HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-05-05, Page 7Y . MAY .5, 1899 es" eau be bou ;tore. each town had th ao one dealer eoul ugh shapes, sizes, le AT 5 In the Back? Then probably the kidneys. In the Chest? in the Joints? Then probably rheumatism. No matter where it is, nor what kind; you need have it no longer. It may be an hour, a day, or a year old ; it mus yield to re )R SEAFORTIrk it wilL What are lean myself, and ther ere It was as good, str are only 7,500 n :ank, and Pm not -you think I wee! o inly selling lumber a rnfoutidecl that he h re could answer him re courage tO perm tin: rve charged my lees u Daly wisei to Iet the wey thee I do net • Dre Ae, N17- Channel 11,, Writing in the American sl ee deserving' recognition , es En remedy for Pites, Eez SILIC,2e4.4,. and has effected remari.' onstinate cases which sem iedieal attendant." the honest Barney ; duneovine youth, me, a wedding- Or party, enos, Keworth and Fee :end Killarney t thee aroued Harney, :Pee e heet of cousins," g his mouth a twist, and gide ought to knovr emeen no horn' oone it of Manley. es fret said Parney, e but love ewe- one.' :its dreem will awaken, eow, reeret and theme, ti by a. bit of t.lerney- t himself ht plecee • else he 1 I nee. ire aao ei boy was sent Weet to New England e was the oniy son of le Ieerents, ?says the Ye t !or controlled. s he spent in the fit ing arently worse than wetted. i the head master called this ie study; a.nd gra.vely and , and admonished him. Somte with the wayward boy An 5st eut to the college and core ghtlees cereer for more then egeat change came. act that, t hie change the death of the head 1 where the bay had 0 e year of self-trainin .-dly asked to be adlowed E for jeining the eh es. he insisted. upon school, the scene on ences and folly, and Erroll he had en.ce lee and swimming eyes gnod men. I knew He hae helped many hd he has helped me." sillantyne„ of Atwood, is uilt containing 4,000 pie elf during the past semi - of the pieces being frees 1.•-reelf when a little 'the quilt tor the pleasea Hear e' manyspirets are bee hoW Many times has robbed him of his victi ;se atroct ceusee. here will The 'one !treat yearn it is hese to gen relief and se ier of 1: -.eery to sufferers fr 2.E A the ex fierimental pert no uncertain SO g. for the great. remedy t ir.te the great beyon ert ce-eehave baffled, have leenley they prescribe it ire lsneeititte pulee, swelling of tenteney and as maul' . ; and ,no case too acatie neele. She snitered fatale ;tart diet ate, but the lady pro'. tem I, es than thirty minute -we of the teouble remaining , rete valisular norm. of daily duties on the toade arid treating with heat reed friend, who had beet -Ken. and to,datt bent auw Feat remedy." iy fever inters minutes- • Ache, torpid liver--eiale: • • • Immediately afeer applying it yeu ening power. It quiets congeetion; drawe cut it ts a new _sten remedies. ellen aft ee methods. Et:thee: tellies: re-; other plaster. The Triumph of eluecen leheicel Science. Patient Toil. Pier:ea over tile eheet it i5 a lened ever the eenernii, it ' .; nainee and vee.itilesge 'over tee Pieced c,ver tee it remove.; eel eine, nese,. freei the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. '10 *ma Txlemitot. DISTRICT MATTLRB. rrhe following items were intended for last week, but were received too Nueee.-eMr. John Buie died'at his home in BIyth on Wednesd.ay of last Week. The funeral took place from his late residence on Saturdey, and the interment wee made in the union cemetery. -Me. El. Ha,ggit's youngest son goe a pea in his ear one day day last week. The (Joao wor eed with it for about two hours, but f iled in getting it out. Nexe day two doc ors went at it again, and. after workiag aboet an hour they succeeded in getting t out greatly to the relief of the little sa crate -Mr. John Denholm has returned f om is trip to Manitoba -The council has ordered all black knot to be removed ram the trees. - Mr. A. II. Plemmer, public school teacher, has bought th&loa mad hohse elonging to issued by the Board of Health of Hibbert wattling the public that the vaccination act is now in force, and all ersons who have not been vaccinated , with n the last seven years are requested to c mply with the requirements of the s4c1 ac Dr. Hut- Miehell will visit Nos. 1 lid 4, lotion 1 east, union 2, Dublin, and sepe ate sohool No. 1, at the same hours, to vaccinate school children and any others who ma meet them there for the purpose of being vaccinated, and will give a certificate of v ecination to those requirins the same. • Those