HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-04-14, Page 8TiI.E. H RON EXPOSffolt PRIL 114 D BANK. by the American Government, aud� its ric W of t e nderwriterin 'Association on t e regular army pension list, and w 11 9 in which Cardnq's h, ill og Friday evening last, nd country fort ome weeks, I he*S Prior to the loth of March last was the Most ou .. Is expected 9 all o it full. share of the troublesI and anxie- ree ve a regular pension of $$ per Mon h sociation company wall at liberty to' several held this week. While away Pai CAPI�AL'(Paid Urp)t $1,600,C00. un i death. - In additiqn he has received no RA by theAul, coessful of the d a via 4 tie a c ]at go often Attaghles to- a lorge family, rett a - There was a largo attendance Ireland.— REST: a or write a rhoy at a lower rate than M a. David y alk6s, formir be ag called upon to ndfourn th death of a $1,500,C 00. lam lof over $400 in cash a arrears and 5, �� In O'C', er annum. It will thus if YOU09 p * Dle, including some from Gode. Miss Mustar�, was here t in week visiti, number of their -sons after theyihad reached In Pretty bat is an object of- ineclinsequence, set up in the be seen rich, Clinton" Wingliam, Exeter, St. Matys, her mother apd other friends in th I a L L L .1 worih &fail). that go insurance on th as al-- 8 tratfo is vici4i t ma uh, there pasok through tiOn, but you should- me, IS Efi�' F 0 R T H Bf?ANC H Geoi,dio is a man of more tha usua ill- w is property w rid an Zurich, The London harpers —Josepb Robinson receiv id )ad, � while o e the ele ;. f a legram c serious illnespes. Mr. Ingra, lin Y., telli RVA mAde at as cheaP 16 rate as wall obtain furnished excellent music.—Main street was addition Main Street, Seaforth ace, who has in his experience Seen able , that the town sustain led no I Des, and Monday morninglin orm nig h that; h' to ar i 'a Pla of trimmed millinery W -hi good; times and hard times, a eoially bar that �he7reduced -ate secured after In I for �he first time this n, who reside ..in M lw s took a gre #' intrest in i 0 Show A General Banking Business' trans. time 0 an a en t searon on brother Job higan" 1 71, 'a n 7ull bl am upon ur 0h
a worlyas he found of A arch ue 6 -a new and Veasnee's d a 0 R bu 121�fjn'ttatteraii and showed toonsiderable bles, and which haSL at ranch c ted, it, ai A although was unusually severe in town. The drains Emina, M V � I; i ieF a r rise in erecting stores and dwellings inireil by visitor. nitertai ed a I The very s4lit any itli could not get n afternoon -tea, last Week. i (sult'of his labors on e Spirit of on, never put,- and t lot one company cannot offer r With ice, the water friends to a 0
e was aware that he was sche( ule 'adopted alike by all cot,49, e and ditolies being filled e a
ances made on same at lowest prop irly entitled to a pensi .--The flood ow -Tuesday night dying.—Miss Lizzi W of Of e, i been so acted. ! FarmerW Sale Notes ollec is d red u 0c 6 nbur and
and acl�. clatosh e n isall, and we are pleased to state that makes one catch th
as r W farm and The styles tell of 'newness; the rate sued the matter with suffiloient ardor to have ducer is away as readily as usual, and Bell Telephone cc mpany ask �is a ail : at in this way over other companies' the natural, result was thatL many cellars, $50 nese enterprise he sue in glacing d In tilp as they come ut
the lin and sufficient pole to brinj 0 44 himself and family in very comforts, le air. 4r)i - Drafts sold on all Points in Canda, ns properly represented before. A as thi rating in fixed by. the Underwviter'� yards -and at eets were flooded. subjecting to the village. It aceecley ain ewneas the Un ted State.s and Europe. is die to he interest which Mr. H. Assoc atiou, and all the companies ave t I is surprising that ek a Mst�nceo, so that for the f utute the bo eV, alIL speak of n 9 est Morolly, barrister, of� this town, took - t,� citizent to a p and deal of annoyance and i a. don't W&nt'an office and 9 Y fy C711%r a of beautiful flowers SAV NGS DEPARTMENT accep, that rating and cannot vary from y
at Intel offle ore to ran it i e On , Y THM
[owed on deposits of One Dollar and last Y conveni' nee, The flood on the Maitland free of charge. These co, i0y 4 well-earned rest.. Whil� regretting h 16t gentle spring is rig IlwHoLl
the case and Ili! work' thereon during th This xplanation was quite satisfactory ti� river W a par 0 t e l4a of such good old settlers-, and neigh. and ]tiu.rcjb,.
ve ears, ths .1 .janiei i are v �rit
out" fortunate for the applicant." Pear as we are sure to ag d n sat upwards. in icularly severl and the bridge able hogs.—Spring is cc al last, a ra a Mr. and Mrs. Ingram anki their so Y d t the result has Turnes. the co' 0,
S.'HAIYS W.* K. PEARCE, citize s. it will be t on Mr. T. Ei. Hay's farm was carried away. the bal)ny weather willsoon 04tt will atter to gat mat e the h eopo d, who a get R. Bolicitor Agent. —Mr. L�evi 8 nith, of this town� who built of the husbandman 6ceompanied tbeiri, we unitia, both rices and styles are youl rejoice.i In � our' Tir OUTLOOK OF THE a new nore ir St. Jose h last Out stave t lb- "with t eir many friends in 4hing them We re giving wonderful OTIEESE MARKET, p has tory began operations o 'ond a I _E OND"LLF' NOTFS--Mr. James Mar-� leased his stoi a to M a , and th't re i lorij and continued happiness i —A correspondent writes, as follows : r. George of are now ton or twelve me usil3 employ tl� their new In Weve , for a great ma "rs, has t Ile, cus, of Ridgetown, in spending a week or! that p] le, W 0 h �anmlmpzil? (d. I home, Sailor Hate, with or, it Ily y I " opened a - grocery store —Mr. James Swan had q i trimin d and untrimmed Wi r u price!of cheese bee two at the manse, on a visit to hill therei . Mr. Thom", Wilson, son D a rge,del yr 1, , 29 of, ou St dent! n so high i motborl f i BUIEPS.—Arnoog those who re0ently vis- trimm d JEfats and %Iking n the Briti ih %ad si ter.—Anti.Usua Mr. ery of farm implements on uesd a I I Bormeto ry, who writes A D. ilson, has returned from Chicago, later McNaughton, wh in in the mark' t as it is at present. The trade Int I- in itad M�. P a ei a EXPOSITOR, Must have fallen tious f the choice8tpas
at London for the treatn ent of ap. with i provements bore and letin,!of March 31st, quotes finest Canadh a where hii-has ust graduated from the Den- Et4 L. i ncli4tis, we learn of the followi �g : James make thern Have recently taken good situatious, and t It' reprod a four positiallis remain unfilled. I sellino at 54a 6d per owt., on hilocks, who have not only exacted tal College.—.The closing meeting of the LOCALS, School re thoroughly becoming t. - and the mark)t still ;kdvancing.. JQuite a clean-up lool: e po rid of fleah, but much blood'" well., ollegiate Ine titute Litei�ary Society Was -o enOd on Monday f rns,john M. Bell, jr., and Kilpat- wearer!; in fast� nothing is leftrit, e now lot e fat cy the legal gentlemen of Sisaiorth eld in the ast embly room of the school on this'week. —Council mell beiroe on Saturday riek-, —Dr. Thomson, of Londo id former- the "t millinery talent can Produok.- probafil ig before the new . inaki a ri, ould )a i pleased. to a edneaday ei of last w eek. —The auction ale ol � the Sa H 3tisall, wails in the villa rives,�and the realization of this fact b llig ocommodate him on ehing, when a splendid- p r
i I ro- vi I last week 11ag run u prices one to two shillings this Wee c. rnish l' suitable security with all the rarnme was r indered.—The stables of Mr. age he 4theo�.cession of Gre itiop, his brother-in-law Mi. John Ma' d pro�rty, on t e oseph 8, rew too Ladie� Umbre r1l . f
a reliable cheese- !q ired, at 51 per cent., fre ' of ex cotto It Roxboro, were so flea al illage on Mal hur.,and renewing acquaints 2ces.—M.r. Farm�rs who patroniz unds r q ded rge crowd r' �TRATFORD, ONTARi the coming tin cha gee, and 6erhapi they might do da & & TwIlacre ho Will. . Geor facto of this week. The a�n r season Will no doubt. 11 Tuesday ni i ,lit that be had to removii all mestead e Halliday, di Brussels, a hi an tit ter with Mr ness, or z gh pricefor their mi a i o and Mrs. Hobert Car- A great t" We Mr. R. W. lection ;of al tQVs nice in Halliday's parents. 'our graduaties are nearly always chosen, de an and -also n rray one of the prinbipals of the Normal while otbers'are turned aside�' se a good price. for next Man area �vatl Ln)t sold.- C Umbrellas. The material in the: iiever bee:
on.�s make.� school, is EP .1 I prove a& is so r a g604 onsequ, of the serious illness of 'his —Mrs. Kirk and Mr. R�bertson, Several from this'Viciaity attend' the full orouto Spent part of aster i'lige is , .
