HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-05-05, Page 2'ff
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" I
illAY 5 1899.
Lumbago, pains in the back or side, re-
sew swellings or Inflammation, find. mb
standing ground after an ipplication of
Griffith's Liniment-penetratea In a in-
ute, dispels the pain, stops the fe
fering. You wil find it better than plasters.
Mr. Mack White, 'well-known trainer of
the Toronto Lacrosse Club road the Osgo de
Football Club, says: eGrifflth's Ment ol
Liniment Is unequalled Or athletes and
those In training. 1 beep eased with lhe
best of success for sore ba k, stiffness, so
ness, sprains and all form of swellings and
lallanimation." 141.
f. •
A Guaranteed Catarrh Cure,
Japanese Catarrh Cure -use six box
buythem at one time -apply exactly a
cording to the dlrectione-and if you are n t
cured see your druggist; he will arrange
to pay you your money! back. There's a
positive guarantee with every box thit
lapanese Catarrh Cure will cure. No cur,
YOU .,get your money back. Guarantee
every package. 50 cents at all druggists.
trinets-five Cures in One Stutdred C
Wtthlit a period a alaty days, one hn
dred cases of Asthma treated by Clarke s
Kola Compound showed the marvellous pe
tentage of ninety-five absolute cures -a d
these figures- are gathered. from hospit I
records. 22 it bottle; three bottlea for $
SoId by all druggists, or The Griffiths
Macpherson Co., 121 Church street,' Toro
to. 121.
-...,-*.-Sold by 3. S. Roberts.
r*****. --""r•- • ,
FSALE.-In tbe Village of Hensall, a tine .ri.3k-
dwelling and store combined, well it ated . ar
centre ot villege Terms reasonable. AppJ Ito
MISS S. CARLISLE, 'Jensen. 16i
For aide the frame dwelling house and lot ricer •
the railway station in Brimfield. The home eon -
tains ten room ; a done cellar and hard and Boit
water in the house ; also n good istable. There ie a
quarter acre of land. Apply td ALEX. MUSTARD,
rIARSI FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 5, Coneeslion 6,
le Hallett, near village of Kinburn, containing
about 100 acres, all clearer' aed ia a good state of
cultivation. There are geed builingragood orchard
and pleuty of excellent eater. This is a 'spier' Sid
farm and will be sold cheap. Immediate possession.
Apply to MRS. SCHOAL S, C3nstauce E.. 0.
-DOR SALE. -For sale, in the Village of Wroxeter,
a dwelling house and shop. They are connect-
ed, and in the centre of t e business part of the vil-
lage. There is over a quarter of an acre of land.
The place is athlete in a firet-class place for business,
and is• now oecupie4 by a tenant. The property will
be sold cheap, and secod toms given for payment.
Apply to JOHN 13. VOGT, Wroxeter P. 0. 162041
MICR SALE. -For sale 220 acre farm in McKillop,
12 being Lots 24 and 25, Concession 10, and noIrth
art of let 26 Coniteseion 9. This land has been
In pasture since first clearecl, 25 or 30 yews ago,
therefore is rich and free faro foul weeda. Ib is
situated on the gravel road, five miles north of ea
forth and nine from Brussels. Terms of paym nt
made to suit purchaser For particulars apply to
W. (4OVENLOCK, Seaforth. 1694
MURK FOR SALE. -For sele, io the Township of
McKillop, the north 60 aoree of Lot 15, Con es-
sion le, boundary line. About 47 acres cleared, th ee
acres of gond hardwood bush, about two acres of
ehoice fruit trees, soil unsurpassed, yell drained nd
°need ; school half a mile away, post office rtO
church convenient; will be sold cheap. For er-
ticular% apply to the proprietor on the premises, or
Walton P. 0. DANIEL MoMILLAN, Proprietor.
1.1 South East quarter of section F., township of
Laird, containing 160 aeree. There are forb) acres
(shared and free from stumps and under crop. Com-
fortable log building& The balance is well timbered.
It is within tour miles of Echobay railway station,
and six miles of the prosperous village of Port
Findlay. This Is a good lot, and will be add cheap,
and on easy terra& Apply to WILLIAM SIMPSON
On the premiaes, or to ALEX. MUSTARD, .13ruce.
"DUILDING LOT FOR SALE. -The very deeirable
•.10- building lots, being numbers 37, 38, 89 and
•le situated on Main street of Egmondville and S2a-
forth. The whole contains about one acre, and will
De sold in separate parcels or together to suit the
purohaser. This property is just south of the
Woollen Mills, and Mr. S.Dickson's property eouth of
the corporation, and is considered the most dealrable
building site either for private residence's or a
factory. It is high and convenient, and has a street
south and west. Apply to JANE nr JOHN SP.ROAT,
Egmondville P. 0., Executors to the Estate of the
late Sohn Sproat. 1583-tf
splendid farm of Mr. Robert Govenlock, on the
North Road, a mile and i half (ram Seaforth. I
Contains 176 acres, nearly 11 cleared and in a high
state of cultivation, There is a two story brick
'house, good bank barn and everything In first.olass
condition and Weil.underdr ined. It will be sold on
easy terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. If
not sold before the fll 13 will be rented. Addrees
ROBERT GOVENLOOK, Seaforth P. 0. 1598 11
sale, tee residence ia
cupled by the underaigned.
house, brioked insideand
and a half of land, also a spi
of fruit, both large aud srra
main street, and has all nec
the park lot immediately in
-containing lie acres, on whi
and large stable, also an or
properties will be sold arset
properties are admirably a
er or market gardener. A
the propeietor, or address S
iarpurhey at present ore
There is a good frame
stab e, also over an 'lore
rend orchard of all kinds
L It is situated on the
slary convenience& Also
the rear of the above,
h there is a gaol house
hard and well. These
er or separately. - These
apted for a retired farm -
ply on the weirdoes to
aforth P. 0. WILLIA#
Snap ;Bargains in Real Estate an
Live Sock.
