HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-04-28, Page 7of
, 11
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A, FIRM 28q � .. I THE ,1E1U11,01N` EXPOS TOR, �
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Many persons have their good
day andtheir bad day. Others
are about half sick all the time.
They have headache, baackache,
and are restless and nervaus.
Food doos not ta � sta, good2 z:;d
the digestion is pool, - t the shin
is dry and sallow and disfigurc-cl
with pimples or cruptic-.13;
sleep ,brings no rcst and v.ork
`� a burden. .
, .
That is the cwase I all fais?
.Impure blood.
Ancl the re.-nedy? -
it the exponse only 61 V
�nd inquiry. ,xileu UW.. -
�titude ' can be Mud& -
Rt ' rt'L t factorjw -
Nd 'g7i.'g * i,'.'to I abLyt � - .
LM60aa 11 N� -
r fit , . I'
, wit t 11
d1a 11 k
I V twe ... for -
in.anythioj else, andti ... 6
� discover what, that on
�� W _
�bs a, great mis, Ake for & -
� beat for mechanics to
a � in . hinia.Va t I ra - de, "a -
11� against such., a 1:16A. -
L, for one's Viest w6* -1.
o the outcome, of bejq,
id.-,.� q -1
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; . 0— .
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3 .Ind DR. Lowia YN� .
- etoexpel,Worrax. c w I
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. core n1a Ten. i .
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. t
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- that the world greft
� � - I
w .
. grows older. Thi bil.. �
. .1
i �o far as4� I can indm '
, heavy af er three seft
�. �
45 willing to submit to
*h years bring with.:
�b and curtail indulg%ft
; ..
,& dimininhin P -
.g stre
, _
to regaM cii il= �
- ' � 6,
hat -he is no longer fitts _.
ine that the condium* �
. continuation of heal*
I Plexity aud v&rLeby ,g
.and interests, louraW -
� not in. excess ; mada,
� I
te, in ea,ting and drink. �
I MiGyment, in 0 F. I
. - - yv -k W .
1, withou t irespas sing, �ft �
-at absence of jersoud.
� attitude t owardi i othen
eserving, bellth olf Wlg4, .
-i"er. , I
I -0— 1
1 .
Julia Marlowe.
i �
Z sent as a, Ch .btmt.
� ,ri
. 11� e a copy of his latoo
1, Zic," with this veM.-
I � -
� fl*leaf : �
AI - - - - -
E I&M,
�ev I-steart of Iflut.
�2onic to ctkheartc-t , � , .
insr, -^s rht�y somethuta do .
Aerzartell" .. i
� don't w-ev and waff, � I
�xk- to tir-plinz, �� ..
i 'With g� litt!e t,.Ie .
�.Vard KIPling." I �
-0 I I .
.. P
Lgitis in ont4Lrim
:)F*t malignant iWaaft ..
s, cerebro.sf i nat i crehip.q.
, to Dr. Drya,t, so iretary, - �
� .
� &rd of Health, vecome .
Col I
�,,ider&ble portion, of the ��
e d4e.xne at whiaU At* -
�died no, fiaddenl�afew
, � h I
� malk-mant form � e, dis-
,owed 'by fatal i restdtc
:. year physicia- s bms
I .the prevalence ot * .
v not exempt. One. ow
�ed from J)eterb6roUg4.
U.Plph. In: some of Of,'
it i14 also very prevaledL.'..
�ver�, much' in the dA*-
� I .
'I he ldisea-e. They , him
'17 ai[id a. e� not, yet off-
-qe O&y not be direet�,,r.
� new treatment by sw .
�ad !has recently been m
i.d, by Wb,iah tile rnattw-,
: in taken. away, and 11W
iraitt relieved. . __
� rieninitis was. endemis �
� and - 1. -
k �4 i 1. In 1973 th*
atar ito auiribered- 324y 04 ';�
Lot improbable, says IDT4.
.ase is induced by atmow
I .
I 0
p - -
� - .
ce, who, it. will be Z& '
td a pretty birthday bo*
low engaged in the owoxw#
11; of v. difflereat niitua*
1� publication ari W-allat ,
� It bears ou the Qqees* -
� -
. Fraried, and in illa - �
Undscapps, partraitad
. uldren, 'Whom hec AV
� . L
Rat Z, �
- � I
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it clears out -V.-.-- c!'c�nz.-clo,
*' "
11irouah which pc,`43c:�s �-_-
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. tics are r=__ -,;V_
; all, impuriti -J, f.-C'm
f�-, --.,)
tbablood nature ta1"-csriZ",_thc1_1
and completes tbl:� cure.
Vt I
I .
. :/ . ,
� I! t%cre is comitipation taLe
, :1
' �
il" L
Ayer's, Pills. Thcyawakcri ,e
E .
I &owsy action of tho. liver; thcy
� -
cure biliou �
. -
! I � .
I WrIlco go 0U.- oa=1014- 9
h.o �
Wo ha—.0 tha CT�rlu - rcr7�7-.q rr
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oo=c,(�ft!.-Qrxiq�i,.CL,:�"I.-�;'�T-..-:� ... ... _ .,
t-10 VnAcd Staces. 11; -., 0 v%*- ,,- - ": I.. 1
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1 LThe following items were intended
� I r
; - f ) last week, but wp,rei received too
i late -1
� �. . .
� I
I Hibbart.' .
� Corscm.-At the last meeting of Mbbert
T � council it was moved by H. Norris, -sec6nd-
1 ed by TAN-Ielady,'that the petition of a mi&-
; �
I j3dby of.th.e. ratepayev, to be benefitted on
I the 6th, 76h,,8�h and 9th concessions of the
j I townahi Hibbert, for the deepening,
,,Ideaiag� of
I straightening ,or otherwise iffi-
� proving a_Bbre%m ruuning south-westerly
A CrOsS � r neax the said land, be granted,,
andAhat the council do now empower and
instruct F. W. Faracorrib, 0. E., to enter
upon the said lands a -ad ma,ke the necessary
surveys, and report thereon as provide -I for
. L . b,F the drainage act, 1891.. After passing a
number , f accauiats the council adjourned
to meet igain on the 296h of April, at 6
,6 clock p. in., for the purpose� of letting the
. g,ravelling on the ceutre roa&
I I f .
I I .
r- I (+reenwa,y.
. I DOTS.—Messra. J, Sherritt and . W.
. �
Grieve, reeves of Stephen and McGillivray,
were through here examining Ithe town line,
t� ma,ke, their eatimate for g�aveliug. The
grader had been over the ro*d lately, and
made a peat improvemedbl,—Mr. ,Frank
Bossenberri-was throagh here last week,
- . '
_,repairing orgame.—Mr. R. Yaglish visited
London last week, on, business. — Mrs. A.M.
Wilson, who has been sick for several
months' is much better and able to sit up.—
The Stone brothers pa�ased through here la,it
week-, on their wa,y to Michigan, where they
mtend to reeide.—The lklcPherBon Manu -
f Leturing Company are making a great num-
ter of water tanks and hay racku.-The
r)ads are dry and' dusty. -Mk, A. Pollock
. and family, of Grand Bend, visited friends
. - here over Sunday. .
#_ .
. Farquhalr. .
