HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-05-19, Page 7I899: MAY 19, 1899 -1 1514 Noon txpoitor. de the the ole 011 t011 Net worth paying attention l'e, you say. Perhztps you have had it for weeks. It's annoying because you have a constant desire to cough. It annoys you also because you remember that weak lungs is family failirr, At firs't it is a slight couth. At last it is a hemorrhagc.,. At first it is easy to cure. At last, extremely dirfieult. :AFORTII. . well developed ba- be, her powers of lave 7e. There is Sear ed which can be fo nerit. scinated by a. roan he, • by a fine clan !atiment to dorain etimes she la sw .pleadings of a flue yes, .and she mista 1 for the love, 01 eymoon is over en to engage the 3, the %vile sees t )oy often who, sa is utter& devoid and. who is quite h at. ;edy of life begins :12rjudges men fro standpoint, and feeltng wholly S or De Her nabs us more intense, h told me she had be She was a stranger :iy aurprised when hived your seco ree?' _ buthow did r u my conclusion w miples. The worn three times usual to know what re is neually one age would under or - ;cur in her thirtieS, age Insed on etrorg The t rd husband be selected ; mere:y fleelining yesire—Ole et and affeetion, b t my eatimatie to .tase, and I have Ary of all three -p uee IIAGYARDS J as a olio relieving .„ who lives eoup tFpeare, has ! had '-emoyed. n1amni ting the other ey ion necessary. sho Iives with h in Ta,vistock., 'erida-y afternoon ) the stable tofee the stall -when th [Tied by a eat an side pinned Mrs the stAll. Two she ustained in ing of Wit week f South Easthope, ent. She wag mille had always be disposition, whe trning, the anima the right breast quickly conquers your little backing cough. There is no doubt about , t. the cure now. Doubt cdfraes !,. from neglect. _ 1 - For over half a century Ayer'S CherTy Pectoral hns been curing colds and cottghs ' and preventing do n sur,ar tton. It cures - Consumption also .• if taken in time. , ! teil One 0 D. is C12ZIE'll '- ,.. Vosis li gea ceusra. Shall we send yea a book on th:s subjezt, free? ear EZvcf,..2.9. If you have any COI' -1,:f'iLf 17"'Sti I-- ev:.>r and dc sire the i . 4. oieeee:•1 aavlee youctie 3 ... o it i°, e a'a • °•i. -eq.: i•e: the doctor frr iay. y. -•Ii -,,-, :1 r,14.,,,ivp a prompt rerev. [without eeot. . Addrese,"Dlia .1-. C. YER, . [ Leweli, 3Iass. DISTRICT MATTERS. Lithe following items were intended for last week, but were received too late.] Grey. DOTS. —A new store is being erected at Monorief.—Miss Jennie McNair'of Oran - brook, left last week on a trip to the old lend. She will visit in both England and Scotland before her return.—A. C. Dames has disposed of bis 100 -acre farm, lot 18, 41h concession, to John McAllister, of Ethel, for $1,750. Mr., Dames bought it recently at $1,510.—Miss Lizzi,e Addison, of Galt, who was visiting the Straohan famil- ies, returned to her home last week. She is , a cousin to Messrs. Strachan,—J. P. Mora - 1 thsh, 12th concession, has purchased a fine 1 thoroughbred Tamworth hog for the im- lprovement of etock.--The stone work for the !new brick school in section No. 6 has been cOmpleted by Harry Attwood, and D. A. 'Llevvry willnow go ahead with the brick. Thomas Newsome has the contract for the b ilding.—We 'egret to hear that John ;L3 mont, 6th concession, is not in first-class pith. He had an attack of la grippe last iwnter and thet has been followed by an a ;lb Pi to in 0 ('0 1 1. Inn, yellow eyes, jaundice, etc . yield to the curia pie powers of LAXALIVER PILLS. They are sure io ure. scess on his neek.—The,ma,sons are busy ilcling the cellar for George Speiran's new use. ---Abram BiOop, 4th concession, has en a little -tinder the weather, but we hope will soon be all right again—The steam edge is at work now on the big ditch. ntractor Oliver says it is the roughest ce of work he has over undertaken, owing the buried stumps and logs.—Last Mon - y Georgcr Best was takingla number of ttle to Jame e Cuthill's, 16th concession, pasture, and while going , south on the lamed frona Oranbrook, sone of thern got the ditch and had to be drawn out of the re by S. Duan's team,—.Lachlin McNeil d son Hector, of the 16th concession, left Thursday of last week for Manitoba, ere they haVe a farm. ,Work will be menced on their arrival and a. crop got Mr. McNeil, sr., has not disposed of fine farms in Grey, nor'does he intend ng so, but thinks there is a good opening leltieitoba,so,purchased land near Portage Prairie last fall. WEB. TROUBLES, biliousness, sallow complex- • • Walton. OTTINGS. —Robert J. Moore intends, go - West about the 23ed of this month.— W. Morrison is clerking in W. M. ith's store.—Wm. Sholdiee has leased Morrison's farm for the year.—Charles rnbull is busily engaged in improving the earance of his house and ot in town.— Hill, who will conduct t e cheese nsak- this year, i4 busily prep rig for the mer's Work. The factor starts about 15th. -,-Wm. Sholdiee ad a bee on turdays' putting new sleep rs under his n. He intends adding a ient and put- mes Johnston e work, and , stone work.