The Huron Expositor, 1899-05-12, Page 2Catarrhal Deafness.
Tao mot etage development of Nas li Ca-
tarrh. Japanese Catarrh Cure goes 11W . past
the points where even specialists a the
disease have been able to reacth, It's a pene-
trating, soothing, healing and strengtbening
compound, allaying the inflammatio and
healing without leaving the slightest bad
after-resixfts. The only guaxanteed Catarrh
Cure. 50e at all druggists. 13.9
Canada's Greatest Linimen#
Griffiths' Menthol Liniment is the great -
curative discovery of the age. 'Perte-
tett muscle, merabrane and tissue to the
ry bone, banishes pains and aches with a
power impossible with any other remedy.
Ilse it for rheumatism, neuralgia, head.
illiammation, All druggists, 25 eta, 82
Positive Cure for Asthma Dis-
It heat long been recognized by niedical
scientists throughout the world that attire
has supplied ail oreation with some remedy in
tho vegetable or min
oral kingdom, Where.
with all forms of ail-
ments ean be oured,
but it was no until
ley of abe wonderful
Kola plant along the
CongeRiverin Africa,
that asthma WM per-
manently curable. In
investigations made
by Dr. Clarke some
years later this die -
TUN KOLA PLANT. ease Wag found cur
able - he found that by combining the ex-
• trarr of Kola -Nut vrith other vegetable
extracts the eompeund obtained would
permanently cure Aathma. Clarkers Kola
Oompound wns then tried on over 100 cages
ber different hospitals, with the marvellous
result that over 05 per cent. were perma-
nently cured in less than 60 days' treat.
merit. Clarke's Kola Clompound is now reeloga
:sized to be the only permanent cure for
thin dreaded diaereses. Sold by all druggists.
Price two dollars ; three bottles with mare
guaranteed for five dollars. The Griffiths
afriepleereon 0o., 121. Church street, To-
ronto, or Vancouver, B. a., sole Canadian
Hay Fever. .All Drug -
la guaranteed to oure
gists sell it. 17
Sold by J. S. Roberts.
SA.LE.—In the Village of Bengali, a fine brick
dwelling and store combined, well situated near
centre of village Terms reasonable. Apply `to
MISS S. CARLISLE, Flatiron. 1616
..ILI, For sale the frame dwelling house , and lot near
the railway station in Brtteefield. Tem house cen-
tilitre ten rooms ; stone cellar aud hard and .seft
water in the house ; also a good 'stable, There is a
quarter aere-of land. Apply to Alma! MUSTARD,
Brumfield. 164841
SMARBI FOR. SAP.—For sale, Lot 6. Conees4on 6,
Mullett, near Allege of Rinburn, containing
about 100aores, all -cleared and in a good state of
cultivation. There ere good builings, rrood orohard
and plenty of excellene water. This is a- splenlid
farm ani will be sold cheap. Immediate possession.
Apply to MRS. SOROALES, Constar= p. 0.
MICR SALE.—For sale, in the -Maze Wroxoter,
..11- a dwelling house and shop. They are connect-
ed, and in the centre of the busineas part of the vil-
lage, 'ware is over a quarter of an acre of land.
The plebe eituateen a first -ohm place for business,
and erow occupied by a tenant. The property will
be sold cheep, and good terms given for payment.
Apply to JOHN B. VOGT, Wroxeter P. 0.
MICR SALK—For sale 220 acre farm in ideleillop,
beingefets 24 and 26, Concession 10, and north
part bf Lot 25, Concession 9. This land has been
in pasture since first cleared, 26 or 80 yeere ago,
therefore is rich and tree frem foul wescle. It le
'gusted on the gravel road, five miles north of Sea --
forth and nine from Brussels. Terms of payment
wide to suit- purchaser. For particulars apply to
-LIARM FOR SALK—For sale, in the Township of
12` Maleillop, the north 60 acres of Lot 16, Conces-
sion It, boundary lino, About 47 mores cleared, three
mores of good hardwood bush, about two acres of
ehoice trine trees, troll unsurpassed, well drained and
eneed ; school half a mile away, post office and
church convenient ; will be sold cheap. For par.
tieulerre apply ta the proprietor on the premises, or
Walton P. 0. DANIEL MeMILLAN, Proprietor,
II South Must quarter of section F., township of
Laird, containing 160aores. There aro forty scree
°leered and free from stumps and under orop. „Com-
fortable log buildings. The Waren is wellidarberede
It is within four miles of Pehobay railway station,
and slx miles of the prosperous village of Port
Findlay. Thisis a good lot, and will be sold cheap,
and on easy terms. Apply to WILLIAM SIMPSON
on tire premises, or to ALEX. MUSTARD, Bruce -
lataUILDING LOT FOR SALE.—The very desirable
LP building lots, being newborn 87, 38, 89 and
`4 situated on Main street of Egniondville and Ken
forth. Tho whole contains about ono acre, and will
ne gold in [separate parcels Of ill/gather to Stilt the
purchaser. Tbis property is just south of the
Woollen Millie and Mr. S.Dickson's property south of
building site either for private residence's or a
factory. It is high and convenient. and has a stmet
south and weot. Apply to JANE nr JO EIN SPROAT,
Egneondville P. 0., Executors to the Estate of the
late John Sproat. iestatf
I North Road, a mile and a half from floaforth. I
contains 175 acres, nearly ail cleared and in a hi h
state of cultivation, There is a two story bri k
house, good bank barn and everything in finite!