. ., N4� ni.�Mr. Wilson, a colored man 58
yearal of a e'L gave an entertainment in th
publip hadl. �ere, one night last week, Hee
' ,
�elated somd . of his experiences and observa-
tionsi on the condition of the people while
4&Za, sang some songa,L and then took up a
ocilleption to assist to educate the colored
racel in South Garolina.-Mrs. Sim Pallen,
h h b 11 ith pleurisy, is recovering
W'1101 an "en i W
verl� Slowly. It is hoped thar, the wa,rm
sum -er weatber will havb a benefic,i'al effect
on er.--4-Mr. Joshua . Ashton lost a very
'Valtia,ble horse one day last week with in-
.flammation.-Mr. Alex. Hackney Sold a
team of barses for ,150245 to Mr. William
Stoddart, aL horse buyer from Listowel, and
Mr. Dan McCurdy sold one to IN11r. James
-Hortoa for $125. -Mr. William! Pringle,
now of Blansbard, formerly a resident,of
this place, passed through here on hi$ way
. to Seaforth to deliver a horse to Mnl Me-
� Mann, for which be received ,`440., !As in
the past, .Mr. Pringle stands at the - frZt in
- - the raising of good horses. -Mr. 8, Cainp-
bell had his bull weighed the otheir da: r, and
he turned the scale's at 1,42.0 pount .a, al-
though he is not two years old yet. He
will yet weigh ag. heavy as his aira, ffhich
"L 60() I
Wc-ighs , pounds. �
� Exeter.
t JoTTim.s.Mr. Albert Hooper, of this
. 1 place, we learn, has lately become a licensed
I auctioneer for the county of Huron. -Mr.
I W. T. Acheson has had a, large new bali�oay
I erected in front of the Central hotel', mak-
. . � ifig it much more convenient for the sam-
� i
; MOr season. -Mr. George Heam an, Inason,
: has secured the brick -work contract for the
; hardware store north of the R . E, Pickard
Oompasy'r, premises ; Messrs. D r & How-
. ard, the carpenter work, and Wre Wealey
i Welsh, the painting. -The Garrick club,
. here have engaged the opera ho Be for
� 9, '
I * .
t �
J .�%J,ay 24th. They intend. producing the
! L comedy drama, entitled "The Vagabond."
.1 -Mrs.. Jane Smith, Who L has been keeping
f house for Mr, Alex. Box, of Stepben, for
i some years has again. moved, into her
� �
: dwelling on the London Road, -Mei era. A,
i , - re -
7 McDonc 11 and A. Dow, of E ,xeter, vi ho
1 cently went to the old country, are c n their
t way home. They are bringing wit i thbm
. an entire h6hvy drau, "'lit horse, w' ich is
. said i� be the best that has lett those parts
� . NVOUL�'
! In ,many years, having twelve first
I prizes. -Mr. Win. Leve, t has purchalied the
I � old&Mace property, on MiOr street, end will
I open an office therein short,IV. Mr. Levett
i Will handle coal coal oil, iiee(18, ete. He
I ,
: has also purchased from Mr. J ohn Taylor
: the house and premites of the late'rhomas
;L Taylor, situated on the corrier of Carling
- .
__1 ___ I - - i I
8 reatF, � '"He inteads mov-
ana ,�undere at * I I
. � �
ing th dwelling part of.0he 'Mace property
on�o the latter. -On riday. ast Mr. Sam.
I p'eI I 8 deri of the t wn of Stephen,
' a I
r.'h'a r. James Br t ell's residence
1�' aore of land oP Hu ... ran at eet, pay,
ing th�refor $8004 ,Mr. Brintriell has since
purchaped Mr. Samuel Preezeato,-'s .house
and eight acres of land on the OPI 6aite side
of the_�oad, the consideration beil ig $1,200.
T so re bo h fine properties and consider -
ad , ;o 0, value. Each purchaser V411 take
. ' ZZda L
pos iesoicin in the fall, :and Mr., re tor
wil, move unto his farm in Stepjl�eln.-Mr.
John � $anders, 'of the 3rd con 9'asion of
Stephe,ri, has purchased the r a "ce of �
Mrs. V�hiting, on William street, . I yl for
the same $400. We understand r �. 41 � t.
iug into'nds )eaving here shortly, and -will
. - L
reside �sibh her Bon. ' x �
. —0 �
REGUE,AR ACT40M of the bowels is i eceimary to
healt ' b. LAXA-LIVER PILES are the out coccaa,
tonal cathartic for fainfly or general use. Price 26c.
Any druggidt. . � -
. Lakelet. ,
NOUTHEXX SPARKS. -We heart hat Ford-
wich, too, is having a time saiing their
dam and excellent grist -mill. The roar of
waters may be beard for miles, arid it will
be kept up for days, as there is a.vast
amouut of snow on the ground yet. Our
own body of writer appears to loe .taking
things quite easy. There is yet a co).t of
ice on the surface, an� it looks -as if it (lid
not intcnd to be f6tal to any one. -The
chopping term appears to b 6 aboi: t a,. er in
our burg, and it was one of the -bi st Ut the
history of the mille.-A new ei igine was
procured in Teeswater., and brought here,
where it now P I ropels the saw in the mill.
It took some -tfirn� for 4 ' he -men to I et ib go-
ing right, but now it, ,appears to be Joing
good work.-JameF; Gallagher, of Belmore,
is empl' oyed in the mill here now, and is a
good man. -The hotel here - charIges hands
Me enzi6.
on the Ist of May. i Mr. _ , the
tenant, goes to Tleeswater.-It is a disgrace
to the name of any place to have f3o much
- *
beer and whisky d I runk as is. in tbii small
place. The beer man. come*s lere every
week and unloads lieg, after eg, What a
' .
boom to many families in this Niieinity if the
deipicable Ar,uff were banis ed. -S . ome of
the boys are now trying how near they can
come �-) the renowned sawyer3 of WroxeLer,
Mespr . Barnard and Willis. Th latest i..;1
% blovk 18 inches in �diameter, eu off by J.
Gowdy and Hugh Halliday in _- 30- seconds -
Ruxsell Harris was time -keeper, and if, is
said he was astride the saw - holding her
clown. -Syrup making is a f4ilare this yeo,r.'
Thpre is very little sap, and only ' those who
have . tapp6d. are in bad humor oll't it. -
The roads here P7th) are about a bad an
tboy can be. 'I hereis neither w eeling nor
sle'ghin ,, and those who are, co. palled to
go on t , e roads have v. ve nforbunate
time of Lt. I
I _____9
THAT mehiriz hertd -e,',An be ins nt y relieved bv
POWDERS. One powder. te ; tbri a fo '10j, t. -n f,)r
25c. 1 � I
* I .
� flensall.
Brag,s.-The % Ladiea! Auxil %ry of St.
PauFs ( !lurch la,;.d a -beautif al f O*ral pillow
on the easket conta�niug; the ren ains of t.he
lateNiis Simpson, who Was anal f ti most
" - Lie
valued ELetive members of the Luxili.r,.7 I
Mr. John Bawden, of iC)l
the village on Saturday l�1i,n,,gt101,d,,'diwDg`s.ha
day -with his old friend d,nd as oei de, -Mr.
John 11'aterson, jr.-Mrs, Jame White was
very seriowily ill the first part f this week, .
the many mouths of care and w tching con-
neeted with the illness of her I tely depart-
ed husband having proved too rext a fit -rain
on her health, not at an time too good. -
Mr. James B(.,verle'y coritempl tes adding,
in tht, near futute 4 , undeftaking to big pres-
ent furniture business,�- M r.'D vid Pike, an
army pension . week &ted him6elf
cc' bas:i2l" i a Pi tty's block,
up a comfortable
second flat. -Mr. VVil iam Chapman and
family, of thi town8hi p of Hay in * temd soon
moving into. Hensall. We like to 1 lie ir of
goocl ie3idehts like r 1 cha,prrian I moving '
into our villoga.- John Steacy re-
turned home tweent frorn Clarksburg,
where ahe had been s 8 dirog a month� or so
� with her sister, r . J. D. Dick.-.Nlr.
John Pope ban more,4 into INIr. George
Joynt'H fine dwelling,. recent,13 vacated by
M.r. .A. McKim.- 1171� John Patrick and
family, who were good residents of our vil-
lage, left here &his week�; for the VVestern
. .
States. Mr. PAtricl ha!d for many years
previons to com,ing t) Hensall resided. in
the States. _T I �ctric lighti; have been
placed in pol,too'n' on Richnond street "
Moir's survey, during t4e past week, one -at,
Councillor Ortwein'E co�n6r � 0 other
r "I'Rdo t' - . 0
at Mr. Joseph Cas . bert 11-
tb . ran has -complete dtitiesi as asseef.tor.