— enced the pea - LE! o kidney -sick ttreibtete theiriciney Cure -- dee. &De-tont% --tt-e the mostin- -1St; oonernon tea the- past few •nce has made Title with ite er.s.a.n Kidney eh in healing lav testimony is t curative quail- , disease exists ate -1 by certain such as mucus, -tee k duet, acid r. necessarily 4D ich only ager attire edit. fest-, has disclosed •;•' through ,aeeing eolid particles of circelatica ort while clog mpair elev. so tiics,e organs are, w.e lays hoia- a ruthless hand - ere a solvent-- . It7v Cure is a. flt.v secific- 2. i 1 has' been' teetified to by' Oladder. It's as as case Was Nrs handC, de: eoted experon ut relief. South neer to his notioae 1tr1eei it .-_o lets better under its - 11 -he tokst 14 men can he t for that same - !,.r ,t day he went te[elEll Auierieao BY -LAW 'NO. 4. —OF THE— Town of SeafOrth, FOR 1899. By -Law to raise by way of loan he sum o $20 000 for the purposes hereinafter met ioned. N areas the corporation of the Town of Seaforth Is uthorized by special Act of the Leglel tore of th Pr vince of Ontario to submit a By -La - to the rate paera cif the said Town, qualified to vo e thereon, to en ble said corporation to raise by Artl- f teen the BU11 of $20,000 for the purposes her 1 after man- tle ed. d whereas it will require the so 1 of- $800, to be raised annually by epeeist rate, for t e payment of in ereet as hereinafter mentioned. nd whereas it will require the sum f $671.64, to h aised annually for the payment of s id debt, 118 a hereinafter mentioned. d whereas the amount of the a 06 rateable p party of the Town of Seaforth, irresr Ev tive of any in rime in the nature of tolls, intcres dividends, re ta, or fees from the said property, a also Ines. p tivaotany income to be derived 1 o the tem- po ry investment of the Sinking Fun re -any part the eof, according to the last revised S essment of the said Town, being- for the year 1898, a the sum of ws ,460. Aad whereas the existing debenture d bt of the To*n of Seaforth is as follows: ,600 borrowed under the authorit 1 By -Law No, 11 A of the Town of Seaforth, far i86 ,000 borrowei under the authorit' elf By -Law No. 3, of the, Town of Seaforth, for 188 [ 1 ,b00 borrowed under the autleori y of By -Law No. 8, ot the Town of Seaforth, for 1891 4,000 borrowed under the authori y Of By -Law No 8, of the Town of Seaforvh, for 1392 1,000 borrowed under the authorit of By -Law No. 6 A of the Town of Seaforth. ,600 borrowed under the authority of By -Law Ifo. 26 B of the Town of Seaforth. A d there is nothing in arreare either for principal er 1 tercet on said debentures. A ci whereas It is neceesary to appo nt the time and places fdr taking the votes of the uly qualified fele tore, aria to appoint Deputy -Retuning ( There to ka the votes ot the amid Electors. B it therefore enacted by the Muni ipal Council of t a Town of Seneorth. L That it shall be lawful for the the own of Seaforth to raft° by way o leeY person or persons, body or bodies c ma be willing to advance the same on ti leer inafter mentioned a sum not exce rporation of loan from rporate, who e debentures ding in the agg egate tbe sum of $20,000. II It Meall be lawful for the said C rporation to eau e to be made any number of debent res, not less tba4 $100 each and not exceeding in the ggregate the eum of $20,000, which shall be payable n t later than twe ty yeare from the iesue thereof, and tench de - ben urea shall be sealed with the seal of the said Co ration, and shall also be signed byl the Mayor and he Treasurer thereof. - - 11 1. The said debentures shall ha a attached theretocoupons for the payment of int rest thereon at the rate of four per cent. per annu from date tha eat, payable annually on the first da of June in esel year at the office of the Treasurer ' the muni- eipa ity. IV For the purpose of forming a s nking fund for he paymedt of said debentures he bum of t6T1 4 In addition to all other rates Ethel be levied and °Rooted by special rate upon all t e rateable prop rty in the said Town of Seaforth a nually dur- ing t e enrrency of the said debentur s or any of thea and for the purpose of paying the interest on the 8 id debentures the sum of $300 shall in addition to al other rates be levied and collected by special rate pon all the rateable property in th said Town of Se forth annually during the currerre3 of the said debe tures or any of them. V. It Ethan be lawful for the Corpor tion of the said own of Seatorth to lend the sum o $20,000 to be raised under this By -Law to T. R. F Case & eat. for tie purpose of aiding them in the e..tablishment Oa jpork packing house in the Town f Seaforth with ue interest, to ho secured by a mortgage upon the lends, buildings, machinery and plant of the said T. RIF, Case & Co., to be repaid by tw nt3• annual insta!ments sufficient to provide for the payment of the e nkieg fund. and upon such other terms as to said lands, pted frou a888138- rs. to vote ow tho second irs of nine the after- ub-Divieion treet ; poll- hamber, in No. 3, at t, Seaforth. Officer at Elliott be ub-Divieion uty Return- the Id Corporation may seem proper, buil Inge, machinery and plant to he ex taxe , except school taxes, and all ove men 01 $6,000 for a period of twenty Yr VI The votes of the Electors qualifie t,,1118 Y•Law eball be taken on Tuesday, nay 1 May, A. D.1899, oetwecn thij hi? o'eloak in the forenoon and five o'clo k noon` ab the following places Polli g No., at Edward Cashat store, Code eh balivision No. 2, at the Council Ing s the own Hall ; Polling