HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-05-05, Page 5LY 5. 1899. NC SALE ' from 10 to 14 remember, coat, Rr t 011 oes manu. )S TO Cotton a EAFORTH. hOel. heuse No. 1, Fowl- ' 9!h, at 1.30 p. rn. ; , Kieltarn, on Wednes- -t a. m, ; Dr. Wafters. , ate*. line, on Wedneee 3os p. m. ; school Imam day, the 15th, at 9 a, o. 7, Elliott's, Monday, m. ; school house N. the lieth, at -1.30 p.m. ; Vodden's, Wednesday, . ; echool house Nga radav. the 18th, at 9 a. n. i,:ertitiosatee will be succeeef ally vaecinated, r...as'ssereee :dent ef Lietowei pasaed of Mr. Win. Davison, deneeson Monday morn - aged 84 years. For a it he has been largely throtzgb infirmities pf h was not unexpected. native of Yorkehire, rie 1 in the city of ey, in the year 1839. ter berr, to them in srateel to Uanada in the firet at Georgetown, ) of Trafalgaa, moving of 1,V sllace in the year wing the ocetipation of wiff'.died shortly after and Lot was married a sar 1e19 to ,';lane Rule, TO that fillu the purse, and there that soon' iporturnties for money ing like those that but eeldern. All the on a small purchase o Ur dollars. on a larger :taking advantage of ieerrian oesk. It the V't". Ilea store, re :it btt u1C Belling ;(.4 Carpets must lie Here are four price an idea of bow the ality Union Gae- ta; pattern, 22e. • !..'erpete, reversible will wear, the old , otir neve pr ice 42c rk from cli..an yarn, ar I wide, old price se w price 60e. try Carpet, closely L (:‘,1orings, old prices pri.e 4. oi•mi that will take ot carpet, you can L't veu can find the so'f remnants we are 1E3. lase on tale a big do -ries at Leto than er S0f) yards of cam- eleriee and white, that have been 10c, whale the lot lasts . eus number of erred the Wiseman .when you ,consider .10^1 rig sold at, Boys' ies, in Week, fawrt a a new pre 15e• and eatt hats, justi sad one, your choice value, the one we leers's- fine fur felt browns, fawns, all riees were -82 arid BROS. RTERS, 0:NT. stock at the Clinton. MAT 5,_1899. • B SeRaLAL SERVIOE. held in the Blake xt week, commen When Rev. 3. W. preach at 3 and 7.3 each evening dur Also preach in the B pabbath at 11 a. m. lake. pecial Services vvill Presbytekan church all ing on- Sabbath next. itehell, M. A., will p. m., and at 7.30 p. ng the week. He will yfield road, church next Brueefield. B. R. Morales, Brucefield, Notary Publ.& lonveyaneer, Fire awl Life fneurance agent. Any mount of money to loan at 6 per cent., on first -elates arm security. mortgages drawn ,sand money ad. awed free of expense to the borrovier. Also a mited amount of private funds at 6 per cent. borne every morning and Wednesdity of each ek. Several good farms for 8410. 167 —A somewhat serious shooting accident ecurred at the home of Mr. John Diment, f Stratford, the other day. Wafter Dtment, ho had been out shooting, came in and left 'is gun, witle both barrels loaded and eked, against' the wall. 'Whit& they were a.vng supper, a little seven year old boy t hold a -the gun and discharged it. veral of the pereons sitting at the table ceived charges of shot in their limbs, but f rtunately no fatal damage was done. —Mr. Harry }zler, of &Mahal, has an odd relic, which he found among the papers of the late darned Porter, who was for many sears clerk of the then village of Mitchell, Jt is a reture of the municipal eleetion held ) esember, 1871, when J. H. Flagg, W. R. tvie, Thomas Babb, J. Bristow, Huish urry and H. Campbell were candidate,. h e vote (stood ': Flagg, 171 ; Davis, 167 ; ebb, 164; Bri tow, 14!; Messrs. Currie 17 m fieS Campbell ere defeated, the forer tolling 126 votes and the latter 101. Thos. Matheson was elected reeve by acclamation. Messrs. Porter,ilatheson, Currie, Bristow 1 and Flagg are since dead. Mr. Babb is, in Manitobs, and Messrs. Campbell and Davis rte in Mitchell. THE MARK:iet P SEAYOILTII, Nay 4, 11,99. all Wheat (now), Standard . SO 67 to 80 es pral; t ear bu 11101, 0 65 to tir per 0 80 tO -eat per b 061 Cu ail y•per bizere, „. a 0 38 Teaser, No. 1, lama Batter; „ 0 -1 t 11 to 010 0 Faagst pur doz 0 fla ?lour, per 100 ate_ _ _ . _ so ro 2 Hay per ton new 5 1:0 to 5 Hideo per 10J r 6 00 te 5 .. Sheep bkino.... .. .. 17 t' tL? Patartoea per inieh, (new) 0 60 to 0 a° Balt (retell) per Ohne:— 1 00 te Wood por cord 3 00 to- 3 76 Wood per cord (shorta.... 