HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-04-07, Page 7EL 79_ I899v
APRIL 7, 1899
finger OR
110111' Pulse
You feel the blood rushing
But what kind of blood?
That is the question.
Is it pure blood or impure
H the blood is impure then
you are weak arid languid;
your appetite is poor and your
digestion is weak. You can
notsleep well and the morn
ing finds yOu unprepared fo
the work Of the day. You
cheeks are Oak and your comi-
plexion is sallow. You are
troubled with pimples boils,
or some er ption of the skin
Why notpt4rify your blood?
A. time. Finally. abont.
-of our ertgravers went to.,
-k oculist, p 4i him fifteen,
eda priescreption which_
;to have a di uggist put
eye a ike magic, be
;heti, for we had grown
put retnedies, and had -ne-
n preseopt ion called for a-
e.cid,” Or whi.tt eve, e
For lien (owe you,
-uggitit'e tit It you for
aping teaspoutiftal iaan
if pure is ate, , and let i
re Then apply to the
rs-tiever 11.-, a sponges:-
zin the eyes. 1.1.-e.f. it first
atter tieing. or at any
i induced to Fry it, and
soineinnee leer or five
ur years. it is ieas
t. acts like ni c. I have
th wows 1 d eyes, and
frora w i k in four year).
their yowl); aide compare-
oing t. p trip e and after
heir eyes iloso kle. The
atrirtgent, Lent tracts tbe
4se1s, Mt .wt:- isi the biod
D Separate
haab.h.. wife do-
wornall g • .4 out anti
ndI f qd 'length,
t • tg Sti6/
8111t. Iv her hnsath
rite ,pleetta. be
thn, vumr: alicoasI7.
for hei ; P, • iicr foohime
die g,pp. a 0 .1 first rises
.he hunr.tp ever, with
O r sa. tit o have M.
LoW'i 'CM*
Din• e to • w rms. Ohtildnot
ilea Ifs.
Lave, it - light to
ddieg 4.:•-f1. dream, e
reuse, h.
inch feo's
a.w.ys ma es a.
Is won dol.
kt 1ea-4f r•q. ands the
notilk•R » worry hime
a, mil!. hae
ily k.1 rennet
4-11P pilli04113
deli r,gv-it to- them.
ge acholor.
ly ;leen had the
ug t wbenever he
'HO- • f •
L. D en of Prinee-
ou Mcitelay after etl
ks. H.' v a.ppoint4
1 though
an !-Oint
t'fill do it. Take it a few days
and then put your finger on
your pulse again. You can
feel the difference. It is
stronger and your circulation
better. Send for our book on
Impure Blood.
, If you are bilious, take
yer's Pills. They greatly
id the Sarsaparilla, They
cure constipation also.
Melte to own Dw.tonsu
Write them freely all the particulars
your case. You vffl receive a.
[Opt=without mat.
ss,D11. J. C. AY.CR.
I.owc11, Mass
direct connectier will aa
ime and money or all 'polo
adian korth West
I Via Toronto cir Chicago,
British Columbia;Ind Caldwell&
poin e.
- 0 rates are the lowest. We have them.'
to ai everybody and PULLMAN TOtR-
ISP for your ,.acicommodation. Call
for er infohnation.1
Grand Trunl Railway.
Van' leave 8atorth and Clinton stations as
Goma Nivt.e.sr -
Pas tiger
F .
Mix d! Train
ixe Train
OINO Easr-
Mixed Train.... ..
12 40 P. M. 12.66 r.
2 P. M. 10.27 P, M.
9,20 A. M. 10.16 Ali M.
6,15 P. M. 7.06 r. M
7.5 A. M. 7.40 A.M.
341 P. M. 2.66 P. M.
6.0 P. M. 4.36 P M.
• i
Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
Passerige. Mixed.
Ethel . . .. ....... 10.04 P. M. 1.40 PI IL
Brussels.. .. .. 10.16 2.10
Biuevale .. .. .. 10.28
Wingham ....... 10.40
Goma Bourn- Passenger.
Wingham. 6.50 A. X.
B1U6Vale .. ..., ..... .. 7.00
Brussels... . ...... .. 7.16
Ethel MS
8.66 A. M.
London, Huron and Bruce.
London, depart...........
Bengali- ... . ......
Brucefield_ .........,....
Clinton.._ .....
Londesboro - ,. • •
Blyth.. - .. . ....
Wingham arrive ......
Wingham, depart....
Belgrave... ..... • . • -
Hensall.- ........ .
Exeter... ........ . .•
- . .........
London, (arrive)
v=rnri;.t runs
tan. Awe"
iji and
1 than a Astel-
' rritri'
_that time the
t on again-
clitical. it
s and blad-
1 11
Special Attention
to Eforseahoeing and
General Jobbing.
