HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-04-14, Page 511 14 si kYS oys from 10 to 14 ,t1 remember, coat, re the best vane from a man anI a Cotton (IDS TO. SEAF R han words. V therefore thee diehes, and with wishe. Ma heaved4 rest upon you. Signed en mber and adhe eats, Mre. i liss Curry, - rnpletely by s rprise,.ex. iks in a few ell Cho r. Waddell supplementn he remainder of the eveujij nes, vocal and metrumen ay while cutting wood in e a bush, in Ho -wick, Me. the mistortune to out his th the axesthat the little , evered. la,y morning, at 4 c?clock, iliart Hall, trt Lueknoee, evaa e. The adjeining buiIding ople evaporator, was also 41 was, ineured for $500. known. tdine toek place at the resi- ater, division court clerk k'eduesday- evening of kit Flereuce Isabel, seco nost and hostess, wee unit 'Eli Moore, a well-kno i,of Trowbridge. Rev.S. .the ceremony in the pres- eivese 71-1 :efflall rocac NTO 'and the Old ,_..._.ieeet•eeet, 1 ne` thee is ia every instance Wised -tea price, has been that make up, this great to your advantage to ices before you buy Dry Carpets. It's an easy me, the saving, far the new ie.Ie beside the old, both Gull find the difference ts on Say a pair of hose three dollars on a dress or his week we tell mostly of of Carpets, Curtains dea.. and there's aaving hese to make it pay you *,store. S THAN - ICES. ock of Blinds must all he core. To do this, We low the regular wheIesale all good cloths, mounted - Hers. Regular 50o Win - Leto for 35a ; regular 750 etriplete for 50c ; regular complete for 75c. I;AR“AINS. Lace Curtains, Oretonnes 1.` he prices we are clear: fries but seldom. While tie them for a goad deal I, enn used to paying. A . vy Chenille Curtains, if only, old price $4.50, fold reversible Cretonnes-, W Art Muslin, old price I 'urtains, 2% yards long, rd -wide Carpet at motley-. SIU Carpet,' good weight* tra heavy Union Cerpet, ern, 4e; heavy ali- .I.read of cotton in it, . e try Carpets, suitable 11 e sold at a price for f good Tapestry Car - rd, end )$.1 40.; 104 yarde e 75c(per yard, end epeatry i.larpet, regular e saying money here n do the same. S BROS., 1 Sf PORTERS, a OlgTe man stook at the tore, abbtos. APRIL It 1899. Varna. LOCALS.—Mra. R. McCool left here on Monday last to join her husband, who has fitOted a general store in Drurnbo.-eThe Methodist church is undergoing improve - meats inside. Lloyd Brothers, of Seaforth, have the contraet FATAL ACCIDENT. -A sad and fatal acci- dent occurred on Saturday last. Mr. John Robinson was driving a team for a bay press. when the whiffletree broke and the arm flew back and struck him with such force as to render him insensible. He never regained consciousness, and died on Mon- day evening. Mr. Robinson was well known in Stanley, having carried on the black- smithing in Varna for over twenty year. He sold his business to Mr. MeNaughton some ten years ago, and removed to Mar- ette, Michigan, where he has since been en- gaged in farming. Mr. Releinson leaves a • wife and family of seven children, three of whom are married. His sudden demise has cast a gloom over, the neighborhood. We wish to extend to the widow and bereaved family our sincere sympate in their sad bereavement. • PRof,ERTY CHANGES.-Misa Mitehell has eold her house and lot on Main street, to Mr. Thomas Keys, for $500. It is a pleas- antly sititaaect and comfortable residence, and Mr. Keys will have a nice home. -Mr. James McKie has sold his blacksmith shop t and business to Mr. D. MeNaaighton, the former proprietor of this establishment. The priee paid was $650. - Mr. McKie, in • tern, has purchased the property and busi- ness of Mr. Daniel Campbell. The property consists of a nice_ comfortable residence, a blaeksmith shop, and about an acreof land. Tha price paid was $1,200, Mr. NI cKi will continue his business in Mr. Campbell' shop, go soon as he gives up possession f hie present premises. Mr. Campbell, sv believe, thinks of removing with his famil to the States. The people of Varna an surrounding country will regret to lose M and Mrs. Campbell, as during their reii- deuce here they proved , themselves goo and useful citizens and made many friends, who will unite wi eh THE EXPOSITOR • i wishing them proeperity and happinet wherever their future It may be cast. loomsom THTrIATel"Pc-; seeroarn, April 14, 1.)