HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-02, Page 7_2! JUNE 2 1899 Security. ", put there by tb.e :!ar value — a protec- fits. ily pay more for a ie price stamped on- ; the actual market xl by the inanufac- R SEA.FORTEL hirteete people besides use the youngster's own " I knew mother and id, and I wanted to slip Q oat and die myself.' siy the upturned boat rutty hours elapaed ere senior:us were rescued.-- ccr TO BE WELL. ...•••••••••••••••• elery- ComPound ales All Your Troubl and Dange*s. arks,"==sznesamoUsISZIEVR;':' "Every morning I have bad taste in my enouth ; my eengue is coated; my head eches and I often feel dizzy. I have no ppetite for breakfast and what food I eat distresses me. I have a heavy leeling in my stomach. I am getting so \seals that sometimes I _tremble and my nerves are al unstrung. ern am getting pale and thin. as tired in the morning as, atnight."latd vhees; your doctor say? You are euffering from im- nure blood." * What is his remedy? e been prire,clean liver and healthy kiln a sufferer feoni heaths any akin clieeaeo, your d with implur4ies, and chat graaidesit of all blood Celery Compotind. riervous, suffer from p- ollees, metal depression or -assured your nervous 'epair and toning. Y idicine for this work mad. is inactive, if you suker trot defective digesetion, helper is Pa-inehit Ceterno back ache,if the urinel is olor, your kidee,yht need tion, or Bright' s diserfee ?. Parne-s Celery Oem e of kidney disease, and viger to all other irapo shyans in Ainerica ar :scribing and !recoil -rule - Compound for the tro hat have been referred to, ,hankful letters from, Ca OST fully all that is et Ious medicines. 1 You must not 'haste conet1- # oeted bon:cr.-le i2 you expect thb If SatT,Imarilia to do its best work. Bet isyer's Pills cure constips- tione _ We have a book on Patience'," aed Weaknees which you me have for the ashing. Wee!ig, ftcsziu-g,scnx. Perly:re: y• -u ec.ortt - 1-r1; p-r.;er.h.rri: in purr ; pzenis-t- k‘. reply. Address, DR. 3. C. AYE, I,oweil, • t and -Wisdom. ,00 goo,i to be 4-ue ; tnt .ry thing. er a married than say th-at ' s to a dead calm. ellen for ININItt. !they are, ome of them trj- to be. ende upon the invitations neala dines very irregularlse lea more diffieult to win the zu tIie daugrster's head. :ilea would not be so bEsd — iterative hebite would oil ar excitement some wom boil and forgot to tee t for ehitdren to Ihave too e healthy puppy must have , knows all Ins mother tiI it is too late to let be leO& ivice leade a man to an eanier for Us , to recall . for him. ; • doea Something mean to y ;hought of doieg to hira len rule. Miss Ethel, how eat 1en 'Svc ?" She (wearily) --"Y long.distance telephone." ems a pity with regard :het when people are leerneci the game proTh ally too old to want to acirnite your wIfe ; she 1130 bW NVON18." "How do' yelee you told her you hat - dinner she said, gradient. n advertised ecipe tope' terns from freezing. fk, *and reteived the answer— veil or cistern on cold rtightt the fire." in the Back. arid on e ith painsin ryy too. 1 tried si ver4.1 kinds 0 • d, aod put till. truth iaa. id-Ljvetl'ilts1 are the t tt't etual in ist case. 1 401 them. r.diorwille, Ont. 0 , t bloomers " Case - of the Hun deity N °flowing " Bloomers to speak. Mrs, Spragher Haut -bey Hotel, Ockhame taken tato court by 1,44 tosiug to treat the latter ate t because he ladyship etee 1costume, und was geza arrey jury, has reeeiveet, tulasory letters. One sal. duet at Br. ighton exhorts- tettgrarn • to read thef 1.12,nci t.iupter of Dent"' as follows ; " A s'inota* A which perteineth unto* -. il a mars pat on a Wonndo.!. that do so are an aboraoh"- ad thy God.' " , however anno3 hie' an u red by LA X A,- LIVER iNud never gripe. Ithy Manilla. ,1 the moet urthealt it For yeers its den "seer than ite birth rtaL en the city would soon -re are, a.cearcling to settled inhabitant .% n of :aurae and some 44. e auroral mean tenape*en er to March is about ow' it, from March to Jan June to November 83 see which principally th rates are digel of the tunga, malarial lipox, measles, and d that the climate roue to the Ameri y have ea a rule he the Orientals to • eral Corbin has p the number of d ed in the American' g of the war with S n Porto Rico, he Philippines, 606, 3,872; total, 6,209. i.,`'4'0151A1(4 DISTRICT MATTERS. Grey. aemxcis.—Only a small quantity of f ex has been sown in this township thie seaside. —Matthew Moses and Miss Forrest, pf Jamestown, were visitingat John Forres '8, near Cranbrook, lest week.—A fine me u- ment was erected in the Cranbrook ce tery on Monday to_ the memory of the libe Mrs. A. MeNeir, who died about a y hr ago.—An old landmark has been removed in the pulling down of the log house near t e bridge in Oratibrook, on the Cameron p O. perty. It wag built 45 or 50 years ago.— For a mau of 73 years of age few persons do more work or get about with more agilThy than Mr. McNair, the veteran postmas er of Combrook. He has leen a resident of this locality far the past 3 years, teachiog Reboot for some time before going into tae mercantile business, and e has a wide tr- ete of relativeand friend who wish h m many more year of life and usefulness.-- Ile.y promises well in m ny places.—The .are no appeole against t e assessment roll 'this year. The assessor is a good man a d le careful official who und rstands his bie:1- Sem—Norman Hill wa. home from P rt Ifuron for the Queen' Birthday.—M as 4illieGrewar,' of Brussel, is holidaying at butes Mitchell's, 12th cencession.—A lar e rtumber of farmers are husking noticea le improvetnents in new fez:tieing this season. kiss Jane Mitchell is honlie from Detroit e visit to her tether, James Mitchell, 10th eoneeesion.