HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-05-12, Page 7-I 121 1899
Slater Shoe
earr3.- in stock
dths of "Slater
feet. Where a
dnd of a stock,
u there? Order -
4 0
MAY 12i 1899
Ycar heart beats over one hui-
. thousand -times; each day.
Of12 hundred thonteand supplies Ok
eood er bad blood to your brain.
ay in a cool darli p
siert haein loaves,
yeast, no other we
ind in an hour it is
nto a IoaL 1If this is
need pan inla tough 0
a light, monld only en
res ; they sqe light en
s dent reMaine ,from
ager on th, e surface.
warm the flOur, in summit
sary. I can aponge
bove methed) when I
we it baked for d*
a live in Worth Dalt
40' degrees' "below "
amnion coo stove tot
. C. P ,
• ;*1
ays Gone By.
0, the clays gone by
unh'ire lip, the luster of the Gm
e Writ*, and Aladdin m
wiing, glad belief in eveiythl
,hreery holdiug neither; tote
ir glory of the dans gone) by..
--J ames W li iteoe* Riley.
eful Hints.
o heng up a broorzi is
Lure ring into the Itop .
1- '
rk furniture in the kitchen,
h more than light, and ree
irone in soapsuds nnd dry
hey at all trouble nee, hy
t green wormwood scatters
nts congregate is said tone
!gine them.
test 1:'fine juice f the Urn=
i of s trope, en fee will affinsi
io neuralgic eadache.
rt.:north', to ai pail of w
hard-finished1 walls nicely;
ter should he changed tvb.ert
,nt of Puerto Rico.
teseeent, the peon of P
nream of ease and' lux
ever passed through
•:tched hunger- and bi
eo vitally to the hards
sicken of Northern cr _
fifth, in crudity and ignore
:lumber of ,the inhabitantt
comparatively -short liVelie
lot see many aged pal
ney eff from fevers',
and troubles handed do
fethers at a comparatives
if the poor man's ads
tortures of sternal -ion
work haa given out, fore st
ole months ot the year htiss
centavo, he still - -
-private vegetables o
est ,comes to worst, or
him out, he may live
if fruits' and roots cif
a common practice 0..
frnits filched frons
ion he complains of the
yet be neede but the
ihie nakednees, for on
a it colder then our mild
ther. Shoes 'are a us
[sire and sole -leather
troddeu the rocky, bri
kedness from infancy ;
hreve it, he mantes
the grass grown around.
.-hich he is domiciled
sort dava from poIes
FAN a the royal pa
1it is, in Petite of ite p
er it Pereens him from
ght, end shede the ev
te like a duck's back
yettre, died of pu
e of S trnuel Wherry, 1
on' Saturday, 22od
"a tramp, and wane'
Ivation Army.
st tcze
1,y and permhnenti
t !middle life, and
t has cured speedily
is a boon to mo
Pon to ba.hyland-
ions, which are a
eething p er iod, are gm
tiesseess passes away --
here torture reigned wi
oy this balm brought
and a eure.-it affords. ins
stant relief from
; Do yen suffer fronn
bleeding or ulcore
ated 1 -No r
Itasbrought so qui
relief, spared paining' 4'
turgkal operatione
Dr. Agnew's °int
---i has proved itself
t1te cure for p
hrms and at all stagen'
--;11. relieve the itching?
nis in an instant -
es disappear after fro
and the tnmors
taly living on PaciBc Avee
affimted with scald -head
sires eorescribed by ba Fan
nsd for suchporposesrbut
. Agnow's Ointment Was
:x cured the baby and car
piles which had been the
ing. sbortnest of breath
of 50 years' standing -7
Inliousnees and neve tr
Nrhich is it? :
If bcd, impure blood, then your .11
lesein eches. You ere troubled -
en drowsiness yet cennot sleep. 1,4,
Yeti ere nee tired in the morning ;,.:i
cm rt nifot. You have no nerve
:lower. Your food does you but
ihnle good.
nnirnulents; tonics, headache
powders; cannot cure, you ; but
sink, Nni
See ts-3;
- tl
''''''g7 l'il
- Y.;
will. It makes the Ever, kidneys,
e.tia red novels pernerm tnele ;
-es esetie 'It re oto-. es an im- 1.1
..e Leen' the ineesi. And it 1;
": the nice -1 :den in ins life- 1
en-nre t`
44.4. + •, 4' .; s,-, 'S. 47 t.
Vett ....1-iil .1,-e more re:pinny cured '1
i 7 yC:f WiCia t J.0 a innalisen dose of re
dh-,..ene inn:. ceesh nieht. l'itee d
i esee. s. reee eet :tetna li-eer aed tilue h
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t: can: ',...:',.icesetes, .
n ; ti
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thregns- "'nee n -e; e es-- eee- :el
Town of Seaforth,
FOR 1899.
A By -Law to raise by way of loan the seem of
.820,000 for the purposes hereinafter mentioned.
Whereas the corporation of the Town of Seaforth
is authorized by special Act of the Legislature of the
Province of Ontario to Submit a By -Law to the rate-
payers of the said Town; qualified to vote thereon, to
enable said corporation to raise by nay of loen the
sum of $20,C00 for the purposes hereinafter men-
And whereas it will moire the sum of $800, to
be raised annually by special rate, for the payment of
intereet oh hereinafter mentioned.
. And whereae. it will require the sum of 8671.64, to
be raised annually tor the payment of said debt, se
also hereinafter mentioned.
And whereas the amount of the whole rateable
propertgof the Town of Seale:4th, irrespeative of any
increase in the nature of toile, Interest, dividends,
repts, or fees from the said property, and also irres-
pective of any income to be derived from the tem-
porary investment of the Sinking Fund, oCany part
thereof, according to the last revieed aesessment or
the said Town, being for the year 1898, is the sum of
. And whereas the eneeing debenture debt of the
Town of Seaforth is&a e follows :
85,500 borrowed wider the authority of By -taw
No. 11 A of the Town of Seaforth, for 1886.
80,000 borrowed under the authority of By -Law
No. 3, of the Town of Seaforth, for 1887. -
82,600 borrowed under the authority of By -Law
No. 8, of the Town of Seaforth, for 1891.
814,000 borrowed under the • authority of By -Law
No. 8, of the Town of Seaforth, for 1302.