-t 9. Fall Wheat (new), Standard..... ...: $0 67 to $0 69 Spring Wneat per booklet,- r ..... 0 65 to Oats per boatel- ..-. 0 28 tO pearr per baehel - S. - .1 0 63 to Bayley per bus:rms.__ _ _ 0 40 be, Rater, No. 1. loose- 0 18 t Betters tnh- 0 13 to Eggs per doz • 4 0 09 to !lour, per 100 Le 2 00 to Hay per ton new_ _ _ 6 00 t.n Hideo per 10.) th s . . 00 Sheep Skins.... .1. o 50 te Wool,. ...... . 0 16 te Potatoes per bush, (new)._ , 0 60 to gIL t (retail) per barrel- - .. 1 00 t Woo& per oord (long).. .. 3 00 to Wood per cord (short) .. . 1 60 to Apples per bag__ 60 t Clover Seed 3 00 te Timothy Seed. • 1 25 to Pork, per 100 -.....— 6 00 to Tallow, par lb.- 02 to O 61i• O 2p 0 43 O 14 14 O 3.0 200 5 60 6 50 O 70 O 18 0 70 O 00 3 76 1 76 1 00 3 50 200 510 O 03 Dairy Markets. MONTREAL, April llth-Oheese-In the absence of business prices are nornieally at 111 to 114-e., Batter -The market is dull and heavy at 18 to 18ic f r finest creamery. Eggs -The market- ease off a couple of cents this morning, owing to the increased arrivals. There are ssiid o have been about 800 cases in all reeeived,- nd of these 600,or a car and a half, were br ught in from New York City. TOR0NTO, .April llth. Butter -Deliver- ies of butter free to -day, and nothing but choice rolls in the dairy line are selling. Prices are easier. The quotations are as followa : Dairy tubs,10 t ie; large rolls, • 14 to ; small dairy p und prints, about 15 to 15e; creamery, tube and boxes, 19 to 20e; pounds, 20 to 21c.I Cheese -Market firm. Dealers here holding firm on all choice at from 11 to 11c. Eggs -Following the scarcity of last week the opening of the market to -day showed exactly opposite con- ditions, and with the free deliveries prices dropped to a 16e basis, and the market did not get cleared up at the close. The indi- cations are for a 15c price to -morrow. • Toronto Potato Market. Plenty offering. Car lots, on track, are quoted at about 70 to 72c for strictly choice; farmers' loads, Ontario stock, sell at about 75 to 90o; out of door store dealers sell at 80 to aoe, Live Stook Markets. LONDON, England, April -10eh.-Fair trade at lower prices. Best *United States cattle, 6d ; Cariadbens, 5d ; Argentines, 5d; sheep, 5i.d. LINTERFOoLt April 10th -Prices for cattle are slow. Amerieartsteers sell at 11 to 12c tdressed weight) ; live sheep, are lower at Is2i to 13.1,0 (dressed weight) ; lambs, 140 ; refrigerator beef sells at 92c per pound. MoNTREAL, April lIth.-Cattle-The sup- ply of cattle was largely in excess of the present requirements of the market. Sales were very slow, sued prie.esof pretty good cattle about one -gleaner ofa. cent per pound below last week's rices, and a large num- ber will not be s Id to -day ; prime • beeves' sold at from 41. t 5c per pound; pretty good stook et fro 2i to 4.fe do., and the common animals at from 2i to 3.1c per pound. Common calves are still very low in price, ranging tjorn $1 to $4 each; good calvea sold at fro $6 to $10 each, and one that was in a far er's sleigh was held at $11, while $1�50 vas bid for it. Sheep --- Sheep sold at torn al to 5c per pound ; • spring lambs at from $3 to $4.50 each. !Hogs -Fat hogs are less plentiful than for 'some time past, and sell at about 4:15c per pound for good lots, just off the cars. • BUFFALO, April llth-Cattle--Good to best smooth fat export cattle, $ei to $5.25 ; good to best, 84.70 to $5; export bulls, 83.75 to $4 ; good to choice butchers' steers, $4.50 to $4.75; good to best butchers' steers'$4 to $4.25; comenon to good fat bulls, $3.50 to $4; feeders' bulls"$3.25 to $,50; good to best fat heifers, $4te $4.50; fair to good heifers, $3.75 to $4; mixed fat cows and 'heifers, good =to choice, $3.50 to 84;. fat ,eows, good to best, $3.50 to $4; common to good do., $3 to $3.50 ; stockers, choice to extra quality, 500 to 800 pounds average, $4.10 to $4.65; common to good, $3.50 to $3,75. Calves, good choice stock, 13.50 to $4.90. Sheep and Lambs -Native lambs, choice to extra, were quotable, $6.35 to $6.50 ; good to choice, $0.25 to $6.35 ; common to fair, $5.25 to .