HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-04-28, Page 5AL
oy s from lo
d remember, co
are the best
frona a
aud a Co
1 in politica a Conaerva
a great interest in mat
both church and state,
-ith the former was h
his place of Worship,
t.11 would scarcely peij
or municipal matters he
a-ely inteniat in what
relfaxe and advancemen
was always ready to lend
As aaneighbor he was le
d being possessed of a go
pled with a keen seri
made him excellent
ts to mourn his loss his
aithfully awl lovingly
-ing his severe and criti
g over two years, and
r Rodgervilie, and Samu
two daughters, Mrs. (
'oit, and Mrs. Robert
L The funeral service,
v. J. S. Henderson at
:!cession to the Rodger
ery largely attended, te
set felt. for the deceased
r his family, Mr, Whi
sixd four sisters, but o
.;teid, of Ireland, novv s
• ,
iof money saving on a
Irtains or carpets to h
f the Wiseman stock.,
- bankrupt stock or 0, lot
-goods we are selling, hat
honest dry goods, bough
Lows us to sell at priee
,r1 you can buy for e
r is good and well asot.
,c*•our dry goods wants maY
oney it you come here.
it every day. Why not
rpeta, eiirta:us or window
money ahead supplying
Valuee like these prose
carpet, reversible, goo&
, 2.2e. Va,rd wide union
n, a carpet that will wear
y union carpet, reversible
ors, old prices -were 5011
rice 42e. One pattern
nion carpet, good color*
y Weight, old price was
•52e. Two ply all. wad
ld prices were 75e and
All the best wool ear,
the store, extra heavY
'I, new 75c. Fine quality
)seiy covered, light and
pricea were .5itc and 600s
ne quality* tapestry C81
est qualities in the stock,
and .85e, new price 60n
R,Lve enough ou the price
esV eurtains or blinde for
.,ck must be ' sold at the
hie ite es line we do 114
we have cut prices
g and durable windoW
stroag rollers, the Wises
rice 35e. Better 04=
fanay trimmings, with
the Wiseman price 750,
best Wads in the stock,
th, lace at bottom, the
ksur price 75ed. These
'es are cheap. Ther'i
ity, and those who hay
curtains, it will
before you hny. ijut
tho Wiseman priOe.
worth yonr savings
s ranging in price from
an stock at the
re, Clinton,
APRIL 28, 1899.
Perth Items.
—Crossley and Eunter, the evangelists,
will viait Stratford jia October next.
--The South Per h license commissioners
have renewed all t e licenses which were in
, force l!rat year,
—William R€e'ls house, in Fullarten,
was d troyed by fi e the other day. Near-
ly all the contents ere saved.
—A gnat Dittrne has sold the west h lf
of lot 26, concess'ort 15, Logan, to Isaac
•Oshor , for the su of $2,100.
—Ma._Thomas 8 inner, of Mitchell,
calved a couple of p izes for his horses
the recent Toronto, i orse
--The death is r ported of Mrs. Geor e
Adams, a highly re- pected residents of t e
2:ad cone.easion of gan.
—The other nigh some person stole m e
pairs of gloves aricl ,auntless from a sam 'le
room at the Winds r hotel, St:Marys.
—Messrs. Edward Moles- and Erne;t
Holmes, of MitaelI, have passed their fin 1
examinations at the Toronto Dental 0.1-
—While exereiaing a young horse t e
other day, Mr. fl. T. Gilpin, of St.. Mary ,
was knocked doWn by the animal and h d
his hip fraetured.
—Rev. Dr. Kiloy, of Stratford, was n
Sunday presentedwith $500 on the owed n
of his having been 25 years incumbent f
the parish.
—Miss Lizzie Woods, of Listowel, a d
Mr. Thomas G. Anderson, of Gowanstow, ,
were united in marriage on Wednesday f
last week, by Rev. J. H. Jeanes.
—James Robb, for many years publish r
of the Stratford Herald. died recently n
Farmer, Kentucky. Mr. Robb was a nati e
of the Gore of Downie.
—Mr. John Close,of Mitchell, has sold h8
park lot, on the Huron road. to Mr. Wi
Phillipe, for the sum of 8700. On accou
of his failing health Mr. Close intends lea
ing shortly for the south.
—Aiex. and William Thompson, sons »f
J. 11. Thompson, 6th line, Elma, hal e
tapped over a hundred maple trees th s
spring, from which they made about twen
gallons of syrup and a large quantity if
—Mrs. Robert Wilson, of Atwood, did
on Monday of last week, aged 85 year
Deceased was associated with the early hi
tory of Elrea township, and was one of t e
most highly respected of the few survivo s
of the pioneer days.
--A pretty wedding was celebrated
St. Joseph's church, Stratford,_ on Mond
morning of last week, when Miss Ka
Earkius was united in marriage to Nt.
John MePhilimy, of the Maxwell Mamitfac-
turing Company, St. Marys. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. Dr. Kilroy.
$APoiVuT, April 2.7, Ile 9.
