HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-04-14, Page 44
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189.9 '0114211_,-, 18991
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tar Tho fig -we between the wire!)
ono, denotes tho pn.go a tho Oape
advorthannont will bft found. '
Complete Stoc -W. Pickard & o.-5
Principle of P ying-Greig & Ma douald
To the Public S. Mullett & Co." --5
Examined Fre -J. S. Roberts -
McCormick M chinery-R Deve
A Pretty Girl -E. adeFau1-8 -
.An Alarm Clo k -Humber & Son 8
Public Aural° -George Logan--;
Spring Stock Broadfoot, Box & 0.-5
Shorey's Cloth ng -McKinnon & o.-5
Hair Goods- raessor Doren wen -5
Wall Paper- . W. Papst 5
The New and lhe Old -Ho gene ros.-
Auction Sale-e4F. Holmest d-5
Dairy Supplies S. Mullet & Co. 8
Cheaper Breacl A. Cardrio 8
Seed Potatoes -A. Cardno 8
Washing Mach nes-C. Go ding 8
School Shoe -3-W. H. Willis -
New and Fre11
s =Mrs. 13aird-18
Durham Bulls -J. Morrison -5
Paint -F. A. - dwards-8 '
Spring Hats-.1iss Martin -8
Milhnery-R 3. Smith & Co. 8
Cedar for Sale J. Mrrison__ii for Servic -James Nash --5
Dnrham Bull -a. Crich -5
Village Lots for Sale -Robert Wilson -5
Ocean to Ocean -D. McLachlan -5
About Advertisiug-R. Wil1is-5
Store to Rent -James Gillespie -5
Eggs for Hatching -W. Co p-8
Jerseys for Sale -G. A. DS dman-5
Horse Card -R. Wi1sen-5
armers-Reid & Wilson-
° Builders -J, E. Fowler -4-5
Mortgage Sale -Edgar & M lone -5
oOD WhiCh iho
lds, o oh
(non Tipooitot.
pril 14th, 18
• The Dominion Pa liament.
The Dominion Parliament is still stre -
ling with the address a,ndthe debate goes
eerily on with no immedi te prospect Of
batement. For this delay the Oppositio
re eleaely responsible, as hey persist i
eeping up the war of word , and the Go
rnment have no power to s op thee). N
ther business, no matter ho pressing, ea
e taken up until t is de ate is close
he word now is, tha it wi 1 continue unt 1
ell on into next wee. Th principal fe
re of the past we k, *a an excellenb
eech by Hon. Mr. ratters D, Minister
ustoms, in which hel succe sfully combat-
ted the contention of Mr. larke Wallac'e
that the twenty ---five per cent. reductio
given to English goods is del sive, and tha
a lower duty is charged Ain rican producte
than is charged English. D. McDonald, of
East Huron, also delivered a good address'
in which he expressed •the pinion that i
the Government were to gra t a Prohibi:,or
Act now, within five years t ere would b
au outcry for its repeal, on account of th
unreadiness of the people, as shown by th
plebiscite vote, for such 1 gislation, and
that in this way the cause f temperance
would be retarded and injur d. The Doc-
- tor said he spoke as a tempe ance- man and
&prohibitionist of forty 5 ear standing.
Our Educational _ ystem.
.A paper read by Mr. J. C Robertsoie in
the college and high school section of 1 the
Ontario Educational Associ tion, at tjheir
meeting last week in -Toren o, has g ven
the °plies' ion papers auoth r opportu ity
of attaeki g the Ontario Eaucational De-
partment, an opportunity thy are only too
ready to avail themselves of. Mr. Robert-
son is Professor of Greek at -Victoria
University. His subject wasi "Phe Edu-
cation Department's Fetish'i This fetish,
adeording to Professor Roberltson, is undue
uniiaformity in the higher de artments. He
is uite-satiefied with -the pri ary or public
sc ooasection, but when it omes to tie
hi h richools and Collegiate nstitutes, his
-idei seems to be that more 1 titude should
be renewed and that the cours of study in
each school •should be rag lated by the
headmaeters thereof and not
ment. It seems to us that if
were adopted, inextricable co
be the result. There must
and whatever variety may
should be given by the respe
in working out the details.
so far as Mr. Robertson is
does not appear to have made
while his criticism seems to h
severe and sweeping than the
complained of justify. A dis
subject, however, will not do
•_should be encouraged rather
-if the discussion is conducted
epirit and for the purpose of
quired reforms, and not with
visaing the department and m
One thing Professor Ro
very plain, and to which he
emphasis, and that is that thc teaehers are
y the depart-
uch a course
fusion WOuld,
e uniformity,
be required
tive teachers
t any rate, in
reported, he
out a caae,
ve been more
grievances he
ussion .of the
ny herrn and
lean tabooed,
in a Proper
effecting re-
view to har-
king 'political
ertson made
gave special
who may then have the manitg 'flea of af-
fairs. Dr. Ryermon laid a goo foundation,
and that foundatimi has been w 11 and wise-
ly builded on si ce. The only afe guide as
to the efficiene of any systeni s its resultr.
