HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-05-12, Page 88
CAPITAL (Paid Up),
Main Street,
A General Banking
acted. Farmers' Sale
and advanqes made on
Drafts solid on all p
the United States and
allowed on deposits of
Solicitor Agent.
Bank of Co ,ierce I
Six Million Dollars -4-V' .000,000.
sacted- Farmers' Notes discounted,
and special attention limn to the
collection of Sale Noteet .
SAV I N GS BAN K.-- I nterest al low-
ed on deposits of $1 and upwards.
Special facilities for transaction of
business in the Klondike District.
Money Orders, payable at any bank, issued at the
following rates :—
Under 810 .08 $20 to 880 .12
Business trans-
otes collected,
same at lowest
ints in Canada,
ne Dollar and
I am now selling a -firat.class new improved High
Arm Sewing Machine, with the latest steel attach -
melts, finished in oak or walnut, add with cover
and five drawers, or Jane/ drop head and five dra -
era for $25 cash. This machine is the " Queen, '
manufactured by ilie " White Sewlifg Machin
Company." All machines f ully warranted and guar
*Weed to do firat-alaas work, hght or heavy.
General Insurance Agent & Deal
er .in Sawing Mactunes.
Wilson's ...ash Grocery
New fruits and new season's Teas how in Steck
We have now in stock the best Valuds in new sea
son''s Teas we ever had, comprising Young Hyson.
Ceylon and Japan Tates. We guaran ee satisfaction
or will vilund the ream ey. The best ualty of new
Raisins, Currants, Nu ,s, Peels, etc., w in stock at
lowest priories. Some nice lines in Dinner, Tea and
Toilet Sets just recei red, and at prices as low as the
lowest Wanted gooc butter, eggs, dried apples, ael
potatoes, dressed fowl, and all kinos of marketable eh
produce, for whic'n tve will pay the highest price. ma
JameeCumming. She is still very helpless,
but shows signs of improvement, which we
trust will prove lasting.—Mr. R. E. Jackson
left on Tuesday for Grand Rapids,Michigan,
where he has secured a, good situation ae
traveller for a- large tanning establishment.
Bob wars one of our most popular young
men and his manyt friende will, while re-
gretting his departure, send their best
wishes ith him for future prosperity.—We
regret t note the death of Mrs. C. L. Van
Egmond which 'teak plaoe Oil Monday even-
ihg abou o'clock. The call was very mud -
den, as s e had been ill but a few days.
The deceased was in every sense a wort y
worrean, whose nearly f tir score years h d
been well filled with th generous acts of a
blameless life. She wa the widow of t
late C. L. Van Egmon on& of the fir t
settlers of this villag , who died sever 1
years ago. A family f four, daughters atid
one son mourn the loss f one of the mod
kindly spirits that ever blessed a home with
a mother's love.--Wha has become of the
sporting element in his vicinity ? We
haven't heard a cheer f om the " reek " this
season yet. Is it goin to be let for a pas-
ture ground this summ r, and are we not to
hear those martial strains—of the band at 10
p. m. as they welcome the conquering
heroes`home ? Then what will Seaforth do
for want of notoriety and advertising which
her lacrosse club u ed to be so lauded for
giving her.
me inplinton on t e 9th r. Ander-
son wag appainted convenor 6f t e Home
Mission committee. The report o Congre-
gation"! returns for the year 1898 as sub-
mitted by Mr. Shaw, setting orth the
number of families, members, el era, etc,
and the contributions for all the schemes.
Mr. Stewart and Mr. Fletcher a ked and
obtained leave of absence for three! months,
the latter to visit his native land, Scotland.
Mr. R. Henderson was appointed a member
of the Assembly's oommittte of bills and
vertures. The congregation of Bayfield
R° oad is taking steps for the erection of a
new church to be built in Varna, and the
neighboring sessions are to be eited to ape
pear fon their interests in the matter at an
adjourned meeting of Presbytery to be held
in Brucefield on the 23rd inst. t 10.30 a. M.
A telegram was received from he clerk of
the Owen Sound Presbytery stating that
that Presbytery sustained a call to Mr.
Graham; of Bayfield, Lrom the ongregation
at Latoga, The call Ts to be disposed of
at the adjourned meeting- at B ucefield, on
the 23rdi inst., and the congrega ions of Bay-
field and Bethany are to be cited to appear
at said Meeting for their interests. Next
regular Meeting in Clinton on the llth of
THOSE dreadful headaches ar notalways
causei by uncorrected errore of re'rw tion, but in a
larva amoant of easel a properly fitttql t air of Spec.
taeles is the only relief. Eyel te •ted free of charge.
PAINTS. —WO are agents for Rob ' rtson's
ebrated ready mixed pa,ints. For durability and
nutacti red from pure white leaa and oil and are
ve • in t b market. We have a full Oink of spade?,
ing and fu ince work a specialty. GiVe us a call be -
Bank of Commerce Meek. sto
...•=6. • fore purchasing. Sins & MURDIE, Eeraterth. 1620 1
BRIMS SUCCESS ! prices, cash or trade. Admittedly the best produce
market in Canada. G. E. King, WIngliam. 16324f
Women for Busine
of our Recent Stu
situations. Busin
work and apply t
' Enter now if you c
BOARDERS WANTED.-13oarders Can be
ifoitably accommodated with board and ledginas.
ply to Mits. DAVID NAY., GGderlell street Sioaforth.