Fall Wheat (new), Standard .. .. $0 67 to $13 69
Spring Wheat per briehel, 0 65 to 6 67
Oats Pm' bin:kg! 0 20 tO
,.er bhal GI ta
Baxley per 0 3s a•
Butter, No. 1, loose— — 0 11 to
Butter, tub— 0 11 to
Eggs per doz— — — — 0 0 bo
Flour, per 100 ................. 190 to
Hay per ton now-- — . . .. 6 00 to
Hinge per 100 Ors 00 te
Sheep Skine. . 0 60 to
Wool ...... — 0 16 te
Potatoes per 'bush, — 0 60 to
Salt (retail) pot buret— s1 00 to
Wood per oord (long).. 3 00 to
Wood per cord (short) 1 60 to
Apples per bag. 0, 60 te
Clover Seed. .. 3 00 to
Timothy Seed . .. 1 25 to
Pork, per I00 a. 6 00 to
Tallow, per lb.. 02 to
0, 31.
; ea
O 40
O 12
0 12
O 10
9 00
6 50
0 70
0 18
0 70
0 00
3 76
1. 76
1 00
8 60
6 10
0 03
Dairy Markets.
TORONTO, April 24th. —Butter—The de-
mand is limited, and values are lower.
Creamery is also easier. The quotations
are as follows: Dairy, tubs, 9 to 10e, but
none are wanted ; large rolls, 12 to 13e ;
small dairy pound prints, about 130; cream-
ery, tubs and boxes, 17.i to 18o; and
pounds, 18 to 19e. Cheese—Market firm
and demand ateady. Dealers here sell at
.114ie for old and 11c for new. Eggs—Mar-
ket a little steadier to -day, and not so much
in. Dealers were selling single cases at 12c,
and larger lots at
M ON TREA L, April 24th—Cheese—Some
more lots of old cheese have sold around
lle. Ib'was estimated that there are still
about 6.000 boxes in atock. A little fodder
is arriving and sellina at 10e. Butter—The
market is not very active, but there is a on-
siderable quantity changing hands. or
fancy boxes of creamery 16i1 to 17c is b ing
realized, some selling ic lower. Dair is
neglected, a.nd one of the firma quotes 13c
for fresh rolls. Large lots can be had at
121e, _while small quantities of very fine
quality wilI hardly realize 14e. Eggs—Re-
ceipts are rather light. Sales were made at
1'4 to 13c.
Toronto Potato Market.
Market easier on account of pretty free
deliveries. Car lots, on tra.ek, are quoted
at about 70 to 72e, top, for strictly choice ;
farmers' loads, Ontario stock, sell all arouna
75 to 85c ; out of store dealers sell at 80 to
Live Stock Markets.
LONDON, April 25th.—Trade in American
cattle is slower. Best United States cattle,
; Argentines, 5,311 ; Argentine sheep
LivEurooa, April 25th.—Prfees for cattle
here are practically unchanged. American
steers sell at 111 to 12:1-c (dressed weight.) ;
live sheep are firmer at 13 to 140 (dressed
weight) ; lambs, 14 to 141e ; refrigerator
beef is weaker at 9i per pound.
MONTREAL, April 25th.-0att1e—The but-
chers were present in considerable numbers,
but trade in cattle was slow, and there was
not much change in prices, excepting that
the best animals are a little dearer. Prime
beeves sold at from 4i! to *5;lo per aound ;
pretty good animals at from 3. to 41e, and
the common stock at from `2.J3- to 3•te per
pound. There were more than the usual
number of hard -looking bulls, which sold at
from 3 to 4c per pound. There was son-
siderable enquiry for good calves, but there
were no choice veals on the market ; the
prices ranged from $1.50 to $6 each. Sheep,
still unshorn, sell at about 40 per pound,
and yearlings at from 5 to 5:7c per pound;
spring Iambs sold at from $2.50 to $5 each ;
fat hogs sell at about Ore per pound for
straight lots just off the cars.
BUFFALO, April 25th—Cattle—Good to
beat smooth fat exp rt catt1e,85.25 to $5.50 ;
good to best, 84.851 to 85.15; good to best
fat heifers, $4 to $4. 0 ; fair to good heifers, _
$3.75 to $4; mixed fat cows and heifers,
good to choice, $3.50 to $4 ; fat cows, good
to best, $3.50 to $4; common to good do.,
$3 to $3.50 ; stockers, choice to extra qual-
ity, $4.15 to $4.75; common to good, do.,
83.50 to $4. Calves,—Good color stock,
84.50 to $4.90. Sheep and Lambs—There
were a few sales of top quality of dipped
lambs at $6, but the bulk of the sales were
at $5.90. Clipped lambs, choice to extra;
were quotable at $5.75 to $6 ; good to
choice, $5.50 to $5.75; clipped sheep,thoice
to extra, $4.85 to $5; good to choice, $4.50
to $4.75 ; wool limbs, choice to extra,
$6.50 to $6.70; good to choice, $6.25 to
$6.50 ; wool sheep, choiee to extra, $5.50
to $5.75; good to choice, $5.25 to $5.50.
TORONTO, April 26th.—Cattle—Scarce-
ly anything was done in export cattle; de-
pressing cables from England and difficul-
ties of space on :the cattle boats were the
causes of stagnation. The best price paid
to -day was $4.80 per cwt. for choice export
cattle, and light stuff snld at from $4 to
84.40 per cwt. Butchers' cattle of the bet-
ter class was steady at from $4 to $4.40 per
cwt., but secondary and inferior cattle was
weak and not in active demand. Medium
cattle sold from $3.50 to $3.75 per cwt. ; or-
dinary at from $3.15 to $3.40, and common
staff as low as $
scarce and finale
$4.25 per Cwt.