-The Rev. C. L. Millls, of B1
. �tb, and fo.r-
,h, H Ball
merly of St. 'Paul's chnra i was ln�
the village on Tburaday condu4ting-the f-un-
eral of the late Miss §Ln,
,Rson,*,or ev. Mr.
e � mi,!
, 't
Doherty, who is ergagpi in x . ions at
London College, -Th f lend i Mrs.3ames
I tl
McQueen will regret to learr i at bhe con-
tinues very teriously ill, and i at present
very low. -Mrs. Jolin �'IcKay, of lKipp .n,l
was in the village l&A,*ek visi, iug friends.1
. . ; I ; .1
IT&GYARD'S YfqLLOW _. 011, cures all pain in n %n
or beast ; for ispralbs, cuti bruises, c llous law )a
swellings, inflAinin4tiou, lieunisitisin- nd neueal 0a'
it Is a, opecific. .
— —
. School E,eports .
I HAY. -Thi followt � --'is tb report of
those who passed at t e ptomoti n exam n-
aticiris in school secti n No. 14, Hay, f or
March : I Paxt I to part 11,"Gracie Anderson.
Part II to junior. 4,1 H,tta Mulholland,
_�--"� , . --- .
I V�
I - 'HT C" R
. '
A very bad attack of. le C rippe on,e
: .
year ago last wintc r left rrW 9: rstem in FL
.very wea Ic state an i my nervc us systeth
comp': tely unstrunj � 31 . After getting ov4r
� the d ngerous sta ,le 0 the disease El
naturally expe= i o gain strength, but,
unfortunatel Y, d d ot do so. On the
contrary, my blooc ber_.Lme wetker. -1
daily lost strength and ii-itality, and iny
nervous system became po weak that it
was a constant so ree of suffering both
day and night. I It appetite, the sigbt
of food nauseated ine, the weak state Of
1�jy system cause ; shortness of breath.
and unnatural actil n of 'the heart, such
as fluttering and v olent palpi.ation, and
. my face was like chalk, -I was in this
candid . on and co s aritly getti ig weaker
when I began ta i g -Dr. Wa rd's Blood
. and Nerve Pills. I had �read the booki
they distributed an their advertisements
. ip the papers; and thought, " Well, I
have taken so much medicine Without
benefit it is useless to spend any more
money. However, I finally made up my
m ind. I t is a forlo n hope ; I c an but try.
If I am not benefit t be, hurL
. So I bought one box and received great
benefit therefrom, so continui�e their use,
and to -day am a we ,I man in ca isequefice;
my blood is strong,1 my face ha i'the ruddy
hue of health, my 4ppetite has returned,
I sleep well, I hav�- not he s ightest in-
dicaXions of nervo 'Sness or he rt trouble,
I .
I and from a. sick, .cakp ery s man Dr.
Ward's Blood aa d N rve� ills have
transformed me in six W eks t full health
and strength." .1 ni yours y truly,
(Signed) WI LIAM WI LA:RDi,
Night'-Olerk ranclCentral Hotel,
i Peteiboro.
Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills a,re
sold at 56c. per bc x) .5 boxes ror $2-0 at
druggists, or mailed on receipt 0 PliciD
I byTHE OCT01R. WARD C0.j Limit edio
71 Victc[r , Stree 0 Toronto. ' B00k do
informarn -free. � . i . �
I " I .
- F . I � . . . �
.- I
- . - � 111111111111111�11111 i I - � . --- ; � . L'. . . I -
I . � �. . ; . ; I I I . I
. . !
- . ! ; �. TLHVWAT18.X1,_Hsvo you tried all Ethe "ine:U68
F,mm Fee. Junibr Itto ken�ior 11, Jam a and medicines, until ffinally -, wife Stoutly " id 06 members � ci�, the Jack o'ui Harms- . . � iABEL DRUGGER. ' _r
. . I . you ever read or beard cf, hir 3 core 7 I
' I
i3outbron. Junio: 1.11 to senior III, (Ira e refused to take any mo : of the drugs. orth expedition eat,011 culd ; riodr, $ir Mltr- ; � 5 ou re Btflicted still, take W= Rhfurbatle-PM& �
MeAftifig, B311,tt�� P06ty. )'! improve,- and i t n Conway -whilo exploriug SpilzboTgeU4 - The ro-sverful Stioell Wrought by � " cure, or your MODOY
Senior III o Yrom that -out she began t IDA- ,rhoy.bover fail, guArantoed to ' - .
' -
jUni0X IV, John 4onthron, Martha Jad - one evening I was aston shed to Bee her t iough frequently war, through ; nor while I v1& Garrtck In That PfLrt- back. erlea boo. I I
. I
. .
son, , alter Fed Fourth, Ben Smilli . coming to meeb ni�A, when I 'arrived home 19,1,0at. As sooir, however, . . � -W*-0— . . -
I I 0 : nong the Hitt I I lak acted AbOl Drugger in a con -
Fifth, Florew i4ty', Alex. Smillie, JE I a from the office. " Why, I I said, " th Conway mud his men came '.doWn from � E ad vi wsloh or. ' ' I Tbe Alchemist, I I - led, MRS. JOE DOTY, POUT G ILRBILT, X. $,, SIM; :
-Philliij 3� 8 mior V, Campbell MeMordie. doctor is doio* you good af is r %11.1' I I Not I ie mountains to'an Ettropean� 4ttle I 11 Ify little girl would grind her teoth, so I concluded
� ent && rTb a othecai7. "' It -%vas said of his ght, jind Nvornis. I gave her three doies of D�. Lofr'a
Avera e att mdanoe, 1227. T. H. Brownl a at all," she said and smiled �, Then she pro' i iey all took cold6. A St. Kild* Cold e:)mes P, winancelib It "'would disconcert aw Ix am Syrup, -which aowA with good efff or." PrIm .
teaohr. Tie trilidees haveparchased a duced alittleroundwoodem box, and held ,O,ibh thto steamers from the maiq:land.appar- M1 . , economy of the wisest. His at- '6 eentb- . .� 1
4 ,ulai I - -
e, tily at leaeb, r i tit a, his dread of offending the alellOrn-
piece of land from -11r. Robert Thompso , itup. "I have agreatsee, to tell you," ; wheneve i Lhio arrivts all . , _____4" —
- ; Th i aid ist;
,which mak(s a fins addition to I- she laughed. "Unknown t ) you I have t e inhwbita.uLa have a. seizure. I is .9 a ... saying nothing, his gradual s beal I Tobacco Heart.
yard. Ttiefhave also put in a beauti I been taking Dr, Williams' P nk P I ills, and t apply'; to boats from Hii,r i . artioullarlv. I I
, ! r's - in� farther arid farther, his Impad once My, W� i Judson. Ourtle stmet, St. Thomas, Cnf.,
this is the seventh -box. TJ ke r are rapidly rorn thai Way that c horsm are .
portrait of 0,twen'Viotoria, and are talkli g . mto and W 11 Introd-ticed, are linitable, by mooe., itays
eouu�d "I bact trouble wlf,h my to sart for two years,
of putting u Oithe V 3ion Jack. on tb�seho( I- . me, Naturally INI a werjoyed, and ffect(-.d �ho writer further co:cludes that by excessive use of Tobacco. I uEed one box
houfte. Thii is what should. be on eve -y wept at the thouggy, b of how very 6 co I & �pe I he first opens his mouth, the fear- of Milburnts liesyt &,)d Nerve Pills, aud have Bob
. . ; = Id ilk co4e infectious Oisease, and of his coUntepance seem, as it -v rare,. suffered from palpitation since..' -
� I -
school.'Uum i the province. We are b near I came to losing her. 3he continued t at W44 ont, i he. possibility of ,infection it t . - �
. to aop upon * toiligue. It Is all cau ion; -fob - v
nearly so loy as our American neighbors. 6aking Dr. Wi Maine' Pi nik Pi �,lo, and before is itriposgible to e4tch it. That is to say, it isitimorous,retain cring and inexpress- Severe Diarrhcea- . I
she WA13 it, i due to �. mian .*1 and that Ible I � When he stands under the eon. . iirer 11 Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawbem cured I �
They i �lmost orship the Stars and Swipes, she had finished the eleveril h box, that I )-organ I
and why she d we not hoist � our flag on quite well again, and to -da 7 nd thout be presecia f bi ' '" ... .
eo.�er wrists a Wi a 0 t is nor ro-Organism . - I .
