HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-04-28, Page 88
CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $1,500,000.
REST, ' $1,500,000.
Main Street, Seaforth.
A General BanOng Business trans-
acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected,
and advances made on same at lowest
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of One Dollar and
Solicitor Agent.
Bank of Commerce
Six Million Dollars -$C .000,000.
A generall Banking business tran-
sacted. Farmers' Notes discounted,
and special attention given to the
collection of Sale Notes.
'SAVINGS BANK. -Interest allow-
ed on deposits of $1 and upwards.
Special facilities for transaction of
business In the Klondike District.
Mono Orders, payable at any bank, issued at the
following rates :-
Under 810 .08 820 to $110 .12
IMO to sao .10 en to 8.50 .14
Solicitor. Manager.
I am now selling a lirst.class new improved High
Arm Sewing Maehine, with the latest steel attach-
ments, finished in eak or welnut, and with cover
and five drawers. or fancy drew head and five draw -
ere for 526 eaele This machine fa the " Queen,"
manufactured by the White Sewing Machine
Company." Ali machine§ fully warranted and guar-
anieed to do first-etass work, light or heavy.
NCT- 1\T_ ANT.A.M'S01\T,
General Insurance Agent & Deal-
er in Sewing Machines.
Wilson's Gash Grocery
New fruits and new season's Teas -now in stook.
We have now in stock the best values in new sea -
eon's Teas we ever had, comprieing Young Hyson,
Ceylon and Japan Teas. We guarantee satisfaction
or will refund the money. The best cpueity of new
Raisins, Currants, Nuts. Peels, etc., now In stock at
lowest prices. Some nice lines tn Dinner, Tea and
'Tellet Sets jest received, and at prices so low as the
loweet. Wanted good butter, eggs, dried apples,
potatoes, dressed fowl, and all kinds of marketable
prodtme, for which we will pay the higheet price.
C. WILSON, Seaforth.
I374„ Bank of Commerce Block.
Properly Prepared Young Men and
Women for Business life. FORTY-FOUR
of our Recent Studente have accepted good
situations_ Businesa Men appreciate our
work and apply to us for our graduates.
Enter now if you can. Pxospectus free.
W.J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52
A good pair of Spec-
tacles from
5c - U PWAR DS
Old and_ G ld. Filled Spex
Always on hand. No charge for testing.
C. A. Humber & Son
Jewellers, Seaforth.
This week ends the through settlers trains to Man-
Itoba, but the rates remain the same. We route all
eecond-class via Noah Bay. Trevellers to Coast
poiute have choice of iou er via North Bay or
Chicage. It seems almost irieredible that you can
now leave here on our early Morning Train anti reach
St. Paul the next morning. in time for Breakfast, and
arrive at the Coast and Kootenay pointe on the third
day after leaving St. Piaui We accompany all
parties of two or more on early trains to Stratford or
London to web): with parcele and pates or bond bag-
gage, etc. We are agents for all Steamehip Lines
via New York or Montreal.
Commercial Blinding, Seaforth.
Our dock et teady-tn-Wear Suits in Meres,Youths',
Boys' arid Ohildren's is now full. Atwortment larg-er
tbati usual Prim on the bed rock bash*, inspect-
ors' and buyers moriounce value uopsececiented.
Our Menes All -Wool Suits at 84,75 are trade brine ere.
Excellent Suite in Men'e at 26 and 58. At 810 you
ean buy a suit lit for a prince to wear. ' Children's
Tweed Suite front 2160 up. Boys' from L82.75 up.
One faot we wish to impreee upon buyers lie that we
handle the beet fitting and tuade roode produced in
tha country.
Wm. Pickar• & 00.
won positor.
ciTRAYEL` Llte.-The following well known
tizens were ticketed out of town by W.
Somerville, up -town v.gent of the Grand
Trunk Railway, on Tuesday morning : Jas.
Crozier, to Dauphin, Manitoba ; Charles
Hammett. to Begot, Manitoba ; David Hay,
Gladetone, Manitoba, and Joe J. For-
tune, of Tackersinith, to Duluth, Min-
of Huron's pioneers, in the per on of Mr.
Thomas Adams, of Seaforth, eparted this
life on Sunday evening last. Mr. -Adams
had reached the good age of 83 years. He
had only been laid up for abo t, a week,
having contracted a severe cold which cul-
minated in pleurisy. He was bo n in County
Fermanagh, Irelend, on February 13th,
1816. He was married to .Ann Cluff in
1841, and came to Canada in 1842 They
first settled on the 2nd concession of Mc.
Killop, on the farm now owned by Mr. John
Hays. After residing there for three years,
he located on the farm on the Heron road,
on which a portion of Seafortn is now built.
At that time this whole section was solid
bush. When Mre Adams Came to this
country, the voyage was ot so egay or
pleasant ae it is now. T ey were nine
weeks on the ocean end seve weeks in the
eivarentine station at Halifax About twelve
years ago Mr, Adams sold hi farm and re.
1 tired from the more ern v duties of life,
and has since nesided on Goderioh street,
Seaforth. Mrs. Adams di d about six years
ago, and of the two faanil es there is now
only one survivor, Mre. Hargan, of this
town. By indunny, fr elite, and good
management, Mr.Adams a quired a compet-
ed in later years.
five sons and two
e settled in this
er of the Episco.
ervative in poli-
tive part in pub -
arid upright in
low men ; a good
oughtful parent,
liettous for the
The funeral, on
ded, the remains
in the Maitland-
ence, which he fully enjo
He leaves a family of
daughters, all of whom 4
vicinity. He was a mem
palian church and a Co
tics, but never took any
lio affairs, He was honest)
all his dealings with his fe
citizen an
who was
welfare of
bank nem
a kind and t
always most
his own family.,
as largely atte
en laid to res
`. THE C. T. U. -The
meeting o the Seaforte
Terriperanee Union was he
room on t e afternoon of
19tb. st of the time w
(sussing p eparatious for a
to be hel in Seaforth
month of ay. This echo
to be con ucted by the offi
ty Union and those a
doubt find much to interes
and more efinite particula
later on.
regular monthly
omen's Christian
d in the Union
edneeday, April
s spent in die -
°heel of methods,
time during the
I of methods is
ere of the coup.
tending will no
them. Further
s will be given
-I notice n your last iss e that bread is
down to 4 ents a loaf. Now, what is the
object of he party in bri ging down the
price of bre d ? Is it- to a commodate the
poor, or is it to get into shape to bring
bread back • its old pr ce, hioh every one
knows was cents a loaf • . fore Mr. Sper-
ling came, or is it to crush Iniei out?' When
Mr. Spading came he lower d thn price 9f
bread to 5 cents a loaf. We therefore,main-
tain that the people of Seal° th should pat-
ronize the man that was the eans of bring-
ing down the price of brea in the first
niece to a fair living pr fit. Yours, -
the license commissioners fo South Huron
was held in Hensall on Th reday , of last
week, when the follinving licenses were
granted : SEAFORTH,-Taver , James Weir,
Thomas Stephens, William : awkshaw, G.