$4 to $4.50 p
Iambs (grain -fed
$5.40 per cwt.
ly fetch $4 to $4
lingo are wante
from $3.50 to $
per cwt. Stockers were
, selling for choice up Is
eederrfare stead at from
a Sheep Yearling
teady at f om $5 tb
nyard" ye rlings m-
eal/b. Oh ice year-
od ewes re worth
r cwt., an if extra
pring lambs are slow
Bucks sell at from
ogs—Hogs are un.
Quotations are :—L
om 4f to 4-ic: pert
ch R to 4e.; heavy'
, and stags 2c per
r e
50 pe
. G
.715 p
fine $4 can be pa"(11
at from $2 to $5 each.
$3 to $3 25 per c t.
changed and 4eady
" Singers" sell at f
pound; light hoga fe
hogs, 3e; sows, 3
If properly coedit° ed, t st tbe proficiency of a
student reanonably well. he graduates of the
Central Bus ness College
Toronto, all pass a trong indepeneent examination
conducted by the &mime Educators' Aseociation of
Canada. No white astnn or granting Diplomas to
incompetent candid tee. Our students are proper'
trained to pass these exa 'nations sacceesfully, ncil
burliness men appreciate t i Or standing. Thati's hy
we have many more applies ions for cape le,
efficient, young men and wom n to fill poeitionei
than we can supply. Yo may e tor our College at
any time. There are no I acation to ifiterfere With
your advancement. If yo wish particulars drop a
pottal to
W. H .SHAW, Principal.
Yonge and Gerrard ste., T ronto.
MASON -4n Blyth, on Ap
Wm. 211,18019, Of a dau
JAMES—In Turnbetry, on
James, of a daughter.
MILLER—In Goderich to
wife of Mr. Georee Mi
NEEB—in Dashwood, on
Ed. Neeb, of a soo.
PFAFF—In Dashwood, on
Mr. John Pfaff, of a da
GLAZIER—In Clinton, on
Henry Glazier, of rreo
BOLDUC—In hgmondville
Mr. Herman Bolduc, o
coe, Mr. John Elder to
b- th of Winghem.
ham on Apr1118th, by
by :•ev. J. H. Mooreho
ant Venstene. bat Oath
db tghter of Thomas -B€
6e1s, by Rev. B. Paul,
Wildfang, of Listowel,
mother, on April 19th,
alr. James McNeil, of
Noble, of °Buten.
I 16th, tho wife of Mr.
April 14th, Mrs. Thonerte
nship, on April 17th, the
er, of a eon.
pril 16th, the wife of Mr.
April 16th, the wife of
1111 16th, the wife of Mr.
on April 26th, the wife of
a daughters
still8th, byRev. Dr. Pas-
Mra. Annie M. Walter,
t, Paul's church, Wing -
Rev. W. Lowe, asaisted
se, of London, Mr. Rids -
at law, to Miss Nellie,
11, Esq.,both of Wingham.
Victoria Cottage, Brue-
n April 19th, Mr. Moses
o Miss Agnes Bishop, of
residence of the bride's
y Rev. H. A. Newcombr'e
ullett, to Mies Mary A.
ADAMS—In Seaforth, on 461 23rd, Thomas Adams,
aged 83 yeara and 2 m nths.
BOLTON—In aaicKillop, . r n April 24th, Margaret
'Curry, reffet of tho ate. -Barnet Bolton, aged
69 years, 6 months andie days.
BARB.—In Blyth, on An'sil 16th, Mrs. Lilly Barr,
relict of the late James Barr, aged 78 years and
2 menthe. -
McCRACKEN—In Morrie, n April 17th, Ellen Flom -
ming, relict of the late Jams McCracken, aged
97 yeaie, 3 menthe and 23 days.
BUIE—In Blyth, oet April Otli, Mr. John Buie, aged
82 )ears,
CAMPBELL—At Whitech rch, on April 19th, Mr.,
Thomas Campbell, age 75 years
SCANLIN--In Clinton, co April 20th, Catharine
Scan lin,
aged 63 yeare.1
BLAIR—InBaytiold, on 4pril 18th, Samatil Blair,
awed 64 years.
PERKINS—in Gorrie, on 4pr11 13th, James Perkins,
aged 65 years, 6 months and 13 days. ,
WHITE—In Heneall, on April 18th, Jamee White,
aged 75 ,years.
COX—In Golierich, on Apr 118th, Samuel Cox, aged
71 years
AMOS—In Exeter, on AprIfl 22od, Laura 1uth. wife
of -Dr. Ti A. Amos, agd 33 yeare, 8 vuo ths end
3 days.
On Saturday, April
at the CoMmercial
hold effects, without
McDcfnald, propriet
On Wednesday, M
p. m., on Lot 12, Sou
one-half mile north o
stock and implemen
proprietor; Wilhiam
the 29th, at 2 p. m.
otel, Seaforth, house.
reserve. Rev. Dr.
✓ ; Thomas Brown,
y 10th, at 1 o'clock
h Boundary, Stanley,
Hills G-reen, farm
s. William 1 Logan,
eCloy, auctioneer.
J Yellow Dutch sets.
