HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-02, Page 5ices
2 1899
JUNE 27 18
Port Albert
BREEZES..-Mre. John So oenhals an
family are Visitieg in Milyer on. -Mr. and
Norm of
Mrs. J. Kalhiteish and
,Bteeeee, Perth county, are here vi aing
their daughter, -Mrs. Conrad° Rice. Mr
Markle, of Ovven Sound, re urned t his
borne after spending a few aye witl hie
nephew Mr, John McBride. IVIiss Th mp
son'e music elms is increating 'n numb re -
w B. Hawkins left on Tui day mo ning
for Lonaon,-John Green, of negate, pent
the 24th svith his parents h re.-WilIiam
Richardson had the rniafortun to break his
arm while engaged at work i his father's
portable saw mill limit week. Mrs. Oliver
Moore and her brother, P. Gre n, of Detroit,
returned to their home on M nday. 'hey
were here attending the funiral of heir
father, the late Adam Green. ohn Q adel
returned from Milverton o Satur ay,
where he wee visiting his siste Mrs. A am
Schriefere-Profesecir T. A. It awkins of
-A very heevy rain storm presed over Ms
vicinity last Sunday evening. There *as
,00nsiderable damage done to t e garden .-
business trip. -The 24th pas ed off ery
quietly in pur village this yea as mos of
Our citizens spent the day in unganno .-
for a mammoth picnic to be h Id earl in
from 10 to 1
remember, coat
re the best value
and a Cotton at
tiah vs. Tasker which was to ha
zat Goderich in the High Cour
last was settled by the parties b
before the judge. Mr. Tanker 1
of lot 17, coecession 9, Usborne.
the place keen Mrs. (Dr.) Ca
terra of sevea years, and of whi
are yet tame eubject to a condition
in the event 'of the place being s 1c1, prio
the expiration of the term he Vir 8 to giv
y the owner, and the amount be w Ei to
eceive for his crop and the in onveni ewe
he settled by arbitration. T e farm *as
purchased a short time ago b, Mr. ohn.
ben. He perchased the ferm under /Ate
eonditions of the team In April last he
Sotified Mr. Tastier that he desired pot ess-
ion of the farm, but Mr. Taske refuse ' to
xpenditures on the farm which the 1
id not specify, but -Which he made
n and put in his epring crop.
as brought to di -possess the
as finelly agreed that the te
kive immediate poisession an
'amount of his remuneration shot
by arbitratiou and that lie ells
peeified proportion of the coat
Both parties would be in poe
many dollart3 had they been ab e to se
without going into court,
..sd to see the rain. last
nner inten.ds going to
he al& la' future, where
situation. -The peo-
ze) learn thet F.:
for Georgetown. She
many :friends, but wa
er success in her new
Sturgeon & Campbell
iairy cows on Friday
ake has secured a nitwit
Fleteh,er, framer, of
number from here at -
5 birthday celebration
'iherdt family of "Svviee
dreee-A large number
ster and Mitchell, and
es. -Some of our boys
,oadon to attend camp,
W. Jamieson, of St.
ieinonstration will be
1St, Dominion Days --
is on the sick Iist.-
:Tared a situation with
5, carpereters, of St.
or. Tuesday
fere coming
eh a te ant
He re ted
h two y ars
that the
Id be fixed
uld pa,
incur ed.
et a g
NOTES.—The Twerity-Fourth passed over
very quietly in our village. A ew of ur
young men and maidens went t Exete
Mr. John Bannerman, who left ere a w ek
ago to see his moeher near Well sley, is till
ery low condition, with faint hopes of re-
eovery.-Mise E. Holtz, who ha been liv ng
, in Bayfield for the last four mon hei, has re-
turned home for the summer.- his Ca h-
arine Edigenhoffer, who has hien visit ng
her parents and friends around sere for he
last two weeks, returned to Mitch 111 ag in
the other daye-We beg to call t e ttent on
dnce that is created every Sunda aftern on
by a number of young men who iconie to
mu. village on their wheels and run ra es
up and down the village, besides iadulgi g
in other unbecoming conduce -Mi. Ni ol
entertained the children of the vintage to a
fine display of fireworks last Thnrsday a d
Friday evenings. -The sacrameitt of he
Lord's Supper was dispensed in the Pres y-
terian church here last Sabbath. Rev r.