$5.85 ; western Iambs, $6.25 to $6,30. Sheep, choice to ex- tra, $5 to $5.25; good to choice, $4.75 to 15 ; common to faire- $3.25 to $4.25; clip- ped sheep, choice to extra, $4.25 to $4.60. There were very few sheep, and. prices ruled etrong. There were sales at $6.50, a price that has been predicted for wool lambs be- fore the elm of the season. The feeling ia for still higher prices. Hogs -Medium and heavy were quotable, $4 to $4.05, with a few sales at $4.10 ; Yorkers, $3.95 to $4 ; pigs, $3.80 to $3.85, mostly $3,80 ;. roughs, 83.30 to $3.60; stags, $2.50 to $3. TOTioNTO, April 12th. -Cattle -Heavy exporters were quatable at $4.50 to $5 per cwt. Light were in liberal supply at $4.00 to $4,70 per cwt. Butchers' -These were quoted at $4 25 to $435 per cwt. Medium and common grades, which were in heavy supply, fetched $3 to $4 per owt. Stockers and Feedere-Choice heavy stockers were quoted at $3.25 to $3.75 per ewe. Light were in small supply at lower prices. Feed- ers were quiet at $4 to $4.25 per cwt. Milch Cows—Were quotable at $35 to $42 .each. Sheep and Lambs—Sheep for expert and batch re' use fetched $3.50 per cwt. Grain -fed •'earlings,fetched $5 t $5,40 per cwt., and barnyard yearlings fet hed $4.50 per owt. Spring Iambs were ste dy at $2 to $5 eachl. Lambs were in mode ate supply i q.s at $4.50 'to $4.75 per owt. ucks were quiet at to $3 per owt. og—Were quoted at 4.37i per owt. Ligh fetched $4 per owt., and thick fat, which w re in mod- erate supply, brought $3.75 per wt.' Sows ' were quiet at $3 , per owt. few stags ; fetched $2 per owt. SALE REGISTER. On Tueclay, April 18th, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Lbt 24 Oom3ession • 14, ; Boundary, Farm Stock. .11 ber ! proprietor ; F. S. Scott, aution I On Satuebay, April 15th1 18 t o'clock p. in., sharp, in Eg on of the Presbyterian church, H and . Household Furniture. Mr Kemp proprietress; Thom ; tionee On m., a House ville. ecutor ORIOR POWE CLARK W Clarke, of a daughter. COLE n Ratak on April 3rd, the wife of Mr. W . Cole, of a daughter. I MOOR -In Wingham, on April 6th, the wife of Mr. Eimer Moore, of a daughter. 1 SNELI.--In Grey, on April 2nd, the wife of Mr. Sam- uel Snell, of a son. HELM -In Ashtleld, on March 81st, the wile of Mr. John Heim, of a daughter. . RITCIHIE-In Ashfleld, on April 3rd, the wife of Mr. C. Ritchie, of a _son. MoKillop Holland, er. 9, at one ville, west use, Lots . William s Brown, auo uesday, April 25th, at 2 o'clock, p. the Commercial IliWI, Seaforth, and Lot in the Vill ge of Egmond- F. Holmested, Sorcitor for Ex. Births. -In-Minton, on April 2nd ton Oriole, of a -daughter. Clinton, on April ell, of Petrone, of a on. -In Usborne, on April 4t e the wife of Mr. 2nd, Mrs. Wm. , the wife of Mr. Marriages. BROADHAGATN-THORNTON-At the Rectory, Sea - forth, on Anril llth, by Rev. Rural Dean 'lod- ging, Mr. Harmon Broadhagan, of nutlet, to Miss Mary Thornton, of MoKillop, /11cNAUC4HTON-TURNER-On April nth, at the residence of the bride's parents, Stanley, by • Boy. S. Acheson, Mr. Jam MeNsughton, of Tuokerstnith, to Miss Sono, eldest daug ter 01 James Turner, Esq., of Stanley. WARD-LLTNDY-At Melville Manse, Brine ls. on April 6th, by Bev. John Rosa, B. A, Mr W. J. Warrt, to Miss Emma E. Lnody, both of M rrie. l 5th, by Rev. John Ros., .ether, on A ri BAGG- 13ISHOP-In Gr., at the residence 1 the brias fa 13. A., Mr. F W Bagg, of Etobicoke,., o Miss Farah Jane Bishop, daughter of Mr. John ishop. 116th, NORTHOOTT-ALDWORTEI-In Hay, on Ap at the residence of the bride'a parents, b Rev. Charles Smith, Mr. Nelson Norlhoott, son of Mr. John Northcott, to Miter Christena, daug ter of , Mr. C. Aldvvorth. i MOORE-HUNTER-In Brussels, at the residence of ' the bride's' parenta, oa April Sib, by Rey. 8. J. Alum Mr. Eli . Moore, of Trowbridge, t Miss Florence 1, daughter of Mr. Alex. Hun er, di. vision court clerk, Brussels. STEWART-CUMING-At the . residence of the bride'a father, Morris, on April 3rd, by Rev. J;•,A. Hamilton, Mr Charles Stewart, of East Wawan. o h, to Miss Mary Cuming, daughter of Mr. Nicholas Cumin. REYNOLDS-McliENZIE-In London, on Maroh 30th, at the parsonage, by Rev. J. H. Moore.' holm, Charlea, eon of Mr.. B. Reynolds, of Olin- ton,to Miss Jessie McKenzie, of Ailea Craig. Dpatlis. ROBERTSON --In Goderich, on"Good Friday, Fanny A. Robertson, wife of Mr. W. R. Robertson, aged 69 years. . SMALLACOMBE-In Exeter. on March 3Ist, Mary Jane Smallacombe, aged 30 years, 4 months and 12 days. LEWIS-In Gederich, on April 6th, Hazel Ida,young- est child of Edward N. and IJE4 II. Lewis, aged 4 years and 3 menthe. RAE -In Howick, on March 30th, David Rae, aged 88 years and 9 monthe, BROWN-lajurnberr,y, on April 2ad, Frederiok, in- fant