HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-06-02, Page 3, JUNE 2, 1899. T EGNATURE r TIM PPER FERY LtE 010 tattles enly. a:lowar.,,yzne to sell ::ea rrouisa that it answer evfty pur- cet ^ ht, yen seiLIi all Altrtable_ in con- fortable. The summer suit - the: proper - selection tiik that while it woulif make re to zne't both javivuec,!ecled,, INIFORT, raly 11 ELAND ection. ,• eland livitht ast, south •it for ;all . ,Ocf. Only COM. h p. shed. awl fancy Our btisi- plication ; einpluyees .11:it sell the a the county v are araned goof Is busi '1.:; who did )nr/lated the t.t cross i so without 'Teat extent, y. If the rat:evil in do 'elf: is earner the other oids Go. ex. - the man- oieral stock 5101 NAM Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress film feldigestion and Too Hearty Ea,ting. A jer feet remedy for Dizziness, Nslusea, Dro gess, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Coates', Ton Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. Tle Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the clay: See you get Carter s, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Li Ter Pills, HICH CR Furni DE EMPORIUM Leatherdaie Lands SEAFORTH orou0 Dealers in first-class -Furnit re of kinds, in latest designs. U olsteri neatly done. We also dc pi ture fra ing, and a choice selection of pictur s always on hand. Ourtai t1cs at 11 prices, and put up. We ale al o Agents for the New William's Scwi Machine, -hest in the market for o, rustic use, no travelling agents, Ili& prices. 11 CY 11 LTID In the Undertaking Dep our goods from the best hou and guarantee satisfaction meat of our work. We ha its point to furnish chairs, • ites for funerals, FR rices better than heretofe Arterial and cavity emb seientiRc principles. P. S. Night and -Sunda attended to at Mr. Land denee, directly in the rear Bank. 1-<- rtment, we bay es in Ontarn, every depart - e always 'made nct all other re. E OF OEIAT4XIE. e. lining done calIs will borough's r f the Domin be si- n . Our direct connections w 11 save you time and money for a14 points. Canadian Nor h Wes Via Toronto cm Chicago, British Columbia and • lifornia points. Our rateare the lowest. bo suit everybody an PU TST OARS for your aceom for further information, e have the •AN TO odatioa. Ca Gra,nd Trunk Ra wayi and Olin on station@ a CLINTON 12.65 p. 10427 P. M. 10.16 A. M 7.09 P. M 71 Trains leave Seatorth ollows : ..4orNo. W883,- SICAPORTIL 12,40 P. h Passenger.. .. .. .. 10.12 P. Mixed Train.. .. - 9.20 A. Pdixed Train. .. . .. .. 6.16 P. GOINO EAST- Pao/longer, . .. . Mixed Train - ... .. .. 7.66 A. M 3.11 P. M 6.20 P.M 7.40 A.M. 2.66 P. M. 4.36 P.M. Wellington, Grey an Bruce. Demo Nonni- Passenger. Ethel 10.04 P, M. Brussels.. .. - 1O.!6 Bluevale.. .. '10.28 Winaliain 10.40 Glorso Boum- Passenge Wingharn....... .... . 6.60 A. U. Bluevale 7.00 Brussele. .. 7.16 Ethel 7.28 Loudon, Huron and aouto Nori.ta- London, depart Centralia Exeter. }Winn . .... ......... Kippen Brucefield- ..... Clinton Londeaboro Blyth. Belgrave .. Wintcharri arrive... 001N0 Sc•rra- Winghain, depart.... Belgrave - Blyth .. Londeaboro ...... Clinton_ Brucetiold Kippen -4 . . ...... . Hensall- Exeter Ce.etralia.... . ...... London, (arrive) ...... lkfbre- "ler. Thocrs The Great 4n� Remedy. Sold and re om •• ended by 11 druggists in 4ian da. Only r:11- abie medioiiuj d scovered.tz packages guar nte to cure 11 forms of Sexual Weakness, all :ffects of ab se or excess, Mental Worry, E es ive use of o- bacco. Opium or Stininlants. Ma led on race pt of Price, one paokage $1, six, $5. One toill -, di stz tota cure. Pamphlets free to ny address The Wood Compasy, Windsor, 0 t. Wood's Pbosphodine is Sold in Se forth by Lu den & Wilson, druggflts. 8.1 9.1 9.3 9,41 9.6 9.6 10.1. 10.3 10.4 10 6 11.1 Mixed. 1.40 p, M. 2.10 2.46 3.05 Mixed. 8.66 A.M. 9.17 9.45 -10.02 Bruce. Passenger. A.M. 4.46 F.M. 6.66 6.07 6.18 6.25 6.83 6.66 7.14 7.28 7.87 8.00 Passenger. 8.6 A.M. 8.80 P. M. 7.', 8,45 7. 4.00 7. 4.10 7.4 - 4.30 8.';4.60 8 7 4.69 8. 6.04 8 8 5.18 5.26 A. M. 8.20 1. s. 9. 1...•••••••••••• 0 EXPOSITOR,. 