Mitchell, the evangelist, who held r VIN al
meetings for two weeks previous, oceupi d
the pulpit on Friday and Sunday, and gave
excellent discmirses. He is a plain, pr c -
Wed and fluent speaker, and as a res It of
hie tabors there were six names added to
tee communion roll.
teachel at Mongrief, in G y, spent unday
at her home in Morrie.- 'r sone titne past
the G and Trunk Railwa has had a special
train nveying gravel fro near Lioknow
'Wroxet r.
Joasentes.-William W Dr. 'Senate,
S. B. McKelvey and Th met Gibion, jr.,
the T enty-Fourth of Ma .-Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Hazlewood attende convocation at
Trinit Medical Colleg Toronto, this
week. Their eldest son's !success wee an-
nounced last week. -The ity fathers have
a job of gravelling to le .-The Formosa
base bell team came here to play a return
match with the olub here leitt owing to en-
propit ous weather it did itot take place. -
The L dies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian
church ere are oing to old their annual
concert nd sale o work o the evening of
June et .-Mise Steele, of eaforth, is visit-
ing at Mrs. T. Smith's.- verything points
youth o the town spent the natal day of
Her aj sty at Forwieh and Harriston.
ELE ON OF OFFICERS. t the meeting
of the ung People's Ass (dation held on
elected f r the ensuing six months : Pres-
ident, Miss J. Hadh ; vice president, 8, Ire-
land ; iacording secretary, Thomas Snell ;
correepo ding secretary, John Greb •• treas.
librarian George Brown ; seperintendent of
junior alliande, W. J. Scott I; assistant, Misa
F. Snell.
Noaes.-On Tuesday nig t our football
club went to Grand Bend and played a
friendly game with the club of that place,
coming off victors by a scor of one to none.
A return match will be pl yed here next
week. -Mr. Bert Stoddard, ho has been in
the employ of Mr. M. Fenn, harness maker,
for some time, left on Satur ay for his home
home from Toronto, -Mr. a d Mts. J. Hoff-
man ep nt a few days last w ek in Michigan,
attewl ug the wedding of a reletive.-The
nnual ehildren's day in comiectidn with the
hlvengelical church will be held two weeks
rom next Sunday. -On Senday morning,
Mr. G. Brown, of Creditonovill coupy the
pulpit of the Evangelical church and Mr.
Shetler in the evening, ev, Mr. Saur
having started out on his col lecti g tour for
he Walkerton church. I,
MoNEV TO LOAN. -$3,000 f pri ate funds
Apply to lock box 16, Brucefield p, o.
to loan, at 5 per cont. on first-cl es far 3 security.
UP -TO DATE. -Mrs. George Baird has pas-
sed into stock the lovliest lot of el4tina and glassware
ever ehown, in Brumfield, suital3le for June Wed•
(limp ; also dinner, te and toilet gets at prices
lower than the lowest. Beteg prices paid for eggs
and butter. Mrs. G eorg: Baird, Brucefield. 1642-I.
THE 3/11- ,RKB1T151.
SS/WORTH, May 26, 1829.
Fall Wheat (new), Stand rd
Spring Wheat per buehol -
Oats per bughel-
Flutter, No. 1, looae- 0 11 to
Bettor, 0 11 to
flay per ton new- - 6 00 to
Hideo per 109 fee-. 6 00 to
0 12 to
Wood per card 3 00 to
Wood per cord (short) 1 60 to
'lover Seed 3 00 to
imothy Seed 1125 to
0 62 do 2
smooth fat xport cattle, $5,35 to $5,60 ;
$4 to $4,20 ; ood to choice butchers' steers,
$5 to $5.30 ; good o best butcher, steers,
to best fat eifers $4,50 to $5 ; fair to
good heifere, 4.25 to $4,50 ; mixed fat cows
common to ood $3 to $3,50 ; stockerit,
choice to extr quality, 81.65 to $4.85 ; conn
Lambs -The qulk of the lambs sold at 80
and under ; the top prices were for strictly
choice oorn-fed ; choice to extra was quotl•
Sheep-Choic to extra, $5 to $5 25 ; goo
Medium hogs old at $3 90 ; heavy, $3.95
the trade cohtinued on a steady biked
throughout, apd closed steady with a goo
TORONTO, IV., ay 3let.-Cattle-While 01
Country prieska are not, at the presen
moment, verti encouraging, shippers ar
buying to fill }vane, and, in consequence
sales were brisk at from $4,80 to $5 pe
cwt. for loads bf" choice cattle ; for a fe
lots of selectiohs 10 and even 15c more wa
occasionally phid ; for light shippers th
price ranged from $4.30 to $4 70 per cwt.