W ANTI D, butter, eggs and potat oisi%37xf2or
ch I will pay the highe4 price. [Dill's,
1 030-1
1ANGOfrD SEEM—The popular kirids to
is Event & Co '8 Im pr 'wed saw Log andil 3G9i:int
o THE LADIES.—Be sure and vi4 our
W3,- epochal pricea will prevail, Cardim'a lock,
1 39-1
10_9 tf
and ielsons
ew Yorfi, At Dr.
time before
e 15th. pply to W:11 Willis, eaforth. p33-1
ive Ile, choice raisins at gill's for 25c.
• ectle-1
you ha e Bern our $3 line of E loos. NO better
e to be ad any place—in fact it a little better
forth.the boa . W. II. Willis, boct ;and sheet' Sea -
all and get a pair of Dill's Oc fast leek
e ed ask o look at Our gingham% 163 -1
tiona for Saturday. See them.
SATURDA SPECIALS.—Thirti' pairs en's
Box Calf Bal orals, sizes from 6 ta a0, regur r $3,
Saturday for 1:12.25, 035h only. Richardson & Ma-
ed Young Men and 8"
s life. FORTY-FOUR 'A -
wets have accepted good "mv
se Men appreciate our
us for our graduates.
n. Prospectus free. min
rincipal. 4444-52 °I
A good Ti
25c U
air of Spec WANTE —Five hundred
dairy butter ; eggs -11c cash, 12e t
Portraits painted on ivor
WARDSgiven in pal ting by Miss &aria, of
House anted. to rent, an
Gold and GOld' Filled Spex A ea
Always on hand. No charge for testing. enaniten
Jeweller Seaforth.
Our atock of Ready•to-
Bbys' and Children's is n
than usual. Prices th
ora and buyers mono
Our Men's 8uit
Excellent Suits in Men'a
can buy a suit for a p
Tweed Sulta from il•150
One fact we wish to impr
handle the beat fitting an
the country.
EAR sqin. Innis,
e rock bas s. Inspect- DA9
nee value un recedented. SA.
at $1.76 are tr de bringers. men's
ince to wear. Children's man
p, Boys' iron 82 75 u
es upon buyerS Id that we W
made goods produced in ladlit
If o
PEW Nickle Alarm Clocks at 900 e
✓ have one before they are all gone. .
B• ongo' , Oxford Thula, tip and' faced, re ulOr
levelled off and otherwise so improve
to make them pleasing to look at, and a
to all who delight in neatness.—Mr. J.
Beattie is having an addition built to
residence on West Goderich street.e---It
Constance VanEgmond, er, one of
pioneer residents of this vicinity, die
her residence in Egmondville on Mon
evening last.—Mr. W. N. Watson is
nearly fully recovered from his roc
severe illnese.—Most of the 'armers in
vioinity are now done with their spring
seeding, except the sowing f peas, merle,
holding these back with the ope of oh sit-
ing the bug.—Mr. Alex. Stewart, of t is
town, had a letter this week from his s n,
Charlie, who is with the telegraph co pe
of the American arm at Manilla. He x.
pecte to receive his lecheries,' soon and be
able to return home. He h 5 enjoyed the
best of health there ever eine , he went, aad
likes the climate, blit is not enamored wtth
the life of, a "sager boy," eipecially when
the chief occupation is shooting niggermea-
Mr. James McMichael is the , owner of the
firet bugg that game into Seaforth. It was
purchase in London over thirty years a
and is still in daily use by ite cavner,—Al
Robert McLeod, of Woodstock, formerly
Meliallop, was here this week calling en
old frienda—Mr. J. A. Stewart, who has'a
likiag for a good horse, went to Guelph a
fewl clays ago and brought home with him a
dandy driver ; the best will not be able o
throw dust in his face now.—The footba 1
season with the juvenile clubs has opene ,
and (*Saturday last the Paradise Alley
team 'defeated the Parks• by 4 score of I
goal ,to 0. According to reports, Casey,
—Mr. Chris. Sperling mot with a painfu
Bright and Waugh played the star gam()
accident on Friday last. A darge case o
sheet tin fell on his foot and i bruised and
sprained it badly, but fortunat ly no bone*
Millson, of
her father,
es i
t, has
forth, i
in al
s for
f his
I were broken.—Mrs. William
Cleveland, is at present visitin
Mr. —Andrew Johnston, of Walton
other Eden& in this neighborhood.
Fred Beattie, son of Mr. Jarnes,Beetti
secured a position in the Canadian B
to tinter upon his, duties.—Mr.
Whiteley, son of Ma George W iteley
has een Illinois fer Borne ti e pas
come borne for the sum -mer. Mr.