shorthand education. In fair compelitit on proop a now are that there will be P Rod, le 8 StOc�, at d three pigs were drowned. the 25-scre bllowing -and a most
Gives th`4 best" in the line of busi reali er that 1 that. --:Rev. Mr. Shaw was called was sold to Win. Jack)
on Thursday of last week in verythAng movable was floating in the farm to John McAllister h
ater. $500, The ot,her 100 a
Enter now. %ther 7h Ladies' Aid Society of - our e Institte, arid Mrs. Coulter, eral of the youngest daughter of v. D. B vacatiolo.mith his rents, Mr. 4 n d 11-A the han4 Iles of the Co)legiat byothrs,
Circulars e(hurph tie having the interior of the edi. (if the public adhool, attended the meeting ra. and the mount' go W. J. ELLIOTT rincipal GOOD HENS. McRae, of Cranbrook, on Tue 0 t, Jar�es Alurr P . 4444-52 MI —Mr. William Copp, f as tho oughly renovated. -The of the Educational Association, in Toronto William E14er, who The -frames Late light
of Sea, rth, is another citizen who is doing to be at iaed and varnished, the pews are P butcher ha's secured the contract ay_� . has ibeeti attending college at Hamilton, is strong, ith steel rods, and the tbink. F
walls tint- t week.—M -.Frank Barret and his sister, -mg meat -to the men working in t ::gover - bonl�e spending hievaealtion. 1110 ed and t ve -asesses inted, Ju eon- ties Barrett, I rrived here from Port Find- In I are made of ivory, pearl, bozma his of are to improve the -quality of our o?quenc 9f this extensive house cleaning, 1YI Algorna, c 0 L Wednesday. Mr. Barr .8 natural wood, with oil IMPORTANT NOTICE fowls. lie has now in hit hennery a very ' ceiling nicely pa ent, ditch in the southern par of th I i 0— ver , gold rowed orix
flne cc lection of birds of the white leghorn t ie servi i itentig remait ing here, bat Miss Barr ett township.—W. P. Frazer has ope ed up 96 Pearl it ountings. 0 I ce' next. Sittibath will be held in ett ur Unibrell" mp�nti�_,
and t ie has( Mrs. David Paterson, of ill return the tailor shop in our village. —Thom Walton. selling it first-class new improved healey,' Whil, excePtic 111111Y good value at $1, am noJ & liver laced yandotte varieties. At who -o after spending a few weeks le win a Id has purchased the 'Ju property in is beat SJ she
Aini Be the recent county poultry show he was so been attending the fun. Vi ith friends here, but not as Miss Barrett. ry 1'.75 and $2 each, F- .� Machine, with the latest steel a -at of hi ee -for men in thl. business, $1.501$ finished in oak or walnut, and With iner Inents, ot&, )r� — this village, and will bat I in chocolate and blaak, by the: celebrated We
for ' iiter, Mrs. S. Ca nochan, re- have it thorc ughly fit - cover ta to as to secure Miss Caldwell'a rned iol makifr, "Marsh,,, tiell—ye'Y Pretty hafideil-42.25, a �ne on Monday m ted up before retiring from the *_ - us as "V
sIn 7 for
hk, th. an," barx ed Plymouth rocks. These eggs, which as ace6tripanied by her dat tier," Mrs. E R.L Rev. Mr.'Yelland presented a res 16364 lers for 25 ansh, This machine Is the " Que She Hibbert. W. H. Wlllfa_�*ts ;a�d sho
and f1hve dri were, or fancy drop head And five draw. speci I prize of a setting of eggs lor the best rain farm. $2-75, S and $3.50 each.