- 811,000 borrowed under the authority of By -Law
No. 6 A of the Town of Seatortin
$3,600 borrowed under the authority of By -Law
No.25 B of the Town of Seaforth,
Ainel there le nothing in arrears either fok principal
cr interest on said debentures. -
And wherein; it is neceesary to appoint the time
snd placer; for taking the votes of the duly qualified
Steelton], and to appoint Deputy -Returning Officers
to hike the votes of tho said Electors,
Ilit it therefore enacted by the islunicipal Council
of the Town of Sea'orth. e
I. Thet it obeli be lawful for tbe Corporation of
the Town of Seeforth to raise by way of loan from
may person or persooe, body or bodies corporate. who
may he wilting to advance the same on the debeotares
hereinafter mentioned. a sum not exceeding in the
aggregate the sum of 820,000.
If. rt shall be lawful for the said Corporation to
cause to be made any number of debentures, not less
than $100 eaeh and nct exceeding in the aggregate the
sungof 820,000, which shall be payable not later than
twenty years from the issue thereof, and such de-
bentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said
Corporation, and ehall also be signed by the Mayor
andthe Treasurer) thereof.
III. The said debentures shall have attached
thereto coupons for the -payment) of interest thereon
at the rate of four per cent. per an,num from date
thereof, payable annually on the fleet day of June in
each.year at the office of the Treasurer of the mein- •
cipality. -
IV. For the purpose of forming a sinking fund
for the payment of said debenturce the bum of
-$071.64 in addition to all other rates shall be levied
and collected by special rate upon all the rateahle
preperty in the said Town of Seaforth annually dur-
ing the enrrency of the said debentures or any of
them and for the purpose of paying the interest on
the Fold debentures the sum of eie00 Omit in addition
to all other rates be levied and collected by special .
rate upon all the rateable property in the said Town
of Seaforth annually during the currency of the said
debentures or any c f them.
V. It shall bo lawful for the Corporation of the
said ToWn of Seaforth to lend the stun of $20,000 tO
tie raieed under thie BysLaw toi T. s. F. Cairo & Coe
for tte purpose of aiding them 4ri the eseabliehment
of a pork packing house in th,e To vn of Seeforth
withoue interest, to he in:cured by a mortgage upon
the lands, buildings, machinery and lent of the slid
T. les P. Casio in Co., to be repaid be twenty annual
instalments eufficient to provide for the payment of
the sinking fund, and upon Kull ot er _terms as to
the said Corporation rimy seem prcper, °aid lands,
buildings, mac hicery and plant to be exempted teem
taxes, except sellout term, and ail over an Lessees-
-meet of 86,000 for a.poriod of terenty years.
VL The votes of the Eleetoes qua ifled to, vote on
thie 13y -Law alai! be taken on Tuesday, the second
day ot May, A. D.1809, oetween tire. hours.) of nine
o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clo k in the after-
noon, at thee following places : Polli g Sub -Division
No. I, at Edward Oashia store, Goder eh street ; poll-
ing 8ot-division No. 2, at the Coon 11 Cbamber, in
the Town Hall ; Polling Sub -Div sion No. 3, at
Strong's office, [south side of Market tract, Seaforth.
That Edward Caeh be Deputy Retu ning Officer at
Polling Sub -Division No. 1 ; thee Wi liam Elliott tia
Deputy- Returning Officer at Polli g Sub -Division
No. 2; and that Oliver C. Willson be Deputy Return-
ing Officer at Polling Sub -Division N . 8. :
VII. That the Mayor of said Mu ioipal Corpora-
tion shall attend at the Couneil C are Der, in the
Town of Seaforth, on Wednesday, t e 28th day of
April, A. D. 1:49, at the hour of e even o'clock in
the forenoon, for the purpos4 -of ap eluting persons '
to attend at the several polling place aforesaid, and
the final summing up of the votes respectively on
behslf of persons interested in and p emoting or ()se --
peeing the By -Law respectively.
VIII. The Clerk of the Munici at Corporation
sttatrIcil, dastythoef hmoauyr, of twelve ohelook noon, on the
A. D. 1899, attend at the Council
Chamber, in the Town Hail, Seaton and sum up
the votes given for and a'gainet 'he By -Law, and
8tent certificates thereunder.
IX. The BY -Law, if carried 13) -the vote of the
Ratepavere, ehall take effect on and from the first
day et June, A. 1), 1899.
The above is a true copy of a By- "aw passed by
the Kunicepal Council of the Towo of Seaforth, on
the 8th day of May, A. D., 1899 ; and all persons are
hereby required to take noteee that any one desirous
ef applying to have such By -Law or any pert thereof
quashed, must make hi applie t on for t at purpose
to tha High Court -of Justice, ithin th ee months
next after the publication of th e not ce, ohce a week
for three successive weeke, in he n veepaper called
Tim Flonent Execrsiroa, or he ll be too late to be
beard in that behalf:
Town Clerk.
e nen Oxproitor.
Lille following items, were intended
for last week, but *ere received too
NOTES= -M r. E. Teeman has purchased
the butchering businese of Mr. Will Pfaff.
We don t know what Mr. Pfaff is going to
do, but we hope he will remain in town. -
Mr. John Haug, of the 14th concession, met
with an accident while teiturning from
church Sunday morning. The horse, being
young, took fright, and, in running, threw
Mr. Haug out, injurine him so badly that it
was necessary to call a physician. We hope
to soon hear of him beirig around again, as
this is a busy season for farmers.
DOINGS. ---k10 Cs. John Dunlop, of near
Cromarty, had both her arms broken by fall-
ing dowo the cellar stair. As she is becom-
ing old her recovery is somewhat doubtful.
-Mr. Wm. Hoggarth, of the 10th canoes-
sion, has disposed of his fifty acre farni to
Mr. Thotnas 'deeming, for the sum of $2,800.
Mr. Leeming will now have a nice farm of
100 acres. He intends oommencing farming
again after harvest,.
WORMS cannot exiet either in children or adtrits
when DR. LOW'S WORM SyRUP is used. 25c. All
dealers. ;
• '
SCHOOL: --The followitig is the sta,nclin of
the pubile of school sectinn No. 8, Hey, of
which Mr: Thomas Snell is teacher, for he
month , of April : Fou th class Art ur
Truemnen, Emil Schroe er, Elenorae al -
per, Clara Eckstein, Arthur Weber. Third,
Viola Geig r,Willie Schroeder, Allie Truem-
ner, Mentin Oeretrichere Herman Wolper.
Second, Tillie Schroeder,. Lydia Schroeder,
Doretha Tinemner, Bert*" filmmaker, Jacob
Messuer, Sam Oeretriohe Part II senior
Johnny. Oerstrichen, Floe ie Geiger, Elmore
Truemnor, Alma Walper Part II jimion
Ede. slper, Daniel Mes ner. Part I sen -
i ne Lena Schroeder, .Aaron Oerstnicher,
elberta-Truemner, Sarah Kleinfield. 1 Part
f junior, Lizzie Messner, Herbert TruOnner,
Roland Kleinfield.