Sub -Divi io Strong's office, eolith side of Market ctr "rhat Edward Cach be Deputy Retuenio Polli ig Sub -Division No. 1 ; that Willie Depety Returning Officer at Pollteg No. ° ; and that Oliver C. Willson be De Mg Officer at Polling Sub•Division NM 3 V1L. That the Mayor of said Murticie al Corpora- tion ehall attend at the Council Chan% er, in the Town cif Seaforth, on Wednesday, the )6th day of Apr1, A. D. 1899, at the hour of °lave i. the! renoon, for the purpose of appoin la at end at the eeveral polling place4 a the nal summing up of the votee res beta f of pereons intereeted in and prom 1:01. the By -Law respectively. VI I. The Clerk of the Munici al shalli at the hour of terelve o'clook , no hairdday of May, A. D. 1899, attend at oCita ber, in the Town Hall, Seaforth a 'the otos given for end against tOo Pau certificates thereunder. e IX The By -Law, if carried by the vote of the (MY 1. Juni, aeteryere, shall take effect on and lin the first A. D. 1399. o'clock in ting persons oretmid, and ectively on ting or op - Corporation n, on the he Council d eum up y -Law, and ern ecle trouble", : after a few dal? in from three- t. 111 NOTICE. a stone wall under. J s the contract for the fra . Atwood, of Grey, for th e brick and tile yard coin 's run last week. Wm. Gray and .Janes Milian are filling the pl ea of Cha,rles rnbull and George Candi r who will re- in in the saw mill until he end of the se son's cut.—George Smi h has resigned Li position as engineer in . McDoneld's 11, in order to prepare foe ne removal of Ii family to Dauphine -Mad oba, where he it t ends taking pp land. Hie many friends vki:h him all prosperity. RI 1cLeod takes hi plane in the saw mili. W. J. Sinith an Miss Lizlie left this wee to visit Feta - tit es in Elma, whence he star s on the 21'3rd int,, for Restan, Manitoba,t. take a posi- ti n in a general Store. Miss Lizzie, after a fe weeks visiting in Ontario, also goes W st. A very general regret among their ho t of friends in Walton arid vicinity fol- io s their departure, both having been pr minent and 'popular in chuech and soeial ei cles. ' 3 ILBIA.N'S STERLING HEADACHE POWDERS are easy to take, harnilees in action and vire to Mire an. headache in from 6 to 20 minute& Brt_ssels. an wi 30 1.: ci BC fe se te see qu Di co1 au tek "i b t c s ha Pc'40 ABBATII SCHOOL CONVENT ON. —The 8I,h ual district Sabbath sell ol convention I be held in Brussels, on uesday, May h. The sessions,'commencing at 10 a.m.,' 0 and 7.30 p, m., will be held •in the ehodist ehurbh. -.‘orenoon session, com- ncing at 10 o'clock,—Devotional ew- e ; " Why am engaged in Sabbeth ool work," 1 Ge ry ; Discession ; Con- nce on Work of chool :—(a) "How to ere faithfuloess in officers, George od ; (b) " Hove to secure faithfulness in chers," Marahall Harrison ; (c) " How to re faithfulness iO seholare," Miss Jean s ; Discussion ; 4! Three most essential lifications of a teacher," W. Hunter ; cussion ; appointment of nominating mittee and elosing. Afternoon session. evotional exercises ; address by presi- t elect ; " Sabbath school leakage, its e and cure," A. M,. McKay ; Discussion; he bible class in relation to the future •hilig staff," Robert McKay ; Discussion; he value of encouragement to the Sab- school worker," Rev. Mr. ,Paul ; Dis- ion ; Conference—" How can a taste for thy literature be created in our young le-?" J. 31, Cameron ; Discussion; an- CrWARD'S BLOOD & NERVE PILLS Int—to work and to win -to keep a sane d in a sound ody—to laugh at worry. 1GOR—to w rd off. disease' to con. q r obstacles to transmit health and st ngth to your posterity. TITALITY—to esist the fearful strain an tension of r odern life—to ,11a.ke up fo the constar t drains of merworkt D ' Ward's Bloo and Nerve Pills confet at these essenti 1 qualities on the riser. HIS EVIDEN E IS AMPLE 1400F. 3efore using r. Ward's B1 od and N rve Pills Ifettiwealt, nervous and run d vn. I had lost weight steadily for s e time; mylcirculation was poor; h ds, feet and limbs were cold. I always f 1 weak and my muscles trembled. Now, a t r the use of one box of Dr. Ward's P1 s, I feel like my oki self. I have gained pounds in weight and loo per cent. i heerfulness. 1 now walk firmly, my u cuter system is stroi g- and my blood c r ulates vigorously. I b. vemorecosn t n I have experienced in years. NT rd's Pills have done more for me than medicine I ever took. PETER1 CARMICHAEL, 13 Bright St., Toronto, Ont. 11 good druggists can supply you. If t efr won't, we will by mail. Price pc. per 'or 5 boxes for $2. oo. THE DOCTOR RD CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Th above le a true copy of a By -I awl passed by the unielpal Council ot the Tow. cif eaforth, oei the 8 h day of Ma,y A. D. bee • and all persons are grebe, required to take notice. that • say ne desiroue ef applying -to have suet By -Law or any pert thereof quashed, moat make his applioat on for that purpose te the High Court ef Juatice, withio thee moatha next efter the publication of this notice, ace a week for three suceoseive weeks, in the newse per called Tint liteloN Emmet); or he will be too 114e to be riear in that behalf. WILLIAM ELLT TT, own Clerk. e'er elf THE HURON EXPOSITOR. nouneemente and closing. Evening session. —Opening exercises; anthem, Methodist church choir ; address, " The