Pentecost, formerly a merchant in Sea
was here this week. Mr. Pent cost i
travelling for an old country firm.—
•George Ewing and Miss Ewin ti leave
couple bf 'weeks en a trip to th: old
try. The majority of Mrs. Ewing's
has commenced the work of ex avatin the
foundation for the new brick r sidenc he
intends building on his lot at he he d of
John street. He has one o the meet
building sites in town.—Mr. J mes rehi-
bald is having a new wire fence erected on
the front of his farm in Harp rhey.—Mr.
his•stallions, Fen Man and Lo d-Marmicin,
to the United States; a few wee si ago, has
returned home. We are glad to learn
Mr. Routledge succeeded in making a
SabiefaetOry sale of his horses to gentl
in Michigan. Mr. Routledge looks
after his trip, and will now devate hi
to hie farm in Tuckersmith.—Mallolm
will receive applications for the excl
use of the Seaforth recreation ground
the season of 1899, until 10 o'clock Mo
morning next. Chiba who deeir the use of
the grounds should send in th ir applicit-
is a natural mechanic, hes just; complet
the construction of an upright iano o
own design. It now on exhibition at
J. P. Henderson siphoto studio, nd is
by those who bate; tried it to be most per-
fect instrument. ' Mr. Jones suffering
from ill health, and made this netrument
at odd times ag he felt able to w rk, and to
McKillop, left her for ustin, tnnesota,
on Wednesday, af er a vi it of so e months
in Canada. •fle as acteompan ed by his
niece, Miss McCul a, who intend toireinain
some time visiting friends diffe ent parts
of the States,—Many of aur read rs in this
vicinity will be ve y pleased to 1 arn that
they will have ano her opPortunit of hear-
ing Rev. Thomas oldsmith, who was a fav-
orite here 20 years ago. Mr. Gold mith will
conduct services in the Presbyterran church
here for the ne. t twot Sabbaths.—Mrs.
Simphon, of Ex -et a a former resident of
Seaforth, has lease the Kidd reeidence on
Market street, an intends removing here
and keeping boa ders,--eThe nice lain on
Wedneeclay night as ha a stimulating in-.
fluence on vegeta ion a d will do much
good.—The eeveral depart ente of the pub-
lic school enjoyed h liday on Thuraday and
TowN Coneeere. The regular
F. meeting ef the tow council was
Monday evening .1 st. All the
were pregent. The date for the
Revusion , as fixed for Friday,
at 10 o'cleck a. m. The three by -I
1 on by the' people on the 2ad in
fcirmally passed by he council.
eellt;. and after ithat three
laws have to be pub ished for thre
appeal, sifter which,
Wm. Pic
to call and ex
offering a feta special line
iy nctirn of purchasing,' it will pa
rs, Seale tn.
THE Pala -e Restaurant iS nokv open 1
pure cream. ce cream soda-, and sod water of
flavor , Come and inspect. Friday n
103 .3
WAY Geenin
We have now rates on all kinds of Sum- Se°
mer travel to near or t latent pointe, via rail, wonde
iver lake or ocean. Watch our bulletin
Gard_ far Queen's birt day rates end of this store,
?. HA
th ings have been take
they a
;die which ehey are int
ght cceded with. The
faun (txpe %lot.
cl pot toes just arrived at
Rose, nvorite, Lightning Exp '98, Amer •
vest; ow got nicely settle he my e
ass ice team parlor—high ceiltng and g 0
MOM call from every citizen of Seafoit
Ily invi ed. I also keep the beat brands
to, lame a, bananas, piue apple,: and cocanh
UK, Pal ce Reetaura.nt and Bake'? ,-Seitifourtolt.
ber an
of Mr. G. Jackson, of Egmo dville, fla.
I of I' actical Science, Torlonto.—it r.
Mc aggart, of Toronto, was visiti
Jena& to learn that Mr. ,McTegg r
ontint es to prosper in -the Qiieen, Ci
John Millson, of Constance, has p .r
the ottage of Mr. Andraw Litt
comi g to town to reside.— ess
& 'peeling have placed ;plat
in th stores of Messrs. George
hos. iehardeon and Beattie Bro
eck.--Rev. Mr. Stewartaof Cl
cd it the Presbyterian churc
's ol est and most prosperous
en, w s in town on Tuesday las
called on la veral old fiiendt.
Jackson le t here on Tuesiday for
, Mic igen, where Whits, tem
that is
authorized to have a
on Victoria square
be completed for a 8
A by-law eves passed
of debentures to the
, and dollars to enab
d the amount required
a tea 3 ears, to be de
fr • the amount payable
v•• tee as required by st
d gravel, and work of
watering for season.
11 of the
Footbell /association, held in Stratford on yy• 0,•
last a new Behedule was drewn up. ma
This wag made necese ry on account of the arta„
following :3 tfb(' schedule as revised : Strut- ; aamrs
ford at kVingham, Mat an evening; Beene ; cnaseu
at Stratford, May 17, , evening ; Sea.forth at °n Grin
Berlin, May 24, a Stratford at Sea -
forth, May 30, even' g Berlin at Wing- fronts,
ham, June a, evening ; Wingham at, Strat-
ford, June 0, evening ; Seaforth aa Berlin, t"" w
Jane 10, oveniug ; ree forth at Stratford, preach
Juhe 13, evening ; Bee in at Seaforth, June on 8a
20; Stratford at Berli , June 24, evening. n°8'-' m
In regard to a tie, it w s decided that, a win
should count two point and a tie one
street -
After passing la nu
8 council adjourned to
e mayor.
held on
Court of
ay 26th,
we voted
hese by -
months aro allpwed for
if no appeal proceed.