Algoma Grant much of your vaduable utilized in the discussion and it is my wish to tres ther as possible on your ting rne to air what I :Ail over nment aely, perhaps, too spa e has been of ehis subject, ass as little fur- ls indne s in permit - thin to be a real grievance. I don't prop° e to follow Mr. Robere Murray's exam le. e takes up three-quarters of a colum of I your paper with a string of general st atements and un- , the main t a few lines more, how - capital Mr. o make out that though the present at grants is to the tax- xpleining to in hie own 'sly as 1897, every elector who that year nted fie ehe municipal election, himsele incleded, signed the petition asking the Geverninerit to have their ['rants expended by the municipal authorities,. As for the late Ir. McNeill having declared that good vat e had been given for every dollen of the '375 paid to Mr. Wan'? Murray for buildin the bridge over Bar river, ie is strange th t he himself, ffered to do is no longer way or the' and avoids, in a great measur point at issue between us. and I promise to trouble ever much spurious poli Murray may wish to con of the matter. Briefly, then, my point are Mr. Murray still asserts that method of expending gov mine the best and most, satisfa tory payere, he carefully also de e you how it come about that townehip of Laird, as recut Jus 011 11 deal inue reenes steamer. When he stepped ashore, just the Mull boat was movieig off, he me friend who, after the utsuel greetings, a ed-" But w -here le yorer wife Mr. M saw the steamer growing beautiful Irises the distance. " Hoot, feet," said • Swallowing This paragraph has be in the papers' for some much for young men to t it was written by Rober of the Ram's Horn's cent doubt, possess intereet to " My fromeleas friend nose, while you are stirri a 10 -cent glass of gin, let to wash it down with. have longed for ycars for ent life of a farmer, but been able to get enough farm. But there is whe mistaken. For some yea drinking a good improve of a hundred square feet doubt this statement, fig self. AB acre of land co Estimating for conveni $43 56 an acre, you will the land just one mill per pour down the fiery dose in four or five of your them help you to gulp do dred foot garden. Ge spree some (lay end see take to swallow a pester to feed a good cow. Pu gin. There is dirt in feet of good rich dirt Farm. 'floating arou me. It' contai ink about, and, bettors, it will, bur readers : up the sugar QU may say ye he free, indeperi -you have nev money to buy you have bee 0 you have bee farm at the rat ti a gulp. If yo reit out, for your tains 43,560 feet, nice, the land a e that it bring aquare foot. No and imagine yo frie ds and hay ho long it wil land large enoug down that glass o ite-three hundred worth S43 56 pe 0 Are You Quick Tempered ? If a man is easily mov d to anger he in variably denies that he i b temperednind gives every reason but. t 'e ight one for his temporary lapse from re so But woman frequently plumes herself n her lack of amiability, or appears to do so. Be ciereful what you say to rne !" ex- claimed a girl who was being worsted in an ne• il no , endure anything approaching in• • " A bad temper, eh ?" retorted her an- etgouist, who chanced to be a physician. Well, I wouldn't boast of it e . " Which is precisely the -same thing. Take my advice -it is of the highest value, bat out of regrind for my fellow -man I'll charge you nothing for it -sand try to rid youreelf or so undesirable a. possession. Every -time you. allow temper tu coetrol you you spoil your good looks, and lessen -yes, actuidly lessen -your chances of getting a idesirable husband, and thee, too, you injure yoierself physically." '4 Why, what do you mean ? I thought men admired girls of spirit. I didn't know that the modern man cared for these meek, emiable, sweet -tempered women who .never resent anything." A woman who is truly amiable, meek and. sweet2tempered rarely has any cease for resentment, ' answered the doctor. " If she is a strong woman w*th her amiability both men and women has e so much respect for her that they would co her no wrong. The woman who governs- her temper is th woman who wins this he . As a rule sb makes the best match. She is certainl he most successeul wom n in business and society, and wheee is the perion who wil deny that she is the best wife, mother en friend ?" a practical man, should ave it fin $25O. Unfortutiat ly, it possible to verify this, one -In smite of his length esp stle and his ments, Mr. Robert Murr sr feels eltogether to account for the expen