HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-05-05, Page 4IIIIHE'HURON EXPOIT 'OR I I . A i M Y5 1899 1899 would noli prevent its manufacture f�r sale gored,?' in so far as political princi a, are 1853. With her-huo:)and she settled on a from our burg, committ 1899 ed onicid by drown- I 1, concerned. In that disc tron a farm in Albion town ihip, county of Peel. in f the, Maitland outaide of the prohibition province oil terri. :�t loalv ItZ -M I g in the no ,th branch o toe— - From tbere, after a f 3 removed river. He M01V 9' W �%Ur M AA F f Free Trade , Liberals spoke elo luent EN's ANO BOYSI CLOTHING SALEJ 2 Cy j 6 tory. The sale of intoxi ing liqu�ors r y 'as but 33 yews or,,Lqe,tau,,, ap- 0 .4 against the pit position and =lf mi ist fe4 I to the 4th concessio i of Sh im V th; township eared quite well till a very be- medicinal or sacramental puirposE�s orlus6 in w th of y 8 9 .10 // .12 i ingly upon the rain that uld- c rtain'y Hullett, where she li ed until I the dea of ore he committed the deed. Him witia wap the arts, is to be car fully providk for, fall upon the o I industry if toe tax on it i- her husband in 1886, when she moved into buried here A little over a IJ A46 jff JS 19 20 e year ago. Three under stringent regulations, The p Datties portated oil abould be removed, an� all, I a- Clinton. AT THE small children Survive hi '—C if brdlq; vet- V ZW9 W 24 2J 26 2Z c4use their co tituents are directly inte r- —Ofthe ap ties, io� c risen left over for infraction of the propose,J law are mat- erinary appe4rg to be th e most so ight, after 113g- �hat industry piotect(d 'by the West Wuro t tj or li 2629 CYO CY/ eated in� hav n i3enBo ommissioners. man in thel country a't pr t--�Cyrus tern of detail, to be provided in any act even it protection does enhtibe its - cost , o the following were gr n6ed G. Begg, Horton lost his borse last Sund HIP took based'uipon the resolutio 31 ILI I ut a very ] short EW ADVERTISEMENTS. tion of the promoters to ouggest tiiat was qu.te as affecting to he&. hard- 0' hn Imilton, Belf at, S Pike, of the time.—The saw mill is Shut 4wn I for a shell prote6tiol idta declaim With eq jal ze it a inton na 0 to obtain a w Bro n. �8' in aide,!it 'fit ihi hile, as the proprietor, I Ir, un- n. I It in the inten- the great consuming clasnes. On th � otk4 ir S ith' Hill � E. By onds, altford ; and inflammation and lasted R IER STORE VrThell-u-eb;11�wcen the paroutbealsp er each cases wherein the proposed 1.�giplation would feeling of the gross hardabip'tha; is be- ve ' O' to t�o and n a �, Yow i n g own not having suffi- in well, —If the� license comn iissione a foii this one, donotCo the page of the paper on which the affect matters pertaining �o Ahe g nt op lation tow adverilsomeni will be foond. govel ument Thi inflicted on the people b this ditty. rrantsueb. E. division of Huron know v hon the a" do- of the Dominion, Federal- o0idtials 'are, to en-. a is a strange world and has a power. —Messrs. A. J. Ro ling and A . Stew_ �c i Ing ht, the will cance the I enoo for Samings—Hodgina Bros. -4 ful influence in 'to political ire. art, late of the Exete mill, has purchased this Y 11 a force the law, 'wbile, of cI urge, in other ig w and, forevei It fraud rhotel no to Stay—L. Smith --6 a flouring milt at ataract Falls, FO TEN DAYS cases it would be the duty of. local orl muni. near and nuisance from the w)rd go.�—Some Mixed Pints—Roid, & Wilson -5 a the farmers are losing a Ic t of t Orangeville. The mil has a (, pacity of 150 House Cleaning—McKitinon & Oo.-5 cipal funationaties to see to the enforcement Ne of the Week. barrels per d&Y,L and h a Ifull water power this spring.- Feeding t L is c%rried A LARom Bi UEST.—The late Earbiles througbo t the year. Messrs. Rollins & during winter I months IComfortable Clorboo—Br - ight Broo.-5 of the act. If tbis resolution' the i aqcrlbf,�d ai the ,To Horaemen—Lumsden & Wilsou-5 t, . 0 i tate, to have Stewart h �ve taken ho d of their newly ac- cause.—Mr. Myles Scott eaves his '�week i Ladieh' Slicer as --Robert Willia-5 Government will, no doub -introduce and Hirsch - ib a left,.-C2O,OOO,OOO for In charity T One equest is .-924,000 f9r th quired pr,perty, but ill not move their for Fordwioh to take c4ax ge of hi f cto At the Front—A. G. Ault -5 have passed an act founded upon it. e,, ;a 4 ry Eirach foundati�,n in Montreal. famil � f Exeter fo I so down there. ndt3,,d Men's S1 iuits to be sold at 65.50. People's Pros perity—Greig & Macdonsld—I this event we ll, in all probability,, �avo rom thhe license report, receritly is- LAKES OF Km:LARNEY TO BE SOLII.1—�The Mudo—Miss Moore -5 another prohi i tion vote in this provi nbe at sued the depart 'ent lea f Farm for Silw-!-R. Delgaty-5 Lakes of Killatniey will soon be for a lie, and " W gforil au ew Ithe time- of 1e next Dom')* facto he licenses rint H ron Tuckersnilth nion election, it I Stev'nty-fiN e B :3 pieces, for bo 'fTom, 10 to 14 MbeB at—R. ollatt-8 ii feared tha !the purchaser may elude oys Colin r I ys A car load of seed corit just arrivpd S it bT Saturday Bari. ains— W. H. Will! whenever that may be. The weak poin� in the public. ere : In 1874 the � ewere 150 tav- oat —8 iy�w 4 �y ()C,lxs of age, 'Potatoes—Bel'ttie Bros.—S this pro in . 0 Lo us, that Kimn-,To noik� To ENOLAND.— u��lyard and 38 shops lice Bed to tell liquor in Hamilton & Keralskels, fleafor�h all wool, Halifax Tweed remember, c positi�i,n is, it see this 3ounty ; in 1877, 124 taver'no, 10 shops; .Spring Hardw �re—[3]—Reid & Wilson -8 which provid4ii for the dividing- of Itbe Kipling is to sail for Engl-a-nd on Ma 1�21thj Saturday next (oaly), ay 6th, we will Id pants, r in 1E 8�, 124 taverns, 15 shops ; in ves, 1887, sell a line of men's 110t! don ola kid laced-bodis, Notice to Or& itors—F. HolniestDd-5 and has alrea� y. eDgaged passage on the Cane d Ian temperance a A in force in 1888, with nice vesting tova, fr $I. ; regular price 82 0. Medic authority end 'power forthe el�nforcemen of al Card- J)r. Phillips -5 steamer Cymri 'Of the White Star I 108 taVerns, 11 shops ; in 1892. 