E. Henderson, and Ellis' e Kale ; shop,
Edward Dawson and H. R. lackson & Son.
Barvieren-Tavern, Mrs. E Ellictt, J. C.
Miller ; Airs. James Pollock for Mx monehs.
HENSALL,-Te,vern, George cott and A. A.
Goetz. EXETER, -Tavern, Villiam Zinger,
W. T. Acheson, 'T. W. awkshaw, and
Charles Wilson glop, Farm r Brothers and
F. J. Knight. USBORNE, - Tavern, J.
Stephens. n'TEplIEN,-Tave n. Wm. Mof-
fatt, George Grafton, A. Hil , Walter Clark,
B. Cunningham P. Hall ames Hannon
-James Shaddock,. Joseph B enner, and C.
L. Moser. HAY,-Charlesj Greib, Louis
Foster and W. H. Bendt STANLEY, -
Henry Shafer, Reuben Gra am and P. H.
Murray. TUCKERSHITIE, - eorge Strong
and T. R, Snell.
Gasoline or c al oil, the latter with or
without wicks, give on trial. S. Muilett & Co.. Sea -
forth. ‘ . 1637-1
WANTED. - utter° and eggs highest
prime, etteh or teed . Admitted] the trefst mistime
market in Canada. G. E. King, Ingham. 1632-11
LAWN MOWERS. -A go d machine at
53.50 each, a betteransehine at 4.60 eech, the beet
machine made at 88 each. Reid Wilson, Seaforth.
BOARDERS WANTED. -B arders can be
comfortably accommodated with ear4 and lodgin;e.
App!y to Mns. DAVI ) HAY, GOCIQ li Area, Seafortb.
Garden utensi 8, epades, oes, rakee and
spraying outtite, al o copperas d blue stone. 13.
Muliett & Co , Sear rth 1637-1
A SNAP. -For sale, la fi et -class secend-
hand top buggy. eid & %Ifloon, Scaforth. 1687-1
Get your sere n door" an windows put
on earlylthis seasoi . and select 'our requirements
from ou large stoe , and. where p lees are right.
Mullett Co., Seat rth 1637-1
Can e send ou a washi g machine and
wringer on trial, aad if not sat aleatory come and
take it b eit T, lf s , leave your o der at S. Mullett &
Co.'s, Se forth. 1637-1
ANNUAL MEE' tel -e -The nnual meeting
of the Skatine and Curling ABM; ation will be held
at Hendersonei Hotrl, on Wedne day evening, May
3rd, at 7. 30. 1637-1
Dairy supplitis, pails, ans, etc. Big
stock, a d prices right. S. Mellett li Co., Olth. 1637.1
BARI, WIRE. -Place your orders now at
52.50 pe hundred. Reid & Wile) , Selforth. 1637.1
Bane Churns, all makes a d styles ; No.0
to No. 4 n stock, Jona 83 to 8 .60 each. Reid &
Wilson, eaforth. 1637-1
Peer ern Was ing Machi e at $4 each.
Reid & iyilson, Sea (nth, 1637-1
BINDIBR TWINE. -The wis man will place
his order's early. - Aivoid pedlartr, do business with
your hardware man. Reid & Wile n, Seaforth. 1637-1
Hay Fork Ro e. -Buy no before a fur-
ther advance irtpr1 e. Reid & Wi son, CAth. 1637-1
FARMERS' E:1;:euneleti. Arrangements
have now been completed w th the Grand
Trunk Railway lend the au horities of the
Ontario Agricul ural College for an excur-
sion to the Mod 1 Farm at uelph, under
the a.uspices of he South Huron Farmers'
Institute. A s ecial train w 11 be provided
to take in all at Montt on the oath between
Centralia and S aforth iincl sive ; on the
west, between • olmesville and Seaforth,
and on the nor h, between Belgrave and
Seaforth. A ve ez low rate f r the 'return
trip has been an anged, and a ple time will
be given for the xoureionists o have a good,
long day'at the. arm. The la t excursion of
t is kind, which was held too years ago,
w e a splendid a ccess, and e esry one who
w nt was deligh ed with their outing, and
w feel confid nt that, wi h favorable
w ether, there\ ill be even a larger attend -
a ce than on th t occasion. he date fixed
fo the excursio• is Tuesda.y, the 13th of
3 ne. Full par iculara as to ates and the
ti c of the start ng of the tr tin from the,
se -eral stations ill be given i due time. '
re. uher annual eeting of the
T achers' Ansociation will b
C•llegiate Insti ute, Clinton.
and Friday, Ma llth and 12t
ing on Thured y at 10
grarnme will be President's a
Bak r ; junior r ading, Miss
Shilinglaw ; t ird-clates gra
arithmetic, 1. c m., g. e. m.
torn! L. L. McF ul ; over-strai
power -of brain, Dr. Shaw ; e
pure, with class, H. E Fair ;
port, William attere ; electi
treasurer's rep rt ; v rb phr
Lough ; teachin corn osition
in public school with relude
osophy of things in eneral,
review work, James Mclew
ioned aparatus for phyCical se
Lean , history, GeorgelSpotto
day e ening, Frank Yeligh, of
d live -his popular and ilifft
t k n " Imperial Canada,"
h 11. The lecture is illuetrat
1 superb stereoptican views,
of by those who have h
" I
A Intiereetae COLLEGE CAR
R Rees, who has boUght M
d ntal practice in this eown,
to his credit one of thel most a
le e careers in the ennels of t
lege of Dental Surgeone of Ou
ne rly fifteen years experi noe
so ool teacher in the vicini ,y o
an Blake, during whioh time
hi self one of the moat progres
ce sful teachers in the county.
th Royal College of Dental` Sur
ta to in the session of 896,97.
a illation held at the c ose of
et od fourth on the list 'a a cla
th close of the 1897-98 term h
East Huron
held in the
on Thurday
h, commene.
