jamea Gil
eit adoption.
,,Cvill'ai 1 h
efte n
Joh las.rn0
Ttwhheeer e e
he re i.
3411I ?col hi
uncle and
—Th horn
his 8 u
large it
Ex e
of t
. Blontli
on, avi
or the d
The o
hare—The _ heavy
.—Mr. T. J. B rry 11
[Laing a numb r 1 of
passed over our vil
iSt w
On last, fortu ataly
apart from blowing
elipol yard, but a fe
a goad deal of injury
of Messrs. Alexand
Traquair were both
er o fruit treea we
ood of Mr. Pepper
ry direction, large t
d splintered into kin
sent whirling in ever
suit that the farmers
is their own pr th
ounep had an engine
to.ki g level a in corm
—Mr. W. M. Harburn, in order
et the requ'rereents of his ever in-
ngt: business is preparing to erect
a large addition trol his green-houee.—
amea II. Moore is adding to the ap-
ice grid com orti of the dwelling which
entlY pureh ed from Mr. Alexander
b the addi ion of a kitchen.—Miss
, of London, has been visiting her
unt, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Arnold.
of Mrr. Donald S. Bell, of the
Hay, was the scene of a very
event on Wednesday forenoon of last
We here Wien to the marriage of
ghter, Miss Alice, to Mr. W. W.
, of Kippen. The ceremony was per -
by the Rev. J. S. Henderson, of
church, and ' was witnessed by a
umber of the l relatives and intimate
of the contracting parties. Miss
Bell, youngest sister of the bride,
desmaid, while the groom was sap -
by Mr. James McLean, of Kippen.
in e
ed a
n left here on
g entered in the
ence of the land
ntry is now safe.
in Toronto last
s recently been
ne horses from
lectrieal storm
1 go on Sabbath
did no damage
own a tree in
miles east from
ras done. The
it Buchanan and
'proofed, while a
d upturned and
re blown down
ees being -uproot-
ling wood ; fences
!direction, with
an scarcely tell
ir neighbor's.—
r employed last
°don with the
We have at present
Fine Assortment o
. . . The . .
Dry Goods Go.
C4th's Greatest Cash
Dry Goods Store.
The bride and bridesmaid were both charm-
ingly attired, and the former was made the -
recipient of a large number of sinful and
valuable presents. _The happy touple, afters
being very warmly congratulated, repairede
together with the guests, to the dining --
room, where a sumptuous repast was par-
taken of, after which the young couple droves
toSeaforth, where they took the afternoon
express for Guelph. We wish them long,
continued joy and happiness through life. --
Mrs. John Pope was in Ah -wood this
week visiting relatives and friends.---The-
annual tea -meeting held in the Methodist=
church on Queen's Birthday, was a mucosa
in every respect. At an early hour in tlin
evening the spacious church was filled, and
after a most excellent tea, prepared by the
ladies of the congregation, had been par-
taken of, a move WAS made from the hese-
ment of the church to the auditoriunnwhern
a fine literary and musical programme had
been provided, a novel entertaining feature
cif which was the glories of England,
Scotland and Ireland set forth
in speech and song. Revds. Hussar,
of Crediton, represented England ;
J. S. Henderson, of Heiman, Scotland, and
S. Acheson, of Kippen, Ireland, and to say
that these gentlemen ably portrayed tbe
glories of their respective countries, is pet-
ting it very mildly indeed. The rendering
of Scotch solos by Mies Aggie Kerr,
melodies by Miss Minnie -Sheffer, and Eng' -
songs by Mr. Wm, Stoneman was also
a feature of the ee-ening's entertainment,
and, it is almoet needless to say, added
very largely indeed to the pleasure of the-
oecasion--Mrs. J. P. Roes and Miss M.
White, of Exeter, were in the village on
Tuesday renewing acquaintances, and on
Wednesday, Mrs. (Captain) Kemp, of the
same village, spent the day with friend,
here.—Mrs. Wilkenaoreof Toronto Junction,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Malcolm, of
Rodgerville.—Mr, MeMorran, of Paisley,
who has been here for some time visiting his
sister, Mrs. James White, left here nit
week for his home, and from where he in-
tends leaving in a few days for the old
country.—Mr. John Shepherd intends mo
ing, in a few day, into beefing) dwelling m
Hensel!, recently rented and occupied by
Mr. H. Arnold. We like to see good red -
dents like Mr. Shepherd road family swell
ing our popnlation.—Mrs, Cluff, of Tucker -
smith, daughter of Mr. Wm. Whitesiden
this village, was taken so seriously id last
week that the family here were sent fora
We are pleased to learn, however, that she
is now somewhat better.—Mr. Wm. COW
well, of Britiah Columbia, who has be,
here for the past few weeks visiting Inee
parents, returned on Wednesday last.—Mt.
D. Urquhart was in London on Satureley
:and Sabbath last.—Mr. sl'orrna& Cook ra,
turned recently from a trip up north, where
:he had been in the interests of the bier*
LIT'TLE BITS.—Mr, George Hackney
ihome from Varsity,—Rev. Mr. Jewett, el
:Elimville, occupied the pulpitin the Thames
'Read Presbyterian church last Sabbath
inorning, and Rev. Dr. Hamilton, of Moth-
iwell, svill preach next Sunday.—Miss
rett, of Brantfordesvisited her sister, Mrs.
Wm. Turnbull, last week.—Quite a number
of our local sports epent the 24th in .),Iits
Chen, while a number from other point*
Visited here. Fishing was also indulged ins
•i—Mr. Fred Stewart raised his barn last
Monday, and intends putting a cement lea
iincler ft.—The fruit crop promises teat
good if Jack Frost continues to absent him--
Self.—Quite a number in this vicinity ine
tend taking advantage of the cheap -exttur* .
sion to the Medal Farm, Guelph, on Jane
13th.—A number of our citizens attendea
the Cromarty ball last week, and repot,.
good time.
u. aog::
—Some twe
- -A .T i IB Back
8 n iBA
as Bulls .4abeteaaifiesya
—As hands°
A West o
With re
be state& that
make" and t
manship, and
We have
bly as du
the de
ery, Ties
w Hats,
we have
t variety
e been. sor
class of g
One thin
r tastes in
.useless to atte
ather puffy
havored tolk
wand for nice
e been rew
0, for peo
had their
One or t-
at 25e;
Boys' Linen
ts at 10c a
e Wrong Sid
une the 27t
return Aug
RattS tee W
Reston an
and return,
$30 Mc,os
Prince Al
Beet and re
L' afl