)3utcher 'settle iwas also in quick demand
and prices wer steady. For choice load
the price rang d from $4.25 t $4.60 pe
and common s uff around $3.50 per cwt.
Choice shippin bulls are quoted at from
$3.75 to $4 per cwt. Feeders sell at from
$4,50 to $4.65 per cwt. Stockers were
weaker to -day, selling from $3.75 to $4 per
cwt. ; a fail of about 25e per cwt. Milk
cows were from $2 to $3 a head weaker, but
all here sold. few good veal calves are
badly wanted, nd if here would sell easily
up to ten dollar ; to -day prices ruled from
$2 to $6 each. Sheep a,nd Lambs -Year-
ling are weakel, at from $4.25 to $5.25 per
cwt. Sheep (w thout wool) sold at from
$3,50 to $3 75 per owt. Hogs -Hogs are
steady and unehanged. For choice selec-
tions (scaling !from 160 pounds to 200
pounds), 50 per !pound was paid ; for light
fat hogs the p ice is flie ; and thick fat
hogs fetch 4flo i er pound. Sows fetch 3c
per pound, St gs sell at 2c per pound.
Store hogs will not sell.
The Blyth wool market is always the best , in the ; county, and; this yiear
from pre ent appearances, will be no exception, as competition. zs likely to ;be,
very kee . We do not buy Wool. But as farmers' wives always want to huy
BlanketS,, Tweeds, Flannels, Shirtings, Oottonades, Yarns etc., When! they sell
their woo we have made great preparations to supply their Wants' at prices
Heav all -wool Tweed,worth 75o, for 500 ; Tweed* in plain and cheek, worth 60o, for
40e ; Twe ds, suitable for boy's' weer, at 20o, 25c and 306 ; Heavy Checked Fire:mei,
worth 30enfor 22*c ;°Grey Flannel, light and dark colors, worth 15e, for 12*c • Wool
Sheeting, yard wide, worth 35c, or 25c ; White Wool Blanket* at $1.95, $2,25 an'd $3 ;
Grey Cotton, yard wide, worth c, for 2ic ; Heavy Grey Coteen, yard wide, worth 7o,
for 5c • Heitvy Flannelette Shirti g, worth 120 for 10e ; Heavy wide Prints, fast Colors,
worth '100,1,for 6to ; Wide soft fi ished Prints, fast colors, worth 8c, for De ; Illack Sateen
for Dresses' worth 12ec, for 10o.
We make a specialty of Fine Teas. We are sole agents here for Blue
Ribbon, SaIada and Circle Ceylon Teas.
Hand -made Sh es
for Farmers.
Under the auspices of the
The Grand runic Railway will run a SPECIAL
EXCURSION rain from Centralia and Intermediate
Stations to Gu lph, on
TUES11% , JUNE 13, 1899,
At the followin v r low rates for the return trip :
Bank oer Commerce !
six Million Dollars -V 000,000.
A general Ilanking business tran-
sacted. Farmers" Notes discounted,
and special attention given to the
collection of Sale _Notes.
SAVINGS BANK.—Interest allow-
ed on deposills'of $1 and upwards.
Special fac litie4 for 'transaction of
business in the KIondike District.
Money Orders, p yable at any bank, issued at the
followieg rates :-
Under S101 .0 820 to 830 .12
make Saturday, Jiine
bargain giving at the
whole stock has been
tee of every sort have
will be placed on our
quick selling. These
attirda,y morning. It
ing them itito ready
;been marked <it prices ,
e.half of the hid Wise-
- he rrorreug will be
y cf the 'lines the
, you can buy Dress
- tt'hile this tot lasts
i. dress will go a tong
r the lining and Mak.'