London Road, Henson.
eale a quantity o
Apply to D. STEWART
CIOR SALE.—That desir ble property on the cor
J ner of the Sauble line, Bayfield. consisting o
six acres, On which is a col fortable *dory and a hal
frame house, with five bedrooms, dining room, par
lor, pantry and kitchen wi h good cellar and stable
God young orchard. Te ma reasonable. Apply t
MRS. A. STIRLING, Bryn ld. 1637-4
the ladies of Seafort
prepared to do up hair oo
An assortment of swill°
switches exchanged. She
or black hair. Reside
Market Streets, neaforth.
Smith wishes to infer
and vicinity that she 1
nbings into switehee, etc.
es for sale. Hair am
will also Irby dark brow
ce corner lot Jarvis an
1637 tf
pusuc AUOTION SA E.—Mr. Wm. McCloy h
received instruction from Mr. Wm. Logan, t
sell by public auction, on Lot 32, south boundary
Stanley, half a mile north of Hill's Greens on We
nesday, May 10th, 1899, t 1 o'clock p. ns., the fo
lowing farm stock and, elements, viz.:1 Horses -
One matched team geldia a, 4 and 6 years old;
road horse 6 yearsold, roadster brood mare b
'Fulton in foal to Wilder Lee; 1 roadster foal, sire
by St. Blaze. Cattle—Tl ree ranch 001413 lately cah
ed, 1 cow to calve the mid • le of Maydour 2-yearkol
*steers, two 2 -year-old heif rs, 2 yearling steers, on
yearling heifer, 1 Durham bull calf 6 months old, tw
calves. Sheep and Pigs Five well , bred Leieest r
ewes, 2 brood sows, 1 to li ter about July lit 6 pigs'
6 weeks old, 1 pig 4- mont s old, 8 pigs 2 mo ths o
Implements—One Massey- arris binder n,o rly nee.
1 Toronto mower, 1 sulky ake, 1 teed drill, ItiLmb r
wagon, 1 pair bobsleighs. set diamond harrs we, on
hay rack, 1 pig reek, 1 et Itivator, 1 Mese --Hari!
disk, never been used; 1 n w general purpoee plow
one 2 -furrow gang plow, 1 democrat with pole an
shefte, 1 top buggy, 1 mitt( r, 1 fanning mill, 1 roo
pulper, 1 Ironer, 1 wheelba, roW. I waterin tank, on
grinding stone, 1 long ladd apple laddera, 1 woo
reek,: meat tub, 1 set of Weigh scales (2,000 lbs.
1 hay forktruck, with rop, and slings complete; tw
set double harness, 1 set s ngie harneee, 1 sap pa
70 sap palls, 100 cedar pee s, croes-cut saw, 1. roa
cart, chains, forks, spades, 'hoee, 1 bag truck, 3 doze
grain baoe about 4 tons hay. Alt the implement
have been bought within hei last three years, an
are as good as new. The s oe is all well bred and i
first-class condition. Eve y hing meet be sold, a
the proprietor has sold his 1 atm and is going wee.
Terms—All sums of $5 a d -under, ()ash ; over tha
amount 8 months' credit w 11 ibe given on apnrove
joint notes. A discount at the rate of 5 per cent pe
annum will be allowed off 1 r eash on credit amounts
WM. LGGAN, proprietor ; W11. cCLOY, auctioneer
Parties are hereby not
the law to turn rubbiah
100 feet of any house or
violating this Isev will be p
offence there is a heavy fl
bage pound, where all suc
and the Council would req
ed -that it is contrary t
r etlisr materials vithi
•ther buildier. Persona
osecuted, and for kitsch a
.e The t3wn has a ga
retiree can be dumped,
est that y arsons use it.
The Cana
(Covering all Gra
Possess unexcelled fa
Merchandise, of every
Money Packages,
Notes, Issue, Money Or U
place in the nited Sta
red tape. No applica
waiting for advice.
each order—pan be ca
the day. A I messenge
business. Prompt ref
delayed or stolen. The
method of remitting th
d Trunk lines.)
ilities for handling
°Beet Drafts, Biar,
• ers on almost any
s and Canada. No
ion to fill out. No
receipt given with
hed at any -hour of
can transact yoar
nd fox orders lost,
most popular known
ough the mails.
Commercial Bui ding, Seafog4i
The following Popular Stallions will travel their
respective routes for the spason of 1 00, as follows
The Standard Bred Trot ing Stallion
HACKARD, No. 0235.
JOSEPH HUOILL, Proprietor.
At the owners stable Lot 25, onoession 6, Mc-
Killop, and at the Ilawkehaw stable., Seaforth, every
Saturday. 1 1637-2
The Fashionable Bred Clyd %dale Stallion
MacBEAN, No. 030.
Wm. & JOHN MOGAVIN, Proprietors.
Monday, May let—Wilt leave his own ttable, Enna
mile east of Leadbury, and proceed south along the
Sine Read to John Campbell's, 7t Conesselon, for.
noon ; thence to the Continental h tel, Seaforth. for
night. Tuesday—To A. Hugill's, .r noon ; thence
north to John Wayne's, Kinburn, fo night, Wednes-
day—North to John Watt', 18th Conceiseien, Huh
let, for noon ; thenoo north t John Young's,
Bound try Line, for supper ; thence east to William
Taylor's, 9th Conceosien, Morris, f r nieht. Thurs-
day—South along the Towa Lin , McKillop, to
Thomas Beattie's, for noon ; therm east to his own
stable for night. •Friday—To W . Telferae 16th
Concession, for noon ; thence nor h miles, then
weet to ?Aliases hotel, Bruesels, f r night. Satur-
day—South along the Gravel Rod to James Me -
Donald for noon ; thence south his own stable,
Leadbury, where he will remain tie 11 the folio...leg
Monday morning. 1637-2
The Standard Bred Trott ng Stallion
WILDER LEE, N. 1706.