3 .116111111111P.aBadelltav.......em.f.S? AID TO THE INJURED. THE PROPER THING TO DO FIRST IN CASE OF ACCIDENT: Some Sound Advice on TbIs Impor- tant 1 Stabiect by Two Prominent St. Louie Surgeozatt-Treatntent 'Which May Prevent Seriousi Eternalise A worried look was on his face az he walked, into the city dispensary. He car- ried lile hand and lower arm in a sling Improvised from a badly soiled bandanna handkerchief. "Dog bit me twO' day,s ago, an my whole arm's swellin. I'm scared of hydeopho- bio," he told Dr. G. L. Kearney, chief as- sistant diSpensarY physician, when ,his turn came to tell his troubles. He unwound a soiled rag aid disclosed an enormously swollen hand with a small wean(' in the palm. As he did so a Matted mass of short, black, curly hair, witch had been tied like a plaster or poul ice over the wound; fell to the floor, He gathered it up with great carp. "What's that?" asked Dr. Kearney. 'Some of the hair of the dog 'at bits me,' , and the patient looked surprised at Dr. Kearney's ignorance. that m "I sincerely hope tha this an'a pro- found medical knowle ge may not cost him his arm," said Dr. I Kearney to, a re- porter as he cleaned the wound with a jet from a reservoir containbag a bichforide of mereury solution. l"People can't get out of their heads that eld saw about the hair attire dog being good for the bite." - "I suppose you killedthe dog," the con- tinued,: addressing hi Patient. , "Sure thing, but I've got plenty of his 1 -hair atihorne if you w t some more." ' "You killed the do ecause you were fraid he had hydrop o la didn't you?" . "Unihnih," assente h patient. "And to keep any one ftlom finding out whether he had 15 "or ot y ri killed him." "No -o -o, not exact''. I thought maybe e might get hydroph bia afterward." "And if he.goI it a terward you Would get it, too, because y • ) .ago he bit You?" " Unihmh." • •"I'he diffusion of medical knoWledge among some people s marvelous. 1 You week' probably have ut a madstone on the woand if you bed had ono," said Dr. ; Kearney sarcastically, after dressing the wound,l as he handed thepatient a pre- • scriptidn for a poultice to be placed on the wound. . . "011, there are th usands of cases of first aid, just like that one!" said Dr. Kearney later. ''They put anything on a wound tostop the 'stauch of blood,' as they put it. Cobwe )s, tar, manure, to- bacco quids, balsam that gets into the wounds. so . you can't get it out any way you try, salt, vinega ., mustard, pepper, butter, lard, fresh ela ,blek dust, whis- ky, axle' grease, the s UM, nicotine jUiec. f mill s trim g p i pes--I' v 'sen them all nsed. None ofl these appli atja ns has styptio. properties, but they I II foul the wound and cause the surgcor hours of work and tit e patient hours of pan, where, had they not been used, a few minutes would have 'sufficed for the antlieptic cleaning and dressing of the wound. "To me the most wcinclerful thing about these enSCS is that so few of thein result in lockjaw, cellulitis, erysipelas or other forms of b ood poisoi ing. .People natu- rally do the wrong th ng in emergencies. You notice that when 1 man falls the first impulse of bystande s is to elevate his head and t lift him o his feet again, re- gardless of lan.y injui., he max have sus- tained. They do that I suppose, because they can't find anyt ling that is more wrong to do. "The anolst curion case of • mistaken a first aid thit ever can under my observa- tion was of a sewer cle nor who was struck in the ne k by a fl ing fragment of traek torPedo-that a ulisch joyous lad had discharged with the blow of a lanimer. Tho victim was coming Out of a sewer man- hole, and just as his head appeared above ground the torpedo exploded. One frag- ment hit him in the flock, cutting the carotid artery. The blood came out in spurts, with each throb of the heart. . "The proper treatment whjle waiting for the doctor would have been to have pressed tightly over the round vvith the thumb a compress of clean linen. Some bystander, however,.kneW a little of , first aids. He had heard tin t -a tightly'con- stricted bandage betweex4 the wounc and the heart would stop the fow of b].004. .A little learning proved a d rigorous t ing. He put _a bandage arou d the Vie im's neck and began twisting t till the Man's tongue ,hung out and his face grew puaple. The vietim was nearly choked to, death . when be reached the dispensary, and the flow of the blood was unabated." Here is a resume of the proper emergency treatment in various accidents as given by Dr. A. V. L. Brokaw, and Dr. A-, C. Dernaya, two of St. Louis' attest eminent surgeons: When a person falls on tha- street from unknown cause, lower the patient's