HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-05-19, Page 3- • LJ 1899 modt 1.4 mani 3NATURE DIY M. 914 ke bottles only. It e"low- anyone to ma rt. or promise, that It s answer every pur.. 7 :In 078", wrepper. ranggialmit special invita- have always ices. 'est goods} and • • • "Hoimes, Goder- ron -vith all thI iti con- t.%ble. The muter suit, the proper selection that while ould make meet both and fancy Our . ikpaCat ; Prnidoyeef- st sell the !the- o01.131ty !are armed .00,1$4 who did lucted the In cros4 t. without :la extent, If the cee$1 in do IS some ,the other ids Co. ex Ir the man - stuck MAY 19, 1899. HURON EXPOSITOR. SLEEPING IN THE DARK. Pain Seems Easier.to Bear When the Sufferer Ilan Light. All who have suffered from toothache know to their sorro)v that the pains in- crease as the night grows older. A tooth- ache which during the day interfered but little with our enjoyment of life is likely to devielop during the hours of darkness Into a veritable te or, that makes us enrse the accident of ur birth. It is the same NIVith an earaeh , asthmatio troubles, etc. sthma is mo t likely to develop Into a smothering ni htmare between the hours f 10 p. m. and 6 a. .At be Vienna university Dr. Gold- scheid ,r has told the reason in a paper read s dor° his class. He thinks the dark- ness p evailing in the average bedroom is itt fau t. Light, he says, plays a greater part i the pathology of slaps than most people imagine. Those are, generally speaki i g, the healthiest members of the huma fatally who live in sunlit, well aired 1 mns and who move about in the snn as nuch as practicable. I If in daytimewe are stricken with pain, onr su erings are certainlY less, relative- ly spet kino., than they would be if the Malad had seized us at night, for light d su shine soothe our 1eelings and do w us to abandon ourselves to the of pain. night comes, the iiainful sense crease. They are b4arabie as long e in the gas or lam light, but be - tense the moment Ive stretch out enveloped by stillness and dark - lessening of the pain is observa- CARTERS 1TTLE IVER PILLS IC EADAGIIE Pesitive y cured by these Little Pills. 'They:as° reli ve Distress from Dyspepsfas, indigestion and. oo Hearty Eating. Aper.. ket remedy for lDizziuess, Nausea, Drowst. nos, BadTasteii the Mouth, Coated Tongue pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Boifrels. Purely Vegetable. Small PIM Small Dose, Small Price. Substituti ri THEATERS IN PARIS WHEN YOUTH IS DONE. We cannot hope the waning days will pass And leave rio trace upon the plumed lea, Time's' footfall down the year, though light and free, Still browns the sward and sears the ripened grass. So, gazing deeply in life's misted glass, Young charms that, wraithlike, for the nonce we see, Fade swiftly as the early sunsets flee When night comes down to wrap the still meraES. But there be tender twilights for our years, When we may turn us to abiding cheers. Then, sweet my love, reach do1vn your 'lend to me, That, -standing pulse to pulse and twain in - one, We fix our perfect joy in memory, To bless and warm our hearts when youth is done. —Elizabeth Alden Curtis in Connecticut Quar- • terly. ALL ARE AT THE MERDY •F PIRAT!CA TICKET MONG RS. I • the frau of the clay. See you get Carter's, Ask for c Insist and Carter's L rter's, demand ttle Liver Pills, These Agent ot Are In the Society of Drum tend onipoieers, and th the hentern With it The public ring o nearly a p double trenir qee the la tieket leadin league who, f places theate Who tickets Bern]) itoofilnd nlge unless the matter be taken nient. The c the Draanati which is a in( ricel Manage makes contr tying the am which is usu n t all f eNhIineg V ti ns i we a ininbeedi, ness. ble onl after sunrise. "Whit does it mean?" as a the doctor. , i "That darkness and stillness are not con ' ducive to . the comfort of sick people. Thoref • e I say, if you hav pains in the • ovenin.::, do not rob yourself of the sooth- ing effe ts of a lamp. In ninety-nine out of a hu iclred cases the presence of a light in the s ckroom alleviates pain. "For the.sarne reasons do not let your childrei sleep in the dark if they prefer a light. The denial of a night light has. made el ildren ill with heart disease. If childrel refuse to sleep, in the dark, it may 130 ssumed that there is some physical or men al reason for it which.we ought to s respect. "Fro n the above rules nervous people are exei tpt. Some of them absolutely re- fuse to nd rest until all is quiet and dark al)mt t min; I have found that in cases of meg ini, a, neuralgic pain in one side of tha heat :nothing would do but to place the pati nt in an absolutely dark and still room, i possible at the top of the house. I advise hat people suffering from sick headache should interrupt their day's work and take theluSelves for a quarter of an hour t� it darkened room proof against noises. Nature has put two great remedies= in our hands—light and darkness. Suffer- ers should. find out for themselves which best agrees with them." ! 1 , a ••• HIC Fur EM ather GRADE iture ORIIM ale & ndsborough SEA OR-TH, ealers in first-class 'Furniture of all kinds, in lateSt designs. 'Upholstering 'e also do picture fram- eatly done. 1 1 g„ and a chOic selection of pictures 2t1waY8 on hand. Curtai.