HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-05-26, Page 5106, 189 1 SALE .d.m 10 to ae 11be` y Goa n Erle best Yet )Iii a mann !Z TO at lEAFORTIL of bailed hay frere _•r the old country_ is a usefel man fo .11 team, on Pride the home ground the Heimall boy*, aey ;victory for the es two defeats fig Jeep.) from the south ed with the sciences .p courage and try hat the Shamrocks vs on the ':7th, as -We ;hopel to hear of I acceun1 of theme epee has: present bugev, purchased • Mr; ltieker, whish finish its would be was that Air. Coopv es a little more to fe, he having cots thet it is not good —Air. James Me. ence of ;five weeks suffsaiently recov, n10ne 115 lib llsuttl. e name, on Monday e -s school; and left a s• arms, in the way emaseseaseememememes _ v. - man TON he CID `ng. lie balance of the -, and have cut our r in order to do lo. we will put on sa�e•'sr� �• d men's snIte, all are less. than half than the coat at tine,, a suit for reties seeing the is stock at pried regular dealer OW uy the goods for.. ing to sell it : e front line all -woe tore, eat!: Cute, lined and trimmed rot: one of the best tr 3-37, 3s, 39, 40 and -- $` •?1° and 814, your .c> tilts, size 37 only. re :.rice • t1, pure •eoo,t and pante- a'ossool tweeds lad our (•hole()$1 tette to t% beef gooJe !, tr ..t and well made, rr rr shier 83.25. tot's. --assn's furttidlr. .'#Nei l... than shies. lark and light Color? eplieed Heels: s` a 's dark glee end ts� ems', price sec, oto` 'suit r3 in dark end settee and detached rh.. sierra fine botr. ' ]Len's fonvIrt• of fight colors, Wim` 5r,rli'e beet rtuslitlf s, rf irk att3 light col- r•e 5c, r.•iBiir• the greater r fir. Clinton. All the at at this store, that efhese: laeke, browns, fawner sic 15c. 31en'tr hard bre wits, Wigerusla 50c. Men's gng a1;.•.,, tined and un ht browns, Wiest:oaf) c•.: ?t.1S. ' S1iIRIS. Fenn lined o4t the thing for a with shirt wale*, =itis. Thirty-six aids • , our price eee; leek only, good ice tele . 44 -itch btl l ma11 pattern, orifi n. 1-inclt, rlualitY bba ,` h glo4BF_arileh, orifi in RTERS, 010. stock at the Clinton. SAY 26, 1899 Dublin. JoT'pl:icis -Dr. Miohell.has hi fixed up-to-date. It Iooka quite The pretty trees, arranged i caws, add much to the pictures auce of the surroundings.—Mr. opular blacksmith, who was co ohne through illness, is able to his work again.—Mr. Davis had aturday last drawing sand for ion of his cellar.. ---Joe Carlin, v sited friends :+ in town retie ardan spent afew days of last fends in Beechwood.—Mr. Bor st Sunday at his home in B iller and family have moved to o nes by Mr. McKenna.—Miss J o Seaforth, is the guest of • urphy.—Miss Minnie Evans, w. •d,. spent Sunday with her fr. Katie Redmond. -Miss Tessie nded a party on Friday eveni t e residence of Mr. and Mr: f I= fine Iawe attractive different ue appear It ayes, Durr fined to bis attend • to a bee on he founds Stratford; tly.—John} eek with an spent irises—Mr the house lia Casey iso Mar of Beech end, Misr arroll at • g last al Thomas -•G erin,—Mise I£ilioran, of Seaf rth, wa t guest of Miss Murphy over Sanday. lies Simons spent Sunday viaiti tg friends • Staffa.—Mrs. James Williams took sic o Saturday, bat medical aid was ummone in time, and she is much better. Owing t the strike of aectionmen on the G. T. R. the men employed on the sectio, here ar ndt working.—Mr. and Mrs. Pat ick Ryar. ar both ill and unable to be around. -- Filed Davis, of Pore Arthur, is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Ja es Davis.! —Mr. and Mrs. John Gormley : nd little Harry spent Sunday with friends in Aliteh o —Mr. Cassidy, of Stratford, i shakin ha ds with his old-time friends tlese days —Ira. Peter DcCoursey is at pees nt unabl tolattend to her household duties owing t it ess.—Rev. Father Fogarty wa in Olin• to last week attending the forty I ours' de votion.—Mr. Myers, who has be :n ill for swipe time is still in a suffering conditions —lir. Barley, of Mitchell, was it to n on Monday on business.— he inces sa t rain of the past week has ke.t farmer fr m their spring work, that otherwise w uld have been completed.