Sabbath Ischool and miesionary work," Rev. J. E. Hunter ; anthem, Melville church choir; address, " The 1 alue of the Sabbath school to the church and home," Rev. Mr. West; antheln, Methodist church choir; resolu- tions and announcements ; anthem, Melville church choir; closing. Miss Jessie Me- Lauchlin and Miss Lizzie Sample, organists. A collection will be taken up at the after- noon and evening sessions to defray eee pensea. All Sabbath school workers will be welcome. Eaeh school is entitled to send five delegates in ' ddition o the superin- tendent and past r. Deleg tea appointed to the convention a e requested to send their names to Rev. R Paul on or before May 26th, and are as ed to go te the homes pro- vided by the bill tting committee. BOWLING CLUB. —A bowling club, for een, has been organized owing officers have been it, Inspector Robb ; vice- oss ; secretary -treasurer, executive comhatee, the ers and Ji. II. Caineron, R. . Blair, J. Elewitt and G. lawn on the Broadfoot ill and Alexander streets, r the suremer anc is being bowling on the g here and the fol elected : Preside president, D. C. J. N. Gordon ; above named offi Leatherdale, G. B. McClellan. property, corner has been leesed f got in shape. - ANOTHER PIOEER DEAD. — hursda,y afternoon of last eek Sleuel Burgess, an old and highly re-peated r sident !of Brus- sels, had a paralytic stroke. He hed conic) from the farm af er dinner to a house owned by hire in the VII age to fix a door back. He was found there ii the evening in an un- conscious state, t, e work he went-th do not having been touc ed. Mr. Burgess was re- moved to his hom and m dical aid sum - 'yenned, but little could be done for him. Qn Sunday he gai ed consciousness, but had another 1 ght etre e. Thursday morning he breathed his hot, passing 4.way peacefully. Deceasied was bori in Dum ries-sbire, Scot- land, on Christm s Day, end would have been 80 years of a e had he survived until Decembe 25th. e came to Canada some - 42 years go, liv ng at Newcastle for a couple of years be ore locating here, where he purch bed the arm on -Which he died from th late john N. Knechtel, Mrs. Burgess re-clecea ed her husband 8 years ago. Mr Burgee was a man most highly esteemed by all w o know bim and was up- right in all his 'transactions. He was a faithful nliernber o- the Presbyterian church and a Liberal in p litics. 'WORSE HAN YELLOW EVER. Kidney Diseaise Man's Deadliest Foe, Do d'is Kidney Pills the nly Curet Toronto, May 5.—" Yellow fever and smallpox cotnbined do not kill as many peo- ple as Kidney Disease does," was the asser- tion of h promme t Toronto physician re- cently. The; assertion is fully borne out by facts, and were it not t at there is a means of checking and curing Kidney disease the number 9f its via ms would be trebled. But tile use of 1 odd's Kidney Pills keeps , She death rate fr m this complaint quite ' low comidated to 1 s former height. If Dodd's Kidn y Pills were used in every case of Kiclnev Di ease, there would be no deaths from it. 1 The Soldier and Farmer. I am a soldier • but who art thou Wearily plodding after the plow? What praise have you who toil and till? Glory and fame ar for these who kill. Whet is it to garner grain from the earth? The toiler is only f humblp birth ; He cties and his n me is soon forgot, No mauscileum in rks his resting spot. He has only furni hed fruit and bread To the liVing ; he can boast,no dead He has slain by 5 ousands in a valiant war, To b praised and crowned a conqueror. ' The plQwman wa shocked at this rude" [salute, And stod, a mo ent, astonished and mute. He g zed at the s ldier, in belt and sword, The carefully an werod each boastful word. Tho,u n.rt a soldier death is thy trade, Forimurder alone hy weapons are made. Yon slaughter in battle, you murder by . [stealth, You never create el a dollar of wealth. You only consum you only destroy All onime ce, all business, all peace you i Aro nd yo , befo e you, you spreadrancnoony-' ; l[sternation, Beh nd you, is de th and es.d desolation. FonJ fathers and_ mothers Weep over sons , . lelain, And tears of the m idow are poured our, like [ram. You ve the curse of the world, the blight of [the earth, Gro nal anguish a d fear make the sum of ' , [your worth. ; . i Huron's ublic Libraries. , 0 e �f the acts f the Legielature of On- tario for which the deserve credit is the liber I support which has been extended to the iublic and free libraries of our province. Aeco ding to the r port of the Minister of Eduiation for the ear 1898, there are 244 publ c libraries ani 103 free libraries in ex- isten e throughou the province. The mem erehip of the ormer is 30,854, of the tette 80,354. The total number of volumes in pu lie libraries i 417,643 ; in free librar- ies, 3/1,439. The umber ofIvolumes issued during the year fro ithe former was 714.