8.16 A.M. 4,46 P.X.
9.18 5,55
9.30 6.07
9.44 6 18
9.60 6.26
9.68 6,38
[10.16 6,56
110.33 7,14
110.41 7,23
10.56 787
11.10 8.00
6.63 A.M. 8.80 P. N.
7.04 3.46
7.16 4.00
7.24 4.10
7.47 4.30
-8.06 4.60
8.17 4.69
8.24 6.04
8,88 6.16
8.60 6.25
9.60 A. X. 6.20
MAKER roetee e
Ooderich street, -
- - Seaforth.
Money to loan at 4i and 5 per cent. per annum.
Any &monad on first-class farm land security. Ap-
ply to It S. HATS, Dominion Bank Building. F4ra-
forth 1607
Musical - Inspiument
Owing to hard times,
fluded, to sell Pianos and
e have con-
rgans at
Greatly Reduce. Prices,
Organs at $25 and nwards, and
Pianos at corresponding t ices.1
Ree us before parchasi
Secretary ol he Nary Long is in faver
of female suffrage.
J hn E. GiI an of Boston ha been
elec d depar ent conamander f the
Grand Army of the Republic of assa-
ob.0 etts.
dolph Zorn a Swedish artist, is in
1rijiceton pain ng ne portrait of ex-Presi-
denl Cleveland for Daniel S. Lanaont of
Ne York.
Henry D. Llo
In Australia, a
Ing a book on t
that country.
Cblonel Hint
Just died in
mender of the
the oivil war.
Hon. Elmer
who will retires -
dist lot in the n
bril iantly Intel
. Anatole
his ther, has
Conlin. of Fran
elaielf at the gui
Trops made a
Dr William
has ist receive
no ical Society
covery of his t
the Sixth medal
his istronomIca
G neral Otis
forcs in the .P]
xnai4 of laconi
more than one
but who manag
epigrammatic, a
John S. R
Yor, er, who
things --his re
blahce to Gen
wonderfully 1
prol4ltnent men
Y3ara ago,
Paco of We,
of the Waukeg
ed. .350 gold
of t e club to
An the medal
G neral Ann
Tra scasplan r
had been disgr
oftl sfoiry
we S,1d to am
Int elwar agai
in c ergo of th
G neral Sir
olde tlsoldiers
his ninety-sixt
oc,c lens his m
bad nclt a 'week
when serving
dugl in readines
Professor V
on hem the p
of tlho Royal
f d the gold
wee ht is 620 gi
mex4iory of Hel
da in 1892. H
wer Helmholt
mat d, Weierstr
• d of Chieago Is lecturing
d he Is thinking of writ-
e socialistic tendencies of
M. Bledsoe, who has
anstis City, was the com-
amous Bledsoe battery in
J. Bu*ett of Nebraska,
nt Will4; m J Bryan's old
xt house, is said to be so
ectual that he will startle
1 associates.
eibler, late assistant to
en appointed chief execu-
e His first appearance as
loaning of a murderer at
avoeable impression.
. Btooks, the astronomer,
the medal of the -Astro -
of the Pacific for the dis-
enty-first comet. This is
awarded to Dr. Breoks for
the cemmander of our
ilippines, is said to bea
speech eeho rarely utters
short Oen nee at a time,
s to mak that sentence
d full of eaning.
kwell, an old 'time New
as known best for two
arkable peysicEiresem-
al tJ. S. Grant and his
ge asquaintane among
died a feve days ago.
hen Mayor William W.
agate Ills., was president
Bachelors' °lain he offer-
edel to the first member
come the father of twins,
been awarded to himl
nkow, the builder of the
'Iwo, who died recently,
d mad deprived of all his
ago for peculations which
unt to 11,000,000 rubles.
st Turkey in 1878 he was
rthur Cotton is one of the
f Great Britain, being in
yea*. On four different
dical advisers told him he
t� live, and 64 years ago,
Persia, his grave was
for his occupation.
how is the fifth scientist
ysico mathematical class
ademy a Berlin has con -
Helmholtz medal. Its
ams, and1 it was struck in
holtz's seventieth birth-
rr Virchow's predecessors
himself, Du Bois -Ray -
and Lord Kelvin.
• -
Clentract the ize of the hive to suit the
S imulative feeding often reduces
sw ing. I
R e meal is a good material, to give bees
froi4i which to de ake pollen.
T proper car during the honey season
will bring all s arms and no honey.
Tie fumes o burning sulphur Will de-
stroy the eggs o moths in the cotabs.
W th good • .me hives it is compara-
tive y easy to p t t the bees into good shape.