1 69 to 1 75 Applet per bag—, ... a... ...... . 0 60 t' 1. 00 Clover Seed e el) t a 50 Timothy Seel I 26 tc 2 00 Pork, per MO the— .......... b GO te a 10 Tallow, par lb.... —... et 4. 0 03 O 67 O el 02 fl 40 0 12 12 10 00 60 60 Dairy Markets. To RUNT°, May 3rd. —B u tter —M ar ket weak. Deliveries are still free, and prices going lower on all dairy stock. Selling is. slow. Creamery easy also. The quotations are as follows : Dairy tubs, old, 8 to 100 ,• large rolls, 11 to 12e ; small dairy pound rusts, about 13c ; creamery, tube and boxes, 174 to 18c ; and pounds, 18 to 18/e. Cheese—Market eiteady to firm. 'Dealers lie:e sell at 11/c for old and 10/ to lle for new. Eggs—Receipts fair and demand good. Prices hold about steady, with dealers here Selling to -day in the ordinary way at 12e. MONTREAL, May 3rd—Butter—There is very little demand and the market is easy. Dabs are mostly in request, both in dairy and creamery. Dairy rolls es,n hardly be so.d during this- warm spell. Morning stvotations are about 12c,, but round lots could be bonght cheaper. Tubs bring 13 to lr , the latter price being for eastern town- sh 1 ' ps, Creamery, according to quality, sells at 16 to 16:ree. Cheese—Fodders are -corn- In acing to come along in considerable 13 qu tntities. Oae firm reports private cables at ;-; to 9,1c here, and it would appear that ex orts are not likely to continue right along bu to increaee. Eggs—There is a fair de - m nd at II to 11/c. Tree, N. Y., May lat.—At the Utica Board of Trade sales of cheese were made as follows : 233 boxes large cheese, 1,550 boxes small cheese, no sales, and no beater on sale. At Little Falls these sales were made :- 17 boxes of large colored at 9ic, 2,440 boxes small sizes at De; few packages of butter at 16 to 17c. Toronto Potato Market. The market is steady. A car sold on the track here to -day at 80c. Potatoes out of store 8e11 at 90c. Live Stook Markets. Loarme, May 2nd—United States cattle, 5d; Canadians, 5 to 5d; Argentines, 5r1 ; Argentine sheep, 5,N ; Canadian lambs7d to 71-d, Large number of cattle and Erbeep unsold. LtveReoor„ May 2nd. --Prices for cattle here and in, London are lower. American steers 8811 at 10/ to lle (dressed weight) ; live sheep are at 13/ to 14/c (dressed weight) ; lambs are better at 15e per pound; refrigerator'beef is lower at 8gc per pound. MONTREA L, May 2nd.—Catt1e—The but- chers were ;present in large numbers, and trade was fair, with no material change in price a since—last week's markets ; prime beeves sold at from 4.7 to 5.ic per pound ; pretty good stock at from 3',: to 4,12c do ; and the common animists at from 4 to 3/c- per pound. Calves sold at from 81 to $9 etch. Sheep and La,mbs—Sheep sold at about! 40 per pound for the still unshorn ; yearlings, at 4T". to 5/e do ; fully half the -sheep on the market to-dav were shorn,and these bro ght from 60c to 81 per head leas than the ot ere; some of the smaller lambs would not tting over 82.50 each. Hoga—Fat hogs are lit- tle lower in price, or from $4.50 to e4.65 per hundred pounds for straight lotsjust off the cars. _ BaFFALO, May 2nd—Cattle—The ar- ket closed full strong on all good grs des. Good to best smooth fat export cattle, 5 25 t 85.40 ; good to best, 84.85 to $5.15; ex- p rt bulls, $3,75 to 84; good to choice but - ere' steers, 81.60 to $5 ; good to best batchers' steers, 84.25 to $4 60 ; comma to fet bullet, $3.50 to .$4 ; 'feeder hullo, $3. 5 to 83.50; good to beat fet heifers, $4 to 84.50; fir to good heifers, $3.75 to $4 ;emixe fat c ws and ' heifers, good to choice, $3.5 1 to $1-1 ; fat co a, good to best, 83.50 to $4; ; e rnmon to good do., $3 to 83 50 ; stoc ers, c oice to xtra quality, $4.25 to $5 ; orn- on to god, do., $3.50 to 84. Cala s,— ood colo stock, 84,50 to $5,25. Hos-- CI he mark;t opened with heavy quotab e at to 84.05 ; mixed, $4 to $4.05; Yor ers, 3,90 to $4 pigs, $3.7o- to $3,75 ; rou hs, 13.40 to $.50 ; stage, $2.50 to $3 ; ed - !sins wer quotable on the close at 84 ; orkers, 3.90 ; pigs, $3.65. Sheep and lambs—T e bulk of the choice Iambs sold from $5.80 to 85.95, wieh a few sales a $6, and the ffrings were cleared up e rly. Lambs, choice to extra were quotabh at $5.90 to $6, ; good to choice, $5.75 130 85 90; fair to god, $5.50 to 85.75; comm.n to fair, $5.25 to 85.50. Sheep, choice to e tra, $4.75 to $51; good to choice, 84.50 to $4 75; common too fair, $3 to $3.25 '• export a eep in fair demand, on the basis of 5c, with ales at $5.15,, Tosossra, May 3rcl.