$ poles at all nces, and • put up. We ale. also. gents for the ew William's Sewing whine, best i the market for do- ITestic .use, no travelling agents, no igh prices. , eat • abuse that the n France has to put piratical ticket 4ge 11 the good seats pular piece rininin or quadruple the p uceessfui corner w of vested interests o is powerless to p ongers lie in ainbu theaters and are with the "buraliste. m time beyond men t the regular tioke asked about the sY I; the Paris theaters dt replied: "I have oine way of suppress s, but this is impossi engine tie Ant Latter Rul od of Iron. it or theater going up with is the Is who buy up henever there and at once 1.0019, owing te ich, in copse - various sorte, event. These h near all th itfrequently 1 or women ory, have so1d. offices of the lef obstacle is Authors an nopoly and a. al with a ro Is with each in unt the sod lly 15 per COD receipts. If the manager r thecontract, no plays by m society can be performed . a This would el se hiS doors, dramatist in tame is a m society Alit is Wears direc of tick ts. The contra ts between manag rs req lire that the work -i • prod cal shall be e francs' worth (if tickets, in ac dozen . eats paced at his di first a d .sec nd performan thiS, CN ery au or who has (limed a t a th ater is entitle seat at the th inter for oval during ono yen., no matter hisowi play t at is given o some o o else. Tho Author or gve each n Six act trance), 13,C1 -.ti pr to two lifetims lh 1 third . , nal ned ill. • '-Zo iii 13er/ilia , th eatric i when i I tame() Paris p or 1 o1 e - receipts Bit aut to tho or 'est gel( of ( m of selling Mme. Sarah tried in vain ng the ticko! le inFranc up by parlia, he Society of Composers, les all theat- of iron. I nager, sped ty shall tOke, .of the ros fuses to in mbers of the' his the ter.I •°cause e ery mber of the y on the sale he diffe ent Tither w ()se titled to 100 dition to two pesal fo the TS. Bes des one act pro- () one ree rformance tiler it be ,he 'play of v ho has four Cr is entitled. ✓ ve years. o a free (*i- t vho has 12 11 s a right i ht for his cath to such vile may be ICt51 il yed ist a thee ght ito entit or life. due d roe n , wit a free scatEt e the author The dramati any theate rances each eversion after • iso for life, agine," cen 1 ow terribly winger ie Pal is, re] xembered tha in takes each leventb. of ti .he worst of s. E STOOD HIS GROUND. l APFT'S gookstotie:, .8e -do* il The !Mary Suitor Was Pettrleas and Won the Girl. There recently Visited in Detroit a tary man whose beautiful wife was an in- stantaneous . favorite with all those who had the pleasure of meeting her. She was tall, erect, graceful., with -a positive Wealth of health and color. The romance Of her courtship was entirely out of the us al. A hard headed and rugged old sou hern- er suddenly became rich through t &dis- covery of coal in hills so steep that they defied all efforts at eultivation, He `was a widower with one daughter, and ncthing was left undOne that meney would do for her. She wa worthy 911 this 18,Tishment of riches itnd added the harm of intellec- tual attainments to thos bestewed by na- ture. As a ri)sult the f ther became pos- sessed of the idea that here was net one man in a million worth of such a daugh- ter and resol tely set hi self , 'the task of driiving awa he other 909,999 as they . miglet presen henaselve . i They came, at When hey asked of the , old gentlemn, 1 . the priv ege of beconiing suitors he preMptly created a, hurricane. He gave the sighing swa ns to plainly un- derstand that they werct too utterly Un- worthy and Lti at their presence in the future would be the signal for opening up from an ambuscade vaguely hinted at. Lover after lover had ridden desperately away from his. door before the son of Mars appeared. Upcin him the' stern parent opened Up after the usual nullifier. The military man 1,vas characterized as pre- sumptuous, mercenary and iinpertinent. The soldier smiled and declined to blush. He laughed and. snapped his fingers' when the old gentlenian. followed up with axe- s other outburst. ,. . - " Keep it going,' he said. "You do it admirably. What an actor you arei You have driven. away a score of craven youths. 1 decline to be terrified. Bat you are 1 Superb in the part." , Then the old gentleman .wilted, sang low and surrendered, subject to the ap- proval of the daught a., which was prompt- ly given. -Now Jermey-'s, ouee of Lorde. -, it *ill come as a. surprise, says The Genealogical Magaz ne, perhaps even as a Oliock,i to most people ta leern that there is a real house of lords in the 'United States. It is situated in tho state f New Jersey, and its members, although Itizens of the United States, are, at th amine line, vassals of her majesty.. Oh les Il ,rave to his brother "Jameathe lan which s now New Jersey, and James in is turn gave the land to 12 of his friends, with a dted of grant creating thein and t eir de-, . scendants lords. The lords indet twice eve fear i 1 Perth Amboy, hi a little tworoo d house erect- ed on the site of the first eeting house, which wits erected in 1686. 