—Miss Ida 13urkholder, of • c. Knipp, was the guest of the Misses Roze 1, 10th concessioo, during the past week. Wm. Love, 9th concessicn, is building a large addition to his barn and is also exten ing the stone stabling.— homes Stevenso ,• , of the 10th concession, ha raised his ba n and is putting stone stalpling under it. Another municipal drain s being survey a to run from the 14th colic ssion to the 16 h and empty into the ex -ten ion drain. • INSTANT RELIEF gotta teed by using M L. BURN'S STERLING HEADA FIE POWDERS. depressing after-effect. • His Last Railway Journey. Donald wanted to have a journey in la, railway train for his first time, so he we t 0-- Station. As h approsehed t e ooking-office he heard a oung lady ask a ticket for " Marybill, si gle." Donald d d eot know his way about, o he asks a tick t for Donald W-----, mar 'ied, and seven It family." The booking- lerk laughed, b t Donald did not know why. Anyhow, le got a return eicket, and went over to t e platform and asked a porter "18 this my train, porter ?" was the reply, " it my be yo ir traiu, but the companyae name's On it." "NO, no," says Donald; "1 rriean, can .1 take this train to M-- " You CEUI take it if rou like," repli d the porter, but the ompany's engin .3 generally do that." Donald seetned puzzled, but at last got 1 to "his" train, and thought he would li e something to read. He hails the paper I and lauys a paper, handing him a half -or in payment. The boy told him that he I d no OilatIVO, but could leave thirty papers pin he got,it. Donald. consented, but he 1-1 s ecit seen that "good" little boy yet. The train started off, and at the first sth Page he popped his head out of the wind N A little boy told him that he should lookOutof the carriage. "What for ?" asked Dvald. "People might think 'that its a cattle truone said the boy, as he hurried away. getTenfisrownir „tohoisTuch for Donald, so out i� never to travel by ttrraaiinn aagndain. walks ho e • Corner Stone Laying. , The corner stone of the new Presbyteri n cher, being erected in Belgrave, was f r - 'flatly laid on Queen's Birthday, in t e presence of a large concourse of people. T e veer rnony was performed by Rev. A. M -L4e 11, of Blyth; a -former pastor of the co gre ation, who was presented with a han some silver trowel for the occasion. THE PAST, The following historical sketch of t e congregation, which wee given by the &- tors vsill be of interest to many Jinx Church was instituted in the year 1864,wh n itt conjunetion with 131y th they const.i tut d a Mission station, Rev. John Stewart bei g theIfirst preacher. He left in 1865, and n the! following year, November, 1866, Re . A. McLean was induucted, and continu d 0 until 177, 'when Belgrave and Blyth were separat d, he pastor continuing with the latter c nagregistinn, where he still renders faithful serieice after a ministry of 33 years. In Apri , 1.08, Rev. W. T. Wilkins was called t the charge and spent nearly four years, eing succeeded by Rev.George Law, in 1884, whose pastorate c000luded ten years later. al in church, in Weswanosh, unit- ed with Be' grave, and Rev. W. T. Hall was induct° ia 1895. The old church was erect- ed abou 1c164. Donald Robertson, who re- moved t Manitoba, now deceiseed, had the contra° , aid the building seas erected on the fain o John McCrae. James Anderson and Ru he ford Smith hewed the timber. Mr. Ro er son received the proceeds of a tea -nee in given by the congregation to wipe o t he balance of liability. The church roved too small for the increasing audienc , andelbout 1870 an addition was built ti the rear. The membership was about 41 when the church was built.' Feb- ruary 11 1867, the first annual Meeting Was held, of hich the following were membets : Thomas Anderson, secretary ; Donald • Mc- Lean, t eesurer ; W. Robertson, John Bone, J m s Gallagher, Robert 'Irvine and Neil Ar iot r. The trustees were Joseph Denbar, abort Speir, Janes Stewart, George Ielarno and James qallagher, and the first eeission : Thomas Anew, James G allagh nd Joseph Dunb r. Many of these ha e assed away from the scene of action, t t will be remembered ley the older people iz the community. At 'present the offioiaryl s composed of : P. W. Scott, see - rotary ; 7eorge Taylor, treasurer ; Adam Hallida David Scott, Edwin ' Wightman, James oCallum, Hugh McLean, Wm. Knox, 'W m. Michie, jr., and S. Irvine, and the trust es itre George Taylor, P. W. Scotto, John Mc alium, Adam Halliday, D, Dun- ker, Jar ies ' McCallum, James Ferguson,' Tames 0 nnieghern, Donald Meiklejohn and W. Wig tman. 1 THE NEW CHURCH. will be a neat white brick structure with Sunday echoed room beneath, and will be fitted ou evi h the modern improvements, and wil co t about $3,600 or $3,700. Architee Bi ning, of Listowel, prepared the plan , an the contract_ is in charge of Wm. W teen and T. Scandretteof Belgrave. The be ,.. ment - is about finished, and the bricks. yk wi I probably be oommenced this week, ioi that thq building Will be completed old re arly for ide icetion abont the month of Octobeal A lea ing teaturehof the work is that S2700 is 'ready sehscribed ; the Ladies' kid society have $200 in hond, and the proceeds if tIie Queen's Birthday gath- ering totalled $165. It is expected that the debt, will be c ncelled on th occasion of the openingmext all. The old leurch and lot will be gold. i e ' IIAGY4D'S YELLOW OIL is Prompt tq relievci and sure to curet coughs, colds, sore throat,j pain in the chest hoarseness, quinsy, etc. I Price 25 1 1 • Domestic Hints. Only one man in 203 is (Aar six feet in height. FreeMent rihoistening of a broom a ds to its usetanness and also save si the car et. Laceland niuslin embroideries