idur of , the $500 paid to his father ; and i s for his inference that Mr. Farwell's re-election as a proof that the voters were setieed with the present method of exp ridine government grants, it ia so utterly illogical that it de- serves no further comment than to point out thet this was not the only issue before the electors when Mr. Farwell was re -elect -I ed. Apologizing for again trolibling yoa, I Yours eruly, B. BLAIR) Formerly of Maclennen, Algoma. April 17th, 1899. • Forgot His Wife. An absent-minded Highland minister and hia wife recently passed through Oben en route from Mull to the North. The old Iady wan enjoying a nap on the arrival of their steamer at the pier, and the minister went fussing about in search of his luggage, for they had to change into _the north A Rebuke. Willie -I met our new minister on my way to Sunday sehool, mamma., and he ask- ed rne if I ever pleyea marbles on Sunday. Mother-H'm ; and what did yon say t that 9 Willie -I said, " Get thee behind me Satan," and walked off and left him. • Miscellaneous News Notes. -There is talk of the Bell organ factor being removed from Guelph to Toronto. -Hon. Sidney Fisher Dominion Ministe of Agriculture, purcha,se'd a vary fine stand ard bred driving horse from Mr. A. R Curzon, of Guelph, the other day. - The Galt Reporter says : " Next t sa.wing wood comes horse back riding, as a exercise of most • utility." How do yo know. -Mr. Simpson McCall, of Victoria, On tario, is clee,d, in hie 92ad year. He es once a member of the Ontario Legislatur for the county of Norfolk. - Banter will fall on the following dates future : 1900, Ape' 2nd • 1901, April 7th 1902, March 30th • 1903, .A.pril 12%; 1904 15th ; 1907 March 31st. -The Ga:le Reporter says : " Mr. And rew one of the best informed an most ade-anced fanners in North Dumfries said to•day that after a tour throughou this section, and around Ayr and Paris, h is positive that there will not be a third of crop of wheat. This is the opinion of number of other farmers. -Rev. David MacRae, of Dundee, Sco land, is on an American tour of pleasur and is expected to be in Toronto next wee On this becoming known several leadia Scotchmen in the city took steps with th view to inddee Mr. MacRae to spend a Su day in the city and preach in one or two the Preshyterian This, it who nay hear hir an unusually di As a humorist he land since the rec (Leo Rose), and a irpieuous place in --Quite a sense by the announce ed years, living o named Mrs. Tho during the nigl Her face was cut severe nervous sh intruders could b problem, though for some time, w ago the -experie Thomp brough rats we face ha ly beca -A onto th he roll about t in. T -A very outloo conditi on was assistan e making several other da e did no d one out light it ere was $ for the ns only a yield is expect fields h -Da Nicol t mitted ve been id Striie suicide who was a beetle had beee living abont two miles before his death wee apperently spirits. In the man went to the ing, life being that can be aesig pendency, althou given for him be -At the Presb and London, in s ford, Ree. Meng Hamilton, was e THE HURO; churches and lecture next s expeoted, can be done, treat is in store for those a. Mr. MacRae has bad stinguiehecl career as a , author and 'ournalists 1. has had no rival in, Soot - a an orator he fills 0 con - he very first raak. ion was caused recently Lilt the Cape, nea Quebec, peon, lied bee attacked t and seriously injured. and she had received a ck. As no eetrance of found in the house, the considered by the police s unsolved. A few days oe was repeated. Mrs. wakened, and her cries just as several enormous their escape. The lady's londike miner struck Tor- , and started to do the eee e cigar store near, so of dollar bille, and was hen a policeman took him 6 in the cigar. orn Smith's Creek, Michi- rmers in this vicinity are pointed over the present heat crop. Under present out one-third the usual d. In many cases darge own to oats. , a well-to-do farmer in Wellington county, com- st week. The deceased, or about fifty years old, ith a sister on the farm rom Fergus. The night e was in the village, and his wonted health and morning, when the hired ern, he was found hang - extinct. The only cause) ed for the rash act is das- h no special reason can be ng depressed. terian Synod of Hamilton salon last, week in Brane- Fraser, of Knox chum y MeCua.ig, of Welland Catharinen wee elected clerk, to succe d the late Rev. Dr Cochrane. -Death ewe 'ery suddenly to Mr. Jo n Hall, a promieen Blenheim farmer, on F day morning, f.?,Ist ult. Mr. Hall