'hey a e sum- moned by a crier with bel dressid after thn manner of a beefeater. Hisas mons begina with tho usual "He r ye, ear ye, - hear ye—a.11 manner of men who these presents do come—that in tl suan e of his majesty King Charles, " e . ' Th lords, who -have been waiting in e mete room. then proceed to the Inner o ouncil cham- ber, where their deliberatio s are p esidcd over by the lord president. IMPORTANT NOTICES. • ) J.AleKENNA, Dominion and Provincial Land ! , Burveyor, Member of theAdoolatinn of tretario I .and Surveyore, Dublin, Ontarle. 31 -OHN BEATTIE, Clerk nf th0 e Secone 1'1:"2 ibleion Ooart, CJOuntY Commissioner, of fierce, lion eyacreer, Land, Loin and Insurance Agent Pelvis . eve. tat end to Loan. Office—Over Oberp & :eerie' Store, Main street, Seeforth. ieee TIMBER F 11 SALE,—The undersigned offers for sale the tmber on the East nalf of Lot 88, Con- eeselon 9, Me Mo.). nor° ie • .cnientity of good ash suitable tr rale ; also drain hardwood bush 4hich will be sold • by the sere, and has appointed HMALLIA.James Lockhart to sell the same. GEORGE 161 con SALE, -1 -That desirable prop rty on thee3or ner of the Sauhle line, Bayfil Id. congaing of six acres, on which in a comforta,1310 story aod a half frame house, with five bedrooms ining par- lor, pantry and kitohen with good liar and stable Good young oreharda Terms reas nable. Apply to MRS. A. STIRLING, Bayfield. roolm83,7 rpo THE LADIES:31-11re. Smith j. the ladies of 8 %forth and vie prepared to to up hair combings in An assortment of ewltohca fcr switches exchanged. She will also or black hair. Residence come Market Streets, neafortb. AIRS ew 101E-CASEY & COMPANY, INSOL inherebygiven that all Credi Company, Insolvents must send in J. M. Best, barrister, Seaforth, on day of June, 1899, otherwise they from sharing In the assets of the es 01 May, 1899. WM. PICKARD, Anil Ishes to inform •ity that 8130 18 o switches, etc. We. Hair and uy dark brown of Jarvis and SMITH. tf STORE IN IiEAF easy term, the recently occupied by beat business stands 1 poet office and inune eini hotel. The do cellar full eize, and store. It le in a first seslon at any time. Seaforth. ors of Caeey, & their Claims to before the est ill be debarred te. Dated, srd nee. 1638-8 RTH TO R tore on Ilain Casey & Co. O town, being lately opposit O is 65x26 feet p stair's oonn class etete 'of Apply to TAM T.—To rent en treet, Seaton]; It le one of the ex* door to the the Common, with splendid uted with the repair. Pomo- GILLESPIE, 1635-tf •13OULTRY AND BEES.—Eggs fo 1 a grand pen of large pure Whit teinoreas—Fiea in co or, len e size best stook in Canade. Buff 13ants good color and 1no t le feathering. 20 colonies of I Ilan Bees at roodera full line of Bee eepere' supplies, sue Uivei, Stroke , Fa tractors, I see stroth Extract r. Bees wax taken rupp.iee. W1L IAM HARTRY, C Selii0/th , . oods Large WAL PAP RS iVINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES toek ood Goods Low Prkes My Best Friend • HORSEMEN READ THIS. Owes hie speedy re- very to the great tonic influence of hatching hem Rocks. Black reed, brel from Real, beauties, 81 per setting. e price. Also a rut Foundation •nd-hand Lang - in exchange f r ' urch Lit. North, 1636 - in lied Mme. inpered tt especially he assist - ht for the otal gross s that the iorausually transfer the ti ts secured hem by th Society of I rat natio Au - •s and Com • osers to the ticket mongers ther agents, price obtain o and' .Oi3)f away 1 think the Sock) to blame for th IAs M. Victo attentively to ti is the president 'Authors and' Composers, the es opinion on ench playwri d free entrap ado authors constitute ves accu unlisted for away with.. theni task Years ago, D01.114 to go to th badtsiflsnow. I a fain us theatrical. 11 the dramatic nut] ticks. n the whol led t gers. nhaed WELL Gie1/4,1ING. t Its Carried on Witlit Great Luxury i In New Yirle.' , The place Where society gambles in New York is a few steps west Of Madison square —a fine old mention, entered after a short ight of brownstone. I 1 1. Tho utmost caution prevails, and. the arder at the gates of this anteroom of mrgatorio scans every applicant with the racticed glance of • the gambler's Corbe- us, bowing Obsequiously or thrusting the pplieant beet: beyond the pale. Within, the brilliancy of the place quite taggers after the density of the night. here is an odor of gentility, oven solem- ' I ity, prevailing, and in the silence through he rift in the huin of vOices collies the hir of the marble bounding against the easeless roulette whee1,1 the patter of hips and the low drone of the dealers. Over various games young men and old, lmost all in 'evening dress, aro bent in cop interest, like doctore at a clinic. hey ono and all bear the aspect of men to hom the less or gain of aefew hundred oilers is an episode entailing no econ- mies in defeat, calling for no. extravir ances in tits smile of fortune. Man moke, their erfectos lifting a fragrant i ense before this shrine of the red flen hile a few wearied of play perhap ithdraw to a cozy nook to discuss t o 1 test Londe fad or a,venuo scandal, r t il a bon m t or con the prosy stocks. At one end of a thickly carpeted che er there star ds a broad table with shi is ering plate and sparklii g glass offerin ()unties tha would temp an epicure eve i a, sated naqment. The lighter wines and 1 quors are on free dra,f, , and occasion- lly, when there enters a 1 ltle company of oung revelers given to m $ro than liberal cess, a quiet inannered man seen wan- ering among his guests 'gives a signal, rid champagne flows g neronsly.