condition and wen underdrained. It will be sold
easy terme, ate the proprietor desires to retire.
not sold before the fall it will be rented. Addr
ROBERT GOVENLOCK, Seaforth P. 0. 1693 t
curried by the uneersigned. There is a good fraie
home, bricked inside, and a etabie. also over an ac e
and a half of land, also splendid orchard of all !driers
of fruit, both lame and small, It is situated on the
male street, and hes all neceseary conveniences'. Alen
the park lot immediately in the rear of the ably°,
containing aurae, on which there is a good house
and large stable, also en orchard and well. Theft
properties win be tired toeether or separately. Therm
properties are admirably adapted for a retired farm-
er or market gardener, Apply on the premises to
the proprietor, or address Seatorth P. 0. WiLLIASI
Snap Elargains in Real Estate and
THIRTY DOLLARS an acre will buy a 181 acre
ferm—a,firenclaes grain and etock farm—near the
Village of Zurich, le the_towoehm of Hay, 0oun ty of
Huron ; bundle." geed fences, plenty of weter
and a moat desirable place ; rase three thereuehbred
short horn bulls tine three Yorkshire beers, all fit for
service ; ale° several roadster home, all good stock,
and prices right. .Eor particulars appiy to S. RAN-
NtE, Zurich P. 0. 161241
Hardware Store.
We have a complete stook of Sap Pei's,
Spites and Sugar Keetles at bottom prices.
We are also agents for the " Whirlpool "
Also agents for Thorold Cement, and
quotations given for car lots or any quan-
tity required.
Complete stock of Builders' Hardware.
Eatianates gived for Furnace Work and
Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth,
Being always In communication with the lumber
dealers, the undersigned is in a pesition to supply
Lumber, Shingles, Cedar Posts, etc.,
at the very lowest prices, either by the car load or
otherwise. Yards—in the rear of the Queen's Rotel,
Washington, , May 7.—Thi
Dr. Talmage .c lls he roll
meaning of life's situdes.
is Psalms xxxix, 8, "
' the flre burned."
Here Is David, the
forefinger of his right
temple and the doo
world, engaged n co
it would be well,for u.
posture often while we a
Solitude to conteMplatc.
- In ft small island off t e coast of Nova
Peotia I once phased, a Sabbath in delight-
ful solitude, for I had resolved that I
would have one day of entire quiet; before
I entered upon autumnal work. I thought
1 o havo spout the der in laying out plans
f.'n, Christian WO h, but instead of that
with an 'old &parted friend, whom 1 -
A1311 greet agn,ii
life, aro I if tad. r
and I was 8, and
one housa on t
hand a
hut a
From Past
erman of
of many
wets the
The text
$ musing
vial the
ainst his
ainst the
n. And
1.1'0D1 t OBS Ell
stirs your
sells, Mkt not Me 0
oul so much dm
e old ivy and the
or tha stood sentinel al
garden walk ai d the forget-me-not
big hide and seek mid the long
The father wh
the doersiI1 an
rest. Tho mot
door &little be it carer,
on, her face m llowin
tudes ef many ears, ay have pu down
her gray head n the pillow in the valleY1
Have you than ed God for it? Ila e you
rehearsed all th so blessed reminis enees?
Oh, thank 0 d for a Christian tither!
Thank God f r a Christian other!
Thank God for an early Christia altar
at which you were taught to kneel!
Thank Clod for n early Christian holne I
I bring to mi d another passag in the
history pf your life. , The day oatn when
you set up yo own household. ,T e days
quiet blessedness You
r your
to an
ore to
g the
at the
ion an
won -
used to come
e field and sit,d
wipe the sweat fr
gene 'to his ever
er who Bed to Ott
with the
anOn1 BONO been a better woman ever sifice., In
and the jur of the dosing gate of the sepul-
yellow cher you heard ths3 *slanging of the opett-
ileand you felt an *re-
ettienward. You re
tter ever since hat
little one for the last
around your neck nd
• ing gate of heave
gre• sm- been spiritually
n Min' night 'ellen the
wn en I time Put its arms
m his said: "Good nig
eating ' mamma, meet m
t the But I must co
passed along in
twain sat at the table morning an(
and talked over your plans for the
The most insignificant affair in 7
became the su
tion and advises
you, felt' you ne
One deal a dark
jeot of mutual oo
oat. You were so
er could be any_la
cloud hovered ov
dwelling, •and it got darker and
but out Of that cloud ,the shining
ger of God descended to earn
immortal spirit. TwO littl feet
on au eternal journey, and you
lead them, a gem to flas in h
eoronet, end you to polish it.
ages Of light and darkness atchi
starting out of a newly-crea d 0
Yon rejoiced and you tre bloc
responsibility that in your osses
immortal treasure was p aced.
prayed and rejoiced and we t an
dered. You were earnests in suppl cation
the kingdom of God. There as a remor
o take he same interest about that homa There vas an
t down in sweet additional interest why* you Shoulc stay
theae and be fadthful, and Talton in a few
th the
tt you
.11' when the curtaIns of -
he days of my boyhood •
I was 10 years of ago, !