had con e North Oxford Li •ense Board, of which bo store, making a erchase, when he fell ov r dead. Plehad b 'en in bad health all wi ter. Mr. Hell' . farm is situated thr e miles north of D and is one of t e finest in the tone ship. He was a promi He was one of M n. George Brown's most enthusiastic Hupp rters when that gent e - in his 76th yeer. • ship, Lamleon coenty, except in sheltered locations, is badl damaged. Many farm- ers are plowing u the clover and cultivat- ing and resowin part of their wheat fields with barley. R orts from Soutaseold and Yarmouth, in El in county. are to the effect that a considera e quantity of fall wheat has been ',mints' killed. The clover has also been badly d maged. The Nese enters upo lizect by men.. still hers and eh To her we rec pain cure-ceres known to sciene efficaciously for ew Woman pursuits formerly mouopo- t the feminine nerves are suffers from toothache. mend. Nerviline-nerve- -oothacho in a moment. t ma•rvelous pain remedy Nerviline may be -used 1 nerve pain. • WORMS cannoteesiet either in children or adults 'when DR. LOW'S Yr ORM sYRUP is used. 25c. All GRATEFUL COMFORTIN Distinguished everywhere for De-• lica,cy of Flavour, Superior Qual- ity, and Nutritive Properties. Specially grateful and eoreforting to the nervous and dyepeptie. Sold only in quarter -pound. tins, Limited, Homeopathic. Chemists, London, England. BREAKFAST SUPPE 1609-26 • Pain Ceased rust Day. Mrs. Mary O'Dell, '262 Dunn Ave.. Torento, write cured We of a severe attack of Itheinustiern. T pain erased after the first day's trial of the rented. DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP is ,such a simple, s and effectual remedy for Worms of all kinds that other should be used. No purgative needed aft wards. Price 25c. Weak Women 18 fe io Can he made etre g and healthy- by Milburn's He rt and Nerve Pills. Miss Skunk)°, 60 Turner St., t- tawa, says : "eleilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills • 'lolled my blood strengthened my nert es and e• stored me to health and vigor." Dr. Fo eler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, most, these are absolut ly dangerous. Se re S It Rheum. 3 years agoy and have 11 was so bad with i I could two bottles of B. B. to Greenbank, Ont. cured me of Salt Rhe .no minim of it since. not -sleep. It only t Pai in and could not gre it cure yard's Yellow Oil remove sisal Miller, lileG egor P. the Back. the back for over a y . Three bottles of El the pain entirely." ne of ok ar- dealers. • Wit 4.,nd. Wisdom. There is no sub titate for thorough-guing, ardent and sixicer earnestness. He-" You s em to be happy. Any- thing on hand 91' eihe-" Don't, .,you see that ring ?" An -y man who 'i.rnagines he could keep house better than ever mentions it. Bixby-" Hell , old man, what's going on out your Way ?" Farnum-" My wife, un- less she's asleep.' Ba,uldy-" Th re's luck in odd numbers." Peter-" Ay ; ark' a maa never_ realizes it till he's meirret." There es nothing that would probably ruin a mien more effectually than to have all his plans work just es, he wa.nted. " Married yeti !old men ?" " No, but, I'm engaged,a,ed that's as good as married." " Ws better, if ybu only knew it." Some men shoNe remarkably good taste in their selection of eies until they put their necks into ebe metrimonial halter. the woman philoeopber 1` for that he can't help. The unpar °liable thing is staying poor." White-" She has a great -command of his wife is foolish if he Energif Easily Wasted ene or the hod perhaps p For a Ion system was gr terribly nervou gy must he made up will weaken and ti e prior to taking Dr. nd Nerve Pills my nerve atly deranged and I was , so much so that in my business (Line. man of the Kingston Electric Lig it o.,) my extrenae nervous- ness natural y ade the follo-wihig of my business exge ely hazardous. Before taking Dr. War s Blood and N eve Pills my kidneys ha been affected or some time. I had co stant soreness nd stiff - back. My ap etite was variable and very poor. I Iso suffered greatly with constant heada hes. I amt glad to be able to inform eni thet Dr. Warces Pills completely cur d me of all the *above ailments and nei de me a well man. I have found no edicine like Dr, Ward's Blood and Ne e Pills, although I have tried many cliff rent kinds. They acted quickly and e ectually on my nerve system, makine my nerves. strong and removing all in• ications of nervousness. These valuabl pills also} removed all kidney and bac trouble and restored to had no hea.dac ie since five months ago and feel justifie• in saying