---Cri- t rion. 1 NDIP In the Underta, ur goods from the d guarantee eati eat- of our work. I a point -to furnis Isites for fun .ces better than Arterial and ea ity embalm' santifc principle . S. blight an Sunday n,ded to tat r. leandabo ce, direetly in ihe rear of t k. ing Department, we buy best holises in Ontario, faction in every depart - We have always made ehairs, and all other re- rals, FREE OF GRAWIE. heretofore. g done on alis will be ough's resi- e Domini D eatherdale Landsbor SEAFORT ugh, 1 0 who sell then at the high - 11)10. This I n el der a real explains tho inpossibility ith the ticket mongers. 1 y of Dramatic Authors is len Sardon w as listening is conversati n, and as he of the Society of Dramatic —E TRAY NOTIC S. ,ESTRAY —Strayed from Lot F, Concession 1, Tuch %Ism th, or Aprit 17, a blaf k so eV., Any in. format -on leading to bir recovery sell be thankfully repeived, and a y per on foiled lite) eine her $vb1 be ptosteuted. R U1LIIID BARRY, Se o:th J6392 STRAYED from L t 6, Conemio ' the 16th r 1 April, one whit- Yor old ; jupt had wo nod litt• r of lige Ing in ortnation 1ad1i g to recovery rewarded. JAMES G. 'MARTIN, C : . 8, Tu let t, on ?hire- -tow, yes r Any ertOfl giv- alit biT sultauly nstan e, Ont • 1688-2 A pure port wine with Peruvian Bark in pro-. portions prescribed by the English and 'French pharmacopoeias. ndorsed and pres- ekbed by our leading, Physicians. f Por ztle in Seaforth by LUMSDEN & WILSON. STOOK POR SERV unoltit FOR I SE 1) keep for I se Stanley, a thorough $1, payale at the three of service, ei of returning if head:try. JOHN V. RiTICE.—The u lee on Lot n6, red Chesterwhit OE, dr:rule-red will Cenceseion 4, boar Terms— h the priyirege DIEHL. 169141 MESSES. LEMSDEN & WILSON, SEAFORTII. • Gentlemen :I Fully acknowledging the benefit I have received from the use of your " Equine Colic Cure," and the many times that I have relieved the severest suffering (and I can safely say in some eases sa d the vim lives of valuable horses) by its time' Arse. I cheerfully give my story of its oriin 1 so that others may - procure and have ready lin ease of emergency what has proved with hie a never failing remedy. Some15 years ago when about to 4i1 from Liverpool or home with some fear valuable horses, I was advised to he,! in case of sickness on the voyage, a bottle eif it celebrated horse medicine then extensively used in England. I fortunately took My friends advice and procured a bottle, atad r found that in case of colic or inflammationin horses it gave such instant and perfect re- lief that I was sorry I had not brought with me a larger supply as I feared I would ne*er b3 able to get anything to equal it. I had however a little in my bottle, which I too to you, asking you to analyze it and if poled le make me something like it, in about tivo weeks I called on you and got what cooked identical, and I can say with all :conMezee it has proved not only squat to the sample, but, I believe, superior, as after testing, t. for 15 years I have never yet seen it WI.' No farmer or horse dealer, in my opinion, should be without it in his stable. FRANCIS COLEMAN, Lot 5, Concession 7, Stanley. 1-10 PIO BREEDEII.S.—The undersi ned keep 1 on Lot 26, Concession 6. L. R. Tue ersnah, thoroughbred,Cussrea WIDTH Pia, fsso a borou.rh- bred YouR8Inall PICA. A. limited nu ber o sows wifl Wadi:ratted to each. Terms, $1, pay trio a the time of service, or 31.60 if oharged. Al- o a fe Chester White Pigs for sale. JAMES GEMM. LL. 1608-62 to eXpress .The prin o of F "Tile tic ets a to Frenc drama itary revc rsions that ha% and to d j tisti old wee' not, s -thee w • 1 to whom • vriter asked the subject. rhts replied: es accorded ith tiered - cd interests Cnerations, uld be fin. s;lien I was theater, it those days hairdresser ors handed ore • thei s to be (lisp( sed of, and frox i wh often borrm 'ed. money; Ho ot th business int his hands and fouls e present co munity of ticket mo I quite agree with Mme. Sax th 13o that it woul 1 bo impos- , Bible to m k y change at p °sent." The ex ens given by me. Sarah; Bernhard M. Hardou wi I enable an ! Attleirlean . (Jarstand ivh it is that ; when he his ticket at he entrance of it Par s theitter it is not glanced at hastily by a sin. le gateman, as in New York, but is cri Wally examin 4 by three grave officials. One of these s the ticket taker of t is the gov- ernment O gressre- ceipts, -80 eate4WORTH BOAR FOR BALE VIOE.—The under -400d will at- the Bruoefield Ineese Factory, Tam worth Boar, with registered pe 1; payable at ;tree of service with ranting if necessary. Ale° a numbe bred young Ttnieworth Bears and MciOARTNEY, Brucefield. .-ND 'FOR SER.-. eep tor ftervica, thorOughbred igree: Terme, privilege of ro. of thorough- ows for eale. 14015-st • • itAhlWORTH PIG FOR SER VIC .—The under- ▪ eigned has for service on lot 82 concession 8, nteKillop, • thcro'bred Tamworth Ig, to which a nutnber of 'rows will be tak 1).• is an orbra good pig and breeders find it a van eons to oron their berkshire sows yrith this bre of pig. Terme 81, with privilege of returnin it eemary. JOHN MeMILLAN 1605xtf ULL FOR SERVICE.