I was 5. There was but
e island, and yet from !
0 evening molted into .
y, from shore tol shore
groves Were a -h41 with voices that had ,
long ago ceased. ' 1
' Youth is ,apt too anueli. to spend 11 its
time in looking forward. - Old age s Apt
1 oa ninch to spend all its time in lo king ;
laalaward. Peop e in midlife and the
area look both w ys. It Would bs well .
.for, us, I think, hovvever, to spend ,more
rano in reininiscence. By the constitution
et: our nature we spend most of the, time
looking forward. ' And the vast majority
of people live not so much in the present '
co; in the future, flnd that you mean to
make a reputatio yin mean to establiah
yourself, and th advantages that you
( xpect to achieve absorb a great deal of
your tinie. But I
111 does not make
I -Lk: present or dise
duties. It is a usoful thing sometimes to
look back and to dee the dangers we have t
escaped and to se the .6h:snows we ;nave
oUr earthly pilgri nage and to sum up. i
oar enjoyment& mean, se far as God c
may help me, to Or up you; naemory of t
the past, so that in the revi w yoe may ,t
There is n chapel in Florence with a t
Hese° by Guido. It was covered up with 't
TAIN4 inches of stucco, until our American h
and European flatlets • wont there, and i
:Litter long toll rem' ved the covering and o
And I am aware that s
past, with many of
eo far As the Lord y
od bon
Lot cl,
see no harm in this, if
ou discontented with
ualify you? for existing 1
months your house was filled w
mu lc of the child's Ilaughter yoi
strt ok through with the fact th
had a stupendous mission.
eve you kept that vow? Hav you
nog °clad any of these duties? Is your
ho e as much to you as it used rs be?
Ha o those anticipations been gra '1100
God help you in ' your solenan min -
:ism ice, and let hia mercy fall upo your
'soul, if your kindness has bee 1 ill
on ils e 'wrinkles of whese face is Mien
the tory of a child's sin. God have cs ercy
sou ds in this sad world, but the detest
sou d that is ever heard is the br dcing
of a mother's heart!
toryi Yoe found ono day ybu were I the
wrong 'road; you conld not sloe at
night; there WWI just OD* word that
seemed ;to sob through your ba king
house pr, through your office or your shop
or your bedroom, and that wor was
4 eternity." You said: I'm not read for
it. Oh, God have inercy!" The rd
heard. Peace came to year heart. . the
breath of- the .hill and in the water all'e
dash yen -heard the voice of God's ova;
the clouds and•the trees hailed you vith
/iciness:, you. came into the hens of
t embleclias you took up the cup' o the
c mmunton. You -remember, the old a in-
ter whd consecrated it, and you ren call-
a the ohnrch officials , who cant d it
he aisle; you !remember the old
o the clOse of -the set ice
hand in theirs in congrat tat-
ne, you! lost prodigal," nd,
ose hands be all withered a ays
at communion Sabbath is resurre ted
-day. I is resuriected. with Mitts p ay -
sand #ngs and tears and seri ons nd
lp you. This day kneel at t e foo of
Croy an I start again for heave . art
at reminiscence.
lust not spend, any mo e of
'just put • them in ne g
X call them up in you m
e loud harvest -song,
sing. Praise the -
ht immortals on eort
ok you
me ho
111 by tl
i no in
ur life.
rc traced the fresco.
the meniory of th
yeu,, is all covered
naty help me, to take away the covering
-that the old pictUre
I Want to bind in c
advantages, and I
other sheaf all your
a precious harvest,
tjeus how I swing
Among the gr t
paet life were an ea ly home and its our
roundings. The men of the day, fo
the most part, di heir heated passion
out of the boilin s ring of ail unhapp
Byron's heart wa a concentration of -Si
when we hear hi other was ebandone
and that she made s ort of h .. inftrmit
and often called hint "the laane brat '
Ho who has viciou parents has td flg
every inch of his wa, if he would- mai
home of the good n heaven. Perha
your early home was in a city It m
Washington, was res-dential, as pow it is
city may have been demolished o changed
commercial, and Ca al street, ow -York,
was far up town. T at old ho se in the
mto stores, and it seemed like, sacrilege
10 you, for there waS More meaning in
that Small houseathan there is in a:gran-
ite mansion oa el- turreted cathedral.