Record 2:29i,
JAMES RARY Proprietor.
Monday, May let—Will leave T. . Berry's stable,
Hensel'. and orooeed north to Kipp 23, then west to
Saines Hagan's, Hills Green, for uo n ; thence nnrth
to Varna, at Ceok's hotel, for night. 1Tuesday—Weet
„to Brownson Line, then south to Blakehotel, or
noon ; thence to Charles Grsib's betel, Zurich, for
night. Wednesday—West to Con salon 14, south
11 miles, then met to Brownson L1.�, then eouth to
M Nees hotel, Dashwood, for roon 1; then south to
Khive, and west to James Hannon e hotel. Shipka,
for night. Thursdriy—East to Au oat Hill's hotel
Credito 1, for noon; thence east London Road,
then north to Hawkshaw's hotel, E ass, for night.
Friday—North to T. J. Berry's at:11o, Hansen, for
twin ; thence eaet by way of Obiselhurst to
CromartyLino, then north to Carlon's hotel, Staff,
for night. Saturday—West to hi own stable at
James Berry's, for noon ; thence to liensall at T. Y.'
Berry's ',table, where he will remain until the follow-
ing Monday morning. 1637-3
The Imported Clydesdal . Stallion
BERRY & LIVIN(JSTONE, roprietors. '
Monday—Will leave his own stable, Staffs, and pro -
mad to George Strong's hotel, luckersinith, for
noon ; the south-west to George 1. McKay's, Kip.
pen Road, for nieht. Tuenziay trout to Charles Har-
vey's, Usbornc, for nd3n ; then to H videehaw's hotel,
Exeter, for night. Wednesday— o Hill's hotel,
Orenton, for noon ; then south -e st to Moffett's
hotel, Centralia, for night. Thured v—South along
the London. Road to Seller's hotel Clandeboye, for
noon, and remaining until the foil wing morning.
Friday—North-east to Thomas Di ken's Biddulph,
for noon; teen north east to Wine eleia, at Wesley
Jleywood'es f or night. Saturday Nort-e:east ta
Thomas McOurdy'e, Farquhar, for noon ; then by
way of Cromarty to his own etable, hare he will re-
m,ain uatil the followineMonday murning. 1037-2
The Imported Clydesdal Stallion
MeINTosn & Muanoos,_ roprietors.
• 'Monday, May lst—Will !ewe his own stable, Let.
8; Concession 12, le clidlop, and pro ieed t3 Thomas
O'Hara're Concession 9, for noon ; t enee to Robert
Cempbeh's, Coucesoion 7, Inc night. Tuesday—South
11 miles, then west to Charles Dod 'e, Concession 6,
for noon ; then north along the el le road ;to Wm.
Alexander's, Concession 10, for nigh Wednesday—
North 11 miles, thed west to Wm. i115', Concession
14, Hnlietb, for toon ; then to yth, at Queen's
hotel, for the night. Thursiay—To Robert B. Laid-
law'e, Concemion 9, Morris, fo noon ; then
to Walton,at McKim a hotel, or the night.
Frlday—North miler., then !set to Robert
Douglas', Concessioe 10, Grey, or noon ; then
south to John Dennis', °once sion 14, Mc-
Killop, for night. Saturday—To hi own stable, and
rerualn t,11 tho following Monday rn rniag. 1637-2
The Impotited Heavy Drau ht, Stallion
MARTIN & MCCONNELL. rpprietors.
Monday, May 1st—Will leave his o n Stable, Lot
20, Concession 13, Hibbeit, and go b ay of Chloe'.
hurst to John llorney'a, Lot 30, Sonlession 4 Us -
borne, for noon ; then to John Joh nal L it 14, Con-
cession 7, Usborne, for the night. uelide,y—By way
of Erimville and south and eset to Ioh4n Delbridge's,
Winehelsia, for noon ; then to eorge Harow's,
Kirkton, for night. Wednesday—T john Callon's
Blanshard, for nooe '• then to Oli erl Harris', Mit-,
ellen Road, for night. Thursday— o1Royele hotel,
Mitchell, for noon ; then to Born oli-n for night.
Friday—To August Eekrneyer's, L gen, for noon ;
then to Weber's hotel, Dublin, for n gist, Saturday—
To Janice Atcheson's, Hibbeit, for noon ; then to his
own stable, whore he will remain u til the following
Monday morning. 1637-2
The Imported Clydesdal Stallions
. —AND-
INNIS & HORTON, Proprietors.
Monday, May let—Will leave . Horton's, 12th
Concession, •Tuokeramith, and proseed to George.