—The unders gned will keeni for service on Lot 22. Conces ton 1, Huron Road, Tnekersinith, a pure theroug bred Durham bull—" Huron Hero," bred by James 'Snell, Hullett. Terme, 81 60, payable on or before he let r$f Feb- ruhry, 1900. NORMAN L. A. CARTEIL 18398 STOOlt li'OR SAL ----e-ereeeeereeere eveeer 644, gj!t!tl. 1841141/11111 --en.t. en, ee.n3-, _ritlejV - ur direct connections will time and mo ey for p aye yo oints, ian nadNorthWest Via Toro to or Chicago, British Colu bia and California lowest. W r rates are the salt everybody a T OARS for you urther informa Grand Tr leave Seater o 0 have them d PULLMN TOUR- accommo ation. Call ion. unk Rail Tay. h and Clintoh stations as 0 agar. Train.... „, .A8T— nger,„ Go MI SMAPORTEr. °LINTON. 1/40 r. M. 12.55 e. 1.0.12 P. M. .10.27 P. M. 9.20 A. M. 10.16 A. M. 6.15 P. Id, * 7.05 P. Id 7,61 A. M. 7.40 A.M. :1.1 P. M. 2.66 P. M. 2 P, M. 4.85 P. Id. Ilington Grey and `emir— P. ;monger/. 1)304 e, ?e- t .' 6 I .40 Padonger. 6.60 A. M. 7.00 7,16 7.28 B111Q0. Mixed. 1.40 P. /4, 2.10 /46 3.05 Mixed. 8.65 A. id. 9.17 9.45 10.02 Deno Beavers, th hich Jiobiti re' Rollin Waye. — only warm 1 llooded animals ally do boa y transport by all conti gencies by cut - t ng "rolling ways," bitin , off all -stumps ni d obstacIpS and do th ,ir log rolling a ong these tOward the w ter. -There Is v ry little donbt.that wers t at all news - s try to thc$ir Oomfort othe animals would ' have hit on the same oxs edients. Thus b ',avers .have three kinds 1 roads—their o elinary treks near th water, their c inals and t3io log rolling pads. This is quite in acc rdanco with the vcryhigh Ae- pap of their 30001 (level() inent as, coin- ' red with tiler animals. i Variety o oads is a in 'rk 1 progress a long the 1 asts as amo ig m n. Even ix Europe t qro, arc (many degr es ot this e, hibition o ivilization. The Dutch are tho represei 4tives of the beav rs'among n (IL On t route from The Hague to S( heveninge 1,, for install° , there .Iio par - al el to each cithr a carriage ruad, a ca- nt I, rt_bieyel !track, a lig 1 ras way, 'side pi ills mgt.' le •ly co nstru etc and in place 11 tle tracks 4r "katz-pass -n," made by tr .spassers, $peotator. , 1 md, provide for 4, i Lndo, 33.uiron and Goma. sloiml— textion, depart..., . . ... entralla .... ..... . xeter..„,,,„„,, „ , .. ,. Ien)lail... L1.- — --• -- ppen. • netelleid. —eetioro , .. - :Iirt .. ... ... .. . . . on let, eigreve......e•1 .... Win -ham arrive... Geese 18 rura— lr° utlin ham, depart... eig rave lyt etiboro iial on ...., .. .. . • efield El erl liteD Zit.. Fere r Caa rails. Lo on, (arrive)... ruce. P stranger, 8.16 4.46 P.M. 9.18 6.56 9 30 6.07 9.44 6.18 9.60 6.26 9.58 6.33 10.15 6.55 10 33 7.14 10.41 7.23 1056 787 1L10 8.00 P stronger. —.. 6.63 8.80 P. n. • 7.04 8.46 7.16 4.00 . 7.24 4.10 7.47 4.30 • 8.06 4.60 8.17 4.69 8.24 5.04 8.88 6.16 8.60 6.25 ••• 9,60 n. 6.20 den After. ToWs Piles The Great English. Sold and reeomme drug& sts In Canada 31 able edicine disc elcag,8 guaranteed 1 Serna Wert nese, all effe a, Mental Worry. Exceseiv plum or Intim lents. Melte .ene package 81, six, $5. re. Pamphl ts free to all Tho Wood onipany, vp- eed'e Phosphodine 1 Sold In Seale & Wilson, druggists] °dine, Remedy. ded by all Only reli- vered, Biz cure all ts of abuse use of To - on receipt will please, address. ndsor,Onta- e fac- e mile by Luna- -II Vire Oi e a lanati and to u resent e theater; another uvoy, who -verifies t that the assista,n o publique may get.it one= leventh,• and he third is . the agent of th Society of tl e Dramatics ., Authorst nd loniposers. Convenient 1 features 0 all 1 e Paris- thee rical ticket : oillees aro mall plaster and w ood models , of the aud tor 11111, with each s . at di. tinct- ' ly num be d, o hat the purch ser c at a glanc th t osition of his eat. The ush Ts 1 cloakroom a tenda Parts then, er 5 well as the t at tile tick t t, aro invaria The cloa ro n womete tak overcoats, el s, umbrella whieli the givs m return it ro numbered ch • 1 .- 'During 11 tr'itOte" th y w 1, if sol reque the kennel. ts t he ocatipants or stalls, s tha time nay b putting th m o and 1 aving he theater.. It le a peculial Gusto for en to. wear : their hats at Pa is thee ers w Ile the cur- 1 . tain Is down. T ey are ways immedlatee 1 ly removed, ho ver, As soon as the cur- ; tain rises in def rence to the perfortters. 1 The programme are sold at he theaters • for 25 centimes (3 cents) epic e and t:con- tain Veil execute 1 portraits of he authors, , \ teetors and autresees, with litt o sera s of biography,. and frequently with shor his - tori eal sketches o the theater itself.— ew 1 York Tribune. - I 1 1 e n see• Is at ! cket 4cllers . ly NV men. c1)arlge of ; , etc., for ind w oden . o last "en- -• ted, return f the hoxes gained in To Get at the Pnecta. "They say that every detail of is pre- vious life appears vividly ti a dr witipg man," said the lawyer. "I believe that is correct," rep led the judge, It seems as if such a fact as tha t ought to be used in the interests of jasticer" suggested the lawyer reflectively. e • Now, If we only knew how to make the proper application of great truths to"— '• Precisely, " interrupted the 1 judge. 'For instance in the ease of the au you have just he rough hankr ptcy a cinders of as - 61.00D BULLS FOR SALE —.For e le, filie regis- , tared short horn Bulb, fit for i • mediate lee- s lee, 6 No better, no.eheaper. Terms easy. i DAV, ID MILNE, Ethel, Ontario. 