, the debentures which
issued and the works
ded to aid can be pro-
operty committee were
new band stand erected
roviding the s and can
m not exceed ng $45.
authorizing ehe issue
mount of onp thoua-
e the publie library
e their exietieg debt,
for interest, and Fink-
thete debentures in
ucted annually from
o the library commit-
tute. The clerk was
e for tenders;
leo for the
the current
eet at the c
g LAGROSSE. —A me ting of the delegates
e from the different lacrosse clubs; in the
t Western district in t e intermediate chant-
. pionship series was held in Stratford on
• Friday last, when t e following schedule
e, was adopted Stratford—At St. Marys
- June 25th ; at Bright, Jaly let ; at Paris,
s. July 15th ; at Sea ort , July 25th ; at
14t . St. Marys—At
t Stratford, July
, 6th ; ae Bright, July )0t ; at Paris, July
f 17th ; at Bright, Jun 29 h ; at Woodstock,
4th ; at Ste tfo d, August 18th.
ne 17th ; at oo ;stock, July 25th ;
Marys, July 27t ; at Paris, ;filly
Paris—At W ode oek, June 2nd ;
arys, June th at Bright, July
tith. Woodea,ok At Bright, June
teen and G. E ens; Paris, D,Adame
cWhinnie. Each club will keep its
! good 81
be, are you not mixing the sacred and secu- athletic
lar ever -mach for the g od of either ? It is active i
notour purpose to follow you through the busines
taeglee of your laealetter, but to express r. has the
our [regrets if we heve een armee iogly per- popular
mail, and to suggest t at you look up thee of frien
defieition of the word " uisurer," end yore.- wishing
will perhara be more careful iu its tele for of labor
the future—What has recoine of the bees ? of Kill
All we ha -e ab id., this spring so Tuesday
far are a tew very frail -looking bumbles.. where t
tt• e hope the frosts ef 11,s • winter did not visiting
prove ter, MUCh for hem.—Miss Agnes —Mr.
Cunaning was brought o the village last water an
%tack e.Eu: :4 saving wit her brother, Mr. grounds
• ab
de he
s Gr
hey h
Jame c airmen of the Beaveria
arai nd the waterworks building stead of
n to
bine August
obe t ford, Ju
ed a 29th.
n as travelett for a large tan- at St. M
Jackson will be much missed 8th ; at
ally in con cation with otir .Auguat
tie in which e always took an 20th ; a
t. He is a ,oung man of good July 131
y faculty o making himself ; were ap
the public. Ile leaves beans eels and
e, who will join with us in Hawkeh
very success in his new sphere Cuthber
. and Mrs. obprt McAllister, and P. I,
en, passed
their way
d been spen
daughter, vi
oek, August,
ock, June 151
rough here oe R. E. Ja
ding a few days own gata
ho resides there, pays its o
on Monday evenrng last, tt was
he senior 'series,
o enter the intermediate se iea in- I
ise Martin's milliner Mies Slatcher is an
st iu that line. The addle effects she le able to
ore te are the finest yet shown in Mayfield. Call and
see for yourselves. Mies Mart Bayfield. 1039-1
Our ready -to wear clo hing is giving the
boat of aatisfaetion, The good fit, and ake-up can
not be better, and our price', a e aokn wiedged the
loWeeb. F. A. Edwardd, Bayne d. 1639•1
Try John A. McLeod if you want any
paper hanging, house or car lege pa nting done.
John A, McLeod, Bayfieid.
WAFTINGS.—WM. Bra don flas moved
hies, opposite . Dramen tailor shop.—
Mr. and Mrs. cott, 'of L kelet, were last
week guests of Mrs. E. A. Shaw.—MaJohn
King, of Clinton, was over on Sunday.—D.
house, west wed of Main street, the neve
•verendah at t e Methodist parsonage, and
is now busy a Mr. Cleave'e cottage.—" The
Ontario," ow ed by Captain Grenville, of
Southampton, left this pott this week for
Essen arrived here last. week from _Nairn,
where he spat the winter.`, He is in feeble
health, but hdpes to soon recuperate now be
hal reached Huron's shore..
DoTs. —The farmers of his viciuity are
busy seeding. They repor the ground as
being hard and dry.—Mr. ober Snowden
hoge ta Mr. Andrews t is week.—The
and Mr. Sreenen sold two 1 oade of fatted
Youite People's Heart and Hand Associa-
tion held a meeting lately, t which it was
fully decided to hold a pieni at Snowden's
grove ion May '24th, and judging from
the past, no doubt it w 11 be the centre
of attrection for the whole eighborhood.—
R. J. S000pe met with an ac ident recently.
While coming down the tow line he fell off
his bicycle and broke it, and had to walk to
Mr. Thompson's repair shop, where he got
it fixed up once more for use.—Mieses
Jessie Slack and Annie Campbell were the
guests of Miss Westlake on Slinday last.
ee bled at the Methodist eh rch last ab -
bat evening to hear Rev. M Muse; eve,
tical sermon, adaptable to oth ol and
young.—The Epworth Leagee will me t at
7.30 p. m. It is the meetidg nearest the
date id the anniversary, and i ems rel tive
, to the anniversary will be g yen in on-
nection with ;the topic.
, Dashwood.
DOINGS.— ' r. A. Shetler. Jr., left last
week for Gue ph, where he h a secured a
situation travelling for the 8 nlight Soap
1 Company.—Rev, L. K. Eid of South
River,occupied the pulpit of th Evangelical
'church on Sunday evening.— r. D. Briat-
nell, of Hensel!, was in the vil ago on Mon-
day night.—Mr. E. Tieman ha bought out
the butchering business of r. William
Pfaff, There will now be only one butcher
in town.—Mr. F. Young, of C editon was
in the village on Sunday.— isses 'Heist
and Swartz, of Crediton, visite friends in
the village on Sunday.—Depu y Maloney,
of Camlachee, is here at preeent hustling up
the Maccabees.—Mr. E. M. Brokenshire
has gone to Exeter to learn t e barbering
photographer, has purchased grapho-
i WEST &ID NOTES.—Seeding 8 nearly fin -
been very
, orchestra
int cresting
church here
ished here. The eeeither ha
favorable.—The Eckardt farnil
nd bell ringers, gave a very
ntertainment in the Methodiab
n Wednesday evening of 1 se week.—
harles Crich is still .seriouel ill.—Mies
eturned home last week frone a trip to
ichigan.—Quarterly service eves held at
urner a church on Sunday, last.' The Rev.