THIRTY DOLLARS -an acre will hue a 184 nor
farm -a first-class grain and stank farm -near th
Village of Zuriele in the township of flay, County of
Huron ;good buildings, goal fences, plenty of water
and a most desirable place; also throe thoroushbred
short horn bulls and three Yorkshire boars, all fit for
service; also several roadeter hordes, ail good stock,
and prices right. For partioulars apply to S. RAN -
NIR, Zurioh P 0. 161.23-tf
Hardware • Store.
We have a complete stosk o "Sap Polls,-
Spiles and Sugar Kettles at bottom prices.
We are also agents for the Whirlpool"
Also agents for Thorold Cement, and
quotations given for or lots or any quan-
tity required.
Complete stock of Builders' Hardware.
Estimatea given for Furnace Work .and
Sills & Murch
Counter's Old Stand, Sesfort
Being always in comaiimication with the lumber
dealers, the undersigned is in a peeition to supply
Lumber, Shingles Cedar Posts, etc.,
at the very lowest' prio s, either by the oar load or
otherwise. Yards -in te rear of the Queen's Hotel,
P. KEATING, Seaforth.
ngtoa, April .-At ,his time,
Wil011 4ho evil3 o the drink tie flic are be-
ing widely cli ou sod and the imovement
for tee Aboli ica of the degf ti,cling and '
brutalizing !t teen in el • military
camps is gal ing , many sup orteie, this
sermon by 1)4 Talmage, dealing with t�
breeder aspects of tho plague of iutei 1-
peeenee, lshould cheer and inspire tie
friends ellI temperance everyhere. , His 1
text is Exodu$.xi, 5, "Andtte re shall llie
a great cry throughout all he land Of !
Fegyn t. ' '' , • i
• ;This was the worst of the tun .plagues. I
Tito, destroying angel at midni ht flapptd ,
hie wing over the • land, an( -there was
oleo ch ad in vach house. Lamei tation and I
mouening and woo through all Egyp
That deetroying angel has fie( tete cart -1,
hut a far worse has .come. e swee s
destroYin g
through those cities.. It le the
feeiget of strong drink. Far WSJ '80 devast
tion wrought.by this second ham by 41 e
fiest. • The calamity in Ant,rica won; e
than the calamity in Egypt. Thousan s
of the slain, millions of the slain. leo
i waits ean =le uhtte their 1 lumber.
Onee npen it time four ficz cls met i
the loet world. They resolve. that tie
peeple of our earth were too appy, and
illeee four infernals came fo th to our
delehon einbassy of mischief'. The one
fiend said, "I'll take charge o the vine-
yards." .Another said, "111 ake charge ,
of the grainfle1cls.1' Another said, "I'll
tele/ charge of the dairy." AI other said, -
"I'll take charge of the mu ic. ' The four
fiends met in the great Sal are desert,
vita skeleton fingers elute ed each other
in handshake of fidelity, ki so cach other
goodbv- with lip of blue fie e and parted
on their mission.
The fiend of the vineyard ca no in one
bright morning amid. the gra es.and sat -
down on a root', of twisted g apovine ii
sheer discouragement. The end know
not how to:damage the vi atyard or,
through it, how to damage the world.
-The grapes Were ' so ripe /111 1 bettatifuil
and luscious! ! They beWitc: cd! the air
with their sweetness. There se ened to be
eo much health in every bu oh! ; And -
while the..fiend sat there lieu r indigna-
tion and disappointment he elutehed a
elester and smeeezed it in pe feet spite,
and, lo. his hand was red wit the blood
of the vineyaid, and the Lend said: -
"That reminds 'me of the bleed of broken
hearta• I'll strip the vine -Ser., and I'll
equeeze out all the juice 62 he 'grapes,
and I'll allow the juices of the grapes to
stand until they rot, and I'll c• 11 the pro -
MSS fermentation." And th re was a
great vat prepared, and people ane with
their cups and their 'pitchers
and they
dipped up the blood . of the g 'apes, and
thdy drank and drank and 1 ent away
dri iking, and they drank anti. they fell
in ong lines of 'death, so that when the
fie d of the vineyard wanted to return to
his home -in the pit he stepped from car -
to carcass and walked dow amid a
gr$t it causeway of the dead.
hen the second fiend cam 3 into the
gra•nfield. He waded chin deep amid the
barley and rye. He heard all he grain
tal ing about bread and prosper us bus -
ba dry and thrifty homes. He hrust his
• lon arms into the grainflel ' and he
pul ed up the grain and threw.i. into the
Wa er, and hp made beneath it sreat fires
-fires lighted with a, spark fro • his own -
heart -and there was a geindi • g and a
anaahing and a stench, and 4 le people
came with their bottles, and ther dlped
up the fiery liquid, and they damk, and.
they blasphemed, and they s agg ed,
and they foughre and they ri ted, and
they murdered, and the fiend o the pit,'
the fiend of the grainfield, was s pleased
with their behavior that ho cha ged his
residence from the pit to it whis barrel,
and there be sat liev the door of 1 e bung-
hole laughing in ;high ncrriinci at the
thoneht that out!;of anything sol 1 armless
ae the grain of the field he nil ht turn
this world into a.seeMing paede sloflium.