—Th : boys o t football team are practising e rery even , and intend to challenge the 1 layers o Se. forth.—:Miss Mable Davis and er friend Miss Myra Boyd, of Mitchell, ape it Sunda wi_h Mr. and Mrs. James Da is.—Mis Carroll, of Stratford, spent last L,unday i the home circle.—Mr. slid Mrs Thoma 1.Irylate spent Sunday last'. at the home o Mc' and Mrs, William Keeney.— he lift four-year-old son of Mr. and Mr . Josep M rphy, while, playing with his Ii ,tle sister around the grounds Sunday mo ning, fel on a stone, cutting his nose ve y badly. Dr. Mitchell dressed the wound, s nd wit car the little fellow will soon •e arouse ag:in. Clinton. I EATH OF MRS ROrERT COA Robert Coats, of this place, died Fri ay evening, at the age of . 68. ce -.:ed was the wife of the oldest c me chant in this section of the Sit was one of Clinton's early sett w greatly esteemed. She leave• ban , two sons and three daught eon is a member of the Globe eta roe o. T Clin day thin ease itE TWENTY Fot-RTH.—Tho ei ton celebrated her Majesty's 8( th birth in grand style. The weather arts every - g desirable, and one of th largest witness- of the present, h. The by the of Clin- s.—M rs. ere las The de• ry-g'tods country. ars, and a hus- rs. One in To- izens of mblies of people ever in Clinto ed the celebration. The fine ban 33r . battalion, of Seaforth, was also the Marine band, of Goderi mo ing was occupied by a drill cad is of the Collegiate Institutes ton end Goderieh, followed by a firemen's con i st, which was won by Wingh m, Clin- ton" close second. In; the afte noon, in the park, there were trapeze a High- lan+ pipers and the McMureh + sisters. Ba eball—Wingham vs. Brussels Brussels wo, , 10 to 8. Football match— 'oderich Co egiate Institute vs. Clinton 1 ollegiate Ins itute—An hour's play and so goals Ara*e. Baseball—Brussels vs. "tinton Cl` • ton won, 15 to 14. Sawing co teat—In the :awing contest there were four pairs of contfestants, and all did their level •est, but the !north country carried off the palm of victory: Harris & Ramsay, of Gres, taking 1st rize, and Logan & Logan, of B yth, the 2nd The evening programme fir ished up wit a sham battle, representing t e taking. of hartoun by the Goderich and Clinton Gun Club. Altogether the day wa a grand succ 8s. • Zurich. Now is the time to paint your houses, and afore you start get our price for part and oil. In fixed paints we handle Robertson's, the best and , mos popular taints in Canada. They haus been be. fore the publia for 45 years. They have pleased thou tide they will pteastt you. Binder ;wine—We `. have already orders for 10 tons, we are still taking orde . Our price for pure Manilla -850 f eet to the Peed --nothing better matte, is 107c per pound othe brands 10§c, 9,c and Sic per pound. The above are rices that paralyze our competitors, t_nd we are not t (raid to make them public, so if you want any • of t e above at cut prices call end leave y our orders at t e big hardware.. Youre truly, • C Ilartleib, ?;urs h. 1641-2 THE MA14XBI'fS. SEAroaTn, May 25, 1899. Fall Wheat (new), Standard 80 s17 to $0 69 Sp ng Wheat per bushel,-- ........ 0 67 to 0 69 Oa per bushel_ _. - 0 30 tO 0 31 l Pea poi bushel._ _, _ .. _. _ ..,, 0 62 to. 62 $aey per bushel 0 38 to 0 40 Butter, No. 1, loose_ _- _ _ _ _ .. - - 0 1 to 0 12 i _ _Butter, .-_- r __----- 0 11 to 012' E perdes ., -- _ .. _. 0 9 to 0 10 Flo r, per 100 Ice _. _.. ._ _. _ .... 1 )0 to 2 00 Ha per ton now -r., -.-, .... 6 00 to 6 60 Hid s per 100 lbe .. _ _ -. -. 6 00 to 6 60 She p Skins.... 0 60 to 0 70 W : 0 16 to 0 18 Po Loos per bush, (new)_ _ _ 0 60 to 0 70 Salt (retail) per barrel_ _,,.,- 1'00 to 0 00 Wend per cord (long).. _- 3 00 10 8 76 Wood per oord (short) ......... _ ... • 1 50 to 1 76 Apples per bag_ ...... ... _. 0 80 to 1 00 Cios'er Seed........ . 3 0 to 3 60 Timbthy Seed 1 )5 to 2 00 Pork, per I00 lbs—.. _ .. _. -... 5 0 to 5 10 it all pw, per lb.... 2 to 0 03 Dairy Markets. UTIt',i, N. Y., May .'?.-.—At he Utica Board of Trade to -day the f'ollowin sales of cheese were made :-45 boxes am 11 white at 9„c, 440 small white at 9gc, 1'0 small colored at 9o, 40 small cotpred a 9?fd, 21 large white at 8?;c, 70 target whit at 9,1,c, 1,016 large colored at 8:ie, 423 lar e color- ed at 8ne, 57.2 on commission ; 12 packages butter at 17c. Ler-me Feels, N. Y., ay 22nd.