'hi i Su )Iution Ili PRO In the Hibber noteii last week )R MANITOBA.' Ino cLean,� who had been here a 2 the same Mr. Robert H choose. I
ite Slowing Mach Mr. Copp is now ha the Methoidist, church on ndayl evenin 611and, of I inacl it was mentiorled,that the ttleXcKillopiand Grey ho ri Compsny."� Al lines fully warrapted and guar- ving hatched, are from a �nd.—The entertain only bull Mr. . last, aoki�g th�e government through ol1 �, who is Anteed to d lass work, light or heavy. bent bled from the stock of Falk, the lead- -merit in our Hill had left foi- sale unda White P ress 'F b iag br u r elehrr Wo months !which was to havec been held on old, representat o e'6f d'ur beat and ii�cat progre#sive far- eder of the United States. He in i which sholuld M,ve beewralli ive to give us probibiti a. , Th m, In deal . ded to go to Manitoba this. ee pos onday ev6ning next, has b 1 is months. majority of the congregation Eee We are 1 deast td to be able to ...But t'
also ge ting a electing of eggq from Gdmob ad, to b fl� Ir Y9 f one. ek, Mr. Ale. at, er -show
om' irds imported from England. If, Me ayy f this ainst the resolution.—Ab . mb to op-* out the land there. , He in- the acme of 4 light, to NORTH MAIN ST., SF,&FORTIJ, vi lage, i�Onds starting on Tv, Put 850 worth * i a eganes id a sp�,endirij some months looking around n onstanqe. w'books have this week been add' therefor , he is fortunate with these eggs. t lo�n ay ii�xt for ST a�ed t for i§pri gat
e U words aboi
f In ummer costumes Feneral; Insuran he expects to have & Magnificent stock of he Pao' � a �Coast, where he -wi Mr. Wml. Rinn oor pu thinks he can make mo the cash tl
Ce Agent & Deal- I pu�h of HUI- blii6 library. There are no :almost 0, 1 rP money variety 1) fo 1une far while. We h tot, hap r6centl 7 a mali : f wiagVell and kinds eT, in Sewing Xachines birds next year. Mr. Copp takes a great iope be[ may realize made Some good stock 1200 volumes in the library.—H. i: a it easier in the prairie province great, greater than y K McAl. ticip tj in ho he -an i cKill on can beli possible
0 op. he may� sell his 1680 interest! in this sort of thing, and as what: —Our tedchet* have t a car t tii you Site thorn. Wh
hi I beat an ations. Sales. A abort e ago he Idisposed of a fine li4ter received this week load UA 14 ree-year;old gilding to Mr. Win. Mcoavin anitoba f ';her e and'take up his residen e t ite materiak. ever he Andertak o duty, after. a pleaed' 314. wheat air !� vaiv the ow
es he always does well, we '- ��Lnt h lid a car of earn and a here going to be the popular thing, and may be �ure that he will make a a I te, M, an thio usual Spring increase ay a McKillop, for $125, Lasi week he sold t' 04 Of Pot�iatoeii. PO , gnelltlY. '.In the meantime uccess of t the 0 T, is to
11 I r. Herberit Cei ch, of Tuckeramith, a two- hay.� n a ing up
TH E: CANADIAN Ju iior depa:'rtment is beilog en e 0 A 10119 Way toward in range of ai
1,11C On sale o 1 -8th itlet. I f his farm �ock and unimer girl's daintY a4racti Vr ght, bea ty-lookiing youngsters they are itaught h I effievis oil ph the henibreeding business. -olled, and, y Ar -old d filly for $100� and a thor- Foremost are th an
r at 'A ighbred cc le piqu 611nik, Of Commerce For i6yeles go to a bicycle store,.Bald.* fat the mos part. How are they going to 0 urham cow, with calf at foot, tT1f OF MRS. TIIomsoN.._ pri sper under the new 0 gned, ha . 81 had plac th Om Thurs- lish arid kmeric fwin,the y excluvive dealer in bicycles �rhe unaersi d inst., the sold ev at of theideath of ale sundriles, Sehforth. and bicy. W rder���of t in 8? M. 3Bean. t I aj h e in his k'ytl a Spray 1.1 noting, r t fa $100, oth �heae horses were aired by to, r saving mad
9 aids for isle a fine 6ow two Storey bi flak �dwell MiffJ Pr i 'and
CAPITAL (PAI D UP). 1635-1 this will very much �Iepen upon to,fi�ve good stook, and' I 2 - dThomson, daughter-in-law of -Mr. froin a. i lot@, lorge-s able, and and Y Mrs. Linens will he edity an I the home di8ei inei to hich N' Rinn pems ;o have tbe,nack of raising r George Thomson'. of V4oderich, Get § Rinn ng, with two wood corner Our assortment
,our dairy Supplies (cans, every mode In conveniepce. many
pans Six XiMon Dollars—$F 000,000. land paiisjlat the riebt. plic, and prices tih(y have been subjected. tl -anitnal tha A small cash p 1&rent flights of fancy. t bring the lonj yinent occui red!at Walton. ht. ut w a� are price, will secure a de,310ed barga u. Easy ter no to suit She had Spent �Iie win- jter�� a,� Wiarton, where Mr. Thmflon was Mullett 10o,, Seaforth. we talking bout, as lve know from hard W I prea %1r. Hutton, of Dungannon, signed at thq Hen All post off ce. a Pply to t ie under- Ther
1635-1 experience OTES.-�,Rev purchaser, Wor full particul wa SEAFORTH BRANCH. CHE;ApiaR BREAD.—Having purchased a �hat'ninet,Y-Wna out of every lin th( Methodist chureb here .6n N. B.—This -is a J. �G. Sutherland. runn ug 0, savr mill, and was taken ill some B1011se Silks, arge quantity of u iday a rnoof next, at the usual time.- v �are chanc2. Money to� loan on 18119" V1 aeks ago. About ten days b4fore her ople
A best. Manito�m flour at the rillfit hubdred p wont think their young �opef Is t illage &ad farin progeity at -of
-gieneral Banking business tr&n- we will give our many cust I was large turnou lowest rates of,in- e .omers the benefit u T4 3ro ter0st going. G. J. uthe cluveyanc04' eatl L sha er glacted. Par'niolerjo' Notes discounted, PVCt1'% 8am a by d roping th o price of brood to4o per fection. t at the Epworth �wal removed to th her We have added another ot of new il
two born geniu se and their home training p, e homef of Pound 10 -if --.or cash only. A. Cardno. Sea- g. Mr. mo�h sr, NMI McKibbon, at Wit ton, ,,A for waists in TaiTetag Japau and IIM fort ri ial attention given to the Lel fue- me ting c n -Sunday evenin a,vor ntere8ting -discourse on late cause of OrInge-roe, A h 1635 86 nley gai DEATH. '04e was the immed lards�in col olloctioni of Sale Notes. a I -The friends f A! I r. ob�rt Me- ara' VUO�6 Coursle We S.