will be one of the ptincijtI features of ladies' dr se this season. Wheia a ge tlemen sees a lady /10 Q she says good night -first, just as lin bowing she takes the ini iative. OatMeal is good for cleaning the It gives the is sweep to t The tails the sane -de the tni dle fi rapidit, a least, Ohar revers, ored fr school For the boi well be six slic oven u Stout s elise bread, but n which teeth. a fine glossy appearanee, and e taste. f two fingers never grow with ree of rapidity. The • nail of nger grows with the greatest d that of the thumb the mg little jackets of shepherd's ith bort basques and long, narrow inte decl to open over white or col. nts r waistcoats, are jaunty for usta d toast bring a quere of milk to ing point, season and add two eggs ten. Boilsene minute and pour over s of, buteered toast. , Put in the til the custard is set. ' people who wish to reduce them - should diminish the quantity ot ugariefat, and butter in their diet, t si4ddenly leave off anythine to hey iave been habituated through a long lif The oun man who thinks he cam afferd to take two or three glasses of beer or whis- ky eac dayl and never miss the sum he spends ould do well,to reckon up how mueh these di inks would amount to in the course of a yea . If yo are making the porridge for child- ren onl yol will find it a saving of time and trot ble to add the milk and sugar ,be- ovi g from the saucepan. DOn't It unless you are sure that every- ble likes the addition. Some peo- r t acle instead of milk with por• fore ye put, in st one at t pia pref ridge. What night to has had knows. but it i n star in t kill the 1. ly troubl new cour it I eans to a man to come ome at ii a c eerful wife no one but e who o fight in the hard battle of life f h is prosperous it is an added joy; isfortune that it shines like a e darkness: A complaining wife can st bit of hope and courage in a gore- d heart, whit a cheerful oee gives ge to begin t e- fight over again. • SERIO S TIME. A Qu beb Farm :r Suffered for Nearly Te Years. Hatt the Be4b of Med cal Treatment, and Trier Ht Springs Without Receiving Benefit—Dr. ,Willi ms' Pink Pills., Cur- ed Him. Mr. J hn, Story, of Maryland, Pontiac County, itiebee, is wel known to all the residents of that section, and his cure -from an unusu Ily severe attack of rheumatism, by the u e of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, after all other rerrtedies had failed, has, if possi- ble, added to the popularity of this favorite medicine' Mr. Story gives the following statement o his suffering and cure. He says :—"I Sot e ten years ago I was engaged in railroadin on the Lake Superior section of the 0.1). R. I was exposed to all kinds of weath r, and, as a result, sustained a se- vere attaele of rheumatistn, which all but crippled me, and from which I suffered much ag ny. I spent more than a hundred dollars oi doctors and for medicine, but was gra ually getting worse, and finally had to q it work. At this jencture the doctor told me that he did not think medi- cit.ie couijl cure me, and advised rne to go to some hot springs. I took his dvice and went to the Harriston Hot Springs, in Brit- ish Columbia, where I remained for eight weeks urider the care of the house physician but .exp - 1 rieeced on benefit. I 'then went over to acoina, and took a course at the Green B, ver Hot Springs, but with no bet- ter resu t. Completely discouraged I re- turned t my home in Quebec, and went to farming, bue the rheumatism bothered me so niuch that I could scarcely do -my work. Dr. Wil iarnie Pink Pills were recommended to me a d 1 decided to give them a trial. After ta ing a few boxes I found they were helping me, and I continued their use until I had ta een sixteen boxes,. by which time every vestige of the trouble which had 1 bothere me for years, and had cost me so much m ney, had disaimeared. It is now more th,in a year and a half since I discon- tinued tile use of the pills, and during that time I heve not had the slightest symptoms of the trouble, which I regard as the very best eviden e that the mire is permanent." Dr. illiama' Pink Pills are a speeific for all diseses arising from an impove Ish- ed cond tion of the blood or a shattered on- dition 4f t1he nervous forces, such as St. Vitus' ' ancee loc paralys s, eciatie grippe, oss of ap chronic jerysi pelt also a sillieGifie for female system, suppressions, and nesse building an the glows of hei oheeks. In the ci radical cure in all worry, overwork Protect youasel sistieg that every the fu l name, Dr Pale P ople, If them t eywill be cents a box or six dressing the Dr. Brockv lle, Ont. , Girls "Pu! glad," sai nessing his suite friend, " that rini skirts, hairpins an Now, a girl som and hairpins, but the gushing habit cultivate ? Does she undors enthusiasm other small boy—" gush. It is so easy to d way of talking. - that hover on the reckle,ssly scatter THE HURON EXPOSITO • motor ataxia, rheumatism, , the after effects of la etite, headache, dizziness, , scrofula etc. They, are the troubles peculiar to the correcting irregularities, all fortns of female weak - w the blood and restoring lth to pale and sallow se of men they effect a cases arising from mental r excessses of any natdre. against imitations by in - box you purchase- bears Williams' Pink Pills for our dealer does not have sent, post paid, at 50 boxes for n.so, by 'ad - Williams' Medicine Co., ho Gush. a small boy after wit- 's leaveta,king wit a not a girl. They' e all gush." imes condemns the a irta does she ever condemn he and her, schoolmates and that wliat they -call people lahel—like the ift into an extravagant djeetives and adverbs ip of a girl's ample are 61 about in her c nver- sation until the ch rita,ble among her isten- ors call her a " Outlier " and the harsher critics fin " exagg rator." Don'egushs girls Lop off here and there the highly oelored expression, the bit of slang, no matter h w helpful it seems to be in piecing out youi, meaning, until yeti have weeded frorn your ponversation little tricks of talking that make sensible people doubt your sincerity. 