B. Clement, of Clinton, conduct d the ser-
ice,—The Epvvorth League ha e issued' a
t pie card to the end of the yea
DOTS.—Mr. Jacob Weber, of the Weber
otuse, recently Imre used a ver fine dr iv -
i g horse from Mr. raham, of Brumfield.
li[ne.—Dr. Michell is eying shutters put on
his pretty residence, iving it a siinfortable
ahd home•like appear ace.—Jerry Flaherty
unable to leave hie home owing to Mines.,
—Mr. Davis is busy hese days putting a
foundation under his residence. John Red-
ond's colt wasl hurt a few _day ago by a
w're fence. -10 re Big ert, baker, making
provements in his tore, and i prepared
t supply custom s.—James O'Connell,
at the home of his • parents. he casket
pointaining the rema us. of the late Mr.
fichael Dorsey was borne to its last resting
!lace by his life-long friends Bernard
Vonnell, Thorned! Murphy, Step en Down -
p ,Robert Devereaux, Peter DeC ursey and
cimas Brennan. To his wife and family
e heartfelt aympathy of the cor'imunity is
e tended.
errison, the always obliging cle k of Me-
t i lop, sends us the following fig rest culled
f orn the assesemerit toll which ill be of
i terest : The total assessment of he town-
s is $1,993,500 there are 4,09 days of
s atute labor ; 2,679 inhabitants ; 6,136 cat -
aa are 4,715 acres under fall w eat, and
o tl of the whole at the present tf e, there
a e not in one place one hundred acres of
d Wheat, and half of it should e plowed
tet There is an average of 14 cattle 5
d e acres of cleared land. Mr. orrison
uch if there were an average of 25 cat-
tl n each one hundred acres of cleared
C prominent figure in inunic pal and
p ic affairs in this township, in t e person
o r. John O'Sullivan, hae been removed
b eath. Mr. O'Sullivan passed away at
his esidence on the 3rd concessio of Mc-
Kil op on Sunday last, having rea hed the
goo age of 75 years. Mr. O'Sull van was
• n tive Limerick, Ireland and came to
Can de with his parents and other members
of h's family in 1841, he then beng only
he farm
eight years of age. His father s
the uron Road, AlcKillop, on
now occupied by lAlr. Peter 0'
For any years in his early life h
schoat teachereand for several years
was a
clerk for
three townships, and when McKillop, was
fated itafiret clerk, a post ion hich he
nued to fill until a few years a o, when
as succeeded by the present cl rk. He
w. He
s8h6reedw .f
st. He
n those
ne and
nee of
ea sis-
us ful
nga ed
veal alUrgt
of four sons and three daughters. .A
and ;was well versed in municipal
wits a great reader and was pose
than ordinary intelligence and
and was quite a controversial
y loved ais argument on any
ould generally hold his own wi
whom he came in contact, He
messed of the warm hearted,generou
tinn of his couistrymewand had man
litios, although not a rigid
d himself in his independ
ht on all subjects, He was a
tent !and devoted adherent of the
to li e an honorable, consistent an
life. For many years he had been
ia rming, and of late years his
healt prevented his taking any act
in p Effie affairs, He leeves wid
in p
b other and three sisters also, sur ive him,
vi , : Peter, on the old hontestead ; Mrs.
T omas Downey and Mrs, Winters, Chicego,
and Mrs. Nash, Montana. The funeral
took place on Tuesday last and was eery
largely attended. In Mr. , O'Sullivan's;
death is thus severed anot er'of the few re-
maining links between the present and the
pioneer days of this county
and good* amounting to ne rly' $1, taken
out. Entrance was made t rough he front
door by , prying it open ith ir n bare.
There is zio clue to the part oe par les yet.
THE el ESE FACTORY.— he obe se fac-
tory will ommenee operatic, e on onday
next, the 1.5th inst. Pat On eh uld be
ready for the first day. T is pro lees to
be a good year for cheese, as the pri es have ,
an upward tendency, and of it
roes will reap the benefit. urge he pat-
pait here.—If Jack Frost do
ap arance until fall, there
up piping, painting, etc.
da ce of fruit.—Stsffa cream
a ore business -like aspect,
getting in the new separatin
readiness in a few days, Th
hurry in starting on aceount
of Spring and scarcity of
creeme y will be running in
fewl da n.
DDIN s.—Mr. A. Good ha purchased a
°levels% d ratting wheel.—Mis es Eliza and
Letitia mith, of St. Marys, pent Sunday
wit M . and Mrs. R. Fletohetr —The ee-
was ver impressive. The prooeede Were
in aid o the new church.—A. A Blake and
J. L. Icrk spent Sunday with; friends at
Thames road.—Mr, and Mrs. Jogeph Brooks
spent Sunday with friends in Granton.
Mies Lena Jameson spent a couPle of day
with friends in Granton.—Mits Ida L.
