The Huron Expositor, 1899-05-26, Page 7Y.2( rater Shoes"' ear, service made, hove umber, by :aced to the had for five hoe tamped on, $3 -co, $44 hoe." 'EA -FORTH. laid give- milk year .aving calves, "be in the blude, for she er had a calf." cinths go out of bloom pots for a, time till egos to harden, e in bunches and hang , placeI, ot in the sun lace, o Edinburgh . that while on a visit e eaw a cross bred at the age of 32 y th te 20 tattle in 20 ,iy during fine weathe d prevent too rapid aII crops as eaady as 1 plant may have ahurt h.• Supply water make • sowing to ; rep ieS Riley. [rnieg, but a krraek lith. leave firgEt s tin brought eple tbet wee... far beyona o Bridget, " DJ you Shish at 7" Heys Bridget, thet wait ' Briaget eeid, lt Net rang 11i3.1e earn itunger he knowledge thet ?or anti the o.i 'Graf, ueteaof moving where the heir tontr„ , net boseern, dressed as on Mice 's Cressinge n.t with • e i.eur long winters 'leased with :ails from Pet tale} 'a da iIeys Croesing " moved along _je the. vileare E.:ye a- drove 9. happeninge ;13 iti any e ae tee els ern entekine, j,k1nf 31 ; at Taeker'e, Mee iy Shivers szho l h ue drAtik so hard eee. e.ar 3 tsers alttr, flaws -re w 5A dread ; e Waging sweet e , nature ag. Eel's Crossing whietled d04 en • ,t t& happer.- I—people rao .ithers runniog tall A aril eecitentent the: e was no ° to keiee ! ▪ reet ! tit, vibittle 6tItilng air ; plat 'oelit, sts ied inteiested • igs to Wle: theti the songs of iley—brr t ill the engineer, oiling, was; his own bar ▪ ; el with Itsereing,aed come home W. VAN Li lute Tuoxeseaa trid, Hay Fever. at is the beg -bear of your JI asere of freedom From it tes Catarrh Cure. .fribune say e `t` A s claimed, solves the prob- .iug old age, has just boe rofeseors Joseph R. Haw. r C. Id iener, cif the Chit, - L The return to youth, ed by hypodeemic clpitaticui 1 r.f etnim goats. The discos, kgo, and subsequent s of its efficaey are sr his ex TllL11tltLttS in !y administered hypodea. • t he fluid from the lyeeree goat to e dog, know :he dog wee watched the, at the ead of aa liveltv as a pup enabt ings, it is Raid, ;(1 on in Chicago in -tit the same results." .v Ur:ft pieaeant than an hour :..eettt evengeliet ere,. rebel:4I:5 sect - ...se r. 1 t gave me lel-• red." Isrei htehly reeiste- thd eyrupathetio er 'tills are at Yeiesti maker and day arid curea 3511- 6 .F.S & WILSON.• MAY 26, 1899 tA So the falling of the i air tells. of, the approach of ge and declining power. NO :natter how barren the tree nor how leafless it ma seem,. you confiths.ntly expec leaves t again. And why? A Because there is life at the I roots. So you need not estO the falling of your h threatened daratture o - and br.'auty. 'And why? Beeauce if the:0 is a about ir, the youth park of Ilfc remaining in the roots of the hair will arouse it into healt it3,'„ The halr ci s t out: it l'elairlfi t3 grew: glory of your youtli is to you. Ve have a hook ci t , and its Diseases. It is /Ma Erceetf.:cfer.rco Fteoeen If you de slot obtein all th yottexpertea from the nee re: tee e ieer. write the darter about it. ?rob:tate there le tiorn,e diffieulte Niece oeir "sev- eral evetern, which. may 1 e easily removiid. Addreee. DR. J. O. AYER, Lowell, Ira. yactiv- CO MC .nd the estored ife Hair free. *benefit» tet; i lej BY-LAW N 4. • --OF THE— Town of Se forth, FOR 1899. A By -Law to raise by way of I an the sum o `32.0.000 for the purposes hereinafter entioned. Whereas the corporation of the T wn of Seaforth is authorized by special Act of the egislature of the Province of Ontario to submit a By- aw- to the rate payers of the said Town, qualified to vote thereon, to enable said corporation to raise by ay of loan the sum a $20,000 for the purposes hereinafter men• toned. And whereas it will require the sum of 8800, to be raised annually by speolal rate, forthe payment of interest as hereinafter mentioned. And whereas it will require the su of $671 64, to be raised annually for the payment of said debt, as also hereinafter mentioned. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the Town of Seam th, ireespeetive of any increase in tlie nature of tolls, int rest, dividends yenta, or fees from the said propert3, and also irres pective of any income to be derive from the tem porary investment of the Sinking und, or any par -thereof, according to the last revi ed assessment o the geld Town, being for the year 198, is t e nun o $639,460. And whereas the existing debentere de of th Town of Seaforth is ea follows: $5,500 borrowed under the authority of By -La No. 11 A of the Town of Seaforth, f r 1886. $6,000 borrowei under the auth rity of By -La No. 3, of the Town of Soaforth, for 1887. $2,600 borrowed under the aut ority of By -La No. 8, of the Town of Seaforth, for 891. $14,000 borroweel under the aut ority of By -Lee No. 8, of the Town of Seaforth, for 892. $11,000 borrowed under the aut ority of By -Le No. 6 A of the Town of Seaforth. $3,600 borrowed under the auth rity of By -La 'No. 25 15 of the Town of Seaforth. And there is nothing in arras e the r for princip 1 er interest on sad debentures. And whereas it is necessary to ppoint the Vme and places ler taking the votes of he duly qualifie Electore, and to appoint Deputy- teturning Office to take the vntes of the said Elect s. Be it therefore enacted by the unicipal Counts 1 of the Town of Seaeorth. I. Thet it shall be lawful for t e Corporation the Town ot Seeforth to raise by vlay of loan fro any perteen or persons, body or bodaes corporate, w may be willing to advance Vats earnei on the debentur xceeditig in ti d Corporation .