1638-te ' — , ' - - • PPCREAM BULLS FOR SALE.—For «ale, two thoroughbred DUI Wani bulls; b th 12, mcnthi d, one roan ar d the other red. JIRJ MORRISON, Lot 22, Concestilra 11, elcliiilop, Win hrep P.'0. i • - 185.1 1 DUltHAM 'BULL FOR SALE,—The unde igned has for tale a thoroughbred D them ulil 10 Months old, dark red in color. This itt a fi 't-elater radius'. HERBERT CRICH, Lot 26 Conee slot) 4,1 IL R. S., Tuckerdnith. Sextette P. 0. 3 3541 ' 1 th courtroomtank might have done toward getting a truhful. schedul sets and liabilities." But the lawyer—well, the lawyer s1waya did hold that the- judge was given Ito per- sonalities. More So Than the Other. A newmillionaire, after re truing from a eontinental tour—on which 10 had long set his heart—was narrati g one °Veiling to his friend the doctor how he had visited: "the majestic lake of 'wove and trodden the banks of blue Lem tn." , "Excuse me," interrupted the octet i "Lake Geneva and Lake Leman iro sy- 1nonymous." i "That, mydear sir," replied th DOW Imillionaire, "I know very well. B t are lyou aware that Lake Leman is th more Isynonymous of the two?" I They Needed Prayers. 1 I A member of parliament tells 4. good ,story of an out of the way country lergy- hew who did not keep, up to date in what lwas going on in the world. .One IS Imlay he asked his sexton: "Is the prayer for Parliament to be Used today? is Parlia- 'limit still sitting?" A. Big State ays The anufacturers' Record: "How bi r is Teas did you ask? Well, I won't tr to te4x, in 1 when you, are in the north - end (1 tl e state you are ClOser to St. Pt ul, Miutt.,-than to the southern end of th state. TI ey tell a stOiSy of a man down th ro wli? hi4l p, reasonably largo ranch— no One OF t te big 03108, illSt inOdcrittO SiZ cl one..—or which the front gate was 20 miles from the holism, a very convenien CV( sting waik for lovers who want t Seeing on the gate before saying gpo ni • Med cal Wit,' Where ts the ain?" asked the physi ci n, 1 `Oh,•I don't k ow, doctor!" groanec th patient. "It hurts so 1 can't tel where it is!" Just to," s id the doctor, proceeding to i 11 a small'v al 1 om a larger one. "It'a -a iseacre who Lltn wa where he aches." ---i Ch cago Tribune. CA$ OR IA Poll Infant and Children. Iset oTE7 Irrupt The Or James 13rown acquaintance of other day. "Yo lost a good deal time I saw hiin saying he. ust e ‘.Economizel: going to begin?" "Yes, on his ta "Then he mus the tablecloth," tion --:-Exch an ge. , • Da AlartY persons trice" who have n ing. tricp is ti ond of time. Th inintites, the mi the second int 6 the Spanish tris. The cardinal's ble purple frieze over its back. lased without dis when Wiles upon y Thing- Left. is -rich and etingy. An is mot Brown's son the r father seems to have money late y. The last o was com ',lining and onomize." id he say whore he was le, he said.' be going to take away was the filial declara- The sexton's ijoply came proi iptly, "'Well, sir, I 'don'4 know, but, an„rhow, otter pray for the , for they're it pr cious ad lot 1"—London Standard. AUCTION Ses+LES. MAO AUCTION SALE OE ARM AND IMPLEMENTS —Mr Willi ns Mee received instructions from Mrs. Alex. notate by nubile auction on Lot 12, C noun on 2, Monday, May 22nd, 1809, at •1 o'el • ek p. Nil -lowing, viz. : Hello —One open aged span of geldings ; I driving mare Cadi mulch cows, sup 'owed to be in calf ; 2 are pram old ; 1 he ter three yeara old 4 dee years old • 1 hail er two Years old ; 3 t7 ars o old ; 2 heifers OAR year old ; 2 calve' ga'. pigs four menthe old i • 1 brood fICW, with 11 foot. Implements —Tn!o lumber wag ME, 2 p sleighs, 2 single plows 1 gang plow 2 set harsess, 1 binder and truck, 1 Frort & Weed 1 Feed drill, 1 horse rake, 1 cultivator, 1. pair scales (1,200 younde), 1 top buggy, 1 et tter, 1 sower, 2 set iron ban 0%13,11 set single I arness, toiler, I. fanning mill, I grind stone, 1 e3 tar 2 grain cradles* 2 sugar kettles, 1 ell . o bucket, 1 hay fork riie (complete), rak shovel', chains, spades, and other art cidi eroga to rneeticri. Furniture. ----Ono 11111 kitcht attire, bedeteade, flour box, in lk t cans, 8 heating doves, I apinning N% ael 1 Favourite churn. ; Tering of sale—A I au and under, cash ;loner that amount 8 ..ont will be given on furnishing approved j iint discount at the rittle.of 5 per cent. er IITIU allowed off for e h on all credit a ount ALEX. INGRAM Proprietress ; WILL AM Aectioneer, TOOK oy has te eel' ay; on n., the arts ; three two : e year Frau tre at 'r bob - team over, w tutnip I lend egteer, e And ferias, num- n table, nks and nd reel, of $5 tt' credit otes. A will be eOLOY, 16r9x2 TYSI Mies Sarah Lou sit Moore, L. C. mite of London Oonaervatory of to receive a ihnitedatrainber of pu on piano. Walton, Monday and T Wednesday and 'Tnursday ; Setif Saturday. Qualified to prepare pu form in the Conservatory of Music MISS M cede lusik,, is lis I r in e ay ; irt13 Fri ils for P PP4' O E, Se tie grad- repared truction ruesels, ay and incipars forth. 688-13 COME to n Trice. • uso ale- phrase "in a concept] on Of its mean - e sixtieth part of it see - hour it; diivded into 60 ute into 60 seconds and trices or thirds, from MUM' at is oval, with a dou- eying 80 tassels falling his cos ly hat is never oifort1 until tile day tsiown r's ooflln. MARRIAGE ISSUED THE HURON EXfOS SPIAFORTIELI 0 PIO WITNESS LIO . NSES 7. T TOR OFFICE, 1r A S REQ !RED. The Bra. Frederick the Gr agement asked hi ost intrepidly du he' preference was , himself. 