—Export Cat le — Choice heavy loads of exporters so d at $4.75 to $5 per owt., light exportersol at $4.40 to 14.60 per cwt. The bulk of the shipping cattle sold at 81.65 to $4 80 I per cwt. Butchers' Cattle--Onoice picked ' lots of butchers' cattle, equal in quality tol the best esqx)rtsars, we,ghing 1,000 to 1,150 pounds, sold at $4,50 to $4.60 per wt. Loads of good butchers' cattle sold at .37i to $4.50, while thole of medium qu lity were scarce and firm at $4.20 to $4.,t per oWt. Gammon butchers' cattle Hold at .75 to $3.85. and inferior at 83.40 to $3.5l per o owt. Very inferior rough owe and bull ' sold at .„3,25 to $335 per o t. )Stook es— Buffalo. tockers were in goo1 demand, sell- ing at $ .50 for inferior bl cle and hite .flolsteinl and Jersey stem, • bite good roan and re4 Durham steers o good ia ality brought from 84 to 84.25 pe cwt. Fe “lers —Choie4 heavy feeders, wei hing 1,111 to 1,100 p unds each, are saroe, selli I g at $4.25 to $4.40 per cwt. Mi eh cows— Only ten cow were offered, whioF4 sold at $' to ewes a •, 849 each Good cows wanted. Sheepcd i De- liveries ight and prices firmab 83.50 to 4, and bucks $3 to o$3.50 per wt., providin that they were not too ij3avy. Yearlin Lambs—Scarce and wanted. j ood grain -fed ewes and wethers sold at $5.7 per cwt., while eo Mon sold at $5. Ca ,es— About 110 c lves sold at $2 to 1$7 ach. Spring Lambs Ten spring lambs scild t $.3 to $5.50 each. logs—About 1,400 so d at $4.50 for aelee s, $4.12/ for lights, an $4 for thiek fats, which is 12/c better, for the two latter °las eel. EXA TNATION-1 XI properly conducted, test the , proficiency student reivonabl well. The gratluates of the ,Central Business Colleg Toronto, all Pass a sarong indepenaent exaniin Mon coeduoted by the Buoiness Educators' Asvoolati n of Canada, No whitewathing or granting Diplo to incompetent candidatee. Our students are pro early trained to pass these examinations successfully, and busineas men appreciate their standing. That's why we have many more applications for cap ble, efficient, young mr n and women to fill posi ions than we can supply. You may enter our Calle e at any time. There are no vacations to interfere ith your advancement. 11 you wish particulars d p a postai to W. H. SHAW, Princip 1. Yong° and Gerrard sts., Toronto. 1586 62 • Births. STEPHENSON—In Seaforth. on May ard, the wi e of Mr. Hugh Stephenson. of a s3n. MIDDLETON—In Goderich township, on April 5th, the wife of Me. Charles Middleton, of a eaughter. MACKENZIE—Iu 'Clinton, on April 25th, the wi o of Mr. Tem:rote Maakenzie ole son. THROWER -1n C inton, on April. 26th, the wi 0 of Mr Louie Thy' weir, of a daughter. CHING—Tn Hay. on April 26th, the wife of Mr, Chin, • of a so I, I10.1lfi, ...41.1.1 of M... a;ANCaG—In Sir. Elia*. WIGGINS—On or Mr, VJEFLE--In Chile. MOTT—WRIGHT—Hi the bridear Ruarell, daughter aLEGHORN—HOLLOWAY—At bride's 26th, Holism if UTCHINS—O'KEgFE—On ream, Albert Violet TONES—JACKSON—in the residence Fre-d, to Mise MOIR—In wife of and 6 ealTETWAITE--In George aaed 4 3TOKE5 -,In er, so o montes HAYDEN—In den, aged ilcNEVINL—In wife of months VIFFIN—In John 3ROWNLEE-1n Brownlee, On Wednesday, p. m., on sne-half 3tockland proprietor; On Thursday, p. m. at tint class foot alma W. J. Brown, WAULitillilittl, John Hits:tinge, Winghatn, Mantra Ap Thomas Exeter, Zuefie, cif VII 44/11 of erdaughter. on April of a daughter. it 25th, at Dungannon, Wiggins, of a, daughter. on April 21st, a daughter, 41110, 21st, tho the the residen by Rev. Eintee hf Seaforth reiadence to Miss 21st, en April West April 19th. aged Andrew 14 2Ist, Daniel 22nd, aged 29 April 24th, TAJO ad the wile Wr on Bertha at 13. A, to 24h, by Re:, Wawa 64 aa lpril Leith years, Mary ye 25th Ma 1 1 , 1 O1ock Stanley, n. Logan, ioneer. o'elock forts caLi perty r Thames I Wile e of 1,vite 6 Mr. a: of A L. alit, of the April the Mr. Miss at , W. oth, 369810, years 23rd, *trite, Peach- 10 Hay- Jane, are, 4 Mrs, garet c, — farm 20 at of Marriages. Seaforth, parents, on Mr. Wm. Trott, of Mr, John parents, by Mr. George S. Cleghorn av, I- orh of Turnberry. by