*bentures, not le hereinafter mentioned. a sum not aggregae the surii of 820,000. IL. It Ethan be lawful for the ea cause to be made any number of d . aura of 820,030, which shall be pay ble not later th than 8100 cavil and not exceeding- i; the aggregate t tiventy years from the iesue therepf, and such d senturee shall be sealed with the iseal of the ea d by the May Corporation, and shall also be sign and the Treasurer thereof. III. The saki debentures sha thereto coupons for the payment at the rate of four per cent, per thereof, payable annually on the 13 each year at the office of the Trees mobility. IV. For the purpoee of for the payment of said $671.64 in addition to ail ot and collected by special rat property In the said Town mg the currency of the said deb them and for the purpose off payin the said debentures the su of 830 nd col roperty the ou formi &hen er rate 0 upon f Sea to all other rates be levied rate upon all the rateable of Seaforth annually durlo debentures or any cf them. V. it shall be lawful f r the orporation of t aid Town of Seaforth to le d the um of 820,000 t se raised under this By -La to T. le. F. 00.90 & for the purpose of aiding ti em in he establiahme t of a pork ;lacking house it the wn of Seafort wItheue interest to be sec red by mortgage upo the lands, buildings, mach nery an plant of bhe sti 1 T. R. F. Can & Co., to be eepaid y twenty iannu instalments stiffigient to previde fo the payment the sinking fund and upon such o her terms as ty the saki Corporation may seem p oper, said land buildings, mac hieery and plant to I e exempted froi taxes, except sel ool taxer, and all over an asses went of 85,000 to a period of twen y years. VI. The votes of the Electors qu tilled to vote this By -Law Aral be taken on Tue day, tbe Bacon day of May, A. 13. 1899, oetween t hours of nin o'clock in the forenoon and five o'cl ok in the atter noon, at the following placee ; Poi ing Sub-Divisio No. 1, at Edward Clashai store, God rich street; poll ing sub -division No. 2, at the Cou oil Chamber, it the Town Hall ; Sub -Di ision No. 3, a Strong's office, south side of Marko street, Seaforth That Edward Cash be Deputy Ret trning Officer a Polling Bub -Division No. 1; that illiam Elliott b Deputy Returning Officer at Pol ing Sub-Divisio N. 2; and that Oliver C. b Deputy Return ing Officer at Polling- Sub -Division o. 3. VII, That the Mayor of said M nielpal Corpora tion shall attend at the Council hamner, in th Town of Seaforth, on Wednesday, he 26th day o April, A. D. 1899, at the hour of leven o'clock ii the forenoon, for the purpose of a pointing person to attend at the several polling pia es aforesaid, an the flnal summing up of the vot s respectively o behalf of pereone intended in and romoting or o posing the By -Law reapectivelv. VIII. The Clerk of the Muni ipal Corporatio shall, at the hour of twelve o'clo.le noon, on th third day of May, A. D. 1809, atten at the Coune I Chamber, in the Town Hall, Senior h, and sum u the votes given for and against the By -Law, an grant cerfsificates thereunder. IX. The By -Law, if carried y the vote of t e Ratepaetere, shall trate effect on ea d from the fir t day ot June, A. D. 1809. '8 0 a 1 .have attach;d intend thereon nnuru from da o at day of June n rer of the mu 1- e a sinking fund ures the Kim 11 shall be levi d all the rateab e rth annually du ntures or any • the interest shall in additi rioted by sped in the said Tow rency of the sat 1 1 NOT1C The above le a true copy of a By -I aw passed ly the lifluiltipal Council of the Taw . of Seaforth, the 8th day of May, A. D., Thal ; a d persons a d hereby regalred to take rake t ha any one desire of applying to httve &lob LiyaLaw is any put there quashed, must woke his oppdeatio for that purpo to the High Court of Justicte wi hitt three mont next after the publication of this otice, once a we for three sucoeseive weeks, in the newspaper call TRH HURON EXPOSITOR, OT he will be WO 10 neRTII in that behalf. ea. rfl WILLIA ELLIOTT, DIVA Qle k. a - •••• Wit and Wisdom. Every tailor knoWs a lot of pr oung men. 7 . A tombstone alwaYs has a good wo man when he is down. "You say she's a business woman. usiness is she interested in I" "Oh, ody's." It is a mistake to sum" eed through success ; t Succeed through failures. A cynic is a man who p Of the world, but in reali whom the world is tired. Bolton—" What is the difference be a specialist and an ordinary physic Colten—" You'll know quick enough the specialist sends in his bill." He who will resolutely remain exter calm and quiet while anger boils withi already gained a conquest which future victories easier. Inspector—" Now can any of yeu boys tell me how lying is denounced in S; rip- ture ?" Ietelligent pupil—" Please,sir, yes sir I know. "-A lie is an abomination unto the Lord, but a