102 a Prohibitory 14�,' i avernly Remember ! SAtilt only. All isizes. W. ayed—Jambs G� Martin -5 The passing of such a 81 '1� HAS EPTE -m -Spain has in 1897, 85 taverns, 6 sho Willis, bootsan sh Seafor h. id38- 'Ali Intim. 5 shom Notice to Creditbrs—J. M. Best --5 law by the peop e is oni 1: We have no hesitatio in saying that these are the best Value y the first step to- ated her williDgis t accept the 6 0,000"- —The other day Miss Jennie '),nd her A GOOD COLT. Court of Revik iou—J. 0. MarrisoluL­5 �1 pri a brotlee', Mr. J. P. Elliott, of Goderich Mill road, recen mana- E Ily, four years A e bought from a E A Shoe Snap-iRobert Willi3-8 wards prohibit1l., on ; the onforc6memt of the 000, which is he for the Phil ppines, I ! ev Id 4'fiP&pPle" of t' er* - shown in eaf6'rth. law is by far The money Wok be pa d without delay. townihip, were going through some old Milliner M' artin-8 !the most ortant step. old, to a gentleman from Centralia for $13 1 9 we av SMALL11OX. n )ei -a,, when they d iscovered a lew 9 for a This mare was sired b . 9. I I factu�rer the entir raqe at a price. Seed Potatoes roung-8 o ten said� a p a ibitory - law, Y Mr. P, Me re orls Cleveland to at ch an xtent that th health arm rented by their Is 5ber, he lat e W m. horse St. Blaze and from !Mr. Papple' old Plow Shoes—] ichardson & Melinnia-8 rigidly enforced, would be blesq* Ellio t)� dated J 1 96 1129 a d nartment o cials o?nfeas themae'ves un- uty 20it�., 1826, Th) farm, driving pony,� unenforced�j woul ere to cope with it under the premat con- anion of that town- 61 the best Pxnts At 8!�,c full size and a Cotton. at Good Poultry Miss Coldwell-5 pr,,Ohibitory law, d be a ab whig is on the h c n We hav COUNCIL. A nice Ing e Tuckers�ifih le, Vol a held at Kyle hotel, on Mo' 5c ials—Johnson Bros.—S Spraying A t t, f th unteers, azt curse. Where the responsibility for en- ditions. ship, wait then owned b the late Jo in Ga council wa .—Hamilton & Kerslake -8 forcemen if there era ere prpoent HL t .Corn, Etc.' (6j TERRIBLE C CLONZ.—A terrMe cyclone the p esent owner bein; Mr. -Gouli. The that !are trade winners. t in divided, it is dou tful last, Aft the memb Iency. was the w akeat day, doing 53 lives good itate of preeervati) e a. swept Over p6 tions of Missouri � on Thurs- lease a � therefore 73 years old, and is in 01 37, conceision 2 and 3�' L. will be effici' This e drl dful damage, wl ile ;� taken from road division 119, d e� to point i a the Scott Act. Thor —The Portage la ra rie Da'ilv Gr iphic-of is, no Use in were lost. �uildings, lipmes and Stores Idivision 21. The clerk I'vas insiructe$ to we Sth says: A very quiet but, Marc I the people voting for, or in Parl�ia re all levell d to the ground. I . mant pase have 50'quarter sheet pos"ra printed, a! ag It A PORTRIT OF TILE QUEEN —M. Henri Pretty wedding took pace this mo ming ati ing a prohibitory law, un eas there ii -amplo tedders for 32 jobs of gravelling, it. vs, go he ustrain port 'r 0 de Angli, t rait� pai4er, has LatincTwite Villa, in bh � pailors of Mrs. �W. May 5tii,01899 provisiona'and powers r a been c tied to paiti t a pol r3 asteflilly d( parts of the township, and whicir will b lot ITH THE CROWDS TO SEAFORTEI' FRIDAY, ME W fo it enfrcem trat of T Re�d, which we corated at nqxt meeting.-- A letter was preserit d upon some Queen M. de Augli has already Miss Bertha and the enforeementL must with out flowers from t le citv. I from Loftus E. Dancey, barrister, Godedc daughter of Mr. at, the instance of Mr. Wm. McDougall, of one particular power, so the -people will painted the Q ren twice. Jacklio, the youn Cat T, h e D 6mi nion Parliament. I SNOWTORM IN —Ther was a Thomas acklin of 0 vick, and M - TH 0 two items of intoreat, from the Do- where to place responsibility-, in case John 104ginondville, complaining seriously of an Th inow heavy %noy/a orm. Monday mor ing in. Paynter, of Dauphin', anitoba, hc�ing,. the obstruction t his doorway 'created' lai n r cl a S,UFOR a of failure. The people, if left to them- otland. The unse sonable cO t ti minion. Parliaiment this week'were the all Perthshire, S".. ng parties., T ie, ceremony was per- f summer, by the pathmaster, who, in lay nouncement of the Prerni Selves, will not enfdr ather resul ted in the killing of great forme by Rev. Mr. 1) id or as to the legia. ce such law; they we e -in, of the Methodist. �g sidewalk, bad left said sidewalk ii in h4.s lation to be introduced by the Government may, however, require some ot� , or represen. numbers of sheep and lamb churc in the presence o I f a few intimate higher than the walk from Mr. McDougallfs To CELEBRkTE HER Bi 11DAY.—Queen friend and the Budget Speebh by tative or responsible body to doorway, thereby causing him much �a�- other two''oppo tto, and thanking you Dr. McCallum. School house NoJ I, oldnfore oria-las 41 the hotel I 13 this session, it, if Viet xpreeaed a desire that all e following ar iiaensen noyance, and threateni to i r your va us pace, Iat 1,W P. inRon. Mr. Fielding, the Finance Minist charged by law with that dut�,.L �g I ble will leav the er'g, Tuesday, May 9th, er. Any act, members of her family who can possibly be grante in East Huron for the forthcoming against the corporation r fo to judge I who if the 6 ctio school house, No. 3, Kinburn, on i Wedun. in, response W a question f I rom the leader of therefore, that does not provido' for efficient in Englnd shall attend ht Windso r Castle, year :- Dublin, H. Coo r. ; Leadbury, Thos. re�ders of TiiF', I not removed at once. The ma Was digplaye I the ign &nee, I am, yours,very day, May 110th. at 9 a. in. Dr. -May 24th, when 8hp celebrates her 80th Jones Walton,' Mrs. Sage Cranbrook, a as e a , r SITOR bs ru tt ' r the Op aaid it a respectf llY,—JA3.J s McFADZEAY, 'To�. 