Looking bagla. you! see it as though it
were yesterday --the pitting room, whore
tile loved 0710 sat
light, the mother a
the brothers and si
ago gathered into tie,
,I ri iseh id on. the floor
3. -our father With firn
It sile110(1 that lasted 1
may shine out again. o
want to Ind inl an- b
past adversities. t is tl
and I Must be au -
he scythe.
st advantaiges of our ea
In the Shadows.
tit of you have not alw ys sad
noo h life. Some of you are now in
r yo 0.11C0
t yo
d fie.
t yo
s ti
sues as
ord, ye
von 1
by the plate- lamp
the evening stand,
tors, perhaps long
shies, then plotting
r hinder the table,
wilco commanding
Oh, those were goo days! 1 ou had
your foot hurt, your inOther always had
a soothing salvo to Mal it. If you were
wronged in the Are it, your father was
always ready to prot tot you. The year
was one round of fall'. and mirth. 'Your
greatest trouble wine: an April shower,
more sunshine than heaver. The heart
had not been ransack d . by tronble, nor
had sickness broken i , and no lanib had
a warmer sheepfold ban the home in
which your childhood nestled.
Perhaps you were, brought ulp in the
country. You stand new to -day i mem-
coy under the old tret. You cl bbed it
for fruit that Was not, quite ripe, because
you couldn't wait any longer. You hear
the brook rumbling' along' over the -peb-
bles. You. step .a.gai into the furrow
shouted to the laz ex n. You righten
the swallows from the rafters of t sn barn
and take jUst one eg and sileacelyour
it: You take a I rink 'again oa et the
very bucket that the' oId well fetched
find them sushin their heads th ugb.
the bars. 0 ttimes bilthe dusty a d busy
that cool grass or the rag came ,•• hall
came the breath of ne mown ha the
of -the farmhouse, thrffugh whie . erre
Komori a oit Hem*.
You may have in rour windo
Naultita. Plants d' Stowers
se now
1 theft)
un one iously find
ste t the music,
ted ife,
e beat,
ma e the b
grew br
• Others had their trout es
You are a mere wreck of NO at
were. I must gather up he
your past life. But how sh 11
ou say that is impossible, as
h td. so many troubles and Id-
. Ihen I will just take two—t e
bl and the last trouble. a
re walking along the stre:t
as been music -in the distan e
so, when yau
del ly voice from heaven r said, "Halt! '
an( quick s the sunshine you halte ,
you grew p tle, you confronted your
• sorr had no' idea that the flits
071 y 's cheek was an • .unhealth
flush said it cannot be anythin
thecradle. You did not hea
u. 'You , walked the ,floor
Laid, with'your strong, stoua
renched that child from Mai
eu went to your room, an.
xod, save my child! God,
your very life
The air was full of joy a s d
ith the brig t clear oar you
at skip. You went on, an I
ghter, until a ter awhile sus -
w. Yo
the t
' flashed on y
,hand babe
:Wins and -Wit
011141 yo w
go, y ur Ian
how lad y y
to de art if
blast hat sw
seemed going out in dark -
Yo d, "I can't bear it; I can',
t."- a'Y ill felt as if you could not
61 ng ashes over the bright Oyes,
to ee h.em again sparkle. If you
it leaped the grave; 'how
uld hAve done it! If you
property go, your bowies
and your storehouse go,
u would have allowed them
ou could only have kept
y there came up a chill
pt through the bedroom,
and i saintly all tle lights 4ront out,
impen treble, shuddering darkness. But
As yo took p the bitter, cup ts:, put it
to yo lips G d said, "Let it pass," and
forth ith, as y the hand of angels, an-
other up was put into your hnds. It
as yo have ? metimes lifted this head bf
his lips, so Go puts his left a undt
your head and with his right hand 1 e
pours into yo r lips the wine of his co
fort and his (3 nsolation., and yo
at the empty radle and look
broken heart, and you looked
Lord's chasti anent, and you est
so; Father, for so it seemeth
Ah, it was our first trouble.
have been a tter man ever sin
at your
at the
in thy
ow did
u. You
as,Mpea, as it generates on us tut
White spots on furnit re ma be sp
Ily removed by rubbing with spirit
Good forks should never use
toasting purposes.
The kitchen 111 OV017 house told,
big or little, should be kept pert s
pleasa,nt and wholesome byi re
in heaven." cleansing.
e to you latest so. r- The slink should be an object of spe
roW. What was it Perhap it was s ok- attention, for if not well liaised
ness. The ohild's tread on t e stair or the sluiced after washing up it will •
tick of the watoh bn the sta, d dist bed the hotbed of disease.
you. Through the long vcr ry days a'ou The yegeta,ble matter which
counted the figuree in the earpet or the the kiti3lien should be placed in
floWers in the wall paper. Oh, the Weari- hamper, and overhauled constantly,
nese of exhaustion Oh, ithe b rning any root which _shows signs of dee
pangs I Would God it were m ning, once thrown out.
would God it were night, was yo r ,fre- Kitchen cloths must, of (tours()
quent cry. But you are better, or rhaps washed out daily and hung en the
even well. Have you thanked Gol hat to dry, instead of being throw
to -day you can come out in th f
air; that you are in your place I)
God's name and to sing Godt's prat '6
to implore God's help and to ask G
fergiveness? Bless the Lord whb healeth those of the lardc
disinfectant addo
Twice a week /
placed on the to
very hot water p
This Ls to cleans
matter adhering
The walls °Ana
ed ia painted, o
plaoter, at least
pail should nev
house.. for then ti
in, and ugly spl
the result.