--rThe sales of cheese were 40 boxe of la ge color- ed at ale, 240 large colored and hits at 8 e, 3,848 small colored and white i t 9; 23 packages of dairy butter at 16 to .8c. MONTREAL, May 23rd—Cheese— l he lnar- ket is unchanged but firm.I Coun ry bids range from 9i to 9&c. Butter—Th: market is firm, at about 16c for creamery. Eggs— There is a fair demand at 11 to llko for choice. TORONTO, May 23rd.—B iter— here is mot much fresh -made grass dairy offering, the demand for choice is goo and he snar ket is steady for large rolls t 10c o llie, and medium grade dairy to s are q oteld at '9 to laic. Creamery is ate dy at 16 to: 1Thc for prints and 16 for boxes o tubs. Eggs—The receipts are -fair, the de and is good, and the market is steady at l l tic. Toronto Potato arke Potatoes r.re steady. Car on t e track here are quoted at 75e, otatoes out of store sell at 85 to 90e. !— Live. Stock Markets. LIVERPOOL, May 22nd.—prices lyre and in London are firmer. American st er sell at 11 to 12e per pound {dressed v eight) ; live sheep unchanged at 13 to 14ic (dress- ed weight) ; lambs are 156 per you d ; re- frigerator beef is 8ic per pound. LOhrloN, England, May 22nd—Th ,p'ioes coil or fan . gd. +here rade ,. baked .ought nd round o rem from sound :ell tel : nd six seed sad f.r f: t s' ore t e as •ood se' .80 $' .50 is seat g. od a�• f t c s o r oice on` $3.50 S..50 vt as d:y. to e roiee $ '.75, u e t fair, $s .15 c immon The q lotable otkers, $,t .95 't. TORONTO, tle e 't., re porte•,1 1..ndoti, "I.' ti p etty Se .50 at, out Medium p:r p c anged h d ar- ea I to $10 $2 ed ar: la G•od th • unchanged. pa th ek fe eh po American and Holiday MONTREAL, were was for l.1 eevera ; 42c per 2 $1.50 for at fro paid $5.50 good at fro. at frot. straigh hogs hogs smallpigs BUFFALO ooth to to $4.20 to to $4.25 fat heifers, d heifers, cows, moron to to good, to to a fairly The $6 75, to a few ; good $5.50 to $5.25 bulk ; rou $2 50. were wi:,ii ere was e in well for ten cwt., ewt. a good firm st yes are each to $6 each.. at from worth ba fetched lambs heavy d is still fat 3c per nd. tattle Argentine trade. May present slow, :II kinds •rime others pr • tty good sound, to •c per to $7 ood large 31 to $1' for two or.another. la bs. $2.50 $4.60 lots, so. d at from old at at May fa export bet, 55:20 ; good $5 25 ; $5; common ; feeder heifers, $4 good good to good extra quality, do., $4.50. $5.25. active general steady extra were sales to choice, to $5.75. ; good to fair, of the at $4.05 $; pigs, hs, $3.30 May quoted at a few a shade and the a tendency butcher maintained loads of ciente more cattle' sold and inferior Export at from demand from 3 badly ; those Sheep 3} to from 5 from are wanted. run of For 4c ; hogs sell pound. Store hogs are unaltered.! cattle and sheep, 23rd—Cattle—The in Large numbers, as higher prices of cattle. Mr. steers at 5Jo per at from 5 animals sold and the common pound, Calves each. Shippers sheep, and 4ic per pound. superior, spring He also paid Some of the smaller to $3.50 each. to $4.75.per 100 just off the cars 4i to 4:}o per from $6 to $8 tom $1 to $2 each. 23rd.—Cattle—Good cattle, $5.35 to $5.35 ; export to choice butchers' good to best butcher to good fat bulls, $; to $3.50 $4.25 ; to $4.85 to $4.25 ; mixed to choice, $3.70 to best, $3.75 $3 to $3.50 $4,25 to $5.10 $3.50 to $4 ; stock Calves,—Good color Sheep and Lambs—Th demand throughout basis for lambs ; sheep steady quotable'at exceeding the outsi $6 to $6,50; Sheep, ch to choice, $5 $3.25 to $4.51. prices was 4c ; ; mixed, $4 $3.92: to $3.9., to $3.45 ; et: 24th.