Sellery'e, 8th Concession, Hibbeit, or noon ; thence
north to Miohael Willieres' and L onard Sholdicee',
one at each plane ter night. Tuesd y—Will proceed
north to Huron Road, thence to 9 aforth, at I Royal
hotel, for noon ; then wet alsng t s Huron Road to
Melvin Clark's, for night. Wednes ay—Will proceed
!gong the Huron Road to Queen's otel, Clinton, for
noon ; theace to Alexadder lents', tsr night. There-
day—Will proceed by way of 2ad Concessio , Sten -
ley, to Hugh McGregor's, for noon ; thence saute to
John Chamber's, Town Line, bstwe n Hay and Stan-
ley, for night. Friday—Will proc ed srutli- along
the 12ad Concessioe, Hay, to m. Ruesel'e, for
noon; thence east to Wm. Horton's 4th Concession,
Usborne. for night. Saturdsy Will proceed to
James Horton's, for noon ; then al ng the Boundary
Line, between Usborne and Ribber , thence to their
own k table, where they will remain intil the following
Monday morning. 1637-2
The Imported Belgian Dra
Monday—Will leave his own eta
cession 11, McKillop, and go to T
Concession 9, for noon ; then north
Conceeeion 13, for night. Tue
Dougi le', Conceseion 16, Grey, fo
Walton, at McKim's hotel, for the
day—To Alfred Bwton's, Concessi
noon ; then to Blyth, at Queen's
Theraday--aTo John Udine', Conces
for noon ; then by way of Harkens t
for night. Friday—To Wm. Storey
McKillop, for noon ; then to Jam
sion 3, McKillop, for night. Satu
Robinson's, Concession 7, for noon
stable for the night, remaining tint
ght Stallion
le, Let 18, Con
omits O'Hara's,
to David Boyd's,
day—To Robert
noon ; then to
night. Wednes-
n 8, Morris, for
otel, for night.
ion 14, Hullett,
o his own stable
a, Concession 6,
s Bell's, Conces-
rday—To Frank
and to hia own
1 the following
The Imported Clydesdal Stallion
Moaday—Will leave his own st ble, Lot 10, Con-
cession 11, rind proceed to John Bri run's, for noonn
thence by B 3•th to Themes Sloan'e Lot 1, Conces-
sion 8, afar ie, for the night. Tuesd y—Will proceed
east along t e 81h Concession to 01 n. Jackeon's, for
noon ; then e east to James Harris',16th Concession,
Grey, for he night. Wedneeda3 —Will proceed
south to 4lex. Gardiner's, 14th CODC69E1013, Mc -
flock to his own
roused east to
hence by Win -
e west to James
iorth to Thomas
ceed south and
his own stable,
lowing Monday
Killop, for loon ; thence west by 11
stable for night. Thursday—Will
Archibsld Somerville's, for noon ;
throp to Kinburn, for night. Frida
Booth to Fowler's school house, ther
Miller'e, for noon ; thence west and
eE4,113, for night. Saturday—Will pr
eatt along the 8th Concession, to
where he will remain until the fo
The Pure Bred Clydesdal Stallion
MARTIN & MCCONNELL, Proprietors.
Monday—Will leave bis own etabl
Dublin, aid go to the 2nd Concessio
east 11 miles, then south and west t
ly'e, Concession 6, Hibbert, for noo
along the Centre Road to Burn's corn
McConnell's for night. Tuesday—S
then east111 miles, then south mil
Duncan McDonald's, Town Line, for
way of Chiselhurst to George Mart
13, Hibbert, for night. Wednesday
ford's, Fullerton Town Line, for noon
of Russeidale to Oliver Harris', Mi
night. Thursday—Along the Mit
miles, then west 2i- miles, to W
for noon ; then to August
night. Friday—One mile and a qua
west to Wm. O'Rourke's, Conceveion
noon; then by way of the Huron Ro
Weber's hotel, for night. Saturday—
at John Sheana for nobn ; then by w
and the -Huron Road to Dublin, at h
whore lib will remain until the fo
, Weber's hotel,
, Ribbed, then
John Donnel-
; then south
r, then to John
• uth 11 miles,
s, then west to
mon ;-then by
n'e, Concession
To James Bel-
; then by way
hell Road, for
hell Road 2i
lliam White's,
Ahren's, for
✓ north, then
, MoKillop, for
d to Dublin, at
o Beechwood,
of Irlahtown
own stable,
owing Monday
_ We are ow offering good Bicycles foi $25 cash. These wheels are now,
1899 models, and. guaranteed. Some special features:
Frame, 22 inches, frame paifts, 1-A- inch Shelby seamless tubing ; forks,
Seamless steel fork bides with a ch down; handle bar, steel with- cork $riPs ;
wheels, .28 ih hes; wheel base 44 inches • rims, best selected -wood ; . tires,
Trenton singl tube; pedals, rat trap or ruber • saddle, brown pattern ; ,bear -
nags, tool stee • finish—black, handsomely decorated.; furnishings—tool' bag,
containing w nch, oiler and p rapt
We hav in stock both la
holds good u til May 7th. 0
ies' and gents' wheels at the above price, which
her makes at slightly advanced prices. ,
T'S 11 okstore, Seaforth.
. -
Once th re was a young
had been rou d the world and
his grandro.otl er about the won
other things. The old lady dic
he teld he t ey caught one of
anchor, sh4 s id she knew it
don't want] to tell you any fish
that soundll retpsonable. Buyin
not reasonabl that we can and
following prices
system, as th
Wide Pri ta, soft finish, fast colors
terns, fast colors, worth 7c for 5c. New Flannelettes, light and, dark
for 5e. Grey otton, yard wide, worth 4c, for 2ic. Good red salmon
13e, tor 10e. est maple leaf salmon, two cans for 25c. Gold Imolai b
PiZe for 50. Gdod Valencia raisins, five lbs. for 25c. Four 5c bare of so
Ribbon tea at 25c, 40c and 50e. Salada tea at 25e, 40e, 50c arid 60e.
at 20c, or three lbs, for 50e.