The riesid oIt" the Dairy.
Tho Bend of the dairy saw e oows
coming home from the pasture Paid f 1
ialdercd, antl as the maid milk -ed 110
'I'll soon spoil ail that mess.- I'll add
it brandy, sugar, And nutmeg, Ind rl
stir it into a milk punch, and hik1reji
people will drink! it, and if I can lo heth
aVill, drink it, and some of the ten poranc
no more harm I'll give theinne h ,adach
and then I'll hand- them oveer to t le mor
vigorous fiends of the satanic:dole ation.':
And then the fiend of the dali. leaped
upon the shelf and danced until he loiij
'1St '..' of shining` Milkpans almost ruaked.
• rho fiend of the 111Unie entered -, greg
spop, and there were but few cu tamers,.
Finding few custom's, he swept the eir
rot a the city, and he gather° Up th
niusical instruments. and after ightfall
he marshalled a band, and the tro nbonee
• blew, and the cymbals clapped, nd the
dieuns beat, and the bugles: cal ed, and
the people crowded in, and the swung
around in inerzy dance, each on with a
wineglass in hi&'hand4 and the nce, be-
came wilder and st onger and ougher
until the room shoo], and the glasses
: cracked, and the 11 k r broke, ae d the
crowd dropped into hell.
I Then the four flenda-the fiend of the
!vineyard and of the grainfield an of the
! dairy and of the music hall -wen back
to their home, and they held higi carni-
val because their work had been well
I done, and Satan rose from his th • ne and
1 anneunced that there was no da ger of
'the earth's redemption so long s these
I four fiends could pax, such 'tax iie the
diabolic. .And then all the demois and
all h fiends filled their glitz ea and
olieltjed them and cried: "Let us a Ink -
drink the everlasting prosperity of the
liquor trafllc. Here's to woe and . , ! kness
and m or and death! 'Drink! 1 • , k 1"
-I But, whether by allegory or by ppall-
g sttIstios this subject is preented,
Yeu know as well as I that it is Is pos-
sible to exaggerate the evils of ong
drink. A Plague! A -Plague! In 4 e first
mane, ten inebriate surfers • m the toss
that no um 10SOS 18 mph& ion except
of a goo name. od has so arranged it
by his t's n act. TI e world m y assault a
man an all the p wers of dat kness may
itssault 1. in -they annot cap tirelhirso
long as h s heart 1 pure an h1lt. life is
pure. • 1 the pow rs of cart and hell
cannot ko that G braltar. f a .man'is
right, all the born ardmont f the world
for 5, It, 20, 40 yea, s will onl, strengthen
him in s poeition So that 1 1 yea have
to do is 4 keep ourself ri ht. I Never
mind t e world. et it say • Mt ;it will.
It can o you'no d tmage. Bi as Soon as
it is w isbe prov el he begi s to go d wn.; What
eere , " e drinks," andi it can
olerk get a pos tion with $ 'Loh 0, repu-
tation? hat stole wants im?; What
church pf God, wan s him for member?
What dY1 g man N nts him or an exe-
cutor? " e da nks " I stand afore hun-
dreds a oung mei -and I sa it not in
flattery- plen,did ,, oung men, who have
their rep taon as their on y capital.
Yofather give you a good education
or as goo an education as hoc uld afford
to give y u. He startle' you i city life.
He cou d urnish you no in ns, ,but he
has suijroi nded you with Chri tian influe
ences ad a good memory f the past.
Now, yot ng man, under G 4 you aro
with yjiur own right arm to ac ieve your
fortune a d a your reputatisi . is your
only ca iti 1 dc not bring upm i
1 t suspi-
cion b go'ng n and out of li nor estab-
lishme ts •r by an odor of y ur breath
or by any glare of. your eye or by any
unnatu al flush on your cheeks You lose
your relpu e tion and you lose yo r capital.
ETh Loss of Self It-espe t.
The inc
that he los
you do, tro
not mu h
do thin s
will sa t
wise. he
or he 1 ul
and foci b
shwa h 1
made him
'horror.. A
this shterei
anxious to
can stop a any time he want:
fteinily becteme alarmed hi rega
and they sity: "Now do ketop ti
awhile if; Will get the 'Master.