Brethour was the guest of Miss Rache
Kirk on Sunday, on the Thames road.
Will Ross spent Sunday with friends in th
village.—John Chappel spent Sunday i
a thing of the
't put in an
ill 'be an shun-
ry is cur/laming
on account of
plant, putting
II will be in.
re has been no
-f he lateness
ee , but the
ul, blast in a
DOTS.—The farrnera are n
through with their .epriti else
Messrs. Henry Pfile and ohn
going home from Zuric on
their horse started to run, and
other rig, upeetting the bug
Haugh. was badly' hurt. —A
pfile has sold.his gray team
Hall, of Daehweod, 'tor a good
Edward Miller; of this place,
on Thursday last on business.
fleiseh has finished ep in hie
of the oldese and moist reepecte
this township, in the person of
Dorsey, of the Hnroia road, ne
died on Friday last,' after a
Mr. Dorsey was the eldest son
Mr. John Dorsey, arid was the
ing brother of the late John
Dorsey, of •Seaforth., The thr
who were all remarkably str
looking men, have Ilhw passed
Dorsey wee a native of Tipper
and came to Canada when ei
age. He Was 63 yeers of age a
his deatheand had ;retitled o
where he died for ablaut 25 yea
an industrious, well -doing man,,
obliging neighbor, and a goo
citizen. He was a devoted m
Columbanechurch, and the imp
eral services in that church
morning w re largelY attended
Haugh were
ra into an-
y and Mr.
r. Benjamin
o Mr. John
ael in Exeter
Miss Clara
een visit -
H. Kalb -
mill • this
len illness.
of the late
nd Matthew
e brothers,
ng robust -
ay. Mr.
ryi Ireland,
ht I years of
tbe time of
the farm
8. He was
a kind and
of Hensel!, preached in the ville ap-
Mr. Thomson's place, while that yo ng man
was away to Toronto writing on
in the Bethany chur/ on ida vening,
good programme is being rep red. The
proceeds will be used in behalf o a Mission-
ary library.—Mr. Jelin Colt h a had two
very busy days this 'week movin and raie-
ing his barn, preparatory to 'Aiding a
brick stable underlpeath.--r-Arb r day was
observed ha this section by the u clean-
ing and clearing up Of the yerd and school.
Cromarty, paid a fly ng visit to his village
Tuesday evening.
GATHERINGS. —M .1 Shepherd of St.
Thome; is viaitin ;at t e home of her
Plummer. is away thia wee attending the
teachers' convention at Clinton. —Mr. W.
Campbell was in Clinton on A onday on
business.—Mr. W. Herris, who has been
engaged in the bakery husin es here for the
past year, has given up, his j,•1) and returned
eo his home in Simeoe, w ere he intends
starting up a busanche of hie own,—Mr.
Charles Sing, of Clinton, ha opened up a
laundry here.—The re-epeni g of the Blyth
Methodist church will ake 'lace next Sun-
day. Rev, W. F. Cam bell, of Toronto, a
former motor, will be the Ireachen—Mr.
Albert McDowell, who earn d the barber-
ing businets here seeerel ears ago, has
passed his first year examination in the Chi -
cap Dental College. ing the gold
medal. There were 200 men in tHe class in
which he stood first.
NOTES —We feel very sorr to mite that
our old friend, Mr. Jelin c ean, of
for some days, but we are ple sed to say
Mrs.- James Smillie, wh bas bee visiting
her son and daughter, a La bto , has re-
turned home. Her b other M Thomas
Sturgeon, accompanied er, ad ill stay
with her fel- a . Ja es Dougall
has sufficiently recovered fro is recent
operation to return home. is many old
friends are pleased to see him in ne- midet
again.—Rev, Mr. Carrier°, of Gr ad Bend,
will conduct the services in St. Andrewhs
church next Sabbath, morning an evening.
Rev. Ain Acheson will conduc a niversary
services at Grand Bead.— iss Hannah
Ivieon's many friends will e p eased to
learn that she is now able to alk ut, after
her long confinement to the ho se.—Far-
mere report the fall whea loo ing very
slim. A good rain is nee d i order to
give it a fresh start.—Mr. An rew Bell and
.Mr, John Jones,have each, d ng the past
week, had furnaces placed i th ir dwell-
ings. Messrs. Sills & Murdie, of eaforth,
filled the contracts, which is a guarantee of
:scholars of our respective echo
generally observed by the eae erg and
the excellency of the work.— bo ydaybewauas.
tidying the grounds around th se ools and
make our schools tasty and a rao ive, and
who Tit at present not enjavins ood heal h.