Rev. Jarmo* Hutchins, of O'Keefe of Toronto. of Mr. Mr, G. Stanley Elma Jackson, 4 - at May 3rd, to M199 Vright. all the Rev. D. Pascoe, Cleghorn, April A. Anderson, Colborne township, Wingharn, Neil McGregor, Jones, of of Walkerton. - - — Iowa, on Mole, townseip,on of Mr George days n April alst, Stoke', aged on April on April Mt:Nevin, :airship, on years. a on April SvOIX county, the late days. Woldei rronthe Goderich, of Mr. and 7 Broasels, 86 Ocala. Wii Mr. John end la Colbotim Tiffin, aaed aged Deaths. Alexender Goorich , son and 10 Jacob pays. glum, dare. to 70 Olinto 64 years. SALE REGISTER. May Lot 12, South mile north of implements. William McCloy, May llth, the Commercial dairy cows in calf ten farrow coWs Williams, of lIngersoll auctioneer. ; i 10th, at Boundary Hills Gre Wi11ian auc -at hotel, Sel or wit the pr IMPORTANT OTICES. 1 , —4TRAYED from Lot 6, Co the 16th of April, one wh Id ; Jut had wemea litter of ng information leading to re awarded. JAMES G. /3IAR 11N, melon 8, to Yorkahire pip Anyrrer overy will Constance, Hull Sow e s Ont ' 188 tt, year n WI ofice ey Is le erred , 38-3 on ay. ly & to let 3rd the on ira of w- he - ra. the has he die- of in for f3b. 1st All DE -CASEY & COMPANY. Ear is hereby given that all aompany, ansolvents, mitt se F. M. Best, barrister, Seaforth lay of Jane, 1899, otherwise rom sharing in the assets of t 3f May, 1899. WM; PICKAR NSOLVENTS.—. Orediters of d in their on or before hey will he e estate. , Assignee. Ca, clef t de Date I LIARM FOR SALE.—Good ja township of Stanley, cou lion 12, Lot 16, containing 10 :leered e * well watered, and a e on the property a large bri ;tables, and sheds. As the pr ;') his own farm in the fall, :ends to retire'in tabs farm wi tnd On cagy terms. If not augost, then it will be rented ay on the prerniees, or Baafield DET,QATY, Proprietor, arnt for sale, i ty of Huron, Concee- acres, over 90 ar e orchard. k house, frame :sent tenant mo nd the proprie I be sold very :old before the For partieul L P. O. 11.013ERT a 16 3 acres here barn, es er heap, let rs Ia-tf office re pass le ere treat. H. tf rail.. PHILLIPS, of Toront I) lately occupied by Dr. weate consumption end all die :gee by inhalation of medleat ;lona' method of reaching the Merobes and eradicating the lust returned from a(ot Sprin rpent tbe winter etud3 big the ng all diseases of the urinary aoaes-of long standina. Skin women mired in a abort time. rheumatism, nervous debility, , has opened a Campbell, ale asea of the ai d vapora, the o ily lungs, destroy' *Wean. The /r. • saArkansas, w othod there of organs, and *11 diseases anat d d:wee Electricity sed — 1 DARRED PLYSIOUTH il sOKS, BRED I) UTILITY.—During May', I will sell latehincc from the above at $1 p r 16 ; 8 satin. ;4 per 100 (one hundred). From choice breediJL leaded by imported 600keral,scclred by I.K.Fe sni females 00 to 93, 8t' per 168 settir 3pecially mated to produee prize winners. A ter -a June, I have dye yearn:1g cooks and so 0 needing hen@ for sale at reasonable ode s. oirds have free ranee. alISS P. J. qoan Constance, Hulot:, Ontario, 638-2 FOR ge s, 82; pen, :h 92, s good ELL, MT_TSIO- i Miss Sarah Louisa Moore, L. 0. M., Aceelerni, aate of London Canaervatory of Music, is pr to receive a limited number of pupils for inat uction ni piano. Walton. Monday and lareaday ; B iVednesday and Thursday; Seaforth, Pr1dIy 3aturdav. Qualified to prepare pupile for Pri 'orm in the tionservatorytif Musk:. Apply to MISS MOORE, Sea , 1 1 grad pared ussels, nd cipal's rth. 8-18 1 TIMBER •WANTEDil Higheet cash price paid for black ash, WbIa ash, red and white osk,hard and soft maple, hemi kaloft and rock elm. Either stumpage or delivered yard. For further particulars apply to GUS. WAGNER, Manager for the S. I. Co. eter. 241 Notice to Oreditor In the Surrogate Court o County of Huron. In the Estate of „Margaret Carnoeh n ceased. The creditors of Margatet Carnoohan, late Village of Egmondville, wide*, deceased, w on the 4th day of April, DAM are required fore the lst day of Junea1899, to send to the signed Solicitor for the Executors of her 11, particulars of their airtime, duly verilled by After the said date, the Executors Will pro distribute the assets- of the estate amcing the p entitled thereto, having reference oala to the of which they