very present hel" in time of trouble." An Englishman being annoyed by his landlady's eldest son constantly sitiging "Hi, Johnny Cope, are ye waukin' yet?" said to him; "I say, Bill, if that bloomin' kid o' yours ain't walking yet—well take it away and drown it." Boy—" Gie's a pennyworth o' stieking plaster." Druggist—"Is it skin color' you utes e've ger, easing d for What very- se that me RUC - hey much o tener .etends to leel tired y he is a m n of ween an ?" when ally has ake want? Boy—"Ay, sir." Boy (ten mi later)—d. This is no' the richt kind gaen me; my father sa,ys it's for the. lo an' he's a deride." Little Johnny—" Mrs. Talke down paid a big compliment to me to -day." Mot er— " Did s e really? Well, the e's no denying that woman has sense. Who, did she ay?" Little Johnny—" She said bow yo came to have such as ',was." An Irish workman, being house, and having to rise work, arranged to be called. gone to sleep some of his ' his face. When Pat got up the glass he exclaimed, " Ai rah l and, sure they've called the wrong mien' An angry small boy was pelting stoilies at n noisy dog when a veeerable paseer-by t-opptd and addressed him. "Little boy,' the stranger remonstrated, "don't you ,know you should be kind to dumb animate ri "Yee," replied the angry boy ; " but what's dumb animals got ti do with yelping dogs?" Among the Sunday schobl children of a certain church was a little boy. He could not tell the number of the house in 'which he lived, and was told to bring it next day. When he appeared again, he was asked if he brought it. "No, sir," said he; "it. was neiled to the door so tight that I couldn't get it off." Eiicediiidtnt; see boy at a lodging - erg earl for After h ha.d pals" bit eked nd look' d in • FOR internal or external use HAGYARD'S YEL- LOW OIL cannot be excelled as -a pain relieving and soothing remedy for all pain. • Miscellaneous News Notes. ° —Admiral Dewey is coming home from the Philippines immediately. —Mr. Herbert Lloyd, of Edward loyd, Limited, the proprietor of the Load° , Eng- land, Daily Chronicle, is dead. ' —Mr. Andrew Carnegie has offered to give $250,000 to help Birtningha liniver- sity on condition that scisnee is g vena fore- most place on its curriculum. —Ex -Governor Roswell P. :lower,. of New York, died the other i ighti. For many months he ha been looked hpon as the eader of Wall stree . —The noted eon enarian , Indian, Peter Wademan, died on Wednesday, May 10th, at Prescott, /vlichig n, aged 114 years. He was married three onths ago to a, !Polish woman: 1 e+—An aesociation of heire; with George W. Mills as president, has been fort ed in hicago t obtein 60 acres Of prope ty in t e heart f New York and ;Brooklyn val- e d at $2 0,000,000. —Repo ts from the fruit foams in the Niagara istriet are to the effect ;that a geeat man • young peach, pear and1 plum tees have died from the effeets of the severe f test of la t February, having' come out in 1 af and b ossom first, howe er. —Two housand and eev nty-eight more oukhobo s left Batoum et the steamer Lake Hurbn, on May 12th, for Quebec, un- der arrangements made by the Cattadian Pacific Railway. This ir akes over 7,000 of t eae people settling in the Canadian e orth- west in the past fe months„ El—A telegram h been received at the J panese Legation t Washington, aenounc- i g the death of Ge Oral Viecount Kawa,k- a i, chief of the he 'dquarters staff of the I perial aae:ny of J pan. He was regarded a one of the most famous soldiers f his ti e. --The Queen Reg pal t, of Spain, has con. f rred upon the Ati trien Minister of War and the German Mi ister of the Nav the Grand Cron of Mil' tary Merit. It is gen- erally supposed that the decorations have been bestowed in recognition of the friendly attitude of Austria nd Germany towel& Spain during the re nt war with the United States, --That good, str ght-laced Tory aper, the Toronto World ays : " It is re Ily all Canada can do to keep her head le el in these days of pleas t surprises. The Klon- dike is the sensatio of the day. l3ritisb Columbia is heaths he world as a prOducer of the precious and seful metals. An im- has set 1 in tewards Migration stampe Manitoba and the rritories. Cana a has INCALCULABLE GOOD, AN EXPRESSION OF FAITH. Dr. Ward's Bloodand Nerve Pills have done me an incalculable amount of ood. I think they are the best, sures and quickest acti g cure for nervou ness, unhealthy act on of the heart, inSom ta or sleeplessness ane(nia or impove ished blood, loss of t ppetite, general debilit and ill -health. For nine years, before I com- menced taking Dr. Ward's Bloo and nerve Pills, my heart was weak and, in an unhealthy state. Its action was so much impaired that I codld not walk across the street without suffering- great distress, my heart fluttering and beating so rapidly that I could scarcely bre the, causing faintness, loss of strength, and laving my nerves all uns rung. y sleeP was very much disturbed, I had no appetite and thene was littl strength or vitality in my blobd ; I wa always excessively nerveusi 1 haee now t, ken three bo,es of Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills and since taking them I have not been away from my -business an hour. Before