Medicine stain
moved by the ain
phurie acid rub
a soft rag. Final
esh , in a dark corner or tub till
tear day Is due. awhile , these
and holding grease a
6d's shelves should
ell our diseaseo and redeemeth our lives
Mani destruction.
Perhaps your last sorrow was a flUan-
cial embarrassment. I congratulate spine
of you on your lucrative profession or
occupation, on ornate apparel, on a om-
modious residence—everything you
your hands on seems to turutto gold.
there are others Of you who are lik
ship on which Paul sailed where tWo
mot, and you arebroken bv the vie
of the waves. BY an unadvised indbrse-
inent, or by a conjunction of unforeeeen
events, or by fire or storm, or a s
panic, you have been flung h
and whera you once 'dispensed gr
ities now you have hard work
your daily bread. Have you fora
thank God for your days of pr
t dhar-
to twin
tten to
od that through your trials some Of you
have investments which will oon-
tinue after the last bank of this world
has exploded and the silver and old are
molten in the fires of a burning World?
ir for
light for your eye and a glad, and gi rious
and triumphant religion for your abul?
Perhaps yotir last trouble was ber-
eavement. Thot hoo,0 which in childhood
tins- your refuge. the narenta heart, and
tvhich has been a source of ho qnickest
Sympathy ever since, .has sedde ly ba-
with -
Have you, amid -a11 your Josses an
couragements, forgot that tiller
bread on yonr table this mornin
that there shall be a shelter fo
head frOni the storm, and there is
your lungs and blood for your hea
come silent forever. And DOW Alome
Whenever in sudden annoyance and
opt deliberation you say, `I' Ill g
tell mother,'• the thought flas les o
"I have no mother." Or the f ther
voice less tender but with h rt a
ing, watchful of' all your way ex
over your success without say ng ucih,
although the old people do t lk it over
by themselves, his trernblin hand on
that staff which you DOW kee as a fain-
tly relic, his memory- embalmed in Or te-
ful hearts—is taken away forevea Or
there Was your companion in life; er
of your joya and sorrows, taken, le v ag
the heart an old ruin, wit .re the ill
desolation,. the sands of the deSert dr vi
across t ie place which once bloom 1
mourns for Sarah at the cave of A
pelah. s you were moving along
path in life, suddenly, right before # el,
was an pen grave, People looked do n,
and the saw it was only a few feet is el,
but to , on it was a cavern, down 1 da
went al your hopes and all your exp
Lord Je us Christ, the Comforter, e ill
not goi g to forsake you. Did the I d
take 0) t child out of your arms? Why;
he is go ng to shelter it better than • I u
could. e is going to array It in a w. to
robe anc palm branch and have it 11
ready to greet you at your coming hs se,
Blessed the broken heart that J103 s
heals! Blessed the importunate ory 1); t
ing eye from vvhieh the soft han
Jesus wipes away the tear! 1
The Closing of Life.'
Some Years ago I,' waS sailin down
St. John
the Huds
Was on t
man poi
River, which. is the hine
on commingled, and whil
e deck of the liteamer a gen
kid out to me ithe places of
d he said. "All this is into
I in -
land, an it is the richest land in all he,
provinces of New Brunswick and N va,
"this lona is submerged for a part of the
year. Spi ing,freshets come down, and Wl
these' pla ns are overflowed with Wat r.
and the ater leaves rich deposit, nd
when the • waters are _gone the hare st .
springs up, and.there is a richer here. at
than I know of elsewhere." And I a-
stantly thought, "It is not the heights of
the church. and it is not the heights of
this world that are the! stone of the gre ti -
est prosperity, but th6 soul over whi h
the floods of sorrow lilive gone—theiso 1
over which the freshets of tribul ti ri
have torn their • way—that yields t e
harvest for 'eternity." Bless God th t
greatest fruits of righteousness and t
largest harvest for time and the ri h
your soul is interval land!
There is one more point of absorbing
reminiscence, and that is the last hottr Of
life, when we have to look over all our
past existence. What a moment that will
be! I place Napoleon's dying reminiscen e
on St. Helena beside Mrs. Judson's dyi
reminiscence in the harbor of St. Helen
the same island, 20 years after. Napoleon s
dying reminiscence was one of deliriu
—"Tete d'arniee"—"Head of the army.7
Mrs. Judson's dying reminiscence, as she
came home from. her missionary toil an
her life df self sacrifice for God, dying
the cabin of the ship in the harbor of St.