head an cj loom his clothing, so that the air ;‘ passage may not be. constrictd it eby . Givie Ilia,i plenty of air and let hlim lie till tho doctor comes. or eta which bleeds profus y, if the cut is on the log or arm, tio a handker- chief about the limb above the wound, p115 nas ick or cane through tinder the )uwdkerjchief and twist it.until the flow of blood st )ps. If the cut 19 on head,, neck or trmils, place directly aver the wound a pad of clean cotton or linen material ("freshly ironed, if possible, to sterilize It' -Dr. Brokaw) and put a direct pressure on the seepd with the thumb or band till the doe r co .tii mcIs. For barn. and s^alds sprinkle thickly over the injured prrts dry, powdered car- - bonate of soda or , laking powder. Wrap in clean ,clot hs, freshly ironed if possible. For a snip e contusion give the injaredli parts rest a d coniult a physician to de- termine the ext*it of the injury. - li For dislocation of a joint no atternptis at reducti n should be made. The path.* should Ile laced in a comfortable position alai kept Is quiet as possible until the. sur - goon col i s. 1 . For , slight fractures the proper treat- ment is tol.keep the parts quiet and con- sult a doctor. For : severe-. fractures place the injured- . . , memberand patient in a. comfortable po- sition and send for a surgeon. If the bono •protru0s and thereis severe hemorrhage from the wound, uso the same measuree as with siMple cuts. , I For aspbyxiation bring the patient out of the noxious atmosphere, lower his head, push hi S i.aw forward., pull his tongue so Oat it protrudes from his mouth, In Order to clear at's() air passages. The produce artificial respiration by expanding and compress' ing tho chest regular y 16 times 1 to the Minute. "The philesoph7 of lower- ing the patient's hcad is to inip 1 the blood thither by graivty,". says. Dr. Bernays. "The head dies first an, d it needs blood to iivm.,1: 1 : yr MAF,iRIAGE 410ENSES issuep AT - THE HURON amino' OFFICE, siii&F04114,- 04.TTARIO.; NO INITNEEISES EQUIREDJ THE FASHION PLATE. Among o her highly favored artaterials, nuns' vellin will next season be in great demand, eit per plain surfaced or delicate- ly figured, I The Hon ton, Venetian and Flemish ace a,ppliqu,s in white or cream color are ery extensi ely used by high ()fess nao- istes on go ns, fancy waists and evening pais. Many of; he newly imported English walking hats, toques and turbans are Made of the andsome lustrous silk straws, light as a fe tther in quality, but most ef- fective and stylish and' exceedingly com- fortable as *ell. White v ilings, summer silks, fancy satins for w ists and accessories, mohairs, taffeta, etc , dotted and striped, are set forth a1mon the extensive array of textilee in quit eff • invariably sought by wo- men of refi. ed tastes. A aew, alttraotivo black material will appear for arly summer wear under the name of cre onette. It differs but slightly fr ra the n w invoices of spring crepons, ye it is In re beautiful in coloring and m re ohara4teristio in design. s or "dre " uses very handsome prin- ces dresses of black coaepe de chine are m de up osjer taffeta silk, and decorated fr m ghoul er to hem with long tapering sp ays of t e finest cut jet applique orna- ra nts In s roll, fern, bowknot, stem and vire device, deftly intermingled. lack ant white combinations are large- ly n oviderioe this season, bothein co tumes a d headwear, in neck trite - mi gs and n elaborate evening toilets, in w ich han some silks, matelasse satins ne s, laces, chiffons and extremely ornate an beautif 1 jet garnitures are united. here se need a probability .that the princess dr ss, which has been in vogue all winter, ould lose a degree at least of its favo, (1. 15 season, but the universal prevale ce f clinging gowns and straight effects is ikely t� keep thid graceful, much is preyed model in favor for some time to eo I e. •• NEW ADMIRAL. Dewey cli 'abed as high as a sailor can get on Ma 1 last, and new his rank cor- responds w* th his achieverhent. -St. Louis Globe -Dem brat. It is all ight to bestovahonors,on Dew- ey, but he ould whip the enemy as a cap- tain just a well as he could as admirals -a Cincinnati Enquirer. George Ow is just level , headed enough to ealizo that during the next few years a goo iadmiral will be fully as nec- essary as al good president. -Scranton Tribune. Dewey's elevation adds- nothing to the luster and nspiration of his deeds. But it does show that the people are proud. of their hero s and aro worthy of them. - New York World, , • Admiral Dewey says he will not enter politics in der any consideration. Why should lie? What political struggle can offer laurels as fine as those bellies already won ?