that they are removed nerv usness, but gave me healthy kidneys, removed all soreness and stiffness f om my back and loins, cured me of h ada.che and gave me a good appetite, consequently I am highly pleased. I ,kn Iv of no medicine that equalneDr. ard's Blood and Nerve Pills foe nervo sness, chronic headache, sore kidneys a d' back and loss of appe- tite. Yours tru y, John McCutchebn, Allgood dru gists sell them. If they won't, we will supply you by mail on receipt of pric soc. per box, or $ boxes far $noo. he Doctor Ward Co., Limited, Toron o, Ont. -EXPO ITOR. JOdern Reco Sierice rWes EU 15i [15 61 4 k4ase of the i d . There ii; a of-31,41ar idea that rheumatism is aliei fficif some ipcalities are ,infecteci wi it more iffh lharolpther6. 5 ch con— Acli.ioi}-1, freimentlii3rornote the 4evelo1N-nerit of the disea 6e, but from The fact-- certciiti famill'e5. if 1, shown ro be 14ereditalt-v, cli5e21 6e of the blood .., ' xterrial 4pplical;oris ma relief, bt-it to CIA re the 415e to freat it throuark the blood. i ,0 by.W ilIi.iiiid Pin R Piik or ale,. PeoiDie Q:o Atrect to the 6 eat of the ch5oircier, pt4rifying cirtici etwichirig the blood by ., ,. ,. , e alittitn rine 1,0160110“5 ei e m erif 5 art ci irertow fig ricalm-droi ifj or c e5 , The genuine are sold iook like:this Wrapper printed with so.,1,,asi-3,,,,b.r,,,i,:iiirrLlgetwo oln:,d, N(k al' r"ttlheir:t:Itiori\vt; hiss..itycsi.f: NvIalch can be confirmed by Many, alt 1 m tt'ell "I desire to melte the following, s temere ne -known retail ti here. Sea 1 N.4 theiimaifsene. 1 (loc. kinee, het o no pure is, care whether 1 11!refl or &eel.. 1.7,boviritte;oi‘itists I wait elrfnuel to Illy bet ni ti ;at ere tune twee:, ann Meted 1 le to try 1 io Willie s' Petit Pills, and ptoc reel ti. sesetey States for me. It vas more to 114-, e him thee for any on er e. son that I !began e. neug them. i the p tins e ere leaving me an 1 coeld move my -11 elle; . store freely. 1 cnntirmed using the. pillS 'tltil. 1 hail taken ten . ,s when 1 felt that wee 0. cured male I shall alweys !sta.:se CO ri5 C te-scritiy a offorcl -5e. it 16: riee5.54irti Sold by all dealers or by Mail post paid at sac a box or six boxes for $2.5o from 'Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. ter is the light ofemy ex *nee." Father - he with the gas turned s low," e that would prepar eoz heaven must bo or the Sabbath o earth. He that wo ld hope for spiritual joys there must acc uire a taste and aptitude for them here. speaker once said that " along the un- tr dden paths of the futu e we can see hid - de footprints of an unsee liand ;" and at ' an ther part of his speech " we pursue the sh dow, the bubble bursitis, and leaves the as es ha our hands." I ' And what. do yo think of the doctrine of uman depravity, ohn, ?" said a. Scotch di me Co a member of his session es they sa over his study fir one winter evening. Veel, air," said Jo n, 41 it's a grand doe - he Lady of th House-" Why don't yo go and work ? on't you know that a, yo r question at al , ut erely to obtain unity moss i8 to a man I my condition ?" • VIER TROUBLES, lious ees, sallow complex. ion yellow eyi sr jaun , etc . yield to the curie tiv powers of LAXA- ER PILLS. They are sure to ure. s to the newsp th country you map w en you have to co es at unexpec in the country: T yo have too many na do th no 'on wi tier en • f one Newspaper. r, it is obvious that in eciate it much more it for it and when it moments. I never wspaper till I settled reason is that in town o mats and get perfectly seated with them. You_ cannot walk n a street withoet some bawling urchin usting the " eat edition " under your e. Here; on th other hand, we have y one or, at mo t, two; papers each day, we read and iiest 'them thoroughly, h satisfaction t• wh ch you, with your mbling, scrapp et od of perusal, are ire strangers. -0 nab 11. • LO OIL cannot be e*c.11ed es a pain relieving and soo hing remedy for all lain. • No use Fussing. - hey were at a picnic " You see," he exs Isened, as he she ed her the wish -bone of chicken at lunc eon, " you take hold he e and I'll take hold here. Then we mu t both wish a wish and pull, and, when it 1 reeks, the one who has the bigger part of t will have his er her wish gratified." ut I don't know what to wish for," she pr. tested. " Oh, yfou can think of some- pli d, " I can't think of anything I want ve y much." " Well, I'll wish for you," he ex laimed. Will you really ?" she asked. it res." " Well, then, there's no ese fire- d)] with the old wish -bone," she interrupt- ed with a smile. " You can have me 1" ILBURN'S STERLING- HEADACETE POWDERS are easy to take, harmless in action and eure to cure an headache in from 6 to 20 minutes. Met an Auld Acquaintance. 