The Huron Expositor, 1899-05-26, Page 8DOMINIC)
CAPITAL (Paid Up), 1,500,0
R EST, - 1,500,0
Main Street, e forth.
A General e Banking B siness tr.
acted. rarmers' Sale o collec
and advances made on same at lo
Drafts sold on all p
the United States and
allowed on deposits of
R. s. YS, W.„
S. 'oiler
ints in Can
ne Dollar
,I,_the corresponding secretary, Mrs. M. A.
Coulter, of Seaforth, before the 25th inst.
,1 Visitors will also be billeted and ade wel-
0. come. Two silver medaliste from Goderich
0. , are expected to recite appropr ate selec-
tions. A silver collection win be taken at
the door at the evening meeting,
tery held an adjourned m eting at
Brueefield on the- 23rd Inst. he resig-
nation of Mr. Graham, of Bayfield,
was accepted, and the charge t be ae-
°tared vacant on the first Sabbath of June
ns -
da, by Rev.Mr. Hamilton, of Leebur It was
agreed to give leave to the congregation of
est Bayfield Road to erect their new church in
nd the village of Varna. Steps are to be taken
for the rearrrangernent of the field inilthat
section. A deliverance in reference to the
resignation, of Rev. Dr. McDonald_ wit
adoptea, bet as it was somewhat lengthy
We ahall have to defer it until next week.
• TneVnra ea:ie.-Besides the usual holiday
, 1 e.—___e, -
travel, thelfollowing were ticketed tci dis-
tant points by W. Somerville, up -to n
agent G. T, R. this week : Mr. and M s.
Simeon Barrows, of Morris,. to Iowa Fal e,
Iowa, where they will spend a few wee s
Visiting relatives in that S te ,;- Mr. Geer
Egmondville, to Selkirk, Manitoba ; Mi
Thompsett, lof Rochester, ew York, w
has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Forsyt
Agnes McTavish, of the Kippen Road,
Bossevain, Manitoba, to spend the stimm
with her eiater, Mrs. Thomas Niece' ; Mi
Tome Briown, of Egmondvill , to Ilagh Blu
ain now selling a Breeches
Arm Sewing Machine. with the
men*. finished in eek or wal
and five drawers, or fancy drop
ere for $25 cash. Tat roachi
manufactured by the "
Company." All machines fully
miteed to dp first-class work, hg
ew improved 1 igh
latest Wel att .h-
tos, and with .,
sad and five d
e is the " qua
Sewing Mac
arranted and g
t or heavy.
W.. W.. W TSID
General! Insurance Agent De
er in Sewing M chine's.
Wilson's Cash
New fruits and new season's
We have now in stock the best
sores -Teas we ever had, comp
Ceylon and Japan Teas. We go
or will refund the money, The
Raisins, Currants, Nuts, Peels, e
lowest prices. Some nice lines
Tenet Sets just received, and at
lowed. Wanted good butter, e
potatoes, dressed fowl, and all k
produce, kr which we will pay t
Bank of
eas now in et
alums in new
sing Youreg
rank. satisfaet
est quality of
., now In stock
n Dinner; Tea
prices as low as
p, dried app
nds of *aerate
e highest! price.
N, Seaforth.
renmeree Mock
or C. -EN Teir
afevi JO' u"
Properly' Prepared Yo
Women for Business life.
of our itecenb Students hay
situations. Business Men
work and apply to us for
Enter now if you eau. Pro
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
ng Men a
accepted go
appreciate o
our graduat
pectus free.
Our stock of Ready -to -Wear Sui
Boys' and Cleildrener is now full.
than usual. Prices on the bed ro
Ord and buyees pronounce val
Our Men's All -Wool Snits at $4.75
Excellent Suits in Mene• at $6 an
can buy a atilt fit for a prince to
Tweed Sulk from $150 up, Boy
One fact we wish to impress upon
handle the beet fitting and made
the country.
sin Mener,Youth
esortmene larg
k basie. lnspe
e unprecedente
re trade bringe
$8. At $10 y u
wear. -Childre 's
from $2.75 u
buyers le that
oods produced n
t -
Wm. Pickard & Oo.
All purchasers of Silver are at thi.
store within the next thre Weeks wil
get special discountR. Ou goods. wil
bear inspection, and rio tr uble to sho
C. A.. Humber & SO
Jewellers, Sea rth.
We have noW rates on ali inds of Sum-
mer travel to near or distant • oints, via rail,
, river, lake or ocean. Watch our butletin
board for Queen's birthday ra es end of this
Commercial Building, Seaforth.
nun (tx
Pooeneu., --A football mateh for Ithe
Hough cup was played on the I Reernailion
4rounds, on Monday eVening last between
hf tel
rite teams. As a result of the rain in he
0:01:i:it; e rginrdo :tie::: owr et hre Owolelete i aatned Iinlaitpii
tory, thus ma,king a fast game- n impoiasi-
1 ility. The result of 'the game was, how -
e •er, at no time in doubt, an the borne
team won I,y five goals to none. Thp Code -
rich bops play a very fair game. The next
team, to try their luck for the } ough cuP
will probeirly be Clinton. - r e Hurons:
played their fiat match in the V criteria As-
societion lie ries, in Winteham on Saturday
0 ening lest, leeitee to the home team by ,
t 0 goele tr. none, The boys ha re hardly 1
g( t, into pleying fihape yet, and h pe to..give
a ,etter aceouet of themselves i the next
toh, wail tin eye to -winning he chem.
rit nship. s
_..e.._ e ________
Err m we i a .um Noense-Mrs. J mes Mur-
, who moved to thie village in the early
sp Mg and whose health has not een sortie-
' fa tory for a considerable time, as taken
m rule worse (me day last week, ut we are
pl ascii to rote ia rather better a, , preeent
writineee-Mr. Samuel MeReoch took a
1 ge.Iirasl of, wool to Wroxeter las week for
e (,, fa ,Jaekson, for shipment I y the C.
s. Strange that rates should la, so much
r from that point as to ffor the
sh pper a profit after paying a lib ral cart-
ag fee. la heems about time the ' '. R.
hurried Itp the projected Guelph Got °rich
lin „ Mre. ':eorge Brown has bc en o the
sick Het for a week past, but is no im-
pr Ving.- Empire day wee duly .eletrared
by our schoel, a couph, of hou ir the
. aft rnoon being devoted to _reedit gs, reci-
tat ona, songs and patriotic ad dre. 808.