8i3134 t. for Saturday s
erearn grain 1, with email
wag 37,e, reduced to 17c.
eeparafe skirts, Wiseman
mat err ail mixed checker,
Wieen.an price was $4.29.,
kera everi• thread pure
mak oods,' all pure wool
lea prices were $4.50 and
r.L ced, original price
iechee wide, originally
NOTES.—Scarlet fever is very prevalent in
the township, several schools being elosed
on account of it. -Mr. John Tuffin ietenids
to move into the vacant house on the farm
lately bought by Mr. Wm. Oliver fro Mr.
and Mrs. Tucker, of Regina, spent th past
week with Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hutchi on. -
A terrific rain atorm, accompanied by hail,
thunder and lightning, passed over t is
Vicinity on Sunday last. -Rev. Mr. We t -
man occupied the pulpit of the Metbodi t
church Sunday morning and evening twit.
The tea meeting, held on the church groan s
on, the 24th, was well patronized. Re
Mr, Cruse, of Toronto, gave a very inter° t-
ing address on his trip through the Ma
' moth Cave, with 200 Epworth Leaguer
The proceeds netted $38. ---Mr. -Bryan is on
the sick list at preaent. His many frien Is
hope he will soon be eround again, -Re
Mr. Nethereott will be away at the Metho
ist conference this week. -It is our sad du
-to chronicle the death of Mr, George Lear
sr. Mr. Learrwas in his utual health u
til Friday testi when he had a paralyt
Stroke, from which- he never recovered. Hi&
remains will be interred in the Metho•
dist cemetery Monday afternoon. Mr.
Leary and family have the heartfelt ay
pathy of the whale community in their s d
:F'ed Scotch Zephyrs tor
btocd, of
era that are well wo
?etee Bilks, bright n#1,Y
re, epeeial for Sat=
ived colored silks, plain
tyethe of from one-half
the piece., anal at plat
a!re.ey theoe Italia I.
e3.tr‘a fine quality, vt111
!heee. three times over,
educed price 40c.
leek lisle thread hose,
it 7 and 71 only, Wifie-
re linen damask
, regular price $2•26F
damask, 70 inch
rd, clearing Saturday a
fieh net
ate our price for SatUrl
deck et the
terian Sabbath school, and Mrs, D. Roger , I
Mist Minnie Coad and Mr. Kersey Ja.ckto ,
attended the convention in Brussels o
Tuesday. Mrs. Knell and Mrs. T. J . Wet '
also attended the convention. -Rev. Chris
topher Keine, of Gorrie, preached in th
Methodist church last Sabbath.-Mis
Keine, of Gorrie visited her aunt, Mrs
Fraser, of the first 'line of hl orris, this week
-The Royal hotel, our village hostlery,
having a new dining room built in place o ,
the one lately torn down, -and is undergoin
other very much needed repairs. -Mr. Mac
Kenzie Messer, of Toronto, is spending
few days at his lime here. -Mr. and Mrs
Tred McCracken, of Brussels, visited here ,
end in Vi'ingham the latter part of last '
week. -Mr. and MrseJohn Pugh and child. •
o came home t
ather, the late
Dairy Markets.
Tondeoro, May 30th, -Better -The siu
tations are as follows : Dairy tubs, new, 11
to 12c ; large rolls, 10 to lle ; small dair
pound. priete, about 12 to 13e ; creamer e
tubs and boxes, 16* to 17c ; pounds, 17 to
17*e. Cheese -Not much doing and prie s
raeher easier. Quotations are :--New,
There is a steady demand and an easy fee
ing oh prices owing to the heavy receipt
Dealers here are selling in the ordinary Iva
at lqb.