W ile clippi • g of. queens may not im-
pair their usef loess, it can hardly be
clai ed to be oneficiaL
O loonies des Auto of honey should be
fed iberally an re arly until they can
gat er honey fr em flo ers.
There is nothing 1se that will help to
en1irge the honey clop so rapidly as a
goo supply of euipty ombs.
Never open the hi e to excite the bees
when it is too cold f r them to fly. The
bes1 time to remove surplus or arrange
good brood frames i after two or three
days of good honey w ther.
It for any reason the bees get short of
honey at this season, feed1ng candy made
of granulated sugar s the best mode of
treatreent. Put it in tlhe hives where the
beecan have access to it. -St Leuis Re-
The first
Wateon, who p
delphia in 1715.
Gilbert Park
his ,early year
It for the
iterary wo
hn W. Al
r Lippin
ting, 'A -
ericau painter was John -
nted ortralts in Phila-
r, the novelist, gives to
of n spaper work the
est p t of his education
xander was awarded the
ott pri e of $300 for his
ay of unshine." by the
Edmund C ence S
raien only by n ght
his banking business
1 other matte s, and
of anything
Sidney Col
teveneon neve
i:NM up in
wrote wit
e in "nei
*as always giv
ner '
two t
n as "IF
an is a literary
bile attending
e rigidly exclud
ill- not even talk
hat Robert Lou
"to spell quite
"Catarrh" he a
s, transposed his i
and literat
Fish with
ligested than 11
Slave the r
pickled vialnu
found excellent
Eggs are m
whites and yo
befdre cooking,
eggs awl omele
T beet way
be1z 1111ppy
ene is cold
the1 144 it into
bbag• wi
:none delicate a
ad In equal
Skinimilk. if
not distress the
cooked in this
bite flesh are more eas
sh with reddish flesh.
egar left from bottles Of
s or onions It will be
to flavor stews and hashes
easily digested when the
• are thoroughly mixed
aa in custards. scrambled
to keep boiled mus
to stir up the mea
ater to merely wet
the kettle of boiling
h onions is made
d delicious by bein
of sweet milk and
eet will answer
most delicate stpo
ay So they say.
The lamp
make --it rathe
presidents to;
log cabin from
New York ia
Dairy -trust
of a cow and
be able oom
monopo like
pump m ,Cha
who were impri
at Leadvil e, Co
havbeen reach
stored to •heir
Meek enzi the
sionary, i dead
it and
t will
ach if
and the oil tru wi
difficult for our Ifuture
ui re an education Ith the
now on --Chicago 1ows.
now looking horns ith a
ny pine who has th price
ys his water Menge hould
te with a inilk and watea
that -St Louis RePublia
The Dead 'To It Did ba the
Bremerhav Exeloeion.
The groat eet fatal ever caused by an
infernal machine is own as the Bremer-
haven exploSion, anc it occurred near the
end of 1875, when a ellow who called him-
self Thomas and wae said to be an Ameri-
can took up his residence with his family
in Beenaen. His linences were at a loW
ebb, and to replenish them he conoeived
the idea a sending to America some
wort ess but highly insured packages of
goods. By the same vessel he intended to
ship an infernal machine, which was to
have exploded a few days after the vessel
had left port. The explosion occurred,
however, jut before the package was put
on board, causing terrible loss of life.
Thomas, Whose real name was said to
be Alexander, charged his machine vvit
nitroglycerin, which he had procured i
America, and purchased the clockwork an
the case containing the machine in Ge
many. The hammer of the clockwor
which was to act in six days after leaving
port, was to strike a blow of 30 pounds
weight. In his confession later Thomas
said that when testing the clockwork the
hammer smashed a mahogany table.
He sent the contrivance to Bremerhaven
to be shipped on the Mosel for New York
via Southampton. Be himself took pee-
sageo the latter port, where he had ar-
ranged to sifip his cases of rubbish for New
York The Mosel was to leave Bremer-
haven onl S turday, 'Deo. 11, and on that
day tie ijf4na1 machine was sent to the
1ok,I which was crowded with perters,
passe germ and their friends. For some
reasoi that has never been explained the
heav case slipped from the crane on to the
whar as it wasIbeing lifted up the ship's'
side, nd the charge was instantly explod-
ed. eath and i destruction were dealt
aro d, 128 .mon, I women and children
bein instantly killed, while 56 others were
terrftlly; wounded.
Th mas woe waiting on board the ship
to rec ive hie ase and see it stowed away
n th hold, bit right after the exploalore
e w nt to his cabin, locked the door and
hot 1 imself in the head with a revolver.