- 522, hile the latt r issued 1,643,618. If care is taken by th local boards of manage- ment to see that onfr the proper class of books hi purchased, these libraries ought to be a mighty leaver in the intellectual ad- vancement of onr young people. Below will be found some interesting ins formatien regarding libraries of the county 0 g ai 0 7 7-2 - It a' E c., Auburn 104 378 7914 13 Blyth lop 1311 940 27 *Brussels 103 9099 191 21 Clinton 110 3544 343 25 Dungannon 102 1137 118 18 Ethel 121 1072 1331. *Exeter 265 3112 4721 *Fordwich 190 1119 3945 Goderich 131 3645 1295I1 -38 *Gerrie 200 1403 350$ Hensall 103 1091 1022 Seaforth 248 5001 13071 2) St Helens 110 927 1125 20 Wingharn 140 2509 4320--e 42 *Wroxeter 287 3677 4590 i . *Free Libraries. Total for province : Membeeg, 30, 54- ; volumes in 1ibrary,417,643 ; volurnas issued, 714,522 ; newspapers, &c., 3,182 From the above it will be seen that ea - forth stands first for having lhe lar est library, then Wroxeter and Go erich, and Clinton at, fourth. The people cf Goderich are, from the figures, the most extensive readers In the county, their average being nearly two volumes per week for each mem- ber throughout the year; Seaforth comes second for reading, their average 14ing about one volume per week for ach nem- ber ;Cli ton third with over one volume for two wee P, and Wingham closely follow Does Prohibition Prohibit. The old question of the effectiveness of Prohibitory Legislation with respect to in- toxicating liquors is being again widely dis- cussed in the Western States. Dr. John Graham Brooke has recently dated that there is practicially as much liquor consume ed in prohibition as in license States. Many more hold thesame opinion. But it is a question of statistics. 'The North and West gives the following interesting figures which are from official sources : • In Missouri in 1896 there was consumed one barrel of malt liquor for every one and two-tenths of the population ; in Minnetiota one barrel for every two and three-fourths of the population ; in Wisconsin one and three-fourths barrels for every one of the population ; in Massachusetts one barrel for every one and one-fourth of the population, and in Ohio the same. These are all license States. Now turn to the prohibition dis- trict In North Dakota they consumed one barrel for, each 36 of the population; in South Carolina, under the Tillman law, one for every 104 of the population, and in kan- sas oneefor every 236. The showing here is decidedly in favor of prohibition. Take an- other view of ib. From 1890 to 1896 the sales of malt liquor in Missouri increased from 1,801,693 barrels to 2.254,202; in Wisconsin from 1,981,201 to 2,846,614; in Montana, from 33,233 to 78,877; in Massa- chusetts frm 953,467 1,580,330, and in Rhode Isl nd from 80,266 to 195,430,—the New England States showing the largest in- crease in sales. In prohibition States the sales decreased in even greater proportions. In North Dakota the sales ,fell off from 12,- 000 barrelo to about 5,000. In South Caro- lina and Kansas the declitie in sales from the adoption of prohibitiont was even great- ! er. Now e let us group States of similar 'population together. Maryland with a 'population of 1,042,390 consumed 655,397 !barrels, and Maryland is a very sober State. !California with 1,208,130, drank 758,590 !barrels. Nebraeba—high license Nebraska 1,058,910 people managed to drink ,161,317 barrels, while under prohibition South Carolina contented itself with 11,107 lbarrels. Take another pair of States. New Jersey with 1,444,933 people succeeded in having an occasional outing on 2,023,141 barrels, while Kansas with 1,427,096 people pucceeded in getting along with prohibition. and 6,039 barrels. Here is another group. )IDelaware's 168,493 people drank 69,113 bar- rels, Montana's 132,159 of population 78 - 577 barrels, while North Dakota's 182,719 industrions, intelligent yeomen fought the blizzards end dust storms with only 5,000 arrels. ; I - A study of the forgoin&v statement will be of especial interest at the present time.— presbyterien Review. SUCCESS MUST FOLLOW The Fair Use of Dr, Williain's Pink Pills For Pale People. That is the Experience of Mrs. Sianey Druce, of Deseronto, Who Had Suffer- ed for Many Years with Rheumatism and batarrh of the Bowels. From the Tribune, Deperonto. Our attention was lately directed to the wonderful cure effected upon a resident of peseronto; which illustrates in a very ad way the merits of that widely kn wn health reeltorer " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." We refer to the cure of Mrs. Druee, wife of sp i !'ur Being desirous of giving idney D uce, caretaker of the High school uilding. eaders the facts, a reporter of the TiibOne ailed at Mrs. Druce s residence, and is herefore enabled to present our readers With the following faces, which !can be youched f r by many neighbors and 'frieods of the fam ly. Mrs. Druce had from the Carly age f ten years been a sufferer from kheumatis n, and had endured an 1 untold mount of suffering from this dire diseibse. She had tried scores of different m dicines to dispel t se malady but in vain. ()eters told her it was impossible to eradicate the disease from her system, and she had at Jest become reigned to the belief that r reurna- teem was incurable. In addition to r eurna- firm, about seven years lige she be an to Suffer from catarrh of the bowels 1 ith its betendant headaches and depressi n of spirits. The pain of the rheumatia and ponstant headaches wore her out. T e doc- tors prescribed opiates which only dulled the pain, but did not repel the diseas . The pwo diseases continued to make stead head - Way, and at times she felt such pal that She Could not even allow her husbl nd , to; tense or move