Judged in this a , the °ducat °nod system
of Ontario will taid the test. In no coun-
try in the worl are the mese of the peo-
ple better ethic -tec, more mo al or more
law-abiding tha a this Pro ince of On-
tario, while the g adnatee of our schools
'and colleges ta e font rank in very sphere
and in every , ther province or eountr
where they may! locate, while t home ou
people are not lbehind the p ople of an
other country i t e world in all that goe
to make up a p eperous and succeed I
nation. This i the best test to whieh 9U
edUeational 83714emi lean be subjeeted, an
the fact that it eta cle it so well is the bee
evidence that can it given of its. efficie nc •
These are facts vhih the critics and ear-
pers and smart li ks who are so ready t
find fault, but s sl°w to offer any remed
that will be an i provement, can not gain
Professor Rob aeon pointed to Englis
school methods aa a model. But, in a
doing, he must have overlooked the fac
that the lack of uniformity there is bein
felt so disadvant geously that there is no
a bill before the House of Lords to organiz
the secondary se eels of England on a rigid
lyuniform meth d.[ This shoes that "in
dividualism," .hi4h the Profeesor is e
anxious to sea c ti ated, is not secured b
lack of uniforrni y in the systi m. Inteed
if the Profeeser ill indicate any syste4i o
state edutation hat will cultivate ancllen
courage "; iriclivi ualism " more han- i be
ing done in Ont rio at the prese t time, h
will do the cause of edueation a rea
service. This, h wever, he dO
In this he is like malty others,
at pulling down, but who have
give on the best methods -of b
Many educetion 1 authorities,
over, are of !the o
can be devieed w
dividuality of ea
its influence. If
the thing can be
benefft of hie kno
light under la bus
very g
$ not do.
ho are apt
LO idear to
ilding 1 up.
the w rld
in -
u der
inion that -no state ay
ich will cater to th
pupil that cones
lr. Robertson knows bow
one, he should give us the
ledge, and n t hide his
Inclepe dent Opini
The Mozeta-ry Times is not
paper, and it can scarcely be ch
partisan Ware 14 referring to
Tupper's chargee against the
and its Yukon officiate, acd Mr.
ply thereto, the fiates' says
Mr. Sifton, against whom ' the
the charges of maladministrat
Yukon were expected to fall, ent
defence, when opportunity off
temper and judgefent. He point
in a new eouptry, where everyth
be provided, the nexpected had
and the new machinery had at fir
eqj,ual to the Strain put upon it.
cl arly we think, that the leadi
seat out there were selected for
ca, ions which they wer known
If there has been disap ointment
of anyone whose capita y and c
vi usly had the guara tee of
who is to blame? 1 ajor Wa
prisvions value as an offi er in th
police, does pot admit of doub
hi;, new position in th Yukon
re eest ; and he now de es anyo
the charges oaimmorali ty and d
which have been mad It is
sufficient answer to °bre tions ag
that the mining regulations were
under a previus administration,
be allowed its weight a a lea
ment. On the whole, i mus be
that Mr. Sifton has m de g
mentary deferiee, as goo as i is
make in the absence of evid nce,
all the contested points, befo e
sion, a Parliamentary c mmi tee,
would be still better, a c ura f ju
claims, occurred. " A crowd
rush up some unknown reek,
and rosh to the office to recor
day a man might come in and
what part of the land ,along
istakenup. It was of course s
ble to tell him, The clerks b
of the creek before, didn't k
was, tied no maps, because n
been made, and yet they wer
give offhand Hely information
asked." Arid because thes
not clothe impossible; they w
as corrupt.
Sifton shows very clearl
, ties in the Dawson City
a political
rged with
fr Hibbert
Sif tonal re -
weight of
on ice the
red on the
red, with
d out that,
ng had to
t not been
• e showed,
g officials
he 'qualifi-
o possess.
in the case
duct pre-
, resigned
• t his own
e to prove
scarcely a
inst them,
drawn up
at it may
in abate -
od Parlia-
ossible to
taken on
commis -
or, what
bice. Mr.
the difficul-
d n
en would
e claims,
t to know
reek was
ver heard
where it
rvey had
paned to
might be
rks could
Editorial rtes and Co si ments.
The Toronto Telegram talks tense and
truth When it says : It is absur for pro-
hibitionists to expect any Gove nment or
any Parliament to make thei cause a
supreme issue when the loudest dvocates
of that cause never think of oting for
principle when th_ey_ca_n_v_ote for •arty.
The total debt of Canada was decreased
by neafly two million dollars duri g Match
The figure at which the debt stoo a month
ago was $264,287,106, as a ainst , 262,334,-
255 as at present. This is ood,bru the debt
is a good deal too large yet, and it ould be
a nice thing if it could be reduc d even a
uarter of a million a month until it is
rought within reasonable dirnensi ns.
" Don," the leading editorial writer in
oronto Saturday night, wields a vigorous
quill. He is a veritable Sill Oracic,-in his
not terrorized into silence b p r - 0
giant, as is frequently charged by Opposition
papers. If those who make t eee charges, a
Professor Robertson says, .we e to attend
these meetings of teachers, they would be
able to testify for themsel res that the o
;teachers' are not terrorized in ley way, but
that they do express their o
freely and frequently, both as
tional system and the conduct
ment. This being the case, as
knows is so, the adverse
neither frequent nor severe.
dverse criticism is indulged i
tion papers and politicians wh
to the Government, and who,
ly, know little about what t
plaining of.
Our educational system has 1
1111 subject for criticism ever si
system. In the days of Dr.
system was as frequently and
assailed as it is to -day, and ye
wn estimatiop. Hie effusions, however,
re sometimes nore vitriolif than sensible.
A good illustration of this s giv n in his
ading article in th last is ue. I this he
lis foul of both cht rch an state nd deals
ut vitrol in unmeasured uantit es. The
urch has offended hirn t rough the To
onto Presbytery. One of he members of
at body is said to have
en that "-the Satiarday p
bon4inabion and a twin
me ican Sunday !journal.