aking these pills it was 4 frequent occurrence for me to be away from business. As a result of taking De. Ward's Pills m heart ! is perfectly healthy and strong an gives • me no distress or treuble whatever. They removed all nervearouble, made my n rves strong and gave me healthy sleep. hese pills also made my blood rich and strong and gaVe me a healthy appeti . Dr. • Ward's 'Pills have given tee perfect ealth, restoring my- lostl-strength, in pace of continue', ill -health, weakness/ heart trouble and nervousness. In eustke 1 cannot !speak too highly, of this wopderful medicine. Signed y MiSs N. Miflward, Walton St., Port }Pepe, Ont. Dr. 1,Vardts Blood and Nerve lilts are - sold at pc. per box, 5 boxes for. mo at druggists, or mailed on receipt f price by THE DOCTOR. WARD CO. suited, , 71 Victoria Street, Toronto. Boo °fin.; i formation free. i t, —M . Robere McCarmachie, watchman at shall be r ciproo ty at least. And i1 -a. the G and Trunk Railway crossing in much as t e man's superior strength usually Guelph, is Al years of age, he has been . makes a fair figist impossible, publie opinion three times married, and is the father of 28 frowns on wile•lbeating altogether, and children, 19 of whom are living. The 1 police courts in Most cities take practical st, a sbn, was born on the 17th. inst. means to discoirageit. Law cannot define l Carm ohie is a native of Scotland. I when the 'wife a4 all yield to the husband erribl rear -end collision of passel's and when the hueband shall yield to the Las oc urred about 10 o'clock on Fri- wife, but jractial experience discerns th 1 ht, 1` th inst., on the Philadelphia & domestic eace le the result not of the hu oad at Exeter, a small station band's su erior physical strength, but Reading, Pennsylvania, re- agreemen land hompromise, the wife yiel loss, of about twenty•eight ; ing to the1husband. in some things, the hu ly about forty others are bad- I band to t wife in others, and each su of these many will die. I porting t e- other's authority. That th f nidkel, and no country has , husband hen irritated has a right to strik valuable deposits of iren. his wife is theatre: that has had its day eater thnber resources than In our ti an our country it is laughe try, and she will in time be. at, as Jud1e Peabody has doubtless. disco 's greatest producer of paper. ered, if he las read the comments of th all this the world is getting on newspape on I his remarks. Indeed, h does not q ite eederse that theory himelf for in decli ing to punish Kretzer beeaus " no serioh harm was done," he implie that wife -le ating was punishable provide it was exce sive, or brought te the notice o a judge w was disposed to discourage it —Harper' Bazar. • • WORMS ca not exist either in children or a when DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP is used. 25e dialers. • •THE HiTRON EXPOSITOR. yeung Mr. M —A ger tra day ni Reading Rail six miles belt: suiting in th lives. Probe ly injured, an a monopoly larger or mor Canada has g any other cou come the worl In addition to to the feet th t the gateway into. the heart of the -North American Continent is owned and controlled; by this country." -L-One of the pioneers of Arthur town- ship, Wellington county, in the person of Dennis MeGill•euddy, died last week. He was 97 years o d, and had neveaheen sjck a day in his life luntil about two, weeks before his death. 114 retained all his faculties, Un- til the last. 1e was a native of County Kerry, Ireland, and came to this country with his wife and family about 1845 They were among ilhe firet settlers in jArthur towndhip. 1 —During a; heavy thunder stor , last week, the barn: of Mr. Charles , Wi k neon, Chatham town hip, was struck by li tning and complete y destroyed. A tajzn of horses, a colt, jievoral calves and cojvalwere killed. A lar e quantity of grain a d farm implements were burned with the building. Mr. Wilkinson was rendered enconseious by, the stroke, but recovered sufficiently to es- cape. The los will be about $3,000, with a small inslllrapc3 in the London Mutual. —A cri; ple crossing -sweeper, in London, Englandenam d Arthur Fitzharding Wank- lyn, has enterdd a claim to the Earldom of Berkley, basedupon the fact that his grand- father, Tboreatt•Fitzharding, the legally ac- knowledded hdir, refused to accept the title for family reasbns. The claimant is 4o- years of age, and worked in the mines in outh Wales in his y fith, later making a precari- ous livelihood in London; The case the pends to a gre4.t extent on the finding of a solicitor Who klds the family papers. , --1-Whil4e Du can Greenless, aged 17 ears, son of Mr. An us Oreenlessr of P1yniptou township, Lai bton county, was retu ning to the hoese,a ter loing the :norning chores, on Wednesda of lest week, he was inetant- ly kil ed by ightning. His mother; was withi a rod oflhim at the time,and saw him, fall. The body is without a mark of the cause of death save a little singeing of th hair, nd a sli ht mark on One leg. .A blac felt h t which he wore was torn, his wet° chain was bur t, but the vvatoh was unin jured A hol was - torn in his shirt, opti posit where t e watch chain fastened to hi brace Both hoes were torn off his feet and