MONTREAL, May 30th. -Cheese -The ma
ket is easy at Re for colored, and 9c f•r
white.} Butter -There was a. strong teelin
for grass butter, and 161e was offered in th
country on Saturday and refused, Quot
tions the city for the full grate are 17c
one merchent quotes 14c as the top price f
eastere to nships dairy, but others add lc
more ,po hat price. Eggs -Advices fro
the coentr state that there are no signs f
a decliee, and 10e f. o. b. is the lowest
figure tellers will take. Notwithstandin
the fears eXpressed by exporters that the
will not be able to export on adicount of th
high prices they are paying for their sate
it ia kno, wri that contracts are even, now ,b
ing -closed with British merchants, end it
reasonable eo assume that they are not b
ing closed at a loss to the local men. A
the same time there cannot he .much profi
in it this season.
UTICA N. Y., May 29.e -At the Utic
Board of' Trade to -day the following sales o
cheese were made :-1,333 large colored a
Tie, 2,215 biixes large colore at 8c, 31
boxes large colored at 80, 300 boxes at Ste
small colored at ; 268 small white a
8*e, 641 boXes picnics at 9c, The sates o
creamery butter were 2 pack ges 161e
orates (five -pound pao ages) at 20c.
sales of theese were 4.7 boxes o large color
ed at itle, 210 large colored at 8c, 10
boxes latge qolored at go, 150 boxes larg
colored et peivate teen s, 175 boxes larg
white at, 8(1,1,290 boxe small thite and col
ered at Ste 2,590, boxes small white an.
colored at 8eIc, 27 Packa,ges of dairy butte
at 16 to 17e.
Solicitor. Manager.
KIDD In Omaha, Nubraiika, on May 26th, the wife
HUTOHISON-At he residence of Dr. Hutchison.
Staffa, on May 9th,, the wife of Mr. H.C. Hutchi-
son. of Gorton , of a daughter.
HOLSIEi-In Godylioh township, on Iday 21st, the
wife of Mr. Jo n Holmes, of a daughter -still
LA,WREN0E-In oderich township, on May 21st,
the wit. of Mr, W. S. Lawrence, teacher, of a
SCARLET -In M Killop, on May 14th, the wife of
Mr. It. earlett of a daughter.
STAPLET N --In uenberry, on Key 22nd, Mre, Wm.
a ed 97 years.'
COA ,3 -Ii °note! , en May leth, Mary Parke, wife
of Rob rt Coat , rieed 68 years,
store, anitob , en May 59th, Dough]; afelzlend,
son ef r. and re. George Sproat, fired 8 j ears
The Special Trill leave Centralia at 6:30 a.
Holmesville will leave by the
sin, joining the Excuraion Trein
return trip they will be trails-
ixoursionista fro
regular Morning T
!erred to the r gul r Evening Train at Clinton.
bore, will leav by the regular Passeuger Train south
in the morning, jcpning the Excursion Train at Clin-
ton, and in the fling they will be returned !rem
Clinton by a Speci d Train from there. Returnieg,
the Exctirsion Train will leave Guelph at 6;30 p. ro,
The only excursion. -This will be the only Excur-
sion from thie dietriet to the Experimental Farm at
Guelph teis season. Exeursionists will be afforded
ample epportimity of seeing everything of interest
at the Farm aed Ciollege, and a most enjoyable hon.
day for All ma) be !anticipated.
Di ULM assenger Agent G. T. R.
We make a specialty of hand -made
shoes for farm wear. Inste d of
leaving your measure, and h ving
to wait a week or ten day , we
now carry in stock a good assort-
ment of all sizes, and can fit you
while you wait. " Our own make "
of shoes are made of. ;the best kip
and. calf skin on the - market, aro
fitted and put together by experi-
enced workmen, and are guaran-
teed to give satisfaction When
other makes fail. ;
If you want a shoe that will be com-
fortable, and give twice the -wear
of the ordinary factory shoe, we
recommend " our own make'
Our price is $3 a pair, ancl our increas-
ing trade in this line, is proof posi-
tive they are worth it.,
In pm!' large and varied.stock we have many very special
ba,rgairW10 offer for the June season. We have had a good
In air barpet pepartment . we will make special. prices to
buyoS for ('parpeting rooms. We have still a large variety of
Lace Ourtaans which will be sold at right prices.