the topi p New alchool tihoeii, for girls and b H(I death. Her husband was with cerise, wlifte and cream. SAVINOS BANK.-Interestallow- I Ocu 1'. I -All!' -S, - -Tb e good people of Mit- evening n'01 i Y Garments." Sunday Laren, of Tackeramith, ear this villa e,:Lon I at f her for -the is P,
ad on deposits of $1, Otrong andl neat. w. I[. Willis, boots and thoe cbell ure, i 2 this 'he last year of the nine- Mik at he usual hour, 7 o'clock, h'iLondon foad, Will re I L a 3w 4YS� The funeral took place at in addition too.urfine range of W eaforbb ref to tea a -big f n death �.ro The-- deceased 1eaivee laids and at, not a pleasi
and upwards. 1636-1 Daisy RcG ,egor will i 'traduce the very Saddle mAleartfailit're,v., ch walt)n on Saiturday -a of Tb later ial morn'' d modern occurred on Saturday for enc i d two girls, of the W P I g tin `bildtien,� dLiSpISY SPOCI&I facitition for transaction teenth- ced ury, w 7estli6g 'with the cow bv- top riples, Will gi,
SFED' POT�TOFS.-41W.e bave a quarlifty')f la buskness in the Klondike District. of $�ery fine olqed potatoes, laist'! four ilk �A. Cardnoi, Seaforth. s.9 rohle:n.1 9edforth: settled this matter miahions.'_ on e eldesti of OM is only the -ery val )eople -who'
aw, r, Wml i Ong 11 , a "Llf hL! vi &thy is felt for folr0w1Tn_%r,.,!cs 1636-1 El triville, v ere siting for Money ( rdere payable at any bank, issued at the many yeari � Ago, a id now there is riot even Andreg a and sisteri of home of his son -in -I eleven.year of age. Prices -25.- 40c, 50 , 6,5c, -15a, 850
a ' poor M a be pen Ing per yan I' Waffbi in town w u vo e to Ome of,, their u ale, J few days � at of Hay, -w re In a W P band rid .8 little o the here& ng machines and wring the be t le had ed huo If the mail
810 08' $"O tO $30 12 ers perinit the u0ful bossie. W. Andrews. -r -A Mr. McLaren iva 78 ye%ro 0 a e, and'i; o her latives. inade', giveii on trial by leavir�g yourlorder wifli o run at large pas- ve intere . ill $10 to $20 or ao, ties, and for the'mother A0 $i6 to $W .14 Oharl�s 00 dinz, at Bell,d laundry, Seniforib. * 1035:1 turning on thti vegetable �gai den and defiling h iLina event h ppened at the and had not been en his usual hea �th breakablie F. IfOLMESTFD, y 0 no of Mri. Dunlop on Wednesday even- during the winter mo In 9 FS, MisterAlex. Lawrence, +ho has A CxToj fiftle Solicitori Manager, the walks, Mitchell should get a move on. Infi Of last He leaveg�tbjjee 00
F. C. G. 31INT New sehool. shoes for girls and boys- -M r. J. P. McLarelk, is nursing ek, when her Lizzie, daughters and one InZenospending� his Easter holidays ;in To- 1024 itrong and neat W. V. Willis, boots and 9 a sprained anc Walter Oaug6ter, son to his sudden ront*, has returned ancially. an�
qeaforth. 6h Ole He folltLoff & loa oger3on. weria. Married by Rev, death. The ser I There are i o many t�ings that Pon 163 home. -Mr 1 James
d of straw and sus. Mr Hamilt church, )n Turt all has die ' ed of his farm 'io M , in ,he presence of a number Tuesday afternoon last, v Po attention, bat it is linpossib Millinery opening at R. B. tain d the injhry.-The north road is said of �nvited ely sitter d- RoblemBlairpof Grrey.-Air.Mark ese Apr le to eats. h1r, obert Rogerson ed,as was alao the funeral c h articl( the Particular notice Wiision"s Gash Grocery �Dth, 2196 a;d 229d� R. B. Snil to b passable for wheeled vehicles lie far act, tit as gro Rodgervi lie head th, Seaforth. 1635-L
Ia', NOW I rulte and now season'is Tess now in stock. WANTF,�. - Butter and eg a, highest nor as Leadbury,'but after that tfiere is as ddes MSMS 11F and Miss Jennie Scott cemetery. AwYer.11 t6e sawmill here, has taken eery s, so v -a will merely menti That it ew sea, ularket I -in spots, although the M OCAL BRiEFs, 1e- a similar pos� it stands to -1
We have now In stock the best values in n I�lces,,cashlcr -trade. Admitted]), the est produce still plentyof snow Mi .-Mr.Luke Lawson Purchased -Miss Mar tion! in Mr. Mille, that In wdly anywbe, T ruse arid Ament's factl Noti's Teso -vve ever had, comprl8lng young Hy8on, n C�Dado, 0. E. King, Wingham, 1032-tif stage came througi from B#u8sels on wheels ]at tUr ed home' this week fri Detroit, wh ag there shortly.
the first ti I me this seas6u, on Monday. a b jidsome rivingecit at %'sale in Morris she has be inteinds movi better seledioe of the fal willy Cbylon and JLapan Teas. We gu&r 0 8 tion Foik SA E OR To Rr,-,,-r, i:N.r 81iff..- . for n for the past ton Iis busiuess The best qua ity of now good donito table dwelling house, bard iod in th Mr. Loma Newsome, of Brussels, was Ribbons for ties, ribbons for '11i ante atistaic Owing
or will rtfund tha x th or so vicit be Raisins, Currants, Nuts. Peels, ate., now in sloe Holf ugag a fe days last Vleek putting in the ribbons for fees trmmings, ribbons
109 k at water. 1..Ap -Ci �izang % ho hav 3 trees in th-eir gardens 9 her br( , er, Mr. Petel, H%gan.-Re'v ve4t Prices. Some nice lines in Dln aer, Ta and black Bayffeld. Henderton deliv -lug 9, year's J- tablin in P-4. Ryan's barn. -A de. 'waist --triminings chiffou ply to Mrs. Rxan, George ft�eet. i634x2- with knot on,th cond of ehirred Miss Str,achan, of ered t 10 he
Toilet Sets just received, and at p ices as low as he i - as eon eng4 London lie would consult G t your spring 11 Lt 't Miss Martin's course of A)ecial sermons �on " The T'b hate w I ta Paqe in the school house on a frontinge. ntlars I b �ed to manage t 9 a lie bons, chifro be infilin ry lowest. Wanted good butter, eKgo, dried ap he subject for r and Detroit� their own ffiterest by. realn . the notice Bayf eld. Miss ridaylevenin potatoes, dresse'o fowl, and all kinds of marketable ir Thu 3y, Friday ing cuff4p corset i, gloves, -belt ple business which Inspector Copp in rhis issue,: Satuj(lay, 0 discussion' of R. P. Si�fth's openin days has t Schlater, willicer, is expected he,' nacle, in ('�rmel church, on Sabbath --next week. .1 be FWx( Iv d that the Hardy Govern. frillings, miderwear laces
produce, for which we will pay the and Saturda� t8, fancy ^Vlim�
Wait for es accord iligly. -NI r. t, to a' large congre ' tion, his subjed Smith, Seat th. 36 I a 94 ant is worth r f highest price, it. R. 13: and egulatf 6herheelv 3 William Robb has disposed of Ou being 44 Th Altar." At Be of! tbia he-supportof the Pen- purses, handkerchiefs, hosiery, Via C. WILSON, Seaforth 0 big comfort. Ar Y 9 ing to paint. it the etc I I iiie ili*- '' The ap
I this a ring le�" The Glo rilren' . will be represented ornaments, c
TV i XC, able :)rick re8idencE, on Gode L " F. sermon Mi slAggie Kerr sang a Sol ombs, &a. X4 FO�' SAL: OR E exchange rich street, to': A. Ed ards I 0 0, whic Bank o 00mmerce.Blook. a first-diass, �p-to-date bicycle far stood driver, And Dr. Cooper, :)f Cons Sol 1 the famous Sherwi"41 liamongr _ Was Much PP ly R. D, theref
tance, who takes, poetics. 1 ared aID.t., Tote we confiden sreiciated.-Mr. Henry Forayt uncaul Ok, 1 J. McFadzen and W. differefic6, If any, or wiilwill at a bar Mn, Par. Rion and inteu4s coming to town to reside Map, t. � ;Practi tly recomme Iftortreed, arlc� tj 1 al paint6re Admit that -no 9 tO t is a pearance and comfort e opposition M I for a otbeza qual the W : can au a mted by W. I;' office, or lo� dreas Box on the first of May, his dwe mit fA0`uIars:glven1st F atiog e bar, is addib rill be- iepre- pply you t for Ilia ; by the �erectio�' of a ne J. Morriabn and R.