sorrof Leonara and Margaret Brown, aged 5 months. BOSSENBERRY-In Maintop, on April 1st, Mar- garet Rae, wife of Mr. W. H. Bosvenberry, of Zurich, aged 22 years, 9 months and 19 days. SMILLIE-In Kippen, on March 318t, James Smillie, aged 76 years and 3 months. CAVAN -In Houghton, Michigan, on April 9th, David Cavan, brother of Dirs. A.. D. McDonald, Seaforth. MeFADDEN-In Morris, on April 100, Aaron Mc- Fadden. TAYLOR -In Hallett, on April 13th, Mrs.. Robert Taylor, aged 83 years and 9 months. McCormick Machinery. The followingletter was recently reCeived by Mr. Robert Devereaux, Seaforth, agent for the McCormick 'Harvesting Machines, from P. W. Stanhope, Manager, Toronto To our Agents :-j-It affords us much pleasure to be in a position to inform the farmers of the great agricultural Province of Ontario that we have established in the metropolitan city ot Toronto a permanent branch of that immense business established by the McCormick Harvesting' Machine Company, Chicago, Ill., in all thetgrass and grain producing Countries of the world. The Toronto branch with the general office is located at the corner of Colborne and Scott sereets where may be seen large,fwell- appointed Aces, fine show rooms where sample machines run by electric power can be seen at all times. At the same place are to be seen large extensive warerooms, cap- able of holding -several car loads of Machin- ery and twine and last but not least, an ample supply of repairs, which is a very im- portant matter, and one to which our com- petitors very often pay marked attention by misrepresentation and false statements. In order to set at rest at once and forever, this question of repairs, we can assure the far- mers of this Province that a full and com- plete stock of repairs, from the largest part to the smallest bolt, and sufficient to meet al' the requirements of the trade, will be. found not nly in our ware -rooms in Toron- to, 1)14 ale res, as wel ena.bliiig machi e Toronto, don, Br. Peterboro ntr s an way c forme deliveity 0 source of abled the fin know sidera, io of struct r rnanship, t bined with reducing d aft, wh and durabi i y to; we are offerijig BO heart of tilo far at all of our, distributing coa- sts with our local -agents, thus e farmer to secure any part of a n the shortestl possible notice. ith the distribu ing points, Lon- ritford, Hami ton, Harriston, nd other point being great rail- s, we can with ionfldcnce assure dealers, of a pompt and quick all goods 'ordered. One great easure to us is,I that we are en- er the farmers of this country 1 ne of herveating machines in the Id, and whenwe take ,into con - he style of finish, the seiperiorhy pn symmetrical lines, the work - expensive material used com- 1 the latest improvements for tat preserving strength e machine, we feel that ethieg to gladden the er, -especially when he realizes that he is xeceiviug better value for his money t an if -he had purchased some cheaply oo structed machine of poor material which would, during -its short ex• istence be a endless hill of expense to him. Always rem mber that "Price is one thing, but value is another." Believing as we do, that every man, rich or poor, should be treated alike, we have determined to estab- lish e uniform price, such as no other Com- pany has heretofore done. This, we firmly believe, will make us many friends, an will tend to remove those jealousies and bitter resentments often caused by the unwise policy of " robbing Peter to pay Paul," that is, by exacting a very high price from one man to counterbalance a very low one given to another,. In order to carry out this very laudable policy, which we sincerely trust will not only receive the approval but alio the hearty eo-operation of the farming community, we are placing the prices as low as machines of suche superior class cern be sold, set up and properly taken care of by the agent, who is obliged to pay more moiey for a .McCormick machine than he can urchase any other machine on thennarket pr. And why does he do this? Simply bec use he fully realizes that it is to us interefst to place in the hands of the farmer th best -the very best machine—and one whict he ean fully ,guar- antee to give entire sat sfaction, and will be ample value for the mo ey he receives for it. We cordially and rope dully- invite a care- ful examination and a comparison of our TIER ...