t rown a bonsiderable distance. — ndrew Slater, one of the pioneers o Dumfries toweship, died in Galt last week He wes born in Roxburghshire, Scotland, i 1815. In 183fte came with his parents and the familf to North Dumfries township, his f tiler, th ately taking 1. his frandson Spra, ue's Rot town Willi whe his son, once eded hin and whe en n had to lit e . Th Abso om . ha leg him i -bu o'ne f these N of fr ight, pr efo e th da e W1116 iSti aft) alilo er t t th lin Sla,tr late William Slater, immedi- p the lands now occupied by Mr. William, Slater, on d, about a mile south of the •m Slater died about 1860, the subject of this sketch, in th ownership of the farm, lived on it till bout twelve years ago, he retir d wit his wife—whose maid - me Was Janet 'ommon, and whom he arried 3 yea e ego—and came to Galt decea ed. worked f r the late e, the founder of alt, assist - 'Wing is mills, an also was ho fre uently cond eted rafts; ncipal y flour, down the river I s of railways and god roads.' a team of horses, then quite a , and did a,great deal ot teaming at part of the country In 1837, e o! the Comedian rebellion, Mr. r an: hi team were presse1 into E'er - vire to tran port volunteers to Navy cv Is- land about ti o miles above t e Niagara E Fa118, the headquarters of the Pa riot Army, Mackenzie's followers, i ea••••••!..... WITjHOuT A RIV L ! Paine's 1e1ery 'Compound as a Blood Purifler and Health Give.Ranks First in _ Evtry Civilized Land. ProfesstonIel men, members of parliament, bankers, huffiness men, mechanidie and our farmers, aft4r happy results and experiences with Pane'Celery Compound,emphatically assert the g eat medieine has no rival. As a blo d puriflee, disease banisher and pffluence, an health givel it has won the admiration andraise of thee in position and a people in hUmbler circumstances lhave larg ly added to its extended reputation. The vast army of golf and weakly people restored to health and vigor by Paine's Cel- ery Compound have done more for the pres- ent world-edde sale of the great health. builder than' all the press notices ever pub- lished. Under s ch happy auspices; the pro- prietors of aine's Celery Compound, with full aud hon st confidence, urge the use of thisnob7est nd best of medicines at this presentoteasisn, Theiwork of purifying the blood, cleansing the syistern, tegulating he nerves, is an im- perative onel and should not be delayed a moment, if ailing people Would have perfect Men and nervousness, ralgia, rheu complaints, troubles wit fatal results for the takin vitality, and never disapp The old rr pound "Ma to -day as it omen distressed by headache, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, neu- iatiern and liver and kidney caniebt afford to treat ' their h indifference. Serious and olloW !delays. This is the time on'of new strength and true Pai e'a Celery Compound will hat he sick and afflicted. otte of Paine's Jelery Com- es sick people well," et as true as ears ago. Should a a hi • be Allowed to Beat Wife? There is a bud e in St. Louis who inclines to the old contmon-law opinion that a man on occasion nay rightfully beat his wife, provided he docs it with due moderation. The story' is, I the+ before this magistrate, Judge Peabolly, llhere was brought on April 5, Barnard Kretz r, charged with slapping his wife's fac be( ause she had contradicted an order he gave to one o their children. In passing judgment the j idge EWA : t In this cas the wife wa more guilty Ghan the husband or trying t contradict and thwart her hesband's will 'n the presence of the children and setting t emfa bad exam- ple, which he had a right o rebuke. There are times when a wife irri ates her husband to such an e tent that h cannot control himself and ises his hand r fist. As long as no serious harm is done I don't believe in punishme t. It is posin le that the magistrete's decis- ion in this case may. have been praetically wise, whateeter may be th ught of the rea- soning that led up to it. t would be inter- esting to know what the judge's attitude 'would have been if the boot had been on the other fo t and the beating had been ad- ministered bjy the wife to . the husband. Whatever riay be the condition of the statute lawin the matter in various parts of the Union, ublic opinion no longer con- sents to the monopoly of beating which the common la* gave to husbands, the contem- porary view being that if there are to be blowbebvteen husband and wife there ult Al • Good Advice. Archbishop O'Connor, the recently cap - pointed Arbhhishop of Toronto, in his in augural address, among other good thing which he seid, made the following remarks, which are as instructive for Protestants a for Roman Catholics. He said: " Another eouree of is what i commonly called religious controversy. Now, my dear brethren, that we believ firmly in the teaching of the Caeholic Church mat lc unquestioned. I believe 'that the C thoti the Lord Jesus that I expect a their bclieH ma belief. No by others, ter what th not see that Ch'urch is the Chureh o Thrist. ,13ecause I belieyee 1 others, no matter what; be, to reepect me in my , just as I wish to be respecte4 , too respect all others, no mat+ ir b liefs may be. And I del