"Oh, no," • he says, "1 k can si op at any
time. - I (An stop now, 1 c n stop to -
1 frimuls
are lbsing
. You are
n you can Weed.
elate suffers also •n the fact
s his self eespect, end when
a, man's self respec there is
eft of him. Then a man will
e would not do oth vwise, he
ings he would not say other -
fact is, that num menet stop,
stop now. He is blund hand
the Philstines. and they have,
olcs and put his' eye out andt
grind in the -mill of a great'
ter he is three-fourt s gone in
, the first thing e will be
impress • you with is that he
to. His
3d to him,
is. After
, of you."
say: "Wh
your bala
• going a lit
to go, 1.,o.i.had better top."
he says, ". can stop at my th
stop now." He goes on furth
-ther. Ho c tnnot stop. I will pr
lovestims if, :and he k
that strong drink is
body, nand and soul.
going daty) , and he has
less equip Lee of temper
Why does Jo not stop? ecauso he'cannot
stop. I will prove it by, going still . flue
ther. He levee his wife and oh' dren. He
sees that. his habits are bringine disgrace
upon his Mine, The probabiliti s are they
will ruifl. his wife and disgrac his chile
dren. He 'sees Tall this, andhelives them.
Why .does he not stop? He can .ot stop. !
! Again, the man suffers fro 1 the loss
of usefultees. Do you know s 1110 of the
itch were
es and; in
knelt at
rried the
on sacra -
they once
tehed the
will not
years .ego
man rose
pned. into
(1 Own.
yr sew that he was in oxicated.
ers led hien out am his poor
his hat- and oVeacoat and fol-
iate the door. Who w, s he? He
-been a mighty niinist !.r Of the
:Jesus .Christ in a ;sisto denom-•
lad Ofteri preached in this very
tt plow him? Strong d 'ilk! Oh. •
st he the feeling of a nazi who
)yed his capacity. for ueefelness?
i.no- not
'De not
His most co indent
, I'm :deal you
ce • with that habit.
le furtlice.•th
'Oh, no,"
le. I can
ana fur -
ye 't. He
ows 11 mert
(plan g him in
e OW5 110 is
11035 se contrel,
than e used to.
men who have fallen into the
once t le front rank inchurcl
the front rank in reformator
tions? I 0; you know they one
the faini y altar and (Moe
chalice o 'the holy communion
mental (I evs? Do you know
stood in the pulpit anti pre
gospel of the Son of God? We
forget th 3 scene witnessed. some
in my 13 ooklyn elaireh when a
in the in a:4G of tht
e audience, s
the a141 and walked up la
The us
wife too
/owed hi
had once
gospel o
city. Wh
What 11311
has .dest
Do not 141 angry with that man.
Joe youlr patience with him.
wonder it hi says strange things and gets
irritated easily in the family..Ho has the
Pyrenees and the,Andes and. the Alps on
him. IN not try 'to persuade hen that.
there is TO future punishment. 1 o not go
into any !argument to prove to h in that
there in / 0 Ilene He knows thee is: He
is there r owl!
But he 'suffers ale° in the loss f physi-
cal healtl . The older people in ti is audi-
ence cab remember Dr. Sewe I going
through thie country electrifyi g great
audience.. by demonstrating to cm the
effect -of strong drink upon 111 human
stomach. 4 ani told he had eight or ten
diagrams whieh he presented to he peo-
ple, shoe ing the different stagein the
progress )f t o disease, 0,nd I m told
tens of t ousands of peoV.e turn.d back
from th t eiflcermis sketch and swore
eternal a. sthience from 911 into icants.
Goel onl knows what the d unkard
sellers. Pam files on erery ne e and
travels every Muscle and gnaws o every
bone aild stings with every poi on And
pullwith every torture. What eptiles
crawl over 1113 shiverieg limbs! .What
specters stand by his midnight illows!
What gro ties tear the air! Talk of the.
rack, tall .of the funeral pyre, tal of the
Juggernaut. He suffers them all a once.
'he nehriate's Death.
See th at endants stand bac from
that wax( in the hospital where 4 e 'no-
b iittes a o dying. They cannot st nd it.
' le keep ?as come through it as d sa
Hush u now! Stop making till noi e!
1 still! ou are disturbing all th ot or
tients. Keg) still now." Th ie
le epees p tss o , and after they gib p st •
41 en the. )oor creatures wring the han s
ar d say: "Oh. God! Help, help GI e
me ruin, lye me rum! Oh, God! Hel
T ace the devi s off of me! Oh,, d; o
G di" nd hey shriek, and the bi s-
pl eine, a i d t ,ey cry for help, an. th
t ay. ask he 1- epees to slay them, a yin :
-`"tab me, stet ngle.me, smother • t. 0
Gd! Help, 11 1p! Ruin! .Give m• 'ru 11
0i, God! Hep!"They tear ou th tir
quick. This is n. fancy
h ir by the hardful, and they bi their
pi bure. It is transpiring in a hos ital at
this moment. It went on last nigh r while
you slept, and4 more than that,• hat is
the death some of you will die unlee 'you
!top. I see it jloming. God help on. to
stop before yon go HO far that you nnot
But it plagi4es a man also in the oss of
home. I do n t care how much he loves
his wife and ofiilclren,
if this hab gets
the mastery o'er himhe Will -do th, most
outrageous thi gs. If need be, 1 order
to get strong drink he would sel them
all into everlas Ing captivity. Thee are
hundreds and thousands of home that
4a -v-0 been iittt rly blasted of it. I am
speaking of no abstraction. Is ther an
thing80 disasi ions to a man for tlas 1e
and for the lit. to come? Do you 111 110
that a man ca. be happy when he s
he is breaking . s ife's heart and
in his &elide:, wllth rags? The
little children • th streets to -day
footed, nnkem.., urtloornbed, want
ten on every p: tali of their faded dress
and ,on every inl4e of their pre,. e-
ly old counten- 'cesI who would have ben
in one ntease or °a ED.18 morning s we
clad as you had it not been that stron
drink drove their parents dove in
penury and • then y
down into the gra
0, rune, rum, thou despoiler 'of ome
thou foe of ,God, thou. recruiting 0 oei
the Pik I hate thee!