have reeetyed notice, and aft r distribution the Exeouton will not bo liable pad of the assets to any oiedit r of w1xois 01611. have not received notice IThia notteej is gay saint to the statute in th.s behalf. Fj H01,14 Solicitor for Executors. Seaforth, 4t1 day o lt99. • tie F'OPUL The following respective routes THE HURON R rSTALLIONS Popular Stal loos will travel theta for the season 01 1899, as lollows ONION .13 That Par -Brecl Clydesdale Hrrse (10,0164 Vo 1. XVI E. MASON, Prop detor. Monday—Will losai?e his own stable and srocced by *ay of Broadfoo 's bridge to George Irwi 'fa Alma, for noon ; them bo way' of Huron Road to Com- mercial hotel, ( linton, for night. Tufa ay—Will proceed by %vita ofthe t4onclayi Road to his own stable. ; Wedne dry—Wi I priced by w y of the LondonRoad t Klippen 11otnl, for noo i ; thence south to John H witiraa, or the nigh. T ureday— Wiil pr coed to I rencisto n, then along the Thames Road to Allieon' , tor nocn, remaining 1113 Al Friday meanin Frid mooed north 1 miles up the 6th Concussi la of Us me, then west mites to Moran',, for n ort ; thiico north by w y of 4th Concese on to ho Boat ary of Tuckers ith and Uslyorn , then N'efit to 1nd Concession 1 Tueker- smith td aohn C lwell's, for night. Saturd y—North hy way of end 'oi''ej.ioi to his own sta le, where he will remain until the 1 flowing Monday morning. 168841 ' The Im orted Ciplesdale &al ion ORLAN 0 PRINCE (11,245), 'Vol. xix. • C. E MASON, Pro • rietor. Monday—Will leave his own stable, Mill oad, and proceed la mile north cn the 2od Co ceseion of Tookersmith, t out 2i m les north to the and Con. seasion, of Stara ey, to Ma Mai IfeEwan's In noon ; then by the Bayfield Road to the COMtne Wel bassi, Clinton, for nig t, Tuesday—Will proem d by way of the Meath 0 o,vel Road to James Re mold's, for noon ; then fa miles north, then si roil a east to Kinburn botel, for t'ae night. Wedne day—Will proceed la aille east to the Town Line.thence to the Huron Rod to Thomas Fowler's, or uoon ; then 2a miles est on the Huron Roa to Crieh's Sideroad, then a miles Louth to Georg Turner's, for the night. Thursday—Will proceed down- the and, Concession of Tuakeremith, to Geor e Black's, for noon; the ICe by Melean's bridge the Mill Road to the 4 h 0 me salon, of Tuck ramith, to Robert McKay' for the night. Fridaa —it ill pro- ceed al nuke west across the Side Road o the 2nd °once:A:ion, St nicy, to Joseph Heed's, or noon ; thence by the' own Lino to Andrew vea., Hills Green, for the ight. baturday—Will pr ceed along the Parr Lino o Murray's hotel, Varna for nom ; thence by way of the Mill Road to his wn stable. where he will remain until the followg Monday morning. 1638-3 The Imaorted Clydesdale Sta lion MOUNT BOYS (8064), 'ol. xii. R0111'. & AR011. MENZZES, Pro rietor. Monday—Wit leave his own' stable, •t 12, Con- cession 11, Mciaillop,and proeeed to Mrs, 'Rourke', Conoco:Mon 6, !for aeon ; then eauth to Joseph Nagle's, Conan lon 3, Hanna for the ni ht. Toes - it day—West 2a 311e8, thil cnorth 2a inifea, t.3 the 8rd Coneestion of cliillop, to James Nash'., for neon ; then by way of Roxboro to Wm. Hogg's, Concession 4, for the night. iirecinesday—West to the Town Line, then north to Coneession 10, 3 eKillop, at Robert Smiflae, for noon • then ti 8 gear hotel, Walton, for th night. TiAnsday—North and emit to Coneession 1, Grey, at Mr. Bleiby'a, for noon ; then north ai d east to Fthel, for the algid. Fri- day—South to Jawes McNeal's, Concession 14, Grey, for night. Saturda3 --Soutb to 8anere1 McPherson's', Concession 14, afeKillop foa noon ; then o his own stable, whore he will remain uutil tb following Monday morning. 