He linger &for several days in the hos-
pital nd made a full confession before he
An 1 cident That Made 4 Man Feel
queer ll'or Awkil .
e other nigh'," said ay ung lawyer,
"I w s preparing somo tedio s pleadings
whicli had te be ubmitted 40 court the
following mprn1ng, and, kno ing that I
woui4 need very noment of , my time, I
1ockeI myse f in a small private consulta-
tion room 14 the r4ar of my stilt, where no
chance call r could interrupt me. The
rooni is ve . diminutive, with only one
wind w, looking ibto a courti and no fur-
nitu except a table and tivo or three
°ha' . Well, I werked on steadily, hour
after our, long atter the city had settled
. I
into leep and silence. The buildbig was
so sti 1 I could later even an occasional
- I
moue scamper ac oss the floor alone. At
last I concluded the task and, sitting erect
1en e r chair, began to stretch my cramped
lirab I I
"4 I did so my eyes happened to fall
on al ighted cigar stump lying on the car-
t four c, feet a ay, and I stopped stock
sti11,1 rozen with amazement. I do not
smolt . I h dlb n sitting for hours 14
that! little °eked, room. I could sw
that i o on had I entered. The window;
was p ghtly loited4 yet there, right at my
feet, , ay a ia1f Consumed cigar with a
great live cca1 still glo ing at the en&
It se4is ri culo 's to c fess, but a thrill
of diror rah thro gh i4e like a galvanic
shock A ha1luc1friationof any kind is an
appa ing thing, lit males no difference
howl rotesque or I homel the subject. It
cairds such frightful su gestion of break -
deem in one's mental en ine room.
"W 11, I finally summ ned up enough
nerve to stoop 4own and examine the
stura , and what do you think it was?
Why, a tinfoil cap ule from the top of an
ordin ry q art tott1e of mucilage. In
strip ing it off 11 had aesumed the circu-
lar t ist of a ci ar and, the foil being
brow , was just the right color: The red
seal the t p formed the coal, and.a yard
or so away the i lusiOn- was perfect. I
drew deep breat of relief, butt was ac-
tually sever day before nay nerves re-
sumed their nor al tension." New Or-
leans Timed -Democrat. '
on m
if oa
a den
s,nd t
, la
oi a d
A Samp1e of His 'Verve.
k Taylor, t e ishowman, was a great
of Captai4 William ;O'Neill the
rider who 4as killed at Las Guasi-
uba, In tho,Spanish-American war.
was sherl of Tucson, A. T., when
r became a,c uainted with him, and
than on occasion the cowboy
the ea,ste ner a service.
O'NeillSde rve the reputation he
nerve?" aylor was asked. .
," he saidi and then hesitated as
f 1 to "chodse the right words, "I
t ink there was anything that Buck;
lj was afraid of. Once he went into
here ten of the pals of a murderer
n robber he was after were gather -
his hand on the man's shoulder
a ked him o t. He had not a friend
within sig t or hearing. Was that
Expens ve Change.
Ineahtiously h had monkeyed with a
buzzSaW, a d his irms had been amputat-
ed ationt h4f wa between wrist and ,el-
bow. 1 ' 1
Skillful nanufapturerS of artificial linebs
had Made g od the shortage, however, and
provided him witthe best imitations of
hands they could urn out. -
"This concern' ' he observed. cheerfully
as th strapped t em on, him, "has chang-
ed h nds."
Wljtereupon they added two more bones
to th
• Seekin Knowledge.
Little Harry- apa, is it true that Deli-
lah krocked Sam on out by cuttin off his
Pa a -Yes, I believe so.
Li le Harry -What was Samson, a foot-
ball player or a 114dIer?---Ch1cago News.
N. Gi4ide Weeded.
B1 bbs-What 4onsense it is for news-
pape in their a coante of weddings te
(laser be the bridfje being led to the altar'
Slebbs-How spr
Blo bs-Why, 4iost of the girls could
find tleeir way in the dark I -Tit -Bits.
' Pe erne Beset. .1
Cobwigger- El w was it that dog Of
yours wouldn't d i any of his tricks toda4'
Brown -1 gue.s it was because I w
shoeving him to man who wanted to buy
a dog. -Harlem Life
"Fitscio" origi
flask. When th
tooted flaws in t
ing, they made
failure. and 'hen
-1 '''
5.;111 1.4.• 1-1,5
n eke]
b •
0 en
ally meant a bottle on a
Italian glassblowers de -
e vases they were bloVr-
ordinary bottle of the
e the naine. 11
L‘yerpool, Eng -
the steam-
- route to this
morning of
with hisithroat
j rv with a
fifty years
Plaid in His 0
An Old
dence 'in
ed the fo
" Where
struck hi
The Jud
ence be
you are 4 ni
from the de
that man
the binriacl ?" The Ju
binnacle 1! Where is t
"You t.re a fine chap
and you lont know whe
made ' i !"
sailor once appe
case of assault,
lowing question
Tias plaintiff
?" Witness-
e--" Don't you
we n plaintiff
" No." The
e man to co
d you don't
endant 1 W
truck him ?'
n Coin.
ed to give evi-
hen he was ask
Tho Judge --
when defendant
Who are they ?"
know the differ -
and defendant ?"
dge-" Well, you
e here and give
know the plainuiff
ere was he when
Witness -Abaft
ge-" Abaft the
at ?" Witness -
to sit as a Judge ;
abaft the bin-
Quan • ary.