brother, Mr. Robert Mettle, o t%i villa e,
is a good education for !the un i—thlvf;
—Mr. John Deiehert, of &nu ac ompaa-
ied by his daughter,.visited friends i in the
village during the week.—The Misseg Ache-
son, of Clinton, are this week at the parent-
al horne at the manee.—Mr. Jahn Thomp-
son, of Toronto Medical College, is now
home ferpe slimmer holidays.—Mr,' Hugh
MeGrego of thel2nd commis on of Tucker -
smith, is chis euntimer remod fling his out-
buildingia by raieing them u and Putting
stabling under eath,—The yo ngest daugh-
ter of Air. and Mrs. Henry :Ivison, while
playing on the verandah, met ' with a very
unpleasant ace dent, by falling and break-
ing het collar bone.—Seeding is now well
advanced. M ny have finished and are
team, nu Thur day evening last, fired] their
first that, an creased swords with the
Clinton boys. The match was playeA here,
boys. The,ret rn match Will be plaeted in
a few week*, w en we predict better re-
sults for oureb ye. The Clinton team ispeak
highly of the g od game the home boys _put
up and the ere 'table manner in which they
conducted their game, as wel) as nf the
kind treatment which they received. 1 This
is only as , it should be in , these friendly
NOTES --A c ngregational meeting Of the
Bayfield road reabyterian church wag held
on Tuesday ev ning lasaand it was resolved
to build a new huroh in Varna. A suffi-
cient sum has been subscribed to warrant
thorn to go ahead, and it is the intentian to
make preparations to build *is sumnier.—
Mr. B. A. Higgins our hustling harness -
maker, is also quit: a horseman. He has
purchased from Mr. J. McDonald, of Hen-
sel!, the trotting stallion, Sid Tolsto, which
is quite a mover, and comes from fa!)t stack.
—Our own Sam is hustling the Methodist
parsonage along, and will have it completed
ing, and reflects -much credit on the con me-
in a few more days. It is a very fine tild-
ton—The tong threatening rain has coinie at
-taste-and will do a great deal of good, ars it
was much needed. Fall wheat, especially,:
was going back. -
LOCAL BRIEFS.—Some thirty or fort of
the membets of the Senior Epworth Le gue
drove over to Bethesda on Tuesday evening,
at the invitetion of the Bethesda Les ers,
and enjoyed a very pleasant at-home.— ev.
W. E. Kerr, of this village, recently re-
ceived An ittaitation from the Varna congre-
gation to beeome their pastor. This iajthe
fourth invitation re Kerr has receeved
the a0proval of the Conference) the first
within the pest fe !months, but having for-
mally received and Promised to accept (with
call, to St. Thomas, hen prevented him giv-
ing any eneouragement to- the other three
congregations.—Miss Annie Papple has been
vi iiing'friends in Klippen and vicinity dur-
in the past week or so.—Rev. Mr. Webb
pr ached a missionaity sermon in St. Nun;
ch rch en Monday evening last. He isi an
ab e and impressive! speaker.—Mr. Samuel
Ra nie has very mueh improved the appear -
an e of his brick bloek by having the woad-
wo k in the front tagtefully painted by Mr.
Jo n Steacy. Mr. J. McArthur has also
yer much improved the appearance of the
in rior of his hardware store by having it
niectly painted, while Mr. A. Murdock; is
acl ing to the appearance of his front tb
the additiou of a neat balcony.—Mrs
Samuel White, who has been here for som
weeks sisiting elattves, wag in Exeter las
week viiiiting her father.—A very interest
ing football tna ch was played here on Sat
players b one g al. The visiting team are
old playere, so t at our boys, having only
rebently organiz d, have reason to feel satis-
fied that they ca e off as well as they did.
With wore pep Ilene° and practice they
will no dal bt gite a good account of them-
selves -in f tare c ntests.—Empire day, May
23rd, will e Joy lly observed in our public
itch ols, and to t at end the teachers are
now making pre rations and intend hav-
ing nice progra me for'the occasion. Tbe
flag vill he an ev nt of the day. It is ex-
pect d there will be a large attendance of
the arente and friends, and of all who are
is er cting a fine stre ch of gas -pipe fence,
and levelling up an grading around his
neat d wel 14ig, —Mr. Ezra Marshall, third
mon ef Mr. J., P. Mar hall, of Rodgerville,
who is postmaster a d telegraph agent at
Peach Springs) Arizo a, is here visiting his
father, after an absen e of over 15 yeare.—
Mrs. Thomas Came on was in Brucefield
and Varna We week visiting friends.—Mr.
Sloan, of Landon, wa in the villege part of
last week and tbis vi iting his sister, Mims
Sloan.—The friends of Mr. William Pen -
gaily will regretto le ru that he still con-
tinuer, seriously ill, a d will hope for his re-
Cbvery.—Mrs; D. An erson, who has been
re iding here for the ast year or so, intend's;
shortly going to Chic go, where her hus-
b ncl now is.—Mr. John Shepherd made it
sihpment of eattle from this station on
h re a few iVeeks ago visiting hid sister!
s. James White,. has returned again fro
'Ailey and intends spending a few weeka
re with his ister.—Mr. Robert McLaren
s sold his fine brood mare to Charles
1 er, of Cargill, for the handsome sum of
. 9 5, This Mare was brought to Hensall
mbee of the oung people of our village
s disOosed of his fine standard bred trot -i
ove to Shilik on Tuesday evening last
g stallion to Mr. B. A. Higgins, of,
i enjoyed n4 evening there, the occasioni
ag the ope tog of a fine new hall erected
Mr. James liannan.—Mr. J. E. MeDonelli
MAY 12, 1899
A Large .Assortnio
he que
to wear
Adam, w
g his
way we m
erly, and
This seas
red clot
this seas
Dry Goods Co.