her. The neighbors thought She would never get up again. All kinds of ; remedies were suggested and many ofi them tried, but all in vain. Providenti4y, as Mr. Druce expressed it, the use of Dr. Wil- _ liams'- Pink Pith; was mentioned. It was not until the end of the second box that she I realized any benefit. She then began to realize thatshe was regaining strength. Be- fore she mentioned this to others her his - band also observed the change, for he re- marked one day, "those pills are doing you some good, you look livelier than you have for some time." She continued the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills until she had taken fourteen boxes, with the tgratifying and al - 4i oat remarkable results that she was cam- letely cared of the rheumatism and cat- arrh, not a solitary symptom of either trou- le remaining. Mr. Druce was present dur- ing the interview and confirmed all that his Wife had said, and was as delighted as she in praising the virtues of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Druce said that out of grati- tide for this wonderful restoration to health se had told scores of other sufferers frem afferent diseases of the virtues of the medi- cines which had been the undoubted means of prolonging her life. She hoped that others would follow her plan of giving the pills a fair and prolonged trial, as she was c nfident that in the end success would s rely, follow as in her own case. • PPS'S COCOA G, ATEFUL. COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for De- licacy of Flavour, Superior Qual- ity, and Nutritive Properties. Specially grateful and comforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only in quarter -pound Miss, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited, Homotopathic Chemists, London, England, BREAKFAST ' SUPPER EPPS'S 16 C C OA 9-26 • Inflammatory Rheumatism. Mrs. W. J. Wa,deworth1 Torontd Junction, says i flaUllintOrY rheumetisto and [ euffered nteolte pain. "For three months I wail confined to my °Om with Deetors failed to do me good. Five boxes of Mil - bun's Rheumatic Pills cured me." Priee 60c. era • a. WORMS of all kinds are promptly Expelled by Dr. L w's Pleasant Worm Syrup, Nice to take. Price 2 emote (Heart Disease Has became erightfully prevalent of late. If your hart palpitate', throbs, Skips, beats, or is weak, do nit fail to use Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. They et engthen the heart, steady and regulate its beat, at d restore it to.,healthy, normal action. -ea Mrs. Middleten Wray ntee from Sohomberg, Ont. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the best remedy I koow ot for Surrnner Complaint and Bowel diseases of Children. I have used it for 17 years." Scroftilous Sores. sthat my face was all one Mrs. Annie tif right, Dereham Centre, Ont., writes "1 bad Serofu a o bad run- ning sore. I teted Burdock Blood Bitters, and before I litad taken six bottles I Was completely cured." ' 1IAGYARD'SI YELLOW OIL applied externally relieyen pain. ataye inflammation, reduces 'welling, heals outs, our sprnins,lame back, contracted oords, and MIS Joint. Taken internally our -M Croup, Qtinsy, pain in he stomach, Kidn ow Com plaint, eto. r oe 260 • POPULAR. STA LIONS' , The following Popular Stjllion8 111 travel their reepeetive routes tor thli season of 189 , as follows The Imported Cly esdale Stallion PAINOE OF M DLO SIAN. jA311aS L IPER, 1. roprietor. Monday—Will leave his own stab o, Leit 10, Con - emotion 11, and prooeed to John Brigh m's, for noon; thence by Blyth to Th mats Sloan'e, et 1, Canoes - Bien 8, Morris, for the n ght. Tuesdae —Will proceed eest along the 8th Cone salon to Wm Jackson's, for noon ; thence °est to .11 ines Iarrlael th Cancession, , Glrey, for the night. We needay Will proceed south to Alex, Gerrit °eft, 14th C neestion, Mc- Killop, for noon ; then e wet by Har oek to his own stable for night. Thur day Will pr ceed east to Archibald Somerville's, for »oon ; t enee by Win- throp to Milburn, for rlight. Friday -Will proceed e uth to Foeler'e school hous , theeee west to James A filer's, for noon ; thence we -t and n rth to Thomas Fleares, for night. Satneday Will pro eod south and emit along the 8th Cenci a ion, to Is own stable, Where ha will remain until the tolldwing Monday nlorning. ' 1637x4 That Pure -Bre Cl o Horse UNION BAN (1�, Vol. xvii. C. M roprietor, Monday—Will leave his owrroceed nd proceed by. Way of Broadfoot's bred ee to min's, Alma, for noon ; thence by w y of Huron oul to Com- mercial hotel, Clinton, for uesday—Will proceed by way of the Lon on Roa to his own stable. Wedne%edey—ill y way of the London Road to Kip* Htel, for noon ; thence south to John Hawkie'e he nig for . Thursday— % proceed to Framoist wn, g the Themes mainIn Road to Allidon's, for noon, r until Friday morning. Friday—Will proe h 1.1 miles up t 6bh ConeU , then ession of born est 11 miles to north organ's, for , noon ; th rice way of 4th B Concession to the oandar3 of Tukersmith and Usborne, then west to 12nd on of Tucker- neigh to John Colwell's, for ra ht. Saturday—/e orth by way of 2nd Collimation to his oven stable, where ahe will remain until the relieving Mond y morning. 