1 There's nothingweeter in a airl than isin- cerity of thought, incerity of purpose and sincerity of expres ion. Nobody will credit you with these as liong as you indulge in the gushing habit. i • IT'S so pleasant to tIike that children cry forit but it's death to won ls of all kinds, DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP, Pri e 25o. All dealers. • Miscellane us News Note -s7" —The total number of passengers carried by the Toronto sta.' et railway on the Queen's Birthday was 158,100, who paid faees, ex- clusive of tra,nsfe s. On the King street, route there were 4ver. 10,000 more people carried than on tine same day the previous year. k , —James H. Dtand, of Rahway, ' Past Grand Master of s aeons, of New Jersey, died in the city lhoepital, New York, on Wedneoday, *fretn I apoplexy. He was stricken while wokkii g the 32ed. degree in ii Philipp's hall Wedia sclay night. —There are some xtremely clevexf pick- pockets operatin in Toronto at pre8 nt, as the following in id nt proves : The °eller morning in the s oe 1epartment of one of the big stores, sh rtly after 8 o'clock, a lady had her Purse tat on under rather unusual conditions. She had a satchel, fastened with a spring att chtnent, and in it a purse. Some adroit and clover thief marraged to pre.ss the spring, open the satchel and take out the purse. This was done while the satchel was hangoag upon the arm of the owner, in the bright, broad daylight. Luckily the thief only got 75 cents,' a street car t °tree and. a well-worn purse for his paints. —4 sad accident happened at Harretan ville, a small vill ge on the Credi Valley, about 15 miles fr m St, Thomas, o Queen's Birthday night, ulminating in the death of Richard McPharlian and the serious wound- ing of a man natiled Ward. Both men were residents of the locality. In the evening they, along with is number .of other young fellows, were e lebrating Her, Majesty's birthday shootin the anvil. They inserted an iron washer in the holes of the two an- vils, and when i the explosion blew the washer to pieces One part of the missile en- tered MePharlanIs leg, teeriog it fright- fully. He diedj shortly afterwards. An - Other piece enter ,d the right arm of Ward, inflicting an ugly wound. It is thought he will recover. • —Perhaps the 4itoat peculiar sentence ever permed upon a pe son in the courts of Ohio i was passed upon ames Firsden, ie Bowling Green, by Mayor A. R. Campbell, of To- ledo, who once m de himself widely kuown by fining himself or a misdemeanor. Young Firsden although 13 years old, has just fin- ished a thirty day ' sentence iu jail. When arraigned before Mayor Campbell he was sentenced to attend Sunday sohool and church for eight sifr.eks every Sunday or go to jail for twenty i1ays. Upon preseating a certificate from hi Sunday school teacher at the close of the tire he is further to be paid $1 by Mayor Cam bell for his good conduet. On refusal to attee'd church the boy is to be locked up and the entence carried out. I. • I .., A Powrful Prayer. A white ministe , af er conducting ser- vices' at a colored elm ch in the United States, asked an old Ideacon to lead in prayer. • The brot er n black offered a fervent appeal for he hite brother, and said : " 0, Lord, ib him de eye ob de eagle dat he spy stet sirl afar off. Put his hands to de gospel iplou h. Tie his tongue to the line ob trutllt. Nail his ear to the gospel pole. Bow tis head 'way down be- tween his knees and hie knees 'way down in some lonesome, dark and narrow valley' where prayer is mu,ch wanted to be made. 'Noint him wid de eerogene ile of salves:Mon and eet him on fire !" ' • To Biisy. so John," she ask pair ' f shoes for li child she will hay Neste I pretty soon matt r." " No, m have een too busy shoes I can't let mind from business to th t yourself." said : "John, do says tier husband i in this town ?" " the eery' the man bowling ivith him he simply -isn't in d, 'did you get that tle Bessie to -day? Poor to go to school bare- nless you attend to the dear," he replied, " I to -day to think about uch matters distract my • You ought to attend After a brief silence she ou know Mrs. Wildman one of the best bowlers ooh ! He's nothing of declared. " I've been early all aftetnoon and with me 1' • Mr. Evarts William Maxwel General of the Uni State, and United York, has been livi York City, in clog six years. Many t he had lost his mi at death's door fru Neither is the c ing well, his mind his old.fashiOned business in the bu almost daily by guished men and find the old lawy ever, and physical permit. William M. Ch se, N. A. the painter, who is a personal riend of dr. Evart, re- lates many anecdo es of the veteran states- man. He painted Ore portrait of MnEvartg, which now hangs In the State Departmeli in Washington. 1 Mr. Everts, in many respects, was la difficult subject to! paint. He was not res - legs, but be was p infully thoughtful. 