the interests of religion are ad vaenced in tie el ghtest br quarreling abou it. It ia tbe du y of us a1l to seek what i the true r ligio , to flni out what Jesu Christ tang al t it the 1 duty of us all te submit witl hamility anf with love to the teachings o the Say our, and then, my dear brethren, e premote the best interests of religion, and at the same time the very best interests of our .ountry, because it is only in that country n which religion is respect- ed, in which Go I always 'Stands first, that there can he pr sperity and the blessing df Almighty God. Hence, my dear brethren, it is our cleave t at in this nation we shall be united in ioing Our duty toWards Almighty God, • nd surely to do that does not require that we quarrel amongst our- selves about the most sacred things. Ife I do not know let us pray to Him, the Auth r of light as well as of • truth, and He w'll make us utiders and what we have to do n His best interes s, as well as in the best ie. - tercets of oursel es and of our neighbors' • • ; LIVER, T1OUB1ES, biliousness, sallow compleX- ion, yellow e -es, j undico, oto, yield to the cunt' tive powera f LAXALIVER 'PILLS. They are sure to cure. An UnaVailing Attempt at Reformation. A maiden Indy of a certain town in Corn- wall owned a parrot, which somehow ae- quire(' the disagreeable habit of observing at frequent intervals : "1 wish the old lady wmild die:" This anuoyed the bird's owner, who spok,e to her curete about it. " I think we an rectify the metter," r plied the good man. "1 also havea parrot, and he is a righteous bird,. having been brought up in the way he should go. I will lend you my parrot, and I trust his influence will reforin that depraved bird of yours." The curate's parrot was placed in the same room with the wicked one, and as soon as the twe had become accustomed to each other, thelbad bird remarked : "1 wish the old lady would die." Wherenpork tbe clergyman's bird rolle up his eyes and in solemn accents added r " We beseech th e to hear us, good Lord Id' The stoey got ut in the parish, and foe several Sendays it was necessary to omit th litany at the chu eh services. • INIILBUCtirS STEJILING HEADACHE POWDER are easy to ;take, hermlees in action and sure to our any headacise an from 6 to 20 minutes. • • he Cattle Trade in Manitoba. he farmers who have beef cattle to sell thi spring will reap a harvest, as prices are ve y high, as much as five and a half cents pe pound being paid on the farrns. An en rmous trade has been done for several mo ths past in stackers, the province havt. in been eceured by buyers from the States ant the North-West Territories, Who have paid from $12 to $18 for yearlings. I A prom- ine ra 'M th br go thi for an shet the farmer out of compet the rancher ; bet he can raise sto realize a comparatively higher pri co ld secure for the animal fitte bu cher. It is said that there is on the western ranges south of ka chewan for one million more cattle. 1 • • 1.1 t rancher says! that the territorial chers can take all the stockers that the nitoba, farmers can raise, and urges that y shoeld payi particular attentien to this nch of business. The suggestion is a d one; for as the country beco:nes more kly settled the expense of raising cattle the market will increase corres ondingly, tion with kers and e than he for the till room the Sas- PPS's cocOA GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for De- licacy of Flavour, Superior Qaal- ity, end Nutritive Properties. Specially grateful and eomforting to the nervous and dyepeptic. Sold only in quarter -pound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & COr, Limited, litomceopathic Chemists, London, England. BREAKF,AST SUPPI1R EPPS'S' - COCOA 1609-26 • Inflanmatory Rheumatism. 1 Mrs. W. J. Wadeworth, Toronto Junction, 8a39 : i l "For three month I was confined to my room with inflammatory rhetit atism and suffered ntense pain. Doctors failed- to die me good. Five boxes of 6 U. burn's Rheumatic Pille cured me." PrEte 60e. i eire fee. WORMS of all kieds aro promptly expelled by13r. m Low's Pleant Worea Syrup, Nice to take. Pr co 26 cents. • Etart Disease Has became frig thilly prevalent of late. If your. , heart palpitates, tbrobe, skips, beats, or is weak, do1 not fail to us Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. T ey; strengthen he heart, steady and regulate ts bat, t and reetore it to iste tby, normal action. . ' • Mrs. Michileton, "Dr. Fowler's Ea remedy I know of diseases of Ohildre I Ser. Mrs.Id haA snon oe! Wri iareidig ning sore. I had takefl six bet ray writes from Schomberg, Cint. act of Wild Strawberry is the heat or Summer Complaint and Beiwel • have used it for 17 years.' HAGYA D'S relieves pan, allay heals outs, cures ell and stiff ;joints. TOW. Pala in th Price 250 fulous Sores. t, Dereham Centre, Ont., writes bad that my face was all one ran - Burdock Blood Bitters, and before lest I was completely, oureda' ELLOW OIL applied exterlally infiammatitin, reduces swel rains,lame back, contracted cords, Taken internally aurae Otani), stomach, Ildney Complaint, eto. rriage L. I ic!nses We do not issue them 1! But lall those that are going to be married in lane and will have need