. The pro -
dress, T. G.
mar, W. H.
.A. Taylor ;
d prime ke-
n and under -
trance liters-
elegates' re-
n of officers ;
res, W. R.
nd literature
on the phil-
C. Clarkson ;
n ; improvis-
ence, E. Mc -
On Thura-
oronto, will
uotive travel
in the town
d with over
and is highly
ard it.
ER -Dr. R.
. Tweddlen
as - certainly
coessful col -
e Royal Col-
ario. After
as a public
Dash wood
he proved
ive and eue-
He entered
eons of On -
At the ex -
he term he
of 75. At
headed the
L AL BRIEFS...1-0E1r eitizene g nerally
will d eply regret the removal from own of
Dr. W. Tweddle who, for several years,
has a lied on a successful dental ractice
here Dr. Tweddle has disposed of !his
prac e to Dr. Ross, He is not nit. a
skilf and reliable practitioner, b t ihas
prove himself a most worthy and useful
citiz . We do not know where he i tenda
to lo ate, but wherever his future lo may;
be c st, he will have many friends i
fort and vicinity who will alwa be
plea ed to hear of hie well-noing.-Revi Dr. ,
Mc onald preaches his farewell serm ns to
his c ngregation here on Sabbath- ne t, at
the isual hours. -The illustrated p ge of
e rwi aa ns
prea Bret!,
and in the•evenieg the choir gave a musical
r' cit 1. The ch reh *as crowded, an le.Tatrphheee..
c oir
1 t emed
t be con•
kgreg more
effici edist
chur mind
this n the
of fin
ing a
Fa ;lid°
hous were all a ay at the time, an
fire as noticed hy some outsider. It
ed in a back kite en and was blazing
whe first seen. There was a cistern
veni nt, howevr and a few pails of
quen hed the fire
and he firemen' t
vices were not
by -la a takes p
R. N Adams, o
list in a alas of 77. In his recent final ex-
amination h has received mince from the
secretary of the Cellege that he has again
auoceeded holdiug first place against all
eompetitora in a ass of 90, the largest class
that ever W ote o the final examine.tion at
that institotion, a d some of hom hold
degrees fro iToro to University nd a con-
siderable ,n mber 'holding D. D. S. deg ees
from Amid an dental colleges. his honor,
as far as we are aware, bas ne er be re
been broug t to thie grand ol coun y,
which usual y gets the Helens shar of leech
honors at ,th great estate of educe ion. This
is a career o which Dr. Ross may justly be
proud, and 'n which any young an might
pro_perly ,ta e a mide. His success with
bis patients in the infirmary an halls of
the College s no doubt a good o iterion, of
what it will be in his own practice in this
town. Dr. ose takes Mr. Twed le's prac-
tice on Meer let. We wish hitn continued
moved hi f
ned by M
cupied by
t this seaso
n progress i
ready brew
roperty by
ore mast,
eat fencers e
r. David M
us illoess, b
ry.-The en ertainment in our o
onday even ng last, wan well att
he ladiese b 1 the gentlemen
mallows, Mai ly, by their absence.
njoyable tirn , however, was spent
rennin se al those who took pa
rogramme di remarkably well.-
ult cif the B ockville election re
ery I much o the oft xepeated
" Didn't kno it was loaded,"
ert evidentl never dreamed t
uk n gun ha been terrible ove
y hi , and t at the recoil would
s oh isastrou e,ffects. It is ra saf
r p liticians
ot o
i la
ily on Monday into
. Thomas Hills, and
. James MoOlymet.
of the year, improve
our village. Mrs.
ifying the appearan
moving the outbuil
e location, and bay
ected.-The many f
re very much regre
t hope for his speed
the house
lately ea -
As mufti,
ments are
impson is
of leer
Inge to a
ng some
lends of
his seri-
uroh, on
nded. by
ere con-
A most
by those
t in the
he re -
Inds one
saying :
ir Hib-
at the
as well as gunners " Do
eroharge your weapon.'L-The notice
t week's 'XPOSITOR of t e res gnation
. Chester Prouty, as townshi clerk
ephen, fter forty years ef service,
up man reanniscenceel of o r more
ful days, when a pupil of the olever,
ith ul man, who, through the in unities
we 1 on to ninety yews, has be n corn-
lled to pass life's. duties to other hands.
any of us who were privileged to receive
s instruction and have formed ou privil- •
ea the bette for it, will invoke a fervent
nediction on his declining years.
THE PUBLIC MEETINC.-The publ c meet -
g, called by he Mayor, on Frida night,
f r the discussion of the loan by•la s, was
f irly well attended, and much inte est was
anifested in the discussion. Th chair
as occupied by Mayor Gunn, nd ad-
d esses favora le to the passage of he by -
1 we were made by the Mayor and Messrs.
D. De Wilson,M. Y. McLean, F. Ho meeted,
T omas E. Helen, Revs. Father Mc abe and
Rural Dean Hedging. The coneens s of the
a dresses will ne found in another column
o this issue. If the feeling displayed at the
m eting can be taken as an indi ation of
t e sentiments of the electors on, t e sub-
je 1, we should say that the by -la a will
c rry. Those favorable, however, ill have
to bestir themselves, as there is strong
u dercurrent of opposition, and, in order to
ca ry them, two-thirds of all the oters on
th lists must be in their favor. T is is a
at ong vote, as all absentee» aud t oee who
fa 1 to vote are voters against the y -laws.
A ter a careful, consideration of th whole
si uation, we feel convinced it wil be very
la gely in the' interests of the to n as a
w ole, that these by-laWs should be car-
te d. The industries to be aided re need-
ed in ehe town, and if 'established would,
ce tainly, be worth to every roperty
o ner very much more than they ill oost.