— .
M. MOM'. OP Al metope. - The NVornen's
Oh istian Temperance IU•nion f Huron
eau ty ,portesse holding richool of methods
in 'eaforth on the 3let inst. P pers will
be read and discussed pon the ollowing
sub• eets : County finance and res • ,n3ibility
of local unions in this behalf ; • uties of
lee I presidents and superintenden s of de.
partmente ; duties of connty sup rintend-
eat and local report day ; literatu, e helps ;
mei° tifie temperance inetruceion n public
sell ois ; work among lumberm n ; the
frau dr e question and objections a , ewered ;
a mod 1 loyal legion. A public •latforrn
meetinie wat be held in the ever; u , whin
Mral Teorelety, of Londnn, and -o hers, will
eddr se tire meeting. The local 11 ions in
the county are cordially requested o send
dele ,00e, ,,Nho will be entertain d by the
union 4 Iseaforth. The number of d legates
sent by eae:. union should 'be re ted to
am o a, to pay a length
relatives in that district
townspeople have secured s eamship tickets
fin. the old country : Mrs. Ewing and Miss
Ewing, who leave Saturday -for Nevi York,
r Liverpool. by
rs, Jo n Weir
il for ivarpool
ned v sit wi I;
The following
and wt11 sail Wednesday fo
the White- Star line ; Mess
and John Steele, who will sa
on Saturday, June 3rd, by the
Line from Montreal.
• 1 e
EMPIRE DAy.-The teachers and e ildren
of the Seaforah public . school c lebrated
Empire' day in a right loyal ma er on
Tuesday afternoon. The eihildre f the
senior forms were assemble -a in th argest
teem in the school, which lied e n ap-
propriately decorated for the i3cairi n The
room, it is needlese to say, w s w 11 filled
with bright, intelligent, well-behav d little
folks who seemed to greatly anjoy t e pro-
ceedings. There were not as 'man f the
parents presenaas there might ha s I been.
The programme consisted of several atriotio
selections, such aas " The Mapl Leaf,"
" Red White ancrBlue," &a, sung by the
children very nicely, and there wer recita-
tions well -rendered and of a like 1 n ture.
Addresses suitable for the occasi n were
given by Trustees Ballantyne and umsden,
Mayor Gunn, Revds. Goldemi h and
Hodgins, and Mr. M. Y. MeLe n. Mr.
McFaul, the principal, presided. B sides
the teachers,' there were also presen s veral
ladies, whoed shoW;their interest in their
children by their attendance. The ceasion
was a moat einjoyable one, and whil reflect-
ing credit on' the teachers, seemed t be ap-
preciate by the pepils, and will, n doubt,
be benefi hilly remembered by them
I •
DUTIII ;$ TaRNIP SEED. -e-Just eeeived
direct iron A. Duthie eh Co., the noted b ceders of
Short -horn of Valle, Aberdeen, Smitten , a con-
signment f Dutble's Champion Purple To Swede,
grown on t eir farm. Ravine handled thei eeed for
three year , we find the demand largely i ereasing.
Ati orders ent in by ma 1 %ill have prompt tt.Intion.
Price 20e p r pound. We have the follow' ig otber
varieties : eetbury, Moll rach, Skirving's I nproved,
Royal NOY oik, White Globe, eto. A. Yorg, Sea -
forth. 16e0-tf
THE P lace Restaurant is now open with
a full line 0 refreslementse Iee c,earn made frn
pure cream . lee cream soda, and soda water of di •
ferent flier re. COM8 axle inspent. Friday nig t
opening, beim in a tendance. W. J. CiaRN prowl
tor. 1639-3
H. Colbert will sell b auction a.bout th
6th of lune, at Egarondvii 6, about 90 steers an
heifere. Particulars next Neck. • 1641-1
WASTED - ny quantity of dairy utterr
Eggs 1.1c oaeh, Lee trade,. Are the y edlare orth 3e
a dozen to you ? . E. King, Winghane 640,tf I
HAvENG now ot nicely settled in My net+
store, lately oecupi .d by Robb Bros., which has heed
thoroughly renova ...d, I can now boast of heving
lira -class ice crean parler-high ceiling and goo
ventilavon. :A cal from every citizen of Seafotth is
cordially. invited. I also keep the beet -brande o
oranees, lemons, b lianas, pine apples and commute
that can be bought in the market and eve ything
J. CLARK, Palace It btaurant ands Bakery , Sea, orth.
that is kept in a 8 i tailites confeetonery sto e. W
Grans WANT re. --At the Queen's otel
Seaforth, a dining- zoom girl and a ehambe maid.
Ifigheet WagC3. Al ply at once, . T. J, Stephe P.
1 i0i2
Portraits pal ted on ivory and 1 aeons
given iii painting Miter Stare', ,of New York, at
Dr. Bethune's resid nce, Seatorth. 10I0x2
Pane: I On 8 turda , Monday, Tuesday
and Wednrsday n xt, we will give to evert pur-
chaser of fine shoes nne belle or polish, eithei' bleak
or chocolate. W. f. Wil is, toots and shoels 80a -
lB.1.1.X'S TorLET . a Lev
Anti-Dandrulf for yr ur_bal ; Sakes Bloom of outh
Smith is ageot for the f Hewing atticles : eine'
te make you fate ; i ain's Dentine makes your teeth
se white-Bairee preparations are all right. all at
her residence, corner Mit:icet and Jar Ai et cots,
Seaforth. e , 16 1-2
WANTED. -Nurse girl. A ply to re.
G. 10„ Belden, Seaforth, 08tariO. lei et
THE Qneee's 13ine [DAY. VVedne day
last W0,8 an unusually quiet ay in t wn.
There being no celebretion here the eiti.ens
elt at liberty to go where filmy diet ted.
he weather being so pleasant, most pe ple
ook advantage of the holiday to enjo , an
uting of some kind, and every person ho
()seemed a bicycle or a lhorse or could ire
ne, made for some outside point, end fter
ten o'clock there were not many •lef
wn, and those who did remain eeemed to
ander round in a most disconsolate mail-
er. Some went to Bayfield, the band hnd
good many eii inns went to Clinton, and
me went to Mitchell and others to Exeter
the races at these towns, while ot ers
ain went fishing. We have no doubt ut
I enjoyed themselves in • their sev rel
ays, and -although they may have elt
red on the following day, yet all will no
ubt be the better for the outing and he
ange from the strain of every day b si-
es and duty. We hope Seaforth ill
ush up and get up a demonstration of er
n for Dominion Day.
f-.-----..-7:-: ..-•.-.-,-.-.----
LIWAL BRIEFS. -1.Tr. 1:l.t. "Re Rose, dent. et,
h s moved his family' to Seafood). Ti ey
• are living in the Prendergase house, cm
iJ nuts "street. -Mr. Cre ly commenced orier-
ki ions in his .ereamer hero on Saturday
la t. He is being fairl well pa,tronized by
. t e farmere.-Dr. Russell, son of Rev. A.