But My subject takes a deep r ton
when it tells you that- the 1 ebria
Suffers the loss Of the 'soul. ' Th Bib
we go into the futur
the appetites a d pas -
0 repugnant he
' I suppose wh
up in the los
, infinite thirst c
uo this world he co
owever poor he
ld bog or he coul
11 invitation for that night is inne
g classed as not verized in the,
to soolety and not worthy to be
e• This is so deep -tooted In Creole 11
subh an j4vlfJ4Mhli Would be joeve
of if coming
"The b
O this crow
sages Of
114 as
from it bar -134140,n,
sI singerti save their TOIOOS fer
ing night, and the house Is
to like a pri ate balhoonl, where the nests
10 visit and laugh and chat from the b loon-
s les of the boxes as they do from lihd little
Iron balconies, that connect their houe4
ori 4r
t at
he erto I30 ;
pov rty, gnoltie
ies, igno e I all
rde to sa e
peaa 011 a
intimates that
world unforgive
sins which w
torment us the
inebriate wake
t ere ,will be a
n him. In
ng drink.
is world, he c
five cents to get al drink that woul
little while slak is thirst, but in
ity where will t • rum come fr in?
wanted one dro f water, bu
get it. -Where i1l. the inebriat
drift he so nnic reqUires, so
mends? No on to brew it.'
mix it. No one ti?' noir it.
fetch it. Millie is of
dregs that were thee
floor of the resta, rant.
now for the rind
bowl of an eart
for water. The i
,11 Iliteti
If it fiend fro'
coMe UJ) 011 a 111
haVing finished
shop, ahould ca
tip of his will
beverage, what f e
all through the NrOrld of the lost, a
that one drop of acoholic bever ge s
drop from the g of the fiend up
tongue of the an ibriate, how he
Spring up and or, : "That's it!
Rum! Rum! T at's it!" A
caverns of the los would ech
cry: "Give a to uz! R11111 R
my friends, the ebriate'e sore
next whrld n be the abse
or holiness oe
of rum. "L
-it is red, wh
worlds n
n on the
/lig out from
ba quet. D
briikte calls f
s will If one dces not go to the opeta on
n the day night through lack ef invitat
world money one is very oarefuli net to
awing elsewhere. giving out the suggestio
id get sickness or trouble impell d o o's
Vas in The proud Creoles of
steal some of them in grindba
for a
id not
oh de-
mo to
no to
or the
voelds to invito
uncle box, this
Lake a Serpet t.
the lost wor d sho
ssion to a gropsho a
h 3 1111551011 in the
e back, taking
one drop of alc
eitoment it would
all the Mardi Gas festivi
that cot s a picayune, in
amun o appear at the
day nig t. .
'No debutante of New
society in the cerrect and
nor unleas ;she make' her
on thiaParticular eVenin
aspirant bas stiflieiezjtt m ney aind t
secure the goodavil. of el. leading f
her debutante delight r 'i • to
daughter has received the un
Orl no
a.p roved
obu1 IT/
. If the
11 d
a e
na°dm $
i, ki def
n the
'ha ;'s it!
id a the
wi h the
1)1 1' Ah,
ewe o nGtohde
light. It will be 51 08 genera
ok n 4 upon the 1 ine when
n it noveth itself ari ht .in
the cup, for L5 th last, it .bit 1411 ike a
serpent, and it sti geth likean tdd r."
When 'I see thie ilague in the lam and
:when I see this de. troymg ang 1 s cop-
ing across one gr t cities I un onte-
times indignant iti d sometime In mili-
ated. When a 11181 asks me, " 'aft are
.eou in fever of ar . the subji gat. on of
.this evil?"' .1 ans ver, "I am teat y for
anything that is r Itsonable." . Yo ask
me, "Are you in f vor of Sons of Tem-
perance?" Yes. 1 Are you 11 fa or of
good Samaritans?' 7011. ' ou in
favor of Good Tem tare?" Yes. 'Ar1e you
in favor of prohibit nee law?" es. "Axe
you in favor of the pledge?" Y s. Coma
bine all the influei ces, 0 011 isti n re-
formers and philf ethropists! Coi ibine
them all for the ex irpation of bus
Thirty women in one of the w .stern
States banded. to ether, and wi$i an
especial ordination 'rani God tl ey 'went
foreh to the work and shut ip all the
grogshops of a go village Thirty
women, with their song and ith their
pre:yea And if 1. 00 or 2,000 Christian
men and women ev-*
tam from God sh
the reeponsibility
charging their miss
city shut up all the
Bub I must not d
must come to specii
If there is any ser
sermon: on generali
tiee. Are you astra,
far you think you 0
I say a few mome
might go to a point
he could not stop?
reiterate it. But
understand that, w
of his own strength
stop any Irma. You
of the strong a.in
th an especi ti ordina-
uld go for h feelbag
their work and dis-
on they cou d in any
veil on gene ulities. I
es. Are y u astray?
on I dislike, it is a.