m aratively harmless ease
Don "fires up in great st
e c urch generally with f
hile its ministers are deno
rvers and men who pr
oney, being afraid to den
the day lest they offend
h lders. Possibly there ma
of this sort of thing in som
on "will give the subjec
onI thought, we think he W
eoijelusion that the church,
• inions very r
to tae educe- t
f the depart -
every person a
riticiims are
Most of the
by Opposi- 'ti
are °opt:weed
ery frequent- 8
ey 4re corn- 0
een a -fruit-
ce we had a
yerson the
ade 4e state -
per is a Protean
rother to the
' Taking this
tion as a text,
le, and accuses
ilure of duty,
need as time-
aeh stalely for
unce the evils
the rich pew
betoo much
places'but if
his s ber sec -
11 com to the
s a hole, is
as savagely ! deang a great and a geed ork, and that
no name is the' world would be a ver muci worse
more revered at this date than that of Dr. plea° without it ; also that the cl rgymen
are an industrious herd workizi well
Ryerson. As it has been with him, so will meaning people, and that on the whge'le the;
it be with the present Minister of Educe- do a good deal more work, individuy,
all ,for
tion. A generatian or two hence, his work
, less money, than " Don " -does, and that
1 their remuneration is less than many of
will be better appreciated than it is now,
; them could make in other callings. His
and like his illustrious predecessor, that , grievance against the ratite seems to be that
work will be held up aft a pattern to those at the late session of the Legislature the
City r Torontowas
taxe on ev rythi
huThes and echo°
ow r to tax for th
eloeging to o
he Legislator
ue ce inthe
refused power to levy '
• g in' sight, including
e, and were deprived of
ir own benefit property
unicipalities. Because
Weed a restraining • i n -
e dir otions, it has incurred
" ext eme displeasure, and he de -
ma the P emier as a failure, the leader ,
Of t e Opposi
Legi lature as
and reeches
On a this. I
ever that ";
hitt), and that
tuth essly ass
Speaker of the Hou
eeleo ed by the Clon
to co test that cons
eaus4c1 by the death
Wooi. The Libra
Com tock, a Pink P
be pepular and te h
constituency is natu
Mr. W hi te being
against him, and it
en election day ro
lot with the inaj rit
ion a
g tifying to know, how -
ons' -bark is worse thap his
all t ose who haie been thus
iled • till live.
worse, and the whole
no who are sold body
corporations. And so
n. Peter Wh
te, of Pembroke, late
e of Commens, has been
ervatives of Brookville
ituenoy forlthe vacancy
of the late 'Hon. j. F.
candidate is Mr. W.H.
Ile man, who ie said to
ve lots of money. . The
ally Conservative, but
n outsider, this will be
a not improbable that
cast in its
Th e Winnipeg Fre Press, with commend-
: i
able enterprise!, au lishes a neat supple-
ment! in which ! it g ves the portraits and
pedi reeof th mehers of the Manitba
Legislature. -they re a fairly bright and
e ]o
intell gent looking 1 It of men, some of them
quite young, and ill compare favorably
with our own Legi lature iti appearance.
Amome the more onspicuous are excel-
lent, Portraits of Huron's Thoma e Greenway,
the vSteran Premier of the Pipvince, and
Seaforthar David McNaught, M. P. P., of
Rapid City. They lre the two est looking
men ii the group,ar0 in appear nee, as well
as ig oharacter and standing, do us credit.
M. Thomas iri,we
missieaeis of the Yu
whin.' the' Oppositio
se vialrousay &tan
they have *iibeen pi
I1peat to niq u it
sent to the golde
and rbb the poor nil
taw& from Dawson.
of wr i g -doing by t
sitting in Dawson, a
to bead the lion in I
beis prepared to fee
be me; e against him
tt, the late gold com•
on, and the gentleman
politicians have been
of late, and whom
turing as one of the
that Minister Sifton
country to' harrass
ere has arrived at Ob -
He ha
e Ro
d has
is den
any c
by Sir
Mai 1Botttock has i trodue
minioi Parliament a bill to
ming df poses to S8 aars
all Ca adieu railway . It
thing i this hilt oho hi be
theseparties now re eivo
from the railwa e. hey re
favor ueptly,
gatioi i ies for
passes the obligation
There should either
hibiti g members fro
compe ling:the compa
a rria.t er of right. _
he fav4r of the latter
In d scussieg the eh talked of Yukon
charges, the Harniltoi Times makes the fol-
lowing sensible bserv tions. It says : The
fact of the matter is t e charges have been
1 .
made under cir umst nces which go a long
way toward proving the stories groundle se.
Disappointed adwen urers made them,
United States yellow ournaliets circulated
them, a woman reporter from England
made 'a -flying trip to It awson, jotted down
the g sap and printed it in London, and
Opposition part.izans have utilized all the
yarns as campaign 1nateria1. The charges
have ;seen singhlarl 1 annonymous, not a
man tias come forward to substantiate them,
and the chief shoutera backed down when
they had a chance to prove their statenients.
There is plenty of ' li portant blisitiess for
Parliament to attend to. and the Sooner the
Yukon debate 28 concl.._ded the better.
. -
and are, donee
to the cOmpa
flies were regatred by law to give the
would be removed.
e a law passed pro -
using free passes or
ties to grant them as
great deal can be said
been acquitted
al Commission
ome, to Ottawa
here, and says
arges that may
ibbert and his
d into the Do -
compel the is-
nd members by
ould be a good
ome law. All
nd use passes
eive them as a
under an obli-
them. If the
, !
The Toronto World hintp that the bicycle
combine, which is beinila organized by a
Chicagoan, is ab ut readrto launch, and .is
to embrace the anufacturers both of this
country and t e United Sta es. When
things are settle it is pointed : ut that a
lot of men will e thrown oitj of ' work,
offices closed, et .aand, the mita g of prices
will cease, The sufferers will b the w' rke
men and the bu ere ; the combi e will ake
care of his own refits. If this combine is
formed, the beet way to checkmate it is for
the Government.to knock off the duty on
bicycles coming into this country. If this
is done, there wi 1 spring up some enterpris-
ing man who hasi an eye to the main chance
and who will ta e advantage of the situa-
tion and the co bine will soon go tb pieces.
Protection is the great foster parent of com-
bines and noco bine can liveelong in the
light of free com etition.
General Hutt n, the new comMander ot
he Canadian milaia force, is not satisfied
ith the force as it at preaent exists in Can.
dee and is urging the Canadian authorities
o organize a per anent standing army. It
le to be hoped, Io.vever, our Government
ill have more s nee than to acceed to his
request. Oantdal needs neither arrny nor
ilavy for defe Ice gainst foreign aggression.