L Russell, of this town who recently grad -
u ted 'from the Western Universit L n-
' dr n, hae gone; to Behnore, where he inte ds
pr aetieing. The good people of Beim re
w II find Dr. Russell a skilful pract None , a
w irthy citizen a,nd a fentleman in ev ry
way deserving of their onficlence and p te
ronage.-Mm. George Trott ha's gone to
Tilsonburg to live with her daughter •.- t
a ericeting in connection with the organi a,-
' tion Oen turf elub, on Friday evening la t,
it waidecided to purchase 15 aeres I frem
Mr. E.' C. Coleman, ' to_ be fitted pup, as a
.dr•ving park. -Dr. McKay, of the -fiern of
!Soott & McKay, Of this town, is pne of tie
medical examieers appointed by the Semite
of Toronto IT iveraity, and has been fk
,some time bu ily engaged exa ining the
pariaers of me feel. atudents.-- a Robert
Di 3Icson, of De reit, is in this vie nity visit-
ing friends. IVI : Dickson, although an old
inan still looks hale and hearty, and his
numerous friends are pleased tb see him
80 vigorous. -Rev. homes Goldemithe who
occupied the pulp t in the Presbyterian
church with very g eat acceptance for the
pas:, two Sabbaths, eaves for his home in
Toronto to -day, ( riday.)-Mra and Mrs..
Thomas Downey, w o have been spending a
few weeks with frie ds in this vicinity, left
for their home in 0 Wage this weekaa-Mr.
the basement. -Mr. R. Dever -
et turne out f r Hays' livery a picnic
ux, of tl e Seafo th carriage works, has
d commereial wag n, commonly known as
"carryal , whic for finish, workman-
ip, eomfo t and ealie of draught could not
e surpass& by the beat city establishment.
t is a credi to the skill and workmanship
f I Mr. Detereaux's -workmen, and shrews
otv foolish eople are to go from home for
hat they c n get just as wen and for lees
o ey at ho ne. .Mr: Devereaux is making
✓ putation for his establishment, [which is
ur to brin him success, as his light rigs
heeled to ondon this eve k, and intende
re as neat nd good as his heavier oties.--
i s Lizzie Jsndsboroug , o 1 Tuckersmith;
jolting frie , ds in Lend n nd Detroit be -
ore return' g home.- he 8eaforth band
ooked well s they lined up n Main street
n VVednesd y, preparat ry 0 marehing to
he station t take the trai for Clinton.
u band is omposed of a v ry fine looking
t f young en, and they ot only loOk
el but the play well. -Dr Fred Bethune,
f oronto, i visiting in town. --Mr. F. C.
inty wa in Toronto th s week -Miss
risla Vednesday e ening.-Mr John MeNab
ce McFa 1 and Mr. W. cLood, of this
t n, took p rt 'n a conceit in Dungannon,
as moved i to r. Arehiba d Scott's cot -
tag „while hire n house is being remodr
elle ,-Mr. umber hie t the Itwenty-
fou th in Str tfo d with his deter, 'Mrs. R,
M. Cassels. CI nton's eele ration on the
twenty-fourt was a succes . There was
allarge crow of people, the rogramme was
cerfed out a advertised, an, the financial
returns we e satisfactory. Mrs. Harry
Her on is vis ting at Mrs. • Mullett's.--
Mr. ,W. H. p ine, who has be n laid up for
two lweeks w' ill inflamma,tor rheumatism,
isl again suffie whit! recovered to be able to
a tend to bus nees.-Mose of the rigs com-
i g into to ,n i these, days are driven by
ladies, he hu bands and fathers being so
busy at home th t theyavidently have not
time to come o town except on Saturday.
'Mr, rid M s. iJames Pringle, of, Strat•
o d, w re in town on Wednesday. -Mrs.
,111 war Pren ergast, of Chicago, is visiting
t the orne o her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
1 •
John C. El ele Will accompany Mr, John
Weir. to t e old, country. They sail from
,Montrea; y one of the Dominion line boate
next we k -Mr. George Chesney made a
laege ship ent of hogs from Seaforth station
on Monda .-Rev. Dr. McDoneld, Mrs, and
Miss Me onald, who ave been visiting
with frien s in Clinton si e they left Sea -
forth, hav gone to Paris , to spend a few
weeks wit friends there.i Weeire sorry to
learn that Dr. McDonald luta been quite un-
well since eeving Seaforth, but we hope he
will. now ecuperate.-Mk. W. Ee.A. Best
has leased the. reoreation grounds for this
year. ---Th fire alarm was sounded about
eleven o't3 Ock on Saturday night. But, for-
tunately, here was nothing more serious
than the urning out of a chimney on Dr.
Elder's re idence on Goderich atreet.. The
firemen tu ned out promptly, but their ser-
vice&were not required. -Mr. George Mur-
ray was awarded the contract -for street
watering for this season, his tender being
the lowe viz. 24 cents all. hona-Mrs.
Jefferson, of dope, North Dakota; Mrs.
Brown, of Buffalo North Dakota, arid Miss
Sarah Dor sum, of Toronto, are at present
at their ome hi MoKillop, being called
here on a° ount of the serious num of
their moth r, Mrs. . James Dorrance.-Mr.
John Mc k lillan, M. P., was home over Sun-
day, the :louse se Ottawa having taken
holidays over the Queen's •Birthday. -The
treck-men of this division of the Grand
Trunk we t out on strike on Monday in
company ith their fellow workers on
the entire system. They ask for higher
pay and sh rter hours, and their reasonable
request in hese reepects should be granted.
-Mr. Wal er Sedtt, slater, of London, will
be in Seafo th in a few days, and any per-
sons havi g slate roofs needing repairing
can have t em attended to by leaving their
names at T e EXPOSITOR office. -Mr. Robt.