-Sy]4lcuso Post -Standard. The pro otion was honorably won, was gloriously Jwoi, by a naval . battle which astounded the world, and by a victory which pla.W. the Almerican navy in the front rankl-Nashville American. A man that commands the confidence of the A111011.113:1 people and the respect of the eivilia d world is at good man to have at the pr sent time in the position to which Dejwoy. has been prornoted.--Afil- waukee S ntmel. TH HONEY MJKKERS. • . Hives should, be set close o the ground, but not di ectly on the gror ixd. Bees quit brgeding early and generally come throQtghtlie winter NV 'Etk. . When a in rease of sto ilcs Is desired, allow colo ies to becbme very strong be- fore inakii g divisions. Queens ver two years old are not, as a general tl ing, profitable to keep. One year old q eens are best. 1 Empty c mbe that are net in the hives and protec d by the bees aro in danger of being (lest eyed by moths, worix s or mice. To intr 4; duce a queen succ4sfuiiy the colony sh uld be made a ee less some three or fo days prior to ;pres siting the new queen to it. 1 - Drones •lay be keptthroughout the sea- son in colonies that do not • have queens, but broods should begiven to •such col- onies from others. I • a Two t b gs must go together in build- ing up e lc nies for winter-snamely, feed- ing and r eding. One wit out the other will not se of much avail. Bees 1 fi to themAelves a e apt to build too Mlle d one comb. Thtugh not built for this to pose by the bees if not filled, the gum N •ill fill it with w rker eggs. - St. Loot epublic. 11 . OREIGN C Russi a ti China may ut Ru. sia may bo "itchin ore teirit ay tributary to ad. -Pittsburg Dispatch. The dein eve been le hange the , or exciteme It is now an mind t at country every morni More News. The Spaniards in Mad 1.a. are endeavor- ing to convey the impres ion thap they are arlike and formidablol by a few inter- hanges of duelistic conv rsation.-Wash- ngten Star. A professor of history iji Germany is be- ing prosecut d for ."nao al 'treason" be- eause he denclunced the Pru sian govern- ment for the ixpu1sion of Da res, Holland- ers, Austrian and other fore gners. It is difficult to 1 arn history in Gernaany.- Exchange •, E LTH ;HINTS. A rnirr4r helps health if yon use it right. Practice LsniIing at. it, not . frowning. Don't wo ry. Make ,a practice of not wor lying. I It take. an hour to eat dinner properly and 30 in nut s for lunch. Some eat quick- er, but 5 ey on't save -time by it. Hur- ried f edi ig s orteris life. In el tin a climate for invalids re- memb r his simple rule: "For nervous compl tints a d overtension, the sea level and dlam a r; for pulmonary troubles mountain ai and a dry climate; for all, outdoor a .' After b tthl g a little child's back, says a careful lir e, -rub each side of the spine with thoj jba e hand, watching carefully for any iid1 ations of deformity. The same c ful ttention should also be paid to the, lit 13 1 gs and arms that any tend- ency to eta ity nuts! be immediately corrected . nstrations iir -s the remit o overnment than a -Baltimore econaing a o send us s distinguis g before USINS. aye no war, r" for a little he new nal; anis -seem to a desire tee of a craving erald. abit of the Ger- he assurances of ed consideration realtfast.-Balti- • ; -Sir illia O. Van Horne, president of the C.P. r, in ends to make East Selkirk hil place qf re idence for a certain portion of the yea' r w ere he Will establish a large farm. Heh called for tenders for the construction o a substantial two tory resi- dence, 40x90 eet, and cow stables, cow Rhoda and bar s, povering a apace,crf 300x 300 feet. - It s believed that his eon, R. B. Van Horne, 11 manage the farming oper- ations. WOE' IN ON WHOLE FAMILY. Mean it venge Taken by a. Vona or Pie dier o Uncertain Age; "Is A . Bente in?" inquired a gelid lookina rl car ing a number of s fa • pillows she kocked at the door of tie top flat 1 the big building at Sixty-fo h street a Ellis a enue. Mrs, Benton as in, and t her 5 o girl confided the f that she as sell ng real sea moss