9, Base line on Wedneft- -position, Sir Wilfri� Laurier r and stringent enforcement, had better not over for further examination School house N birthday. Ethel, J, Q ierrin Mo)esworth, d is the intention of the Gov ro- a it will only prove ta snare ame' be o to at 1.30 pi� in. school house Ilernment to int be passed, a and consideration. A delegation c' day, the 10,tb, SMALLPDX'l GER-51AINZY.—Virulent small- C. See�aver Jamestown, wine and beer, the meeting from the T4ckers mith Brahc� No. 0, Harlock, Mnday, the 1.5-th! at, 9 a duce this sesgion a resolution for the re,con. 1 a delusion, pox has appea -od simultaneously r. mcE wan Fordwicb, A. Orr ; Gorrip P Iin various in. ; Be i Agricultual Society, askiog the u B hool house No. 7, Elliott's ! Mondis parts of Germany, notably at serlohn, G. Brown and R. F. White ; Belmore, J. T. grant said Society $150 �o enable them to e( u want the the 15tb, at 1. 30 . in. .; school lious struction of the Senate ; a bill 'for the re- Hanover and I co ric"' tp The b4tat in th heapeat. If o e .1 I distribution of the constituencies ; a bil' Moe7,,Ldlo. The Prussian LamojAy ; Wroxe John Gofton and best, got( R; Rouattle for -binder twi e, palnts� 0110, 4, Allan's Tuesday, the 1-60 at 1.31? P.M. Editorial Not(§s and Comments. ter, build a $1,000 hall on tt eir grounds toixei glass, hadware, tin Oure, p:6ris gr en, etc.,, R. tirn,, Rouatt, B Ygld school house No. 5, 'vroddnls, Wedn'esday, -chase of the Drt.I7 i nd That terribly over-worked and exceeding - vent its sprea ing. Belgrave, John Scandrett ; Brussels, John' dition that tie council of the 17th, at 1.30 p. in, Iauthorizing the put 0 authorities ar'c taking prompt steps to pre- Alex. Walker.; Blueva e, W. W. McGuire;, place the one destroyed )y fire some County Railway; resolutions grantin aid the Canadian MORE DovCI[O.BORS CO �Ament, Stretton Bros., 0 ago, on con Try John A. &I'Leod if Yo want I any chool house Yo. ly useful body, known as AriNc. — Advices Zilliax.' Them Killop would grant a bim lar sum, and ith� papor ha 3gil 'g. bous, 1 or carriage sintin O'oue. �S, Londeaboro, Thursday. the 18th, at 9 a. to �certain railways, and other measures. from London 'e ay that the atearriship La used to be more hotels n the grave n 9 __ke J. road town of Seaforth $300 to ards said scbeme� John A. h c ' Leod, Bayi Old. m. ; Dr. McCallam, Certificates will be �Senate, Seem to take kindly to hoIidayfj,, Superior pass(d Gibraltar oil Mond y with between Wroxeter and Seaforth than there given to each person succesfully vaccinated. Thus a. pretty extensi%ke programme has On Thursday last they adjourned �ur ow in the whole riiing. In considering the Matte , the council wero Miss �Iariin war to to see yo She has Itil the 10030 Doukh(borm. She iq expe ted to are n I sorry to hear that the ban0some up to date gillinery and been outlined, and -'an the three first named so,� iety would be ants to se you I 1% new 17th of May, because they had nothin r�acfi Quqbet, on May loth. t T e Lake —The news of the death of Samuel Cox, ly to drop out no) if the aid w opr nx,�at: A 9 very moder te. 10, -1 g to of existe will be bitterly opposed by the Opposition, do. It would be a good- and pro Huron is led to, Leave Batoitin on Ma a (111 respected resident of Listowel passetal fitable Y which took place on Tuesday, the 18th ult., forthcoming, as the soc! ety ha n 'As just ree iv dwards avison, wever, bl�'. le by 71onks who died -at his residence on Monday inern- short session had notion to -adjourn for ever, but," unfortun- Oth r large about during the days � im nediate- could not at present see their way clear t4 Bros., Mo treat, the Is. odt. mai c users aying their plans for a i take a l0tb,- oukhobora and a ould ar- was a, shock to those who had seen him, was still doing a good work. Ho the� assortment of ladies thing for the country il they would '�O'F- D 4 members who were I �ith'2 Is ecl a Ifine away, in the person of Mr. W.m. 1) ,use wais th ir, hsermus y on May Mt lul. a( )n an. re n9t buil� i a that wa. e� sds.� The I ing f last week, aged 84 years. For a parties to bex ecte r4e goods an pric 75, Ing pe that wa 4 ately, they a d to follow shor y. lypreceding. He had teen -unwell for some grant' the, 'o Ile's m0ey i 0 and 95a. blighted, as the pro DISASTRO number of years past he ham been largely ape ts now ure that the RAILNVAY AccIDEN .— The weeks *ith heart troub e, but '. pparently unless authoriz'el to do so by anvote of th —Mr. 'ariy Darrah lias on- 'o session will extend wel into August. The American people seem to- have a most �disastrous railroad wreck hat has wasxecoverir�g his usual health, and was ratepayers, Af er pasting a f NOTE nfined to his house through infirmitiox pf ew small age, and his death was not unexpected. ever ha penel on a Rochester .. ailroad oc- able to be around again. On Monday gaged I Mrs. Jgm�i 13 Pollo-.k to mau,o the The Finance Artiniste - deliveredq his Bad- greater liking for Canadian clergymen than Oven- Counts the Colin it ajourned,, to meet ag bar at e Queell's, hotel. Harry is well The deceased was a native of Yorkshire, curred gunday afternoon on th 3 Rochester ing he seemed to be in excellent a itits' at Brucefield, o Monday, May 29th, t 10 ; England, and was married in the city -of get peech on Tuead ty. It was an: able, I our 6lergymen have for American �congre- & Lake Ontai" F my known nd popular �nd will, no doubt,- do to Railroad, better' known as but early the following morning the ou - o'clock. compretheriftive, and on bhe whole, very sat- gati Ins. Se*ve'r,a tempting, offers, - with the Bay Ra road, about one-haf mile north his love I best to mect the requiremen York to Elizabeth Bailey, in the y mons came, and he died with only few t a of ear 1839. ro w en two. care of an excur- momenta' warni th e u t c. Last week Alex., James 'and r born to them -in isfactory exposit' salaries, f' in American congregations ng, Mr. Cox was one of With a son and daughte on of the financial and large; I I of Rocheste h commercial. position of the country. Walton. W