At 251e, 28C and. ,50c per pair ; 2i
and 3 yards long. Better lines at
Big V riety ; close prices through-
out. , pedal line of Plaids at 10c
per yard ; ' double ; fold. Special
Serges at 25e, 35c, 50c and 75c in
all colorings, Our Black Goods—
, still very full ; special values in
Black Fancies at 35d, 50e, 75e and
$L Gingharns at lie, 1.40,15c and
20c are mUch admired and quick
sellers. Ai new line of Colored
Piques just to hand. A good line
still on hancl of White Piques.
At Cie per yard. Big variety Prints
in our heavy cloth at n -c. Hand-
some Dress Pattern Prints at 12e.
To see is tO buy our special line
Ladies' Searaless lio8e at 10c ; fast
,black. Large assortment of Ladies'
Hose at 121;^, 20e arid 25e per pair.
At 121c, 15c, 20e, 24c and 25c.
121-e. These goods we guar-
antee the best value in our trade.
Large stock of our noted 10e Men's
'Union Hose. Men's Ties, Collarii„
Shirts, Braces and all Gents' Furnish -
ings thoroughly assorted.
Assorted thoroughly—values unsur-
passed anywhere. Special All -wool
Halifax Men's Suits at $4.75 in.
dark and light colors. Special Blue
aid Black Serges at $6, Beautiful
Grey Tweeds at $7.16. -A wonder-
ful selling Brown Mottled Worsted
Snit at $9.50. Excellent Black
Worsted Suits at $8, $10 and $12.
If you are afraid of being tempted to
buy our suits, don't examine them I
For if you do you are sure to bn y.
Bicycle Hose, Sweaters and -Belts _
well assorted.
On Tuesday, une 6th, at 1 o'clock, p.
on ot 15, Co cession 8, Stanley, Farm
Stec and Im lements. Mrs. Sarah Mo-
iety e, proprietress ; Edward Bossenberry,
Fa m in Hullett, Let 6, Concession 8, on
Tues lay, June 6th, et 2 o'clock, p. m.
Hugh Oke, pro rietor ; Thomas Brown,
au et fon eer.
On Tuesday, une 6th, at one o'clock p.
m., on the Colbe t farm, near Eginondville.
Stem], Heifers end ming Cows. Henry
Money to Wm lit 41 and 6 per cent. per annum.
Any aareount on firtiteclaes farm land security, Ap•
ply to R S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Building Sea -
Constance C6eese and Butter Menu-
factUrin Company.
A !meeting of tho Sha eholders of the above cow -
any will be liel& in 0- e faatorv in the village of
inborn, oo TUESDA , JUNE 6th, 1899, rit 7
o'clock, p. ,Ifor the Purpose of winding up the
affairs of the Comae -3- end -the transaction of other.
business if neeessidry.
GEORGE STEPHENSON, President. 1(31.2
In the SUrrog4te Court of the -
•C unty of Huron.
In the Este, e obert T. Morrison, de,
• ceased.
The ereditore of ito ert T. Morrison, late of the
Townehip of lifeKillop, armor, deceased, who died
on the 4th day cif A ril, 1890, are required on
or before the ast el,ay o July, 1899, to send to the
undersigned Solicit r fo the Administratrix of hie
Estate, full partieull4re o their claims, duly verified
by affidavit. Alter the aid date, the Administratrix
will proceed to dietribu e the assets of the estate
among the parties efitith d thereto. having reference
only to the chilies of wh oh she has received notice,
and after such istribot on the Administratrix
sot be liable for any par eif the assets.to any credit.
or of whose claim she II s not received notice. Thio
notice is given pursia t to the statute in that behalf,
forth, 14th day of May, 899. 1640-4
ren, of Brussele, spent Sun
atteed the funeral of his
muel Burgess, of Brussele, visited at Mr.
Jodie Burgess' last week. -On Queen's
Birthday the Pretbyterian church choir,
and a few others, had a little picnic in
Sinale's grove, near Wroxeter. -At the
decent communion services in the Pres-
byterian church twenty-one new mem-
bers were added to the roll of the church. -
Mr. James Main, of Sheffield, is Mr. James
Burgess' assistant in the cheese factory. -
Mrs. Stowe, who was very ill, has now re-
nevered.-.Mrie Rohere Black's arm con-
tinues to be very painful. Three weeks
aghi when starting to drive to the village,
their horse ran away, throwing Mrs Black
end tittle daughter out, and although her
rag .to the strain' g of the cords. -Mr.