1638 3 The Clydesdale Stallion PURE GOLD (3110), ol. 6. WILSON Come, Proprietor. Monday—Wi I leave his own stable, igmondvllle, and go to Graham's hotel, Brucefieldfor soon ; then to Varna, at Murray's betel, for night. Tuesday— South the Parr Line to Joseph Hen erson'e, for noon; to Blake by way of Town Line for night. Wednesday—West the Town Line to the 141.h Con., Hay, then south la miles, then west t John La- porte's for noon; then north to Rober Snowden's for night. Thurede,y—Al ng the Saul le Line to Elliott's hotel, Sayfield, for noon ; then a oug the 51.h and 6th*aoncesalons, Goatorich township, to Wm. Currey's. 7th Coneeaaion tea tho night, Friday—To the 10th Concession, at Joho (.4. Steeo's for noon ; then by the Hayfield Coneession to Caint n, at Dow, soe's hotel for nieht. fiaturday —To a. Hugill's, Huron Road, Tuckeasmith, for noon ; then to his own stable by way of Sopa) am b, where he will reain i until the followima Monder roornine, 1638.8 COURT OF REVIS ON. A Court of I evlsion of the Assessment Boll of the Township of A cKillop, will be held in 0108' Hotel, 1 Leadbury, on Monday, May 29th. corn erming at 2 o'clock p. m , or the purpose of hearin r any coin, plaints whieh inay be made epithet th 3 roll as re- turned by the'Assesmor. JOHN C. MORRIS() . " Town hp Clerk. 1638.2. CADY'S BLO K Lathe Shoe Every lady ill admit there is n cool and comfortable, stYlish as a pair of natty Oxford ehoe mer wea This store is noted far aud n ing fine shoe emporiu Our stoe of Ladies' Ox 'season i and com black an thing so nd dressy for sum- , a.r as the lead. of Seaforr. ord hpes t is larger and be ter ti an ever, rises Viei Kid, Dong le Kid in 1 chocolate, with an. with ut vesting tops, and on all the new to s. Our pr-ica raisge from a good Dong la Oxford, ith patent tip, at 1, to he finest vi i kid with vestin tope, at $2.50 a air. We buy from all the le d- ing mak re buy for cash, and take ur d scount. , and can, therefor sell to b.tter a vantage than dealers who ty oi time. More than this, bac of ev ry sale sten a our guarantee, "your mo ey back if. ou want it." Business Increasing Rapidly. We are delighted to fird ple o Seaforth and surr alive t their interests— our p4ccs right. , Everything new and the most able cn the market. Gi call. Every person is he whether they buy or not. °•r bi °ad- 'See our wi dow for a few of u er- ingli4es. o to los ola ms such I J. r, any t oy us - D, Xa3ai 688,4 the . peo- undings hey find fashion- ve us a welcome, the lead-' • TH NEW SHOE STORE, Under t e Town Clock, Beaforth4 1688-24 • POSITOR. ' HOUS ON & -yraum. C E NING TIME Reminds the thrift housekeeper that the e are numerous artiel the comfort of the Itiome which needs rene ing. Perhaps after your Carpets and washedl your Curt 'ns you find they are not fl 'and your thoughts naturaily turn to wherelyou can get the best money and no dou it this store is uppermost in yonr mind. pated your wants and have made greater Preparations than ever pets, Curtains, Art'Muslins'GoldenlDraperies, Art DenimS, various other articles whichhelp to tone u the home, and at within the reach of all. • s necessary for on have beaten to use vain due for your e have antiei- before in Car- t Sq ares and rices that are Hemp Cardets at 12o, 140, 17c, 20e ;: and 2c. Union Carpets, ya d wide, 25e, 30e, 40e and 50c. Wool (*pets, yard wide, 75e, S 0, 90e and $1. Tapcstr3t Oarpeta at 50e, 65e and 80e. Floor Oil Cloth, 1 yard, 1 ' yard and 1/ yards wide, 25e per square yard. Extra lies,vy Floor Oil Cloth, 2 yards wide, 37i per square yard. Stair Oil Cloth at 12/c - and 14c. Hemp Stair Carpet, worth 10e, for o. Nottingham Lace urtains, 20e, 25e, 35e, 50e, 75c and $1. iSwiss Lace Curtains $1. 5, 81.50, $2, $2.50 and 83. Chenille Cur- tains, dado border, $2.75 and 83.50. Art Mu liras a,t 5c, 8c, 10e, 12/c and 15e. Golden Draperies au 100, 15c and 18c. We cut and in teh all Tapestry, Union 'and Wool Carpets free of charge. ..,A_ST=I IW MciiINNON 00 OndlommilIMM & CO. BL r.p11. ORTABLE CLOT11 ENC04FOOTABLIE HER. The warm wea her has come your Winte sequence. way we do a regular h underwear of other su this would the pocket sook unco requirements for com try us and see, ith a rush and perhaps has eaught you with all clothes en. You were uncomfortable in ; con - We are prepared to mak.° you comfortable. The 't is by su2p1ying you with a nobby summer suit, at defier. Then too we have just the proper or hot weather, to say nothing bf a big selection nmer furn shings. You might thin1S that While atisfy the cravings of the body, it 'would. Make fortable, but we staive to meet both ort. We think we have sueceeded, RIGIIT BR &WORTH, Ontario. QS., /811 E)Octors Know the grand. medicinal pro. perties of a really good port wine in combination with the tonic properties of Peruvian bark—hence their advice, take ilson's nvalids' P rt a r re old port w ne with E'e uvian bark in guars - t es preecribed by the ±Inglish and French p arrnacopoeias. For we k and run down peo- pl , a tonic without a per. For sale in Seaforth by LUMSDEN & WILSON_ it has proved not onlY equal to the samPl for 15 yeses I have oever yet seen it fail. should be without itla his stable. FRANCI HORSE E READ rTHIS. IESSRM S. LUMSDEN & WILSON, SEAPORTII. 