Nonen.-The merry onth of May. --
Beata ful weather. --See mg is going on
lively inow.-The leaves o the trees one far
advanced now, and, snould nothing happen,
they still be out in full by the 20th of this
month, which is,early for any seasonos-The
egg gatherers are very moherous in this lo-
cality, no less than five call once a week.-
Masons'are building the wall of the; new
church an Belgrave.-Diee harrowa are all
the go and in a few years they will be laid
aside, and something else will take their
place. Farmers cannot get any better seed
bed made than with tile iron harrows kept
well shrtrped. But something new most be
tried every year, a.ncl, of course, the termer
foots the bill. -Fall wheat is going back,and
many a field will be plosted up; Rain
might hlep the crop ehould it come Boole-,
James Hall delivered some cattle on Tues-
day, to. a farmer near Brussels. -Several
cattle ere alreadt_running on tle road as
usual. -
Take Laxative Bromo Qu
gists rc fend the money if i
GENEP,ALMES. -Thee Winche sea cream-
ery is now running et full bla,s . Thirteen
wagons:have been put on the r ad and we
understand there are there to fellow. The
amount of milk has newly been doeblecl to
that of !last year. -Miss Louisa 'lac ney, of
the Themes Road, who has been 11 with
an ailment of the knee for over a ear, is
• now confined to her bed a good deal of the
time. Her many Heeds would r joice to
see her 'around again, as she, is a ver genial
and am4sble young lady. -Mr. Bowman, has
been operating his road machine on the
Thames Road during the past we k. He
seems t'e understand his work well, and im-
proves the centre of the road very r uch.-
Rev. fin Fletcher, who is not gaining
strength as rapidly, after tbe serious illness
that hp had last summer, as , his friends
would like has decided to take a trip to
ScotlannI. 'It is hoped that the sea, breezes
and moontain air will have such a tonning
and invligorating effect upon him a,s to re-
store Wm to his former and wonted health.
, _ •
A Corn Photographed by X Rays
Shows n small hard kernel, covered y lay-
ers of nerd skin. This tiny corn causes
keen pain.: The only sure means of ex-
tracting il, without pain, in 'a day, s Put-
nam's painless Corn 14.ns-tractor. Sur ? Yes.
Painless ? Yee. Cheep ? Yes, indeed.
Try it.:
1 St. Joseph.
NOTE11.-Work on the lenge brie block
has begun. The large iron beams h ve been
reised end are being placed by the work-
men, and the ring of hammers may I. e heard
from morning till nighten-Mr. Rennie Jeffry
has theframe work of Ms new h use up,
and the: work will be pushed forwarc as fast
as possible. -Mr. C. Jordan's fine ieuee is
well nigh completed. --Mr. Wm. Mi er has
begun making brick a d tile. -A nui ber of
Hensall's most prom nent busines men
paid S't Joseph a flying visit on anday
last. -Mr. Wm. Campbell was in town on
nine Table
fails to Cu
a *11 Drug -
e. 260.
Early coldents
Canso Lifelong Sufferin .
A Case that is Causing T lk.
When a lad about eight years of age I •
fell into a cellar a distance of ten feet, -
striking on my bead, and causin con-
cussion of the brain. I was take to a
London, Eng., Hospital, the first even
days not recovering- consciousness. 1 am
now 35 years old and from the time f my
e.cciclent until I began taking Dr, % ard's
Pills fine months ago I bad been subject to
fainting- spells, never being 'more th- n two -
weeks; without an attack ofefaintin As'
r grew olden these spells became more
frequeet, lasted longer, and left m with
less S'itality. I was weak, had no str ngth
or stamina, always very low-spirite, and 1
down -hearted; imagined that every thing.._
and every person was going again t me,
and life only had a dark sideifor me My ,,
appetne was poor most of the time, but I
am now happy to say that, since t kink
DO. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills, ha*
only had one fainting spell, shortly after
I , began taking them, so I ha e no
hesitation in saying that Dr. ard's
Pills 'cured me. Before taking th
pillS I always looked for a fainting s
not ,more than two weeks apart; now,
I wOuld be greatly surprised at a ecur-
renee.of these spells. Life is now right
-the ponstant, morbid, down-hearte feel-
ing ingone, being replaced, by a co tent-
ed, nopeful feeling. I. feel like wo ieig.
My nppetite is good, and in every re pea
I hane, experienced the health and str WU
restbring properties of Dr. Ward's lood
and Nerve Pills, They certainly have
proved a great blessing to me. Yours
truly, ,(Signed),•Thomas Stanton, Brigh-
ton, Ont. ,
Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills .
are sold at soc. per box, 5 boxes for z.00
by The D dor Wnrd Co., Li tsrli, 1
at dniggists or mailed on receipt of tie* I
Toronto. /
• ,
Saturday last. -Miss A. iMeGregor of ne one
we made mention last week as 'beieg in-
. jured by a fall from her wheel, is progress-
ling slowly. She opened school again' itist
Monday, but she is unable to walk to her
boarding house, and has to be driven back
and forward in a buggy,. It roily be bite or
three months before she fully recevers.
1 NOTES. -The cheese factory will cem-
menisci operations on or about the lab. -
New officers were elected this week for ehe
Endeavor Society sf Duff's church. -The
Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Stnal-
low ' on Wednesday.-Geotge Srhith 4nd
* family and Robert Moore and fami y talk of
moving westward thi's ,spring. D nphi is
; the section they have in view.-MnsMo re,
1 music -teacher, of Seaforth, who ha a lalge
1 class in thie locality; irs able to nlarge it
still more, owing to the use of he bicy.dle.