'he minister of the parish of N w Ile out driving with his sou met an old ac uaintance. Stopping the carriage he be an to talk to him, and in the course of co versation his friend asked what he was go ng to make his son. " I think I will m ke him a minister, like myself,' he re - w uld make him a candle maker," " Pray, te I me your reason for saying sto, my feend," said the minister. " Oh, well," re lied his friend, " I believe he --would brng more light into the world than ever • Saying Amen. Once a Scotch minister visited England ring his holidays. While he was there attended au English service, and notibed thatl at the end of the pray r the choir sang " Aimee." Ile rather like it, so when he came home to Scotland he arranged with his precentor that he was tcl drop a pea on his head when he was to sing Amen." About the middle of th first prayer a shoWer of peas fell on the p etentor s head. and be began to sing men ! Amen ! Amen !" in an excited n anner. At this the minister leant over he pulpit. and It's the pock that's horst." • Taking his Wor The manager of a large e gi leering work, happening to pats through the shop one , daye noticerl an Irish laborer leaning against the wall enjoying ell the delights of a sur- reptitious smoke. " My In," said he, walking up to the surprised I, borer, " I am • astoeished to cetch you smoking dining youe working hours. Don't eou know you I can't do too much for a ood master '1 Bigorra," said the Celt, removing his pipe slowly from his mouth, are nayther I Will." After that even the manager smiled. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE -DAY Take Laxative Brom Quinine Ta lets. All Drugs gists refund the money if it fails to 'ure. 25e. 1625-13 'For the Young olk. Beyst9.ncl girls like nothing better than petty teicks and experiments than can be performed without the aid of expensive or intricate apparatus. Here are two good ones which fulfil this condition, and are well worth trying. How Many of you., know that lads, lasses and ' heifers have AUCTION SALES. received instructions from Mr. Wm. Legan, to sell by public) auction, on Lot 12, south boundary, Staney, half a mil- north of Hill's Green, on Wed- nesday, May 10th, 1899, at 1 o'clock p. m„ the fol- lowing farm stock and implements, viz.: Horses - One matched team geldinga, 4 and 5 years old ; .1 road horse 6 years old, 1 -roetister brnod male by Fulton, in foal to -Snider Lee ; 1 roadster foal, sired by St. Blaze. •Ca tie -Three flinch cows lately calv- ed, 1 cow to valve the middle of May, four e -year-old eteere, two 2 -year. yearling heifer, 1 ettlyee. Sheep an. 6 weeks old, pig Id heifers, 2 yearling deem, one in ham bull calf 6 months old, Its o • Pigs --Five well bred Leicester 1 to litter about July lat ; 6 pigs months old, 8 Wpm 2 months o d. aesey-Harris binder timely new, 1 Toronto mower. sulky rake, 1 reed drill, 1 lumber disk, never been u ed ; 1 new general purpose plow, - go sh litre 1 top bugtty, 1 cutter, 1 fanning mill, 1 root 1 1..1 grind ng stone, 1 1 eg ladder, 2 apple laddera, 1 wood rack. 1 meat tub, 1 set of weigh scales ( ,000 lbs.); [ set deuble harness, 1 set single harrow, 1 sap pan, *1 1 hay, fork truck, ith mot and slings corn lete ; two{ 70 sap pa le, 100 co ar posts 1 cross -cut s w, 1 road al cart, F hams, forka, [mulct, hoes, 1 hag true , 3 dozen : E-_, erainbage, about toua hay. All the ii plements 1-"S have peen tought within the last three ears, andi rr, aro ne good as new The stock is all well b ed and in ta'' the peoprietor has old his term amd is Fling west. Terme-All sums f Si and under, cub ; lover that arnoitn0 8 menthe' redit will be give on approved anoints will be alto, ed off for cash on redi amounte. likes and dislikes ha boy would prefer a anytime, and, str lucifer match has If you want to tes basin of water a common ? Th average weatmeat to se bath at th fame fastidioes taste. t his curious quality get nd arrange a number of matches on the surf ce in'the form Of a star. When the match ads are all nicely to- gether in the centre Of the basin, tohch the water with a piece; cif soap. Like a little boy, they will run away from it as fast as they can. The matches will mak& for the side of the basin wit out the least possible delay. Now take o t the soap an touch the water with e, pi ce of sugar a d you will see a strange si ht. All the etches ill return to the ee tre of the ba and et avidity. c-4 w The AND GRE rand ly tailion T RAC Mc orm stand or the Impr Stock, dor g the season Wilspn's Thiron County Breeders' .As4eiation. 