Bargam� inVi The Pla0P1e of 19eaforth House er Goods.-: 113, Bealorth I I your ouile, ba 0, vagm, busrey, fl)or, in ling or whi L a � In requirec any. kitchen.-Odr pu uchanan.-.-Mrs! Win. Neat and, her son be very pleased to welcome ic-gqhoolo q -opened here I Some very choice re-clearied ti othy seed Dr. find thin 1; we also have I rank have4ewrille I Ten weniis fur Coats, c hiefly coon and wombat, 1� at A Young'O, Seaforth, Mrs. Cooper aff citiz bicyall enamel. ;;; F, i'dwards, Bayflold on Monda , fter e' aster Vacation, and home after a prolbnged The f6l
ans. We are glad also Y . L ride in Wiarton. -Dickson Special price for Spring to 3%dres, who Was gra ted lie ' New
ladies' fur capes in astrachan,, oppossum and Gre to learn that 9r., Robb does not intend to 11 a isit amonot frie a 1, We r Beaton of llft� rwin abeenc aveof roe. have lace curtains -33c, 47V ni 0 the on account to t 3e 200 -acre fiarm of w. njr-*iro.wbieh akeathebest�ar, and 69c a I air ; better'godg, heavier, selling ba lozen mon's fur caps good range of ladies' cloti egt fence no id cheap- visit' I in- Goderi In township last *eek._ ill- ovenlock, and Beal; 4 ladleEV Use the leav Seafortb, as he has taken a position in L III is and 0 ar' a for t Mon
en- FAR)HEI119'-For fonce building W Miss Whi
-a-Irachan fur coatia; about -coiled spri P
to make enquIrles. eon resume ear : in- 0, - an 1 $1.40 a pair-, fine good , built. the sea tile year Mill was closed dowal for M t owts rang W Now Is I R��.bls tore. -7-Mr R. R. Ross, JOw it Broth ness in the home, has her a ties. bn t
i8n's and boys' overcoats u u In Call and pt ioes all whn I -g� at tt im-maggieReith was iss ra, nd_4 placing a large latimber -tilighaiii-curt dus S 50, $1.85 an 25* -L as Ole � ending the seve�il days, ai kV a broken all 4 - Whiti6sideo' a I d $*2, COOLof Cost. ItW�l old to a Jarge extent regard in l to during the a p, ntd er On, -M r. i &men Ryan was in handsome niton pattern ,,t,a
aay an), one aw ILH
ticulars,' & wilsion,�Seaforlt Ba e in Toronto, a ad who graduates this spring' lire eloung is V: siting at 8 thr' the mention. a s
k,O'. to, buy them to kind, ubstitu b ilext winh;r, lye are r 3 ias had I
Ph- arisiday'last on bar5iness. and 83 a pi i extra lopeoiaLl fi.ne evolutiorilzing our prices 1 1635 has le St. in who has been be e for I ondon o $2 50, $2 -,ii
eadyinadf, olothih sed th 3 ice brick residence of Mr. '11, wading a wee r !digs dKay, sale 00 g ; targalao will be the o vo Alex, erguso is he day In this department on the rock bottom basis raDgo men'sand bo�Lb"neW 'HAT -The un' 'no. -Murdock Rot 00 at the past tnoti6h-orso, Vibitingiber r $4.2-5 and pair. Theec�u Her d reigned line, and ic to It has Ottings 6f 0998 for hatching of th, 0 becoming a resident of God i ich and lboi a put art prindipal a our I �Blyth. the pick o ur flats, caps and gen varl:tlea: White Leghorns and Silver L� ollowing SeafoithL shortly. SiDCO leaving Blake, UP h R summe 111111 ice last week. Mr. Wm. *ckayl mported ssm� make irnfohings to hand. WyA Y 0 ndredsof i dotteo, rds.all of flistolass a n' where he tau h hoot for many years, he was J. excelle c Zi It sohools, returned to her�homeip non NOTE,9,�-Mj e lock. Pric reason ty, although ha a d Mrs. Hbwarc� 8 sent out by the be8L m ar
able, anc fartners desiring a number of a ngs will has re ided it lli4ton.7-The Collegiate In- iril. M a. rvested on Wed Alexander anufacturqm 10 popul
Dougall a d an �,h ter have I With Bbriviefrierds.-On, Wednesday, Mr.. wool carpets, this m 2 a Goder- Bros., jr., bi�cycl r( vied toe
&: 00 be libera ly dealt with, Apply al residen o A lid ne,sd�y last, - The Meagre. (!oak left on Wedneslay for a few weeks' visit- = union 'carpets-, and Wm- PiCkard Ich otred, Seatorth. wm. col,l.. stitute and p, lblic khoolo resumed work on ell�urned a visit to e deralers, have im per yard; new pnee thn 1636-2 Toront&: t]
tl.�Xur M onday after the Easter holidays. The at- Seafic clek Ross has and the appeario4ce of their arerod1ma In 0, Hamilt son's patternsi and C010ii,398 tapest it th
SEAFORTH. returnedifrom I lav 04)ii oca 11 agent for the Noxon Co-, On old and a trip to Kinc' idine are ndowo partly rosted-11and of carplins-35o, 40c A GOOD OLD Aam- 'tendat ce at t1e] latter has been somewhat ing the wi respect- ii A -�The fishermen' ID9014014 had! his spring delivery of �a
C, be W
h a
t b
wo ac a
ra er 0 or e
I nets reAi 0 mpai Bid by the prevalence of scarlet fever getti, adding in imurninat d elec(tric ig mvtchinery. f rmed at the arpets, ed neighbor, the Mitchell Advocate and 500 and 65e Per LL has �y for their summer fishi he procession Axminster carpets, Brussels -a .entered upon th in town, which, 139- The Molsons Bank ha ened ob an e0y ail a 8 pub. Itype. 1k Grand Trunk Way station and procieded very Las� J we
Rev. N r. Bradley, form fly ocpuoi4 here in I's Obipack, in the part e fortieth y ar of i6 ' however, is of a very mild -, Th) as Clap hap moved to the house .,,Iino earning and floor oil cloth
lication. The editor sayi., It is still of Patt it brick to ', Select lot of W ALARM CLOCKI M itchell, )y M r. Win.. Bates,- ko. *rep where Miss Sather- 'patterns, no back numbs% under the same manage preached in the Presbyrerian a uroh miss formerly occq la d took 4 pt tur E MCI It -'a connection h last lossle Isantury has resumed.her pied by James BeVerliey, wagons and all new goinag. 150-3 20C
with one paper iw(� Jabbat h, and R -.,v. Dr. McDonad 'filled his studio ha In r of the many 1pi at the Clinton tw doo M. - The Bl, th and played a I'S we t� in Warranted a Good T believe tl�at is without u t :n Collegiate, after the latter I I ril few pieces these imo Paice recedent in Ontario. It is e Mitchell. '7Mro- Anderson, wife at spendi lation at her home. -the same blo 4. -Mr. J.C. Clausen,ba Ogg., of alukle, W 9V C 11 longtime t eison, g the Vim er Vac IIICa efflivened the ]proceedings. t A. Irwin oJ win h. -
'ATT. lkck d it iRLT look back -to the day w1eii it was fir 0 ev. And of Leeburn, nea-r Gode- Mr. thur Eliic :t, Miss Annie maker, had e misfor�u a one eveni fastg4u 5. � TV CM Villirlin
rion, ar a president all the Huron Presby6rial. M - rase i tie. hii & Jim launched upon the sea ise F week to brea 'his coil"
of public'opinion, r yer( at He W 8 father, Mr. Ri.,hard P Geor th Auxil- day, c hear tbe,Fad tteg.—Wm, to hlr� George Tr We photo gal y, M Irwila is �r ve --Thek
and M iss ioi ary Sci ty, Paid 'the Seafor, Clinton on Tues- ing up Irwin, on Sunday.