1 "You are mistak , *as A fifer whom I tug the engagentex Cease or vary it note est Soldier. at after a terrib officers who be ing the engage unanimously giv n. The bravest f pass& 20 time t, and who dir the whole tinao. o en- aved lent. n to Ilow dur- not It is stated that fl 6 -eighths of th pas- tors of the Method' -t church of 01 nada llvo on salaries ran ing from $500 31,- 000.. Three hundred and eighty re vivo r less than $500, and only ten receive $ ,000 a year. There are more than 2,000- Ge Waiters in the hotels and reetauran London. an of 91(ytel-'d • :),401 �a CURE DYSP Busineps Increasing ly. We are delighted to fir th ple of Seaforth and iu1rrour alive to their interests the our prices right, i Everything new an the mo able on the arket. call. Every 'person is whether they buy or no ,See our window for a few o ing lines, peo- _ dings find t fa hion- ive 1 us a welcome, the lead - I.p3vErrpE THE INEW Sli0E STORE, Under th el Town, Clock, !Worth. 1688-24 —>cal BY-LAW NO. 5 When Children —OF 17E— :Town of Seaforth I Al By -Law to raise by Ivey of loan the sum of $17,000 for the purpose hereinafter nrentimed. Al? n Whereae the eorrera et the Town $ f Seatot• ie authorined by epeoial A of the Legislature, ot the Province of Ontario. to F bmit a Bylaw to the rate - tea era of the said Town duly qualified to vote there- on, to ena,nle .aid corporation to ISIA73 by waref loan the eran 'of -8, 7,01.0, for the purpose hereinafter men- tioned. I , And whereas, it will require the suns of $680 to be: raised annunne by special rata for the payment of' intAenreeltrierbeensiOlitwillMatterrelqnueit Ontheeds•um cf $570.89 to be re fed annually for thoe payment of the said debt, as kis ereinam fter entioned. Ani hy whereas the amount of the whole rateable prope)-ty of th4 Town of Seaforth, irrespective of any ieercese in the nature of the tolls, interest, divi- den& rents °niece from the mid property, and also 1 Weep' etive of flT1y income to be derived from the ' temporary investment $ f the sinking fund, or any I pert thereof, according to the last reviaed aseessmentj of thensaid 'fosse', being for the year 1898, is the sum . , 1 of S639,460. the existing debenture debt of the i Town ,of seafor h is as follows . 86,500 borrowed under the authority of By-Lsw No. If A, of tie Town of Seaforth, for 3886. 16,000 berm •ed under the authority of By-law No. III, of the rowii of Safra-th. for 1887. i 8/500 bonen ed under tee authority of By -Law No. V1II, of the To n of Seaforth, for 1891. $14,000 borrowed under the authority of By -Law No. 8,,o1 the Town of Seaforth, for 1892. $11,000 borrowed under the authority of By -Law No. OA, of 00'1 own of ficaforth. ss,qa, borrowed und4 the authority of By -Law N. 25 13. of the Town of Seaforth, end there, Is nothing in arrears for either principal or Interest on said oebentures, And whereas it is necessary to appoint the time and placee ler taring the•votes of inc duly qualified .,etectorsiand to appoint Deputy -Returning officers to take the votes of the said Electors Be it therefore enacted by the municipal council of thewn of deafortb ; I. That it shall be lawful for the Corporation of the Town of Settorth to retire by way of loan from any person or Perrone body or bodies corparate, who ma be willing to itdvance the same on the de- benture hereinafter mentioned, a sum not exceeding In the aggregatii the euno of $17,000. II. It shall he lawful for the said Cape:llama to cause te be made any number of debentures nct lees than $11.0 each and nct execieding in the aggregete the eum of 817.000, which Isbell be payable not later ' than 1,0 yclrs I r.ow the Wine thereof, and such de- benture ',hail be sealed with the sear of the mid Corporation, and shall be signed by the Mayo!' and Treasur r there f. III. he atd debentures hall have attached thereto coupoTni for the payment of interest thereon, at the i te of four per eerit. per amount from the date th con payable annually on the tint day of June i ach ye r, at the office of the Treasurer of the 'Mu mpalit of tbe Town of Seam th. IV. Fo. toe purpose orforming a sinking fund for the paynnnt of Mel debentures, the sum of 8570,89, in addition to all other rates, shaltbe levied and coil eted by special rate upen all the rateable propertylin the•kaid Town of Seaforth annually (hir- ing the lonn ency of the said debeetures, or any of them, ' a for tbe purpose of paying the Interest on ! the mid ebenteres, the sum of $680 shall, in ad- dition tt all other retee, he levied and collected by special rete upon all the rateable property in the said'Iown of Seaforth annually during the ctirrency of th i 0 tt.t.trib anb debeenitarrwretul oof rr the d atyctsfatiltemo. V. orp oration of the win, of Seafotth to lend the sum ef $17,000, to be ra eed tinder this By -Law, tA0 Robert Bell, tr. for the p rpOse of atdin him in the establiehmen; and extent ion of his 'bus nese as a foundryman and ma - anti t in the Town of Seafolth witeont interest, to be se uren by a inortgaen upon the lands, buildings, ne.y and pisot of le *aid Robert Bell. Jr., to aid by twenty ann al inetslments fluff) tient to pros' e for the