4 force suffici nt to (pelt internal disturb-
ance -to maintei law land order -may be a
neeessity, but to ut Canada upon such a
military footing as France, Germany or
Rutsia would be he height of unwisdom.
Ohr young men s ould be trained to pro-
d cave employ ent, and not to throat -
c tang. The do trine that the man who
li ea on the other side of an international'
bouodary is the e emy of the man on this
side of that bou dary is most pernicious.
N tore intended en and nations to be in -
dee endenden , to !buy and sell from another,
an the more suc1 exchanges are fostered,
th less will be t e danger of war. Canada
h her p4u1 tion on a war footing,
ipped with ships and guns, might find
asion to try la r weapon, buti, Canada
nding her even business is in no such
t seems to us t}.t -Sir Charles Tupper
his followers in parliament have made a
tical mistake iri raising such a row about
Yukon irregularities. If they desired
ake capital against the Government, as
they no doubt do, they coula have got
plehty better mat rial. The people of the
couatry generally are not particularly in-
tere ted in Yuk n affair. Aside from a
few pecplators w o have money invested
ther , and the ad enturous few who have
gone there in ques of gold, the rest of us
do n t care much about it. Oor principal
cone rn le to knouf that the Government do
not ut any more of our good money into
the c untry than they are likely take but of
it ag in. : For the rest, we know that it is
t inhospitable clime ; that it is Mac -
le to civilization, and that in under -
taking_its government at such short notice
and under such unfavorable circumstances,
the Government had a very difficult task ;
that they have performed that task as well
qu it
dr f
oo Id have
ries Tupper or
ake have bee
of exceptiona
ex • °Hence, e
ded in the fut
ine-tenths of t
Sir Charles an
eating their an
ill-advised owl
ecu .p rformed /by Sir
ny per Enn else, aad if
made, bey are bhe re -
circum tances, and that
milar istako T ill be
re. This is the feeling
e people of aria cuntry,
his colleagues ar simp-
munitiin in thei pros-
OTS.- r. Bo
mence to m
k has bkien fay
r. -The- harbi
cing to arrive.
yet. -The si
ed during the
st impassable.
Mr. Thomaa
hope to hear of
r; 12th concessi n, has
ke shingles. -Th past
rable for making maple
gen of spring a e com-
The frog era stra is
e lines have been badly
ast storm and a e still
We are sorry ti learn
elm it seriousl sick.
his speedv reeove y.
ord r of the day
beet very favorable
that purpose, altho
out very
ent uber, jr., has gi
now, engaged in sell
nurtiery. We wish
ent rprise.-Mr. M
jo as foreman wi
ing otnpany, of S
to h ar that Mr. P.
leav Blake, as he
Va.r a. We wish h
goes -Mr. Nichol,
•imp oving slowly.
in t wn, one day las
up a
ora th
was t
s, I i
gar imaging s now the
, The
for the
gh th
en up
ng tree
him au
weather has not
past week for
sap is taming
pher Schwartz -
farming. He is
for a Rochester
me in his new
see Ku pfer has secured
h the Pleat Manufactur-
ratfordi-We are sorry
H. Murray is going to
as rented an hotel at
m success _wherever he
ho heal been very ill, is
Mr. Ge rge Pringle was
week 1 eking for fish.
Port Alb
TES. -Mr. Se oenhaljz
ned to his h me
ing a week ith his/
Cunningham, eachei
her Easter va ation A
se Lizzie Steve son lef
ay, where she intends
time. -Gracie Crawfo
with her sist r, Mt
annon, during 'aster
ins returned 'ome o•
Sault Ste. Ma ie. -W
ich, spent Su day w
Miss Yates, if God
Winery estab ishmen
a Thurlow, f God
d her cousin 1 t week
Scott visited their
Ily, in Dunga non, I
ills, of Blyth, will pr
nary sermon i • Chris
'3rd inst.-Th Fores
uccessful oyst r supp
6th inst. A ter the
e amusement of the
of Milverton,
Monday, after
son here. -Mies
ot Grand Bend,
her home here.
for Detroit on
to remain for
d hada pleasant
. R. Durnin, in
eek. -M rejohn
Thursday last,
Ilio Hayden, of
th his parents
rich, has opened
in our village.
rich township,
-Mr. and ;Mrs.
daughter, Mrs.
st week.-hev.
ach the annual
church on 1Sun
ere held anether
r in their ball,
supper clerking
BR DES, A grea
and o d, as embled
day ornin last to
their -ell wishes on
gone o the west. H
with vetybody, and
quail 'es, he is beun
Perri;, of Wingham,
in the Presbyterian
last, red filled it wit
John ray got in a
week. Mr. Black is
gates t the bridge,
the s ring freshet.
esta,b1 shments are b
to m et the dema
school of the manly
town, rid as the Wr
cel in any of the
seiene d Jelin L's.
Since; h library her
one, t e number of re
per ce t, and as the
from time to time ar
very est =there',
library as the result,
county J -H. S. Smith
to ope the factory fa
busy e eon ahead in
1ine.-11. A. Ca,mpbe
of Boy a Young's fa
mornin last for Man
many people, yOun
t the station 011 Tues
hake h nds and bath
Harry rown, wh has
was a general fav rite
having many eerie lent
to do ell. -Rev. Mr.
occup ed the p lpit
hureh ere on Sabbath
muc aaceptanee.-
r of indsor salt this
trengt ening the flood
o be n readiness, for
Our hree tinsmith
sily em loyed in order
d for sap pails.1-A
b has •een opened in
xeter b•ye always ex-
porting lines, a few
ay be turned out. -
has ben made a free
ders h s increased 75
dditio s to the books
Belie ions trona the
e hav an excellent
ne of t e best in the
& Co. are preparing
work. They have a
the h nee furnishing
1 and he remainder
ily lef on Tuesday
toba, a d the Noah-
McK op.