.afiri was net brokenit is very painful ow-
Chnetopher Thorn on and family have
moved to Witigha , where Mr. Thornton
has employment.- use Nina Isbister, who
Live Stock Mark
LONLON, England, May 29th
cattle, 6d ; Canadians, 5ed
firm. American steers sell at I
pound (Ores ed weight) ; live
at 13 to 14e (dressed weight)!
per pou d ; refrigerator beef he
a good a
was not
asked al
about the ea
common !stew
that day ;
per poun
qc do.
beasts at
Bett State
es here ar
lt to 12e pe
heep quote
; lambs 15
stronger e
X Decker," run bout 00 days, is in good con-
ditien and will be sold cheap, E. SMITH, Brus-
Bele. Lot 4, Concess on 7, Grey. 1612x2
T1, STRAY SOW. --Strayed from tbe premises of the
Ja4 undersioned. 'Let 4, Concession 1, Tuekerernith,
on or about May 21e ;, a large black and red spotted
sow, Berkshire and aruworth. Any person giving
information that wil lead to her recovery shall be
suitably reward. JAMES A. BELL, Hensel' P. 0.
12 Ellin of Teckere
the late I.Villiate Whit
farm is erected, a tee
abode. There la als
the farm well wale
to E. wiiirEev on t
-Lot .30, Coneession 1,laiwn-
dy la offerel for kale. Ott the
story stone house, barn and
a good bearing orchard, and
ed with a living upring and a
e premises. 164241
Notic to
M. PICKARD & CO. DputolcisT R
OppOsite Melva Ruilding, Corner Main and Market Sts,, Seaforth.
entecost s—The Ladies' Store.
In the Su r g4te Court of the
Cou6ty of Huron.
The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion
PEIJER McKee, Proprietor.
Will eland for the inprovement of eteck this !me-
Tockersmith. Terms $8 to insure. 1641-3
The creditors
Village of Beni
who died on the
le !ander McCaa, late of the
ille, retired! farmer, deceased,
day of March. 1899. are requir-
ed on or before the et (lay of Jnly. 1899. to send to
will, full paitioulers f their claims, duly verified by
affldidvit. After the mid date, the Executors will
proceed to dietrlhute the afeete of the estate among
the peal entitl d thereto, having reference only to
the under:defied Sol eft r, for the Executors of his
the olaim
after sue
liable for
whose el
notice is
15th day
of whi
my par
im the
f May,
hea have roomed notice, and
the assets to any creditor of
n he Executore will not be
ve not received notice. This
nt o the statute in that behalf.
of r for Executors. Seaforth,
he Ph en Pr'
hat Igg 17" Pi'
0 '67'1' *re
7.1 ig,! "4:4 W tf7
es 0
ea et en
May 30th -Cattle -There was
ance of butchers but trad
, as higher prices were being
round. Prime beeves were moee
then usual, and these were sold et
me sales as on Thersday, bat
k brought better rates than on
e belit beeves sold et 5 to go
retty gopd stock et from 4 to
d the dough and half -fatted
Put Wilson's Invalids'
Port on the track of a
lost appetite and its
speedy recovery is as-
sured, It Ones the
stomach, invigorates
the system, and re-
stores to its owner that
which was lost.
Beautiful Skirts, Ready -to -Wear Crash
Skirts. Tbe New Black Perfect Fitting,
$1. each ; White Piqua Sleirts, up-to-date,
all sizes, $1.25 each 'Denim Skirts, the
new goods, all eizes, $2.50 each ; Black
Lustre Skirts, erfect goods, $2 and 82.50
each ; *Black kneaded Skirts, trimmed,
trimmed, $7 and $8 eaeh.
$4.50 each ; Blitee Brocaded. skirts, new back
$3.50 each ; Black Crepon Skirts, plain and
g c'17:71
CD ca _eh
sold at f om
ere pay
and the
lambs se
fine lem
hogs, we
fat hogs
hogs sold
r pound for good
We Do Ni4 Issue Them,
But all those thajt are going to be married
in June and will1 h ve need of a Dinner
Set, call at Robbie,
As we have juet o
Dinner Ware,' th
quality for the Mo
If you don't
time, that we
line in '
e ed this week a line of
rettiest and the belie
ey that ever came iato
The Canadian
Express Conisiany
(Coverine all Grand Trunkl lines.)