I want personali-
? Have you gone so
tnnot get back? Did
ts ago that a man
in inebriation' where
Yes, I spid it, and I
want lyou also to
Ile the 4ian himself
caniibt sop. God. can
have onl to lay hold
of the Lord God
Ain ighty. He can stop you. Many sum-
mers ago I went •vdr te New York one
Sab zath evening,- ur el urch not yet
• wen
• Nee
g open for the
e into a room 11
York, where a
al services. I -
Fourth Ward,
s service was
',eine held for refori aed dr inkards, and I
heaxd a revelation t1a4 ni bt that I had
nev r. heard before -1'5 or 0 men stand-
ap and giving ltestinony such as I
had never heard gi en. 'hey not only
testified that their' hear4s had been
cha ged by the grace of Goi, but that the •
gi*c of God had extinguished their
then 5. They went oi to sa V that they had
refo mod at different times before, but
imn edit) tely fallen 1 causq they were do-
ing he whole work 13 Clef own strength. !
"Bit as soon a we gave 1 our 'hearts to !
God " they sai d t e love of the
Lorc .Jesus Chr st ht s comb into! our 8041
the hiest has.a 1 go e. We have no more
disp sition for etron . drink." " .
It was a new revel ton to me, and I
have proclaimed it gain and again in
the hearing of those who have far -gone .
astray, ]and I stand here to -el re, to tell,
you that the grace of the L let Jesus
Christ ea.nnot onlyave your oul, but
save your body. I 1 ok off to -day upon
-the desolation. Some f you are so far on
in this habit, althoug there may be no
outward 'indications it -you never have
staggered along th street -the vast
majority of people do not know that you
stimulate, but God knows, and you
know, and by human calculation there is
not elle .ohance Out of 5,000 that you will
ever be stopped. Bewt rel There are some
of you who are my -w tem personal friends
to whom I must say
this evil habit, withi
your body, yen will 1
Ard's grave and, as to
you will lie dawn in
It is a hard thing to
and I utter the warni
blood upon. my soul.
you open the door of
the decanter flashAit
soul, "Beware!" A
beverage lot the foam
the word, "Beware!"
of God's judgment, w
lion drunkards shall
doom, I want you t
day, in love of your
God,- I gave you ev
that influence which
felt in your hoine, bl
its lights-prernbnitio
ef darkness forever. "
.0h, if you could on
ance with drunkards'
on the top of the
March" of immortal
home and kneel clown
rather than your c
become the victims of
might carry them •o
and put them down
waiting for the flower
over the grave -sweet
resurrection. God bat
evound, but what flo
row on the bla
rd's septilcher?
at, unless .you quit
ton years'tie
0 down in a drunk -
you. immortal soul,
• drunkard's hell!
'y, but it is true,
g lest I have your
mare! As td -day
our wine clos t let
word- upon our
you pour outthe
t the top spell out -.
In the great day -
en it hundred mil -
me up to get their
testify - that this
•ul and in fear of ,
ening in regard to
has already been
wing out some of
of the blackness
y he invemper-
• bones drumming
me cask the "Dead
ills, you would go
and pray Gad that
ildren should ever
this evil habit you
t to the cemetery
the last slumber,
of spring to come ,
prophecies of the
a balm for such a
✓ of comfort ever
heath of a drunk -
Must Be Introduced to New Orleans
Society at t • 0 arra.
"SOnieti goes to th Fr oh opera on
Satujrday.night becau it great-grand-
fath rs handed the c tom dawn to it,"
Wei s Harrydele k in The Ladies'
Hone Journal. "So esta lished is this
cue m. that no soc f often la ever
prep ed for Saturd4 ening during
the- son. The famul t gives out an
in it-
precious hall -mark of sooktye f a ma
who owes a social call pays the 9a111 to
his frien s in the14. box a the op4 it iS
just the same as .0 he calkd their
house, he centre botes are reserved for
thoe deb tantes. There they receive the
homage ne them; there they are Wooed
and some Pries won, but certainlythere
they ma e or mar their chances for:belle-
' hood. • S•me of the debutantes may wear
the eimplest of muslin gowns, lent the
simpliei of their costumes never counts
against 41 e fact that they are there."
"I am reatly indebted to you!" is a
• tin to all
Prin,si stock of Furniture is complete. We extend a special havita. -
•admirers of good furniture to inspect our .stock. We have always
new to show you in new designs and finish at close prices.
;This epartnient is complete with. a large
ion of the best goods, mad
i it tention given to this -branch of the bu.siness.
iht •ralls promptly attended to by our undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, Geder,
4tOet, ISeaforth, opposite theiMethodist ehurch.,-
We are n
1819 model
Euless s�
nton sbl
tool Sc- e4; finish- lack, handsomely decorated ; furnishings-tooi bag,
containing Atria, oiler a d pump.