An old Irish labor wal ed into the luxuri-
ous stud o of William Keith, the artist, a
few -days ago, and asked for money to obtain
a meal. He explained that be had just
been disOarged from th county hospital,
and was too weak to wor . Mr; Keith gave
him a natter, and he departed. One of
four youpg ladies, art st dents, who were,
present, said : •
"Mr. ijeith, unit we hire that old man
and sketh him ?" Keith ran out and caught
him and aid, " If you c n't work, and want
to make a dollar, come ok to my rooms.
The you g ladies want o paint you." The
Iri8hma4 hesitated, so 4eibh remarked, "It
won't t ke long, and it's an easy way to
make a oiler." "01 l4now that," was the
reply, " but Oi was a underin' how Oi'd
git the jaint off afther ard."-Argonant.
• Studying Latin.
A fazimer, not bein satisfied with the
course and conduct of h s son, -who had for
a long time been ostensi ly studying Latin
in a populan academy recalled him teem
school, and placing him by the side of a cart
one day, thus addre sed him :-" Now,
Joseph, here is a fork, nd there is a heap
of manure and cart; w at do you call them
in Latie ?" Joseph hesi ated, frowned, and,
with a r plied Forkibus,
cartibu t ms.nuribus." " Well, now," re-
joined ilia father, " bu if you don't take
that forkibus pretty q ickie us, and pitch
that menuribas into th;, car ibus, I'll break
your hie/ backibus." J ssep i went to worki-
bus forthwith.
Wit and Widom.
. It t'e uires much dis reti n to maintain a
eputat on for salcity.
Ore ef the uns tisf ctory things Of this
world is kissing la petty girl through a
11 -f If I stole fifty lases from yoiai what
kind of larceny wo Id it be?' I
shou d ja1l it grand.'
St nc upon your o n foundation; y_our
'ince try can neither 4aise nor lower your
own pereonal charactexl
Jo nny-' Pa, wha 's the difference be -
twee puncture and ,punctuation ?' Pc. -
'No a great deal, my son. They both cause
one o ittop.
w is this ?-' Always do right and your
friends will stand by ou." Yes, but the
time a knan heeds Inc ds to stand by him is
when he does wrong.'
A. -'»o you supp se that kings and
queens are like ord nary mortals?'B-
' Certainly ; I have no doubt that a queen
asks her king if her hat is on straight.'
His , wife, they say, has a mind of her
own.' She has two of them, each most un-
like the other, and what bothers him is that
he can't tell Which will.be in the ascendancy
at any given time.' •
Bereavediwidow-1'I want something
short end siMple for Imy husband's tomb-
stone." 1[ Dealer -7,1* *w would you like
Resurgam '?" Dere ved widow-" What
does it mean ?" De ler-" shall rise
again.'" Bereaved w"dow-" No; make it
'Rest in peade.' "
1 -From You h to Age.
It is curious to note how the boundary
line between youth and age removes farther
and farther, in the opnion of any' individ-
ual, as he years pase. The lad of 16 re-
gards theman ot 30 as hopelessly middle-
aged. In 20 years' ime he will look for-
ward to 40 as still ithin the limits: of
youth. Some curious results would be dis-
covered by comparing Dickens's use of the
words "old" and "young" with the re-
apective dates on hich his books were,
written. The saddetit thing is the awaken-
ing that comes to so, n when he finds that
his strength is faille , and that hsat there is lit-
tle to show for his tea
A Bad emory.
Little Tommy's i m ther hed been very
particular of late ,i teaching Tommy the
use of the phrase, " f you please:" Tommy
is learning very • e 1, but occasionally,
when asking his mo h r for something, he
neglectsit, and hie, other does not like
this omission when s rangers are present.
One eveeing wgile a ea with a lady frienda
Tommy asked for th oast without sayiog
"If yet. please." •4 "hat ommy ?" said
his mot er, in wel -f:igned astonishment.
"Passe she toast, m thee," repeated the
urchin. "11, Tomm if you -what?" "If
you can leach over e t," said Tommy; and
she reacited over, b s t1 ot to the toast.