Se ',forth has never given aid of thi kind in
th past that it has not received b g value
fo the envestments made, and we
th t the same results Will follow in
at nee. If these by-laWs are vot
we may not hey° another opport
a wa
re sure
this in -
d doten,
nity of
unng additional manufacturing facilities
our town. The municipal ad, as it
of the
very in.
are de-
ment of
o us, is
ated in
eir most
o throw
r trade
s no use
ices for
f labor,
eve our
se who
exists, does not authorize m
to grant aid in this way, and
horny to do so, a special ao
islature has to be secured in
ce: This is too expensive and
roeeeding to be repeated ver
herefote, the people of Seafort
uri of encouraging the establis
ufacturing enterpi ises in their t
'are not likely to get them
encouragement, ths, it seems
r only chance. It,
y personsat all di
town to givathi
fel consideration, a
en opportunity of
oommercial and
h may not again oc
ectly inter
matter th
d not vote
enhancing o
aterial pr
ur. There
ki g about dull times, low p
eety, cheap rents and scarcity
refusipg to do anything to imp
ion. Providence only helps ph
last I eturday's Globe contained ex
port aits of Mr.and Mrs. Andrew Ja
of II llett, who celebrated their di
wed Mg a short 'time ago, and an a
of w jell appeared in our issue of last
-R vnqr. Musgrave, of McKillop, pre
two Xoellent sermons in the Presby
ehur last Sunday. -Last Sunda
" eh ir Sunday " in the Methodist c
In e forenoon an appropriate sermo
hed by the pastor, Rev. Mr. R
under the
t, did the
endered se canoes given showed
aining and good material and a
highly appreciated by the larg
tion. There are few choirs
nt than that of the Seaforth Met
h. -Major Anderson has been a
eek adjusting the loose planks
slks.-Mr. David Donovan start
d country en Saturday last with
horses .--Gardening and holm.
e now the Order of the day. -:•Mr
us has giveis the tovip watering -
ugh overha ling and has made it
good as ne , and it made its fir
nee for this swoop on Tuesday, gor-
ly arra ed 'n a fresh coat of pai t. -
e on
The alarm was sounded
rned out, but thei ser-
ded.-Voting on the loan
e on Tuesday next. Mr.
, at -
, of
leadership of M r.
selves marked credit.
d for
a lot
I an-
art a
ouse o Mr
e call fro
y eveeing 1
. Davis, James street
destruction by
at. The residents o
e of Londesboro's pro
erobants, wen in town on Tuesda
g the tuner 1 of bis father, the
homes Adatms.--Mr. John Bel
A.PRIL 28, 9
Londesboro, was in town on Sunday vitilting
his mothen-Mrs. teugh Bell, of Sohn street.
-We are requeiste I to state that there will
be no service in t Methodist church next
Donald's farewell,s rmon in the Presbyterian
Sabbath evening, Le account of Dr. Mo -
church the same e ming -Mr. Adam Hays
has added a pair o an some and s ylish
black horses to his li er outfit. ' The e are
not Many towns in 0 ta io that can oast
forth. -Mr. Jame ic sent 138 tears
of t o such good iv ry establiehmen s as
thee of Messrs. H y a 'd Forbes, o Sea.
from: here to his 1 m in Colborne on ed-
needay. They are for rase feeding. Mr.
George tialdwin, f the Seaforth b yole
emporium, has • ispoie of thirty- ight
last. H had bee a faithful servant. The
wheels trendy t is sea -sone -Mr. Iohn
Abell's b g dray h rse died on Tuesday 'ight
cent nuation ' of r. Spading's lette on
Briti h Columbia ill appear next we k. -
Mr. nd Mrs. Bu ows, of London, f ther
and other of Dr, Burrow', were here this
wee visi ing thei son.-Mr.HarryeBe ttie,
barri ter, has die osed of his praoti e in
Inge moll and is t present visiting hie
hornet her .-Mr. ohn MoNab is ni king
preparati 1:1111 tO re se his house and ut a
stone fou dation nder in -Men are sily
at work modelli g the ld foundry b ild.
ing on M in street and aking such im-
provemen a as are seems ry for Mr.Cre ly's
orearnery.-The p petty in Egmondville of
the late re. Wm. Carno han was sol by
auction on Timed& , by Mr. J. !P. B ine,
Mrs. Thothas Ferg on being the' pure ser
at $1,025. It is a roe propertyland it as
well sold. -A coupl of days of \warm ,ain
would do a lot of g od. If May flower Are
as scarce as April a ewers have been, t ere
will be a flower f mine this year,- Ir.
Robert Garrow is eking preparations for
the erection of a lar e new bank barn on his
farm near Seaforth. He intends pul ing
down the two old on s. -Mr. Harry E e
has the contract for the erection of r.
James Soott's new re ideates, on West G cle-
ric') street. -Mr. W !ham Hawkshaw as
sold his hotel to Mr. Jacob Kling, wh se
hotel here was destro ed by fire a sh•r
time ago. The price aid for the props ty
is $6,750, exclusive of the furniture. he
evr proprietor takes emulsion on Mon ay
ext. Mr, Hawksha goes to St. Mar
here he will become roprietor of the
ario house. -Dr. Gib has removed
ffice from Main streetp his residence
r. R. French, manag r of the House
a Wednesday.
s " students "
and -was captu
pi e. -M r. A. Cose s,
town this week -
rection of a• new
Rev. Father' c -
day lest, the a
oseph Keating,
efuge, was in town
ame here for one of h
andered from the fold
ere by Constable Gille
f Wingham, was in
he contract for the
arochial residence for
abe was let on Wedne
essful man being Mr.
his town. The contract price for the, c
pletion of the job was $ ,500.
Brucefl ld.
B. R. Manners, Bruce eld, Notary Pu lic
Conveyancer, Fire and Life neurance agent. ny
amount of money to loan at er cent., on first- lass
farm security. Mortgagee. rawn and money ad.
van 'ed free of expenee to the borrower.- A,l a
limited amount of private funds at 6 per o nt.
At home every morning an Wednesday of ach
week. Several good farms for sale. 1 7
Bittees.-Mr. Sheerer, of Drumbo,preaoh-
ed in the Presbyterian al ure'n last Sabbath ;
he will also preach the f llowing Sabbath. -
Mr. David McIntosh, veterinary surgeon,
has rented his farm, on the London road to
a couple of Tuokersmith gentlemen ; they
'will use it for grazing p rposes.-From in-
,formation received fro Mr, Muir, we
, learn that the homeward journey across the
' Atlantic wan exeeedin ly rough, Mrs.