stuff sofa pill ws at 1 each. Mrs. Ben n didn't ea o to inv st in the suspicious loo Ing artic es, and he girl went away 1. haft To minute later there was another knock o tho deo . This time it was the tenant fr in the i rst floor come up to ask Mrs. Be ton if sh could °amigo a $5 bill. "I've ben all t °ugh tbe building try Ing to go it °ban ed, she said as she put it back i her pu se. "I 'wanted to buy one of our ni '8 sofa !pillows, but guess 1 ill have o wait still some othe time. 5 e Isaid s e would let me have on for 75 cents. But What's the matter, Benton? Are yet ill?" Mrs. enton d opped into a chair and gasped: '"Buy o e of .ray.niece's pillows I h ven t got a y niece. Why, did. tha woiian 1ave the 1 «pudonce to tell you sh is xry ni ce? Wh -why, she's a strange to e ani she's o dor than I am -I kno she s. never w her in my life befor this moo ing." ell, she told lie she was your niece,' said, the first floor lady, looking somewha frightened. "I an sure I couldn't be mis taken. _And she s emed such a sweet kin of a gird Why, she even said you ha raised her and ta ght her to make tho pillows. And sh said that she was sell Ing thent becanse Imes were so hard" - But A rs. Beetle jumped up in a hurry "I'll go ight do stairs With you an ask her jvhat she neans. She's the mos outrage us perso I ever ;heard of. The idea of ijy raisin that old thing!" When Mrs, Ben on and her friend got down st irs, the irl had one, but a tou. of the hi ilding re ealed the fact that man of the nants h i bought pillows on th supposit ea that hey were assisting Mr Benton is well as her niece. One of them a Mrs. raves, ad ed that she didn't in tend to uy until he young lady had tol her wha a hard time Mr. Benton wa having to pay the ont, and what* failure his drug Store had proved, and how the ()Man wa going down to meet toe with he money and give it Lurie he w s such a dear, kind un ; young Mr. I3e hini bec cle to h That v ningat young ample call big fla building their igi orance of a full .d :scription relative, as a basis "'110 dea of th was he ,aunt I" s husban when the 'Whit kills me thing in saying I -said her spouse. r supper an indignan d on everybody in th and after protestin the pillow peddler ieet f all their friends and for future references. I hussy telling them II ild Mrs. Benton to her r got back. i1s the cold nerve of the ouldn't pay my rent," MAKING OF SHERRY. The I terestin Manner In Whiclei TI is Wine s Manufactured. ! Sheri as a win has never been so Popi• ular in his countr as in Europe, although it enter. very larg I•y into the preparation of man drugs. Very little is generally known tbout the recess of manuf turl .AceordiJog to a recent Spanish re era' i is full of intcrcs5.J The grapes are take to the corner of t a press ouse and throwu into a press of pri nitive onstructio , con- sisting of a wooden troujgh about t n1feet tiquaree with a sew press in the nter. The tr ugh is filled with 1,800 ponnds- of grapes, which are then-puslied by the feet of men wearing wooden dogs. The reaso of this s that tho weight of a man is jut sufficie 5 to force out t e juice and not enough to bruise the sllins or branches, which ould give a bitr flavor to the wine. , The reading is carefully and method- ically one, each row coming in its tarn under he crush of tho sabot. 'After this first le -el pressing sulphate Of lime is sprinkl al over the mess. This is knOwn as "yes " and occurs as a pure earthin the Jer _z districts. This earth is added in the pr portion of • 22 pounds to 1,80 pounds of grapes. The average yield s about li 0 gallons for one filling of t e press. hen the grapes have been trodde several imes, the screw press is used. Thr liquor i put away and fermented' for about throe w leks, when it begins to clear anjl can be 4rawn off from the lees. In thi conditi n it is really a young' wine and i given tlie mine of moto." As the win mature it is placed in is special class. If it is a do1ioatc, light wi e, it is known as "lino," vhilo if it shoi4ld have a highly Vinous c aracter it is chi sod as "oloroso. '. -St. Lduis Globe -Demo rat. , Original Definitions.. Writt n examinations frequently bring to light urious notions. It is related that a recenl school examination paper con -1 veyed th information that John Bright; was chi fly distingaished for a disease, usually lfatal, which i he had d 13 overed, and that 11iobard Wa ner was th nventor of a sle ping car. Anthology lz another school w s descr edias "the sttid, of in- sects," a d for eda,gogy these de initions were sub uitted • by various pupil : "The r science o religion," "The, stud of th15. feet" and "Lear led pomposity." Can it be that 5 e author of the last d finit ora was an ccomplished satirist?