Helena. was, "I always did love the Lord
Jesus Christ." And then, tne historia
I place the dying reminiscence of Angus -
says, she fell into a sound sleep for a
hour and woke amid the songs of angel .
ef the apostle Paul. The dying remin-
le -
'seance of Augustus Ceasar was, address-
ing his attendanta "Have I played my
part well on the stage of life?" and -they
answered in the ffirmative, and he said,
"Why, then, do 't you applaud me?"
The dying rent niscenc& of Paul the
apostle was, "I h vo fought a, good fight.
I have finished n y course, I have kept
the faith; hencefo h there is laid up for
me a crown of ri hteousness, which the
Lord, the righteo s Judge, will' give me
in that day, and ot to mo only, but to
all them that ve his appearing."
Augustus Caesar died amid pomp and
areat surroundin (6, Paul uttered his dya
ing reminiscence ooking up through the
wall of a clungeo9. God grant that otir
dying pillow may be the closing of a use-
ful life and the opening of a glorious
Hints to :fosesekeeepsrs.
Tea and coffee should never be left un-
covered, as their strength and flavor
evaporate by exposure.
Grease has the effeet of blunting sharp
knives, so they should never be allowed
to remain in thIA.
Lay a little bag of powdered mustard
in the mouth of a pickle jar,1 to prevent
the contentel turning motddY.
Damp sgt removes stains of tea and
egg !rein ohina article&
tile cellar shouli nom be
d harboring s lolls,' The
scrubbed as often as t
r, and oceasiona,lly some
1 to the rinsing water.
lump of soda should be
of the 131711r drains and
ared directly on to ib.
the pipe of any greasy
eilIngs should be Wash -
whitewashed if &Lill,
nee a year. The garbage
r be stood beside the'
shea on the ivalls'are
on Silver ma be re -
of dil
the ail
warm soapsuds.
Attacks of sore -thr
weather aro lanai at
sufficient exercise I the
q tient sufferers are
this respect.
itietil into a bag of
avidi boil, bag and all, in
tity of water. When
s#,tu eze out all. moisture,
itstantly as a poultice.
i To freshen a, room pl
dimphor on an old plate
The fumes will thorott
room, and the sad 11 0
only kat fora, short time
useful, to get rid of he 0
tide in
to in -
pen a, Pre-
otor ously lacking in
ed ultice "put the
flann of the) size of
the orin end,
he seed is soft
and nee the bag
a good linap. of
the ca4npher,
hly purify the
This pr eess is
ell of cl nip, of
Tender Ito olleettorun
The balloon was tugging at Its rope
and bouncing about lunisily in t e puffs
of wind, A Widow stood regar ing
with streaming eyes, She- was alo e, but
a crowd gathered ab ut her, a ted hr
her untimely tears. She sobbed or ten ;
minutes, while th crowd res rained
themselves, but at an old gen leman
--whose long white air and gaint y face
to thrust himself in anybodY's b siness
—stepped forward and said:
why these tears?"
The woman snu ed- loudly an then
"But," queried the old entl man,
"why does the speCtacle Of a balloon
cause you -to weep? Did a lov son once
perish as an'aeronaut?"
"So," replied the weeper, " t wasn't a
son—it was my husband.
"Ali, your husband was WI led while -
ballooning ?"
No, he wasn't; iny husba id died in
his bed, but he •weighed. 21 stone, and
that jumping balloon reminds ?me of just
how -Henry looked the last time I saw
him a -dancing. His figure was like
that!" and the widow dissolved in a neW
burst of tears.
This story, told of Sir Ralph Aber-
crombie,. the- v ctor of Aboukir, shoWs
that OV071 in dea h he did not forget con-
sideration for otl ers. After the battle at
which he was rtally wounded, he wa$
• carried on board a ship, and 'a soldier's
blanket was pia ed under his head to ease
it. Ile fdt the Old, and asked what it
"Only a sold er's blanket," was the
"Whose bleak
"Only ono of
"I wish to kti
"It is Dunce
second, Sir Ralp
w the name of the ma.u."
Roy's of the Forty -
id the dying general,
"that Duncan R4y gets his blanket this
very night."
Life on Other 1Vorlds,
Concerning the existence of life else-
where in the universe, it is to be remem-
bered that the general physical condition:
'of an extra -terrestrial body must be
taken with great caution as the.index of
the presence or absence of living things.
The protoplasm of resting seeds ma's*
withstand the cold of liquid air nearfry
200 degrees Centigrade below the freezing
, point, or more than 300 degrees below
!zero Fahrenheit. These seeds and spores
of bacteria live and grow after being sub-
jected. to a temperature of 125 degrees
'Centigrade, or nearly 260 degrees above
zero' Fahrenheit. It is thus to be seen
that terrestrial protoplasm IS capable of
nu adjustment to a range of temperature
o' :3.25 degrees Cent grade, or nearly 600
d.,gress Fahrenheit.