-The enlargement and improv ments lit
Richard Pollard's residence are w 11 on tte
ward completion, and it will be a ery cum-
fortable home when finishecL-Ro ert gels
iand has purchased a number of - vergrelen
trees and has set them out between his r si-
donee and the road, making it noticeable 'i
provement.-Last week Rev. C. M. Fi er
and family, of Liberty, Iediana, arrived
here, aud have taken poseession of the
manse. Mr. Filer is the new pastor of ehe
American Presbyterian chureh.-The part-
nership existing between William Smith &
:Son, as general merchants, has been d s -
solved by mutual consent. The busin. se
will be continued by the former, and Will
and Mies Smith will take a trip to the w st
this mont
missed here
and society
useful mem
. Mr. Smith will be grea,
as he was a prominent Ohur
worker. Miss Smith was ,als
er of the community.
are easy to to, e, harmiese in action and sure ea, c
any headache n from 6 to 20 minutes. • ; ,
FARM SOLD. -Wm. G. Davidson sold
, e
farm last w ek, being the eamt half of 1 it
11, conces ion 7, West Wawanosh, o
David .141rri gton, for the surn of $2,00
The purcha er has made a good bargain, b
being one o the best fifty acres in the tow
ship. The e is on the premises a lar e
orchard of c oice fruit trees. The buildin s
are fair. n r. Errington is now owner- f
150 acres of c oice land, 100 aores of whio
is the west ialf of the same lot, which he
purchased fro Thomas Davidson a eho t
time ago. W, G. Da,viclson intends settlin
on a farm whi h he owns in Algoma.
C. Seeger has resigned the office of divisio
court clerk, for the purpose of resuming h's
practice as barrister and solicitor. MS.
Seeger is well versed in the lew, and poe-
sesses the qual ties that tend to success in
legal practice end should be a decide
acquisition to the fraternity in this tow
and county. r. Seeger will etill hold th
police magistn cy, in which pesition he ha
given eminen satisfaction. ! he vacane
in the ivision court clerkship as been fil
ed by th app intment of James Yates, who
has alre y as umed the dutins of the offic
Mr. Yates has also taken ovet Mr. Seeger'
iiasurance busi ess.
ernor Griffin a cl turnkey Ile derson hav
made -consider ,ble progress t iis spring to
warns the corn Jetion of thei telans for the
beautifying of he grounds s rrounding th
gaol. A good deal of the 1 d has been
levelled, and ix healthy -lo ing " buck!.
eyes" have b en added t the line of
chestnut trees, which in tim will become
one of the pret iest pieces of shade in towni
Over on the b nk overlooking the river 4
summer house has been erected. For al
this the gaol la or has been utilized, but, a
the inmates are becoming few, the work ha
come to a stop or the present. The prob
lem of prison 1 bor in this case seems t
have been sol ed to the advantage both o
the prisonere aa d of the community.
B114Eis choir and quartette of Car-
mel chur ren ered number of fine selec-
tions at th-e an iversary services of the In-
depent Order o Oddfellowsn held on Wed-
nesday eveni e last. Mr, W, J, Millar,
Miss Aggie K r and Miss Steinbach also
rendered solo that were well receivecl.-
Mr. A. Murd c is improving the appear-
ance of his fr n by the addition of a fine
balcony. -Mr . Arnold has moved into
the dwelling r ich he recenely leased from
Mr. R. Cudmer and Mr. John Shepherd
and family w occupy their own fine
dwelling here, recently occupied by Mr.
Arnold. Weis, e always pleased to see good
residents lik r. Shepherd moving into
our . J. McArthur's hardware
store is very ch improved by being taste-
fully painted n ide.-Mrs. R. Peterson, jr.,
has been visit n relatives and friends in
Exeten-The ev. Mr. Walker and Mrs,
Walker, of n a Chatham, and formerly of
Hensel!, wer the village this week at-
tending their o George's wedding, and re-
newing aequ tances,-Rev. Mr. Rhodes,
of Hyde Park, onducted service with very
much accept n e in St. Paul's church, on
Sabbath .even lase -Mr. J. Habkirk, of
Clinton, was n the village on Sabbath last
renewing acqt a ntances.-Mr. T. J. Berry,
one of our vil a e councillors, has the stone
foundation laid or a handsome new dwell-
ing. The m t rial is on the ground, and
the work of uilding will soon be corn•i
menced.-Mr M. J. Fernette, .of Dollar
Bay, Michigan, was in the village part of
last week and tl is v siting his nieces, the
Misses Hagan. -Mr. D. Morton, who has
been here for so nc.ti e, has returned to his
lsome in Hamilt in, -Miss Ella McPherson
and cousin, Miss Sa,rah Woods, were in
klderton on Tuesday attending the wedding
IR iutimete friend.
P rth Notes.
-Listowel's opnlation is 2,627.
-Mr. and Mr . H. D. Drury, of Hibbert,
eft last weelc fo Douglas, Manitoba.
-Rev. Dr. H unilton has been pastor of
the Motherwell nresbyterian church for 42
e-arAs'ugust McFarlane, 17th cencession,
Elma, has a ewe that presented Min. with
five Iambs this s ason, three of them living.
-Mr. W. H. Davis, of Mitchell, in com-
'pany with Mr. C. W. Dawson, of the Strat-
'ford Herald, ha purchased the Owen Seund
Sun. ,
-A house Stratford, occupied , by
Messrs. . Wil on and William Sarvis was
dame led o the xtent of $500 by fire on
Mon ay afterno n of last week. •
- urritt & 0 's. knitting mill in Mitchell
lad a narrow e cape from destruction by
fire a few days o. Fortunately the flames
were noticed in ime, and were extinguisihed
before much da age was done.
- After a sho t but very severe illnees,
Mrs. James Me i hol, of the 8th conces-
sion, Elma, di on Saturday, 22nd ult.
She succumbed f om scarlet fever, compli-
cated by premat e labor. ,
-The Upton a m, 100 acres, near Leb-
Eileen was sold b oreolosure ef mortgage,on
Wednesday of I st week. Richard Long
was the sucee s ul bidder, and the price
reached was $2,170.
-Mrs. W. : . Coulton, of Ellice, met
with a serious a eident on Mondey of last
week. She wa endeavoring to atop the
windmill, and in so doing 'her left arm
was caught in the machinlry and badly
-On Tuesday of last week,lwhile Gertie,
youegest child of Mr. John Skinner, of
Mitchell, was running along the walk near
the mill race 'not watching where she was
going, fell inito the water, and es she was
&bind to go down the last time, Mt. George
Shipley, who was near by, jumped into the
••-• -
water and reecued her just in time to save
her life.
-The oldest inhabitant of South East -
hope passed away, ifel the death of Benedict
Meyer, who died on 't'iday, 14th inst., aged
95 years, 10 months 9,nd 23 days. He had
lived in the township for half a century, and
was held in the highest respect.
-Jannis Brown an old gentleman who
had been living with Ms niece, Mrs. Hiram
Moulton, in Stratford, passed away on
Tuesday morning of f last week, aged -88
'Iyears. He had been ill for only three or
four weeks, and his death was due to old
-About forty happy young people from
Shakespeare and vicinity invaded the Pres-
byterian manse there the other night to sur-
prise Mies Lou Pylte, tylgo is leaving Shake-
speare, and to testify to the high eateem in
which she is held by presenting her with a
beautiful silver inkstand, a gold pen, a box
of initial stationery, and a very pretty jewel
-Mies Millie Miller, daughter of Mr.