—Cattle— from $4.25 to deals at '$5. Al: better in Live demand her. towards ea:e cattle, ,but p at •from choice botcher for anythin.. at from $3 Go at from $3 bulls aro Steady 34 to 4c' per p for feeders, to 4+c per you wanted, and here to -day so ---Sheep ar 4c per ound. to 5tc p r pouts( $2.50 to $4.50 Hogs— hogs they are s the best grades light hogs fetch at 41,:c per you Stags sell : will not sell. ' were Cir. to 5•ic at stock sold pay the Mr. lam $26 Fat you ; poun each, to to bulls ; good ; fair fat to to ; stocke was p lam $6.60 co •fee to Hogs s eavy o $4,C5 most gs, xport $4.90 rkets pool is at ices $4,25 t attle, euperfin to_ t30 to and und, nd d. ill sell d at unchan Yearlings . Spri n spite eady the 4-e, • d. t 23 Ca 5id 't but be n Ma t you fro 4e oth r M lamb ho d hes a I b s $5.5 bul s stee s stee $3.. t t co • $4.31 $4.2. ; cos bul e ,toe. • r t $6..1 ss e g tn. xt a .1 w • r1 l $2. cast pe a are good. ow were tc a d . $�e. f $3 .tC u • e pric s Good tip fro g sac . f a d price a d So s per -, Sr sacted- a c•Ilection e. b fol THE ank of CAPITAL Million SEAFORTH general Banking Farmers' d special • attention of Sale '•AVINGS BANK.—Interest on deposits pecial facilities siness in the oney Orders, payable owing rates :— Under 810 910 to 820 1. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. CANADI ' Commerce N ) 00,0011 H. tra to allove .12 .14 MINTY, ! , the of at the 1824 (PAID U Dollars—$e . :BRAN business Notes dislcournte given Notes. of $1 and upwards. for transaction Klondike District. atiany bank, issued .08 ! 820 to 830 .10 1830 to 850 F. C. C. • Manager BE' DEACON—In GAr DE Mc TY M SMITH—BUTTON--At II GF.AHAM—In EGGERT—In OCCKEI1LINE—In McINTY1tE—Io L -Tn Hensall, James Bell, of Eaet of Mr Henry NETT—In Bluevale, 1r. George Gannett, NS -In Turnberry, Wm. Deans, of {EE-- 1n Molesworth, Mr. John L, McKee, r DALL—In Hullett, Lorne Tyndall, CRAY—BORRETT—in the residence Donald, D. D„ Port Finlay, Euith, to Mies but formerly father, on May William M. Smith, Button, daughter RT—WELSH—Atthe father, on May bert Hart, to ship of Turnberry. Clinton, Graham, relict 78 years and 3 Blyth. aged 77 years, erline, aged 77 Stanley, lntyre, aged on a Wawaoo Dea;:on, a oda Marriages. of Seaforth! Algoma, Daisy of 10 17th, Miss Births. May 16th, the wife daughter. h, on May 16th, of `a daughter. on ,May 16th, the of it sen. hfavl,18th, the wife daughter.__ on May 18th, the of ry daughter. on May 16th, the son of Mr. the wile wile of of M. wife of wife of M. 24th, a A. D. Mc. Mackay, of tucker•+ Port Finlayl the bride' Abey, Mr to Mrs. 8. of Morrie. the bride's Mr. Wil of the town Martha A aged . Eggorti ohn Cockj rbert Mc- • Dr. Carder, 1 Borrett, McKillo the h, by merchant, of Mr. residence by Edith Myth, on May by Rev. Mr, Donald formerly, of also of (residence of Rev. 0 J. Walton, Wm. Sholdice of Rev. W Freed, Weleh,bobh Deaths. on May 15th, of the late William Graham, months. , on May,, 10th, Mre. 7 months and 10 days. Morrie, on May ,12th, years aid 2 ni'on+tta. on April 28th, H 31 years. It at Toronto, co , 0• in.oropetent tr:"nes bu.ineds we e tht an yo po•talto Yo.ge EXAMINATIONS properly conducted,,test dent reasonably Central all peas a ducted by_ the nada. No whitewa,hing candidates. to pass these men appreeiato have many tient, young n we can suplly. • time. There r advancement. • and Gerrar the proficiency well. The graduates of Business Col strong independent e. Business Educators' Aae or granting D Our students ar examinations susses their standing. ' more applications fo men and women to fill You may enter our aro no vacations to into If you >,yieh partieul W. H. SHAW, Pei' stir., Toronto. of a the ege amination ciation of plomas to properly fully, and hat's wily capable, positions College at fere with re drop a cipal. 1688-62 , SA E REGISTER. (n Tuesday. June 6th, at 1 o'clock, an Lot 15, C nceesion . 8, Stanley, Stick and I plements. Mrs. Sts Intyre, proprie ress ; Edward Boss au . tioneer. arm in H Ilett, Lot 6, Concesei ru • sday, Junes 6th, at `2 o'clock, Huth Oke, proprietor ; Thomas all •tioneer. • p. m,,' Farm ah Mc- nberry, n 8, on p. m. Brown, Fla: Purebred Clydesdale ROYAL STATESM PETER MCKAY, W 11 stand for the improvement ran at his own stable, Lo 8, rue' ersmith. Terms, 28 t insure. Stallion sea - R. S., Prop of stock Concession 6, ietor. this H. 1641.3 A :he st 10 gove have sae Da •urt for ownshtp D xon's Hall, 0' look. n themselves destroyed d to the :ted. ed, May NO ;ICE . the Revis'.onl01 the Asseesmer of Tuokeremith, for 1899, wi Brueefleld, on Monday, Ma, Interested parties will take n. a6cordingly. Ratepa theiridogteiince being arose matter at said court, or the A.