1. wider wh muat Rules.
eeisavolved in
the trutlt that God a nfinite, and that you
are a ps, t of His pl re
2. Al morize st e of the Scripture
promise , and recall t em when the tempta-
tion to orry retur
3. C ltivate a p nt of iratitude for
daily me cies. F
4. Ralizc worry a an ene
etroys y ur happine s.
• 5. Realize that i te n be c red by per-
sistent effort.
6. Attack it de n tele, as someth me to
be over ome.
7. R alize that t ever has done and
never c n do the le st good. It wastes vi-
tality al.d impairs t e mental faculties.
8. Belp and comfo t your neighbors.
9. F rgive your 1 nemies and conquer
your av miens.
10. I duce others joie the don't worry
movem nt.-Stewar .
which de -
A Lesso4 from Life.
A pocir little glow-lWorm lay in the grass
by the aide of the bread Walk, injured by
the tho ghtless step �f some passer by, who
was all unconscious that he had in any way
caused uffering, even to one of God's tiniest
creatur e. With faseilazing eyes the glow-
worm watched the retreating figure.
" Alas !" he Murmured, " My life is but a
little o e, end' it is crushed by a heedless
step, a d yet I am glad I am but a worm,
for ma kind make many heedless steps and
the les es that follow are greater far than
With that he died, and the man who
continued his walk through the woods felt
sorrowful and knew iot why.
TemperancS Arithmetic.
1. its. woman, wh complained she had
not a b anket in the bouse, managed to buy
three bottles of gin in a fortnight at 2s. 61i.
a bottl ; at the draper's there were blankets
marke4 78. 6d. a pair. Had she gone with-
out th gin, how maay blankets could she
have b ught in a rn nth ?
young man
5s. wez6 at the publ
and ci ars, 4s. very
cursio . How mu
motbeij every week
(Not ing. That
selfish o think abou
. rich man ga
of chammigne, and
could 4otafford to
dostor nt ia for at
ad 18s. weekly wages ;
c house, 3s. in tobacco
ften on a Sunday ex -
h did he allow his
buy bread and coal?
•rt of young man is too
e 176s. for two dozen
en grumbled that he
y 4s., the bill the
ding his sick child -
0 P Y
4.4.:;;SC644.06*.00110404e04:* riSCCCCtiE4#6440111ler*CC4C0V•iiie.c.
i How tp 6e- t Sirp. rig.
i t
ThotA6aric1s. 1 of
itii 1 --peopl el not really iii,
Zril ine-4,ci ii leonic, el -F fleis
. *I 5e415on.Clo5e,cOti in4e-
iii mewl' in 1,441y V rutilatO4
at hotA5es 51-tobos a
7 541001
iii room clurini g tke winter
,,,w ,iii months trnatte 001,e
4 ,
feel ‘def,resseefli n 'uici
and "out of s,f,I.:417.
Nature 10-i .,isif.- be
,a SS I 6 ted ' in th'zt
off the poisoll flia1 Us
accumulated in the 6y6tern
, Au ring thee moriths e se
peofrle fall an easy..?
1°)CielT106 IC is needed ..., 1
• •
• ID
/ r N
atici 15- Wil li;ril;1715in
p 7
c li il d reri fel 1)6 1 '
nerve&, mei mci,k clulljitelesasn4rrisetrirfownoarniren and
ju 1 the griroteto st ic dlicine litiown.
Tile5e pills MCI 4' ' rich , red blood;5trenglhen tired
1 -
1, -Ir. Jas. l'urtelle, a well knowfa mer living near Crofton, Ont., saye:-" For several year -el have been a
sufferer from general debility. Iibehove iriv t e'iii les ori mated in over -work, aggravated by a severe cold. Ihad
advice from doc orsin Picton and Be levMe, tmt cEid not et any better. .Then I went to Toronto for treatment, and
for a time experienced some relief, hut i wai only tem ...rely, and soon I Was worse than before. Some of 'My
neighbors advi ed me to try Dr. Willia,ms' ink Pills Before the first boX was gone I found relief, and after'
had used a few bi,xcs more I was reloiding in idarriplete e covery, and my health has since been excellent. Words
fail to express the value I now plaee on thesel little pin mess-engers of heelth, and I only hope other Sufferers
will follow my example." I
1431,3* -3-313-34-411-31‘..
ere are numerous pink colored imitations
aai st which the public is cautioned. The
gniine are only,' sold in boxes with wrapper
resembling the engraving on the left, but printed
in red ink.
ni your dealer does not have the genuine, send direct to the
Dr. Irilliaras' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and they will be
mailed post paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50.
*71V447-111313:333 3 14
neenonevonve 7 e:• tore • e tow.
aglif ;
• •
en. What part of his wine bill did the
doctor's account come to?
(One quarter.)