Thomas Miller, of Mornington, near Mill-
bank, died somewhat suddenly at her
father's. residence, on Sunday, 23rd ult.
, Miss Miller had been a pupil of the Listowel
high school till Christmas last, but was un-
able to continue her studies from that time,
owing to an attack of neuralgia of the
stomach. '
-A ;pleasant departure occurred at the
Methodist prayer meeting service, at At-
wood, on Tuesday evening of last week,
when, at its close, J. W.1 McBain, for 30
years the' faithful and efficinnt superintend-
ent of the Sabbath school, 'Was reminded of
the congregation's gratitude in the presen-
tation of a handsome and costly gold headed
walking stick.
• I
Over Diabetes, Gained by the
PoWer of Dodd'e Kidney Pills.
Toro to May 8. -In a large city like
Toront , there is always much sickness,kid-
ney disease largely predominating. The
' street railway employes, exposed as they are,
to all the inclemencies of the weather are
particularly liable to kidney disease. But
they all know how to conquer this nemy.
Foe instance : Mr. T. H. O'Reilly, 7 Ni-
agana street, motorman, No. 624, as for
three years a great sufferer from D'abetes.
Every remedy failed to help him, till he be-
gan to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, Three
boxes cured him.
It is cases like this, where the pati nt and
the cure are equally well known, th t are
the test of a remedy, and Dodd's idney
Pills have always stood it sucee sfully.
They cure all kidney complaints.
One Way of Doing It.
" Jones is an inveterate joker,' said
Browne. " That is why I sent the ife in-
eurance agent, who was pestering t e life
out of me, around to see Jones. I t ld the
agent that Jones had been talking fo some
time of getting his life insured for good
round sum.
" It worked, and the agent depar ed in
haste to look Jones up, while I co granu-
lated myself on getting rid of a bore.
" Later irs the day I chanced to m et the
agent on the strees, and, halting 1me, he
said, angrily :
a " See here, what do you mean by sending
me to insure a man with one foot ln the
grave ? I suppose you thought yen were
doing a funny thing, but I'm hanged f I can
see auything funny about it ?"
" What do you mean ?" I gasped.
" Mean ?" he shouted. " I mea that
my comyany ien't in the business of insur-
ing corpses. You made me look like a fool
approaching a man -to insure his life -when
he hasn't three days to live. I a tually
hurried away for fear he would die w ile I
was there. The next time you feel I ke be-
ing funny place your wretched joke some-
where else than inside a graveyard.
" What he said gave me an awful 1shook,
I had not seen Jones for some time, and was
not even aware that he was sick, so I hur-
ried down to his office to see what the mat-
ter was.
" I found Jones in his usual health, so far
as I could see, but before I could demand
an exPlanation another life insurance agent
entered the office, and, turning to Jones, be-
gan the usual harangue.
" But before he could say a dozen words,
Jones Was seized with a terrible fit of
coughing that caused the agent to stand
dear fellow," said Jones between
spasms, " l'm ewfully glad you've come.: I
have just made up my mind to get insured
for £1,000, so make out the papers as soon
as you can."
- " But the agent was already half way to
the door, having mumbled something about
another engagement and that he would call
again. .
" It's the only way you can get rid of
them," said Jones, coming beck to the nor-
mal. " It took me weeks to learn that
cough, but it was worth the trouble, for it
saves me hours every week.
-The last toll gate in York county has
been abolished by an agreement arrived an
through which Ontario county aCcepte the
Rouge River bridge and about a mile of
road in Pickering township, for a consider-
ation of $1,500. The bridge cost $15,000
and the road 810,000. York countn has
been trying to present the bridge and road
to Pickering township for some time,bet the
township has refused the gift. o61.I has
been collected at the bridge since 18T3
Walked Thirty Miles After Being
In Mexico when a man 'is condemned
to death he is executed, by being
shot by a file of soldiers, and the
body is left where i b falls, to be
taken away by the man's friends, if he has
any. Not long ago a worthless fellow was
thus executed and left in the open country
outside a small village. But after the
officer in charge had inspected him, pro-
nounced him dead and the soldiers had left,
the man got up, walked to the City of Mex-
ico, thirty miles distant, and catered a hos-
piton, He had a wouud in his shoulder and
two more in his skull, but soon recovered.
The authorities now wanted to shoot him
again, but the Governor of the province de-
cided that the man was legally dead, the
lieutenant having said so, and the Mexican
was released. .
Some Curious Horseshoes. ,
In Japan most of the horses are shod with
straw. Even the clumsiest of cart horses;
wearletraw shoes, which, in their cases, are
tied around the ankle with atraw rope and
are Made of the ordinary rice straw, braided
so as:to form a sole for the foot about ha f
an inch thick. These soles cost about a ha f
penny a pair. Iceland horses are shod wit
sheep's horn. In the valley of the Uppee
Oxus the antlers of the moun In deer are
used for the same purpose, the shoes being
fastened with horn pins. In the Soudan
the lo see are shod with s cks made cif
cansel's kin. In Australia h mellows are
made o cowhide. A German ot long ago
invent° a horseshoe of paper repared bh
saturet ng it with oil, turpenti e and other
ingredi nts. Thin layers of su h paper are
glued t the hoof till the requisite thickness
is attained, and the shoes; thus made are
durable and impenetrable by moisture.
Pain Ceased First Day.
Mrs, Mary O'Dell, 262 Dunn Ave., Toronto, writes :
" I ha e used ',Milburn's Rheumatic. Pille, and they
cured e of a severe attack of Rheumatism. The
paiu after the first day's trial of the retnedeon
.• • 01.
Ranee all ntibstitutes or imitations of the genuine
Dr. Fowlees Extract of Wild Strawberry, most of
thee. ire absolutely dangerous.
Distinguished everywhere for De-
licacy of Flavour, Superior Qual-
ity, and Nutritive Properties.
Specially ,grateful. an comforting
to the nervous an dyepeptio.