Govenlock, of MoKillop, _had a , narrow
escape fro serious injury on Saturday
night laet. He was walking along -the road
north of hi place wheu he was overtaken
by two bug ies, which were goineabreast
and at full peed. He stepped to the eide
of the road, as he thought far enough to be
ut of harm a way, but one of the buggies
grazed his rm. Had he been two inches
nearer the road he would, undoubtedly,
have bean' k ocked down and injured. Par-
ties who ha a not rnore regard for their own
safety or t e safety of other people than to
drive in t is reckless manner should be
unished.-Mr. F., Gutteridge has just corn-
eted for Mr. W. J. Clark a very large
ke oven. , It is sitnated behind bis store,
d is built kinder ground with the door
ening int
MeQuai e.
ehaser of fine rile a one bottle of polish, either blaok
. REE ! On , aturday, Monday, Tuesday
en Wednesday next, we will glve to every pur-
or chocolate. W IL Willis, boots and shoeii, Sea-
ter h. 1041.1
NOTES. -A number from here were in at-
tenichtnee at th special servlices in Londes-
bore last Sand y, to hear i Rev. Mr. Fer-
guehn, aiorme pastor, preeeh for the bene-
fit of t e So s of, England. -Mrs. (Dr.)
Ferric° and hildren, of , Newcastle, are
guests . 6 Mr. . E. 0oldwell's.-Mre. W
Millson f Cleveland, is' aisiting at Mr.
DaVid i Ison's.--The milk' rigs from this
section t rted a the road Monday for Sea -
forth e mery.e-A great ntimber have bi-
cycles t i eerisoia and are 'enjoying plenty
of recre t on• -Mrs. Cook, of Winthrop, is
visiting a the home of her son, Mr. W. B.
Cook! - e Epworth League service is held
at -a%, 0 . Su day, and'w 11 continne dur-
ing t e ummer onths. ,
E .-Tbo ueen'e birthday was cele-
brate ere in luietneess, Our baseball
team ent o Cli ton and a number itecom•
panie then --E pire day was fittingly ob-
serve in o r soh nil. A good programme
w'as g yen b the upils, while the clergy -
en alive ed 'a dresses. -The council is
c llin for t nder for a mile of cement side
alk ind a ewer and water -main on Tarn-
13Crry street . e have the neatest and
elea,n st town in e county, and intend to
keep it so. Cour of Revision will be held on
-June th. herie are ten appeals againat
the as essm tie+ he section men on this
divisi n of t e Gr nd Trunk have gone out
str ke.- Vhile in Bluevale the other day
or wh le on he w y home, Samuel Rourke
loot pocke -boo oontaining $300, several
notes and ot er luable papers. .As yet he
_has re eived no tr oe of it -Brussel leads•
all thc towns as a ship ing station f r live
stock s can be sten rem the amount of
rental received fo the weigh scales. Brus-
eels gets $21.X), w ile Wingham onl gets
889, and the other towns are all away below
Bruesele. -Mr, J. R. Miller, license i spec-
ter, h s been laid p for the past few weeks
with a aliiscess on his head.
FREE ! . On Sat
and Wcidnesday nex
charter of film shoes o'
or choco'ate. W. I
NOTES. -Fall
improvrg in the
a orop re the NVOlf
W. He Gray and s
friends in McKil
Alice Dandas has
Althou' h ehe has
fortnig t, she rid
The ho le of Mr.-
wies ha been glad
little d tighter. their other children are
all boys the girl win no doubt be highly
prized. Mr. and Mh-e. Graham, of London,
are visit ng at the home, 'of Mr. Joseph
Stanze1.1,--Mr. John Zeigler had the mister-
we wi
Monday, Tuesday
give -to every pun.
e bottle Of polish, either blaek
winis, hoots arid sheet, Sea -
1641 -1
eat does not appear to be
est. The prospects for
t for many years. --Mr.
n, of Hibbert, visited
op last Sunday. -Miss
ought a nicenew wheel.
d it for only about a
it quite gracefully. -
d Mrs., Henry Benne-
ened bY the arrival of a
tune to lose a drse last week, As
juststarting f r ing, lug had but th
horses, it is t him a serious, lose.
Patric MeL u hlin purposei raisin
frame f his b L nekt week ; Mr. K
doing t e fra ng, and Stafford and F
the tn3a on wo a ---Mrs. J. E. ' Irvine was
visi in relati s in Walton and Brims s in
the ear y part f this week. -Ma William
Drager and M s. Rose, of Logan, were Mar-
ried o Wed eiday last. The Lut eran
minis r of Br dhegen performed the ere-
mony. Mr. chrhond, of Elms, drov up
to M6 illop Saturday with a big lo d of
calves, He s not long disposing o the
lot.- um K ie Rock, of Logan, has been
visitin for a w *Lye at the residen et of
piteDd ahgeerw.-0 ito.i aJp.iiJainglrv3i,n6e00 harsaii om-
home. .The ti bet was black ash, an re-
quired a pr ellsional rail -splitter. He,
would ow lik to know how many far ere
.therea e in M illop of 50 years of a e or
upwar a who uld undertake and. per orm
this bi task. he heavy frost of lamt eek
has d ne co arable harm. -Mr. ease
McGav n has e hie driving horse to Mr.
Louis cDona of Walton, for a hand ome
sum.- ite a mber spent the tw nty-
forth in Clint ,-Mies Nellie Scott and
Mies M Gavin eat last yeeek with fri ads
in Olin on and derich. I
WES ERN IT S. -Fall wheat in thi vi-
cinity i a very Ight crop, and is b ing
ploughe up b any of the fanners. The
frost ha been ng considerable dama e in
the frui line a tender flowers.-Mis E.•
Holt, w o has en at Mr, Gr ham' of
Bayfiel for a months, returned h me
last wee „-Mr Mitchell, the eVange isb,
intends oing t rys ale for a week. Mr.
week.- r. W Da son, wife a ' d fa fly
Alfred min as a Blake one day lett
were gu sts of re. Irawson's ' othe in
Bayfield last ek. Mr. Geer e B tee
took an nteres g pa t in the gar en p rtY
held on Tues ev ning. - Mr. D niel
Spencer visited Mr George . Oarripb 11's
residene last urd. k, -Mr. Thomp on's.
bicerele lepair s is feing well p troni .ed.