1 Gentlemen ; Fully eeknowledging the !benefit I have' received feom the use of your !" Equine Colic Cure," and the many times Ithat I have relieved the severest suffering (and I can safely say in Some cases saved the ilives of valuable hors) by its timely Pee. ;I cheerfully give my ato y of its origin so ;that others may procure and have ready in lease of emergency what has proved withi me' :a never failipg remedy. Sorne 15 Years ago When about to sail from Liverpool for horne with, some four valuable horses, I was advised to have, in ease of sickness on the voyage, a bottle Of a celebrated horse medicine then extetedVely used in England. I fdrtunately took, my friends advine and prooured a bottle, and found that incase of colic or inflammation in lhorses it gage such instant and perfect, ee- 1 lief that I was sorry I had not brought With I me a larger eupply as I feared I would never b3 able to get anything to equal it. I had however a little in my bottle, 'which I took to you, asking you to analyze it and if possible make me sOmetbing iv, in about two weeks cal ed on you and got what looked identical, a d I can say with all c,onfidence el but, I beli ve, superiorl, as after testing it I No farmer r horse dealer, in my opinion, El COLEMAN, tot, 5, Concession 7, Stanley. es -ass --Tr CHAMPION MIME STALLION OF airlADA I 7—URN NO. 15,179. WI 1 etand for the improvement of stsek for the 4th moon at I3l5RRY'8 SALE AND EXCHANGE STA LES, EIENSAL,L, during the ecason 1899. Term —Li:Rarer:co 3313. rIo5l3 and feed for parties from a distance free. BERRY & G EIGER, Proprietors. 0 EN GEIGER, Man ger. 163841 _ T ELEOIANT " B R 14. \ D ▪ Mal P re Linseed Oil ixed Paints —IN TIIE— atest Art stic Shades, OR Interior and x!rior Deebr0- t oiat Manufactured by . The Canada aint Company Montreal, Toro to, Victoria, B. C. Now on sale at REID it sEAF0 WI LSO N '89 TH, ONT. 163848 The CanaOian Express COmpany (Cover.ne all Grand Trunk lines.) Possess unexcelled facilities for handling Merchandise of every description. Money Packages, Collect Drays, Bills, Notes, Issue Money Orders on altnost any place in the United States and Catada. No red tape. No application to fill out. No waiting for advice. A receipt given with each order—can be cashed at any hour of the day. A messenger can transact your business. Prompt refund for (seders lost, delayed or stolen. The Most popular known Method of remitting through the mails. W. SOMM Commercial Builciiing, Seaforth. 1637 THE SEAFO T,TEL TEA AND ,Grocery tore Right at the front. It nevertakes a back seat or a second place in the race. 20 lbs. best granulated sugar for $1. Brown sugar from 22 to 25 lbs. ' or $1. 3 ems of good salmon tor 25e. Soap, 7 bars for 25e. 12 cakes of white castite ,rsoap : for 25p. 8 cakes of nice toilet seat) for 25c. &sled herring 10e. a box. 3 boxes good Matches for 25c. All kinds of teas right do in price, 10 lbs. for $1, 7 ihs.ifor $1, 6 lb for $1, and 4 pounds for $1. Maple syrupand buckwheat [flonr, evaporated apples, dried apples. 3 lbs. best lard for 250. A regular slaughter in china, crockery and glassware, which I am leaning mit.' Potato on ons, potatoes, fie, seed, Dateh sets and three of the leading varieties of i mangold seedy] tur- nip seed, tim thy and t - lover seeds_ Al cor- dial invitatio ex) to all to me and get ilome of the cheap gooda. A. ULT S ADAM. OST 1OMLETL STOCK AT 1 ,ard & _ 0 This Season We will be f Uns% in the fi'oni rank for a good high class and well assorted Dry Goods Clothing Establishment. All Departments are full to overflowing with all the newest and best goods that money can by, or that patience and close buying can proemle. Having direct Connection with some of the best manu— facturers in Eng1nd. Scotia d, France'Germany, and the United States, we are in a pbsit'dn. to give you orreet goods at closest prices. I . These co ds Are All to Hand oarpiets, Oartains and Draperies, Ex -minister Carpets in great range of colors and ew