••••••••, ma hineswitkothers now in the market. Very truly yours THE MCCORMICK HAR- I VESTING MACHINE Co. Samples are to be seen in Mr. Robert evereaux's warerooms, Goderich Street est, Seaforth, Ontario. (MPORTANT NOTICES. ERSEYS FOR SALE -410 for a regietered Jersey • heifer, due to calve October 22nd ; 845 for oae d-fto, Novemner : 865 for one ditto, any , day; 5 for one 1 -year-old. G. A. DEADMAN, Drnegist, ruesels, Ont. . 1636)(2 •0 URHAM BULLS FOR SALE. -For calej two thoroughbred Durham bulls; both 12 months o d, one roan and the other red. JOHN MORRISON, t 22, Coneeseion lit McKillop, Winthrop P. O. • 168541 TAURHAM j_l roontbs animal. fl. BULL FOR SALE. -The undersignet has for sale 'a thorou hbred Durham buil, old, dark red in_co or. This is a first -etas' HERBERT 0PeICH, Lot 26, Conowslon R. S., Tuokersmith. seatortn P. 0. •36854f 11 4 dre 1 al tilt ay en ill a CEDAR ieir undersioed "Cedar Eui FOR SALE --Any quantity Of ' a posts, rail, stakes, and telegraph poles in and lengths at reason Able prices. Apply to at Lot No. 17 Concession 6, Grove Farm." JOHN , MORRISON. P. 0. 't • , 1635i4 7 .3ULL illop, . .1 sayable ecently .084 net god ":11ar ore. sion • erefrom O ottheast ip e • rparation , rtber • 1 ry iwn E i o , il ar °a . • 1111 ir nib pply .olhuitor FOR SERVICE. -The .undersigned keep for tervioe on Lot 18, Conoeasion 8. a thoroughbred Durham bull, bred by JOhr Dickson, Tuckersmith, to whtch a limited number cows will he taken. Terms,, 81, calf er no o4W, let of January, 1900. JAMES NAM. ' • 1085,4 . TORE IN SEAFORTH TO RENT. ---To rent en easy tonna, Vie Er ore on Math Street. Seaforth, occupied by Casey & Co. It Is one of the business stahds in town, being next door to the office and immediately opposite the Couimer. hotel. The gore. Is 65x25 feet, with splendid full size, apd up etairs tanneetere with the It is in a ;firet-elaes state of repair. Posen- at any the. ,Apply to JAMES GILLESPIE, aforth. 168641 ILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE, -For sa'e in the ' Village.of Hayfield, the ;following lots : Lot 8, Range F, in tle township 0?f , Stanley (excepting li ares owned I by MrL .,. . Clark). land to be sold containing Seven acres; Remind- corner! of Lot 7, ip Range F, in the town- of Stanley, bontainint-thiMa acres. These lets both situated on the Bayfield road, within the of Bayfield. Immediate possession win given. Title -free from all encumbrances. For particulars apply to the undersigned. BERT WATSON, Brucefield '; HENRY PECK, yield, Exemitors. - - - 1635-tf UCTION SALE 35' HOUSE8 AND LOT EGMONDVILLE.-The Executors of the the late Samuel 'Carnochan, will offer for public attrition at the Oommeimial Hotel, in of Seaforth, on Tuesday, 254h day of 9, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the following ; Lc)) Carnochan'e survey, of park Lot 3, in Roland- 0 containing ' half an acre of land. Clam d are oreard a comfortable , storey rend 0, formerly occupied by M . Carnoohan mall franie house, formerly occupied by t e ; a frame barn, and other onveniences soft wateir. Title perfect. Possession fith. Tenter ot sale. -Ten pe cent, on balance io 30 days, For urther particulars to the undersigned. F. HOLMESTED for E'xecutlirs. Seaforth, Aptil 12th, 1636-2 IN will sale the April, No. 1, tho a hall ; also Mrs. ; hard in a day ot 1899. Tenders, p •he A URNACE it E o n i. t ffi Ve434 To Builders either lao-ip to and habluding EXCAVATION, RPENTER AND AND PLUMBER the erection and FORTH, ONTARIO, thorn tenders, a. aled elope, are to be addressed. i8 cam be seen, and all .ev. P. McCahe'e residence, e' -of JOSEPH A. Street, Goderich, and Others. will be received t 22nd, 1899, TONE, PLASTER, IRON, P-AINTER, in connention of a HOUSE REV. P. MoCABE, " Tender and epee:ilea- obtained, or C. E, Architect, '1035-2 fox AT " on a,t the or separate, Saturoay,pril BRICK, JOINER, i WORKS, completion FOR and marked Plans other information Seaford), FOWLER,I Ont. • • he an Af Rn th • • no ma. 13 1.r. IMMO 1 parties hy notified burned on HE FIRST r that date .t may be aw directs, i . e fine for rties knowug i I yirg the e known. .A. 0 IC, IF. 0 MI then, treee cut NEX trees prosecute law is •iI25 will oblige will no Iospectet. 