-Rev. Mr. Mc ay pr ached an i teres ing
sermon in the Front ' Road • Pr abyte fan
°hurtle n Sund y eve
e is thi k, though, that th pol ing was doi?e en -
two tire y on party Find') 0, et Palmerston,
Mr. wh ch is a Conservativ to ,n, went Mine t
the str ight for Mr. Jacks° The fall - he t
ting her is miserably poor. I e have not seen a
ker fiel of real good wh 4 this sprin
meet cases it will nob b If a crop. MO.
James Ritchie, of the It coneessio
been ill for some weeks Ibut is now fin rove
ing.-Ethel Scott, dau hter of Mr. John
Scott, - is sweeping everything efore
h r at the high school. At the recent twit
e amination for junioa eaving she too a
a erage of $4 per cent,. The next pup I
i g nearly 20 per cent hind her. e
q ite a young girl, but as a brilliant f tut.
b fore lune -Quite a number of th
f rmere too hogs to lifford last ee
hey got $4 nd $4,10 er cwt. , for he
• cording to quality.a- ames Gailagh ale
elmore, ha4 been wor ing in the salmill
h re during the past in nth, -Mrs. oey
• Mildmata visited er daughter rat
S era, of thin place, las week. -MA tos
St netdaaryt swethtobo.1 has an e °anent attendan
OCALS.-School Insp ctor Robb wa
M.onday.-Mr. alcolm Camp en
t. Marys, spent We nesday at his 11 me
.-Miss Gracey, of ingham, is isit-I
t the residence of t e late Mr. J.. uie.4
r. Herb Young, of oronto, is vis'tin
a t e home of his fath r. -Dr. Sloan, of
T r rito, is visiting at t e home of Mr. N.
H. Young, -Mr. Morse Nesb tt, of De-
tr , is visiting at the h me of his fa her
h re,
JOTTI os. -T
to cast o their
was ther a bett
a numbe of peo
taking a vantag
the 'Mod 1 Farm
Farmers cannot
ably tha by see
is carrie on at
Fred H ckney
Fullarto , on
wears a very
What is he cau
girl. -So e of
Maxwell deliver
on Satur ay last
hundred nil fift
Among t ose ar
impleme tri wer
more an Thorn
has raise his ba
cement 11 und
arq ar. -
e tree are again begin mg
hite be, and. never be ore
r sho nig for frui .-Q ite
le in the vieinit in end
pend a day mor
of th cheap exc reiponr fitto.
Guel h, on Ju e 1 th,
ng ho practical far ing
is Mo el inatituti n.- r.
visite Dr. Hee ney, ef
uesday last. -Will 'ay
leasant smile these d ys.
e Why, a • little b by
our faamers attended the
of agriculbural implem nts
There were about .e
Wagons in the process
und here who purch 8 a
Messrs. Hodgert, P
pson.-Mr. Fred Ste a t
n, end intends putti g a
r it at once.
DorNos -Rev. Mr. Mullen, of Fea u
occupied he pu pit of the Presbyter a
church' eire on bboth last, and preac e
two exe 'lent ser ona-Gibson Bros. h v
finished rating p their stook of hardw o
logs, an will be in sawing shingles at on
They ar also tea ing cedar and rock -e
over to 'Ingham, for ese in repairing h
dam the ei:-The !funeral of the late Hen Y
Willits its largely attended.-7.7roxe er
baseball team defeated Formosa in a mat h•
lately : seore, 3 to 4, -Thomas Hemphill &
Son are 4 ippIng igram.-Mr. Brent Haz e•
wood, son of VV.1 C. Hazlewood, of t is
place, has passed .his final examination t
Trinity M dical College Torpnto, taking a
very high stand. Mr. Hazleivood's cour e
from star to finish has been a brilliant on
having ra ked among the very highest
every test -Mr. 0. Smith, son of Mr. Ale
Smith, of his place, has returned to Ne
York. M", Smith has served a term in t e
Ameriean navy, and can relate experienc s
in all part of the world. -The Rev. M
Anderson reached at Fergus last Sabbat
on the nee sion of a Sabbath school tuba°
.in tone bf t 6 Presbyterian churches there.
BLOWS. Mi88 0. L. E. Martin was a
Toronto this treek purchasing millinery.
Rev. Mr. Graham and Rev. Mr. Hamilton
of Londeshorough, exchanged pulpits las
Sunday. -The first garden party ef th
season was held on Tuesday' evening at th
and there
ceeds being
supplied wi
the lawn.
rounds. The weather was fin
vas a good attenclanceathe pro
aboue $17. Tables', plentdfull
h good things, were spread o
An entertaining, programme
consisting o vocal and instrumental music,
was provided. Rev. Messrs. Jennings and
Graham gave short ,speeches. Bayfield
brass band played fieyeral selections. -An
event of nunte t
at the resideno
street, on Wed
daughter, M
look to VVil ia
Rev. E. A. ha
present fro
township and
were expect '
ronto, and ot
be present.
twelve o'cloc
in cream bi-oe d
Minni Card, 0
Gilbert Car
bride's 1 i ttle
Colborne, was
after the we
Queen's botel,
ner was parte
high esteem
happy couple
of the guests
the trans for
Mr. Parkinson
for J. Dareh
the Albion, s spending a f
his home in Georgetown this Iv
cool, uncomforiably so,have bee
durin the petit week. All h
rmente, and the
not through see
an usuel intereet transpired
of Mrs. J. Card, Chiniquy
eaday,i May 24th, when her
r V. wee joined in holy wed-
parkinaon, of London,
officiating. Guests wero
oderioh, Varna, Goderich
tayfield, A large number
from Saginaw, London, To-
e places, but were unable to
T e marriage took place at
Th bride looked charming
, a id cwas attended by Miss
oderich, while Master
assi ted the groom. The
rneee Lucinda Walters of
maid of honor. Immediately.
ding , all proceeded to the
wher a most sumptuous din -
en of' The large number of
' to the bride' evidenced the
which she is held. The
ere accompanied by several
Brucefield, wh re they took
ondon, where th y willreside,
()Ming a positio as traveller
Sons. -Harvey Sperling, of
w days at
no mo
the fa
those i
for a
eter b
inter g
e than
mere ar
E. -Ye S,
the breezes
ve donned
they feel
a few of
ing yetand
ith low lying lands have o wait now
period of good drying weather.-
Pomer y & McConnell, the Week -
hug once
of Gerrie.
heap at,the
rt Wallace,
the cellar
itys. The
of Clifford,
en isom-
er eggs at
lthe same.