the ubliaher hm much to -be -thankful for. j&ry an official visit ( Shapp, of Mo t. poor health at present.' Is now On, and stores are r.11 more w he many who. Were here then, and' who' n Monday evening, and 7lon "k W" in town. for several The hallway �va for a r - Albeti 1;eIli 6 8, son of Mr_R. 'Sellars, less busy, but there are Particular Trinimi
Of t deliN, theB Where he invended callin Bilk 0]1 gave our venture encioLuragament and sup- eredaniqe sti3gaiddress is week' o quite d rk and' there i: a *1 o has �been� ,qmp yed in F along why you should vi C. A. Humber at theirmeet- days 1 1 orest for some Isteep stairway isit bur store. dozen are left. They. ma !at Lhe rea tit lie past, is- Vi port, 'Only so me half ing., A rs.1 Andlirsodis alclever lady, and is r end, quite Will lbse his parents at present. One reason is, -that everything is Mod- are either sloeping their long last sleep, or kin very 4 fficio'nt president. In fact to the photo gallery entrance, Mr.Clau a 168 t
Jewellers; Seaforth., the Soo a. Mr.1 Malkw by, of Lucknow, Will tm as well as moderate, A have moved to other plac jety has teen eminently fortunatein attention was so drawn to the u fast as The sea
08.11 Although w R LEA(�;U �,Our Junior Alliance is jight Pip alah e ati 'nal's anything better is brought out doorway the be April 23rd.�M troduce it; a we ilk- f
uria in the S
1: another, and a very itia. 'O
1618 can not may we hope the veteran and genial I Mrs. Fletcher, he iex-president, being a are el 'condition. The meetings did not notice that be was right at the , 4:- ue Ed. �, "I
0 their electio, .of chief executive officers, in shone under Mr. Trott"s Oat Ch Lreh ermons in the Methodist
editor will remain'in his pres6rit position to ser le
every atur 0 ay for Morden, Mani. ist that you are welcome he
lad of except. or ke 'LoOmer, Jay &fternoon, and iare of the long stairs, and the very next in a, mh y or not.- aper ility, zeal and energy, add e s ad by be different a apt ether ou bit members, and and step he went headlong to the very )ot. drk it, a: In d an welcome as buyers, for lookers WflMI'L aes t 6 centennial anniveraa�y of the P an7her eucces io, apt a at Lookers wo,
t 0 hato secured a situation W lic has almost become a part romises to fill her place occa i nally by the pastor or Superintend. ware store.—MiS8 Harvey, of At llalftd.
er b i : nship we of him"014 remarkably were in error last ent. he followib4 are the newly elected tom, breaking his collar bone and oth' E�eteri, who h Ben engaged in, teaching buy t0 -Morrow, while buyers of to -d store a tria
General Railway and Steal, do,bope that its influence in everything el
Agen bt t p week in atiainj that, r R bruising h a : bbdy. en Cy. - I ollitics *ill be as powerful and as well of this t obert Devereaux Mr. C1 music i I r ausen a ell town fo offic r Pastor, Rew, A. Y. H ' t Past eighteen months, may want nothing to- morrow.
from more serious Consequences wa, aW49 " at home 1" to a numbe dent ly, vice-&esident, Dittria ly fortunate, soon to i se oO Mon aY eve - di -ected for that length of time as it is now. own, ie agentifori the Deering bar. �yrtle H' ale presi- a cer arlid we hope e residence of Mr. vesting m4chi es I- it is � the McCormick Ric i I; recci iecretary, F In at th This space b0ongs to W. Somurville, the Tl�e editors of the Advocate and T ,of her friends, i Agent. PO�ITOR were boys together, arid in t Iroe oil lastly 1�,ib- able to resume bis. w a it was the fir Railway Lad 1 Ex- machines he is age4 for —Mr (Rev. Dr.) ler ; car ork.—Mis' S.i iff. idleir Steamship Ticket t gathering thkt we
Office in thl- Commercial Building, Seaforth, ID th wo0ed side 'by side in -the same he sild-ifitelligence this treasti Ila'.' 3 he! in' Mr. Gidley's new homo,'an he days i lcDonald received t adial se wetary,'ClaraKinehler; Sproat, of Seaf6rth, was in the vill go- a -hough widely separated polij,'. week ofi tall nie; organist,, A a eye the deat� of her brother, Mr. David Hartleil); Latira wee enj yable t-118 '9A spent by Dan. rid alt visiting I her coue;n, Miss Ain' 118 I -ne.
sist It a 'ganist and rioter, Papp Th_ e cally, hey have ever sin Cavan, which tiqiok plac� at bis home in. le.—Mr. James Whii(e has been very el Iracey,
ce been warm per- wife aiid the Misses Gracey, of Clara Seig e'r; - It )ra ian8, Co'ra amacl�e HI of sonal riends.! Hought�in, Mile iigan, of appendicitis. —Mr. andJea i' i'gba r I uring thei past w0k.—Mrs. a pient rid at the re ie arc e6rge 1 r. ter ; at I erir arrived rc� on I i B ie. as Edith Finnern t � 0: it, iiydia Faust; aqsiot- Monday mornidg last, in response t tur ed om f .'Cardno has 'ea� ed the �store in the Car p ge boy, George Kjb ay
A . - Murray, of Sen�yt Iowa, i qidence of
itof* To%%X COUN-.CIL. Michael block, redently vacated by Mr. W. ant, F I -'alt on Frida - re re.