16352 INT on thoroughly Y whose be persore. the names COPP, , NaTIO B are out aok as by be , havirit. Black Knoti to have the same or before OE M all ;parties on found Will poa1tiveIv „withOut reepect of non-compliance with Of Bleak KnOt Inspector, and their , ' WILLIAM From west and ly earned who :1 the pupils 1898. 3 not i ear 13. mmstancee It FRO Pupils The Canada CHATHAM, Newfoundland ; -Brooklyn, the Northwest reputatio' are determinate', continent. have seetired Two of very generally is one of If youipurporie will I D. 1) S .00EAN. s ARIO, to utb, t e work ,beat'from eucceed since the commencing 1 , Chatham, 111'0 at College Seattle on the to Manitoba north. A just- brings those all parts ; nearly 20 January 1st, per• annum. It 'tiring -of the with now if ci.- Ont. /g Or OCEAN TO are in attendance Busme • ON on the' east, N. Y., on the, s erritories-on for superior to attend the Our graduates good p maitlione, the last were at 81300 known that the best -seasons for attending, commence allow of -it.. MaLACHLAN & Co. 1. Sa gutranteed ... our an`..ee something. We to' to Comfort back. Accurate, telt. , DLG I , , , ,:' it= •. EXAMINED FREE . , .•_. bir. i It to -day kr107 or work.' measurements ases a BERTS, ND OPTICIAN, ORTH. 'Mellon guar- , means are not morro find us No D J. - 1 her • you hie viMon guess scientific fficult . R 1ST EA MI :---; , . , your . Specialty. , , and away. just where money and . _.,,,...7r4ir:77- ......, . –.. ...,...a? , .of Stables" -14.:N. • 4' 'Ai't : 'It .- .... • 4.4. of , .. • A W R H - ...44k The D GREAT M 11 stawll stock, Wilson's 1 ron County red HORSE : 1899, ., Association. - 1686 _ Grandly- Stallion RAC Corm4ck for the ImprOvement 4uring the season —at-- SEAFORTH _ Breeders' th wi HURON EXPOSITOR. Pi seas h ne Week: Five hundred floral and scroll de regular price lOc a A different si) I\ TA LL PAP - le new on as thi w papers a11 Papers never sold for so little money at th ' year, at this store. The expense of brighte need be very little when you Can buy papers beginning of ing the home ike these' this Ils of Glimmer Wall Paper, printed on extraT quell y stock, oriental gne, in a vaPiety of light and medium colors suite, le for any room, d 12ic per single roll, on sale this week 6 CENTS. rade of paper will be advertised nekt week. Watch this.space. 'S Bookstore, Seaforth. pring St o , • Our Spring stock of Furniture i complete. We ex end a ,speeial tion o all aclinire-s of good fetrniture to inspect our stoc We have some hing new to show you hanew designs and finish at 4lose prides. obl ich nvi a- liva s This department is complete with a large election of the best goods, and ging attention given to this branch of the business. ight calls promptly attended to by OUT undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, Goder- street, Seafortli, opposite the Methodist church, ROADFPOT BOX & CO 2 I SFO±TbL 'w want td n6 right , to it 'exe tere t, We appeal The thaij caus and is b toji. COM youe money back eat n in it; we instr ictions to tel INNON horeVs Clothing. o business with you, your trade will do us good, ljut w pt you receive an. equal benefit. • We appeal to y ur o o your desire -for nice clothing, we appeal to your ocket same amount of money spent with us this Spring Will bey a better you can buy at any other store in this section. e sell good clot,hit it pays us, mall profits brirg large sales, a satisfied customer c mes agai rings his friande. The reason e speak with such confidence o our good cause we are s sking yo to buy horey's ready tailored clothing. - It is har dge quality, ,xcept you are post d. That is where Shorey's g4ra.ntee card. s in. It is s easy to buy cloth ng here as wager at our grocery cou t r— if not satisfactory. We do not say it is all wool whenitj has o not say it fits if 't does not. Our salesmen halve p s tive the truth. Mens suits—$3.50, $5 $61 $7.50, $10 an 12. 4 havO n ink bookl.. outfil g bet 1 C.A. PE .AN001\T 1:)13,1,0 cii NNON & CO., BLYTic He will be at the Thmsday, April wigs Ban and free re year OU man, on la c-urel One chat' or hair cove s, wavy and 11 long hair, f charge, to ald or have his inventio ger, appeara devices he test princiPle adjusted, a f his product e, or cull pa WENtiti EE A desisable Jensformation from b n ss to hair on the head--- so nal sill so artful can't 1ie1j but peasant turp ise to any lady o en so afflicted. Prof. Doren Toronto, whose skill in ethise recognize s1 all dyer the globe„ is Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on 7th, with ladies' and gents' ings for part or whole heads. lain fronts, switches of even to. He will demonstrate, hose who call on him who thin hair, why they should s; how health, comfort and ce can be obtained. The anufactures are constructed , but are durable, can be se- - 7,1! ,,..,4" -*Pk --.1-:k' ;,i::A1- ...1-,--7., -,-..