m� -FV guson 'latry Falconer and Alex. ntly cen declined Sion train filled with passengers I if t the the pioneers of Goderich township, and Yorkity, they emigrated to Canada in the 'R 0 ar 1844, and-.eettled first at Georgetown by Canadian -while going around a curve at full ietively identified with the history of the A quantity of very fine seed p Brown J1 ft for Oer Sound to go ab6ard Yet Of have rece track was b a otatoes j U l the survey boat 11 Bayfield." They were then in the township of Trafalgar, moving Conroe he took great pride showing, and clergymen. The last to mote is the call ex- speed, and,w" completely wreck d. Three district over a He was b6rn in rn Provine, 119 long peric d. received frokn the E2stc C that very conclusively the vast strides the tended to Rev� Dr. Johnston, of St. And, passengers were killed, a do Hamilton &Xerdlakels, Scaforth. followed on om lay by Ed. Reid, who Also up into the township of Wallace in the veat zen f county Tyrone, Ireland, in 1827, and when atally hurt country had made on rew's Presbyterian church-, London, Will secured a positiol on, the name 1864, and there following the occupationof th e road to prosperity i from and over fifty iniured. be was ten years of ag) bin Lparents came Saturday next (only), May 6th, we boat,—Jbhn i the First Presbyterian � church, Baltimore. AN A%vrUL FiP.E.—The town o Guta, with their family to Can ida, an sell a line of nionla flne dongols, kid laced booiv] Ferguson feft on aturday for Ian,, a former. His first Ivife, died Shortly after and revived trade duiring the -past two -d settled in t ' a — PC � d At the close of big sermon last Sabbath county Komorn, Hungary, 'north-west of Goderich township whe �e the deceased con- with nice ve for $1,60; regular price 82.Wl R v. Mr. Jennitt of Hatiovertvecx o they came to Canada, and be was inarried.a, years and for which he Remember 1 "'ng t2s' second time in the year as4.ed that the evening, Dr. Johnston announced dy All sizea. W. �Ho. to take charge'ofill Trinity 1849 to Jane Rule, to his Budapest, was almost wholly destO yed by tinned to reside unp bxtur ocs 8cafodh. 1638.1 church Suniday til ab)ut ten years ago, Wiffis, bootsa,d ah who Survives him. Government shou a!warded the Just �ion ihat he had declined the call -Saturday, and many live' ne t. ld b, 90ffigregat firo a werel at. A when he removed 'to God rich. and would remain with - them. The an- kettle of burnix THAT DEBATE.—DEAn ExposiTon,—Juatl mode of credit which is alie them for this g grease in a courtyard set ; —After a long and lin ering illness, death because my name appears so prorninentiyiu� I tiouncernent was rece�v­ed with evident fire toi dwell* ig, and no efforts availed to very satisfactory st a so h came in the form of a a eet aleep to Mr. "That debate" of last week's issue; ppen. Manifestations of saisfic ion. ch6ck e-flam(s. The fire burned for 28 auld! I, L stMed that there would no �, be any changes John Rdie, of Blyth, on be 19ph ult. Ile because Mr. INDE Twi 1 — Vow in stoek p6re fiours, and died down only for lack of fuel 'Was born on the Buchanan in4inuates as ne u Ma III& a I nd Slaudaid 1 Bi and. Lew a your order - island f Cyigha, -Argy�le- he dare, that I did the reporting, an a in the tariff this year, a the The'bicycle seem�s to be a rather' unsafe after 448 dwellings and 932 al�ables and - d that early. C1088 I h I ptices. A J�i ilte Governtlient e ' 'Scotland, in 1817. Living among! a my name is so closely linked with d quant ty of seed - !po- her outhouse offer,'Mso maug)ld and turnip seed.to J. felt that as the negoti f teed for prominent poli, 0 I had been consumed'� Four- 14B dia- ation are still ii 1rog an7 ir t V,,, , th ii p cians about Ot- eafa ing people, he natu ally took to �he play of ignorancp,l - i Car4ning, ippen. 61 en charred corpses have been taikon fr9m i nected with' the af ress between this coull ry and the Urlited t awa to locomote on. Recently Hon. Al r. Be a livelihood. Aft r many arduous auditor's report, w�th your permission tie ruing, and number of persons are miss- feeL *OTV. arriiers ar now all busy vhth n and hurt, ocean voyages, he was w ecked on the is- in duty bound to reply a d deny -the iarge�� theiir a(edirg, 1wiich inakes 3ur village States for better trade rela ions between the and Lord i 3g. would POLITICIAN n ecided to give of reporting. But the la ghable . part, I of it qui�et. . Vilh I c uld not, thrive very well Anticosti. He th -land of d two countries, it o� be adviRablo soyerely sprained wrist' on. Sir up ocean life, and took to the lakes, where all is to hear the man of klnowle Minto is nursing BAD.—The Right H John Ro'ber Mowbray, father of the House dge, Who is 1hout, th arneis.—Mrs. Duncan,' of riff -ch on t orn fe* ayl 1, giving 'In t( 0 In to make any. ta h, hei6ion. 0 lie rest: eader, and now it has he sailed for about thirt in in debate, , is a, - the e of Mr. James M-ul. I I' ears. He wii of Cornmonrlince 18A, is , rote so anxious to.exbibit his isdo C, But, in the matter ome to the turn dead! Sir John from 'a hand "';before he maat " to the deal out his sage ad . vice t( your corres hot and or a of oil, hich has of th%.t- distinguished. owbray , as the first baro'b'et of that ond- I I her attention created so much di cus Co I gme, the bf; position of captain. e h a been a resident ent of two weeks:ago, is t Dwhere andi I to, her 3rotier,� Mr. I isplays ignorance. A 2d if �ou take no- who is a Al I to He has been.pitched off too e was born une 3rd, lorly.