'Muir bei g confined to h r berth the whole
of the w y. The young st child was also
very ill ith pneumonia. We are glad to
say, how ver, that they re all now recover-
ing nicel . The beekes c ntaining their lug-
gage, which were detain d ,on the way, have
also arrived safely. r. Muir's many
friends will be pleased t learn that be has
been cordially received y the Uniori Pres
byterian church of Soot! nd, and wip have
no difficulty in gaining emission •in o that
body of Presbyterians,- The farmers are all
busy seeding, although the moil is still damp
and very hard to work. There was a good
attendance of visitors at the fair held here
lastrweek, and the inte est manifeseed by
those presene goes to s ow that there is
money in ha tiling firs oleos stock yet. -
Mr. and Mrs George Lo an, with their lit-
tle boy, left n Wed.nes• ay morning for the
west. They werenicke d through by John
Rose, G.T.R topspin
B yfle d.
i The best is the cheapest. If yon want
oils, glasi, herd are, tinware etc.
the best,i go t3 . Rouatre fir binder twine, paints,
Try John . McLeod f you want any pa-
per hang og, ho se or carriag painting 'done. 1637-1
Have you ought yo r supply of sugar
yet ? It ie adv•noing, and you should buy now. F.
A. Edwaide gives 21 lbe. for 8 . 1637-1
BREE4ES. -- Mrs. H ache and grand-
daughter, of Berlio, are guests of Mrs. J.
Tippett -Mrs. H. W Erwin and Mrs.
Goorge Erwin visited in Goderich 'this
Weeke-Mr. John Faloo er left on Wednes-
day for Manitoba. -Joh and Robert Erwin
eft on Saturday for leveland.-Miss A;
athwell returned -last eek from Detroit,
where she has beeri at ending a musical
cademy.-A will be se n in the 'advertie-
g columns, Mrs. ' tiding, for many
ears a reside t of ,ayfi Id, is offering her
remisere on the corner I f the Sauble line,
or sale. This property 's well located, in
good condition, and won d make a mese de-
sirable home. Anyone esiring to leave the
farm and corn to Bayfi Id, could not do
better than t purchase his plaoe. •
GREAT Slaughter Sale
Having decided tn give up
shoes. I will offer, for 30 cut
eleughter prices for eseh, be
29th. Don't miss this chanc
80 per cent. on your fontwea
welt assorted. Eggs taken 1
1NOTES, -Mr, John Fo
1 ery plentiful at present
rest' burnt lime at his
Darter miles east of '4
!specimens are being can
pf fun for the boys. -Re
Hanover, preached here
hurchliest Sunday inor
as been appointed to th
lid will move here at on
f Hensall, preached
Mr. Walker has the con
work of the Method st p
!started work Mon ay
cleaning is the order of t
keneral this week. an
hard to work this s rin
f Boots and Shocen
readymade boots and
, the whole Etook at
nning Saturday, April
of saving from 25 to
r. Our steek ie new and
n S. C. BATH.
te has a kiln of
place, ne and a
arna.-nuckers are
Some very large
it, and it makes lone
. Mr. Jennings, of
holt Sunday. H
Bayfield mission
e. -Rev. Mr. Kerr
n the Methodis
ing and evening.-
ract for the stone
rsonage here, an
morning. --House•
he day. -Seeding
ers say the land is
BRIEFS. -Quite a num
from here went to Zuriel
to -attend the Young
entertainment. -The M
meda Eidt i.eft on Tues
Messra. Willert and T
other load of•hoge to To
We are glad to see tha
who heti been ill for so
out, again. -Dr. T. I'. M
the funeral of Mrs. Dr.
Monday, -Next Sunda
Cleveland, will preach
chnrch iu the afternoon.
will be held in the` fore
are buoy doing their
meeting was held on Mo
purpose of organizing a f
was a fair attendance of
soriptions were taken up
and, with a few weeks'
win be ready to try oo
other teann-Mr. A. Sh
er of young folk
, oa Sunday night
'eople's Associatio
sees Emma and Al-
lay, for Detroit.
eman shipped an-
ent° thin week.
Mrs. Kellerman
time, is able to b
.Laughlin attende
mos, at Exeter, o
, Bishop Esher, o
the Evangelic&
The Sunday echo°
oon.-The farme
spring seeding. -
day ni ht, for th
otball lub. Thar
young. en. Sub -
to pure &se a ball,
practice the boys
elusions with any
tler has, gone on a
visit to Toronto and Buff' lo.n:-Mr. N.Iliart-
ing moVed to his fat le -indaw's Wm on
Wednesday. Mr. Ge e Edighoffer in-
tends moving into Hart ng's house
shortlye-Miss Minnie inkbe ner is en-
geged in Mr, Mark °keno ier's tailor
shop for some time,- is Laur Goetz who
lately went to Hensall, b mg ernployed with
Mr. J. Pope; lost her v I able !gold watch,
which she lately teceiv d. We sympathize
the other day, hurt lhi foots in. the aide -
with her, and hope she ay soon recover it
again. -Ree. R, Eifert bile out walking
walk, and was laid up for some, time. -Mr.
Afthur Kellerman, poe i ent of the Junior
Sunday last, fell back i is chair fainting.
Alliance, while °endue i the meeting, on
Assistance was at hand a d he wae taken
out, and was soon al ght again. ---Mies
Edith McCaughan, ass a ant tescher here,
spent Saturday and Sund y at Mr. Godfrey
Nicholson's, at Blake. --s . J.1 W. Scott,
priaeipal of our school, w home Saturday.
-Mrs. Ed. Brooks and so Earn, of Thed-
ford, are visiting at Mre. IS, Metter's, and
ether relatives in Zurich. Misr; Ida Meld -
&breeder's at present. -I wo dd be a good
man, of Zurich, is visi ing ;,t, Mrs. H.
thing to have anenrfew hel in our town, so
all children under 15 year of age would be
called off the street at 8 o'oldek. If this
were done it would be g o foe the children
and a comfort for our ti ens. i
Lunil . 1
LOCALS. -Mr. Henry ndeeson sold a
team of colts to Mr. al McIntosh, of
pest Zorra; for the su of $295. These
olts were awed by Joe enroll, the pro -
on, of the 4th contemn° of Usborne, are
erty of Mr.' James Hor , , of Lumley. -
r. Cephae ynn and .54 . James Ethering-
aking pre rations to je Id handsome new
esidences o their respeat ve farms during
he corning a mmer.
WEST END NOTES. -843 tog is again in
f 11 blast. -Our noted stoo man, Mr. W. J.