hink that
tehersa ake a trip to ou
a week as doe' also Mr. Mutat)
Bache s cairn+ sell beef very
rate ca tie are eelling.-MaRob
of the 7th eon esaion, is having
of his new lieu e dug ut therm
mason and bricklayer, Mr. Fritz,
With his gang ef men, IS coming
There apperies quite al demand
present, thongh the p ice remain
Detective Murr y, of oeonto, wet a little
-The Harriett; peop e appear t
too fast in pronouncing the recent Bad of a
dead man, no Murder. The in:FY came to
the conclus on that the deceased
ed by so
opinions eh
the great d
-Two goo
contested t
for North
ed vacant b
Scott to be
tive, Mr. J
was elected 0
e unknown person,
uld e worth somethi
tect ve thinks they .a
Grits and one Co
e se
as murder -
and their
g, though
e all out.
t for County Oonlunissioner
gton last Tuesday, render -
appointment of Mr, R.
se Inspector. The Conserve -
who is a first•elass man,
d majority. We do not
St. Jos ph.
Oens.-Mr. Thomas Breyer has cl
,u business here and ha gone t Strat
w ere he has mourned a l good ituation
bl (*smith. ,We. are so ry to lose T
o fancy horse shoer, b t our loss -is St
fo d's -gain,--Robert leCloy, so , of
h .Mr. George Caleb° 1.- re. ea
11 has left to spend a ew days with
illiam' MeCloy, of H nsa 1, ha ,enga
mother at Corbett w o i ser'eusly ill.,
- . Contine met with li, p inful ace clout
th Machine and the po Int ae t it -
w die running a machine'lin- the 11. Hist
fin ea came in contact it seen pa t of
M sore. Papineau and Du and, r ond
ab ut$50.-A quantity f tone I as been
ne fi, hermen are having re t stele as this
se so . On Monday ei lift I a e to
dr wn to the beach to b us in t e rec-
tio of a dock and po ar ousei t the
pl ns Predicted are carri a ut, St. Joseph-
! .
m y be lighted with elec rie y nex wintea
essrs. Nelson and u et M say are
bu lding a lime kiln and ill be rea y in -pi
fe days for business.
OTES.-Mr. Sohn Me
en visiting under the
A arnoch, of Palmers
ga ed by Mr. Meilson
cheese factory for the e
Ev - Mahood is visiting a
her uncle, Robert Mahoo
W rd has reached here o
wh ch betel Mr. Ernest
, formerly a resident
ap ears he was crossing t
ou all iscrit
rne, anlner bofe.e.-Ci n.
t e Springba k
g 7et$
,th F,eosrid eniodbe o_f_
- .•
th sled ceident
eena I a °I te i "ft -
e t axle ju tl eft r
train had swept by, , a tl was one
tly watching the eain and n t
ea that the hind wee of he tra
uncoupled ana was llo ing th trai
lose range. This hi d each t ikin
rig, threw Ernest vio ently
nd, from which he re d som paid -
njuries. We hope hat he ma • be
nd again as soon as p le, as hie cltutY
for a apeedy recover ,T- grand cele -
ion was held in Ford idh n May ith
r. Peel, who reeides abou a mile from
wieh, fell out of a tr e t e other day
received some severe nju ies. • 1 '
CAL BRIEFS. -Messrs: W Ills and Shop -
n Ion
y --
s to
t e
o a
e e
t is
EL -11d
b y
made a shipment of
day. These gentle
tity of money into
, of Exeter, also mad
ttle from this station
section men of the G.
Oil are, in common wit
on men, along the lin
. The men complain
een lucre:teed of lat
reduced and their pay ta
an i
a 1
T. ' lfrom
t e'rest of
, o strike.
tha their w
, t eir num
n doWn to
s now are
o tyhealpTpewater
r ment of
in Car
last t
ati 23rd,
schools h
ch I credi
11 arre McK
nP wenlitnh t
ta e their p
m . lThe
de i nt e arnehsepros
nd friends
he day be
e arranged
all might
e, A spec
he pr septet
ool, of a v
aosf rtilioriedboar
i ogres' derbeyth
a d othe
d v ried th
ar leulariz
th positi
he p
ty beers f
ou to for
th netion
the annive
f t e corn
dis chore
g a al. eve
,f4.1xe ert w
as oee
, and in t
held,l preside
3 Kure T
4tregbe 73 te r el
y the lig
h ea osoeiryieircsea ra
Wedn esdat
e given n x
rk in place o
st, Mr. Wm
e schodl, a
who had for
whose se r
aweeith ofowminr
rporation fo
ve drainage
eek been a
, Mr. Doty
to recove
illness. -Mr
ent Sabbath
k's parents.
itish Colum-
n, of Hay,
d this on a
d likes the
ist, who is
smith, near
this week
mother and
a Themes
or the ferm-
i& he in -
th of May
ur village,
th Londe
put a 1
rge ship
same, da
a day. Their dermal
crease of 25 per cent
ympathy of the comre
ith the men. -The s
's Supper was dispe
h on Sabbath mor
large congregation.-Tuesd
loyalty observed by -our pub
as Empire Day, and very
due our principal, Mr,
and assistants, Misses S
Whit eides, for the manner
had repared the children t
in t e afternoon's progra
Was r
to the
the se
so ver
Qqeen weather, a
invitation given by
umber of the parents
ool had assembled.
favorable, seats w
f the the school so th
enjoy the program
event at the opening was t
by the trustees, to the se
hands e flag, and which w
positio by the chairman
Songs, recitations and rea
given the scholars, inter
dresse from 'resident minist
the c noil, school truste
The pr gramme was rib long
we wil not attempt to give,
account Mr. G. C. Petey fill
of chai man very creditab
gra,m closed with three he
the E ire, -of which we are
a part, nd with the singing
anthem. Sabbath last being
sary ser dee of the laying
atone o the present Met
services were held both morm
ing. T e pulpit in the m rni
pied by ev. Mr. Martin, of
delivere a very able ser o
evening a song service as
over by he pastor, 'Rev. W.
church as crowded, and the
was ack owledged to be one o
held, an was much enjoyed
congregation, as was also
°endue d by the pastor. Th
tea was held in the church o
an account of which will
week. -On Monday evening 1
McKay, principal of the publ
appointed by the council as cl
Mr. H. J. D. Cooke, barrister
merly fil ed that position, bu
vices th council- dispensed
o his having taken the
runes C rlisle, againat the e
eanagee, on account of defect
Rev. E. Kerr has thie
he bedsi e of his father -in -la
f e, who is not expecte
rom his resent very serious
icbard Beek and family s
1 at in St Marys with Mrs. 13e
-a-Mr. W them Caldwell, of B
hie, son o Mr, William Caldw
Was home part of huit week a
H is doing well there a
.chuntry.-Mr. ,Gilch
Working a,t his trade as a blae
Woodstoc , was in the villag
spending' few days with his
other me hers of the family. -
Welsh is t is week excavating
tion of fine brick store, w
tends ereeting on Main stree
thle Oddffillows4 hall. -The 2
pained ovin. very quietly in
th re bein no oelebration here.
jo ity of our villagers went to
Mies Myrtle od
don,for a nu ber
week on a vieit,
Kincardine,' ere
BirthdaY v itin
Miss Se lery also
f-orMiLev raa7.