—Mr. James cDougall, Government will not interf�re with the duty a�n� has anstained injuries to 1 1815. He was that he lived in the princi at cities oil the tice again, he never menti� i C at , 8t9aesman from Pile of Bon' , Mr., Nicholas n created iii 1880, George ulholl . , a Sion ely- while the 0 od Davin. es robetcy being of Blyth for a number of y ars. Previous to hed how �a�d S on that article, they I I his Shoulder J dge Advoqat -General in 1858-59, and no the asue of who is 9 Al i 2-:10111ton is, we are pleased. to will ve all exist- In American side. r. Bui 'a experiencri on an audit r'8 report. I . r �hjch will confinelhim to bin residence for 1866-68. He w 8 a Conservative in politics, Wowever, _I made note, progresslog ni4 ely after his reiimt ii Ing rules and restrictions fimmo itol importa- Had it been his unruly member the lakes in -the early day of steamboating s9me reference to having on t k' operatio :i an, I iaL a ble o On the death of the Right Hon, I arles e,�,and Ing, be out of bed ioc- I -,h tion and in this- w =his shoulder, th made him an interesting n rrator of the' ma. some figures from it the night the dobate, cisionally.— ay decrease the cost of e accide't would Pelham Viillier,. Januar 16oh, 1S98 Sir Mr� `Wm. Riley, who has been Y rine events of that period. A rather strAinge and, it it, is not similar to the 'one a fellow lZislators J;hIl Mowbray 'became the oldest member fact i our op� for some, that at North Ba , has return atid a profit to a that he was joined i wedloc Y the artiold in some degree! to the consumeK i h4ve been a relief to hi mo all Canada. the Ho�se of Commons, otherwBe the k to his ponent expects they should issue, it is the ed, and is again"lu the employ. of Mr. Jarnes L With regard to the firiands be took much IINTON. 01 surviving partner just fif -three Yeats on auditor's report just the same, a father of t c house, y has - proved himself a over the Cooper. Mr. Rl pleasure in announcing a �The Conservati�es of' North Waterloo the day of his burial. 'He lea a family signature of C. H. Sproule, proVincial aidi- good Servant.— ; r. Thomas- McKay urplas of $4,600, of three sons ves 000 of receip ver eerlditu held a conve0ion last week and nominated and two tdr. Mr.Buchanau can have thi `I -rare curl- been under tie i v,�ather for the past few 0 daughterii I�re Mrs. Somu I Gracey, Wing.- oi�ity ", that he thinks sho' Id c weeks, havin ires for the I laughters. :The I 1E1' ron Notes. 4 -ommand such g had, a bad attack of the year ending Ju e, 1899, " 1; The pub-lic debt -Dr. Lackner, of Berlin, as their candi grip. date ham, and Mrs. Curtissa:fB yth. He was 82 a high price, by Bending TuE EXPOSITOR to We hope soo i tc. heao of his complete re - w n year- lb� 82,417 80, at the bye -election for the Legislature. —Exeter's po ulation is 1,841. address for lVe little and often that fills 2 this. years of age., -the purse, my 1 -I as for the Smallavings here and there �bat soon Clinton no has an all night t1l phone the year 1900. I corro�or� cov6ry.—M4t3D'ubcan, of Clivto"i, �1,700,000. These T - his election is rendered necessar ate every -Word of your �eporter of a few days t e: it ,�creaaed will be increased y by Dr. service. I �wo hegaost�of her aunt, i Alias ul. makb the dollars. Opportunities for money weeks ago, who evidently wished' to sc�een hollod,=Mt. R.1: hlellii, who Ifor i4rea8es in debt are incuired by the con- Lackner having been unseated by� the elec. —Melyin Gra am, of Stanley, has one to B h. e paving in dry goods 1;aying like those that cW imtom otfr friend a little, and, by � gentle reboke, time has been it) bealtE -e here to -da- a Oor id to JBRIE F.S. —Mr. Howar A exander lef G n teach him betten morals. If I had re]Roifted ingi a little.—Mi Ge rov at Y, come but seldom. All the �if str1tiction of permanent 'works and tibn courts. The Reform candidate is Mr. Rossland to pus his fortune. 1) is n A to ro bet4r Way from a few cents on a small purchase ­�i 1� qWnLais Ge rge e h, ring the a speech andwished do im ustico year growing le dents of Berlin. The Reform e urps, is , -7. L frier &. - - hth X resi. n f hi orge raftways. The increase iq debt is, year by Brieuthaupt. Both candidates- are bi kn —The popula ion of Gfoderiah, ace rding Friday last for Wini ip g, f ter a sojour t6 the4sses8nr's t 401) four months among Mr,8.'Ale atter, was up to two, three- or four dollars on a larger sa, as these improvements, candidate -1 I - mi ve oriefarther andgiven some of latti"er end of the eek -44 roppiug on old- one canbeeaved by taking advantage of —Jaes S. arDion has eed app intE ander will remain Wit tim� acqua I lot; nee It h parents I ha�s been mayoriof the town �rtd warden of �d wild"assegirtions, such as the public r ac- otter daysi eemed � to our low prices on the Wise sue I f 9 hi� an post inaster at anes, Aj3hfiel( towns ip. and Mrs. -James B4ntley uring the sum- co nt .man f, ock, It. h as the enlarging of canals, etc., are be- I t6ecounty. Both -c ilidateR�biaaidtobc ,'�� e kdptin a ca)relesa-way,knd hav I w 6 dawned on or: —The fru t crop. is iiiust all be Sold out at the Wisenlun. store, -enchi lef b n atur began ed " After !ad. proTJ in well an if ck Frost o ly stays —Bptton & F ssant, -of righam, have mer.—Mr. Edward r v v t 9 ing completed. The increase in the debt etrong men, anj the contest is likely to be a ut if tbe Liberals unite 0 0 w c "ne erre properly audi and you rn.-,ght an W611 profit, -by Oe selling in the year 18,97 was over three million hot and bitter one, b the erectio f a large addition to their day� for Str where has secure 4 tniqing that the Government bad a little his' a d we rity :)ok or a big yield "of of it. dollars, and the yea their forces as they should position as factor —Mr. B t Moore left o leclared that lh' municipalities fr tit. Fruit, le Brumsels Br r before nearly five dd they, will in I ram era holild loo well to elect their man.' !8aturda, Mapl�ewood, as e 0, arld a half million dollars. -,So that we The date� of he election all lt� ce were ed up in debt -. t r ees tNa) th �y ar anch of the Upper Can. for where he h of rtkle rohv Swal tr e re f r in bl I k FOUR BIG CAPTSNAPS. has not yet been fixed. ads, B ble Society for the year just ol sed obtained a position iii a cheesemaking estab- alp of c)urse each in icipality not a eak for knot, a ther`6 f 5 for _�l 0 are -m Owing it &king good proress towards lishment.