4.1 This man's sister was a governess in
feeble health, sadly needing assitanee. Had
he one without the champagne and paid
the doctor, how much of the money saved,
by bstaining would still have been left?
ow much couid he have allowed his sis-
ter 4mt of this every month for a year?
NOV, I want you al to remember the i in- '
portant rule taught y these temperance
sume-a short mrule, but always useful.
Lease strong drink a one. We will repeat
this good advice in a losing verse together :
Driek means sickness moth and waste,
Feom its mocking s ace depart;
Oh, to join our army haste -
Fight the drink with hand and heart.
• -Band of Hope Review.
• '
Knows His Worth. ,
"I'm very glad to have met you, Mr.
Van Jump."
" 'Yes ;people are nearly always pleased
to meett me." --Chicago Record.
Teach,ing Children Good Manners.
Good manners cannot be learned in a mo-
ment. There are certain forms which so-
ciety hin agreed people must conform to if
they wish to appear well-bred, and these
are often not at all what the natural inolin-
atio4i would prompt one to do tinder the
ci re
mstancee. Children must be taught
conventions and we must not be sur-
pris d if they are aornetimes slow in learning
the, nor despair if after much teaching
they at times relapse into native barbarism.
Patient perseverance in training them will
Vim to work and to win -o keep a sane
mind it a sound body -to Iaughat worry.
VIG R. --to ward off disea4e-to con-
quer Obstacles -to transept health and
VITALITY -t0 resist th eLiful strain
strength to your posterity.i
and tension of modern lif .se make up
for the constant drains cfj overwork.
Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerv4 Ills confer
all these essential qualities oi the use.
Blood and
e and run
t edify for
as poor;
I always
e ed. Now,
r. Ward's
ave gained
per cent.
my lo
re comfort
ars. Dr.
r me than
Before using Dr. Ward'
Nerve Pills I felt weak, nen°
down. I had lost weight
some tine; my circu1atonI41
hands, feet and limbs were c I
felt weak and my muscles tretn
after the use of one box,' of
Pills, I feel like my old self, I
five pounds in weight and
in cheerfulness. I now wal
muscolar system is strong an
circulates vigoroUsly. I have m
than I have experiencediin y
Wardle Pills have done mere f
any iredicine I ever took., ,
re Bright Ste Toronto,
All good druggists can eupply you.
they s on't, we will by mail, Price 5oc.
box, or 5 boxes for ;zoo. TEE DOCT
WAllp Ca, Limited, Toronto, Ont.
11 ,
at 1 st produ , the desired result. The
can tant repetitieuthat seems so irksome,
cam ' heed with the Silent force of daily ex -
amp e, will effect the end in view -re well -
brie , child. -February Ladies' Home Joffe-
nel. i
1 .
1 •
i• A SucOessftil Landlady.
M. s. Slimpur ' --"' I have done my best
tolg t along, butnt seems to me the more
borders 1 have the less money I make."
Mr..; Fatpurset-"' No wonder. You've got
y'e house filled up with old maids and old
bachelors. I make lots of money keeping
holarders, and no might you if you had any
btisiijtee in yon." " I don't see how you
men ge." ' ifCrell I don't do it by having
fihicilau and home. No, indeed, I take only
aide and told bachelors to eat me out of
niee oung men and pretty girls, and then
the fall in love with eiteh other, and don't
I eat ore'n canary birds."
Gr di Trunk 'Eng't-leer Swears by
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
Mr. Geo, Cuntrnlngs. for aver 20 years engineer
on th Grand Tr iik running' etween Toronto and
Allan ale, says . "T e oonitant duty with my work
gave pm excesaie pat s n my back, yanking my kid-
neys. 1 I tried se ral reniedies until I was reeoin-
Mended by My fl ma ' r. Dave Conley, to try Dr.
°fusee s Kidney -t er il . Two boxes have com-
pletely cured ma, and feel to -day a better man thin
ever. I recommend them , to all my friends." ,
Hints For Iiu.,
I , rw.
Never forizet thas yearn is one of the most
diffi ulb poeitions in the World.
Al &ys remember that ihusband should
be fi it with lire wife-evel her own mother
mus be content to take a second place,
o p ctive Mothers -int
N ver interfere in your danghter's hone.
It is our son in-law e as well, and you have
no r ght to Meddle whatever with his
Dl not epcouraee your daughter to tell
you les agaiaat her husband, or to cora-
plai of hien to you in any way.
N Ver order the servants in the house ef
your sonon; aye as if tbey Were your own.!
D n't visit your (laugh Or and her husbanId
withbut a e eeial invitat'en.
d out beore going or how long you
xpecteel, and don't 4atstay that limit
g both husband ad wife express a
should do So.
to y ur d ughter • as if she
bes pros ects in life by hoer
our sea -in-law with long
of the Suitorslhis Wife refused before
that yeu
NeVer refer
had tsained
mar iage.