Sold only in quarter pound tins,
labelled eIAMES EP S & CO.,
Limited, omceopathic Chemists,
London, ngland.
and effectual remedy for Worms
other should be used. No purg
wards. Price 26c.
f a
h a simple, Sole
1 kinds, than no
needed after-
, Weak Wo
1 II
Can he made strong and bealthy
and Nerve Pills.. Miss Skullion,
tawa, says : h Milburn's Heart
riched my blood. strengthened
stored me to herelt and vigor."
by 'jibs; Ws' Heart;
60 urner St., Ot-
ndi Nerve Pille Mir-
y nervds and re -
Severe Salt R
" Burdock Blood Bitters cured
3 years ago, and I have had no re
was so bad with it / ceuld not sl
two bottles of B. B B. t3 effect a
Greenbank, Ont.
u rn
of St Rherem
of i since. I
It , niy Wok
" Mrs.Weleh,
Paini in the aak.
"1 suffered with pain in the back for over a veer,
and could not get ie cured. Thre betties of Hag -
yard's Yellow Oil removed the pal entirely." Meer-
shal Miller, McGregor P. 0., Man.
13 keep for service on Lot
Stanley, a thoroughbred Ohesterw
81, payabie at the time of service,
of returning it necessary. JOHN
undersigned , ill
5, Conoeselon 4,
ite boar. Tem -
. DIEHL. •
ith the privil
-po PIG BREEDERS. -The uncle
els on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R
a thoroughbred Clentierea Wilms ri
bred YORKSHIRE Pio. A limited n
be admitted tre each. Teems, 81, p
of service, or 81.50 if charged.
White Pigs for sale, JAMES GEM
J.1 VICE. -The madereigned will
at the Brueefield Oheese Factory,
Trunworth Boar nith registered
$1 ;I payable at t'one of ironic° wi
turning if neoeesary. Aleo a num
bred young Tarnworth Boars an
HUGH IdoCJARTNEy, Brucefield.
is signed has foe service on lot
eicKillop, thcro'bred Tamwort
limited number of fiewe will be t
extra good pig and breeders find it
arose their berkshire sowe with t
Teem° $1, with privilege of return
igned will keep
S., Tucker smith,
, also a. thorotigh-
mber of sows will
yable at the time
lso a few Cheater
ILL 1608-52
keep for service,
a thoroughbred
edigree. Tenets,
privilege of re-
er of thorough -
Bowe for sale.
E, -The under -
2, coneeseion 8,
pig, to whicn a
ken. Thi. is an
advantageous to
le breed of pig.
ng if necessary.
Are You Gting to anitob
. _, _ ____-
It so. try the Dauphin country, ss hide is princi al-
ly adapted to mixed fermiug, and is well supp led
with gobd wood and , water. Any f eller particu ars
will be given on application to the underel ed,
either calling at !our office or b writing. Co re-
wonder ea promptly, attended to. Send or call at
THE flu ore EXPOSITOR Office for li t of farms end
town Rroperty for •alo. SPARLDM Se MURRAY,
Real Ketate, Loan; Insuranee nd Comnsiseion
Agents.; Office -Municipal Clerk's Office, Main street,
Dauphin, Manitoba. i 1632-13
Fresh Arrivals
A Lar6 Asso
the Latest Styl
Q1100St FRO
Orders Receive
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The tan a
At the'
Rillo ,
Setur sy,
opular Stallioes will trove/ their
1m r the season of 1890, as follows :-
d Bred Trotting Stallion,
ARD, No. 30235.
J dEPII HIIGILL, Proprietnr.
owners etable Lot 36, Concession 61 .Mes
a d at the Jelawkshaw stablest, Seatorth. every
The F hionable Bred Clydesdale Stallion
it acBEAN, No. 8030.
W. . & jOHN MCGAVIN, Proprietors.
Mo dsy May Hat -Will leave his ,own stable, one
mile stief Leadbury, and proceed South along the
Side nail to John Campbell's 7th Coneeesioo, for
noon thence to the Cominerelal hotel, Seaforth. for
night. Ttieeday-To A. Huai ft, for noon ; thence
north Ito JOhn eitapleee, Rinburn. tor night. Wednes-
day --North to John Watt's; 13th Concession ;Bul-
let, f r r oon ; thence north t3 Jehn Yo'Ung's,
oun ary Line, for supper ; thence east to William
aylo 's, tilth Concession, Morris, for night, Thurs.
BY -South • along tho Town Line, McKilloP, to
homes Beattie's, for noon ; thence east to hisiown
able for night, Friday -To Wm.; Teller's. ifith
onceission, for noon ; thence north 3i miles, then
West to Zi iax's hotel, Brussels. for night. Satur-
day--Sout along the Gravel Road to Jamee Mc-
Donaid's, r noon ; thence eouth to his own stable,
Leadieury, where he will remain until the folloiving
Monday merning. 1637-8
The/ *inclard Bred Trotting Stallien
WILDER LEE, No. 1706.
Reectrd 2:29n.
JAMES RERRY, Propriehog.
Monday, May let- II leave T. J. Berry's stable,
'Tames; Ha an's, Hills Green, for noon ; thence Menke
ensall. and proceed n rth to Kippen, then werit to
to Varna, t Cooke, hotel, for night. Tueeday-West
to Browne n Line, then south to Blake hatch for
noon ;' the ee to Charles Greib's hotel, Zurich, i for
night. W dnesday-West to Conces.sion 14, sciuthe
11- miles then east to Brownson Line, then soutt to '
Moser% 'iffitel, Dashwood, for noon ; then sout to
Khios, andl wen to Ja es Hannon's hotel, Minas,
for night. Thureday- st to August Hill's hotel,
Oreditoe, f r noon I, t nco east to London lipad,
then torth to Haw ha is hotel, Exeter, for night.
Friday -North to . . Berry's stable, Henstelh for
noon ; thence emit y way of Chiselhurn to
Oromarty Line, thent no th to Carlon's hotel, Staffs,
for night. Saturday- en to his own stable at
Jamee Barrio's, for noon ; thence to Ilensall at . J.
Berry's stable, where he will remain until the fol ow-
ing Monde motning. 163 ,B
The mpor4d Clydesdale Stallion 1
ROY WARR4ANT, No. 9664.
B Ante- & LIvINGSTONE, Proprietor's.
Mondeg-f Will lettere his own steble, Staffa, and ilr0-
ceed to ' George Strong's hotel, Tuoitersmith, for
noon ; then south-west Do George T. McKay'e, Rip -
Pen Roasi, (Or nieght. Tuerday isouth tee Charles Har-
vey% Uthotne, for noon ; then to Hawkshaw's hetel,
Exeter, foe night. Wednesday -To Hill's hotel,
Cre3iton ier noon ; then south-east to Moffatt's
hotel, Centralia, for night. Thursdays -South along
the Londorl Road to Seller's hotel; C andeboye, for
noon, and ;remaining until the following morning.