. to: . is Ureg examined, his tl,eth, my child of a severe all-ack of Diartboan, and 1-bigh-
P � - I
our neiiools, e place where loyalty chn knuckles are as shapely.as _r. the disease cannot be eoritracte�, be the ex 1 n didine fir
. big I d, his littlo finger, his awk,ward. ly re(commend It to mothers Ae the best 'O
beat b) tauj ht. Th B trustees are sure to Several of our neighbors iriolToronto knew posure what it may." Tbat is� one side of ; ; I)owel complaints -of 6hildrea." )f-ra. 01flynni North
I . ,� slifiPliel' and his -concerns, 1,nixed with:
makeour school second to none in the piav- how sick she .was, and can corroborate the que�,�ion, and Lhes,e tacts ,ttiay prevent, I I and -L joy and avaTice and � Valley, ont. I I
ince All Ofted to hem, May others fyl- every word I have said. 14 ither myself or. some people from coddling too �111111C,b. This hoP4 d fear 1 -4&4V4P_
, I go(od na ure, axe beyond painting. . � '13lood . .
low tbei - . my wife are willing to swe:r to the truth a as full brought oub in th4 artiule on L I . Impure . -
� I 10pen-air. treatment of Corracimption.)) S�ch Ighoampliment mayormaynot: .
. I these statements. .;� . Alwals cleansed, purified and enriched by Surdock
... I . I I I ha*4 b dcserved� At an.V Tate G& Tick
'h ,'r. Copland has been lai �ghed at for tbo any 11 one, hoyever, feels:�hat he has � r Bloc( Bitten.' Mrs, Jobn Douglas, Fuller P. AD.,
ENGINEE.1 GRAHAM, entlUbiSAM with which ie has Bring thi aught C�ild on being e,N:P()I.e I tr� a drar3glit made a . �Verful impression, wid a ;ood Ont ,says ,_ -I have ireed R. U. B, for inipure .
I I L story is ld of e effect he produce I in blood, pimples on my faca and sick headache." Four
� '
� pr& fies of Dr. Williams' Pii ik Pilig, but h( hich has played ton one p,urt of the body, the p A Lioliffeld groper had conic Up bottlos made ray *kin tlear and free from crapton,
,0of I/Iontreal, i Clured of Diabete beli 3ves that auythingBo aluable to man Ithongill libe sione individual �iay be able mud �cured me comfoletely."
, �
b7 ,: . I I t1on I L
to town wt,bh a letter at 'recoxnxnen6 -
)odd's Kidney Pill' - kin should get all the praise it deserves. V,o wari(i�r with impunity in a�night-dress . - - -
P I and exp se the to Garri ok Iro r his brother Peter. Arriv- -P
. . I � ra Copland was seen at her reF-idenee 4bout the houte at nightfa I I � 1 Athletes, Bleyelifitio ind others ehould always kec
. I on King street, Harristau, and shq cor. �'vhole body to the atmog e $ ing in the �*enlng, lie went to the a lery a A . e w . L. L
re Jamin I I 4 -
Mon breal, April 4. -Proof posi�ive ai rob rated every Word her � usband has said. rauklia was aware of 04 an som Limes to � see the � wonderfnl actor of whom he stiffness and soreness of the mupel s, rains, i ruises, -
convin �,ing L as been already given i4 Moi it She reluctantly gave her onsent to bav8 took au air -bath, sii,Ling in his 6amb r , er haa heard f4o inuch, I interiffing to deliver' f-uts, ate. A clean praparAtion, w not ttsin elath- . .
real, t iat D)dd'u K dney Pills are 1 the oi: ly, . ,� big credentials next, mornirig. _Bnt�!G.ar-� log, Price 25m
� � her name published, bu i said that she ' ly nij,de,� and in this way ould i re ul
.sure at re for that d ead disease Diabet ts,� thought it proper that the efficacy of tbeso �l e('e' 4 001114. , rielk played Abel Drugger, and so diso. st�� - -
I I I p which would not otberwip , . �
I .
And d Ly a ter day reah evidence suomes to' I i : i edithe groder that he would not golnear Mortgage liale of Farm Property- -
pilli should be made knov -n. She was led I . - 0 � I . � . . t . -
light, to make th-e proof more emphatic a 3d to use Dr. Williama" Pink ills through Bee- I On.the Id.e. I � : i hb�n. ; i — �
I . I . . : I , 38
convin "ing" I . '.'Though Xr. GaiTlek be you.r brotiler", e power of salecontained
I log the ac0ounbs of -curas in the news- 11 Di I you fall ?" asked Ll e offi-3ious o e, of � � 6;�e is one of the babo- Under And by virtue of th- .
Eng neer James Orkharn, 50 Victor is, ' U. said he W eter, _ in a certain indenture of inortgage, which will be I
papers. 1 he man who had sliplied on the Ace. �
Squar% says :-" I suffered' with Dia6bei es . West, 3neai � st, moO ul hounds that produced at the Mims ofsale, thate will be Affered for �
I L 4`_ 1 1 Fall !" ro�irod the man wit ietiagly, ";no I , Ife )# sale by public auction, by Mr. Joseph P. Brine, auL- .
for bix years. Oneof our boat dotators tc ld . � . . � ever I saw A the course of my. - I. 'conirn
! an, I young lady w L ... I'll .ad fallen desperate- Seafn
me I.o:ould not be cured'. . Active At= Wanted .. merely �at down to think over the Llxp tioneer, at the erelal Hotel, in the Town of
& 6 ; � . Lou L question. "-Norbh Americkii. � " rtb, onftturd,Ay, the dth day of 31& L y, IM, at
I � excl of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and ([a- To read this ,advertiselmen i and t en give i ly in love i 7ith GarrIck and had emp, [oyed the hour of 12 iVelovk, noon, the following, property ., L
aided :.a tLy them. Three �ooxes made me Patnam's Painless Corn E) tractor a trial. 0___ � . Allandslugularthose mrtain parcels ortractsof
I -
I �f . a I �o betwe 3n to make overtares of inar- Isudandpremiges sir,unte, 10.ng and being,latbe
well, and I ba,ve not sufferea from Diabip ?a It never ails to cure :Act: in tw(nty-four FOILED HIS IVAL. � ris go was. mo dislHusio! ried by bis pear- Township of MaKillo L p, in . Lthe County of Huron, And .
I .