- out 'e Compani u. Her Inference. "Now, I suppose," remarkel M Snaggs, " hat the surgeons of 5 o ani ,are attach d to the medical corps. ' "Your ipposition does you gr at cred- it," replic I Mr. Snaggesarcastleal y. "It's a wonder frou didn't imagine tha doctors joined the army for the purpose o . build- ing 'bridges or going up 'in a alloon. Where shosild army surgeons be e cept in She inedic(11 corps?" "Well, I thought that they.nag t possi- bly belong ta -the lancers. " -P ttsburg Chronicle. s. Ly Blicononi y Illustrated. 1 Wife (who has been mit shopping all day) -0h, 'dear, how tired' and hungry- I ami • Husband-DIdn't you have any lunch . in town? I Wife-A;pla e of Kelp spray. I didn't ; feel that 1 bou11 afford to have more. Husband:- id you find the hat you , wanted? 1 Wife -011, y sl It's a perfect dream, John, and 10055 only $16 I -What to Eat. Slitting Mull's Grave. A brokea wooden headloard and a neg- I4cted motind of earth in the Fort Yates . D.) millitary cemeterY mark the rest- 1 g place df Sitting Bull, the great Sionx nliediclne Man whose w11brain planned the death trap at Little , Big Horn into which General Ouster's co mend fell. 'On the broken headboard is N Ham: "-No. 54. . Sitting Bull, Indian." Relic 'hunters have cut Moat of the headboard a ay. CASTORIA li‘co Infants and Children4 IMPORTINT NOTICES. 1 i J.1o10E.1111A, Dominion and Pray nci l Land i . Snrveyor, Member of theASsociarion of pntario and Stiaveyors, Dublin, Ontarioi 1'0E14 BEATTIE, Clerk qf the Seepi.d Divitrori ,..1 Cottri, County Commiesioner, of i ,flation, Co a and to Loan. Office -Ove :Tharp ., eyaril, Land, Loan and Insurance Ag nt Fun ,nVePi tf. Ivens' aim, Main street, Seatorth. r289 I 1 , ; Tnd . le the timber on the Emit half of Lot 83, Con- fflt. FOB. SALE. -The uadersign-ied °Rootlet cession, 9, hicKillcp. T1 ere isl B genntity of good It ash staable for rails; slim so e hardwood bush, which Sad1 be sold by theacre and heirs appointee Mr. Jm aes Lockhart to sell t e same. GEORGE HALL. - 1618 MO THE LADIES. -Mrs. 8mit wfsheit to inform .I. t e ladies of Seafortb and icinity that she is peeper d to lo up hair couibingr into @Witches, ate, An ae artment of switches f ir eale. Hair and switch 8 exchanged. She will al.o buy dark brow or bla k hair. Residence co ner of Jarvis an Market' Streets, 3eaforth. MRS LEVI 8 ITH. , 1837t1 CHOOL TEACHER WAN School Section No. 7, Tuck feu.ale teacher, holding seeo duties to commence alter the eu plicati ne will be received, until kxperle ea and salary desired 1 this ye r or for a full year. retary, Beaforth P. 0. STORE IN SEAFORTH TO easy Onus, the store on M recently ocupied by Casey & C best bitei me stands in town, behll poet dile and immediately opp ci al hoe. ,The store is 65x26 cellar ful elm, and ti stairs store. I is in a first- lass Ante Sta1011 Id any time. pply to J &Math. ED. - Wanted frat ramith, ft; male or rd.class eertiflcatsa mer holidays. Apt June 20th;. stating r the remamder . 8. BLACK. I.See.. 1641 3 ENT. in Stre . It is g next site th eet, wit nneete of rep AJIIES To rent en t, Sea ortI4 one c1 the door qo the Co mer, splendid with the r. P sees- ILLE PIE, 1635-01 -DOUL RY AND BE S.-Eggra for hatching f•ona a g and pen of 1argt pure White Roelof. Biack selnordas Flee in mkt , lane size breed bred from lost sto, in Canada. Buff Bants-Resi beauties, good col.r and fine tie feather' g, $1 rer betting 20 coldni s of Italian Bees at moderate pr cc. Also full line 1 Beekeepers' e pplies, auch as Foundatio Hives,. makers, Extr tors, 1 secondhand Lang stroth1 tractor. Be wax taken in exchange to pupplitie. WILLIAM H RTRY, Church St. North Seaforth. 1686. , REAL EST E FOR SALE. ; "CIARM FOR SALE. -For tale, Lot 6, Concestion 6, Eullett, near village of Kiriburn, containing about '100 acres, all cleared and in a good state of oultiv tion. There are good hair s, good oroloard and p et ty of excellent water. Th s 14 a splendid tam end will be sold Olean. immediate posseesion. Apply;to MRS. SCHOALES, Con tame P. 0. 