Brown, one of McKill i P's en
wealthy farmers, paid a visit
of Ontalio last week ad pur
fine sev nteen months' old
the her. of Mr. Davis Birr
was si ed by the i porte
Campbe 1," and is •f pure
blood. , His pedigree t aces b
ed stoe all through. He is
color, at d he is saidb cornpe
be one , f the best ani ale of
has eve uome into the tosensh
replace' he bull Mr. B on r
Mr. Co an.
Hugill as recently bo gle
Hender on, of White }lurch,
trotting stallion, Hack rd
did ind vidual, of m diUm s
and legs e,nd has the best o
tion. hough never t ained
can sho close to a 2.3) gait.
is also a Ib -edge; sired by. Al
who is he champion sire o
the yea a 1896 '97 aid '98;
wood, a 18a, sire of 15Q with
2.30. r. Hugill hs been
pedigro s for years, end un
breedin of the light harness
Hacke.r we think he 'as a h
meet th demand -of he pub
style, ac iori and speed He
stud for the season, af er whic
put in t aining for a record
2 h tastily elthin hi
r. John .S.
erprising and
o the'courity
hased a very
ull calf from
11. This calf
bull, "Clan
ck to import -
dark. red in
ent judges to
he kind that
p. He is to
cently sold to
fro Mr. H. D.
he imported
e is a spleie-
ze, good feet
trotting ac-
e! speed, he
His breeding
erten, 2.09,
America for
dam by Nut-
ecords below
a student of
erstands the
terse, and in
rse that will
ic in siring,
ill be in the
he Will be
better than
Ci II --The Loyal Orange Lodge grand
promena. e concert, OI Wednesday, was a
dem. era • uccess. The talent. ' Was exception-
ally goo , although th re were many who
could no be present. My. 1 mes Tufts is
impravi i g riieely uuder the rn dical care of
Dr. Fer. uson.-W. J C. Brown left on
Monday or the St. M rye C I egiate, after
spend ing a week with ie1ative here. -Miss
Rachel 1 irk hmas recoenzed her duties as
teacher f the Thames road chool.-Mrs.
Louis wson is imp eying icely.--allies
Tena Ki k has resutned her duties at the
Anderso school after her vac tion of sick-
ness.- e are anxiously waiting for spring.
-The ple syrup run is predicted to be a
short o e this year. --Miss Campbell, of
Motherw II, has engaged with Mrs. Dr.
Ferguson -Miss Willie Stout,t. of St. Pat -
ricks, ha returned to her duties As school
teacher. Miss Phoebe! Tufts returned on
Monday o resume her studies in the St.
Marys •Ilegiate Institute. -Mr. A. Good
returned n Monday, after spending his hol-
idays wit relatives in .M.othe well. -Miss
Lizzie Stath, of St. Marys' spent part ,of
last week with Miss Rae elKirk.-Miss L.
'M. Shier,'as returned th Linwood. to re.,
slime he duties as te cher.- iss Alice
Stout left on Monday to reautne her duties
as teach r in the Clinton public school. --
Mr. Geer e Goldbolt, of WincheLsea, spent
Sunday ith Nelson Fletcher. -Robert
Davis spent. Snnday in L ean.-Miss Maggie
Copeland left on Monday to commence her
duties as teacher of - the ProMpectHill
school. 1 May ehe hav success. -S. A.
Doupe, of Branchton, wh� spent! Easter at
his home hero, left 011 uesday , to attend
the provicial teachers' cnventioa, held in
Toronto en part of Ea ter week. -F. C.
Monday t resume their studies in the St.
Marshall', .N. Stout an C. Shier left on
Marys Collegiate Institute. -Te sawing
mateh was postponed to a later date, owing
to the inclemency of the weather. -Robert
Kelly, who spent his gaster holidays with
his cousin, John Kirk, returned to him home
In London on Wednesday last.-eMish 4. F.
Marshall nd Miss N. W. Switzer returned
from the' respective 'visits to L adbury
and Wal n on Wednesday of last iv eek.-
Quite a n mber from here attended he lit-
erary sem ty concert, held 4 Woodhana on
Saturday vening last. -Mr. A. K. McLeod,
secretary f the St. Marys Central Crieatnery
Company, spent Friday sad Saturdea visit-
ing our fa tory.-Mr. W. M. Lugh is in
Toronto t is week with his little daughter,
Annie, ha ing her eyes tested, as far e are
entertaine of her going blind. '
DOINGS. Mr. Christian Brinker S d Mr.
Charles M Pherson, formerly of Care nville,
near Detr it, have opened out a gen ' fur-
nishing s oar in connection wit Mr.
Brinker's eller shop. Success to hem. --
Miss Aggi Herbert :went to Toro to oh
Monday, t study three months at tie Coo-
servatory of Music.-- Ise May Ric mond,
of _Atwood is visiting at Rev. D. Ro ers'.-
Miss Alice Duff returned to Clint° Col-
legiate In titute on Monday and Will
Rogers rett rned Goderich Collo late. --
Rev. Dr. atheeen, of Toronto, co ducted
revival meeting. m the Methodist chiJirch on
Sunday, aid also on onday eve ing.-
Mr. Johnobertson'who has soffere over
a month w th a sore foot,, has not ye., been
able to go ut.
I St. Joseph.
Dom:Ise-I-Mr. Con. Jordan is now com-
pleting his fine residence here, and when it
is completed it will be one of the best resi-
dences in the village.--MaGeorge Ca,mpbeil
has leased the store belonging to Mr.! Levi
Smith, and intends running a firet-cleas
grocery. Mr. Campbell also keeps a lune-
ber yard in which he does a large basin*,
N. Contine is making preparatiohk
for another active season's work her, arid
hopes to have his large store an0 hotel
building completed and ready for occoparey
by fall. -Mr. Heyrock has now got tae Ma-
chinery on the ground for his new briek read
tile yard,' and is drawing lumber far the
erection of the sheds. .As soon as he gets
started the kilns will be run night and lay.