1635 B rl•ed Fs cn of 1899, go 0 Ps tee nee en t_e cri o c4- Ot CD tdd Gee Ft' Zelt tf r).4 t'D nee rfl • 2octa Of` CI) tt CD 5.1 t7-71 1:71 ePt• CD re, hen o Ns a ueopauad aye CD cp -n CD Cfq • POPULAR STA Lu ONS The following Popular Stallions •A•111 travel their respective routes for the season of 1W, as follows :- The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion HACKARD, No. 30235. JOSEPH HVGILL, Proprietor. At the owners stable Lot 25, Goneessiou 5, Me - /11110p, and at the Ilawksbaw stabies,Seaforrni. every Saturday. 11037,3 The Fashionable Bred Clydeeia)e MacI3E.A.N, No. 6030. Wm. & JOHN' MCGAVIN, Proprietors. Monday, May 1st -Will leave his 04V11eta,ble, ono mile °est of Leadbury, and proceed mitt' along the Side Read to John Campbell's, 7th fnenoession, ior noon ; thence to the Commercial hotel, Scaforth. for night, Tuesday -Te A. llogill's, for noon; thence north to John Staple's, Rinburn, for night. Wednes- day---Nortti, to Alm Watt's, 12th Oeneession, Mul- let, for uobn ; thence north ta John Yottng's, Bourfdary Line, for sever ; thence eeet to William Taylor's, Oth Concession, Morris, for niebt. Thurs- day -South along the Town Lane MeRillop, to stable for night. Friday -To Wm. Teller's, 16th Concession, for noon ; thence north n. miles, then west to Zilliax's hotel, Brussels, fie teght, Satur- day --South along the Gravel Road to James Me - Donald's, for noon ; thence south to los own stable, Leadburt-, where he will remain until tbe folloeing Monday morning. 1637-3 The Standard Beed Trotting Stallion WILDER LEE, No. 1706. Record 2:29e. JAMES RERRY, Proprietor. Monday, May let -Will leave T. J. Lerry's stable, Henn% and proceed north to Kippen, then wort to James Ilagen'a, Hills Green, for noon : thence north to Varna, at Cook's hotel, for night. Toesdey-Weet nt000Bnro;wteihseonneeLtinoe,othhaelnie:looutrh to Blake hotel, for eib's hotel, Zurich, for night. Wednesday -West to Coneeswon 14, south 11 miles, then east to Brownson Line, then south to for night. Thursday --East to August Hill's hotel, Crediton, for eoon ; thence east to London Bead, then rote) to Hawkehaw's hotel, Exeter, for night. Friday -North to T. J. Berry's stable, Mensal', for noon ; thence east by way of Chiselhurst to Croniarty Line, then north to Oarion's lotel, Staffs, for night. Saturday -West to his own feeble et James 13erry's, for noon ; titmice to Hensel' at T. J. Berry's stable, where he will remain until the follow- ing Monday morning. 1637-3 The Imported Clydesdale Stallion ROYAL WARRANT, No. 9664. Monday -Will leave bis own stable, Staffs, and prone eeed to George Strong's hotel, Teeltersinith, terse neon • then southevest to George T. McKay's, Kips - pen listed, for night. Tuet day ''outh to Charles Har- vey's, reborne, for noon ; then to ilawitehatv's hotel, Exeter, for night, Wednesday -To Hill's hotel, Creeiton, for Won ; then south-east to Moffatt's hotel, Centralia, for eight. Thuredev-South along the London Road to Sellat's botch Clandeboyet for ncon, and remaining until the following mormng. Friday -North-east to Thomas Dicken's Biddulpb, for noon; then north east te Winehelaia, at Wesley Heywood's, for night SN.turday->lorth-east to Thomas McCurdy's, Farquhar, for noon; then by way of Cremarty to his own stable, where he will re- main uatil the following Monday morning. lti37-3 The Imported Clydesdale Stallion CAIRNBROGIE PRIDE. Monday-, May Itieve his own atable, Lat 8, Coneession 12, MeNnIop, and proceed to Thernas O'Hara's, Concession 9, for noon ; thence to Robert Campbeli's, Concession 7. for night, Tuesday -South 11 milee, then west to Charles Dodire, COI3COSSIOn 5, for noon ; then north along the vide road ito Wro. Alexander'e, Concession 10, for night. Wednesday - North 1-1 miles, then west to Wim. Concession 14, lielletb, for e con ; then to Myth', at Queen's hotel, for the night. Thurslay-To Robert B. Laid- C011eCi61011 9, Morris, for noon ; tben to Walton, at Mcitini s hotel, for tbe night. Frlday--Nerth 11 mete, then emit to Robert Downes', Concession 16, Grey, for noon ; then south to John Dennis', Caneeseion 14, Me- Killop, for night. Saturday -To his ewn stable, and remain till the following Monday mornieg. 