Stineon, has rented from !Mr. W. Woods
hie 150 'acre grazing farm, and intends go-
ing into atock raising on aoliarge scale. This
Makes 500 acres Mr. Sting handles. -Our
reads are again in fine she e, an our wheel -
men look pleasent.-Mr. erb r Johnston
recently purehesed a ha deo e tandem
Wheel, and spends his is are moments in
practiei g on ite
Ii, Promart •
SA:mos.-Seeding is the order. of the day
in this icinity.4-Peter Seo t McLaren, who
was ver ill is, We are plen ed to riay, able
to be ar und again. -Mr. illiam E. ers-
lake, of eafortn, spent unday under the
parenta roof. -Mr. Neil Gillespie, is i idol
ipg sem impro ements tie the frontage o
his far . by e ecting a new fenoe.-Th
many fr ends of , r. George Wileon • will be
pleased o hear that he ie bout to take u
nis abo e ia our midst lice more. -Me.
William Kerslake sold a ye y fine horse fa
shore ti e ago for which he received the
s'erm of $ 75. 'This is thel highest price thet
has been paid in this neigh orhood for some
time. I still pays to railse good horses.
1 • ,
NOTES -Mr. Jacob Web
Clemens, Miohigan, last tve
Aikens has secured a Igo
Hamilton. -Mr. John Ai e
road, who has been serio sl
ing slowly. -Mr. Sadlier ha
yard for another season's w
Rawley has gone to Seed rt
the butchering business. --1
Seaforth, has come to to
bakery. -Mr. Francis Be
of Mr. James Bergin, the
was drowned near Se
was well known hereabo
Usbor e.
JOTTINGS. -The long whit
eral of our older inhabitant
health, Wm. Cornish is ne
Jacques ham been very poen
betten-Nearly all the c i d
school have had the mu
Councillor Delbridge is i
recent illness. -Richard -1
who had his leg broken, s i
ly.-The Epworth League ef
pointment held a very is ece
at the residence of H nr
Winchelsea creamery is om
nese, and gives good a i
t .
was at Moira
.-Mr. Alfred
d situation in
, of the Hurnn
ill, is recoveir-
opened his tile
k. -Mr. There
to engage in
r. Biggert, ef
open a ne
only broth r
known agen
r has left seen
in very pocir
y sick. Wre,
, but is SOM
e of the Zion
this' springe+
ving after his
rt's little boy,
peeving slow -
the Zton
frit box email
Squire. --The
a big busi-
adieu to ins
prgehan educational se m n i
OTS. -Rev. Mr. Tif ri of
the topic of the Epworth L7ag
odi t church on Sab atili
usu 1 hour, 2.30 p. .
tian Endeavor will be introduc
H. ledd. The aubject f r the
" How shall we divide o r
Mr. Musgrave will preac 1 t
chu ch on May 7th, at 6.. 0
coil ction will be taken i b
chore fund.
Walton, Wili
the Main
first at the
At 7 p. Imi
e of Chilinl
d by Mr. Ji
evening in
Ime."-R vi
e Methodise
. A special
half of he
B IEFS.-Messre. Bae es and Vanatone
shi ped a car of hogs from eaforth and
Bru gels on Monday. Mr anstone eel
corn anied them to Toren o,- eorge Fi zs
pat ick, Mill street, Lis osed of all ite
hou ehold effects by au enon' Saturd
1 t -Henry Mooney arid wife, also
Fitzpatrick and family', were ticketed to
Ma itoba on Tuesday merning.-D. Se ttl
was in Toronto several d s this weeke-
Cou oil meeting was hel in , the counoil
°ha ber on Monday eveni g. full attend -
ane of -members weer prose t. -Daniel
den, an old resident of this place, has
to h is reward. Mr. Hayd n hes been g
uall failing since his wife a year
and eased away on Saturday. His rem
wer taken to Palmerston for interment
Mon ay. --The members of the odepend
Foresters' lodge attendedi Me ville ch rch
on Sanday. Tney turned lout very w ell,
ther being over 65, all local m te and the
chur h was filled to the utterm at.
wheel at a low price, all fitted willh Dunlop tires, and
neath n s e . C111 and see sat ples before buying,
A go wheel for a little money. J. CANNING. 1637.2
N TES. -Many fields of f 11 wheat, in this
vicin'ty are not of the m st promising, --
It homes McGregor, of his village, who
or t e past few summers h a been makiag
is hpme with friends in th west, left here
n Friday last for Man toba. His old
riends will wish him a ple sant time and ,a,
afe return. -Seeding as ye has made little
regress, the land not beini in good condi-
ion for atorking.-Mrs. W lliam Moore has
een spending a few weeks visiting at the
°me of Mr. Robert Kettlei of London. -
aerial for the new Methodist church is
ow being laid on tbe grourid, and in a few
eeks building operation will be com-
eneed.-Islr. James Mc ougell, for the
ast week, has been confine to his rooml at
Upton, from the effects f a painful nd
ern critical operation, pe forrned by r.
unn. Mr, McDougall ate d the operat on
braaely, considering that h is 70 years of
agn At hust accounts he wee past dan er
and progressing favorablye which will be
welcome news to his many old frie de
here.-Saerament services will be h ld
in the Alethodis church here on S b -
bath nexte' at 10.30, also service in he
evening, conducte by the pastor, Rev. r.
Waddell. -Mrs. J mes Dick atid fami y,
formerly Of Seaforth, are apending a few
days with friends here, prior to their 're-
moval to their new' home near Benznil er,
years, some 1,200 acres of land, and per.
where Mr. Dick Me rented, for a term of
poseis going into the ranehing buminess.
We win ail wish Mr. Dick euceenti its his
new enterprise.-Tid ing up lawns, yards
rued out dear eurroun Digs in eeping many
of our tidy citizens bu y, in rder that the
o Undo appearance m y harm nize with the
n &these of the hiside. To se the number
• buggietei and wagon stand ng ronnd our
• rriage shop for reps r, indi ates no small
a mine of business.- arm p.operty in this
lo ality still ken changing h' ndis. During
t e week vi Walper, o the 2tid oon-
e aion of Stanley, disposed f his fine 100
a e huh Mte Alex. MeM rtrie, of Hay.
Tne ,pri paid was $5,800 Mt. Walper
takei offt is season's crop. e abut learn
that Mre illiarn Logan, of he Parr line,
has sOld farm to Mr. Ja es Tinner, of
y, Vie takes possession at once. Mr.
Logs laving to takeGreely' adviotand go
west. Oar mill dim this se on hike been
sever ly ted. The waste ates Were all
take , out uring the fore part of the week,
in order let the water off. But we are
pleased to note that the dam is now pre-
served in good order.