11307 ESIDENCE IN SEAPORTS., FOR SALE -For _LAJ ,al', °limp, the residence .facing on V florin squero in Settf.rth, the rrcper :V of Johr ,Warrol. There is a comfortable frame hon e, with good stone dand soft water, and a 1 o her nacessary conveniences. The house °elite ne 8 rori a with pantries, et°. There are two las, well planee with all kinds of (mit and ornamental trees and s rube. Also al large stable. This is one (if the bsti mdst convenient and most pleisartly ituated reshences in Seatorth and will be sold cheap Apply tb JOHN WARD. 00 tf SPLENDID FARM IN MILLE AUCTION. -Mr. 'T. Brown b tions from Mr. Hugh Oke to eell b the prbrolsrs, Lot 6, Coneeseion day, Jtine 61h, 3699, at 2 oVoa able ftirm, containing 100 acres. of tan village of Milburn, wher scbcol, stores, blank mith 'hop 8 miles from Seafor h ; 30 hot Lendeaiborough, and 9 hem BI roads leading in all jUrectione. of watte land on the of cultivation, well good *elle and good b of good winter fruit bush, balance cleare acres. Any further Hugh Oke, Exeter, P on the farm. Terms. money on the day T FORS LE BY e received instrue- public a 'Mien on. , Bullett. •n Tuere , p. na., t is+ veal - tis one int north there is hurch, and y osjoffice; Clinton •, from th. Good gravel The -e is no a foot lace, and 1, is in a hie state rained an fenced, set h , two ridings ; o e acre of o chard abea 8 acne of herd Wood; all seeded out, except 35 nformationl required apply :to prietor ; or James G. M rtin Five per c nt of the pure else f sale; enough to anake one third when the pureh s r obtains possession an the balenee on tinie to suit urehaser, secure by niort. gage.. Further partien1 re will e given on day of eale. !HUGE OKE, Proprietor: 1649.2 : STOCK FOR SE Or OIt FOR SERVICE. -Th unders vied will lkeep for service on Lot 95, Con ession 4, Stanlby, a thoroughbred Chester bite boar. Terms - $1., payable at the time of sena° , with th el privilege of returning If necessary. JOH V. DIEHL 1.591-tf 110 P10 BREEDERS. -The undersigned: will keep J. pn Lot 26, Coneeseion 5, L. R. S. Tuakerernitth, a tho oughbred CBESTMR WHITE lo, also a thorough- bred , ORKSIIIRE PIG. A limitedm number el sows will be atiOated to each. Terms, 84 payable at the time of service, or $1.50 if charged. Al -o a few Chester Whit Pigs for sale. JAMES GEMMILL. ' 1608-52 isAslIWORTH ,BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER- I, VICE. -The under 'toed will keep for serv1ce, at the Brumfield Cheese Faetory, a thoroughbred Tametorth Boar, frith registered pedigree. Terms, ; payable at lane of service rift prilege of re- turning if necessary. A,leo a number p thorough- bred young Tamworth Boars and Sows for sale. MoCART.NEY. Brumfield. 140541 4 11AMWORTH PIG FOR SERVIOE.- hOLI onder- j,_ signed has for service on lot 82, es netts, Bien 8, limited number of sows will be taken. Thi. Is an ithiCiBop, a thcro'bred Tamworthpig, to 1w, Meth a extra ood pig and breeders find it adva tageoue to oross their berkshire sows with this br ed of pig. T•.1174 $1, with privilege of rot ria ng 11 necessary. JOHNI,MoldILLAN 1505xtf BTAL FOR 8ERVICE.---The u dersign d will keep for service on Lot 22, Co cession, 1, Huro Road, Tuekersmith, a pure tho oughbred Durha 1)1111-4 Huron Hero," bred by J s Snell, Hullett Terme; $1 50, payable on .or bet rc the 1st of Feb ruary4900. NORMAN L. A. CARTER. 1630x8 ,• STOCK FOR 5 f`t OOD BULLS, FOR SALE. --F r sale, five regis t red short horn Bulls, fit or Immediate ser vice. No better, no cheaper. Ter s easy. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ontario. 1638-51 -1-\ Clia/if BULLS FOR SA E. -For eale,!' two thoroughbred Dm barn bulls •, both 12 menthe old, one rean and the other red. OLIN MORRISON, Lot 22,1Conceseion 11,110101am, inthrep P. 0, 1689-tof DURIIAM BULL FOR SALE. The undersigned hes for tale a thorooghbrc4 Durham bull 10 months 01d, dark red in color. This is a rst.c age animal. ' HERBEEtT MUCH, Lot 26, Con stop 4, H.R. S.14 Tuekeremith. Seaforth P. 0. ULL TOR SALE. -For ea'e, cheap, t o6r306'ulf h• •bred Durham bull, 14 month old; red 11 eo or. Apply od Lot 13, Concession 4, L B. 8., Tito cr- am th, or addreee Egmondville . O. W LL1 M CARNOTIAN.. 