Buy Uni n Jack Soap, says the wrappers, and help the s
get a large lla
an who went to sea. Whei he
hrouah the Red Sea and he coir
ers he had seen, and about flyi
n't believe a word about ffying
the ' wheels of Pharoah's chario
as true, because it was reason
tori ,s, but we do want to tell y
ancL selling (roods as we, di) for
g fis
sh, b
on the Ship's
blo. No*, we
u a few things
spot cash, is it
buy and sell cheapei4 than on the long credit
ome he
to tell
t when
show :
• i
worth 8o, for 5c. Check Gin
o saa _Aas1-33
INNO 00., EL
hams, nevri pat -
colors, worth 70,
(sockeye), worth
king powder, 100
p for 10c.' , iBlue
Good Japan tea
hool chiidmn to
Pupils ar in attendance at
The Canad Buless Co 1 ec3
From the Atlanti Coast to the Pacific Slope.
One hundred and thirtn-three cities, tfDwns and
villages in Canada at d the Uolted Stater*, curIng the
past year, sent us nearly 300 pupils. The4e are now
23 Counties and Dist lots in Ontario, 6 St tes of the
Union, together w1ti Manitoba and the Northweat
Territories represent d. Over 200 of our :Tile have
been placed in goo positions since Jalluary lit,
1898. We recently had four calls within tnree weeks
to supply tcaehorsl for other businessl colleges.
Among those, who havo aceepted vont! no lately,
are : Jennie Batema , as stenographer an4 assistant
book-keeper, Welke villa Brewing Co ; 4nnia Mo -
Rae, as stenograp er and assietent bo4k-keeper,
Milton Pressed ,Bri k & Sower Co. ; Cath dee Mc-
Rae, ae stenographe , George Angell, Wh4ibes4le Art
Supplier*, Detroit, ichigan ; George Cafrthwrlght,
as stenogkapher, wit North American 1111e Assur-
ance Co., Toronto. Tho epring term is ne of the
hest 8E3E480338 of the year for making a st rt. Enter
D. McLAUHLAN '& Co. Chath m Ont.
THE "$
The plcasures1 of wheeling will be
greatly enhanced if the rider
wears a pair of our "Slater Bicy-
clei Shoe ". These shoes are
made by ti e Goodyear Welt pro-
cess. In olors—black aid choc-
olate. T ey have elk sohjs which
are very e sy and flexible and pre-
vent sli ping on the pedals.
They can lso- be worn as ,a street
shoe and are very light a pair
weighing but 20 ounces. The
price is $.00. 1Stamped on the
sole by the makers which is a
Men's Bicycle
follows :
soles only
with corro
"Your money
hoes in other
-Tan with co
$1.75 a pair.
-rated soles only
akes as
$1.75 a
ack if you wa4 it."
t"' 1-* laam rf)H
P a>
-,1 aQ ,,•-,• • go,
hida> --
7 ' 4 6 c:4, t4„....,
2,.) 1/4.../
Pal, 0 CIF Pa 0.1 ,i '
cia F....el 4r.,4 CI'
CD ese, e 1-4
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F-Jaaeoj 1.• 1$7.1.) Pn c.t..
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,--t- 1--4•
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e+o CD C/) i rz..,
CD 01 co
'aD pa izsa 1.;ai et.
aa- aa. cap. aaaa 1::Ta
0 "(I 0 :' 0,2,,
14 1--4 • Iri 1 • Caa cp
ei c't- t±i 0 , lerl g
F.P1 P 1–,-i -,.:;•" _ cil
wet- a)
8 I SI:
C0•2 • 2-> c- O
'4.11 ;.'1."..
a. cs din 1 0 ig•
. nD
Grocer Stor6
Right at the front. It neverj takes a
back seat or a sec O
nd place in e r ce. 20
lbs. hest gra ulatl
d . sugar for $1. Brown
augar from to 5 lbs. for $1. 3 cans of
good salmon for c. Soap, 7 bars for 25e.
12 cakes of hite castile soap for 25e. 8
cakes of nice toilet soap for 25c. Scaled
herring 10e. a box 3 boxes good atehes
for 25c. Al kincla of teas ri ht own in
price, 10 lbs. for 1, 7 lbs. for 1, 6 'lbs. for
$1, and 4 lbs. f r $1. Maple syr p and
buckwheat flour, evaporated apple , dried
apples. 3 lbs. bet lard for 25e. A regular
slaughter in ohinat, crockery and g1aaswar,
whichII am cleang out. POtato !onions,
potatoes, flaxseed, Dutch sets and 'hree of
the leading variet es of mangold seed, tur-
nip seed, timothy and clover seeds. A cor-
dial invitation to 1 to come and get some
of the cheap good
rich, fine and 4uitjy,
possessed of ,gr
tonic properties. Coln-
liined with Peruvian
bark, though, in plan -
qty presenbed by the
nglish and French
h armacopreias, it sup-
plies the greatest of
all tonics. Such a
tonic is the famous
is BIG
'Mtn% Iva
rA. fl) DAMS
on eases hos
For sal
Prescribed by phyaici ns
irrespective l of sehoo
in Seaforth by
Higliest eaeh price paid1for black aide, sr' hite ash,
red and white oak,hard sad eon nisple,
and rock elm. Either stmage or dlivaraei=
For furtheeariculare aly
0115. WAMnager for the S.
ickard & Co.'s
This Season
W4i will b? found in th front rank for a good high class and well assorted Dry
Gabds Clothing Establi hment. All Departments are full to overflowing with
all he newest and best oods that money can buy, or that patience and close
buYing can procure. Having direct connection with some of the best manu-
facttrers in England, Scot1and, France, Germany, and the United States, we
are in a position to give you correct goods at closest prices.