-The sawinill is running full' blast euttiieg
up the large stock of logs in the yard. -St.
Joseph is bourid to boom this season,and if
the various plans projected are carried Mit
it will double its ;size before next winter. 1
BRIEFS. -A large number of young peopt
from our village attended the party at Mr
Robert' McLaughlin's, on Friday night O
last week. -They report having had a moist
enjoyable time. -Mr. Bensori Hamilton, et
Auburn,weee a guest at the post office during
a part of Easter vacatien.-Mr. Ismael San
derson is able to been the street again afte
his recent illness. -Mr. Wm. Dunlop die
at her home in this village 011 Sunday last
-Miss Body and Miss Smith have rente
rooms above the drug store and are movin
into their new quarters. -Mr. W. O. Strop(
spent Sunday with his wife and family i
the village. -Mr -Andrew Couttai ba e sue
ceeded Mr. Harry Arden as hostler at the
Albion. -Messrs. Leonard and Garnet Arm
strong are attending the high school hi Har
riston. They are sops of Mr. James Arm
stroeg, V. S. -Mr. Ferguson, of Arthur, oe
cupied the Presbyteriao pulpit in out vil
lage on Sabbath afternoon. -Miss 'Flora'
James has returned froth her visit to th
town of Perth. -The anew is fast disappear-,
ing, and none too soon. -Our implement'
agents are assuming their usual buSiness-
like air.
Ciirs.-The recent thaw has broken up
the roads, but they were not too bad ifor
number of our young people to attend the
party at Mr. Madge's on Friday evening,,
which proved a grand success, and for
which Mr. and Mrs. Madge received many
thanks, after the young people had tripped
the light fantastic till early morn. -Miss
Annie Campbell visited friends in Bayfield
last week. -A detective vieited our town
last week. ----It was told by an elderly gen-
tleman, who has lived in .thie neighborhood
for about forty or Silty yearn, that when
Mr. MU880 had the trouble with the bear,
spring did not open until June, and he
prophesies the same for this year. -Mr.
Arthur Screenen has returned from a visit
to Southampton. It is stated that he in-
tends making that plaee his home in the
near future.-Mr1 Frank Jeffery has a No;
-1 driver, which he means to dispose of. -
Mr. R. Aitcheson has again opened sahool
after the Easterholidays.-.Mr. and Mrs.
Elja and family left on the 4th inst. for
Michigan. -Mr. iWilliam Turner had the
misfortune to break his buggy on Ftiday
. r•
(Frani AnOther Correspondent.)
DOINGS. -Mr. Delgatty's sermons are
every day becomiiag more and more pleasing
and interesting to his hearers. Mr. Del
gatty is not only a man of worthy character,
but a gentleman of great ability and mora
worth. He is doing a good work in this
vicinity. Next Sabbath a special sermon
will be preached to the young- people, and
all are cordially invited to attend.-e-Mesers.
Charles Cleave and JohnJohnston, ilia of
Drysdale, will leave for the Toronto Veter-
inary College on Friday, where they intend
taking a summer course in that. institution.
-Messrs. Henty Howard and John John-
ston, of Blake, our noted stock dealers, will
leave Clinton on Friday with a laTrge con-
signmene of abice heifers, bound -for the
_English market. They will Med visit
friends in Edinburgh and Dublin before
they return hoine.
Wese END Nomes.-Sugar making is now
the order of the day, but the weather last
week was not favorable. -Mr. Walter og-
erson and bride have got settled in their
new home, 3rd concession, the farmpur-
chased from Mr. Scott, of Brucefield.- rs.
Shipley, of Hullett, visited her da.ug ter,
Mrs. Turner,. this week. --Miss Anniehas
returned from her home near Mitchell, and
again resumed, her duties as teacher at
Turner's school. -Mr. J. E. Bali had a
wood bee last Monday and got a good sup-
ply of wood cut. -Mack Montgomery, of
Hullett, has engaged with Mr 1 W. Town.
send for the summer months.
COUNCIL. -A meeting of council Was held
at Brucefield, on Monday, April 3rd. I All
the members were present. A petition Was
presented by Ex -Reeve J. Shepherd and
others, requesting that a certain described
area of land may be drained, by the deepen-
ing, widening, straightening, clearing of
obstructions and otherwise improving the
stream known as "The Shepherd creek,"
from the point where it crosses the ,Hibbert
town line, to about lot 8, concession! 12, H.
R. S., a distance of fully five miles.' As the
petition contained the names of a majority
of the owners lieble to be benefitted by the
proposed drainage, the council deemed it
expedient to grunt its pre.yer, and instruct-
ed Mr. F. W. Farncomb, C. E., of London,
to examine the area described and report as
soon as possible. A few small accomate were
passed. Next meeting will be held at
Kyle's hotel, on Monday, May let, at ten
BOARD OF HEALTIE.-A meetingl of the
Board of Health was held at Brumfield, on
April 3rd, as per e.djonrnment. Arrange-
ments have been completed for the tsaccine.-
tion of school children and others who de-
sire it. Dr. J. MeDiarmid, of Hens0, will
visit the schools in sections 1, 2 and 10;
Dr. M. A. V. Armstrong, of Brimfield,
will attend to sections 3, 4 and 6,1 and Drs
Scott & McKay, of Seaforth, to sections 7;
8, 5 and 9. tThese doctors will visit the
IL 14, 1899.
One hundre Men's Suits10; be sold at $5 50.
SevOn.ty- ,vel Boys' Suits, 3 pieces, for b ys' from 10 to 14
ear f age, all -wool, Halifax Twee s remember, coat,
iest anJl pants, for $2.50..
e have 13.0 hesitation in Taying that thes
ever shown in SeafIrth. N‘,E3 bou
facture ,:the entire rage at a price.