naymett of thesinking fund and upon eucb other termer is to the said Craporation may Scorn proven and tria said Corporation may ex- empt said lands, machinory and ,plant from taxation, except for echo 1 purpc..s, for a.parrod of twenty yew -8 VI. The voteslof the FJeclorequillticd to vote on tbia By -Lew sball he taken on Tuesday, the 2nd day of May, A D., 1899, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in tbe atter- noon, at t e following places : PolllIng-SubnDlvielon No. 1, at • Edward Cash's store, Goderich street ; Poiling-S b-Divislon No. 2, at the Council Chamber. JO the Torn Ila 1; Polling -nub -Division No. 8, at Strong's Office, south side of Market street. That Edwatd C b be Deputy-Retorning (Meer at Polling- Sub-Divisi n No. ; that William Elliott be Deputy- Beturnin Office at Polling-Sub-Divition No. 2, and that Oliver C. WI loon be •Deputy -Returning Officer at Polling- ub-Di sion No. 3, VII. Tliat the Mayor °tithe said Municipal Cor - potation s all attend at title ounci1 Clamber, in the Town of S &forth on Wednceday, the 26th day of Anti', A. D.,1899, at the bent* of eleven o'clock In the forenopn, for the purposil of appointing persons to attend et the several poll g places aforesaid, and the final tramming up of the Votes respectively on be- half of -perione interested in and prontoting or (typos- ingVitthle. BTY1h144e viClre"rkPeoeftivtett. Municipal Corporstion shall, at the hour of twelve o dock noon, On Wednes- day, the 3rd dayf f May, A. D., 1899, attend at the' Council Cliatnber, in the Tow n Hall, Seaforth, and sum up the votes given for and against the 1y -Law, r and grant oertIf1ctcs thereunder, . IX, The By - w. if carded by the votes of the Ratepayers, shall take effeot on and from the first day of Juno, A. ., 1809. il IV She MuolciPal Co mil of the Town of Seaforth, on NOTICE. The shore le a rue copy lot a By,Law pasted by the 8th day of M y, A. D., 1809 ; end WI penone sr* hereby required take nottee that any one desirous of applying fa hail% such By.Law or any part there of queshed.;ninet make his 'application for that pUre pose to the High Court ot Justice within three months next &Mee the publicetion of tbis notice, once a week for three Successive weeks, in the newepeper -called Tea 1:11;AON EXPOISMON cr be will he tete late to be hosed in tb11 When. , i 16894 ' ShOU14 FOR 1899. • maeh be re• wear glasses 1. When their eyes are not straight. 2. When they cannot distinctly see the blackboard. 3. When reading, if they NOW, hold the book sideways or too close. 4. When they tire easily of reading or studying.. All sure signs that great benefit 'TAU be derived from wearing glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. S. ROBERTS, DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAPts SEAFORTH. FROM OCEAN' TO OCEAN. Pupils are in attendance at The Canada 13usiness College CHATHAM, ONTARIO. From the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific SI° One bundred and thirty-three cities, towns and villages in Canada and the United States during tb,e past year, sent us nearly SOO -pupil% There are re)* 23 Counties and Dletriets In Ontario, 6 States of the Cuban, together with Manitoba and the Northweet Territories represented. (seer 200 of our paplis have been placed in good pesitions vine° January 1st, 1898. We recently had four calls within three weeks to supply teachers foe other business college% Among those who have accepted position?) !deb', are : Jennie Bateman, aft stenographer and assistall bookkeeper, Walkerville Brewing Co ; Annie Me Rae, as stenographer and as-net:mit book-keepen Milton Premed Brick &Sewer Oo ; Catharine bin - Rae, m stenographer; George Angell, Wholedie Artj6 Supplies, Detroit, Michigan * George Certhwrigh as stenographer, with North' American Life Amur trace Co., Toronto. The wing term is one of th best seasoner of the year for making a start. Este new. D. MoLACHLAN & Co. Cbathatir, Oot, 1 WILLIAM ELLIOTT, TOWn Clerk. Sp_ecial Attention to Horseshoeing and General Jobbing. 'Goderich street, - Robert DevereuX RIVASMITH Ana CARRIAGE Opp. MAKER IfiZr I - Seaforthi, . For over a year we have had the agency for the .1104 , IND4P0.- Onr,firstettisr was for a quarter of a -011r last for Ont Hundred add Portyoloor Dollars wait. 1 ..1 MLOEMIURIC Int dal" eetwrERED, ' , Made a well • Man a e:* i !IDA 0 THE QUA/ II IN 000 Ref* DY MOWN= TIvz AMOY* Reruns in BO days. Carce ell Nervous Diseases. railing Memory Paretic Slesplessneess Nightly Emis- sions, etc., caused bit past abuses, gives vigor and size to sbrunicen ontsns, and siniek17 Out surely restores Zest Manhood in old or young. _ Easily carried in vest ket, Pries f/.410apaelrnfres Six for 95.00 with -a- desegrantel• to ourt wr money refunded. Dow'm BUY Alf IstreATIOX, but insist on having INDA.120. If year druggist has** got It we *di mend it ersPnid- MUM 113111EDY en., Prom* abloomJIL er spar Tids rapid Isamu proves 1111 remedy fist every** wko ffles ft speaks well of. lleors/es_pscilidlY. I. Y. Mit, Staff/rib, Ost. Money to Loan. . Any amount of money to loan on good firm pro - perky, at 6 per emit. per annum. Strasight loan,* pennants made to suit borrower, satisfaction guar. canted, obatgas low. At office Friday afternoon and ail day Saturday, , AMNIA Mtn, McDonald Mlook, Wingbana. ISS/ 1