� * , * :
since.': I hourk, and causes nei ... �er lain nor discom- i I 11, an Lu 6 character Lat she could ever Province of Ontario, being Leompoied of the Bouith
��� olu. I ji . L half of the north haif of lot twe and the I
.� prove i dure the tho t of Min- � ; west half of the soutb halt of said .Weaty_$iX (2j3),
Scroll enres as tbi ,the efficiency of fort. Putn tractor extracts Chinaman Cutiii Off His Co. ntrym*1 OL ag an U i L nity-six (24
Dodd's Kidney Pill . c . corns. It is the best. I - Queue to Frevesimt Mar riage. other higlily.succassfni expone t at and all of lot number twenty -save I n ('27), all in tbe
L L -
I . , *—.. . -1 * 4 i Inoiclonts I romantic and e relting enough th part was Thoiinas vVesto I no the - n of seveni h concession of the 831d Township lol NMI -
1 I v I 4
I th chief cook in lube royal kitch a,ndL lop, C0.11tiointUg by aduleasurement one iluadred and
IT Bi�hop. . Swiday, Dishe§ For pared on . for' a Chinese-American . draina Wer . Jurnbroach" the fifty acres, be the satne more or lem . I 7
. I I Satuiday furnished by the encount of Kip L'ung h der of the offlee of "' Terms of Sale: Ten per cent, of the parebasd
, . I
The Rt. Rev. Denis O'Cohnor, D. D. I C., - a a and Wo Fang, brought to tl ,e attention I epar 01 Lt* f George II's stab- .00rey at the time of sale, and the balance ,within
rl : -
S.. B., bishop of L. ndon, 04tario, who I ias The great -stand-by� for 3anday tea i li me] t.1 Having peifornined. D er at 4"y days thereafter, 71thout! aterest, or, it the
been appointed to the archbishopric of Tor. salad. The meat, fish or pg,fg for these mav of the police t6jday. . per cent. r,f the purchase
. [ , "arriel- was abro , he: Aurchaser so desire, ten �
* . be prepared on SaGurday, "he was�hing and Hop Moy h d tresos of raven blaol,- D�,=y". �Ine while:3 3 nioney at the time of sale, and the balam-e to bb W,
onto, "Vag born of I-ish parplits in the town.- ' . wits so highly �appl aide d -that he at pn ranged accordlingtolternis and conditions thentobe '
I - drying of the lettuce, : celer 7 or c�ess, and and. her almo d eye� sl in ed bewitoli I A an 1 eng go] : 1 Ina 5 known �
ship of Pickering, Ontario pounty, Ontafib,. � a 'A obtialn uent. there. q ew
mixing of t redie9ts,: n y be done in ingly. ence Xi L�rig d ro Fazio- . .
on March 0,sbh, 1841. At the age of ele-ea he I P_ - �` For iurthei�terms and particulars apply to
ten minutes o ingunday ovei irig. ,Here you f(ill in I ve with her, ;,The U York �P ples. I 1 � ,LONE, I
he entered St. Mi h rel's College, Toror to n I nny slope . I I . ZDGAR & MA
e . . - I ! . I
. I � 69 yonge St. ToroDto,
from whicl was graduated in 1 1 a' will find a first-elftee prepare I salad dressing of the ngtselciang iverc fh scenes ol .
i he 86 . e I BAYARO TAYLOR. I I � Sollialtrora fGr the Vendors,
continued his studieIs for three yearn in Xill be a convenient and a 6ti8factory time the cludl, love -making, whibli, started twc I .1 i Dated at Toronto, April Oth, 1899, .
France aKd, on ii� return, was ordained saver, it you have no mayon iaise prepared. years ago and to -day cub�,trated in the The . o,�#derf ul Memory of the. ieun- .1054
W, .
, I
, ,
I . .
priest, of S . Mary'i ':church, Toronto, Chicken in aspic, a meat, lo tf, a gelatine, Harrison street police stati)n. Shortly I � I I
ad � wyl-vaultv Autlior.
� : I : �
� I
appointed a a pro saorship in St. ichat lJs. are all dainty tea dishes,' at A. can be pre - . after 11 o'clocic an excit(d Celestial, T Or
1� �, -T-
F rom 1876 until 18 O he wi&�Ls supe or of the pared on the Saturda. pkv' ous, Then, al- fanalf ully draped and sand iled, r shed Let me recall a noted son of PennBylva.' e 4.� , - Robed -
. ,
I y . . u nio, D ayard T I ' ' who has tuak-In aO N^zl ,�� � �
. "' 1
. .
I , 1� 4,-
Ipticu (Basili College at and" Socan be made the loaf' brown or entire! Into Captain U#honey's offi= and deliv- . ay q;j h( 1, I �
I or rid, , , I ...
Anun n) College at ,� olij � ho!nored: Placd arridrig the aut i and, _. .A'. I - -
. . . �,-'.
�r,�g� �
Ontar 3t,d was t an raised to t e diocese wheat bread, to be made: int opandwiehes or ered himself as. ifollows: ! ye. -
io, a, acts of the past goneration -9 ,n,mory� 4� V.V�: I* � 91V
I f- wo s� -kabfo as was I 1� from � . � �
t eaten with the salad. Toa8l, is. easily madel "He cuttee offee- queue+Wo *riang� P , a� L, � I Devereux
� of Lo** don, in succession to Bi -3h W sh I s a 'reinar � is"hi - ��-
whom lie now eucceeds as are in Op. I is over the chafing -dish la P. sbestosf gettee girlee 'Moy-no go'd Chinee- I ch 1dh( od of storliag it with those ings: - i Z." - .. I I I
mat.. And a dish of hot buttered: toast will wantee arrested." ' to . A*J TH and
iticurn ben(y of the office of superior - of ' the i Afeer half tin ho .,s 1�orjr Oaptain In literature Whi h he mott enjoyed. Special Attention KAMM ' -
colleg wis highly successful. I The old always receive an entbus antic welcome, I a $ ' Read! ng, " we'�cre.told, I 'had char. ns for
i eapecially when supplemeat -d by a pot of Mahoney nianagel �� g , ler from the . to- H,orseshoe RRIAGE Opp -
structures were r4laced by one of,Ahe fi iest . hi n fi oin Ills . earAest yeaTs, his i MAKER queen a
' . a honey or a jar of anchovy y mate and a cup disconnected talk of the Ch na)n�-n that ha I ving taught hin� �o -read by the t, Wther General Jobbing. t , � I
educaLionil buildings i Western Ont rio, me he notel.
*of deliciously brewed aw fragrant I
' .
and the number 6 I f students iner6ased 500 ' . tea, I be had been deprived of - s qudue and. w 1 4 y s old. e showed great apti� : . I
per cent. In less than 20 years. , which should always be prepared at the, his itatirinionial chances one stroke. tudo a] S for comr, Atting poetry to inem-r. Goderich street, - - - - - - §eaor�b.
The Twonto Qatholic Register Glys, table. - .. 0— - - � The d*bolical plot had I �enconsiini- ol�r. lr� the evening, after li�eo had gone t6 —
" Bisliop Walsh W�s'too shrewd an obse,ver — . I rnated, 4ecording to Kip r Wo Fang, bed, hi �notber would bear him -re eltin, _0 i ! .
, .� 0
W. 0 s
arly the tfeisur-, lie Horticultuval : tiotes the platmate of hig boy ood, and his P ....
' , ��� V f or poern t�) hi . , 1111;� � . -
of chii ritat w not tq Bee a s brother, t �1:1
pmaeseed in the ,�vouthful superior a] his The foliage eta as the li .Dgs of the tree, hated riyal for the. hand of 'lie fair Moy. P , Vf I "9, I ', =
P , , .