We have th best Prints at
50 that are trade winners.
are the best value
t from a manu-
gz and. a Cotton at,
v nous schools during the second week of
May, (the exact dato will be made Public
it: due time) andill use fresh glyeetated
vas:lame, provided by the Provincial Board
of Health., All children under ,16 years of
age will be vace_ina ed at
over 16 mustpay
t the expense of the
municip l
the doctors the Small fee of 20 cents, and
ity. la
ay Meet the doctors at the schools or at
t eir of& a during the above week. ! The
board wiah to warn parenta against the
p aetise o carrying vaccine from one ehild
td another, and would urge the use of fresh
v ceine for each child,' especially when it is
p °aided 'free Of charge. Fifty eases of
smallpox have bee rred in Ontario during
the winter, ten of which proved fatal.. All
ofi the deaths were of persons who were not
Clerk. otacted by vaccileation.-A. Gs SmILLIE,
1 ;
Le dbury.
(From an Occasional Correspond' -i) ;
JOTTING&John J. She -.1, ared a
ory successful wocid bee on la e of
flist, week. -The driver of _David ale L.augh.
lin received an ugly wound itt the hip, last,
Saturday night, by one of the other horses,
Inch had got loose during the night. -!-Mr.
J. Wyatt had the misfortune to loose a ewe
nd two lambs last Sabbath. This iipretty
a-0 luck after wintering all through ' this
.WIJter.-MrL Robert Betts has purehaeed a
ne' horse from Mr. Haws. Mr. Betts
nows a gond horse 4,vhen he sees it. -Mr.
James Disaet has jmrchased a fine Water
spaniel from 'Mr. George Broom and int nds
raising stealers.
JOTTINGS. --,-On Friday of last week the
the Massey -Harris Company had their de-
livery of implements, when there was a large
turn out of fariners.-We are having our
ushel spring flood this week. The water is
rising fast. A large bridge on the B. line,
about a mile north of town, was -swept away
on Wednesday. -Rev. Mr. Sellery, former
pastor of the Methodist church, will preach
here on /Sunday. " It being the Sabhath
school anniveipary, the orchestra will Eur -
nigh special Music, at each service. -Rev.
Anderson, of Wroxeter, and Rev. D. Perrie
exchangeil pulpits 'last Sabbath. -At last
the early closing question is settled. The
council met on Mondayevening and decided
that the dry -goods stores and some of ;the
grocery stores be closedeat 7 o'clock. Some
of t • e ot er stores will close an hour later.
G TIELDRINGS. -Rev. Mr. Currie, of Dim-
ga s 0*, will preach in the Methodist church
here nix Sunday morning and evening.
Speei eollections will be taken in aidi of
the " dews' and Or ' bane' fund. -Mr. John
Man log, of North, lDakota, arrived here
last itnrday evenin lie was called here
on a c uat of his at er's death, who de -
par d this ide on T ursday morning. The
fune a on Mo da was very largely attend-
ed, s Owing the es m in which be Was
held --Ladies Minnie Andrews is visiting
frien Fullart n. Misses Whitely and
, And elve spent th past week with friends
in C inton.-Miss Addie Crisp is on the
sick I ist.-Mr. Lo Farnham, of Constanee,
callet on friepds here Monday. -Mrs.
Bell, of Clinton, spent a few days last week
with friends here.a-Miss Lou Ouimette •ct-
suni,ed her stu ies n London last Monday.
-Mra. J. ' Lyn- itas bought one of .the
hou es of Mr. L. alker's, on the corneri of
We ham street, and moved in last week.
Mr. C. CrawfOrd, who did reside there, has
maved into th cit house of Mr. W. Brow -
Mr. Whitely isposed of one of his drivers
this week. .
Hills Green.
.prENINGS. -Mr. I aac Hudson visited
Lon on for a few day last week. -Miss
Schnell, of the 14th concession, Hay, bus
bee4 the guest of Mrs. Charles Stelck the
pastrweek.--The new school desks for the
echo I in section No. 7, Stanley, arrived
last weck, and have be h placed in positive
by the trustees. They were manufactured
in Waterion, ancl are rtainly models in
every respect. ilr. George Kennard.'s sele
on Saturday last ;passed off successfully. -
Money most be pleutiful in this vicinity, as
one of the eatt iterate to Miss Carrera
present d nate I ten do ars in mistake ter
meal -Thomas Jarrett turned to his peda-
gogical duties at Courteght, on Saturday
last. -Mies Kate Kennard, of Chiselhuret,
has bcen in the Village the past few days. --
Mr. Andrcw Love has purchased a cream
separator. -Miss Maggie McAllister put -
poses leaving for Bluevale in the near future.
-Mal Alex. Forrest has purchased a new
circular saw. -Mrs. Hugh Love is again in
our midst. ;1
larteauteramoN --Quite a number fro*
this village and vicinity took possession of
thebotne, of Mrs, Curry, Parr line, one
evening last week, and presented Mies
Mary A. Curry with a beautiful combined
dinnerand tea set, &ccompanjed by the fol.
loaving address : o Miss Mary A. Curry,
the members and ad-
heren of the Hil Green Methodist church,
have met here to apend a erode evening, but
more ti racularly to show our appreciation
of the v&luahle services you have rendered
us as organiat. T rough storm and through
eunehin you have faithfully discharged
these duties, witb no reward save that
which c mes from.a consciousness of duty
done fr m a sense of deity. We know that
we can never repay- you for theee
services, :yet we feel we cannot
let this occasion pawl without a
recognition of tkeseIservices in some more
tangible way than 'words. We therefore
ask you to accept these dishes, and -with
them our best wishes. May. Iheavens
choicest blessings rest upon you. Signed on
behalf of the members and adherents, Mre.