04e morning he interr pted the painter: "Mr. Chase, I lunderatand that you are a famous marks an—that you can split playing-cardz, pri t your name with bullet - marks a,nd do all, anner of feats. "This nd-Artist Chase. Everts, once Attorney - ed States, Secretary of tates Senator from New g in his home in New retirement, for the past imes it was reported that d, and again that he was physical ailments. e. Though far from be. is clear and active and me, now in the heart of tling East Side, is visited some of the most diatin- omen of the nation, who mentally as alert as y as well as his years I —1771 great skill," wen on Mr. Everts, "must give you wonder al 'confidence among your fellowmen. It s ould Make you qua rel - some. Very few men would have the h rdi- heod to challeng you to fight a duel." , 'You're wron , Mr. Everts," brok in the artist warml "1 never would chat- leince a man to fig t a duel unless he werle as good a marksman as I am." " Ah !" sai Everts, with a dry s ile, "1 can read t e uture. I shall pick up my paper some mere ng and see' this : " r. W. M. Chase, th artist, and Mr. Jo es, the sculptor, met ,esterday u on the fiel of honor in Hole k n. At th command to fire, both men iu led their tr ggers, and the bullets met in nti. -air." King scar's Plates. Mr. William U omas of Pdrtland, Maine, American Mini te at dtookh dm, is a great friend of King s ar, who ha recently ale. dieted in favor f his son, a d tells some interesting stories of that gen al monarch. When King Os ar was a Paris some years ago he went about seei g the sights incognito. Amon other pia es, he dropped in at the Official xposition o Sevres porce- lain, Here the p °duct of e ery year wait arranged chronol gically an with great care. Of some kidds there w re tull sets, but of blue celeste there w re but three pieces, and the custodian informed the King that it was impoasible t obtain more, and that they were of iinmen e value. " What," said the King "have you only these three plates of blir celeste ?" , " That is all.'» • Well, then," said His Me-esty, "1 have many more than you." "You !" said the ousted an in anutze- ment. " Who are you ?" "The King of Sweden." May I inquire, Your ajesty, bow many pieces of this exquisite porcelain You have ?" " Hear that", Nils ?" said tie King, turn- ing to his first marshal, 001111b Rosen, who accompanied him. " HoW many heve we?" " Two hundred and fourth a pieces, Your Majesty."' " Heavens !" cried the stonished cure todia,n. " How can it be pos ible' that Yoa have preserved them all this ime ?" ' " Oh, that's very easily a counted. for," said the King ; "you see, ii Swedeu we don't have any revolutions." , • TrueSignof' a Gettleman. What Makes a boy a gelitleman ? Not merely lifting his hat to the idies he mead, although that may be one sign, provided he lifts his hat to bis mother at4id sister also. The real sign of ithe true ger letna,n is gen, tle unseffishnese. Does he s k the goodl of others first? Is he brave an1 tender in car- ing for those weaker than himself ? Does he show respectand courtes to his mother and to those wh are older ,Phan hi eelf ? Then put him d wn as a ge tleman of the true school, wh eher his f4 t be hod in patent leather or he have nol hoes at alt.! Napokeon's Tambo Probably the miest remar who ever lived was Jean' He tambour major of the Etnp One of his feats was to play ferent toned drums at the s soft and harmonious a mama of the deafening uproar tij been expected, the effect w and complete, instrument. passed from one drum to such wonderful quickness t the -1 spectators could harLil movement of hi a hands and 1. Maj r. be drintr4ier ris the fern us or Napoleon. fifteen dif- e time in so that instead t might have that of a novel o playing he le other with the eyes' of follow the dy. Perth Not: —Mitchell's rate of tax lien is 19 m lis n the dollar, while Strattorld's is 22 milk —Mr. John Theil has sdla 'his 75 acre artn, on the 5th concession, North -est ullarton, to•Mr. William Fr nch. —The engine room at the1 bridge works in Stratford, was badly scor hed by fire the they day. /The cause of e fire in un- nown. an ---- -Mr. George D. flainilt , son of Mr. eurge Hamilton, of Fuller o , has rented he M falle[l foundry for term of five ears. —Mr. Giles Collison, of i itchell, . has just grt dilated in medicine Trinity Col- lege, Toronto. He intends g mg to New York, where he will take a ourse in the I. oepita. s. • —Enleavors are being nu e in Mitchell to form a joint stock compau for the pur- pose of manufaeturing a do le compound- ing, non -condensing engin patented by Mr. Hardill, of Stratford. —On Sunday evening, wh lie service was going on in the Methodist ch kch, at Monk - ton, the glass on one of t e chandeliers broke and len on a young ma 's hand. He received a very painful cut, hich bled pro- fusely. He had to go to a d ctor to have the wound dressed. —Mr. James Holmanhas i sold the east 100 acres of his 200 acre farm', on the 17eh concession, near Monktons or $4,000, to Mr. Samuel Smith, of the 160 concession, Elmo,. There is a good frame house, a very large bank barn and iia good young 3rehard. • I —The death of Jennie Ish..Ielin, youngest daughter of Mr, xna MEI. Walter Shilling - law, took place at her father's residence, in Mitchell, on Friday mornin , 12th inn. The little girl wile taken ill abut a month ago with an attack of intim ation of the lungs, which turned to pneu Ionia, and fin- ally resulted in her death. She was in her sixth year. • The.Value of Obe ience. The value of drill in devel mg self-con- trol has been very clearly shown twice re- cently in New York. In one of the public schools attended by one thousand pupils, a fire was &hoovered, by the appearance of smoke in some of the clasis-rdoms occupied bY the younger children. The signal for the fir drill was giver', and the e ildren obeyed ev ry order given by the teaphers. Every chld left the building quietly and in good li or er. The fire was in a p4.e of rubbish utlder a stairway leading to ag the floors of the building. In ' the lower ;;East Side, in one of the Industrial Schoot buildings, 134 teacher