. - in.theseme rooin with him." Theeager- > - , K1,111111 - 011, � Zr �
C ... -
college,,aud, ia cousequence, called hini in- %i14 hende Gliefflemoval of a, arge amount at Detectives Flynn and Ile an Investi which'the boy read is m asured I ,1- �
to his counsel, use I d his advice arid hon)red any one timel during the growing season gated and this is what they gathered: ness wit i , t , 10 9P N ,�j J' '- 4= 1
I . b the , d which, his memory On -3 -1 I _n
him in e%ery way. . . . . Gentl) by must necessari y be a serious setback to the Two years ago Kip Moy � wealthy,tea rm . , i ow i f I
I . " thpose, ly rea ings. Years ard, -f t ; I
dispokition and choice firm, when firmness tTe a. planter with extensive hl dings in the w an 01 his . els, poems that he had : 1. . - I 0, I =1 - �
is nee essaly e-. , Much can be done to protect house plan�s Yangtseklang ViLlley, was isited by two .... 0 - , . � =1
I infl t1ible Where the rulas of. rbooks from tholibrary atbe 4�' . ,
, � let xiled x #*-
the oliurch are in�question, a Btrengt,li to ; froincold. Papershades t the windows younginen, both poor, b t ambitious, bad I �read came I ack to hbn as he visited 0 % I., 0 0 1 1= �
the zMalous, an encouragement to the t i mid, are� a -better protection thar cloth. A great who desired the hand - of his daughter I in person many places which had ;K r"
and -immovably just to all, he has won from deal of cold air . may-beshui oub by leuing Hop Moy. The stem old I egtial, how- ki iown ir Imagiiation. . � *`,�__� _. =
. .-
the pn'ests and people of his diocese t e re- them down at night, A k c.rosene lanJp Orl ever, iefused absol'utely to i�kq either for 1: I Poeti� r, " he , rites, I ' had greati influ- I
pate of being an ideal prelate." � two left buraing through me night iu thel a, son -iii -law until he had atnaigsed a cer- - W �� CD �.q �
. . I enb3 overime � m childhood, and today '. ict- ,W .,
Acyording to the present arraingen ants vicinity will havb Al: decide I effect on thel tain amount of casIt. Tale.q of topportunt- . .4
. . . in 6 W,
q . '%T- n thp,poern I'v 1� . memory which 1 learne4. 1�,4 )-1. -, - -
the -astallation will ta.ke placoi in Sb. atmosphere. Clogelt,he emoks arourAithel tier, beyond the sms bad ted yangts - I C
' : I at he ag 01; dr, 8 years and which drove .., . W 0 C-4 , 4 � - f
Michikel's Cathedral, in Toronto,i early in baseboards ,with brqwn pap w. Open sPacOsl kiangward, and both aspiranits for the I n A 0 C-4- ,
m to d , era itteuipts at imitation, .1 ,O c:, I.- f. , .1 �
May. , � . . I round the windows 4an be i Iled with folds' hand at Moy�went to Chicago.! lit ' q heal su r ed to 11-nd myself repeat- J -.a. W 6 �� �
, I
. oi little rolls of Ipp per tfie color of the! Kip 1.,ung started o,4t to win a fortune " I �.
paint. Doors4ope0i g from the outside can by conducting a restaurant at 322 Clark in song , wl, Lit the failure of a line or, 0. Cyr PJ CD - i
rom Wealth to Pove'#y. . W! d, w . . earned from a 31exican 0 jz�t ,4
� be made tight wit trips (f listing:tackod street. Across the street I the lauxidry V�l �'n a whool�o r an& had not thought ot W 0� I
Th 3 fa,ir and fascinating Judie, 1who- was along the edges. Vane Paper thro n over; of Wo n ICD ,&'a - P . , .,
. I . Fa ig. The purveyin: ,of chop ,souee ad drawer of my M 0 I.., -
. 2 fo 120 -years. iT)o unus . , I. .
once �he idol of Paris, and who wo6 laurels plants will protect a gainat - .a low tc mperill- and tea, however, proved X lore lucrative : sc�)whow been unlocked or !4 01-1 - I .
a�nd a dorers in this country years ago, when ture during the nigot, On very cold night I in ad had go M� P I
. - .3 than the cleansing of shirti, and recently bi )1ken oben -,rb le I slept." I � . Co �-d 1j. 0 1
she i ang in Olivette,' Perichole, de., is eo add 0, covering of newspapers, ct- --it I
. � it became known In CWnatown that Ar'. Bqyeseii �ays of lilm: "Ile CoUlcl W �CD .
r that a benefit was givea fo? her All bbe kind of forest trees that areo most. Lung was about- to deparb for the Orient . �, 0 4. ED =- -
. . qii3te by the ho1q.11inglish, Germw . I ct- '�I_ P., I
the Aher da,y by her former colleagues and iised as orniments re grown by nursery-', 1. : - .1 P .
- to claim bis bride. I I - , � V t__4 � �i
la;n and e6n. Swddisb poetry, and appar
youn, rer Eiiagers who once envied her her men, and they are so mich preferable to I I ., � ,1-3 cD I . .
I I The ramor reached t1iie ears of 'Pa"19 e tly ha-vb Inexhpi,ustible treasiire 3 in re- !4 W_ I . I
success, says the New York Advertiser. thoee taken from the foreal. that it is cheap- rel. ; � I .
. and the intell1geuco sniote hini hs Va. A, Single veading sometimes suf- 0,�- ::�
Among other good qualities, Judie Was cc to buy nursery trees than to take the Tat- 1 56 1 P
- , Alone in his ink he ''ay over night . . . . . . ed to - a poci4i indely N " CD tO --i 1 .
noted for her generosity. She Would give ,ter ,.wibhoub cost. The c1lbivation in the turning th I '' . ct, (D > I
. � �pr over ift bis mind, and 0 . % I 11 Dyer happened to allude to any 1�. .
her time, her talents a,nd her mone a� any nursery develo s a greitt isny small rootE QU 0 0 0 $1:1
. then he deci(led iipon a i n. Lun g could 4 the :qrst P L__J cl ,O P
time for any good cause, and it is aaid to be near the trunkrand "which can easily be re. P pa sfiage :4 art of 'Fa t,,' of
not enter decorotisly into 10 0011111311nity "v. i slation, tha �U W �:;, P.
owing to this too great liberality that;the moved when the tree is dag. In the forest I alch I inade a tran t 1113 1`1 'Pj- 3
1 Qf his childhood qiieueless, This morning , 3 it at a Moment's notice, 0 CD t--� i
once wealthy singer is to -day in suet. straits, the trees so crow"d each other that they, ' C (a) d n : recit( I f0d W I
. 3rang went tothe establisb nient of Lung I y,eri]y offleve that he�c'oyild rep3at this 1.1 0 CD .
On one occasion, wbe'n she was the idol of spi re upward with I ew bra iches 1-1. X, - I
- ;
-, while th( ith a long, keen knife 0�onciealed in his pe, ein fronii begln:aing to end. "-J. P. Mo- 0 �0 I
the -C pera bouffe, she snug at a chatit- gar- roots, not checked 1�tall b Itivation, rur eeve, There was a slash and a yell. C . nal. a) CD t=$ '--j �3' -% I :
" :
I W P . � �
I . �
DI eu Z 4, CD
den pa,rby. After each song of ,a' went so far that all the feedin roots are de. braW lay upon the i � Lskey in Pennsylvania School Jour. I
ung's -long black ; — )`-i I - I
arou d among the audience and dol ected strayed when the,ti ee is t -en up. So wel � oor of the restaurant. F4 g fled and the . . .. �4.OrQ . 0 1 -
gold pieces, declaring that nothing , vould is t,his understood t at it is usual to cut of Humo�s oiSchool limspection. 0 90 -
I mi. � ; I 0 - . � I
' police are looking for hi .1, : -was examining the 6 -year- 1 --ft W I . . �
. �
perei ads her to sing anobher note, if they all: the branches fro a 3 onng tree trans I I :An Inspector 0J I 0 W Z .1 I
did tot give generously. . . ! pl ted from the fo esk, 1p most cases dor I I . olds In object lessons before th ai:rd P 1,w. I . -,
I I an __ I ' ' 't- CD = � I
o rode aroun tl�e mant buds will eta from these bare pole his lively daughter thus; 144a vleart.f. � ...
A# another time oh ToSuve Troub e. hat is CD 0 �
. P_ 0 V 2 �
I ny.) I "I t-.1 .
grounds of a country place where a a arity d uring the -first on.,) imer, d if a number of XcCp your accounts CIO.,; b7 notes. zaade of ?" (Prodiicing a pen ,;�', C -t- I
sale was going on, dr Bed as a fruit- eller them live this form i the beginnin'g of the Do not inake tiny alterat on in a note : Children-Coploer. Pi -0 W CD . - � - I
. .
- I �
and mated on a white donkey. The don- future top growth � Where trees are pro- after flelivery, If an int rlineation or ,&'No, children,you are mistak n; -it-Is 0 I -r,- 0 .� I I
. il. CD -ft . ;
key's panniers were Ailed with cherries and cured from the-trur iery th, i branches should erasui,e is inarle before clelliery, got same made of 1)ronze, which is a inixtu a of tin d 0 . � :4 r -f- ., �
:� . ��, �- & � . -,
Judia's hat was trimmed with thern. be thinned out an� those ,4hat are retained Initialled by maker. If 1�notes aro,en- and copp6r. Now, what is it.mad of?" (D -- .