• G. SMILLIE 16th, 1899. I • t Roll of I be held 29th, at ties and ere who .d should will be Clerk. 1940.5 0 ut e1 d, er 4 a a e s r- s or e 9 a y t e, 0 0 a s, e e 0 0 n Y r e d IMPO TAM ` OTICE& SCHOOL TEACHER SohooI Reotion No. 7 female tenaher, holding duties to commence atter plications will be r delve. experience and epi y des' this year or fa full y rotary, Seaforth P. 0. WA TED. --- Wanted fns• Tit keramith, a reale or se.ond class certificate,. he : mmer holidays. Ap- un !1 June 20th ; stating red for the remainder of tar. G. S. BLACK. Sec - 1641 3 FARM LANDSLI TUC -E For sale th,,t ell•kn wn the Mill Wad, T o eremi h, k Farm." It is olokle o the ilia within one mile and a hal of paores, with btio rebid nee i7lenty of good ss ter and will be sold as a velr 1e, or 1 and on easy termer of pay en oppo tunity for an pers n pleasant location to a 1e.1 en of the undersigne in eaf house and good lot oonv hie ply to the Proprieto , Seafc Office. ROBERT F,&NSOI p ,$: 86IITH FOR SALE. — nJ first-class farm on own as the ” Fanson e of Egmondville, and eaforth. It contains and good buildings ; ell underdiaiced. It its to suit purchaser', This is a splendid esiring to get a very e Also the residence rth. A comfortable t to Main street. Ap• or the Tail Exrosrron aforth. ,1841•tf SPLENDID FAR IN UL AUOTION;.—M '1c. E ow tions from Mr. Hug 0 e t se the premises, Lot 6 Cone ssio day, June Gbh, 1890 ab 2 o'ol able farm oontainin r 100 acres of the village of K nburn w school, stores,' blas smith eh 8 •miles from Seat .rth ; 1 fr Londesborough, art 9 fr m routs leading in al direc ion of waste land on th piece, an of cultivation, well drain d good wells and good builds gs ; of good winter fru t, :ago t bush, balance cleared •; al se sores. Any furthert into' imati Hugh Oke, Exeter, f roprietor on the farm. 'Terms. —Five per money on the day of sate ; third when tine puroaaser dbtai balance on Mine to slit pureha gage. Further particularswil sale. HUGE% OKE, Propri.tor ETT FOR *ALE BY has received instruo- by public auction on 8, Hullett. on Tues ek, p. no., this vain. Itis one mile north ere there is church, ps and post office ; m Clinton ; 6 from lyth. Good gravel There is not a foot it is in a high state nd fenced, with two one aore of orchard cores of hard wood ded out, except 86 n required apply to or James G. Martin cent of the purchase nough to make one s possession and the er, eecgrec'. by mod-- be ornbe g1Fven on day of t • 1641 2 MORTGAG Under and by virtue of the certain mortrago, w hleh will time of sale, there will be off auction by Mr. John Gill, auctl eial Hotels in the Tqwn of Se THE SIXTH DAY (9F JUNE, m. The dwelling house and number forty-four (41), en the street, in F. G. Sparling's said Town. of Seaforth. The h good condition, contains seven situated ; convenient to factor! is a good garden. Hiard and s er pro Maulers and terms and ply to Mr. Thomae K dd, Seafor F. W. GL OMAN, Barr titer, Matti Dated it Exeter 22 May, Irl, SALE. owers contained in a be produced at the ed for sale by public Deer, at the Demmer- forth, on TUESDAY, 899, at 2 o'clock, p. premises,' being Lot Vest Side of Louie, rrvey of part of the use is now in very rooms and is well e and stores. There ft water. For furth• ondil.ions of sale ap- h, or to St., Exeter, Vendor's Solicitor, 99. '1641-2 WINDING( UP Constance Che se an • factur ng Co A meet ng of the S rareholder ppony: wit. be held 1 the feet Kipburn, on TUES AY, JU o'clock, . m , for -t a purpose Affairs of the Cornea and the lousiness if necessary ., PETE GEOR .E STEPHE SON, Pr FETING. Butter Manu- pany. of the above oom- ry, in the village of E 6th, 1899, at 7 of winding up the transaction of otber DILL, Secretary. ardent, 1831.2 HURON COUNYfirCoU CIL MEETING. The Council of the Huron, will meet in Town of Godericb, 0l next, at 3 o'clock, p. t Corp•trat on of the C•unty of the Coun tl Chamber, in the the firs Tuesday in June W. LANE, Clerk. Dated May 22nd, 189. - 1640.2 • Notice to 0 In the Surrogate County of In the Estate of Alargare ceased. Tho creditors of hf rgaret C. Viliage of Fgmondvil