Render on ,
London on
London co
church !I'S
dheelrieverny ofa
lase. -00r 1
match With
latter, o e e
minting ff v
nothing , aun d, are anxious for aniether
chance of retrieving their laurels. -This In -
til Mond y, Order to oonsult with
dia , Isaac Y ung,charged with corn tinge
bur laryl and heft here was taken fore
JU ge Masse , atGocierich, on Sett! day,
for elect" . e asked to be remand° mi-
friends Whip w re coming up from th In-
dian res+Vati n ist Minicoy. The exp cited
Indians fatriv d Saturday night,. an on
Monday Y un elected to be tried , y a
,. 1
juity. An pp reation for bsil-was gre ted,
bu in the e time, the terms as to bail
im osed h th judge not having s4 far
be n met, he risoner is in jail.. The case
ev. I 3ome p f r trial at the June seseions,
ins, Who has been i
f months, was ho
r. and -Mrs, Sell
n the village on
their son, Dr.
accompanied her p
herland was in
this week. -Rev.
Mrs. Henderson
y. -Provost Watk
d services in St.
last. -Mr. and
to Goderiele on T4
e this
, of
. S.
re in
s, of
s. C.
abb'e mother, who had been
isit.-Mr. W. J. Millar ad a
uggies on Tuesday aftet noon
tball team played the i, turn
ippen, on the grounds ' f the
ning last week, Kippenvtagain
torious. Our boys, ho ever,
oals.-Mr. Feed Kerslake has purchased
th " Hotham farm" from Mrs. jdark
Dr ke for the sum of 85,250.-Mra. irana
this wnship, a umber of schools being
Ha b rn is suffering from an attapk of
me 1 e.-Scatlet fever is very prevalOnt in
closed on amount of it. -Mrs. Turnbull, of
Wiar II, is the guest of her parent& I Mr.
and Ire. Golding. -Mr. John Tuffin in -
lends o move into the vacant hOuse on the
farm 1 tely purch ed by Mr. W. (liver
fr m r. Harburn -Mrs. R. Babb, of Mit-
e ell, and Mrs, Tucker, of Regina, Are
g este at ),, r. F. D Hutchison's.
, .
Mr Engos.-141.8. James Gillespie and
grand aughter, Mies Aggie Todhunter, / left
qn Mo day fon Portage la Prairie, the home
cl the atterx who spent the winter With
relativ s he' e and who had become such a
prom t eir Midst. She likes this part- of
genera fav4 ite that. her many friends and
relativ s arn genuinely sorry to lose her
the Do linen very much and wishes her
people ived in Ontario, Mrs. Gillespie will
remain for the sunimer in, the Northwesb
Alain heri sons nd daughters and her
many r latiires loca ed in the various torwns
and pr irie ands o the i west. Miss Jessie
illesp e ac ompan ed her mother as far as
ceusin, Mrs. Tuffer .-Mr. and -Mrs. Miller
oront en route for Honeywood, where
a e int rids spendin a few weeks with her
formerl of this sil age, have returned, to
friend a few weeke ith old acquaintances
and fri nds. We a e glad to see thern ldok-
Mg so ell. Communion services were ob-
served heith predb teriau church here last
Sinulayi . Se end n ve menibers were d-
ried, ch efly pun eople. •
1 B cefteld.
lelos YiTee La. .-$3,000 of private funds
Conveyan 6 re d Life Insurance agent. Any
to loan, a pe e ., on first-clase farrn security.
Apply to o kb x Brue„field p. o. 1640x8
13. R. 'twee Brueefield, Notair:y Public
amount o on y loan at 6 per cent, on first-elass
farm sec r ty. ef rtgages drawn and money ad.
vanced f e of ex eme to the borrower. Also a
limited am un of private funds at 5 per cent.
At homeir er m teeing and Wednesday of each
week. -8 vera go di farms ior sale. 157
BRIEFS. •.- hi 6 Dr. McIntosh was at-
tending to hi p fessidnal duties at , Wm.
McMillates, n ' hursday of last week, he
became s,uddenly ill, and was unable to re-
turn home until, the next day. We are
pleased to say that be is now recovering,
although still someeehat weak and unable to
leave his offiee.-Qur football team is busy
praetieing every eVening, and we are sure
they will render a good aeceunt of them-
selves When opportunity affords itself: -
Mr. William McDonald is erecting a new
verandah to the front of his residence and is
otherwise improvieg it. -The many friends
of Mr. Jismee Baird, sr., will regret to learn
that his health continues very poor, and the
prospects for recoviery are nor very bright.
-%Ve noticed in the reports of the exarnin-
ohms at Trinity ,A, edical College, Toronto,
eliab Mr. John - tiornson, who formerly
taught schoollneae h re, succeeded in prise-
ig his first year in edicine with first-class
(snots. Huren boys always come to the
f onts -The TWen Fourth was generally
observed ae a holid y by our eitizene.-Ar-
riangements have b en made for a monster.
exeuesion to the M del Farm on June 13th.
The train will lea e Brueefield at 7.08 a.
m. -Dr. MeDenalel M. P., and Mrs. Mc-
Donald were here t is week visiting friends.
-Ma Woodley hes sold his farm on the
London re al; neai -here, to Mr. William
Berry, for s mething in the neighborhood of
$6,500., Mr. Berry has had this farm rented
for seven y ars, and now becomee proprie-
tor. It is o e of the nicest and best farms
en the Lend ei road, and we congratulate
bim on his p rehase.
very inter
the childrei
She' ritt and
their w
to, J. W. Baird, B.A., preached
ting and instructive sermon to
last $abbath.-Mr. William
his meo paseed through here
y 1,0 Thedford, last Monday
w ere they l ave several buildings to move.