1637.3 The Imported Heavy Draught Stallion PRIDE OF GL A SNICK, No. 5249. MARTIN & MCCONNELL, Proprietors. Monday, May lst-Will leavohle own Stable, Lot 20, Concession 13, Hibbert, and go by say of -Chisel- hurst to John Harney's, Lot 30, Concession 4. Ile - borne, for noon ; then to John John's, Lot 14, Con- tession 7, lesborrie, for the night. Tuesday -By way of Elitnville and south and cest to John Delbridge's, Winchelsite for noon ; then to -George Haeow's, Blanehard, for noon ; then to Oliver Harris', Mit- chell Road, for night. Thursday -To Rust betel, Mitchell, for noon ; then to 'Bornholm for night. Friday -To August Eckmeyerts, Legate tor noon ; then to Weberta hotel, Dublin, for ought. Saturday - To Jeniee Ateheson's, llibbert, for noon ; then to his own stable, where he will remain until tee following Monday morning. 1037-3 The Imported Clydesdale Stallions CROWN A-GEINT, PICKEN'S PRIDE, NICHOLAS HoRTON, and Monday, May 1st -Will leave N. liorton's, 12th Concession, Tuckerernith, and promo) to *epee° Selleres, StleConcession, Ribbed, for noon • thence one ne each planie for night. Tuesday -Will proceed north to Huron Road, thence to Seafortle at Royal hotel, for noon ; then weat aleng the Huron Road to Melvin Clark's, tor night. Wednesday -Will proceed a'orig the Huron Road to Queen's hotet, Clinton, for noon ; theece to Alexander Innis'. for inght. Thula- day-Will preeecd by way of 2nd Concession, Stan- ley, to Hugh McGregor's, for noon ; thence south to John Chamber's, Town Line, between Hay and Stan- ley, for night. Friday-WM proceed south along the 2ad Concession, Hay, tee Wm. Russel's, for noon ; thence east to Wm, Horton% 4th Concession, taborne. for night. Saturduy-Will proceed to James Horton's, for noen ; then along the Boundary Line, between ISshorne and Bibbed, thence to -thew own eteble, where they will remain until the foll owing 1637-3 Monday morning. The Imported Belgian Draught Stallion BISMARCK, No, 4020, Mcnday-Will leave his own etable, Lot 18, -Con- cession 11, Meleillop, and go to Thomas O'Hara's, Coneessio° 0, for noon ; then north to David Boyd's, Concession 13, for night. Tuesday -To Robert Douglas', Coneeseion 16, Grey, for noon ; then to Walton, at Meliim's hotel, for the night. Wednes- day -To Alfred Bieton's, Concession 8, Morrie,. for noon ; then to Blyth, at Queries hotel, for nigiat. Thureday-To Jelin ;Mills', Concession 14, Hullett, for noon ; then by way of Harlock to hie own stable for night. Friday -To Wm. Storey's, COI1C0$13100 5, Mentos.), for noon ; then to James Bell's, Comes- elon 3, MeRillop, for night. Saturday -To Frank Robinson's, Concession 7, for noon, and to bis own gable for the night, remaining until the following Monday. 1637-3 The Imported Clydesdale Stallion PRINCE OF MIDLOTHIAN. JAMES DUPER, Proprietor. Monday -Will leave bis own stable, Lot 10, Con- ceseion 11, and proceed to John BrIgham'e, for nom; thence by Myth to Tbomse Sloanee Lot 1, Conces- sion e, Morris, fortbe night. Tuesday -Will proceed east along the 8th Concession to Wm. Jackson -et, for noon ; thence woe to James Itarrisnleth Concession, Grey, for the night. Wednesday -Will proceed south to Alex. Gardiner's, 14th Concession, Mc- Killop, for noon ; thence west by Harlock te his own stable for night. Thursday -Will proceed east to Arehibtild Somerville's, for noon ; thence by Win- throp to Kinhurn, for night. Friday -Will proceed south to Fowlernt schoolhouse: theoce west to James Miller's, for noon ; thence weet and north to Thomas Fear's, for night. Saturday- Willproeeed south and east along the 8th Concession, ie hie ewe stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. 1637x4 The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion ROYAL SCOTCHMAN. MARTIN & MCCONNELL, Proprietors. Monday -Win leave his own etable, Weber's hotel, Dublin and go to the 2nd Concessiott, 'Ribbed, then east then south and west to John Donnel- ly's, Concession 5, Hibbert, for noon ; then south along the Centre Road te Burn's corner, then to John McConnell's for night. Tuesday -South 11 miles, then tint 11 miles, then south n theunwest to Duneae MeDonald's, Town Line, for noon ; then by way of Chiselhurst to George Martin's, Conceseion 13, Hibbert, for night. Wednesday -To James Bel - ford's, Fullerton Town Line, for noon ; then by way of Russeldale to Oliver Harris', Mitchell Road, for night. Thursday -Along the Mitchell Road el miles. then west 2i. miles, to William White*, for noon ; then to August Ahretes for night. Ftriday-One mile and a quarter then west to Wm. O'Rourke's, Coneessai ton 6 Me/11110h for noon ; then by way of the Huron Road toDubbn, at at John Sines, for noon ; then by way of Irishtown and the Huron Road to Dublin, at his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday mousing. - 1074