, LOTS OF LAMBS. -Mr. Michael Hawley, of
the 7th cenasseion, has a ewe of the Leieea-
ter beeed Which presented him wit twin
iambi this ;spring which weighed 13i ounds
!each, and both are smarb and dello well.
;This.:s thnibest yet audit is hard to at an
Irish 0.
1 , Staff&
DOTS. DtleS. F. D. Hutch's
chell the fernier part of this
her Mate , lately returned fro
/t r. Phi nini re, of Mitchell,'
,p Ipit in th Methodist chu
i S nday igh .--Mies Lily H
I Tuesday eor Moose Jaw, N.
I a e has Secured a position.
e ,ill be absent ter two years.
Beckitt, of lontarty, has mov
to our illa e. -The butter
will eom en e Operations next
Hills Green.
FARM OL .--Idr. Wm. Log n hats sold
his farm le Sames Turner, is neinhbor.
The price paid was $5,600. Th farth con-
tains one undred acres, and as it adjoins
Mr. Turn r's pr sent farm h will! now
have a fin farm of 250 acres. He takes
immediat posse sion. Mr. Lo an intende
going out west, d is having a sale pf his
stock and effecta n ay 10th.
L' ndesboro.
Menne-Rev, Mri Andrews and ,Rev.
r. Tiffiri, from Walton, will" ,exchange
ulpite next ISunday.-Master James
roWn, who was erinuely ill, hes recoefered,
nil was able to e et Sunday' echoed last
unday.HMaster Wilfrid Cris has com-
eve to his new borne oil Frid y. -Mr. H.
riced to learn he tailoring. Mr,J.Riley,
o has leaced the Saltford hotel; will
iddle and family has move into' Mr.
r. Samuel Woodmanns house. He is en-
gaged to work for Mr. W. Cun inghttip for
the summ r. --Miss Alice Moo spene last
Su day at Mr. T. Cole's. -Mrs. J. Lyon is
funeral of Mr. Adam's father t Seaforth,
ha ing be house re -shingled t is week. -
M . R. A ems and family ifl tended the
n Tueeda
was in Mit-
eek visiting
Regina. -
coupled the
ch here on
rren left on
. T., where
les Herren
Mr. Sem
d his family
factory here
NOTES wheat is beginning to look
well. The severe winter seema to -,have
done little damage to it. --M. Harrisen, of
13elgrave, has taken a position in Hi F.
tMeAlli ter's store. -The Women's FoTeign
Miesion eyi Society of the Methodist charch,
' intend giving an entertainment on Feiday
evening of ;this week. The programme! will
coneist of readings, recitations, music, ad-
dreeses, one -It is said that Christian Eck-
miee ba p rchased from hie brother ; the
farm he ha had rented for the past few
year's. Re . J. E. Hunter was in Strathroy
lasnwe k' ening on probationer's exa
anon. ecured on the total over 8n per
cene.-Willi in J Sharp's gale last week
ware well ett nded and good prices Were
realizeds r. Sharp has rented his fatherns
50 acre arm and intends reinaining with us.
--John Sem eson is slowly recovering from
a severe att elk of bronchitis. ---George' M•
Mitchel now runs in connection with his
shoe bueines a repair shop for bicycles.
NOTE.'. -Seeding is goiag on slowly, on
a `count of the land being wet. The frost
is etill in the ground in a few places: -
east's. Clegg' and Dames shipped a fine lot
o hogs, on Monday last, from Brussels, -
r to nala councillors should see at once
to the many c lverts that were washecV out
badly b tb recent floods, and have them
pit in a pro er shape. Many 'of them are
&Inger° s o go oven -Some of the fall
wheet 1 oks pry pnorly, and, if warm rain
&ea no con* so n, the plants will die
away.-Jameis Do glas has engaged With
Mrs. A. Collor, on the 6th line.-Meggre.
Je and . Agin cesvn a youn horse that
tips th b arn at 1,540 po nds.-Stone
ye y ace co i this ocality, and will be hard
oon b at work.- otatoes are
te get hen planti g time er, es. -Walter
Frain en a ith John cOutcheon,
mi the 6 b .
1 Drysdale.
Nones.1- r.1 Joe. Decharme, our black-
ith, hes his new shop nearly completed.
-Dr. W. Sleek is talking of erecting a
t•hiugle Mill after seeding. -Seeding is, now
the order of the dity.-Mr. August Challet
Milt IL valuable milk cow recently -Messrs.
C. Fritz and R. J. Talbot, our ndted bicycle
a ente, are loing a rushing bushiest! at
this season. Mr. Edward Talb rt intends
p ent.-n-Our tree agents, Messre. Bernier -
men ante Telb t. are doing a good business
rotting Mre. dward Westlake's lake 'aim,
laiely °couple by Mr. C. Screenan.-Mr.
Dewar ie buil ing a new founda ion under
iiii, 'lease, and is also repairing the frame
irk. I'
th teachers of district No. 1, W st Huron,
wi 1 be held in the Exeter public school; on
Sa Imlay, May fich, et 1.30 p. m. The fol.
lo ing orfogorffigeortivr7. huoiwIl tboespesanrarieRd
de •, William Begali'aw; psycholo y of num-
be applied to th simple r les, Miss
,Je ,kyll ; ' does our p blic school urse One
fr .
a roper Itrainipg for after life ? J Holmes ;
literaturti-Ae ehips ecalmed at ve,-with
',claps, nr. Bleomfi Irl ; echoes from the
pntario Education A sociation, M,eaers. An-
,deison aad Boyd ; a vantages of la claardeal
ed cation, H. etussel . i
' BRIEFS'i-Melssrs. Allan McD nell and
Alex. Dow returned home from the Old
eountry on Tuesday nighr, last. Mr. Dow
rought home a fine Clydesdal stallion
Which weighs over 1,900 pound .-Laura
R' utlt, beloved wife of Dr. I'. A. mos, died
en Saturday leen after a linger' g illness
from consumpeion, aged 33 years, months,
3 days. The funeral took place o Mondey
afterpoon last to the Exeter cem tory, and
was largely attendecl-Dr. T. P. cLaughe
liu, of Deehwoprl, attended the uneral of
Mrs. Amos on IMonday laet.-Me ors. Fred
W. Conine, denuty postmaster, a d R. ff.
Collins, barristier, are still confine to tbeir
rooms threugh serious illness. --Bi prepar-
ations are bein made fee the rac s to be
held here one. oy 24th inext.-Sev rat from
Exeter aetend ci the fluneral of the late
Jamee White, l at He aeall, on huraday
last• -•-,Tee vill e fathe s had thei animal
tour o ins ect on of th village on 'Wednes-
day a ternoon' ast-Memsre. H. ishop &
Son h ve ripen d up a general store in John-
ston's Id etan , in the Pickard bIoCk.-Mr.