P . I I P -t PD t=- 0 - . �
When all the cherries in the baskets ere should'be Bhortened. The tree will almost dorsed, see that they arO protested at :Childrpm-Bronze. P 0 t-11 (D - (D 71
sold' eople began bidding for the eb rries certainly live,.and will be an ornament in- �iiaturity If not Paid. :"Andthls?l (showing a sinen4e.) P1 t=j 44 . i
p � ; 1. : - . I -_ i
inherhat'. These she said were no for stead of disfigurement the first year or two If vin account Is to be gu�!ante(A, get iChildron-SlIver. I : CD PW t:3 0 - t+- CD � *� �
' I I H - -,I
sale, bat to -oblige the gentlemen, who af ter it has heen h at. It i many cases 1'sQuito right, and this?" (fumb.1 ng for . I CD M ,;-�J - - �
the the guarantee in- writing; cv hainvise It is . - . . . a
i e she tree from the lorest, act ai wbare pole, puts- of no value. . � a half sovereign, but, on . " 0 Z
s -e -err ad so anxious to help the orphans � . failing to nd It 0 �
I I I : � ;� . -1
' L_J - - �
would part With her bat trimming a 20 out a few sliciots which cannot get sap rashlyfiliurishing hisseal ring I their 4 (D , - . �
. ;
franes per cherry. She disposed of a ,cry enough to eDntinue life tbrough the season. If 1111y'account Is scen ,� e d �, make - no - - . ._.. H-2 * . . I - I I
- . 11
arrangement of. any k� d wilbout tha� faces.) I 0 0 CD - 1 . . �.
one. I . I 0___ . " . : Children (to the infinite arn-use, ient of (1) 10 aq . ... I
I . I I I
I . v�rittcii consent of the st 're � t t�' - ol , .- I , 7
Judi�"g house was one of the wonde s of Misc6 laneo us Ni iws Notes. 11 If dealing with it ria�l 1vollian'. tj e vica3t's lively daughter) -Brass .1 - __1
. . - Ind dq �3- n 41 ,� 4
1 . i I "MY clear children, nol Itlogold. Lool . tg �_ i t - I _-
Paris. : Her carriage was driven directl in- (D ! - . -
, tin-ough her husband as aqe to niake it: � r � I �
and t the ciwrl�ge and -Mr.JauiesW5lie,th formerebampion '. � ith to -Yes, y 11 In 0, ,.,. I" 14 11
- . I �
to the house ' clear to Whom yon are solliD19, ore 016sely at it). NOW 117 a� X
owl through a rap amateur ch, Gker player, ell-kn ' ' ow, what 0 W '. �
' "'
'horEt i disappoare4 d . I rid -n o -1
I � the Wife, or husbtfnd. or th, and let; hand It: rou rza . 4
= . J
door to! subterranean stat leis, - 11 herd laddie," did . think I haTo for'thl ?Infr?" - 1. 0 -n t _.
A in G: aegow, Scotland, r - b, I ; I �
! J I � : . I ' - - I . - i
� to. the account In your boolA sl 0 _. _P . M "'In :
,a arr . .. I
I _ i on April 5 �_( Little Girl-PlE., Sir, to'b led C:Z� %.W A
- F I tio� --------- �, If �rou sell -to a inurried -%Nloriiaii, make i
. -Mr. Herbert Gladston �, son of the late , 0 .- . - I
THE] EDTTOR'S WIFE. sure that she lias at t'r at �ijqfe separate with. (Vicar's d : hter convulsed in tbp CD �.Jv . I I
I � . �
. 0-.11.0 I I
I Right Hon. W. E. GladBt ne, has been ap. C-1- = I
. I f
.11 )si. proporty, i.e., property cf her own, dis- 00T1114.) . 0
: __ pointed Chief Wbil) of the Liberal Oppi .4c 0 1
1 �_ . in su cession tor Us late Mr. T. H. #nct�from her husband'A. No� n I . Men don't wear waddl-og Ul 51 0 1 11
� . *Ubout this gs. B to wlien yow. fa!Mr seab � a let. 0 1
Tlas Lad Suffered Terribol�7 � ontract, amd Itiojudgirrent ri . t=' 0 clo- �X I
7 I Ellis. ; . ahe cannot a . 11 OF) 11 . - )."
From Rheumatism -!��olent eartbqaak so, can be obtained against her. Oat a state- , what oes ho do it W1 I—
�;f I ,eurred, the other - , , 7'^ .CD� .0i = .
x, . . ment froni liar as to hat bar separate JUttle 130Y � (bi *Skly) 'lease, -0 :* IUJ -1 .
� .
I day, in Peloporintaus. a peninsula in .the I - � w ,-P�-..(D , .q I I
f. Thl . . I ,
I I southern part o i eefli, i. Uany houses. estate consists a I I would be useful brass farden I - . ; i (D �_" 0 .
Ier,Toints Began to Swell and Twist Dub f G � col. .9 1 . . - - 11
11 I 1. 1--h.
where, bu . )-4.
. Japsed at Gascouni and a] se no should necessity arlso of -proving exist- 1 � P 0 11
of all Sha '" -Death Would Have I pen ; An Wit playwil. .
pe. f atalities ha ve been reE orti id I . ence of such separate 1)roperty. , I � . - . 0 j.-
�getIffieier, the natural - igt Keep copies of all important papers, I An plad ybU1 of -the Kilkenny Thea -
4 Relief-pri Williams' Pink Pills Be. -Mr, lif In. B. S P f . , ,,,,- & 1P I
store Her �o Health. , and journalist, of London, England, has and Me them away, F;o, thal; they may be "Oyara or May 14, 1793, hai bee� - - .
at hand when needed, I f � . Thispla bill Is reprinted linthp � 1"% co :,. 1-t -
Frorr the Harr ston Tribiiine. published a book on the sparrqw, declaring 1. . - CT' C -0 9 W I
� . that the bi is a pest which inflicts in Eng- If unable to ineet an Igation at Vestem (Englan ,) Mail, arid the f6llowl, __3 -
. . �
J i g Is an extraot om It: . � .
After long consideration and much I esi. .Ili t::� ,
, land alone illions of poui .da of danjagc an.- maturity, face it; see the Jac itor; noth. I I ) 5- CD I
tancy about having her name made puldic, ! . I J,Ug affects his nAnd morc unfavorably !"The Tragedy f 'Hamlet,' origina.117 - . tnd .,
Mrs. John A. -Copland, wife of the edftor nually. ,v a� : tten and coi a, Bed by the celebrate4 0 0 lcl," - . .
-At Hi,:,hwood a .to several tr ile3. than Ignorance or uncertainty,.. W�rf , ''I _ #� :71 . .
a,nd proprietor. of �the Harriston Tribine, north of Chicago, ,AL.Lnand dro. Isaac Be(ke� Coliftneyour purcha- i ouses DAn Hayes of L: ' ' rick,. and inser - " lj� _1� - �_ I
,e to as1r,Av h I . .
lissAssolved that the world should know " w .
were fatally burned by. a gas4line atove ex- as possible. An honest tradeo�i �fi trouble 8 iakes&arels W,)kks.-' - . - .
how wonderfully her health was restorei,iby I coup" 1 � The aybill concludes with the -Interest- �
. l, i , two than I
plosion. Tfre �e wer) about 35 ybars can better arrange with one �ot �
. 11.1 n hatsoever w -
the Mely use.of Dr. Williams' Pink I , : ) : .1 I creditor ii g not ce that "no perso - Th, Grandly Bred
for Fale People. Our representative inter- old, and bad three small :children Who, with 20� It Is always the s z I ,T.! e .
. StODd belpleaBly by that 'bldeks an aureernent. . . b adm tted 1 Into the boxcfl withou� sbc:
frantic with frigitt, I . stoc:-,-m,g 4 C_%+ 01 -
viewed Mr. Copland, and the followiEg is ._� al] 1 n
his stateiment of the case ., I while their parents. battlei vainly,againat Donkgiveorie creditor w�preference 4.!' It Is Prot able . � QP t I..