J. Jarrett and al at.C.Stelck." Mist Carry,
though taken completely by surprise, ex-
pressed her thanhs in a few well chosen
words, Rev. Mr.' Waddell supplementing
her remarks. The remainder of the evening
was spent in games, vocal and instrumental
music, etc.
-The other day while cutting wood in
Mr. Wm. Wadear bush, in Ilowick Mrs
Joshua. Scott had the mistortune to eut his
foot so badly with the axe, that the little
toe was almost se erect.
--Last Saturd morning, at 4 o'clock,
the large Caledon'an Hall, in Lucknow, was
destroyed by fire The adjoining building,
used for an ap • le evaporator, was also,
burned. The hal was insured for $500.
Cause of fire unk own.
-A quiet wed ing took place at the resi-
dence of A. Hun er, division - court clerk,
_Brussels, on W dnesday- evening of last
week, when Miele Florence, Isabel, second
daughter of the b st and haStees, was united
in marriage to 1 i Moore, a well-known
• young gentleman,if Trowbridge.' Rev.S. J.
Allin performed t e ceremony in the Pres-
ence of near relati es.
The New and the Old
A new price, one that is in every instance
a lower than the Wiseman price, has been
put on the goods that make up this great
stock, and it will be to your advantage to
see these new pries before you buy Dry
Goods, Clothing or Carpets. Ws an easy
matter to figure up the saving, for the new
price is on evertartiele beside the old, both
in plain figures. You'll find the difference
run from a few cents Mislay a pair of hose
up to one,
two or three dollars on a dress or
suit of clothes. This week we WI mostly of
things for the home, of Carpets, Curtains
and Window Shades, and there's saving
enough on all of these to make it pay you
well to buy at this Store.
The Wiseman stock of Blinds must all he
cleared out at this store. To do this, we
have cut prices below the regular wholesale
price. They are all good cloths, mounted
on strong spring rollers. Regular Me Win-
dow Shades, complete for 35c'regular 750
Window Shades, complete for 50c ; regular
$1 window shades, eomplete ler 75e.
A cbance to buy Lace Curtains, Cretonnes
and Art Muslims at the prices we are clear,
ing them out at, comes but seldom.While -
they last you can bey them for a good deal
less than you have been used to paying. A
few price hints : Heavy Chenille Curtain,
dark colors, one pair only, old price$4.50,
new $2.90 ; double fold reversible Cretonnes,
20, wide doublefoldArt Muslin, old price
15c, new 10c, Lace Curtains, 2a yards long,
32c and 63e.
Three lines of yara-wide Carpet at money-
saving prices -Union Carpet, good weight
and colors, 21..c.; extra heavy Union Carpet,
good colors and pattern, 42c; heavy all
Carpet, not a thread of cotton in it,
• Remnants of Tapestry Carpets, suitable
for small toms, will be sold at a prim for
the end: 10i yards of good Tapestry Car-
pet, was 750 per yard, end $5.40; lea yards
Tapestry Carpet, was 75c per yard, end
$5.40 ; 15 yards Tapestry Carpet, regular
75c a yard, end $8.20.
Careful buyers are saving money here
every day. You can do the same.
Selling the Wiseman stook at the
Wiseman store, °Unto'.
vents Inside,
bon: the emit
Men W
rest, when
atm liOw 17"
force 415 t'c. re
repined to
ilby evening.
in Stanley, h
ionitbing in V
Bold bie
some ten Yea
ettet Miebiga
ed in far
itife and lam
east s gioern
WiSh to exten
family our sin
'old her house
Ift, Thomas
allay eituat
ad Mrs Keys
James McKee
atel Wiliness
former propr
e price paid
hat pure
of Mr. D
st s of a n
smith slo
price pa,
nding eo
ra. Cam
here t
sefor -eta
will tin e
WiShing them Pr
wherever their fut
-on 4
la a
f r
FA Wheat tnew),
ageing Wneat per
Oda per bushel
?tearer 1)16h!l-
ey per besnei
r, 2e. 14 100
, per 1.00
pee Son new
toper 1.0.) lbs.
per bnisb
-(rda) Per.
sgoodper oortlfto
Applom per bag._
Perk Per J00
lab*, per
IdoNTE.BAT.., pril
absence of basin es
Ha to 11Ae. B tte
and heavy at 18 to
Eggs -The mar et
irricentave.tlah,is InTh°ror ng,
:zeeSOO teems in all
a eirit:ulcilTao,haAlf the Yip:lhororieesotio;Cebliziottasetlyti.seriefnrae r
f011OW1 z! Da' Mt
14 ter atac ; em Ud
15 to 1-5*e ; cr- inc
el:101es at from
the scarcity of
znarket to-day
Yi h°
-dropped to a, 1 c -b
not get cleared ipe
cations are for
pienTts0:ff0e31sri' n
quoted at abou • 7
farmers' loads, )
75 to 90c ; out of
SO to 900.
sheep, -5i(
wn7oAm, e leart
(dreesed weight) 1
12a to Laae (dr
refrigerator bee se
MoNaaaaa, A ril
ply of cattlesv Is
ment require en
We very ISIOW, ae
*attic about one qu
below last week' p
her will not be el
skdd at from 44 to
good sabok at Ir
°11 oluirnmao 8
in price, rasegin fr
naives sold at trurn
that Was in a f tn
Sheep sold at
Hogs -Fat hogs
flame time past,
pound for good ts
Roma°, Ap
best smooth fat
4to ,$.50 to V1.75
41) ti
fair t ;43ggrooddt 8ht e°
eoWS And heifers 3;;
5050;iaverineeafagototoettnr:usiwx elltoo0r5,8...tdo do
loonies, choice to
roml6Mrin ;trafa-
lambs, $6.25 to
tra, to 45.25 g
; common to
strong. There w
that hie been pre
fore the -dose of t
for still higher p
heavy were quotai
few sales at 14.16
:43.30 :o ;3.:0iT30iTO11
ers were quiet