e, widow, on the 4th day of Ap it, 1899 a fore the lst day of June, 1899, signed Solicitor for the Exeeut particulars of their claims, dui, After the said date, the Exeeut distribute the assets b1 the estal entitled thereto, hay' g referen of which they havereceived nc distributioo the Exeo tors will n part of the assets to a y creditor have not reo1ived not e This suant to the statute In that beha Solicitor for Executor . Seafo 1899. ed itors. ourt of the uron. t Carnochan, de- rnochan, late of the deceased, who died e required on or be o send to the under - re of her will, full verified by affidavit. ore_ will proceed to e -among the parties ce only to tle claims tied, and of er such of be liable for any of whose claim they oboe is given pure f. F. HOLMESTED, h, 4th da ' of May, 1638,4 Notice t'o Creditors. In the Surro ate I ourt of the Count of uron. In the Estate ofRobert ceased. The creditors of Robert T. Township of McKillop, farmer, on the 4th day of April, .183 or before the 1st day of July, undersigned Solicitor or the A Estate, full particula of their by affidavit. After th said dat will proceed to distri ute the l among the parties enc led there only to the claims of ' hid' she and atter such dietrib tioo the sot be liable for any p rt of the or of whose claim she as not r notice is given pursna-it to the s F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor for forth, 14th day of May, 1899. Morrison, de - ori sonsteee of the deo and, whn died, 9, re required on 899, to seed to the .mi istritrix of his laime, duly verified , the Adinmis,ratrix aceta of the estate o, having referenoe as received notice, Adminiotratrix will 'sots to any credit- eelved notice. This acute in that behalf. dutinietr.strix. Sea - 1040.4 Notice tooCCr In the Surrokate i Cou nliy of In the Estate of Alexa ceased. The creditors of Alexander Village of Egmondville, retire who died on the 21st day of Mar ed on or before the It•t day of the undersigned Sol�cltor, for will, full particulars o their cia affidavit. After the said date, proceed to distribute he as:cts the patties entitled t ereto, hav the claims of which hey have after ouch di.tributi n the Ex liable for any part of Ithe assEte w ose claim they hhve not re n tioe is given pursuant to the s, F 11OLMESTED, Solicitor for 1 th day of. May, 1809 d Dors. ourt of the uron. der McCaa, de- eCoa, late of the farmer, deceased, b, 1899. are requ'r- uly, 1899. to send to he Executors of his ms, duly verified by the Executors will f the estate among ng reference only to received notice, and cutore will not be to any creditor of eived notice. This atute in that behalf. xcct.t)rs. Seaforth, 16#0-4 . SOUTH H RON -!armerS' In titute. ANNUAL M ETING. The Annual Meeting of the So ith Huron Farmers' Institute, will be held in Coxwot h's Hall, Heneali, on THURSDAY, JUNE let, at 1 0' lock p. m. Follow- ing is the programme : Presiden '8 report ; report o1 executive ; treasurer's report ; auditors' report ; suggestion cf points at which to hold regular meet- ings ; suggestion of pointy at which to hold •supple- mentary meetings ; election of officers, etc. The meeting will also be addressed by J. Huno MOD, V. S., Professor of Veterigary Soien e, Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph) eubjesr, ' Breeding horses for profit." The subject Of 0 it Roads" will also be Introduced for diseuslibn by W. Cooper, Kippen. D. McINNIS, r R G RDINER, President. i Secretary. 1840.2 The Cafla'1ian Express; Crnpaiy (Covering all prrand Trunk line Possess unexcelled facil'tiea for h 'Merchandise of every de cription. Money Packageal, Col ect Drafts Bills, Notes, Issue Money Orders on almo t any plaice in the United States and Caned . No red tape. No application to fill out. No waiting for advice... A receipt give with each order—can be cashed at any our of the,day. A messenger can transac your business. - Prompt !refund for orde s lost, delayed or stolen. .The moat popular known method of remitting through the mads. rndling W. SOMMERVILLE .ACS -;ANT, Commercial Building, Seaforth. 