desigas BrTlSSel8 Carpets from 74e to $1.25, special at 85e an d Si ; All -Wool Carpets rom 65e to 83e, specials, Union Carpets from 252, to 60e, spec al at 47o, Oil Cloths and Linoleums from half yard to two yards wide— an inamenoe range ; Tapestry, Chenille and Lace Curtains in endlesi va.riety— 'prices right. ' • Gents' Ftirnishing Department An immense ran,qe of Hats n hard. and soft, at prices that you can only pro cure from us, a 11 the new shades. Men's Suits to Order is a specialty with us ; people are not 4iow to appr ciate prices for high class goods—special Black nits at $ 8 an $20, specia Tweed Suits at $10, $12, $13.25, $15.25 and $16, Re d m de Guts, Etc. In this li e we are certainly better than ever. Our prices will set everybOdy thinkit g When you see the goods at $4.75, $6 and $9.50 per suit. Everything guaran eed to wear.. Try u for Shirts, Ties, Braces, Underwear, Umbrellas, Gloves ete., etc. Sill an Dress Goods In: thi ;D,epartnient, as usual, we will be found. second to none in the trade - Large igek, good assortment, correct styles, combined with our close prices make t -lig a strong Department. WaGoodsI - itom White Pi'que, Fine Zephyrs, Nice Ginghams, Galateas, etc, etc., in great variety and ra ge of prices, being from 10c up, These good s command the admiration d all vho ace them. They areicorrect. Our stock of Parasols is large and well as or ed. ta s no Prints, class S When Purnis Departent c mplete, 'with Ne Shirtings, New Flannelettes, New Cottons, New N w Galat• as, -New lOxfords. In fact everything to be found in a fist - ale Depar ment. ; Pi nber thet Place you want anything in Dry Goods and Clothing, Carpets or House in ur large trade is a, guarantee to us that our stuff is right. 1 PICKIRD ler rib DIRECT OppoOite Town Building, Corner Main and Market Sts,, Seaforth. 1VIILLNIER1 AT POPULAR PRICES I,TISTIC WORKMANSHIP C RRECT STYLES Special Attractions for this Month's Elegant Tiiimmed IIts Suitable 'ozt "Dress" oceas5ons and e' rly Spring lhar at from $3 to $8. hese Hats have been spedially trimm d for this sale and are wtOrth fully 215 per cent. aliOre, an infifOtely superior in style and quality of materials I composing esem than . anyj sold in tae town or vicinity at Much higher prides. Ladies' and; Misses rimmed Hats At $1.25, $1,48, $1,95, and which have -bcez. sold at a much larger figure. 1 Fine Trimmed Sailors, At 75c, 95e, $1.25 and $1.50. Un- equaled in this district for style and quality. Special Values in Untrimmed Hats ' Black, -Cream, White, Blue Braid Sailbrs at Cut prices, 38e, 50c, b5c, 751e, 85e, an and. Fancy uch as Me, 95c, Turbans mut - Wa114ng Ha0 In Black anst Farlicy BraidS from Up. I 50c Fine French Roses Beautiful Violets, excellent Foliage, Aspreys, _Pinnies, Buckles, ,Jet Sprar, Nets, to, will be •found at the lowest prices with us, as they hall() all been hough at the original sources. ale Try Our Millinery Department And get correct styles and save do ars. To Enable the Country People To take advantage of this special run in Millinery we will take farm produce at the highest market price. Specials Through The Store for April One hundred and twenty-nine Ladies' Shirt Waists worth 68e and 75e, this sale for 50c eaeh ; 182 Ladies' Shirt Waists worth 90c and $1, this sale for 75e each; 12 dozen Ladies' Fast Color Wrappers, light and dark colors, 78e each. ; 8 dozen Ladies' Fast Color Wrappers, light and dark colors, $1 each; 25 pieces Imported American Sear Sucker, fast colors, at 5c a yard; 10 dozen Ladies' Fine Cambric Draw- ers, 2 pair for 25e; 25 dozen Ladies' Fine Ribbed Cashmere Hose worth 35c, for 25e a pair; 100 pair Lace Curtains, 21 yards long and 27 inches wide, for 250 a pair; 20 designs of Art Muslim and Draperies at 7c, 8c, 9c, 10e and 12e a yard ; ladies' ready- to-wear Top Skirts, Black Lustre, at $2,50 ; Brocades at $3, $4 and 15; ladies' White Pique Skirta at $1.25, 81,50 and $1,75 ; Crash Skirts at 60e, 90e, $1.25 ; Collars, Laces, Corsets, Hosiery, Parasols, Handkerchiefs, and smallwaies. Remember We Are Headquarters for Black Crepons and Ladies' Fine Suit- ing and Dress Goods. AGENTS ,FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNS. : The Ladies Store Pentecost's OARDNO'S 131,..00K, SEAFORTH. WM. PICKARD, J. 0. NAABELL, PROPRIETOR. GER,