discovered a fire'rang the signals, and the children marched put in order. Without the habit of obedience in response to orders there would have been, in all probability, severe injuries, if not loss of life. Abu1? Cubal utInAN WO.I1 IN MOURNING. If there is one sigh than any other, it is Frequent as they are haps in some remote even venture to hold es you pass—women too—the women in w commonest sight in cities. It is hard to their mourning germ nts. I geration Lo say that ef a doze street in any Cubn els mourning. And their faces and thin with hunger even m war had ceased. WAR AND FAMINE IN Frank Matthews says : I seventy.frve graveyards on in various provinces„ and I rem that was not enlarged became of the war. Major-General son told me that the story of reconcentration had been onl IP was far worse than the United States had believed. trained historian alone ean d death by famine and mint& more pitiful in Cuba he worden in black. itt Havalti, where per - art - art of e city they out theiql hands to you f refined appearance, dow's weeds are the he anis 1 towns and tell w ere they got is no exag- women on a O will be in d with grief ths after the CBA. ust have seen trip in the ber only one of the famine meg H. Wil. hehorrors of partly told. ople of the The pen of a that story of wantonness justice. Competent judges aertere thee the island is nearly 200,000 men sh:) re, In most ti of the pr vinecs the birth rate 8 less than 1, one-half f what it was before hewer. The island Iv a stripped of cattle, In Matanzas, the province chiefly given te the cattle raising hadustry, there were 298,000 cattle, recording to a census in 189+. When the war ceased there were fewer than 9,000 me - tie in the province.—Harper's Wefekly. • ' 1 Mr. Moody's Doubt. I Not long ago a man who claimeel perfee- tion went to Mr. Moody and commiserated him on his low level of christien experience. Mr. Moody, in a kind rcannik, asked his caller if he never sinned' or slid anything wrong. "No ; I have not sirs ed for yeers, neither have I d0qe anythi g that was wrong," was the p ompt re1y. Prn glad to know its' said Mr. Me oy ; "but before I am convinCed I would like to ask your wife." • Pat's Facciuse. An Irishman was recently ebarged with drunkenness before a Court of Petty Ses- sions in an English town, and, unfortunate- ly, it was not the first time tat he had found himself in such poeition. "O'Brien," said the chairman reproachfully, "last time you were here you promised to take the pledge." "And sure I did, your honour," answered the accused, "and for six weeks I was as sober as a waterworks director ; but what can a poor' follow do, your honour, when his wife's birthday and bank holiday come both of them Ma the same day?" Something he Wanted. A workman in one of the Dundee ship- building yards had left the plece he was working at two or three minutes before leaving -off time. The foreman 1inexpected- ly appearing, he made the pretext that he was looking for something ha wanted, " Well, Peter," jokingly said the foreman, "what are you looking for nos ?" Peter, knowing he was caught, said, as he again looked round about : "Man, Jeerns, I was lookin' for half -past five. Dae lye see it onywye ?" • Him Marks. A commercial traveler entered the hall of a hotel, and, picking up a pen, proceed- ed to make several porpendienlar lines upon the register. When he had :made half a dozen, more or less, he throw down the pen, with some exolarraation (shout it be- ing unfit to write with. Then lie took up another and began making moce straight marks, like capital I's with th shoulders cut off. By this time the clerk was angry and informed the stranger that t e register was intended for signatueols anhlmust not be defaced in that manner. "Oh, don't get angry about lit!" said the man with the pen. He made a few horizontal 04shes and, giving the register a twil, showed the angry clerk that he had on y been writing his name, which was H. . BOL—Pear- son's Weekly. A Tip Prom. the Back A Sunday school teacher tell ioal experience. He was lnvlte an address at a unday schoo arid having noth tried to picture to t nese of his posit' gnostioo, "What wergcobopelled to eat. of a nom - to make festival, g prepared to say be he children the doleful - n and asked them the would you ido if you tand on a platform be- fore so many bright boys and girls who expected a speech from you, and you had nothing; to say?" "I'd keep quiet," said one small boy, and,his answer irnmediate- ly brought down the house and quickly broughti down the speaker too. ---New York World. Such Dear Frien.d• Mrs. Hunnimune—Charles nsed to tell nie he was fond of music, but I think he was only deceiving me. I know be never asks me to play now we are married. Mrs. Sharpe—Really, I don't see that that proves anything, my cleat. '--13oston Journal. 'German shorthand writhrs db not com- pare favorably with those of other nations. They rarely take down more than 60 words a minute. Mrs. Elisio Garfield was the first Nether of a preskisant to reside hi the Whits. /Joule. As a short and straightforward proposal, nothing has ever surpassed that bt the youth who, on ent-ering the room, knelt down before the lady and, producing a ring from his pocket, said, "May II" Victor Hugo was a great believer in the shower bath for brain workers and spoke of the benefit he derived from it. . Early lIiLn. T,hr- (1- y :4 no longer shorter grow, Stet longer now ins:cad, AVI!:1.