We h ve in stock bo h ladies' and gfiits' wheels at the above prite,
Other makes at slightly advanced prices.
es for $
offering good Bicycles for $25 cash.
, Old gua,ranteed. Some special features:
inchPs ; f aine parts, 1Z.: inch Shelby seamless tar ilig ; for
1 fork sides ith arch crown; handle bar, steel with cork grips;
miles ; heel base, 44 inches; rims, best •selected wood ;
le J tube; p Is, rat trap or rubber; saddle, brown pattern - bear.
These wheels are
1 holds re00d Iitntjl May 7th
polite re nark that a, great many men r • ,
i y•, .
could tru ,hfully make to- the grocer and 1 r00. S: or.e
the t)r0171. 10IS defiler.
The unsuccessful man never layrs any-
411ing, ex 3ept possibly- a -grudge, against ; -----I-4-----'
the Worl !
It is ea 7 enough to mana e a Wife 1
provided -he isn't yoUrs.' •
It won t do for spoitsmen to taik to the
returned soldiers about the delights of
cainping ut.
The nit n who is al vayspunc ual never
gete, to a lace a minnte ahead of time.
Evee so' e usually has to wait for some
one lelse.
Hew d es it happen that the a 'miner
girl' Dev r screams until after s ; e ha$
beep kiss „d?
When ther peoplle tak th ir uting
the Hum er resort man has his miing..
You ea 't offend al 14-y r -o d girl by
estimatin her age two year' to hIgh.
It is al right to look bef re oti. leap, I
but don't look so lop that ou ose your ;
chance of leaping.
The ei 1 who leavethe p int of a pin i
sticking ut of hor belt le bin oesn't
deserve t be hugged
It is go erally safe to say hat thb man
who hear- the clock; strike at 3 O'clock
every morning isn'It sum ssf 1 in his
The -,.p 3ss1eniet jullges t e . 'o ld by
hileself, 4nd so does p.t an i just ce.
The ni at kopular Man in to n is th
mail wh cal "expresS his npa by withj
your mis o t ines as if he r lly nea,nt
A. 3/
del Stahle-Ke per.
ot long s 1100 I was spen ing a nigh
wit4i a frien in New York, and was hie
vited to an irly ride in Sential Park.
The offer ewe, gladly aecepte , a I 14eow-
he had a OW ber of valuable *lo rses,
which weae ept at a public tab e. 'he
I expressed s rprise At hes N 1111 gne s
entrlest such aluable horses to the car
of anyone b 1.4 his ovn tr inc gr one
he said:-IitTh man who keels 4 is s abl
is a born eta le-keope and a go tie an
His men are careful y sele•ted an th
following ar his r les: F st, no nen
will be =pi yed whc drinks int -leatin
liquers. His men, 1i10 his h rs us
drin1 . wat a told water only S-on4, n
man inustaspeak loudly te) aei of th
horses, or in the stale whe 6 they are.
Horses of good blood are ervOus, an
loud, excited -conversation is lt by every- I
horse in t e stable who hears it. •Exited
words add 3essed to one hors are felt b
every- °the horse evhcl hear them,' an
keep them all nervous land un$lasy. Third
no man in ist use prOfane 1 tnguage14
She hearing of the 1101 SOS. "
elewas not surprised 44ter ;that that my
friend was willing to lbave his hors(ts th
such handi.
'They also reI
beligestion an,d
fat remedy f
mos, BaaTa.st
Subs t u
See you
Ask for
Insist an
When you seek the best fence thatean be made from
wire, we know that you will buy the
Famous' Coiled Spring Page. -
14 isn't Ike any other on earth -it's better. It was
the first and it is still the foremost woven wire fence
For the trutb about Its :tees and quality, address
-- 7.7 F• ---a`l;
Pi! IM01(1,10
,1111111• Alli111411111114 ilif IMO 1iilet4111.111 1111111111111•111.,
• • mf•ff • •••• •••• =MO. •MIONtnarrelMii • MON..
emolt.".011•• ••••• 0-111.1.0 • ****** tos • •Imin ••••••••••••••• • WERIm.• •
1n*. I II 1.119/1111.110111111
• ar,
• MIMI • Mb UM • frfallIti til .11•01 1.1 II ISO • •••• MOM • MM.. IMO VI MN
• j
A man lwho lately! crone over rpnil
Canada tol1 the writerthat oi boar c the
steamer on of the pas engers lweuS ulpto
another in the smokin -room and a, -ked
him to have a drink w th h1n. The plan
thus invite d continued readi g. a Mein -
paper andmade no 1replye1 Thee (Aber
Irian again eeked him ta drinli with him,
No anewert las friencll a! Wy as posi-
gain. A third. ineitation was
i e
then. given re these wolrds: " 'ir, I li ve
asked You
ble to drin --, with me, nlnd eae time you
went on wh your reading, a d had. flot
t le civihitylto answer Me. No I ask you
f r the: thi c tii»e if yen will rink Witte
whisky or ything else with me?" The
inan then put aside 11's pa er and an-
swered iler I quietly: " o you see that
glass, kr. Well, if I w re te ake even a
quarter of it I could 11111 leav off until'
1 had drun all the liquor on oard. This,
is why I would not dirink vith you."