1638-8 • 1 The Imported elyd sdale ORLANDO PRI GE (10,245), x. desclal 016), ASON, stable George ight. ben alo ed dor i t oncessi C. le. M SON, 1ropnietor. ' Monday—Will leave hi'e th own stable, ill Road, and I roeeed 11 miles noron tl o 2od Conceesion of uelreremith, then 21 miles I orth to the 2nd Con - 813881011, of Stanley, to efaleolIMeEw n's, f 3r neon ; then by the Bayfield Road to be Co menial hotel, Clinton, for night. Tuesday Will p °coed by way of the North Gravel Road to Jamee Reynold's, for noon ; then 11 Miles north, hen ae-1 miles east to hinburn hotel, for the nig t. W dnesday—W111 proceed 11 mules east to the own L ne, thence to rho Huron Road to Thema Fowle 's, for noon ; then 21 miles west on the Iuron 1oad to Crleh's Sideroad, then 11 miles eouth to Ge rge Turner's, for tbo night. Thursday—W II proe ed down the 2nd Conoeseion, of Tuekeistni h, to Gboree Black's, for noon; thence by McLean 8 bride to tbe Mill Road to the 4th C noession of T ekersmith, to Robert McKay's, for the nigh -Fri a3 —11 ill proJ Geed Se miles west across the ele Ro d to the 2n4 Concession, Stanley, to Jose h ROO 'e, for noon e thence by the Town Lime to Andre % Love's, Hills' Green, for the night. S'aturd y—Will proceed along the Parr Line to Murray's h tel, Va na, for noon ; thence by way of the M111 R d to is own stable, where he will remain until he foil wing Monday aliening. 1638-3 The Imported Clyd MOUNT 130'2S (8 ROBT. & ARCIL MEN ,Monday—Will leav his o cession 11, MeKillop, nd pro(' Conceseion 6, for nonn ; Nagle's, Coneeselon 3, Ifibbart day—Weet 2e miles, then nort Concession of McKillop, to J then by way of Roxboiro to 4, for the 'night Wednesday Line, then north to Conoe Robert Srnillee, for noon ; t Walton, for the night. Thur to Conceeeion 11, Grey, at el then north and east to Ethe cley—South to Nimes McNair' far night. Sato rclae—South t Concession 14,!Mele1llop, for n stable, where Oe will reniain Monday morning. Clydesdale PURE 431 -OLD (3 WILSON °Monday—Will leave hie ow and go to Graham's hotel, Bru tci Varna, at Murrey's hotel, South the Parr Line to Jo noon; to Blake by way of Wednesday—West the Town L ne to t Bay, then south 1 milea, th n wait pdrte's for noon; tlion enrth te Rob for night. Thunday—Along the S Elliott's hotel, Bayfield, for nt, n ; the and 61h )oncessions, Goderi h town Chrrey's, 71h Conceit:gen for 5 o !ugh the 101,11 Concession. at J• hn . Stee then by the Ba3 field Cornices' n to CI sen's hotel for nieht. &au day —T Huron Road, Tuelcorsteith, for noon ; own stable by way of Ses Lint% where uotil the following 41onday miornine. 1 The Granc6y Stailion AND GREAT R CE HORSE McCor ack mproyement o on df 1899, sdale 61), Vol. xii. ZIES, roprietor. •n stab! , Lot 12, Con ed to 31.1 s. O'Rourke's, en sell h to Joseph for the night. Tues. 21 nil ea to the ard rime Na h's, for ncon ; m. Hog 's, Concession West to the Town sion 14 McKillop at en to Sage's hotel, day—N rth and CAM . Bielb3's, for noon ; , for th night. Fri- , Come sion 14, Grey, Baum° McPherson's, on ; th n to his own until he following 1638 $ Stalli 10), 00K, P stable afield, f or nig eph It wn Li Vol. 6. oprietor, Egmotedeille, r noon ; then t. Tuesday— nderson's, for e for night. ie 14th Con., to dohn La- n Snawden's uble L ee to alo-eg the 5. h hip, to Wria- t. Vriclay—To • for noon ; i ton, at: Dow - A Hugill'e, tben to hs e will re nain 1638-3 red Will stand fOr the stock, during the se —a R. Wilson's AFO Huron County Breed St re • H E "IAMPION 'SHIRE AWN OF CANADi bles ssociatton. 1635 _KILBITIRN N. 15,179. ,1 - Will stand for the ' improvement df [stock for the 4th semen at BERRY'S SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES, HENSALL, during th, eason 1899. Terme.—Insurance $13. Meal,' and . fe d for parties from a dinance free. 1 - BERRY 4' GEIGER, Pr prietors. OWEN GEIGER, Manager. 1638-ef Are You Going to Ma It so, trv the Dauphin country, which ly adapted to mixedI farming, and is witi good wood and °wooer. Any turthe wil be given on aPplication tothe either by calling at our office or by wri son ad en co promptly attended to. San TIIR HURON EXPOSITOR Office for OA 0 t0+41 property for Elate. SPARLING Reel Estate, Loan; Insurance and Agiente. Office—Munleipal Clerk's Office, Datiphin, ManitOba. itoba-? is principal - ell supplied particulars ndersigned, ing. Corre- or call at farms and MURRAY, Commission Main street, 1632.13 ILLINE ! Fresh Arrivals of . • • • NEW GOMIS. A Large Assortn ent of the Latest Styles 1 o . C 00SE FROM Orders Received f r Dye- ing and Making 0 er. . . SZRAW HATS. 1, MISS KINS Y, KIDD'S BLOCK, - - - SE.FORTII . , 9 13RAN Pure Linse d 011 ixed Paints —IN THE Latest Artistic Bb.ades, —FOR Interior and Exterior, Decora- tion:. Manufactured by . The Canada Paint doinany, Montreal, Toronto, Victoria, B. C. L Now on sale at REID & WILSON S, 1 SEAFORTS; On. 16$8-13 a, writing mention MONARCH 81,1PP , FREE '!Elop aid , This bealutiful 'Stern Whit' Watch and Chain FREE, Also Bracelet's, Rings, Craj on Pdrtraits, etre [ Send your name and adding, anct we Will send you two dozen of our Guld Top; Pearl Back Lever Collar But irons. Sell these to your friends at 10 cents . each, and re- turn the money and we will Send your watch free of all charges. When le paper. . Yi CO., box 376, London. 