Friday-!ehitth-ent to Thomae Dicken'e Bitidulph,
for noon; then north east to Wineheleia, at Weeley
Heywoodie,1 kg n ght. Saturday -Norte -east to
Thomas IMOCurdy'a, Farquhar, for noon ; then by
way of Otoe3arty to Is own stable, a here he will re-
main natal itie folio ing Monday =ruing. 1637-3
The Import d Clydesdale Stallion
Mohl'irosti MULDOON, Proprietors.
Monday, May 1st Will Neve his own stable. Lot
8, Concesei 12, Me illop, and proceed to Thomas
O'Harahe neession Oefor noon •, thence to Robert
Campbell's, oncessi 11'7, for night. Tuesday -South
1,1 miles t u west Charles Doddie, Conceesion 5,
for noonli; en port along the side road Ito Wm.
Alexand e , Concee Ion 10, for night. 'Weeinesdny-
North Jim es, the west to Wm. lifillie, Concession
14, Hollett for Is n ; then to Blyth, at Queen's
hotel, for t e night Thurslay--To Robert B. Laid-
law% Ooripeemon 9, Morris, for email ; then
Friday-- 'with en Iles, then east to Robert
to Waln at AI Kim s hotel, for the night.
Douglas', rumen] a 10, Grey, for hoon ; then
south ti John tennis', Coucession 14-, Me -
K Hop, for if ght. aturday-To his own stable, and
remain till he folloleing Monday mornieg. 1637-3
The X ported Heavy Draught Stallion
MA %TN & McOoNNEtr„ Proprietors.
onday, ley lst-Will leave hN own Stable, Lot
2 Commie n 18, Harlem t, and go by way of Chisel -
h est to .1 0 Bon sn 'in Loe 80, Concession 4. Us -
b rne, for n en ; then to Joh), Jelin% Lot 14, emu -
eeneion 7 U °rue, for the night. Tneeday-By way
of' Effinvill d south and esst t 3 John Delbridgles,
Winchelela or noon • , then to George Barow'e,
Ktrkton, a night. *Pi dnesday-2To John Callon's
J3lanehard, r no nig t en to Oliver Harris', Mit-
chell Hoed, f r night. hureday-To Roe el hotel,
Mitchel , to eerie ; I then to Bornholm for night.
Friday- To ugust Kameyees, Logan, for neon ;
T .1 enure A ahesonee Hibbett, for noon ; then to hie
th4en uo We es hotel. Dublin, for night. Setae -day -
own stab e *here he will remain until the following
Mienday sentning. ; 16,37-3
Th ported Clydesdale Stallions
Nicuka„As HORTON, and
INNI1' & HORTON, Proprietors.
Ronda ', y lsts-W111 leave N. Horton's, 12th
Concessi n, uckereinith, and prozeed to George
Scilery's, 8t Conceselon, Hibbett, for noon ; thence
noath to ichael Wastes' and Leonard Sholdices',
one at ea h laae foe night. Tuesday -Will proceed
north to ue n Road, thence to Seaforth, at Royal
hetel, fo napes ; then west along the Huron Road to
Melvin 0 arTFO, for ngght. Wedneeday-Will proceed
aiong th Huron ROO to Queen's hotel, Clinton, for
noon ; t once to Alenander Innis', for night. Thurs.
dan-Wel proceed way of 2nd Concession, Stan-
k , to II gh McGee or's, for noon ; thenee south to
John Ch mbees, To n Line, between Hay and Stan -
le a for font, Fri ey-Will proceed south aloug
th 2od Concessio , Hay, to Wm. Russel% for
noon ; t once east t WIII. Iforton'e, 4th Concession,
Usbornen foe night Saturday -Will proeeed to
James Herten's, for noon ; then along the Boundary
or'Sisline'e tbaebt e,eweehelirseborne and Hibbert, thence to their
Monday °ming. they will remain until the foilioonwiang
i —
The , nported Belgian Draught Stallion
13ISMARCK, No. 4020,
eionsie -W-Iii leave hN own stable, Lot 18, Con-
cessicen II, leteltillop, and go to Thomas O'Ilai We,
Concessi n 0,i tor noon ; then north to David Boed's,
Cone eist n 13, for night. Tuesday -To Robert
Dougletn, Canceseion 16, Grey, for noon ; then to
Wait n, t eltire's hotel, for the nighe. Wednes-
day -To Alfred Bu•tonse, Com:tendon 8, Morris, tor
noon ; then tO, Blyth, at Queen's hate], /or night,
Thuniday TO John IMillte, Conceseioe 14, Millen
for noon then by way of Harlock to hie own stable
for night. Fridny-To Wm. Storey's, Concession 6,
McKillop, for; noon ; then to Jnmes Bell's, Concee-
Dion 3, cliillop, for night. Saturday -To Fmk
Robinson e, Concessien 7, for noon, and to hie awn
stable for the 1 night, zeinaloing until the following
Monday. ; 1637-$
1 -
Th IMpicalted Clydesdale Stallion
i 1 Aer 8 Leuven, Proprietor.1
lifonday -Will 1 ve his own steble, Lot 10, °en-
ceseion 11 and pro eed to Joho Brigham's, tor noon ;
thence by Blyth to r Thomas Stoatee, Lot 1, Conces-
Mon 8, Me ris, for the night. Tunday--Will proceed
earn along the 8th Cone- token to wm. Jeckson's, for
noon ; th nee west to James Herris',10th Concession,
Grey, for thn night. Wedneeday - Will proceed
south to Alen. Gerd nees, 14th Concession, Mc-
Killop, fo n on ; thence west by Harlock to his warn
stable for night. Thursday -Will proceed east to
Archibald Senaervillehe, for noon ; thence by Wig-
throp to relearn, for night. Friday -Will proceed
(south to F releee school house, thence west to James
Miller's, f r noon ; thence west snd north to Thomas
Fear's, for night. Saturday -Will proceed south and
ent alon the fith Concession, to bis 0WD etable,
where he will remain until the following Monday
morning. 1687x4;
Th 'Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion
OYAL spoTosmAN.