—Tho regular meetilig of J. Clar i an . i - r y even urou TXP I - to dis opening therein a d nyR n' whe Jr
the town couacil m d - gram she recei�ed on Saturday 149, Ihe juniors ha re un n I to ?ay ' - o, a had Bet I E Ve, P A V
ras he�d on Monday ov ertak, P n udd f Past twd.moi tb L hile t 3 8 nday� Cho I hall agreed e eat 8 was DO much busineis for happy at when 1P to his eyes in business.— homas is w
DISTRICT MATTERS. town fathers� the e en- second b3 old veteran is never so U Jame3 Wethrew. of ing Th'r Iery. hen 5 of the -orga debt, acquainting her,of the very a Vibiting friends for the the consider4tion of th a pay of her father, Robert McLaren. Th' igog6cl with his men in're- prinei a Mrs. Jat ies Me W 1f;h1el and Mrs. Chesney in which Mr. John Follick has bee'� i ing Violin ing and oiltg t DI -M Goods Co. I thi1ag being :the auditing and i 0 NOT ev. Y Haist has �e auditorium of the
e go4e -to CE &%l`EtY.—Mr- A. R. She SL -j Met odi8t cE pa of a6��o f John Street, I& been at at Dixie, wai destroyed by fire on Tu a urel,i. it will 0 unts. The mayor, wt10 is knton, Ohio, St. Jo leph att 12 I be a mouth be- f chairman of thq relief committee to take t-reatrin �n ling the wedding 'of his last.' The ays t- for rheumatism. —Miss re re fore i is co ied: ia Mrs- Bloc has moved to the III me ple, defect in the I the PaE t has be,bn a particularly ha )at been visiting with hdr countryi in ;a J)Ipeo or chimn' this town, who left ree6ntly for Califoarn a that Galbrait i, who brother fi sulted from n poor peop t Ile,iand that r Matthew Wurmle Mr. John S ith,had,the misfortune is Greatest 'Vash for the benefit; of his health, has arrived rd w�nter aunt, IV Is, A( at i Crozier, - for CC the! pas house, 0 mick has returned one of big fi igers very badly bruised as�s at. K Open. careful as he, has month, r!turned to her home in St. arys from to 8an Diego, his deStination. In a letter at fr.IjDan� t
the relief 4ociount for this year will be BI ?)lit wbe e ha been for a week ing one of t lie inkchinisto in Mr. I e Mr. W. P�Omerville, ticket agent, he says on Tue8i ay mo, PL W 1; A� D FAR
411 A -N I U arger than foi tit g —Mr. Th( S A\ ) n and desire to thank —T. Mel- f*71 aor choosing f r i�any previous seasons. IThe A 'k- Mai t Will preach his fou Hs take thb, (ppoitunit of thanking his many -D_ Goods store arrived here safely ' I )mas- tyan, or so. ev. of. Wa;to former student wit Of oustoin ,a and t6a p�bll�- geoer&I f(jr their I h Dr. a- last alert ion b fol re. eon erence on Sunday Huron college, London, pr for the past toyent yo d , rincipal reasons for this are the severe I and D 3' ndry thil week.—Profegoor Burgess, iberal eachedwith .,I�h P t a 0
or me so convenient an rytng season, and the scarcity of emAlin in'this to a a route, and also for arrari . 0, has just graduated in inext, t,,, comfortabl Gin' is,: M eaMO8 or anot 36r ea Mue 1 e �ttentlon an)A �prlght busla#ess dealfings to 5- I medicine g e8a on expect �hiin back �acceptance i I Qt. Paul's chnrch on Sabb�th merit t e r confiden1ce 'in the future. my ticket so mrefully and checking ba s-0 :non t, fo� working people. MrJ from t e Western University, f y clof .7 .7-ars And ayn hopes
bo correctly. 'Nothing could be more satis- i ad thel in- -Miss I o Fair, of Clinton, spant a presee,cl I or M Iliam E vmpOhy is ex- morning last an& at the close of the mermon I busy a p the plo*8 He to now more good dwellings, in order to up ispensed t i M-- e waterworks 'buil Ai.ng last suffered f lJ10A6 and ll
cc on ;d farm 11"Plenlenti with'& ply
t In
than the ggage I on, who for several years hps h DI h friends in town factory a i urance risks on th e.�id ys wi lossenberry, who d 3 8acrament.—Dr. Gunn, of' to 0 the wants of tho Lr. Tho no week or so I I Plow repairii instock� All b ale wls III to live in ou 0 t h naged the and plant, appeared before the esenting the- a Clinton, Waf in the village on Saturday 9h"Fl shoeinw, b usy little- harnlet.—Re way you Jhe iroaa�olfl his wife a ' hi Iride I above buainess. You u Lalor, repi line Oil the Ur%*
uggle-3 and
ristand your bust. c0uncil;and Clevelan Bicycl 3 (I wagons, V, IV. mmbbo tlTade frolu the,11 was given i last on his way to Mr. G. Rowe W Material And workmA7 Strathroy, who was ne8s thorou,ghly, and are deser%i a hearing. -His object was to�Put Baldwin' on M)njompany, was - a� Odorge being ship. All lines of 11- during the, farm Vep i n buggies, wmg400p, iay last, demonstrating called there u consultation with Dr. Hvnd. ful1lements a6d roln'A.., W lie p4tronage.11 Big of, pub- himself right wit� the council an(i the tending the fu -.1 - All Work Inti I 0, as statementl have bee the virw a of tho I Mau, .1
pub- of Exeter, Who is attending Mrs !Eoss will rec:4ved the beat a �tention a u8ted on his way ho neral 0 big sister A -Wjito n publicly made r bicycles. The Cleveland Brticeflel d. _ A,
who still continues eriouF-ly ill.—Mr' Peter' ap wot� to rate at any tow p�rloeo, home of 34 me mad -visit at.thr- to the effect thatitho company for which he this year Is corlian Y a� One wbeel, andlMr. B. R. Hwc;�' No slop, aheap wot� to t bct e a hurried
ave ma price. r- andiMrs, R. Mellis, of 'thin y Intlir6sting tests of its Convoyan r, V1 e and -Life Ii suranoe Agent, Any pital 1634 1 lage.—Large quantities of lumber -are bei The following vrere ticketed Lalor g Ns,,Brucefield, Notary Pnblio McNaughton, wh L a "as been in the boa welifs, Rjope]3. out of town thia week to di.-itant parts by iS acting and whi In held the insurance, had --Mi a Nei e [lone h NOTF,,� Mrs. M Cooper turned out daill riging more for the insurance than Di ili* Cline arid Miss Am" 3to 10 11 at 5 I r cent., on flrat-clAss t month, bavin 17. t or., who In" e have bee nsley, f Wingha POO drawn And money undergone an oper 9 been A iting wilh at car saw Mill. M.r, Trunk Railway: Jack- �ere-visitiag vanoed fr 11 01 'tort a iid� 'ationi for appendiciti town gent of the Grand it;' ould farm see r ty.
W. Somerville, UP been cha superioti uot of'� at London, during the p4s
-8Pain to Toledo got for- with other 'com- re this we ek. - M Vil friends Xpe6be to ti I lot Cooper, Of 110 her son, Mr. Job Bell, as usual, is at his place at the head of- Mrs. panies, and that in this way the town had I I Stobie, son of limited am)unt lof privat e borrower. Also, q Was sufficiently recoverel to permit of big wick. ias returned home.- the aw.—A number- from this part,ow Ohio, . J. Ryan, to De�troit' 't he e home X16Miebael to revious to I a of several hundred do ars, learn the I At every morning and Wednesday of 0"4 no on Wednesday evening last. a thiti funeral of tltl� Chesney and Mrs. James AL C. §p8tained a Joe Mr. Alex. St)bi as gone to Clinton to 0 f und8 at 5 per oeni, returning hot' Mrs e� brett, of jPc rt, Huron, is spendin Tuesday last, attended
9 ag W th Mr. Me( week, 88v �ral _good farms ffir sale. Mon h' visit ng�
Detroit; James.A'. Raid, to Dauphin, Mani- re st1week.)