Of Mr. George Hein uch, &rag rd, met
With an accident on Monday of la t week,
which might have proved fatal. Ile was
picking up the chip which fell rom his
father 8 turning lath , when his shi t sleeve
got csught in the tna hinery, and before the
ole about the slize of a
in the little fellow's
le he was stopped a
silver dollar was cut
Children should allways
ncrease in__ weight. Not to
grow,anot to increase in iesh,
ibeiongs to old age.
Present and future h(balth
demands that this inci-ease
m weight should be steady
And never failing.
To delicate chilth•en,
Scott's Emulsion br ngp
richer blood and fir er
flesh. Better color c meS
to the cheeks and stro get
muscles to the limbs. Tho
gain in weight is substantial;
it comes to sta .
SCOTT &DOWNS, Chemists, Torte*
MAY 12, I
Om Spring kook of Furniture is complete. We 6xtend special
tion to all admirers of good furniture to inspect our stock. Wei have
som thing new to sho v you in. new designs and finish at close invest=
This department 's complete with a large selection of the best goods
obli ng attention givi n to this branch of the business.
/sTkht calls prompt] , attended to by our undertakeri Mr. S. T. 4olm
1313,9AD 00T, BOX & CO.,
EATil R.
he warin iveather ha
come with a rush and Perhaps has caught you with
r winter clothes on. You were uncomfortable' in1
uence. We are prepa+d to make you eomfortable.
a egular heat defier. The 41 too we have just the
underwear for hot weather, to s y nothing of a big sel
of other summer furnishings. You might think that
th s would satisfy the cravings of the body, it would
th pocket hook uncomfortable, but we -stave to meet
re uirementE3 for comfort. We think we have succe
try us and see.
btdigestien Ana
the frau
S e ek eYi ro:sru
insist and
FOR 18
A By -L w raise by way loan the, sum of
is authori ed special Act of he Legielatuee, of t
Province 0 ario, to submit By-law to !the rat
rayers of he e id Town, duly q stifled te e thee.
oo, to en le id corporation t ranee y w t• of lean
the sum o 17 000, for the pur ose here; , ..77 men -
11 will require t sum .of ei;e3 to be
by special rata for the pe ment of
Waiter mention d.
it will require tbe sum nf 8 )70.82 to
ily for the patm ot of the s id debt,
ter mentioned.
the amount of the whelei[rateable
stare of the ells, ieterest, divt-
lees from the eal property, rind also
-talent et tbe ei king fun , or Any
cordirrg te the la revived agreement
. being for the 3 ar 1899, is he sum
he! i Guaranteed
rirised an nail
intereet her
And wie tea
be raked nn
as also he eine
properey Mr
localise 1 the
, donde, rents or
temporary inv
!of the said Tow
'of 089,460
And air reini
'Town of aro
88,000 rnee ed under the au
No. ill, of the ToWn of 8cafeith,
$2,500 bo rowed under tbe auth
VIII, of th Town of Seafortb, fo
the loan of Beatorth.
rowed nder the au
the To n of Seaforth
ing in tureen
chdistti7dle°rilt°hweg :au b-ho,rflotyr 37380t .By -Law
be existing de eonrtuurse7.debti of the I
herity of By -Law
rity of By -Law No.
bority of 113y -Law
$3 600 bo hority of By -Law
Aed the is not tor eltber piincipal
or interest on eaid
Arid whereas it i neceseary to appoint the time
and places tor taki g the votes of the duly qualified
electors and to ep int Deputy- turning eft -leers to
take the votes of ill said Elector
Belt therefoie e meted by The municipal .counell
of the Town of Seat rth :
- a ' That it, shall he lawful for t e Corporation of
the own of 13eafinth to oleo by ay -Of loan from
bent res hereiniftee mentioned, a sum not exteeding
in th aggregate theism of $17, i o 1. I
eau to be made ant* nuarbet of d bentures net less
than $100 each, andinot exeeedin in the -aggregate
the s m of $ 7 000, which shall be payable not later
e0 year 1, and such de-
ns sha seal of the said
ration, the Mayor and
at th
from the iesue there
I be trealee with the
and shell be signed b
urer thereof.