- Ire. Willi m Jackeon left here last Tues-
datv to %dint or daughters near St. Theimase,
- ne of those plearring events which always
er ate a flutter, of excitement and interest.
in slivery communiese took place at the home
of Mrs. JOhn Baker, on the 22od
do her
lige eeti en). by
the w'eh of
bat m enjoy
oun mar ied life
o c oek trai for ' t
1%14 Raub.? WM°
dedee by a tone, w
hie cellare-Mr. 8
chased the Underw
hie ,own. it contai
$2. 350 for it. -Rev
Milts, has been inVitecl to the Varna circuit.
as accepted tbe invite -
stationing conamittee of
ranee, which meets in
k. We notice also by
ur Rev. a. W. Baird, B.
mug ter, Leura, was united in
. r. -Albert E. Corbett, of
Washi gton. The bride is held
her numerous friends,
11 is that Mr. and Mrse
a Iong, happy and prom-,
They left on the 10
eir home in the west. -
is improving his resi-
n and cement floor in
muel Harlton has pur-
od farm, which adjoins
a 50 acres, and he paid
R. Le Wilson, of Dawn
•VL el understand e
tiop, eubiect to lt)he
itvheintiLtinorndonnextCo fe
the ',Guardian tha
A., 'and J. E, Holmes, of Mount Bridges,
are to preach in Detroit Conference.
. Goderich.
Mania near Dilemma, Manama -The an-
nual meeting ,ef Goderich District Metho-
dist „church was held in this town on Mon-
day and Tuesday last Rev, Walter Rigs-
by, cheirman of the dietrict, and president
of the _feondon Oenference presided. Rev.
M. J. Wilson B, A., was elected secretary.
The examinAion,' of Ministerial character
resulted in it being found that all were
blameless in life, Conversation and doctrine.
After examination of the young men by
,Rev. A. L. Russell, it was resolved that
J. P. Wentinan be recorotnended to be re -
misted into full eonneaion and ordained.
, A. Findlay was con ued on probation
Sion amens to the spiritual welfareofthedis-
a three years' probat oner. • E. F. Arm-
,trong, B. A., was: continued as a probs.
Oozier of two years. . An interesting discus -
tact. It wae found that in many instances
tehe class meetings were ot well attended,
blot generally the district was found to be in
MAY 26, 1899
We haxe at present
Fine Assortment of
. The . . .
Dry Goods Co.
C4th's $reatest Cash
Dry Ooods Store.
a live condition, and progress was reported
An -excellent financial standing svas thews
from the reports And an increase in mem-
bership of the eliiirch. The most exciting
feature of the seseion was the discussion of
the proposition jo change some circuit.
boundaries, the result being that no change
was rnade. The eledtion of the ministerial'
and lay delegates to the different commit- _
tees of the annual conference resulted as
follows : Rev. William Goodwin, to the ata-
tioning committee Rev. B. Clement and
R. W, McKenzie 'to the Sabbath, school
committee ; Rev. R. Millyard and Isracd
Taylor te the Epworth League committee,
Holme3, R for West Huron, wm
present, and spoke in reference to the atti-
tude of the Dominion Government towards
prohibition- .A resolution was passed by
the meeting in favor of the motion on the
prohibition questien whieli is being intro-
duced in Parliament at the instance of the
Dominion Alliance.; A resolution was placed -
on record expressing the satiefaction of the
district with the manner which Rev. Mrs
Rigsby has. during the year, performed the
dirties which deyelved upon the dietriet
chairman. Ma Rigsby made a feeling
ing of the MethcriisN*i:ctiheuTrrhehe for the Exeter
DrsTnicT MEE - district meet-
dietriet, was held hare hat week. The Tee
ports showed that there was an increele in
membership of over two hundred as well as
an increase of between tive and six hundred -
dollars in missionereemoney in the Exeter
dietrict. The ministerial session was helci
on Thursday, and all the preachers, after
careful enquiry, were found to be blameleas
in life and character, On Friday the lay
delegate* from the several circuits . were
preeent and read the schednles from their
respective circuit, most of whieh showed a -
large increase in membere and finances.
The *taint] of repreeentatives to the eta-
tioning committee took place, when the
second ballot resultedin seleczing Rev. G.
Jewett, Rev. J. Ball' are Rev, W. Baugh to
the Sabbath school and Epworth League
cormnittees. A vote of thanai Was tendered
Dr. Willoughby the ehairMan.
THE CELEIM.MOR. - Queen's Birthday'
was right royally celebrated by Our citizens,
and they were assisted by a large crowd.
from the eurrounding ()wintry, as well as Se
number from other towns. In the morning
a lacrosse match was played between the,
Egmondville juniors and the Exeter juniors,
which resuLed in a victory for the home
bop by a score of 8 goals to 0. In the
afternoon the horse races were the attrac-
tion. The following is the summary: 3 -
minute elass-ist, Baldie, A. E. Tetment,
Exeter ;, Fred H., J. Bart, Brueefield;
3rd, Dr. Scott, George Hendrie, St, Marys;
4th, Donovan, R. A. Skinner, Ingersoll.
Best time, 2,34. 2 30 class-lst, Royal
Golddust, Mr. Eamon, Stratford ; 2nd, Mar-
guerite, Merrier &„ Bossenberry, Zurich;
3rd,White Lines,Seott&Jarvis,Ailsa Craig; '
' 4th, Allan Line, George Buxton, Goderieh.
Best time, 2 9d/is 2.20 elass-Ist, Misr
Delmareh, Gus Gebel, Mitchell • 2nd, Amon
Jim, L Rattenbury, Clinton ; 3'rd, Erie Re,
Mrs. Horton, St. Thomas ; 4th, Robert if -s
Scott & Jarvis, Aiisa Craig. Best time*
2.24 Renning race -list, Yellow Jacket,
7. Sage, London ; 4213d, Dogma, R. Hueston,
London; 3rd, Bay Dick, Miss 11. Conover,
'Pert Huron. Best time, 1.07.
-A wealthy member of Knox church,
Mitchell, has offered to pay $1,000 of the,
$1,800 debt on the church, provided the re-
Mainder is raised by the rest of the congra-
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