—Mr%s. a, fin $ 2 making raised $103,53 J. 1B. Ke ly, of Goderich, itse f that theulRleform pa ty had always'. to r�m &in. Co of Seafor h, is ju- The Wiseman stock of Carpetg must be of t e Satarday — e t r�ua to ep of Smith's school, in "rey I and Mr. Patrick Mocre, ol Stratford, are p .1 ends meet, and it is hoped that next year, , 0, beeIL'against every useful 14 Islation." - He speator for thi distrid ,, a The- illustrated pagea Ji lowns� ve rehased a fine bell, to be visiting at Mrs. James Co oton's and also nd he in orms *us sold out at this store. Here are four price there will, not'only be a Substantial Surplus, Globebave recently contained portraits and emu the dairy that he is ke6 ng his 7es open an that bc' hints that will give you an idea of bow the pla( ce evei t went so far as to , 1 sell ol building, assisting in pqarring for th 3 Sale which she school in connection wi con r ector i of persons. —Su&er MCI is selling: on the but that the increases in the debt will have biographical sketches of old residents of th;� —Mr. W. J ­Fl uty, of the Clinton News. will have on h ( ay. Mrs. Coloton i th t e Agricultural will'be no nearly n Co4ge, at Guelph, 11 becaus it did not. pay fishiDgis now o .8 b ve bwn Heavy weight, good quality Union Car- Record office has v an no live if not altogether. ceae Prov4nce.- Most of these are men and wo- laughters.—Mr, explitses, and even stooped a low as to coiti� loati— 0oneialerii g -the ed purchased the plait of tends to live with her i number of e agone pet, revergible, new spring pattern, ne, men who have long paesed - th 1 the Southamp on eacon. Francis McCaughey, or., hai dispo"ed of cise Ithe personal appearance Miui4ter h lying Extra heavy Mri Foster, the Opposition finan' 0 three score his of he on the road and e u tity of ei cial critic, —Mrs. JohnM)Nevin, of Wirigham, )ass. house and lot, east ol� the ra Iroad,.to a lady Union Carpets, reversible 0 on , cou ere, we ni� dr4w patterns, qualities that will wear, the old them were even ed ilent majority S t I in Auburn. The sum realimd was $500.— would kill a Steer," and- then� w th the ol'me the onclusidii t, replied to Mr. Fielding on Wednesday, and and ten mark, and Some of* t the 8 'o of Agriculture, by saying 11 the ight of fii it is -putting it mildlyL A pecul- adeased had been B Mr. S. HeTrington ii re are not idle prices were 50c and 60c our now price 4t1c to Bay that he had a e years, 't any I n a a having a beautiful tiOn, attacked he persolual hen n the 4'0 ry. Gat M �'(dv eu 11 t. 1) ill f o r "oaZ IM boidering on the five scor 29- I e air �f delibera iar4y in connecti L People is ti e. She was -den- akiing and Pure Wool Carpet, made from clean yams difficult and discouraging task, but he made -on with these 29iyears of age. fence erected in front of his residence and is -char cter of the. Nlinis�er of a u.c ho e-cleanir e tbe'Aief occupaltiotis �of free from grease� full yard wide, u rubbary planted.— 1 age: I need old prim the best of it; and none could h4lve done tha most of them are either natives lang not repeti iio the ay. Gc (�dl- d husbands !have �to were 7,5c and 80c, our new price 60c. Firc did �bo t $100 worth -of damage also havi g Bome sh a Th e Mm rp-Irl Tple or are Onward bicycle shop in Clinton, on* Housecleaning is the ordr of thw day gta�t of Irish' extrad one r better. Sir Richard Cartwright 1 tion emenl:s*which must havell live n Will reply , Thursday of last -week, Th gasoline from 1 everywhere. —Mrs. Curtis ' luired a�,`me a littl 4ainer 'food during tb whi h would seem to indicate tiat the Irish Was, visiting exertion to make p - ese Fine quality Tapestry Carpet, closely to Mr. Foster when the debae the brozer I ked gut and cam , f o prove. [He day$ of house -ovorhaul'ing, —Rev. Mr. P covered, dark and light colorings, ea e igniteo. i alt- d priew is 1'requined. are a Ion er lived and more robust people friends in Wingham this weik. then went on to belittle the rf sent system ergo 50e and 60c, our new price 4�`el. —M of Torc ntloj is expected to lecture in were The discussion will, likely, be continued for t ail are.the people of any other nation- Doyle, other of Judge B. L. land of education, and co St. Andrew's doarch on the 99th of this If you have a small *room that will J. J-, Doyle, of mp4re ft with the vera. daY9, as there are always many alit., . ic in probably the cai . The last Sudbury, -supei ior one in is own eye to ariv years me take - - - - - th, Mor B �-rticulars la on Moaday of las' week, at the advanced a from ten to fifteen yards of carpet, y porbrait of t is kind publish*ed Lakelet. ago �orgetting for the ti'me bji ter on. on Can BRBE� THE ftouetaclies me of the Worli 8 at 1 It Chicago, memberg on both aides who desi�e to air )y the Globe age of 85 years, J Thi remains were'bro ght ing that at that of the ate Mr. Johr Lucai, of O the t do it for little, money it - you can find the .0 to Goc"erich for in rment. right length among a Ot of remnants w.eare them elves on the budget debate, and in kooke township, La, off ear to e fashiotiabla'at-present, at rnbton launty. He app wher political parties we e w h one accord 1:qowiek. clearing out -at cut. prices, thid wa show their constituents that they was 98 Years of 4ge. and a natii c —M -a. John Ti fin, an of un 'd residen of :Ieabt our burgo era think so, as the have all seeki ig to promote the ell b /olborne Um n8hip, di n of their 1ohn Montgomery a mak. ICarlow, Ireland.1 �d on 'Tuesday, � gone, even Tom! Bennett's' rn� 6sai ve � ace ing repara a t :bare. No. 1 people, not a . '�0�o ve, his 'S AND EMBROID i,dcc ��r t Nile' ( people and their countr t e e.u4tional tio -h. know something. His wife, wh) d eye t" f I g illnesi, aged 70 Ye are. r, being barn rebuilt LACE years ago. was 93 years of age, ' �n w ating to be be- syate� bim and the cr& 0 of Ontario was pronou ci d, by- more, before fiarvcm4-1 r.; Jacquem has a cured a ri Y DeceaE ed leave u them 9 childrpn,i 81 grand* gons owns- competent judges than my PEDnent (but Noxon eii, 'dr -11 for $60 fr in Me 'On Saturday we will place on leave behi sa s6rrowing h sband, two 'hind the times, are in it -too that ex -t at id four daq liters. ne* The representatives of the Dorinion Al- ur school on Wedn.sday.