C4th's Greatest Casi
Dry Goods Store.
tivo grocers of Cianbrook visit the Lead -
• bury line this reason as usual. --Report.
reach the people frequently of the notorious
t acts of our Grit friends in Brockville, West
Elgin and other plaices where elections have
recently been held. Reformers are certain.
ly.getting a large share, and should not ria
sort to such low measures to get all the
good things going.—Quite a number of
young ladies in this se: -...tion whq had .good
homes have gone a little distance away -and
engaged to do housework for othera 'This
is commendable. It does not hurt a hey er
girl in the least to take a turn from home
and learn the ways of others. We hop&
the girls will be treated kindly and not be-
come homesick.
our bicycle agent!Tlitaaspillpeer% with a severe -
WEST END N E M Alex. ballet,
accident one day recentlf'a by falli g and
hurting hie hand, which has laid him of
on Wednesday.—Mr. Chris.
of his last year's gatherings to tillepwr4itrgdinen,
Brucefield, spent Sunday -with his aunabirs.-
ner, sr., were visiting ite and around Grey
last week.—Mr. Mitchell has been holding.
revival meetings in Blake church for the
past week.—Mesers. Wiley and Beatty art
on their usual routes again, with as pleasant
offlicted with rheumatism.—,Mr. Robert -
Greer is having the buildings on the, Mont-
gomery heinesicad nicely repaired,---Mre
George Campbell, who has been lookingfor
a comfortable plaee to locate, has made. a
deal with Mr, Jeffery, of Drysdale.
JOTTING'S. Many young friends assem-
bled • at the tetion on Wednesday evening
of lase week t see the wedding party off, 1
,at ioned i previous issue. Rice and
gcod wishes e, e in order, and were show-
er d great prefueion.—A gewer is being
deg o relieve the pressure of water on Ann
AlcX Munro, Mr. George Spotton and Mr.
Hart, ey went up to Teeswater one evening
latel and had a friendly debate with a trio
of th t town on the Philippine question,
They were beaten by one point.—Mr. F. V.
Dacca is ham his grounds levelled and
in-I:paved, arida] much to the ap earance
of 'his property.—e he gardens and awns in
anes.---Posters are out announcing a great
pregramme for the Jet of July here.
Gentlemen D not part with your cash
luntil you have deen ur $3 line of shoes, No better
valtIe to be had any lace—in fact Just a little better
/iTOTES.—M . Grigg, a gentleman from the
wegt of En and, and a brother of Mr.
Geerge Grigg, of Morris, was visiting here
last week. a Geigg landed in America
Chieago, Det oit„ Buffalo, Niagara Falls
and, New Yo k, as; well as many other
plar:es of note, arid be is now making a tour
of Canada, n purposes returnieg to Eng-
land ire the e r future. He was favorably
Fall wheat oo s poor in this section. We
believe it w e he great depth of frost cone.
ing ant of t e arth which chilled it out of
root ;for a nil fortnight it is almost a won-
der that y of ih iscsped.—Mr. James
Bell had t isfortune to lose a brood
mar one da r oently,—Mr. J. C. Menison
the rounds buying eggs • the
the Walton political debate has been oar -
Heti into THE EXPOS/TOR. also notice --
that hest week'is writer referred to that
challenge by saying : "We will consider
Mr. Bolger's challenge in the early days of
next winter," showing that they will give.
it a "six months hoise," as they say in Par.
liament, It may mean that they have the
summer's work in the present contract, or
perhaps they want the long winter to knock -
the political stuffing out of the challenger.
At the Walton debate the three young gen-
tlemen appeared to me a little coekey, and,
to damp their ardor a little, a challenge for
a discussion on Dominign politics wan
given( Teem three young gentler:liens".
froth from the great Ross institntion of
learning, and your humble correspondent
got his little bit of education a way 134
when we had no Hon. George Washington
Rose to boss the school business; when we
had no new fangled l'acle nor high priosti
notions, yet I am willing to risk the repute,.
tion of those times with the young men of tht
present I claim no ability on my part?, but
right is might, and when I think right lean
my side I fear thein not as political oppose,
ents. Yours truly,—JAMES BOLGER.
—Mrs. Hiram Tuttle, a resident of Lir
towel for the past 38 yeare, passed away on
Saturday morning, 29th ulte aged 74 year',
Her death was due to pardyme, the hull
stroke being the last at three within the
past five years. The deceased moved with
her husband, the late Hiram Tuttle, fro*
Hastings county to Listowel in 1858, and it'
few years after their arrival there her huiej
band Lost his life from the caving in of *
drain in which be was working on Mill
street, which waa being excavated for the
'grist mills then recently erected to the river
lbed for a water supply. She leaves a fam-
ily of eight children.
—A letter received by his family in Strat- _
ford th&other day announced the death ht
iRocanville, Northwest Territory, of Mr.
William McIntosh, for years a well-known
resident of Stratford, and one of the early
pioneers of North Easthope, where at ons
time he,owned a fine farm. Mr. McIntosh r
went west to live with his son about two
years ago. About two weeks before he died -
he was taken to his bed, from which ha
hever got up, Mr. McIntosh was born nesr
Peterborough nearly sixty-eight years age,
and when a boy settled with his parents is
North Easthope, where the family omits&
Upwards ref 500 acres of land.
—On Monday morning of laat week Ater.
anider Shultz, an elderly gentleman sot
hailing from Hamilton, Ontario, who Ina
visited Listowel periodically for about
'leers died in his room at the Queens hotel,
thi;t town and the eircutaistanees
ehtly indicaL that death wee caused
Hans at $
The Irish
_fabric, bu
have a sat
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wear Our
11 wo:th
A dollar
may happen t
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priee is $1
The folio
as there are so
sateen shirts, -w]
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rub end. and kn
As for anything
111 do well
li▪ ng via the
The ha
tu• ne. Perfe
order. Do