••%, 'W.44 1, • r*- f,v.% al d- ral, a a e ee de - end, of es /13 ming. d are beyond detection. Don't miss seeing him and ons. Remember Commercial Hotel. Out hair taken d for it, especially white, 0 ocure ex - TO THE PUBLIC. Having a crplete line of Builders' Etardware, Stbves Tinware, Diry upplies, ETC ETC: 1 Prices Right. • W4. ask la share pf your patronage. 1 I i S. MULLET i& SEAFORTII. Mo Unde in a ce produc sale by Monate Seafort the ho All land as Towns Provid half of west h and all seveni lop, co fifty so Ter alone t the time of sale, thirty • aye thereafter, wit purch er co desire, ten pe moneY at the time of sale, ranged according to terms 1.1 nown., For wilier, terms and p tgage Sale ofl Farm Property. and by airline of t In indenture of •d at the time of sal public auction, by at the Commercia , on Saturday, the r of 12 o'clock, noon d singular those ce • premises situate, lp of Maintop, in th O of Ontario, being he north half of lot if of the south half of lot number twen concession of the s training by adroeasu es, be the frame mor s of Sale: Ten per e power of sale contained ortgage, latch will be , there Will be offered for r. Joseph . Brine, auc- Hotel, in the Town of th day of May, 1899, at the follow ng property: in parer) s or tracts of bing an being in the County Huron, and omposect f the south wenty-eix 26), and the f said lot t entrsix (26), aseven (2 , all in the Id Tovrnsh p of Main- ernent ou • or le. cent. ;of nd the b out ieteres or, if the cent. ' of the purehaee nd the balancer to be ar- nd conditions then to be rtieulais apply to AR & MALONE, 69 Tonga fit. Toronto, lioness for the Vendon. th, 1890. 1686-4 at ThrentO, April hundred and lie purohase laace within 1 CAliir'S BLOCK Aboui Advertising. Advertising alone could not biting us the 'brisk business we are hay- t Adfiertising is only one of the many! means to an end. Thist store is besier than others, because it deserves to be. The lasst ad- vertising in the world is giving generous values. At all times and in all seasons we have found that the best of all is to give the peo- ple great, big, pretsed down, run- ning overvalues for their money, and let them go away and talk about it 'How about your Spring shoes? You will certainly need a pair now that fine weather - is a.- sured. Deop in and see our nej.v stock, and have a chat; about t e new styleYou are free to co e and move around withont the lea t suggestion of buying, t en whe you do buy you run nt risk, bsp- cause you inlay hive y ur money back if yoil. want. SEAFOl?7/1, -DUBUC AUCTIO I received instru in the village of Bruc Up, at 1 o'clock. the survey, containing there is a frame stabl atiea three feet• abo aged mare, 1 milch a bred wyndottes, 1 democrat wagon, 1 r cutter, set :sine•le ha set team Whinietrei work benches, grind : SALE ---Tho undersigned h dons to sell by pithlie auctio field, on ueeday, April 184 following: Lot No. 12, Swan uarter a re of land, on whie 24x36 fe t, with stone foun egroan , also's good well ; top bu .1 lig t wagon, win calf, bout 3Tens, 6 pn ad cart, air HO; and ham boboleig new, hors &ilia , goat olae, wheelbarrow, stone, 3 s • o handle shovel spade, pick, scuffle , straw • ladder, 6 screw jaok4,,moving I cable rope 260 feet),300 feet of h artioles too nuiteroilis to m sums of 65 and Undir, eaeh ; months' credit ilel joint note. A deb given o o lit at the 1 per annum will be,aljqiwed off 1 amounts. GEORG LOG RoOLOY, AuctIoneei I utter, ladder, ste utfit mplete, wi y fork r pe and othe tion. , Terme.