— f regular prices, �, I �,� ; l t Tom, of Helena, Montana, gave their I ela. that those who had the beg J crop are the isited ( hal Over 800 yards of !aam-' , i children, aw 148 great-grandchildren. 9 i4exa ted an opinion Lewis, Cliffoi a- ideries a Prohibition by Provinces i man of yours, Matthew' Me )eimott, bein who, ' perliaps, had not as 1:�;Jlnopecior Robb, f Cli - lot of Laces and Embro —M and�Mrs, Homer Cooper and son quite boyish looking. It follows though of th meelves as he has,)� to] be head and ton, v t less'!than The Statement �een made that Wes shoul�'diers above all other i I We are plea4 a t( liance and the t1emperance inernbers of the tives i i Clinton a, and iwas .1 oked I 6,ra that the commisi. bric and muslin embroideries and white, an agreeable surprise by d Tom BAnnett is easily upon as a model system for other nations to sioners saw fi no; grant a :icense to odr cream and Colored laces tbat hae been! 10c, 1ections dropping in on th(m, on Monday of I others, for, even with the folloi 7. It was not bees, ise hO' to Ched a hotel. We h Me, 30i se, or such -a 121c and 15c per yard while the lbt lafts Huron and Brockville Dominion e most improved, an Dominion Parh�ment, who have been 'in last ahead of at are to be prc tested, and that this course week, f6r a viait'o'a few weeks busine's r t that those inperested your was decided on at a catioug 'f thi Ontario —On Thursday n6rining of last weelit, as pass for 25.—Some of the farmers are using ou6h i, commotion. The Stop e �s' w his ex- in that busin( Be ji ill eek R%n!e bet�ter em- conference at intervals during -the present 1 wrinkles in his face, at a dij tance he would oore i pot i a the enemvlo -am hat raised in our town, nd�- choice at 5c a yard. 0 session of Parliament, haye at length � Co nseratjv�o at Ott Mr. James Culbert as taking material from the seed -drill these days, w ile others have awa last week. In so aggetations. When a gore a ot! �is pointed plovment. —T le worth Le' h AT BARGAINS, rived at common- groand upon which all the jointing machi o 3 at the Goderich organ done noth.; g with it as OUR H far as West ye The land is cup, e at once a ly som healing oint- thei­ �e'vfli�ng Of meeting from Huron is concerned, e changed -hey have agreed PI ow. Mont, b at es the g3*41: people of Thursday to event 'hive agreed to tand- b rc we fancy ,�ttory',,, his. right I Bud in some unex lain- only begini ipg to get in ] per shape n T nife, —McLaugl lin and. Schaffe , of Fordwich, WA:l n in to see their fpllo N bj6n the report must be astray,'as, if we are not in liner came it contact with the ut wh F( ug.—Mrs. We have sold an enormous number of upon and prepared a resolution to be sub- mistaken, the tim ut off his fD tr fingers. for som pened the Wisitman. which : ay) WbIo has! Men's Hatto since we e for enterin bought up, EL lot of ho nity last diere rd for the truth. But let' e explain 'provng.—Mr ohn regg be I nder rnittd tP Parliament, during the present has long, since exp g a protest � —J. 0. McPherk gs in his vioi rts store IVB no wO 0 :However., there when you ansider ired. son of Reeve Me- week. Th4 ty paid 4c ?3er p und for them. — to a bd k fit I m e harles HubbarR 9 mession. This resolution will call for the I wou d' tgitn.. Oar campaign I I ain the prices good hats are bein sold at. Boyie no -use of at protest in ei Phersop!, of Turnb died one day last James Horton,, of oul'burg visited Brock. at on. John Sandfiddl and. ther cas), a Wi lie soft felt hat&, good qualities, -in black, fawn Ia in the event of the seato� beinj vacated, eek, in Morpeth, near Bothwell. BonaId 'e, t1loppell have started wor� 1passing of a general prohibitory law, to w Decased ville last week, and aB yo ex itement is hih- left a! surplus of cash and tr4st i formerly resided in Turnb�rry, J funds, to- 4gain, t of mor Ing engaged with Mq and brown, old price 50c, now applyto any tke sitting members. would probably be re- -and had there over the quibbli ig an I frau�d p I I price province Qr territo erpe- gethet, (mark you) amoun I Harris and e I " t r with Mr. Ferguson. -.t. nd soft ust in y hate, trated by the Grits. If t hey have done $7,000,000 subject to corts, ions a Mr. John Galbr'!W of Palmerston, is visit- ry which, elected by increased majorities, Anyw been teaching school at, Morpeth for Some In to near A big lot of men's hard a years. To i0e by popular vote of the qualified electors, there will n 'Saie wong they deserve to be punisped good terw 'rds rferred t it ot likely be more than one the thing for saving a good one, your ;V0 sion more —00, Monday of last' 0. ow, r.' chanan, ing his brothdr James.—Mr. Mair, for 25c. Our greatest hat value, the Doe we 'May accept tiie same. It will be provide before a general eledion, and t e week, Mrs. F. De. and severe.—Mias Bessie Ritchie, who via- you should have known better t "an to get !student of Me h have sold the moat of—men's fine fui felt d �aut io Gill college, will take c 9!g �iu the proposed bill that the vote shall be majority of the Government is � -at present So Wolfe, of Brussels, received a telegram from ited in the vicinity of Galt �nd yr during your 5gures mixed tl�p as you di in your. f the services A' Boes' and the How Ledors hate—in blacks, browns fawrijivAll lar e. that a seat or tWo is neither here nor North Branch. Michigan, stating, that her the ast four or five i riontl in, returned 1�taken at the. time of the general Federal to letter of last week"S issue, for th t was the Miss! I Montgomery is Ivisiting' I � test in either son, John Cook, died the previous day. He her ome here last week.—Mr. Huh Car- very point in which Tou were call ht so do.;, ;her aunt in Wro"XI et.