• T;, -t shorter. for, you know, 1:- ne 1i,rtli won't be so slow. ; oeilleg out of bed. —t • & IV. I Bulletin. An 1 tnprcsgion. "Are thosie people holding n inve. ti7 gation:''' said the tomist. ,r7 “Seren, they aro suppoeed to be. g.3nic of them heheve as if thcyj were try ,- ing to let go of it." ub EPPS'S C GRATEFUL Distinguished everyw licacy of Flavour, Su ity, and Nutritive Specially grateful and to the nervous and Sold only in quarter - labelled JAMES EP Limited, Hommopathi London, England. BREAKFAST ErPtS7S c( 1609.26 • -Grit the Teeth. Do you notice your children grittin their t• ell] at night ? Its a snre sign o tor vivo them Dr. Low's Pleasant Wor is simple, safe and always effectual. Sprains, strains, contracted cords or kips are always promptly relieved by ioiw oil. It is clean to use. Price 25o Impure Blood. OMFORTING ere for De- erior Qual- Proper tiee. comforting dyepeptic. ound tin4, S CO .1, Cl'emiste, SUPPER or grinding worrna. Bet - Sy rup,whieh painful sweR. agyard's Yel- :Mi.s Agnes Faron, Athlone, Ont., writes : "Ahollt to yea.rs ago I as troubled with umpire blood, but e ! gct no relief until I took Burdock I.13lood Bitters, which completely and permanently u ed me." rs-es. If you have a constant hacking cough, that worst leave, try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It Ores the worst kinds of coughs And colds quick. —611-ises. A Toronto Contractor. Mr. I. J. Markle, 257 Lansdowne Ave., the , well known bridge contractor, was cured by isfilhurn'a Bheumatic Pills of a severe attack of Rheumatisna, which laid him up in bed for weeks. Before Retiruw. To -night, take a Laxa-Liver Pill. It Will work While You sleep without a grip or gripe, ou ng Constipation and Sick Headache, and eke yeti feel itetter in the morning. .NoRTHT -WEs TRANS C STEAMERS MONARCH and IJNITED EMPIRE (Weather perinitting) will leave WINDSOR on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS at 5 p. m., and and SARNIAn TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS at 3 p. m., as per sa ling lists for SOO, PORT ARTHUR., FORT WILLI II and DULUTH, making direct connections at thco points for MANITOBA and the NORTHWEST, I KOOTENAY. BRITISH COLUMBIA, Paoffic COast Pint s and KLONDIKE. Lowest Fdtes. Choice of Routes. Best Accommodations. CHEAP EXCURSIONS. On arid after 1st of Jnne, gocd to return until 31sit October. For rates and information apply to G. T. R. town or Station Agent at Seafprth. JAMES H. BEATTY, General Manager, Sarnia, Ont. 1640-24 MORTGAGE SALE. U dor and by virtue ot tee -powers contained in a cert in iportgage, whleh will be produced at the tim of sale, there will be offered for sale by public atic ion by Mr. John Gill, auctioneer, at the Commer- cial Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, on TUESDAY, TH SIXTH DAY OF JUNE, 1899, at 2 o'clock, p. m. The dwelling house and premises, being Lot nul ber forty-four (41), on the West Side of Louisa stre t, in F. G. Spalding's Survey of part of the said TOWS1 of Seatorth. The house is now in very goo condition, contains seven rooms and is well situ ted ; convenient to factories and stores. There is a ood garden. Hard and soft water. For furth- er p 'Maulers and terms and conditions of sale ap- ply o Mr. Thomas Kidd, Seaforth, or to . F. W. GLADMAN, Barrister, Main St., Exeter, • Vendor's Solicitor. Dated at Exeter1220d May, 1891 1841-2 NOTICE 10 CREDITORS. All persons having any ellaim against the estate of Thomas Adanfs, la , of the Town of Seaforth, gentle,. man, who died on , r abont the 93rd day of April, 1899, to send lo the undersigned acting Execut sr before the let day of June, full partieulara of heir Maims, duly vealfied by affidavit. AAer sMd last mentioned date, the Ex. - centers will proceedto distribute the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims ot which they erall have received notice, and after sulh distri utitua the Executors will not be accountable for any partio the estate to any credit- or of whose claim li shall not have received notice This notice is given ura ant to the statute in that behalf. RECHA D DAMS, Londesboro P. 0. Dated May ith, 18'0. I 1689-4 GrThe AND GREAT ndly Bred Ilion RACE HORSE McCormack Will stand for t stock, 4uring t e Iinproveinent of e season of 1899, t -- R. Wilson s Stables, S 'AF RTH, urein Count& B ceders' Association. 1635 ly wi ei a TI to RIThA re You oing to Manitoba ? If i BO, try the liaUphin country, which is principal. adapted to inited farming, and is well supplied th good woodandwater. Any further particulars 11 be given on application to tbe undersigned, her by calling !at our office or by writing. Corre- endence ; prom tiy attended to. Send or call et E EiraoN Exroipina Office for list of farms and wn property fr4sa1e. SPARLING & MURRAY, al: Estate, L a Insurance mid Commission erits. Office— u icipal Clerk's Orlice, Main street, Manitoba. ' 1632-13 FREE Boys and Girls. This beautiful Stem Wind Watch and Chairs FREE. Also Bracelets' Rings, Ora) 00 Portraits(' etc. Send your name an address, and we will send you two dozen of out, Gold Top, Pearl Back Lever Collar But:ons. Sell thee to ytnir friends at 10 cents each, and re4 turn the money and we still send your watch free of all !charges. When writing tnention this paper. -MONARCH f5UPPLY CO., box 876, London. 1640 - TIMBER WANTED. Hig eat cash price paid for black ash, white ash, red a id white oak,hard and soft maple, henalock,soft And r ek elm. Either stumpage or delivered in yard. For f rther 'particulars] apply t,o GT:S. WAGNER. Manager tor the $. I. Co., Exeter. 1632-tf SEAFORTH DYE WORKS. Take you clothes to the Seaforth Dye Works and have them 'cleaned or dyed and made to look like new. -All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. HENRY NICKLE, Goderie.h strzet, epposite the Catholic church, Seaforth. 