The treed d bentures eh
rate of four per met per
hereof,lpayabl annually on
June in each:year, a the office of
the ifiunicipality of e Town of Se
IV. For tin) purpeee of forming
for t) payincnt of raid debente
8570.89, in addition to all other rat
11 have setached
interest thereon,
nnum from the
the first May of
the 'Treasurer of
a sinking fund
res, the emir of
e. shell be levied
and collectedeby epeeist rate upon all tbe rateable
in the said Town of Seater h annually dur-
ing the our/ rey of the said debe tures, or Any cf
them, and fo the purpose of payin
the mid debentures, the sum of Se
dition to alt other niece, be levied
special rate upon ell the rateable
said Town of Sestet th annually du
V, It shal be lawiel lOr the sal
Mee Town of
be raised und
the purpose o
extent ion of
&inlet in the
be !secured by
roaehlnet plavt of the said Rob
provide fo ther paymeet of the dr
upen such ea' r tennis as to the e
empt said
VI, Tb
thie By -La
o'clock in
in the To
Edward C
that Oliver
et Polling -
potation el
Town of Se
the foreno
to attend a
the final en
i g the By -
;men Ch
m up the
IX. The
y of June
the interest on
nd collected by
property in the
eg the currency
Corporation of
r this By -Law, so Rob rt Bell, et, for
aiding bim in the e abliebrnent and
business as a found poen and =s-
own of Seaforth wit out "referee-, to
mortgave upon the 1 reds, buildings,
rt Bell. jr., to
ing fund and
id Corporstiter
ration niay ex -
an s, inachinety and Want from taxation,
votes of the Elton -me qua: fied to vote on
s all be taken on Tees 3, the 2nd clay
D , 1899, between the hours of nine
mei Chamber,
ttreet. That
The above is
t eth day of
of applying to
of quaxhed,
pOse ' to the
menthe next af
ca led Tim Ilea
a reek for thre
to 'hoe:rend In t
y amount
manta made
ed, charges 1
day Saturday
vieion No. 2, at the Co
all ;` Polling-SuleDivi
south aide of Marke
at PoilingeSub-Divi ion No. 2, and
Mon be Deput3eRe urning Officer
vielon Noe 8.
Mayer of the said mnielpal Cor -
end at the Council C timber in the
at tbe hour of de en o'clock in
itbe Purpose of app luting persons
n up f the vales res etively an be.
teres ed in and prom Mug cr oppos-
in t e Town Hall, eaforth, and
give for and regains the --By-Law,
tea hereunder. 1
w, if carried by the votes of the
1 fake Reckon and f one the .11rst
teue copy of a By, v pureed by
to take notice that an one chlous
m• ake hie application tor that pur-
gh Court of Juetice within three
ehe publication of th 6 notice, Ones
estroccesive weeks, in- he newepeper
lat behalf
own Clerk.
ey to Lo n.
money Joan on g farm pro-
ntsge annum. St ht losing,
ternoon and
ifdDeaski Block
Our guar-
antee means
We are not here to -day and a
to -morrow; you know just w
to find us.
Comfortable vision or your mo
back. No guess work.
Accurate, scientific measurements
testi. Difficult cases a specialty.
Dealers in firs
kinds,:in latest
neatly done. 1
;mg, and a ehoil
ViTtyle 011 hand
prices, and p
Agents for the
Machine, bat'
h prices.
the tindert
our igoods from ti
and guarantee sa
meat of our work
for. fin
rioes better -Ma
Arterial and
S. blight
attended to at
deem, directly in
Pupils are in attendance at
The Canada Business College
From the Atlantic Omit to the Pacific
One hundred and thirty-three °Wee, towns
villages in Cavada and the United Stites, -during
past year, sent us nearly SOO pupils: There met
28 Counties and Districts Ontario, States of
Unien, together with Manitoba and the North
Territories vepresented. Over 200 of our pipits
been Placed in good positions since January
1898, We recently had lour -calls within three
to supply teaehers for other business ea
Among those who have accepted petitions
are : Jennie Bateman, as stenographer and
bookkeeper, Walkerville Brewing Co ; Annie
Rae, as stenographer and asaistant book-ke-
Rae, ae_stenographer, George Angell, Weeee.esis
as stenographer, with North Arneric-o Life
ance Co., Toronto. The epring terra is ooe of
best 50580U8 of the year for making a stmt. En40
tea ht
Special Attention
to Horseshoeing and
General Jobbing.
Take your clothes to the Settforth Dye Wor
have them cleaned or dyed and made -to leek
new. All work guarehteed to give satire
Catholic church, 8eaforth,
Grocery Store
Right at the front. It -never taloa
back seat or a second place in the race.
lbs. best granulated sugar for $1. Br
sugar from 22 to 25 lbs. for $1. 3 cans
good salmon tor 25e. Soap, 7 bars for
12 eakes of white eastile soap for 250,
cakes of nice toilot soap for 25c,
herring 10c, a box. 3 boxes good ma
for 25e. All kinds of teas right do
$1, and 4 poundi for $1. Maple syrup
buckwheat pour, evaporated apples,
apples, 3 lbs. best lard for 25e. A
slaughter in chine:, crockery and g
which I am cleanin.g out, Potato OW
potatoes, flaxseed, Dutch sets and three
the leading varieties of marigold seed,
nip seed, timothy and clover seeds_ A
dial invitation to all to come and get
• AU
tilnirl7a Tem!:
bATInliOtAeRtiverYfol"dr YY::
a az
British Coln!
Our rates are th
for further &for&
allows I:
London, R
Leaden, doped- -
Wingham, depart, -
rum Sexua
o_rexceet, Mental IV
of Mee, one path
sf,:taaitienta. Paean
Theo Wood