1640 BRAN - Pu 4ed P . -IN THE---;- , Artistic,, Elhacies., -FOR- Interior and Exteri6r Decora- tion. Ou tion to a sOmethi Spring Stock. Spring stock of Furniture is complPte. We extend a special invita- Li ers of good furniture to inspect our stock. We bave always g new to show you in new designs and finish at close prices. This depattment is complete with a large selection ofthe best goads, and obli ing attention given to this branch of the business. ight calls romptly attended to by our undertaker, Mr, S. T. Holmes, Goder- ich Street, Seaf rth, opposite the Methodist church. BRO FOOT, BOX & CO., SOPT Beautifu ing per mill. all esigns, sell -:c 4c and 5c Window Shades, cloth rollers, price from 25c up. apers SISDEN COTT'S BLOCK MAIN STREET, SEA ORTH, - - Ontario. FROM ICEAN TO OCEAN. Pupils re in attendance at The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONTARIO. From the A1antic Coast to the Pacific Slope. One hundred and, thirtv-tbree cities, towns and vilbaeee in Canada and the United States, darling the 23 Ceuaties aed Dietriets in Ontario, 5 States el the patt year, seat s nearly BOO pupils, There are new UsSiOn, together with Manitoba and the Notthwest T ri t rie re resented Over 200 of our pupils have been placed in goext positions sham January let, 1898. We recently had tour calls within three weeks to loupply tsachers tor other business colleges. - Arriong those wt.i have accept -ed positions lately, are : Jennie Beaten an, MI stenographer and aesistant boale-ke eper, Wal eyville Brewing. Co ; Aunie Me - Ran as stet dgra her and aseistant book-keeper, bitten Preued B.riek & Sewer Co ; Catharine Mc- Rae, as Stenographer, Geotge .Argell, Who'esale Art Suppiies DetrtLife Michigan ; George Carthwriyeht, as eteno raphe with North American e Amur, tm aGo , Toronto. The spring term is one of the best omens of the year for making a staet. Enter no*. D. MoLACHLAN & Co. Chatham, Ord. 1 Special Attention " to Horseaboeing and General Jobbing. Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH snd CARRIAGE opp, MAKER arel).1 Goderich street, . BUCHU JUNIPER PILLS BACKACHE F AO'S DRUG STORE ' SEAFORTH. Pr ce 50c ia box ; three for a $1. i I . 1.1 ggNTRAL Hardkvare Store, E'AIITS.. We are agen s fja Robertson's ;celebrated ready mixed Paints; for durability ;and i choice of colord, they cannot be surpaated. They are menu aatured from pure whit0ead and o?1, and 1are guaranteed satisfactory. See ear quick mealj gasoline stoves; they are more easily mane ed than any other stove In the market. We have a full stock of spade , shovels, fork, hoes and garden rakes. ;Nava oughiog and farnace work a specialty - Give as a call befo e purchasing, Sills Murdie HARDWARE, Counter's 1c1d Stand, Seaforth, '1131E SEAF'ORTH TEA STORE 1 d ' Is now booming a fresh lot of all kinds of 01 teas from 10e, a lb. to, 50e a lb. blaek itiad I green Japan's, siftings and dust, Also i an- other lot lof then very fine coffees which s 1 1 give suehIgood satisfaction. I ani giving 1 t 11 : waysgreat hbaavrkewinhso itni aaldl vkeirntdi :see f toaonanse. a a 1p 1 p lit! -s in 1 gallo tinS at 15e each, regular price Manufeatured by . . . The anada Paint Company, ntreal, Toronto, Victoria, B. C. Now o sale at RID At W1il+00 ElAFORTIt, NT. 163843 I! 25c ; Coo ing Pigs 6 lbs. for 25e, 6 lbs, best 13 Rice' for 250 ; 4 lbs. Prunes for 25c; 6 doz. 0othes Pins for 5c ; Bed Cord5c each ; 7 bars oif seep for 25e; 8 lbs. Sulphur for 25c; 8 lbs.' Salts for 25; Red Herring 10e a box ; u limited quantity of Maple Syrup, home nade, at 250 a quart; Gallon pails of Mixed Pickles, first class at Me. A few Dutch Set Onions yet in stock and also a fullilinclof the best varieties of Tur- nip and Garden seeds, Tomato plant,; a fine lot of ISugar Cured and Smoked Hams, Shoulders Breakfast Bacon, Skinned Backs, and long, clear Bacon out of small hogs; 20 lb. pails of Pure ; Lard at $1.60 a fail. I am: !still running China, Crockery :and Glassware and Lauips at cost and under to clear t ern out. A cordial invitation is ex- tended t8 -a11 to tall and get some of the great1) ar aim ;I A. G., AULT SEAF - Seaforth. Sight Restored Science points out the way to the restoration of sight. If your vision is defectiVe we can by scientific methods measure the defect and supply the necessary glasses to restore it. J. S. ROBEOTS,, DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN 0 SEAFORTA. aarempa eEL "SOUS cr) 0 1-s en- eN II 0 N CD .S0 cD 0 0 aa FOR SALE. A comfortable two btorey dwelling house; warehouse with refaigerato4 stable, out -houses and a good well. Apply to EDWARD CASK *EAFORTH. 1640