1687 T JUNE We wish to c:11 your atte carry a fins DDING S B Our gqpds are new and ul right. tar The printing notice. RID tion to t us fa et that we line of ! AT 1 QN E RY. -to-date, land done 011 th rices are shortest PA1!ST'S Bookstore, SeaortIi. Mo Blick and Color Every tatement we make concernin substantiate by the goods we carry in s Simply visit the department, examine goo notes, see all there is to see, then take a 1 sons. Noth ng pleases us better, for thos so invariabl come back and spend their Because of b tter assortments and finer q Fine Bla.c Drees Goods, worth 25e, fpr oreaux Dress Also a for skirts an lar price. Coo our Dress Go ds can be ock. It is easy to put s and qualities, ask qu ok around town and, m who take the time and oney for dress goods style not in. evidence outside this e are the magliets that lr ng buyers erified and s o the test. s ions, take r u le to do a stock Lustres ab 20e, 25e, 35c, 40e, 50c and 75e. Blaele Serges, surinne weight, c. Black Blister Crepons, very etylish, 75e, 85e end $1. Bla , 65; 75c and $1. Bleck Grenadine, 43 inches Wide, 75e and ilk and wool, worth 75c, for 5 c: Colored Ceshmere, 40; i 15c. Fancy Dress Goods, light olors, silk strip; worth $1, fo 'oods, plain and shot effects, the' newest goods in the market—, umber of short ends in Dress Goods—in black and cole ismall dresses, which we sell at one-half- to two-thirds o 5e. Fancy clies wide, 65e. Vig- 5c, 50c, 75o s, lauitable all Peautiful Designs, sell- ing at 3 4c and 5c per roll. SEA 'Vfin.dow Shades cloth roller p from 25c up. & WILSON COTT'S BLb0K, MAIN STREET; ORTH, Ontario. BUC KID CURE U JUNIPER EY PILLS BACKACHE K FEAR'S DRUG STORE A . . Happy Marri was that unio old port wine, stimulant, wit tonic. This u consurnated in • ge of rare he great Peru - e great ion was a pure port wine with Chinchona Bark in pro- portions preseribed by the English and French tis a greati invigorator. For sale in Seeforth by FOR SALE. A comfortahle two storey dwelling house ; warehouse with !refrigerator, stable, out•houses and a I good well. Apply to i EDWARD CASH, SEAFORTH. 1640 .1 Shoes Wet4a ,Alive_.—..... 1 they would be doing t ev rY op or- tunity to cheap commo hoe Polls es, which to a great extent y, ha den and crack Shoes, thus des r ying the life of the leather. We re o mend any of these :— BLACK—The "R. Willie" Iiirench Oil Box Cell PoliSh, per bottle 25c1; Whit- temore's "Gilt Edge,' per 'bottle 25c ; ii " Ideal" Box Calf Polish, p r bottle 20e ; " Eureka" Box Calf Corn inatiolis per bottle 15c ; British Navy laeking, per box 10c ; English Army: Blacking, COLORED—" Slater's" Russett Polish, per bottle 25e ; "Ideal" Tan or Chocolate ehining Chocolate Polish, per bottle 20c ; "Eureka" Tan or Chocolate Polish, per bottle 15e. CENTRAL ardware Store. e are agents for Robertson's rea y mixed Paints ; for dura cho ce of colors, they cannot be Th y are manufaetured from pure and oil, and are guaranteed ea See our quick meal gasoline stoves mo e easily managed than any o in t e market. We have a full spa es, shovels, forks, hoes and gar Ea etroughing and furnace work a Giv us a call before purchasing, ills & Mu HARDWARE, elebrated ility and bite lead they are er stove Stock Of en rakers. ratty- Ois Seas n Iwe will be foultid. he front rank for a good. high class and well assorted Dry 1Goods Clothing Establishment. All pepartmenis are full to overflowing with all the newest and best goods that money can buy, or that patience B.111(1 lose [buying can pro ure.- Having direct cennection with some of the best manu- facturers in En land, Scotland, France, Germany, and the -United States, we are in a positio to; give you correct goods at closest prices. ard & Co inese Goods Are MI to Hand !Carpets, Curtains and Draperies. Exmiinister Carpets in great range of colors and neW desians • Brussels Carpets from 74c to $1.,25, special at 850 an d $1 ; i All -Wool Canpets from 65c to 83e, specials ; Union Carpets from 25c to 60c, 'special at 47ile ; Oil Cloths and Linoleum.s from half yard. to two yards wide— an immense yange ; Tapestry, Cheiaill4 and Lace Curtains in endless variety— Gents7 Furnishing Department 'An immense range of Hats in hard atid soft, at prices that 'you can only pro ;cure from