of a Dinner Set, call at Robb's, SEAFOR*H , As we have just opened thie week a line of Dinner Ware, the prettieet and the best quality for the money that lever came into SEAFORTH. If You time, th line in I In our fresh an on't know, you oeght to by this t wa take the lead in the Crookery SEAFORTH. roeery line we keep everything clean, and deliver m any part of SEAFORTH. HUGH ROBB. NORTHW EST TRANS C9.Y.L.T.P.. STEAMERS MONARCH and UNITED EMPIRE (Weather permitting) will leave WINDSOR on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS at 6 p. nt,' and nd SARNIA on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYSat 3 . m., as per sailing lists for SO(, PORT ARTHUR, ORT WILLIAM and DULUTH, making direct onnectiona itt these points for MANITOBA and the ORTHWEST, KOOTENAY. BRITISH COLUMBIA, Pacific Coast Pointe and ICLONDIEE. Lowest Rates. Choice of Routes. Best Accommddations. CHEAP EXCURSIONS. On and after 181 June, goca to return until 31st °et4obrer. Frates and ion:equation apply to G. T. R. town or Station Agent a eatorth. JAMES H. BEATT , General Manager, Sarnia, Ont. 1640-24 Pure JEM MUM 9 9 A N D tinseed Oil Paints THE LateOt A4istic Shades, Int rior and Exterior Decora- tion. Maul_ aeture Th p Cana Montrea Now n sale et COME to STAY Business Increasing Rapidly. We are delighted to fird the peo- ple of Seaforth and surroundings alive to. their interests—they NKI our prices right. Everything new and the most fashion]- . able on the market. Give us a call. Every person is weleo - whether they buy or not. See our window for a few of the lead- ing lines. THE NEW SHOE STORE, Paint Company, Under the Town Clock, Seaforth.. 1638-24 Toronto, Victoria, 13.C. SEAFORTH, ONT. 1638-13 NOTICE ITO CREDITORS. All persons having any claim egainet th estate of 11 Thom&ida Thomas Adams, late of the Town of e , gentle- man, who died on or about the 23r4 day of April, 1890, to send to the undersigned acting Exeoutrr before the let 1 day of June, full particulars of their dame, duly veaified hy affidavit. After said lest mentioned date, the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the esta e among 1 the patties entitled thereto, havIng referee e only to the claims of which they shall heve reciiiv d notice, and after such distrinution the Executors vcill not be accountable for any part of the estate to apy credit- or of whoee claim he shall not have recetvd notice ' This notice is given pursuant tothe statuto in that behalf. . RICHARD. ADAMS', Londesbo o P. 0. Dated May 41h, 1899. 1639-4 1 The Grandty Bred Stallio0 AND GREAT RAOE H9Rsg McCorirnack Wilt stand for the iInprovenent of ' 'stock, during the sleason of 199, —at -+-i- R. Wilson's' itables, SEE/FORTH, liuron County Breeder Association. 1635 Are You Gong to Manitoba? If so, try the Dauphin cuntry, which is principal- ly adapted to mixed far ing, and ie well supplied with good wood and woad. Any further particulars will be given on application to the underetgraed, either by calling at our office or by writing. Corte- spondenee promptly attended to. Send or call at Tux HURON EXPOSITOR Office for list of farms and town property for sale. , SPAR ING & MURRAY, Real Estate, Loan, Instirancie and Commission Agents. Office—Municipal Clerk' Office, Main street, Dauphin, Manitoba. 1632-13 MILLIN RY! Fresh Arrivals of. . NEW GOOD A Large Ass rtment o the Latest Styles to . CHOOSE FROM. Orders Receivfed for Dye- ing and Making Over . . . S RAW HATS. MISS KINSEY9 10-1I'S BLOCK, - - - SEAFORTH • • • I i Money to Loan. . , Ariy amount of money to loan on good tarot pr • pony, at 5 per cont, per annum. Straight loanel, payments made to suit borrower, satisfaction guae- anteed, charges low. At office Friday afternoon eod all day Saturday. ABNER COSENS, ] McDonald Biotic, Wingham. 1687 ill-CTSIC- IdifIs Sarah Louisa Moore, L. Cl, M., Acedemic graduate of London Conservatory at Music, is prepared to re eive a limited number of pupils for instruction 1°6 on p ano. Walton. Monday and Tuesday; Brussel Wed esday and Thursday; &Worth, Friday an Satutdav. Qualified to prepare pup& for Principal s form in the Conservatory of aineic. Apply to s MISS, MOORE, SeAtorth. 1638-13 i THE SEAFORTH Musical - InStrumen • EMPORATM. ETBL 1 HED, 1873 wing to bar c u ed to sell Pi time3, we have nos aid Organs at Greatly R du ed Prices. • writing mention MONARCH SUP TIME Highest cash red and white oa and rock elm.; For further part ;9PS 3 Organs at $ 5 and, upwards, and la Piti,nos at corresr g.prices.j ffiee us beforp urch ng. SCOTT BROS. FREE Boys and Girls. This beautiful Stem Wind Watch And Chain FREE. Also Bracelets, Rings, Cray on Portraits, eto. Send your onme and address, and we will send you two dozen of our Gold Top, Pearl Back Lever Collar But;ons. Sell these to your friends at 10 cents each, and re. turn the money and v...3 'sill send your watch free of all charges. When hie paten.. LYI CO., box 376, London. 1640- ' ER WANTED. ee paid for black ash, white fah, ,hardsand soft maple, hernioak,solt ther etutntsage or delivered in 3 ard. euNiiva WAGNER, efiGaaNgpBearRyi or 163241 tfa o he S. Co. Exeter. SEAFORTII DYE WORKS. , Take your clothes tol the Seaforth Dye Works and have them cleaned orl dyed and made to look like new. AU work guaranteed to give satisfaction. HENRY NICKLE, GOderich street, .pposite the Catholic church, SeafOth. 