MA & MCCONNELL, Proprietors.
lifonday- ill leave his own stable, Weber's hotel,
Dublin, an * a to the 2nd Concession, Hihbert, then'
east el mi es, then south ind west to John Donnels
We, Con salon 5i, Hibbert, for noon ; then Kitith
along tbe entre Road tolBurn's earner, tben to John
M tonne) is . for night. ' Tuesday-Soutb a mil•s,
th n east i miles, tnen south it miles, then avail*
Demean cDonald'e, Town Line, for noon •, then by
way of Ch elburet to eorge Martin's, ;Canceller:en
13, Hibbert, for night. ednendity-To James ;Sal-
ford's, Fu larton Tow no, for noon ; then by 10m
of Russe ale to Oli er Harris', Ititenell Road, for
night. hursday-A o ,g the Mitchell, Road '21
miles. th n west n mu4s, to William White's,
for noo ; then tge • August Ahren'i, for
night. F iday-One ile and a voider north, then
west to tn. O'Rour e's, Concession 6, MoRIllop, tor
noon ; n ber way of the:Huron Road to Driblin,; at
Weber's k I, for nig Saturday -To Beeehwoed,
at John S ga,, iorli n ; then by WilY Ot IrbIstoten
and the ron Road Dublin, at his own stable,
'whims he will remain until the following Monday
ntorniug. • ' 1.631.
That Pure -Bred Clydesdale Horse
'UNION BANK (10,018), Vol.
Monday -Will leav0e. hEis. oldwnAsSta°NlillePanir prrieeeetlre.by
way of Broadfoot's bridge to George Irwin's, Alma,
for noon ; thence by way of Huron Reed to Com-
mercial hotel, elieeton, for night. Tuecelay-Will
proceed by way of the London Road to his OW/2
stable', Wedneedey-Will proceed by. Way of the
London Road to Rippen Hotel; for noon ; thence
south to John Ilswkin's, for the nigh. Thursday
Will proceed to Francistown, then along the 'themes
Road to Arnim's, for noon, remaining until Friday
morning. Friday -Will proceed north 1i miles up
the 6th COUCESSi011 of Usborne, then west 11 miles to
Morgan's, for noon ; thence north by tiny of 4th
Concession th the Boandary of Tuckersruith and
Usborne, then weet to 2nd Concession of Tucker -
smith to John ColWell's, for night Sat erelay-Nottle
by way of 2nd Concession th his ewe] stable, where
he will remain until the following Monday morning.
The Imported Clydesdale Stallion
Vol. xix.
C. E, Mesons, Proprietor.
Monday -Will leave his own stable, Mill Road, and
proceed miles north on the 2no Concession of
Tuckerenuth, then 21 miles- north to the 2nd Con -
session, of Stanley, to Malcolm MeEwan's, for noon ;
then by the Bayfield Road to the Commercial both/.
Clinton, for night. Tuesday -Will preened by way
of the North Gravel Road to James Reynold's, for
noon ; then 11 roilee north, then 8.1 miles ean to
Rinburn hotel, for the night. Wednesday -Will
proceed I; miles east to the Town Line, thence te)
the Huron Road to Thomas Fowler's, tor noon ;
then 21 miles west on the Huron Road to °rides
Sideroad, then 11 miles eouth to George Turner's,
for the night. Thursday -Will proceed down the
2nd Concession, of Tueltersmith, to George Black's,
for noon ; thence ley MeLeart's 'bridge to the Mill
Road to the 4th mentors, of Tuckeremith, ta
Robert McKay's, for the night, Frielae-Velll pro-
ceed Si, metes west across the Side Road to the 2nd
Concession, Stanley, to Joseph Ileod'e, for noon •
thence by the Town Line to Andrew Love's, Hill;
Green, for the night. Saturday -Will proceed along
the Parr Line th Murray's hotel, Varna, for noon ;
thence by way of the IfIll Road to his own otable,
_where he will remain until the following Monde)?
morning. 1688-3
The Imported Clydesdale Stallion
MOUNT BOYS (8064); Vol. xii.
ROBT. & Al3,011, MENZIES, Proprietor.
Monday -Will leave his‘n stable, Lot 12, Con-
' cession 11, licKillep,and proceed to MIT. O'Rourke%
Concertino!' 13, for noon * then south to JosePle
Nagle's, Concession 3, Hibieert, for the night. Tues-
day -West 21 miles, then north 21 miles, t° the 3rd
Concession of McKillop, to James Nash's, lor noon ;
then by way of Roxboro to Wen. Ilogg'e, Concession
4, for the night Wednesday -West to the Town
Line, then north to Concession 10, MoKillop, at
Robert Smitlee, for noon ; then to Sage's hotel,
Walton, for the night. Thursday -North and east
to Concession II, Grey, at Mr. Biclbyle, for noon ;
then north and east to Ethel, for the night. Fri-
day --South James Masten, Concession 14, Groy,
for night. Saturday -South to Samuel McPherson's,
Concession 14, McKillop, for noon ; then to his own
stable, where he will remain until the following
Monday morning. 1688 3
The Clydesdale Stallion
PURE GOLD (3110), Vol. 6.
WILSON Coon, Proprietor.
Monday -Will leave his own stabile, Egmoodville,
and go to Graham's hotel, Brucefield, for noon • then
to Varna, at Murray'e hotel, for ni ht. Tuaday-
South the Parr Line to Joeeph endetson's, for
noon ; to Blake by way of Town ine for night,
Wednesday -West the Town Lineto ithe 14th Ocilla -
Hay, then south li miles, then weet to John La-
porte's for Poen ; then north to Relbert Snowden's .
for night. Thuredsy-Along the auble Line to
Elliott's hotel, Bayfield, for noon ; th le along the fith
and 6th Concessions, Goderich to nehip, to Wen.
Currey'e, 7th Concession for the nig t. Friday -To
the 10eh Concession, at John G. Ste teet for noon ;
then by the Baylield Conceesion to Raton, at Dow-
son'e hotel for night. Saturday- o A. Huglille,
Huron Road, Tuckersmith, for noon; then to hie
own stable by way of Seaton:in where he will empire
until the following Monday worthier! 1688-3
The Grandly Bred
McCorm ck
Will stand. for tbe ,ImprOvement of
stock, during the season of 1899, .
R. Mffison3s Stables
Huron County Breeders' Association.
NO. 15,179.
Will stand for the improvement of i nook for the
STABLES, HENSALL, during the isencin 1899,
Terms. -Insurance 818. Ideate and feed for parties
from a dietance free.
BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietors.
OWEI‘.T GEIGER, Manager, 1688-tf
A big yield of ho
profit and. satisfaetioin
will result if you planti
'They are alveneves the hes
I)o not accept any subl-
tute-buy none but Ferryt .
Sold by all dealers. Write ler
the •99 Seed Annual -free, ;
Pure Linsee0 Oil
Mixed Pa!nts
Latest Artistic Shades,
Interior and Exterior Decora-
Manufactured by . . .
The Canada Paint Company,
Montreal, Toronto, Victorisi, B. a
Now on sale at