us,,all the new shades. AlOi's Suits to Order is a specialty with us ; ;people are not slow to appreciate priees for high class goods—speciaI Black, Readyniad Suits, EIto. iin this line we are c rtainly better than ever. Our prices will set everybody ;thinking wile* you ee the goods at $4.75, 86 and 89.50 per suit Everything guaranteed to wear. Try us for Shifts, Ties, Braces, Underwear, Umbrellas, iSilks Old Dress Goods In this Department, as usual, we wilt be found second to none in the trade - Large stock, good a#ortment, correct styles, combined with our close prices Wash Of all wc'ho s assorte Is now ck, 00 Fine prices, e them. s Etc ephyrs, Nice Ginghams, Galateas, etc , etc., in great variety einoci from 10c up. These goods command the admiration, They are correct. Our stock of Parasols is te.ige and Dppartment plete, With New Sbirtings, New Flannelettes, New Cottons, New o/ass Staple Depart ent. Re tithe the Place Olen u want anything in Dry Goods and Clothing, Carpets or House Purnishin,,s. Our large trade is a guarantee to us that our stuff is right. OpPos pICKARD & Co DIRECT * IMPORTERS, te Town Building, Corner Main and Market Sta, Seaforth. Penie6st s—The Ladies' Store THE COOL PLACE IATARIVI WEATHER DRESS SKIRTS. Beautiful , Skirts, Ready -to -Wear Crash Skirts. The New Black Perfect Fitting, new g ode 'all sizes, $2.50 each ; Black Lustre Skirts, perfect goods, $2 and $2.50 _ each ; Bleck Brocaded Skirts, trimmed, $1.50 each ; Black Brocaded skirts, new back $3.50 each Black Crepon Skirts, plain and SHIRT WAISTS. A full range in good designs, all sizes, special, 47c each ; the new stripe in the new colors, aII sizes, 'special 65e ; Black Sateen, fancy stripes, novelty deeigns, at $1 INTach ; the NeW Piqua Waist in white and tripes, at $1 each ; ohe Fine Piqua Whilst, ew York style, fancy stripes, at $1.19 rich ; White Lawn, with insertion front, at 95e ; Fa,ncy Tucked White Lawn Waists, with insertiOn front, 'at $1.25 each ; Fancy Piques and Ilancy , Patterns, at special prices, $1.50 each ; Fancy Metall° Sateen Waists, black, iblue rind brown, $2.37 each, In light and dark colors, speoial 75c each ; Indigo blue,`,,blok and white, fancy checks, Special $1 eaeh • fancy designs, fancy trim. med, special $1:25 eacla ; better cloths and non -fancy designe, apeeia $1.50 each ; owl best goods, comprising al the novelties and' fancy designs, $1190 each.' CREST BRAND CORSETS. There are 8,000 stout women in Huron County, and all must be fitted with a tom- fortable fitting Corset. This Corset is specially designed for stoub figures, and the most comfortable Corset you can use, The elastic laced sides, with the sepetable steels, makes the corset easy and pliable, whhe is by far the best wearing Corset. Ask for the Crest Brand Corset—priee $1.18. A full stock of the -popular Corsets always on hand. Summer Corsets, all sizes, 47e a pair, PARASOLS. In Parasols we will te found axeeptional. ly strong this season. Our prices for good goods range from 50e to $5. HOSIEFW AND GLOVES. Our special Fast Black Hose, two pair for 25e, is a splendid line and good value ; better lines of Hose at 15e, 18e, 22; 25e, 30e, 40e and 50e per pair. Gloves at 1210e 15e, 18e, 25e, 35c, 400 and 50e per pair—in black, cream, tan, ete., in silk tact* etc. FOR MAY—WHITEY/EAR SPECIALS. Twenter-fiv-e dozen White Cambric Drjavr- era, special, two pairs for 25e ; 25 dozen White Cambric Drawers, frilkcl, SPeeialt 25c a pair ; 20 dozen White Canibrie Draw- ers, wide embroidery, trimmed, 50c a pair ; 10 dozen White Cambric •Drawers, extra, fine, trimmed, 65e a pair. All the lines are worth more money. Reduced for May. - MILLINERY. Don't forget the fact that we are the leaders this season in Stylish Hi h Class Millinery.- Only artists employe in the trimming, and only the best goods handled. Our prices will be found from 10 to 15 per cent. lower than at usual places. A call will convince you. SMALL WARES. Beauty Pins Belt Buckles, Collar Cheep, Blouse Sets, 'Belts, Cuff Links, Ombra Purses, etc. Always an up-to-date -stock. We w t all the farm produce we ca,n get—highest prices paid. • Ladies Store PR OR. Pentecost's EAFORTH.