All present admired the 11 all'S self-
control, and learned.a serikin lesson On
the danger of putting temp ation in a
14other's-way.-From ` he Qn ver.
-Mr. Stanley Charlt n, ee ond son of
Mr. W. A. Charlton, M. P. P for Soath
Norfolk, who died in Tor nto on Monday of
last weeg, bad an operati n per ormed the
previous day i for perfora -ion of the bowels.
In Novdmber last, while laying football, be
was hit :over the stomach with t e ball, and
was forced to give up, ow ng to an attack
of appendicitis, which foll wed. He was " a
third year student at To onto niversity,
and- was an exceptionally bievep oung man.;
Ask your dctor how t
many preparati ns of co
liver oil there are..
' .
H? will answer, 'Hu
dreds of them." A k hi
which is
reply, 44
one you
the pures
'from un
the best. ye will
cott's Emul4ion.
ee that this is he
btain. It conta*ns
Od-liver oi , f ee
leasant odor and
taste. Yu also get the y -
phosphites -and glycerine.
11 three are blended into
0 le grand healing and n4r.
ishing remedy.
See- and $rato, all eituggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, TOrOnte. •
• Ulisfactio
Our guar,
ante inea4s
something: ,
We are fl4t iir.e to -day
to7rnorro you know
to find us.i
Comfort4tI1 vision or y
back. N uess work.
Accurate, sctefflific measur
tests. Di ieult cases a sp
s Arrivals of
rge Assort ent of
Latest Styles to .
and away
ust where
ments and
Olr 6 s Received 4or Dye-
ing1aiidMaking qver. .
C4c4g to Manitoba ?
•, --4 • -- --
if so, t V th0 Dauphin country, which is prim:Anal-
ly adapt ril to 'nixed I farming, and is well supplied
wi h goo !wood and water. Any further particulars
wi I be g on on . application to tbe Undersigned,
eitlher by balling at Our cflice or by wri Ing. Corre- -
fip4lnden3. promptly attended ta. 8ec1 or call at
TB Hue EXPOS1Tot Office for list o fsrms and
to p Sits, for ts le., SPARLING & HURRAY,
Re 1 Bs , Loan,1 Insurance and Commission
A.gjsste. , ce-, Muni ipal Clerk's Office, Main street,
Da phin Monitoba. •168243
ake y
'ha e th
ne . Al
o tts the fie•forth Dye Works' and
43.) k clr dyed. and made lo Jos& like
to give iatieradion.
CALE, nclerich street, -epite the
tih, 8 rth. 1630,41`
P Ce tete Pe Q., eci ..4
CDi C) til -2 r...i. CD 8 8. (1) al
%AI i E * 7 .0- par
. ; ,Tho (D. d
2 ''' ''' . 17:I CD
`. 3
= I
ic# 2 pc, 1 ,tc•Di -
4a;t.,9-1 e4-
Dealers in fl
kinds, in late
neatly done.
ing, and a eh
-always on h
prices, and
Agents for-th
Macbine, best
mestie use,
high prices.
In the Unde
OUT goods feel
and guarantee
meut of our w
. a point to fu
les for
rrioea better t
Arterial and.
ecientifie prine
It S. isig
attended to
deuce, direetly
t-3< 1-..• P
'At 0 t:S 1'40
0 rn 1.01
0 en
° 4
cp Pzi
p oria'
0 "4 Ft- FA- Pt
9 frt
rr CD
alr' rn •
• cp.
IT = .A.."3"S tio
Pupils are in attendance at
The Canada, Business College
From the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Slope,
One hundred and thirty-three cities, tewn1 i•ed
villages in Canada and the United States, during the -
pest year, sent us nearly 300 pupils. There see neer
23 Counties and Dietricts in Ontario, 6 Statee Of!
Union, together with Manitoba and the elorthwest -
Territories represented. Over 200 of our-papils hive
been placed in good positions since January 111,
I898. We recently had four calls within three wee**
to supply teachers for other business college&
Among those who baye accepted positions latelY•
are: Jennie Bateman, as etenographer and aseistam*
book-keeper, Walkerville Brewing Go; Annie „Me'
Rae, as stenographer and assistant beck -keeper, -
Milton Pressed Bnok & Sewer Co. ; Catharine *0
Rae, as ritenogrspher, George Atwell, Wholesale Alott
Supplies, Detroit, bfichigan ; George Carthwriglita
as sUnegrapher, with North American IAfe AMP
&nee Co., Toronto. The spring term is one of 101*
• beat seasons of the year for malting a start. Eater
D. McLACHLAN & Co. Chatham, Ont.
Our direct
thne ali
Our rates at
bo suit every
for further Int
Trains leave
Goma Wrairrs.,
Mixed Train...
Mixed Train -
Mixed Train.... ,!
00=0 NORT11-
Bluevale „
Goma -Stierril-
Blue vale
Goma None-
tondett, de
Clinton . ..-
Winghs.m *
Winghana, de
Belgrave., -•
Myth. _
Henan.. •
Exeter. -3
Coattails, -
London, (arri
nitfore. After.
DYE WORKS Sweiai Attention
: 1,1
• 11
, I
to erseishoeing and
General Jobbing.
Goderlob street, IN • 1.
or exeess, Men
atusee, Opium
of pdae, one
sitteaS cum
dett a