183)41 • MONEY TO LOAN. Money to lorsi at 41 end _5 per cent, per annum, slay amount on est -class farm land aeeurity. Ap- 10 11 S. HA S, Dominion Bank Building, Sea- r rthl 1807 4 SIGN CIRCULAR , OF THE SAW • C'TP tm ami 1-140 tn. tv 5. -t -t- ,c1:,3; critlfzi CD - s tie 4- ,F11:1- <IP 59 1:1 P•Orit <1 zn CD P --g-23 cp, Do tr,rn 1_4 CD fa a) CD 1..J it 0 Pa goW c/2 0 F -s g ;IP 0 CI) -it tad Qt.4 R 3I CDcDb3CD.441 6.21L P p CD ri CD 6-11"F"1 1,1, CD aP"Z:3 Pc5 tt CD 0 1-1 cp 18" P L2 CD0 CD )P-34 1-1.5 (D 0 P-41 1-t 12$ LUW3ER Being dealers, t Lumbe attwie vsee sth Seaforth 1627tf ways'communication with the ber und reigned le In a position to sup y , S Ingles, Cedar Posts, etc" low prices, either by the ear lead or Ya ds—in the rear of the queen • Ilotel, 3. KIPATING-, Seafo co c Cotton Loot tiainotr.d. g , sR tccessaully used monthly by! over -110,000 edict*. Safe. P free tu al. Ln d lee ask our tirugerfa for Cook s Cotten Roof Com- pound. a,he no other as all Mixtures, pills and least) ns are danfOrous. Prise, No,. 1, Si per bon , No. 1, 10 degrees stronger,SS per Iv*. No. 1 or 2 Mailed en recelpt of price and two 3 -cent stamps The Cook connassy.Windson Ont. IlarN'Os. Viand 2 Id and recommend.ed by all r ponstbleiDrug ts in Canada. _ el Ns 1 sod ie. t sold In Seaforth by Lumsden es Waive CHAMPION SHIRE STALLION OF CANADA KI.LBITRN NO. 15,179. Will stand for the improvement of stock for the 4th season at BERRY'S SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES, HENSALL, during the season 1899. Terms.—Ineurance $13. Meala and feed for parties from adistance free. BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietors. OWEN GEIGER, Manager. - 16,88-tf McLEOD'S System Renovator --AND OTHER— TESTED - REMEDIES. A specific and antidote far Impure, Weak and Im. poverlahed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sieeplessnese, Palpate. tion of the Heart, Liver Corogaint, Neuralgia, Lowe of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Siena, ereunderse, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. 'atria' Dance, Female Irtegularieles and General Debility. LABORATORY—Goderich, 0:Asti°. J. M. McLEOD,-Proprietor and Menu facturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, SeEtiOrtil,. 1501.tf • GODERICH Steam Boiler Works. (ESTABLISHED - 1880.) A. CHRYSTA_L Successor to Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright & Tubular BOILERS !mit P113111,1310ko Stacks, Sheet Iron Works* eto., etc. Also dealers n Upright and Iforisootal Slide Valve twines. automatic Cut-Oit Rnetnee a specialty- All ees of pipe end pipetttin,g constantly on hand Istimates furnished on shartnotioe. worki—otmestte a. T. R. Station, Goderich. :i 1,4. p1r;Th.-41„.d4z; ) tett; THE STCLA1R RIVER SARNIA.ONTARIO. 10 Of Our Graduates placed in positions during the past month. BEGIN NOW And be ready 'for a position in the Fall. Sarnia is a beautiful place in whieh to spend the Summer months. Catalogue mailed free. A. S. NIMMO, Proprietor. 1615-52 H. R Jackson & SON. Drat= Iouimus OF Jules Robin & COIA Brandy, Cognae, France; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ; Booth.'s Tom Gin, London, England; Bulloch &Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for 'Walker's Whisk'', Ontario; Royal Distillery and Davit,' Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC: We have opened a retell store connection with our wholesale bud - business in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goods in the market at bottom prices. Goods delivered to any part of the town free. TELEPHONE 11. 151&-tf The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED 07710111, J. B. meLeas, President, Iiippen P. 0, ; Thomas Fraser, vice-president, Brucefield P. ; W. J. dhtere non, 'ileio3,-.Treas. Seaforth O. • Thomas E. Hays, Inspeotor of Losses, Seaforth P. 0. DIAMOTOIS. W. 0. Broadloot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Win throp * George Dale, Seaforth ; Thema E. Hays Seaforlih, ; James Evans, Beechwood ; John Watt Harlock ; Thomas Prager, Brumfield t John B. Me. Lean, Kipper' ; James Connolly, Clinton, AAMMTS. Rat. Smith, Harlook ; Robt. McMillan Beam* a Arca Cumming Egmondv ;0; 3. W. Yee, Home. vine P. 0.; John Govenlock and John C. morrison, auditors Parties desirous to effect Insurances Outman. rot other businees will be promptly attended is on ppliestion to any of the &boss cams, addressed Is their reepeetire post ofi5oes, McKillop Directory for 1899. JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0, JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Couneiner, Bftebvisea 0 JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Winthrop P.O ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Leadbury JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0, JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0, DAVID MAIMS, TIMAUTEsf. Winthrop P. 0„ WILLIAM EVENS, Asresser, Beechwood P. O. CHARLES DODDS, Collector. Seat orth P. 0, RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspecter, Load - bury P. O.