163) tf .:4Cook's Ciottoli Boot Compound, , is suceelsful iy used monthly by over --NIS110.000 LacliOs. Safe, effeetnal. Ludieli ask N.,, your druggist for Cook's C,onon Ffect Com- pound. .Take no other as all :Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, :No. 1, a per box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger,a per box. No. 1 or 2, maile-d on receipt of price and two 8-eent stamps The Cook Comp:spy Windsor, Ont. rig -Nos. 1 and 2 sokl ana recommended by all. responsible Druggists in Canada. No. 1 and No. 2 sold in Seaforth by Lumsden Wilson, druggists. Money to Loan. Any amount of money to loan on good farm pro. perty, at 6 per cent. per annum. Straight loans, payments made to suit borrower, satisfaction guav- anteed, charges low. At office Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. ABNER. COSENB, MoDenald Block, Wingbam. 1687 Miss Sarah Louisa Moore, L. C. M.,,Acedemic grad- uate of Londononsfervatory of Music, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on piano. Walton, Monday and Tuesday; Brussels, Wedneeday and Thursday; Seaforth, Friday and Saturday. C,luaflfled to prepare pupils for Principal's form in the onservatory of Mimic. Apply to MISS MOORE, Seaforth. 1638-13 THE SEAFORTH Musial Instrument M.PRITTNI. ESTI4EIKED; 1873. i4 -- Owing to har4I times, we have con- cluded to sell Pithaos and Organs at Greatly ROlViiced Prices, ,,_...._ Organs at $,2'„ and. upwards, and. Pianos at cones onding prices.1 iii , See us before urehasing. . SCOTT BROS. 'COME to STAY Business Increasing Rapidly. We are delighted. to iind the peo- ple of Seaforth and surroundings alive to their interestr—l-they find our prices right. Everything new and the niosIt fashion- able on the market, Give us a call. Every person is vi gloom, whether they buy or not See our window for a few f thf3 lend- ing lines. Mt* SM/IIT,TE THE NEW SHOE STORE, Under the Town Clock, ea,forth. 1638 -24 - CHAMPION SHIRE STALLION OF CANADA KILBIT P40. .15,179. Will stand for the improvement of stock for the 4th season at BERRY'S SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES, HENSALL, during the season ISM Ternas.—Insurance $18. Meals and feed for parties from a distance free. BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietors, OWEN GEIGER, Manager, 163841t,- McLEOD'S System Renovator —AND OTHER— TESTED REMEDIES. A specific and antidote for Impure, Weak and Im- povedshed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleanness, Palpita- tionof the Heart, Liver Coirplaint, Neuralgia, Lose of Meniory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stone'. Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St Vitus* Dance, Female Irregularieles and General Debility, LABORATORY—Goderich, Ontario. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann facturer. Sold by J. S. R-013ERTS, Seaforth. 1501.tf GODERICH Steam Boileir Works. A. sKSTABLI8RE I1SS0.) CHEXSTA_L Suocessor to Chrystal It Black, .iIanufaoturers of all kinds of Stationary Marine, 'Upright & Tubular 13 TILERS ealt Pans,moke Stacke, Sheet 'roe Werke, etc.„ oto, Also dealers a Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve !nines. Autoraeltio Cat -Off EniUSIA a speoialty. Ali so* of pipe and pipc.fitting constantly on hand Tstireates fornis.lied an shor t notice. Werke—Opposite G. T. R. Station. Onderlete. NOTHING1t, SUC.r..E IKF ts. 4 SUCCE .??4a1,4146 IV THE ST CLAIR RIVER SARNIA ONTARIO. 10 Of Our Graduates placed in positions during the past month. BEGIN NOW And be ready for a position in. the Fall. Sarnia is a beautiful place in which to spend the Sutnmer months. Catalogue mailed free. 1615-52 A. S. NIM.MO., Proprietor. H. R Jackson & SON. DIRECT IMPORTERS or Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac, France; Juo, de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ; Booth's Tom Gin, London, England; Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland e Jamieson's Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky. Ontario; Royal Distillery and Davie' Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC We have opened a retail store en connection with our wholesale husi- business in the rear AA the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we -will sell the best goods in the market at bottom prices. Goods delivered to any part of the town free. TELEPHONE 11. 151&-f The McKillop Mutual Firs Insurance Company, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED °MOM. J. B. 'McLean, President, Kippen P. a Thomas, Fraser, vice-president, Bnicefield P. 0, ; 3. Shan- non, Secy -Tress. Seaforth 1. 0..sThomas E. Hays, Inspector of Losses, SeaforthP. 0. mimosa. W. G. Brondfoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Win throp • George Dale, Seaforth; Thomas E. Hays- Seaforth 1 • James EVIND8, Beechwood ; John Watt Ifarlock ;. Thomas Frmer, Brumfield ; John B. Mo. Lean, Kippen ; lames Connolly, Clinton. astanni. Bobt, Smith, Ratio* ; Robt. &aloft James Cumming F4cmondv sr 3. W. Yeo, Holmes.? villa P. 0; John Govenlock arid John 0, Morrison. auditors Parties desirous to effect Infnuances or tam ret other business will be promptly attended to en pplication to any of the above (Moms,frddrersed its their respective post off3nes. IlicKillop Directory for189 JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, 'Winthrop P. 0. JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Committer, Beachwood P. 0 JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Winthrop P.O ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Leadhury P. O. JOHN G. GRIEVE, Conncillor, Winthrop P. O. JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0, WILLIAM EVENS, AsseaseriReed:mood 1.0. CHARLES DODDS, Collector. Seaforth P. RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Impeder, Lead - bury P. 0.