- ver that amount furnishing approv to of five per ce eae01 rrohprkiteon rat.," 'MOST CO,MPILETE STOCK AT" 111 dard &Co. This Season We will be found in the front rank for a good high class and well assorted Dry Goods Clothing Establishment 1,;All Departments are full to overflowing with all the netvest and best goods that money can buy, or that patience ani close buying can procure. Having direct connection with some of the best manu- facturers in England, Scotland, France'Germany, and the United States, we are in a position to give you correct goods at closest prices. These Goods Are All to Hand Carpets, Ourtains and Draperies. Exminister Carpets in great range of eolors and ;new Oesigns ; Brnssels Carpets from 74e to $1.25, special at 85e and $1 ; All -Wool Carpets from 65e to 83z, specials, Union Carpets from 25c to 60e, special at line ; Oil Cloths and Linoleums from half yard to two yards wide— an iminenise range ; Tapestry, .Chenille and Laee Curtains in endless variety— prices right. Cent Furnishing Department An inn). se range of Hats in hard and soft, at prices that you can only pro- curefron us all the new shades.. Men's Suits to Order is a specialty with us ; people ai n t slow to appreciate prices for high Class goods—special Meek Suits at i18jand $20, special. Tweed Suits at $10, $12, $13.25, $15.25 and $16, Rea In this 1 thinkincr guarantle Gloves, Silk In this Large s make'thi ade Suits Etc. o e are certainly better than ever. Our prices will set everybody h n you see the goods at $4.75, $6 and $9,50 per suit Eveuthing t wear. Try us for Shirts, Ties, Braces, Underwear, Umbrellas, te,, etc. and Dress Goods epartment, as usual, we will be found. second__ to none in the trade. ek, good assortment, correct styles, combined with our close prices a strong Department. Wash goods, Etc. hite Pique, Fine Zephyrs, Nice Ginghams, Galateas, etc, etc., in great variety d ranee pf prices, being from 10c up. These geods command the admiration all Cho s e them. They are correct. Our stock of Parasols is large and well assorte Staple epartment Is now compl te, with New Shirting, New Flannel ettes, New Cottons, New Prints, ISteW G-alateas, New Oxfords. In fact everything to be found in a first - ass Staple Department. Remember the Place When you Furnishings. ant anything inry- Goods and Olothing, Carpets or House Our large trade is guarantee to us that OUT stuff is right. PICKARD & DIRECT . • IMPORTERS, Opposite Town Building, Corner Main and 'Market Sta., Seaforth. UNE :MILLINERY AT POPULAR PRICES ARTISTId WORKMANSHIP CORRECT STYLES pecial Attractions for this Month's Sale 0- •egant Trimmed Hats 'table for 1 "Dress" oecasions and early Spring Wear at from_ $3 to $8. These: Hats ve ,been specially trimmecl for this sae an are worth fully 25 per cent. m re, an infinitely superior in style and q ality of materials composing t ein tan any sold iri the town or ad init. at much higher prices. L di s' and Misses Trim Ned Hats At $1. 5, $1.48, $1.9.5, and $2.25, w ich aye been sold at a muchlarger fl Fii�l'rimmed B A 75e, !95C, 1.25 and $1.50. Un - e naled. in thi district for style and q ality. 800.al Va ues in Untrimme Hats Black, Cream, White, Blue and Fancy Braid Sailors 4 cut prices, such as 25e, 384, 50e, 55; 75; 85c, and 95c. TObans and Walking Hats lack and Fancy Braids froM 50e e French es tiful Violets, excellent Foliage, sp ieys, Plumes, Buckles, Jet Sprays, etc, will be found. at the lowest L.ries Iwith us, as they have all been hong t at the original sources. ' Try- Our Millinery Department And get correct styles and save a To Enable the Country People To take advantage of this special run in Millinery we will take farm produce at the highest inarket prices. Specials Through The Store for April One hundred and twenty-nine Ladies' Shirt Waists worth 68e and 75e, this sale for 500 each, 182 Ladies) Shirt Waists worth 90e and $1, this sale for 75c each; 12 dozen Ladies' Fast Color Wrappers, light and dark colors, 780 each; 8 dozen Ladies' Fast Color Wrapp6rs, light and dark colors, $1 each; 25 pieces Imported American Sear Sucker, fast colors, at 5c a yard; 10 dozen Ladies' Fine Cambric Draw- ers, 2 pair for 25c; 25 dozen Ladies' Fine Ribbed Cashmere Hose weith 35e, for 25c a pair; 100 pair Lace Curtains, 2- yards long and 27 inehes wide, for 25c a pair; 20 designs of Art Muslins and. Draperies at 7e,-&, 9c, 106 and 12e a yard; ladies' ready- to-wear iop Skirts, Black Lustre, at $2.50; Brocades at $3, $4 and 85-; lakes' White Pique Skirts at $1,25, $1.50 and $1.75; Crash Skirts at 60e, 90e, 81.25; Collars, Laces, Corsets, Hosiery, Parasols, Handkerchiefs, and smallwares. Remember We Are Headquarters for Black Orepons and. Ladies', Fine Suit - hags and Dress Goods. AGENTS FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNS. e Ladies Store Pentecost's OARDNCYS SLOOK SEAFORTH. P OPRIETOR. j. C. ABELL, MANAGER.