R. Le7thorn hi had the Mansion house
Hemp Carpets, Union Carpets, Wool
Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, Brussels
Carpets, Axminster Carpets,
Velvet Carpets.
Of course, everybody is not of one mixt
on the carpet question. Some people went
mere cheapness, others are satisfied to take
Bey etyle so long as it looks well, and some
there are who always want the best. We
are pleased, to be able to give our customers,
this season a combination of -very moderato
prices and good qualities.
Hemp Carpets -About twenty good pate.
terns, in stripes and fancy designs, from 10e
to 25c a yard.
Union Carpets -This season's colorinp,
and patterns, at 30o, 350 and 400 per yard.
Union Carpets -Extra heavy quality, yarn
wide, 45e per yard.
Wool Carpets in pretty tinliegs and pat-
terns, 75c per yard.
Tapestry Carpets in light and dark
rounds, with floral and scroln patterns, at
0, 45c, 55c and 65c per yard.;
Brussels Carpeten-Special value at 724
83c and 95c per yard.
Axtninister Carpets, Velvet Carpets,
Smyrna Rugs, Mats, &n, in this seasonit
colorings and designs.
Curtains -Yes, we have a yery large
stock of Curtains -too many if Mir business
was mallet% bat with a trade that carries
off a goodly number every 414 -not tat),
many. In these days, buyers dou't care to
purchase where they have only a few pats
terns to select from. Our assortment pies -
everybody a show at the choicest things in -
Spring Curtains.
Lace Curtains, special for common use„
25c per pair.
Taped Curtains, wide and heavy, 50e per
peTr hpraeier.yard Curtain in good quality, nee
Three -and -a -half yard Curtain, full taped,
wide a great curtain for $1 per pair.
EAra long handsome Curtains, floral and
acroll patterns and borders in a greet variety
of designs and qualities, ranging in price
from $1.2.5 up to $5.50 per pair.
Special value in Floor Oil Clothe and
Linoleumns. Widths -ie 1, li, le and 2*
yards wide.'
. . . The
Dry Goods _Co.j.
C4th's Greatest. eask
Dry Goods Store,
renovated the past month, which ekes it
look like a new hotel inside. he dog
poisoner is On hie rounds again. About'25
valuable dogs have been poisoned the past
few weeks. -The Sutherlend-Irmes Com-
pany have erected a new stave mill, with
three smokestacks, on the Gould sawmill
property.-13usiness is booming in the *IV
lage this spring, and there is scarcely Ali
empty house to let.. -Mr. Re -S. Lang, who
moved to Toronto to reside a :few weeks
ago, will return to town next month, and
will reside in their large brick dwelling in
Exeter North. The dwelling is undergoing
repairs at present. Mrs, Lang and, family
think there is no place like Exeter te reside.
-Our streets are in a dusty condition, and
the watering cart made its first appearance
last week. --The farmers in this vicinity are
busy seeding. -The band concert held in
Gidley's opera house,1 on Monday night,
was a success financially. -Mr. N. Peterson
and family leave for the Rainy River dis-
trict on Wednesday next Mr. Peterson
has been section foreman for a number of
years for the G.T. R. here. He noW intends
trying his hand at ferming in that new
country. We wish then). all success in
their new home.
ANN/VERSARY.-The second anniversary -
of the induction of Rev. W. J. -West, M. Aft
ter the pastorate of Bluevale and Eadies
Presbyterian churches, will be held nexu
Sabbath, when Rev. John Rosseof Brussels,
will preach both morning and 'evening. On
the following Monnay evening, Mr.; West
will give a lecture in aid of the Christian
Endeavor Society, nn his visit to Scotland.
The lecture will be illustrated bY stem
optican views, and many of what art called
the n beanteespoes of Scotland will be
shown and described, Miss Mackenzie, of -
Wingham, Will read or recite some hamour-
ous Scotch selections, and the Bluevale
Presbyterian will king a couple of
Scotch songs. Altogether it tnight be called
a Scotch evening. As this neighborhood is
largely populated with Scotland's sons and
daughters, the attendance ought to be good,
for where is the Scotsman that cton't lover
the thistle ?" There will scarcely be 'a pie--
ture thrown on the canvas, but some old
Scotsman will say he was born within SW
many miles of it, and, recalling, ftS Murely
will, old memories, the lecture cermet fail
to be pleasing.
13lite's -Mr. Will Stewart, eon ef Mr -
Thomas Stewart, started for Dauphin,
Manitoba, on Tuesday. On Thursday
evening of last week the PretsbCteriare
church choir, of which he was a member,
gathered at Mr. George IlcDoeald's, ande
at the close ef a pleasant evening's amuse-
ment, presented Mr. Stewart with a bible,
together with their beet wishes for hie pros-
perity in his first venture. -Mr. and Mrs, -
James Stewart, of Winghant, visited st Mr..
William Stewart's orl SUnday,-MteSrlo
Will Bailey and Will Duff are the, laced
arrears for Crescent bicycles. -Mrs. 4114,rtin
Masters, of Howick, is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Stews -reef -Mrs.
Stowe and Miss Lizzie Johnston, of 'Godee
rich, fornierly IA this village, were visiting
here this week. -The farmers are busy pres
paring for seeding, The spring is latte twat
it is believed it will be all the better..., Mise
Richmond, of Erna, is visiting at the par-
sonage. -Alvin Duncan who- has been ill
for some weeks, is elowiy recovering.-Tbe
good people of Bluevale are not forgetting
the comforts of their ministers. The per
sonage is to be beautified by the traction of
a verandah and thie xnanse is to reeeive
thorough coat of paint and other repairs.
-The big iron bridge spanning the Grand
river, on Dundas street, Paris, collapsed
Sunday morning at 8 o'clock, a few minutes
after a horse and buggy had crossed over..
The collapse was caused by the recent
floods. The damage done atnottnts to about
$5,000 -
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