. 11 sh cl tirnafit to the honor of the a utho�_ I
I ; . . . the flames tliar; en% eloped them from head over an6ther. 11 ! - I
"Whilst we weye iving in Torontc, at I . I
q � to foot, . .1 A crqditor seeking a prefer- ce Is - look- ip of "Hamalet" Is not so well, known. 8,0 AND GREAT RACE HORSE . I
No. )9 McGill I at et, my wife took i.1 in ,. his asto,landing clabn might warra'at. .
.. -Fireon Saturday, 1pril�15bh,.in the ing aft his own interests, 110 .yours. .
the a ubumn of �8 , 8, d took such racking holeiale . -dishine 11 1. . i
8 T117.1 j
immense w T�illiu,,ry betal at j�eve - ive a chattel 0. . dft ^
in, i that she �ao d ardly stir. One of in r, . ; The Mystiffed PsAbLer. : McQorm.4&%0k--
pa el . � . of Hart & Co. I of C levelat d, caused A logs of If Jobliged to give a cot mortgage - I -
th iest special ist in Toronto w�'s called, Wo, $600,000 or $700,0(0, Tie fire origin�ted 1 . business !I "Your son," said- the 4chool eri - -,I
fiell - or go oi.it of business, go ou 1 1 1 ; -
and he diagnosed he ease one ci� te in in the four -awry brick bu Iding occupied' by Better to go out earlier than r. U! 4i to ver�t backward In his udico. ' Will stand for the ImprDvement of
flammatory rheu tism. His pi�escripti �� , i 4 6 Th"'is �op * �
on'3 Comey & Johnson, haG r ianufacturers, and will have to go out anyway . f you gij,e - funny, - MU . -aring the season of 1899,
were given, u h sai d that the i cue w to a I , I 1. , ' 04 � �3� stock, d
� would be! a wonder spread with lightniig raffiditiy throughout a chattel mortgage. � . I At home, In :converfsatto with , no, he -at
very severe n , and i, � " .1 I . k � . . - It alL, - 161phit �
� im the entire structur �, and to. the adjoining Have your will made.. r you are Ai Owns -W kno .
if her joints'did nct become 1 issba an. I -
. . . I N1 Ofth AmeTl A �
. brick block occupie I by Bart & Co., whole. member of a firm, let yopi executors! . zt : . . . AMANI, I
What this eminent ph?,sietan predi-ted 'sale milliners, and i everal other firms. Both ; 0 - . Ai,&
came true, A0 the er d a a mcinth my wife buildings were era, rded with hundreds of have full p9wer and discretl 1 as to deal-! 44� Co. :R. Wflown 8 Sotabllalv; I
was worse than iver, and her wrists and girls. Many of thi m Wer a. carried down the ing with surviving partne� otherwise I , I I . � . I
they, may have no altern4tive than to. r- , I I - AFORTH,
knuckles wereltwiste auto of shape. She . . . T, S i A SE
was so disheaqwd'ed t at she w fire escapes by the iremen. hich may be dlis- irous -to all. I � I I
ne ould we at . liquidate, w , n .
the slightest provoca on. She was I ath . . parties. 1. .
. I � I � Huron County Breeders' Association,
� Catching 'old. . : Be sure you understand yoj ir lease be- . I
to- I �ta in bedi.an had to be ass* tei Dis uished everyw4 1636
,.z.a , �ore expending nioney on rent.,d premise -0 . . ; � Q .
to ai dross, ev ry movement gi ing A recent writer in �he Spectator has I . lica &VD ir, Sul�erior ual- " -
. I . . I a of T1 . �
pai D aring all the ens ing th f Lot that there are or in fixtures- i I . . -
her intense , in. drawn at4entio to e I . . � ity, and Nutritive iPropertles. I �
wini er this o hings . continuedi she places in the Pled where it is impossible to . � - - . Specially q)lrateful and' comforting 1: Ed". Ajltr. �Taorl phoqlabot
I - I
gradually becoining Worse in spite of. the catch a cold, simply beocE use thete are no I It Suited Him. 1 - to the ne-vous and dyi,peptic. I The Great Rd�m BMWV-
stra 3g . medicines I and the lotions that I the colds to catch ! N ansen Lud his , men, dur. I e4t at that Sold only in qaarter-pound tins,. � I I I I I Sold and recoia�nded Wy all I
. - ' Why do yon al,wa,,,. I drugests in Cansda. I
"W of sal [o 'S F - . �Gon - � reh- I
doctor prescribed1for her. We tried in vain iug the three years they i p nt in the Arctic taurant? I knc 7en better' labelled JAMP, ,PPS & CO -, . I . I ablei inedleine dismver:1 BIZ -
� the massage treatment and the electrical regions never caug t a oo id� although often � . I,inait,ed, Hommepathic Chemists, ' ,Alll
Laces. " 1. . guarqnt64 to CuTe .
� .
trea bulent. My wife i�ould moan near] y all enough wet and fa;igned, a - , 'I'verbaps you do. I k w of other ' I 1�04doni,'Bagland .� . Weakness, 1611 eftects of:Abuft ,
a.rd at times sat . . . I - -1
nigt t I e pan. She was unsbl to urated with perepirati(Ii , which caused ` ; , * I ve nwof TO
�] ac�ia's where they Fierve bet ie steak and) � B: SUP.L �R . I Ipt
hold e ba,dy, and even could not bear to -their clothes to freeze it t.9 a Mass of ice. - I B _E1 ST ; , Opium or 8 . Mal
.... . . � t�5i I . . 1 $1 v ,
here the prices are lower, but. � : of prWe,,o . book #
ha .- perffon-pviirit� a finger at her. I fear- Nausen's i own stabbement is: "There is, of r 11, 1�_, 1( )CO 8,1rXeL any .
v' . n a 1�a W�x .. . P e
" t the spring WO-Ould see my wife t nder coursej Ub doubt hat (o* is an linfectious place I've bee bl to W . � I pasy, Win Out. I
' � I �
ed t 6 Z � : . e7 boll the water. j I I . I !,;!� - I - A I
I . �S. I .
the so, , and you may be sure I was terri- disease ,We had i ione daring ouri journey, 1= � i . :
I ;
. I - � I ! . 1609-26 ' I [No. 2 ald�n sesforth by Lunoden .&
bly aliected by it, - �All this time we con- and We a�l got it (very bo;dly, tdo). A 1 - I i No. I and � . I
-.----- ,
7 ! � I " I I 9(illeon .
r -
" .'O' i I
L I'
, F ,
L 'a
I liti�,
1 1113 Z
�, Wl.
6 h &00 I
_;i i I
all '
M �4"
I t'o
,� bl]`: 0
4 (31.10
, - _' i i' �, I
r sh ,
t be
%m's Corn EA Ln
ey '"' ' I I , i 'n
_ * ) - �
Ile - I - LJ
N w � Forp. I e
0, � , 33L 1
0111in s S
Lg (
9 I
i I
rm I
[,-- -
tiuu 11 to give her the 'doctor's treat ment very mon�ent we reached XooiWay-l' Neither [ I __111"r J I i � i I 14VULTUtc
. I � I I i I ; � . i
i . � I � I � I �
I � . I � .
i . : i . I
� I - . : : .
- I � Z I i . :
: I � I .-
I . : . I
, 1 I i
� . I ! 1;
. r I
. i . I � I . I . 1 � I . !.
I I i I - � ,
- i. : I ;
I : i
� I . I .
I - � I I , I : i . ., .
. i . I � t . 'I
. . . . I . I -
� � . I I 1_1 : I ; i � . I
I I . . � i I . . i I : i I �
. :1 � I k : I I i
. ! . : . _.
� ; . I : i , i . �
! I .. - I , ! " I i . , I I __ I
! . . � . I ! .
I I � I I I . � Q� . I i - � I . :_ . . 1 ! I ; I - . . - I
� � -1