�r. .50, our prifte $1. 18, t ere. The talk of a pro case ood shapes, Wiseman prices were $2 and election, and the law,' when carried, must therefore, is likely only t 1k, a 92 a 0 the Con- was about 35 years of age, and was a former son, a man 84 years o! age, and'one of the liberatel remain in force at least four years before a a rvatives are not apt to waste their good I resident Brussel . He leaves a wife and pioneers of Howick, died 'last Saturday y attempting to mI'ep Imoney for so small re' three ch'l re truth land mialea:A the - people b omitting -7— 7ote for repeal can be put. The proceed- lults. mornirit He had be M u3well for some to read the last clause of th 81bence, o 'HI aiett. ra rown n to Ja ea tinne. ne of he u oat unri ight of the debate. utf will give VACCIXATI Mrs 4el relict of the la e was o ght and the f Brownlee, of. HUI ON-�Bv, order of the ngs for repeal a rie to be Similar to those for The debate in the House of Oommons a le t, died at her home in popular men of the to, vnshj p. H Illet Z funeral you c edit for finishing'it afte it I wait twi ;Board of He&46, 1' i Drs. MeCan oinj HODGENS BRO.S-I I ee I i �ringiniy the measure into force ; that is, fc w days ago on a niction to remove the 01inton, o I Slonday of Wit week. The de. took'place on Monday last to the Gorrie dems, ded of you, and show' ttere will at he repeal vote must be taken at tl rt C indil irig t e audience Wa �6UOJ each respecti ly ceaied wa i born in the county of FermRn. cemeltery.—Robe and Andrew atleaitoneof your eharacte�ris Co. NoV, thei following places he time of dlity from coal oil bei n�g imported into this 'agh, reland, sixty-four years ago. i � ind hoursator t e DIRECT IMPORTERS I election. If the law should be ntry -Wlien Brown, stone -mason at d b k lver respee- Mr. $ditor, there would not Ve ' rich satis. . pos p of vacci. puri cou exhibited strange 'pham of about two years old she came to C 118,049 I all children ui der 1$ with the other me bers of the a a tively, left this week f r nitobN Wh faction in meeting our friend In a debate, f of charge and 4 unvaccinated C u, d n 0 r h .0 i T p el I0 W e 'eJ4 d%3 D —M d tly pp it ay. A ell litic&l hu NOZeand goes a 00d f Am il�a, rooni OLINTON, 01viT. ied in any province or territory, no po man natur , ork in their* 11ine ap, e booming- Zre and f or Mr. Bulger's ve o and zb that a 9 nd w a eon id- the correctness of old peel. Tlhere She resided until her marri e well.��Sinee I"b writi rge Sanderii ge, it W us- At so o iqu the b �=can-legall b sold tberbin,importe settle Boltonvillage, inthe count of Bro" was there all I It inmer md did gentle manly chaUen -gh o P10% Inn wo. y e di way'to prove fee Of laor manufactured for ale therein. This adge, it depe uds v�'n wh ered in the early days ne win- Monday May Sth it I So 0$.e Ox iR being to Mr, James Browalee, on September I who lives within one a 9 . P. nL Selling the Wimion stook st die quirter miles ter. With the greatest rem oh�ol, on Taeeday, *ay 9th, %t 1,3 M 0 our P. Wimman store, CUntm 016 Blak* ,xti v7eek, 60112men�l -be'n uov�l J-- W. I ,h jat 3 and 7.31 Pre'ac -- d � via-- each evenlbg Ov Vrtaeh in the Bo . j�abfiath I L 0� 'in- Brulc B, P Jqre and ADonveyA00614 ulom Wount of money . iaped free 'or Owned Ammn# 'Of P`1 At borne -every nomill irmak- —,A smewbat eel - rredt At the homl vem - of Stratford, the oth4 had beeii�out s big gun, with bo t �Q-aid Against the i witig -Supper, a, litt . hold, 4 �the t V er.,&l tof the pertot ,,ceivefi,,ehargesf 15 lorturiately no fatal relic w.bich he fi, 40. the 1pte James P -o-' elerk *f the th, a retiurit of the J trio I cemibejr� 1871, whf Thomas BA;3 nCam vote stood : F -64; Briaton onA 40*mpbell wer� Uwg 106 'Vo� Porter, Malil ,,a $%ogg­ Are since and Mesa] per pay IV -of' 1. doz-- i per buxib, w) reW) per barew, pfir-eord- (long).­ pervrd r b%,Jr­ fjoed ...... Dairy I TOUONTOI - may weak. Deliveries -ar-4 rlowtr -on all a W! Creamery easy me As follows Dafr Ur- 0'rolls, - 11 to 12' g a a*.- about 13c; 1:80 ; at 4W, i0hew—]Nlarket stes kere sell tat, I Il fry now. Eggo—Receipts prifto hold about Ato *eU'wg to -day in the�� L MNTRZAL, AUVY 7 very little 44emand A TNlbe we %iostly iu V and -creamery. Pair, mold -during this v �quotfttioris are about Coll b6nghthe& 1 the ba r price I .8 ame acl ,at 16 mencing to come I quantities. IOne firm -at I 94rul to 9J bete, aul' exports tire not likeli but to inereme, E91 inand at 11 to 111c. UTICA, X. Y " ai Board of Trade saieW follows -- 233 boxel 'be A xes -cheese, on sale. At Little aUs the 17 boxes of large �col �Bni%ll SiZog at 9C L; fel 16 to 1-71c. Toronto Po The ntaxket is Ste& track here to -day at, saboresell at %c. LOWDO"g, May 2ad- Zia ; Canadiane-, 5. Argentine Sheep, 5 to 7id. Urg n �unsold. UVERPOOL. May here and in Londoll: $fears sell at 10j to, Eve sheop are at Weight) j- lambs are t refrigera, ee.f is Ic 11170- : . L , -Aers were resent w 'r, witlir $in last V beeves ratoid, iat from.z Priatty.gpod stock -at -the common animals ruCalves sold b ceP And L%mba-8, Per pound for the Sti It R to 5ic o -, full nalket to -Jay were -2 from 600 to 81 pere some of aler I, over $2,50,esch, H� tle lower in Mice, or per hundred 'pounds off the cars. 2 M:y onj ket Closed lull tr4 006d to beat amoo to good to be Port bulls 83,7-5 - -5 " o tutchers, -steers, $C2 fat 611s,63.50 to $4� 1 .50 ; "good to best fair to good hel COI so nd fat 00`ws, good '001"ImOn to good idlo. Choice :to extre. 'Inon to 'Good- coit'r stopk, �Ole raarket oopened $t t6 ­""Or - , ) ; ruixed, !3, 90 to 44 - pigs, 43.40 tc,43.0 ifte 'Were quo -'Y'orkei-to 0 U�mbli—'Tke bulk *f from45.8Q0n,to$*5r..1),5 And the trings ;V" be, choice to ie. ood to &Ir t* go( , . �dq fairl U25 to $5.,50. U715 to 15 g00d to 4001nmon to fa -air, ir $ fair demandi, IDU at U. TOUO��Tto MA to $6 percW - t'. 4U40 to SCL 11!0,"ttle sold 4of buteheW - 7bW L . 4 tie, export4lit, 'we *old *t $j,. 0 of good tO U500