1640 - TIMBER WANTED. Highest earth pr ce paid fok blat' k ash. white ash, red and white oalahard and aoft temple, hernlook,soft and rock eltn. Either stumpage dr delivered in yard. For further partiOulare applY to [ GCS. WAGNER, Managefo rte S.Co. Exeter, 1632-51 SEAFOR 11, DYE WORKS Take your cloth s to the Seaforth Dye Works and have them cloanqd or dyed and Imade to look like) ,new. All work kuar&nteed to give satisfaction. HENRY NICK',, Goderiche e0eet, epposite the Catholic church, S aforth. . 1d3J-tf MONEY TO LOIN. Atoney to him) itt s and 6 per cent. per annum. Aiiy amount on first-class farm land security. Ap- ply to R S. H YS, Dominion Bank Building, Sea - forth, 1607 SIGN (:)F TH CIRCULAR SAW Fe•le tz M. • 0 cn CD1 cp P 1:1" <IP 01:5 CD 1-1 rD CD P cret 1-aqin p fris c4 I CD: 1.0 ° 0 cp LJ Ottl P ig tD71 Qt<1 r P n P 0 rn SUNG Being always ia com4 unication with dealers, the undersigne is in * position Lumber, Shingle , Cedar P at the very towels!: pric e, either by th otherwise. Yards—In he rear of the Q Seaforth 1 P. ATING-, S aforth. 162711 McLEOD'S System Renovator —AND OTHER— TESTED - REMEDIES. - A specific and antidote ter Impure, Weak and Ira. poverishod Blood; Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Liver Careplabalt, Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kiriney and Urinary Diseases, St. [Vane' DIMON Female Inegulatieiee and General Dehtllty. LABORATORY—Goderich, Ontario. J. M. MCLEOD, Proprietor and Mann facturer. Sold by J. S. RonzaTs, Seaforth. 1501-tf BEFORE USING, We never handled a preparation for horses and cattle that gave such un- bounded satisfaction as FEAR'S Condition Powders._ : They prevent stocking or swelling in the legs, they keep the hide sleek and the animal in first-class condition. Three packages for 50c at FEAR'S DRUG STORE SEAFORTH. A teaspoonful in his feed makes all this difference. AFTER USING, GODERICH Stearn Boiler Works. (ESTABLISHED 1880.) A. CHRYST L Successor to Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary Marine; Upright & Tubular BOILERS :5a1t Pans,moke Stacks, Sheet Iron Werke, etc., etc. ,Imiwpmmo••••• Also dealers a Upright and Horizontal Slide Volvo ngines. AntomaMo Cut -Off Engines a specialty. All Les of pipe and pipe -fitting eonstanMy on blend ifitimatee furnished on ohot tnotice. werke—ormosits G. T. E. Station, Goderich, 1,3 ES. the Lumber StIPPIY sts, etc., car load or eon's Hotel, ✓ Cook' Cotton Boot C it is stiteessintty used mon t ily by over k....? 10.000 La d i e'. .a.fe , effec trial . Ladies ask Ne., your druggist for Cook s r..ottdo Dam Com- pound. Take no other as all MixtureS, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, *1per box:, No. 2, eti degrees stronger,Ss per box. No. 1 or 2. mailed en receipt of price and two 1-eent stamps, The CookConipa.y Windsor. Ont. ggis in anada. 1 ti sar-x00. 1 and 2 sol anct recomme ded by all responsible D 1 No. 1 and No. 2i sold In Beaforth by Luniden a W4aon, drugIsI�. Pi THE ST CLAIR RIVER SARNIA.ONTARIO. 10 Of Our Graduates placed in positions during She past month. BEGIN NOW And be ready for a position in the Pall. Sarnia is a beautiful place in which to spend the Summer months. Catalogue mailed free. 1615-52 A. S. NIMMO. Proprietor. H. R. Jackson & SON. DIRECT IMPORTERS OP • Jules Robin & 003 Brandy, Cognac, France; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Itol- land -Gin, Rotterdam, Holland; Booth's Tom Gin London, England; Bulloch &Co.'s dcotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port and Sherry Wine from Frame and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whiekae Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davie' Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC We have opened a retail store in connection with our wholesale heal - business in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goods in the market at bottom prices. Goode delivered to any part of the town free. tELEPH NE 11, 15144f he clEillop Mutual Fire ' In urance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OTPICIIIi. J. B. McLean, President, Rippen P. 0.; Thomas Fraser, vice-president, Brueefield P. 0,; W. J. Shan- non, Secy-Treas. Seaforth P. 0.; Thomas E. Hay., Inspector of Losses, fleetest& P. 0, DIRSOT028. - W. G. Broadiost, !Worth; John G. Grieve, Win throp ; George Dale, Sesforth ; Thomas E. Hays Seaforth ; James Evans, Beechwood; John Watt Matlock ; Thomas Fraser, Bruoefleld ; John B. tic. Lean, Kippen ; James Connolly, Clinton. MOMS. Robt. Smith, Matlock ; Robt.MoMillan, Beaforni ; James Cumming Egmondv e; J. W. Yeo, Holmes- ville P. 0.; John Govenlook and John C. Morrison, auditors !Parties deshrous to effect Ineutanoes or tams - Poi other Vastness will be promptly attended 40 co I Or respective poet offloes. 4.plication to any of the above &Seem addressed to McKillop- Directory for 1899. JOHN SIORRISONt, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0, J MES O'LAUGHLIN, Councillor, Beeehwood P. 0. J SEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Winthro ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Leadbury P. 0. JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. O. JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. D VID M. ROSS, Treaeuret, 4/Lathrop P. O. WILLIAM EVENS, Amasser, Beeohwood P. O. CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0, -RICHARD POLLARD, -Sanitary Impeder, Lead - bury P. Oa