These Good Are 111 to Hand
Carpet., Curtains and ijraperics. Exminister Carpet § in great range of colors
and new designs ; Br's els Carpets from 74c to $1.25, special at 850.an d $1 ;
All -Wool arpets from lGSc to 830, specials Union Ciarpets from 250 to 60;
special at 7:ic ; Oil Cloths and Linoleum from half yard to two yards wide—
an immense ratage ; Tapestry, Chenille and Lace Curtains in endless variety—
prices right.
Celts' Furni hing Department
An iricnere range of ats in had. and soft, at prices that you can only pro
cure rom. Vs, all the ne shades. Men's Suits to Order is a specialty with 118 ;
peopl are not slow to ppreciate prices for high class goods—special Blac k'
Suits at $18 and $20, s iecial Tweed Suits at $1O, $12, $13.25, $15.25 and $16.
tilts, Etc.
In th s line we are certainly,better than ever. Our prices will set everybody
think ng when you see he goods at $4.75, $6 and $9.50 per suit. Everything
g'intra tee to wear. T y us fori Shirts, Ties, Braces, Underwear, Umbrellas,
G.ove et etc.
1 " t-
Silks and Dr ss goods
In th]is D partment, as sual, we will be found second to none in the trade -
Large stoe good assorrmenen.
t,tcorrect styles, combined. with our close prices
make this a strong Dep tm
Wash ,Goods Etc.
Whi4 Pique, Fine Zep 'yrs, Nice Ginghams, Galateas, etc., etc., in great variety
and range of prices, bei I g from 10e up. These good s command the admiration
of alil who see thein. T` ey are correct. Our stock of Parasols is large and
well ssorted.
Saplt Depa tment
Is now complete, with ew Shirtings, New Flannelettes, New Cottons, New
Print*, New Galateas, ew Oxfords. In fact everything to be found in a first-
class ptaple Department
Remember t e Place
you want anyt mg in Dry Goods and Clothing, Carpets or' House
Furnishings. Our large trade is a guarantee to us that our stuff is right.
Wit PIC!i.ARD & CO
Opposite Town Building, Corner Main
and Market Sts., Seaforth.
Sppcial Attr ctions for this Month's Sale
Elegant Trlinmed Hats
Suitable fo
"Dress" ocdaSions anI early 8,` pring
Wear lel from $3 to $8:i These: Hats
have been spe ially tripmed Pia this
sale arid are w rth fully 25 per cent.
more, an infii itely friperior i4 style
and quality o naaterials composing
them than an sold in the town or
Vicinity at muc higher prices.
Ladies' aic Miss
Trinimedl ats
At $1.25, $1.,48, $1.(:.5, and 182.25,
wbich, have been sold at a muchl larger
Fine Trimmed
At 75c,.(95; $1.25 and $1,.50i Un-
equaled in this distiict for st3,11e and
SpeOal Values in
Untitamed Hats
Black,' Cream, White, Blue and Fancy
Braid'Sailors at cut prices, such as 25c,
38; 50c, 55c, 75; 85c, and 956.
Turbans and
Walking Hats
In Black mil Fancy Raids from 50c
up. ,
Fine French
Beautiful Violets, exce lent Foliage,
Aspreys, Pinnies, Buckl s, Jet Oprays,
Nets, etc,, wiP-be found at the'lowest
prices with us, as they ave all. been
.bought at the original so rces.
Try Our Millinery
And get correct styles and save dollars.
To Enable the
Country People
To take advantage of this special run
in Millinery we will take farm produce
at the highest market prices.
Specials Through
The Store for April
One hundred and twenty-nine Ladies'
Shirt Waists worth 68e and 75; this
sale for 500 each ; 182 Ladies' Shirt
Waists worth 90c and $1, this sale for
75c each; 12 dozen Ladies' Fast Color
Wrappers, light and dark colors, 78c
each; 8 dozen Ladies' Fast Color
Wrappers, light and dark colors, $1
each; 25 pieces Imported American
Sear Sucker, fast colors, at 5e a yard;
10 dozen Ladies' Fine Cambric Draw-
ers, 2 pair for 25c; 25 dozen Ladies'
Fine Ribbed Cashmere Hose worth
35c; for 25e a pair; 100 pair Lace
Curtains, 4 yards long and 27 inches
wide, for 25c a pair; 20 -sdesgns of
Art Muslim and Draperies at 7-e, 8;
9c, 10c and 12c a yard; ladies' ready-
to-wear Top Skirts, Black Lustre,
at $2.50; Brocades at $3, $4 and $5;
ladies' White Pique Skirts at $1.25,
$1.50 and $L75; Crash Skirts at 60e,
90c, $1.25 ; Collars, Laces, Corsete,
Hosiery, Parasols, Handkerchiefs, and
ReMember We Are
Headquarters for
Black Orepons and Ladies' Fine Suit-
ings and Dress Goods.
The tadi s Store Pentecost's