Possess unexcelled facilities fOr handling
Merchandise of every description.
Notes, Issue Mo ey Orders on almost a y
place in the Unit d States and anada.
red tape. No e plication to fill out. lo
waiting for advi e. A receiptigiven with
each order -can cashed at any hour Of
the day. A messenger can transact yen'.
business. Prompt refund for lorders long,
delayed or stolen. The most po ular known
method of remitting through th mails.
Commercial Building, Seaforth.
bring a little more. Hogs-Fet
ghed just off the cars, 0111 at inane
4.910 'per 100 pounds f r straight
cts bring 50 per pound , and thee*
rom 4i to 4--P, per pound ; store
,May 30th.-Catt1e-G ood to beet
Is a rich ruby port with
Peruvian bark in propor-
tions prescribed by the
English and French
pharmacopoeias. 'Tis an
ideal appetizer.
For sale in Setae th by
In our Groce
fresh and olean
line we keep everything
arid deliver to any part of
A full range 3 ood designs, all sizes,
special, 47c each he new stripe in the
!new colors, all Eliz s, special 65c ; Black
Sateen, fancy stripeil, novelty designs, at $1
each ; the New Picipa. Waist in white and
stripes, it $1 each ; [the Fine Piqua Waist,*
iNew York style, rancy stripes, at $1.10.
leach • White Lawn, with insertion front, at
1956 ; 'Fahey Tucked White Lawn Waists,.
with ineertion front, at $1.25 each ; Fancy!
,Piquas and Faecy Patterns, at special
prices, $L50 each, ; Feney Metall° Sateen,
NV.ktists, black, bltie led brown, $2.37 each,.
le light and dark c lora, special 75c each ••
Indigo blue,,black aid white, fancy eheitlus:;
'special $1. each • f tipy designs, fancy trim.
,non-faiiby designs, s cial $1.50 each ; our!
best goedsecompri mg all the novelties andI
'fancy designs, $1.0 each.
There are 8,000 etout women in Huron'
County, and all mustl be fitted with a com-
fortable fitting Corset. This Corset is
specially designed for stoue figures, and the
most comfortable Corset you can use. The
elastic *laced sides, with the seperable steels,
makes the corset easY and pliable, while it
is by far the best wearing Comet Ask for
the. Crest Brand Corset -price $1,18. A
full stock of the popular Corsets always on
band. Summer Corsets, all eizes, 47e a pair.
In Parasols we wilt he found exceptional-
ly strong this season. Our prices for good
goods range from 50c to $5.
Our special Fast Bleak Hose, two pair for
25e, is a splendid line and good value ;
better lines of Hose at 15e, 181, 22e, 25e,
30c, 40o and 500 per pair. Gloves at 124ce
15e, 18c, 25e, 35c, 40e and 500 per pair -in
black, cream, tan, etc., in silk tafetta, lisle,
Twenty-five dozen White Cambric Draw-
ers, special, two pairs for 25c ; 25 dozen
ites Cambric Drawers, frilled, special,
25e a pair ; 20 dozen White Cambric Draw-
ers, wide embroidery, trimmed, 50e a pair ;
10 dozen White Cerebric Drawers, -extra
fine -trimmed, 65e a pair. All the lines are
-wo th more money. Reduced for May.
on't forget the fact that we are the
ere this season in Stylish High Class
• ery. Only artists employed in the
ming, and only the best goods handled.
prices will be found from 10 to 15 per
. lower than at usual places, A call
convince you.
auty Pins Belt Buckles, Collar Cies ,
se Sets, 'Belts, Cuff Links, Combs,
es, etc. Always an hp-to-dato stock.
yire *ant all the farm produce !we
n get—highest prices paid.
The Council of the Corporation of
Huron win reed in the Council
Town of Goderieh, On the first Tu
the County '/
W. ZANE, Clerk.
The' L
dies' Stor