D entertaini
13t bine. I
a little blind to ameh that goes on in
house. Don't thew less politeness then
would in the house of a *stranger. ;
ve all 'thinge, always treat your son -
.w as as yoa would like your son's wife to
t you.
Take laxative Brom* Quinine Tablets, All Drug-
gists refund the money It it fails to Cure. 25e, ,
'ruck reraith.
BOARD OF fLEALT .-A special meeting
of the board of healLh was held at •Bruea-
field on March 1504 to consider a circular
received from the provincial board,urging the
Local board to provide a means for the vac-
cination °fall seheol children, and other in -
Vaccinated pe soma owing to the prevalence
of small pox in the neighboring States and
Quebec. Over 3,001/teases occurred in the
Vented States dining 1898, and 11 in On-
tario since Septeniber. Owing to the fact
that the disease Might esusiiy he carried to
the township by persons coming from in-
fected districts, it was decided to act on the
Suggestions of the Provincial board, and en-
gage Medical practitioners to visit the differ-
ent schools in the township during the early
spring, and vaccinate all school children,
and others who wish it done. Fresh glycer-
eted vaccine will be procured by the board
from the government vaccine farm, so that
peqple may rel$,!en the vaccine as being tiller
best obtainable., It is hoped by the board
that the people ,will 'Io -operate with them
and use the means provided, as the matter
has been almost neglected since 1885, the
year of the Mentreal epidemic. Commit-
tees of the board will make arrangements
with their medical men and report. at a
meeting to be heId at Brucelleld on Mon-
day, April 3rd, after which full particulars,
dates of visits to schools, etc., will be made
known. -A. G, SMILLIE, secretary of the
board of health.
Getting Even.
It is not always easy to punish a boor
without losing one's temper, but a London
paper tells how a boat -load of sailors, on
shore -leave from a man-of-war, did it good-
naturedly and without violence. '
As they journeyed up the roadway into
the Cornish village,a gentleman's wagonette
passed. One of the tars thoughtlessly jumps
ed on the step behind.
Git orf there 1" shouted the coachtnan#
and being a curlish sort of fellow, he lashed
the sailor viciously across the face with hie
whip. That wan enough.
In an instant the other eleven blues had
doted round and stopped the trap, the
boatswain's matein command, " Mention!"
and lention there was. "Dismount tho
gun !" he &limited, audit seemed as thougia
every blue -jacket carried a whole carpen-
ter's outfit.
In three mintites they had taken the
wagonette into one hundred and seventy-
two pieces, and that without so mach es
scratching one bit of paint or losing a soli-
tary screw. They laid them all out neatly
on the stony read, and the boatswain's
mate after inspecting the joy, cried, "Good I
Dismiss 1"
Distinguished everywhere for De-
licaey•of Flavour, Superior Qual-
ity, and Nutritive Properties,
SpeCially grateful and comforting
to t‘the nerVous and dytopeptio.
Sold only in quarter -pound tins,
labelled JAMES EPPS & CO.,
Limited, Ilfsamceopathic Chemistsie
London, England.
7 -if
In Bsd For Weeks.
Mr. Lewis Johnsten living near Toledo, Leeds Co.,
Ont„ sa3e th it he hatittlieuina,ti 412 so NO that he
was confined to fp:slier str,eeks. Twi d let •rs did him
no good. In one wek after taklog M Ikr.rn's Rheu-
matic Pills he was cut of bed, and in new*,‘_•red.
Virthers as the btremedy they can lve 1-th r
DB., LOW'S Wrint SYRUP is recogri',..:ed b
Children. It is sim le, safe and effectu.-1. Price 2e
After mous Sickness
The heart and nerves are left weak and the Llood is
th.0 and watery. At this time Mi burn 8"2' .art and
Nerve Pins should he taken. They strong -ben the
heart and servon-4 system, enrich the 'iood and
rapidly restore the 'health. 50o„ all dealPra.
Vact of Wild Strawberry. Rattee imitao.one, tl.ey'ro
more info and reliable remedy than Dr. Yowlar's Kx-
Vor diarrhoea the infant or adult ill -re Le no
Cured to Stay Cured..
It's a wonderful record of permanent. °Lies Bur-
dock Mood Bitters is presenting, Instances tire given
of such flerious diseases as Cancers, Scrofulous sores,
Salt Rheum, Er,sipelas, Abscesses, Runn.ng Sores,
etc., where 11. B. B. made a cure three, frier aud
es -en twelve years ago, a>ad the disease tas sZ.:own no
el;s of returning.
writes as follows : " was laid up with dill joints.,
and could get no relief until I used Eagyrad's
1O Oil, whieh cured me." Price nte.