895,1 when the premises we While San 1111 IR il lah arty. 157 0 on, late for ja With ber'brother. i. late, Robert MCLarem—Farmer re si tO settle there permanentlyt ccuple as an station as 0 crurtrie, an( among oth wd- FRE;$lL —Mi a. DEPARTINo FRIENDS. er friends Clualy waiting in order to get on *it
Mrp. well George Baird nesday !—Our I h therhr d e4atric light arda 'Is hall on Thurs Np,%%- Alex.
has J fit C pened out a lovely I clay night ast m eek, Me. John Cardno goodou A of new spring dry, afternoon las a large n u lie school 4achers afterthe E&! spring work. i or a PumPi ng station, the rate of insur. conii iting Of I umber o the rels- ter holillai�s, have 49iin return itior, Miss slipped an f YO
Andrew Little ana children and sif -On Wed SOO ourtaina; art scrinis, fancy tives and frie do 6f Mr. Ind Mrs. George 0 iye was $L713 oa� the PUMPS and buildings, 1, ll, � is ocating his shoulder.— tateend,
Br wil, to N1cG-regor, Mani' U toba, the former ed to thet. Mrs_Robe;r� liabarlson, of ni,zi, chenille cuttaing, table clotho, Posts of duty, arid 66 school belle are ringA! flaw Cott
a �r3,: gioves, gents and to*join her husband and the latter tol take ill 2 per cent, ind the dyn Walkerton' is Ingram assem:bled at thel station to wish ing, call' Brussels. Mos per yeir t, boalt
,at Ing at�ives i ,rid Ilarst etc., and a lbv�ly_ lot of new Wa -4 school r the surnme �17hen the d3ni4mos were old friends in them good-bye, and see tl�ern Off for their in th J*ttl ' ifs to school. —A sawing Match was hild o Iges Prints, lates patterns, all at a J�Mea 9 —Mrs. NOTES. �n, has been anywhere. epla Vial In the, d eng a order to find dhelf room for he sorl I g with market eq one day x, U :�1.50 per year 01 _ajed as 11pilliner n R.1 B. Smith & Cola. t now where they hav d daughter, this week, The r months at 1loosornin. removed a new* lorth.—Mi h; in, of Load Price not surpassed new home in Vaucouver, Jpritijh Columbia
W. Cresswell, Jr, to, Chicago I Olicy was taken * so $tra, mF] I i eel DVt4: - Ale- out and the rate reduce Campbell, brother-in-law of Mr. Thomas round. This rate was ftarr3 goods all Iii,iii; saxson Mr. James Smillie following won t reso*ell left on Tues, under. Lad eal will flnd by calling am d 366ing the" r.. ay &wt c in tin store Mr.: 9 goods w] 11 be wild at cost and e now four sons and one an, I Mrs I Spearman b4 th of Lambtan.—Ou 1 Harris, he pri let, Rama *SAN �i
Richard ued until ;the 10th of March last; a"', to kSt- Paul, Minnesota. the es i, o daughter residing,, and another daughter at of the anows,W GTIeY; 2ad. Izoo m, owing to new schedule Oter pen winter at his Or
M F day for goods auil nices that they will be suited at t ho "as nearly completed Wroixeter, 3rd Wiltsel and Harri4 y li, P%
of rates for ding the Seattle. Mr. Iogram was one of th Willis and Barns
xeQ.rge the Hatter i haa Pt rping stations having been issued by the Amy Mrs. Baird, I rucefield, er And eggs. Settlers in the county of Huron. lff� emi- warm hilth. UOW receiving he home I
f. Store- H44st prices Paid far bu-.t 0 Dioneer av1zWoo'jxMo -13arnard, Wroxe OW to Mrs. Gedrige Taylor, &ce-alm-� Logan Bro ter ; .5tk in � the 1'Easter grated from Aberdeenobire, Seotland in the p thers, Blyth ; 6th, ]gcCutobeft familiar- Policy home heril, r etu rn d tO Toront ai i ied by her d aughte
been a Who spen vacation at her BRI Miss Winnio O'Neil and Miss year 1842, r, iss Sa 4th Mauser and frequent Vj6,lcor to 8eaforth, an&is U iderwritrs AOsociation a new Brett, 3 'o ter, of Clintor and, Frazer, lyknownboreas well as .5 secured for 41 50 for t�ree years. 0 Satur- Leitba Fo and in the year 1864 he Ban, for the in nearlv every pt� But, day to re was Mar_ Da�t few day Morric-�--Aaron McFacitim town and village in the country, anil ious to that �ume Ear eek 8 have Non at the home of Mr.
we�' rate than that at which k Ti lor, Huron mpany could- studies at the Tor- the -nee a f Miss Li can ailing fgDr!. some months, with
it will have given a lo �ate, no co onto Norm 1, 0 p were this w ried, in the city of London, W., Miss Sophia; r4in y
be interesting to those who have been fav Prior to the depar- Miss zzie Rattenbury and M. Walton, of that e Y ioad.—Mr. John Me- Emm McIntoob.—Mr. Moore, of ity, his Present wife.' Ksiy., of �hI3 village, ha� ented, on th� c
11 This
ture of 3 r. James! A. c7ahnocehrasalp '. e liver died Monday and property wa, ingured. The rates are Reid, late of the d wat here last week 100 n Lon- Shortly aftr their, marri4 a hey first to- of years, from M for a term ored by his vi6its to know that he has at onf 4 was buried' on WednOsday. He had boga last struck it rich, The Li8towe fix' ! by the Underwriter's Association ; 35 Ogilvie mil , for t-1, a �4orthwest, be ki 9 after the cated in the Re.4mond, her residing with big sioter�hlrs, David
I Banner of he was pre- interests cif the Huron township Of a, and a ITle. wround, 110 itaining [ Isented wit] a lot of (eorge Young, Gentle an--adir a #Om the Sons of Sa nit Erie Loan and later -settled on their fine —Mr, in days .companies doing business in tbis. vings Company some ten acres. ritation was made by at dity.—The farm one n a icker, liVilla wagon maker, who as 3rlOrris.—F. S. Scott has sold the 711 8
man PI i ince are members of that Association, cotland. I'lle pres of tb a gel
many quarter miles east of this villa i -1 a Savagla homestead
Veteran of the army of the Repubilc and' an consequently due company can Chief Alex 18tobile d John Ra friends of Mr. Beverly I �,otchen, of Knox �e, where workmain gainin , wj�do reputation , at Ethel, t, Willism rnment 3W. I p and Jacklin for $3,.
Petitioner of the United States Gave not give nkin, secre- College, Toronto, will be pleased to learn when, with sildvanoing y 6t the t cola A better rate than any other tary, upon ohalf of he cimr, and was ex- they continued to reside until is go now bit a jnc�p appP1710 tains 100, formerly known as 'Geordie the Hatter,' he 691 Spring. also sold a twefity.five� t to Jobit Tb�s, Mr. Company. pressive of ears, 1 1oy deci, d orders.— a, and &ore In
I I - is has aucceeded in Watson Proved by a let isbe or Mr. Reid)s that he has secured a mission� field in Mani. to Sell their farm, which they did to �48r. who for i 0%, James h'abyMOnt McAllister for $W.—The council haviin hif ter which 9 J Claim recognized be prosperit big Il w hJ* toba for the summer, and left Toronto last JohnCaldwell, and liveireti etionelb ii been residents secretary me.—The Easter Monday to ake charge of ed in Vin. Of I ing to -lay a sewer in Ma,in street, oduced from Mr. W. Robbp dance o7 I �he So 1i% T t.—Mr. and to lar welve wan h-iA eorge ocityuor t. Alli 7 Egmondvill�, loved on r ,,..a0 a ry on -.Lae#. I -H and Mis, day, and �a!ve becom ttizens of our Gown gratiolithic sidewslks.—Robert Dds,- Lurner, who has been 4sent in the old Ingram had a verylu and ll�d burg. 04r VIIIA$e ja t16 worth has purchased Mr. -8 large fARMi lit
imuch need of a few farm W Grey for $1 5W. Vallows 60 *aV I---- — ao6aliii6mwiii